Home Diseases and pests List of diets for weight loss. Diets and medical nutrition. Simple, actionable program

List of diets for weight loss. Diets and medical nutrition. Simple, actionable program

Many women are familiar with the boomerang effect. In 80% of cases, the lost weight returns, often taking extra pounds with it, which is very unpleasant, painful, and can lead to stress and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is important to find a working, safe and reliable way. Effective weight loss diets will not only help you lose weight, but also keep the results, ideally improve your health. Which one to choose, everyone must decide for himself.


An effective diet does not mean fast

All women want to lose weight quickly, but few people think about the consequences. There are diets on which kilograms not only “leave”, but even “run away”. A person loses weight, volumes, but the body does not keep up with the sudden changes. As a result, health is undermined, with a large initial mass, a displacement of internal organs can occur. The most effective diet for weight loss is a technique that helps you lose weight without harm to your health.

Common mistakes people make when losing weight:

  1. Reduced calorie content to critical levels. A woman's body cannot fully function when receiving 600-800 kcal per day. The minimum amount is 1200 kcal. Yes, weight is rapidly decreasing, but with an energy deficit, stagnation is expected soon, the body will begin to work in an energy-saving mode.
  2. Exclusion of fats. You can eat one cabbage or drink fat-free kefir. The weight will go away, but along with it, hair will begin to fall out, nails will deteriorate, skin problems will appear, and the female cycle will fail. The minimum amount of fat per day is 22 g.
  3. Refusal of tasty food. Complete restriction of favorite foods leads to breakdowns. If you manage to go through the diet to the end, then after it it will be difficult to resist. It is necessary to change eating behavior and prepare delicious dishes from the products allowed by the system.

Many are hindered by moral torture. For weight loss, even the most effective diet is not enough. In women, the mood deteriorates, headaches, weakness appear. You can not perceive the diet as a tragedy or deprivation. Let this be a joyful path to harmony and a dream figure, easy and desirable.

In 2019, a new formula appeared - the drug Reduxin® Forte, in which Reduxin® and Metformin were combined in one tablet. The new drug Reduxin® Forte acts on various metabolic processes and breaks the pathogenetic circle, which, against the background of excess weight, worsens not only the quality of life of people, but also contributes to the development of various diseases. As a result of the dual complex action of sibutramine and metformin, a person loses weight due to the activation of metabolism and the normalization of metabolism, which leads to a stable retention of the results achieved and improves the general condition of the body. one

Diet of Kim Protasov, or Protasovka

This is one of the most effective and proven diets over the years, which not only allows you to lose weight, but also has a lot of advantages. After the Shuffle, it is easy to switch to proper nutrition, the weight will continue to decrease, views on food and tastes will change. On this system, a lot of raw vegetables are consumed, which leads to bowel cleansing, skin condition improves, water is removed from the body.

The essence of Kim Protasov's diet:

  1. For the first 2 weeks, 1400 g of raw vegetables, 3 green apples, 1 egg and 600 g of fermented milk products, close to 5% fat, are consumed daily.
  2. From 3 to 5 weeks, instead of 300 g of dairy products, the same amount of meat, poultry, fish or seafood is consumed. Gentle cooking methods without oil are selected.
  3. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, which will enhance the effect of vegetable fiber, help cleanse the body, and reduce weight.
  4. The shuffling lasts 5 weeks, but nutritionists recommend making an “exit” that will be equal in duration to the diet itself. New products are added every week: cereals, broths, dried fruits, boiled vegetables. In these 5 weeks, weight loss continues.

In total, for a diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kg. It all depends on the initial data. Volumes go very well. You can not use the technique more than 1 time in 6 months, it is better to take a year break so that the body has time to recover.

Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Interesting: Kim Protasov is a fictitious name, and such a nutritionist does not exist. This pseudonym was taken by a journalist from a magazine in the 90s of the last century, who published the still popular technique.

diet for the lazy

This is the most effective, safe diet that has become popular recently. The fact that you can not drink after eating, many people know. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, inhibits digestion, and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Why not take advantage of this information! With the right approach to fluid intake, weight will go away quickly, without any effort and harm to the body.

  1. All water is drunk before meals. 400 ml of liquid must be consumed 20 minutes before the main meal and immediately after waking up.
  2. After eating, according to the rules, you can not drink for 2 hours, or at least an hour if light meals were consumed. During this time, they must be digested.
  3. For effective weight loss, it is advisable to exclude high-calorie, fatty, sweet foods and not eat 3 hours before bedtime.

The trick is not only in the accelerated digestion of food. Water fills the stomach, portions are involuntarily reduced, which reduces the daily calorie content. It also becomes impossible to eat salty, sweet foods, as it will be difficult to withstand 2 hours without drinking. For the duration of the diet, you should forget about a cup of coffee with candy or cake. Supplement can be eaten only after a certain time.

Buckwheat diet

Another most effective diet, the duration of which can be adjusted independently, but subject to the basic rules. The basis of the diet is buckwheat porridge cooked in water without salt or with a minimum amount. The main product is affordable, useful, helps to cleanse the body, saturates well, suppresses the feeling of hunger. But only those people who really love buckwheat need to choose this system.

  1. System for 1-3 days. In fact, this is a fasting diet. Throughout the time, porridge without salt is used. The body gets rid of excess fluid, the volume decreases, the intestines are cleansed, the stool is normalized.
  2. weekly diet. There are many options. Green apples, kefir, fresh vegetables with a low starch content can be added to buckwheat. This system is easier to carry.
  3. Buckwheat diet for 14 days. In addition to cleansing and removing excess fluid, this system reduces the amount of fat in the body. Vegetables are added to the porridge along with sour-milk products and apples; in some cases, chicken breast is found.

Weight loss directly depends on the duration of the chosen technique. It won’t be possible to get rid of excess fat in 1-3 days, only water will go away, but this can be a good start for losing weight or checking if the system is suitable. It is easy to lose 4-7 kg in 2 weeks. With a competent return to normal nutrition, they will not come back.

Contraindications: pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, beriberi, intolerance to the main product.

Ducan's diet

One of the popular protein diets, which in a short time helps to lose a huge amount of weight. This system is suitable only for absolutely healthy people who are ready to follow all the instructions and not deviate from the rules. The technique is based on biochemical processes in the body. Any minor violation can reduce efficiency, slow down weight loss, and harm.

In total, there are 4 stages in the system with a clearly defined sequence and duration. All calculations can be made on the official website. A mandatory ingredient in the diet throughout the diet is oat bran. From the second stage, you can add wheat and rye fiber, but according to the permitted standards.

The essence of the stages of the Dukan diet:

  1. Attack. Short stage up to 7 days, calculated individually. The diet is based on 72 protein products. This stage is designed for fluid loss and motivation growth, it can take up to 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.
  2. Alternation. The main stage of the diet, in which fat burning occurs. 28 types of vegetables without starch in the composition are added to the proteins, the days alternate. The duration of this period can be from several weeks to a year or even more until the desired weight is obtained.
  3. Consolidation. Bread, fruits, cheese are added to the main diet. This period allows you to switch to a normal diet. The duration is determined by the formula: 10 days per 1 kg of weight.
  4. Stabilization. One day a week is Protein Thursday. The diet of the first stage is observed. Additionally, bran is consumed daily.

Throughout the period of the diet you need to drink vitamins. It is allowed to use sugar substitutes with a natural or synthetic composition. You can not eat any fruits, all dairy products must be fat-free, like meat. This is one of the few diets that allows you to eat sausages, crab sticks, canned food, but all products must meet the requirements of the diet, do not contain prohibited spices, sugar, and exceed a certain fat content threshold.

Important! There are many subtleties and nuances in the diet, the system requires careful study. Pierre Dukan strongly recommends reading his book, which will bring clarity. You can also get acquainted with the system on the official website.

Contraindications: any chronic diseases of organs and systems, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, lactose intolerance, hormonal disruptions, childhood and old age. This diet requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Video: Dietitian on the Dukan Diet

Kefir diet

This diet will help you lose weight very quickly, it is used by many famous people. In just a week, you can get rid of 5 kg. But there are also various other options that differ in duration. You can always “try on” a diet by making a fasting day on kefir.

The essence of the kefir diet:

  1. The basis of the diet is kefir of low or medium fat content, but not more than 2%. A day you need to use from 1 to 2 liters.
  2. The food is fractional, you can’t drink 0.5 liters of a fermented milk product at a time, it is advisable to drink a glass every 2-2.5 hours.
  3. It is important to drink water, as kefir has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid, the reserves of which need to be replenished.

In addition to the classic kefir diet, there are other options with the addition of apples, cottage cheese, buckwheat, vegetables or various fruits. All of them have their own rules, differ in duration. Long-term systems include more foods in the diet than short methods up to 5-7 days.

Contraindications: increased acidity of the stomach and any diseases of the digestive system, rickets, rheumatism, gout, kefir intolerance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

Video: Elena Malysheva: how to lose weight in 1 week

When changing the diet towards a healthy diet, increasing the consumption of food rich in slow (complex) carbohydrates, vegetable fibers, nuts, discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract may appear: flatulence (bloating). This is due to the fact that cereals, legumes, vegetables - the basis of a healthy diet - are rich in indigestible oligosaccharides. In order to eliminate discomfort without giving up proper nutrition, you can supplement the intake of such products with Orlix®. It contains alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates into light carbohydrates for the absorption of monosaccharides. The dosage depends on the amount of food consumed, making it easy to normalize digestion both during a snack and during the main meal.

Easy Diet Secrets

Any diet will be easier and more interesting if you find an approach to it. The key to success is a thorough study of the rules and menus. Motivation matters a lot. If it is and is really strong, the feeling of hunger will recede, there will be no temptation to break the diet, kilograms will go away quickly, easily and forever.

Helpers and secrets:

  1. Water. If you want to eat, drink water. Many people have heard this, but only a few use it. It is the liquid that helps to cope with hunger, accelerates and facilitates weight loss.
  2. Vitamins. They are needed not only to preserve beauty and health, but also to eliminate hunger. If something is missing in the body, it will ask for food.
  3. Traffic. This is an easy way to get rid of hunger or eat something forbidden. At the first desire to “sin”, you need to do squats at least 50 times. Or jump rope for 5 minutes.

A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, dullness of the skin, the appearance of acne and spots on it, characteristic of the diet. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's admit its reception by long courses unlike other sorbents.

The path to slimness can be hard or easy. A person determines his own path, much depends only on us.

1. There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

One desire to have a slim figure is not enough, you need to work on this issue, showing incredible efforts. The first step is to follow the rules of a healthy diet or diet. Give up bad habits and your usual lifestyle in order to become more mobile, to speed up metabolism and burn fat. Do not think that you can lose weight only on expensive and exotic products. There are effective diets designed for the poor on simple and affordable products.

To achieve a positive result, you need to accept three conditions for successful weight loss: a healthy diet, physical activity and good sleep. It is necessary to choose a diet so that it does not bring discomfort, and the person always remains in a good mood. You should not deprive yourself of your favorite foods, starve, but it is better to focus on a balanced diet. The list of products must include: soup, porridge, dried fruits and fresh fruits, stewed and fresh vegetables, lean meat, various nuts, dairy products.

List of popular weight loss diets

It is necessary to provide a list of the most popular and effective diets that will help in eliminating excess weight.

A fast-acting diet based on an increased intake of protein foods. By following all the rules, you can lose up to 20 kg in a month. It does not involve fasting, but in the first few days it is required to exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet and eat only protein foods. It takes a lot of energy to process proteins, so the body takes it from fat reserves. Gradually, carbohydrates and fats are introduced into the diet. The diet is not for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant and lactating mothers should follow a diet to maintain their weight, as well as eliminate extra pounds if they gain. All features and limitations should be consulted with a doctor.

This is a strict diet in any form. But foods are the healthiest. Kefir diets for weight loss are aimed at eliminating 5 kg in 5-8 days, but with persistent use, you can lose 14 kg in 3-4 weeks. You can sit on one yogurt, drinking it in a glass every 3-4 hours, without adding any sugar or syrup to it. But on this diet, you can hold out for no more than three days. There are options for kefir diets in combination with fruits, buckwheat and other products.

This fast express diet involves the use of milk alone or in combination with different foods. The use of one milk can be sustained only for 3 days, while drinking on the first day - a glass of milk every 2 hours, the second day - a glass of the product every 1.5 hours, the third day - a glass of drink every hour. In between, you need to drink clean water, during this period it is necessary to take a vitamin complex so as not to subject the body to exhaustion. There are diets in which milk is combined with sour-milk products, fruits, boiled meat or fish, and vegetables.

Pearl barley contains many useful elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and vitamins E and list B. It helps to lose weight by 6-8 kilograms per month. But it is not suitable for everyone, because it provokes increased gas formation and intestinal disorders. You need to cook porridge in water, soaking the cereal in the evening to swell, and in the morning cook porridge from 200 g of barley. Do not add anything to it, if only pepper for taste. Use the resulting porridge during the day, you can’t eat anything else, just drink water and herbal teas. A strict diet is designed for 5 and 7 days.

If you have 2 positive or negative blood group, then the weight loss diet will resemble the diet of vegetarians. These people have weak organs of the gastrointestinal tract, so plant foods are perceived well. Meat, fish, some cereals, milk and dairy products, some fruits are contraindicated.

A delicious diet that allows you to lose up to 7 extra pounds in a week. Tangerines are a low-calorie product, contain a lot of fiber and help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. You can apply a 7-day mono-diet or do fasting days on tangerines.

A proven and healthy diet, because carrots contain vitamin A, which improves skin condition and accelerates cell regeneration. It also helps strengthen bones and muscles. Carrots can be eaten raw, fried or stewed, but not boiled. There are 3 and 7 day diets.

This diet is not suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You can lose weight on cottage cheese with the addition of dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, green tea and rosehip broth. If you do everything right, you can lose up to 10 extra pounds.

Quite a popular diet, which sat the stars of French cinema. It involves eliminating carbohydrates from the diet and focusing on protein foods. You can stay on it for a long time. If you really want sweets, then you do not need to restrain yourself.

This is a cool diet, designed for the sweet tooth. Its duration should not exceed 7 days, because the body, except for the minimum amount of chocolate, will not receive anything. You can eat 100 g of dark chocolate per day.

Designed for 7 days, for which it is really possible to lose weight up to 7 kilograms. It is allowed to eat and drink: no more than 1.5 liters of plain water, meat and fish broths, low-fat dairy products, tea, juice, compote and jelly.

Interesting for losing weight and the Kremlin diet. Its essence lies in the use of meat and sausages. You need to count the points of the foods you eat and do not exceed the recommended number. It lasts until the result is obtained, and this can be a month or even a year.

This is not just a diet for a few days, but a lifestyle change forever. The principles of the diet: separate nutrition, the practice of mono-diets, when one product is consumed during the day and compliance with the drinking regime, when 2-3 liters of liquid should be consumed during a 9-day diet.

This is a seasonal diet, you can lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Watermelons, due to their composition, help cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess fluid, improve metabolic processes and reduce the risk of cancer cells.

An effective diet, because after losing weight, kilograms do not return. And this happens due to the improvement of metabolism, the restoration of the intestinal walls and the burning of fat. For a week on cabbage, it’s really possible to lose 5-7 kilograms.

The essence of the diet is the transition to proper nutrition. The diet lasts only 21 days, but after the end, you get so used to it that you no longer want to, eat harmful foods and gain excess weight.

On vegetables for a week, you can reduce weight by 5 kilograms. You need to eat fresh vegetables and sometimes stewed or baked. In addition to vegetables, in order not to lead the body to exhaustion, it is allowed to eat rye bread crackers, fish or meat, sour-milk products.

Really good diet, models often resort to it. In seven days, you can easily lose 4-6 kilograms. A feature of the diet is the use of a large number of boiled eggs and vegetables, which gives the body a lot of protein and vitamins.

A large amount of salt in the body leads to obesity, hypertension, constipation and edema. It's not even a diet, it's diet food. Salt should be completely eliminated from the diet or consumed to a minimum.

Judging by the figure of the famous singer, the diet is quite effective. It consists in the use of a large amount of kefir. A cleansed intestine begins to work well and prevents weight gain. The first day you need to drink only kefir, and the second - eat as usual.

For those who cannot eat low-calorie foods, this diet is suitable, the principle of which is to reduce the amount of food to 5 tablespoons. This reduces the daily calorie content by up to 30%. You need to eat often, which allows for good digestion of food and an acceleration of metabolism.

This diet for weight loss allows you to reduce excess weight in the absence of hunger. The duration of the diet can be 3 or 7 days. During the day, you can eat three bananas, drink 3 glasses of low-fat milk or kefir, drink tea, water and herbal decoctions.

The rice diet is the safest, because the cereal contains all the substances that are beneficial to the body. On rice, you can arrange fasting days, conduct 3-day or weekly courses. Boiled rice without salt should be divided into several doses and eaten, sometimes diluted with a piece of boiled fish or vegetables.

Groats in this case are taken raw and poured with kefir to swell for several hours. It removes toxins and toxins, gently cleanses the intestines and normalizes digestion, so it helps to lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Not recommended for those with stomach problems.

This diet exists in different versions: for 1-10 days. But the weekly diet is very popular. You need to start losing weight on apples from one unloading day. It is better to eat green apples, they have less sugar. It is not necessary to use them fresh, you can bake them in the oven or make smoothies with kefir from them, which also contributes to weight loss.

The cucumber diet is pleasant because the vegetable is tasty and light. You can eat just cucumbers or make salads out of them by adding other low-calorie vegetables. Since the diet is strict, there may be breakdowns, so you should not sit down on long courses.

This diet was developed for people who are allergic to gluten. Then they noticed that eating gluten-free meals leads to weight loss. Gluten is a gluten found in baked goods, ice cream, sauces, and other foods. By giving up gluten products, metabolism and the digestive tract improve, which is why kilograms melt.

Oddly enough, but a diet on cereals also has a positive effect on the figure. The seven-day diet is designed to lose 5-10 extra pounds, but you need to eat porridge from different cereals every day. Do not add salt or sugar to them, boil in water, pre-soak the cereal for several hours and then cook for about 5 minutes. There is a lot of fiber and slow carbohydrates in cereals, which contributes to weight loss.

This diet is designed to eat foods that are healthy for the body to keep it healthy and energetic. You can lose weight by 10 kilograms for the entire course, especially in the sides and on the stomach. This is a diet for those who cannot starve, because it is about proper nutrition. The course can last 4 months, but the result of losing weight is fixed and the weight does not return.

The bottom line is this: for 6 days, various mono-diets alternate. Since nutrition is practiced separately, proteins do not mix with carbohydrates and there is a rapid breakdown of fats. During the day, you can remove excess weight by 500-800 g. It is necessary to divide 6 days of the diet into pairs in which you can eat protein foods, vegetable and, finally, cereals.

The oatmeal diet is suitable for those who are overweight and have health problems. You can sit on oatmeal for a week and burn up to 10 kilograms of excess fat. The cereal contains fiber, which quickly removes toxins and toxins from the body. The intestinal walls are restored and no longer accumulate harmful substances.

This diet was preferred due to the simplicity of preparing the main dish. It can be used with caution, because egg yolks can be harmful to health. The duration of the diet can be from 2 to 7 days. You can only eat boiled yolks.

The diet is based on the proper nutrition of Margaret Thatcher, in which metabolic processes are normalized, which leads to a natural loss of excess weight. The diet includes eggs, cottage cheese and citrus fruits. You can enter food from other protein foods. The course is designed for 4 weeks, but you can stick to this diet for life.

High cholesterol levels lead to stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis. It is formed by the use of harmful fats and carcinogens. This diet is aimed at accelerating and normalizing metabolic processes. Fatty foods, fried foods are prohibited, foods containing a lot of fiber are welcome.

This diet is in demand because it is effective and does not require large expenditures. It is used in emergency cases, before any celebration. You can sit on a diet for a short time, it is better to use it as fasting days. Products are low-calorie, not only contribute to weight loss, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

This diet is not designed for quick results, because it is based on the use of foods with a low glycemic index. To do this, it is necessary to rebuild not only the food system, but also life. Eating foods with a high glycemic index requires an increased secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which ultimately leads to increased appetite and, as a rule, to diabetes. You can eat foods with a low glycemic index, which have slow carbohydrates in their composition.

This diet allows you to lose weight by 5 kilograms in 3 days. The diet is designed for 3 and 7 days, but it is quite strict and not everyone can withstand a week. The essence of the diet is the consumption of 1000 kcal per day. The last meal on the diet no later than 15 hours. Eat small meals 5 times a day, drink 2 liters of fluid. Before starting this diet, you should consult your doctor, because a long absence of food can adversely affect your body.

It is aimed at ensuring that the patient not only loses weight, but also improves her health. This diet is prescribed before some abdominal operations. It allows you to get rid of excess weight by 5 kilograms per week. You need to eat raw foods and do not mix, for example, fruits and dairy products. You can use only one of the allowed products at a time.

The diet allows you to get rid of 10 extra pounds in a month. This is achieved by eating foods that speed up metabolic processes. In the body, a change in the hormonal background occurs: a decrease in the production of insulin and estrogen, as well as a subsequent increase in adrenaline and testosterone. Preference is given to protein products and fresh vegetables.

It is based on the use of low-calorie foods so that the food helps to normalize digestion and accelerate fat burning. It is required to change not only the diet, but also the living conditions. You need to practice proper nutrition, go to the gym and perform an exercise to burn excess fat.

The diet on this fruit is developed in different versions. There are many fruits required, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should not go on a diet. It is allowed on a diet to drink freshly squeezed juices and eat the fruit in the form of salads with herbs. The weekly diet involves the inclusion of other foods in the diet.

It is suitable for those who have no time or do not want to engage in physical activity or sports. These courses are designed for obese people who need surgery to avoid complications. You can lose 10 kilograms in a week, but food is very scarce - only 3 days a week you are allowed vegetable salad, boiled meat and cottage cheese, and drink mineral water or milk on the rest.

It is usually used by athletes when drying, when carbohydrate food is replaced by protein. This is a strict diet that must be followed. Proper nutrition should be combined with training with exercises for weight loss, compliance with the drinking regime, you need to drink 2 liters of water per day.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman is obliged to follow a diet for the proper development of the fetus. Proper nutrition allows the expectant mother not to gain extra pounds and not deprive the baby of useful substances. You should remove harmful foods from the diet and eat healthy food in small portions, but often.

This is a comfortable diet that does not require strict food restrictions, but it must be followed for a long time. According to the description, you need to eat dairy products rich in protein and vegetables containing fiber. The body receives proteins for building cells, energy for life, and the intestines are constantly cleansed.

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

This article shows how popular are various diet options for one goal - to lose weight, look more beautiful or healthier. In fact, there are even more diets, but if you look at it from a scientific point of view, you can understand that in nutrition, everything is quite the opposite.

For each problem, a special, balanced and verified diet is selected. So, there is a certain type of therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the kidneys, for diseases of the biliary tract, there is a diet for atherosclerosis, and so on. No one claims to increase the number of these diets, because they already work.

But weight loss is a unique reason to create dozens of different diet options, although one single correct type of diet is enough, which maintains the usefulness of the diet, but reduces its energy composition by reducing fast carbohydrates and refined fats.

You should not simplify the situation and go on mono-diets, since each of them is flawed in its own way. Perhaps the only exception can be made for a salt-free diet, which allows you to expel excess fluid from the body within 3-4 days and ease the work of the heart. So, a banana diet can cause an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, and if a person has a tendency to arrhythmias and the kidneys do not work well, he can end up in the hospital. Grapefruit diet should not be used in patients with erosive and ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, in some cases, unloading-dietary therapy, consisting of short courses of fasting, can be more beneficial than a diet whose goal is the maximum loss of body weight in the minimum amount of time.


There are many dietary courses to choose from, choosing the best diets for yourself is not difficult. It is important to look not only at what you can eat and what you can’t, but also at the ability to harm health. You should not get carried away with different diets to eliminate extra pounds, you need to choose the right one and apply it periodically.

In order for the diet to have a positive effect in weight loss, you must follow the rules:

  • Observe the diet. It is necessary to take food at the same time, so that useful substances are better absorbed and metabolic processes are accelerated. Breakfast must be before 9 o'clock, lunch - before 14 o'clock and dinner - no later than 17 o'clock.
  • Eat properly. The signal about saturation in the brain comes only after 20 minutes, after when the stomach is already really full. Therefore, you need to stop eating when you feel a slight feeling of hunger, and not overeating. Food should be chewed well so that large pieces of food do not enter the digestive tract.
  • You can not eat foods with fast carbohydrates for snacks: sweets, cakes or cookies. If you want sweets, then it is better to eat an apple, prunes or dried apricots, in their absence - dark chocolate 1-2 slices.

To lose weight for sure, you need not to neglect hiking, rollerblading or cycling, and in winter - skating or skiing. You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Dieting is a great way to shed those unwanted pounds, it's a common fact. By adhering to certain rules, it will be possible to get rid of extra centimeters and improve your appearance. Of all the abundance of ways to eat, you can select the most effective diets for weight loss at home. Having studied detailed information about them, you can choose the one that suits your body characteristics. Approach the problem of excess weight thoughtfully - then you will only benefit from the diet, and side effects will bypass you.

What diet is the most effective and fastest

Every losing weight person should understand that it is necessary not only to reduce volumes, but also to maintain health. The rate of weight loss depends on the correct choice of diet, but also on the intensity of metabolic processes: the more active they are, the faster the kilograms go. What slows down the metabolism:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • skipping breakfast;
  • rare food;
  • plentiful dinner.

Any diet should begin with the exclusion of the above bad habits. To achieve the result, it is necessary to observe fractional and frequent meals, thanks to which the following actions occur in the body:

  • metabolic processes are launched;
  • there is a surge of energy;
  • normal hemoglobin levels are maintained.

For men

The main task for a man when losing weight is not only to normalize weight, but also to improve physical attractiveness and activity. Everyone likes it when the representatives of the stronger sex have relief in the press, arms and chest. To get rid of excess weight and at the same time highlight the muscles, you need a non-hungry, but effective diet. Follow these nutritional guidelines:

  1. For the manifestation of muscle relief, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates: sugar, all flour products. Bread is recommended to be replaced with bread.
  2. The need for protein should not be underestimated. During the period of weight loss, its content in the body should be at least 200 g. It is recommended to replace fatty meat with legumes: beans, asparagus, soy products.
  3. Potatoes in the diet are recommended to be replaced with cereals, fresh vegetables, which are available in any quantity.

For women

Girls, unlike men, rely more on emotions when choosing a diet. They often go to extremes: they squeeze themselves into rigid limits, refusing food completely or partially for a certain period, and at the end of it they return to their usual diet, thereby gaining weight at a high speed. This lasts until a woman realizes that the fastest and most effective diet is a nutritional adjustment.

The main thing in this process is to understand which foods used do not contain benefits, only contribute to weight gain, deterioration of well-being. Power regulation should be based on the following simple and well-known basic principles:

  1. The most difficult step is the rejection of products containing harmful carbohydrates, which, entering the body, quickly transform into fat: pastries, any sweets that contain sugar.
  2. Create conditions for four or five meals.
  3. Fractional meals are an important step in proper nutrition. The bottom line lies in the well-known rule: after each feast, a slight feeling of hunger should be felt.
  4. Do not load the digestive system with a late and voluminous dinner. Warm tea or honey water is great for curbing hunger.
  5. A fruit breakfast is a proven way by many followers of proper nutrition to saturate the body with useful carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber before lunch.
  6. A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, skin dullness, the appearance of acne and spots on it, which are characteristic of the diet.This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's admit its reception by long courses unlike other sorbents.

Simple but effective diets for fast weight loss

If you want to overcome excess weight with the help of quick weight loss, nutritionists recommend that you first consult a doctor for advice. A visit to the doctor includes an examination, testing, measuring body parameters and prescribing a diet. So you insure yourself against risky consequences (gastritis, depression, headaches, decreased immunity) that can occur with rash methods of losing weight.

Nutritionists who have invented new effective diets promise that the result will be visible already after a three-day period. During this time, you must adhere to a number of rules prescribed in the system. Only strict adherence to the recipe guarantees getting rid of the hated centimeters on the body. If you could not stand it and broke, then the diet must be started again.

Buckwheat mono-diet for 3 days

Such a diet involves eating one buckwheat, and this diet is notable for its low carbohydrate content. For her, you should choose unpeeled cereals with a whole grain kernel, because the shell contains the optimal amount of vitamins of section B. So that when cooking porridge does not lose useful elements, nutritionists advise soaking it overnight with cold water. In six hours, it will be saturated with liquid and will have the appearance and taste of boiled cereals. Thanks to eating one buckwheat for only three to five days, it is possible not only to normalize weight, but also to experience other pleasant bonuses:

  • buckwheat porridge dissolves vascular fatty plaques;
  • there is a powerful cleansing effect;
  • buckwheat gives long-term and easy saturation;
  • Due to the high content of copper, eating buckwheat has a great effect on hair, skin and nails.

Egg 5 kg for 5 days

The basis of such a diet are chicken eggs, because they consist of easily digestible protein. It is recommended to introduce fresh vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits into the diet. Due to the lack of the required amount of carbohydrates and fats, such a diet cannot be called balanced. The diet is designed for three meals a day:

  1. Breakfast: three eggs of the second category, one grapefruit.
  2. Lunch: apple, grapes, pear - in any quantity.
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken breast (200 gr.).

Kefir for 7 days

The diet from Larisa Dolina has been popular for ten years. Thanks to her, many overweight people have lost weight. The diet is designed for 7 calendar days, during which it is recommended to drink 2 liters of kefir. For this period, you should forget about sweets, pastries and those products that contribute to the appearance of extra pounds. The use of boiled chicken meat and vegetables is welcome, but these products are only allowed until five in the evening. The negative side of the diet is that when you return to your daily lifestyle, kilograms can return again.

Protein for 2 weeks

Hearing about such a diet, many people assume that this is a diet of only meat, but this is not so. This way to lose weight involves foods containing protein: meat, beans, peas. Many nutritionists argue that a protein diet is a heavy stress for the digestive system, because it receives proteins and fats and is completely deprived of complex carbohydrates. This nutrition gives an instant effect: in 2 weeks it is easy to achieve a minus of 10 kg. This result is not long-term, dangerous to health. Protein diet can lead to such negative changes in the body:

  • impaired renal function;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • muscle weakness.

Low-calorie 20 kg per month

It is possible to lose such weight if the mark on the scale reaches 110-150 kg. A low-calorie diet, in which it is easy to lose 20 kg in a month, provides for eating unheated vegetables, herbs and fruits. During this time, it is not recommended to eat cooked food. It is especially good to stick to such a diet in summer and autumn, but it is also possible in winter, because. there is a supply of seasonal products: winter varieties of white cabbage, beets, carrots, apples, pears.

These vegetables, and fruits, are allowed to be consumed in a comfortable amount for you in the form of salads and smoothies whipped with a blender. It is very important for quick weight loss to eat a large amount of dill, parsley, spinach, lettuce, basil, nettle. Once a day, it is recommended to make a green smoothie: your favorite fruit, whipped with a bunch of greens and water. With the help of a raw food diet, not only the problem with weight is solved, but the whole body is also healed.

Elena Malysheva for 10 days

If you need to lose the extra 5 kg, and you only have 10 days left, then use the diet developed by the popular TV presenter of health programs Elena Malysheva. This method is designed for 10 days. As a result of this diet, the body receives a complete set of carbohydrates and proteins for normal life. During this time, there is an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. Protein Day Diet:

  1. Breakfast: boiled egg (1 pc.), a bunch of dill, green salad (100 g).
  2. One boiled chicken (800 g) without salt should be spread over the rest of the day.
  3. Drink two liters of water throughout the day.

A carbohydrate day consists of:

  1. Salad with finely chopped raw vegetables: white cabbage (500 g), lemon juice, carrots (500 g), beets (500 g),.
  2. Drinking water (at least 8 stacks per day).

Rating of the most popular and effective diets in the world

Having made the decision to lose extra pounds through nutritional adjustments, not everyone has the desire to start this process with a new, untested diet. We all want to avoid side effects and stay healthy. Therefore, nutritionists offer a short list, which indicates the rating of diets in terms of effectiveness:

  • - leads the top effective diets;
  • Kremlin - light - for quick weight loss;
  • Hollywood - for effective weight loss;
  • "6 petals" - safe, for weight loss of the abdomen;
  • is the hardest way to lose weight.

How to get out of diets at home

The effect and duration of the result in losing weight depends on the nutrition after it ends. During food restrictions, the stomach changes in size, becoming a little smaller than usual. Nutritionists advise to leave the diet smoothly, without loading or stretching the stomach. Here are some recommendations from experts:

  1. Start your day with a large glass of water.
  2. On the first day after the diet, do not increase portions.
  3. Introduce familiar foods gradually: one every day.

Why extra complexity if you can lose weight without hunger, a strict menu and counting calories? Find out what the most common products help to get rid of extra pounds, how tasty they are to cook and how a regular toothbrush speeds up the process!

The myth that a diet is strict food restrictions has been finally debunked. Effective for weight loss, modern nutritionists tend to consider the diet that does not cause discomfort and is easy to follow. The products used to prepare the meals prescribed by the diet will always be found in the nearest store or even in your own refrigerator. The duration of simple diets is from 3 to 7 days. During this period, you can become 3-9 kg lighter, while maintaining a good mood and cheerfulness.

No to carbonated drinks!

It has been scientifically proven that daily consumption of sugary sodas and packaged juices increases the chances of increasing your weight by 65%. Products marked "diet" are also banned, as this is just a marketing ploy. Moreover, sweeteners used in diet drinks whet the appetite and provoke overeating. To painlessly switch from soda to clean water, at first you can add a mint leaf, a slice of lemon or a slice of cucumber to the last one.

Attention to detail.

Large supermarkets stock food flavored with sugar, trans fats, and salt in places that are most visible to the human eye. It is not only the colorful packaging that makes it attractive, but also the promise of quick saturation. To avoid temptations and the weight gain associated with them, it is better to bypass shelves in the line of sight. By the same principle, the order in the refrigerator should be organized: first of all, the look should fall on healthy food, that is, fruits and vegetables.

In any situation ... we brush our teeth.

Brushing your teeth is a simple and effective way to make any diet easier and more effective. What is mouthwash? But this is a signal to the body about the end of the process of absorption of food. The toothbrush has a tremendous psychological and physiological effect on the body, as it helps to stop the desire to chew.

The easiest diet

The easiest way to lose weight is to get rid of bad eating habits. Daily giving preference to only healthy food, you can achieve stunning results. A number of other rules are recommended for compliance:

  1. Eat until 18:00. Everything that has entered the body after is automatically deposited in the form of fat reserves.
  2. Organize four meals a day. When food is eaten frequently and in small portions, it is much easier for the body to cope with its digestion and absorption of nutrients. The optimal break between meals is 3-3.5 hours.
  3. Sit down at the table only when you feel hungry. At the same time, it is a mistake to lean on food as soon as the stomach responds with rumbling. Perhaps he is simply thirsty. And in this case, it is enough to drink a glass of water.
  4. Don't overeat. When feeling full, it is better to set aside a plate of food, even if the portion seems small.
  5. Prepare food in healthy ways. This means that frying foods in vegetable or butter is prohibited. Boiling, stewing, steaming will help preserve the beneficial properties of products.
  6. Normalize the drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

For painless weight loss, it is recommended to exclude all cereals from the diet, except for oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley. Bananas and grapes are banned. Alcohol and foods that stimulate the appetite (primarily spicy dishes) should be forgotten.

Mode for fast weight loss

The duration and diet of the diet is determined independently. Based on the proposed options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You just need to choose the best for yourself and start losing weight.


  • Apple, muesli or oatmeal with fresh berries. Coffee with minimal sugar.
  • An apple, a mix of fruits (bananas are prohibited) with the addition of a few tablespoons of a low-fat fermented milk product, linden or chamomile tea.
  • Apple, low-fat cottage cheese with fruits (except banana) and lemon juice.

Lunch (use small portions - about 200 ml or 100 g):

First meal

  • chicken broth, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • vegetable soup (zucchini, white cabbage, carrots, broccoli, green peas).

Main courses

  • stewed fish;
  • lean meat;
  • boiled egg.
  • stewed carrots with garlic and lemon juice;
  • stewed broccoli with lemon juice.

A few hours after dinner, you need to drink a glass of mineral water without gas.

Afternoon snack:

  • compote;
  • fruit;
  • prunes tea.

An hour later, you should drink a glass of clean water.


  • one kiwi or orange;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir.

For best results, it is important to have your last meal 4 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of water.

There is no special way out of the program, since the diet does not impose strict restrictions on nutrition. On the contrary, adhering to the indicated regimen, one can transfer the love for everything harmful to healthy dishes. This will benefit not only the figure, but the body as a whole.

Simple, actionable program

Eating strictly on time and counting calories is not necessary. It is enough to take 2 liters of clean water per day and stick to two menu items - regular and unloading. Weight loss occurs due to the absence of carbohydrates in the diet, while fatty foods and salty foods remain. Ketchup and mayonnaise are strictly contraindicated.

Daily menu:

  • Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Cucumber and celery salad.
  • Lunch: fried chicken leg without skin, a slice of ham, coleslaw.
  • Snack: a slice of cheese, a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: stew (200 g), scrambled eggs with tomato.
  • Before going to bed: kefir, medium-fat cottage cheese.

Unloading menu:

  • Breakfast: baked chicken, rice, fruit and vegetable smoothie.
  • Lunch: macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables, juice.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, boiled fish, yogurt.
  • Before going to bed: orange, low-fat cottage cheese.

Days must be alternated. In a week, you will be able to throw off at least 3 kg. If desired, the program can be used for a month. There is no special way out of the diet, since it is varied and balanced.

Diet for 1600 kcal per day

The diet is designed taking into account the daily needs of the body for nutrients. Its secret is in strict observance of the balance between the energy supplied with food and expended. Weight in this case is reduced quickly and naturally by cleansing the body.

The 1600 kcal diet menu contains the necessary amount of carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, which helps to lose weight and maintain physical activity.

Allowed for use:

  • dairy;
  • cereals (rice, wheat, buckwheat);
  • fresh fruit, including banana;
  • meat (turkey, beef, chicken);
  • fish;
  • vegetables, including potatoes;
  • whole wheat bread.

An exception is subject to:

  • flour;
  • fatty;
  • sweet.

Menu for 7 days

  • Z-to: millet porridge in milk with honey, green apple, a handful of dried fruits, green tea.
  • PS: kefir, a slice of cheese, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • O-d: cabbage soup, 2 slices of whole grain bread, cucumber salad with yogurt, green tea.
  • PS: a handful of dried apricots, fat-free cottage cheese.
  • U-n: peppers stuffed with rice and chicken meat, tomato salad.
  • Z-to: buckwheat milk porridge, a slice of cheese, cucumber, herbal tea.
  • PS: fruit salad with yogurt.
  • O-d: beetroot, rice with chicken breast, compote without sugar.
  • PS: green apple, low-fat fermented baked milk.
  • U-n: salad of tomato and cucumber with a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • Z-k: milk oatmeal porridge with honey, apple, tea.
  • PS: kefir and banana.
  • O-d: turkey fillet, bell pepper and tomato mix, buckwheat, a slice of whole grain bread, a glass of tomato juice.
  • PS: light salad with vegetable oil.
  • U-n: fish with vegetables.
  • Z-to: corn flakes with honey and milk, apple.
  • PS: dried fruits and cottage cheese.
  • O-d: pepper stuffed with beef and potatoes, diet salad with cucumber, tea.
  • PS: banana and ryazhenka.
  • U-n: fish stewed with vegetables, herbal decoction.
  • Z-k: rice milk porridge with raisins, tomato juice, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • PS: an apple baked with honey.
  • O-d: dietary soup, a slice of bread, a mix of cucumbers and tomatoes, hot water.
  • PS: a slice of cheese and kefir.
  • U-n: vegetable salad, boiled salmon.
  • D-to: milk with dried fruits, a slice of cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, herbal tea.
  • PS: banana.
  • O-d: chicken broth with potatoes, 2 slices of bread, cabbage-carrot salad, boiled egg.
  • PS: a handful of dried fruits.
  • U-n: cucumber, baked fish.
  • Z-k: a slice of cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, kefir.
  • PS: cottage cheese with carrots and yogurt.
  • Od: turkey stewed with rice and cabbage, tomato juice.
  • P-s: fruit cutting.
  • U-n: fermented baked milk and dried fruits.

On the eighth day, do not pounce on junk food. The proposed diet can be somewhat modified by adding your favorite foods in limited quantities. You can start adding honey to tea. You are allowed to have a cup of morning coffee.

Top 3 Simple Diets


The use of food rich in proteins contributes to the rapid saturation and restoration of strength. Carbohydrate products and those containing fat are excluded, due to which the body begins to expend its own energy reserves.

The advantages of the technique are obvious:

  • fast saturation;
  • varied diet;
  • no need to count calories;
  • high efficiency;
  • maintaining weight in the long term.

There are cons:

  • refusal of sweets;
  • abstinence from fatty foods;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.


The protein weight loss program is simple, but considered one of the most dangerous. You can avoid the consequences by following the rules of the diet:

  1. Drink enough clean water - at least 2 liters per day.
  2. Take a vitamin and mineral complex.

The following products are allowed:

  • lean fish;
  • lean meat without skin;
  • seafood;
  • offal;
  • egg whites;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.


  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • bakery products;
  • sweets;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • packaged juices, carbonated drinks.

Food can be boiled, baked, stewed. Roasting is prohibited. The ban is imposed on the use of vegetable oil, sauces and mayonnaise.

Before you “sit down” on a simple protein diet, you need to prepare the body. A few days before the start, it is recommended to clear the diet of too high-calorie foods. The ideal dish to eat is a detox soup.

Ration for the week

The first day

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar.
  • Snack: boiled beef (no more than 120 grams).
  • Lunch: steam fish 170 grams, rice 110 grams.
  • Afternoon snack: half a green apple.
  • Dinner: mix of cabbage, celery and green peas.
  • Before going to bed: freshly squeezed juice from apples and carrots.

Second day

  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir (no more than a glass).
  • Snack: rice porridge on the water (portion about 220 g).
  • Lunch: baked beef 150-170 grams.
  • Afternoon: apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad (no more than 220 g).
  • Before going to bed: homemade apple juice.

Day three

  • Breakfast: unsweetened herbal decoction.
  • Snack: a few slices of whole grain bread, whites of two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: lean beef meat and rice (120 g each).
  • Afternoon snack: a few kiwis.
  • Dinner: boiled brown rice and steam fish (portion about 200 g).
  • Before bed: orange juice.

Day four

  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast 150 g, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers, carrots and cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack: half an apple.
  • Dinner: salad of tomato and greens (no more than 180 g).
  • Before going to bed: tomato juice without salt.

Day five

  • Breakfast: unsweetened rosehip broth.
  • Snack: boiled beef 100 grams.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup.
  • Snack: boiled brown rice (portion about 170 g).
  • Dinner: carrot and cabbage salad, boiled veal or chicken breast 100 grams.
  • Before going to bed: orange-apple juice.

Day six

  • Breakfast: unsweetened green tea.
  • Snack: cracker and boiled meat 70 grams.
  • Lunch: boiled rice and vegetable slices (100 and 150 grams).
  • Snack: salad of white cabbage, cucumber and carrots 120 grams.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken (serving 150 g).
  • Before going to bed: a fermented milk product.

Day seven

  • Breakfast: cracker, a cup of milk.
  • Snack: carrot salad 100 grams.
  • Lunch: baked fish (serving 170 g), two boiled potatoes.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: young lamb boiled or stewed (100-120 g).
  • Before going to bed: kefir.


Subject to the correct regimen for all seven days, weight gain after losing weight will not occur. New foods should be introduced with caution, mindful of portion sizes. A significant restriction of sweet and starchy foods is welcome. The diet should be rich in dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, lean meat.


  1. Cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Liver and kidney disorders.
  3. Diseases of the joints.
  4. Pathologies of the digestive organs.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Elderly age.


The buckwheat diet is simple and effective. It can last 3 or 7 days. On average, you can lose about 6 kg per week. Visible weight loss while following the diet is combined with an improvement in appearance and well-being. Buckwheat contains a large supply of minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. Vitamin C helps fight viruses.
  2. Vitamin B improves skin elasticity.
  3. Vitamin PP resists stress.
  4. Folic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Fiber clears toxins.

The essence of the weight loss program is to launch active fat burning mechanisms. This happens on the fourth day, as soon as excess fluid is removed from the body. Significant weight loss starts on the 5th day of the diet.


  1. Buckwheat is prepared without salt. The use of oil is prohibited.
  2. The last meal should not occur later than 7 pm.
  3. The norm of liquid is 1.5 liters per day (this includes water and tea).
  4. At the end of the course, familiar foods can be introduced into the diet, slightly reducing portions and not leaning on fatty foods.

Grains for a diet are better to steam. 250 grams of buckwheat is sent to a thermos and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The next morning the porridge is ready to eat.

Menu for 3 days

The classic three-day buckwheat diet involves eating porridge and nothing more. As soon as hunger overcomes, you need to eat buckwheat. From drinks, only pure water is allowed. The diet is simple and economical, but it may seem too scarce, especially for those who do not consider buckwheat to be their favorite dish. Especially for such people, lightweight diets have been developed, including modest supplements.

Buckwheat + kefir

The addition of a fermented milk product increases the benefits of the diet. Kefir serves as a source of protein, rich in vitamins. It normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Observing the buckwheat-kefir diet, you need to eat enough cereals to saturate and drink a liter of 1% fat kefir per day.

Buckwheat + dried fruits

The use of dried fruits promises a charge of vivacity and increased efficiency. They not only diversify the diet, but also give the body natural sugar, vitamins and fiber. Adhering to a delicious program, you should eat buckwheat and add no more than 10 pieces of dried apricots, prunes or raisins to the menu.

Buckwheat + vegetables

It is very easy to maintain a diet combined in this way. Mono-diet turns into a multi-component diet. The main thing is to stop eating potatoes. Salads made from carrots, bell peppers and white cabbage are good. Buckwheat goes well with broccoli and celery. Fresh herbs may be present in the diet, which is suitable as an alternative to spices.

Ration for the week

A simple seven-day buckwheat weight loss program allows you to become 6-7 kg lighter.

  • Z-k: kefir and porridge.
  • PS: apple.
  • O-d: buckwheat, boiled fish, mix of cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • P-to: fermented milk product.
  • U-n: porridge, kefir.
  • Z-k: buckwheat, herbal tea.
  • PS: sour milk drink.
  • O-d: steamed chicken fillet, vegetables with herbs.
  • Pk: kefir.
  • U-n: buckwheat, kefir.
  • Z-to: buckwheat, yogurt without additives.
  • PS: orange.
  • O-d: vegetable stew, porridge, a slice of cheese.
  • P-to: sour-milk drink.
  • U-n: buckwheat, ryazhenka.
  • Z-k: boiled egg, buckwheat.
  • PS: grapefruit.
  • O-d: buckwheat, vegetable salad, cottage cheese.
  • Pk: kefir.
  • U-n: buckwheat, yogurt.
  • Z-k: buckwheat, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • PS: boiled beets.
  • Od: steam chicken cutlet, buckwheat, tomato.
  • Pk: ryazhenka.
  • U-n: buckwheat, fermented milk drink.
  • Z-k: buckwheat, protein of 1 egg, cottage cheese.
  • PS: kiwi.
  • Od: porridge, cabbage and carrot salad, fish fillet.
  • Pk: kefir.
  • U-n: buckwheat, kefir.
  • Z-k: buckwheat, fermented milk product.
  • PS: fermented milk product.
  • Od: buckwheat, green beans, boiled chicken breast.
  • Pk: kefir.
  • U-n: porridge, ryazhenka.


You need a similar amount of time to leave a simple diet lasting three days, continuing to consume buckwheat and gradually introducing meat, legumes, and fish.

From the seven-day regimen, you should come out more thoroughly. The next week should not lean on junk food. Boiled eggs or cottage cheese are preferred for breakfast, beetroot or light soup should be eaten during the day, vegetable stew and a piece of boiled fish should be eaten for dinner. The last meal is 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can drink natural yogurt.


  1. Hypertension.
  2. Duodenal ulcer.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. lactation period.


A diet without undesirable health consequences, simple and without exotic products - this is oatmeal. It has a positive effect on the figure and well-being, heals the body as a whole.

The composition of oats contains fiber, which works to cleanse the body. It also contains a multivitamin complex that enhances immunity and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. Oatmeal fights bad cholesterol, restores intestinal microflora, and starts metabolic processes. All this leads to weight loss.

Oatmeal mode:

  • varied;
  • does not require strict restrictions;
  • supplies the body with nutrients;
  • suitable for people with gastrointestinal pathologies.

Three-day diet

It is called unloading. In 3 days, the balance in the body is restored, toxins and toxins are cleansed. The diet is transferred, despite the meager menu, very simply. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is allowed to use oatmeal in any form - porridge, cereal, homemade cookies. From the liquid you can drink tea and water.

For seven days

  • Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal, a glass of skim milk, a handful of raisins.
  • Snack: blueberry, currant and raspberry smoothie.
  • Lunch: oatmeal, banana, yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: a serving of raw vegetables.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken breast (100 g), green salad, a serving of oatmeal, kefir.
  • Breakfast: a serving of porridge, a sour-milk drink, a slice of cheese, a teaspoon of flax seeds.
  • Snack: a portion of oatmeal, a handful of dried apricots, compote.
  • Lunch: boiled fish (100 g), a mix of carrots and cabbage, a slice of whole grain bread, tea.
  • Afternoon: apple.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken, oatmeal, orange juice.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, apple and carrot juice.
  • Snack: a serving of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled.
  • Lunch: chicken breast stewed with vegetables, a slice of cheese, oatmeal, coffee with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: kiwi.
  • Dinner: chicken leg, oatmeal with grated cheese, spinach and cucumber salad.

The fourth day repeats the first, the fifth - the second, the sixth - the third. Day 7 includes the following meals:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with a slice of whole grain bread, apple juice.
  • Snack: a handful of dried fruits or nuts, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: pasta, chicken breast, green vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Snack: cottage cheese and tea.
  • Dinner: oatmeal with prunes, sour milk drink.


The week after the weight loss program should remain dietary. Meals are light, portions are modest. The amount of sugar and salt continues to be limited. Fatty foods and spicy foods are not recommended. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, introduce soup on a weak broth into the diet. Flour is allowed only on the 2nd week (previously only biscuit cookies). If you feel hungry, you should drink sour-milk drinks with an average% fat content.


  1. Renal failure.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.

Modes for the lazy

The name of such diets is fully justified: they do not have complicated rules and overseas dishes. At the same time, the effect of losing weight is impressive.

On the water

The regime is one of the most effective and simple for weight loss. In a week, you can become 3-5 kg ​​lighter, without particularly straining. Diet conditions are simple:

  1. Drink a glass of non-carbonated water 20 minutes before a meal.
  2. Do not drink water within two hours after eating.

Water should be drunk not in one gulp, but in small sips, as if stretching the pleasure.

Eating is allowed in the usual way, somewhat reducing portions and excluding sweet and starchy foods. You can use a special menu, sitting on which there is a chance to improve the results:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, a slice of rye bread, fruit slices.
  • Lunch: chicken fillet stew, vegetable salad, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Dinner: baked fish, durum wheat pasta, vegetable salad with low-fat yogurt, an apple.

Nuts, dried fruits and fresh fruits are suitable as snacks.

A special exit from the diet is not required due to the absence of severe food restrictions. The main thing is to gradually reduce the amount of water consumed, bringing it to the usual norm. The mode is very useful for the body, which determines its advantages:

  1. Water removes toxins from the body, stimulates metabolic processes, renews physiological fluids.
  2. Drinking water before meals promotes the secretion of gastric juice, which has the best effect on the process of digestion.
  3. Thanks to water, the body gets used to smaller portions of food.
  4. Drinking water before meals significantly speeds up the metabolism. Fat simply has no chance to be deposited in problem areas.

Contraindications to the diet are minimal:

  • renal pathologies;
  • violations in the digestive tract;
  • liver problems.

With honey

Honey is a "pantry" of useful properties and an excellent alternative to sugar. A big plus of the honey regimen for the lazy is the absence of tasteless food. You don't have to give up sweets either. You can stick to the system from 3 to 7 days. Everything depends on the initial weight.

Honey must be of high quality. The ideal choice is obtained by collecting from different flowers. It is better to buy a product in the market "with hands". Such honey is considered the most natural and useful.

Honey mode rules:

  1. Exclude fatty, fried, flour and sweet (except honey).
  2. In the morning on an empty stomach and an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon.
  3. Eat a teaspoon of honey before every meal.

Ration for the day:

  • First breakfast: apple, low-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast: a glass of fruit and vegetable fresh juice, yogurt without additives.
  • Lunch: steam broccoli, apple, tea with honey.
  • Snack: orange or apple.
  • Dinner: kefir with a spoonful of honey or vegetable broth and honey.

The honey diet is low in calories (about 1200 kcal per day), so it is dangerous to follow it for more than a week. On the 8th day, you can include whole grain bread, hard cheese and oatmeal in the menu. Gradually, lean meat and fish should be introduced into the diet.

On apple cider vinegar

The regime, which is distinguished by its simplicity of execution, is popular and for good reason: its observance frees you from the need to change your usual way of life. In terms of effectiveness, vinegar weight loss is compared with intense training in the gym and strict fasting days. Restrictions are minimal: refusal of junk food, that is, fatty, fried and alcohol. You can stick to weight loss on vinegar for 3 days or more, adjusting your diet on your own.

As such, the vinegar diet does not exist. It should be understood as the inclusion in the diet of natural apple cider vinegar, which reduces weight and improves skin condition.

Real apple cider vinegar is credited with many useful properties:

  • reduces appetite;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves metabolism;
  • speeds up the digestion of food.

Without a "fly in the ointment" is also not complete. Apple cider vinegar is an acid, weight loss with which is strictly prohibited in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the digestive system.

Important! Acetic acid adversely affects the condition of tooth enamel. To prevent unpleasant consequences, the vinegar drink is drunk quickly, and immediately after rinsing the mouth with clean water.

For weight loss, you can use vinegar from the store, but it is better to cook it yourself. You have to cook from simple products - apples, water and sugar.

  1. Washed and finely chopped apples are placed in an enamel bowl and poured with hot water (60 degrees). The water should cover the apples by 4 cm.
  2. Sugar is added (100 g per 1 kg of apples).
  3. The container is placed in a warm place for several weeks, carefully mixing the apples twice a day.
  4. At the end of the period, the apples are filtered. The infusion is poured into glass bottles and left for 2 weeks in a warm place for fermentation.
  5. Ready apple cider vinegar is stored in a dark, cool place. Bottles must be tightly sealed.

The mode involves the use of one of the proposed options for the use of vinegar:

  1. After waking up, they drink a glass of warm water, in which a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and half a teaspoon of honey are previously dissolved.
  2. At breakfast, take a glass of water to which 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are added. In the afternoon, repeat the reception. Before going to bed, again drink a glass of water with vinegar.

The menu for 3 days may be as follows:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal and an apple.
  • Lunch: steamed turkey fillet, vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: mix of spinach, cabbage and carrots.
  • Breakfast: rice porridge, raspberry-strawberry mix.
  • Lunch: boiled perch fillet, spinach, tomato and carrot salad.
  • Dinner: steam chicken breast, kefir.
  • Breakfast: an apple.
  • Lunch: an apple.
  • Dinner: an apple baked with honey.

The last day of the diet is unloading, so on the 4th - food should be taken with extreme caution. For breakfast, you should use light porridge with skim milk, for lunch, a light vegetable soup or stew is suitable, for dinner, you should take a vegetable salad and a glass of low-fat yogurt.

If you wish to extend the regime, you can use the proposed menu as the basis for creating a further diet.


The diet is based on the use of a large amount of slow carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, sea fish, olive oil. Exclude from the diet:

  • eggs;
  • red meat;
  • sweets and pastries.

During the day, you should drink rosehip infusion, ginger tea, hawthorn decoction.

Small portions and sufficient drinking regimen are welcome. Eating after 19:00 is prohibited. Meals should be prepared in healthy ways: stewing, boiling, steaming and in a slow cooker. In a week, it is possible to lose weight and become lighter by at least 3 kg.

Within a week after the end of the regimen, harmful foods should not be included in the menu. Limited should be introduced smoothly: no more than 1 egg in 2 days, red meat - once in 4 days.

fruit and vegetable

The duration of the diet is 7 days, during which you will have to eat exclusively fruits and vegetables (eat 2 kg per day). When choosing fruits, you need to focus on the type of skin. With oily, sour and unripe fruits are suitable, dry - sweet and fully ripened. Both options are suitable for normal and combination skin. Weight loss per week - from 6 kg.

Practicing a diet is not recommended for people with increased secretion of the stomach and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. You should go out smoothly, gradually introducing protein-rich foods into the diet. On the morning of the 8th day, you can start with a boiled egg and a spoonful of oatmeal, eat a piece of baked fish in the afternoon, and drink a fermented milk product for dinner.

Recipes for simple dishes

Detox Soup


  • arugula (bunch);
  • broccoli (3 heads);
  • zucchini (quarter);
  • onion (half);
  • ginger root (piece);
  • clove of garlic;
  • olive oil (tablespoon);
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • non-carbonated mineral water (2 glasses);
  • ground black pepper;
  • sea ​​salt.


  1. Saute onion and garlic in a deep frying pan until fragrant.
  2. After a couple of minutes, add the broccoli, chopped ginger and zucchini.
  3. After 3 minutes, add water, cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for no more than 7 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture into a mixer bowl. Add arugula, pepper, salt and pour lemon juice there.
  5. Beat for 3 minutes at medium speed.
  6. Serve to the table.

Chicken fillet with vegetables


  • chicken fillet;
  • pumpkin (300 gr.);
  • broccoli (200 gr.);
  • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • garlic clove.


  1. Cut the fresh chicken fillet into pieces, lay on baking paper, put in the oven (180 degrees) for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut pumpkin into slices, pepper into strips, divide broccoli into inflorescences.
  3. Add vegetables to the fillet, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Chop garlic, add to meat and vegetables. Cook 2 minutes.

Fish with vegetables


  • 2 pieces of chilled cod;
  • half a red onion;
  • 1 piece of Bulgarian red pepper;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • greens (dill, parsley, celery).


  1. Cut the cod into portions.
  2. Prepare vegetables: cut the pepper into strips, onion into half rings, chop the greens. Lay out on parchment.
  3. Put the fish on top of the vegetables. Add tomatoes and lemon on top.
  4. Cover with a sheet of paper, send to the oven (180 degrees) for 20 minutes.

Salad for weight loss


  • fresh cucumber;
  • fresh tomato;
  • red bell pepper;
  • a bunch of green onions and arugula;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil.


  1. Rinse greens and leave in water for 5 minutes to remove dust.
  2. Cut cucumber, tomato and pepper, pour into a container.
  3. Chop arugula and herbs, add to vegetables.
  4. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice and add a spoonful of olive oil. Mix.

detox salad


  • large carrots;
  • young beets;
  • half a head of young cabbage;
  • half a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • a bunch of spinach;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • coarse sea salt.


  1. Grate carrots and beets on a medium grater. Chop the cabbage, put in a bowl and add a pinch of sea salt.
  2. Add carrots and beets, chopped greens to cabbage. Mix.
  3. Add oil and lemon juice. Mix.

Light vegetable stew


  • young squash;
  • tomato;
  • 150 grams of tomato juice;
  • head of onion;
  • sea ​​salt on the tip of a knife.


  1. Rinse and peel the zucchini, cut into small squares.
  2. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, finely chop.
  3. Finely chop the onion. Together with the zucchini, send to the pan. Wait until the juice is released. Then cover with a lid and simmer for 7 minutes.
  4. Add tomatoes. Simmer until the liquid has evaporated without a lid.
  5. Pour in the tomato juice, simmer for 10 minutes until it becomes thick.
  6. When serving, decorate the dish with herbs and a little salt.

Oatmeal banana cookies


  • 3 bananas;
  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 50 grams of low-fat butter;
  • a spoonful of honey


  1. Peel bananas and cut into small pieces. Use a blender to puree.
  2. Grind half a glass of cereal in a blender until fine crumbs. Pour over banana puree. Add whole flakes to it.
  3. Pour in melted butter, add honey. Mix.
  4. Form small balls, flatten with the palm of your hand and place on parchment paper.
  5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Kefir with kiwi


  • a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 40 grams of bran;
  • a spoonful of honey


  1. Peel the kiwi and cut into small cubes. Place a third at the bottom of the glass.
  2. Put a fermented milk product on kiwi. Add bran.
  3. Lay out a layer of kiwi again. Add kefir on top. The last layer is kiwi.

Simple exercises for the best effect

To enhance the effect of a simple diet when losing weight, it is useful to perform simple exercises daily:

  1. Retraction of the abdomen.
  2. Squeezing the buttocks.
  3. Walking up the stairs.
  4. Squats.

For the same purposes, “lunges” are good: from the “standing on the floor” position (feet shoulder-width apart), take a deep step forward with one foot. The active leg is bent at the knee. The knee of the second leg should touch the floor. After you need to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. Daily should be performed 20 times on each leg.

The bicycle exercise demonstrates a good effect. You need to lie on the floor, put your hands next to the body, raise your legs above the level of the abdomen, slightly bending at the knees. Perform an imitation of pedaling in the air about 20-30 times.

A good effect can be achieved with a regular hoop. It helps to burn fat deposits in the waist area and speed up the metabolism. You need to twist at least 15 minutes daily. In this case, the exercise should be continuous. If the hoop falls, start the countdown again.

And human performance.

By changing the nature of nutrition, it is possible to regulate the metabolism in the body and thereby actively influence the course of the disease. When prescribing dietary nutrition, the starting point is a rationally constructed diet of a healthy person, which changes qualitatively and quantitatively according to the disease of an organ or an entire organ system.

By dietary measures, certain nutrients are either completely eliminated from the diet, or they are technologically prepared in such a way that disturbed functions are replenished. For example, in diabetes mellitus, when the violation of carbohydrate absorption changes, simple sugars are temporarily or completely eliminated from the food, and the inclusion of foods rich in starch is limited. In some cases, simple sugars are replaced with sweeteners. In gastritis with hypersecretion of gastric juice, nutrients that are strong irritants of gastrointestinal secretion are excluded from the diet.


These techniques constitute the principles of dietary (therapeutic) nutrition, the so-called "sparing". There are three types of sparing: mechanical, chemical, thermal.

mechanical sparing It is achieved mainly by grinding food, as well as by the appropriate method of heat treatment - grinding food in boiled form (steamed or in water).

chemical sparing is achieved by eliminating or limiting those nutrients that can further disrupt the functions of a diseased organ, as well as by changing the method of cooking.

Thermal sparing- exclusion from food of strong thermal stimuli, i.e. very cold or very hot food. The temperature of the first and second hot dishes should not be higher than 60 °, snacks and drinks - not lower than 15 °. This must be taken into account, since hot dishes have a juice effect and weaken the motility of the stomach, cold ones reduce the secretion of the stomach, increase motility. Thermal sparing is used mainly for gastrointestinal diseases.

When prescribing a particular diet, it is necessary to take into account the overall effect of foods and dishes on the gastrointestinal tract. For example:

  • foods that quickly leave the stomach (dairy products, soft-boiled eggs, fruits and berries);
  • slow-digesting foods (fresh bread, refractory fats, fried meat, legumes);
  • having a pronounced juicy action - nitrogenous extractive substances (, mushrooms (broths from them), cheese, spices, cabbage, cucumbers, smoked meats);
  • having a weak juice effect (milk and dairy products, boiled vegetables and fruits, boiled meat, green peas, butter, fresh cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg);
  • having a laxative effect (prunes, vegetable oil, xylitol, sorbitol, cold vegetable dishes, cold vegetable juices, sweet drinks, vegetables and fruits, one-day kefir, cold mineral water, wholemeal bread);
  • reverse action (hot dishes, kissels, rice and semolina porridge, flour dishes, cocoa, coffee, chocolate);
  • have a choleretic effect (vegetable oil, especially olive, vegetables rich in vegetable fiber, tomatoes, grated radish with vegetable oil, beets, sorbitol, xylitol);
  • cause flatulence (legumes, fresh bread, especially rye, white cabbage, whole milk);
  • excite the central nervous system (meat and fish broths, cocoa, strong tea, spices, spices).

In some diseases (obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.), unloading diets are used, the purpose of which is to ensure the most complete sparing of the affected organs and systems, to help normalize metabolism and remove an excessive amount of adversely active substances from the body. This is achieved by a sharp decrease in the energy value of the diet and the content of nutrients that burden the work of diseased organs.

Diet is very important in dietary nutrition. One-time meals are increased to five. Accordingly, the intervals between meals are reduced (up to 3-4 hours). In connection with a decrease in appetite in patients, it is necessary to strictly observe the time of eating, with the exception of diet No. 1 (for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice) and diet No. 8 (obesity). With a number of diets, a more even distribution of calories across meals is recommended. Of great importance is the range of dishes, culinary processing of food, which improves the taste of dietary dishes and provides all types of walking, preserves the biological value of the diet and optimal digestibility of nutrients.

Characteristics of the main diets

Dietary nutrition is used both in hospitals (hospitals) and in sanatoriums. In our country, a group number system for prescribing therapeutic nutrition is used. The main diets are indicated by the corresponding numbers from #1 to #15. The most common diets are #1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15.

Diet number 1

Indications: inflammatory diseases of the stomach (gastritis) with impaired secretory and motor functions, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The causes of these diseases are a systematic violation of the diet, the use of very spicy and spicy food for a long period, very hot or cold food, poor chewing, dry food, nervous system disorders, smoking, alcohol abuse.

The purpose of the appointment. Normalize the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, stimulate the process of restoration of the mucosa and promote the healing of ulcers.

general characteristics. The diet is complete. All types of sparing are applied.

Mechanical sparing. All dishes are cooked in boiled form (in water or steamed), chopping, pureed dishes, meat is consumed without tendons, cartilage, fish and poultry - without skin.

Chemical sparing. When dieting, extractive substances are excluded (strong meat, fish, mushroom broths, all sour dishes and salty, fermented foods, all types of spices, except dill and parsley). It is not recommended to use strong tea, coffee, fried foods.

Diet - 5 meals a day, with short breaks and small portions.

Diet #2

Indications: inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa, gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice, chronic inflammatory diseases of the small (enteritis) and large (colitis) intestines.

The purpose of the appointment. Stimulate the secretory function of the stomach, normalize the motor function of the stomach and intestines, reduce putrefactive and fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes causing diseases of the stomach are similar to those described in diet No. 1. Common causes of intestinal diseases are intestinal infections (food poisoning, dysentery, etc.), eating rough food (immature vegetables and fruits), erratic eating, disorders of the nervous system, etc. d.

General characteristics. The diet is complete. Moderate mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing is applied.

Chemical sparing provides for the exclusion of excess fat, which inhibits gastric secretion.

Dishes that are indigestible, irritating the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing fermentation (whole milk, white cabbage, rye bread, sweet fruit juices, sweets, etc.), rotting (fried meat dishes in large quantities) are excluded.

To stimulate gastric secretion, extractives of meat, fish and mushroom broths are used, but they must be secondary, since it is necessary to reduce the fat content in broths. The same goal is pursued by the observance of the diet, especially the strict observance of the time of eating for the development of a conditioned food reflex. The conditions of eating, table setting, organoleptic indicators of food are also important. It also matters the correct preparation of the menu, especially lunch - the inclusion of an appetizer and a hot dish.

The diet is 5 times a day, 4 times a day is allowed. Diet number 5

Indications: acute and chronic diseases of the liver (hepatitis), gallbladder (cholecystitis), cholelithiasis.

The purpose of the appointment. Contribute to the normalization of the liver and gallbladder, to prevent the formation of stones.

The most common causes of these diseases are infections of the biliary tract and a violation of the principles of rational nutrition: overeating, especially foods rich in animal fats, cholesterol (dishes and gastronomic products from fried meat, offal, goose, duck, eggs); restriction in the diet of protein, vegetable oils, vegetables with a choleretic effect, grain products rich in dietary fiber; abuse of salt, pickled vegetables, vegetables containing oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, etc.), fried foods; non-compliance with the diet (eating is a stimulus for bile secretion: the less often a person eats, the longer and more bile stagnates in the gallbladder).

General characteristics. The diet is complete, but with the restriction of refractory fats, the inclusion in the diet of an increased amount of lipotropic substances. Also excluded are foods rich in extractives, purines, cholesterol, oxalic acid, essential oils, fat oxidation products. To normalize liver function, in addition to lipotropic substances, it is necessary to include fiber, pectin substances and a lot of fluid.

Diet - 5 times a day, in small portions at the same time.

Diet number 7

Indications: acute and chronic inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis).

The purpose of the appointment. Sparing the affected organ and removing excess fluid and nitrogenous toxins from the body.

general characteristics. The diet is complete, with some protein restriction. The liquid content in the diet is reduced, all dishes are prepared without salt, 3-4 g of salt is given to the patient in the hands, dishes rich in extractives, foods rich in oxalic acid, and essential oils are excluded. The diet should include foods rich in potassium.

Diet - 5-time, 4-time is allowed.

Diet number 8

Indications: obesity as a primary disease or concomitant with other diseases.

The main causes of obesity are hypodynamia, overnutrition, rare but plentiful meals, the abuse of fatty gastronomic products and flour confectionery, sweets, spices.

The purpose of the appointment. Normalize body weight, promote the restoration of metabolism.

General characteristics. The diet is inadequate. Calorie restriction due to carbohydrates (digestible) and partly fats (animals). Exclusion from the diet of foods and dishes that stimulate appetite, confectionery and sweets, restriction of salty food and liquids.

Inclusion in the diet of an increased amount of seafood and rich in dietary fiber.

Diet - 5-6 meals a day.

Diet number 9

Indications: contribute to the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of violations of fat metabolism.

General characteristics. A diet with a moderately reduced energy value due to the exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin. Complex carbohydrates (starch) and products that burden the liver, containing cholesterol, extractives are limited.

In the diet, the content of lipotropic substances, vitamins (especially vitamin C and the B group of vitamins), and dietary fiber are increased. Pisha is cooked in boiled and baked form.

For sweet dishes, sweeteners are used - xylitol and sorbitol.

Diet - 5-4 times a day.

Diet number 10

Indications: in diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis).

The purpose of the appointment. Contribute to the restoration of impaired blood circulation, normalize the function of the liver, kidneys, slow down the progression of atherosclerosis.

General characteristics. The diet excludes substances that stimulate the central nervous system and cardiovascular, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, meat, fish, mushroom broths, spicy dishes, smoked meats, foods rich in cholesterol. Limit vegetables that cause flatulence (radish, cabbage, garlic, onions, legumes), carbonated drinks. Products of predominantly alkaline orientation (containing salts of K, Mg, Ca) are recommended.

The share of vegetable fats increases (up to 40%). The diet is enriched with dietary fiber, vitamins C, P, E, carotenes, iodine.

Restriction of salt and water.

Diet - 4-5 meals a day.

Diet number 15

Indications: various diseases that do not require the use of special diets, as well as a transitional diet during the recovery period from special medical nutrition to rational nutrition.

The purpose of the appointment. Provide physiological needs for nutrients and energy.

General characteristics. The diet is physiologically complete, rich in biologically valuable substances: essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins. Salt - 10-15 g, free liquid 1.5-2 liters. Exclude indigestible foods and dishes, spicy dishes and spices, smoked meats.

Diet- 4 times.

Order No. 330 of the MZRF

Information letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 7, 2004, in which explanations, additions and clarifications to the specified document are given. It says that a new nomenclature of diets (a system of standard diets) is being introduced in health care facilities, which differ from each other in the content of basic nutrients and energy value, cooking technology and the average daily set of food products.

Previously used diets of the number system (1-15) are combined or included in the system of standard diets, which are prescribed for various diseases, depending on the stage and severity or complications from the organs or body systems.

Table 1. System of standard diets

The introduction of a new nomenclature of diets (a system of standard diets) into the work of medical institutions provides for the possibility of using an individual approach to diet therapy for a specific patient with a specific disease in these institutions (Tables 1, 2).

Table 2. Chemical composition and energy value of standard diets

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