Home Diseases and pests High-speed reading of children. Speed ​​reading technique: exercises for children of different ages. We read with a pointer

High-speed reading of children. Speed ​​reading technique: exercises for children of different ages. We read with a pointer

There is the technique of Professor I.P. Fedorenko, which says that when working on a book, it is not the duration, but the frequency of training exercises that is important.

Human memory is arranged in such a way that what is remembered is not what is constantly in front of your eyes, but what flickers: that is, it is not. It is this that creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to master some skills, to bring them to automatism, to the level of a skill, then we should not at all carry out long exercises, long in time. We should carry out exercises in short portions, but with greater frequency.

What is often observed in many families? Dad or mom sit down their child and say the following: “Read this story. Until you read it, don't leave the table. ” With the low reading technique that a first grader possesses, it takes him an hour and a half to read this short story. This is an hour and a half of very difficult work. Dad and mom are making a very serious pedagogical mistake here, suppressing the child's desire to read. It would be much better if the home workout was done in three 5 minute servings. The child reads a small paragraph and retells its content. In an hour or two, another portion. One more portion before bed.

The gentle reading mode is a mode when the child reads one or two lines and after that he will get a short rest.

Such a mode is automatically obtained if the child is watching filmstrips, slides: he read 2 lines under the frame, looked at the picture - he rested. The next frame - I read two lines again, looked at the picture again.

Pedagogical piggy bank of techniques for achieving effectiveness in teaching reading (Appendix 1).

How can you help your child to come to speed reading?

One of the most difficult tasks in teaching dynamic reading is overcoming the habit of conscious or subconscious articulation, striving to sound the text being read.

Research shows that to understand the meaning of reading and memorizing information, it is quite enough just to see a word and transmit it to a visual image, to the brain analyzer to process information.

At a low reading speed, all words are spoken mentally. The higher the reading speed, the fewer words are spoken, the more words are perceived only with the eyes.

In order to clearly distinguish between children reading silently and aloud, as well as preventing active external pronunciation while reading, T.A. Grekova. advises using exercise


With the command “Lips”, the child applies the finger of his left hand to the tightly compressed lips, which reinforced the psychological attitude towards silent reading. At the command - “Aloud” removes his finger and reads the text aloud.

As the student gets used to reading without external signs of pronunciation, the command “Lips” is given less and less and, finally, is canceled altogether.

Thus, the less vocalization, the higher the speed!

For advanced elementary school readers

Effective reserves of learning to read can be found in the following exercises:

Reading upside-down text:

The plain text page is turned upside down, i.e. 180 degrees. The task of the child, moving his eyes from right to left, is to read the text. It is said that a child is on a journey through an upside-down world and it is imperative for him to quickly learn to read in it.

This exercise helps:

Formation of integral standards of letters in the child's memory.

Development of the ability to combine letter-by-letter analysis with semantic prediction of word endings.

If this exercise is modified in such a way that the text is rotated 90 or 270 degrees, then this exercise will be useful for improving the coordination of eye movements and the accuracy of processing the perceived information in the occipital cortex.

Correcting deformed sentences (Appendix 2).

The child is very fond of mysterious scriptures, enchanted sentences. Let him master the secrets of magic and remove the spell.



Appendix 2

A set of deformed sentences.

1.Pass the car standing by cautiously

2.gave porridge to Masha our semolina

3.Summer in one color and in winter

4.fishermen catch fish fishing

5. my friends came to me for a holiday

6.Grandfather Frost had beautiful light sleighs

7. my favorite tree is white birch

8.In our garden, strawberries have blossomed

9.we took the train to the station

10.Ice, steep and long slide was


Annex 1

Pedagogical piggy bank of techniques for achieving effectiveness in teaching reading.

Articulatory gymnastics.

a) warm-up

inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;

inhale, hold your breath, exhale;

inhale, exhale in portions.

b) exercises to develop the clarity of pronunciation:

Planes take off: oo-oo-oo.

Cars are going: f-f-f.

The horses galloped: clink-clink-clink.

A snake crawls nearby: shhhh.

The fly beats against the glass: s-s-s-s.

c) reading pure phrases in a whisper and slowly:

ra-ra-ra - the game begins,

ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands,

ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand.

d) reading quietly and in moderation:

arch of Arts

arta arda

arla archa

arsa arzha

e) reading loudly and quickly:

smoke - steam - hot

door - beast - worm

f) reading tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings

A set of tongue twisters selected by I.T. Fedorenko

1. The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.

2. Speak, speak, but do not speak.

3. Geese cackle on the mountain, a fire burns under the mountain.

4. Our head will overshadow your head, overplay it.

5. Our duda to and fro.

6. The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten.

7. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not chop wood on the grass in the yard.

8. Near the hill on the hillock stood 33 Yegorkas: one Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas, etc.

9. Three birds fly through three empty huts.

10. In one, Klim, beat the wedge.

11. What is the fiber, so is the canvas

12. The chicken bites the crumbs, the Turk smokes a pipe.

13. Libretto "Rigoletto".

14. Did they water the lily, did they see Lydia?

15. The fox runs on the six, licks, fox, sand.

16. Ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

g) reading consonants

The student takes a deep breath and as he exhales reads 15 consonants of the same row:







Reading a consonant with a vowel using the same table.

For example: 1st row reads with vowel [a], 2nd row - with vowel [o], 3rd row - with vowel [y].

After this exercise, students practice reading a number of vowels with an emphasis on one of them: a o y s and e.

Folding words from halves.

It takes from 3 to 10 words, each of them is written on two small cards. The child is encouraged to quickly fold the cards so that meaningful words are obtained. In a more complex version, words that are similar in spelling are suggested.

This exercise develops the ability to guess the whole word from a single fragment and immediately confirm it with the missing fragment. In addition, an attitude is formed for the letter-by-letter analysis of the word.

To develop speed and flexibility (the ability to change the reading speed depending on the content), an exercise is used


The essence of the exercise "Tug" is to read in pairs. The adult reads "to himself" and follows the book with his finger. And the child reads aloud, but on the finger of an adult. Thus, he must keep up with his reading.

The second version of the Tugboat exercise is to read aloud by an adult and a child at the same time. The adult reads within the child's speed range, which must adjust to the child's pace. Then the adult becomes silent and continues to read "to himself", the child follows his example. Then read aloud again. And if the child has correctly “caught” the pace of reading, then he will “meet” with him in one word.

Multiple reading

The student is asked to start reading and continue reading for one minute. After that, the student notes to which point he finished reading. This is followed by repeated reading of the same passage of the text. After that, the student again notices what word he has read, and compares it with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few more words / someone 2 words, someone 5, and someone 15 /. An increase in the pace of reading causes positive emotions in the child, he wants to read again. However, you should not do this more than three times! Avoid fatigue. Reinforce the situation of success. Praise your child.

Reading at the pace of tongue twisters

Children practice clear and correct, and most importantly - fast reading of the text. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by the child, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Expressive reading with the transition to an unfamiliar part of the text

The student reads a passage of the text, then we explain to the child as follows: "Now, read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively." Your student reads the passage to the end, but the adult does not stop him. The child switches to an unfamiliar part of the text.And here is where a little miracle happens. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of the text several times and has already developed an increased reading rate here, when switching to an unfamiliar part of the text continues to read it at the same increased rate... Its capabilities are not enough for a long time, but if such exercises are carried out daily, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After two to three weeks, your child's reading will improve markedly.

"Throw - serif"

Its goal is to develop visual ability to navigate the text. It consists in the following:

The child puts his hands on his knees and begins to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the command “Serve” is heard, the reader lifts his head from the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds, while his hands remain on his knees. At the command “Throw,” the child must find with his eyes the place in the book where he left off and continue reading aloud. This exercise can last for about 5 minutes.

To increase the upper limit of the individual reading speed range, use the exercise


Its meaning is to alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed of reading that is possible for the child in silence with reading aloud. The transition to reading in the fastest possible mode is carried out at the command of the teacher "Lightning!" and lasts from 20 seconds / at the beginning / up to 2 minutes / after mastering the exercise /. Workouts can be carried out several times in each reading session, while the metronome can be used as an additional stimulator.

Children always want to compete - who reads faster. In this case, the exercise is helpful.


If classmates come to the child, invite them to find the same passage in the book and, on command, start reading aloud at the same time, who is faster, pronouncing the endings of words correctly. At the signal - "Stop", the children show with their fingers who stopped where.

With this exercise, young readers also learn attention and focus. After all, other children nearby read aloud and interfere with concentration. The child needs to be attentive and not be distracted by extraneous noise. And this skill needs to be developed.

Students' favorite type of reading - role reading, evokes a lot of feelings and emotions. Offer it when your child has classmates. Put on a "Radio Performance".

In modern pedagogy, a set of exercises has been developed to develop the skill of reading and understanding texts. The authors of these developments were a group of teachers and psychologists: Zaika E.V., Nechaeva N.V., Kudina G.N., Novlyanskaya Z.N., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Simanovsky A.E.

Here is some of them:

Reading text with the top of the line covered:

There is a secret in this exercise - the trick exercise. The fact is that any at least intelligent child will notice that when the upper line is read in half letters, at this time the lower one is completely open, and will realize that it is much more profitable to have time to quickly read it while it is open, so that later, when it is closed quickly give the finished result. Many children are quick to adopt this strategy, which is exactly what it takes to increase their reading speed!

This exercise forms several significant learning qualities at once:

Reading to yourself (because you need to hide it);

Verbal-logical memory (since it is necessary to keep several words in memory at once and save them for several seconds).

Distribution of attention and the ability to perform at least 2 tasks simultaneously (reading a given line aloud and reading the underlying line to oneself).

Most of the time the student should read "to himself", silently. This is understandable. It is difficult to read aloud, fatigue comes earlier.

Do you know that speed reading is harmful for elementary school children? Learning to read quickly should be started from the age when the child has the will.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “ If in elementary school children read little, they have a structure of an inactive brain.».

Many parents think about whether their children should practice speed reading. How it will affect their mental and physical development. The main thing is not to force or overload the child's brain. Everything has its time and everything should be started gradually from simple to complex. Although there is data from children who possessed the skill of speed reading. Another important thing for both the child and the adult is to give texts of the appropriate difficulty for reading and studying.

Some of them are given the ability to read speed from birth. Others got them as a result of drunken reading during childhood. The rest acquired them as a result of training. Speed ​​reading is, first of all, not a quick reception of information, but a high pace of life. An informed person is a fast-reading person. Many famous people read it quickly. In our time, it is not enough to possess information approximately and partially.

Will speed reading help a student become more successful?

One of the most controversial issues with speed reading is teaching speed reading for children and schoolchildren. Unfortunately, many parents come to the conclusion that speed reading courses did not help the child to learn, but on the contrary slowed down his development, due to the fact that the child began to rush.

Speed ​​reading encourages the student to hurry, hurry up, not be attentive. Do parents need it? That is, it creates the appearance that the child is reading, but in fact - not.

The method of fast reading, gives the result if the foundations of learning are laid. Any technique of fast reading teaches you to quickly find the information you need, and this is the next stage in a student's development. at school, almost any information is chewed so that it can only be remembered and perceived.

Training the angle of view for speed reading

Concentrate your gaze to the center. Mark the same blocks with your peripheral vision. The goal is not to find identical blocks as quickly as possible, but to focus your gaze in the center of the screen with your peripheral vision to find the information you need.

However, some of the exercises from the speed reading course can be applied to children and schoolchildren. For example, you can do exercises for concentration, relaxation, for entering a state of perceiving important information.

A few words about the dangers of speed reading for children:

Why it is harmful for children to learn speed reading, I will give an example of American blacks. Instead of saying Yes, they abbreviated it to Ya - apparently this happened because they, not studying at school, do not feel the deep roots of the word.

Speed ​​reading is in many ways guessing and skipping over unnecessary pieces of text. A person with little life experience will not correctly perceive the reference points of the text and will not correctly understand the author's thought.

Note for teaching children speed reading:

What is dynamic reading (speed reading)- speed reading is a set of manipulations with text that can significantly increase the speed of reading a speed reader without a big loss of understanding of the read article. It should be borne in mind, by the way, that officially there is no clear division between "slow" and "high-speed" methods of perceiving information, for the reason that most readers use reading exercises suitable for them.

Basic techniques and principles of speed reading

  • Practice the habit of instantly highlighting the main meaning of the text filtering junk information and reading effective and useful information.
  • Elimination, stops, regression, recurrent eye movements... With the traditional way of reading, repeated readings of the same material are very common, which significantly slows down the reading speed and reduces the rate of information assimilation.
  • Viewing reading... Taking pictures without focusing on text of little significance.
  • Suppressing spoken text- development of a new reading strategy: I perceive the text and immediately understand the meaning of what I read. The average reader already has this reading skill. For example, logos and abbreviations are immediately decoded. Many familiar phrases are perceived by the picture. It should be borne in mind that unfamiliar words should be read by decoding them into sound images, that is, the text should be pronounced.
  • Expansion of the field of view... There are special trainings (for example, the Shulte table) aimed at expanding the angle of view to two or three words, several paragraphs. Thanks to the wide angle of view, the reader, in one fixation of the gaze, can cover more information than the reader who does not have this skill.

Think of books as windows to the world.

Ushinsky recommended looking at a work of art "as a window through which children should see this or that side of life," and stressed that "it is not enough for children to understand the work, but it is necessary that they feel it."

A huge role in reading classes was assigned by K.D. Ushinsky observed the life of nature and demanded to use visibility when reading, he considered visualization to be the main principle of teaching the Russian language. The system created by Ushinsky was named “ Explanatory reading».

What are the risks of insufficient reading skills?

If in elementary school children read little, thought little, they developed the structure of an inactive brain. " work on works of folklore and fables.

The methodology for analyzing a work of art was improved: more - creative, developmental exercises, the ability to express your own opinion about what you read, work on the work as a whole, and not on individual small parts, learners of greater independence in disclosing the idea and images of the work, a variety of types of tasks during work with text.

Expressive reading confirmed the assumptions that reading skills will be effective, research on the formation of fluency skills, if you select the text and understand what you read, i.e. create a "situation of success", conduct exercises on the expressiveness of reading, starting with the simplest and gradually complicating them.

How the text is analyzed after reading in speed reading mode

The task of any existing technique of rapid reading is that we do not cover individual words, but the entire phrase as a whole.

The adjective "rosy-cheeked" can be removed, it characterizes the appearance of the child; "Toddler" is a subject, we leave it. We skip “sweet”, it doesn't really matter; "Snored" - predicate; "Snored" where? - in the cradle (we remove the beautiful one).

We keep the meaning of the sentence, but during reading we remove unnecessary members of the sentence. It will be difficult to immediately identify the right words in the text, but over time you will learn.

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Recently, the topic "Speed ​​reading for children" has been actively gaining popularity. Parents want to increase the reading speed of their child so that he grows up smart, studies well, has time to do his homework, and reads faster than classmates. The question immediately arises: how old is it possible to teach a child to read speed? And the answer is very simple:

Children can practice speed reading as soon as they learn to read whole words!

And our anagram trainer for children can help with this:

In this game you have to choose 1 option out of 4, in which only those letters that are part of the given word are mixed. In each round, a new word is given. Remember, time is limited! The faster you look for the answer, the more points you get at the end of the game.

Speed ​​reading course for children

Exercise from the course

We start with the simplest words

To read whole words, it is better to start with the smallest words, for example: House, Hedgehog, Cat, Dog, Moat. The child must learn to read them at speed, each word separately, preferably on a separate screen or sheet of paper. You can also cover up unread words with another sheet of paper.

If three-letter words are easy and quick to read, then you need to go straight to slightly more complex words: Dad, Mom, Rama, Ivan, Masha, Misha, Table, Chair, and so on ..

After the child begins to quickly read words of 4 letters, then move on to words of 5 letters. Try to choose easier and more understandable words first, then a little more difficult ones. Together with words of 5 letters, sometimes words of 4 or 3 letters can be given in order to raise the child's interest, since they are easier.

Moving on to phrases

After the child has learned to read phrases, you can safely start reading children's books. The brighter and more colorful they are, the better. If now you instill in your child an interest in books, then later it will be more interesting for them to read school and educational literature. And there is a greater chance that the child himself will read books that are interesting to him.

Use as many senses as possible

If you can show, illustrate words with pictures and pronounce the words yourself, so that the child remembers as best and quickly as possible. The more sense organs are used, the better! If a child is just learning to read, then you can first give him words with pictures, and when he learns to read them, then the same words, but without pictures.

Important while still pronouncing the words themselves after the child has read them. If he reads them slowly, then let him first read it, and then, looking at the word, repeat it 2-3 more times. Pictures with words can be made in the form of a presentation on a computer and, if necessary, opened on a tablet or phone. The main thing is that the words are large and easy to read. Words should not blend in with the background or the image. When you walk on the street, then have a child try to read the names of stores at a speed.

Take breaks

You need to do it for 10-20 minutes, giving the child time for a short break. After a good workout, the break should be 20-30 minutes, at least, so that the brain has time to form new neural connections. This greatly increases efficiency.

During the break:

  • it is forbidden: read, write, watch TV, play games, sit with a phone or tablet.
  • you can and should: relax, take a walk, breathe fresh air, eat (if it's time, you don't need to eat again), play with soft toys, ride a car, and so on.

Download exercises for free

So that your children learn to read the whole words, we have prepared for you special presentations with words, consisting of separate pictures, which you can download to your computer, tablet or phone for free to show your children:

Rapid reading technique

This was one of the articles in a course that is suitable for both children and adults. Sign up for our course to learn how to read quickly using a special program.

Our course is based on hemispheric synchronization techniques and secret techniques for speeding up reading, traditional exercises for developing speed reading, psychology and discussing the best questions from the course participants with detailed answers to them.

With the synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception amplified many times! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill several birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Speed ​​up brain function, improve attention and concentration
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

Trainers for the development of speed reading

Train right now on this page, for free and without registration.

Schulte tables


Speeding up verbal counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, percent calculation, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Verbal counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

Purpose of the course: to develop memory and attention in a child so that it would be easier for him to study at school, so that he could better memorize.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. It is 2-5 times better to memorize texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of remembering the necessary information will increase

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and pumping the brain.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Brain fitness secrets, train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Games for the development of speed reading in children

Children enjoy playing the most, and this is natural. Playful learning is more effective than traditional learning for both children and adults. Therefore, we strongly recommend using special educational games to increase the speed of reading, memory, attention, improve verbal counting, and so on.

Speed ​​Comparison Game

  1. Develops memory
  2. Improves attention
  3. Speeds up reaction and thinking

In this game, you need to as quickly as possible, compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one, answering the buttons "Yes" - similar or "No" - not similar.

The game "Visual search"

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

Shapes will appear on the screen, among which you need to select a unique one that is nothing like other shapes. Some shapes may differ in just one small detail that you need to learn to find quickly. With each successful round, the difficulty increases and more points are given :) memory. The game gets harder with each level. Great game for brain development. How many levels will you be able to complete? Check it out?

Game "letters and numbers"

Now you see a screenshot from brain development games"Letters and numbers", which will require yours: attentiveness, reaction, ingenuity.

Numeric Reach game.

Also in improve memory Numeric Scope will help you. The player is given time to memorize the number, after which the player must reproduce it. The game starts with two-digit numbers, then the number of digits increases.

Training on such a simulator helps you learn to read words faster. All you need to do is select the desired regimen and start training. Do not forget to sign up for our course.

Hello, friends! What are you complaining about? Is your child's reading technique lame? Tax, we will treat. Keep the recipe. I am prescribing special exercises for the development of reading techniques. Take regularly, once a day, several pieces. And the reading technique will stand firmly on its feet, and then it will jump forward.

Such magic exercises do exist. And if you try, then on the Internet you can find hundreds of different techniques, approaches, methods. To be honest, the eyes run up, and the brain begins to slowly boil. You don't know what to choose.

In order to protect my readers from such problems, I allowed myself to make a choice on my own. The article contains only the most interesting and delicious, in my opinion, exercises, which will undoubtedly help to raise the reading technique to the level provided. I do not pretend to be their authorship, they were developed by professionals: teachers, psychologists, professors.

But I claim the authorship of their names. Painfully, they are boring in the original performance. Agree, "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence" sounds much more fun than the "Visual dictation of Professor I.T. Fedorenko ". And it will surely arouse more interest among younger students.

Lesson plan:

List of exercises

And here he is! List of special reading exercises:

  1. "Half a watermelon"
  2. Lost Letters
  3. "Very sharp eye"
  4. "Sherlock"
  5. "Through the looking glass"
  6. "Crazy Book"
  7. "The Birds Have Arrived"
  8. "Partizan"
  9. “Eh, time! Again!"
  10. "The Mystery of the Lost Offer"

Exercise 1. "Half a watermelon"

Ask your child if he can, after seeing half a watermelon, imagine what a whole watermelon looks like? Of course, the answer is yes. Now suggest doing the same experiment with words.

Take a book and an opaque ruler. Cover one line in the book with a ruler so that only the top of the words are visible. Objective: to read the text, seeing only the tops of the letters.

Move the ruler up and show only the bottom of the words. We read. This, by the way, is already more difficult.

For very young schoolchildren, you can offer another version of the game. Make cards with simple words. And then cut these cards along the words into two halves. You need to connect the two halves correctly.

How is it useful? Aimed at developing anticipation. Anticipation is anticipation. Such an ability of the brain, which gives us the opportunity, when reading, not to read absolutely all words and letters. The brain already knows that they are there, so why waste time on them? Anticipation can be developed, it makes reading fluent, mindful, easy.

Exercise 2: Lost Letters

Another exercise to develop anticipation.

Letters and words sometimes get lost. But even without some letters and words, we can read. Let's try?

Write on paper, print on a printer, or use a marker on a special board to write the phrases you see below.

Book ... shelf.

New ... T-shirt.

Great ... spoon.

Ginger ... cat.

Another phrase like this:

Bobik ate all the cutlets,

He does not share .......

And more like this:

Ok-ok-ok - we will build .......

Yuk-yuk-yuk - ours broke ...

Exercise 3. "Eye is a diamond"

Look at the picture and draw the same rectangle. Place the numbers from 1 to 30 in the cells in random order, but not one after another. The numbers should be randomly scattered across the cells.

The student looks closely at the picture with the sign.

The account is even, not too fast, but also not too slow.

Child's task:

  • on the count of one, find and show the unit with your finger;
  • on the count of two - two;
  • three - three, etc.

If the child hesitates with some figure, then the account will not wait for him, you need to catch up, search faster. For toddlers, you can draw smaller signs, such as 3X3 or 4X4.

What is the meaning of the exercise? It is aimed at increasing the viewing angle of view. In order to "catch" with your eyes not one letter, not one word, but several words at once, or a whole line when reading. The wider we look, the faster we will read.

One table can be used two or three times, then the location of the numbers must be changed.

Exercise 4. "Sherlock"

Place the words on a piece of paper. Very different, not very long. In no particular order. Scatter them on paper, as it were. Name one word and ask your child to find it. Words can be, for example, the following:

frame, jelly, spoon, chair, horse, gold, soap, pen, mouse, mouth, knee, dog, summer, lake, cancer

Each next word will be faster than the previous one. Since trying to find one word, the student will read others along the way, and remember where they are. And that's all we need.

Thanks to "Sherlock" the angle of view is increased. And reading speed.

Exercise 5. "Through the looking glass"

We got into the looking-glass world, and everything is the other way around. And they even read everything not from left to right, but from right to left. Let's try?

So, we read the lines in the books from left to right. To clarify, the words themselves do not need to be turned over. It is not necessary to read "tomegeb" instead of "hippopotamus".

With this method of reading, the meaning of the text is lost. Therefore, all attention turns to correct and clear pronunciation of words.

Exercise 6. "Crazy Book"

Tell your child that sometimes some ill-mannered books behave rather strangely. They suddenly pick up and turn upside down.

The child reads aloud. After a while, you clap your hands. The child's task is to turn the book upside down and continue reading from where he left off. At first, you can make marks with a pencil, so as not to get lost in the text. And so several times. Two, three full turns of the book.

If your student is still only in grade 1, and maybe in grade 2, but reading is still very difficult, then you can read not a book with texts, but short simple words printed one after another on paper.

What will it give? Eye coordination will develop, the ability to navigate the text. A standard of letters will be formed. And the processing of information by the brain will improve.

Exercise 7. "The Birds Have Arrived"

Show the child the phrase "the birds have arrived." And ask to read it:

  • calmly;
  • joyfully;
  • loud;
  • quiet;
  • sad;
  • with irritation;
  • with fear;
  • with a mockery;
  • with anger.

Exercise 8. "Partisan"

The student reads the text (or individual words, if he is still very young) aloud. You say: "Partizan". At this signal, the student takes a pencil in his mouth (squeezes it between his lips and teeth) and continues reading to himself. At the signal "The partisan escaped," we take out the pencil and read it aloud again. And so several times.

Why is this? To eliminate the pronunciation of words while reading to yourself. Speaking is the enemy of fast reading. So you need to remove it. And when a pencil is clamped in your teeth, you will not be able to pronounce.

Exercise 9. “Eh, time! Again!"

For this exercise, we need a stopwatch and a text to read.

We read within 1 minute. Pay attention to the speed of reading, but you can forget about expressiveness for now. Ready? Go!

The minute is over. Stop! Let's make a mark where we left off.

Let's rest a bit and read the same text one more time. Go! In a minute, make a serif. Wow! More already.

And what will happen the third time? And the third time will be even cooler!

What does it give us? Increased reading speed. And the child's motivation. He himself will see that he is capable of more.

Exercise 10. "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence"

In order to solve the mystery, we need cards with sentences (look at the picture). There are 6 cards in total. Each has one sentence. The font is large and easy to read.

Let's prepare a notebook and a pen. We start the exercise:

  1. Show your child the first card.
  2. The student reads the sentence and tries to remember.
  3. Remove the card after 6 - 8 seconds.
  4. The child writes down a sentence in a notebook from memory.
  5. Show the child the second card, etc. to the sixth sentence.

What's the point here?

As I said, in fact, this is not a game, but visual dictations developed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko. There are 18 such dictations in total. Each has six sentences.

In our example, I used the very first dictation. What is their feature? Please count the letters in the first sentence of the dictation. There are 8 of them.

In the second - 9,

in the third - 10,

in the fourth and fifth to 11,

in the sixth already 12.

That is, the number of letters in sentences gradually increases and eventually reaches 46 in the last sentence of the 18th dictation.

The texts of Fedorenko's dictations can be easily found on the Internet. One dictation can be used twice, three times, if the child cannot do everything correctly. By the fourth time, usually everything works out.

It is convenient to use Microsoft Power Point to complete this exercise. The one in which presentations are usually made.

Playing "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence" you develop your RAM. When such memory is poorly developed, the child, having read the sixth word in the sentence, will not be able to remember the first. Do visual dictations every day and there will be no such problems.

How to do it?

You don't have to try all the exercises at once. Only the game “The Mystery of Disappearing Sentences” requires your daily attention, and then add a couple more, three exercises of your choice to it. Change them, alternate so as not to get bored. Do not forget at times to measure your progress.

You need to do it regularly, every day, little by little. This is the main rule! A detailed training plan is available.

Do not be lazy, exercise, and you will have happiness and fives in your diary!

Friends, maybe you also know some interesting way to improve your reading technique? I dare to hope that you will share it in the comments. Thank you very much in advance!

And see you soon on the blog pages!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Reading quickly and comprehending what you read is the path to a brilliant future for a child. All the processes of cognition in the school itself and, moreover, after it, are based on reading. Academic performance is directly related to a child's reading speed.

The technique of fast reading has its own techniques, which can be comprehended through special exercises. Reading is a complex process of the psyche, it includes comprehension of what has been read and technical correctness, expressiveness and speed.

When can you teach children to read speed

It is not for nothing that in the primary grades teachers pay so much attention to checking the reading speed and the absence of distortions. Speed ​​reading tests are taken every year in the lower grades. Here are the approximate norms that it is advisable to adhere to:

  1. In the first year of school, the kid must learn to read 30 words per minute.
  2. By the end of the second year, the rate increases to 50 words per minute
  3. In the third grade - 70 words
  4. And by the end of the fourth year, 100 words

These norms vary somewhat depending on the standards of the educational institution itself. But it's high time to teach your child to master speed reading - just the elementary school. Because the skill of perceiving information, memorizing it, when thinking is not yet obsessed with any taboos, is the best time to learn speed reading. The kid is still not surprised that the fabulous animals speak, and dragons live in the forest. For a child, the natural process is to invent unreal characters, to combine them together logically, from the point of view of adults, in impossible ways.

Errors leading to a decrease in reading speed in children

When trying to teach your child to read quickly, you may encounter some difficulties. The technique of fast reading provides for some rules, breaking them, the level of the speed of information absorption is lost, which a priori should be high.

  1. Speed ​​reading for children has its own problems - one of the main ones is articulation or pronunciation of words, as well as internal speech. When a child tries to say everything he has read aloud, or mentally, this reduces the speed of his absorption of information at times. Therefore, if you want to teach your baby to read quickly and fluently enough so that the fast reading technique is at its best, try to eliminate this factor. But in this case, we are talking about children who can already read quite fluently, without mistakes, that is, 8-10 years old.
  2. The eye must see not only the point where the gaze is directed, but also in a certain radius around it. As a rule, children have a small field of vision. But there are very few methods of how a child can expand their field of vision.
  3. The next mistake that slows down reading speed is the regression effect. This is the most common flaw. The technique of increasing the reading speed does not allow you to make reverse eye movements in order to read what has already been passed again. The habit of regressing is formed very densely and is difficult to eradicate, so it is worth teaching the child not to make this mistake initially. Pay attention to backtracking in the text: is it a lack of attention or misunderstanding of what you read?

However, there is an exception - if regression occurs as a result of rethinking or the emergence of new ideas, then this is called reception and is a justified action.

But, since the purpose of the fast reading technique is to develop speed reading in children, it is better to comprehend the previously read text after the entire text has been read. Otherwise, unnecessary reflexive gaze movements are considered a disadvantage leading to slow reading. Freed from regression increases your reading speed by a factor of two or three.

In addition to the above, the perception of information during high-speed reading is hampered by the problem of a child's misunderstanding of the meaning of the text. Psychologists interpret understanding as a connection between the subject and the already existing store of knowledge. When memorizing a text, you must first understand it better.

Exercises to develop fast reading skills

The first important rule of how to learn to read speed is daily performance of the norm. Set the norm for your child yourself, according to his age. In the case of constant repetition of actions, the methods of speed reading begin to be included as a program of technical re-equipment of the brain. That is, this is not at all a lot for the elite, which is important for the parents of every baby.

There are many techniques on how to cover a larger piece of text, comprehending it instantly and at the same time remembering it. But to achieve this result, you need to do some simple exercises.


Deciphering anagrams perfectly trains the brain. The child needs to read the name of the animal, despite the fact that the composition of the word is mixed. You need to start with simple words. Let's give an example:


Every adult will easily read these words, not everyone will even notice that the letters are rearranged in them. An anagram can be a whole text. Here is an excerpt from L. Tolstoy's story "Childhood":

“Voldoya was noticeably zealous: he must be, he was grodish by the fact that he used to prey on the Okhtonian lshoadi, and he got used to it, that he would be very nice. Maybe it’s the fact that he already had a lot of starry meaning and a little bit of admiration to fully enjoy playing Rosinbona. Iagra this composition is in the presence of a dream from Ronibzon, which we read shortly before emit. "

In addition to a good impetus for the development of speed reading, such a text will be of interest to the child, because it is a riddle. Parents themselves can compose such puzzles from any text. On the example of such a text, the child can see for himself how ineffective reading by words or by letters. The next level of this method can be the transition to gliding (sliding) reading, when the gaze no longer lingers on any of the words or phrases, but slides over the text. Gliding allows you not to read the letters at all, the eyes choose the meaning on their own.

In tow

To reach the level of sliding reading, do the “In Towing” exercise with your child. The child reads aloud, and you follow the text with your finger. First, slide your finger along the line, and then gradually begin to accelerate the speed of your finger. Thus, you set the reading speed to the child, as if pulling him in tow. At the same time, he will strive to keep up with you, increasing the reading speed.

Tongue Twisters

Another useful exercise for babies to increase reading speed is. Start with the simple "w-w-w a snake is crawling", "w-w-w a train is going," "s-s-s sugar is pouring in," and so on. Invite your child to pronounce several consonant letters together BGD, TRP, SPF, MDT, RPSh, SZP, KRH. Then you can substitute one vowel in the sound combinations and propose to read it as a sentence: BGDA TRPU SPFE MDTO RPSHI SZPYU KRHE.

Expanding the field of view

The reading speed is very slow because of the small radius of lateral vision. In this case, the child is not able to simultaneously see several words at once. His gaze is fixed on one single word. There are good exercises for this:

  • We draw the sun in the center of the sheet. Draw in a circle around the sun. Ask your child to look only at the sun, but name the rest of the figures.
  • Draw a table of numbers. Let the numbers be arranged in 4 columns and 5 rows. Write the numbers out of order. Invite your child, pointing with a finger, to name all the numbers from 1 to the maximum number as quickly as possible.
  • Developing photo memory. We print the words ICE CREAM STREAM CAT FEATHER HAND SOFA. We invite the child to look at the words for 20 seconds. Then we ask the question, is the word "..." present in the number of these words?
  • We play with words in "find". Tell the child the page number, start reading. Its task is to find the page, the specified text and adjust to your reading pace.

Are your eyes tired?

There is nothing difficult in such training, the main thing is daily practice. In the process of training, be sure to do simple exercises for the eyes of the child:

  1. Close your eyes. Press down lightly on the eyeballs with your palms.
  2. Roll your eyes 4 times in each direction under closed eyelids.
  3. Now slowly open your eyes.
  4. Repeat the spins with your eyes open.
  5. Hold your gaze on the tip of your nose, then move it to the sky. Repeat several times.
  6. At the end, lightly press down on your eyelids again with your palms.

Memory: How It Is Associated With Fast Reading And How To Cultivate It To Improve Reading Speed

Children think very differently from adults. Children do not think so much as they perceive and absorb. In their perception, everything is very connected, all images, actions, feelings - everything is inextricably linked. Children can be delighted to see an ordinary stone. Their perception is much brighter than that of an adult individual.

What is memory is images and connections, analogies, deposited in the depths of consciousness. The person remembers what touched him especially. That is why we remember how dad's beard smelled in our childhood, but we do not remember the sodium benzoate formula from the education system. Because they were non-living memories. How to develop a kid's memory so that his studies are successful?

While learning to read speed, children have such a problem: the child reads a sentence, having read words 6-7, forgets where he started reading. To do this, develop his imaginative thinking. A child will remember much more words if he perceives them as pictures, events. A great way to do this is to learn to visualize what is happening on the screen of your inner vision, as if it were a cartoon or a movie. Such "videos" need to accompany the material being read in the mind, then it will not be difficult to "rewind the tape" and remember the meaning of what was written earlier.

Try to ask your child non-standard questions:

  • Draw an animal that is hiding from the milestones, so no one has seen it.
  • Sing what songs the clouds are singing.
  • What is the color of your mother's perfume?
  • What happens if you touch blue on a rainbow?

Ask the child to describe what kind of associations arise in his thoughts when he hears the words (first name the words that are well known to him): pear, book, doctor, backpack, dog, sand, smile, speed, and so on. When the child understands the task well and begins to easily cope with it, then complicate it - have the child listen to unfamiliar words and try to draw analogies with them.

Another exercise: type a whole set of buttons, small parts of the designer, pieces of different materials, paper, and so on. Say words to the child, and let him try to put together what he represents with this word from this impromptu mosaic.

It is useful to play "animation". Let the child take any object and bring it to life, endowing it with reason. What will he do when he becomes alive? Let the kid compose a whole story about this subject and who he became when he came to life.

It is very important that the fast reading process does not become a mechanical repetition of words, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to the child. It is necessary not only to quickly read the work, but also to understand and feel it. This is a complete reading process.

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