Home Diseases and pests Who is n x bunge. Reforming activity of n.kh. bunge. Material for a historical essay

Who is n x bunge. Reforming activity of n.kh. bunge. Material for a historical essay

Bunge was born in Kiev in the family of a doctor, specialist in pediatric diseases Christian-Georg Bunge, MD.

Bunge studied at the First Kiev Gymnasium and graduated with a gold medal. In 1845 he graduated from Kiev University (Faculty of Law). In 1847, Bunge became a master of public law, writing a dissertation on the topic "Study of the beginnings of trade legislation of Peter the Great", in 1850 - a doctor of political sciences (dissertation on the topic "The theory of credit").

From 1845 until the end of his life, Bunge was engaged in economics, holding positions:

  • teacher (from 1845) and then professor of the Nizhyn Lyceum, Prince Bezborodko (from 1847);
  • adjunct (since 1850), extraordinary (since 1852) and ordinary professor (since 1854) at Kiev University (Department of Political Economy and Statistics);
  • Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences (since 1859);
  • rector of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir in Kiev (1859-1862, 1871-1875 and in 1878-1880);
  • manager of the Kiev office of the State Bank (since 1862);
  • personal teacher Nikolai Alexandrovich (son of Alexander II, future Emperor Nicholas II) in political economy, finance theory, statistics (since 1863);
  • tenured professor of the Department of Police Law at Kiev University (since 1869, read economic policy);
  • ordinary academician of historical-political and historical-philological sciences (since 1890).

As a statesman Bunge held positions:

  • Deputy Minister of Finance (1880-1881);
  • manager of the Ministry of Finance (since 1881);
  • Minister of Finance (1882-1886);
  • Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and member of the State Council (1887-1895);
  • vice-chairman of the Committee of the Siberian Railway (since 1892).

Contribution to the development of the economy

Remark 2

Bunge criticized socialist and communist doctrines, was well versed in Western economic concepts, was a supporter of Adam Smith and moderate liberalism, was fond of the German economic school.

Bunge was a supporter of moderate liberalism, advocated private property and free enterprise. However, he recognized limited government intervention in the economy. Bunge was forced to introduce protectionist measures in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, caused by a sharp increase in military spending during that period.

As finance minister, Bunge lowered redemption payments in order to improve the welfare of peasants, abolished the capitation tax (he also proposed to abolish the mutual liability in the countryside, but the State Council opposed it), abolished the salt excise, raised a number of taxes (on alcohol, tobacco, sugar), increased the stamp collection, increased import customs duties.

Bunge was a proponent of income taxation. In 1885, taxes were introduced on income from money capital and on profits, as well as a duty on gratuitous property transferred.

Since 1884, Bunge began preparations for a monetary reform: the State Bank began to accumulate gold from the proceeds of customs duties and from external loans.

Under Bunge, the Peasant Land Bank was created for long-term lending to peasants for the purchase of land and the Noble Land Bank for issuing loans to the nobles.

Bunge was involved in the development of factory (labor) legislation:

  • established a factory inspection in 1882;
  • in 1884 he banned the use of minors' labor in factories and limited the duration of adolescent labor to eight hours;
  • in 1885 he banned night work in textile factories for adolescents and women;
  • in 1886 he issued the "Regulations on the supervision of factory establishments", limiting the arbitrariness of employers against workers and increasing repressive measures for preparing and participating in strikes, threats against the employer and refusal to work.

In 1885, on the initiative of Bunge, a magazine began to be published in St. Petersburg "Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade"(until 1917).

Bunge has written many works on economics:

  • "Credit theory" (1852),
  • "Statistics course" (1876),
  • "Foundations of Political Economy" (1870),
  • "On the restoration of metal circulation in Russia" (1877),
  • "Essays on Political and Economic Literature" (1895)
  • and other works.

Lived: 1823-1895

From biography:

  • Nikolay Khristianovich Bunge- one of the largest reformers in Russia during the reign of Alexander III, the predecessor of S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin.
  • Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Russian Empire in 1887-1895, Minister of Finance in 1882-1886
  • Professor-economist, taught political economy, statistics and finance to the future Emperor Nicholas II.
  • In his views, he was a moderate liberal, believed that the state should interfere in the economy to a limited extent, advocated a set of entrepreneurship and private property.
  • Socialism was considered the evil of humanity.

The main activities of Bunge N.Kh. and their results

As Minister of Finance (1882-1886):

  • Reduction of redemption payments, which greatly eased the position of the peasants.
  • 1886- abolition of poll tax and salt excise
  • Raising taxes on a number of products: alcohol, tobacco, sugar, etc.
  • Increase in customs duties on imports
  • Since 1885, the introduction of income tax on monetary capital, on profits
  • Conducting protectionist policies in the economy
  • The beginning of the preparation of the monetary reform
  • Under him, the State Bank began to accumulate gold from the proceeds of customs duties.
  • Creation of the Peasant Land Bank for obtaining loans for the purchase of land.
  • Opening of the Noble land bank.
  • Strengthening government funding for industry
  • Increase in state railway construction
  • Changes in labor legislation: in 1884 - the law prohibiting the work of minors, the working day of children aged 12-15 was limited to 8 hours. In 1885 - the prohibition of night work of adolescents under 17 years of age and women in textile factories. 1886 - "Rules on the supervision of the establishments of the factory industry", which limited the arbitrariness of employers, in particular, fines were regulated, etc.); strengthening of repressive measures for participation in wheelbarrows, refusal to work, etc. Since 1882 - the beginning of the work of the Factory Inspectorate, which monitored the observance of these "Rules".

Outcomes: Bunge N.H. failed to balance the state budget, but his activities contributed to a significant improvement in the situation of the peasants. For the first time, measures were taken to protect workers.

Bunge N.Kh. differed social orientation, as he was convinced of the connection between the improvement of the country's economy and the position of the people. His political ideal is an autocratic monarchy based on legality, transparency and the development of local public initiative.

These progressive measures drew criticism from the top of society, especially from the conservative chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod K.P. Pobedonostsev, who accused Bunge N.Kh. in a passion for Western theories, in a lack of understanding of the conditions of Russian life. As a result, Bunge N.Kh. was removed from the post of finance ministers and appointed to the post of chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, which had no real influence.

The main goal - to improve the financial situation of Russia and increase the well-being of the people - he failed to achieve.

Bunge N.Kh.'s will - "Notes of the Grave."

Shortly before the death of Bunge N.Kh. sent his notes to the emperor, in which he put forward the main ideas for the reorganization of Russia.

Key points:

  • He proved the economic inconsistency of the peasant community, the need to create a layer of peasant-owners
  • He considered it necessary to more actively pursue the resettlement policy of peasants
  • He advocated a liberal, flexible policy on the national question.
  • He noted the need to provide self-government bodies with more powers
  • The need to mitigate the acuteness of contradictions between entrepreneurs and workers, etc.

An interesting fact is that some of the ideas of Bunge N.Kh. in the future formed the basis of the reform P. A. Stolypin.

Material for a historical essay

Historical era Historical event, cause and effect relationships
EpochAlexandraIII(1881-1894) Further development of the country's economy, search for ways and means to improve it.Causes:
  • The need to replenish the state budget, finding ways and means for this
  • Stabilization of the country's financial system
  • Creation of conditions for the development of peasant and noble land use.


  • The introduction of taxes, an increase in customs duties on imports, the abolition of the poll tax - all this contributed to the replenishment of the state budget, although it did not completely solve all financial problems.
  • The state created conditions for peasants and nobles to receive loans necessary for the development of farms (Noble and Peasant banks).

The Minister of Finance played an important role in solving economic problems N.H.Bunge (1882-1886).

He advocated government funding for industry, reformed the tax system. He carried out a decrease in redemption payments and a gradual abolition of the poll tax.

To compensate for the losses of the state in carrying out these measures, he introduced indirect taxes and income tax, and also increased customs duties on waxed goods.

(See results of activities and their results above)

This material can be used to prepare for assignment 25 - historical essay on the era of government

Prepared by: Vera Melnikova

Brief biographical information about N.Kh. Bunge. Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge (1823-1895) was one of the prominent Russian reformers in the field of economics, finance and social policy. He graduated from the law faculty of Kiev University, taught at the Nizhyn Lyceum. After defending his master's thesis in 1847 on the topic “Research of the beginnings of the trade legislation of Peter the Great”, in 1850 he moved to work at Kiev University, where in 1852 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Theory of Credit”. The circle of his scientific interests was very diverse: he gave lectures on political economy, statistics, police law and other sciences. From 1859 to 1880 he was the rector of Kiev University. During these years he was involved in the preparation of the peasant reform of 1861, in the development of a new university charter. As one of the prominent scholars and economists, he was invited to teach political economy to the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Nicholas.

Bunge gained considerable practical experience, working from 1865 as the manager of the Kiev branch of the State Bank. In 1880 he was invited to work in St. Petersburg as Deputy Minister of Finance, and from 1881 to 1886 he served as Minister. After his retirement, from January 1887 until his death in 1895, N.Kh. Bunge was the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. Bunge reformer traits:

  • He was characterized not by "narrow financiers", but by a broad, comprehensive approach to economic and financial problems, which he closely linked with the social policy of the state.
  • He considered the goal of financial and economic policy not so much to fill the state budget as to improve the welfare of the lower classes, because the prosperity of the state depended on this to a decisive extent. To this end, he implemented a number of cardinal measures to ease the tax burden on the peasantry.
  • He always proportioned his reform plans with the real situation, public opinion, knew how to wait, retreat, and compromise. He prepared the planned reforms carefully, without haste.

Economic and Financial Policy Program. N.Kh. Bunge started out in unfavorable conditions. First of all, the heavy financial consequences of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 affected. - huge budget deficit, devaluation of the ruble. The state debt as of January 1, 1881 amounted to 6 billion rubles. - the amount for that time is astronomical. From 1881 to 1883 Russia experienced an economic crisis, from 1883 to 1887 - a depression. 1880s also characterized by local crop failures; the situation in the countryside was aggravated by a reduction in land holdings due to the rapid growth of the rural population, an increase in the number of landless farms, and a heavy tax burden.

On behalf of Alexander II, who treated Bunge with great respect, the latter, in 1880, being the assistant minister of finance, prepared policy note on the tasks of economic and financial policy for the coming years. It included the following main provisions:

  • 1. Reducing spending on the state apparatus.
  • 2. Termination of the issue of paper money, the gradual reduction of their quantity to the pre-war level.
  • 3. Organized resettlement of landless and landless peasants to undeveloped state land.
  • 4. Streamlining taxes: abolition of the poll tax, salt tax and passport tax; decrease in redemption payments. To compensate for losses, it was envisaged to increase the state land tax levied on non-taxable estates, an increase in the tax on urban real estate, the establishment of taxes on individuals of the free professions (lawyers, doctors, architects, artists, etc.), on trade and industrial enterprises and money capital. Bunge viewed these changes as preparations for the introduction income tax.
  • 5. Enactment of laws to promote industry and trade.
  • 6. Streamlining the financial side of the railway construction in order to stop the waste of public funds.

This program was accepted. And when in 1881 the Minister of Finance A.A. Abaza, along with other liberal ministers, resigned, in his place with the approval of Alexander 111 was appointed N.Kh. Bunge.

Tax reforms. Bunge gave priority to tax policy. The finance minister's greatest concern was redemption payments. Their unreasonable burden for the peasants became apparent immediately after the start of the reform. Already in the first five years - 1862-1866. - arrears amounted to 7.9 million rubles. 1 The then Minister of Finance M.Kh. Reitern organized an investigation into the reasons for the arrears, and it turned out that the redemption payments significantly exceeded the profitability of peasant farms. In 1880, arrears amounted to 20.5 million rubles, in 1881 - 23.4 million.

In April 1881, the State Council made a decision to transfer all former landlord peasants to a "mandatory ransom", to add up arrears on redemption payments for 14 million rubles. and a decrease in redemption payments by 9 million rubles. per year (later the amount of the annual decrease was 12 million rubles). In connection with the coronation of Alexander 111 in 1883, more than 13.8 million rubles were written off. arrears on these payments, in 1884 - 2.3 million rubles.

Another "headache" for the Minister of Finance was per capita filing. In March 1882 Bunge submitted to the State Council a note "On the replacement of the poll tax with other taxes", in which he substantiated the impossibility of further delaying the abolition of the tax. The poll tax constantly accumulated arrears, which were written off from time to time. So, in 1880 they wrote off 7 million rubles; in 1881, arrears amounted to 10.7 million rubles. The State Council approved Bunge's proposed phased abolition of the poll tax. Since 1883, the collection of taxes from the categories of the population most burdened with taxes has ceased. From January 1, 1887, the collection of the poll tax was discontinued from all other payers.

For the years 1882-1887. the inflow of the capitation tax decreased from 54.8 million rubles. up to 1.3 million 1.

To compensate for the losses, Bunge introduced a number of new taxes and increased the previous ones. In particular, the land tax introduced in 1875 was increased by 52.5%; the tax on real estate in cities was increased by 46%; the system of commercial taxation was transformed, some privileges were given to small traders and artisans; in 1885 a 3% tax was introduced on the net profit of joint-stock companies; in the same year, a 5% tax was imposed on income from monetary capital; in 1887, a 5% tax was introduced on government-guaranteed income from shares of private railways; a duty was introduced on inherited property, which caused sharp discontent among the nobility.

In 1885, due to changes in the tax system and its complication, Bunge established a special institution of tax inspectors at the provincial treasury chambers. They were designed to identify taxable income from real estate and other properties.

Bunge's tax reforms were highly praised by the liberal community. For example, the famous liberal publicist S.N. Yuzhakov believed that Bunge's actions eased the situation of the people and saved them from final ruin. The modern historian V.L. Stepanov points out that Bunge's tax reforms "initiated the modernization of the Russian tax system and thereby contributed to the country's industrialization process."

Transformation in banking. Bunge continued to develop the system of state lending to the national economy, since state loans have long enjoyed greater confidence in Russia than private loans. Lending expanded through National Bank, which stably kept the discount rate at 6% and only in 1886 reduced it to 5%. In 1881 - 1884, despite the industrial crisis, the issuance of loans increased from 180 million rubles. up to 204 million

Under the leadership of Bunge in the first half of the 1880s. a system has developed in Russia state mortgage loan. During these years, landowners continued to mortgage low-income estates in joint-stock land banks, but they were not redeemed in time, which led to the sale of the mortgaged lands. For example, from 1873 to

In 1882, 23.4 million dessiatines were sold. Bunge came up with the idea of ​​organizing a cheap loan for the peasants to become the main buyers of the landlord's land. The Ministry of Finance has prepared an education project Peasant Bank, which was approved by the emperor on May 18, 1882. The main provisions of the law on the Peasant Bank were as follows: 1) loans are allocated to all willing peasants, regardless of their property status at 6% per annum; 2) the size of the loan is 75% of the value of the acquired land; 3) loan repayment terms are set from 24 to 34 years; 4) the bank is an independent credit institution and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance.

During 1883-1885. 25 branches of the Peasant Bank were opened in Russia; the amount of loans during this time increased from 864 thousand to 14 million rubles, the amount of purchased land - from 18.2 thousand to 318 thousand dessiatines 1. Since 1886, the sale of land has been reduced in connection with the creation of the Noble Bank. In just the first 13 years of the Peasant Bank's existence, the peasants bought with its assistance

  • 2411.7 thousand acres of land.
  • June 3, 1885 Alexander 111 signed a decree on the consciousness of the Noble Land Bank; thus, the formation of the mortgage loan system was completed. This bank also operated under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance and issued loans secured by land ownership in the amount of 60% of the value of estates for a period of 36 to 48 years at an annual payment of 5%. Thus, the conditions of the Noble Bank were extremely favorable. However, as subsequent practice showed, they were unable to halt the process of reducing landowners' land tenure.

Immediately there was a great demand for loans. In 1886, in 25 branches of the Noble Bank, landowners received 68.8 million rubles, in 1887 - 71.1 million rubles. However, borrowers did not always use loans for their intended purpose, they were often “eaten away” or launched into stock speculations, and interest arrears began to grow. Nevertheless, in 1889, the lending rate was lowered to 4.5. Landowners who could not or did not want to organize a profitable economy sold their land through the Noble Bank. The buyers were noblemen (up to 50%), peasants (up to 20%), merchants and petty bourgeoisie (up to 10%) and representatives of other estates.

Along with the development of state credit, Bunge paid attention to private credit. He believed that the accumulation of funds in banks and savings banks would reduce the country's dependence on foreign capital. In 1883, the bans on the foundation were lifted commercial banks. Although this did not lead to an increase in the number of banks, deposits in them increased significantly. For example, until the end of 1892, only 6 new banks arose, but deposits during this time increased from 214 to 301 million rubles. 1 The State Bank constantly supported commercial banks with its financial resources.

Bunge actively contributed to the development of the network in Russia savings banks. In May 1881, the interest on deposits was increased from 3 to 4, which contributed to the inflow of new deposits into the cash offices. In 1884 the Ministry of Finance granted the right to create savings banks at the provincial and district treasuries, and their branches - in all cities and large settlements. If in 1880 there were only 76 savings banks in the country, then in 1886 there were 554 cash desks, 306 thousand depositors and 44 million rubles. deposits.

Thus, the credit system of Russia was raised to a new level, which was under the control of the state and was strictly regulated by the relevant legislation. This created certain guarantees for commercial banks, including deposits of citizens.

Bunge's other financial transformations. Continuing the course of M.Kh. Reiterna, Bunge consistently pursued a policy protective tariffs. In 1882, import customs duties were raised on raw materials and manufactured products and, to a small extent, on finished products. In 1884, duties on cast iron, coal, peat were increased; in 1885 - for fish, wine, tea, vegetable oil, silk, agricultural machinery, iron and steel; a general increase in tariffs from 10 to 15% was carried out. If in 1881 the duty on all borders of Russia was 16.5% of the value of imported goods, then in 1886 it was 27.8%.

Under Bunge began to force export of bread, which was sold to Germany, England, Holland, France, Italy, Belgium. In 1881-1885. grain exports increased from 208 million to 344 million poods.

For strengthening the ruble Bunge from 1881 stopped issuing money and began to withdraw unsecured money from circulation. The minting of a silver coin was again allowed, although Bunge understood that Russia needed to switch to golden monometallism; however, this required a lot of preparatory work and an increase in the gold reserve.

Labor legislation. N.Kh. Bunge was one of the few statesmen in Russia who understood the need to develop laws on working question. He believed that the legal regulation of the relationship between entrepreneurs and workers should contribute to: 1) elimination of the causes of conflicts at enterprises, the recession of the strike movement; 2) reducing the prerequisites for socialist propaganda among the workers; 3) improving working conditions at industrial enterprises and increasing the productivity of workers. The development of appropriate legislation was also prompted by the growth of the labor movement in the 1870s - early 1880s.

The first was a law on limiting the working day for children and adolescents and the creation of a factory inspection to monitor the implementation of the law. It provided for the prohibition of the work of children under 12 years old, night work for children 12-14 years old, limiting the working day of adolescents to 10 hours, compulsory attendance by children of school. Under pressure from entrepreneurs, the enactment of the law was postponed for a year (until May 1, 1884). In 1885, a law was passed prohibiting night work for women and adolescents under 17 years of age in the textile industry.


Bunge, Nikolai Khristianovich - financier, economist and statesman (1823 - 95), comes from the nobility of the Evangelical confession, was born in Kiev, where his father was considered an experienced physician for childhood diseases; he was educated at the 1st Kiev gymnasium and at the University of St. Vladimir, where he graduated from the course in 1845. At the same time, Bunge was appointed a teacher of the Lyceum of Prince Bezborodko, and after defending his master's thesis in 1847 "Research of the beginnings of the trade legislation of Peter the Great" (" Otechestvennye Zapiski ", 1850) was approved by the professor of the Lyceum. In the dark backwaters of Nezhin, he became an ardent missionary of European science and citizenship; as a professor, he actively cared about raising the level of development of his listeners: in order to make the treasures of European science accessible to his chosen students, Bunge gave lessons in foreign languages ​​in his apartment. This rare and pretty trait - to love everything young and to smell everything talented in the young - Bunge retained later, when (in 1850) he became a professor at the University of St. Vladimir, and this is the key to the extraordinary success of his university lectures. In 1852 Bunge was awarded the degree of Doctor of Political Science by the Kiev University for his dissertation "Theory of Credit" (Kiev, 1852). In 1869 he changed the Department of Political Economy and Statistics to the Department of Police Law. Bunge does not see police law as a whole science; in the doctrine of security (laws of deanery), he sees a part of state law, and in the doctrine of welfare (laws of improvement) - an applied part of political economy. Accordingly, in his course "Police Law" (Kiev, 1873 - 77), which remained unfinished, and in which he managed to outline some of the improvement departments, the economic point of view prevails. Bunge's police law is in line with what is now known as economic policy. In presenting the theory of economic policy, the author does not limit himself to general principles, since, in his opinion, the study of some general laws without connection with the facts in which these laws are found can easily degenerate into dry and abstract scholasticism, which may be of interest to specialists, but powerless resolve vital issues. Bunge also published for his listeners "A Course in Statistics" (Kiev, 1865; 2nd ed., 1876) and "Foundations of Political Economy" (ib., 1870). In the difficult days of university life, when the universities were losing self-government, Bunge was appointed rector by appointment (from 1859 to 1862). ) stood with dignity at the head of the Kiev University. But even after his return to the universities of electoral law, Bunke was twice elected rector of the same Kiev University and held this position from 1871 to 1875 and from 1878 to 1880. In 1880 he left the university. Bunge was one of those professors who do not lock themselves into the blank walls of their office. Possessing a bright and broad mind, he could not help but respond to public issues that life put on a queue. The result was a number of articles placed by him in various periodicals, starting in 1852. These are the articles related to the peasant reform that was expected then (in Otechestvennye Zapiski, 1858, and in Russkiy Vestnik 1859, ¦ 2 and 8 ), to the spreading new type of industrial enterprises in the form of joint-stock companies (in the "Journal for Shareholders", 1855 and 1858) and many others, among which one cannot fail to note his remarks about the structure of the educational part in universities (in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1858. , vol. XVII) and banking policy (in the "Collection of State Knowledge", vol. I, 1874). His research "Warehouses and Warrants" (Kiev, 1871) was also of great practical importance; But Bunge's research on ways to restore correct monetary circulation in our country, shaken by the excessive issue of paper money, attracted special attention. These include the following works: "On the restoration of metal circulation in Russia" (Kiev, 1877); "On the restoration of a permanent monetary unit in Russia" (Kiev, 1878) and articles in the "Collection of State Knowledge", vol. VI, 1878, and vol. XIII, 1880. Bunge also translated and supplemented A. Wagner's work "Russian paper money "(Kiev, 1871). In 1859, when the peasant reform was ripening, Bunge was invited to participate in the financial commission, which had as its purpose the search for the foundations and methods of finally resolving the peasant question through the redemption of allotments with the assistance of the government. Once again called to Petersburg to participate in the discussion of the new university charter (1863), Bunge was commissioned to teach the science of finance and political economy to the heir to Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. Bunge based these lectures on the book by Karl von Hock, "Taxes and State Debts" (Kiev, 1865), which he translated into Russian. Upon his return to Kiev, Bunge, without leaving university studies, took the position of manager of the Kiev office of a state bank. Thus, standing at the very source of credit operations, Bunge was able to verify in practice the instructions of the theory of finance. From that time on, his voice became decisive in financial matters. Bunge's accession to the post of Deputy Minister of Finance in 1880 and soon after in 1881 as Minister of Finance was met with sympathy and great hopes. - Bunge - Minister of Finance. Bunge had to take over the ministry under very difficult circumstances. The reaction that came after March 1, 1881 was reflected in the financial condition of the country. In addition, two years in a row - 1884 and especially 1885 - were marked by an almost universal crop failure, and this caused unfavorable consequences for industry and trade. Bunge's first budget in 1881 had to be reduced to a deficit of over 50 million rubles. The amount of public debt on January 1, 1881 reached over 6 billion, and the conclusion of a number of new loans was inevitable. One of the first actions of Bunge was the release of the gold 6% rent in 1883, which, in view of the extremely high percentage, met with hostile attitude in society. The state of the credit ruble exchange rate was very unsatisfactory. In 1881 the average price of the ruble was 65.8 kopecks in gold, in 1886 - 58.9; the balance of payments was extremely unfavorable, and speculation with Russian funds and credit rubles was carried out on foreign exchanges, especially in Berlin, against which Bunge, guided by a system of non-interference in exchange relations, did not take appropriate measures. In one of his first all-inclusive reports (1883) Bunge defined his financial program as follows: "A careful study of the weaknesses of our state system indicates the need to ensure the correct growth of industry with sufficient patronage for it: to strengthen credit institutions on the basis of proven experience, while helping to reduce the cost credit; to strengthen in the interests of the people and the state the profitability of railway enterprises, establishing proper control over them; to strengthen credit monetary circulation by a set of gradually implemented measures aimed at achieving this goal, to introduce reforms in the tax system consistent with strict justice and promising an increase in income without burdening tax payers ; finally, to restore the excess of revenues over expenditures (without which the improvement of finances is unthinkable) by limiting excess loans and observing reasonable parsimony in all branches of government. " From this program, Bunge certainly did not manage to fulfill the excess of revenues over expenditures, due to significant expenses for urgent repayment of government loans. In all other respects, the management of Bunge was, indeed, an outstanding era in the history of Russian finance. One of the first financial measures was the reduction of redemption payments, which Bunge considered necessary to improve the well-being of the rural population, and which was insistently caused by the fact that, in general, more was collected from the peasants than was paid under the obligations of the redemption operation. The reduction was made in the amount of 1 ruble from each per capita allotment imposed on redemption payments in the Great Russian regions and by 16 kopecks from the ruble in the Little Russian regions. The total amount of the reduction was up to 12 million rubles per year. In 1885 Bunge entered the State Council with the idea of ​​a widespread (except Siberia) abolition from January 1, 1886 of the poll tax, which since the time of Peter the Great was the cornerstone of our financial system. This measure was supposed to reduce the resources of the state treasury by 57 million rubles, part of which was supposed to be compensated by an increase in the tax on alcohol (up to 9 kopecks per degree), and part - by an increase in the quitrent tax from state peasants (from an increase of which the government in 1886 refused by 20 years). The Council of State, however, decided to transfer the state peasants to ransom, which was in reality nothing more than a disguised increase in quitrent taxes. The law of June 12, 1886 established a compulsory ransom for state peasants. The abolition of the poll tax should have resulted in the abolition of the mutual guarantee. And in 1885, Bunge, in his presentation to the State Council, pointing out the devastating consequences of this method of collecting taxes, which causes, on the one hand, "the peasants are attached to the land by the passport system," in favor of canceling the mutual guarantee. The Council of State disagreed with Bunge's arguments, and mutual liability was reserved for taxes, replacing the poll tax. In any case, we owe the abolition of the poll tax and lower redemption payments to landlord peasants exclusively to Bunge, who made an extremely bold step, giving up incomes of up to 70 million rubles at a time when the budget was giving a deficit. This significant decrease in income forced Bunge to turn to other sources and - above all - to increase taxes. So, under Bunge, taxes were increased, except for the tax on alcohol (first up to 8 kopecks according to the law on May 19, 1881. , then up to 9 kopecks per degree, according to the law on May 18, 1885), for sugar (May 12, 1881), for tobacco (May 18, 1882); increased stamp duty (January 19, 1882), increased customs rates on many items of import, and closed transit through the Caucasus; a tax on the gold mining was introduced, additional and distribution fees were established from commercial and industrial enterprises (laws on July 5, 1884 and January 5, 1885), the tax on immovable property in cities was raised (May 13, 1883), and the land tax was increased, a tax was introduced on income from monetary capital and a tax on the transfer of property by unpaid methods (tax on gifts and inheritance), taxes on foreign passports were increased, and the sale of drinks was regulated. Together with these tax reforms, Bunge was concerned with the introduction of the institution of tax inspectors, which was supposed to ensure more correct collection of taxes. The new state credit institutions established under Bunge were of great importance for the further economic development of Russia. Proceeding from the point of view that the economic disorder of the peasants is mainly due to the inadequacy and low productivity of their land plots, and the acquisition of other land in ownership is extremely difficult for peasants due to the inability to use long-term loans, Bunge developed a project for a state mortgage bank to assist the peasants in the acquisition of land by them. The bank's charter was imperially approved on May 18, 1882. Loans were to be issued with 51/2% mortgage sheets, called 51/2% of state certificates of a peasant land bank. By its very charter, the bank was supposed to be only an intermediary between peasants and landowners who were already making a deal on their own initiative. And from the very beginning, the purpose of the bank, according to the motives of the State Council, was to assist well-to-do and some peasants with some income, but not land-poor. The bank began its operations on April 10, 1883, and by the end of the Bunge ministry, by 1886, it had at its disposal a spare capital of 467.7 thousand rubles. Along with this bank, a noble bank was also opened, which was established specifically "to help the nobility." According to Bunge's idea, the bank was supposed to issue loans only to those noble landowners who themselves manage their land. But the Council of State passed the Bunge project, removing any limitation. Under Bunge, the construction of state-owned railways received a strong expansion. For this purpose, under Bunge, up to 133.6 million rubles were spent; the treasury built railways in total 3461 versts in length. In addition, several lines of private companies were purchased for the treasury. Bunge himself doubted that "turning the railways into state ownership would immediately enrich the treasury," but saw that "over time, railways could become the same branch of the state economy as the post and telegraphs." Despite the absence of a plan to buy out private roads and state railway construction and huge deficits from the operation of railways, it was Bunge who contributed a lot to streamline our railway policy, and with it, Russian finances in general. Bunge's administration of the Ministry of Finance was marked by the triumph of protectionism. Bunge's activities coincided with the nationalist course of domestic politics. The ideal of independence of the national economy, its liberation from foreign domination, preached with special energy by Moskovskie Vedomosti and then by Mendeleev, led to demands for higher duties. A well-known influence on the protectionist direction of foreign trade policy under the Bunge was exerted by the general rise of the customs-protective wave that swept across Europe and in Germany in particular, which in 1879 caused significant changes in the tariff system. In 1881, a 10% surcharge was made on the entire tariff. On June 16, 1884, an increase in the duty on cast iron followed, which was then joined by corresponding increases on roll iron, steel, machinery, etc. the western land border. One of Bunge's great services as finance minister is his commitment to the introduction of an income tax in our country. The acute financial need in the late 70s and early 80s, caused partly by the Turkish war, partly by a reduction in a number of public resources due to tax reforms, and partly by generally poor financial management, put on the agenda a radical reform of taxation. In his most respected report in 1884, Bunge categorically and in a definite form recognized the income tax as the most expedient and just method of taxation. But, fearing a strong breakdown in economic relations, he did not dare to immediately proceed with the introduction of an income tax and for the first time established a number of private taxes, which were of the importance of measures preparing the introduction of one income tax. Among Bunge's reforms, it is necessary to indicate the first step towards the regulation of factory labor, expressed in the law on June 1, 1882, the beginning of a more correct organization of city and private banks, laid down by the rules of April 26, 1883, and the drinking reform of 1885. Few ministers had to endure so many attacks from the press, especially Moskovskiye Vedomosti, and few treated them so calmly, without resorting to the protection of the punitive administration and confining themselves to official denials of a strictly factual nature. In January 1887 Bunge left the post of Minister of Finance and was appointed chairman of the committee of ministers. Bunge was elected an honorary member of various societies, universities: St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk, St. Vladimir and the Academy of Sciences; in 1890 he was elected an ordinary academician in political economy and published the book "State accounting and financial reporting in England" (St. Petersburg, 1890), which is an interesting material for the study of budget law. In compiling this book, the author used a number of practical information provided to him by our financial agents in Paris and London. - Bunge is an economist. Bunge considered rivalry to be the main factor in economic life. Disagreeing completely with any of the classics and finding significant inaccuracies in views like Hell. Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Mill, and Carey and Bastiat, he adhered to an eclectic point of view, mainly adhering to the theories of Malthus and Mill. He considered supply and demand to be the main regulator of economic phenomena, and they explained almost all economic phenomena. Bunge's socio-political views were fully consistent with this view. Bunge recognized the enormous beneficial influence behind the rivalry. Without rivalry, there would have been a tremendous decline in strength. Rivalry turns out to be disastrous when unequal forces enter into the struggle, on the one hand, united, supported by monopolies, privileges, huge capital, and on the other hand, fragmented, deprived of any support and unsecured in their activities. Evil lies, in Bunge's opinion, not in rivalry, but in its insufficient balance. Nevertheless, Bunge did not see anything enslaving and humiliating in the purchase of manpower, that is, in the hiring of labor, for this purchase is combined with mutual benefit. Bunge allowed state intervention in economic life only on a small scale and in extreme cases. This view did not prevent Bunge, however, from recognizing the appropriateness of government intervention in trade policy and in the area of ​​"measures related to the welfare of factory workers." Bunge's practical activities during his tenure as finance minister established him as a strict protectionist. In his theoretical views, outlined by him in the course "Police Law", Bunge is not, however, an unconditional protectionist. According to Bunge, customs duties constitute a tax and should be considered mainly how to file. They should depend as little as possible on trade agreements, should be considered with the general system of taxes, with their influence on production, trade and consumption. Industry can and should be encouraged. But the protective tariff and benefits common to all individuals give incentives indiscriminately and therefore are not always desirable. Benefits are often indicative of imprudence in the state economy. A liberal customs tariff increases consumption, but low customs duties and high taxes are undesirable. With regard to laws regarding workers, it was precisely from the recognition of the beneficial effects of competition that Bunge believed that freedom of trade would be violated if workers did not have the right to enter into agreements with each other regarding the fixing of wages. While not agreeing with the representatives of the liberal school who objected to the benefits of strikes, Bunge, nevertheless, did not see in the unions of workers the inclinations for the correct development of social life and considered the trade unions a step backward compared to the medieval guilds. Considering the task of legislation in the field of economic life to protect freedom of transactions, Bunge did not allow any restriction of private property rights. In his opinion, the injustice of the initial acquisition was smoothed out over time, because the owner puts his labor, his capital into the land and pays taxes from the land. Economic freedom not only helped raise humanity to the highest level of prosperity, but in the future should serve as an indispensable factor in development. Capitalist production and the domination of rivalry give people hope for a better future and make them free. In his methodological views, Bunge adhered to the historical and statistical direction in political economy, but introduced a number of restrictions into it. Disagreeing with Rosher, Bunge believed that the historical trend could introduce unprincipled "opportunism" into science and practical life; he found it dangerous to lack any principles, foundations, rules and to accept historical examples in leadership, with an attempt to follow them in cases that were erroneously recognized as homogeneous with those already lived by humanity. Demanding great caution in the application of the deductive method, Bunge insisted on the assimilation of the method of positive knowledge, observation and experience by political economy. In addition to the Historical Outline of Economic Doctrines, published for the first time in 1868 and giving a summary of the teachings of the most prominent economic thinkers, from the mercantilists to the historical school, Bunge gave a detailed exposition of Carey's special teachings in extensive articles (The Theory of Consent of Private Interests - the first political and economic doctrine of Carey ", 1858) and J.-St. Mill ("J.-St. Mill as an Economist", 1868). These articles, together with a small extract from Schmoller's articles on Menger, were added to the Historical Sketch of Economic Doctrines and, with significant critical additions, changes and amendments, were published in 1895 under the general title Sketches of Political and Economic Literature. This was Bunge's last work. - Compare: P. Migulin, "Russian State Credit" (I volume, Kharkov, 1899); Kovalko, "The main reforms carried out by N. H. Bunge in the financial system of Russia" (Kiev, 1901); I. Taburno, "Outline review of the financial and economic state of Russia over the past 20 years (1882 - 1901)" (St. Petersburg, 1904); M. Sobolev, "History of the customs policy of Russia" (St. Petersburg, 1911); "Historical background on the introduction of income tax" (official publication); Schulze-Gevernitz, "Essays on the Social Economy and Economic Policy of Russia" (1901). S. Zagorsky.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BUNGE NIKOLAY CHRISTIANOVICH in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    I publicist and statesman, comes from the nobility of the Evangelical confession, born. November 11, 1823 in Kiev, where his father ...
  • BUNGE NIKOLAY CHRISTIANOVICH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? publicist and statesman, comes from the nobility of the Evangelical confession, b. November 11, 1823 in Kiev, where his father ...
    (1823-95) Russian statesman, economist, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1890). In 1881-86 the Minister of Finance. In 1887-95 he was chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. Carried out a policy ...
  • BUNGE NIKOLAY CHRISTIANOVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Nikolai Khristianovich, Russian bourgeois economist, statesman, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1890). Since 1850 professor ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (victory of the people; Acts 6: 5) - originally from Antioch, probably converted from paganism to the Christian faith, one of the deacons of the Apostolic Church, ...
  • NIKOLAI in 1000 biographies of famous people:
    Nikolaevich, Grand Duke (1856-?). - Graduated from the military academy in 1876. Participated as an officer in the Russian-Turkish war. In the period from 1895 ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Nicholas is an archbishop of Murlik, a saint, highly revered in the East and West, sometimes even by Muslims and pagans. His name is surrounded by a mass of folk ...
  • CHRISTIANOVICH in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Pyotr Ivanovich (1851 - date of death unknown), leader in the field of labor training, one of the founders of Russian manualism. Supporter of natural education ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (4th century) Archbishop of Mirlikia (Mir in Lycia, M. Asia), Christian saint-miracle worker, widely revered in the Eastern and Western churches. V …
  • NIKOLAI NAME 5 DAD in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    name of 5 dads. N. I (858-867), a Roman of a noble family, was elected under the influence of Emperor Louis II. Distinguished by a strong will and ...
  • NIKOLAI BISKOP NOVOMIRGORODSKY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Ivan G. Zarkevich) - Bishop of Novy Mirgorod, spiritual writer (1827 - 885). Studied in St. Petersburg. theological academy; before taking monasticism, he was a priest ...
  • Nicholas Bishop of Aleutian and Alaska in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I (in the world Mikhail Zakharovich Ziorov, born in 1850) - Bishop of Aleutian and Alaskan (since 1891); got education ...
  • NIKOLAY DUKHOVN. WRITER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Peter Stepanovich Adoratsky) - spiritual writer (1849-96). A pupil of the Kazan Theological Academy, N., after accepting monasticism, he spent 4 years ...
  • NIKOLAI GRECH. RHETORICIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Nikolaos) - Greek. rhetorician from Mir-Lycian, lived at the end of the 5th century. by R. Chr., author of "Progymnasmata" - introduction to stylistic ...
  • NIKOLAY NALIMOV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Nikolai Alexandrovich Nalimov, born in 1852) - Exarch of Georgia, Archbishop of Kartala and Kakheti, a pupil of St. Petersburg. theological academy. ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Nicholas - Archbishop of Myrlikia (the city of Mir in Lycia), the great Christian saint, famous for miracles during his life and after death, "the rule of faith and the image ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • NIKOLAI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I (1796 - 1855), Russian emperor (from 1825), third son of Emperor Paul I. He ascended the throne after the sudden death of the emperor ...
    CHRISTIANOVICH Ser. Al. (1908-2000), mechanic, acad. RAS (1943), Hero of Socialist. Labor (1969). Tr. on mechanics of liquid and gas, applied mathematics, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI SALOS, the Pskov holy fool. In 1570, during the campaign of Ivan IV against Pskov, he met the tsar at the gates of the city, denouncing him ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH (Sr.) (1831-1891), grand. prince, third son of the imp. Nicholas I, General Feldm. (1878), hon. h. Petersburg. AN (1855). WITH …
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (the Younger) (1856-1929), grand. prince, son of Nikolai Nikolaevich (the Elder), cavalry general (1901). In 1895-1905, the general inspector of the cavalry, with ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY MIKHAILOVICH (1859-1919), grand. prince, grandson of imp. Nicholas I, General of Infantry (1913), historian, hon. h. Petersburg. AN (1898). Monographs ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI KUZAN (Nicolaus Cusanus) (Nikolai Krebs, Krebs) (1401-64), philosopher, theologian, scientist, church. and watered. activist. The closest adviser to Pope Pius II, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Nicholas of Damascus (64 BC - early 1st century AD), ancient Greek. historian. From Op. reached in fragments: "History" (in 144 kn.), ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS II (1868-1918), the last one grew up. emperor (1894-1917), the eldest son of the im. Alexander III, hon. h. Petersburg. AN (1876). His reign coincided ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS I (1796-1855), rus. emperor from 1825, third son of the imp. Paul I, hon. h. Petersburg. AN (1826). He ascended the throne ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS I (? -867), Pope from 858; under him there was a break with Vost. ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI of Autrecourt (c. 1300 - after 1350), French philosopher, representative of nominalism, taught in Paris, criticized scholastic Aristotelianism, ...

Nikolai Bunge was finance minister from 1881 to 1886. He received this post after Alexander III succeeded to the throne. Bunge carried out many unpopular reforms, which led the conservative opposition to have him resign. Time has shown that the course chosen by this finance minister was correct.

The identity of the minister

The future Minister of Finance Bunge Nikolai Khristianovich was born on November 23, 1823 in the family of a doctor. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Kiev University and after that began his teaching career. In his views, Bunge was a Western liberal and a classical "statist".

His beliefs were distinguished by moderation, which came in handy in the era of Alexander II. The lawyer believed that the Russian state was not yet ready to adopt a constitution. Bunge Nikolai Khristianovich saw the task of his generation in gradual step-by-step reforms, the result of which should be reflected many years later.

Moving to the capital

For about thirty years, the professor taught at the Kiev University. He became rector three times, at the same time heading a branch of the State Bank. In 1880 Bunge Nikolai Khristianovich left Kiev forever and moved to St. Petersburg. He ended up in the capital at the request of the government. The authorities urgently needed new ideas to reform the state and alleviate social tensions. At this time, the terror of the Narodnaya Volya and other radicals reached its peak.

What could Nikolai Christianovich offer the Bunge state? For several decades, he has been preparing his own program of economic transformation. It was based on a rich theoretical foundation gleaned from the experience of Western countries.

Bunge's ideas

Bunge's program appeared in the era of the Great Reforms, but by the beginning of the reign of Alexander III, it went through several editions. After the natural defeat of Russia as a financier, like other liberals, he pinned his hopes on the development of private initiative, which was supposed to make the greatest contribution to the economic development of the country. These aspirations were largely forced. The state, which spent huge sums on the war, simply did not have the funds to modernize Russia.

The coming reforms of Alexander II showed where Bunge Nikolai Khristianovich was wrong. A brief biography of the future minister is similar to the biographies of many of his moderate liberal associates. Economic growth in the 60s. would not have happened without large state subsidies. There was a lack of entrepreneurs in the country. Already in the 70s. the reaction began. The state again took up the total regulation of the economy. The issuance of railway concessions was stopped, the establishment of joint-stock companies was held back, and high customs barriers were established. Taking into account all these features, Bunge Nikolai Khristianovich rewrote his program. A brief biography of this man and the evolution of his views are typical for that era.

Appointment as minister

On March 1, 1881, terrorists killed Alexander II, after which his son came to power. The new sovereign took up personnel rotations in the government. It was then in 1881 that Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge was appointed to the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire. The economist's photo appeared in all the capital's newspapers. The public expected action from him.

During his five years as head of the finance department, Nikolai Bunge has made several major transformations. The state downgraded for peasants, rebuilt the tax system, transferring it to a new income basis, and canceled. In 1882 the Peasant Bank was established. For several years, the first acts of labor legislation were adopted.

Economic transformation

Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge, whose activities were often criticized, initiated reforms that did not immediately bring positive changes to the Russian economy. Under this minister, the budget remained in deficit, the Treasury could not get rid of debts, etc. And, nevertheless, the statesman Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge did a lot for his country. Thanks to his program, the Russian customs service was able to protect domestic producers from foreign competition, which led to a gradual increase in domestic entrepreneurship. Changes in taxation allowed the treasury to accumulate a significant financial base. She later went on to stimulate industrial growth.

Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge was born in the era of the strong ruble, when the national currency was not so connected with the external market as at the end of the 19th century. During the economist's tenure as minister, the situation was fundamentally different from those of the previous order. The government has done a lot to stabilize the ruble exchange rate and move to a gold currency standard. This reform was completed by Bunge's successor, Sergei Witte.

Agrarian policy

What did Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge do for the Russian peasantry? The finance minister strove to develop a market economy in the countryside, which required private peasant land tenure. Bunge believed that state intervention should be minimal and reduced to protecting the interests of the lower classes, who in many ways continued to live in a powerless position in relation to large and wealthy owners. An economist would be a "lover of the people" not only because of his liberal views, but also because of the vital pragmatism. The minister's program was simple - to help the peasantry, so that it, having got stronger, would help the country to rise.

What exactly were the measures that Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge took in the agrarian issue? Photos of villages without modern equipment and infrastructure forced the minister to undertake serious reforms. He saved the rural population from unnecessary taxes, including the tax on salt. The peasantry suffered from land scarcity and overpopulation in the central provinces. To solve this problem, a program was proposed to relocate villagers to the empty outskirts of the country, the natural conditions of which were excellent for cultivating the land and growing crops.

Labor legislation

The relations of the state not only with the peasants, but also with the workers were difficult. After the abolition of serfdom, a powerful stream of proletarians poured into the cities, looking for a better life in factories and other enterprises. In spite of this, in Russia there was still no systematized factory legislation.

In 1884, on the initiative of Bunge, minors were banned from working in large enterprises. The state has set a lower threshold of 12 years. Teenagers under 15 could work no more than 8 hours a day. In 1885 night work for women was banned. The government adopted general rules governing the relationship between the employer and the proletarians. These norms made it possible to significantly limit the arbitrariness and arbitrariness of the manufacturers. At the same time, repressions against workers who took part in strikes and strikes intensified. Compliance with the rules was checked by a special state inspection.

Nationalization of the railways

Finance Minister Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge, whose date of birth coincided with the period of the emergence of railways in Russia, was well aware of their importance in the life of the country. During the years of his leadership of the empire's economy, a full-fledged nationalization of this economy began. At the end of the 19th century, railways were also "state-owned" in Belgium, Austria-Hungary, France, Holland, etc. In carrying out this reform, Bunge could be guided by a similar Western experience.

Fighting monopolies

Nationalization was necessary to combat the monopolists who were rapaciously using this means of communication. Society unanimously demanded that the authorities put an end to the disorganization of the railways. For this purpose, an interdepartmental commission was created. Treasury officials played an important role in it. Bunge himself opposed the too hasty transfer of railways to the state. The minister regularly wrote in which he explained his views on the problem. These projects were sent to the very top and were considered by the autocrat.

After the collapse of the concession system, the state returned to the practice of building railways exclusively at public expense. Regarding the already commissioned tracks, Bunge spoke publicly several times in approximately the same tone. He repeated his arguments shortly before his resignation. The minister believed that Russia could not take away the railways at an accelerated pace, as was done, for example, in Germany, due to the fact that there were not enough qualified specialists in the civil service.

Results of activities

Assessing the results of the work of the Minister of Finance, it is important to understand that the Russian statesman Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge faced numerous obstacles on his way. He inherited a difficult legacy from the war with the Ottoman Empire, an industrial crisis, crop failures, stagnation in agriculture, and increased spending on the navy and army.

The conservative opposition has always disliked a minister who wanted to compromise with the liberal part of society. The confrontation continued throughout Bunge's tenure as head of the finance department.

Resignation and further career

Opponents of the minister secured his resignation in 1886. But the emperor understood who Nikolai Christianovich Bunge was and appreciated his qualities. Therefore, the economist not only did not fall into disgrace, but also remained in the State Council. After becoming the head of the Committee of Ministers, he continued to influence the political course of the authorities, albeit in a different capacity.

What did Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge strive for? The facts from the life of the official indicate that he sought to stop the artificial support of the rural community, which damaged individual peasant farms. The economist was a supporter of the resettlement of villagers to the east. A new wave of mass peasant colonization of Siberia took place after Nikolai Khristianovich Bunge died. The biographical sketch of this man is the history of the career of Stolypin's predecessor, who embarked on the implementation of the agrarian reform. Nikolai Bunge died on June 15, 1895 in Tsarskoe Selo.

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