Home Diseases and pests What does engine size mean. Which engine size is better and which one to choose for the city Engine size 1 2

What does engine size mean. Which engine size is better and which one to choose for the city Engine size 1 2

The subspecies of crossover cars that arose relatively recently, literally before our eyes, from “under-jeeps” and “parquet SUVs” has become an independent class - beloved and self-sufficient by many. One of the brightest representatives of this class is the popular CX 5 model from the famous Japanese manufacturer Mazda. The car is produced in several modifications, the main difference between which is the engine size. The most popular is 2L, but many prefer a reinforced 2.5L engine.

So, the focus today is the Mazda CX 5 2 5l.


The engine is the heart of any car. The power plant of the Mazda CX 5 crossover, regardless of modification, has an in-line transverse arrangement of four cylinders. Fuel injection is direct and computer controlled. The launch is carried out by an electric starter with a power of 2 hp.

These are common points, but which engines are represented on the "five"? Characteristics of CX 5 engines and their data, see the table:

Volume (l) Gearbox type Power (hp) Torque N*m RPM Fuel
2.0 MT 150 210 4000 Petrol
2.0 AT 150 210 3900 Petrol
2.2 AT 175 380 2300 DT
2.5 AT 196 256 4000 Petrol

All variants of the propulsion system, except for the diesel engine, are made on the basis of a single cylinder block, many engine parts of different sizes are interchangeable, which greatly simplifies the life of the owners and allows manufacturers to reduce production costs.

The exception is the size of the cylinder, which for a 2.5 engine is 89 mm (against 83.5 for two-liters).

It is easy to see that the most powerful of the Mazda CX 5 powerplant options is a 2.5-liter engine. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Mazda CX 5 2.5 - specifications

Mazda CX 5 2.5-liter engine is inferior in popularity to its two-liter counterparts. This is easily explained by the higher price of the car and increased fuel consumption. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Mazda CX 5 2 5 is a car for those for whom speed and drive are more important than economic considerations.

Excellent dynamics also contribute to this: acceleration to 100 km / h for a Mazda 2.5 takes 7.9 s (for a two-liter - 8.5). The average consumption of gasoline is 7.5 liters per hundred "versts" of run (9.3 - city, 6 - highway).


Sergey. Moscow city.

Driving experience 6 years, previous car - Toyota RAV 4.

I’ll immediately answer the question - why the Mazda CX-5 in the Active + package? Considering previous experience, I only considered a crossover for myself - well, I didn’t want to change to a sedan or hatchback at all - even though I drive around the city most of the time, I’m already used to a car that can, if anything, pull out of the city and jump straight through the mud . And heaps of snow heaped on snow blowers do not become an insurmountable obstacle.

That is, only a crossover was considered for purchase - no options, the only question was which one to choose. And among crossovers, Mazda somehow immediately attracted attention - first in appearance, then you need to take into account the characteristics. Ground clearance immediately pleased - almost 21 cm, and this is a very important indicator for a "pocket" SUV.

As is power. For the sake of power, I chose “active +”, which squeezes almost two hundred horses out of its 2.5 liters. And let's not forget about the two leaders.

I also considered the diesel option (Mazda CX 5 2 2). Less power, but more torque, and this can be more important than power for storming mud (which, by the way, not everyone knows about). But in the end, my "inner Schumacher" took over and the choice settled on a faster version of 2.5.

The first impression is excellent. Still, the power of the motor makes itself felt very strongly. The car literally takes off. True, I did not see the declared 8s to a hundred. Of course, I didn’t measure with a stopwatch, but it felt closer to 10. Probably, the testers measured with an empty car and half a liter of fuel in the tank.

But high-speed tests are already later: manufacturers recommend the first 1000 km of run to remain calm, the new engine needs to be “developed gradually”.

In general, I can say that I personally like the car more than the previous experience (RAV4). There was no opportunity to compare with the two-liter "sister" on the go. Salon and appearance differ little, the whole thing is under the hood.

It is too early to judge the reliability, too little data. Departure of 5000 km, I only changed the "expenditure" - filters and light bulbs.

In general, today I am more than satisfied, but how it will be longer - life will show.

The working volume of the engine is one of the most important indicators that affect the power and dynamic characteristics of the car. It is widely believed among motorists that the higher this characteristic, the better. However, in reality this is not always the case. To understand how displacement affects the performance of a car, and what should be its optimal value, you should brush up on the internal combustion engine device.

The purpose of the power unit is to convert the energy of fuel combustion into mechanical energy. The working mixture enters the cylinder, where it ignites and expands, pushing the piston, which, in turn, drives the crankshaft through the connecting rod.

The larger the volume of the cylinder, the more working mixture can be fed into it, and the more energy is obtained. The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder looks like the product of its cross-sectional area and the height when the piston is at bottom dead center.

The working volume of the engine (displacement) is the sum of the working volumes of its cylinders, or the product of the volume of one cylinder by their number. It is measured in cube. centimeters or liters.

What does volume affect?

As already mentioned, the larger the volume of the cylinder, the more fuel it can burn in one cycle. Accordingly, the energy of its combustion will be higher. As a result, the engine power and the dynamic characteristics of the car are increased.

However, we should not forget that big engines have a big appetite. So, if a one and a half liter gasoline power unit in the urban cycle consumes an average of 9-10 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, then a two-liter engine will need 12-13 liters of fuel. On the track, the difference is less, about 6.5-7 liters versus 8-8.5.

The reason is that during idling, a larger engine also consumes more gasoline, while while driving, it allows you to quickly accelerate the car to the required speed, i.e. the time of work in uneconomical mode is reduced.

The formula "more volume - more power" is true for cars. Trucks take a slightly different approach. Large volume does not necessarily mean a "herd of horses" under the hood, since for these cars the more important characteristic is a lot of torque in all crankshaft speed ranges.

So, for the KamAZ-54115 tractor, the volume of the power unit is 10.85 liters (the volume of only one cylinder is comparable to the working volume of the small car engine), while its power is only 240 hp. For comparison, the BMW X5 with a three-liter diesel engine develops 218 hp. In fairness, it should be noted that the latest generation of KamAZ heavy trucks are equipped with more modern engines with a volume of 11.76 liters and a power of up to 400 hp.

Optimal displacement

Almost all manufacturers offer several engines for the same car model, and choosing the best engine is not always easy. Conventionally, cars are divided into several classes:

  • mini-displacement, with an engine capacity of not more than 1100 cubic meters. cm;
  • subcompact, with a volume of 1200 - 1700 cubic meters. cm;
  • medium-displacement, with a volume of 1800 - 3500 cubic meters. cm;
  • large-capacity, with a volume of more than 3500 cubic meters. cm.

There is a gradation of power units by car classes. For class B cars, engines from 1.0 to 1.6 liters are usually offered, the C-class is equipped with engines from 1.4 to 2 liters, the D-class - 1.6 - 2.5 liters, the E-class - from 2 liters.

When choosing a suitable engine for yourself, the future car owner must determine in what conditions the car will be mainly used. For driving in urban conditions, a motor with a smaller displacement (for example, 1.4 liters) is quite suitable if it has good traction at low revs. If there is insufficient traction on the bottoms, the engine will constantly have to be “turned”, and you can forget about the promised eight liters of fuel per 100 kilometers in the city.

It must also be taken into account that the included air conditioning system takes up a significant part of the power and increases fuel consumption. At the same time, it becomes unpleasant to drive a car with a low-power engine, since the driver will constantly be forced to turn on lower gears.

If the car will be mainly used on the highway, it is better to choose a larger engine for it.

  1. Firstly, the difference in consumption will not be so significant;
  2. secondly, there will always be a power reserve under the hood of the car, which will allow the driver to overtake more confidently;
  3. in addition, turning on the air conditioner or climate control system has practically no effect on the dynamics of the car.

Many motorists are concerned about the question of how fuel consumption and engine size are related. It seemed logical that if the engine size is larger (for example, 2.0 or 2.5 liters), then the consumption is greater! But this is not always the case, it happens that a 1.5-liter engine “eats” more than a 2.0-liter engine. Why this happens, read on...

A logical straight line is drawn in the brain: the larger the volume, the more fuel will fit in this engine, and, accordingly, the consumption will be much higher. But why does practice sometimes show the opposite picture? For example, the engine of a modern car with a volume of 2.0 liters has a consumption (about 7-8 liters on the mechanics, take the same), but a car of a not quite fresh domestic manufacturer with an engine of 1.5 liters will have a consumption of 8 - 9 liters. So where is the logic?

It all depends on many factors.

1) Manufacturability. The first reason is the manufacturability of the engine, cars are evolving very quickly, and engines are especially evolving, becoming more powerful and more economical. But how is this possible? It's just that there are new technologies that allow you to increase power and reduce fuel consumption. Simple examples are (faster fuel injection and exhaust gas removal), or (an injector will almost never overflow fuel and fill candles, unlike a carburetor), multi-point fuel injection into cylinders has also appeared, etc. In general, now there are a lot of technologies that at the mechanical level allow you to save fuel for the engine, without losing power.

2) firmware. It's no secret that now, in "injection" cars, you can change the firmware program for the ECU unit (engine brain). A car with the help of such firmware can be very economical! With me, they flashed a 2.0 liter FORD FOCUS, and reached a consumption of 7 liters in the city. BUT with such “economical” firmware, the engine power suffers, that is, the car turns out to be “strangled”, you won’t move from a place with “probuxon”. True, you can install a “powerful” firmware here, everything will be the other way around, the consumption will increase, and many times over, but the power will also increase many times over. Here you need to choose what you need.

3) Riding style. Here, as they say, you can save money - drive calmly, or you can drown the pedal to the floor, respectively, and consumption will increase. Consumption depends a lot on driving style. For example, my friend on KIA RIO in the previous generation (mechanics) has a consumption of 1.4 liters with an engine, 10 liters in summer, but he squeezes everything he can out of his car, almost always turns the “engine”! And with a 1.6-liter engine and with an automatic machine, I have a fuel consumption of 9.0 liters per 100 kilometers (for more details, see the article). Although the engine is more powerful and automatic.

4) Technical serviceability of the car. This is a very broad topic, and there are many things that can affect the cost. If your air and fuel filters have not been changed for a long time, the fuel rail has not been cleaned for a long time, then fuel consumption will increase. It may well be that a 1.6-liter engine (with old filters) consumes more than 2.0 liters (but with fresh filters). So we monitor the filters and change them on time.

5) Transmission type. The next point in our article, it is logical to talk about the type of transmission. I think everything is clear here, mechanics and advanced automatics (variators, or an automatic for six or more gears) will spend less than old automatics for three or four gears. Thus, if a car with a 1.4-liter engine is equipped with a 4-speed automatic, then it will spend more than a car with a 2.0-liter engine, but with a variator or a 6-speed automatic.

Novice motorists are often interested in what engine size for a car is better to choose for a city? First of all, if we consider the technical part, then it depends on the volume of the motor. Therefore, if you need to get a greater performance of the internal combustion engine, then it is made large. In addition, the larger the internal displacement, the greater the fuel costs. Which internal combustion engine is better, gasoline or diesel, read. Engines with a volume of 8 liters or more are sometimes installed on cars.

What engine displacement is better for driving around the city

The size of the internal combustion chambers of an engine is measured in liters or cubic centimeters. Let's take a closer look at what the working internal combustion engine of a car affects when operating it in normal everyday conditions. City cars usually have a small size, usually 1.2 - 1.6 liters, since for them the biggest priority is is not power, but fuel consumption. Therefore, this engine size is the best for the city.

There are also a large number of cars with 0.8 - 1.0 liters. An example is a popular car in the CIS countries - Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz). It belongs to class A (subcompact). They have little torque and are intended for driving mainly in the city.

If you turn on the air conditioner on such machines, which takes 10-20% of the thrust of the power unit, then it will significantly lose acceleration dynamics. Because he will have to turn the air conditioning compressor, which also consumes a lot of energy. Then for normal acceleration it has to spin up to 4000 - 5000 rpm, and this is fraught with increased fuel consumption and engine wear. But even at such speeds, the cost of gasoline will be less than that of engines of 1.4 - 1.6 liters.

I would like to note that the fuel consumption on the highway at an average speed of 80-90 km / h, both with a small volume and with a large size of internal combustion chambers, will be the same. Even in some cases, on a car with an internal combustion engine of 0.8 - 1.0, the consumption may be higher.

What affects the size of the motor

Average consumption of gasoline in the combined cycle (highway - city), for engines with a volume of 0.8 - 1.0 liters, according to the manufacturer's data, an average of 5 - 6 liters. per 100 km drive. Motor 1.2 -1.6 average consumption is 6 - 7 liters. . 3 - 5 liters 12 - 18 liters. These are approximate data for new and modern units.

An alternative solution between high power and low fuel consumption is. With it, you can significantly increase the efficiency of the engine, on average by 30 - 50%, and at the same time, fuel costs will not increase significantly. For example, the average power of an atmospheric (ordinary) unit with a volume of 1.4 liters is 75 - 100 horsepower.

It is called atmospheric because it sucks air into the combustion chambers due to vacuum, that is, when the piston moves down, it draws air. And if you install a turbocharger on it, its efficiency will rise to 150-170 hp. with., since it forcibly inflates air into the cylinders and it turns out to be several times more than with atmospheric retraction, and if there is more air in the cylinders, then more fuel can be supplied. That's where the difference lies.

Recently, due to the rise in the price of gasoline, power hybrid units that combine an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor have become popular. Read more

The 2KD-FTV engine first appeared in 2001. He became the second generation of the motor. The new engine received a volume of 2.5 liters, which is 2494 cubic centimeters, while its predecessor had a working volume of only two liters.

The new power unit received cylinders of the same diameter (92 millimeters) as the two-liter engine, but the piston stroke became larger and amounted to 93.8 millimeters. The motor is equipped with sixteen valves, which are configured according to the already traditional DOHC scheme, as well as a turbocharger equipped with an intercooler. Today it is one of the most modern diesel power units manufactured by Toyota. Of course, this engine has more modest dynamic characteristics than the 1KD-FTV, but less power can significantly reduce fuel consumption, which helps to save money.


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The 2KD-FTV engine without the use of a supercharger can develop 101 horsepower (at 260 N torque and 3400 rpm). With the turbine running, the power increases significantly, and is approximately 118 horsepower (with a torque of 325 N * m). The Thai-made turbine, which has the function of changing the geometry of the nozzle, allows you to develop power of more than 142 horsepower (with a torque of 343 N * m). The cylinder block of this engine model is made of cast iron, and the oil pan and coolant pump are made of aluminum alloy. The motor is equipped with pistons made of a special aluminum alloy, and is connected to the connecting rod with a piston pin.

The compression ratio of the motor is approximately 18.5:1. The engine is capable of developing more than 4400 rpm. This motor is equipped with a special system that provides direct injection D4-D. The characteristics of the 2KD-FTV are almost identical to its predecessor, the difference is only in the piston stroke and cylinder diameter.

Using the engine of this model

Such motors are equipped with a lot of models produced by the Toyota automaker, including:

  • Toyota Innova;
  • Toyota Fortuner;
  • Toyota Hiace;
  • Toyota Hilux.

In some countries of South and Central America, these engines are equipped with Toyota 4Runner cars up to 2006 of release. In addition, Toyota engineers plan to equip the new Kijang model with it. Over the years of operation, this engine has earned the love of motorists around the world, thanks to its reliability and good dynamic performance.

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