Home Diseases and pests What a poisonous gas. Poisonous gas. Poisonous asphyxiant gases. Phosgene, household, methane, propane, butane, solvent vapors. How can you get poisoned at home

What a poisonous gas. Poisonous gas. Poisonous asphyxiant gases. Phosgene, household, methane, propane, butane, solvent vapors. How can you get poisoned at home

The problem of the detrimental effect of industrial emissions of gases and fumes on forest and green plantations (especially coniferous) has now become one of the most important in the protection of forests.

Of the toxic substances in the soil and affecting plants, it should be noted natural (light) gas, sulfuric acid, etc. Natural gas, acting on the root systems of plants, causes them to develop abnormal root development, slowing plant growth. This gas kills tree seeds in the soil. The odorous elements of the gas are easily absorbed by soil particles and retained by them for a long time. Deciduous species (poplar, elm, ash, maple) are most sensitive to gas, conifers are less sensitive.

Sulfuric acid burns the roots of seedlings: the first time after pickling, the soil (in nurseries) dries up from the surface and, as a result, the concentration of acid in the soil increases.

Harmful gases, ash, soot, as well as solid mineral particles in the atmosphere have a different effect on the life of plants. From dust containing harmful substances, the needles of plants begin to turn brown, turn yellow, wither. Coal dust particles are almost harmless, as well as street and cement dust. Soot, without causing the leaves and needles to dry out during the summer heat, is, however, one of the elements that interfere with the growth of conifers in parks of large cities.

Currently, a large amount of dust comes from industrial plants. The forest plays an important role in its absorption,

The smoke damage of the Pitsunda pine in Georgia leads to serious consequences and drying up.

In the pine-spruce plantations of Scandinavia, located in the coastal regions of the seas, yellowing of the pine needles is quite often observed. The latter is associated with increased air humidity and the content of high concentrations of salt evaporation in the atmosphere.

The pines and spruces located along highways are similarly affected by the evaporation of chloride salts, which are used in winter to clear snow and ice from roads.

As a result of industrial emissions into the atmosphere, large amounts of nitrogen and sulfur compounds fall on the ground together with precipitation in the form of snow and rain. "Acid rain" acts as a solvent for the aluminum in the soil. As a result, the compounds of this metal fall into lakes, rivers and contaminate groundwater, and the increased content of aluminum compounds in water and food harms plants, animals and people.

The most common gases that pollute the atmosphere and accompany certain production processes are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide; fluorine and hydrogen fluoride are less common. Sulfuric acid, fluoride compounds in the form of dust and gaseous substances are also among the substances harmful to plants.

Nitrogen oxides in a concentration of more than 2 mg / m 3 cause severe damage to the needles (reddening of the tips of the needles).

Acid precipitation (or acid rain) is 60% due to sulfur dioxide and 40% to nitrogen oxides. They negatively affect the surface of the needles, interfere with respiration and gas exchange, poison plants as a result of the penetration of acid compounds into the needles and branches, and reduce the intensity of photosynthesis and seed germination. The most vulnerable to acid rain is white pine, and of deciduous trees - fluffy birch and aspen poplar.

Interesting studies of the effects of acid rain (SO 2) on the young growth of Aleppo pine have been carried out in Greece. During one growing season, annual seedlings of Allepo pine were irrigated with acid precipitation with a pH of 3.1-3.5 (in control, pH 5.1). By the end of the second. In the early growing season, the seedlings were treated with the same solution (pH 3.3). The pine trees were 22.6 cm in height, 8.2% less than in the control. The total sulfur content in the needles of pine trees treated with "acid rain" was 0.13%, in the control 0.12%. Ultimately, the "acid rain" had a negative effect on the formation of thermal nights, dissolving and leaching significant amounts of calcium carbonate from the soil.

Under the influence of sulfur in an amount of 20-30 mg / m 3 for 10 hours, no changes in the vegetative organs of plants occur, that is, at 50 mg / m 3 they are already noticeable, and at 100 mg / m 3 the vegetative organs die off. The content of sulfur dioxide in the needles of spruce trees not damaged by gas reaches 0.23% of the absolutely dry weight, and in damaged ones - 0.74%. If the amount of sulfur dioxide in the air reaches 260 mg / m 3, conifers die within a few hours.

With an increase in humidity, an increase in the concentration of harmful fumes and gases occurs, which can often reach toxic levels that can cause not only chronic damage invisible to the eye, but also acute poisoning, which directly leads to the death of the plant.

In dry years, sulfur dioxide is less harmful to plants than in wet ones. Sulfurous anhydride is more dangerous in the presence of water vapor and surfactant dust, especially soot, when it oxidizes to sulfuric anhydride and forms sulfuric acid. This is consistent with less susceptibility to plants in dry weather. The toxicity of sulfur dioxide also increases to one degree or another if they contain carbon monoxide, impurities of aldehydes and especially ozonides. The presence of nitrogen oxides in them greatly increases the toxicity of sulfurous gases.

Gas resistance of wood species is different. Pine and spruce are very sensitive to smoke. Of deciduous species, alder, oak, elm, birch bark, ash-leaved maple are insensitive. The most gas-resistant poplar: Canadian poplar and balsamic. Mainly drought-resistant rocks are also gas-resistant.

Acid gases cause burns on plants. This is due to the penetration of gases into the leaf tissue, which occurs mainly through the stomata.

NP Krasinsky distinguishes 3 types of gas resistance: biological, morphological-anatomical and physiological. The first is associated with the ability of the plant to quickly restore gas-damaged plant organs (leaves, shoots). The second is based on the features of the morphological and anatomical structure of plants, limiting gas exchange, and therefore making it difficult for gas to enter the leaf tissue.

Physiological gas resistance is associated with the ability of plants to resist the harmful effects of gases due to their internal properties and characteristics of physiological processes, as well as the chemical and physicochemical state of the cellular environment.

Yu. Z. Kulagin suggested replacing the term “gas resistance” to “smoke resistance” and distinguished its different forms at the cellular tissue, organismic and population cenotic levels.

The acceleration of the process of drying out of forests under the influence of smoke in the zone of industrial enterprises is influenced by: 1) incorrect planning of felling (the width and direction of cutting areas are assigned without taking into account the effect of flue gases); 2) haphazard sanitary pipes (over large areas).

The drying process takes place more intensively in spring and summer (it is absent in winter), drying begins from the tops. Mixed plantations are more resistant to gas than clean, natural forests are more stable than artificial ones, high-density forests are more stable than low-density ones.

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Poisonous asphyxiant gases. Phosgene, household, methane, propane, butane, solvent vapors. How can you get poisoned at home?

It turns out that at home and in the country, we often come into contact with toxic substances and vapors that can harm us and our loved ones, damage the respiratory system and the whole body. Solvent vapors and asphyxiant gas phosgene, natural gas from the network or cylinders, get acquainted. (10+)

Dangerous gases in everyday life. How can you suffocate? - Phosgene, household gas, solvents

Asphyxiant gas phosgene

Phosgene is heavier than air. It accumulates in cellars and basements. It smells like rotten vegetables or fruits, and the presence of such a smell in the cellar is usually not suspicious. Phosgene is formed from the contact of freon with heated surfaces or open fire. Freon can appear indoors as a result of leakage from climatic or refrigeration equipment. A sign of the presence of freon in the air is the presence of green flashes of any open flame. In general, if the flame of the stove changes color, this is a sign of danger.

Cases of poisoning with phosgene, deliberately produced by humans, have also been recorded. The fact is that recently it has become common to poison moles with phosgene. The underground communications system of these vile animals is filled with phosgene, which leads to their death. Gas is well suited for this, since it is not flammable, is heavier than air, and remains underground without rising. Making it at home is not a problem. But the wormhole system can be associated with cellars, wells and other depressions. You may not know anything, your neighbor will poison the moles with phosgene, and this gas will collect in your cellar.

There is no antidote to phosgene.

Household gas

There are two types of domestic gas - from the main (methane) and bottled (propane / butane). All of these gases are odorless. A person may not notice their leak. To reduce this risk, special additives are added to the household gas, which have a pungent unpleasant odor. Now, if there is a leak, you will definitely feel it. Leakage of main gas is less dangerous, since it is lighter than air and gradually evaporates. Cylinder gas is heavier than air. It accumulates at the floor, penetrates under the floor. Cylinder equipment, stoves and heaters on bottled gas should never be installed in rooms where there is a cellar, an underground floor, a pit, or any recessed cavities. Cylinder gas, gradually leaking out when the burner is ignited, when the cylinder is replaced, through micropores and cracks, will accumulate under the house. One fine moment you will climb into the underground, turn on the light there. The spark ignites the gas. An explosion will not destroy your home, but it could set it on fire and you could be seriously injured. Even if you do not turn on the light, but use a flashlight, then (in the event of such a leak) you can breathe gas and die.

Household solvents

Synthetic solvents are often used in paints, varnishes, primers, enamels. The main secret is that not all solvents are equally toxic.

White Spirit

A special cocktail made of hydrocarbons, similar in composition to gasoline. It is believed to be quite safe for health. They, of course, do not need to breathe, the working room needs to be ventilated, but it is clearly no more dangerous than the vapors of drinking alcohol.

There are two dangers associated with white spirit. The first, as I wrote on the previous page, upon contact with an open flame or very hot surfaces, its vapors can turn into CO. Second, you can be confused, expect that the varnish or paint you are working with is on this very white spirit, but it is actually on a much more dangerous solvent (or with the addition of it). Read the instructions and composition carefully.

Acetone, P-4, P-6, etc.

Very dangerous and poisonous substances. Although after complete drying, paint based on them can be safe, but during application a draft is required, namely a draft, and not just an influx of air. The indoor air must be completely renewed at all times.

Be careful. The respirator does not protect against solvent vapors, nor from white spirit, nor from others. Remember that antidotes do not exist for most of the listed poisons, for some, developments are being made, but there are no serial products that could be used in case of poisoning.

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Chlorine is a greenish-yellow poisonous gas, 2.5 times heavier than air. The smell of chlorine is felt by a person when its concentration in the air is more than 0.003 mg / l. The maximum permissible concentration of chlorine in the air is 0.001 mg / l. With chlorine poisoning, chest pains, coughing, and pulmonary edema appear. Chlorine irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose and corrodes the areas of the skin where sweat occurs. Chlorine is a delayed-release poisonous gas, the full effect of which appears 2-4 hours after poisoning. [...]

Colorless gas with an unpleasant smell of "rotten fish", melting point -134 ° C, boiling point -87 ° C, dissolves in water. Phosphine is highly flammable in air and is a potent reducing agent. A highly poisonous gas. [...]

Dust and poisonous gas emissions. Most often, pollutants enter forests through acid rain. In the immediate vicinity of industrial plants that pollute the atmosphere, burns of tree leaves are possible. In the Russian Federation, a critical situation has arisen in the forests of the Baikal region, suffering from sulfur pollution, and in the forests around the Norilsk mining and processing plant. As a result of the Chernobyl accident (see Chernobyl), 65% of the forests of the Bryansk and Kaluga regions were damaged. [...]

When working with very poisonous vapors and gases (chloropicrin, hydrocyanic acid, dichloroethane, etc.), a passport is entered for each box, in which the name of the pesticide, its concentration and the duration of use of the box are noted. At the end of the service life, the box is replaced with a new one. When a poisonous gas or steam breaks through, the box is replaced, even if it has been in operation for less than that provided for a box of this brand. [...]

Due to the release of an extremely poisonous gas - selenium dioxide, the furnace in which the charge is calcined must be equipped with a sufficiently powerful ventilation device. [...]

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless poisonous gas with an unpleasant odor, which is perceptible even at low concentrations (1.4-2.3 mg / m3). Its danger lies in the fact that at very high concentrations, the sensation of smell weakens due to paralysis of nerve endings. The density of Н28 in relation to air is 1.19, as a result of which it accumulates in low places, easily dissolves in water and passes into a free state. It enters the body mainly through the respiratory system, affecting the mucous membrane, enters the bloodstream, acts on the nervous system, has an oxidative effect, has the effect of summation with HC, increasing their toxic effect. MPC of hydrogen sulphide in the air of the working area with the joint presence of hydrocarbons (at least traces) - 3 mg / m3. MPC of hydrogen sulfide in the atmospheric air of populated areas - 0.008 mg / m3. At a concentration of 200-300 mg / m3 in the air, burning sensation in the eyes, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, and nausea are observed. At 750 mg / m3, life-threatening poisoning occurs within 15-20 minutes. At a concentration of 1000 mg / m3 and above, death can occur almost instantly. [...]

Hydrogen sulfide NgB is a colorless, poisonous gas with a pungent odor. It is found mainly in emissions from oil and gas fields. In agriculture, it occurs mainly during bacterial decay of high-protein products of plant and animal origin. [...]

At low speed, when the release of poisonous gases from gasoline engines is especially large, only the electric motor is used. At higher speeds, a gasoline engine is used, and then it operates with maximum efficiency and minimum air pollution. [...]

Maximum permissible concentration of poisonous gases, vapors and dust in the air of working premises. [...]

Disinfection boils down to the fact that poisonous vapors or gases are introduced into a closed volume (room, chamber, under the tent, etc.) - Pests in the disinfected object die within a few hours or days. After that, the object is degassed from the remains of poisonous gas or steam (usually by natural ventilation). [...]

Dust suspended in the air adsorbs poisonous gases, forming a dense, toxic fog (smog), which increases the amount of precipitation. Saturated with sulphurous, nitrogenous and other substances, these sediments form corrosive acids. For this reason, the rate of corrosion destruction of machinery and equipment increases many times. [...]

Chlorine dioxide is a greenish-yellow poisonous gas with a more intense odor than chlorine. Chlorine dioxide explodes easily from an electric spark, in direct sunlight, or when heated to temperatures above 60 ° C. In contact with many organic substances, C102 is explosive even at ordinary temperatures. The oxidizing potential of С102 in acidic media is 1.50 V. The solubility of chlorine dioxide in water at a temperature of 25 ° С is 81.06, and at 40 ° С - 51.40 g / l. Its aqueous solutions, in comparison with chlorine water, have a more intense yellow-green color. [...]

Carbon sulphide COS is a colorless, odorless, highly flammable, poisonous gas that condenses at 50.2 ° C. MPC for carbon sulphide in industrial premises - no more than 1, in settlements - no more than 0.15 mg / m3. When heated, decomposes to form carbon dioxide, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide and sulfur. [...]

It should be remembered that ozone at a concentration of more than 5-10 6 by volume is a poisonous gas, dangerous because of the irritation of the respiratory tract caused by it and its carcinogenic properties. [...]

When mixing some industrial effluents, poisonous gases, precipitates that cause overgrowing of pipes, etc. can be formed. containing lime, sludge forms, causing pipe overgrowth [...]

Hydraulic valves are arranged to prevent the penetration of poisonous gases, fire in an explosion or burning oil products into production facilities, warehouses with flammable substances, etc.; the gates are located at the points of wastewater discharge from industrial buildings and at the points of connection of sewer pipes from tank and warehouse parks with flammable substances. [...]

Whole plantations of trees are greatly affected, and often perish, from smoke and poisonous gases in the air. First, red-brown necrotic spots appear on the leaves, and the needles turn red. The growth decreases, sometimes the trees lose their leaves and dry out. [...]

In December 1984, in the Indian city of Bhipal, as a result of the leakage of almost 40 tons of poisonous gas at the plant of the American company Union Carbide, more than 2.5 thousand people were killed, and over 50 thousand were seriously poisoned, of which about 20 thousand were poisoned. got blind, got lung and kidney diseases. [...]

In addition, dust from industrial areas suspended in the air adsorbs poisonous gases. Solid and liquid particles from 0.1 to 1 micron, dispersed in the air, are captured by the lungs and can lead to serious consequences for human health. [...]

Special mention should be made of the transfer of urban vehicles to liquefied gas and special additives (catalysts) to the fuel, which greatly reduce the amount of poisonous gases in the exhaust, or the retrofitting of vehicles with catalytic converters. There is some practical experience in this matter, and widespread implementation in order to protect the atmosphere in the boundless future is beyond doubt, the created environmental hazard requires an urgent solution. [...]

In this regard, at the Orenburg complex, the spill of liquid sulfur, the release of poisonous gases from industrial wastewater installations, etc. are especially dangerous. [...]

So, in 79 A.D. on the Apennine Peninsula as a result of a volcanic eruption, the release of poisonous gases, lava killed thousands of people. [...]

A colorless, highly poisonous gas with a characteristic sweetish smell of rotten fruit, rotten foliage or wet hay. Under normal pressure, it solidifies at -128 ° C and liquefies at +8 ° C. In a gaseous state it is about 3.5 times heavier than air, in a liquid state it is 1.4 times heavier than water. Even at low temperatures it is highly volatile. [...]

As a result of the mixing of the rapidly evaporating ammonia with the natural gas flowing out of the pipeline ruptured in an accident, an explosive ignition of this mixture occurred, and a strong fire broke out. When a cloud of gases ignited, a warehouse with nitrophos, located at a distance of 50 m from the emergency tank, ignited, with the subsequent decomposition of this substance and the release of poisonous gases, including ammonia, nitrogen oxides and chlorine. [...]

It is possible that I fell on all fours, because even with a dimmed consciousness, I had a reaction to sheltering my head from poisonous gases in the unpolluted air near the floor. I was still on my knees when I reached the groove and turned the ignition key. The lamp that hung over the table with the radio equipment went out. Fortunately, there was a lantern on the box. Pushing the lantern in front of me, I crawled back to my dwelling, to the bed. [...]

According to the calculations of specialists, as a result of water corrosion, shell shells are currently close to destruction with a corresponding leakage of poisonous gases. It is possible that some of them have already been destroyed. Some possible scenarios of the consequences of this predict an ecological catastrophe for the entire Baltic Sea basin (see also Section 1.8.3). [...]

This group includes diseases caused by unfavorable climatic and soil conditions, mechanical damage and the action of poisonous gases, smoke, soot and dust contained in the air, especially in cities and industrial settlements. Under the influence of these factors, the formation of spots and blooms on leaves and shoots, drying of leaves and needles, wilting and death of seedlings and annual shoots, withering and drying of shoots and tree tops, bark burns, the formation of wounds on the trunks, ®branches are observed. [... ]

An interesting report by R.S.Vorobyov about the work of the prominent industrial hygienist of the United States Elkins for 1961 comparing the maximum permissible concentrations of poisonous gases, vapors and dust in the air of industrial premises, which are guided in the USA and the USSR. Elkins divides toxic substances into 8 groups. [...]

To extinguish fires, they use: water, water emulsions of haloidated hydrocarbons, chemical and air-mechanical foam, water vapor, carbon dioxide, inert gases, powders and various combinations of these compositions. The necessary means of extinguishing a fire is selected based on the condition of its compatibility with the burning material, i.e. conditions that exclude the appearance of harmful side effects (explosions, the formation of poisonous gases, etc.). [...]

At the very first signs of poisoning with gaseous hydrocyanic acid, immediately leave the poisoned area into clean air, remove the gas mask and clothing that has adsorbed the poisonous gas; further, inhalation of amyl nitrite vapors with cotton wool moistened with it (3-5 drops). Complete rest. Warming the body. In case of a sharp violation or complete suspension of breathing, artificial respiration. [...]

Industrial wastewater of such composition should not be discharged into a common sewer collector, in which there is a chemical interaction of wastewater with the release of toxic gases or a large amount of insoluble substances that clog the collector are formed. [...]

First aid for poisoning. If the poisoning occurs through the esophagus, it is necessary to force the victim to drink 4-6 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting. In case of poisoning with poisonous gases and vapors of volatile substances (ammonia, benzene, chloroform, nitrogen oxides, industrial gas), you need to transfer the victim to the air, without allowing the body to cool, provide absolute rest and give oxygen to inhale. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration. In case of acid poisoning, you must often rinse your mouth with a 5% solution of sodium bicarbonate. In all cases of poisoning, consult a doctor. All bottles must be labeled with the name of the contents and an indication of the use. [...]

The Japanese are very interested in replacing cars with internal combustion engines with electric vehicles for many reasons. The main thing is to solve the problem of reducing air pollution with toxic gases in densely populated cities. Another reason is the more rational operation of power plants. Now in Japan, as in other countries, the main load on power plants falls on the daytime. If the electric car went into mass operation, then recharging millions of batteries at night would allow power plants to work evenly throughout the day. [...]

Production of nitric acid, ferric chloride and picric acid. This production is still accompanied by significant air pollution, and the laws on the operation of the enterprise set a limit of 4.6 g / m3 of toxic gases, emitted mainly in the form of sulfur dioxide. [...]

The decomposition process that has begun can be judged by the blackening of the water and the sharp, unpleasant odor emanating from it. During the decomposition of protein compounds, hydrogen sulfide is released along with other substances. It is a poisonous gas, the presence of which in water, even in small quantities, gives it the smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide, combining with the iron that is constantly present in the water, forms a black iron sulphide, which explains the blackening of the decomposing water. The decay process is accompanied by the release of a fetid odor. This happens not only with waste water, but also with rotting of sludge and solid waste. [...]

CATASTROPHIC SUCCESSION - a succession caused by some natural (fire, windfall, unusual flood, mass reproduction of pests, etc.) or anthropogenic (felling, death from poisonous gases, etc.) factor, which is catastrophic for the ecosystem. [.. .]

Catastrophic succession is a succession resulting from any natural or anthropogenic factors catastrophic for the ecosystem: wind, unusual floods, mass reproduction of pests, death from poisonous gases or harmful substances, etc. [...]

A certain amount of gaseous combustion products inevitably enters the atmosphere, and it is they that irritate our eyes, larynx and lungs, destroy plants and spoil even such seemingly indestructible things as metal and stone. Sulfur, nitrogen compounds and so-called hydrocarbons can always be found in the composition of the most harmful and poisonous gases. [...]

The device of several networks for the removal of industrial wastewater is caused by the impossibility of combining them for sanitary reasons, fire and explosion hazard, as well as blockage of the network. For example, it is impossible to allow mixing in the network: a) effluents containing cyanides with acidic waters due to the formation of a poisonous gas - hydrocyanic acid; b) sulphide effluent with acidic, which leads to the release of sulfur dioxide; c) effluents saturated with carbon disulfide, with any effluent, the temperature of which is above 40 °, in order to avoid explosions; d) viscose effluent with acidic waters, leading to the formation of large amounts of carbon disulfide and coagulation of viscose, which can lead to rapid clogging of the network and the risk of explosion; e) effluents containing sulfuric acid with lime runoff due to the formation of calcium sulphate precipitating, which can clog the network. The effluent discharged by separate networks is often treated in local facilities with the disposal of the recovered substances. Treated water is returned to circulation or sent for additional treatment at biological treatment facilities at general plant or settlements. [...]

In many cases, mixing certain types of wastewater in the sewer network can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is impossible, for example, to allow mixing in the network of the enterprise or in the city sewerage: a) acidic waters with wastewater containing cyanides, due to the possibility of the formation of poisonous gases (hydrocyanic acid); b) wastewater containing sulphides with acidic effluents (hydrogen sulphide is released); c) viscose waste water with acidic effluents (in this case, viscose coagulation occurs with the release of carbon disulfide and regenerated cellulose from it); d) acidic wastewater (sulfuric acid) with wastewater containing lime (calcium sulfate is formed, which can precipitate and promote overgrowth of pipes). [...]

The car acts either as electric only or as a hybrid. In the latter case, when the speed exceeds 18 km / h, the gasoline engine turns on, which drives the car further. Additional energy for acceleration is provided by an electric motor that turns on automatically in conjunction with a gasoline engine. When the car is at a standstill, the gasoline engine can continue to run, recharging the batteries. At low speed, when the emission of poisonous gases from the gasoline engines is at its maximum, only the electric motor is used, and the gasoline engine runs only at high speed with the minimum emission of gases. When running on gasoline alone, the batteries are recharged using a special device. At the choice of the driver, the gasoline engine can be left switched on for recharging the batteries and at stops. Conversely, batteries can be recharged from a normal 115 volt mains supply (this is the standard voltage for a US household). A 12 V auxiliary battery provides power for the low voltage electronics, fan and headlights. [...]

By the nature of the impact, pollution is subdivided into primary and secondary. Primary pollution is the entry into the environment of directly pollutants formed in the course of natural natural-anthropogenic and purely anthropogenic processes. Secondary pollution is the formation (synthesis) of hazardous pollutants in the course of physicochemical processes taking place directly in the environment. So, from non-toxic components, under certain conditions, poisonous gases are formed - phosgene; Freons, chemically inert at the Earth's surface, enter into photochemical reactions in the stratosphere, producing chlorine ions, which serve as a catalyst for the destruction of the ozone layer (screen) of the planet. Certain reagents of such interaction may not be hazardous. [...]

Thermal pollution is associated with an increase in the temperature of the waters as a result of mixing them with more heated surface or process waters. For example, it is known that at the site of the Kola nuclear power plant located beyond the Arctic Circle, 7 years after the start of operation, the temperature of groundwater increased from 6 to 19 ° C near the main building. With an increase in temperature, the gas and chemical composition in the waters changes, which leads to the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria, an increase in the number of hydrobionts and the release of poisonous gases - hydrogen sulfide, methane. At the same time, water "blooms", as well as the accelerated development of microflora and microfauna, which contributes to the development of other types of pollution. According to the existing sanitary standards, the temperature of the reservoir should not increase by more than 3 ° С in summer and 5 ° С in winter, and the heat load on the reservoir should not exceed 12-17 kJ / m3. [...]

Only from the middle of the XIX century. began to purify wastewater, especially in cities, using ponds or lakes with a large surface as sedimentation tanks. Organic substances are processed by microorganisms with the participation of oxygen dissolved in water. Microorganisms multiply extremely quickly, contributing to coagulation with the formation of large flocs, which settle in stagnant water, capturing other constituents of fecal water. The sludge collected at the bottom undergoes a slow decay process (anaerobic decomposition), while poisonous gases are released; at the end of the XIX century. Based on these processes, the so-called Emscher settling plants were designed (see Fig. 3.6). They are two cylinders with conical bottoms, the settling sludge passes from the inner to the outer cylinder and collects at the bottom. The resulting decomposition gases can be captured and used as fuel. [...]

In the summer of 1970, the Americans were once again convinced that their cities were gradually turning into giant gas chambers. A thick gray shroud hung over dozens of cities in America for almost two weeks. All these days people hardly saw the sun, although the temperature reached 40 ° C. Temperature inversion, as meteorologists call this atmospheric phenomenon, has suspended normal air circulation over the entire east coast of the United States. A thick layer of warm air, like a cotton blanket, descended over the streets of huge cities, crushing the smoke of industrial enterprises and clouds of poisonous gas from the exhaust pipes of millions of cars to the ground.

Many volatile compounds are destructive and can kill a person. The most poisonous gas is sarin, since it spreads almost instantly and infects all living things that come in its path, and in most cases its inhalation is fatal.

Many people would like to know what a poisonous gas is, which substance is the most dangerous. Modern scientists have found that sarin has the most destructive effect on the human body. To be more precise, this substance is a volatile liquid. When the flask is depressurized, it immediately evaporates and turns into gas.

Sarin dissolves quickly in water and any liquids. That is why they can poison not only the air, but also water bodies. In this case, a small lake, for example, can remain poisoned for 2 months or even longer.

This substance enters the human body not only through the respiratory tract, but also tends to be absorbed into the skin, which is very dangerous. It spreads instantly. This gas is capable of infecting all living things within a radius of 20 kilometers from the place of application.

Symptoms of sarin poisoning may appear within minutes after inhalation, but there have been times when they become noticeable only after a few hours. This is true if small amounts of gas enter the body. If the dose is large, the person very quickly begins seizures, muscle weakness, and then paralysis is observed, which leads to death. If the degree of poisoning is very mild, there is a deterioration in vision, narrowing of the pupils of the eyes, difficulty breathing, salivation, but the person does not die of respiratory paralysis. The lethal concentration of the poison is 0.06 milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air. It is when such air is inhaled that death occurs.

Sarin belongs to the group of military nerve gases. It was used in the Iranian War in the 1980s, as well as in Japan. Representatives of most states signed agreements on the inadmissibility of the use of such powerful weapons. Fortunately, at present, gas is practically not in demand. In addition to its high toxicity, it also has a decent resistance. For example, in craters and trenches, in closed rooms, it remains active for several hours in summer and several days in winter.

Experts note that sarin is many times more toxic than cyanide. At first, this gas was synthesized in order to create a fundamentally new pesticide, but after studying its properties, scientists realized that the substance was too dangerous. Its use in agriculture is strictly prohibited. Currently, not all countries have such chemical weapons.

Sarin has been identified as the most poisonous and deadly gas in existence. This substance can cause serious poisoning and even death of a person, therefore it is used as a biological weapon, although gas is prohibited in many countries.

Any undesirable change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere as a result of the entry of various gases, water vapor and solid particles into it (under the influence of natural processes or as a result of human activities).

Approximately 10% of pollutants enter the atmosphere due to natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, which are accompanied by the release of ash, atomized acids, including sulfuric acid, and a variety of toxic gases into the atmosphere. In addition, splashes of seawater and decaying plant debris are the main sources of sulfur in the atmosphere. Also noteworthy are forest fires, as a result of which dense clouds of smoke are formed, enveloping large areas, and dust storms. Trees and shrubs emit many volatile organic compounds (VOCs), forming a blue haze that covers most of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the United States (translated as “blue ridge”). Microorganisms (pollen, molds, bacteria, viruses) present in the air cause allergy attacks and infectious diseases in many people.

The remaining 90% of pollutants are of anthropogenic origin. Their main sources are: combustion of fossil fuels in power plants (smoke emissions) and in car engines; non-fuel combustion processes that result in dusty atmospheres, such as soil erosion, open pit coal mining, blasting and VOC leaks through valves, pipe joints in refineries and chemical plants, and from reactors; storage of solid waste; as well as a variety of mixed sources.

Pollutants entering the atmosphere are transported over long distances from the source, and then return to the earth's surface in the form of solid particles, droplets or chemical compounds dissolved in atmospheric precipitation.

Chemical compounds, the source of which is at ground level, quickly mix with the air in the lower atmosphere (troposphere). These are called primary pollutants. Some of them chemically react with other pollutants or with the main components of the air (oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor), forming secondary pollutants. As a result, phenomena such as photochemical smog, acid rain and ozone formation in the surface layer of the atmosphere are observed. The energy source for these reactions is solar radiation. Secondary pollutants - photochemical oxidants and acids in the atmosphere - pose a major threat to human health and global environmental changes.

Air pollution has a harmful effect on living organisms in several ways: 1) by delivering aerosol particles and poisonous gases to the respiratory system of humans and animals and to plant leaves; 2) increasing the acidity of atmospheric precipitation, which, in turn, affects the change in the chemical composition of soil and water; 3) by stimulating such chemical reactions in the atmosphere that lead to an increase in the duration of exposure of living organisms to harmful sunlight; 4) changing the composition and temperature of the atmosphere on a global scale and thus creating conditions unfavorable for the survival of organisms.

The atmosphere, or "air ocean", is made up of gases necessary to sustain life on Earth. In terms of height, it can be divided into five layers, or shells, surrounding the globe: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. Their boundaries are determined by the sharp changes in temperature caused by differences in the absorption of solar radiation. Air density also changes with height. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, the air is cold and thinner, and at the surface of the Earth, due to the force of gravity, it is denser. Mainly the two lower layers of the atmosphere are polluted.

Two global environmental problems associated with air pollution pose a serious threat to the health and prosperity of mankind and other life forms: abnormally high values ​​of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun coming to the earth's surface, caused by a decrease in ozone in the stratosphere, and climate change (global warming), caused by into the atmosphere of a large number of so-called. greenhouse gases.

Both problems are closely interrelated, since they depend on the entry into the atmosphere of practically the same gases of anthropogenic origin. For example, chlorofluorocarbons (chlorofluorocarbons), contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer and play an important role in the occurrence of the greenhouse effect.

Indoor air pollution is the leading cause of cancer. The main sources of this pollution are radon, products of incomplete combustion, and the evaporation of chemicals.

Datsenko I.I. Air environment and health. Lviv, 1981

Budyko M.I., Golitsyn G.S., Izrael Yu.A. Global climatic catastrophes. M., 1986

Pinigin M.A. Protection of atmospheric air. M., 1989

Bezuglaya E.Yu. What an industrial city breathes. L., 1991

Aleksandrov E.L., Izrael Yu.A., Karol I.L., Khrgian L.Kh. Ozone shield of the Earth and its changes. SPb, 1992

Climate, weather, ecology of Moscow. SPb, 1995

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