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The experience of giving up a new job. How to cope with another job rejection. The employee is greeted by clothes

A person, because the work must correspond to him. Only in this case it will become easier to fulfill your duties, achievements will be more significant, and it will become much easier to make a career. Let's take a closer look at this.

The mindset can be humanitarian, synthetic and analytical. These types have different contents and their own peculiarities of functioning.

It will allow a person to analyze and consider situations in detail, building them in the form of a clear holistic image. As a rule, the thought processes of such people occur continuously, successfully identifying essential relationships and connections between various elements in any information. The data is close to mathematical or technical.

A humanitarian mindset processes information in a slightly different way. A person must first feel and imagine everything. This method relies on the emotional world around.

In addition, a synthetic mindset is common. It is quite difficult for such people to define clearly who they are to a greater extent, technicians or humanities. In their studies, they have the same success on the polar fronts, both in mathematical disciplines and in literature. Those with a universal mindset are fortunate, since abilities are distributed approximately equally, but usually with a preponderance in one direction or another. For such people, in order to determine their prevailing inclinations, it is recommended to undergo a professional testing procedure.

Psychologists believe that a person's mindset is determined by the leading hemisphere of the brain. If it is more developed, then the emotional sphere is predominant. In this case, the mindset is humanitarian. Otherwise, we are talking about the analytical.

In order to find out, you need to use the following technique. The main thing is to do the necessary exercises without hesitation and obeying the habit.

Let's consider in more detail the task data.

First exercise. It is necessary to intertwine the fingers ten to twenty times. In this case, you need to pay attention to the finger of which hand is constantly at the top of the resulting "pyramid". If in more cases it is the left finger, then the person is more emotional; if right, then rational with a predominance of an analytical mindset.

Second exercise. In order to complete this task, you need to take a simple pencil or an ordinary pen in your hand, and then pull it forward. Next, we direct it to any horizontal surface that has a uniform color. It is recommended to hold the handle in the same way. Now close one eye and see if the "line" handle has shifted to the side. If at the moment the right eye is "involved", then the person has an aggressive, firm and persistent character (analytical mindset), otherwise - soft and compliant (humanitarian).

Third exercise. Close your eyes and interlace your arms over your chest. Further, it is recommended to pay attention to which hand is at the top. If the left one, then we can talk about the predominance of the right hemisphere, if the right, then vice versa.

Fourth exercise. You need to actively clap your hands and pay attention to which hand will do it more intensively, as well as which one is on top. If we are talking about the right hand, then we can highlight the presence of a decisive character and an analytical mindset; if it is about the left, then it is difficult for such a person to make a decision, since he is constantly hesitating, having a soft humanitarian mindset.

What is more in you? The ability to reason, common sense, a sense of reality, independence, independence, mobility or flexibility of thinking? What's your mindset? Abstract, humanitarian, or maybe mathematical? Do you want to conduct a study of your type of thinking, make diagnostics of intelligence? Then take a free test on the structure of intelligence and find out what potential your intelligence has.

Diagnostics of intelligence - what is it?

The structure of intelligence test will allow you to find out your mindset and the potential of your brain. Whether you have developed a sense of language or logical thinking, the ability to accurately perceive or generalize. A free intelligence test will show to what extent abstract thinking, understanding of relationships, and precise definition of concepts are available to you.

Psychologists believe that the peculiarities of a person's thinking are determined by the hemisphere of the brain, which is the leading one. If the right hemisphere is more developed, then the emotional sphere, figurative, abstract thinking prevails. In this case, the place has a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere of the brain is more developed, then this is an analytical mindset, in a person, the so-called mathematical thinking.

By taking a free intelligence test, you will find out how educated you are, how competently you can express your thoughts and how much you know about the world around you. This is not a school or university "exam", not at all. Although a little "solve" simple school tasks for quick wits you still have to. However, this is not an IQ test, this is a test for the structure of intelligence, which tests your theoretical and practical thinking, will be able to assess the ability to quickly navigate a situation, information and the ability to apply ready-made algorithms when solving life problems.

This diagnostics of intelligence will not only reveal your mathematical or humanitarian abilities, but will determine your desire for orderliness or chaos, the ability to think logically or abstractly. The test for the structure of intelligence will open for you an understanding of the tempo and rhythm inherent in you personally, will help you understand what is more valuable for your intelligence: scientific, theoretical knowledge, or your best teacher is life experience.

Thinking Type Research: Instructions for the Intelligence Structure Test

The tasks of the intelligence test offered to you are aimed at identifying those aspects of your thinking that are the most and least developed. General diagnostics of intelligence consists of several sections, or rather six. This approach greatly simplifies further interpretation of the results.

For the structure of intelligence test, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down your answers. We do not specifically offer an interactive, "automatic" option for passing, so that you can independently verify your answers with the correct ones after passing the test. We did not begin to "make a fog", arrange "psychological mystery", but present an open test, with open versions of the results, so as not to confront you with a fact without explanation. The intelligence test is free, and therefore you yourself will be able to correctly interpret the results obtained, and not guess why your type of thinking and mindset were assessed in this way. You will be able to return to the questions and figure out why this or that answer is correct, and figure out in which direction it would not hurt you to become more skilled, if it is necessary in life.

In general, take a pen and paper and write down the answers along with the numbers of the questions, for example: # 1-d, # 23-a, # 68 - fetus, etc. This is a self-test of the study of the type of thinking, and therefore the travel time is not limited, however, speed does matter. In the future, you yourself will be able to assess the level of your own ingenuity, taking into account the time that you spent on passing the test for the structure of intelligence. The sooner you get the right answers, the better.

And so, a free intelligence test.


Each task in this section is an unfinished sentence, each of which is missing one, often the last word. You need to choose from the attached list one answer option under any letter, where the word is located, which is most suitable for completing this sentence.


Each task of this section of the study of the type of thinking offers you 5 words, of which four can be combined into a single semantic group, and one of them is superfluous. This is an extra word you need to find - it will be the correct answer to the question.


In each task of this section of the test for the structure of intelligence, the first pair of words consists of two concepts that are interrelated. You need to select a word from the list of options in order to make a second pair, similar in meaning to the first pair of words.


Each assignment in this section contains two words. You need to find a word or phrase that combines these words by meaning.


This section contains some simple tasks. However, we advise you to be careful when solving them. If you are confused and cannot solve, do not waste time in vain, leave the problem for later, return to it when you finish going through the entire section.


It is necessary to continue the number series proposed in the task in accordance with the same pattern that exists between the numbers in this series.


And a little more about intelligence diagnostics:

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