Home Diseases and pests Becoming to harmonize relations with a girl. Clauses for runic staves in different life situations. Runes to attract love - how to use them

Becoming to harmonize relations with a girl. Clauses for runic staves in different life situations. Runes to attract love - how to use them

Runes have been used since ancient times as occult symbols that can protect, increase well-being, endow a person with certain qualities, and also help attract love into life.

Runes possess powerful impact, you can not treat them without due respect. But if you address them correctly, believing in their power and showing respect, you can radically change your life and make it the way you want it.

The main thing is to carefully study the meaning of each rune and use only those symbols that are suitable for your situation.

Runes for love

There are combinations of signs, runes that can solve problems in your personal life, help you meet your soul mate, or get married with an interested partner.

But before proceeding to them, it is worthwhile to get acquainted directly with the runes, which are most suitable for love questions. Knowing them, you will be able to independently come up with staves, although if you have recently become acquainted with the runes, it is better not to risk it and choose proven combinations.

So, main runes associated with relationships:

  • Gebo... It stands for "gift" and symbolizes equality, partnership, where reciprocity prevails. She won't help create a family, but will attract into life relationships full of sincerity, spiritual closeness and mutual assistance. She alone can be used to gain mutual understanding and common interests. To enhance the effect and create a family, you need to supplement it with other symbols.
  • Laguz... A feminine rune meaning "lake". She gives femininity, makes you more tender, gives attractiveness, reveals intuition. With its help, you can find a romantic relationship.
  • Evaz. She symbolizes marriage, an alliance built on mutual support. It helps to overcome stagnation, to develop a situation that does not budge. Suitable for those who want a spiritual relationship.
  • Otal. This is a home, family values. Suitable for those who dream of strong family in the classical sense. It will also help keep the family together.
  • Inguz. Fertility, male attractiveness, the fruits of hard work. Can revolutionize relationships, clarify the situation, push everyone to manifest true feelings.


If you want to attract a man with whom you plan to start a family or just enjoy a period of romance into your life, use rune formulas or stavas. Here we have collected a few of the most effective ones.

If you want to start a family with a reliable person, use this formula - Gebo - Otal. You will meet practical companion you can rely on. If you already have a loved one, but your relationship is not deep enough, you do not have enough affection, it will help you runogram from several runes Laguz, going in a row - two or three will be enough.

The combination of Berkan - Inguz - Uruz will increase a man's attraction to you and help improve his sex life. It can also be helpful if you are looking to get pregnant.

By becoming in love, you can do this. Take the Inguz rune for its center, combine Laguz and Gebo, add Soulu. Let all the runes intertwine with each other in a ligature. This becoming dedicated to Makoshi, the female goddess, and he will help find love.

You can make him a little different, then he will start to keep the family. Remove Laguz, add Ansuz and Vuno to Gebo. Vunyo will symbolize comfort and contentment, easy communication, and Soulu will give development, new strength for love.


Many men want to meet a woman with whom they will feel good and comfortable. To do this, you can use the following formulas: Pertre - Mannaz - Gebo, Kenaz - Hyera - Otil or Inguz - Gebo - Otil. All of them are aimed at attracting women.

If you need not just a girl for a while, but spouse, with which you want to go hand in hand all your life, use this runescript: Mannaz - Perth - Gebo - Berkana. He will give you courage and help you meet someone who will accept you as you are.

When writing a formula, you should only think about what you expect from it, because it can act in different ways. It is desirable to say a slip of the tongue.

The Teyvaz - Gebo - Vuno combination will help to get joy and ease in communicating with the female sex, if you write it aiming just at this. Dagaz - Kenaz - Gebo - formula, which will help return love, restore relationships with a girl.

You can make a becoming that will make a certain woman feel attracted, excited by the very thought of who made it. Becoming looks like this: Teivaz - Ansuz - Naud + Laguz + Kano 8 times - Yera.

Of a certain person

For women who want to quickly find a family and become the wife of a particular person, it is useful rune becoming from a combination of Inguz and Berkan symbols.

They give strong physical health for motherhood, help to look ready to become a wife in the eyes of the beloved, direct his thoughts to marriage. It is best to apply these symbols on a joint photo, but you can also wear them as a talisman.

If you are tired of the relationship not getting off the ground and nothing is happening, use the following rune position. In its center Freya's seal is drawn- the runes of Berkan and Inguz with horns, and then they are enclosed in the Perto rune.

The formula will help to achieve some kind of result, some recommend using it to bewitch, but it happens that because of it people break up if nothing keeps them together, except for a habit. If you're ready, use a red marker to paint over your joint photo.

Everything will either get better quickly, or it will break, but the situation will come out of stagnation. Berkana here symbolizes a woman, Inguz - her partner, and Perth - destiny... If the couple is destined to create, it will happen.


Sometimes it is not the love of the opposite sex that is required, but the love of people around, and then the following formula will help: Soulo - Dagaz - Vunyo. She helps to resolve conflicts, attract people and please them. Better to apply it to the solar plexus.

It will also help becoming, consisting of rune Vunyo, Teivaz, Soul, Dagaz, Noyt, Raido and Laguz, Gabe, Berkana, Tursy, Feho.

Although it seems complicated, it works great: people will begin to reach out to you, you will be able to charm anyone, business partners will begin to trust, everyone, even those who previously disliked you, will suddenly become sympathetic. People will feel joy when they encounter you, they will enjoy communication.

With a caveat

Clause- these are words that are pronounced when the runes are applied to the body or to any carrier. With him, the action of the stav becomes much stronger. Need about every rune, based on its action and purpose, say the words in which your expectations are expressed. Here is one of the strongest slanderous formulas to help you meet your husband.

Evaz - Mannaz - Gebo - Vunye - Fehu - Yera. This runogram will help you meet and start a relationship with a real prince on a white horse. With him you will have a bond that can lead to marriage. Be sure to do formula clause, say what you expect from each rune.

Runa Evaz means attraction, the entrance of something new into your life, let it come, on the Mannaz rune, describe the qualities and character traits that the betrothed should have. Gebo means partnership, say that you have to get close spiritually or decide everything together.

Wunye is a family, say you want a family and a romantic relationship. Fehu - prosperity, if it doesn't matter to you, you can not include the rune in the formula, but if it matters, talk here about the material wealth of the prince. It all closes rune Hyera, it is - getting the necessary result, the fruits that you are trying to achieve.

Our world is made up of matter, which is thinking energy. It looks like a magical picture of the world. If there is not enough energy, it can be attracted with the help of magical rune formulas. Betting on sex is designed to fill the lack of love energy in your life. How to apply magic formulas, from which runes do you need to compose them?

What runes are used to compose love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) Formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

e) Magical love binding:

f) To kindle passion, the following ligature is suitable:

Important! To fasten the rune love ligature, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula for love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photo;
  • in the photograph of a man;
  • in your joint photo;
  • on the sheet with the name and surname of the man.

The algorithm of actions should be directed towards the result. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, draw runes on your body or your photograph. If you need to influence a man, draw runes on his photograph. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes in a joint photo. If there is no photograph, we put the ligature on a sheet of paper with the written down initials.

How to activate the ligature?

In order for the rune formula to start working to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. Activation of the tie (stav) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write by becoming, all the time thinking about the man;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (we sing: isa);
  • before starting the ritual, light a red candle;
  • once again we pronounce the names of the runes aloud, then we draw up a spell (slip of the tongue).

What is a clause? This is the task for the stav that he must solve. The clause can be drawn up in poetic form (vis) or in simple words. For example, love binding - -Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrey (Igor / Dima). Let the rune of Isa stop his willfulness so that he obeys my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all the past relationships of Andrey (Igor / Dima) so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our connection. May it be so!"

You can come up with your own reservation for this stav, suitable for your situation. After that, you should blow on standing three times: breathing revives the action of the runes. Some active girls circle the signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the desire is fulfilled? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not go. When the goal is successful, erase the written signs. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with a rune. At the same time, one should thank the runes from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it in the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must clearly indicate the period for the sale of the stav, after which its validity ceases.

What if becoming created for lasting action? Then you should periodically "revive" the formula with your breath, trace the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update becoming? About every two months. After long-term use, it is better to burn on wood or stone, but not necessarily.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Runes are the alphabet used by ancient people, but each sign contained an occult meaning. Runes were used to create amulets, talismans, with their help they attracted good luck and love, protected the house and family, looked for their place in life.

Nowadays, runic magic is very popular, many people use formulas to get their way.

But in order for the runogram to work, and the effect of its use was stronger, it is imperative to use stipulations. They activate the formula and make the symbols go exactly in the direction you want them to.

Clause: how to make

Runes, connected in a formula or in a ligature, act on an energetic level, change certain vibrations and help achieve goals. If you have compiled runogram or found a ready-made one, you will also need a reservation.

It is drawn up according to certain rules. It consists of:

  • Introductions. In the introductory part, it should be said that you are calling for the runes for help. Can it to formulate as follows: "This runic ligature", "Let this runic formula make that ...", "By the power of the runes ..." and the like. You can also give your name here, if you impose an influence on yourself, or the name of the one you are influencing.
  • The basics. Here it is necessary to say what you are expect from the runes... For example: "Vanya will come to Tanya in the morning" or "I will lose weight." This could include timing and additional circumstances. Everything must be said in the future perfect tense.
  • The formal part. Here need to stipulate how the formula will be activated and how you can then terminate it. For example, you can say this: "The rune formula is activated with the help of my breath and stops working after I gratefully erase it."
  • Parts of the safety net. By her you protect yourself from the possible negative impact of the runes on some other areas of life. Some always add this part, some don't. It's up to you whether to use it. The words should sound something like this: "The runes have an impact without harm to my health, marriage, and other aspects of life."

It is always necessary to specifically stipulate the work of the runes, vague and poetic comparisons should not be. If you doubt that you can write a good disclaimer, you can use the existing ones, written by professionals.

For love

There are many runic staves for love, you can find on the Internet the one that is right for you. Often they come with clauses, but sometimes you have to come up with a clause yourself. If you want to use a ready-made one, take one of these or compose your own based on them.

Remember that the last two parts will need to be added to these words, because only you can decide how to activate becoming and whether to use the last part about harm.

"This rune formula will bring together the lives of two people, (your name) and (partner's name), will make the relationship possible and built on trust and love. (Your name) and (partner's name) will create a harmonious and pleasant relationship in which everyone will be happy and protected, everyone will feel comfortable. "

« This runogram weaves together the destinies of (name) and (name), creates situations, thanks to which their relationship will begin, which will be complete and harmonious in the sexual aspect, will be full of mutual understanding and support, love and joy of communication. (name) and (name) will create a lasting union and family in which there will be peace and happiness. "

"This runic becoming endows (your name) with attractiveness and sexuality, so that men pay attention to (name), promotes meeting with an intelligent, rich, kind, honest man, creating harmonious relationships with him, built on love, and marrying him. "

To work

To solve problems at work or find a good job, use the following by stipulations.

“This runic becoming will make sure that in the next two months I get (a) a prestigious and highly paid job with a salary from (amount), on which I will feel comfortable and good, there will be excellent relations with colleagues and bosses, a five-day work week and vacation ".

“This rune becoming, let it destroy the obstacles that prevent me from getting a good job, let it send me honest and willing to pay a lot of bosses, a lot of those who want me to work for them and streams of blessings for finding a job soon with salary from (amount) and excellent chances for career growth, with comfortable and pleasant conditions and bonuses. "

For sale

If you urgently need to sell a thing, a house or a car, use these clauses, replacing the subject in them with the desired word.

"Let this runic the formula will destroy all the obstacles on the road to my success and will give me the opportunity to sell a home machine vacuum cleaner at a bargain price from (amount). Let the runes give me opportunities for constant receipt of money and successful sales in addition to illegal and criminal opportunities. "

“Let this rune becoming will make it possible to sell my apartment located at the address (address) within the next three months at a price (price) with a huge benefit for me and without harm to other areas of life, for my relatives and friends. Let the buyer be honest, do not bargain and go to my terms. Let the deal be closed quickly without legal or other problems. "


Slimming runes- a fairly frequent assistant, and the following stipulations are suitable for any rune staves created for this purpose.

“Let this rune becoming remove my complexes that prevent me from enjoying life, destroy the obstacles that prevent me from losing weight and gaining the desired forms, remove the blockages that prevent me from developing, will promote my weight loss without harm to health for a month. "

“This rune formula promotes the elimination and burning of fat in my body, the breakdown of fat cells that make up excess weight, accelerates metabolism, increases the tone of the body, tightens the skin. The weight goes away without harm to health and relationships, my body takes shape (90-60-90, for example), my weight becomes (50 kg). "

For pregnancy

If you want to get pregnant, you need to use the appropriate runes and these clauses.

"The rune becoming promotes my pregnancy, allows the man's sperm to join my egg, helps the embryo develop healthy. The runes help me get pregnant in the next month without harm to everyone and to me. "

“May this rune formula remove all obstacles that hinder me conceive a child, will destroy the obstacles that prevent you from getting pregnant, will contribute to the successful conception and bearing of a child for nine months and will help in childbirth. The work needs to be done no harm for my body and psyche, without harm to the unborn child and my loved ones. "

Quite often there are situations with unrequited love, with barriers between two lovers, as well as with loneliness and inability to find a soul mate.

In such cases, many begin to look for a way out of the situation with the help of magic, Tarot and Runes. In this article, we will look at how you can attract love with Runes.

It is always worth remembering that a love spell is a violent magical binding, which has many negative consequences and you will have to pay for what you have done for a long time. The object of a love spell will never express sincere feelings, because there are none, he will only present what has been put into him. It can get bored soon.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about attracting love into life, strengthening and stabilizing existing feelings. Attraction is the attraction into life of a person who is suitable for you at a given moment in life, at this stage of the path for the organization of personal relationships. A suitable person can be the only one, that is, from the moment of meeting for life, or just a new partner. Also, the concept is a suitable purely individual criterion, since all people have different tastes and preferences.

Rules for drawing up love formulas from runes

When writing staves and runic formulas, the following rules and actions must be observed.

  1. Preparation. It is necessary to prepare everything you need. Runes, know the meanings of Runes and their combinations, the place where the composition of the stave will take place. Pens, a ruler, a sheet of paper for writing and compiling a runescript.
  2. Decide where the runescript or formula will be applied.
  3. Candles and incense, bowls.
  4. Try to ensure that no one distracts you while drafting and writing, as well as while pronouncing the slip. Disable sound and vibration on your mobile phone. Warn relatives not to be disturbed.
  5. All windows and doors in the room in which you are doing magic must be closed.
  6. A special napkin or tablecloth must be placed on the table, which is not used anywhere else.
  7. Before compiling a runescript, a short meditation is recommended to calm and tune oneself in a certain way. On average, 10-15 minutes.

After preparation, you can start.

Runic formulas for attracting love consist of Runes that attract the necessary energies and in their combination and reinforce them with a slip.

Runes of relationship and love: Hagalaz, Isa, Yera, Eyvaz, Inguz, Gebo, Soulu, Dagaz. The rune of Hyera in sound can be replaced by Jera. Pronunciation of the name of the Rune can both strengthen the runescript and weaken its effect or soften.

In runic formulas, it is advised to use the Gebo runes (partnership, relationships) and Hagalaz (need and need for love).

It is best to use red ink, as this color is a symbol of love and all its manifestations.

The basic rule that should be observed: in no case should you tell anyone that you made a runic formula or a runescript for love, especially not to speak to any person. It is also forbidden to show your ready-made runic formulas and slips to strangers.

Runic formulas to attract love.

In all runic formulas, Gebo acts as a relationship, a partnership.

Berkana and Inguz are focused on family relationships, love, children. Kano stabilizes the situation. Otal creates a platform for common interests, common property, common values. Isa consolidation of the achieved results. Yera is the ending, the happy outcome. Uruz is movement and activity. Eyvaz strengthening the actions of Uruz. Vunyo brings light and joy to relationships, bestows harmony and balances emotions. Algiz acts as a protection at all levels. Perth opens a person to search for a soul mate.

The basic formula for bringing love into life

Gebo + Perth + Kano + Gebo + Vuno + Jera

Find a life partner.

Gebo + Otal


Gebo + Laguz + Vuno

Keeping love.

Isa + Gebo - Gebo is superimposed on the Isa Rune.

Isa - the basis, the trunk of the runescript, freezes, that is, it preserves what has been achieved.

Gebo - partnership, relationship.

Strengthening relationships, gaining mutual understanding.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Increased sex drive.

Option 1 - Berkana + Uruz + Inguz

Option 2 - Eyvaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo

Attracting a partner with the subsequent development of relations.

Perth + Mannaz + Gebo

Kano + Hyera + Otal

Inguz + Gebo + Otal

Removing barriers between loving people.

Turisaz + Kano + Soulu

Turisaz - removes obstacles.

Kano is a symbol of love and warmth, stability.

Soulou - enhances the action of the first two runes, improving the situation, giving it integrity.

Family creation.

Perth + Algiz + Berkana + Mannaz + Otal + Mannaz + Gebo

Mannaz is a symbol of a person.

Perth - opening a stream to find a partner.

Finding harmony in relationships, both in a married couple and in a relationship.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal + Vunyo + Gebo

For marriage.

Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Otal + Vuno + Hyera

Keeping family and relationships alive.

Isa + Otal

When these runes are combined (the imposition of Otal on Isa), the following runes are additionally formed: Gebo, Raido (in the normal and mirror position), Nautiz (in the normal and mirror position), Vuno (normal and mirror position), Teivaz.

Transfer of relations to a new level, development of the situation.

Gebo + Kano + Inguz

When the Runes are combined, an additional Otal Rune is formed, which enhances the effect of the runescript.

Runic love and friendship formulas

Dagaz, Gebo, Soulu, Inguz - creates an atmosphere of sociability, attracts friendly contacts.

Soulu, Gebo, Teivaz - good relationships in society, attractiveness.

Gebo, Mannaz, Gebo - be in the spotlight.

Kano, Vuno Kano - love.

Kano, Uruz, Gebo, Vunyo, Kano - excites passion, creates sex appeal.

Soulu, Berkano, Soulo, Kano, Teivaz - enhances femininity, sexuality.

Dagaz, Evaz, Raido, Gebo, Vuno, Gebo, Kano - increasing the circle of acquaintances, finding friends, chances for love.

Soulu, Feu, Raido, Gebo, Eyvaz - search for friends, like-minded people, chances for love.

Vunyo, Raido, Gebo, Berkana, Kano, Yer - love and marriage.

Anzus, Gebo, Vunyo - the joy of communication, the return of contact.

Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo - love affair, bright feelings.

Dagaz, Kennaz, Gebo - return of love.

For each runic formula, a clause is drawn up. Which is read during the activation of the runes. Your intention is embedded in the clause. Read clearly, with faith, with a focus on what you want.

Make a disclaimer for your goals. You can find ready-made ones.

"Let this formula attract happy love relationships into my life with the power of the runes. Let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones. The formula is activated by breathing, and deactivated by burning."

How to apply runescripts and formulas correctly.

Runescript is a combination of several Runes into one sign. In this case, other Runes can also be obtained. In this case, you need to very carefully think over the outline of the runescript, because the resulting runes can both strengthen the runescript and make it opposite in action.

The runic formula is simply writing the runes sequentially one after the other. In this case, the sequence of writing also matters.

First, what needs to be achieved is written, then it is fixed by the corresponding Runes.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be applied to:

Photo of the object,

Joint photo,

Talisman (wood, stone),

A blank sheet of paper (preferably landscape without rulers and cells), with the name of the object written on the back, its date of birth and the characteristics necessary to achieve.

There are also several options for writing runes, different teachers and authors teach in different ways. Therefore, find a more convenient way for yourself and follow it as the main one.

Activation of the runescript and the runic formula.

Activation of the runic formula consists in pronouncing a slander, expressing one's intentions. Activation is needed to put the formula into action for it to start working.

There are several ways to activate runescripts and formulas.

  1. Consecutive pronunciation of the name of each rune participating in the formula:

When writing. They wrote and pronounced.

After writing. We wrote all the Runes, then mentally concentrate on the question or object and pronounce each Rune.

  1. Writing a special clause in poetic form. It expresses the intentions and goals set for the solution by this formula.
  2. Pronunciation of the name of each Rune, a stipulation that this rune should perform, what role is assigned to it in the formula.
  3. By spontaneous method.

After activating the rune formula, it takes effect. Be prepared for the fact that you have to wait a while, the action is not lightning fast.

The average duration of the formula is about a month. If the formula has not yielded results for a month or more, then you need to either improve it, formulate your thoughts more clearly and recharge it again.

After achieving the result, when love has come into your life, the sheet or photo with the runic formula must be destroyed. That is, burn it. This is done so that the second wave of the runescript action does not go, or vice versa, the action in the opposite direction.

In the case when the runic formula is created not for a short term or not for a specific purpose, but for use for many years, then in this case it is enough to simply maintain the operation of the runescript. This can be done with your breath or by pronouncing the reservation again. The so-called recharging period is once a month or two months.

When destroying the rune formula, you must thank the Runes for their work, say thank you to them.

Unfortunately, in love affairs, many of us are faced with an obstacle in the form of a lack of mutual feelings on the part of our chosen one or other circumstances that make uniting hearts a difficult task.

In such cases, rune magic, which is based on ancient knowledge, can come to the rescue. And in this article we will tell you how the runes for love are used and which one will remove obstacles and reunite hearts.

Its use is not an appeal to the forces of evil, so everyone can try this method. But you need to follow the scheme for drawing the runes and some other rules.

One of the most powerful types of such magic is becoming, consisting of several runes connected in a special way. Each of them fulfills its specific role, making this combination highly effective.

Becoming a love spell - removing barriers to reunification

In the presented diagram, you can see an example of a stav, which has the effect of a love spell and removes obstacles to the reunification of hearts. The author is a connoisseur of rune magic, known on the Web as Sam.

The mechanism of its work is due to the action of three runes:

  • Tours (red line),
  • Kano (green),
  • Soulo (respectively, blue).

Tours is a kind of battering ram, with the help of which all obstacles in a relationship with a loved one will be removed.

Kano here it symbolizes love and other warm feelings.

A Soulo- This is a sign that contains a force that increases the effect of the two previous runes.

How to apply

Traditionally, runes are applied by carving on wood. But you can also use more affordable tools. For example, the ideal option would be to apply a love stave on a photo of the object of adoration, and at the same time there will even be no need to pronounce a slip of the tongue.

If there is no such possibility, the drawing can be drawn on paper, on the back of which the name of the beloved or beloved will be written, as well as important information about in whom the flame of love needs to be ignited.

The traditional color of love magic is red. These are the inks that will need to be selected for maximum effect.


In order to strengthen and bring the result closer, you can pronounce it. The following phrase is suitable for this stave:

Sweeping away all obstacles on the way and igniting the fire of passion in (Name), love for me is born!

You need to put all your feelings into these words, while visualizing future ideal relationships.

If everything is done correctly, the result will not be long in coming!


You can master runic magic on your own. To do this, you will need the appropriate literature and the runes themselves. All material is easy to find in two of our favorite stores:

We wish you happiness and prosperity. Let the runes for love help fulfill your desire.

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