Home Diseases and pests Worst rooster relationship with zodiac signs. The perfect match for a cock. Love compatibility

Worst rooster relationship with zodiac signs. The perfect match for a cock. Love compatibility

> Year of the Rooster

Personalities who were born in the year of the Rooster, are aggressive and straightforward in nature. They are harsh people who do not frame themselves in terms of expressions and actions. They always say what they think. However, this behavior is just a mask.

The true nature of Roosters is very complex. They have a combination of conceit and sarcasm, whims, oddities, tension and high sensuality, inherent from birth of charm and modesty, excellent understanding of people around and attention to their needs, the ability and desire to subordinate others to their will thanks to the talent of persuasion. Roosters live to win. If they set a goal for themselves, then they achieve it by any means.

Diplomats from Roosters are useless. The reason for this is that, with their behavior and manners, Roosters often shock both loved ones and strangers. People under the auspices of the Rooster often do not pay attention to the canons and general rules of behavior of modern society, but this is only a curtain behind which their true face lives. In fact, Roosters are gullible, childishly naive, unable to cheat individuals, which makes it possible to easily deceive them.

Roosters love to be the center of attention, to be distinguished from others, to be in the center of attention. The rooster will experience happiness from the fact that a person assent to him. Often, people of this sign are aware of their similar weakness and ridicule themselves. However, this may entail a Rooster's overestimation of his personality, which will further increase his egoistic qualities.

People of this sign are never afraid. They are distinguished by courage, courage, courage and can easily take risks, but only when it is really necessary. These people are considered excellent warriors, as they went on a deadly mission with a smile.

When they have something to give, or when it may seem so from the outside, Roosters give it to others, but they will always take less for themselves. An analogy can be drawn between the fact that it is noble and the fact that it is done for show. Roosters carefully hide the fact that something is not working out for them. Own pride and a sense of dignity are the main things that Roosters protect. Defeats are not easy for them. That is why, at any opportunity, they shift responsibility for them onto other people. Roosters, if possible, try to avoid responsibility, do not impose unnecessary responsibilities on themselves and try not to enter into close ties that entail obligations.

Roosters have dreamed of personal freedom and independence since childhood. These people are confident that they are always right and do what is right for them. The rooster does not trust others and relies only on himself. At the same time, he is happy to give advice and guidance to those around him. It happens that the Rooster is inspired by projects, the implementation of which is impossible from the very beginning. They are often blind in their own goals and views. Roosters are big spenders. They squander what they earn pretty quickly, so bankruptcy cases with absolute ruin are not uncommon for their business.

All the people around the Rooster are close, friends and acquaintances consider these people to be bright non-standard personalities. For this reason, Roosters are obliged to "keep their mark" all the time in order not to fall in the eyes of other people, in no way disappoint them. Roosters often grab onto the work that they cannot afford, trying to do more than they are able to. This is often the root of depression and frustration for them.

Men born in the year of the Rooster adore the opposite sex, while not missing out on every opportunity to show attention and flirt with a woman. However, it happens that the relationship does not move beyond this stage. Women born in the year of the Rooster prefer to be in the digging of women than in the company of men, for the reason that they feel freer and more confident in a female company.

Most Roosters are sociable individuals. These people are very friendly in communication and always kind, thereby winning the favor of others. Roosters' self-confidence and unshakable achievement of their goals amaze many people. However, not all Roosters have the above qualities. Among the representatives of this sign, there are also introverts. Such people live in their own world, trying at the same time to attract the attention of the surrounding society. In case of non-perception or misunderstanding by others, closed Roosters simply fall into despair and depression.

The whole life of Roosters consists of white streaks of good luck and black streaks of bad luck. Moreover, these stripes go one after another, like a zebra. Petukhov accompanies this in all spheres of life: at work, financial situation, love. However, by old age, the life of Roosters is usually getting better.

Vocation Roosters choose such a vocation that allows them to occupy a leadership position and command subordinates. Such people often work in areas that require strong nerves, courage and determination, and clear discipline. They need awards that would make their name more influential, prestigious and enhance their reputation.

Rooster and Rat

Unwanted union. These people have a lot in common, but the differences are even greater. Despite the fact that they are both ambitious, the charm and cunning inherent in the Rat are not combined with the irresistibility and magnetism of the Rooster. The connection between them will end in poverty and discord, which will cause a break in relations. A friendly relationship between these signs is also impossible due to a strange sympathy for each other. In business, both will pull the blanket over themselves, but there will still be no total income.

Rooster and Bull

A very successful union. However, one should take into account each other's weaknesses. The rooster, distinguished by his vanity, is obliged to stop his manner of issuing decrees at home, then everything will turn out well. Their inseparable devoted comrades will also come out of them. But it’s not worth starting a joint business. The fact is that the Bull is a real hard worker, to whom the Rooster, which does not have such qualities, will be an unsuccessful helper.

Rooster and Tiger

This union will destroy self-interest and selfishness, since both signs only like to take, preferably more, and give much less. The Tiger does not like the character of the Rooster in terms of boasting and noisy. He also does not notice even his good features in the Rooster, and after a while he will begin to openly unfairly treat his soul mate. Friendship will not work either, since they completely lack understanding of each other. Any working relationship is inappropriate.

Rooster and Rabbit

Unsuccessful union. Although they are somewhat similar, complementing each other in different moments. The rabbit gets depressed from any "trick" on the part of the Rooster. The friendly relationship between them is very relative. In business, the Rooster will be beneficial to the Rabbit one-sidedly. This must be taken into account by the Rooster.

Rooster and Dragon

This tandem takes place only with sincere mutual love, if both want to start a family. Both are ambitious. The best way to consolidate this union is that the Dragon has a high position in society and monetary wealth, which the Rooster would have the opportunity to use. Friendly relations are attached only to sympathy for each other and the Dragon's money. In business relations, the main condition is the dominance of the Dragon in them. Great achievements can be in the field of social activities, where they appear together and each separately.

Rooster and Snake

These people perfectly complement each other, both in the field of love and in family life. When the Rooster judges everyone only by their external appearance, the Snake pays attention to the inner world of a person. It may seem that these people do not have anything in common, but they perfectly find a common language. They make bosom friends. But working relationships are very relative, as there is a risk of breaking everything due to long friendly conversations.

Rooster and Horse

Unsuccessful union. But if these people are already together, their tandem will be saved by frequent separations, consisting in departures for work, business trips. They will make comrades rather than friends who meet only at social gatherings and dances. In business, it is better for them not to cooperate, since the Rooster clearly cannot rely and does not trust the Horse, and the Horse, in due time, is angry that the Rooster does nothing.

Rooster and Goat

An embarrassing tandem. Everyone in him strives for his goals, thereby killing mutual feelings. In the event that each of them would see the positive qualities of their partner, began to value and protect him, then they might be able to be a couple. Friends of them will not come out because of many "oddities" in the character of the Rooster, including in many matters that does not understand the Goat. Their business will not work out for the above reasons.

Rooster and Monkey

They will not see a strong family. Living together, the Rooster will not feel happy, and the Monkey will be unhappy. Friendship is impossible on both sides. In work, the Monkey will always make a fool of the unfortunate Rooster.

Rooster and Rooster

This union is impossible! Endless family showdowns will continue until the very end of the relationship. They will not be friends, as they will swear all the time. The business will fall apart before it really starts.

Rooster and Dog

In this union, nothing good will be observed. The dog hates the Rooster for his endless hype. No friendship or business will come of them.

Rooster and Pig

These people definitely don't go together. In the Rooster, energy and strength, courage and aggression are clearly expressed, while in the Pig - a zeal for justice and sensuality. They will never become friends. It is better for them to be at a distance from each other. Working ties will be terminated due to complete distrust.

Rooster and Rat are ready to walk the same road but in different ways. The rooster rushes at a gallop, braking from time to time in order to loudly drive the lagging Rat. The rat, on the other hand, prefers to move along the road of life in short dashes and almost secretly, and the Rooster's fanfare saddens her.

How long will such an alliance last? Depends on the Rat. The Rooster considers rivalry within the same family to be the norm, and he is not aware that the Rat may be unhappy with anything.

The Rooster and the Ox will not get along right away having met. However, having looked closely at each other, they synchronously and suddenly find attractive features in a partner. The compatibility of signs is based on a huge difference in their goals and intentions. The Bull does not at all have the ambition inherent in the Rooster - and the Bull does not mind that the Rooster commanded the parade.

The Rooster does not even one iota have the solidity and power of the Bull, and the Bull's strength helps the Rooster multiply his capabilities. The couple lives in harmony and harmony - although from the outside it may seem a little noisy.

There is no agreement between the Rooster and the Tiger. In the initial phase of a relationship, the Rooster can captivate the Tiger with his eloquence and ostentatious well-being. However, later, the Tiger, and before that was not very in love with the Rooster, begins to get irritated. The Rooster's extroversion takes on forms unacceptable to the Tiger. In addition, the Tiger himself is not a great producer of material values, but two consumers under one roof is too much.

Rooster and Rabbit complement each other, however, a harmonious symbiosis between them rarely occurs. Many Rooster qualities lead the Rabbit to despair, and good general compatibility does not help the signs to maintain good relations.

Over time, Rabbit's resentment grows into a desire to distance himself. The rooster is usually perplexed about this, since sexual contact between spouses is still full. When the Rabbit gets tired of tolerating the Rooster, a divorce happens.

Rooster and Dragon they look at each other with curiosity, at first not even intending to enter into any close relationship. The first attempts at communication, as a rule, are unsuccessful: the Rooster does not understand the Dragon, and the Dragon does not understand the Rooster, since both of them put different meanings in words and gestures. Misunderstanding, however, often reinforces mutual interest, which in turn creates conditions for sympathy.

Well, if at least one claw got stuck in sympathy, then the whole bird was gone! A marriage follows, the success of which is impossible to predict. If mutual interest is maintained, the marriage will last. When the attention of either side fades away, only the appearance of a family remains.

Rooster and Snake compatibility is quite high. What does not interfere with the signs when it is loud, and when to sort things out with a barely audible hiss. Conflicts are shallow and fleeting. And even if there is no special relationship in a couple, this does not lead to parting. Both the Rooster and the Snake have enough intelligence to realize: it is extremely difficult to find another such a convenient partner.

Rooster and Horse are difficult to get along with. They are cramped together, even if the married couple has a spacious house at their disposal. At the same time, partners are not late for intimate dates with each other. Actually, sex is the main connecting thread between the Rooster and the Horse.

Realizing this truth helps to build a couple's relationship in the best possible way. Misconceptions about loyalty and responsibility lead both the Rooster and the Horse into a jungle of false expectations. Guest marriage as a form of free coexistence unites signs.

The union of the Rooster and the Goat is unstable. Feeling emotional, the signs swear allegiance and swear to love each other to the grave. Angry, they call on the partner's head all the punishments of the world. Missing, the Rooster and the Goat are looking for entertainment each separately.

And most importantly: the images of the Rooster in his ideas about the world do not at all coincide with the ideas of the Goat. The conflict between the signs is inherent in their primordial nature. There is no need to even talk about compatibility between the Rooster and the Goat ...

Rooster and Monkey- like two fighters in the ring. They then beat each other without fear and conscience, then waltz in an embrace, or lie in a deep knockout - but when others try to pull them apart in different corners, with the last bit of strength they grab hold of their hands.

The life of a Rooster with a Monkey is an endless performance, a performance in which all stage genres have merged together. Spectators quickly get bored with the action, but the actors do not care: they are so addicted to the idea of ​​surpassing their spouse that they are ready to fight to the death!

So, it happens, and they live to old age, in order to die in one day completely exhausted - and happy!

Rooster Rooster does not tolerate under no pretext. They see right through each other, and they do not rejoice at what is gone. The rooster lives with illusory ideas about himself, but does not harbor illusions about his partner. In the eyes of another Rooster, the Rooster looks a hundred times more arrogant, arrogant and foppish than it really is. Deep mutual hatred is guaranteed quickly if two Roosters marry.

But this is the secret of life, that there is one step from hatred to love ...

Rooster Dogs like, but the Rooster is unpleasant for the Dog. Therefore, the Rooster's harassment to the Dog often lasts for years. Sometimes the Dog gives in faster, relying on "endure - fall in love." Falling in love - it turns out, but with patience - no way. To endure the Rooster is above Dog's strength, and therefore leaving the family is inevitable.

Then everything starts all over again. The Rooster again and again spreads its wings in front of the Dog, shines with a gloss of colors, is filled with a nightingale. Sooner or later, the Dog gives up. And then - again, sooner or later - he breaks down and leaves.

Rooster Pig is not a companion and does not strive for comrades. Conquering the heart is another matter! Here the Rooster is the first guy in the village, and if the Pig does not pay attention to him, the Rooster only gets angry.

After remarkable Rooster efforts, the Pig, it happens, lets him in. Out of a sensual whim, nothing more. However, the Rooster sees a victory, he calms down - and soon finds himself out of work.

The process can be repeated, but usually the Pig grows cold to the Rooster after a short experience of unsuccessful communication.

The compatibility of people born in the year of the Rooster and the Monkey is multifaceted. This alliance will be difficult, with a lot of pitfalls. But if the couple succeeds in finding mutual understanding, then the marriage will be strong, eternal. For these characters the most difficult period- the first stage, when lapping will come out on top. If you understand, then these persons are so categorically different that they cannot be together, but, as you know, plus and minus are attracted.

In addition, after passing a difficult test of the relationship in the fortress of this couple, you can be confident. They will never leave each other.

Monkey man and Rooster woman

The main thing in the life of partners is recognition, self-expression. Both are ambitious, pragmatic, and appreciate the trust and respect shown. But with a focus on results, there is a striking difference in the methods of achieving what you want. The Rooster Woman has an excessive desire for leadership. She is fastidious, loves to point out to others about their mistakes. At the same time, in his work, he pays attention to every little thing, pondering for a long time over the correctness of the decision.

The Monkey man, on the other hand, does not like to act "out of hand", does not tolerate interference into his business. He will do everything in the shortest possible time, while the work will be impeccable. But he can also easily take on several cases at once, agree to participate in dubious projects. If a man according to the horoscope is Virgo, then the latter can be avoided, he will selectively approach any proposal.

For both partners, the result will be achieved, and in the best possible colors. It is clear that it is extremely difficult for such people to work together. But in a love relationship, such contradictions can create an ideal tandem if each takes on certain obligations without entering the territory of the other.

Pros of a couple

Due to the individual qualities of character this couple has a great future... They will cover the rear of each other, while making life brighter, easier, more exciting.

Their union is eternal contradictions, constant quarrels and partings. She will criticize him, and he will be angry because of her slowness. Constant conflicts can lead to a complete collapse of the relationship. In addition, everyone in the family will try to become a leader. It is at such a moment that it is necessary to clearly delineate responsibilities. Can the Monkey and the Rooster reach an understanding? Compatibility in love, namely the sexual component, is promising. But the situation will become even more difficult if, without solving all the issues, the couple enters into a legal marriage. The gap cannot be avoided. They will pull the blanket over themselves, share the child, try to become the head of the family.

A woman and a man will have grandiose plans for life. But whatever the ultimate goal, the paths to it will be completely different. A lady will take a long time to choose a trip, a place to build a future home, etc. Her companion just need to jot down a few important points on paper and make a quick decision on their assessment. But the pragmatism of the companion for the Monkey man can play into the hands. She will take into account his valuable sketches and notes and thus bring out the pros and cons faster. In this consensus couple, the solutions will be tested, not spontaneous, but not devoid of creativity.

It's hard to imagine more provocative, complex relationships... Mutual help is the basis of the Rooster-woman and Monkey-man pair. Compatibility is possible. After all, the spouse will force him to look at things soberly without undue arrogance. And the partner will teach the lady not to be afraid of change.

Rooster man and Monkey woman

The situation in the relationship between the Rooster man and the Monkey woman is absolutely opposite. The representative of the stronger sex of this sign will be too serious and strict in comparison with the eternally dreamy Monkey. It will be hard for him to put up with her frivolity, craving for freedom, because the Rooster is used to controlling everything. If a man is also a Leo, then his principles will be doubly categorical. Plus, both partners most of the time busy with their own affairs... Provided that one of this couple was born under the sign of Aries, it will be even more difficult, because all representatives of this zodiac are overly stubborn.

It is worth noting that a wise, cunning lady will be unhappy with the excessive straightforwardness of the chosen one. She is used to relying more on the emotional component of life, and the Rooster man - on intellectual reflections. The zodiac sign of Pisces is able to pacify their desire for leadership. For guys born in the year of the Rooster, compatibility with many signs is difficult.

Maintaining a relationship

A union is almost impossible, but if a couple manages to distribute time so that they spend the minimum amount of time alone, the relationship can develop. Do not think that being apart, they will only aggravate the situation. For these partners, it is quite possible to feel support from a distance. For the Sagittarius-Rooster man, compatibility with the Monkey is possible if he takes more from the Sagittarius. The ambitions of this zodiac sign will not become a stumbling block, but will only intensify passion.

What will attract a partner to Monkey Woman:

What will repel:

  1. Arrogance, desire to be a leader;
  2. Interference in his life;
  3. Resourcefulness and stealth;
  4. Haste in business.

It is worth noting that when a Monkey and Cancer coexist in a lady, she can become quite infantile, sometimes showing childishness, which is absolutely not in harmony with the life cycle of the Rooster. Such a "girl" does not suit him.

What will attract a partner in the Rooster man:

  1. Ambitiousness;
  2. Success in any field;
  3. High intelligence;
  4. Developed imagination.

What will repel:

  1. Overestimated attention to one's own person;
  2. Attempts to correct others, criticism, discontent;
  3. Slowness, unhurriedness;
  4. Careless attitude towards a partner.

It seems that such little things cannot destroy a couple, because you can get rid of them. But people born under these signs have lived with these character traits for years. Their temperament cannot be matched to another. In this tandem, changing yourself for the sake of a partner is the end of the relationship. It is necessary to find a compromise in which everyone will have their own role in family life. Then they will consider themselves significant, they will cope well with their own work.

Attention, only TODAY!

People born in the years of the Rooster are distinguished by straightforwardness and aggressiveness. They are harsh, not shy either in expressions or in actions. What they think is what they say, what is on their mind is also in their language. Yet their frankness and eccentricity is only an appearance.

The real nature of Roosters is much more complicated. Their character combines conceit and sarcasm, whims and whims, inner tension and exorbitant sensitivity, innate charm and modesty, a good understanding of other people and attention to their needs, the ability and desire to subordinate them to their will through suggestion, persuasion. The life of the Petukhovs is designed only for victories and accomplishments, having made any decision, they no longer retreat from it, pursuing their goal to the victorious end.

The Petukhovs have almost no diplomacy. With their manners and behavior, they often shock both their close friends and those around them. Often the Rooster neglects the norms and generally accepted rules of a given society, but this is just bravado, under which the true state of his soul and inner world is hidden. His ingenuousness, childish naivety and gullibility make it very easy to deceive him.

The rooster loves to be noticed and singled out, to be in the spotlight. If you agree with him, he will be pleased and happy, even knowing this flaw in himself and laughing at him. True, this often leads the Rooster to an overestimation of his own personality - to arrogance and excessive self-confidence, which further enhances his selfish tendencies.

He is not one of a timid dozen, he can be brave, courageous, brave, capable of even very risky things - but only when it is really necessary. He can even take mortal risks with a smile on his lips. That is why Roosters are considered good warriors.

Roosters give to others when they have something to give, or when it is seen from the outside, but they take less for themselves. And it is not known what is more here - true nobility and generosity, or - just ostentatious. If they fail at something, they will spend a lot of work and time to hide it. Maintaining dignity for Roosters is first and foremost. They do not tolerate failures, therefore, at the slightest opportunity, they willingly shift them onto the shoulders of others. When they can, they avoid responsibility, do not take on unnecessary responsibilities, try to avoid close and binding ties.

The Rooster's dream since childhood is to win personal freedom, independence and independence. He is convinced that he is always right, that he knows everything and does exactly what he needs. He trusts no one, relying only on himself. However, he generously distributes advice and guidance to others. Sometimes the Rooster is inspired by unrealizable projects and dreams, he often suffers from myopia in his views and plans. Due to the fact that the Rooster is very wasteful and immediately spends everything that he earns, he is quite often prone to financial crises and bankruptcies with complete ruin.

Since relatives, acquaintances and friends consider him an extraordinary person, the Rooster must hold a mask so as not to fall in their opinion, not to disappoint. The Rooster always has a tendency to do more than he can, and take on things that exceed his strength and capabilities. Hence usually his sorrows and disappointments.

Male roosters love female society, where they could dance, flirt, and court their chosen one. But it also happens that the matter does not progress further than this. Roosters-women, oddly enough, prefer a society of women to a man's society, because there they feel much freer and easier, as they say - “at ease”.

Sociable Roosters make up the majority. They are very kind and welcoming, they quickly win the sympathy of others. With their determination and self-confidence, they amaze everyone. Introverted Roosters are a strange mixture of an introverted person, who is turned inward and lives with his own inner world, and a person who seeks to attract the attention of the outside world. And when it seems to them that people simply do not understand them, they fall into despair.

Throughout their lives, periods of success and success alternate in Roosters with periods of failure and failure. This happens in everything: at work, and in the field of finance, and in personal life. But, as a rule, in most cases, Roosters' old age is almost always successful.

Roosters choose professions that allow them to lead and command, which require courage and courage, iron nerves and iron discipline. They need rewards that increase their authority, prestige, and reputation in the world around them.


COCK and RAT. Unfavorable union. They have a lot in common, but even more contradictions. Although both are ambitious, the Rat's charm and cunning are in no way combined with the outward splendor and fanfare of the Rooster. Their union is threatened by poverty and discord, a break in relations and divorce with parting. Friendship does not develop due to dubious sympathy for each other, superficial relationships. In a business relationship, everyone will pull the blanket only for themselves, and the common pot will remain empty as it was.

COCK and BULL. A very promising union. But knowing each other's weaknesses, they must neutralize them. In addition, the vain Rooster must abandon his tendency to command the home parade for the rest of his life, and then everything will be the best possible. Friendship also promises to be strong, strong and deep for life. It's better not to start a business relationship. There is a lot of work to be done, but there will be little sense, for the Rooster is a very conditional helper for the Bull.

COCK and TIGER. This marriage union will destroy selfishness and self-interest, for both prefer only to take, and moreover, more, and give less. The Tiger does not tolerate the boasting and noisyness of the Rooster and does not appreciate even the good in him, and over time will even treat him unfairly. Friendship is also not for them - due to the lack of mutual understanding. Business relationships are completely eliminated.

COCK and RABBIT. Unsuccessful union. Even in spite of the fact that they complement each other in some way. The rabbit can become desperate from any "trick" of the Rooster. The friendship between them is dubious, hopeless. The loud Rooster only tires the Rabbit. Business relationship will only benefit the Rabbit. The Rooster should know this in advance.

COCK and DRAGON. Such a union is possible only with true mutual love, mutual understanding and a mutual desire to formalize a legal marriage. Both are ambitious. The best option for strengthening this marriage union will be the high social position of the Dragon, his wealth, which the Rooster could use. Friendship between them is kept only on the basis of mutual sympathy and at the expense of the Dragon's thick wallet. Business relations take place, but on condition that the Dragon will lead them. Great successes can be achieved in the field of social activities, where they perform both together and each separately.

COCK and SNAKE. Both in the field of love and in family life, they complement each other well. If the Rooster evaluates everything only in appearance, then the Snake judges by the inner content of a person. Despite the seeming contradiction, they understand each other well. Friendship is great. Business relations are highly doubtful, for they risk drowning in chatter.

COCK and HORSE. Poor compatibility. If such a union has already been created, then the only salvation can be frequent, albeit not long, partings - in the form of business trips, trips. Friendship is possible in the form of a joint social life - with dancing and idle chatter. Business relationships are highly problematic. The Rooster does not count on the Horse, does not even trust her, and the Horse irritates the Rooster's inactivity.

COCK and GOAT. A difficult union. Everyone has their own goals in life, they do not coincide and therefore drown out mutual sympathy. If everyone could realize the dignity of their partner, learned to value and respect each other, maybe they could live together. Friendship will not work because of the many conventions of the Rooster. In addition, he simply does not understand much about the Goat. Their business relationship is also futile.

COCK and MONKEY. A strong married couple will not work out of them. In life together, the Rooster will be unhappy, and the Monkey will be dissatisfied. Friendship is useless for one as well as for the other. There will be no mutual understanding or sympathy. Business relationships are also futile. The monkey will always deceive the poor Rooster.

COCK and COCK. Living together is simply impossible! Eternal family scenes are inevitable here - they will be provided with this until the breakup of relations, divorce and separation. Friendship is also impossible due to constant friction and collision. Business relationships will lead to bankruptcy and collapse very quickly.

COCK and DOG. This union does not bode well. The dog simply cannot stand the Rooster, its eternal noise and din. This will cause hostility from her, and even hatred. Friendship and business relationships are also impossible.

COCK and PIG. They are clearly not suitable for each other. In the nature of the Rooster, strength and energy, courage and aggressiveness prevail, and in the Pig - justice and the desire for sensual pleasures. The friendship between them is simply disastrous! The further apart they are, the better for both. Business relationships are also futile. Their business will fall apart due to the lack of mutual trust.

The year of birth of a person determines his entire life, affects his character and behavior. People depend on their belonging to the sign and element. For example, the compatibility of the Rooster with other signs is contradictory: with some he is ready to start a family, and with others he can only be in friendship. Let's take a closer look at what compatibility of an unpredictable Rooster can be?

General characteristics of the mark

Those born in the year of the Rooster are versatile and love to be in the spotlight. The main traits of their character are despotism, aggression and straightforwardness. Such personalities are used to punching their way and walking over their heads. Capricious and proud people born in the year of the Rooster are not used to losing. In any business, they will never leave the race, they will go to the bitter end, until they carry out their plans.

People of this sign speak and do everything head-on, without thinking about the consequences. This temper is very expensive. On the other hand, they are charming and gentle, their natural sexuality attracts the opposite sex.

Many representatives of the sign are very trusting and timid natures, so it is easy to deceive them.

Rooster in love

Most often in their youth, people born under the sign of the Rooster are very picky in choosing a pair. They are fickle: today they are in love, and tomorrow they are not, but with age they grow up and respect the institution of marriage very much, for the sake of their soul mate they are capable of much. The rooster is compatible and devoted to the one who is faithful to him, he does not tolerate betrayal and does not himself look for connections on the side.

After the creation of a family, those born under the auspices of the Rooster sign become avid couch potatoes. They love to take care of children, so they choose a sensual and kind person as a companion.

The influence of the elements

The compatibility of the Rooster and other signs also determines its belonging to one of the five elements. By the nature of the manifestation of character, the sign is more similar to the wooden element, which endows it with such character traits as perseverance, idealism, conflict.

  1. Representatives of the earth element are hard-working, able to properly present themselves and their business. They are inherent in pragmatism, they do not like extravagance. Such persons make excellent lawyers, politicians and businessmen. They bring any business started to the end, they will never leave in trouble. Representatives of this sign were born in 1909 and 1971.
  2. The metal representative was born in 1981. Such a person is an intellectual and proud, he is always independent and pragmatic. All decisions are made rigidly and unconditionally, he is not concerned with someone else's opinion. Such people are disciplined and rely only on their own strengths, they show themselves well in diplomacy, engineering, information technology, they are good at accounting. Often, people of the metal element are lonely, because with their cold calculation they scare off the soul mate.
  3. Fire Rooster is a person born in 2017 and 1957. He is too demanding of himself and those around him. A bright representative of the elements combines restraint and ardor at the same time, which leads to emotional instability and dependence on the case. Representatives of the fiery zodiac are terrible jealous people and owners, having married this person, you can condemn yourself to life on a powder keg.
  4. White, or water, Rooster is a phlegmatic and pessimist in life. Everything is always bad with him, he loves to be sad, to sit for a long time without leaving the house, and to dream. It is almost impossible to force such a person to act; with his inappropriate stubbornness, he can lose his job or lose everything he has acquired in one moment. Self-willed and lonely, such a person is able to go into monks or lead the life of a hermit.
  5. The wooden oriental representative is charismatic, endowed with charm and sexuality. Aggressive towards everything, conflicts are his weakness, he likes to get into arguments. Despotism is inherent in such people, they have a steely character, most often, they have no compassion for others.

Rooster and Dog

Rooster and Dog compatibility is high, this is a supertandem. After the wedding, the couple is always together. They are united by common interests and affairs. Roosters in the Dog value loyalty and devotion.

In friendship, they know how to find a compromise and make concessions, so these two signs make excellent comrades. Together they can create a common cause: the pragmatic mind of the Rooster and the resourcefulness of the Dog are the best that can be for well-coordinated and productive work.

Rooster and Snake

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Snake in marriage is almost one hundred percent. The snake appreciates prosperity and loves to be looked after, immediately falls in love with the purposeful and practical representatives of the sign. The Rooster finds the Snake very sexy and beautiful, he adores her, is ready to fulfill any whim.

Friendship between signs is possible, but only superficial, Snakes are too picky and love only benefits, therefore, if the Snake feels that friendship does not bring her any opportunities, she begins to avoid meeting old acquaintances.

Rooster and Pig

The compatibility of these signs is relative. They are too similar, both hot-tempered, gullible and aggressive. The pig has a firm, decisive character, but trusts everyone too much, and therefore it is difficult to go through life with it. The constant problems that the Pig gets involved in will sooner or later infuriate anyone.

The relationship of signs can only develop on the condition that their family is large and the woman Pig is a homebody.

Rooster and Monkey

The horoscope says that the Monkey is not suitable for the Rooster. Relationships will only bring disappointment. The cunning and agile Monkey will soon realize that he can deceive his companion and will begin to manipulate him.

The Monkey is creative, she has a lot of fantasies, she lives in her own world, and the Rooster is actually too practical, so the fidget Monkey will quickly get bored with such a relationship.

Rooster and Horse

A relationship between these two is unlikely, as the partners have too different priorities. The duration of the novel will be exactly as long as the Horse wishes, which is not used to monotony and is not inclined to a sedentary life.

As friends, these two can visit a theater or musical together, communication does not go further than this.

Rooster and Rat

Their relationship is a big bubble. The beginning is romantic, but after the wedding they do not withstand the test of everyday life, everyone in the house is for himself. It is the desire of each in a couple to do only their own affairs and not take into account the words of the companion that causes many quarrels and conflicts.

Friendship also does not stick out because of omissions and mistrust of each other. Working relationships are built on deception and conflict.

Rooster and Bull

This is one of the best combinations in a horoscope. A relationship is promising if the Rooster leaves the habit of commanding everyone, and the Ox gives a little freedom to the partner. The union is saturated with romance and tenderness.

The friendship is strong and loyal, none of this couple will dare to betray. Only in work, the ratio of these signs is zero. Bulls are used to doing everything themselves and relying only on themselves.

Rooster and Tiger

The relations of the representatives of these signs will not work out in any way: they will have too much selfishness and self-interest.

Tigers want to receive more than they give, so an alliance with them does not stick. Likewise, there are too many frustrations and resentments in the partnership and in the work.

Rooster and Rabbit

The hare will not be able to stay married to the Rooster for a long time. By nature, the Hare is gentle and loving, loves peace and quiet, an aggressive and conflicting partner does not suit him.

You can't be friends with them either: they are too different in their views.

Rooster and Dragon

Union is possible if the Dragon occupies a high position in society.

The main engine in a relationship should be their love for each other and mutual understanding. They should look for common ground.

Rooster and Goat

Their union can only be based on intimate relationships. A sexy and naturally attractive Goat is completely not adapted to life, which annoys the Rooster.

Companions from these signs are none. The goat is friends on terms favorable to itself. In work, a well-coordinated tandem of them is unlikely to come out: the Rooster, deceived by the Goat, will do the work for two.

rooster chinese horoscope. Born in the year of the rooster oriental horoscope

Year of the Rooster. Eastern horoscope from psychologist Natalia Kucherenko.


People love to read a horoscope to find out who suits them best in life, friendship, work. Particular attention should be paid to unity between the years: with whom the compatibility is good, and with whom it is better not to enter into an alliance. In the same way, the characteristic of compatibility of the Rooster with other signs of the eastern horoscope and even the zodiac is determined.

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