Home Diseases and pests Energy of love at a distance. Energy of love. The feminine energy of love

Energy of love at a distance. Energy of love. The feminine energy of love

The energy connection between a man and a woman is simply amazing. On the one hand, it is able to create a huge powerful biofield that radiates not only various kinds of emotions and vibrations, but also large-scale events that are reflected not only on the couple located in the center, but also on the people and things around them. On the other hand, even after a break, due to a short physical contact, the connection left can remain in your body, destroying it. Therefore, an energy connection from the very first minute of its formation can affect many events in your life and not only.
In fact, any relationship between a man and a woman begins precisely with an energy connection, and close ones - with a karmic one. If in this life we ​​encounter someone, get acquainted, start a relationship (of any kind) - this already indicates that in past lives something connected us with this person. And now your meeting is not accidental: perhaps you need to work something out, correct or continue.
Any physical and emotional connection, even short-term, at the energy level, leaves its mark on a person's life, which can exist for many years. It cannot be assumed that the energy of one and random sexual contact will dissipate immediately as the person disappears from your life.

Energy connection between a man and a woman: what it is
The connection of relationships on the subtle plane (energetic) is often built on the basis of the initial emotions received. Then she can change her character depending on how the communication of the couple is progressing and the energy exchange between the man and the woman. At the same time, the stronger the feelings in a couple, the more powerful the energy in the relationship: lovers become able to simultaneously experience many emotions, feel and understand each other (sometimes even without words), direct their energy towards harmony and joint happiness.
So, what can be the energy connection between people who are in a relationship? As a rule, it is based on the formation of energy isthmuses in the biofield of a man and a woman. Experts identify three levels of communication in relationships of opposite sexes.

Sexual relationship: sexual attraction, physical desire, intimate contact, desire for procreation.
The sexual energy connection between a man and a woman can be based on visual contact (for example, if during the first visual contact there is a mutual sexual attraction) and on physical contact (the immediate moment of intimacy in a couple).
On the subtle plane, it is formed on the energy exchange of the first and second chakras. If at the same time the connection is not supported by other chakras, does not go to the spiritual level, it quickly cools. That is, the energy exchange that binds the couple has a low potential and is soon wasted on sexual relations. Thus, if a man and a woman call “love” only physical contact, do not attach importance to spirituality and sincerity between them, the energy connection quickly breaks up. It is for this reason that many couples cool off towards each other in bed after several years of marriage, while complaining about the ill-fated life that “eats relationships”.
However, physical contact of an intimate nature, which happened only once between a man and a woman, can leave an energetic connection between them over the next few years. We will certainly return to this topic to discuss how casual sexual relationships affect the subsequent permanent family life.

Spiritual energy intimacy: strong feelings, true love, empathy, care, the pursuit of happiness and harmony.
This level of connection between a man and a woman is much stronger than the previous one. As a rule, it captures the third, vital, and fourth, heart, chakras. Energy exchange between a man and a woman occurs in the isthmuses of all four centers: from Manipura to Anahata. This is the copulation of sexual energy and the energy of love, which can bring harmony to the relationship of the couple. Communication of loving men and women is enriched with sensuality, joy, emotionality. In this case, the energy of the couple is not depleted, but, on the contrary, harmoniously circulates, saturating the entire mental and physical shell of a person. And only the unwillingness to maintain this energy connection between people can destroy a couple.
Spiritual energy connection: complete harmony, absolute love, intuitive connection, mutual understanding, purity of relationship.
The most powerful level of energy connection, when all the chakras of people who love each other are connected. The ability to feel each other at a higher level of consciousness adds to spiritual, true love. A man and a woman can feel emotions from each other at a distance. Often they say the same things at the same time or hear the thoughts of the second "half". The spiritual connection between a man and a woman circulates through a large circle of their combined biofields. It is believed that the Holy Spirit fills their connection with his grace.
A couple bound by spiritual harmony is certainly engaged in self-development, keeps true faith in God, strives to understand the laws of the universe and being. After a physical act of love, spiritually loving people experience a surge of strength, cheerfulness, and happiness. Such couples can be together for several reincarnations in a row, if, of course, they manage to save each other.
It is this energy connection between a man and a woman that can create a happy and harmonious family in which love, understanding, and care reign. But in order to reach this level of relationship development, lovers must remember that they must create this connection with their devotion and feelings for each other.

Remember for a moment how the story of the tragic and pure love of Romeo and Juliet touched you in your youth. This story certainly left an imprint in the soul of every reader or viewer.

Shakespeare's play has become a real hymn to Love - the main light and wisdom of our existence, the meaning of our lives. The history of lovers has shown us that Love knows no boundaries and does not recognize estates. But long before the appearance of this beautiful work, the people of Israel, where for a long time did not recognize intercommunal marriages, decided to correct this mistake. And then the holiday of Love appeared, which united all Jewish families and made it stronger and more united. believe that this event served as a new round in the history of the development of our civilization. On this day, boys and girls from different classes could get to know each other and get married. So thousands of years ago, the elders of Israel went to meet loving hearts and saved their people from extinction. This holiday united the Jewish people in the most difficult times, when only the magic words of love, according to well-known experts in Kabbalah, stopped any conflicts and wars between communities. This holiday is celebrated to this day. And it is not surprising, because there cannot be too many holidays dedicated to the feeling that pushes the boundaries of darkness, destroys evil and mistrust!

Whoever the words of love are intended for: a loved one, a child, a pet, and even a plant, they can create a real miracle. Both academic psychologists and academic psychologists agree with this opinion. We can see similar transformations on the face of a dear person who is transformed when he hears tender words. Even plants begin to grow much better, bloom quickly and bear fruit better if they are given enough attention. If you say such words to plain pure water, it acquires healing properties. Even greater transformations can happen to a person who truly loves: eyes glow, a blush, a dancing gait... Do you know this state when you feel how your well-being and mood improve day by day? Even in ancient times, esotericists noted that love is able to heal the soul and body, to harmonize, purify and stabilize the work. And everything that is connected with the feeling of love has a powerful positive energy. Romantic love songs, although they create a slightly sentimental mood, have a positive effect on the balance of hormones in the body. Reading romance novels and watching romantic films have the same effect.

But unrequited Love takes away the energy of a person. The unfortunate lover "dries up", grows thin, grows old every day. Immediately manifest and hormonal problems, and all the diseases associated with them. But worst of all is for those who have bypassed this feeling, in whose soul it is empty and gloomy. The person becomes conflicted, angry, irritable. Chronic diseases appear, and life is not going well. Loneliness has a detrimental destructive effect. Although statistics claim that loneliness affects the male body to a greater extent, this does not mean that women feel more comfortable. It is important to know that loneliness is an anomaly. No wonder humanity is divided into two halves, which need to be matched to each other. The higher intelligence of the Universe loves to collect such puzzles, judging by the fact that choosing a partner and creating a family is the meaning of our existence. By pronouncing the words of Love, encountering this feeling, we can directly communicate with our Creator and attract into our lives the most positive energy on Earth: the energy of Love! The relationship between a man and a woman occurs at three levels of manifestation of bioenergetics - at the level of sexual instinct, bioenergetic exchange and mental energy. Each of them may or may not have an energy resonance. We will be convinced of this, operating with everyday facts. We take them for granted, rarely reflecting on their essence.

1. The level of sexual instinct. Here the biological program of sexual behavior is realized. Its driving force is the accumulated energy of sexual need (potency) - libido. The body needs emotional and energy discharge, because it brings relief to the nervous system. This prosaic fact is the physiological mechanism of sexual satisfaction. When he and she are strangers and have sexual intercourse only on a whim, there is a short-term resonance of libido energy. This is a purely animal level of relations between a male and female individual, which ensures the functional state of the body. The realization of the sexual instinct is good for health. The program of species reproduction is biologically linked to human health: it is carried out under the influence of the need for health, and not only the need to continue life. The realization of the sexual instinct is such an important element in the life of an animal, including man, that it is articulated with the instinct of aggression, another powerful source of emotional energy. In most cases - especially in males - sexual reactions are aggressive. It can be said the other way around: in males, afesia coexists perfectly with sexuality. The instinctive beginning, in the indicated sense, is present in any intimate contact between a man and a woman. Nevertheless, in a "pure form" the sexual instinct is rarely manifested. For example, as a result of prolonged abstinence. From physiology it is known that with a long non-fulfillment of any instinctive action - in this case, sexual intercourse - the threshold of irritation decreases. This phenomenon is so widespread and natural that folk wisdom has long been accustomed to it and clothed in a simple form of saying: "If necessary, the devil will eat a fly." Goethe expressed the same pattern in the words of Mephistopheles: "With poison in your veins, you will certainly see Helen in anyone." The so-called accidental connection is usually explained by instinctive impulse. One or both partners succumb to the influence of unbridled desire, after which one or both experience complete indifference or even disgust towards each other. In the realization of the sexual instinct, the energy of the libido is discharged. It is unlikely that bioenergetic exchange takes place and psychic energy does not participate at all. But psychic energy can be the result of a primitive satisfaction of desire, if a person tries to comprehend a momentary impulse. Suppose, thinking about what happened, he finds something to be glad about: he acted boldly, punished someone else with his action, etc. D.: Perhaps he will experience pangs of conscience, repentance, dissatisfaction with himself, a decrease in self-esteem, a desire to quickly forget what happened. These and other manifestations of the ideal have psychic energy. Its source, in this case, is the post-sexual manifestation of personality. It is unlikely that any other animal, except for man, is capable of such a thing. Thus, the realization of libido energy can lead to the appearance of psychic energy.

2. Level of bioenergetic exchange. At this level, there is a general orientation in the information-energy field of the partner: he is "one's own" or "alien". Usually a person has a preference for representatives of the other sex of a certain type. Almost each of us has "his" type of sexual partner in general and in detail. "Own" type of face, which attracts attention more often than others. "Own" type of figure that causes excitement. "Own" smell, which seems "native" and pleasant. "Own" colors. There are men who, under any circumstances, will give their choice to women who are elegant, fragile, tender and do not pay any attention to full ones. There are other male preferences: in accordance with them, a woman should be in the body, with magnificent breasts. There are many such representatives of the male sex, for whom the details are not at all important - any woman cares. Something similar happens when blood is combined: the first group is compatible with the first, the second with the second, but there is a group that is compatible with any variant. Similarly, almost every woman has specific information and energy preferences. And when "their" type comes into view, its energy activates the "mechanism" known to us: the ranges of mental reflection expand, the "screen" of perception is activated, the image of the object that attracted attention is clearly fixed. An invisible bioenergetic force revitalizes the libido. If it is "one's own", its energy evokes positive emotions - psychological comfort. Then his biofield "attracts". If the partner also experiences a similar state, an energy resonance occurs.

Mutual energy attraction gives partners a special unconscious feeling of "energy unity". Between a man and a woman there is a bioenergetic exchange - "pumping" of energy from one to another. The partner remains "their own" as long as his biofield provides psychological comfort. He becomes more and more "alien" with the growth of psychological discomfort in his presence. Thus, the positive emotional-energetic state experienced by partners is a criterion of bioenergetic resonance between them. Probably, this is also still an animal type of relationship, a natural reaction of male and female individuals to each other. There is an unconscious selection of a couple on the basis of bioenergetic compatibility. For a preliminary orientation in each other's bioenergetics, a moment is enough. The exchange of handshakes, glances, meaningless phrases, light touch to each other - all these are quite informative forms of "short circuit". "Own" energy type is recognized immediately. Remember how it happens: you pass by a representative of the opposite sex, and you are like a wave of his energy. When resonance is reached, the partner feels the same. Perhaps this is your incorruptible case, do not miss it. But the rules of decency or other considerations do not allow both of you to turn around and rush towards each other. The most banal thing is that an attractive partner has already made his choice: "But the two of you, you are not with me." Nature, offering people its energy test, acts unobtrusively and unmistakably. And we are guided, alas, by some established restrictions, prejudices, that is, ideal. The energy of the ideal is capable of exerting a controlling influence in determining "one's own" or "alien" according to a bioenergetic attribute. From this moment, not nature, but PERSONALITY begins to act.
3. The level of mental energy. At this level, the perception and evaluation of a representative of the opposite sex occurs with the participation of different components of the personality. In terms of energy, a person is a complex combination of energies of various manifestations of the ideal. As we know, the ideal content of the psyche includes worldviews, beliefs, moral principles, habits, innate and acquired character traits, knowledge and experience, intellect, prevailing states and moods. These and other manifestations of the ideal have energy and, of course, are reflected by representatives of the opposite sex. The energy of personality is the most important and completely independent part of the human biofield. Where the personality acts, there is the least automatism and the most prudence. Personality mediates the perception of the bioenergetics of a representative of the opposite sex. The result may be different. NATURE prompts: "this is your own" - the partner's bioenergetics delivers psychological comfort. But PERSONALITY shows caution and imposes (sometimes quite reasonably) a different choice: "this is a stranger" - he is of a different social stratum, he is too smart or stupid, seems dishonorable, looks at life in a simplified way, his parents or friends will not like him, he is out of date, etc. e. A different situation is possible. Bioenergetics diagnoses: “This is a stranger,” and at the same time, psychic energy dictates: “this is the person that needs to be accepted” - he is promising, his relatives will love him, he is well-read, he looks good for his age, he has money, with such you will be lost, etc. A tense struggle ensues between bioenergetics and psychic energy; the most powerful force wins. Bioenergy triumphs if someone confesses: "I know that this is not a worthy person, but I love him and I can't do anything about it." It is precisely this ratio of libido and psychic energy that explains the feeling for the antisocial type of man and woman. It is not so rare that love arises for an obviously pathological person. There is a phenomenon of "pathological attractiveness" - there are men and women with signs of an anomaly, but it is precisely these qualities that sensitize a certain category of partners. By the way, this is also observed in the field of political preferences: a clearly pathological personality collects a significant number of votes. Psychic energy wins if the following words are heard: "I am not attracted to this person at all, but I obey the voice of reason - you can live with him without thinking about anything." The best option is when the mutual bioenergetic attraction of the other is accompanied by a resonance at the level of mental energies. This is the state of mutual love.

What is love?

Not to see, not to feel, not to buy, not to measure, not to sell, not to remake, not to give, not to give, not to call, not to drive away. We can only feel love. Or not feel.

It can't be prepared like a dinner party. It cannot be attempted to be planned like the birth of a child. She cannot be told where the entrance to us is, and where the exit is. It is impossible to set the time and strength of the impact on us.

It does not cause visible changes, such as a disease. It cannot be studied in order to come up with a cure for it. And you can not come up with a pill to fall in love or become loved. So maybe there is no love at all? Most of us know exactly what love is. Because they experienced it in themselves. In my experience. In my life.

Lots of talk everywhere about love. Someone divides it into "love" and "unconditional love." Someone divides it into love for food, things and love for people. Someone for love for children and love for a wife (husband). A lot of reasoning. There are many opinions.

Everyone who managed to experience this feeling, regardless of the object of love: be it a man or a woman, parents or children, animals or a favorite thing, agree on one thing: love is quite tangible. The body recognizes it in some incomprehensible way. And we are ready to move mountains, if only to have reciprocity with our object of love.

  • Someone says: "Love gives wings." Someone says: "Love is a disease." Some talk about unconditional love.

I absolutely do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. In this article I will try to talk about love from the point of view of the energies of the universe. Earthly and universal energies.

In order to have an understanding of what we are talking about, it is necessary to identify some points.

  • First, love is energy. This is the energy of the universe. And it permeates the entire space of the universe, which we can only think of.
  • Second: love as energy is always unconditional.

There is no point in talking about "unconditional love" because it is ALWAYS unconditional. Doesn't ask for anything in return. He doesn't expect anything, he doesn't ask. It has a single property - the property of giving. Its impact begins when a person accepts it. Into yourself. Into your life. In your relationship with people. It can be accepted. It can be donated. And this does not obligate anyone to anything.

And then we slowly move on to ourselves. That is, to people. The relationship between people, under certain circumstances, is also called love. Someone says that people do not have love if it is not unconditional. Someone says that unconditional love is nonsense, it does not exist.

Friends, my experience, my information and interaction with the invisible world, they say that here you just need to decide on the terminology. Understand what we are talking about.

Some of my thoughts on love

I am convinced that the relationship between people, when they say and feel that they love, this is love. Just do not confuse the universal energy with the feelings between us humans. Because our relationships, although they include the very love that is called unconditional, but earthly energies are also necessarily present. Which is actually much more in us than the energy of love of the universe. When these earthly energies, these flows between us coincide, we feel it in some special way that no one has yet explained. We just say, "I love you." Earth currents between us penetrate each other. Interact. They can transform, change, change their intensity and volume in the energy of another person over time and external circumstances. In fact, we change them. Consciously or not.

I have no intention now and here to evaluate them. Is it good or bad. Which ones are good and which ones are not. This is a topic for other conversations. Here I would like to share two main points: there is the energy of love of the universe, and there is an interaction between us, people, at the level of our earthly energies. And this is DIFFERENT. Moreover, I see no reason to argue where love is, and where not love. Both are love. You just need to understand that love on earth is a complex of energies, feelings, and interactions. It cannot be unconditional, like air or the sun, which give their energy to everything that exists, regardless of actions and worldviews. Both the saints and the executioners breathed the same air, the same sun shone on them. They were all held by Mother Earth. In all of them there was a particle of universal love. In the executioners, it was distorted by heavy negative currents, in the saints there was immeasurably more universal love than any other earthly energies. That is why they could not be married, either married. Universal love does not single out anyone. She is like the sun - she shines for everyone. She only gives.

Earthly interaction is based on a combination of many earthly energies, flows that permeate the energy of a person. It is thanks to them that we single out among the people those who are dear to us. We separate our own from others. Loved from unloved.

Love as the energy of the universe

It looks like air, like sunlight, which give their energy to everyone, regardless of actions or thoughts. Both the executioner and the saint breathe the same air, the sun shines on them the same way. This is what is called unconditional love. The sun does not require anything from us in return to give us light. So the flow of energy of love is simply there. It is this love that opens and intensifies everything-everything-everything in our energy, in our body, in the events of our life. It is this state that you need to look for in yourself from time to time. What does it mean? It means to look in your heart for that particle that can shine on absolutely everything in our universe. Priceless. Without any expectations. This means to kindle it brighter and more, saturating yourself with the energy of the love of the universe. It is this energy that should be given to Mother Earth, the blue sky, this world, your family, your family, spouses, children, friends, colleagues, enemies and enemies. Not demanding anything in return. You know, I don't even want to write a lot on this topic. At this moment, either awareness appears inside, a feeling of love as the energy of the universe, or not yet. But this feeling can be developed. One way to develop this energy in yourself is through meditation.

When you meditate on love, feed on it first. Think only of the flow of love, nothing else. You don't have to invite princes and princesses into your life. Do not think about the inappropriate or desirable behavior of your parents or children. Think of what heavenly love reveals in you. How it makes your streams better. Think about the fact that another, very pleasant ethereal trail begins to emanate from you. Another energy. This energy begins to flow like clear water in a stream and sparkle in the sunlight.

And then donate. To whom you want. But never do it by force. Only sincerely. Only those to whom you are able to give love. To whom you are able to shine like the sun.

There is an interesting point here.

If you work sincerely, do it sincerely, then the environment around you will begin to change!

When will this happen?

  • First, when you do the meditation more than once. At the same time, you will sincerely try to let this wonderful energy into yourself.
  • Secondly, when your faith in what you are doing (and faith is also energy, and very strong) will begin to grow.
  • Third, when you really learn to just give and give up expectations and claims on the other person, on his behavior and actions.
Love as a relationship between people

Let's forget about unconditionality. Here, on Earth, in the earthly understanding of love, unconditionality does not exist. We can invent this unconditionality as much as we like, but for some reason we get married, we marry the one we love. And not for the first one. For some reason, we do not want to connect our lives with a person who our parents like, but we do not like. Is not it? If we don’t invent anything and look around, we will see a huge number of single men and women. And for some reason they are in no hurry to tie their fates. And what's stopping them if love is unconditional? Anyway. Let's leave everyone alone. Let's ask those who sincerely believe in unconditional love here on earth, what prevents them from getting married, marrying any single person? If you think a little about yourself on this topic, the answer will come by itself. There is unconditional love for any human soul. As to the soul. As another beautiful particle of the universe. And there are human, earthly relationships. There are earth energies. Giving birth to absolutely earthly feelings. When these energies harmonize, people fall in love. If people strive to preserve and strengthen them, then they live happily ever after. If harmony is not enough, people part. They part, most often, without even trying to understand each other, to find the lost reciprocity.

You can meditate for hours on the topic of unconditional love, read a bunch of books, skillfully quote beautiful sayings, talk about spiritual growth. And then divorce your husband, quarrel with your mother, or refuse to stand up for your child in an unfair situation. Instead of intercession, begin to explain in the same beautiful words that the child must find in himself the cause of the troubles happening to him. After that, start having long conversations with like-minded people about our imperfection, or about the fact that we are great. We have grown spiritually. This mother is retarded. This husband did not want to grow up, and now we are not on our way. This child is still training, and must solve his own problems. That he has his own path. And here “unconditional love” is very conveniently intertwined when a person says: “I love him as a human being, I meditated yesterday for two hours wishing my husband happiness, but we are not on the way. He has his way, I have mine. I just understand it." “Yes, this boy hit my child and took away the money, but we understand that there is a reason in my child, and the offender is still a person, and love is the only thing that needs to be shown to the offender.” Ah, how convenient! That is, they actually eliminated themselves, but found a beautiful excuse for themselves.

It is absolutely useless to talk to a person in such a pseudo-spiritual state. He will immediately answer you that you can love even at a distance. That he feels his way and his mission. That you don't understand him. And that he also loves you very much, for all your dissatisfaction with his actions or passivity.

In fact, there is no unconditional love even close by. Because if it were in a person, it would never have occurred to him to compare the level of his spiritual development with someone close to him. He would not even come close to the idea that you can move away from loved ones. That you can leave a child to cope with a situation with which the child has not coped. But it's convenient! Because you can hide, meditate and not decide or do anything in life. Such people have simply learned to delicately play hide-and-seek with other people, with their lives.

What we do, what actions we do or do not do, is very important. Only more important is the motive of our actions.

Love, like a relationship, is always a mixture of energies, which means a mixture of qualities (read: conditions). And we come to Earth. So we must master these earthly energies. Otherwise, we simply cannot cope with our earthly tasks. No one forbids us to choose a person who is suitable for the qualities. Nobody forbids us to leave. It should be understood only that any interaction changes our energy, and therefore our life. So any breakup also affects. Because earth energies are operating on the Earth interactions.

What conclusions can be drawn from what has been said?

I think you will draw some of your own conclusions. And I will summarize:

It is necessary to distinguish universal love from earthly love. Moreover, a particle of universal love is always in us. Some more, some less. Universal love has the quality of giving. Earthly love is a mixture of energies for interaction. If there is no reciprocal energy, the relationship is likely to collapse. Or become formal.

We can love parents, spouses, children, friends, our work, travel, cinema or theater, and so on. It makes no sense to look for some other words for all this, replacing the word "love." It's not the word that matters, but the meaning behind it. What matters is the energy that is transmitted.

On Earth, it is much more important to be able to develop interaction energy. Learn to use them. And, of course, take action. Earth is a space of doing, actions, deeds, decisions. If someone thinks that his power of thought in meditation is very strong, let him try to move at least a bread crumb or a match with his thought. Well, at least a millimeter. Didn't work? And now by hand. Happened? Here you go. This is what I'm talking about. Only by meditation and reasoning about spiritual growth things are not done and relationships are not getting better. We need action in the real world. And energy practices are just fuel for our actions.

And finally, about love. As you understand, I do not divide love into "love" and "unconditional love." Because there is no certainty on earth. Even when we meditate on the energy of universal love, it still, one way or another, enters into interaction with our personal earthly energies. We can give exactly what we have. Not what we think. Do you see the difference? You can want to give your child as much as you like, for example, a snowboard, but if you don’t have it, then no matter how much you meditate, it will not appear. So it is with love. If we do not have it ourselves, then it will not work out in any way. And mentally, you can think, of course, whatever you want. And this means only one thing: love must always be learned. Learning to give is a must. This is the biggest power. This is the greatest greatness. This is the most beautiful splendor that exists. It's impossible to be perfect. But to become better every day, every hour, every minute.

Along with questions about how to get rid of energy bindings, magicians are often asked how, on the contrary, to strengthen them, and whether it is possible to do it on their own and safely. I answer - it is possible! I will only be glad if the practices that I give you are useful to you. Once I myself received them from my teachers, and now I am happy to tell the readers of my blog about them. So, how to establish a strong energy connection with your loved one? There are many ways to do this, and not necessarily magical ones. The main thing is to know the basic principle of the formation and existence of these connections.
At the moment of finding new relationships or to maintain existing ones, you need to invest your inner warmth and energy in them. Each person has his own "account" in the "bank of emotions" of another person. It is on this principle that all relationships between people are based. You to me, and I to you. Any relationship is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two partners. Like it or not, you need to accept this axiom so that you can successfully move on.
The main tool in creating or strengthening an energy connection is the subconscious.
Plus, of course, it will take some patience. The material world is inert, slowly changing, so it takes time to fulfill your desire. Set aside at least five to ten minutes a day for this. The best time for this is at night, when you have already gone to bed and closed your eyes. Another auspicious time is the morning, when you have just woken up and have not had time to open your eyes yet. In this relaxed state, you are in between sleep and wakefulness. At this moment, the gates of the subconscious are most open to influence.
1. Merge. Imagine your lover standing in front of you. Connect with him in complete love, let your imagination merge your bodies and souls together. Penetrate each other, connect every cell of your bodies, become one whole at the energy level. Imagine that there was a real diffusion of your cells. You have penetrated each other with your whole body, your whole being. Now imagine that rose and lotus petals are falling on you from the sky, and surround you with a magical, beautiful aroma. Both of you are engulfed in a golden and green glow that is getting brighter and brighter. This light becomes so bright that it floods everything around. At the moment of visualization, it is necessary to maintain the concentration of attention on the Anahata (heart) chakras, and at the moment of unification on Svadhisthana (the area below the navel), as well as evoke a feeling of love, tenderness and interpenetration. This will replenish your emotional "balance" in your partner's account and will constantly refresh your feelings.
In real life, do not forget to replenish this balance by giving your beloved various nice things and gifts, massage and various services, this strengthens relationships and adds love.
2. Love telepathy. How to convey to your partner the necessary thoughts, feelings and emotions about you and your harmonious union. To do this, take a photo of the person to whom you want to convey your "message". If you do not have a photograph, you can draw the object on paper, write its name, date of birth. Try to feel his presence. All people constantly unconsciously accept and radiate subtle information in the form of energy impulses-waves. Each is at its own wavelength. To tune in to the wave of the person you want to bind to yourself, you need to focus on him and feel him nearby.
- dive into a light trance and relax the muscles of the body;
- carefully look at the photo (drawing) of this person, 1-3 minutes. Focus on it;
- close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically;
- mentally say the words that you want to convey to him;
- imagine how your thoughts go to the forehead chakra, Ajna (third eye, bridge of the nose) and radiate from there in the form of a golden ray of energy;
- this golden ray reaches this person, penetrates through his third eye into his head and is fixed there by light, bright ones - yours! - images.
It sounds complicated, but it's really easy, especially if you practice. The execution time of this practice is from 5 minutes every day. To make the effect stronger, you can do this 3 times a day.
3. "Night mail". The formation of energy bonds during sleep is especially effective. Therefore, you can transmit your thoughts and images when he (she) is sleeping. When a person sleeps, during REM sleep, the consciousness exchanges information with the subconscious. In this case, the programming of the brain (behavior, instincts, metabolism) takes place. At this time, the words you put into his mental stream will be very powerful.
4. Solar circle. Helps to kindle the flame of love in the heart of the one you like.
This practice can be done anytime and anywhere if you want to win the heart of your loved one. It is performed in close contact or at a far distance. Works for both men and women. It is also advisable to perform at night, when the beloved is sleeping.
- close your eyes and imagine both of you in a kind of outlined circle, the boundaries of which can be any;
- imagine the shining Sun above you;
- now focus on feelings of love for this person;
- put all your love and your image into this Sun;
- then order the Sun to fly to this person, penetrate into his very heart and kindle a fiery love for you there;
- hold the Sun and your image in its heart for 3-5 minutes;
- imagine that the boundaries of the circle have shifted a little, thus bringing this person closer to you. Then release the vision.
Repeat daily for 28 days and soon you will notice that the person has become indifferent to you.
Works very effectively and is not a love spell. The Sun leaves no negative effects and love from the Sun is strong and pure.
By the way, all the practices listed above are not a love spell. They work solely on the energy of desire and intention. Which, in general, is, in fact, the magic that every person owns. Well, if something suddenly does not work out, there is not enough patience or time, then you can always entrust the fulfillment of desires to professionals.
Good luck!

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