Home Diseases and pests How to drink instant chicory to lose weight. Chicory for weight loss - benefits and recipes for healthy drinks. Chicory with cinnamon for weight loss

How to drink instant chicory to lose weight. Chicory for weight loss - benefits and recipes for healthy drinks. Chicory with cinnamon for weight loss

Getting rid of extra pounds and at the same time getting the body working is the main task of any proper diet. And to enrich it with the help of useful products is not so difficult. Today we will talk about how to use chicory for weight loss, and why it is so good for health.

Chicory flowers - bright, blue and very pretty - are often found along roadsides in eastern Russia, western Siberia, Altai, the Caucasus, Ukraine, India, Indonesia and the United States. For the first time in our country, the plant was grown at the end of the 19th century in the Yaroslavl region, where it is still actively used in the manufacture of confectionery and coffee food products.

Everyone who, for health reasons, is contraindicated in coffee, has long fallen in love with the powder from the root of the plant, which is considered the most useful substitute for an invigorating drink. It is very popular in Europe, where it is used not only as a drink, but also as an aromatic spice, thus enriching some salads and pies. In Belgium, chicory is baked with apples and cheese, while in Latvia they love a cold drink with the addition of apple juice, lemon and honey.

The composition of the leaves and roots of the plant contains a rich list of vitamins, trace elements and minerals:

  • Inulin;
  • Fructose;
  • Glycoside intibin (it is used in pharmaceuticals);
  • Carotene;
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Micro and macro elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.);
  • organic acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Pectin;
  • Protein substances;
  • resins.

The main thing on this list for all those who lose weight is inulin (it is as much as 60% in chicory!), Which is responsible for the normalization of metabolism and the digestive tract. And the next in terms of content - pectin - helps to permanently eliminate the feeling of hunger.

Healthy diet and fasting days

Chicory will be a great addition to your diet or nutrition system. To start the cleansing of toxins and toxins in the body, as well as the process of losing weight, you should combine a balanced diet, physical activity, as well as vitamin-rich foods and drinks with chicory. Such delicious mixtures will allow fats to break down faster and more effectively lose hated kilograms.

Salad "Joy of the stomach"

Prepare a healthy lunch to give your body energy and strength for new achievements.


  • 50 grams of romaine lettuce;
  • 100 grams of tomatoes;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 grams of canned tuna;
  • 100 grams of chicory;
  • 50 grams of parmesan;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Balsamic vinegar;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper.

To begin with, put the eggs to boil, and in the meantime, cut the salad, season it with oil and lemon juice to taste. We grate the cheese, cut the ready-made eggs and tomatoes into small pieces, add to the salad, spread the tuna and do not forget about salt and pepper. Enjoy your meal!

Salad "Grapefruit greens with honey-balsamic sauce"


  • 1 white and 1 red chicory;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 10 grams of lemon juice;
  • 10 grams of balsamic cream;
  • 10 grams of olive oil.

Let's start with the gas station. Thoroughly mix honey, balsamic cream, lemon juice and olive oil. Place the sauce in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Cut the chicory into small pieces, peel the grapefruit and cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients, season with sauce. Voila!

Drink "Not a coffee classic"

  • For a cup of 150-200 ml, you will need no more than 2 teaspoons of soluble powder from the root of the plant.
  • Pour boiling water over and let steep for 10 minutes.
  • To make such a cocktail even more pleasant and tasty, add a little cinnamon and honey, but remember that honey should not be dissolved in a hot drink - only in a bite.

Chicory for weight loss can be taken both cold and hot. A fragrant drink will help remove harmful cholesterol and radioactive substances from the body, therefore it is especially useful for everyone who lives in large cities, where a lot of smoke and soot accumulate in the air.

Cocktail "Nature against extra kilos"

To prepare a healthy cocktail based on the root of the plant, you will need to make a decoction of rose hips, blueberries, chamomile, sea buckthorn:

  • 2 table. boil spoons of herbs or flowers in a closed saucepan for 20 minutes;
  • Infuse the decoction in a thermos for at least 12 hours;
  • Prepare chicory and mix with herbal tea in a 1:1 ratio.

The cocktail can be drunk before meals or at bedtime to reduce appetite.

Drink from the garden

When fresh, the plant perfectly helps to cope with extra centimeters at the waist.

  • Finely chop the fresh root;
  • In a small saucepan, pour water in a ratio of 200 ml to 2 teaspoons;
  • Boil the broth and leave to infuse for 10-20 minutes.

This decoction should be taken twice a day half an hour before meals.

Useful unloading day

So that barbecue picnics and spring holidays do not harm the diet, it is useful to arrange unloading the very next day after the feast.

  • 2 teaspoons of soluble chicory powder pour 150 ml of boiling water;
  • Add 50 ml of hot milk;
  • We drink the drink throughout the day.

Be careful! Fasting day should not be extended longer than 36 hours, because this can lead to a slowdown in metabolism.

Cosmetologists actively use the root of the plant for wraps and massages - these are the most powerful procedures to combat orange peel, which, when systematically repeated, give excellent results.

To make such spa sessions at home, you must:

  1. mix 100 grams of ground plant root with base and essential oils (for example, 2 tbsp olive oil with the addition of 5 drops of orange or grapefruit oil), apply to problem areas with massaging movements, wrap with plastic wrap and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then take a contrast shower.
  2. combine 150 grams of blue clay, 100 grams of ground leaves of the plant, 5-6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. We dilute the mixture with water to the state of sour cream, apply it to previously cleansed skin, wrap ourselves in a film and wait no more than 40 minutes.

Be careful! Chicory for weight loss should be taken with some caution. In order not to harm the body, drink no more than 2 cups of decoction per day.

Also, do not use this plant in your diet if you have:

  • Asthma or chronic bronchitis;
  • Ulcer, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Any liver disease;
  • Allergy to ragweed;
  • Frequent stress, insomnia, depression.

Lose weight properly and remember that health care, love and respect for nature will give you not only good health, but also harmony, youth, beauty. How effective chicory is for weight loss will be prompted by the reviews of those who have already managed to try this method of losing extra kilos.

The content of the article:

Every girl strives to look perfect, and special attention is paid to the figure. The most important secret is proper, complete and balanced nutrition. But many girls do not even realize that they can drink and eat in order to bring their weight back to normal and not get better. A drink such as chicory is beneficial, which can become an indispensable assistant in the fight for a beautiful and slender figure.

The benefits of chicory for weight loss

In pursuit of a beautiful figure, girls are able to exhaust themselves for hours in the gym, follow strict diets and hunger strikes, use a variety of cosmetics, but it is far from always possible to get the desired result. In some cases, it turns out to form a good muscular skeleton, which in turn will only lead to an increase in body weight, but not its decrease.

Of course, the skin tightens, it becomes pleasant to the touch and elastic, you may even lose some weight somewhere, but you won’t get a slim figure. Arriving home, you start eating everything again and you can forever forget about a thin waist and attractive buttocks. The beautiful relief of the body will continue to hide under the existing fat deposits.

But this unpleasant phenomenon can be easily avoided if you pay special attention to your own nutrition. The result will be significantly improved if you do not stop training in the gym, visit a massage therapist and sign up for a pool. To get a dream figure, everything will have to be done at the same time, since only an integrated approach gives a positive result. First, take care of adjusting your own nutrition, and everything else is of secondary importance.

Chicory is a plant that blooms with beautiful blue-purple flowers and has a taste that is strongly reminiscent of coffee. But at the same time, chicory contains no harmful caffeine, and is a completely natural plant product that has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

The main advantage of chicory over other drinks designed for weight loss is that it has a completely natural origin, it does not contain harmful preservatives and dyes. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that any plant can have a negative impact on the state of the body. Do not forget about the likelihood of individual intolerance, a negative effect can also be exerted if it is not taken correctly.

In the natural and diverse composition of chicory, there are its benefits for combating excess weight:

  1. Inulin slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, thereby reducing cravings for sweets, which has a positive effect on the beauty of the figure.
  2. Intibin helps to normalize the work of the intestines and accelerates the process of splitting existing fat deposits. As a result, food is absorbed much faster and harmful fats are practically not deposited in the body.
  3. Pectin is a natural fat burner that converts accumulated subcutaneous fat into energy.
  4. The composition of chicory contains a large amount of fiber, due to which a feeling of fullness quickly appears and hunger does not bother for a long period of time.
Under the condition of daily intake of the drink, the metabolism normalizes, the intestinal microflora improves significantly. These factors have a direct impact on the process of losing weight. The fact is that a slow metabolism is one of the most common causes that provoke the presence of excess weight.

Proper and constant intake of chicory will help eliminate the problem of dysbacteriosis and constipation, which often become constant companions of overweight people. Chicory has a diuretic effect, which helps to get rid of edema.

Chicory helps not only to lose weight, but also has other useful properties, which positively affects the state and functioning of the whole organism:

  1. It helps to quickly get rid of women's problems, relieves pain during menstruation, improves the absorption of micronutrients and vitamins by the body.
  2. It is an effective prevention of anemia, as it contains iron.
  3. It normalizes increased sweating and normalizes the condition with tachycardia, has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
  4. Cholesterol levels are lowered, radioactive substances are excreted from the body.
  5. Helps in the treatment of heart disease and joint pathologies.
  6. Chicory has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for people suffering from various skin conditions.
  7. It has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.
  8. Minimizes the chance of developing bowel cancer.

Harm and contraindications of chicory for weight loss

Chicory is a very useful drink for the whole body, but before using it for weight loss, you need to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications.

The intake of chicory is strictly prohibited for varicose veins or urolithiasis, since it contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which can provoke severe complications.

You can not use this drink in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diagnosing liver pathologies and problems associated with the functioning of the respiratory system. Contraindications include insomnia and individual intolerance.

A pronounced diuretic effect has a positive effect on the process of losing weight, removes excess water from the body. But this quality can be very dangerous if there are kidney diseases, as there is an increased load on this organ. Even perfectly healthy people are not recommended to consume more than 4 cups of the drink per day, otherwise there is a risk of dehydration.

With extreme caution, this drink should be consumed during pregnancy and lactation, especially if there are contraindications.

How to take chicory for weight loss?

If the goal was to lose weight, you need to completely exclude a variety of sweets, flour products, smoked and fried foods from your diet. Food is recommended to be steamed, you can use a double boiler or a simple pan, bake in the oven. During cooking, a minimum amount of salt is added. Every day you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of clean water. If you like coffee, try to completely replace it with chicory, which you need to drink about 2-4 cups per day. It is recommended to take chicory 30 minutes before a meal or after a meal.

Chicory with ginger for weight loss

Ginger has become famous for its fat burning properties and is very popular among those who want to lose their excess weight. The combination of chicory with ginger has a strong impact on body fat.

Soluble chicory can be used in its pure form, without additional additives. There are also several options for preparing a fat-burning cocktail.

1st option

  1. A small piece of ginger root is peeled from the peel and ground on a grater.
  2. Soluble chicory (3 tsp) is added to the ginger mass.
  3. The mixture is poured with hot boiled water (2 l).
  4. After the solution has cooled down (to about 60? C), it can be taken.
  5. If desired, a little honey can be added to the drink, but it is important to remember that at high temperatures it loses its beneficial qualities.
  6. If honey is added to the drink, it must be left for another 30 minutes to brew well.
  7. The finished cocktail is drunk in small portions within one hour.
2nd option
  1. Take 0.5 tsp. chicory and ground ginger (at the tip of a knife).
  2. The mixture is poured with boiling water and left until it cools.
  3. A slice of lemon and honey is added to the drink.

Chicory with milk for weight loss

Chicory goes well with milk, which softens its slightly bitter taste. You can add various additives to chicory, taking into account your own taste preferences:

  1. Take 2 tsp. chicory powder and pour 1 cup of hot water.
  2. Milk is added to taste and the drink is completely ready.
  3. Milk contains lactose, which does not help in the fight against excess weight, so adding it in large quantities is not recommended.
  4. You need to use milk with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Chicory with green coffee for weight loss

Coffee lovers often wonder what is better than coffee or chicory for weight loss. Reviews of nutritionists on this subject are contradictory, especially when it comes to freshly brewed coffee.

There is an opinion that fresh coffee speeds up the metabolic process, which has a positive effect on the fight against excess weight. But at the same time, coffee contains a large amount of caffeine, which disrupts the normal absorption of B vitamins.

However, there is a great alternative - you can combine green coffee with chicory. If you add this interesting drink to your diet, it becomes possible to cope with existing body fat.

If it is very difficult to completely give up just coffee, you can try mixing it in equal amounts with chicory and taking it as usual. You can prepare such a drink in a Turk.

Chicory with cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon has a pleasant and light aroma, while effectively helping in the fight against existing body fat. To lose weight, you need to add 0.5 tsp of chicory to a hot drink. cinnamon powder and mix well.

You can buy ready-made chicory powder drinks with the addition of cinnamon, green coffee and other additional components that not only add an interesting taste, but also help in the fight against excess weight.

These two components have a pronounced fat burning effect. Their combination has a percussive effect on subcutaneous fat deposits. To enhance the positive effect of such a drink, it is necessary to introduce small adjustments in nutrition and do not forget about the benefits of moderate exercise.

As an independent product, chicory is not capable of causing dramatic changes in the figure, so it is recommended to use it as an addition to other weight loss methods. Thanks to its vegetable and completely natural origin, chicory can be used by everyone, and its pleasant and slightly bitter taste is reminiscent of the coffee loved by many. Regular use of chicory leads to the normalization of the whole organism.

If you want to lose a couple of extra pounds, you need to put special emphasis on your diet. It is recommended to completely eliminate all sweets and foods that carry only empty calories from the diet.

You need to make small adjustments to your daily schedule and do not forget to do 2-3 cardio workouts during the week. Pleasant procedures such as wraps and massages also bring benefits. Of course, they will not help you lose weight quickly, but they maintain skin tone, which can weaken as a result of sudden weight loss.

As a result, the skin is effectively tightened in the most problematic areas, and will not sag after getting rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. Only after that, you can look for additional methods to combat excess weight by adding a chicory drink to your daily diet. Following these simple recommendations will help you get your dream figure, lose weight and not harm your own health.

According to the reviews of girls who have already experienced the effect of chicory, this drink helps in the process of losing weight, especially if you take care of yourself. But to achieve an ideal figure using only one chicory, of course, is impossible. To do this, you will have to make titanic efforts on your part, lead an active lifestyle and try to completely abandon sweets.

Read more about chicory for weight loss in the following video:

For several decades now, chicory has come to the rescue of losing weight. Scientists have found that an alternative product not only has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, but also helps in the fight against extra pounds. How exactly? Let's talk further.

Does chicory help you lose weight?

An excellent addition to various diets is a well-known plant called chicory. It has a very positive effect on the main organs and systems of the human body, significantly reduces appetite.

Inulin- it is this component that is part of chicory that significantly reduces cravings for food and dulls the feeling of hunger. As a result, during a meal, a person does not want to eat a lot of everything and too much.

To reduce appetite with chicory, it is important to consume the plant before and not after meals.

Before you start the process of losing weight with chicory, you should figure out exactly how this product contributes to weight loss.

So, chicory provides the so-called "weight loss" effect due to:

  • the ability of a substance such as inulin to significantly slow down the absorption of fast carbohydrates and fats in the intestine;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and improvement of the intestinal microflora (the latter circumstance is extremely important for long-term weight loss, since all substances entering the gastrointestinal tract are quickly digested, and the resulting calories are quickly excreted without accumulating in the body);
  • elimination of such an unpleasant phenomenon among obese people as constipation (the latter most often occurs as a result of the consumption of “wrong”, too high-calorie food);
  • , which is rich in chicory root, relieves the feeling of hunger for a long time and ensures the preservation of this feeling for 3-4 hours after eating;
  • slight diuretic effect (for this reason, this drink should not be abused, since its uncontrolled consumption can lead to dehydration of the body with all the ensuing consequences).

In addition to the ability to fight excess weight, chicory generally improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, increases the overall tone of the body.

Consumption methods and cooking options

From such a useful plant as chicory, you can prepare various drinks, the consumption of which will help reduce excess weight. The most popular among losing weight are:

Chicory with coffee. Anyone who is used to drinking freshly brewed coffee every morning, but has decided to change this not-so-healthy habit, should make a choice in favor of a healthier drink that promotes weight loss. It is recommended to do this in stages.

Chicory drink has a rather specific taste, which not everyone likes. Therefore, experts advise starting to get used to its taste by putting half a spoonful of chicory in your usual coffee. Every day the dosage can be slightly increased.

By increasing the amount of chicory in the drink, it is important to reduce the amount of coffee until the latter is completely abandoned.

There are many ways to prepare such a drink. The most popular: mixing equal proportions of coffee and instant chicory (1 teaspoon each). Then the resulting mixture is poured into a Turk and brought to a boil over low heat.

Nutritionists do not recommend adding sugar to any chicory drinks. If the taste is not too pleasant, you can dilute the drink with a little cream or milk. In order to sweeten the drink, you can add a little natural honey to it.

Chicory with milk. Those who do not like the taste of chicory can drink this drink with milk. It will improve the taste and interrupt the aroma of the plant.

Preparing a drink is as easy as shelling pears: you should brew chicory powder with boiled milk (milk diluted in half with water) and insist for 2-3 minutes. Daily consumption of a miraculous drink in the morning will also help reduce excess weight.

Chicory with cinnamon. Delicious, fresh and very aromatic drink to fight extra pounds - chicory with the addition of a small amount. A light and pleasant aftertaste of cinnamon will quickly “kill” the aroma of chicory and its specific aftertaste.

The drink recipe is very simple. Cooking it at home is not difficult. What you need: a glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of instant chicory, half a teaspoon of cinnamon. All the main ingredients should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for 5 minutes.

Decoction of chicory. Everyone who has the opportunity to buy fresh chicory can lose weight with the help of its decoction. Preparing such a drink yourself at home is an extremely simple task. To do this, stock up on the roots of the plant, wash them thoroughly and cut into small pieces. After - fry in a dry frying pan until the main raw material for the drink acquires a beautiful brownish-black hue.

Cooled and fried roots should be stored in a glass container and ground immediately before use. To brew, pour a couple of teaspoons of chicory with a glass of cold water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil, then insist for 10-15 minutes. Consume the resulting mixture for weight loss should be at least twice a day for 1 hour before meals.

Infusion of chicory root. To prepare an infusion, you can buy the ground root of the plant in bags. To prepare a serving of a miraculous drink, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water over the finished product, boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Infusion of chicory can be drunk.

Do you want to get the maximum effect for weight loss from the drink? Drink the infusion at least forty minutes before meals. Drinking a drink 2-3 times a day in small portions, you will be able to quickly improve the functioning of the digestive tract, speed up metabolism, which, in turn, will contribute to the rapid loss of extra pounds.

To achieve a good "weight loss" effect, you should combine the intake of chicory decoction with a healthy diet program.

Chicory with ginger. It has a double effect - it promotes weight loss and allows you to saturate the body with vitamins, useful micro and macro elements that are contained in both plants, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.

The preparation of the drink takes a few minutes. To do this, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of soluble chicory in a glass of water brought to a boil and add a thin slice to it. After - let the drink brew for 3-5 minutes.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of ginger, remembering its pronounced and very rich taste and aroma.

Thanks to ginger, a drink made from chicory will acquire a slightly sour taste and lemon aroma.

It will be useful for everyone who periodically arranges fasting days for themselves to include fresh chicory leaves in their diet. This plant goes well with salad ingredients such as walnuts and parsley.

Ground, instant or fresh?

Many experts agree that the most useful for the body, including for weight loss, is freshly ground chicory or its whole pieces. Ready-made instant drinks, which can be found everywhere on sale in many grocery stores and supermarkets, are significantly inferior in their usefulness to a natural product.

Possible harm

Most doctors believe that the use of chicory cannot harm the body. However, including drinks and dishes from this plant in the diet, one should not forget about the sense of proportion. So, nutritionists do not recommend drinking more than 2-3 glasses of chicory per day in order to avoid possible health problems.

Despite the mass of information about the benefits of this plant, some experts question many of the beneficial properties of chicory, stating that most of them are clearly exaggerated. They call soluble chicory "dead", focusing on the fact that one should not expect any special benefit for the body from the consumption of powder with dyes and flavors, saturated with vitamins by artificial means.


Despite all the above beneficial properties of chicory and its unique natural composition, not all people can include it in their diet due to the presence of certain contraindications for its use. So, it is worth abandoning chicory in the following cases:

  • during the treatment of any diseases with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of hemorrhoids;
  • in case of varicose veins;
  • if you are allergic to vitamin C (since the plant contains a very large amount of ascorbic acid);
  • people suffering from a disease such as bronchial asthma, other diseases of the respiratory system, which are characterized by respiratory spasms;
  • with diseases of the digestive tract (in particular, with gastritis, peptic ulcer, diseases of the duodenum) and liver.

Patients suffering from prolonged depression, frequent stress and insomnia are also advised to stop consuming chicory in any form during the treatment of these diseases.

If a person is allergic to ragweed, then with a high degree of probability we can say that an allergic reaction can also occur to chicory root.

Weight loss results with chicory

Despite numerous positive reviews and information about the benefits of chicory for losing weight, most experts unanimously declare that the use of this plant does not play a significant role in losing weight. Of course, its main properties slightly stimulate the process of weight loss, but only due to improved bowel function.

Chicory cannot work a miracle: after drinking a cup of an instant drink, infusion or decoction, a person will not begin to lose weight and decrease in volume. In order for the process of losing weight with the help of chicory to be really noticeable and bring good results, its consumption should be combined with a diet (significantly reduce the amount of calories consumed in the diet), daily physical activity, good rest. Only in this case, the miraculous plant and drinks from it will help the body burn fat faster.

As you can see, chicory is quite a useful product, including for weight loss. Despite the fact that with its help it is unlikely that it will be possible to lose 5, 10 or more kilograms, its reception still provides an easy weight loss effect. Among other things, chicory drinks have a beneficial effect on health, improve the functioning of many organs and systems.

For the first time, nutritionists from the USSR spoke about the benefits of chicory for weight loss and healing of the body. In the classical Soviet science of proper nutrition, coffee was considered as a poison for a person, prolonged use of which can lead to a deficiency of B vitamins (caffeine slows down their absorption) and the development of various neuroses. Chicory was offered by doctors as an alternative to coffee, which can not only have a beneficial effect on the state of the body, but also help in weight loss. Modern dietetics takes a completely different point of view on coffee (you can learn more about this), but this does not detract from the importance of chicory in the fight against excess weight.

Chicory for weight loss - the magical properties of the drink

The popular instant drink, which has replaced coffee for many supporters of a healthy diet, is made from the dried and industrially processed roots of common chicory, a plant of the Asteraceae family. The composition of the resulting powder includes several very important components at once that have a positive effect on the process of reducing body weight: inulin, pectin and intibin.

Inulin affects the process of assimilation of fast carbohydrates in the stomach, preventing the glucose contained in them from immediately entering the bloodstream and provoking a powerful release of insulin. In addition, this substance, under the influence of gastric juice, turns into fructose, which, like glucose, is a source of energy, but it does not provoke the appearance of excess weight. Inulin is an important component not only in the fight against excess weight, but also in the prevention of diabetes.

Pectin is a type of plant fiber that affects the digestive process. In modern dietology, pectin is considered as a natural fat burner that can help the body get rid of adipocytes in an accelerated mode.

Intibin accelerates metabolism, depriving the body of the ability to instantly convert the energy received from food into fat cells. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, helping to remove toxins accumulated in it.

An additional useful property of soluble chicory for weight loss is its ability to remove excess fluid from the body. In many European countries, it is chicory powder that is used as an effective diuretic, which, due to its plant origin, does not harm the body.

All these properties make chicory for weight loss a very popular drink among those who seek to maintain their normal weight without resorting to long or exhausting workouts.

How to use instant chicory for weight loss?

In order to reduce weight, nutritionists recommend using instant chicory for weight loss daily for several months, completely replacing the usual coffee with it. During the day, you need to drink two or three cups of the drink, while trying to ensure that the interval between eating and drinking chicory is 25-30 minutes - this will allow the drink to fully show all its beneficial properties and at the same time will not lead to dilution of gastric juice.

You can dissolve chicory both in ordinary water and in milk, but in this case it is important to choose options with low fat content, otherwise you can load the body with excess calories.

Simultaneously with the use of chicory for weight loss, it is advisable to keep those coming from food - it is important that their total amount does not exceed 1500 kcal per day. An integrated approach that combines proper nutrition and the use of chicory will allow you to easily lose up to 4 kilograms per month, without experiencing the discomfort typical of strict diets.

Chicory for weight loss: reviews and opinions of doctors

From the point of view of medicine, the use of chicory for weight loss cannot have a significant effect on reducing the total body weight, especially when it comes to the presence of 10 or more extra pounds. The acceleration of metabolism in this case is too short-term, and does not affect the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Chicory is the name of the medicinal plant from which the drink of the same name is made. The homeland of the grass is the Mediterranean, where it grows in the wild. Since ancient times, chicory has been medicinal. It has become famous for its medicinal properties that help support, strengthen the immune system, and sometimes even cope with diseases. Today, people widely use chicory for weight loss and maintaining optimal weight.

Where we are talking about health, there is undoubtedly a place for beauty. Chicory also has its magical effect on the appearance. So, is the use of an instant drink for weight loss effective? Is this a myth or true? Let's look into this issue in detail.

Benefits of chicory tea

The instant drink is rich in useful substances that improve the proper functioning of digestion:

  • vitamins of groups E, P, A and C;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements (sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium);
  • tannins;
  • pectin, inulin, etc.

They also strengthen the body's defenses, support the heart and blood vessels.

plant for weight loss

The use of chicory in order to improve the figure or lose weight is undoubtedly a wise decision, because everything in our body is interconnected and is in harmonious combination. Therefore, taking care of your beauty and harmony, first of all, you need to remember about health.

The root of the plant contains pectin, which is known to dull the feeling of hunger. It helps to prolong the feeling of satiety after eating, and also reduces appetite, as a result of which weight loss occurs.

Thiamine (B1), which is part of chicory, synthesizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy, and vitamin B2 (known as riboflavin) increases the rate of metabolic reactions in the body.

The following benefits of soluble chicory for weight loss are noted:

  • maintenance and control of blood sugar levels;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • restoration of collagen in the skin;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • saturation with minerals and vitamins;
  • replenishment of strength and energy;
  • muscle tone.

For weight loss, chicory has an effective effect in that it contains components that can replace simple carbohydrates.

The calorie content of the drink per 100 grams is only 11 kcal. This gives reason to fully use chicory in the diet.

How to use instant chicory

Since the plant is medicinal, it is important to know and observe the measure of its use. Doctors do not recommend taking more than 3 cups of chicory per day. In the vast majority of cases, a diet drink is extremely beneficial, especially if taken in reasonable quantities.

If you are on a diet, and you were invited to a holiday, you should not deny yourself a pleasant pleasure and go against your desires. A drink from a medicinal plant can easily neutralize the harm of all the sweets eaten.

The product can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a supermarket at an affordable price.

Contraindications and harm

Experts in the field of proper nutrition and doctors do not recommend using chicory for weight loss when:

  • pregnancy (depending on individual characteristics, a woman may develop an allergy);
  • breastfeeding (substances contained in the plant pass into breast milk and may cause an allergic reaction or other undesirable consequences for the child);
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach (drink irritates the damaged mucosa);
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • up to 3 years of age.

Caution should be used chicory in diseases of the respiratory system.

Sometimes a plant can be harmful to health, which consists in the following manifestations:

  • overexcitation and insomnia;
  • increased appetite;
  • pressure drop.

Drink recipes

In order for the healing infusion to bring maximum benefit, it must be properly prepared.

We have selected several easy recipes with which weight loss will be quick and effective.

Decoction of chicory root

Traditional chicory tincture normalizes digestion and starts the process of fat burning.

How to cook :

  1. 2 tbsp. l. ground roots must be poured 0.5 l. boiled water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Cool and strain.

Infusion from the root of the plant

The decoction conducts a gentle cleansing of the body, removes toxins and excess deposits, as a result of which a person begins to lose weight.

Cooking :

  1. 40 g of crushed roots pour 1 liter. hot water.
  2. Leave for 3-4 hours under the lid.
  3. Strain the liquid.

Take an infusion before meals, 100 ml.

Soluble chicory drink

The classic and generally accepted recipe for weight loss is the following: 1.5 tsp. chicory dissolve in boiling water.

Milk, honey, ginger or cinnamon can be added to taste.

If you want to completely switch to chicory and replace your usual coffee and tea with it, do it gradually. To begin with, dilute a drink from coffee (tea) and chicory from a ratio of 3: 1. Then increase the proportion of the plant.

Chicory and ginger cocktail

By itself, it starts the process of burning fat, and in combination with chicory, it is a doubly valuable drink, which, in terms of usefulness, gives odds to any synthetic vitamins. And with weight loss, it also has an enhanced effect.

Recipe :

  1. In a glass of boiling milk, put ¼ tsp. instant drink.
  2. Add two teaspoons of honey and a small piece of ginger.

Chicory and natural coffee

A delicious decoction for weight loss is obtained according to the following recipe:

  1. 1 tsp mix medium-ground fresh coffee with 0.5 tsp. soluble chicory.
  2. Mixture pour 1 tbsp. hot water and boil.
  3. As soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat.

It is allowed to add honey, low-fat milk and cinnamon to the drink to taste.

Drink made from chicory and apple juice

It is no secret that in European countries chicory has long established itself as not only a tasty, fragrant, but also valuable drink for its usefulness. In Latvia, for example, this product is brewed in a special way, which improves its taste and adds new notes to its smell:

  1. Prepare chicory according to the classic recipe.
  2. Add lemon syrup to it.
  3. Cool and pour some apple juice.

With this option, you can dilute your usual weight loss with chicory, for example, 1-2 times a week.

Chicory with milk

A drink from the root of the plant with the addition of milk is suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. In combination, these two products are able to normalize the amount of bile produced, which has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

How to cook :

  1. 1-2 tsp pour the instant product with hot milk.
  2. Cool down a bit.

Drinking this drink for several weeks will make your skin clear and radiant, and your figure slim and toned.

Reviews and opinions of doctors

Many nutritionists and nutritionists recommend taking chicory for people with high blood sugar, as well as those who follow the Dukan diet.

In order to effectively lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. Be that as it may, no miraculous teas and pills will outweigh the wrong mixed diet. If you do not want to limit yourself to food, then go in for fitness or any other physical activity. Remember that chicory is a very useful product, but still it acts as an assistant in burning extra pounds, rather than a means for losing weight.

Natalya Petrovna Kashurnikova, nutritionist

Once a man signed up with me who used chicory as a dietary supplement for weight loss. He spoke about a change in appetite - he began to want to eat fatty foods and fast food less, although he could not deny himself before. While drinking a chicory drink and exercising regularly for two months, he noticeably lost weight. If anyone has similar appetite problems, don't worry, this is one of the properties of chicory that is a major factor in helping with weight loss.

Alexander Mikhailovich Kanin, coach

Consumer opinions

Many thinner women and men leave their feedback on the use of chicory.

Chicory helped me a lot in the fight against extra centimeters in the waist. I drank an instant drink for six months and have already lost 7 kg. She did not limit herself in food, she ate everything, sometimes even sweets. Perhaps this is an individual reaction of my body to this plant, but I have lost weight. In this case, excess weight is not returned. Now I continue to drink a drink instead of coffee, as I like the taste and invigorate well.

Diana, 27 years old

I have been taking only chicory for a year and a half, and I have diabetes, and it is ideal for my type of diet. Everyone in the household loved him. As for weight management, I lost 8 kilograms. Perhaps this is also the result of a diabetic diet. In general, health is good, chicory gives vigor, despite the absence of caffeine. I'm actually very satisfied and recommend it to all my friends.

Daria, 36 years old

During the period of hormonal failure, she recovered greatly. The addition of 12 kilos greatly affected my appearance. I decided to start my struggle for beauty with chicory. I found a lot of information and recipes on how to quickly lose weight with it. At first, I was very shy about going to the gym, so I hoped only for a miracle drink. But the miracle never happened. A few weeks later, I decided to sign up for fitness, I continued to drink chicory. It was only then that I noticed the weight shift! The first kilogram was gone after the 2nd workout with chicory. Kilograms go away, and I feel great.

Diana, 24 years old

The main advantage of this drink, first of all, lies in its ability to delicately cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole, and you really feel it on yourself. Due to this, weight is reduced and accelerated, metabolism is normalized.

Valentina, 32 years old

Decided to get in shape for the summer. I read reviews and recommendations on the Internet about the miraculous power of chicory. Naturally, caught fire and immediately ran to buy. I took it for two weeks and did not see any result. Due to work, I can’t go to the gym regularly yet, apparently, that’s why I don’t lose weight. At the moment, sometimes I drink chicory simply because of the pleasant taste. And as time will appear, I will use it for weight loss.

Alexey, 29 years old

A drink made from chicory root helps to lose weight and improve digestion. However, you should not blindly rely on the amazing powers, even if it is a healing drink. You can achieve a visible effect only by combining the use of soluble chicory, regular activity and, of course, a healthy diet. Only in a complex of measures for weight loss can you achieve the desired weight.

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