Home Diseases and pests How relevant is the topic of blogs now. How to choose a theme for your blog? Tips for beginners. What are the current topics of blogs in general?

How relevant is the topic of blogs now. How to choose a theme for your blog? Tips for beginners. What are the current topics of blogs in general?

It so happens that you don't know what to blog about. In such cases, you can wait a long time for inspiration, or you can try our list. Important: blogs can be personal, and there are also thematic (the author is still traced behind the latter), so the ideas will have a gradation according to these two categories.

Blog post ideas

  1. We go to Yandex news and:
    • we look at the latest news and write our opinion on one of them, it is desirable that the topic fits into the format of your blog. This will grab the attention of people who are offended by the news, perhaps they will become part of your audience. As you can imagine, there is a lot of news every day and you always have something to react to.
    • we enter your keywords into the news search, we look at what the newsmen write about, you may have missed some trend in your niche.
  2. Review your favorite films and TV series or films related to your project (example:).
  3. Tell us about your hobby ().
  4. Tell us about your city, its sights and your favorite places, add high-quality photos and videos.
  5. Take a video -.
  6. Make a selection of quotes - favorite or by topic.
  7. A post with answers to readers' questions. I judge by myself: in the mail and in the comments, a huge number of questions are constantly accumulating, which I do not have time to answer. Many questions are repeated many times. Why not make a post - FAQ.
  8. For me, communities in VKontakte are always a good source of ideas for posts - we look at what they write about. what they publish, choose the most discussed and write our opinion on the blog, then we throw the link to this post into the community - we get traffic and comments.
  9. The same thing as with communities can be done with forums: we are looking for discussed topics, questions.
  10. Choose a person interesting to you and your readers and.
  11. Tell us about the 3 most important books to you.
  12. Review your top 10 favorite sites.
  13. Browse the top 10 of your favorite blogs. Such reviews are very well received.
  14. A selection of 5 of your best blog articles. In general, learn to reuse your old materials. For example, they can be packed into a book and given in exchange for a subscription. A couple of links on the topic:
  15. What the future will be like is not a topic in which you can reveal your vision of both modernity and current trends.
  16. Choose a topic that interests you, which you have not touched on yet on the blog. read wikipedia on it. Make a plan of 5 consecutive posts, develop plans for each of the posts, delve into each point of the plan in detail (wikipedia + other sites). Write a mini-episode. My example is. It has grown from a free series into a project of two parts: free and paid. In demand with the public. What prevents you from doing something similar with a different theme?
  17. Pick any controversial topic in your niche and conduct a survey: just ask the readers' opinions. Example:
  18. Make a selection of quotes from famous experts in your niche or just quotes that you like. Example:.
  19. Describe your day: from morning to evening, with pictures.
  20. Tell us about your work, university, school.

When there are no ideas, I go to the feed on Vkontakte and Facebook - I look at the most discussed. Usually, a dozen and a half at once - one by one they write directly to the social network, on the other - to the blog.

No need to invent something out of your finger, focus on what is interesting to people.

Blog Ideas

A blog is a personal opinion. therefore, it is desirable to present any ideas and topics in refraction through your subjective world. A blog is the presentation of the author as a person - first of all, and then the topic is disclosed. people go to the blog not only for information, but also for communication with the author.

In view of this, it is optimal for a blog to choose topics that are most interesting to you, with which you deal constantly. Personal contact with the topic will make the material more lively and interesting, arouse feedback from the audience, and this is extremely important for promotion.

Read: how to choose a topic for a content project: + ideas for sites on custom content:

One more thing: the inner kitchen is always interesting - write today about what is happening in your office, what you are working on, who is working, what difficulties and solutions you get. Add a photo, even from a smartphone. A kind of reality show. Show your day.

Your ideas? Any topic.

Personal preferences and hobbies

In theory, you can take any topic and, with an effort, promote it. But there is one "but". If this topic is not close to you, you are not interested in it, then it is unlikely that you will be able to regularly write thematic articles and share your own experience.

If you are a young blonde beauty with an interest in fashion and design, but want to choose an unusual blog theme, for example - “ Build your home from scratch ", Not peculiar to you, then you cannot predict the success of this venture. Agree, no matter how exciting the topic is, having no experience in this matter and not being interested in it every day, the article will not be alive and the blog will fail.

Therefore, friends, you must follow several rules:

  • Analyze your life and make a list of your interests;
  • What activities do you perform with special zeal every day?
  • What field of work do you do best?
  • Where do you have valuable experience?
  • What do you consider your talent?
  • What is your calling according to others?
  • What would you do if you were a millionaire?
  • What kind of work would you do, even for free, because you like the process itself?

Write these responses down and think about how you can become a blogging person. If you are interested in fishing, then share this experience with your readers; if you like cooking - create a culinary blog on WordPress with step-by-step recipes.

Do your friends consider you a creative artist? Why not share your work with others? Are you successful in growing flowers? Write about it, the world needs your valuable experience!

Not noticing the time

You have not yet determined your true vocation and topic, what will your site be about? Then I propose to think about this. Have you ever plunged headlong into any business? Was it in your life that you were so addicted to creating something that you forgot about sleep, food, and so on? This is the kind of work that will help you to realize yourself.

There is a subscriber for each hobby, but nevertheless, there are more popular topics and less. The more popular the idea of ​​your web resource, the more visitors will be interested in it. If you do not strive for high income from blogging and want to create a website for yourself and your friends, you can do this by publishing any posts.

But what does a "useful" article mean? I'll tell you more about this:

  • Write in such a way that the visitor to the resource feels important and important;
  • If you do not gather crowds of fans, then you should not talk too much about your beloved on the pages of your Internet project. I doubt that people will be so interested in the details of your life that they will subscribe to updates;
  • Talk about things that haven't been said yet. Or, if you have chosen a popular topic, write in other words, add "zest" to the text;
  • Have you decided to create a website dedicated to your city? Or do you want the resource to become a favorite of people of a certain profession? You can do this, but do not push the site into narrow frames, position it as an interesting source for almost any user;

  • If your blog is created with the aim of promoting a product, write not so much about services and products as about the benefits of customers who will use them or purchase products. Help solve problems.

Prove by example

Have you started the fun process of losing weight and getting in shape and want to write about it? This idea cannot be called 100% successful. Let's think about why.

When a person visits a site with a narrow focus, he hopes to find on it comprehensive information and answers to all his questions. Who can have this information? An experienced blogger who ate a "dog" on this arouses respect and trust. Therefore, if you have just started the process of losing weight and have not yet achieved any results, then it is difficult to say for sure that your web resource will be useful.

But if you are really interested in this topic, you want to achieve success in it and the blog will serve as a motivator, if you wish, you can submit it in an interesting way and find like-minded people. All in your hands!

Control check

Have you decided on the topic of the future Internet resource, but fears do not leave you? Do you think that the topic may not be in demand? Let's check it together on several points so that you can draw a final conclusion.

Here are a few steps of a proof test:

  • Determine if the topic of your future Internet masterpiece belongs to one of the categories: earnings, personal development, family and children, social networks, business, news and modern technology;
  • Analyze your competitors, if they are not there is not the best sign;
  • The popularity of the topic. If Yandex Wordstat in the topic you have chosen does not give impressions of more than 10,000 requests per month (base frequency), then it is unlikely that you will be able to create a serious business on its basis, since the demand will be small;

  • Will you be able to present your field of activity on the blog in such a way that people who do not understand it are interested in it?
  • If articles on this topic are actively commented on, then it is really interesting;
  • If you yourself are not such a professional of the chosen topic, then you should not write about it on the blog pages, although you can promote your blog as a reality show;
  • Are you embarrassed to openly tell people that you are the author of a blog with a chosen topic? So this is not your topic.
  • No ideas for articles? This is also a signal about the wrong choice of topic.

Now answer yourself honestly to all the listed questions and come to the right decision.

Anyway, I recommend that you start. After all, any outcome in blogging will give you valuable experience and teach you a lot. Until then, subscribe to my blog site, invite friends and like-minded people. I am sure that together we will achieve success and succeed in the information business!

P / S

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

Hello, Vladimir Manerov is in touch. And today in the article I have prepared 28 interesting blog ideas for you. If you are at the very beginning and are just thinking of starting your journey in, then carefully read the article. My thoughts and ideas will push you on the right path. :)

When choosing an idea for a blog, you need to be extremely careful and devote enough time to this process. So that in the future, interest and your creation does not disappear. The truth is, almost 90% of newbies quit their blog in the first six months. :(

When choosing an idea, remember the most important rule: the blog topic should be close to you, so that it would be pleasant to write new articles, and you will benefit from it.

If this rule is followed, then undoubtedly your blog will achieve high results.

Before choosing a blog topic, answer yourself a few key questions:

  1. Am I willing to love and cherish my creation like a child?
  2. Am I interested in this blog topic?
  3. Is there anything I can tell the readers new?
  4. What can I teach?
  5. Who will be my future readers?
  6. Is this topic interesting to people?
  7. Is it possible to make money on this topic?

Below in the list I will give my thoughts that seem to me to be shot in the future. I'm not saying that they will 100% meet their expectations. Everything will depend only on the author of the blog. My task is to help nudge you, direct you in the right direction.

Read each point carefully and think if it suits you or not? And also write in the comments what you liked and what you think is not worth attention.

  1. About a novice athlete (soccer player, hockey player, no matter which one, the idea is that in the future he can achieve great results, and your blog will already exist).
  2. About one day in the life of celebrities.
  3. About health at the computer.
  4. Your pet's blog.
  5. About records and the Guinness Book of Records.
  6. About water (everything about water, its benefits, harm, where it is found, etc.).
  7. About babies (if you have a baby, create a blog about his life).
  8. About tricks and magicians.
  9. About Olympic records.
  10. About gifts (we are all looking for what to give for the holiday, why not give an answer to this question in the blog?).
  11. About the new series.
  12. About UFOs!
  13. Ideas of what to do with a large company.
  14. About the paranormal.
  15. Answers to questions from the Internet.
  16. About and facts.
  17. About the red book.
  18. About extinct species of animals.
  19. About the most unusual people.
  20. About unusual hobbies.
  21. About parables.
  22. About beautiful places in your city.
  23. About your young family.
  24. About the amazing.
  25. Mythbreaker style blog.
  26. About a new invention.
  27. About dreams.
  28. On the psychology of color.

Where to get inspiration from?

    We all love to watch an interesting exciting video. But look at this from the other side. An interesting blog idea can be taken from the video.

    I think this is the most correct decision. People can spend hours doing their hobby, their favorite thing. This can be anything you like cooking delicious food, raising children, collecting, building, etc.

    Professional qualities (your job)

    You work as a lawyer, then why not create your own personal website and help people in need of legal assistance on it? Or maybe you are a chef, then create a blog about goodies. And if you're a salesperson, create a blog about new products or how to sell. I think you get the idea :)

    Life events

    The idea is to blog about your life event. Give a solution. For example, you moved to live in America and write in a blog about how to move to America and how a Russian person can survive there.

    From the book store

    Just walk through the bookstore at your leisure and look at different books. Rate what people are interested in, what they like to read, how often they buy a particular book. Or maybe your blog idea will be some novel that became a bestseller and shook the world. For example, like Harry Potter or today a Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).

    From loved ones

    Just ask them to be interested. Or what do you understand in their opinion and what you do better than others. From the side it is always more visible.

Advice: we often search the Internet for information on some topic, and to find it we have to shovel the entire Internet and look through thousands of sites. Why not collect all this information in one place and tell it in understandable language? Think about it.

On my own behalf, I wish you to find the right path and bring your blog to huge traffic and profitability. But the main thing is to remember: your blog should be interesting to you and people should like it. ;)

Write in the comments your thoughts on this topic, write those items from the list that you liked and liked. And also subscribe to blog updates or join groups on social networks so as not to miss interesting information.

I look forward to your comments on interesting blog ideas. ;)


A corporate blog is a necessary tool in the modern world for promoting a company in any field of activity on the network. But how do you constantly come up with new blog ideas? This task may seem daunting at first, but just get a taste ... Brian Lang - content expert - has a ton of tips for finding ideas for your blog, among which you will definitely find something that works for you.

How, you don't have a corporate blog yet? .. Then we are coming to you!

The constant search for blog topics can be a daunting factor for budding bloggers. But there are really many ways that bloggers and content developers can find an endless source of blog ideas.

Creating a lot of content is extremely important and becomes even more critical for website owners than bloggers. A lot of good content will give you higher search engine rankings due to more links, more visitors and more subscribers, and will also increase your company's credibility.

So, in this article I have tried to provide the most comprehensive list of the best ideas for finding blog topics. You don't have to use all of them - find a few that work for you, and be sure to bookmark this page in case you need more ideas in the future:

Inspiration from other content sources

1. Other blogs in your industry- Subscribe to other blogs in your industry using RSS readers like Feedly. They will nudge you on topics that your target audience finds interesting.

3. Highlight other articles in your field- Find articles of interest that someone else has already written. Let's link to them and add either your opinion about what has been written, or additional comments that will expand the scope of the article.

4. Yahoo Answers and Other Q&A Sites- You can get ideas by browsing Yahoo Answers, Quora, Askville and other similar sites, and finding there questions that are asked in the relevant category of interest.

5. Sites on which content is shared- Sites like Hubpages and Squidoo have a community of authors who publish interesting content. You can also see the activity of commenting and views of these articles and filter articles by area.

6. Blog aggregators- Check out blog aggregators like AllTop.com and browse topics related to your area.

7. Excerpts from books- Post and comment on excerpts from your own books or information products.

8. Publicly available information- View publicly available information to generate ideas.

9. Take from printed books- Look through paper books and the topics they cover for ideas.

10. Services for the placement of slides- Look for presentation slides on sites like slideshare for ideas for content.

11. Consistently relevant content- Always up-to-date content - this content that is useful at all times and in general terms will never change - for example, about how to plan a wedding.

12. Sites with articles- Browse topics on article sites such as Constant Content or Ezine articles. Sites like Constant Content are more likely to outperform free sites like Ezine articles because their content is highly moderated and extremely stringent in quality.

13. Amazon/ Books- You can get a ton of ideas from the books you read or even just get to know on Amazon. Create a list of books that you find interesting.

14. Reviews of books and information products- You can take ideas from reviews that people write on Amazon and other sites close to your topic. Sometimes in such reviews I come across unique ideas that are not even in books.

15. Review something- Review a book or product in your area and comment on what you learned from it.

Your audience and other people

16. Ask your audience- An easy way to get more ideas for what to write about is to just ask your audience. You can do this through a blog post, mail, social media, or in any other way that can reach your audience. In fact, some blogs only publish “Ask the Expert Q&A” posts.

17. Ask your friends- Asking your friends, family, coworkers and others around you can be a good way to brainstorm ideas, especially if they are interested and have knowledge of your blog topic.

18. Comments on your blog Sometimes comments and questions on your blog can be a good source for ideas for future posts.

19. Comments on other blogs- You can also draw ideas and inspiration from the comments that readers leave on other blogs in your niche market.

20. Experience of others- Sometimes you can use the stories and experiences of other people and record observations and lessons from their stories.

21. Discussions- Lead discussions that will engage readers. You will be able to create multiple blog entries as the discussion develops.

22. Content mastermind groups- Form your own group of content “masterminds” of bloggers with whom you can share ideas. Make sure to meet regularly to keep the group active and share information and ideas.

23. Researching and polling your audience- Researching your audience can be a great way to create unique content for your website. Polls are another option, and sometimes a simple survey on your site can give you some interesting information from your site visitors.

24. Research with Google- Google provides a way of doing research called Google surveys... You can even use demographics to find out details about the type of audience you want to survey. You can check out a quick guide to using Google surveys.

25. Outsourcing ideas- You can hire someone to come up with ideas for you, especially if they are experienced and understand your market niche. Finding the right person can take a while, but it pays off if you do it.

26. Crowdsourcing ideas- There are ways that allow you to pay for other people's ideas. Amazon Mechanical Turk can be used as a source of inexpensive ideas, although it can be helpful if you can provide a quick guide on how to find these ideas in your job description.

27. Meetings- Hold meetings and share your results. Ask meeting participants for ideas or find out what topics they are interested in. Read how to organize a meeting effectively.

28. Networking- Making contact with people in real life can be a good source of ideas. Ask them questions and pay attention to what they are saying when the conversation comes to topics in your business.

29. Create interactive content- Sometimes you can boost engagement with interactive content or even playing games with your readers. For example, create a test or questionnaire in which you want to flag ideas as true or false.

30. Conference programs- See what the top conferences in your field focus on and what they blog about. Most conference programs are posted on their websites, so you don't even need to attend the conference to learn about the topics.

31. Events- In addition to meetings with Meetup, there are many events in your market niche. You can often get ideas by talking to people at these events and watching presentations.

32. Posts of guests- Let other experts leave guest posts on your site. This is good for both sides as allows your guest to increase recognition, and you get content for your readers for free. Sites like My Blog Guest and Blogger Linkup can help you find candidates.

Your content and your own experience

34. Content processing- Take something from existing content and present it in a different way or by other means. For example, you can take a podcast or video and create a text post.

35. Create an excuse to look at your old post.- Remind visitors of an old post or expand it. Remember that some of your new readers may not have seen your old popular posts - create a new one that will link to and link to the old one.

36. Personal experience- Keep a journal of your personal experiences and share the lessons you learned from them. A blog post as a story can be a great opportunity to engage your readers.

37. Practical advice- Give practical, easy-to-use advice that can help your readers. Sometimes simple advice that is easy to follow is what helps people the most.

38. Your own interests and ideas- Sometimes you may have the opportunity to integrate your own interests with the main topic of your blog. Whenever you have a creative idea, be sure to write it down so you won't forget about it later.

39. Launch and announcement of new products- Announce new products and services, both your own and others'. Talk about what the product will be and how it will help solve people's problems.

40. Personal thoughts and feelings- Share your personal thoughts and feelings - this can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and create engaging content.

42. Google Analytics- Mark which pages are the most popular according to Google Analytics results. Also look at the keywords that people use to find your site. It happens that your site is found for very unexpected words or combinations, and you can create content based on these keywords.

43. Try or learn new things- A busy life and meeting people can generate stories that are useful for blogging. Try to regularly break out of your comfort zone and bring new notes to your daily routine from time to time.

44. Make announcements- Announce upcoming events regarding your blog or business.

45. Brag about your victories- If you received an award, recognition, or was told about you in the media, share it with your readers.

46. ​​Failures- Talk about your failures and the lessons learned from them. While it can be difficult to share your failures, it will help your blog readers connect with you more closely.

Post types

47. Resource List- Create a list of useful resources and provide links to other web pages that your readers may find useful. This post can be updated regularly - when you find new information.

48. List Posts- Create a list of top 10 or top 100 resources or ideas. Lists are extremely popular and receive a ton of social media shares.

49. Demonstrations or training materials- Create instructions or tutorials on how to use or do something. Include detailed directions, screenshots and videos where possible to complement the instructions.

50. Comprehensive guide- Create complete instructions on how to do something. It can consist of several posts.

51. Monthly selection- Create a list of links that you find interesting and useful every week or month. Such posts can also collect a lot of shares and links.

52. A specific example- Give a specific example of why the method you described in the previous post was successfully applied. Examples can be inspiring because they demonstrate a person's real life success.

53. Tip or list of tips- Offer your audience a helpful tip or list of tips. Instead of just listing the tips, give them a little clarification so your readers can learn as much as possible from them.

54. Comparison posts- Compare products, services or other ideas in your industry. Add details to help your readers understand the advantages and disadvantages of different products.

55. Supervising post- Comment on someone else's post in your niche and add your own opinions and advice. You can also curate news posts in your niche.

56. Solve the problem- Think about the problems and difficulties your readers are facing and write a post on how to solve these problems.

Sources of - social network

57. GroupsFacebook- Join Facebook groups in your niche or create your own. Join the discussion in these groups and pay attention to what other people are talking about.

58. RibbonFacebook- Your personal Facebook feed can sometimes suggest content ideas. Friends will sometimes post interesting ideas and links that can be used for content ideas.

59. Your tapeTwitter- Pay attention to what your followers are tweeting about. You can occasionally create posts that suit their primary interests.

60. Retweets- Watch what type of content your followers are retweeting, both from your feed and others. This can offer good ideas for posting posts.

61. StumbleUponand bookmarking sites on social networks- Surf StumbleUpon in your niche for content inspiration, and check out other social bookmarking sites like Digg.

62. Youtubeand other sites for uploading videos- Other people's videos can be a good source of content inspiration. Subscribe and follow other content creators in your niche.

63. GroupsLinkedIn- Join LinkedIn Groups in your niche. Follow the discussions in these groups and pay attention to the types of questions people ask.

64. Open ForumAmex- Watch questions and answers people post on the Amex open forum that you can connect to from LinkedIn.

65. Forums- Participate in the forums and follow what people are talking about. Watch for the most frequently asked questions or new topics that you haven't written about yet.

Content formats

66. Podcasts- Subscribe to podcasts in your niche to understand what people are creating podcasts about.

67. Webinars- Sign up for webinars in your niche as this can be a good source of ideas. See what topics people are hosting webinars on.

68. Tools and Widgets- Create handy tools and widgets for your readers. You may need a programmer to do this, but handy tools can be a good source of traffic in the future.

69. Infographics- Create infographics from existing data or search the web for interesting statistics and insights.

70. Video creation- Convert an existing blog post to a video and embed it in a new post. You can also add any other content to it.

71. Photos- Post interesting photos and graphics and add meaningful comments to them.

72. Interview Experts- Offer to interview experts and post interviews on your blog.

73. Let's interview- Let someone else interview you and then post it on your blog. All you have to do is think about a good topic, and perhaps the interviewer can help with that.


74. Follow the news in your niche- News can be a good source of endless content. For example, if you are posting about SEO, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of the latest news about Google and SEO.

75. Discussions- Disagree with the dominant idea or conventional wisdom. Do it the way diplomats and analysts do so that you don't create negativity in many people.

76. Shifting trends- Pay attention to what is currently rumored or important news in your niche, and create content on this topic. Some people have used this technique effectively, dramatically increasing their results.

77. News aggregators- Go to news aggregators like Smartbrief.com and look at popular topics in your niche.

78. Trends and forecasts- Comment on trends in your niche and make predictions for the future.

79. Follow press releases- Subscribe to press release feeds to see what's new before it officially becomes news.

80. Magazines- Magazines can contain interesting content and editorials. These articles can give you ideas for what to write about on your blog.

81. Blog Directories- Technorati and Google Blog Search is a good way to find new blogs and topics.

82. HARO- HARO is helpareporter.com. This is the place where reporters can ask for expert help for upcoming news stories. Subscribe to this email list and you can get a good source of ideas from there.

83. Scientific articles- Read scientific articles in your niche market.

84. Radio Show- Talking radio shows often feature interesting topics that you can also discuss in your content.

85. Conversational TV Shows and TV News Shows- Conversational TV shows are a good source for finding and deeper insights into topics that people are interested in.

Research and tools

86. ToolGoogleby keywords- Use the Google Keyword Tool to find the keywords people are looking for on Google. They can lead to good ideas for article topics. You will also be able to rank easily and get more traffic for keywords with less search weight.

87. Brainstorming sessions Set a time free from distractions and write as many ideas as you can think of. Pick the best ideas and use them for your blog topics.

88. AlertsGoogle- Install Google Alerts and you will be informed about new topics in your niche.

89. SuggestionsGoogleby keywords- When you type a query into Google search, you see suggested keywords. They can serve as a massive source of simple content ideas.

90. Compile the data- Compile statistics and data in one place to make them easily accessible to your readers and convenient for analyzing information.

91. Explore the topic- Think about topics that interest you and that relate to your niche. Explore them and share your findings with your audience.

92. Buzzsumo- Use Buzzsumo to find people who are chatting about your topic. You can then curate or write your own commentary on what's hot right now.

93. Ubersuggest- Use Ubersuggest to generate your keyword list. They will lead to good ideas for topics that will attract search traffic.

More ideas

94. Inspiration- Create a post that inspires people on an emotional level. This is often expressed in the story of someone who overcame difficulties or achieved success despite great obstacles.

95. Experimental results- Do an experiment or try something new and share the results.

96. Debunking Myths- Expose a common myth or concept that people know.

97. Simplify- Take something that is difficult for most people and simplify it.

98. Dive into details- Take a topic that you (or someone else) wrote about and dive deeper into the details.

99. Tell us about an unusual idea- If an unusual idea or unique idea comes to your mind, consider publishing it for your readers.

100. Change perspective- Present information from your blog posts or otherwise from a different angle.

101. Gifts and Coupons- Offer gifts and coupons you find online that are appropriate for your readers and offer them.

102. Quotes- Discuss a popular quote or saying. You may agree or disagree with her, and you may also have some examples or stories about whether this is true or not.

103. Linking Topics- Find interesting or popular topics and link them to your blog topics.

104. Entertainment- Instead of focusing on creating valuable content in your niche, try to simply entertain your readers and move on to useful things later.

105. Arouse emotions- Try to think of a story or event that will stir up emotions in your audience. Emotional content can become very popular and lead to further spread.

106. Post something cool- From time to time it is good to post something cool and not related to the main topic. That being said, don't do it too often, just consider trying it and see what happens.

107. Assumption- Try to write a "what if" post and guess what might happen if you try something or if someone else tries to perform a certain action.

108. Internal site search- If your site has a lot of traffic and you have a search field on your site, look at the search data. They will tell you what the people visiting your site are interested in.

109. FAQon site- search for the FAQ on other sites in your niche. Frequently asked questions can lead to good ideas for website content.

110. Google Hangouts- A great way to create content for your website is to connect Google Hangouts to your audience, another blogger, or any other interesting visitor. You can also watch other people's Google Hangouts for ideas.

111. Google Plus- Look at the Google Plus communities in your niche and see what other people are posting. You can also see what other Google Plus influencers in your niche are posting on their pages.

Overall, this list should help bloggers with content ideas, and if everything you try fails, take a break for a while and let your brain rest. Sometimes the best ideas come to mind when you least expect them.

If you have long dreamed of starting your own blog, but did not know where to start, what topic to tackle, because it seems that everything in the world has already been written, then I have good news for you. Here are 10 great ideas for everyone to have an interesting and readable blog!

It should be said right away that themed blogs are in trend now, for example, specifically about travel, cooking delicious and healthy food, or, say, about books. Forget it. This is yesterday, but we must look to the future.

I suggest that you create not just a blog on a specific topic, but your own image on the web. After all, the reader is always born with images when he reads. So by manipulating and linking these images, you can create a highly successful blog.

By the way, rappers have such a concept as "true", that is, the one who is real, and not some "pontorez". So, a true blogger should be as honest as possible, and his exclusive feature will be in what opinion he expresses. People are interested not only in facts, but also in people's opinions.

Therefore, you must match the chosen image, but I think there will be no problems with this, since there are plenty of images. You may have to work on yourself in order to tighten some component of your image ... But that's okay. Nevertheless, let's talk about everything in order.

1. Seals, epl products, nyashki.

So what is required for this image? You need an epl phone or tablet to actually capture all your adventures on it. And you also need a cat. No cat? Start, and preferably two or three at once. It is worth writing about how cute these creatures are, about how to care for them, as well as posting photo reports about your life together with these animals. It would be nice to meet a couple of very cute girls and talk about the time spent with them.

2. Serial nerd, filmmaker, fuck you

Do you like watching TV shows? So why not become a critic? Add cinema here, and we get quite fertile soil for activity. After all, so many new products appear almost every day, just have time to view the content. To do both a promo for the film and a report on unfulfilled expectations (we always want more). And you can supplement your image with the fact that you are a notorious violator of the regime and that everything in this life needs to be treated more simply.

3. Athlete, handsome, businessman

Many are not satisfied with the role of the viewer in life and they prefer to create their own script, just like building their own body brick by brick in the gym. And the best thing about everything is to write in a blog in detail, because it is obvious that you are on the wave of success: "If I could, then anyone else can." And if your appearance is still distinguished by enviable attractiveness, then an additional audience of girls who are greedy for men is provided for you. Well, your own business will complement your image of a modern superhero: after the gym, immediately to an important meeting, where a deal for a couple of million is made.

4. Klaber, critic, merry fellow

Create your own philosophy of club life, it's so much fun to burn the weekend in the club. Write that the night lifestyle is just right for you, as well as that you do not understand others at all: "How can you live like this?" Look for criticism at every turn. "Well, this chicken is dressed up!" or "Yes, this dude is dancing like a broken electronics!" or “What were the organizers thinking when they were forbidden to let people in sneakers in?”. The more criticism spiced with cynical humor, the better. After that, any your praise will be taken really seriously.

5. Traveler, photographer, sociopath

Traveling is interesting, it is even better if you can capture all your travels in a photo. There is also something to write about. From how to pack a backpack to buying cheap air tickets and getting a Schengen visa. People will be interested in your hands-on experience. This image can be supplemented by what pushes you to travel. For example, the fact that you cannot be constantly with the same people, because they start to piss you off, or you are always looking for new acquaintances.

6. Philosopher, book lover, troll

Almost everyone can philosophize and reason, especially in the kitchen with a mug of hot tea or something stronger. As a topic for you, here is the meaning of life, and where this whole world is heading, and even why this yellow leaf flew to your balcony. In short, you can philosophize about anything. But it would be nice to look for inspiration in books for all your reasoning. In addition, your image of a philosopher can be reinforced by the fact that “And here's Tolstoy wrote that this is so, and now it has become generally like this ...” and so on. But don't forget that people are interested in your personal opinion! Well, of course, in your creations you need to troll everyone to the maximum in order to add contrast to your blog.

7. Politician, truth-teller, mister presidential smile

Everything is more than obvious here, since there is a good, rather vivid example. I, of course, about Navalny. Make yourself. This is the essence of creating the image of a true blogger. You do not just write something there to amuse your vanity, you live by it. In general, if you want to immerse yourself in this image, then you have someone to take an example from.

8. Scientist, hipster, quiet man

And today there are young scientists among us. Do you think no one is interested in what they do? Very interesting! After all, science has the most direct impact on our life! And if we add to this interest in good music, art house cinema, fashion, and in general in art, then interest in this person will immediately be squared. Well, if a person is distinguished by natural modesty, then what's wrong with that, she, on the contrary, they say, paints. Only with this modesty you still have to cope, otherwise you will not see the blog.

9. Auto, tattoo, pickup

Have a cool car? Then you should definitely write about how cool it is to rush under 200 km / h in the city at night. There is no wheelbarrow, but at least a rusty "basin" is available, then you can write about those cool cars that you want to take possession of or how you pumped your "basin". For even greater coolness, you need to get a tattoo, giving it some hidden sacred meaning. Well, having such an arsenal as a wheelbarrow and a tattoo, you can safely start shooting cool chicks. Anyone get this idea, huh? I'm really interested in what happens.

10. Thrasher, glamor bastard, major

Of course, blogging isn't new anymore, but it's better than being a consumer of content from the web. So my friends recently started blogging. Julia writes about "Pitfalls" in business and the correct selection of personnel , and Seryoga share the secrets of knowing your Self .

I hope you will be the next one to start your blog. You can leave links to your blogs in the comments.

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