Home Diseases and pests Mpv blood test decoding rate. Which means an increase in the average volume of platelets in the blood. What does MPV mean in a blood test

Mpv blood test decoding rate. Which means an increase in the average volume of platelets in the blood. What does MPV mean in a blood test

There are many cells in the human blood, which are called shaped cells, they have important things to do throughout the body. For successful activity, a certain number of them "live" in the bloodstream. And when it changes blood test mpv will reflect a blood clotting problem.

Blood clotting is an important property

Without blood clotting, a person simply would not have survived, and platelets provide this feature of the blood. As soon as you get hurt, an ambulance rushes to stop the bleeding: the platelets adhered to each other close the vessel wall. A clot, called a blood clot, forms and the bleeding stops.

MPV is the mean platelet volume. Without a laboratory study, it can be understood that mpv is lowered due to bruises, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds that often occur for no apparent reason. The same fact will tell a specialist considering blood test mpv , about organ diseases. Lack of important blood elements (thrombocytopenia) leads to bacterial and viral diseases, problems associated with the bone marrow. The opposite complication - their increased content - is called thrombocytosis, and will also cause a number of serious disorders.

Platelet production is an ongoing process

- 180 - 320 * 109 / l (adults);
- 100 - 420 * 109 / l (newborn children).

Depending on the research methods, these figures may differ somewhat, at the same time, in healthy men and women, they are at the same level. When a baby is born, the rate is significantly higher, and it becomes the same as in adults after a week.

Somewhat less platelets in expectant mothers - 150 - 380 * 109 / l, because their blood volume increases, and the body cannot keep up with producing them in greater quantities. A decrease for no apparent reason (pregnancy, menstruation) to 150 * 109 / l and less, causes concern for doctors, and additional examinations should be done to understand the cause.

The life of platelets is 7-10 days, and the bone marrow produces them continuously. Dead cells are processed into waste by the liver and spleen. Pathological processes begin when the balance in production is disturbed for some reason. For example, if defective platelets continue to function, but there are few of them in the blood, then the cells are destroyed too quickly in the spleen, there are problems with this organ.

Mpv: what the indicators say

There are 4 types of platelets in the bloodstream: mature, young, old, degenerative and forms of irritation. And the change in mpv is not enough evidence without determining which form prevails. Even when the volume is normal, an increase of some form may indicate a disease.

By doing blood test mpv , their concentration is determined in different ways. The old method is recounting in a counting chamber. There is also a variant of smear analysis on glass.

Currently, there are modern analyzers that determine the total number of platelets, the average proportion of each of them and the variation in different forms, as well as how much space they take up to whole blood. In the total volume, mature platelets should occupy up to 90%. The rest should not be more: young - 0.8%, old - 5.6%, forms of irritation - 2.3%, degenerative - 0.2%.

Blood test mpv determines the likelihood of blood clots in the deep veins (thrombosis) or the tendency to bleeding (hemorrhagic syndrome). Their volume is quite constant, it can change in conditions of pathology.

Thrombocytosis (level> 300x109 cells / L) is caused by: inflammatory processes (tuberculosis, osteomyelitis), cancer, severe blood loss, infections, anemias and other pathologies.

Thrombocytopenia (level If the norm of young platelets is exceeded, this may be associated with surgery, severe blood loss in the body. An excess of old platelets signals malignant neoplasms. Forms of irritation are more than normal - there may be a blood disease. An excess of the proportion of degenerative forms is often associated with disorders of hematopoiesis.

Average platelet volume is a blood count that measures the qualitative rather than quantitative characteristics of blood cells. This indicator is included in a detailed blood test and is referred to as MPV. It helps to determine how active and mature platelets are prevalent in the patient's blood. This is important for problems with, bleeding, tendency to thrombosis.

Diagnostics and rate of average platelet volume

Platelets are the smallest blood cells that perform very important functions

The platelet volume indicator is included in the general clinical blood test. It is often prescribed to diagnose the state of the body, prevention, check the effectiveness of treatment, as well as during pregnancy. This is the most common, informative and inexpensive analysis that allows you to identify violations and assess the state of the whole organism as a whole.

As a rule, it allows you to identify a direction for further examination, to narrow the range of possible diseases.The average platelet volume shows the total volume of platelets in a given amount of blood. If the average volume of platelets is increased, this means that they occupy a larger volume and have an increased size.

As you know, they are the smallest blood cells. These are not cells, as they do not have a nucleus. Platelets look like biconvex discs. They are much smaller than red blood cells. Platelets have a vital function: they prevent blood loss and stop bleeding. These cells are produced by the bone marrow and live for about 10-14 days, and then they are renewed.When a vessel is damaged, platelets rush to the site of damage and form a blood clot, a clot that serves as a kind of cork.

Platelets prevent blood loss and affect clotting.

To determine MPV, blood is taken from a finger or from a vein. The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. On the eve, it is advisable to give up fatty foods, alcohol and various drugs.The blood is sent to the laboratory, where the MPV schedule is obtained using special equipment. If it is displaced to the right, then young platelets predominate in the blood, if to the left - old ones.

B More information about platelets can be found in the video:

Platelets have different stages of maturity. Young cells are larger, therefore, with the predominance of young platelets, the average volume will be increased. Old platelets are smaller, so the volume in this case will be lower than normal. Depending on which blood cells are predominant, the volume will change. Based on this indicator, the doctor will be able to draw a conclusion about the functionality of platelets.

MPV is measured in femtoliters. The norm is considered to be from 7.5 to 10 femtoliters. With age, the limit of the norm expands slightly, since the tendency to increase the average volume of platelets increases.

Reasons for increasing MPV

If the average platelet volume is increased, this indicates that large young platelets predominate in the blood. This does not always indicate an increased thrombus formation, since immature cells are rapidly and constantly produced, but at the same time they can quickly die off.

The reasons for the increase in the average volume of platelets can be physiological and pathological:

  • Injuries and operations. If a person has recently undergone major abdominal surgery or multiple injuries, the body begins to actively fight blood loss and produce more young platelets, which leads to an increase in MPV levels.
  • Menstruation. Sometimes, with heavy menstruation, a woman suffers from. During this period, the body begins to replenish the loss of blood by producing new immature platelets, so the average volume rises. To avoid an incorrect result, it is better to take the test after the end of your period.
  • Thrombocytopenia. With thrombocytopenia, the number of platelets in the blood decreases. Often this is due to the fact that a large number of young immature bodies are produced, which increase the MPV index, but quickly die off and do not fulfill their function. Immature platelets cannot quickly stick together to form a blood clot. All this leads to various and hemorrhages.
  • Alcoholism. Alcohol can provoke many problems and cause abnormalities in blood counts. For example, ethyl alcohol causes the death of blood cells, which causes the spinal cord to produce large numbers of immature cells.
  • Atherosclerosis. In this disease, fats settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. The lumen of the vessel narrows and the blood supply to organs and tissues becomes insufficient. Due to the accumulation of fat, the walls of the vessels become less elastic and more fragile. It is a dangerous disease that can be fatal if vital arteries are blocked. Moreover, atherosclerosis and thrombosis are often related.
  • ... Diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disease. With this disease, hormonal disruption occurs, all systems of the body suffer, including blood vessels and the hematopoietic system.

Signs and consequences of an increased MPV level depend on the reasons for the increase, the diagnosis and the severity of the patient's condition. An increased volume of platelets is not always associated with an increase in their number.

Therefore, the symptoms can be very different:

  • Hemorrhage. Minor hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes are also called purpura. They often occur with thrombocytopenia, when the platelet count decreases and the vessels become more fragile. Thrombocytopenic purpura can manifest itself with minor blows, injections, or trauma. They can range from small spider veins to large bruises. Sometimes such skin hemorrhages are painful to palpation.
  • Frequent bleeding. This is a common sign of abnormalities in the number or average volume of platelets. Bleeding often occurs spontaneously. This is usually nosebleeds and bleeding gums, which appears even when brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled brush. In rare cases, blood may be found in the urine. In the presence of an anal fissure or hemorrhoids, the healing process takes a very long time.
  • Soreness in the tips of the fingers. This symptom is observed with an increased MPV, which is accompanied by thrombocytosis, that is, an increase in the number of platelets, and not a decrease. This makes the fingertips very sensitive and painful when pressed.
  • Weakness in the body and pallor of the skin. As a rule, these are signs of internal bleeding, which can also be accompanied by an increase in the average volume of platelets.
  • Visual impairment. In case of problems with platelets, visual disturbances, hemorrhages on the sclera of the eyes often occur.
  • Itchy skin. This is a rather indirect sign that can manifest itself in various diseases, dermatitis, allergic reactions, so it is first recommended to go to a dermatologist and take it.

The most serious consequences are heart attacks, strokes, thromboembolism. They occur when an elevated MPV level is associated with an increase in platelet count and a tendency to thrombosis. In this case, blockage of important arteries and blood vessels is possible, which leads to severe complications and sometimes death.

Treatment methods

An elevated mean platelet count is a symptom, not a disease in its own right. Therefore, first the doctor will prescribe an examination, identify the cause of the increase in MPV, and only then prescribe the treatment.

The test results cannot be interpreted independently or self-medicate. This indicator also rises during pregnancy, in which case any treatment can be dangerous.

Treatment features:

  • Thrombocytosis treatment. Treatment for thrombocytosis depends on the severity of the disease. With an increased level, it is recommended to follow a diet and drinking regimen, eat more fruits, especially citrus fruits, berries, eat tomatoes and drink tomato juice, which has a beneficial effect on, as well as take fish oil and drink natural olive oil (a spoonful per day). Very often, thrombocytosis is a complication of another disease, so treatment should begin with finding the causes.
  • Thrombocytopenia treatment. With moderate to severe thrombocytopenia, drug therapy is required. Prednisolone is often prescribed, which prevents the destruction of platelets in the spleen and strengthens the capillary walls, as well as immunoglobulins, which block the formation and have an antiviral effect. Hemostatic drugs are often prescribed, for example, Etamsilat, Ditsynon.
  • Diabetes mellitus treatment. This is a serious and often hereditary disease that cannot be completely cured. With diabetes mellitus, a diet is prescribed, special diabetic foods without sugar, on fructose. For milder forms of diabetes, a diet is sufficient. Severe forms require regular insulin injections.
  • Treatment of atherosclerosis. When treating atherosclerosis, it is important to lower blood levels. This is also done through diet (avoiding fatty foods, fried meat) and drugs belonging to the statin group. However, drugs are more aimed at relieving the inflammatory process. Diet and giving up bad habits are more conducive to lowering cholesterol.

It is worth remembering that the level and number of platelets are two different indicators. The average platelet volume can be increased both with an increased number of platelets and with a decrease.

One of the parameters taken into account when performing a detailed blood test is the average platelet volume. These blood cells are directly involved in blood clotting, ensuring the formation of a thrombus, restoring the integrity of the blood vessel. The indicator is designated as MPV in the blood test, but what it is and what it is connected with is not clear to the patient.

What does MPV mean in a blood test?

Having seen the unknown abbreviation "MPV" in the blood test, what it is and what it is being investigated for, patients often do not know. MPV (mean platelet volume) - mean platelet volume. This is the platelet index. This indicator is a characteristic of the degree of maturity of platelets in the peripheral blood.

When calculating, the main criterion for assessing is platelet size. The younger the cell, the larger it is. With maturation, a decrease in platelet volume is observed, which is associated with its functional activity. Evaluation of the platelet index helps to assess the state of the blood coagulation system, which is represented by platelets.

MPV in the blood test - normal

To determine the mean platelet volume, MPV, blood is drawn from the cubital vein. CBC does not detect MPV. The resulting sample is examined using the cytometric fluorescence method. The analysis requires 5 ml of blood. In order for the study to be informative, it is carried out within two hours from the moment the biomaterial sample is obtained. The result of the study is displayed in the form of a histogram - a curve reflecting the average volume of platelets in the analysis.

The rate of this indicator can vary in the interval 7-11 fl... It should be noted that the main difference from the general blood test, in which the total platelet volume is assessed, in a detailed study using MPV, the qualitative characteristics of the cells are checked. Based on its results, one can judge about their usefulness. The size of the platelets directly affects their activity and ability to aggregation (sticking), the formation of a blood clot.

Average platelet count is normal in women

Having learned about MPV in a blood test, what it is, girls are often interested in relative normal values. According to the established norms, the MPV in the blood test should be within 7-11 fl... However, in women, significant fluctuations in this indicator are possible. If we consider the qualitative composition of platelets, then:

  • mature small cells should account for more than 90% of the total platelet mass;
  • young - up to 0.8%;
  • degenerative - 0.2%;
  • old - 5.6%.

The main reason is cyclical changes in the body. They are associated with the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, there is a decrease in the concentration of platelets for better, unhindered removal of endometrial cells from the uterine cavity. The opposite situation is observed in the process of carrying a baby. The increase in the number of platelets is due to the appearance of uteroplacental blood flow and the body's defense against possible bleeding.

Average platelet count is normal in men

The MPV indicator in the analysis of blood in men is almost always at the upper limit of the norm. This is due to the fact that in males the blood is renewed more slowly, therefore the volume of platelets in it is greater. In addition, men are more susceptible to injuries and are more likely to engage in extreme sports, which leads to high risks. In this way, the body protects itself from blood loss. In men, the average platelet volume (normal) does not fall below 10-11 fl.

Average platelet count is normal in children

According to the observations of physiologists, MPV in the blood test, the norm in children is less important than in adults. Its boundaries for babies are set within 6.8-11.5 fl... The reasons for this difference in values ​​are due to incomplete maturation of the circulatory system. This fact must be taken into account when evaluating the test results. Deviations from the norm in the average volume of platelets in children are rare. By the age of 1 year, the MPV values ​​take on the values ​​established for adults. In this case, gender does not matter.

MPV in the blood test is increased

When, when evaluating the results of a detailed analysis, it is revealed that the average volume of platelets is increased, doctors talk about thrombocytosis. This condition is characterized by a significant increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood. There are 2 types of thrombocytosis: relative - the average volume of platelet mass is increased by 1-2 units, critical - the indicator is almost twice the norm. To accurately establish the cause of the changes, complex diagnostics are carried out.

The mean platelet volume MPV is increased - causes

Doctors scrutinize the results of the study. After a blood test, MPV is increased, what this means, what is the reason - no specialist can immediately answer. There are many reasons for changing the values ​​of this indicator. In most cases, they relate directly to the blood coagulation system, blood circulation, however, general pathologies can provoke an increase in MPV. Among the common factors causing the violation:

  • posthemorrhagic anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • preeclampsia;
  • platelet purpura;
  • May-Hegglin anomalies;
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

An increase in the values ​​of the MPV index is possible after removal of the spleen. The risk of developing pathology in persons with atherosclerotic vascular changes on the background of smoking is increased. Age-related changes can also provoke an increase in the values ​​of this indicator, since the balance between new cells and dead old ones is disturbed.

MPV increased - what to do?

If a patient has an increased mean platelet count, doctors try to initially establish the cause of the abnormality. When the phenomenon is temporary and is of a physiological nature, no medical intervention is required.

With a pathological increase in MPV values, therapy is carried out in the following two directions:

  1. The use of anticoagulants to restore normal blood concentration.
  2. Elimination of the root cause of the violation.

The therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. With a high MPV in the blood test, what is this phenomenon and what it is associated with, it helps to determine:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
  • blood test for hormones.

MPV in the blood test is lowered

When the result of an extended blood test indicates that the average platelet count is low, doctors evaluate the work of the entire hematopoietic system. With this violation, a failure of the platelet maturation process is noted. A large number of immature, large platelets are present in the bloodstream.

This adversely affects the blood clotting process. A low average platelet count increases the risk of bleeding, even with the slightest injury. Pathology can be directly related to the work of the bone marrow or be one of the symptoms of liver and spleen disorders.

MPV in the blood test is lowered - causes

When a patient undergoes a blood test, the MPV is lowered, which means, which is indicated by frequent questions that sound to the doctor. It is possible to establish the exact cause of the deviation only after a complete examination. Among the possible factors causing a decrease in MPV, it should be noted:

  • anemia;
  • Wiskot-Aldrich syndrome;
  • oncological processes in the body: lymphomas, leukemias, carcinomas;
  • autoimmune pathologies - rheumatoid arthritis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - renal amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland - hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • hypoproteinemia;
  • the period of pregnancy (with or premature birth).

MPV downgraded - what to do?

In the case when the average platelet count is below normal, doctors recommend:

  1. Revise your lifestyle. The elimination of stressful situations, increased physical activity helps to increase the number of platelets in the blood, which has a positive effect on the value of MPV.
  2. In the case when the violation is associated with an incorrect ratio of certain types of platelets, the systematic use of cumulative anticoagulants may be recommended. Dosage, frequency and duration of admission are set individually.

Many patients are frightened by the blood count MPV, because most often it is not deciphered in the results of blood tests and is written in English letters, but it is platelet index and bears the full name " average platelet volume».

It is investigated as an additional diagnosis of various blood diseases.

MPV or mean platelet volume Is an additional indicator general blood test, which is calculated either manually or using an analyzer. Platelets- these are blood cells that ensure blood clotting and promote rapid healing of wounds and tissues. In short, these cells stop both internal and external bleeding.

For a long time, laboratories checked only the level of platelets, but the difficulty lies in the fact that there are several types of them in the human body, therefore this indicator is very important, since it determines them qualitative characteristic, i.e. allows you to find out which types of platelets are predominant in blood cells.

As for the platelets, then the analyzer only counts them total amount without touching the view. We can say that MPV Are blood enzymes that show average platelet counts, and they also determine maturity platelet cells.

Mature cells platelets occupy less blood volume, and immature (young)- larger. Young cells are quite impressive in size and do not have an internal structure, that is, they can be called “ empty", As they lack biologically active enzymes.

Normally, in the blood of a healthy person, there should be a balance of all types of platelets that normally live in the blood. from 10 to 14 days, and then they collapse.

Initially, they are formed in 2 organs: the spleen and bone marrow. V spleen platelets accumulate, and Bone marrow is an organ of hematopoiesis, which contains many cells.

MPV are currently calculated by the analyzer, which, for its calculation, draws special curves on the graphs ( bar graph). In other words, it shows how mature and immature platelets are distributed in blood plasma.

Shift graph to the right means that immature cells predominate in the blood under study, and to the left- mature. This gives the doctor a detailed clinical picture. The more young platelets prevail in the blood, the higher MPV, and if more mature, then vice versa. In this case, the deviations of the indicators MPV from the norm does not immediately mean diagnosis or pathology, and to begin with, this indicates which type of cells dominates in the blood plasma. Such information has diagnostic value, since the usual platelet counts do not answer the necessary questions, and especially when there is a bright severe symptoms in the form of constant bruising, bleeding.

Indicator rate

Reference values ​​exist for each laboratory, which set thresholds, so when interpreting the results, you need to focus on them. On average, the norm is MPV an adult should have approximately 7-12 fl... The indicator is measured in femtoliters.

Its values ​​may depend on age, gestational age, menstrual cycle, taking certain medications that affect the hematopoietic system. During pregnancy MPV can be lowered, but not critical, and if platelets are still lowered, then this is a dangerous signal, as a miscarriage may occur. With age average platelet volume most often it increases and this is also the norm.

Reference values MPV usually the same for both sexes, but age criteria can make their own adjustments, therefore, the table shows approximate normal indicators MPV according to age.

Normal in newborns and young children under 5 years of age average platelet volume usually slightly lowered, since the child's body is just developing, and the hematopoietic system is not yet fully formed, therefore, such results can be considered as normal, but if the indicator is greatly underestimated or overestimated, then this is the same pathology as in an adult.

This condition requires additional examination and visit. doctor-hematologist... This is only relevant for the youngest child of the age up to 4-5 years old, since in older children the rate is the same as in adults, and the reasons for the increase / decrease in the results are identical.

Deviations from the reference values ​​can be after surgical / surgical interventions, severe bleeding, bruises, cuts, past illnesses, which should be told to the doctor in advance before interpreting the results.

It is important to pay attention to platelet count in the child, since between them there is correlation link.

Interpretation of analysis results

First of all, it should be taken into account that interpretation of results only a doctor is involved, and self-diagnosis is in any case unacceptable. Often, doctors themselves do not look at this indicator, and some laboratories deliberately ignore it, but it is very important for assessing the patient's condition, and especially if there are suspicions of blood diseases.

Minor decreases / increases in MPV values ​​can be considered by a doctor as norm, and even more so if other blood parameters do not go beyond reference values... It is especially important to look at the platelet counts with which MPV direct connection.

If increase platelets, then the indicator inevitably increases MPV or vice versa. This should be taken into account by the doctor when interpreting the results, because an isolated increase / decrease MPV may be a common mistake of the analyzer and have no diagnostic value, but the doctor must be interested in the patient's well-being.

However, with many diseases of the blood, it may not be so direct communication, and platelet counts are often detected within normal limits, because an increase / decrease MPV does not mean a change in their number. With an isolated, significant deviation from the norm mean platelet volume it is permissible to indirectly assert about a violation of the formation and maturation of cells in the bone marrow, which may be a sign of serious diseases.

If the indicator is increased?

Significant increase mean platelet volume an extremely alarming signal that indicates that there is one or another pathology in the body hematopoietic system... Initially, it is necessary to exclude all physiological reasons for the increase MPV: massive bleeding, bleeding wounds, operations and other surgical interventions, heavy menstruation, etc.

All this happens due to the fact that platelet cells begin to work hard, and this inevitably changes upward average platelet volume.

This condition is not a pathology in the case of a slight increase in the indicator, but when there is an impressive jump MPV, then you cannot do without medical interpretation and examination, since this is a serious symptom. People often notice on their skin the unreasonable appearance of bruises, bruising or long-term incessant bleeding after small cuts, scratches, and often symptoms can only be feeling unwell.

Reasons for raising mean platelet volume a huge variety. As a rule, the MPV value rises significantly when the following diseases:

  • Thrombocytopenia (a condition in which platelets are destroyed);
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Smoking and alcoholism;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anomaly May-Hegglin(a severe autoimmune disease in which platelets are destroyed, which are qualitatively represented by huge, shapeless cells, and leukocytes undergo serious mutations);
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Post-hemorrhagic anemia that occurs after prolonged bleeding;
  • Thalassemia (hereditary, pernicious anemia);
  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland or endocrine diseases;
  • Various infectious diseases;
  • Erythremia (chronic leukemia);
  • Myeloid leukemia;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

If downgraded?

A decrease in values ​​is no less alarming sign that should not be ignored by a doctor, and especially if there is a strong underestimation MPV.

Have little children a slight decrease in indicators is the norm, since an incompletely formed hematopoietic system thus reacts to the blood sampling procedure, and a child often experiences severe stress at the sight of an injection, a needle or medical personnel.

Have pregnant women most often value MPV reduced, but sharp, strong decrease mean platelet volume threatens with miscarriage and premature birth, therefore, a woman in this state is immediately hospitalized. Taking medications, the side effect of which is to suppress the hematopoietic system, can provoke low rates.

Reasons decrease in the average volume of platelets also a huge variety, therefore further diagnostics is very important. Basically, such values ​​are observed in the following pathological conditions:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Leukemia;
  • Bone marrow tumors;
  • Completed course of chemotherapy, radiation treatment;
  • Aplastic anemia (cancer in which bone marrow cells grow and mature)
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Kidney disease (glomerulonephritis);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Megaloblastic anemia (deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid);
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Syndrome Wiskott-Aldrich(a disease in which platelets decrease, immunodeficiency occurs);
  • Treatment with anticancer drugs (cytostatics);
  • Other diseases.

Reasons for the increase / decrease MPV quite a lot, but an experienced doctor should prescribe an additional examination or refer the patient to a specialist who deals with blood diseases - hematologist.

Mean platelet volume (MPV) an extremely important indicator that can tell about many diseases of the hematopoietic system, since they are often very difficult to diagnose, and some doctors may not pay attention to the change MPV.

The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to start its treatment, since blood pathologies are difficult to correct, but often the reasons for the deviation of this indicator are of a frivolous or physiological nature. Post-infectious conditions quite often accompanied by changes mean platelet volume therefore, the patient has nothing to worry about.

The question of what is mpv in a blood test and what it means worries many during various examinations. The MPV value reflects the platelet count. Their level is of great importance for various injuries or conditions accompanied by blood loss. A decrease or increase in the indicator indicates the development of a process that is not characteristic of a healthy body.

What are platelets

Platelets are blood elements. They are components of the cytoplasm that lack a nucleus. The formation of these elements occurs in the bone marrow. Some of them are located in the spleen, and some enter the bloodstream. Their life expectancy is on average 10 days.

Among the functions of platelets are:

  1. Prevention of large blood loss in case of vascular damage. This function is realized due to the ability of the elements to stick to each other, as well as to attach to the vascular wall.
  2. The ability to activate the production of collagen cells involved in regenerative processes in violation of the integrity of the blood vessel.
  3. Strengthening of cell membranes, which makes it impossible for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate.

An important indicator of the level of platelets in the blood is the average amount of these elements. When asked: what is mpv, the doctor indicates the platelet index. It is he who reflects the maturity of these blood elements. After taking the biological material, it is examined using hematological analyzers. The latter depict a curve characterizing the distribution of the plates over the volume. In the case when the histogram shifts to the right, one speaks of the predominance of immature forms. A large number of old cells is manifested in the fact that there is a shift to the left.

Study of the platelet index

The study of mpv when examining blood plays an important role in studying the hematopoietic function of the body. Indeed, not only the functioning of the body, but also the life of a person depends on its high-quality implementation. Changes in the platelet index can reveal the presence of various diseases, determine the cause and start treatment. The study in blood mpv must be carried out in the adult population - 1 time per year, in children - 2 times.

A blood test for the study of the platelet index is carried out after taking the material from the finger. The biological fluid is examined under a microscope. The specificity of the analysis is that the study of the material should be carried out in the first 2 hours after taking blood.

If the time requirements are not met, the indicators change, which, as a result, leads to an incorrect diagnosis.

An increased platelet count is reflected in an increase in blood viscosity and the risk of blood clots. In the presence of concomitant diseases, this process is dangerous not only by the development of complications, but also by death. A decrease in the number of platelets produced creates the risk of dangerous blood loss, even with minor injuries or trauma. In any case, mpv and the rate of this indicator indicate the presence or absence of pathological processes, the treatment of which is necessary and important for human health.

Normal values

In order to find out whether the average platelet volume mpv corresponds to normal values, the data obtained are correlated with certain values. They are found in any laboratory. The average volume of platelets in the blood for a healthy adult population is 7-12 fl (femtoliters).

However, there are natural factors that can influence the performance of the analysis. These include:

  • age category;
  • the presence of menstrual bleeding;
  • term of an interesting position;
  • the use of certain medications.

If the average platelet count is below normal in a pregnant woman, then in most cases this is normal. However, in parallel, it is necessary to monitor the course of pregnancy. In some cases, a significant decrease in indicators may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The following values ​​are normal for different categories of subjects:

When rates are high

When examining blood for a platelet index, the following questions are quite natural: what to do if the average volume of platelets is increased and what does this mean. An increase in MPV indicators is possible in two ways: under certain physiological conditions and during the development of a pathological process. Physiological conditions include:

  • heavy menstrual bleeding in women;
  • the specificity of the hematopoietic function in children;
  • the use of certain medications.

The emergence of a pathological process is possible as a result of:

  • getting injured;
  • surgical intervention;
  • the presence of bleeding of various nature.

Among the main reasons when mpv indicators are increased, development is distinguished:

  • thrombocytopenic idiopathic purpura;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • erythremia;
  • splenectomy;
  • blood cancer;
  • May-Hegglin anomalies;
  • cellular pathologies;

In addition, the reasons for the increase in the platelet index are an increase in the spleen (due to various circumstances) and alcoholism. Their presence will necessarily indicate a violation of the normal functioning of the body.

What to do when the indicators increase

If the interpretation of the analysis showed that the average platelet volume is increased, a search for the main cause is necessary. In the case when it turned out to be physiological and associated with phenomena inherent in humans, then no special measures are taken. In the presence of a pathological process, therapy is carried out in two directions:

  1. Use of blood thinners. This is necessary in order to normalize the natural density of the biological fluid and reduce the load on the heart muscle.
  2. The use of hormonal treatment. It is necessary in order to restore the normal process of platelet formation.

The entire treatment process is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. Do not prescribe medication yourself. Indeed, with the wrong dosage, side effects and complications may develop.

When rates are low

The platelet index can not only increase, but also decrease. The main reasons for this include development:

  • splenomegaly;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • anemias of various etiologies;
  • some hereditary diseases;
  • oncological processes: sarcomas, leukemia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • heart attack;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hypoproteinemia.

In addition, the average platelet count is lowered with certain medications and while carrying a baby. The answer to the question: why the average volume of platelets is lowered and what this means can only be given by a specialist on the basis of a general study, including not only a blood test, but also examination, collection of complaints, in some cases - additional diagnostic procedures.

Preventive actions

In order for the average platelet volume and mpv indicators to always correspond to normal values, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. These include the following actions:

  1. Carry out a study of the platelet index in the presence of chronic diseases at least once a trimester.
  2. Carefully select drugs in the treatment of diseases caused by viruses. Indeed, some of the drugs negatively affect platelet production and mpv.
  3. Monitor your diet. Better to replace animal fats with vegetable ones. And instead of fatty meat, it is better to use rabbit meat, turkey meat, fish in the cooking process.
  4. Observe the drinking regime, that is, drink enough water.

In addition to basic preventive measures, you must consult a doctor if:

  • there is a sharp decrease in weight;
  • constant fatigue is present;
  • there is persistent nosebleed;
  • often worried about tachycardia and hypertension;
  • there is a sharp deterioration in health;
  • changed the color of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • hematomas appear for no particular reason.

Any platelet count — high, low, or normal — reflects a person's health status. The study of the platelet index allows you to detect pathological processes in time and begin timely treatment of the condition that has arisen. Indeed, in some cases, the development of the disease in the early stages does not have clear external signs. A study of the number of platelets will save valuable time and not miss out on health.

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