Home Diseases and pests Follow a few rules and take care of your health. Take care of your health from a young age! II. Updating of basic knowledge

Follow a few rules and take care of your health. Take care of your health from a young age! II. Updating of basic knowledge

Class hour "Take care of your health!"


Today, guys, we will talk about human health. What is health?(student answers)
- Health is a priceless gift of nature. It provides us with the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life in all its manifestations. It is easy to destroy your health, it is not possible to buy it for any money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, ideas, plans. Therefore, we will talk today about how to maintain and preserve your health, and strengthen it.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs written on the board.

    Health is more valuable than money!

    You will be healthy, you will get everything!

    Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.

    Take care of the dress from the new, and health from the young.

    You can't buy health, its mind gives.

    Health is more valuable than wealth.

(student answers)


- What makes up our health? Select the necessary concepts from the proposed list:

Watching movies, hygiene, long sleep, frequent use of ice cream and sweets, daily routine, proper nutrition, carousel rides, sports.

(Hygiene, proper nutrition, daily routine, sports)

1. Station "Hygiene"

Hygiene is measures and actions for maintaining, maintaining health, cleanliness.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs:

    Who is accurate, that is pleasant to people.

    Don't think to be smart, but think to be neat.

The first thing we do early in the morning?
Let's go wash up and brush our teeth.

He washed early
He brushed his teeth, rubbed his ears.
The cleanest and most tidy
There was a forest beaver in the forest!
We are not too lazy to brush our teeth -
We clean them twice a day.
We brush our teeth twice a day
We clean for a long time - three minutes
Brush clean, not shaggy,
Delicious, fragrant pasta,
Brushing up and down
Well, germs, beware!
To keep your teeth from hurting
Children know, animals know:
Everyone has to twice a year
Show your mouth to the doctor!

In order to keep our smiles light for many years, you must follow the memo:

1. Brush your teeth twice a day;
2. Eat healthy food;
3. Change your toothbrush every three months;
4. Visit the dentist twice a year;
5. Do not bite nuts, pens, nails and hard objects.

Keep your body, clothes and dwelling clean. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky did not say in vain: “We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings ...”
Of course, it is necessary not only to wash. You need to wash your hands, brush your teeth, take a shower, wash with soap and a washcloth, clean shoes and clothes, ventilate the room, regularly do wet cleaning in the apartment, keep your yard clean, never throw garbage past the bin on the streets ... A healthy lifestyle begins with cleanliness!

(While one child distributes memos to everyone, the first page of the magazine is summed up).

2. Station "Proper nutrition"

Healthy eating is one of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.
What kind of food can be called healthy?
Varied, monotonous, rich in vegetables and fruits, rich in sweets, regular, from time to time, without haste, in a hurry.
Think about whether you are eating right. If not, try to fix things.

Scene: "Proper nutrition"

Ilya enters and groans:

Hello Ilyusha!
- Hi!
- What are you sad about, give me an answer?
- I ate candy!
And there were cookies.
Cake and lots of jam:
The lunch was very tasty.
Now I'm really bad...
Oh, why did I eat pie?
– Where were you today?
- Semyon invited me to dinner.
I couldn't refuse him
Oh! Why did I eat cake?
- Is it possible to eat so much?
You need to go on a diet!
- To sit down, you need a bed!
And you can't get home.
- Who would help climb to the desk ...
Oh! Why did I eat cake?
Ilyusha! You do not grumble!
Better keep quiet about the food!
You yourself are to blame for everything:
You ate and ate everything!
- I am a man in the color of years,
Well, you don't care!
Everything, the last breath has come.
Oh! Why did I eat cake?

Ilyusha, let me help you get to the desk, otherwise you are really bad! But the guys will give us some tips on proper nutrition:

Guys, the measure is needed in food,
So as not to happen an unexpected disaster,
You need to eat at the appointed time
Little by little, but several times a day.
Always keep this law
And your food will be useful!

You need to know more about calories
To not sort them out in a day!
In nutrition, mode is also important,
Then we will run away from diseases!
Buns, sweets, cookies, cakes -
Children need small amounts.
Remember, Ilya, our simple advice:
Health is one, but the second is not!

Let's summarize.

3. Station "Mode of the day"

Guys, let's discuss what the regime should be for schoolchildren.

(Student answers)

Eating Poems:
To drive away longing and laziness,
Rise every day
Need exactly seven o'clock.
Opening the windows of the bolt,
Make light exercise
And clean your bed!
take a shower,
And eat breakfast.
And then sit down at the desk!
But remember guys
It's very important to know this
Going to school, on the road
Don't you dare play!
Beware of cars
Their insidious black tires.
Sit in class
And listen quietly.
Follow the teacher
Prick up your ears.
Rest after school
But just don't fall.
Help mom at home
Play, get hot!
After dinner, you can sit down
To complete tasks.
It's ok if there is
Will and effort.
We always comply
Daily schedule.
We go to bed at the appointed time,
We get up at the appointed time.
We don't care about sickness!

Combine work and rest.

Studying at school, doing homework is a serious job. Sometimes a student is just as busy as an adult. In order to maintain health at the same time, it is necessary to alternate work with rest. A modern student usually has many opportunities for recreation and entertainment, including TV, video, computer games. But some guys in the morning, even before school, turn on the TV, after school they sit at the computer for hours. It is harmful, especially for the nervous system and vision. TV, video, computer games are good in moderation. Don't get carried away with them. Include walks, outdoor games, reading books in your daily routine.

So what should be the correct daily routine?

1. Charging;
2. Washing;
3. Breakfast;
4. School lessons;
5. Lunch;
6. Walk;
7. Homework;
8. Walk;
9. Interest games, reading books;
10. Shower;
11. Sleep.

Physical education minute My back is straight

I'm not afraid of slopes:

(Lean forward.)

I straighten up, I bend

(Tilt back, straighten up.) I turn.

(Turns of the body.)

One, two. three. four.

Three. four times. two.

I walk with a proud posture.

(Turns of the body.)

I keep my head straight

(Bend forward and straighten up.)

I'm not in a hurry.

(Walking in place, hands behind back.)

Once. two. three. four,

(Turns of the body.)

Three. four, one, two.

(Walking in place, hands behind back.)

I can bow.

(Bow and straighten up.)

And sit down and bend over

(Squat, lean forward.)

Turn back and forth!

(Turns of the body to the right - to the left.) Oh, straight back!

(Bend forward and straighten up.)

One two three four

(Turns of the body.)

Three, four, one, two.

4. Station "Sportivnaya"

Move more! A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health, so try to move more. Exercise in the morning. Play outdoor games more often, especially outdoors. Engage in physical labor, physical education. If possible, visit the pool. Skiing, swimming, sports games reliably serve the health of children and adults all over the world. And coaches will help you master any kind of sport and become strong, fit, agile.

I don't need a coach!
What for? Know, understand
How to move legs?
I will do physical education:
Forty times I will pull up!

You are a liar and a know-it-all!
We are in the gym every day
And frankly,
What do you have on the horizontal bar
We haven't seen it yet.
And in the winter they played hockey,
But they didn't notice you.
So don't fool us!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
I'm not lying, but I'm dreaming.
I'm flying in the clouds...
It's time to live on earth.
Make friends with physical education!

These are funny poems. Everyone in our class loves physical education and sports. In fact, Yasha is engaged in swimming. Movement is life! We are for sports!
- So, we have voiced all the main things that will help us maintain and strengthen our health, become what we planned at the beginning of our lesson:


But I have one more little task for you:

Crossword: "Health".

1. Get up early in the morning,
Jump, run, push up.
For health, order
People all need...(charger)

2. The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day long.(Shower)

3. Do you want to break the record?
So it will help you...(sport) .

4. He is with you and with me
Walked through the woods.
Friend walking behind
On belts with fasteners.(Backpack).

5. Will soon turn into claws

6. Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet go down the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer
This is my…(bike) .

7. Guys, I have
Two silver horses
I drive both at the same time
What kind of horses do I have?(Skates).

8. To become a great athlete,
There is a lot to know.
And dexterity will help here
And of course,…(workout)

What word is in the highlighted cells? Health.
Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself. I wish you good health!

Most people believe that a doctor should take care of their health. This position is at least naive. No doctor, and even no mother, can do for another person what a person can and should do for himself. Health, like life, is personal wealth. How a person manages them depends only on his knowledge, skills, skills and will.

Health is given to us along with life as a normal function or belonging - like breathing, digestion, blood circulation, excretion, etc. Maybe that's why no one thinks about health until they lose it. Health is subject to the general laws that reign in the Universe, without knowledge and observance of which life is impossible. Therefore, each of us is obliged to learn at least what is known to the science of man and his health.

Unfortunately, a healthy person is not studied at all. Something is known about diseases: their signs (symptoms), the development process, medicinal methods for their treatment. But every disease has its own cause. Only this cause can cause damage to cells, tissues, organs, and damage leads to dysfunction, which is manifested by certain symptoms (pain, redness, fever, itching, nausea, vomiting, etc.). Thus, there is only one scheme: cause - damage - violation (or disease).

And in order to get rid of the disease, you must first understand the cause of its occurrence.

How does the body react to dysfunction?

First of all, the body itself tries to eliminate the cause of such disorders: as a rule, this is accompanied by discomfort, which an illiterate person considers the disease to be in a hurry to cope with it by any means. However, what is taken for a disease is a healing physiological process - the body's attempts to restore health on its own.

For example, when your temperature rises, this indicates that the body is trying to "burn" the toxins (toxic substances) accumulated in the blood, so you should not rush to bring down the temperature, you should not interfere with the body's production of antibodies and thereby increase your immunity, do not saturate the already overloaded liver and kidneys with additional poisons.

When toxic poisons accumulate in the blood, the body constricts the vessels to protect itself, preventing the poisons from entering the cells. This precautionary measure is naturally accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. A knowledgeable person will simply drink water and purify himself, and one who does not know the cause of the rise in pressure will rush to medicines in order to achieve vasodilation with their help, not knowing that he himself opens wide the doors for poisons to penetrate into the blood.

One must know and always remember that everything that happens in the body is primarily done in the name of saving its life.

The disease does not fall on a person immediately. As a rule, an unhealthy chronic condition is the result of long days when the laws of health are constantly violated and when the healing forces of the body become powerless before the ignorance of man.

“Illness is a drama in two acts, of which the first is played out in the gloomy silence of our tissues with the lights out,” wrote the French scientist Leriche. “When pain or other unpleasant phenomena appear, this is almost always the second act.” Even if the second act has already begun, you should not rely on medicines, they are unlikely to help you. Better think about what you are doing wrong and what nonsense should be abandoned.

What do you need to know first?

All drugs are inorganic (non-living) substances, from which the body is not able to create a single living cell. All inorganic substances in the human body are converted, as is known, into a salt of oxalic acid, which accumulates and is deposited in the body, is the basis for the formation of stones, the development of arthrosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, etc. In addition, if the body receives a "finished product" (vitamins, glucose, hormones, trace elements, drugs - antibodies to destroy viruses or microbes), then he himself, as it were, is inactive, that is, the systems that should participate in the creation of these substances cease to function.

Remember the law of life: everything that does not work, dies.

This means that the organs that should participate in the creation of the necessary substances in the body can die, die. But the body needs them, and if they do not work, a person hurries to get help from outside. Gradually, the body gets used to such help, because without it it becomes powerless, like a drug addict without drugs. Drug treatment then causes new diseases or complications, so there is a need for more and more new drugs. If a person constantly receives enzymes, hormones, vitamins from the outside, all vital metabolic processes in his body are disrupted.

There is a wise Japanese proverb: "Don't feed me a fish, it's better to teach me how to catch it!"

When a doctor offers medicine, he feeds the patient with ready-made "fish" instead of teaching him to control the forces of his body. The patient eats the "fish", calms down, but soon the hour of hunger comes again, and then he has no choice but to go to the doctor again. Wouldn't it be better to learn to prevent what can cause illness yourself? And if she came, - to know how to end it, raising the natural forces of your body to fight.

How to regain lost health?

There is only one way by which one can restore health: to return to such a way of life, which is prescribed to man by Nature.

The right way of life is not only the best protector against diseases, but also the surest way to cure them.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but it's all about habits. They are not given to us from above, but came to us by inheritance from mom and dad: our parents received these habits from their parents, our children will receive them from us, and the children of our children from their parents. How to stop this chain of absurdities? The question is clear: you have to retrain yourself. Often in such cases one hears: "I will never be able to do this!" or: "I have no will" or: "No time!" But there is no other way. Until a person understands this, he will suffer from diseases. Misunderstanding is the result of ignorance.

It is useless to fight stupidity, but it is possible to fight ignorance!

Unfortunately, peoples fight too much. And war turns some people into killer robots, others into their victims. War teaches nothing but the ability to kill, to lie, to limit one's natural needs, to adapt.

Nature silently looks at us.

But she has a good memory. Its laws are impartial and immutable. They work always and everywhere, and everyone is equal before these laws: the rich and the poor, the talented and the mediocre, the beautiful and the ugly, the lucky and the unfortunate. Nature cannot be deceived, circumvented, or bought. Nature can be conquered only by obeying its laws.

And don't tell yourself that you can't do something. For yourself, you can do everything! Your will, your need to overcome obstacles, is built into you from birth, which means that you are able to fight for your health.

You should not waste time looking for a "fashionable" healer. You have to become smart yourself! Every mother and every educator, teacher must be literate and be able to correctly resolve issues related to the health of children and loved ones.

It is time to return to people those norms and that culture of health that have evolved over the centuries since the formation of human society.

In his book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Organism" the remarkable doctor and thinker A.S. Zalmanov wrote: “There are countless treasures in the old house of classical medicine. But these treasures are scattered in basements and attics, forgotten, left unattended, covered with dust. To discover these precious bits of knowledge, to make a selection, one must be armed with guiding ideas, doctrinal sieve for sifting out valuable grains.

Let's try to make our knowledge clear and logical!

About 100 years ago it was discovered that many diseases are caused by microorganisms. Medicine intensively engaged in their research and search: they were destroyed, eliminated, preventive measures were taken against them. But the person continues to get sick.

Another 50 years later, a new discovery was made: it turned out that the cause of diseases is not only microorganisms, but also a lack of mineral salts in food. It was decided to prescribe to patients those or other minerals that they require (for example, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium). However, this time the disease was not defeated.

A few years later, diseases that develop in the absence of certain vitamins became known. It seemed that it was not difficult to cope with this - it was enough to prescribe vitamins to the patient in the form of tablets or injections. And again failure! The sickness didn't stop.

Soon the attention of doctors was drawn to hormones, the lack of which in the body also caused a number of pathological conditions. So, you need to give the patient hormones obtained synthetically. If the body produces excessive hormones, you can surgically "tweak a little" the endocrine glands, and that's it!

As you can see, in all cases, physical and mechanical processes come to the fore: eliminate microorganisms (from blood, urine, sputum, etc.) through the use of potent drugs, introduce missing vitamins, trace elements or hormones into the body. So says academic medicine.

However, long before its emergence, mankind knew another way of treatment - the way of natural therapy, later called Natural Hygiene.

Of course, some diseases (flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.) develop under the influence of microorganisms. But natural therapy approaches these diseases from other positions. This is written by outstanding doctors of our time A.S. Speransky, I.V. Davydovsky, I.I. Mechnikov, A.S. Zalmanov, Katsuzo Nishi, Michael Goren, G. Shelton, P. Bragg and others.

"There are no local diseases, diseases of individual organs. The person as a whole is always sick. There is no local treatment," writes A.S. Zalmanov.

No matter how admirable the achievements of pharmacology, surgery and genetic engineering are, every disease begins with a cause, without the elimination of which no medicines can help.

Remember: after many years of obvious positive results of the use of antibiotics, it turned out that they contribute to the development of new types of bacteria in the human body that do not respond to antibiotics at all. Moreover, new forms of pneumonia began to appear, against which penicillin and sulfonamides also became powerless. It turned out that microorganisms have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they live.

Why shouldn't a person be guided by the adaptive abilities of his organism? If a person has coped with the disease by natural methods: a properly selected diet, regulation of perspiration, exposure to fresh air, cleansing enemas, herbal infusions, special exercises to increase blood circulation, he has nothing to fear.

Natural (natural) therapy treats germs without any fear. It is known that people who lead a proper lifestyle are not exposed to infections:

this threatens those who allow themselves excesses in food, turning into gluttony, abuse smoking, alcohol, overwork at work, do not follow the systematic cleansing of the body, etc.

Moreover, some microbes are not only completely harmless, but even beneficial to humans to a certain extent. These are the microorganisms that live in symbiosis (cohabitation) with a person: although they feed on his blood and juices, they restrain the activity of his enemies - pathogenic microbes. However, when a person is physically tired, hypothermia, overeating or other lifestyle disorders, changes can occur in the behavior of these microbes, and then, in order to cope with them, there is only one way out - to urgently return to a normal lifestyle.

Children sit in a semicircle.
Educator: Today, children, I brought a flower to class. Where is he? (Searching. Finds only the core of a flower (the inscription "I'm healthy") Oh, where are the petals? I remember they were (Looking. Finds a letter from Aibolit!):
I heard a lot of good things about your kindergarten. I have learned that you are going to have a talk about how to keep yourself healthy.
I am sending you a flower. It has no name, let the children come up with it. But at first you won't see the whole flower. Let the children guess 7 reasons on which human health depends, and then a wonderful flower will turn out. I wish you health and success.”

Educator: Well, what? Can we complete this task? Can you guess seven reasons on which human health depends?

Here is the first riddle for you: What is the name of a person who swims in cold water, can walk barefoot in the snow and does not get sick, does exercises on the street every day, sleeps with an open window, walks in any weather? He……
Children: athlete, seasoned.
Educator: To be healthy, you need to temper. Can we say to ourselves that we are tempering? Tell us how we are tempered.
Children: We do exercises on the street, walk in any weather, etc.
Educator: Why are we tempering?
Children: To be healthy! Attach a petal with an inscription
"I'm getting hot."
Educator: The second riddle - you do it all the time, even in your sleep. This is one of the signs of living beings. This requires a nose.
Children: To breathe.
Educator: Explain what it means to breathe correctly?
Children: You need to breathe through your nose.
Teacher: Yes, that's right. You need to breathe through your nose, especially in the cold season. Why?
Children: The air is warmed, cleared in the nose.
Educator: Well done! To breathe easily, we know with you a nose massage. (Children do a nose massage)
Educator: Our health depends on how we breathe and take care of our nose.
Attaches a petal with the inscription "I breathe correctly."
Educator: The third riddle - children do this four times in kindergarten and once at home in the evening. Some children have to be coaxed into doing it. Most children like both vitamin salad and fish in an omelette and borscht. What is this riddle about?
Children: About nutrition, about food.
Educator: Right! To be healthy, you need to eat only healthy food. What products can be called useful?
Children's answers: vegetables, fruits, juices, milk, kefir, etc.
Educator: Tasty and healthy food is prepared for you in kindergarten. Kindergarten staff care about you, want you to be healthy. Take a notebook, find and paste the five most useful product images in your opinion.
(Children do the task)
Teacher: Well done guys. You have completed the task correctly. Eat only healthy food and you will be healthy.
Attaches a petal with the words "I eat right"
Educator: The next riddle is that these children are friends with water, they are friends with soap and a sponge, they brush their teeth without being reminded, they take care of their clothes. They are not called dirty, they are called……..
Children: Clean.
Educator: What do you do to be clean?
Children: We wash our hands before eating and after going to the toilet, take a bath, shower, brush our teeth, rinse our mouth after eating, etc.
Educator: People say "Cleanliness is the key to health." A person himself must monitor the cleanliness of his body, the cleanliness of clothes and shoes. A neat, clean person is a pleasure to deal with. What do you think should be written on the fourth petal?
Children's answers: I am clean.
Educator: So, we have four petals. And it should be seven. How many more puzzles do you need to solve?
Children answer: You need to guess three riddles.
Teacher: Listen. These kids are restless. They have to do something all the time. You can’t follow them: either they play with a ball, or they climb a rope, jump rope, or they run after each other. And so the whole day. They love to do it. What do they like to do?
Children's answers: move.
Educator: The muscles of a child and an adult should always work, be in motion. Human beings need movement just like food. They also say: "Movement is life." You get tired when you sit for a long time, your spine is tired of supporting your back. Do you want to get moving?

Game "Smooth Circle"

Educator: Movement is necessary for a person. What should be written on the fifth petal?
Children answer: I'm moving! Attach a petal that says "I'm moving"
Educator: Children, what facial expression does a healthy person have?
Answers of children: he smiles, cheerful.
Educator: right, but when a person is sick, when every movement hurts, does he have fun? What facial expression does a person have when he is sick?
Children's answers: Sad ...
Educator: How can you help the patient?
Children's answers: sit with him, bring water, talk, etc.
Educator: Right. You need to try to do something pleasant: talk, read a poem, sing a song. You know all this. Something you have made me sad. I'll try to cheer you up.
Reads 2-3 statements from the book by K.I. Chukovsky "From two to five."
Educator: Scientists have noticed that cheerful people rarely get sick and live long. Let's not upset each other and our families. May everyone be healthy and cheerful! What should be written on the sixth petal?
Children's answers: I am cheerful!
(The teacher attaches a petal with the inscription "I am cheerful!".)
Educator: We have to guess the last riddle.
Listen. These children will always find a way out of a difficult situation. He fell, broke his knee - he goes home, washes with water, endures when he is treated with brilliant green. Never talk to strangers. They know how to cross the road properly. They know not to open the door to strangers. Don't look out the open window. They always know what to do in case of danger. And what danger can lie in wait for you at home?
Children's responses: open windows, hot pot, sockets, sharp objects, phone calls, etc.
Educator: And on the street?
Children's answers: transport, strangers, lost, stray dogs, etc.
Educator: To maintain your health, you need to know and follow the safety rules. Our last petal is called "I know what to do in case of danger!" Let's read the names of all our petals. How many petals are there? What is written on the core?
-What shall we name our flower?
Children's answers: "Health flower" and other options.
Educator: All the petals are very necessary and important! Let's take care of our health, and so that we do not forget the rules, we will place our health flower in a sports corner.

1. The program of preschool education "From birth to school", ed. N. E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.- M.MOZAYKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010.
2. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. - M., 2010.
3. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old. - M., 2011.
4. Fedotova A.M. The Perm Territory is my native region. - Perm, 2000.

5. http://doshkolnik.ru/obzh/2885-zdorovie.html

Semyonova Olga Vladimirovna - Educator MBDOU d / s No. 40 "Bell" p. Fryanovo, Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region
Date of receipt of work for the competition: 11.12.2016.

Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group on the formation of a holistic picture of the world on the topic:

"Take care of your health"

Motivation:"What do you need to do to be healthy?"

Educational areas: Cognitive development, social and communicative development, physical development.

Program content:

To consolidate the idea of ​​what health is and how to save it. To consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items: comb, soap, towel, toothbrush, washcloth, handkerchief, and the skills to use them.

To develop an understanding of the importance of hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, the benefits of vitamins, hardening, physical education and sports.

To educate children in a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Preliminary work: talking with children about their health, reading K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower", A. Barto "Charging". Examining illustrations. Consolidation of the concepts of "personal hygiene items", "body care items".

Materials for the lesson: letter; pictures of Aibolit and Moidodyr; Cabbage, carrots, milk, candy, cake, apples, chewing gum, cottage cheese, bread, soda water. Pouch; soap; comb; toothpaste; washcloth, towel. Ribbed board, massage path, linoleum circles, winding path, cards with words.

Vocabulary work: hello, health, hygiene, vitamins, soap, comb, toothpaste, washcloth, towel.

Lesson progress:

Children with a teacher enter the hall and stand in the center, opposite the screen.

The teacher addresses the children:

Educator:- Let's stand in a circle - friends (children stand in a circle). Today we have an unusual journey. We will travel to the Land of Health. Only healthy people live in this country, so every day they say to everyone: “Hello!”. Do it more often, too, because this word lifts everyone's spirits. After all, it is special. When we pronounce it, we not only greet the person, but also wish him good health. Let's say hello to each other. ( Children in a circle begin to greet each other, the teacher greets first).

caregiver: Guys, now let's say hello to our guests and wish them good health.

Children: Hello.


I say hello everywhere (nod)

At home and on the street, (we put our hands on the belt in turn)

I even say “Hello” (we wave our hands like wings)

I'm a neighbor chicken

Hello, golden sun, (beams forward)

Hello, the sky is blue, (hands up)

Hello, free breeze, (we shake our hands at the top)

Hello, dear little friend, (children take turns holding hands)

hello night,

hello day,

We are not too lazy to say hello! (swing hands down)

caregiver: And now, Guys, let's go on our journey. Look, a small obstacle awaits us - you need to go along a narrow bridge (ribbed board).

Now Matvey will show us how to cross the narrow bridge.

We set off one after another, slowly, backs straight, hands on the belt.

The teacher and the children approach the first object - a stump, stand around.

Look at the stump is a letter. Let's open it up and read it. This letter is from Dr. Aibolit. The letter asks us: what should we do to make our body - arms, legs, teeth, heart - strong and healthy? What do you think?

Children:Ulyana, what do you think? - Wash your face, brush your teeth.

Artem, what do you think? - do exercises, walk a lot.

Vanya, what do you think? - eat healthy food.

caregiver: Well done guys, you said everything correctly. Now we will learn to take care of our health. As you just said, in order to be healthy, you need to wash your face, wash your hands, brush your teeth, but all these procedures cannot be performed without some items, tell me what they are called?

Children:Masha - personal hygiene items.

Vitya repeat - personal hygiene items.

Let's play a game now.

The game "personal hygiene items"

Prepare your hands, do not forget to clap when you hear the name of personal hygiene items.

towel... - pencils...

tassel... - handkerchief...

toothbrush... - book...

hairbrush... - toys...

Educator:Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's travel further. Look, we have a swamp in front of us, and in order not to fall into it, you need to carefully go over the bumps, go to the other side, now Polina will show us how to do this (the children walk along the massage path with their arms outstretched). Keep your back straight and look forward.

The teacher and the children go to the tree on which the words are hanging and stand around.

Guys, look what an interesting tree! And some cards hang on it! Let's play the game of say the opposite. I will take a word from a tree, read it to you, and you will pick up a word for it in reverse.

The game "say the opposite" is being played.

Dirty - clean

bitter - sweet

Harmful - useful

Weak - strong

Sick is healthy

Sad - cheerful

caregiver: Guys, let's go further. Another hurdle awaits us! You have to jump over puddles. Nastya show us how to do it (children jump over the circles).

Children with a teacher approach the easel and stand next to it.

Look, another challenge. You and I are offered to eat, but you need to choose only healthy products.

The game "useful - harmful": (from the offered cards, two children put pictures with useful products on the board).

Cabbage, carrots, milk, sweets, cake, apples, chewing gum, cottage cheese, bread, sparkling water.

caregiver: Guys, tell us how these products are useful?

Children: Vanya - they contain a lot of vitamins.

Sasha - they give strength.

And now let's all repeat together - vitamins.

caregiver: Remember what benefits vitamins bring to us?

Children:Dasha - give strength, Maxim - help not to get sick, etc.

Educator:Guys, what other rules of nutrition should be observed?

Children: Vasya - wash your hands before eating, Misha - eat all the food offered by adults, Olya - do not talk while eating.

Now let's get some rest.


For starters, we are with you (head rotation)

We only turn our heads

We also rotate the body - (turns to the right and left)

This, of course, we can.

And now we sit down. (squat)

We are well aware of:

I need to strengthen my legs

One, two, three, four, five. (walking in place)

Finally stretched. (pulling up, to the sides)

And they bent.

From the warm-up blushed,

Relaxed and sat down. (children sit down)

The lesson was held in the music room, so the children sat right on the carpet after the physical education session.

Educator:Have a rest? Pay attention to how you feel after exercise.

Children: fun, cheerful.

Educator:Always after a good workout, outdoor games, skiing and other physical exercises, the mood becomes better. Movement gives a charge of vivacity, energy, and therefore adds health.

caregiver: Guys, let's go further. Now we are waiting for a winding path along which we must pass. Veronica show me how to walk along the path. (children with a calm step, one after another, walk along the massage path, which leads them to the stump). Oh, on the stump there is another envelope and a magic bag. Let's see who gave it to us (the teacher takes out a picture of Moidodyr from the envelope) - this is Moidodyr. Do you know who Moidodyr is?

Children:Lena - Washbasins, commander of washcloths.

Tanya is the head of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths.

caregiver: Let's see what is in the wonderful bag. (The teacher takes out body care items from the bag).

Children begin to recite poems about body care items.

At the same time, body care items appear on the screen.

Pauline:I am a beautiful and fragrant soap,

Be friends with me, be clean.

Ulyana:Take me - comb

Get your hair done right away.

Nastya:Hello, friends!

Toothpaste i.

To make your smile shine white

Make friends with me!

Artem:I am a bath washcloth

I am in charge of the bath.

Matvey:Ah, I am a velvety towel,

Wipe the body - it will be clean.

caregiver: Guys, why do we need all these items?

Children: Sasha - To keep your body clean.

Vasya - to be clean.

Educator:What else can you call those objects about which you told poems?

Children:Arseniy - body care items.

caregiver: That's right guys, these items help us stay clean. Moidodyr constantly reminds us of this.

(child says)

Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop!

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps,

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

caregiver: And now I suggest you play a game. I will name the actions, if you think that they need to be performed, then you will clap your hands together, and if not, stomp your feet.

To be healthy, you need:


Do exercises;

Walk without a hat;

Brush your teeth;

To eat snow;


Wash your hands often;

Dress for the weather;

More walks in the fresh air;

Little to move;

Do sport;

There are many sweets.

And what do we do in kindergarten in order to improve our health?

Children: Sasha - exercises, physical. classes, Katya - we go along the massage paths, finger games, walk, drink juice, Sonya - we eat fruit, wash our hands before eating, swim in the pool.

caregiver: Guys, do you think our kindergarten is like a country of health? Why do you think so?

Children:Ulyana - we come here clean and tidy, wash our hands, Dima - we eat healthy food, do physical education, swim in the pool, play, Vika - we walk, we try to be kind and sympathetic.

caregiver: Well done guys, everyone said it right. I would like to end our journey with these words:

Nothing is more important than health

All children and adults know about it.

So let them keep their health

At home, on the street, in kindergarten.

Educator:Guys, our today's journey through the country of health has come to an end. You answered correctly today, you did well. Let's remember what we talked about today?

Children: about health.

Educator:That's right guys, about health.

Educator:tell me what to do to be healthy?

Children: Sasha - exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, Masha - walk a lot, play, wash hands before eating.

Educator:That's right guys. But it's time to go back to kindergarten!

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