Home Diseases and pests How to deceive my husband that I am not a girl. An instruction of a smart girl to solve the problem of cheating on the part of a guy. Is it worth exposing lies

How to deceive my husband that I am not a girl. An instruction of a smart girl to solve the problem of cheating on the part of a guy. Is it worth exposing lies

An effective anti-dandruff hair mask is based on a competent selection of the composition, depending on the type of skin disease. A qualified dermatologist will be able to determine whether dandruff has appeared - oily or dry. Based on his recommendations, you can choose the most suitable and effective recipes from a wide range of folk remedies. Recommended components are readily available, so the procedure is straightforward.

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    Benefits of home masks

    In the fight against dandruff, it is possible to achieve positive results with the help of home masks. After examination, the dermatologist identifies the cause of such a phenomenon, establishes the type of disease, and gives the necessary recommendations. This is important, since mixtures of different composition are used to treat dry and oily dandruff.

    Among the reasons for the appearance of dandruff are frequent exposure to stress, an unbalanced diet, unfavorable ecology, hormonal disruptions in the body.

    The advantages of homemade hair masks for dandruff include the ability to compose them from well-known components that are part of the range of natural products. Low cost attracts. Since the formulations are prepared just before application, you can be sure that they are absolutely fresh.

    Application rules

    To achieve a positive result, you have to use home masks for a long time. The average duration of one course is eight weeks. This is followed by a monthly interval. You can repeat the course several times if the need arises.

    With a significant amount of dandruff, two to three procedures are performed per week. If the goal is prevention, then it is enough to apply the mask every seven days.

    After distributing the mass over the skin and strands, a moisture-proof cap is put on. You can use cellophane wrap. A warm towel is wrapped around the head.

    The average holding time before shampooing is 30 minutes. If a different period of time is required, it is reflected in the recipes.

    Oily dandruff treatment

    To cope with oily dandruff, you can pick up simple, effective recipes for homemade masks:

    • Mix onion husks with oak bark - half a glass each. Boil at low heat in a liter of water for 30 minutes. It is filtered warm and salicylic alcohol - 50 ml is poured into the liquid. After rubbing into the skin, the head is washed after 40 minutes. For owners of dark curls, you can distribute the product along the entire length.
    • Two tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves are infused for 15 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water. After filtration, mix the infusion with table vinegar 8: 1. Thoroughly moisten the scalp. The holding time is one hour. You can add blue clay to it to get the consistency of liquid sour cream. The session lasts an hour and a half.
    • Rub the beets and squeeze the juice through double gauze. It should be kept on the roots for about an hour. Due to the coloring abilities, the procedure is contraindicated for owners of light curls.
    • Combine burdock roots, motherwort and oak bark on a tablespoon. Pour the mixture into 0.5 l of vodka. In an unlit place, the composition is kept for two weeks. With severe dandruff, rub in the strained liquid daily for 25 minutes. Then, for prophylaxis, the procedure is performed in a week.
    • A thick gruel is made from warm water with mustard. A teaspoon of lemon juice is added to three tablespoons. This mask is kept on the roots for a maximum of 10 minutes. The repeated procedure is carried out in a week.
    • Kefir is slightly warmed up and spread over the skin and strands. Can be used three times a week.
    • Grind a slice of grapefruit and add aloe juice - a tablespoon. Massage the scalp with this composition, and then keep it under a warming cap for 15 minutes.
    • Mix castor oil with honey, pour in brandy and lemon juice. All components are measured in a dessert spoon. Can be kept on hair for one hour.
    • If you need to quickly get rid of unpleasant oily dandruff, rub a large onion and squeeze out the juice. Vodka (two tablespoons) and half the amount of castor oil are added to it. Withstand for about an hour. When rinsing after washing, add lemon juice to the water.
    • In late spring, young nettle leaves are used. They are finely chopped and a tablespoon is collected. Grind with yolk and thick sour cream (two tablespoons). An identical volume of mustard oil and oatmeal is added. The mass is kept for about forty minutes.
    • The use of aloe juice combined with fresh lemon juice and honey helps. Castor oil and sour cream are added to the mixture. All ingredients should be taken in a teaspoon. At the end of mixing, add two cloves of crushed garlic. The composition should be thoroughly rubbed into the roots. Leave under the hood for 25 minutes.

    Dry variety treatment

    When treating dry types of dandruff, masks include a variety of vegetable oils in combination with other products. This allows you to simultaneously normalize the water-salt balance of the skin. Mask recipes:

    • A large head of garlic, pre-peeled and finely chopped, is insisted for a week in a glass of vegetable oil. The resulting composition must be rubbed into the skin. Half an hour after shampooing, while rinsing, table vinegar is added to the water - a teaspoon of three liters.
    • Warm up with a water bath two tablespoons of burdock oil and apply it for 40 minutes.
    • Combine with yolk two teaspoons of olive oil, mayonnaise and honey. Add a teaspoon of aloe juice.
    • Mix a teaspoon of aloe juice with honey and castor oil. Add the same volume of lemon juice and sour cream. Rub and add two garlic cloves to the mixture. Rubbed into the roots.
    • Apply a mask of a dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with an egg every seven days.
    • Castor oil is introduced into the whipped yolk - a tablespoon and calendula tincture - half as much. After rubbing in, such a composition can be kept for two hours. The procedure is repeated every seven days.
    • A tablespoon of olive oil is mixed with kefir, the volume of which should be three times more. With thorough mixing, the yolk is introduced. After spreading over the skin, it is left on for an hour. Repeat until positive results are achieved after three days.
    • Pharmacy tincture of calendula on alcohol is combined with castor and burdock oil - a tablespoon each. It should be gently rubbed into the skin, and then distributed over the strands. The holding time is 20 minutes.
    • Combine two types of oils in a tablespoon - olive and castor. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon. Rub into the roots for 40 minutes.
    • An effective mask of rum with linseed oil - two teaspoons each, to which the yolk is added. Such a remedy is kept on the roots for at least an hour.

    Thanks to the softening effect, masks not only deal with the problem of dandruff, but also significantly improve the condition of dried strands, making them elastic and silky.

    Firming masks

    Dandruff is often accompanied by excessive hair loss. In such a situation, one should turn to the varieties of masks that stimulate blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes:

    • Chop a large onion on a fine grater. Stir with a tablespoon of honey. Keep under a shower cap for 20 minutes. When rinsing the strands in order to eliminate the odor, apple cider vinegar is poured into the water - a teaspoon per liter of liquid.
    • Aloe juice (50 ml) is poured into a glass of vodka and placed in a dark cabinet. After three days, the composition is ready for use. It is thoroughly rubbed into the skin twice a week. Rinse off such a product is not required.
    • A tablespoon of nettle is insisted under a lid in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. After three days, the resulting liquid is moistened with the entire volume of hair without subsequent rinsing.
    • A teaspoon of mustard powder is mixed with an egg. The mixture should be spread over the roots. The maximum holding time is 15 minutes.
    • To almond oil (three dessert spoons) of which add three drops of oil ether of geranium, cedar, rosemary. After rubbing into the skin, wash your hair in an hour.
    • Two tablespoons of mustard powder, one spoonful of burdock oil with the addition of a pinch of sugar are diluted to a state of gruel with warm water. The mass must be rubbed into the roots, leaving it under an insulating hood for a maximum of one hour.
    • You can slightly warm the burdock oil, add honey (two teaspoons each), add the yolk and knead thoroughly. This mass is spread over the skin for 40 minutes.
    • Seven burdock oil with orange juice (three tablespoons each) is rubbed in with light movements for 10 minutes, and then the head is warmed for 30 minutes. The procedure is performed once a week.
    • Dry burdock roots, turned into powder, have a quick result. A tablespoon of raw materials is mixed with a glass of vegetable oil and left to infuse. After half a month, the composition is used for cosmetic masks that eliminate dandruff and strengthen curls.
    • Once a week, a soda solution is applied - a tablespoon per 200 ml of slightly warmed water. Add liquid vitamins A, E and rosemary oil - two drops each. Cover the head with a film for five minutes, and then wash off the composition. It quickly heals the skin and stops hair thinning.

    Eliminate dandruff and itching

    In order to cleanse the scalp from dandruff and itching, often accompanying it, the following masks are used:

    • Eight medium garlic cloves need to be peeled and turned into gruel. The mass should be gently rubbed into the skin. The holding time is two hours. The hair is then thoroughly washed with shampoo. Garlic can be replaced with finely chopped onions. The procedure is repeated after seven days.
    • Rubbing castor oil will benefit. It is recommended to keep it on the skin for twenty minutes.
    • Castor oil mask with orange and aloe juice will relieve unpleasant itching and dandruff. Additionally honey and mayonnaise are introduced. Measure each component in a dessert spoon. The exposure time is 50 minutes.

Hello dear readers. Want to know how to do effective hair masks for dandruff at home?

Dandruff is a very common problem, especially for women, although it can also appear in men. Dandruff and healthy, luxurious hair are incompatible.

Neither a trendy haircut nor a stylish hairstyle will save here. However, don't get discouraged if you find you have dandruff.

And running to a beauty salon in the hope of procedures that are usually very expensive is also not worth it. Hair masks will save you from dandruff at home.

Dandruff? Will save the masks

They are simple and cheap, the ingredients for them are either always at hand, or buying them is not difficult and a significant investment of money.

In addition, self-made formulations are much more effective than various store-bought products for washing and hair care, designed to fight such a nuisance as dandruff.

Dandruff is a dermatological disorder of the scalp called epidermal seborrhea, and not just an aesthetic defect.

The hair cover from dandruff suffers greatly, because in this case the epidermis of the head flakes off, the air ceases to flow normally to the hair roots. As a result, the hair weakens, becomes brittle, and begins to fall out.

To cope with the disease, you need to have an idea of ​​its causes and remember that masks prepared at home are always the best alternative to procedures in salons.

Dandruff: why it occurs

Dandruff is mainly caused by a yeast-like fungus that feeds on sebum.

As a result, the outer cell layer of the epidermis of the head dies off not after a month, as expected, but faster, after eight to ten days.

The epidermis does not have time to dry enough, the cells clump together into white formations. Itching, hair loss may develop.

The fungus lives in the epidermis of the head, not only in those who have found dandruff in themselves, but in all people.

But a healthy body copes with the fungus, does not allow it to multiply strongly, and dandruff does not occur. This means that the reason is the unhealthy organism and other factors besides the presence of the fungus as such?

Exactly. What factors in the appearance of dandruff can be attributed to the main ones? These are disruptions in the functioning of either the endocrine system, or the nervous, or the digestive system. There are a number of other reasons:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. For example, when the head is washed less often than necessary. This is especially true for people with oily hair.
  • Abuse of foams, hair sprays.
  • Poor rinsing of shampoo, conditioner, etc. Such negligence leads to the fact that the remains of the shampoo remain on the head, which can also provoke irritation. Remains of conditioner create a greasy film. All this is fraught with dandruff.
  • Use of poor quality shampoos. Do not go after too cheap hair washing products, and also avoid buying shampoos with dyes, parabens, and so on. You can find natural shampoos without questionable additives here. Bonus 5% for the code 8238. Now I buy everything only on this site.
  • Poor nutrition, deficiency of vitamins A and group B (many of them are found in eggs, meat, millet, rice, liver, tomatoes, buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes, carrots, peppers, rose hips, etc. vitamins are very easy to find on the Internet). It is advisable to eat vegetables raw, and not to overcook cereals.
  • Poor blood flow to the scalp. In this case, nutrients may simply not enter the hair follicles. A daily head massage (about five minutes), a contrast shower or douches (don't spare your head!), Thorough combing your hair two or three times a day, exercises for the cervical spine (blood will immediately begin to circulate better) will help here.
  • Stress, constant fatigue, excessive sweating.

There are many types of dandruff

Dandruff is subdivided into dry, when little sebum is produced, then dry white scales appear (they crumble easily), and oily (liquid and thick), when, on the contrary, sebum is produced in excessive quantities.

Thick oily dandruff is caused by excess sebum. The cause of the formation of oily liquid dandruff is a malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine system, namely hormonal imbalance.

In both cases, white particles are large, peel off with difficulty, hair (and just washed) is greasy, dull, sticky.

Hair masks for dandruff and itching at home can cope if the dandruff is either dry or thick oily.

And the treatment of an oily liquid belongs exclusively to the competence of specialist dermatologists.

Rules for choosing and using masks against dandruff

  • Consultation with a trichologist is desirable.
  • You need to consider your hair type.
  • For medicinal purposes, dandruff-fighting masks are made after three to four days. For prevention, it is necessary to use the formulations every seven days.
  • The course is usually built like this: 10-12 masks, a break is made for half a month, and again a course of masks.
  • To apply the medicinal composition, use either a brush that dyes the hair, or a toothbrush.
  • It is advisable to wear a special shower cap.
  • It is recommended to wash off the medicinal composition after half an hour or an hour (unless another time is agreed). For rinsing, use a regular shampoo. Finally, a water rinse with apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice will be very helpful.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to stay at home for about an hour.
  • Recipes should be alternated (for example, use a different composition after a week).

In the absence of positive shifts, contact a specialist without delay. You may have a fungal infection that requires medication.

Dry dandruff recovery methods

Consider what kind of anti-dandruff hair masks are used at home in case of dry dandruff.

This type of disease of the epidermis of the head is often found. Healing ingredients need to moisturize and nourish the skin, which is why oily ingredients are often used.

  • It is necessary to pour finely grated two heads of garlic with vegetable oil (any), leave for three to five days.
  • Combine egg yolk (it contains zinc) with apple cider vinegar (about five milliliters).
  • Mix honey with burdock oil. The components are taken in the same quantity. You can take only oil or only honey heated in a water bath to 30 degrees.
  • Dark hair can be helped by the spice turmeric. About fifteen grams of turmeric is poured into heated milk. It is also possible to use henna brewed in hot water, cooled to room temperature and mixed with any vegetable oil.
  • You can just use yogurt.
  • And you can make the composition more complicated: dilute green clay (thirty grams) with herbal decoction (usually chamomile, burdock root, oak bark), pour in fifteen grams of apple cider vinegar, combine the mixture with yolk. In case of severe dandruff, add a little birch tar to the mixture, it fights well against fungus and inflammation.
  • Castor oil (warm). It can be used alone or combined with honey.
  • Gives a good effect of rinsing the head with a decoction of nettle.
  • Grapefruit is a wonderful remedy for any type of dandruff. Only for dry fruit should be used in the form of juice (fifteen grams), to which oils are added (burdock, castor, olive: ten grams each).

If dandruff is oily: recipes

Homemade dandruff hair masks for oily hair are designed to dry out the epidermis, which helps to get rid of the disease.

  • Make a mixture of oils (burdock, castor) with calendula alcohol tincture (take equal amounts).
  • Grapefruit can work wonders! It is necessary to combine the mashed pulp with aloe juice (a tablespoon). After applying the mask, it is advisable to massage the head for five minutes. The duration of such a mask is somewhat shorter than the others: about twenty minutes.
  • In green tea of ​​high strength (a tablespoon per 100 grams of boiling water), you need to add 50 grams of apple cider vinegar.
  • The pumpkin family is very popular in the fight against oily dandruff. Just rub the squash or pumpkin. Watermelon is fine too.
  • Low fat kefir is often used.
  • Onions are a traditional dandruff treatment. You should grate it on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice (you should get fifteen grams), add thirty grams of vodka and fifteen castor oil.
  • A decoction made from oak bark and onion husks (fifteen grams of both) is suitable for dark hair. The broth is cooked in half a liter of water for thirty minutes.
  • Insist nettle (thirty grams of plants per glass of boiling water), combine with apple cider vinegar, taken in an amount of fifteen milliliters.
  • Nettle infusion is also used in another way: thirty grams of blue clay are diluted in it.
  • Add two or three drops of lemon juice to dry mustard diluted in water. The mask is applied for ten minutes.
  • Garlic gruel and thirty milliliters of burdock oil.
  • It is good to rinse your hair with decoctions of motherwort, oak bark, burdock root.

All of the above masks are effective only if they are used regularly.

Look for the best options, alternate between them, and it won't be long before you realize you've gotten rid of dandruff. But do not forget to apply masks further: already for prevention.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Lying is never pleasant. But it's one thing if a stranger is lying to you, whom you will never see again, and quite another if the liar is your beloved man.

How to understand the situation and to disaccustom your spouse to lie? And is the "game worth the candle"?

  • First of all, you need to understand why your spouse is lying. Possible reasons - "carriage and cart", but finding out the main one, you will understand how to deal with this scourge. Lies may turn out to be a part of a man (there are such dreamers for whom lying is an integral part of life), or he is simply afraid to be frank with you, or he answers you in kind.
  • Is he only lying to you or to everyone? If only you - then the reason should be sought in your relationship. Think about whether your family has enough mutual trust - and? Maybe you are not too honest with your spouse?
  • Is he lying to everyone? And does not blush? It is almost impossible to re-educate a pathological liar. The only option is to find the true cause of his problem and, after having a serious talk with her husband, make joint efforts to combat this addiction. Most likely, you will not be able to do without the help of a specialist.
  • Are you putting too much pressure on your spouse? Excessive control over a man has never benefited the family boat - often wives themselves push their halves to lies. If a tired man on the way home went with a friend to a cafe and diluted a little alcohol with dinner, and his wife was already waiting for him at the front door with the traditional "Oh, you ...", then the spouse will automatically lie that he did not drink anything, that he was delayed at the meeting, or was forced to "take a sip" because "corporate ethics requires it." It also happens when the wife is too jealous. From "step to the left - shooting" every man will howl. And it’s good if he just lies so that you don’t screw yourself up over trifles again. It’s worse if he really takes a step to the left, tired of being accused of something he’s never done. Remember: a man also needs rest and at least a little free space.
  • He is afraid of offending you. For example, he says that this dress suits you very much, although he thinks differently. Theatrically delighted with the new batch of knitted hares or smacking his lips too enthusiastically over a bowl of soup. If this is your case, then it makes sense to rejoice - your man loves you too much to say that hares have nowhere to fold, you have not learned how to cook, and it’s time to buy a dress a couple of sizes larger. Are you annoyed by such "sweet" lies? Just talk to your spouse. Make it clear that you are an adequate person to calmly accept constructive criticism.
  • You are too critical of your spouse. Perhaps in this way he is trying to be more successful in your eyes (he slightly overestimates his own achievements). Let go of the reins. Be supportive of your loved one. Learn to accept it as fate gave it to you. Be objective and constructive in your criticism - don't overuse it. And even more so, you shouldn't compare your strong soulmate with more successful men.
  • Lying on little things? Starting from the weight of the caught pike and ending with grandiose army fables? Never mind. Men tend to slightly exaggerate their achievements or even invent them out of the blue. Your "weapon" in this case is humor. Treat your spouse's quirk with irony. It is unlikely that these fables interfere with your family life. Better yet, support your husband in this game of his - maybe he lacks your faith in him or a sense of your worth.
  • The spouse lies all the time, and the lie is reflected in the relationship. If your half comes home after midnight with lipstick on the collar, and you are convinced that "the meeting is dragged on" (and with other serious symptoms) - it's time to have a serious talk. Most likely, your relationship has given a deep crack, and it's not about how to wean him from lying, but about why the family boat is sinking. By the way, .
  • Cards on the table? If a lie becomes a wedge in your relationship, then yes - you cannot pretend that you do not notice his lies. Dialogue is imperative, and without it, the situation will only get worse. If the lie is harmless and limited to the size of a pike, then arranging an interrogation with partiality and demanding sincerity "otherwise a divorce" is unproductive and pointless.
  • Want to teach a lesson? Run a mirror experiment. Demonstrate to your spouse how he looks in your eyes, mirrored the same. Lie brazenly and without a twinge of conscience - demonstratively, openly and on every occasion. Let him change places with you for a little while. As a rule, such a demonstrative "demarche" works better than requests and exhortations.

What is to be done in the end?

It all depends on the scale and reasons for the lie. Exaggeration and fantasies are not a reason even for frowning eyebrows (this hardly bothers you when you walked in a wedding dress to the Mendelssohn march).

How do men cheat? Here is a list of men's replicas that can have a double bottom. Just don’t strain yourself too much now - I said “may”, not “should”! It is worth pondering over them if these phrases are combined with other "alarm bells" or a chronic lack of his attention to you.

So much work lately that I'm just choking, I'll call you, - he says at the end of your date. Most likely, he will not call any more, your relationship ended before it even started.

At our place of work, every woman is a muzzle!- if different variations of this phrase are repeated too often - he clearly fell for one of these monsters.

There are few normal women, basically everyone wants to sell themselves at a higher price., - you are an honest and disinterested girl. Prove it, do not ask him for anything, so that he does not think that you are "one of these" ...

Honey, I'm so tired that I just don't have the strength to tumble in bed ...- if he "gets tired" too often, it is obvious that he is tumbling with someone on the desktop.

You're one of those rare women who look a thousand dollars in any outfit! - why do you need money for clothes? You and in a burnt-out dressing gown are not bad.

Our salaries are delayed, you will postpone the salon procedures for the next month ...- salon procedures will go to the one in whose bed he needs to establish himself.

Look, dear, how lucky I am! I open the car door and almost step on the gold bracelet!- whether you believe in miracles or not, offer him to melt this little thing for your earrings. I think he will find how to explain to his over-aged mistress that his wife is far from stupid.

We need to test our feelings, - it's time to disappear indefinitely: I'm a little tired of you!

- T he was in a hurry to visit you because he put on the wrong jacket by mistake!- you will pay for dinner at the restaurant - it’s enough for me that I did come.

Let's not advertise our relationship just yet. Let it be our secret for some time - so that no one jinxed our love!- if his wife "jinxes" your love, he will not feel very comfortable.

My mom has a character, before introducing you, she needs to be mentally prepared for this- for a start, it would be necessary to divorce my wife, otherwise a morally unprepared mother may behave inappropriately.

I don’t understand how you can sleep with a stranger? How can you even have soulless sex? I did not find myself in the trash heap and I prefer only "clean" and strong connections,- a phrase that kills several birds with one stone has the widest range of applications:

1. You, if he called you to bed - not just "accidental" and "next", but "special" and "deeply sunk into his soul."

2. Girls who are led by this strongest piece of experienced ladies' men firmly believe that his disgust will firmly protect them from possible betrayal.

3. "Clean and lasting relationships" is real verbal magic, because it is associated with what most dreamers lack - pure and honest love.

Maybe I still don’t want to sleep with you, and we will remain friends, let's talk with you again, tell me what is most important for you in a relationship?- having heard such verbiage, be vigilant - either there is a man with a wandering potency in front of you, or he is a gigolo who drew attention to the hungry sparkle of your eyes.

These modern, emancipated idiots end up alone. A woman should be feminine, docile and domestic - then she will get a good man who will take care of her ... But bitches don't get good men, they just have fun with them, and then leave, - in fact, those who are usually called "bitches" choose the best men for themselves (in the sense of men, to their liking), or, as an option, they create a couple with such a "pseudo-preacher" and make a man out of him without complexes and prejudices.

August 16, 2015

There is hardly a person in the world who has not cheated. Think of yourself or your friends who, after being late for school, came up with a thousand reasons and excuses. Or your parents, to whom you told that you were out with friends, but in fact it was a boyfriend. Yes indeed everyone lied. But what about the fact that a loved one deceived you? It is to this question that we will give the answer.

It really depends on the situation. There are situations when a guy is hard to judge for a lie. Let's say he went to the store to choose a gift for you, and you call. As a result, in order for the surprise to remain a surprise, he has to lie. A pregnant wife often asks her husband if she is beautiful. And a loving husband, despite all the sizes that spoil the figure of his beloved, says that there is no change and she is beautiful as before. But all this is deception. However, for some reason we perceive it well. What's the secret? First, let's figure out what does the word "lie" mean?

A lie is a statement that does not correspond to the truth and is deliberately expressed in this form.

That is, if a person deceives and does not realize his guilt, then it turns out that he is not lying.

Yes, I agree that men lie more than women. And it's not good to lie. But by his masculine nature, a guy can resort to it. For example, in Buddhism there are 3 holy lies that can be used according to their religion:

1. To preserve the family

2. To maintain friendship

3. To keep the peace

And in principle, it’s hard to disagree. We even have such a concept - a lie for the good. But all the same, it is better not to go to the point of lying. Because this is fog and the more a person lies, the more he sinks into it. And over time, he himself no longer knows where the truth is and where it is not.

And so now, understanding what a lie is and that everything depends on the situation, let's move on to solving our problem. The reason that a man is lying is always the fear of responding for his act and being punished. Indeed, the guy is often afraid to take part in another scandal, so he decides to cheat. Most likely, he cannot overcome some negative qualities that you do not like about him and tries to keep silent about them. This leads to insincerity and closeness of the person. Therefore, if you cannot put up with a lie, then you need to fight it.

Consider the instruction for wise girls on what to do if a guy cheated:

1. Analyze what the lie is and how it can be caused. If, for example, a guy smokes, but told you that he does not smoke. Then most likely he cannot overcome addiction and tries not to upset you. Also, for example, you are waiting for a guy at home, and he said that he was late from work. In fact, he was dating a friend. That lie is caused by the fact that the guy is afraid to admit it to you, since you will scold him. And here the reason is excessive freedom of action on his part or on your part of depriving him of time to communicate with a friend.

2. Make decisions for yourself. You must understand what outcome would be acceptable for you. But do not forget that in a relationship, the main skill is to find compromises. That is, the solution should suit two. For example, he made time for a friend, but you don’t. Then you should invite your loved one to meet all three and spend an interesting time together. Or reconsider your relationship and give your chosen one more free time. Thus, you will also get free time that you can spend on your hobbies.

3. Straight Talk. Since you have made decisions for yourself, you can start the conversation itself. In this conversation, confidently and decisively tell your loved one that you have recorded a lie on his part. Explain exactly what the lie itself is. In the course of the conversation, try to confirm your words with facts so that the guy does not have the opportunity to manipulate and evade an answer. And so calmly and confidently you proved the existence of a lie on his part.

4. Lying spoils the relationship. Now explain to your chosen one that lying does not lead to anything good. After a little deception, there is a greater deception. And over time, you will stop understanding each other and be sincere altogether. And since you together do not want to allow this, then invite him to first apologize for his act, if he still has not done it. And then let him offer his solution to the problem.

5. Compromise and worthy solution. Most likely, the guy will start promising that this will not happen again. Then offer him your solution that will satisfy both. By doing so, in his eyes, you will raise your self-esteem, and in the future he is unlikely to want to lie. After all, it is better to decide everything amicably with you. In rare cases, he will offer a solution that does not satisfy you. Then you need to remind him of his lies and say that he has no right to demand so much. Then offer your compromise.

This instruction will help you to raise your authority in the eyes of a man. You are also beautiful and confident and will do your best to prevent it from happening in the future. The main thing is to try never to make a row about this. Since welding will not lead to a solution to your problem, but rather, on the contrary, will distance you from each other.

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