Home Diseases and pests When will the doctor Lisa be buried? The tragic fate of the son of Dr. Lisa

When will the doctor Lisa be buried? The tragic fate of the son of Dr. Lisa

The relief of the territory of the district is flat, consisting of tundra and forest-tundra with many lakes and swamps, and a mountainous part. The mountain range, located in the west of the district, stretches for 200 km, reaching heights of up to 1.5 thousand meters.

The region's water resources are rich and diverse. They include: the coast of the Kara Sea, numerous bays and inlets, rivers, lakes, swamps and groundwater. The Gulf of Ob, the gulf of the Kara Sea, is one of the largest sea bays in the Russian Arctic, with an area of ​​44,000 km². On the territory of the district there are about 300 thousand lakes and 48 thousand rivers, the largest of which are the Ob at its mouth, as well as the rivers Nadym, Taz (river) and Pur. The Ob River, one of the longest in Russia, flows within the Okrug in two powerful branches. The presence of lakes, most of which are of glacial origin, is one of the characteristic features of the landscape of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Groundwater is characterized by a huge artesian basin with an area of ​​3 million km², including reserves of thermal waters.

The region occupies one of the leading places in Russia in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and oil. The following fields are located on the territory of the district:

1. Urengoyskoye gas field

2. Yuzhno-Russkoye oil and gas field

3. Nakhodkinskoye gas field

4. Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field

5. Ety-Purovskoye oil field

The state balance includes 136 fields (62 oil, 6 oil and gas, 9 gas and oil, 59 oil and gas condensate), the explored recoverable reserves of which make up 14.49% of all oil reserves in Russia. 37 deposits are being developed, the annual production was 8.5%. Of the 136 fields in the district, one is unique - Russkoye, with oil reserves - 16.15% of the district and 30 large ones, on which 67.25% of the reserves and 69.1% of the district's oil production are concentrated. Accumulated oil production in the Okrug amounts to 375.2 million tons.

About 600,000 domesticated reindeer are grazed on 50 million hectares of tundra. Nature has harbored 70 percent of the world's whitefish stocks (muksun, pink salmon, nelma) here.

General characteristics of deposits

The Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field (YOGKM) is a field of gas, gas condensate and oil. Opened in 1969. Located in the Polar part of the West Siberian Plain, on the Taz Peninsula in the subarctic zone. The landscape is a slightly hilly tundra plain with a dense network of rivers, streams, lakes, swamps. The thickness of the permafrost reaches 400 meters. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of minus 25 degrees Celsius. Often, the temperature drops to 55 and below. A minus temperature of 63 degrees was recorded (January 2006). Commercial gas content is established in the Cenomanian and Neocomian sediments. The dimensions of YOGKF are 170 by 50 kilometers. According to Vniizarubezhgeologia, the Yamburgskoye field ranks third in the world in terms of initial recoverable gas reserves.

According to the administrative-territorial division, the northern territory of the field is located in the Tazovsky, and the southern - in the Nadym region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Field development began in 1980 (see Yamburg). The development license is held by OOO Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, a 100% subsidiary of OAO Gazprom.

Geologists prepared the discovery of Yamburgskoye and other deposits at the very “peak” of the Great Patriotic War. In 1943, their first groups pitched tents in the area of ​​the Taz, Pur, and Messo rivers.

In 1959, oil and gas exploration work in the Tazovsky region resumed. In 1961, on the site of the present settlement of Gaz-Sale, geological prospectors landed and began drilling well No. 1. The drilling was carried out by a team of foreman NI Ryndin. On September 27, 1962, the gas "hit". A year later, the Tazovskaya oil prospecting expedition was formed with a base in Novaya Mangazeya. V.T.Podshibyakin was appointed head of the expedition, and G.P. Bystrov, chief geologist. On November 30, 1963, gas was produced at the second well. Drilling was carried out by the team of master N.I. Ryndin. This is how the Tazovskoye field was discovered. On October 18, 1965, an expedition discovered the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field. The 60-70s were marked for the expedition by a whole series of major discoveries, among which the largest are Urengoyskoye and Yamburgskoye.

In the 1965-1966 season, the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Yamburg area were prepared for exploration drilling.

In 1968, a landing of geophysicists landed on this site under the leadership of Leonid Kabaev, a future Lenin Prize laureate. Next came the miners of the Taz oil prospecting expedition. The reserves were supposed to be huge.

In his memoirs, geologist FK Salmanov tells how the Yamburgskoye field was found: “At the end of April 1969, it was decided to deliver the drilling rig from Tazovskaya to the Yamburgskaya area. All May was the delivery of equipment and materials. In July, the team of Anatoly Grebenkin completed the installation and immediately the team of the drilling foreman V.V. Romanov began counting the first meters of the Yamburg well. On August 13, we reached the design depth and during testing the well gave a powerful gas gusher. Inspired by success, Romanov went to the east to outline it along the wings of the deposit. And a few more wells fell into the contour. "

In 1972, the team of the drilling foreman V.V. Polupanov completed the drilling of a deep well in the Yamburgskaya area. The test was entrusted to a specially formed team, headed by master Alexey Myltsev.

In the 19th century, the expedition of the scientist Yu.M. Kushelevsky arrived on these lands to establish the boundaries of the medieval settlement - Mangazeya "golden-boiling", which existed on the Taz River in the 17th century. The expedition arrived in the Far North of the empire on a schooner called Taz. The leader of the campaign was from Yamburg. This was the name of the former city of Kingisepp, located near St. Petersburg.

During the voyage, the scientist made a map of the Taz Peninsula. It is assumed that the name of Cape Yumbor ("cloudberry bumps") reminded him of the name of his hometown. So one of the triangular land areas that penetrated the Taz Bay was named Yamburg. In Soviet times, the Yamburg trading post appeared on the cape.

At the site of the current shift camp Yamburg, the researcher left a blank spot. Terra Incognita is an unknown land. It is assumed that the Yamburgskaya area, and later the Yamburgskoye field, was named in honor of the trading post.

There is another toponymic version, according to which the territory on which the deposit is located was originally called Yampur - Gray Swamp. Then it was renamed Yamburg.

During the operation of the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, a 100% subsidiary of OAO Gazprom, produced more than 3 trillion cubic meters of gas and about 18 million tons of gas condensate. Gas preparation for transportation is carried out at 9 integrated gas treatment units (GPP) (1-7, 9 and 1V) and at 5 gas pretreatment units (UPPG) (PPG GP-1 (former UPPG-8), 4A, 10, 2V , 3B).

The nearest prospect of the field is the development of its peripheral areas. Production at the Aneryakhinskaya area began in 2004, and in January 2005 the Aneryakhinskaya area was brought to its design capacity (10 billion cubic meters per year).

At the beginning of December 2006, the first commercial gas was supplied to the main gas pipeline from the integrated gas treatment unit (UKPG-9) of the Kharvutinskaya area of ​​the YOGCF. In 2007, a preliminary gas treatment unit (UPPG-10) was put into operation, due to this, by 2008 it is planned to achieve an annual production of 25 billion cubic meters of gas at the Kharvutinsky complex.

In the future, the infrastructure of Yamburg will be used to treat gas from nearby fields.

The total geological reserves are estimated at 8.2 trillion m³ of natural gas. Residual geological reserves amount to 5.2 trillion m³ of natural gas and 42.31% of the total geological reserves of the Yamburgskoye field.

The Urengoy natural gas field is a large gas field, the second largest in the world in reservoir reserves, which exceed 10 trillion cubic meters (10¹³ m³). It is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region of Russia, slightly south of the Arctic Circle. The name is given by the name of the nearby settlement - the village of Urengoy. Subsequently, the city of gas workers Novy Urengoy grew up near the field.

The field was discovered in June 1966; the V. Tsybenko seismic station became the discoverer of the Urengoi structure. The first exploration well in Urengoy was drilled on July 6, 1966 by the team of foreman V. Polupanov. Production at the field began in 1978. On February 25, 1981, the first one hundred billion cubic meters of natural gas were produced at the Urengoyskoye field. In January 1984, gas from the Urengoyskoye field began to be exported to Western Europe.

The state of the operating well stock of the Urengoyskoye field is more than 1,300 wells. The field is produced by Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy (formerly Urengoygazprom) and Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, subsidiaries of Gazprom. Natural gas production in 2007 amounted to 223 billion cubic meters.

The total geological reserves are estimated at 16 trillion m³ of natural gas. Residual geological reserves amount to 10.5 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and 65.63% of the total geological reserves of the Urengoyskoye field.

The Yuzhno-Russkoye oil and gas field is located in the Krasnoselkupsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, one of the largest in Russia. The reserves of the field are as follows: gas in the ABC1 category - 825.2 billion cubic meters, in the C2 category - 208.9 billion cubic meters, oil - 5.7 million tons.

The license to develop the field is held by Severneftegazprom, a subsidiary of Gazprom. The field was officially put into operation on December 18, 2007 by Gazprom and BASF (it is expected that the German company E.ON will also enter the project), but in fact, production began at the end of October 2007. Infrastructure construction at the field has been underway since March 2006. The Yuzhno-Russkoye field will be the main resource base for the North European Gas Pipeline.

The production plan at the field for 2008 is 10 billion cubic meters of gas, from 2009 - 25 billion cubic meters per year. Actual investments in the development of the field in 2005-2008 amounted to 133 billion rubles.

The Nakhodkinskoye gas field is a natural gas field in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of Russia. The reserves of the field are estimated at 275.3 billion cubic meters of gas. The design capacity of the field is around 10 billion cubic meters per year.

The field was discovered by the Tazov oil and gas exploration expedition on January 30, 1974. Development of the Nakhodkinskoye field began in November 2003, production drilling - in February 2004. Commissioned in April 2005.

The field is being developed by OOO LUKOIL-Western Siberia, owned by LUKOIL; the produced gas is sold to Gazprom.

The Ety-Purovskoye oil field is an oil field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of Russia, near the city of Noyabrsk. The license to develop the field is held by Gazprom Neft (Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz).

The field was discovered in 1982; its further exploration and development began only in 2003. The reserves of the field in categories A, B, C1 amount to 20 million tons of high-quality light oil and another 20 million tons - in category C2.

At the beginning of 2007, a gushing oil well was registered at the Ety-Purovskoye field with a daily flow rate of about 400 tons of oil, which is one of the record figures for Western Siberia.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) is a distant northern land, harsh and beautiful, a land where the traditions of indigenous peoples and the achievements of modern science are closely intertwined. is unique, it bizarrely combines the severity of the northern climate and the kindness of local residents, the avarice of the polar sun and the generosity of northern nature, the endless whiteness of winter days and the fantastic colors of autumn.

Yamal has always attracted travelers and scientists with its uniqueness, natural and cultural wealth, clean air and pristine nature. But in order to see all the beauties of Yamal, you need to devote a lot of time to the trip, and in our fast-paced age it is very difficult to do this. With the help of this site, everyone will be able to make, though virtual, but an exciting journey into the world of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

(obsolete - Samoyeds, Yuraks) - Samoyed people in Russia, inhabiting the Eurasian coast of the Arctic Ocean from the Kola Peninsula to Taimyr. The Nenets are divided into European and Asian (Siberian). European Nenets are settled in the Nenets Autonomous District of the Arkhangelsk Region, and the Siberian ones in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region and in the Dolgano-Nenets Taimyr Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Small groups of Nenets live in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, and the Komi Republic.

Of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North, the Nenets are the most numerous. According to the results of the 2002 census, 41,302 Nenets lived in Russia, of which about 27,000 lived in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The traditional occupation is large-herd reindeer herding. On the Yamal Peninsula, several thousand Nenets reindeer herders, keeping about 500,000 reindeer, lead a nomadic lifestyle. The dwelling of the Nenets is the conical chum (me).

The names of two autonomous regions of Russia (Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets) mention the Nenets as the titular ethnic group of the region; another such district (Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District) in 2007 was abolished and transformed into the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets District of Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The Nenets are divided into two groups: tundra and forest. The tundra Nenets are the majority. They live in two autonomous regions. Forest Nenets - 1500 people They live in the basin of the Pur and Taz rivers in the southeast of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

taking the child from the hospital

Due to the presence of tribes on the territory of the Sayan Highlands, whose language in the recent past belonged to the Samoyed, Stralenberg suggested that the Samoyeds of the Sayan Highlands are descendants of the Samoyeds of the circumpolar zone, where they were aborigines, that from the north part of the Samoyeds, under the influence of some reason, moved to south, inhabiting the Sayan Highlands.

Fischer - Castrena theory
The opposite point of view was expressed by the historian Fisher, who suggested that the northern Samoyeds (the ancestors of the modern Nenets, Nganasans, Entsy, Selkups, and Yuraks) are descendants of the Samoyed tribes of the Sayan Highlands, who moved from southern Siberia to more northern regions. This is Fischer's assumption in the 19th century. was supported by a huge linguistic material and substantiated by Castren, who assumed that in the first millennium AD. e., in connection with the so-called great movement of peoples, the Samoyed tribes were driven out by the Turks from the Sayan Highlands to the north. In 1919, A. A. Zhilinsky, a researcher of the Arkhangelsk north, spoke out sharply against this theory. The main argument is that such a resettlement would require a sharp change in the type of nature management, which is impossible in a short time. Modern Nenets are reindeer herders, and the peoples living in the Sayan highlands are farmers (about 97.2%)

Khanty is a people who have lived since ancient times in the north of the Russian Federation, mainly in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Khanty is not the only name for this people, in the west it is known as the Ostyaks or Yugras, however, a more accurate self-name “Khanty” (from the Khanty “kantah” - a person, people) in Soviet times was fixed as an official one.

In historical chronicles, the first written mentions of the Khanty people are found in Russian and Arabic sources of the 10th century AD, but it is known for certain that the ancestors of the Khanty lived in the Urals and Western Siberia already in the 6-5th millennium BC, later they were supplanted nomads in the lands of Northern Siberia.
Usually Khanty are people of short stature, about 1.5-1.6 m, with straight black or dark brown hair, dark skin, dark eyes. The type of face can be described as Mongolian, but with the correct shape of the eyes - a slightly flat face, the cheekbones are noticeably protruding, the lips are thick, but not full.
The culture of the people, language and the spiritual world are not homogeneous. This is due to the fact that the Khanty settled quite widely and different cultures were formed in different climatic conditions. The southern Khanty were mainly engaged in fishing, but they were also familiar with agriculture and cattle breeding. The main occupations of the northern Khanty were reindeer herding and hunting, less often fishing.

The Khanty, who were engaged in hunting and fishing, had 3-4 dwellings in different seasonal settlements, which changed depending on the season. Such dwellings were made of logs and placed directly on the ground, sometimes they dug a hole beforehand (like a dugout). Khanty reindeer herders lived in tents - a portable dwelling consisting of poles placed in a circle, fastened in the center, covered on top with birch bark (in summer) or skins (in winter).

Since ancient times, the Khanty have revered the elements of nature: the sun, moon, fire, water, wind. Also, the Khanty had totem patrons, family deities and ancestor patrons. Each clan had its own totem animal, it was revered, considering it one of the distant relatives. This animal could not be killed and eaten.
The bear was revered everywhere, he was considered a protector, he helped hunters, protected from diseases, and resolved disputes. At the same time, a bear, unlike other totem animals, could be hunted. In order to reconcile the spirit of the bear and the hunter who killed him, the Khanty organized a bear holiday. The frog was revered as the keeper of family happiness and the helper of women in labor. There were also sacred places, the place where the patron lives. Hunting and fishing were prohibited in such places, since the patron himself guards the animals.

Traditional rituals and holidays have survived to this day in a modified form, they have been adapted to modern views and timed to certain events (for example, a bear holiday is held before the issuance of licenses for shooting a bear). Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

It is known that the Komi people have been living in the northern lands since the 1st millennium BC. The name Komi comes from the self-name of the people - Komi voityr, which means the Komi people. Komi are often called zyryans, the word zyryane in translation from the Komi language means living on the border. As a result of gradual resettlement, the Komi people were conditionally divided into northern (Komi-Izhemtsy) and southern (Sysoltsy, Priluzians) ethnic groups.
Komi mainly live on the territory of the Komi Republic, part of the Komi lives in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
The Komi language (Komi language, Komi-Zyryan language) belongs to the Uralic language family. The Komi script is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, TV programs and printed publications are broadcast in the Komi language.

Usually Zyryans are of average or slightly above average height (about 165-170 cm), the correct physique. A short, slightly flattened face is framed by dark or black hair, the nose is wide, the eyes are gray or brown. Closer to the south, the Komi have blue eyes and blonde hair.
The northern Komi were reindeer breeders, hunters and fishermen, the southern Komi were engaged in hunting and fishing, knew cattle breeding and agriculture, but until the 18th century these were rather subsidiary industries. In the 18th century, due to the increase in the production of game animals, there was a sharp decrease in their number, since that time cattle breeding, reindeer husbandry and agriculture have become the main occupations of the Komi.

Komi lived in villages and villages located on the banks of the river. They tried to arrange houses along the river in one row. The northern settlements were located at considerable distances from each other and consisted of several houses. In southern settlements, up to several hundred people could live, often such settlements were formed due to the merger of neighboring villages.
Dwellings were rectangular log huts with a high basement (the lower floor, most often uninhabited), covered with a pitched roof. In the courtyard there were outbuildings and a two-storey barn.
The clothing of the southern Komi in style and cut resembled Russian clothing. Women wore shirts, sundresses, fur coats; men's wardrobe consisted of a shirt, canvas pants, a caftan and a fur coat. The difference from Russian costumes was in the colors of the fabrics used and the features of the decoration. Northern Komi often wore clothes typical of the Nenets. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Selkups are the smallest people in the north of Russia. According to the results of the last census, the number of Selkups is only about 1700 people. The largest number of representatives of the people live on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the northwestern territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Tomsk Region.
The official name of the people - the Selkups - was approved only in the 30s of the 20th century, it comes from the self-name of the northern ethnographic group and is translated as forest man. However, this is not the only self-name of the people, the southern Selkups called themselves Chumylkup (earthen man), the Obs called Syusyokup (taiga man).

The Selkups belong to the Ural small race, which means that they have Mongoloid and Caucasian features in their appearance. The Selkups have dark straight hair, brown eyes, slightly dark skin, a small nose, strongly concave at the bridge of the nose, and the face is most often flat.
The Selkup language belongs to the Uralic language family. For a long time, the Selkups did not have a written language, the first attempt to create a written language based on the Cyrillic alphabet dates back to the 19th century, but this attempt did not have much success, since the Russian alphabet did not allow to correctly convey the sound of the language.

The second attempt took place in the 30s of the 20th century, the Latin alphabet was taken as a basis, a large amount of educational literature in the Selkup language was published. But just 7 years later, in 1930, the Selkup script was again transferred to the Cyrillic alphabet, which caused a lot of confusion. At present, the Selkup language is practically not used in printed sources, the main spheres of application of the language are folk crafts, communication in the family, and folklore.
The traditional occupations of the Selkups are fishing and hunting. The northern Selkups were engaged in reindeer husbandry mainly as an auxiliary industry (transport, hides, etc.).
The southern Selkups were able to make ceramics, work metals, weave canvases, achieved great success in blacksmithing, and grew grain and tobacco. These industries were actively developing until the 17th century, when they were superseded by better quality imported goods.

The sights of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are unique and can bring a smile to a person unfamiliar with the life of the region. For example, here you can see a monument to ... a mosquito. A veteran in the Far North is a person who not only survived the polar night, but also endured a terrible test in the form of mosquitoes, which are especially angry here. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
The list of attractions of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug includes another sculpture dedicated to the animal: at the entrance to Salekhard there is a 10-meter monument to the mammoth. The remains of these extinct animals are often found in the region. Here, 9-ton tusks were found, and a century later, scientists unearthed a perfectly preserved mammoth, whose age is approaching 46 thousand years.

The most beautiful Yuribey River flows along the Yamal, which ends its way, flowing into the Kara Sea, namely, into its Baydaratskaya Bay.

An intricate four-kilometer bridge on stilts has been built across Yuribey - a local architectural landmark.

In the village of Novy Port you can visit the largest "natural refrigerator" in Russia - a complex of ice underground caves. The length of the tunnels is more than a kilometer, the caves are constantly looked after, which allows them not to lose their cold icy sheen even in summer.

The Yamal-Nenets Okrug is famous for its natural zones, in the region there are 13 wildlife reserves and two reserves - Verkhne-Tazovsky and Gydansky. On the territory of the first, taiga areas prevail, and the second is famous for its tundra "lunar" landscapes. Verkhne-Tazovsky Nature Reserve is one of the largest natural parks in Russia, there are reindeer and the unique Kondo-Sosvinsky beaver.
On the territory of the Gydan Nature Reserve there are the most beautiful peninsulas of Java, Oleniy, Rovny, as well as the islands of the Kara Sea. There are many "Red Book" fish, animals and birds: sturgeon, polar bear, white-tailed eagle, walrus, narwhal, seal and many others.

The Kunovatsky Park, located in the Shuryshkarsky District of the Territory in the floodplains of the Ob and Malaya Ob, is of the greatest interest among all the nature reserves of the region. An incredibly rare white Siberian crane is found here - a special type of crane, which is listed in all the Red Data Books of the world. Many other species of migratory birds can be observed in the reserve.

One of the main archaeological monuments of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug is the Nadym settlement - the remains of a settlement from the late 16th-early 17th centuries discovered in the city of Nadym. Here were found children's toys made of wood, jewelry made of tin and copper, hunting skis and much more.

The oldest surviving buildings in the district center were erected at the end of the 19th century. These include, for example, small one-story buildings on Republic Street and the Music and Drama Theater. In the center of the city in the early 1990s, the Nikolskaya tower of the Obdorsk fortress was restored - a monument of wooden architecture of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. It is decorated with a double-headed eagle, from the tower there is a descent to the Poluy river. It is believed that Salekhard was founded on this site.

For more than twenty years the ecological and methodological center "House of Nature" has been operating in Nadym, where you can get acquainted with the nature and ecology of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug, as well as with the ethnographic heritage of the region's indigenous inhabitants - the Nenets.
In Noyabrsk, you can visit Russia's first Children's Museum, most of the exhibits of which you can play, and some even make yourself. The museum has a winter garden and a children's workshop, from where, among other things, you can go on a virtual journey through the world's exhibitions.

In Labytnangi, you can visit the Cross-shaped Znamensky chapel-chapel - one of the most interesting in the area. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

1 Settlement (sacrificial place) Ust-Poluy. Salekhard. Located on a high promontory of the root terrace of the r. Poluy, approximately 2 km upstream from its confluence with the river. Ob. 0.2 km to the southwest from the building of the sports complex "Aviator". V century BC. to the III century. AD B.C. Adrianov 1932

2 Mangazeya ancient settlement Krasnoselkupsky district.
Right bank of the river Taz, at the mouth of the river. Mangazeyka. 8.5 km north of the village of Sidorovsk. 17th century AD V. N. Chernetsov

3. A complex of objects of ethnic culture on the north-eastern shore of the lake. Maloye Muzykantovo Purovsky district, northeastern shore of the Maloye Muzykantovo lake.

4. Cult place "Tareznzyakha-khekhe" Yamal region, left bank of the river. Yuribey, 3.9 km west of the projected railroad track.

3. The cult place "Lamsento-syo" Yamal region, on the watershed of the Lamsento-syo (3.5 km to the west) and Ya-Yakha (11.5 km to the east) rivers between the Lamsento lakes (14 km to the south) and Syavta- then (12.5 km north).

4. A holy place on the left bank of the Seyakha river Yamal region, the left root bank of the river. Seyakha, coordinates N 70 ° 23 "02.7", east longitude 068 ° 35 "06.7"

5. Sanctuary Nyakharyakha Priuralsky district, r. Nyakharyakha, coordinates N 69 ° 25 "34.3", E 68 ° 23 "07.9"

6. Sanctuary Sidyapelyato Priuralsky region, northern shore of Lake Sidyapelyato, coordinates of north latitude. 69 ° 19 "34.5", E 68 ° 15 "04.0"

7. A complex of buildings of the log type in the village. Khanty-Muzhi Shuryshkarsky district, village. Khanty-Muzhi, Zhivun Natural Park-Museum Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The reserve is located on the West Siberian Plain, in the Krasnoselkupsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of Russia. Its length is 150 km from north to south and 70 km from west to east. The territory is divided into two forestries - Pokolskoye and Tazovskoye, bordering each other along a water protection clearing along the left bank of the Ratta River.
The reserve was formed in 1986 for the preservation and study of the natural complexes of the region, unique for the West Siberian Plain and characteristic of its upland - Siberian Uvaly. The territory of the reserve is important for the protection of the dwindling population of the taiga reindeer, and is promising for the re-acclimatization of the Sosva beaver.

The fauna of the Verkhne-Tazovsky Reserve is characteristic of the northern taiga, however, it has not been sufficiently studied. Large animals are characterized by bear, elk, wolverine. The latter is rare, but constant. Wolves rarely come here from the tundra. Arctic fox enters the Upper Taz during migrations. There are foxes in the river valleys.

In the Verkhne-Tazovsky Reserve, 310 species of vascular plants, 111 leafy bryophytes, 91 species of lichens are found. Forests with a predominance of pine in the reserve make up 59.4% of the forested area. Found in areas of river terraces. Dark coniferous forests occupy less large areas, but they are more diverse in their composition. They are dominated by cedar and spruce with an admixture of fir. The shrub layer is represented by wild rose, juniper, mountain ash. The moss cover is continuous or almost continuous, sometimes foliated lichens are found, which gives the cover a northern appearance.

149 bird species are registered on the territory of the reserve. On its territory there are about 310 species of vascular plants. The fauna of the reserve includes about 35 species of mammals. There are 20 species of fish. The animal world is represented by such species of animals and birds as brown bear, weasel, sable, wood grouse, black grouse.

The main attraction of the Verkhne-Tazovsky Reserve is the relatively sparse pine forests of the park type with the richest reindeer moss. The reserve is the largest reserve of valuable fur-bearing animals - sable and ermine. Consists of one site with an area of ​​631.3 thousand hectares; extends from north to south for 150 km, from east to west - 70 km.

The climate is continental, with long cold winters and rather warm summers. The amplitude of the minimum winter and maximum summer temperatures reaches 100 degrees. The average duration of the frost-free period is 83 days. The reserve is located in a discontinuous permafrost zone.

The rivers of the Verkhne-Tazovsky Reserve are characterized by a moderate current, great tortuosity, the presence of numerous sandbanks and relatively high banks. There are blockages in some parts of the rivers. In river valleys, processes of crumbling and sliding of high banks are taking place. The main river of the reserve, the Taz River, is one of the most important spawning rivers in Western Siberia of such valuable salmon and whitefish species as nelma, muksun, whitefish, wild chir, peled, and tugun. It begins at the Upper Taz Upland. Other rivers flowing through the reserve, such as Pokolka, Ratta, Kellogg, also originate here.

On the territory of the Verkhne-Tazovsky Reserve, there are two types of lakes that differ in genesis - lakes of glacial origin and floodplain origin. The formation of the former is associated with the processes of formation of moraine deposits by the erosion of land areas by glacial waters; they are located in interfluves and are usually rounded. Floodplain lakes are oxbows of rivers, as a rule, elongated, small in width, with swampy banks and a muddy bottom.

On the "ancient" floodplain terraces, which are sometimes found in the middle and lower reaches of the Ratta and Pokolka, raised bogs are widespread. The forest stand in the bogs is rare, represented by pine and birch. The shrub layer is rare, consists of dwarf birch, low-growing willows. Against the background of a continuous moss cover, cassandra, podbel, cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries, saber, marsh sedge, cannabis dominate.

Ecological tourism:
An interesting ecological trail has been developed in the reserve, there is a small nature museum and a visit center.

Scientists are investigating a giant hole in the ground that appeared in Yamal. A crater with a diameter of 60 (and according to other sources - up to 80) meters was discovered last week (July 2014) - it was accidentally noticed from a helicopter. All sorts of versions of its origin have already appeared on the Internet. Scientists have to find out whether it is the result of a man-made impact or the fall of a space body.
Some media outlets even suggested that the funnel appeared as a result of alien intervention. But to accurately determine the cause of its appearance, you need to take soil samples. As reported by "Russia 24", this is not yet possible, since the edges of the funnel are constantly crumbling, and it is dangerous to approach it. The first expedition has already visited the site, and Marina Leibman, Chief Researcher of the Earth Cryosphere Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about what the scientists saw there.
“There are simply no traces of a person with any equipment here,” she said. “One can assume something fantastic: a hot meteorite fell and everything melted here. But when a meteorite falls, there are traces of charring, that is, high temperature. there are no signs of high temperatures. There are traces of water flows, there is some accumulation of water. "
According to the portal "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", scientists are considering several versions of the formation of this hole. The version that this is an ordinary karst sinkhole is unlikely, because the sinkhole is surrounded by soil discharges. If a meteorite formed a gap in the ground, then such a powerful blow could not go unnoticed.
Anna Kurchatova, Executive Director of the Subarctic Research and Training Range, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, suggested that a not very strong underground explosion occurred here. Probably, gas accumulated underground, and pressure began to build up at a depth of about 15 meters. As a result, the gas-water mixture burst out, throwing out ice and sand, like a cork from a champagne bottle. Fortunately, this happened far from a pipeline or gas production and processing facility.

Reindeer breeders of the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug discovered a second crater, which outwardly resembles the "bottomless pit" that has recently become known, 30 kilometers from the Bovanenkovskoye deposit.
The new funnel is located on another peninsula - Gydansky, not far from the coast of the Taz Bay. The diameter of the crater is much smaller than that of the first one - about 15 meters. The other day, the deputy director of the state farm Mikhail Lapsuy was convinced of its existence.
However, there is no need to talk about the discovery as such. According to nomads, the crater appeared at the end of September last year. They just did not make this fact public. And when they heard about a similar phenomenon on the neighboring peninsula, they told the local authorities about it.

"Hole" in Yamal could appear due to swamp gas
Mikhail Lapsuy confirms the identity of the Gydan and Yamal natural formations. By the way, they differ little in their distance from the Arctic Circle. Outwardly, except for the size, everything is very similar.
Judging by the soil bordering the upper boundaries, it was ejected to the surface from the depth of permafrost. True, those reindeer herders who call themselves witnesses of the phenomenon claim: at first there was a haze over the area where the release took place, then a flash of fire followed and the earth shuddered.
At first glance, this is speculation. However, this version of the release should not be dismissed outright, says Anna Kurchatova, the executive director of the Subarctic scientific and educational site, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, since when methane is mixed with air in certain proportions, an explosive mixture is formed.


Despite the many ancestral sacred places in Yamal, Taimyr and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, there have long been central places of worship common to the entire Nenets ethnos, such as Bolvansky Nos on Vaigach, Kozmin crossroads in the area of ​​the river. Nes (Nenets Autonomous Okrug), Yav'mal khekhe (Yamal), Sir Iri (Bely Island), Minisei in the Polar Urals.
The most revered among the Nenets were two stone-idols on Vaigach - Vesoko and Khadako (Old Man and Old Woman). The island itself was named by the Nenets "Khebidya Ngo" - the sacred land. The Vesoko Shrine is located at Cape Dyakonov. One of the earliest descriptions of this sacred site was left by skipper Stephen Borrow in 1556. He noted that there was a sanctuary on the cape of about 300 crude and primitive idols, sometimes just sticks with grooves for eyes and mouth. The mouths and eyes of the idols and some other parts were smeared with blood. In the "Notes" by Jan Huygens van Linshotten we find a description of a cape on the southern bank of the Vaigach, on which about 300 idols stood [Linshotten, 1915].
In 1826, Archimandrite Veniamin visited the Vesoko sanctuary, who led the mission for the conversion of the Nenets (Samoyeds) of the Arkhangelsk province to Christianity. By order of Benjamin, the Vesoko Shrine was completely destroyed and the idols burned to the ground. Despite the complete destruction of the most revered sacred place, the Nenets made attempts to restore it more than once. In 1837 the biologist A. Schrenk, who visited the island. Vaygach, reported that the Samoyeds who returned to their places chose a place for sacrifices not far from the cross erected by the mission of Archimandrite Benjamin, and again set up their wooden idols here [Shrenk, 1855]. AE Nordenskjöld, who visited Vaigach in 1887, also wrote about Nenets idols with a bunch of deer antlers and skulls standing at the top of the cape six hundred meters from the cross [Nordenskjöld, 1936].
In 1984-1987. under the leadership of L.P. Khlobystin, a thorough archaeological study of this cultural site was carried out. In 1986, the Arkhangelsk Arctic expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of OV Ovsyannikov examined the monument of the spiritual culture of the Nenets - the sanctuary "Kozmin Pereselok" ("Harv Pod" - the road to the larch thicket). 1986-1997 The Marine Arctic Complex Expedition (MAKE) under the leadership of P.V. Boyarsky carried out research on the island. Vaygach. Based on these materials, a map of the sacred places of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was created.
The main shrine of Neve-khekhe-mother idol is located in the north of Fr. Vaygach in the upper reaches of the river. Heheyaha, between Yangoto and Heheto lakes. Judging by the data of V. A. Islavin and A. A. Borisov, the highest rock with a crack resembling a female sign was called "Neve-hege" by the Nenets.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. there is an active interest in sacred places in the Yamal Peninsula. In his work "The Yamal Peninsula" B. Zhitkov gives a description of the sacrificial place Yav'mal khekhe revered by the Nenets - a place of worship for different clans living in Yamal.

The ethnographer-researcher V.P. Evladov, who organized a scientific expedition jointly with the Ural Committee of the North in 1928-1929, devoted a lot of time and effort to the study and description of the sacred places. on the tundra of Yamal. Basically, he recorded all the major places of worship of the Nenets. He also managed to visit and describe the main shrine of the Nenets, Sir Iri (White Old Man) on about. White. The Nenets call it the island of the White Old Man (Sir Iri Ngo). Since ancient times, this island has been a kind of gateway to Yamal.
In July-August 2000, with the financial support of the administration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, an ethnographic expedition was carried out to the Yamal region. Its purpose was to research, record and collect information about sacred and ritual places, description of historical and cultural monuments, sacred and religious places, national burials (certification, registration, recommendations for establishing the boundaries of protected zones and creating a map of sacred places).
The collected materials were processed, analyzed and a map of the sacred sites was compiled. Many points indicated on the map were examined by the author personally. Some of the designations of sacred places were recorded from the words of informants living in this territory.
The sacred place Sir Irie is located in the depths of Bely Island, 25-30 km from the Malygin Strait. Apparently, it has not been visited for a long time and seems to be neglected. In the center of the sanctuary there is a figure about 2-2.5 m high. Logs of various sizes are lying around, possibly these are idols. Time and weather did their job, some of them collapsed under the influence of water and wind. The figure of Sir Irie is made of round wood, the master painstakingly processed the front part, the neck and the transition to the shoulder girdle are outlined, the hands are small, apparently, there were tree branches in this place, which made the task easier for the master. We often happened to see a similar figure in the sacred sledges of the Nenets during expeditions across Yamal. At the same time, the figure of Sir Irie was always dressed in a malitsa, however, in the descriptions of researchers and travelers, we do not find any mention of such an attribute of this image. Although informants claim that during the sacrifice, they put on the skin of a sacrificial deer (khanty) (Yaptik Y.) or a bear (Sir Wark) (Hudi V.) during the sacrifice.

According to the stories of informants, at the sacred place of Ilebyampertya (Bely Island, Cape Malygina, 15-20 km from the strait) sacrifices of a polar bear or a white deer were carried out. The skin of the sacrificial animal was wrapped around the central figure of the sitay (idol). During our examination of this sacred place, no fresh sacrifices were found, but the remains of rotten hides and skins were lying around. Many skulls of polar bears and deer were scattered around the altar, and a whole mountain of skulls was built near the central figure.

Sacrificial site Yamal khekhe ya is a place of worship and sacrifices for seven clans living on the Yamal Peninsula. According to the reindeer herders, any person can come here, regardless of clan and tribe. Seven ancestral sacrificial sites are located at a great distance from each other. The central sacred place is about 2.5 meters high and several meters wide. Sacrifices were found on all the altars. On each of them are stuck figures of idols of different sizes, there are small freshly carved sitays, and traces of deer blood are visible on their faces, as well as sacred poles (sims) were found, on which pieces of cloth of different colors are tied. Not far from the altars, traces of a fire and burnt logs are visible.
Syur'nya khekhe i is located 25 km from the village. Syunai-Sale behind the small river Kharvuta. The basis is made up of five larch trees. Several chests (caskets) are located under them. The antlers of sacrificial deer, ribbons of different colors, and a lot of dishes hang everywhere. According to the legend told by the inhabitants of the village, a mistress sometimes appears on this sacred place and frightens people who have come not for sacrifice, but for pampering. Women are generally forbidden to appear here.

The sacred sled of Harvuta khekhan is located on the high bank of the Kharvuta river. Apparently, it has been standing here for a long time, since part of it has gone underground. Narta three-dusty, gray-greenish, in some places overgrown with yellowish-white moss. There is a casket on the sled, the right side of which is broken. Planks from the casket and pieces of birch bark are scattered around; perhaps, cult objects were previously wrapped in it. A cult sculpture 50 cm in size was found in the sled. The front part has been clearly processed, the neck is marked, the figure becomes narrower downwards and less elaborated. When examining the sacred sled, two more cult sculptures were found: one about 25 cm, most likely male (the figure was destroyed by time and there are no clear contours), the second about 30 cm, more complex in processing, the front part is very clearly worked out, the neck and shoulder part are marked ... Most likely, this is a female figure, since the lower part of the body is worked out in great detail: legs, waist. The master, not without interest, reacted to the study of female genitals.
Hebidya to hehe I is located 15 km from the village. Syunai-Sale, on the high bank of a large lake. Previously, this cult place was very often visited by reindeer herders who drove herds of reindeer from the Khen side to summer pastures in the Yamal. But a few years ago this place was partially destroyed (a large larch tree was demolished by a tractor, on which many sacrificial skulls were hanging). According to the stories of informants, not far from the broken larch a small one grew, and the Nenets began to bring sacrifices to this place. Traces of sacrifices, deer skulls, and colored pieces of tissue were found here. A very modest sacred place, there are no bulky piles of sacrificial skulls, as is the case in Northern Yamal.

During the expedition, new, previously unexplored places of worship were discovered: Limbya Nguduy hehe ya; Nyarme hehe I; Sarmik yara hehe i; Munota yaram hehe i; Parne Salé (mouth of the Mordyakha River); Yasavei hehe I; Tomboy hehe I; Si'iv Serpiva hoy (r. Turmayakha); Serotetto Seda (Yuribey River, Yamal); Tirs Seda (upper reaches of the Yakhadyakha River); Varnge yaha hehe ya (Varngeto district); Labakhei to (upper reaches of the Sebesyakha river).
Nenets ancestral graves are scattered throughout the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Many travelers and researchers described Nenets burials and burial methods [Zavalishin, 1862; Zuev, 1947; Bakhrushin, 1955; Gracheva, 1971; Khomich, 1966, 1976, 1995; Susoy, 1994; Lehtisalo, 1998]. Since ancient times, the Nenets tried to locate cemeteries (khalmer ') in their ancestral territories near summer pastures. Usually these were dry places and high hills on the banks of lakes and rivers. On Yamal, we have discovered burials of various forms. These are burials in kaldank (hoi ngano), the sharp ends of which are cut to fit the figure; burials in a deck, in elongated shapes, reminiscent of barrels for salting fish; burial on sledges, in structures similar to the wreckage of ships (large boats); in structures similar to sacred sledges (with caskets), perhaps, this is how shamans were buried in ancient times.


Team nomad
Kushelevsky Yu. I. The North Pole and the Yalmal Land: Travel Notes. - SPb .: Type. Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1868 .-- II, 155 p.
A brief account of the trip to the Yamal Peninsula: (Read in the general collection of I.R.G.O. 19 Feb. 1909) / B. M. Zhitkov p. 20. Retrieved 15 February 2012.
Evladov V.P. In the tundra I-mala. - Sverdlovsk: Gosizdat, 1930 .-- 68 p. - 5,000 copies.
Vasiliev V.I. Historical legends of the Nenets as a source in the study of ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the North Samodian peoples // Ethnic history and folklore. Moscow: Nauka, 1977.S. 113-126.
Vasiliev V.I., Simchenko Yu.B. The modern Samoyed population of Taimyr // SE. 1963. No. 3. S. 9-20.
Golovnev A.V., Zaitsev G.S., Pribylsky Yu.P. History of Yamal. Tobolsk; Yar-Sale: Ethnographic Bureau, 1994.
Dunin-Gorkavich A.A. Tobolsk North. M .: Libereya, 1995.Vol. 1.
V.P. Evladov Along the tundra of Yamal to the White Island. Tyumen: IPOS SO RAN, 1992.
Zhitkov B.M. Yamal Peninsula / West IRGO. T. 49.SPb .: Type. MM. Stasyulevich, 1913.
Kurilovich A. Gydansky peninsula and its inhabitants // Soviet North. 1934. No. 1. S. 129-140.
Lar L.A. Shamans and gods. Tyumen: IPOS SO RAN, 1998.
Minenko N.A. Northwestern Siberia in the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries. Novosibirsk: Science, 1975.
Obdorsk region and Mangazeya in the 17th century: Sat. documents / Avt.-comp. E.V. Vershinin, G.P. Vizgalov. Yekaterinburg: "Thesis", 2004.
photo by S. Vagaev, S. Anisimov, A. Snegirev.

The harsh northern edge is beautiful and distant. These definitions fully apply to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. On this land, surrounded by pristine nature, according to the customs of their ancestors, indigenous peoples live, and rich mineral resources are developed using modern technologies. Yamal has always attracted travelers with its unique appearance. Here, the avarice of the sun and the originality of nature, the severity of the climate and the hospitality of local residents, the fantastic palette of autumn and the silent whiteness of winter are combined in the most amazing way. Scientists love Yamal for its cultural wealth and unique nature. Therefore, be sure to come to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (the capital of Salekhard) in order to enjoy the purest air and get a closer look at the beauty of the remote corners of our big country.


Russia is beautiful and rich: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the black pearl of the northern part of our country. And it occupies no less than 770 thousand square kilometers of the West Siberian Plain. The Okrug includes: Gydansky and, of course, the Yamal Peninsula. Most of the district is located in the Arctic Circle. From the north, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is washed from the south by the Khanty-Mansiysk District, the eastern neighbors are Taimyr and Evenk Autonomous Okrug, from the west it borders on the Arkhangelsk Region and the Komi Republic. The relief of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug can be divided into flat and mountainous. All three peninsulas are dotted with small streams, hollows, ravines and swamps. The mountain range stretches for two hundred kilometers in a narrow strip along the Polar Urals. The climate of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is sharply continental, harsh, divided into three zones: the northern strip of the West Siberian lowland, subarctic and arctic. The population is about 500 thousand people with a density of less than one person per square kilometer.


The vegetation cover in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has a pronounced latitudinal zoning. Five landscape zones can be distinguished: northern taiga, forest-tundra, shrub, moss-lichen and arctic tundra. In the northernmost, arctic zone, vegetation is very sparse. Only mosses, lichens and sedges can be found here. Small bushes and herbs are already growing in the moss-lichen tundra. In the next zone (shrub tundra) dwarf birches and willows grow, along the rivers - berries and mushrooms. There are many swamps and small rivers in the forest-tundra. Dwarf birches, larches and small spruces grow here. In the southernmost zone of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - taiga, many lakes, swamps, rivers. The entire territory is covered with dense light and dark coniferous forests.


If the plant world of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is rather scarce, then the animal world is rich and diverse. Thirty-eight species of mammals live in five climatic zones of the district. Most of all there are predators and rodents - fourteen species each. Five names for pinnipeds, three for insectivores, two for ungulates. Twenty species of fur-bearing animals are of great commercial importance.

Natural minerals

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (the capital of Salekhard) is famous for its hydrocarbon reserves. About 78% of the total reserves of Russian oil and gas are concentrated here. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the world's largest hydrocarbon resource base. Developments for the extraction of valuable raw materials are carried out at the Nakhodkinskoye and Urengoyskoye gas, Ety-Purovskoye, Yuzhno-Russkoye, Yamburgskoye oil fields. In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, about 8% of the total production of "black" and about 80% of "blue gold" are mined annually. It produces chromium, molybdenum, tin, iron, lead, phosphorites, barites and other minerals.

Indigenous peoples of the Yamal-Nenets district

Today, twenty peoples live in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. But the true indigenous inhabitants are the Khanty, Nenets, Selkups and Izhma Komi, who have lived in this territory since time immemorial. The rest settled only in the second half of the twentieth century. This is due to the development of the territories of the Far North in the era of the Soviet Union.

Khanty: since ancient times, this people lived in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The culture, language and customs of this people are very heterogeneous. This is due to the fact that the Khanty settled in a rather vast territory and therefore became somewhat scattered.

The Nenets inhabit the vast territory of Russia - from to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. This people migrated from Southern Siberia in the first millennium AD. He belongs to the Samoyed group.

It is known that he has been living in this territory since the 1st millennium BC. This people is divided into northern and southern Komi. The first from time immemorial were engaged in reindeer husbandry, fishing and hunting. The latter were hunters and fishermen.

Selkups are the most numerous people of the North. The Selkups were traditionally engaged in fishing and hunting. Those representatives of the people who lived at higher latitudes still bred deer.

Administrative center

The capital of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is Salekhard. It is located on the banks of the Ob (on the right side). The city is located on the Arctic Circle (the only one in the world). The population is about 40 thousand people. The city was founded in 1595. At first it was a small prison called Obdorsky. Half a century after its foundation, permanent residents appear here. Since 1923 the village of Obdorsk has become the center of the Obdorsk district of the Ural region. And already in 1930, the village was assigned the status of the administrative center of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Three years later, Obdorsk was renamed Salekhard. Today, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the capital of the Autonomous Okrug in particular, is developing at a fairly rapid pace. There are many enterprises operating in the city: Yamalzoloto, a river port, a fish cannery, Yamalflot and others. The city has opened the Yamal-Nenets District Museum and Exhibition Complex, which houses an exhibition center, a local history museum and a scientific library. Also in Salekhard there is the District House of Crafts - the state budgetary institution of culture of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. There are many branches of various universities in the capital of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It should be noted that the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (the capital of Salekhard) is experiencing big problems with access to the Internet. The fact is that the region does not yet have a fiber-optic network.

Cities and districts of the Yamalo-Nenets district

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug consists of seven districts, eight cities, five and forty-one rural administrations. Districts of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Yamal, Shuryshkarsky, Tazovsky, Purovsky, Priuralsky, Nadym and Krasnoselkupsky. As mentioned above, the population density is very low. Despite the vast territory, there are very few cities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Cities: Noyabrsk (97 thousand), Novy Urengoy (89.8 thousand), Nadym (45.2 thousand), Muravlenko (36.4 thousand), Salekhard (32.9 thousand), Labytnangi (26, 7 thousand), Gubkinsky (21.1 thousand inhabitants). Some cities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will be described in more detail below.


The city of Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) in 1996 became a city of district significance and was named after a Soviet geologist. It is located on the left bank of the Pyakupur River, two hundred kilometers from the Arctic Circle. This city was formed as a base center for the development of oil deposits. Therefore, Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) mainly specializes in the oil and gas production and processing industry. Work with young people is well organized in the city: there are sports and cultural centers, a dance school, and a recording studio. Young people have the opportunity to get an education in their hometown.

Muravlenko. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

The city was founded in 1984. Received the status of a district in 1990. It was named in honor of the oil engineer Viktor Ivanovich Muravlenko. Basically, the city budget is replenished by the enterprises of the oil-extracting industry. Muravlenko (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) has its own radio and television companies. Newspapers are published: "Our City", "Kopeyka", "The Word of the Oilman".

Noyabrsk. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

After Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk is the second most populous in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The city was founded in 1973, when the first oil well was drilled on the site of present-day Noyabrsk. Two years later, the first settlers arrived here, which mainly consisted of workers. Back in 1976, the village of Noyabrsk could only be found on the maps of oil workers, and already in 1982 the village was given the status of a district town. Oil and gas and are very well developed. More than thirty companies work in this field.

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