Home Diseases and pests Marina Khlebnikova, what's wrong with her now. Marina Khlebnikova: biography, personal life. Terrible disease and drug addiction

Marina Khlebnikova, what's wrong with her now. Marina Khlebnikova: biography, personal life. Terrible disease and drug addiction

Irina Pechernikova is known to the audience for many roles since the times of the Soviet Union. Now the honored artist of the RSFSR can often be seen in popular television programs on many well-known channels. In her youth, in the 70-80s, she was considered one of the domestic cinema and called herself "Radiant".

Irina Pechernikova: the first steps of the actress

Irina was born after the war in 1945, on September 2, in the glorious city of Grozny. For a long time, the family of the future actress did not stay there and moved to Moscow. Like all girls, little Irisha dreamed of acting in films and being famous. In the capital, she was lucky enough to live next door to the theatrical artist Rufina Nifontova. Asking her once about what to do in order to become the same as her, the baby heard the answer: "Everything." With this word began Pechernikova's path to glory.

Irina did everything she could. Her list included everything: gymnastics, figure skating, shooting, fencing, horse riding and, of course, amateur theater.

After school, the girl easily entered the Moscow Art Theater and in her second year got an excellent role in the play "The Winter of Our Anxiety". Together with the first success, envious people and gossips appeared, but Irina soon realized that the more they talk about her, the more her popularity in the art world grows. In the theater, the beautiful young actress immediately took all the significant roles for herself, for which her female colleagues disliked her. Soon the atmosphere became so tense that the theater had to be abandoned.

Pechernikova Irina Viktorovna and her partners in the cinema

The heroine of our story appeared on the screen for the first time in the film "The Stone Guest", she had the main role of Donna Anna. The career of a film actress was rapidly gaining momentum. Look at the photo of Irina Pechernikova, this sweet girl was able to turn the head of such celebrities as Vysotsky, Tikhonov, Smoktunovsky.

These famous people were partners of the aspiring actress in films, and the ubiquitous journalists after each new shoot talked about Irina's whirlwind romances with her colleagues.

With Vyacheslav Tikhonov, a very young actress starred in the film "We'll Live Until Monday." Next to the experienced and famous Vyacheslav, Irina seemed quite a girl, but she played very talentedly and earned the recognition of the audience, they began to recognize her on the streets. Next to Vysotsky, Smoktunovsky and other world-famous movie stars, Pechernikova looked on a par, not inferior to them in professionalism.

Personal life

Irina Pechernikova had many fans, this is not surprising with such an appearance and talent. She got married three times. For the first time, the actress tied her fate with a musician from Poland, whose name was Zbigniew Bizon. The marriage did not last long, the hot-tempered young spouses could not get along together. For the second time, the beauty's heart trembled from the assertiveness of the famous actor. Again there was a wedding and hope for a long life together, but the couple broke up very soon.

Then came the perestroika nineties, which were difficult for Russian art. Pechernikova, like many other actors, was left without work. Trying to get out of depression, Irina began to drink alcohol in large quantities. It is not known how this "therapy" would have ended if it had not been for a new love. In 1997, he proposed to the actress, and they signed. Problems with alcohol were left behind. Unfortunately, the happiness did not last long, in 2000 Soloviev died. Pechernikova did not give birth to children from any of her husbands, and again she was left alone.

Second birth

In his personal life, emptiness, in his career - complete oblivion ... It would seem that the glorious past will not be revived, but a miracle happened, and fate gave Pechernikova a second chance. The desperate middle-aged actress took part in the "Formula of Beauty" project, after which she seemed to be born again. Plastic surgeons returned the actress to her former beauty, she looked twenty years younger and again believed in herself.

The cinema appreciated the changes that had taken place with the actress, and she again began to receive offers to act. Irina Pechernikova does not take the series seriously. She stubbornly refuses to take part in such filming. She believes that she would rather play one role instead of ten, but this role will be worthy of her talent.

Recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. By this date, a documentary film “ It doesn't hurt me. "

The star of the Soviet film hits "We'll Live Until Monday", " The first love"And" Two Captains "actress Irina Pechernikova knew and loved the whole country. On the screen, she was so beautiful, graceful, fragile! Irina Pechernikova turned out to be “fragile” in the literal sense of the word: the actress often fell out of the blue. Friends even nicknamed Irina 33 Misfortunes or Irka-disaster for her ability to attract trouble

If everything was limited to only minor incidents, Irina could be called simply unlucky. But the life of the actress was full of real tragedies: the collapse of her career, life without a penny in her pocket, the fight against alcoholism, the loss of the people most dear to her heart ... But Pechernikova, in spite of any troubles, always overcame difficulties and looked to the future with optimism. "We must smile and move on!" - says the actress.

The filmmakers visited the school where the film “ We'll live until monday". An interview with Channel One was given by a teacher who saw how the shooting took place. She was still a student at the time. You will see the assembly hall, where Tikhonov played the piano, and in the English class.

"What is happiness? Happiness is when you are understood ... ”- says the heroine Pechernikova, quoting a student's essay. In the film, you will see the place where Irina was really happy. This is a house in a village near Moscow, where she lived with her beloved Sasha ... Pechernikova's third husband is an actor Alexander Soloviev, known for his roles in the movie "Handsome Green van"And Adam from the movie" Adam marries Eve". Alexander Soloviev became the first person for Irina to understand her. The happiness that she has been looking for for so long. The greatest feeling in life came to her only at the age of 44. But here, too, life smiled slyly: they could not be together: Soloviev was married, he had a little son. Irina did not want to destroy the family and decided to part with her beloved. For eight years she lived alone, did not start even a light romance. And in 1997, Alexander appeared in her life again and said that he had returned forever. Alas, they were given only three years of happiness.

Before the new year, 2000, Irina went to visit her dad, came back - Sasha is not there. At first she thought he was going to his friends and waited. But it struck twelve, and it still was not. Then she realized that something terrible had happened. Irina began to look for her husband in hospitals and morgues, but did not find her anywhere. And on January 22, 2000 she called Dmitry Kharatyan and said that Sasha was dead. The investigation in this case was never completed. It is only known that he was hit with something heavy on Alexander Street, and after some time he was picked up by a police patrol. Alexander Soloviev became the last love of the actress. She didn't let anyone else into her heart.

Name: Irina Pechernikova
Date of Birth: 02.09.1945
Age: 72 years
Place of Birth: Grozny city, Russia
The weight: 58 kg
Height: 1.66 m
Activity: theater and film actress
Family status: married
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Irina Pechernikova has long been considered the most beautiful actress in Soviet cinema. And it is well deserved. Thin, regular facial features, tenderness in her eyes, all this made Irina's appearance attractive and memorable. Remember at least her role as a teacher in the movie "We'll Live Until Monday." What happened to her now? Her biography and personal life are of interest to many. This will be discussed in the article.

Irina Pechernikova. It doesn't hurt me

Childhood of the actress

Irina Pechernikova was born in the city of Grozny in 1945. Her biography began in a difficult post-war period. Then the family moved to Moscow. Irina as a child had an ardent personal desire to become an actress. The life of her parents was far from the world of theater and cinema. It is not known from whom such a desire appeared in the little girl. She went to movies and theaters and represented herself on stage or screen.

It so happened that the famous actress Rufina Nifontova lived near the Pechernikovs' house. Ira literally followed the celebrity, secretly making her way to the door of the apartment. Then the girl began to carry flowers to her door. And one day she made up her mind and rang her doorbell. When the long-awaited meeting took place, Ira asked in great excitement: what is needed in order to become an actress. To this, Nifontova replied unexpectedly and succinctly: "That's it!" and slammed the door.

Irina Pechernikova in her youth

Then a real goal appeared in front of the girl. She entered the drama club, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, fencing, and even archery! She wanted to be perfect in every way.

Irina was lucky: the teacher in the drama club turned out to be a student of the famous Meyerhold! It was she who seriously took up the preparation of Ira for admission to the theater university, which she also chose herself. This is the Moscow Art Theater School.

Irina Pechernikova, if you confess, doubted her abilities. She was not sure that her acting biography could begin with the Moscow Art Theater. Therefore, secretly from the teacher, she decided to fulfill her personal desire. And this played a decisive role in her later life. Ira slowly made her way to where the examination committee worked. She was dressed in a school uniform with a black apron. There is a large bow on the head. This is how schoolgirls dressed in Soviet times, even in high school.

Actress in her youth

Irina Pechernikova was then sixteen years old. But she looked thirteen younger. She slowly opened the door, and then the teachers noticed her. They found it funny. And then an important event happened that changed her biography. The girl was invited to enter. Then they asked: how old is she? She lied that she was seventeen. Then everyone laughed. Then they asked me to read something. She read at her own discretion what they taught in the drama club. For some reason, laughter rang out again.

And, in spite of everything, she was admitted to the Moscow Art Theater School. This was an important event in Irina's life. In the photo of those years, the girl looks quite still a child - childish facial features, a naive look. But, nevertheless, she has already become a student at a theater university. Her old dream has come true.

Creative career of an actress

Already during her studies at the Studio School for the second year, the future famous actress Irina Pechernikova was offered to enter the real stage. It was the play "The Winter of Our Anxiety." She was happy that the beginning of her creative career happened so soon. However, gossip about her personal life darkened this happiness. The fact that the director chose such a young girl for a serious role was seen as secret, dirty reasons. She was suspected of having an affair with the director. Although this, of course, was not the case.

Pechernikova played in the theater

Here Irina had to learn all the tricks of the backstage life. After she graduated from a theater university, the young actress was taken to the Lenkom Theater. In it, she played the role of Armanda Bejart in Bulgakov's "Moliere". After working there for two years, the young actress moved to the Theater. Mayakovsky. She wanted to get there for a long time.

Oleg Dal forced her to star in the film "Option" Omega "with him. But again, there was no love affair with him. He loved his wife very much, who worked right there on the set.

The role in the film "Two Captains" brought the actress considerable success as well. The director was glad that he finally found a suitable candidate for this role. He said that he needed a woman from whom three men would lose their heads.

In the 90s, the actress disappeared from the screens. Perhaps Irina's personal tragedy was to blame for this. She was undergoing treatment for alcoholism in a prestigious clinic.

Then Irina starred in 2000 and 2007. She no longer had roles in films.

Personal life

As it happens with beautiful celebrities, there are many rumors, true and false, around the biography and personal life of Irina Pechernikova. One thing can be said with certainty that she has no children.

It is difficult to say unequivocally about the affair with Vladimir Vysotsky. It was known that the famous singer and actor was not indifferent to the beauty with the eyes of a deer. He took her to Abkhazia, where he was to star in a film. There he also gave concerts at which he sang songs dedicated to her. All spectators looked around to see for whom Vysotsky was singing. But then he was married, and Irina did not want to become a mistress. So that was the end of it.

Vladimir Vysotsky (left): friend of the actress

The first official husband of the actress was Zbigniew Bizon, a Polish musician. Friends brought Irina to his concert. She then walked with a cane because she broke her legs during filming. But this fact did not prevent the musician from falling in love with the Russian beautiful actress. Their romance broke out instantly. Then they had to part. They corresponded, called back. But when they met, they decided not to part anymore, they got married. But again, Irina had to leave for Russia to shoot.

Zbigniew Bizon and Irina Pechernikova

Their marriage and love could not bear the separation. In the end, they broke up.

A few years later, when the actress was already playing at the Maly Theater, the actor Boris Galkin noticed her portrait. Irina's appearance impressed him so much that he began to ask everyone who she was. Then, seeing Irina on the stage, Boris at first did not recognize her. And then he fell in love completely. He began to look after her beautifully, played the guitar, gave beautiful bouquets. In the end, the beauty's heart was won.

Boris proposed to her. Irina agreed. Together they lived quite a bit. The actress admitted later that she only loved theater at that time. Therefore, they had to part.

Later, Boris married another woman, his son Vladislav was born, who became a famous actor.

True love came to Irina Pechernikova too late. With the actor Alexander Solovyov, she met back in the 68th year on the set of "Green Van". But in her biography, he appeared even later, in the 80s. They met at a private clinic, where both were being treated for alcoholism. A real feeling flared up between them. But Alexander was then married, he had a son. And Irina did not want to break up his personal life.

I. Pechernikova and Alexander Soloviev

Later, when the son grew up and became a student, they got married in the Orthodox Church. Fate gave the woman, at last, a brief family happiness.

Too bad it was too short. Three years later, her husband was found unconscious near the house and taken to the hospital. But no one could identify him. This is surprising, but true. The actor lay in the morgue for a whole month. And Irina just went crazy with anxiety, looking for a husband in all hospitals and morgues. It was only by chance that one physician recognized a famous actor as a "bum". Irina, having buried her husband, spent several years in a terrible neurosis. And only now she is beginning to come to her senses a little.

Irina Pechernikova. Autograph on Saturdays.

Do you like the work of the actress Irina Pechernikova?


Irina Pechernikova was born on September 2, 1945 in the city of Grozny. Soon the family moved to Moscow and settled on Leninsky Prospekt next to the Maly Theater actress Rufina Nifontova. The girl secretly put flowers under her door, and one day she plucked up courage and called: "What does it take to become a movie actress?" "Everything," sounded short, and the door slammed shut. But that was enough. "Everything" was taken literally. Irina, like an obsessed one, began to do everything in a row: figure skating, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, motorcycle, horses, enrolled in a theater studio.

She entered the theater the first time, and already in her second year at the Moscow Art Theater School, Pechernikova was invited to an interesting and challenging role in the play "The Winter of Our Trouble". It was prestigious, responsible, and the young actress fell into a childish euphoria, naively believing that everyone in the theater is insanely happy about her arrival. But one day she accidentally overheard - there were thin partitions between the dressing rooms - the conversation of two artists: "Of course, who else, if not her, should be given a role in this play? Our girl is not a mistake. She manages to live with two at once - with Massalsky and with Puzyrev."

Irina Pechernikova then huddled in the scenery and cried for a long time. The teacher saved her from despair, then he said the words that gave the actress strength: "Remember, remember forever, if they talk about you, then you are either an extraordinary woman, or a talented actress. You will cry when they stop." And Irina Pechernikova remembered and no longer cried when she was written down now as a wife, now as a mistress to Tikhonov, and to Smoktunovsky, and to Bogatyrev, and to Vysotsky ...


Irina Pechernikova's track record includes the Moscow Art Theater, Lenkom, the Mayakovsky Theater, the Maly Theater ... When Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev, the guardian angel of the actress, took her to Maly, immediately warned: "Our theater is special, imperial. Get ready: you will be have been at least two years old. And you, in my opinion, are edible. " And they ate ...

And why love something, the actress recalls, she came and took all the repertoire roles. There were enough actresses of her age in the troupe, and Irina Pechernikova not only took away their work - they had hope. I took it and grabbed everything! Of course, Tsarev defended, and when he was gone, a lot changed, so much so that I didn't want to go to the theater and Irina Pechernikova left. She left the relationship, from the theater - just like that, to nowhere. This is probably not easy, but it is also very important, because the process of dying crosses out the good that happened.

Great movie partners

For the first time, Irina Pechernikova starred in the title role of Donna Anna in the musical drama "The Stone Guest" directed by Vladimir Gorikker based on the opera by Dargomyzhsky, together with the genius Vladimir Atlantov. Colorful, unforgettable shooting. The viewers immediately fell in love with the beautiful girl. It seems that Irina Pechernikova was still the darling of fate. She began her film career with fantastic success. Yes, and God did not offend partners: Tikhonov, Vysotsky, Smoktunovsky, Dal ...

Young Pechernikova and middle-aged Vyacheslav Tikhonov played atypical teachers of the Soviet school in Stanislav Rostotsky's cult film "We'll Live Till Monday". The appearance on the screen of Irina Pechernikova became a sensation. The actress had a natural charm, a captivating femininity, a special emotional appeal. In a duet with Vyacheslav Tikhonov, the undisputed idol of the public, her heroine, Natalya Sergeevna Gorelova, an English teacher, did not get lost, but became his worthy partner.

Best of the day

With Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Irina Pechernikova starred in the film "First Love" based on Turgenev, directed by Vasily Ordynsky. She was very afraid of him and, frankly, did not perceive him well. He constantly grumbled, was nervous, and bitterly made fun of the young actress. It was difficult to work. The situation was defused by a huge elk, which once began to devour the outfit of the heroine Pechernikova - Zinaida with appetite. And in the bushes, Innokenty Mikhailovich writhed with laughter, and this brought the actors closer together. Later, Smoktunovsky admitted that he was very shy about the jockey suit, which unnecessarily emphasized and fitted his manhood. That is why he came off on his lovely partner.

With Oleg Dal, Irina Pechernikova first starred in a serial film about Soviet intelligence officers "Option" Omega ", where there was no role for her - so, episodes. I went only because her favorite artist played there and she had wanted to be with him for a long time Before Dal Pechernikova admired, but they were somehow and alike. Something that is difficult to express in words. The second time they met in the television performance of Anatoly Efros "Pages of Pechorin's Diary." Dal - Pechorin, Pechernikova - princess Mary. And then there was the television film "Personal Happiness" by Leonid Pchelkin. Very weak. Soon everyone forgot him. But it was on this film that the actors became friends.

Irina Pechernikova became friends with Vladimir Vysotsky for a long time and treated this friendship with trepidation and very seriously. Probably for this reason, a discord occurred between them at one fine time, they parted forever. Then the actors met on the set of "The Tale of How Tsar Peter Got Married", but the funniest thing is that they had to portray mad passion in bed in the film. The scene was conceived as grotesque, everything had to look very funny, Vladimir Semyonovich carried Irina in his arms with a plaster leg, she always managed to break her legs on the set. It was just some kind of trouble!

Vysotsky was silent, but the actors did not succeed in the scene of insane passion in bed. Poor director Mitta was gloomy and loudly indignant: "You ruined my seventh take!" Then the actors concentrated, played something, but never made up, and did not speak.

Then there were supporting roles in "Classmates", in "Blue Carbuncle", in "Unusual Summer". The actress starred in the film "Man Changes Skin" and the film "34th Ambulance". There came a kind of, true, creative calm with interesting roles. And now the director Arkady Kordon invited Irina Pechernikova to one of the main roles in the psychological drama "Nabat at Dawn" about the Russian scientist Vernadsky, who was brilliantly played by Georgy Taratorkin.

A miracle has come ...

Irina Pechernikova called herself "Radiant". Reputed in the 70s and 80s as one of the first beauties of Russian cinema, the actress, after many years of almost complete oblivion, suddenly experienced her rebirth. She became a participant in the TV show "Formula of Beauty". Thanks to the talent of plastic surgeons, she looked twenty years younger and it was the transformation of the famous actress that was regarded as the main success of the show. With the external changes came the internal ones. Irina Pechernikova herself called everything that happens to her a miracle. Maybe also because she had been waiting for this for so long ...

The cinema world also appreciated the changes of the great actress. They began to receive offers to act in films, but Irina Viktorovna did not want to work in the series, she was simply not interested in them. The actress began to patiently wait for serious proposals, a deep play or the same role in a movie. It so happened that at one time Irina Pechernikova raised the bar high and does not want to lower it at all today.


1966 The Stone Guest

1968 We'll Live Until Monday

1968 First love

1973 At will

1973 Opening

1973 Manuscript of Academician Yuryshev

1974 Cities and years

1975 Variant "Omega"

1976 The Tale of How Tsar Peter the Arap Married

1977 First joys

1977 Birds of our hopes

1977 Two captains

1978 Personal happiness

1978 Schedule for the day after tomorrow

1979 Man changes his skin

1979 Unusual summer

1979 Man changes his skin

1979 Blue Carbuncle

1982 34th fast

1985 Nabat at dawn

1991 Anna Karamazoff

After the release of the cult film "We'll Live Until Monday," actress Irina Pechernikova woke up famous. Its popularity has gone far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union. Abroad, Pechernikova was called "Soviet with the eyes of a deer." Probably, it was then that the young artist realized that her childhood dream had come true in full.

Irina Viktorovna Pechernikova was born in Grozny in early September 1945. Soon after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to the capital. A famous actress lived on Leninsky Prospekt, where the Pechernikovs settled. Even then, the future star of the school saga dreamed of a stage. She secretly wore the flowers of the famous Nifontova, but could not dare to hand the bouquet into her hands. Therefore, Ira quietly put flowers under the door and ran away. But one day I made up my mind. When the unattainable star opened the door, the girl babbled that she also dreamed of becoming an actress and asked what was needed for this. Rufina Dmitrievna, on reflection, briefly answered in her rough, hoarse voice: "Everything"... And she closed the door.

After such an exhaustive answer, Pechernikova enrolled in all the circles at once: for gymnastics, figure skating and even fencing. But most importantly, she began to attend the drama club, which was led by a great student. It was she who managed to prepare Irina for admission, and she chose a university for her: the Moscow Art Theater, of course.

However, Irina Pechernikova was not sure that she would enter. According to the actress, she did it by accident. I decided that at first she would work at the theater named after, take a closer look at the artists, and go to enter the next year.

And Ira stopped by the Moscow Art Theater School only to see how others were doing. She timidly opened the doors to the studio where the exam was taken, and was immediately noticed. The girl was invited to enter and asked how old she was. She was 16, but she added another year. And the seemingly thin and short girl was no more than 13. On her head there was a huge nylon bow. Clothes - brown school dress and white socks. Therefore, the answer "17" was greeted with amicable laughter.


The creative biography of Irina Pechernikova began already in the 2nd year of the Studio School. She was entrusted with a complex and at the same time interesting role in the production of "The Winter of Our Anxiety." Immediately, the aspiring actress learned what theatrical intrigue is. Behind the thin partition of the dressing room, Irina heard how her envious senior colleagues were discussing her, still a girl who had never had time to kiss. The fact that the student was entrusted with such a responsible role, they suspected her love affair with two directors at once.

Ira cried for a long time, huddled in the theatrical scenery. Her sobs with "howls" were heard by the director. Then he gave the aspiring artist some practical advice: “Remember: if they talk about you, then you are either an extraordinary woman, or a talented actress. You will cry when they stop talking about you ".

Since then, Pechernikova has heard such conversations behind her back more than once. Sometimes the rumors were justified, but more often they were not.

After graduation, Irina Viktorovna was admitted to Lenkom, where she worked for 2 years, until 1968. But then she moved to the V. Mayakovsky Theater, where she dreamed of getting into when she was young, after seeing "Hamlet". The actress stayed at Mayakovka for 10 years. From there she was lured to his theater, Academic Maly, a famous director. True, he immediately warned that for two years she "will be eaten", and she looks "edible".

And so it happened. Irina Pechernikova was hated. They envied her with black envy. After all, the "new girl" has selected all the repertoire roles. It often happened that they called her before the premiere and in insinuating voices threatened to disfigure her face with acid or to impose a terrible curse.

When Tsarev, whom the artist idolized, died, her life in the theater lost its meaning. The best roles have been played. She became bored and uninteresting. In addition, the "dashing 90s" began, which ruined the careers of many actors. Pechernikova was no exception. From despair and uselessness, the actress began to drink. I managed to stop only at the edge of the abyss.


The cinematic biography of Irina Pechernikova was as successful as the theatrical one. This becomes clear after listing her film partners:,.

After a successful start in the tapes "The Stone Guest" and "First Love", he offered the young actress a role in his piercing film "We'll Live Until Monday." The director was looking for a new, "not exposed" face. The picture was released in 1968. The English teacher Natalia Gorelova Pechernikova played in one breath. Later, Irina Viktorovna admitted that it was not a game, but sheer pleasure. Because on the set there was an atmosphere of universal love and respect, which only Rostotsky could "introduce".

After the film, they started talking about the novel by Pechernikova and Tikhonov. In fact, there was no romance. The young actress was not so shy about flirting with the master, the girl was even afraid to breathe with him. Fall in love really was, but in her memoirs, the artist called her "respectful."

There was no romance with Oleg Dal, although Irina Pechernikova was really in love with a star. For the sake of filming with him, the artist, already famous all over the country, agreed to play an episode in the film "Option" Omega ". But Dahl was married. His wife Lisa worked as an editor and turned out to be an interesting and bright personality. The couple walked everywhere holding hands. Therefore, apart from friendly relations, there could be nothing else with Dal.

The affair with Vladimir Vysotsky, attributed to Pechernikova, turned out to be half-truth. The couple played together in the film "The Tale of How Tsar Peter Got Married". In her memoirs, the actress shared that at the very beginning of their acquaintance, Vysotsky terribly annoyed her. The artist was often drunk and tried to pinch her. The acquaintance turned out to be non-standard. Irina, hearing the bard sing for the first time, quietly said: "Wow, he himself is nasty, but he wrote such a song!"... But in the silence that hung after the song was performed, Vysotsky heard these words. Perhaps to hide his hurt or surprise, he laughed out loud.

Later, when, after a short stay in Poland, the actress returned to Moscow, they met again. Pechernikova, the work of Vysotsky, famous throughout the country, was completely unknown. She asked if he had written anything else besides Sail. And again incredibly surprised and amused the bard.

It seems he really was in love with the fawn-eyed actress. Otherwise, I would not have asked Ira's father to let his daughter go for 3 days. Having received consent, Vysotsky put the unsuspecting Pechernikova in a car and drove her to the airport. They flew together to Adler, and from there went to Gagra. There Vladimir starred with Oleg Dal in the film "Bad Good Man". On the second day, the bard gave a concert in Sukhumi. Like all his concerts, this one was sold out. Vysotsky dedicated many songs to his beautiful companion, who blushed when everyone turned to look at her.

Another page in the work of Irina Pechernikova is participation in television performances. The actress represented the heroines of the productions "Pages of Pechorin Magazine", "Martin Eden", "A Month of Long Days".

In the 1990s, the actress almost did not act in film, but the actress's filmography was replenished with a project that was positively received by international critics. Irina played in the drama Anna Karamazoff, which was presented later at the Cannes Film Festival. Together with Pechernikova, she reincarnated as an Uzbek.

In the 2000s, she appeared on the screen twice. Pechernikova agreed to small roles in the films Don't Leave Me, Love and The Last Reproduction. But at the same time, Irina Viktorovna claims that she does not at all regret her lack of demand in the new century. She says that after playing roles with Dal and Tikhonov, it is difficult for her to look at what is called cinema today.

The audience again remembered the legend in 2010, when she was invited to the show "Formula of Beauty". Pechernikova underwent plastic surgery, after which the actress looked surprisingly younger. This was followed by participation in the programs “Uncovering Secrets. Stars "," Autograph on Saturdays "," Indian Summer "," Irina Pechernikova. It doesn't hurt me. " The art critic Vitaly Wulf also invited the actress to the author's project "Silver Ball".

Later, the actress more than once became the heroine of author's programs. In the talk show "Alone with everyone" Irina Pechernikova spoke about the main events of her life. On the air of the program, the artist remembered that at the very beginning of her film career, he offered her the main role in "Prisoner of the Caucasus". The director turned to the young actress with a proposal to star in a scene with a donkey as a test for a new comedy, but Irina then worked on the role of Donna Anna in the film adaptation of the work, so she refused such a dubious offer. Later, Leonid Gaidai repeatedly made fun of Pechernikova when they met.

Personal life

The first husband of the actress was Polish musician Zbigniew Bizon. The young people met when the actress broke both legs during filming. Friends, to shake her up, brought the jazz group "Bison" to the concert. This is how Zbigniew saw her - with a wand. The novel flared up instantly.

The couple called and corresponded for a long time. Then, in order not to be torn between countries, they decided to sign. But together they could not live long: Irina did not have enough theater. The actress missed her family a lot. It couldn't go on that long. The couple broke up.

The second time, the personal life of Irina Pechernikova changed after meeting with the actor. The young people met at the Maly Theater, where the artist served at that time, and Galkin staged a graduation performance. First, he fell in love with her portrait, which hung in the foyer, and then with the "original" itself. A couple of months after they met, they got married. But Boris loved Irina, and at that time she only loved the theater.

According to the actress, true love came to her at the age of 51, when the actress met again, who played Handsome in the "Green Van". They met back in 1969. But not then, but much later, in 1986, they realized that between them is not just attraction, but true love. But at that time a little son was growing up at Solovyov. Irina did not want to break up the family and build happiness on other people's broken destinies.

They met again in the late 1990s. Alexander's son grew up and became a student.

In 1997, Pechernikova and Soloviev were married in a church on the Arbat. Short 3 years were given to them by fate for great, incredible happiness. And on the eve of 2000, the actor was found with a head injury in a flower bed. He died without regaining consciousness in the Sklifosovsky clinic on January 1. And if the policeman who found the actor did not remember that he saw him in the "Green Van", Solovyov would have been buried as an unknown.

The actress spent six months in the hospital with a severe nervous breakdown. Then there were many years of terrible depression and unwillingness to live and see people. It seems that only recently the famous actress began to see the world in colors and at least occasionally appear in public.

It so happened that the actress did not have her own children, but Pechernikova learned to find harmony in any manifestation of life. Back in the 90s, the actress acquired a village house, where she spends time from May to October. The actress has a small vegetable garden, she loves walking in the woods. According to friends, Pechernikova is an excellent culinary specialist, Irina Viktorovna considers borscht and pies to be her hobbyhorse. In her younger years, Irina Pechernikova easily mastered foreign languages. The French actress learned in a semester at the Moscow Art Theater School, and mastered spoken English in a month in London. Until now, Irina Pechernikova speaks good Polish.

Another hobby of the actress, which she has kept since her student days, is the study of creativity. Irina is convinced that she would have something to talk about with this person if there was a possibility of such a meeting.

Irina Pechernikova now

Now with Irina Pechernikova, another program has appeared on the screens.

In 2017, the actress appeared on the talk show "The Fate of a Man", where she spoke in detail about how difficult her life was.


  • 1968 - Let's Live Until Monday
  • 1968 - Shield and Sword
  • 1970 - The Love for Three Oranges
  • 1973 - "At Your Own Will"
  • 1975 - "Option" Omega "
  • 1976 - Two Captains
  • 1978 - "Personal Happiness"
  • 1979 - "Blue Carbuncle"
  • 1985 - Nabat at Dawn
  • 2007 - "The last reproduction"

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