Home Diseases and pests Animal diabetes insipidus. Veterinary clinic diabetes insipidus. The process of urine formation

Animal diabetes insipidus. Veterinary clinic diabetes insipidus. The process of urine formation

In the body of a healthy dog, the kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood, maintaining the water-salt balance, and the concentration of urine. Normally, the volume of urine separated is regulated by the renal tubules, which are responsible for the process of reabsorption of fluid and electrolytes.

In turn, the reabsorption process depends on the action of the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary/hypothalamus tissue (vasopressin). With a lack of vasopressin, the renal tubules cease to effectively concentrate urine, the volume of urine excreted increases significantly, and rapid dehydration of the body occurs.

At the same time, a large amount of electrolytes, substances necessary for the normal functioning of organs and tissues, is lost. Compensatory dog ​​begins to drink a lot.

Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs

This is a rare endocrine disease characterized by the separation of large amounts of hypotonic urine. Diabetes insipidus can be congenital or acquired.

There are 2 types of such diabetes:

  • Central diabetes insipidus.
  • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

In the first case, there is a decrease in the release of antidiuretic hormone (its lack).

In the second case, the disease occurs due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the renal tubules to the action of the hormone (the pituitary gland continues to release vasopressin in an adequate amount, but urine reabsorption is sharply reduced).

The reasons

Central diabetes insipidus occurs due to trauma, tumors or congenital anomalies in the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It can be diagnosed in dogs of various breeds. The age of onset of pathology is from 7 weeks to 14 years. It has been reported as a congenital disease in Afghan Hound and German Shorthair Pointer puppies.

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus as a congenital disease was found in husky puppies. In most cases, it develops as a secondary pathology in various renal diseases, metabolic disorders.


Symptoms of diabetes insipidus in dogs:

  • increased thirst, increased urination (polyuria / polydipsia);
  • dehydration (dehydration);
  • disorientation, lethargy, apathy;
  • weight loss, exhaustion;
  • convulsions, tremor.

The main danger of the disease lies in severe dehydration of the body, a drop in blood pressure, and ischemia of the renal tissue. Transition to a coma, death of the patient is possible.


At the appointment, the doctor conducts a physical examination of the patient, collects anamnesis data.

Laboratory diagnostics includes a general clinical, biochemical blood test, urinalysisg. This makes it possible to exclude such differential diagnoses as renal failure, diabetes mellitus.

The fluid deprivation test is aimed at verifying the diagnosis of “psychogenic thirst” (the dog drinks a lot due to its temperament).

The desmopressin stimulation test (administration of a synthetic analogue of vasopressin) reveals the nature of diabetes insipidus (central/nephrogenic).

Determination of the level of pituitary hormones (exclusion of hyperadrenocorticism).

MRI (detection of tumors, anomalies in the structure of the hypothalamic-pituitary system).


With central diabetes insipidus, desmopressin replacement therapy is carried out (buried conjunctivally, or in the nose) 2 times a day. In the case of diabetes of nephrogenic origin, an increased dose of desmopressin, thiazide diuretics, chlorpromazine, and a hypersalt diet are used.

The prognosis is good if central diabetes is not caused by a pituitary tumor, cautious in nephrogenic diabetes. In the case of a traumatic brain injury, transient diabetes insipidus may occur (symptoms disappear 2-3 weeks after the incident).


diabetes insipidus in dogs and cats

Diabetes insipidus is a disease in which there is a disorder of water and electrolyte balance, primary polyuria, secondary thirst and low urine density.

This ailment can be of central origin, in which there is a cessation or decrease in the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and nephrogenic (renal) diabetes insipidus, caused by a violation of the susceptibility of the renal tubule receptors to the action of ADH, due to which there is no reabsorption of water. Both types of diabetes insipidus are rare in dogs and cats.

Diabetes insipidus of central origin develops as a result of congenital anomalies (underdevelopment of the pituitary gland), after recovering from infectious diseases (plague), and also as a consequence of injuries and tumors of the pituitary gland.

In cases where nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is congenital, there may be an absence of ADH receptors in the renal tissue. Endocrine and metabolic disorders (hypercortisolism, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia) have a clinical picture of diabetes insipidus.

With purulent inflammation of the uterus, temporary diabetes insipidus may occur, associated with the release into the blood of bacteria of substances that compete with ADH.

Congenital forms of the disease usually appear before 6 months of age. Central diabetes insipidus caused by a pituitary tumor is more common in animals older than 5 years.

How to recognize?

The clinical picture includes thirst, polyuria. Urinary incontinence is often observed, associated not with incontinence as such, but with the physical inability of the dog to empty the bladder in a timely manner in a natural way.

Diabetes insipidus is differentiated from hypercortisolism, diabetes mellitus, hypercalcemia, pyometra, renal failure, liver disease, pyelonephritis, hyperthyroidism (cats), psychogenic polydipsia.

Laboratory diagnostics

General and biochemical blood tests are usually normal, sometimes hypernatremia can be detected. Urine density is low (usually less than 1008-1012). Urine itself is almost colorless and resembles water more than urine. If possible, it is recommended to determine the concentration of ADH in the blood serum by laboratory diagnostics.

A test is also carried out with deprivation of water, if central diabetes insipidus is suspected, a test with the introduction of synthetic ADH (in this case, water consumption should decrease by 50% in 3-5 days). An increase in urine density and a decrease in thirst indicate diabetes insipidus of central origin.

Before testing with ADH, all other possible causes of polyuria and polydipsia must be excluded.

Conducting with dehydration requires hospitalization, since dehydration can occur when the dog is deprived of fluid, which poses a threat to the life of the animal, and the test with the introduction of ADH can be performed on an outpatient basis.

If a pituitary tumor is suspected, computed tomography of the brain or magnetic resonance imaging is performed.


The animal must be provided with free access to water. In central diabetes insipidus, replacement therapy with a synthetic analogue of ADH - desmopressin.

Source: http://zoomak.ru/zabolevaniya/nesaharnyj-diabet-u-sobak.html

A rare disease - diabetes insipidus in dogs: how to identify and treat the pathology

Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs characterized by a serious failure in the water-electrolyte system of the body, which is manifested by polydipsia and polyuria. Pathology develops slowly, clinical signs are not obvious, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Causes of development in dogs:

Symptoms of nephrological, central diabetes:

  • Polyuria. This increases both the volume of urine and the frequency of urges. The color of the urine becomes very light. The dog asks to go out more and more often, often cannot stand it.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - constipation due to dehydration.
  • Decreased appetite. The dog often refuses dry food, and eats wet food with reluctance.
  • The skin and mucous membranes are dehydrated. There is anemia of the gums, the mucous membrane of the eyes. The skin loses turgor. Dandruff and itching may occur.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system: changes in blood pressure (hypotension), heart failure, bradycardia.
  • Lethargy, apathy, lack of interest in games, walks, unwillingness to follow commands.

Death occurs 1-2 years after the development of the disease due to exhaustion.

Lymphodenitis (enlarged lymph nodes) is not a symptom characteristic of endocrine pathology. A slight increase in regional lymph nodes, as a rule, can be associated with the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Diagnostics includes:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • clarification of the factors provoking polydipsia and polyuria;
  • clinical examination of the animal;
  • general urinalysis, biochemical blood test;
  • analysis of the level of vasopressin;
  • X-ray examination of the brain, MRI, CT.

Differential Diagnosis is carried out in relation to diabetes mellitus, renal failure, hyperadrenocorticism, nerve polydipsia.

If the disease is caused by a violation of the production of vasopressin, then the treatment is substitution in nature - an analogue of the antidiuretic hormone (Desmopressin) is prescribed.

Relieve the condition a sick pet helps cleanse the blood by intravenous injection, removing sodium from the body. In the case of a nephrogenic type of disease, diuretics have a good effect.

In complex therapy includes drugs to maintain kidney function, the cardiovascular system.

Read more in our article on diabetes insipidus in dogs and its treatment.

General information about diabetes insipidus

With a disease such as diabetes insipidus in dogs, owners of four-legged pets are rare. The disease is characterized by a serious failure in the water-electrolyte system of the body, which is manifested by polydipsia and polyuria.

According to the observation of veterinary specialists, the pathology develops slowly, clinical signs are not obvious, which makes diagnosis difficult. Owners turn, as a rule, when the disease is started and irreversible processes in the body have developed.

Endocrine disease is due to the fact that the part of the brain (hypothalamus) produces an insufficient amount of the hormone vasopressin. This leads to dysfunction of the renal tubules, an increase in the volume of urine excreted.

According to the etiological factor, this type of diabetes insipidus is considered to be central. Polydipsia inevitably leads to dehydration of the animal and disruption of all body systems.

The pathogenetic mechanism of the development of the disease may be associated with impaired renal function. The nephrogenic type of the disease develops when the kidney tubules fail. Renal structures do not respond to the action of antidiuretic hormone, which is accompanied by a violation of water reabsorption and, as a result, the development of polyuria, intoxication, and a violation of the water-salt balance.

And here is more about why the dog is losing weight.

Causes of development in dogs

According to veterinary therapists, the causes of central diabetes insipidus in dogs include, first of all, injuries and concussions of the brain and neoplasms (tumors, cysts). Often, congenital pathologies in the structure of the hypothalamic-pituitary part of the brain lead to the development of the disease.

Experienced dog breeders note that the most common congenital pathology of the hypothalamus, followed by the development of diabetes insipidus, is characteristic of the Afghan hound. Underdevelopment of the pituitary system (nanism) is characteristic of the German Shorthaired Pointer.

The nephrogenic type of the disease, according to veterinary specialists, is usually the result of severe intoxication, an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

The cause of the development of diabetes insipidus of renal origin is often nephrosis.

The disease is characterized not only by inhibition of the kidneys, but also by a decrease in the sensitivity of the renal tubules to the action of the antidiuretic hormone produced by the hypothalamus.

Symptoms of nephrological, central diabetes

Veterinarians advise owners not to overlook the following symptoms of diabetes insipidus in dogs:

  • As a result of a decrease in the specific gravity of urine and its density, polyuria is observed in a four-legged pet. This increases both the volume of urine and the frequency of urges. The color of the urine becomes very light.
  • The dog asks to go outside more and more often, often cannot stand it and makes puddles in the wrong place.
  • Polydipsia. The animal is constantly thirsty, drinks a lot and often.
  • In nephrological diabetes insipidus in dogs, the owner notes a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Your pet is constipated due to dehydration.
  • Decreased appetite. The dog often refuses dry food, and eats wet food with reluctance.
  • Against the background of anorexia, the weight of the animal decreases.
  • The skin and mucous membranes are dehydrated. The owner observes anemia of the gums, the mucous membrane of the eyes. The skin loses turgor. Dandruff and itching may occur.
  • Against the background of a violation of water-salt metabolism, problems with the cardiovascular system are observed: changes in blood pressure (hypotension), malfunction of the heart, bradycardia.
  • Lethargy, apathy, lack of interest in games, walks, unwillingness to follow commands is associated with intoxication of the body due to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  • In advanced cases, a four-legged patient has muscle tremors and convulsions. The dog may go into a coma.

Death occurs 1-2 years after the development of the disease due to exhaustion.

Watch this video about the causes of polydipsia and polyuria in dogs:

Are the lymph nodes enlarged

Many owners, concerned about the health of their furry friends, ask veterinarians whether lymph nodes increase with diabetes insipidus in dogs.

Lymphodenitis is not a symptom characteristic of endocrine pathology.

A slight increase in regional lymph nodes, as a rule, can be associated with the presence of an inflammatory process in the pet's body.

Analyzes and instrumental diagnostics

In the arsenal of a veterinary therapist there are a number of studies that allow the diagnosis of diabetes insipidus in dogs. First of all, a professional will collect an anamnesis, find out the factors that provoke polydipsia and polyuria, and conduct a clinical examination of the animal.

A general urinalysis will help to suspect a pathology, which will show a decrease in the specific gravity of urine. A biochemical blood test for an illness can show an excess of sodium caused by dehydration.

To make a definitive diagnosis, your veterinarian will test your dog for diabetes insipidus, which measures vasopressin levels. If the doctor suspects that the synthesizing function of the hypothalamus is impaired, then the animal is injected with antidiuretic hormone against the background of fluid restriction, and then control blood tests are performed.

In order to identify the oncological cause of the development of endocrine pathology, a sick pet undergoes an X-ray examination of the brain, magnetic resonance imaging or a computer examination.

Differential diagnosis is carried out in relation to diabetes mellitus, renal failure, hyperadrenocorticism, nerve polydipsia.

Treatment of diabetes insipidus

The therapeutic strategy depends mainly on the cause of the endocrine disorder. In the event that the disease is caused by a violation of the production of vasopressin, then the treatment is substitution.

A sick dog is given an antidiuretic hormone analogue. Desmopressin is a synthetic substitute for vasopressin that enhances water reabsorption in the kidneys and increases urine density.

The drug is used in the form of subconjunctival drops, as well as in the form of subcutaneous injections.

Apply desmopressin under the strict supervision of a veterinarian, as an overdose leads to serious intoxication of the body.

To alleviate the condition of a sick pet, cleansing the blood by intravenous injections, removing sodium from the body helps. In the case of a nephrogenic type of disease, diuretics have a good effect.

The complex therapy of endocrine disease includes drugs to maintain the function of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system.

Diabetes insipidus in dogs does not have pronounced symptoms, so treatment does not always bring tangible results. The prognosis for oncological lesions of the brain is unfavorable. As a rule, with caution, a veterinarian makes a prognosis for an animal with a nephrogenic form of the disease. Substitution and symptomatic therapy allows you to maintain the physiological functions of the body, but does not lead to a complete cure for the hairy patient.

Prevention in dogs

As a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend that owners closely monitor the health of four-legged family members and, at the slightest sign of illness, seek professional help.

Read more about congenital and acquired heart failure in dogs here.

Diabetes insipidus in dogs is a rare endocrine disease. The complexity of the pathology lies in the fact that the owner notices pronounced symptoms when the pet has developed severe dehydration and cachexia.

Substitution therapy improves the condition of the pet while excluding the oncological cause of the disease. With a nephrogenic type of disease, treatment is based on the use of diuretics, drugs that improve kidney and heart function.

Source: http://zootvet.ru/nesaharnyj-diabet-u-sobak/

Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs

  • Development mechanisms
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Medical tactics
  • Forecast

Diabetes insipidus is a rather rare disease in which there is a violation of the water-electrolyte balance or balance in the body, due to which polyuria occurs - frequent urination, then thirst joins, and the blood thickens. Diabetes insipidus in dogs is a serious disease that requires mandatory treatment.

Development mechanisms

Diabetes insipidus has several pathogenetic variants of development at once, which determines the further tactics of treating a dog. The first type is of central origin, and in it there is a significant reduction in the production and secretion of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin), which is produced in the hypothalamus of the brain in all mammals, including dogs.

The second pathogenetic variant occurs due to a violation of the functioning of the kidneys, and it is called nephrogenic.

In the nephrogenic variant, there is a violation of the tropism and susceptibility of receptors located in the renal tubules, which are activated under the influence of antidiuretic hormone.

As a result of impaired sensitivity to antidiuretic hormone, water reabsorption or its reuptake is blocked, which causes a symptom of polyuria and the rest of the clinical picture in the dog.

Diabetes insipidus is provoked by such anomalies and pathological conditions as pituitary dwarfism (its underdevelopment), serious diseases of an infectious nature, as well as injuries and neoplasms of the pituitary gland and the gland itself.

In connection with the violation of the water-salt balance in dogs, there is a decrease in the specific gravity of urine and its relative density. Regardless of whether it is a primary or secondary form of diabetes insipidus in dogs, the signs of the disease remain as follows:

  • Polyuria - an increase in the volume of urine excreted and an increase in the frequency of urination itself. This is due to a decrease in the specific gravity of urine and its relative density. Sometimes polyuria is so pronounced that it leads to urinary incontinence in dogs. Owners may notice that the dog has become restless and has begun to urinate in the house.
  • Polydipsia - strong thirst also leads to constant anxiety of the pet, its activity decreases. It can be seen that the dog's drinker is already empty by the middle of the day, which was not observed before.
  • Spontaneous urination - occurs as a result of neuroendocrine disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Symptoms of diabetes insipidus in pets, in particular dogs, develop quite quickly, which allows you to notice changes in the behavior of your pet in time and make an appointment with a veterinarian.

A correct diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian.

Medical tactics

A pet with neuroendocrine disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system needs to provide unhindered access to fluid as soon as possible, since severe polyuria can lead to severe dehydration of the animal's body and exhaustion.

Try to walk your pet more often during treatment, as patience and overexertion of the urinary sphincter can lead to overdistension of the dog's bladder.

Animals with diabetes insipidus need plenty of fluids

Treatment of the primary form

Unfortunately, there is no pathogenetic therapy for this disease, but it is possible to perform hormone replacement therapy using synthetic analogues of the antidiuretic hormone - Desmopressin.

The drug is a dosage form in the form of eye drops, which are instilled into the conjunctival sac and, being absorbed, quickly enter the systemic circulation, exerting their therapeutic effects. Also, the drug can be administered subcutaneously, creating a small depot of the drug in the area of ​​subcutaneous fat.

The procedure practically does not cause discomfort to the pet, which greatly simplifies the treatment. It is important to note that an overdose of Desmopressin can lead to subsequent water intoxication in the dog.

The treatment of the secondary form differs from the treatment described above, since the pathogenesis is of a completely different nature. In the nephrogenic form of diabetes insipidus, treatment is carried out using the drug Chlorothiazide (Gyabinez).


Treatment of diabetes insipidus is not radical, but only allows you to maintain the physiological state of the pet.

The prognosis for this disease is relatively unfavorable, however, treatment with hormone replacement therapy in dogs allows the disease to be maintained in a compensated state for a long time.

With a central lesion of the pituitary gland, only replacement therapy is carried out in order to restore and maintain water and electrolyte balance.

Source: http://diabetiko.ru/raznoe/nesaharnyy-diabet-sobak

Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs: Treatment, Symptoms and Signs

A disease of a chronic nature, called a clinical syndrome, expressed in the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine.

Diabetes insipidus in dogs

Diabetes insipidus is characterized by decreased sensitivity of the tubules in the kidneys.

This syndrome is usually associated with a lack of antidiuretic hormone, the so-called central pathology.

Or the disease is caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of the tubules in the kidneys to this hormone - renal pathology. Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, which acts as one of the parts of the brain.

A malfunction in the brain and causes a hormone deficiency - a central ailment. Violation of the genitourinary system - kidney disease.

The course is slow, the symptoms appear gradually and turn into a rather severe course.

Disease danger

Often there is a fatal outcome. The disease is typical for dogs and cats, other types of animals practically do not get sick.

The disease is seen in cats and dogs.

Provoking factors

For the occurrence of central diabetes insipidus, several causes associated with a violation of the central nervous system are sufficient. The main factors of occurrence:

  • head injury;
  • brain concussion;
  • prolonged feverish conditions;
  • prolonged oxygen starvation;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • hereditary factor.

Genetics can be a contributing factor.

The renal type can occur as a result of poisoning, resulting in severe intoxication. Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, as well as diseases of a non-inflammatory nature: nephrosis, oppression and degradation of organs.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Diabetes

For a correct diagnosis, a full range of diagnostic measures should be carried out due to the fact that the clinical picture of the disease will be blurred and similar to other pathologies.

  1. For this, it is necessary to carry out laboratory analysis of blood and urine. Urinalysis is performed to determine the density of urea. A blood test is performed to detect excess sodium, and to conduct a test to determine the concentration of the hormone.
  2. A complete examination of the kidneys is carried out through ultrasound, radiography with a contrast agent. If there are suspicions of a reduced work of the pituitary gland, an artificial hormone should be introduced, water intake should be limited, then a control analysis should be performed. MRI and computed tomography of the brain are also carried out.

A blood test is needed to diagnose diabetes.

Symptoms are expressed in reduced renal activity, which may be due to severe intoxication. But there is also an increase in body temperature. The animal is lethargic, walks unsteadily due to pain in the joints. Violation of the digestive system - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.


  • Dehydration leads to drying of the mucous membranes, the development of constipation.
  • The pet's appetite is reduced or absent altogether.
  • Can eat small portions of moist food, but completely refuses ready-made dry food.
  • There is a rapid weight loss.
  • The severe stage implies a change in the composition of the blood, the presence of an excess of heavy elements in it, atrophy of the neural ligaments occurs, convulsions begin.
  • A harbinger of death is the onset of coma.
  • Renal diabetes develops in the same way as central diabetes, but twice as fast and with similar symptoms.

When a dog becomes dehydrated, it loses its appetite.

Therapy and treatment

To develop a full-fledged complex of treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the type of disease and develop a scheme of proposed therapy.

  1. Based on the results of the cardiogram heart support is provided, carry out blood purification by removing toxins and excess sodium. Supportive therapy for the kidneys and urinary system is carried out. The reaction of cell sensitivity to artificially administered ADH is determined, the dosage and regimen of administration are calculated.
  2. For animal provides constant access to clean filtered water which must be fresh all the time. In no case should you give your dog ordinary tap water to avoid ingestion of sodium and heavy macronutrients.
  3. Artificially administered antidiuretic hormone or its analogue in the form of injections or drops. The injections should be injected under the skin. The analogue of the hormone is the drug desmopressin, and when using it, you should be especially careful, since an overdose can provoke water intoxication, which in turn will lead to a significant decrease in the electrolyte balance in the blood. This fact can cause swelling of the brain cells and the occurrence of irreversible consequences. If the renal type is diagnosed, then it would be advisable to prescribe diuretics.

The dog must have constant access to clean water.


This disease often has a poor prognosis. Full recovery almost never occurs, so it is extremely important to start therapeutic measures as early as possible.

The owner should prepare for lifelong care of a sick animal, but with due attention, a pet can live a completely fulfilling life.

Ignoring central diabetes insipidus will inevitably lead to a heart attack and death.

It is impossible to completely recover from the disease.


As a preventive measure, only one thing can be distinguished: attention to pets.

It is necessary to monitor changes in the behavior of animals, strictly follow medical recommendations, conduct scheduled examinations in a timely manner, and vaccinate the animal.

Among other things, strictly control the pet's diet, provide comfortable living conditions, maintain optimal sanitary conditions of the habitat.

Timely examination of the dog is a preventive measure.

Finding a decent veterinary endocrinologist for animals in our time is not so easy. Due to the unpopularity of this profession, there are not so many specialists in our city. And very in vain. People in vain do not attach great importance to veterinary endocrinologists, but hormonal disorders - the area of ​​study of which is the work of doctors - are the most common ailments in animals, many other diseases arise on their basis. Only veterinary endocrinologists can diagnose and treat endocrine diseases. Fortunately, our hospital has an arsenal of professional endocrinologists with skills and many years of experience working with various animals. In Bio-Vet, your pet will be diagnosed correctly and will be prescribed an effective treatment aimed at restoring the health of the animal, and not wasting money.

For many years we have been treating such endocrine diseases in animals as:

Addison's disease;




Diabetes mellitus in cats;



Other diseases.

Endocrinologist: diabetes in dogs

Diabetes in dogs is a very common disease that affects our pets. This disease is characterized by insufficient work of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. As you can see, diabetes in humans and animals is very similar. However, for each pet, the causes of the development of the disease and the methods of treatment often differ, therefore there is no universal method of treatment and the approach to each specific animal is different.

The main cause contributing to the development of the disease is a hereditary factor. As veterinary practice shows, most of the dogs suffering from the disease had sick relatives in the genus. However, there are other causes of the disease, so your dog is at risk if:

She has a disease such as pancreatitis;

You treated her with hormonal drugs;

The animal is overweight;

Any hormonal disruptions in the body;


The first couple of months after estrus in bitches.

The disease can be successfully treated, but the dog cannot be completely cured. There are only drugs that relieve symptoms and help the animal lead a normal life and live like all dogs. To do this, most often, veterinarians prescribe to patients on a regular basis artificially maintain insulin levels and administer doses of it from the outside.

Name of veterinary services

unit of measurement

Service cost, rub.

Primary appointment


one animal

one animal

Veterinarian consultation

Doctor's consultation on test results

Doctor's consultation, no pet

Clinical diagnostics:

Bone examination

1 area

Bone examination

1 overview

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the entire abdominal cavity


1 area


Electrocardiography (ECG)

Echocardiography, Doppler study of the blood flow of internal organs and peripheral vessels

Tonometry of the eye

one animal

Small animals (hamsters, rats, ferrets, etc.) and birds

One animal per day

Cats and dogs (up to 5 kg)

One animal per day

Dogs up to 15 kg

One animal per day

Cats and dogs (over 15 kg)

One animal per day

Animal weighing

one animal

Is free

Sanitary grooming of animals:

Small animals (up to 5 kg)

one animal

one animal

large animals

one animal

Sanitary washing of animals

Small animals (up to 5 kg)

one animal

Medium animals (over 5 kg to 15 kg)

one animal

large animals

one animal

Endocrinologist: diabetes in cats

Diabetes mellitus in cats is characterized by the following features:

increased thirst;

weight loss;

Increased appetite;

Frequent urination.

If you experience the above symptoms in your pet, you should contact the veterinary clinic, because untimely treatment can turn out to be tragic for the animal. Treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats is carried out similarly to dogs: it is the administration of insulin and a special diet.

Diabetes insipidus in dogs is an endocrine disease characterized by excessive production of low-density urine. It is a consequence of a violation of the production of the hormone vasopressin by the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) or a decrease in the sensitivity of the renal structures to the action of this hormone.

Signs of Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs

Canine diabetes insipidus occurs with any form of damage to the hypothalamus (head injury, tumors, cysts, developmental disorders). And also in violation of the sensitivity of nephrons to the hormone vasopressin, which can be congenital (rarely) and acquired (often with pyelonephritis, pyometra, liver failure, and some other diseases). In the acquired form, the symptoms of the disease disappear when the cause is eliminated.

The main symptoms of canine diabetes insipidus are polyuria (increased urine output of more than 60 ml per kg of body weight per day) and polydipsia (water intake of more than 100 ml per kg of body weight per day). But there are many causes of polydipsia and polyuria in dogs, and diabetes insipidus is one of the rarest. Therefore, in the presence of these signs in the anamnesis of the animal, the specific diagnosis of diabetes insipidus should be preceded by the diagnosis and exclusion of the most common diseases.

Diagnosis of Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs

It is recommended to first carry out a general blood test, an assessment of detailed blood biochemistry, a general urinalysis with bacteriological culture. Abdominal ultrasonography (size of liver, kidneys, uterus, adrenal glands) may be needed depending on history and physical examination findings. In middle-aged and elderly dogs, it is also necessary to determine the concentration of cortisol in the blood serum.

Of the specific studies for canine diabetes insipidus, fluid deprivation test, which is carried out only when all other causes are excluded and the level of urea in the blood is normal.

  1. Starvation diet 12 hours, free access to water.
  2. Emptying the bladder with a urethral catheter to determine the density of urine, weighing the dog.
  3. Further, the dog is not fed or watered, the bladder is emptied, the animal is weighed and urine density is determined every 1-2 hours. Usually the procedure lasts 6-8 hours, maximum 24 hours.
  4. Continue the test until a 5% loss of body weight, or an increase in urine density of more than 1.024-1.030 (unconfirmed diabetes insipidus, psychogenic craving for drinking). If the density of urine remains below 1.010 - confirmed diabetes insipidus.

Important! Dogs with severe diabetes insipidus should not be left unattended for even a few hours during the test, as this can lead to serious complications, including death.

Treatment of diabetes insipidus in dogs

For treatment, analogues of the antidiuretic hormone desmopressin are used in the form of conjunctival drops or tablets from 1-2 times a day for life.

Therefore, if signs of polydipsia and polyuria have been noticed in a dog, in no case do not deprive the animal of water and do not delay visiting a veterinary specialist. These symptoms can hide many dangerous diseases that require urgent care.

Our clinics employ experienced veterinarians, have modern equipment and a laboratory. Our endocrinologists will provide emergency assistance to your pet, diagnose and prescribe treatment as soon as possible.

Canine diabetes insipidus is an endocrine, that is, hormonal disease associated with excessive production or release of the hormone vasopressin by the pituitary gland, or with the inability of vasopressin to interact normally with receptors in the kidneys.

The hormone vasopressin is responsible for the formation of urine by the kidneys, which determines the volume of circulating blood in the body and thirst. It turns out that diabetes insipidus in dogs is manifested by increased urination and intense thirst, which may be accompanied by general dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the animal is without water for a long time, for example, during a long trip, in line at the clinic. Therefore, for initial diagnosis, you can.

This pathology is mainly found in dogs and rarely in cats. Diabetes insipidus may be associated with the consequences of any injury, cancer, disease, medication, or age-related changes, such as a decrease in the sensitivity of kidney receptors to vasopressin. Also, the disease can be congenital, which happens with underdevelopment of the pituitary gland, kidneys or renal receptors. In the case of kidney problems, diabetes insipidus will be called nephrogenic, and in the case of problems with the pituitary gland, it will be called central.

Predisposition by breed, sex, age has not been noted so far. There are practically no changes in the general state. Basically, these are visually healthy dogs that drink a lot. If you donate their blood for a clinical and biochemical blood test, then you can find completely normal results without any deviations. Changes will only be in the analysis of urine, which will show too low density or specific gravity. As you can see, there is no connection with glucose here. The name "diabetes" has developed historically. However, whenever diabetes insipidus is suspected, diabetes mellitus is ruled out first. And also exclude Cushing's disease (hypadrenocorticism), renal failure, pyelonephritis (purulent inflammation of the kidneys), pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus), hypercalcemia (increased calcium in the blood), hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), hyponatremia (low sodium in the blood), hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone), acromegaly, paraneoplastic (oncological) disorders and other diseases.

Diabetes insipidus is a fairly rare diagnosis in dogs that is a diagnosis of exclusion. Before setting it up, all other hormonal and non-hormonal possible causes must be excluded, and only at the end will there be 2 possible options, one of which will be diabetes insipidus. Another variant with which it is always compared is psychogenic thirst (polydipsia). These 2 conditions are diagnosed by a test with fluid deprivation. This is a long procedure with preliminary preparation for 3-5 days, carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a high risk of complications and death in case of severe dehydration of the patient's body. Through this test, you can also find out the localization of diabetes: nephrogenic or central.

When diabetes insipidus is confirmed, lifelong and currently expensive treatment in the form of eye drops is prescribed. The response to treatment is fast. The prognosis for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is good, for central it is worse, since in most cases the second is associated with a tumor and neurological disorders, which makes treatment much more expensive.

veterinary endocrinologist "MEDVET"
© 2019 SVTS "MEDVET"

Can dogs have diabetes? We are sure that many people, especially those who do not have pets, will answer this question in the negative. But in fact, dogs get sick with diabetes and less often with diabetes insipidus quite often. These two different diseases are united by one sign: animals suffer from polyuria (increased urination).

Diseases have different etymologies and different methods of treatment. Both diseases are fraught with serious consequences for the animal's body, therefore, upon discovering the first symptoms of diabetes in a dog, treatment in a veterinary clinic should begin immediately. These diseases require complex and lengthy treatment.


It cannot be cured, but with good care and compliance with all the prescriptions and recommendations of the veterinarian, it can be controlled. Your four-legged friend will live happily ever after, and no one but you and the vet will know that the dog is sick. An important role in this process is played by professional treatment and properly organized nutrition.

Diabetes mellitus in dogs and humans shares many common characteristics. However, there are a number of differences in the mechanism of development of the disease and its manifestations. Accordingly, the approach to treatment is different. Many medications that are effective in treating diabetes in humans are completely useless in dogs. Most often, the disease develops in animals between the ages of seven and nine years.

Reasons for the development of the disease

In the development of diabetes in dogs, hereditary predisposition is of great importance. Unfortunately, in most cases it is difficult to establish the true cause of the disease. A number of provoking factors leading to hyperglycemia have been identified:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • the first months after estrus;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancy.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs

Most often, the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • polydyspepsia (intense thirst);
  • polyuria (frequent and profuse urination);
  • lucosuria (increased glucose in the urine);
  • dehydration.

There is so much sugar in the blood that it begins to be excreted from the body of the animal with urine. Along with it, glucose removes a lot of fluid from the body. Lethargy appears and at the same time increased appetite, weakness of the hind limbs, as a result, damage to nerve fibers. Due to the fact that pancreatic cells do not process glucose in dogs with diabetes, the body reacts to this with a strong feeling of hunger.

Excess sugar provokes the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, loss of vision. Diabetes in dogs leads to lens clouding, obesity or weight loss. The animal's body consumes muscle energy reserves, and only after that proteins and fats are broken down. The dog takes significantly more food, but usually loses weight rather than gaining it. Urine acquires a light yellow, almost white color, becomes more liquid, with a specific sweetish-sugary odor.

These symptoms of diabetes in dogs can appear in combination or separately. Obesity in most cases is the result of malnutrition, polyuria - renal failure, deterioration, and sometimes loss of vision may be due to the age of the animal.

Clinical examination of the animal in severe cases can reveal:

  • weakening of the heart tones;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart weakness;
  • lowering the temperature;
  • swelling;
  • extinction of sexual reflexes;
  • hair loss;
  • furunculosis,
  • eczema;
  • hard and dry skin;
  • hypotension.

The disease is characterized by a slow course, often over several years. Diabetes in dogs and cats often occurs in a latent form, without clinical symptoms. Despite the large amount of glucose in the animal's blood, it does not reach the cells. For this reason, the dog almost never experiences a feeling of fullness, while the animal's appetite is increased. This does not affect its mass in any way - the dog does not gain weight. On the contrary, she begins to lose weight due to a lack of glycogen. This depletes the body, which burns reserves of protein and fat.

Diabetes mellitus in a dog causes problems in the functioning of organs and systems. Quite often they are associated with the genitourinary system, vision and the musculoskeletal system. If you notice that your four-legged friend has cloudy eyes, signs of cystitis (frequent urination), or problems with his paws, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic for an examination.

The characteristic symptoms of diabetes mellitus in dogs are: impaired gait stability, refusal to eat, seizures (as a result of dehydration), loss of consciousness. We have described only the most typical symptoms of the disease, but they can be different. It depends on the age of the animal, its state of health, the presence of other chronic diseases. Therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies in a clinical setting: take urine and blood tests, take an x-ray, undergo an ultrasound scan, an ECG.

How is the treatment carried out?

After the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" in the dog is confirmed, the doctor will first eliminate the lack of insulin in the blood. To do this, your pet will be given an injection of a medicinal substance. Only a specialist can correctly prescribe the dose of insulin, taking into account the weight of the animal and a number of other characteristics.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs is not limited to regular injections. The comprehensive treatment program should include regular visits to the veterinarian, laboratory tests to assess the condition of the dog, and examinations by the veterinarian. All this will help to make sure that your friend is on the mend, or to detect in a timely manner that the condition of the animal has worsened.

The most dangerous increase in glucose occurs after feeding the dog. In this regard, in order to prevent a dangerous load on the pet's body, the owner must provide him with a proper and balanced diet. A special diet will help slow down the flow of glucose into the body. Consult your veterinarian about the diet, what portions should be for a sick dog. Usually, with such a disease, therapeutic ready-made feeds with low calorie content and the required amount of proteins are used. It is important to prevent excessive fullness of the animal, since being overweight only exacerbates the situation.

Possible Complications

The long course of this disease can lead to a critical condition of the animal - ketoacidosis. Oxidation of the blood can lead to the death of the animal. Diabetic ketoacidosis has very bright and characteristic symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • rapid breathing;
  • refusal of food;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • coma.

An animal in this condition requires intensive care with short-acting insulin.

Hypoglycemic drugs for dogs We present you the most effective and popular drugs recommended by veterinarians:


The drug makes tissues more sensitive to insulin. It is used for sick animals that still have the ability to independently produce insulin, but due to loss of appetite or vomiting, the use of insulin is limited.


A drug that has properties similar to insulin. It is a quality vitamin supplement.


An agent that promotes the gradual entry of glucose into the intestines. As a result, an even level of sugar is maintained in the blood. The drug has side effects, so its use is justified only in cases where insulin therapy cannot cope with hyperglycemia.

Dog food

Comprehensive treatment of diabetes in dogs involves the use of special therapeutic feeds that contain an increased amount of fats and carbohydrates. Diet feeds containing a minimum of calories are also suitable. Today, many manufacturing companies have developed special formulations for dogs with diabetes (Royal Canin Diabetic, Hills W/D Low Fat/Diabet, Farmina Canine Diabetic, Purina Pro Diabetes Management). In these products, manufacturers have replaced simple carbohydrates with complex ones (fiber and grains). Such feeds are available in canned and dry form.

Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs: Symptoms

Endocrinological disease caused by a chronic metabolic disorder. In the body of the animal, a deficiency of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is formed and the water-salt balance is disturbed as a result. Due to the fact that the process of reabsorption of fluid is disturbed in the renal tubules, all of it is excreted in the urine, which therefore has an extremely low density.

The most characteristic symptom of diabetes insipidus in dogs is profuse and frequent urination, which is why the disease has another name - diabetes. If fluid loss is not fully compensated, dehydration occurs, a dangerous condition that threatens the life of the dog. To prevent such a situation, you should know what causes the disease, what symptoms are characteristic of it, and how this ailment is treated.

Types of diseases and their causes

Diabetes insipidus in dogs is divided into several varieties that are characterized by relative or absolute deficiency of ADH.

  • Diabetes central insipidus

The causes of this type of disease include: a violation of the release of the ADH hormone into the bloodstream, pathologies of the hypothalamus, which lead to impaired secretion of the ADH hormone. The central form of the disease, in turn, is divided into idiopathic and symptomatic.

Most often, the idiopathic type of hereditary origin and is characterized by a congenital disorder in the synthesis of ADH. The cause that causes this form of the disease may be an innate autoimmune reaction to hypothalamic cells that produce ADH.

  • Symptomatic diabetes

It may be the result of another disease that leads to disorders in those parts of the brain that are responsible for the synthesis of ADH. In addition, the disease can be congenital (mutation of the gene responsible for the synthesis of ADH) and acquired after traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, distemper, encephalitis.

Violation of the production of ADH, which regulates water-salt metabolism, leads to an imbalance in the body. The kidneys lose the ability to concentrate urine, which leads to its increased excretion, extreme thirst and dehydration.

Renal diabetes insipidus

With this type of disease, the perception of the hormone by the receptors of the tubules of the kidneys is disturbed, which should be activated under the action of the ADH hormone and recapture the fluid that enters the kidneys (reabsorption). But due to the anatomical inferiority of nephrons, acquired or congenital insensitivity of receptors, this function is impaired.

Diagnosis of the disease

The primary diagnosis is made to the animal after receiving the results of all laboratory tests of urine and blood: urine analysis indicates the presence of pathology, fixes its low density, the presence of hypokalemia and hypercalcemia.

A biochemical blood test allows you to differentiate between diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus, as well as to identify the amount of ADH in the blood.

The cause of diabetes insipidus is detected by instrumental methods: the state of the kidneys is studied using ultrasound or radiography with a contrast agent; pathology of the pituitary gland is detected by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

An additional, clarifying diagnosis is the use of a special test. During a 12-hour fast (dry), the dog is weighed several times and the composition and amount of urine excreted are determined. If, over time, the weight of the animal significantly decreases with a low concentration of urine, experts conclude that there is a pathology.

How is diabetes insipidus treated?

It is extremely difficult to completely cure such diabetes even for an experienced and qualified veterinarian, so there can be no question of self-treatment of diabetes insipidus in dogs at home. The purpose of all medical activities is aimed at:

  • the return of sensitivity to vasopressin to the dog's body or the replacement of its deficiency by artificial means;
  • rid the animal of problems with heart failure and take possible preventive measures;
  • adjust the ionic composition of the blood.

The choice of drugs for the treatment of diabetes insipidus depends on the cause of the disease, which the symptoms of diabetes in dogs will not always tell. If the disease caused problems in the functioning of the brain, a synthetic analogue of the hormone that is deficient in the body is used. If diabetes insipidus is due to kidney problems, it is treated with pituitrin. Such treatment is dangerous when treating pregnant dogs.


Veterinarians give a very cautious prognosis for the outcome of this disease. Without medical attention, a dog with diabetes insipidus is doomed to a fairly quick death. It comes from dehydration. Hormone replacement therapy started in a timely manner will help to stop the manifestations of the disease and give the animal several years of a normal full life.

Veterinarians believe that a full recovery is also possible, but only if the pathologies that caused diabetes insipidus can be completely cured.

Sick animals should be provided with lifelong careful care and constant monitoring of the health of the pet.

How to properly feed your pet

For diabetics, feeding a dog with natural foods is based on those that are high in protein and low in sugar. Sweet and fried foods, pastries and canned foods, fatty foods - all this should disappear from your pet's diet. Such products can harm healthy animals, and for diabetic dogs, such food is mortal.

We talked about the choice of ready-made feeds at the beginning of this article. It is better not to buy all sorts of goodies in the store. The fact is that industrially prepared products, as a rule, contain a lot of fat and sugar. Give your pet food that is high in protein and fiber as a reward. For example, cubes of zucchini or chicken.

Prohibited foods for diabetic dogs include:

  • grapes and raisins;
  • canned food;
  • wheat and corn flour;
  • fat meat;
  • White rice;
  • garlic;
  • chocolate;
  • baked treats for animals;
  • sweeteners.

Diabetes is a severe disease that is difficult to treat. In order to alleviate the condition of his pet, the owner must strictly follow all the recommendations and advice of the veterinarian. If you find at least one sign of diabetes in dogs, do not waste time, take your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a course of treatment in accordance with the age and general condition of the animal, give recommendations on feeding and caring for the dog. There are many subtleties to consider if an animal is diagnosed with diabetes. For example, at home and on a trip, you should always have a supply of insulin. In this case, you should know that you can store an open package of the drug for no longer than two months. Do not ignore regular visits to the clinic so that the specialist can observe the dynamics of the disease. And, of course, give up even the thought of self-medication - diabetes does not tolerate experiments.

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