Home Diseases and pests Scary quest for the birthday of 15 years. Quest for a group of teenagers for their birthday. Interactive off-site quests for teens

Scary quest for the birthday of 15 years. Quest for a group of teenagers for their birthday. Interactive off-site quests for teens

We set a date two weeks in advance. Enough time to properly study the reviews and start worrying ... It's dark, unexpected ... shocker ... bruises and scratches ... How to decide on this .... We arrived ... The guys are in hard mode, and we are girls , thought something about the shocker. I asked to hit me on the leg for a test time ... Tolerable - like a bee sting ... but there, in a surprise mode, and I immediately refused ... Then the safety rules - from us contact - 0, and from the actor 100% - intriguing ... We entered the first room - only ...

We set a date two weeks in advance. Enough time to properly study the reviews and start worrying ... It's dark, unexpected ... shocker ... bruises and scratches ... How to decide on this .... We arrived ... The guys are in hard mode, and we are girls , thought something about the shocker. I asked to hit me on the leg for a test time ... Tolerable - like a bee sting ... but there, in a surprise mode, and I immediately refused ... Then the safety rules - from us contact - 0, and from the actor 100% - intriguing ... We entered the first room - only a faint red color, a crib, a doll and children's things ... At first they did not know what to do and began to feel the walls ... And here he is for the first time ... Suddenly a maniac jumped out and pounced on us - shouted, and this gave us the drive for further advancement ... And behind the crib there is a hole in the next room ... And this is the only secret that I will reveal here, because I personally liked it very much ... You understand, that it is necessary to climb there, but there is complete darkness and uncertainty, and we have already met with the maniac and suddenly he is waiting for us there ... First, they put their hand in to examine the space ... And then we climbed there in turn ... The dark room is just candles on the window. Outside the next door, our friend was taken hostage, and it was necessary to save him ... The most difficult thing began - puzzles, riddles - we guessed to something, and over something we were shaking and thinking - how can you be so stupid .. We were helped by a girl administrator on the walkie-talkie in difficult situations ... But here I will not talk about it ... Because it is worth going through on your own. At some point, I felt like an RPG hero, but only here is reality and there is no return after saving ... The unexpected appearance of a maniac brought us to horror ... It got to the point that we began to close the doors behind us and fix them during the transition to the next room ... Once we tried so hard to escape to one of the rooms that we fell to the floor in a crowd, and a corpse doll fell on top of us ... screams, and then hysterical laughter. There was another riddle over which we were so hung up that we even forgot that the maniac was near. It was necessary to solve the code on a typewriter .... How did we laugh - "What is the code?" "YUDTH6?" There were electric candles in the rooms, which we took with us, and there was a funny moment - one of the guys (and the guys served in the army) - over which we girls, then laughed, began to throw these candles into the corridor like grenades to check if there was a maniac or not. .. And they also laughed when the girls entered another room, the guys covered the rear in the next room and the maniac took us there by surprise - he scared us, and then showed us "Shhh" with his finger and made his way how to shock the guys behind the wall with electricity ... In the end, everyone was already so scared that they just flew out through the last door, but they liked the quest very much ... Whoever wants it harder - settle for the shocker, although without the shocker there is enough adrenaline. In general, it's a cool game. Very scary, very fun and interesting riddles! The actor is delicate, but he tweaked our nerves skillfully. We recommend it to those who are tired of watching horror films and want to immerse themselves in this reality and experience it all on themselves.

  • Transit time 60 minutes
  • Players: 4

- a set of ready-made colorfully decorated tasks, with which you can play an exciting holiday game at home - a team search for a hidden surprise or play an original way the presentation of a New Year's gift.

Give children an unforgettable New Year's adventure!

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and put them out in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain just before starting the game.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

About the set

  • Home New Year's quest for children 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old includes a set of tasks, each of which is hiding in a certain place. The solution to each puzzle points to the location where the next clue is hidden. Thus, a chain of tasks is obtained, which must be passed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
  • The set provides a variety of universal places in an apartment or a private house, where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • You can do any number of stages, and hide hints in any order, which is very convenient for the quest organizer.
  • Possibility of dividing players into 2 teams.
  • The quest contains 10 types of interesting, colorfully decorated in the New Year's theme tasks based on word games and various types of ciphers with several variants of keywords.
  • The set is intended for children 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old.

With this kit you can:

  • run a quest for one child
  • run a quest for one team of children
  • play the game as a competition between two teams
  • hold a festive game for two teams without competition, with prizes for all players

Kit design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards... It is stable and takes only a few minutes to cook (details included), in the middle is the first hint; postcard format - A4. In finished form, it looks like this:

registration of tasks

Description of tasks

(in brackets are the key places where you can hide hints and surprise)

  1. New Year's room. A very exciting task, the "highlight" of this kit: the players will have to show observation, run around the house and be smart. It consists of several stages: first, you need to find 6 differences in the pictures, then find 6 cards with encrypted letters, and then decipher the letters and make a keyword out of them. Places of differences 1st option: wardrobe, rug, lamp, clock, hat, houseplant. Places of differences 2nd option: box, picture, shelf, pillow, package, bedside table. Variants of the encrypted word: chair, kettle, fruit, your option is a template for self-editing).
  2. New Year's puzzles (envelope, plate). An excellent task for quick thinking, interesting puzzles on the New Year's theme.
  3. New year cipher (computer, TV). Colorful New Year's cipher. First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  4. New year clock (diary, mailbox). With the clock cipher, players need to solve an encrypted riddle.
  5. Christmas tree (newspaper, pocket). A bright colorful task for making up words.
  6. New Year differences (sofa, wall). An entertaining task for observation, you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  7. Extra item (table, chair, iron). Original fileword. Concentration and composure task
  8. New year drawing (mug / cup, kitchen drawer). Not an easy mindfulness task. To read a hint phrase, you need to restore the sequence of pictures.
  9. Encrypted hint (washing machine, fridge / freezer). Fascinating unusual cipher.
  10. New Year's puzzle (balcony, battery, windowsill, your option). An easy but fun task. To find out the next search location, players need to complete a puzzle.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for the preparation and conduct of a quest (including a team one) + a table of key places and corresponding tips, convenient for drawing up a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are framed in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(the postcard and assignments look great on plain office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 46 pages, instructions - 6 pages (pdf files), postcard for the beginning of the quest (jpg file)

Quests for children are the most difficult genre in my opinion. First, a different intellectual load is selected for each age. Something that comes easily at 15 causes panic among 11-year-olds. Secondly, it often happens that children with a large age difference end up in the same company. For example, brothers and sisters who are 5-8 years older or younger than the birthday person come for a birthday party.

In this case, we suggest that customers choose the difficulty of the game on their own, since before starting the quest, you need to clearly understand for what age it is preferable to run the program.

If the presenters come to you with props, this is called an “exit quest”.
You bring children to stationary quest rooms yourself.

Off-site quests for children 5-9 years old

Games usually last 2 hours. If such children are offered 2 hours to solve puzzles, even with the use of unusual props, they will quickly lose interest in what is happening. Children's quests are full of a variety of activities, so that the participants can switch their attention every 5-7 minutes. They often move a lot, sometimes sit and whisper with the presenters, perform commands to music, put together puzzles, perform creative tasks, etc.

All this is inscribed in an interesting plot, at the end the main secret will be revealed. The presenters bring all the props with them. You can play at home, at school, in the country, in a loft, in a children's entertainment center, in a park.

Interactive off-site quests for teens

For children from 10 to 15 years old, the presenter (sometimes also actors) conducts the game. Preparation begins one hour before the start of the quest. The presenter makes several game locations - lays out the props on the prepared territory. The game lasts about 2 hours, during the program the presenter can give hints if the participants find it difficult to cope with the puzzles. Choose this quest if you have more than 10 participants.

Quest rooms

In many districts of Moscow there are specially equipped rooms for quests. The props are built into the walls, as a rule, there are no leading in such games. Children find themselves in a new reality: around there are fabulous interior items, strange sounds, light signals. Talking panels, electronic and mechanical locks, and the most important secret can be hidden in a drawing on an old vase ...

One room can play from 2 to 6 people. If you have 10 guests, split into 2 teams. After the game, you can stay for a tea party.

This is a great way to congratulate a birthday person, give a gift in an original way, or simply to please and entertain a loved one with an interesting game. The idea of ​​the quest is that the player will solve puzzles step by step and complete tasks hidden around the house. The answer to each task points to the place where the card with the next one is hidden. It turns out a chain that ultimately leads to a gift or a hidden surprise. The quest can be organized at home both for one person and for a group of people from 14 years old. All tasks are varied and are designed for both erudition and ingenuity and ingenuity.

Items and places

Many tasks are presented in two or three variants with different answers so that you can choose the ones that suit you best. The following items and locations are involved in the scenario:

Clothes, bucket, jewelry, window sill, pan, TV, fork, sofa, hat, lamp, picture, chest of drawers, armchair, sweater, shower, sconce, oven, vacuum cleaner, mouse, shelf, shoes, radio, hairdryer, toilet paper, table , chair, kitchen cabinet, flower.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each assignment. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in the downloadable archive.

1. Task "Extra words"

An assignment for erudition, knowledge of geography, vocabulary and word formation in Russian. In several sequences of words, you need to find extra words, and they will help you find a clue.

The first task can be enclosed in a postcard and handed to the participant. In the instructions, we tell you in detail how to do this in the most interesting way. The instructions also include text for the introductory card.

2. Quest "Famous persons"

Erudition assignment. It is necessary to determine which famous people are depicted on the card and then decipher the key word.

3. Charades

We offer two entertaining charades to choose from.

4. Task "Cube flattening"

An interesting task for spatial thinking. You must select a flat pattern appropriate for each cube.

5. Task "Gears"

The card depicts a complex system of gears. You need to determine where the arrows on the gears will point after they turn.

6. Task "Cross out words"

The task for logic, as well as knowledge of the phonetics of the Russian language. It is necessary to cross out the words from the table, following certain instructions. The remaining words will indicate where to go next.

7. Task "Number series"

Logical task. It is necessary to identify patterns in several number sequences. The answer will point to the keyword.

8. Task "Arrange the objects"

An entertaining logical task in which you need to arrange objects in a table in a certain way. Correct placement will help decipher the desired word.

9. Task "Three rectangles"

Mindfulness and concentration task. You need to mentally superimpose several pictures on top of each other in order to read the encrypted word.

10. Questions for erudition

Several interesting questions for erudition. During the quest, you can use either one of them or all of them.

11. Task "Teenager"

The task for the superficial knowledge of foreign languages. It is necessary to compare several words in different languages ​​with their translations, and then the encrypted word can be read.

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates in which you can write your own assignments.

For this, the task is prepared separately for each for each level + prizes.

And the quest gives out only a photo where the next task with a prize is hidden.

The guys from the photo of the area find out where, find, open and everyone gets this envelope: I apologize to the creators that I had to edit their corporate envelopes, adding the word "Task for everyone"


Happy Birthday, Dashulka!

You will complete this Quest with your Friends!

The quest is called "Horseman's Birthday!"

Of course, he will be associated with horses)))))

You probably can't wait to find out the details?

To receive the desired gift, you will need to take part in one adventure with your friends.

The first code you get from me ...

* Then everything will begin!


CODE. From me - for the photo

(The essence of the IDEA is at the beginning to take a photo of them together, and at the end of the quest the treasure that they find - and there is this most common photo in the frame - for everyone.

Because the main treasure is their friendship!)

Therefore, I collected them at the entrance and explained that I had the first code, but I would say it only after the photo. (this blackmail was needed, because children do not really like to be photographed at this age)


It all started from this level.

I sent each one an SMS

“Today is Dasha's birthday! You are participating in the game - QUESTE. We are waiting for you at 12-00 at Dasha's entrance. Your letter (W) - remember it - will come in handy.)

Children - 5 people (the word naturally associated with horses is the word SPOR), one letter of this word was sent by SMS to an invited friend.

From these letters it is necessary to form a word.

In the quest, this is already a general introduction:

"Heaven on Earth - the horse on the back!"
Can you guess what all this is about?
Today is the birthday of your friend - Dasha!

Happiness is different for everyone.
For Dasha, happiness is the look of her beloved horse! (confirm Dash)

Your goal is to be fun!
iiiiiiiiiiii ............
Find your Favorite horse,
and at the same time treasure and a bunch of different prizes!
To do this, you need to find codes, each code is encrypted, and the cipher or task is hidden along with mini treasures. "

Below is a Photo of the Quest, after the correct answer


In the photo, our palace of creativity

The task that is hidden there is the decoding of the word encrypted by the Morse code.

This is how the tasks looked like:

Each task contains encrypted words:

Gallop, Dennik, Show jumping, Leggings, Manege, Horseshoe.

It is also indicated in the task; Pick up the word association - associated with these (decoded) words, i.e. - horse.


The next treasure and tasks are here: They find a treasure and a general task in this building, here the task is simple: “The treasure is not just hidden in this building.

To get the following code, you need to count all the windows in building 904

Almost all - all the windows on the ground floor from the side of the entrances (both before and after the arch) and closed too "


The next treasure and task are hidden here.

In each task, a word is encrypted with a special code, i.e. the word must be painted over by code.

The essence of the tasks is as follows: each deciphers the word, and each of them has indicated which letter of their word is the number of the letter in the quest, i.e. the first letter of your word is the first letter of the word of the main code in the quest.

As you can see, the phrase is indicated everywhere, which should be remembered "Heaven on earth with a horse on his back." It's not just that - it's a passphrase they'll need when they find the horse.


This carriage is in our Children's and Youth Center, an incident happened to it on Sunday morning, I hid the treasure and the task there. And at lunchtime, when the guys came there, the gate was closed ... We climbed over the fence.

Assignment: a letter is written on a sheet, but it is not visible - everyone develops a letter, and then all of them together form a word, watercolors and brushes are attached to the treasure - you have to guess to paint over the sheet with watercolors - then the letter will appear.

Make up a word associated with horses from letters.


The guys get on the bus and go to the final.

In tasks, puzzles (puzzles, very easy to do on the Internet on the puzzle generator site): look something like this:

1st rebus - the word "surprise"

2nd rebus - the word "balls"

When everyone has solved their puzzle, they enter them into a common crossword puzzle and receive a code word in the Quest.


And what to say


This level, when the guys have already reached the right place, invites the birthday girl to conduct a riding lesson for her friends, plus a light snack was prepared for the guys in the forest, for those who were waiting for their turn.

And of course, this level is the result of the main task of the quest - to find Dasha's favorite horse. Romka found!

There is only treasure left

Level 10

After the forest, after classes - it's time to rest

Find Treasure and mark DR

The guys get a code from the coach, the code gets a phrase for the same master password - which should have been memorized.

For this code, they receive a photo where the treasure is hidden.

This is a local restaurant.

They arrive there, there is a box of treasure on the table and the last code

As I said at the very beginning - I photographed them.

This was the idea: The most important treasure is friendship!

The guys received frames with their common photo (at the beginning of the quest), plus all sorts of festive accessories - liquid - serpentine foam, big boomfeti - safe firecrackers.

The last code received at the restaurant (from the treasure) is entered

And congratulations are received

The guys stay in the restaurant to celebrate their 14th birthday, and at the end they receive

Gift cake - passport)))

Thank you DRKVSET for a happy holiday!

And for the creative process in which I was lucky enough to take part!

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