Home Diseases and pests The effects of salt water on the body. The benefits of salted water. Consequence of volcanic activity

The effects of salt water on the body. The benefits of salted water. Consequence of volcanic activity

Why is the sea water salty? There is so much water on the surface of the Earth that it is often referred to as the "blue planet." Land occupies only 29% of the Earth's area, and the remaining 70% falls on the mysterious and almost unexplored World Ocean. Obviously, such an amount of water cannot have an absolutely identical composition, which can be seen from the example of different saturation of rivers and seas with salts. But how can these differences be explained?

Water is renowned for its ability to erode any type of rock. It doesn't matter what the stone wears away - a powerful stream or a single drop - the result is always predictable. In the course of destruction, the rock removes readily soluble components from it. The salts, which are also washed out of the stone, give the water its characteristic taste.

Scientists have never been able to come to a consensus as to why the water is fresh in some bodies of water and salty in others. To date, two complementary theories have been formulated.

The first theory

The first theory is based on the fact that fresh water is as salty as sea water, but the salt concentration in it is seventy times lower. Salt-free water can only be obtained under laboratory conditions by distillation, while natural liquids have never been and will never be purified from chemical constituents and microorganisms.

All impurities that dissolve and then are washed out by water from rivers and streams inevitably end up in the waters of the World Ocean. Then the water evaporates from its surface and turns into, the salt becomes part of its chemical composition. This cycle has been repeating continuously for two billion years, so it is not surprising that during this time the oceans have become so rich in salts.

Proponents of this theory cite salt lakes that have no runoff as proof. If the water did not initially contain a sufficient amount of sodium chloride, they would be fresh.

Sea water has one unique property: it includes almost all existing chemical elements, including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, nickel, bromine, uranium, gold and silver. Their total number is approaching sixty. However, the highest percentage is sodium chloride, also known as table salt, which is responsible for the taste of sea water.

And it was the chemical composition of water that became the stumbling block of this hypothesis. According to research, sea water contains a high percentage of hydrochloric acid salts, while river water contains carbonic acid salts. The question of the reason for such differences is still open.

Second theory

The second point of view is based on the assumption of the volcanic nature of ocean salts. Scientists believe that the process of formation of the earth's crust was accompanied by increased activity of volcanoes, as a result of which gases saturated with vapors of fluorine, boron and chlorine were converted into acid rain. From this we can conclude that the first seas on Earth contained a huge percentage of acid.

Under such conditions, living organisms could not have arisen, but later the acidity of the ocean water significantly decreased, and it happened like this: acidic water washed out alkalis from basalt or granite, which were then transformed into salts that neutralize ocean water.

Over time, volcanic activity weakened significantly, and the atmosphere began to gradually clear of gases. The composition of sea water also stopped changing and five hundred million years ago came to a stable state.

However, even today, the salinity of the water is controlled by a large number of underwater volcanoes. When they begin to erupt, the minerals that make up the lava mix with the water, raising the overall salt level. But, despite the fact that every day a new portion of various salts gets into the World Ocean, its own salinity remains unchanged.

Returning to the issue of carbonates that disappear from fresh water when it enters the seas, it is worth adding that these chemicals are actively used by marine organisms to form shells and skeletons.

Everyone knows that sea water is very harmful and unpleasant to the taste. However, many adhere to the erroneous ideas according to which it may well replace the fresh one in conditions of extreme necessity. Such delusions can not only harm a person in an extreme situation, but also cost him his life.

The thing is that the load associated with the filtration of any liquid entering the body completely falls on the kidneys. Their task is to remove excess fluid through urine and sweat. In the case of sea water, the kidneys will have to process a large amount of salts, which can linger, forming stones and impairing the functioning of the whole body.

Thanks to the kidneys, during the day, a person excretes about fifty percent of the liquid he drank during this period. Instead of urine, excess sodium, calcium and potassium salts are excreted from the body. Sea water is so saturated with salt that the kidneys wear out very quickly, trying to cope with the overwhelming work for them. One liter of sea water contains thirty-five grams of salt, which is several times higher than its content in humans.

The daily norm of the liquid drunk by an adult includes not only water, but also moisture obtained during meals. Every day, the body accumulates from fifteen to thirty-five grams of salt, which the kidneys successfully remove.

Thus, it turns out that in order to get rid of thirty-five grams of salt that has entered the body along with a liter of seawater, he will have to develop one and a half liters of his own fluid, taking into account that the amount of water drunk will obviously not be enough for this. To accomplish their task, the kidneys will start to work at their maximum capacity and fail very quickly.

In addition, a lack of fluid, coupled with a critical level of salt in the body, will lead to severe dehydration, and after a few days, the kidneys will stop functioning. An excess of salt will cause damage to the internal organs, the first of which will be the same kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Due to the lack of moisture in the nervous system, irreversible changes will also occur.

In addition, dehydration in the process of quenching thirst with sea water is caused by the presence of magnesium sulfate in its composition, which has a laxative effect. As a result, dehydration occurs much more rapidly than usual, and the person quickly loses strength and ability to fight for survival.

The body can no longer produce its own fluids and handle high salt levels. In addition, there are other hazardous substances in seawater, on the assimilation of which the body will spend its last resources.

However, it is still possible to survive in the absence of fresh water. Some scientists and survivalists advise squeezing liquid out of fish, as odd as it sounds. There are several documented cases when people managed to escape with the help of such fish "juice".

Thus, the salt contained in the waters of the oceans can bring people both the sensation of flying from swaying on the surface of the sea, and become their worst enemy, gradually depriving the ocean that is enclosed in the body of each of us.

Many housewives, trying to speed up the cooking process, salt water immediately after placing the pot on the stove. They firmly believe that they are doing the right thing, and are ready to bring many arguments in their defense. Is this really so and which water boils faster - salty or fresh? To do this, it is not at all necessary to set up experiments in laboratory conditions; it is enough to dispel the myths that have been reigning in our kitchens for decades with the help of the laws of physics and chemistry.

Common myths about boiling water

In the matter of boiling water, people can be conditionally divided into two categories. The former are convinced that salt water boils much faster, while the latter absolutely disagree with this statement. The arguments for bringing salt water to a boil take less time, the following arguments are made:

  • the density of the water in which the salt is dissolved is much higher, therefore the heat transfer from the burner is greater;
  • during dissolution in water, the crystal lattice of table salt is destroyed, which is accompanied by the release of energy. That is, if you add salt to cold water, the liquid will automatically become warmer.

Those who refute the hypothesis that salt water boils faster argue this: during the dissolution of salt in water, a hydration process takes place.

At the molecular level, stronger bonds are formed, which require more energy to break. Therefore, it takes longer for the salt water to boil.

Who is right in this debate, and is it really so important to salt water at the very beginning of cooking?

Boiling process: physics "on the fingers"

To understand what exactly happens to salt and fresh water when heated, you need to understand what the boiling process is. Regardless of whether the water is salty or not, it boils in the same way and goes through four stages:

  • the formation of small bubbles on the surface;
  • an increase in bubbles in volume and their settling at the bottom of the container;
  • turbidity of water caused by the intensive movement of air bubbles up and down;
  • directly the boiling process, when large bubbles rise to the surface of the water and burst with noise, releasing steam - the air that is inside and heats up.

The theory of heat transfer, to which advocates of salting water at the beginning of cooking, appeal, in this case, "works", but the effect of heating water due to its density and heat release during the destruction of the crystal lattice is insignificant.

Much more important is the process of hydration, in which stable molecular bonds are formed.

The stronger they are, the more difficult it is for an air bubble to rise to the surface and sink to the bottom of the container, which takes more time. As a result, if salt is added to the water, then the circulation of air bubbles slows down. Consequently, salt water boils more slowly, since molecular bonds hold air bubbles in salt water a little longer than in fresh water.

To salt or not to salt? That is the question

Kitchen disputes about which water boils salty or unsalted faster can be endless. As a result, from the point of view of practical application, there is not much difference whether you salted the water at the very beginning or after it has boiled. Why doesn't it really matter? To understand the situation, you need to turn to physics, which provides comprehensive answers to this seemingly difficult question.

Everyone knows that at a standard atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Temperature parameters can change subject to changes in air density - everyone knows that in the mountains, water boils at a lower temperature. Therefore, when it comes to the domestic aspect, in this case, an indicator such as the intensity of combustion of a gas burner or the degree of heating of an electric kitchen surface is much more important.

The process of heat exchange depends on this, that is, the rate of heating of the water itself. And, accordingly, the time spent for it to boil.

For example, over an open fire, if you decide to cook dinner over a campfire, the water in the pot will boil in a matter of minutes due to the fact that the wood, when burned, emits more heat than the gas in the stove, and the surface heating area is much larger. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to salt the water in order for it to boil faster - it is enough to turn on the burner of the stove to the maximum.

The boiling point of salt water is exactly the same as that of fresh and distilled water. That is, it is 100 degrees at normal atmospheric pressure. But the boiling rate under equal conditions (for example, if the usual burner of a gas stove is taken as a basis) will differ. It will take longer for the salt water to boil because it is harder for air bubbles to break stronger molecular bonds.

By the way, there is a difference in boiling time between tap and distilled water - in the second case, the liquid without impurities and, accordingly, without "heavy" molecular bonds, will heat up faster.

True, the time difference is only a few seconds, which does not make the weather in the kitchen and practically does not affect the speed of cooking. Therefore, you need to be guided not by the desire to save time, but by the laws of cooking, prescribing to salt each dish at a certain moment in order to preserve and enhance its taste.

Often, sailors of ships who were wrecked or lost in sea waters died of thirst. But few people know why this is so, because there is a lot of water around.

The thing is that sea water is saturated with such a composition that it is not suitable for the human body and does not quench thirst. In addition, sea water has a specific taste, bitter-salty and is not suitable for drinking. This is all because of the salts dissolved in it. Let's figure out how they got there.

What gives water a salty taste

The salt is crystalline. Oceanic waters contain almost all the elements of the periodic table. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water molecules. It also contains impurities of fluorine, iodine, calcium, sulfur and bromine. The mineral base of sea water is dominated by chlorine and sodium (common salt). It is because of this that the sea water is salty. It remains to be seen how the salts get into this water.

How seawater formed

Scientists have been conducting experiments for a long time and trying to find out why sea water is salty and river water is fresh. There are several theories for the formation of salty seawater.

It turns out that rivers and lakes also have salty water. But the salt content in them is so small that it is almost imperceptible. According to the first theory, river waters entering the seas and oceans evaporate, but salts and minerals remain. Because of this, their concentration increases all the time and the water in the sea and ocean becomes salty.


How did the surface of the Earth change?

According to scientists, the process of salinization of the seas has been going on for a billion years. But contrary to the first theory, it has been proven that the waters in the world's oceans have not changed their chemical composition for a long time. And those elements that come with river water only support the oceanic composition, but do not change it in any way. Another theory follows from this. The salt has a crystalline consistency. Waves beating against the shore wash over the stones. Holes are formed in them. When the water evaporates, salt crystals remain in these wells. When the stone breaks down, the salt gets back into the water and it becomes salty.

Consequence of volcanic activity

Scientists have concluded that the water in the seas was salty even in the days when humanity did not exist on the planet. And the reason for this was volcanoes. The earth's crust has been formed over the years by the ejection of magma. And the composition of volcanic gases contains chemical combinations of chlorine, fluorine and bromine. They entered the ocean waters in the form of acid rain, and initially the ocean water was acidic. This water broke up the crystalline rocks of the earth's crust, and extracted magnesium, potassium and calcium. These acids began to form salts by reacting with hard earth rocks. Few people know that the salt we are used to was formed as a result of the reaction of perchloric acid from the ocean and sodium ions from volcanic rocks.

Thus, seawater gradually became less acidic and more saline. And by our time, the sour taste has disappeared altogether and we observe only salty sea water. Supporters of this theory are confident that the modern properties of the water of the seas and oceans acquired 500,000,000 years ago. It was then that the Earth was freed from the gases of volcanoes and the composition of the water stabilized. And the carbonates that penetrate the seas with river currents disappear from the composition of the water thanks to the inhabitants of the underwater world, who filter and purify the waters. They use these minerals to build shells that protect the body from mechanical stress.

Your health is in your hands, not at age

Studies have shown that the elixir of health and youth for the body is a physiological solution, which everyone can easily and simply always prepare and use, this is salted water (2 g of salt or half a teaspoon per 2 liters of water).
Such a saline solution is like lymph, blood - the basis of the life of the whole organism.
Up to a billion cells die off in the human body per day and they must be removed from the body.
The brain consists of 90% water and the loss of even 1% of fluid leads to irreparable processes, the cells are 70% water and only a living, not a semi-dry, dried cell can live, perform its functions as long as nature has laid down for it. The lymph responsible for the removal of toxins is 2 liters of liquid. Studies have shown that with age, the desire to drink dulls, and the elderly do not want to drink at all, which leads to dehydration and the resulting consequences (skin condition, brain, organs, joints, etc.).

Your health is in your hands, not your age, scientists say.
Dehydration of the body can be determined by urine (urine): colorless, odorless - excellent condition of the body; yellow - not very dehydrated; orange, cloudy - the body is dehydrated.
Signs of dehydration: headache and dizziness, insomnia, depression, increased fatigue, irritability, swelling of the face, under the eyes, thrombophlebitis, cellulite, ulcers, colitis, heartburn, constipation, bronchitis, asthma, pressure, renal and heart failure, heart disease, kidney disease , liver, bladder, eyes, nasopharynx, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dry or oily skin of the face, any eczema, psoriasis, swelling of the legs, body, cramps, burning sensation in the feet, in the fingers legs, joint diseases.
Scientists say that it is useless to cure any disease until the water-salt balance is normalized.
To normalize it, it is suggested to use daily physiological solution (2 g of salt per 2 liters of water): with a weight of 50-60 kg - 1.5 liters; at 70 kg and above -2-2.5 liters.
Drinking salted water should become as habitual as breathing.
For the first 2-3 days, the body will cleanse the urinary system and stomach. And in 4-5 days you will be convinced of the strength and capabilities of salted water. In addition, this amount of fluid helps maintain the required amount of lymph, which is responsible for the removal of toxins. Insufficient circulation is indicated by body odor, skin rashes, psoriasis, cellulite, etc., since slagging is manifested by the release through the skin. If you want to use the elixir of health and youth, to recover, to have clear skin - drink salted water, help the lymph to move intensively by physical influences on the skin, cleansing the body.
Swipe down on your hand - the usual heat, and now up - there is a burning sensation, warming up.
Scientists have established that with strong warming up and muscle tension, the lymph begins to move and the cells are cleared of toxins.
Rub your hands, face, neck, head - in an upward motion.
Chest - clockwise, belly - counterclockwise, legs - down.
Salted water helps weight loss people naturally lose weight.
A glass of salted water delays the urge to eat for 40-50 minutes, reducing the feeling of hunger.
Taking 2 glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach helps get rid of constipation, joint pain, and normalizes blood pressure.
If you feel dry mouth, be sure to drink more. Any water is suitable for preparing the solution. Water must be drunk before meals. The optimal time is 30 minutes before meals. This will help prepare the digestive tract, especially for those with gastrointestinal and other digestive disorders. Drink water 2.5 hours after a meal to complete the digestion process and eliminate dehydration caused by food breakdown. Water should be drunk by those who are constipated and do not consume enough fruits and vegetables.
Two to three glasses of water in the morning immediately after waking up acts as the most effective laxative.
Increase your water intake slowly and gradually until urine production increases at the same rate as you drink water. If your daily diet is not of good quality and does not contain enough fruits and vegetables, vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended. The human body needs water - and nothing can replace it. Tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, even milk and juices cannot replace water. The elixir of youth and health will help you fight diseases and old age.
How to use salted water?
You can enhance the healing properties of water, as well as revitalize it and alkalize it somewhat with the help of salt and other minerals.
Salted water is flushed out of the body much more slowly by the kidneys and has time to enter the places where it is required in the greatest amount for water-salt metabolism. This is especially necessary for diseased cells. Without salt, we can drink more water, but the positive effect will be much less.
You should take a pinch of salt for every glass of water every day. Without salt, water will not be able to provide its washing and neutralizing effect.
3-5 g of salt (1 / 2-2 / 3 teaspoon) should be taken per day, however, the dose can be increased, for many it helps to relieve cancer pain. In this case, you should take salt water, and then additionally put a pinch of salt on your tongue.
Use unrefined sea salt or rock salt instead of regular refined table salt, which is devoid of vital minerals.
It is much more useful to drink 1 glass of salted water instead of salt, adhering to the following scheme:
- early in the morning right after sleep, half an hour before breakfast;

- after 2.5 hours, half an hour before lunch;

- 2.5 hours after a meal, half an hour before an afternoon snack;

- 2.5 hours after eating - the last glass.
If you have a heavy meal, then you should take not one glass at a time, but 1.5-2 glasses. Within a week, the body must be adapted to this procedure so as not to overload the kidneys. To do this, the first 7 days, you should drink half a glass of water.
In the case of cancer pain, you should not only drink salt water, but also put a pinch of salt on your tongue after taking a glass of water.
Salt water intake must be combined with calcium, silver, ash-infused water.
Ash-infused water can be prepared on your own.
Contraindications for taking salted water.
Contraindications for taking salted water are renal, heart or cardiopulmonary failure, edema, uremia, shortness of breath. In this case, you should only drink ultra-fresh water.
The effect of salted water can be enhanced by taking amber (available in pharmacies), ascorbic and citric acid.

I wish you success. Youth and health

Many serious diseases occur in the human body due to the presence of toxins and toxins in it. Cleansing the body with salt water from harmful substances is necessary for those who have problems with the liver and intestines, because the full operation of other systems depends largely on these organs.

The simplest and cheapest way to cleanse your body is to cleanse your body with salt water. To perform this procedure, you will need salt (preferably sea salt), as well as boiled and filtered water.

When salt water enters the body, moisture is drawn from the intestinal walls onto it. Slags and fossilized feces exfoliate with the liquid.

As a result of their removal from the intestine, its walls are cleansed and the absorption function is improved.

In general, the procedure gives the following results:

  • the state of health and complexion improves;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • digestion improves;
  • various kinds of allergic reactions disappear;
  • weight is gradually normalized.

Of course, don't expect good results right away. In order to feel the effective effect of the procedures, you need to perform them regularly and know exactly how to drink salt water. To just feel better, one procedure per month is enough. But it is possible to carry out a complete cleaning only after 3-5 procedures, and they must be performed every other day.

Preparation and procedure

In order for the cleansing procedure to be of high quality, it is necessary to properly prepare salt water. The salinity of the solution used should be as close as possible to the water in the sea.

To do this, dissolve two tablespoons of salt in two liters of water. The solution must be warmed up to approximately 40 degrees. When carrying out the procedure for the first time, you need to try it and decide whether it is possible to drink salt water of this concentration. If it seems too salty and even causes a gag reflex, a small amount of water may be added.

How is cleansing done

The best time of day to do cleansing is in the morning.

First, on an empty stomach, you need to drink one glass of saline solution, and then do some simple physical exercises.

Then again, after drinking a glass of water, you need to perform the same exercises. It is necessary to repeat until 6 glasses of salt water have been drunk.

This is usually enough for the bowel to empty. After getting rid of feces, you need to drink a glass of water again and do exercises. After visiting the toilet, you need to repeat everything all over again: water, exercise, toilet.

You need to continue until clear water begins to come out. Usually, in order to cleanse the body, 10-12 glasses are enough. Drinking more than 2.5 liters is undesirable.

The procedure is completed in this way:

  1. Drink 3-5 glasses of warm water without salt.
  2. To empty the stomach they induce vomiting, and it is also emptied.
  3. After half an hour, consume a small portion of rice boiled in water (without adding oil).

On the day when the cleansing is carried out, it is advisable not to make sudden movements and give up physical activity.

A set of exercises for cleansing the body with saline solution

  1. Having joined the arms above the head in a standing position, they take turns tilting to the left and to the right.
  2. While standing, you need to straighten your arms in front of you, and then touch your right clavicle with your left hand and turn to the right, while moving your right hand as far as possible. The same action must be performed in the other direction.
  3. You need to lie on your stomach and rest your forearms and toes on the floor. In this case, the distance between the feet should be approximately 30 cm. Next, you need to rise on your hands, turn your head and upper body, trying to see the heel opposite. The movement must be performed in the other direction.
  4. Squatting, you need to dilute your knees by 30 cm and put your hands on them. Turning your torso to the left, you need to lower your right knee. The same should be done in the other direction.

Who is contraindicated for bowel cleansing?

Cleansing the intestines with water and salt does not wash out the microflora from it, but it perfectly tolerates fecal stones and many harmful substances. This is a fairly common method, because it dispenses with an enema, which can cause all sorts of damage. Moreover, salt water cleanses the gastrointestinal tract completely, while an enema cleanses only the rectum.

It is not recommended to use salt water for purification in the presence of such diseases:

  • bowel cancer;
  • stomach ulcer and colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

If you cleanse the body regularly in this way, you can protect yourself from the appearance of fecal stones and mold. They interfere with the normal functioning of the intestines and harm the entire human body.

Shank Prakshalana. My experience: Video

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