Home Diseases and pests Tattoo on hand about parents. Inscription tattoos for girls with translation. Philosophical sayings in Latin

Tattoo on hand about parents. Inscription tattoos for girls with translation. Philosophical sayings in Latin

  • Believe in yourself - confide tibimet
  • Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you - Fac fideli sis fidelis
  • Be who you really are - Esto quod es
  • Looking at the sky while standing on the ground - Pedes in terra ad sidera visus
  • Live to live. - Vive ut vivas
  • Life without freedom is nothing - Vita sine libertate nihil
  • To live is to fight - Vivere militare est
  • Live, take risks and never give up - Vivere, dimicāre, nunquam cēdĕre
  • For he commands his angels about you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 90:11) - Quia angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis
  • It is known that love blind-notum est amor em caecum esse
  • Either win or die. - AUT VINCERE, AUT MORI
  • Only mom is worthy of love. - Solum mater digna amatu
  • Love is above everything. Amor omnia vincit
  • My angel is always with me - Angelus meus semper mecum est
  • My children - my life - liberi mei vita mihi sunt
  • My daughter is my life - Mea filia vita mea
  • My daughter is my love - Mea filia caritas mea
  • My son is my life - Meus filius vita mea
  • My family is my fortress - Familia mea fortitudo mea est
  • Never give up! - Nunquam cede
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente
  • The one who conquered himself wins - Vincit qui se vincit
  • Under the wing of an angel - Sub alis angeli
  • Know yourself - Temet nosce
  • While I breathe, I love and believe -dum spiro, amo atque credo
  • Truth is my light - Veritas lux mea
  • Forgive me, Lord, for my sins - Pater dimitte mihi quoniam peccavi
  • Goodbye and love me - Vale et me ama
    • Born to be happy - Nata sum ut felix sim
    • Born to be happy - Natus sum ut felix sim
    • I will make you remember me! - Faciam ut mei memineris
    • Family above all - familia omnibus praestat
    • Words disappear, letters remain. -Verba volant, scripta manent
  • Thank you mom for my life - Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
  • Thank you parents for life. - Gratias parentibus pro vita mea ago
  • You are forever in my heart - Semper in corde meo
  • I am not a slave, I am a presenter -Non ducor duco
  • I’ll either find a road, or I’ll make it myself. - Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


    • There are minutes in which you can give up months and years. تتواجد لحظات, التي يمكن ان تعطيها اشهر وسنوات
    • It is easy to be busy, but the most difficult thing is to be effective. .ان تكون مشغولا - سهلا, لكن من الاكثر صعوبة ان تكون منتجا
    • Eternal love - حب أبدي
    • Time does not heal, the person who is near heals…… الزمن لايشفي, يشفي فقط الشخص الذي هو بجوارك
    • A girl should not hear how she is loved, but feel …… الفتاة لايجب ان تسمع كم يحبوها, بل ان تشعر ذلك
    • If you love, love without deceit. If you believe, then believe to the end. If you hate, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes.
    • If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you? ان كنت تفكر حسنا في نفسك, لماذا اذا تحتاج ايضا من يفكر بك حسنا؟
    • If you leave and no one calls you back, then you are going in the right direction. ان خرجت ولم ينادي عليك احدا ما, فهاذا يعني انك تسير في الاتجاه الصحيح
    • Live today, forget about tomorrow - عِش اليوم وإنس الغد
    • Remember: never be jealous of me. If I chose you, then you are much more valuable than all the others. تذكر: لاتغار ابدا. ان كنت قد اخترتك, فهاذا يعني انك اغلى بكثير
      . من الاخرين
    • Happiness is born of your dream ... من أحلامك تولد السعادة
    • Sometimes, a step back is just a running start .. في بعض الاحيان خطوة الى الوراء .. هذا هو المدى فقط
    • When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are. عندما تعلو, اصدقائك يعرفوك, من انت. عندما تسقط, انت تعرف, من
      . اصدقائك
    • When I see you, my heart beats faster. .حين اراك, قلبي يدق اسرع
    • Only those who have a beautiful upbringing are handsome. .جميل فقط من لديه تربية جميلة
    • Beauty - جمال
    • Whoever wants to move the world, let him first move himself .. من يريد تحريك العالم فليحرك نفسه اولا
    • Better to have a broken heart than not to have one at all ... ... افضل ان املك قلب مكسور, من ان لا يكون لي على الاطلاق
    • The best a father can do for his children is to love their mother. .افضل شيء ممكن ان يقوم به الاب لابنائه - هو ان يحب امهم
    • It is better to love yourself than to give your love to someone who does not need it. .ان تحب نفسك, افضل من ان تهدي حبك لمن لا حاجة له
    • Love brings even the most proud person to their knees. .الحب تنحني له الركب حتى اكثر الناس تكبر
    • Love is not a bird that can be kept in a cage - الجمال ليس عصفور في قفص
    • Love - حب
    • My family is أهلي or عائلتي
    • Silence swallows my thoughts - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
    • You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel. بامكانك ان تغلق عينيك عما تراه, ولكن لايمكنك ان تغلق قلبك عما تشعر به
      It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream! ! ابدا لاتتاخر في وضع هدف جديد لحياتك! او في ايجاد حلم جديد
    • Trust no one - لا تثق بأحد
    • One of the secrets of a strong relationship is to respect each other's hobbies. .واحد من اسرار العلاقات القوية - احترام هوايات بعضنا البعض
    • He knows no fear جريء
    • Light always comes from true love. .من الحب الحقيقي دائما ياتي النور
    • Sometimes it seems that in this world, you cannot trust anyone. احيانا يبدوا ان في هذا العالم, لايمكن ان تثق في احد
    • Forgive me and always love me - سامحني و حبني دائماً
    • Parents are the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ... الوالدين - هم افضل ما لدينا, قدرهم لان هم فقط سوف يحبوك ويثقون
      .بك حتى النهاية
    • Today people are much cheaper than their clothes. .اليوم الناس اصبحت ارخص بكثير من ملابسها
    • Family –أهل or عائلة
    • Family is heaven in a heartless world - العائلة هي الملاذ في عالم لا قلب له
    • Manage to fall in love with one so that you pass by a thousand of the best and not look back. تعلم ان تحب واحد فقط, بحيث ان مر بقربك الاف افضل لا تتراجع الى الوراء
    • There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. We are made weak by our thoughts. لايوجد اناس ضعفاء, كلنا اقوياء من طبيعتنا. لكن افكارنا تجعلنا ضعفاء
    • Follow your path and let people say whatever! .امشي في طريقك, ودع الناس تتكلم ماتشتهي A man shouldn't be boring or fun. It should be warm, safe and calm with him. مع الرجل لايجب ان يكون الملل او المتعة. معه يجب ان يكون الدفئ, الامان,
      . والهدوء
    • Suzanne - سوزانا
    • Anyone who knows how to smile every day knows how to live. .من يعرف ان يبتسم كل يوم, يعرف كيف يعيش
    • You can do anything, you only need desire. بامكانك ان تفعل كل شيء, ولكن يجب ان تكون الرغبة
    • The smart ones give each other happiness, the stupid ones expect to be made happy. الاذكياء يهدون بعضهم البعض السعادة, اما الاغبياء ينظرون الاخرين
      حتى يجعلوهم سعداء
    • The happiest people don't have all the best. But they get the best out of what is. لدى اسعد الناس ليس لديهم كل شيء جيد. لكنهم دائما ينتزعون
      .الافضل مما هو موجود
    • It's good when there are people who stimulate you to become better من الجيد ان يكون اشخاص تشجعك على ان تكون افضل
    • If you want to do something well - do it yourself. If you want to do everything on time - start now. If you want to be happy - think about those to whom you have done good! تريد ان تفعل شيء ما جيد - افعل ذلك بنفسك. تريد ان تقوم كل شيء
      !بوقته – ابدا الان. تريد ان تكون سعيدا – فكر بمن فعلت معه خيرا
    • Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it is not them who feel bad, but you. .قدر الناس, الذين ياتون في اللحظات التي تكون فيها انت لا هم سيء
    • Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you! .قدر الناس ليس بالمظهر, بل بمعاملتهم معك
    • I will always love you - وسوف احبك الى الابد
    • I asked God for water, he gave me the sea. I asked God for herbs, he gave me a field. I asked God for an angel, he gave me you. لَقَدْ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالِقْ مَاءً فَوَهَبَنِي بَحْراً. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ عُشْباً فَوَهَبَنِي حَقْلاً. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ مَلَكاً فَوَهَبَنِي أَنْتَ


  • The whole world at my feet - il mondo intero è ai miei piedi
  • Live without regret - Vivere senza rimpianti
  • Born to be happy -nata per essere felice
  • You are forever in my heart - Sei semper nel mio cuore
  • I will get everything I want - Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio
  • My children - my life - I miei figli sono la mia vita
  • My children are my joy - I miei figli sono la mia gioia


  • There is no eternal gold - Nothing gold can stay (R. Frost)
  • In life, you need to learn to dance in the rain, and not wait for the storm to end. - Life isn’t about waiting the storm to pass ... It’s about learning to dance in the rain!
  • Everything that is done - everything is for the best - It's all to the good
  • Live positive - Be positive
  • Love is above all
  • Never give up! - Never give up / never back down
  • Guarding your heart - Guarding your heart
  • Show me your soul and I'll show you my heart
  • Let the hearts of my dears beat forever / let the hearts of my parents beat forever
  • Path to life - Ride to life
  • I want my mom's heart beat forever.
  • I’ll either find a road, or I’ll make it myself. - I shall either find a way or make one.


  • The whole world at my feet - Le monde est à mes pieds ( Tout le monde à mes pieds)
  • Dreams come true - Les rêves se réalisent
  • My angel is next to me. - Mon ange est apres de moi
  • My family is forever in my heart - Ma famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours
  • Forever in my heart - Pour toujours dans mon coeur
  • Born to be happy - Née pour être heureuse
  • Follow your dream - suivez de vos rêves
  • Appreciate every moment -Appréciez chaque moment
  • What a woman wants, God wants - que femme veut dieu le veut


  • My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you - Angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi y yo te seguire
  • No glory without pain - Sin dolor no hay gloria
  • All the best in me is yours. - Todos el mejor en me tuyos es.
  • Even the one who is far away stands next to him, if he is in your heart. - Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
  • Life is love, enjoy! - La vida es amor, gózala
  • Life is a game-play beautifully - la vida es un juego juegalo
  • Mom, you are forever in my heart. - Mamá, estas siempre en mi corazón
  • Never give up, no matter what - Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase
  • Under the wing of an angel - Bajo el ala de un ángel
  • Born to be happy -Nacido para ser feliz
  • Happy life - Una vida feliz
  • You are forever in my heart - Siempre estas en mi corazon
  • Follow your dream - Siga tu sueño
  • Thank you parents for living - Gracias a los padres por la vida
  • Value every moment. - Aprecie cada momento

It is so arranged that he always wants to be original, unique and stand out from the crowd. Perhaps there is nothing reprehensible in this, because such is nature.

From ancient times to the present day, people have used a huge number of means and methods to emphasize their originality and uniqueness.

This can manifest itself in different ways. Some resort to extravagant outfits, others amaze the imagination with an intricate hairstyle or hair color, others are carried away
, the fourth adhere strictly to the classical, and so on. Along with such groups of people, there are those who cannot imagine their life without special marks on their bodies.

- this is the process of introducing a special dye (pigment) into the subcutaneous tissue, as a result of which a permanent pattern appears on the surface.

It should be noted that application is a rather painful process, of course, it all depends on the individual pain threshold of each person, but still the process is tangible and rather painful. This largely depends on what part of the body the drawing is placed on.

Deciding on a pattern that will adorn your body all your life is a very difficult task, especially since the art of applying to the body is developing rapidly. A lot of techniques, a huge number of styles, in a word, there is something to think about and what to choose from.

In principle, at your request, the master can apply any drawing or on your body, of course, it remains with the customer. But it is worth remembering that this drawing is permanent, and you will have to live with it. The main thing here is that when you need to remember, this is the main idea that you want to convey, and what you want to express with this bodily.

Tattoo life and their meaning

Tattoo about life have been a fashion trend for several centuries. Life itself is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas and creative inspiration for masters.

This is not surprising, because life is a special gift, the most valuable for a person. life is so deep and in many respects not known and not experienced that it is involuntarily an object that attracts minds and people. That's why tattoo life so popular and loved by many.

Types of tattoo life

For a long time, in the form of inscriptions they occupy a leading position, they are relevant both among young people and among older people. Such pictures-phrases remain popular and relevant, they do not become outdated and do not lose their meaning.

Inscriptions for tattoos about life can be found among aphorisms, sayings and deep thoughts, of which there are a huge number, so you should choose the one that most clearly describes your life or is even your motto.

The phrase can be either native or foreign. You should only study carefully inscriptions for tattoos with a translation about life, since in some cases the translation and the original have a rather significant difference. Are very popular tattoo in latin about life.

In addition to direct text, there is a hidden meaning. These are all kinds of images that symbolize life or are somehow connected with life.

Paying attention to the symbolism, meanings and secret meaning, you can decorate your body with an intricate image, the secret meaning of which will not be clear to everyone. As a rule, they are divided according to one more criterion - this is the gender principle.

Tattoo life for men

In ancient times, a man's tattoo served as a kind of "passport", which was used to determine belonging to a tribe. With the development of civilizations, they are increasingly moving into, therefore, they are rather an adornment and manifestation of the inner "I" of a man.

It is not for nothing that they are called the stronger sex, they are hardy and tolerant of pain, therefore, in most cases, they opt for large sizes with large elements.

Most often, it is used to place the picture, and for -. Massive ones give men courage and arouse great interest among women.

Tattoo life for women

When choosing a tattoo for themselves, women most often prefer neat and miniature sketches. Few of the fairer sex can boast of a massive, large in size.

Those who nevertheless decide on such an act put a deep meaning into the image (or text), which is not always possible for an outsider to get to the bottom of. Tattoo life for girls, as a rule, it is performed brighter and more saturated in comparison with the male version.

Often women tattoo life contain floral or plant motifs, as well as a huge variety of intricate lines and curls in the text.

The most popular among amateurs is the image of the tree of life. the tree of life has a lot of options and modifications, it all depends on the style in which it will be performed.

The drawing can be either monophonic or. It suits both men and women equally well, because it is believed that this is one of the images that carries a real, deep meaning.

In many myths and legends of different peoples, the tree was endowed with special properties, sometimes it was even presented as a living creature. life means growth and development, the cyclical nature of life, is a kind of endless life, fertility and immortality.

Flower of life tattoo also carries a secret meaning. This image can be found in many religions and cultures. By itself, it symbolizes all life as a whole: from the beginning - the central part to, since the lines do not have an end.

People who treat their parents with great trepidation and the gift they received - birth, often choose laconic ones. Thank you for life tattoo emphasizes the importance and value of human life.

The owner of such an inscription on his body clearly appreciates every minute of his stay in this world. Thank you mom tattoo for life or tattoo thanks to parents for life speak for themselves. Huge respect and gratitude for the life given to us can be expressed in such an original way and carried through our whole life.

For people who are accustomed to managing events in their lives, it is the best fit tattoo my life my rules... This expression has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world and adorns the bodies of millions of people.

My life my tattoo rules is a kind of incentive for the majority, since this is the motto of strong and powerful people, which makes them act and live based on their own principles.

Tattoo one life one love is a shining example of people-romantics who devote their lives to a loved one. As a rule, such people are distinguished by their loyalty and devoted tender feelings for their partner.

People with a positive attitude very often choose tattoo life is beautiful... Such a tattoo shows a person's attitude to what is happening in this world or is a life credo. I would like to note that for many it is not only a drawing, an art form or something like that, for them tattoo - the meaning of life.

Lettering tattoos are perhaps one of the best ways to express yourself. A special place in this category is occupied by Latin phrases with translation, which is not surprising at all. This ancient language is the progenitor of many European languages ​​(Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian), it was spoken by the best philosophers, generals, rulers and scientists of the past centuries. Latin is the language of Horace, Cicero, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Julius Caesar.

Latin inscriptions as tattoos are becoming more and more popular among young people around the world. As a rule, these are people who are more interested in philosophy and sciences, who want to emphasize their individuality and intellectuality.

Such a tattoo provides a wonderful opportunity to express yourself, to declare your image and meaning of life, to talk about your feelings and beliefs, to express and confirm your position in life, to emphasize the hidden line of the soul and the strength of the human spirit.

Not all people are fluent in Latin, so we publish a list of interesting phrases with translation into Russian. Below we have broken down examples of inscriptions into several sections, depending on what message they carry. If you didn’t find the phrase you are looking for, check out other tattoo inscriptions or ask a question in the comments.

Despite the fact that at present the language has gone out of active use, it has left an indelible mark on culture in the form of great scientific works filled with deep philosophical thoughts and aphorisms, which have not lost their significance and relevance even now. The great sayings of antiquity are now used as an original and beautiful way to express your inner world, ideals and principles through tattooing.

It is interesting! Despite the fact that Latin is considered a dead language, there is one state where Latin has the official status. In the Vatican, all the rites of worship and the maintenance of church records still take place in Latin.

Latin phrases for tattoo

Non progredi est regredi
Not going forward is going backward.

Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora
The more people have, the more they want to have

Gaudeamus igitur
So let's have fun

Gloria victoribus
Glory to the winners

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum
You must recognize the fool by laughing too often

Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia
I hate not a person, but his vices

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est
Only a mother is worthy of love, a father is worthy of respect

Victoria nulla est, Quam quae confessos animo quoque subjugat hostes
Real victory is only when the enemies themselves admit they are defeated.

Divide et impera
Divide and rule

Heu conscientia animi gravis est servitus
Worse than slavery a remorse

Lupus non mordet lupum
The wolf does not bite the wolf

Ira initium insaniae est
Anger is the beginning of madness

Perigrinatio est vita
Life is a journey

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas
Happiness is easier to find than to keep

Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat!
He is terrible who honors death for the good!

Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui
To be able to enjoy a life lived is to live twice.

Mea vita et anima es
You are my life and soul

Fructus temporum
Fruit of time

Gutta cavat lapidem
A drop wears away a stone

Fors omnia versas
Blind chance changes everything (will of blind chance)

De gustibus non disputandum est
Tastes could not be discussed

Fortunam suam quisque parat
Everyone finds their own destiny

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare
It is very pleasant to be loved, but no less pleasant to love yourself

Hominis est errare
Humans tend to make mistakes

Cogitationes poenam nemo patitur

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam
Either I will find a road, or I will make it myself

Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco
Having learned misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers

Pecunia non olet
Money doesn't smell

Optimum medicamentum quies est
The best medicine is rest

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingredients
Not one step back, always forward

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae
A good name is better than great wealth

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor
Pain makes even innocent lie

Non est fumus absque igne
There is no smoke without fire

Suum cuique
To each his own

Dolus an virtus quis in hoste requirat?
Who is going to sort out between cunning and valor when dealing with an enemy?

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem
The wolf changes wool, not nature

Qui tacet - consentire videtur
Whoever is silent is regarded as agreeing

Scio me nihil scire
I know that I know nothing

In pace
In the world, alone

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt
Destiny leads the one who wants to go, the unwilling one drags out

Fuge, late, tace
Run, hide, shut up

Audi, multa, loquere pauca
Listen a lot, speak a little

Nolite dicere, si nescitis
Don't speak if you don't know

Flagrante delicto
At the crime scene, red-handed

Persona grata
Desirable or Trusted Person

Tantum possumus, quantum scimus
As much as we can

Per fas et nefas
By hook or by crook

Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent
Those who grieve less are the ones who flaunt their grief the most.

Omne ignotum pro magnifico est
All the unknown seems majestic

Educa te ipsum!
Educate yourself!

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus
When we are healthy, we easily give good advice to the sick.

Veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered

Quae nocent - docent
What hurts teaches

Sic itur ad astra
So they go to the stars

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt
What were vices, now morals

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori
Love conquers all and we surrender to love

Ex nihilo nihil fit
Nothing comes from nothing

Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis
If feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false.

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas
The truth is in wine, health in water

Fugit irrevocabile tempus
The irreversible time is running

Certum voto pete finem
Set yourself only clear goals (achievable)

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras
Easy to offend, harder to endure

Ira furor brevis est
Anger is a momentary frenzy

Sua cuique fortuna in manu est
Everyone has their own destiny in their hands

Adversa fortuna
Evil rock

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit
Take advantage of life, it's so fleeting

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant
Friendship creates happiness, unhappiness tests them

Aliis inserviendo consumor
I waste myself in serving others

Conscientia mille testes
Conscience - a thousand witnesses

Abiens, abi!
Leaving go!

Respue quod non es
Throw away what is not you

Quomodo fabula, sic vita: non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert
Life is like a play in a theater: it is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas!
Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat
Every hour hurts, the last one kills

Fama volat
The earth is full of rumors

Amor omnia vincit
Love conquers all

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus
Time is the most useful counselor for a person

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears

Facta sunt potentiora verbis
Acts are stronger than words

Inter parietes
In four walls

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo
Firm in business, gentle in handling

Manus manum lavat
Hand washes hand

Per aspera ad astra
Through hardship to the stars

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare
It is common for every person to make mistakes, but only a fool is inherent in persisting in a mistake.

Tanta vis probitatis est, ut eam etiam in hoste diligamus
The power of honesty is such that we value it even from the enemy

Aut caesar, aut nihil
Or Caesar or nothing

In memoriam
In memory

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem
I punish you not because I hate, but because I love

Amor etiam deos tangit
Even the gods are subject to love

Incedo per ignes
Walking among the fire

Sequere deum
Follow the will of God

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est
Doubt is half wisdom

Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas
One must eat to live, not live to eat

In vino veritas
The truth is in wine

Ex malis eligere minima
Choose the least of evils

Optimi consiliarii mortui
The best advisors are the dead

Ex ungue leonem
You can recognize a lion by its claws

Vivere est vincere
To live is to win

Vivere est agere
To live is to act

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
I did everything I could, who can, let him do better

Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium
Having thought to humble a woman's disposition, say goodbye to peace!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo
As long as I breathe, I love and believe

Festina lente
Hurry up slowly

Calamitas virtutis occasio
Calamity is the touchstone of valor

Omnes homines agunt histrionem
All people are actors on the stage of life

Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet
The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter what it comes from

Factum est factam
What's done is done (fact is fact)

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi
Goodbye to others often, to yourself - never

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis
Times change and we change with them

Tarde venientibus ossa
Who comes late - the bones

Imago animi vultus est
The face is the mirror of the soul

Homo hominis amicus est
Man is a friend of man

Homines, dum docent, discunt
People learning, learning

Mors nescit legem, tollit cum paupere regem
Death knows no law, takes both the king and the poor

Quod cito fit, cito perit
What happens soon, soon falls apart

Amor non est medicabilis herbis
Love cannot be treated with herbs

Finis vitae, sed non amoris
Life ends, but not love

Fidelis et forfis
Loyal and brave

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide
Be vigilant; trust, but look who you trust

Experientia est optima magistra
Best teacher experience

Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt
True friendship is forever

Damant, quod non intelegunt
Condemn because they don't understand

Descensus averno facilis est
The way to hell is easy

Viva vox alit plenius
Live speech nourishes more abundantly

Vivamus atque amemus
Let's live and love

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil
About dead or good or nothing

Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo
I am awakened to beauty, breathe grace and radiate art

Deus ipse se fecit
God created himself

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem
Try to maintain your presence of mind even in difficult circumstances

Primus inter pares
First among equals

Gustus legibus non subiacet
Taste defies laws

Semper mors subest
Death is always near

Dum spiro, spero!
While I breathe I hope!

Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt
People believe more in their eyes than in their ears.

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror
Benefits rendered to the unworthy, I consider atrocities

Fortes fortuna adjuvat
Fate helps the brave

Dura lex, sed lex
The law is harsh, but it is the law

Audi, vide, sile
Listen, look and be silent

Omnia mea mecum porto
I carry everything with me

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar
I achieve everything I want

Omnia mors aequat
Death equals everything

Fama clamosa
Loud glory

Igne natura renovatur integra
The whole nature is renewed by fire

Si vis amari, ama
If you want to be loved, love

In me omnis spes mihi est
All my hope is in myself

Aut vincere, aut mori
Or win or die

Mens sana in corpore sano
In a healthy body healthy mind

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt
Other people's vices are in front of our eyes, ours - behind our backs

Varietas delectat
Variety is fun

Naturalia non sunt turpia
Natural is not shameful

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium
Pain and joy always compete in love

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt
Nowhere are there those who are everywhere
Vi veri vniversum vivus vici
I conquered the universe by the power of truth during my lifetime

Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior
The smarter a person is, the more modest he is usually.

Sed semel insanivimus omnes
One day we are all insane

Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

In vitium ducit culpae fuga
The desire to avoid mistakes leads to another

Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas
No one can know when to beware of danger

Mors omnia solvit
Death solves all problems

Memento mori
memento Mori

Memento quia pulvis est
Remember you are dust

In aeternum
Forever, forever

Inter arma silent leges
When the weapon rattles, the laws are silent

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata
We always strive for the forbidden and wish for the unlawful.

Tempus fugit
Time is running out

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum
Correct the past, guide the present, envision the future

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit
When vices flourish, the one who lives honestly suffers.

Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent
Where the laws are in force and the people are strong

Leve fit, quod bene fertur onus
The load becomes light when carried with obedience.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est
To command oneself is the greatest power

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito!
Do not submit to misfortune, but boldly go to meet it!

Beatitudo nоn est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus
Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is valor itself

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart

Esse quam videri
Be, not seem to be

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves

Sol lucet omnibus
The sun shines on everyone

Odi et amo
I hate and love

Actum ne agas
What is done, don't go back to it

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris
Expect from another what you yourself did to another

Amantes sunt amentes
The lovers are insane

Antiquus amor cancer est
Old love is not forgotten

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida
To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice

Ut ameris, amabilis esto
To be loved, be worthy of love

Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis
Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything

Similis simili gaudet
Like rejoices like

In dubio abstine
If in doubt, refrain

Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest
Whoever cannot follow the dictates of reason, let him follow the movements of the soul

Omnia praeclara rara
Everything beautiful is rare

In Daemon Deus!
In the Demon, God!

Sibi imperare maximum imperium est
The highest power is power over oneself

Terra incognita
Unknown land

Mores cuique sui fingit fortunam
Our destiny depends on our morals

Nihil est ab omni parte beatum
Nothing is safe in every way

Meliora spero
Hoping for the best

Natura abhorret vacuum
Nature abhors a vacuum

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto
I am human and nothing human is alien to me

Si etiam omnes, ego non
Even if everything is not me

Mortem effugere nemo potest
No one can escape death

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare
I'm ready to listen to stupidity, but I won't obey

Nihil habeo, nihil curo
I have nothing - I don't care about anything

Tanto brevius omne tempus, quanto felicius est
The faster time flies, the happier it is

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis
Ask, and it shall be given you; search and you will find; knock and open for you

In tyrrannos
Against tyrants

Winged latin expressions
(for tattoos)

Advocatus diaboli
Devil's Advocate
In a broader sense, the devil's advocate is a defender of a hopeless cause, in which the one who defends him does not believe.

Abyssus abyssum invocat
The abyss calls to the abyss
Like brings on like, or one calamity brings on another.

Ad patres
"To the forefathers", that is, to the next world

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides
The trust shown to the treacherous gives him the opportunity to harm

Aurea mediocritas
Golden mean

Auribus tento lupum
I hold the wolf by the ears

Aut Caesar, aut nihil
Wed Russian Either pan or disappear.

Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them

Cogitations poenam nemo patitur
No one is punished for thoughts

Consuetudo est altera natura
Habit is second nature

Credo, quia verum
I believe because it's ridiculous

Decies repetita placebit
And ten times I will like it

Decipimur specie recti
We are deceived by the appearance of the right

Deest remedii locus, ubi, quae vitia fuerunt, mores fiunt
There is no place for medicines where what was considered a vice becomes a custom

Desipere in loco
Frenzy where it is appropriate

Ecce spectaculum dignum, ad quod respiciat intentus operi suo deus
Here is a sight worthy of God to look back at him, contemplating his creation

Ergo bibamus
So let's have a drink

Fiat lux
Let there be light

Igni et ferro
By fire and iron

Intelligenti pauca
For an understanding little is enough

Margaritas ante porcos
Cast pearls before swine

Nigra in candida vertere
Turn black into white

Nunc est bibendum
Now you have to drink

O imitatores, servum pecus!
O imitators, slave flock!

O sancta simplicitas!
Oh holy simplicity

O tempora! O mores!
About the times! About morals!

Panem et circenses

Periculum in mora
"Danger in delay", that is, delay is dangerous

Quot capita, tot sensus
How many heads, so many minds

Let's laugh!

Salus reipublicae - suprema lex
The welfare of the state is the highest law

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris.
Expect from the other what you yourself did to the other.

Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo.
I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.
Try to maintain your presence of mind in difficult circumstances.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit.
Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting.

Actum ne agas.
What is done with, do not return to that.

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt.
Other people's vices are before our eyes, ours - behind our backs.

Aliis inserviendo consumor.
I waste myself in serving others.

Amantes sunt amentes.
The lovers are insane.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Friendship creates happiness, unhappiness experiences them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even gods are subject to love.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.
Love cannot be treated with herbs.
(ie, there is no cure for love. Ovid, "Heroids")

Amor omnia vincit.
Love conquers all.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, speak a little.

Audi, vide, sile.
Listen, look and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I’ll find a road, or I’ll build it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Or win or die.

Aut caesar, aut nihil.
Or Caesar, or nothing.

Beatitudo nоn est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.
Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is valor itself.

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.
Benefits shown unworthy, I consider atrocities.

Calamitas virtutis occasio.
Calamity is the touchstone of valor.

Carpe diem.
Seize the day.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate, but because I love you.

Certum voto pete finem.
Set yourself only clear goals (i.e. achievable).

Cogitationes poenam nemo patitur.
No one is punished for thoughts.

Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am.

Conscientia mille testes.
Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful counselor for a person.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Correct the past, guide the present, envision the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
Whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
It is common for every person to make mistakes, but only a fool is inherent in persisting in a mistake.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, the one who lives honestly suffers.

Damant, quod non intelegunt.
They condemn because they do not understand.

De gustibus non disputandum est.
Tastes could not be discussed.

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil.
About the dead, or good, or nothing.

Descensus averno facilis est.
The way to hell is easy.

Deus ipse se fecit.
God created himself.

Divide et impera.
Divide and rule.

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt.
Destiny leads the one who wants to go, but the unwilling one drags along.

Dura lex, sed lex.
The law is harsh, but it is the law.

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas.
One must eat in order to live, not live in order to eat.

Esse quam videri.
Be, not seem to be.

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor.
The pain makes even the innocent lie.

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex malis eligere minima.
Choose the least of the evils.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.
When we are healthy, it is easy to give good advice to the sick.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.
Acts are stronger than words.

Factum est factam.
What's done is done (fact is fact).

Fama clamosa.
Loud glory.

Fama volat.
The land is full of rumors.

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes.
I did everything I could, whoever can, let him do better.

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but look who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and courageous.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

Flagrante delicto.
At the crime scene, red-handed.

Fors omnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortes fortuna adjuvat.
Fate helps the brave.

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in business, gentle in handling.

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds their own destiny.

Fructus temporum.
Fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, be quiet.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
The irreversible time is running.

Gaudeamus igitur.
So let's have fun.

Gloria victoribus.
Glory to the winners.

Gustus legibus non subiacet.
Taste does not obey laws.

Gutta cavat lapidem.
A drop wears away a stone.

Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus.
Worse than slavery is remorse.

Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui.
To be able to enjoy a life you have lived means to live twice.

Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt.
People believe more in their eyes than in their ears.

Homines, dum docent, discunt.
People, teaching, learn.

Hominis est errare.
Humans tend to make mistakes.

Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia.
I do not hate a person, but his vices.

Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora.
The more people have, the more they want to have.

Homo hominis amicus est.
Man is man's friend.

Homo homini lupus est.
Man is a wolf to man.

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am a human being, and nothing human is alien to me.

Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent.
Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong.

Igne natura renovatur integra.
The whole nature is renewed by fire.

Imago animi vultus est.
The face is the mirror of the soul.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
To command oneself is the greatest power.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever

In dubio abstine.
When in doubt, refrain.

Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem.
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

In pace.
In peace, at ease.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
It is easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memoriam.
In memory.

In pace leones, in proelio cervi.
In time of peace - lions, in battle - deer.

Inter arma silent leges.
When the weapon rattles, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
In four walls.

In tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

In vino veritas.
The truth is in wine.

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
The truth is in wine, health in water.

In vitium ducit culpae fuga.
The desire to avoid mistakes leads to another.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
Pain and joy always compete in love.

Ira furor brevis est.
Anger is a momentary frenzy.

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of insanity.

Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent.
Those who grieve the least are the ones who flaunt their grief the most.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.
It is very pleasant to be loved, but no less pleasant to love yourself.

Leve fit, quod bene fertur onus.
The load becomes light when carried with obedience.

Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet.
The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter what it comes from.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes its coat, not its nature.

Manus manum lavat.
Hand washes his hand.

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

Meliora spero.
Hoping for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
In a healthy body healthy mind.

Memento mori.
Memento Mori.

Memento quia pulvis est.
Remember that you are dust.

Mores cuique sui fingit fortunam.
Our destiny depends on our morals.

Mors nescit legem, tollit cum paupere regem.
Death does not know the law, it takes both the king and the poor.

Mors omnia solvit.
Death solves all problems.

Mortem effugere nemo potest.
No one can escape death.

Natura abhorret vacuum.
Nature abhors a vacuum.

Naturalia non sunt turpia.
Natural is not shameful.

Nihil est ab omni parte beatum.
(ie, there is no complete well-being of Horace, "Ode").

Nihil habeo, nihil curo.
I have nothing - I do not care about anything.

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.
We always strive for the forbidden and wish for the unlawful.

Nolite dicere, si nescitis.
Don't speak if you don't know.

Non est fumus absque igne.
There is no smoke without fire.

Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.
Having learned the misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers.

Non progredi est regredi.
Not moving forward is going backward.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingredients.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Nowhere are there those who are everywhere.

Oderint dum metuant.
Let them hate, if only they were afraid.

Odi et amo.
I hate and love.

Omne ignotum pro magnifico est.
All the unknown is majestic.

Omnes homines agunt histrionem.
All people are actors on the stage of life.

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
Every hour hurts, the last one kills.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equals everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I achieve everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers all, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are the dead.

Pecunia non olet.
Money doesn't smell.

Per aspera ad astra.
Through hardship to the stars.
(Through difficulties to a lofty goal.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Persona grata.
Desirable or trusted person.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; search and you will find; knock and it will be opened for you. (Matt. 7; 7)

Primus inter pares.
First among equals.

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt.
What were vices is now mores.

Quae nocent - docent.
What hurts teaches.

Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis.
If the feelings are not true, then our entire mind will be false.

Qui tacet - consentire videtur.
Whoever is silent is regarded as agreeing.
(Wed Russian. Silence is a sign of consent.)

Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas.
No one can know when to beware of danger.

Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior.
The smarter a person is, the more modest he is usually.

Quod cito fit, cito perit.
What is done soon will soon fall apart.

Quomodo fabula, sic vita; non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert.
Life is like a play in a theater; what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Respue quod non es.
Throw away that which is not you.

Scio me nihil scire.
I know that I know nothing.

Sed semel insanivimus omnes.
We are all insane one day.

Semper mors subest.
Death is always near.

Sequere Deum.
Follow the will of God.

Si etiam omnes, ego non.
Even if that's all, it's not me.
(i.e. even if everyone does, I won't)

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.

Sibi imperare maximum imperium est.
The highest power is power over oneself.

Similis simili gaudet.
Like rejoices like.

Sic itur ad astra.
So they go to the stars.

Sol lucet omnibus.
The sun shines on everyone.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est.
Only a mother is worthy of love, a father is worthy of respect.

Sua cuique fortuna in manu est.
Everyone has their own destiny in their hands.

Tanta vis probitatis est, ut eam etiam in hoste diligamus.
The power of honesty is such that we value it even with the enemy.

Tanto brevius omne tempus, quanto felicius est.
The faster time flies, the happier it is.

Tantum possumus, quantum scimus.
We can as much as we know.

Tarde venientibus ossa.
Whoever comes late - the bones.

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.
Times change and we change with them.

Tempus fugit.
Time is running out.

Tertium non datur.
There is no third; there is no third.

Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis.
Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.

Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
To be loved, be worthy of love.

Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest.
Whoever cannot follow the dictates of reason, let him follow the movements of the soul.

Varietas delectat.
Variety is a pleasure.

Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt.
True friendship is eternal.

Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I won.

Veni, vidi, fugi.
I came, I saw, I ran away. :)

Victoria nulla est, Quam quae confessos animo quoque subjugat hostes.
The only real victory is when the enemies themselves admit that they are defeated.

Vita sine libertate, nihil.
Life without freedom is nothing.

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Vi veri vniversum vivus vici.
I conquered the universe by the power of truth during my lifetime.

Vivere est agere.
To live is to act.

Vivere est vincere.
To live is to win.

Filiae renidentia est carior quis vestrum
A daughter's smile is dearer than each of you

Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
Thanks to my mom for my life

Propter vitam parentibus meis gratias ago
Thank you parents for life

Solum mater digna amatu
Only mom is worthy of love

Familia mea arx mea est
My family is my castle

Liberi mei vita mihi sunt
My children are my life

Familia mea divitiis meis
My family is my treasure

Meus filius vita mea
My son is my life

Mea mater vita mea
My mom is my life

Familia omnibus praestat
Families First

Mea filia vita mea
My daughter is my life

Fortes Fortuna Juvat
Good luck accompanies the brave

Nata sum ut felix essem
Born to be happy

Vita est praeclara
Life is Beautiful

Noli credere! Noli timere! Noli petere!
Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask

Dum spiro spero
While I breathe, I hope (while I live, I hope)

Non sum qualis eram
I'm not what I was before

Tu mihi, ego tibi
You to me, I to you

Amo vitam
I love life

Vita ex momentis constat
Life is made up of moments

Magna res est amicitia
Friendship is a great thing

Mea vita, mihi bellum
My life is my war

Tempus curat omnia
Time cures

Nil permanent sub sole
Nothing lasts forever under the sun

Fac quod debes, fiat quod fiet
Do what you must and come what may

Vivere militare est
Live means fight

Dictum - factum
No sooner said than done

Fac fideli sis fidelis
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you

Omnia fert aetas
Time takes everything away

Esto quod es
Be who you really are

Honesta mors turpi vita potior
An honest death is better than a shameful life

Angelus meus semper mecum est
My angel is always with me

Salva et serva
Bless and save

Deus solus me iudicare potest
Only God can judge me (Only God can judge me)

Cum me est semper
God is always with me

Deus nobiscum
God is with us

Cum deo
With God

Deus caritas est
God is love

Volente deo
With God's help

Sub alis angeli
Under the wing of an angel

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fides, spes, caritas
Faith Hope Love

Miserere mei Deus
Have mercy on me god

Deus non derelinquet me
God won't leave me

Una vita, unus amor
One Love - one Life

Semper in corde meo
Forever in my heart

Amor vincit omnia
Love conquers all

Crede cor vestrum
listen to your heart

Magna res est amor
Love is a great thing

Te amo
I love you

Provehito in altum
Throw forward, into the depths (strive for the unknown)

Numquam cede
Never give up

Viam supervadet vadens
The road will be mastered by the walking

Impossibilia non sunt
Nothing is impossible

Dominus esse tua fata
Be the master of your destiny

Subsequi sua somnos
Follow your dream

Fortuna semper mecum est
Luck is always with me

Totus mundus ante pedes meos
The whole world at my feet

Somnia eveniunt
Dreams Come True

Crede in te ipsum
Believe in yourself

Sic parvis magna
Great starts small

Vel caelus mihi limes non est
Even the sky is not the limit

Non Ducor Duco
I am not a follower, I myself lead

Faber est suae quisque fortunae
Each one is the blacksmith of his own destiny

Miserere domine, stultus sum
Nothing is true everything is permitted

Quod non me destruit, me nutrit
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Timete voluntates vestras nam eae evenire solent
Be afraid of your wishes, they tend to come true

A probis probari, ab improbis improbari aequa laus est.
Equally honorable are the praise of worthy people and the condemnation of the unworthy.

Reasons for the popularity of tattoos with inscriptions in Latin

  1. Such tattoos look very beautiful, and the sound of the inscription always pleasantly surprises.
  2. Such tattoos attract many precisely for their interesting appearance. Girls often pay attention not only to the content of the tattoo, to its semantic load, but also to the appearance of the tattoo. Of course, men are worried about this, but still women attach the greatest importance to this.
  3. Latin phrases are laconic. They are quite small in size, with just three words in Latin often meaningful. Most girls and young people prefer small tattoos that can be easily hidden under clothes. It is a tattoo with inscriptions in Latin that has these useful properties.
  4. A tattoo with a phrase in Latin allows you to express your feelings, emotions.
  5. Such a tattoo will allow others to know you better, to understand you, your feelings. The depth of your thoughts can be reflected in one small tattoo.

Often in Latin they write the names of their loved ones, fastening them with inseparable bonds - beautiful patterns. Such tattoos contain the names of your loved ones, for example, a loved one. Perhaps you decide to tattoo your body with the names of your parents or your children.

Types of tattoo inscriptions in Latin

Latin phrases

➤Latin phrases usually consist of several words, and have a specific theme: for example, family, law, friendship. Latin phrases can be both general statements and a special case. Famous Latin phrases include: "castigat ridendo mores"; (Jokingly punish the funny), "aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (Either find the road, or build it yourself) and "non omnis moriar"; (no, all of me will not die). See the most popular sayings below.

Philosophical sayings in Latin

➤Philosophical thoughts in Latin, unlike phrases, are usually better known. Many have been spoken by renowned scholars or spoken by renowned thinkers. It would be perfectly acceptable to say that the most famous philosophical dictum was the statement of Descartes: "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore, I exist), which addresses the question of the existence of mankind and the question of being. Other widely known philosophical sayings in Latin include “errare humanum est” (it is human nature to make mistakes), “facta non verba” (not in word, but in deed) and “nosce te ipsum” (know yourself).

Modern latin phrases

➤Today, modern famous quotes and phrases are translated into Latin. For example, the immortal dictum of Martin Luther King, "I have a dream," was translated into Latin as: "Habeo Somnium." And here is the famous exclamation from the movie "A Christmas carol" "Idiotic traditions!" (Usually about Christmas. Explained in BBC video tutorials.) “Bah! Humbug "was translated as:" Phy! Fabulae ", and" Catch me with the beam, Scotty "(from the TV series" Star Trek ") as:" me transmitte sursum caledoni "

Latin translation of tattoo

➤The Internet is a huge space where you can get a translation of almost any statement or inscription from Russian into another language of your choice. Latin is no exception. Using the services of free / paid translation, you can get a phrase in Latin for your tattoo. For example, you liked the phrase: "God is love", type the phrase in a search engine and look for matches in Latin, it is better, of course, to know some other language: the chances of finding what you need increase. For example, in English this phrase will look like this: "God is love", that in Latin: "Deus est diligo".

Tattoo translation in professional fields

➤People of a certain profession - military or doctors - also gravitate towards tattoos in the form of an inscription in Latin. As military phrases, many use sayings like: "pro patria" (for the Motherland), "semper paratus" (always ready), and "haec protegimus" (under our protection) - all these are popular slogans. People associated with medicine usually use phrases like: "dei gratia" (by the grace of God), "bonadiagnosis, bona curatio" (Good diagnosis - good treatment), or "non sibi sed omnibus" ("not to yourself, but to others") ...

In fact, there are a lot of popular and I would say already hackneyed phrases in Latin, but I advise you not to repeat other people's thoughts and someone's styles, but to express only your own, and let them be clear only to you, or to narrow circles of your friends, but they will carry a special meaning. With tattoos in Latin, you can express all thoughts and feelings in any way you like. Often, without resorting to meaning, people simply use the beauty of Latin letters, depicting names, dates or titles on themselves. Although the catalogs have a lot of sentences of ready-made thoughts, words and phrases and their images, a skilled tattoo artist will be able to fill any expression for you with any handwriting and font. Such tattoos can be located, in principle, on any part of the body, in any shape, and in different colors. It all depends only on the desires and style of self-expression of the client.

The meaning of tattoos made in Latin and their meaning

The Latin inscription on the body can be an excellent idea for people with deep philosophical views, reflecting on the meaning of life. The advantage of the phrase in Latin with translation is that the meaning and meaning of the inscription is understood only by the one who possesses it, because not everyone wants to expose their sacred thoughts and life credo for everyone to see. This is a kind of talisman designed to always remind a person of who he is and what he is striving for.

Important! When looking for a Latin phrase for a tattoo, it is better to use several translation sources in order to avoid possible mistakes and inaccuracies.

Common topics of sayings in Latin

Despite the fact that no one speaks Latin for a long time, a large number of deep philosophical sayings and quotes on a variety of topics have survived to this day. Girls most often prefer to apply phrases about love, relationships and family values. Men love sayings about life and death. Spiritual and creative individuals usually choose quotes about freedom and rebelliousness to fate.

Did you know? The first tattoos with inscriptions in Latin appeared in the Middle Ages. Members of religious communities applied quotes from the Bible and oaths in the name of Christ as a symbol of unshakable faith in the Most High and as a sign of loyalty to the brotherhood.

Tattoo style - lettering

Depending on the meaning of the inscription in Latin, on the size of the saying itself, on the location of the tattoo on the body, there are many options for image design. It can be ornate, artsy inscriptions with monograms or a strict and solemn Gothic style, some prefer to make inscriptions as if printed on their skin, others like sayings that are harmoniously inscribed in the composition of any image. A deep philosophical thought, dressed in an attractive decorative form, will delight the owner of the tattoo not only with a semantic load, but also with an original interpretation.

Important! Before the master starts work, ask him to show you the portfolio! Not all craftsmen who professionally apply images can cope with applying text. The most common defects in the work with lettering are spelling violations, unplanned tilt of letters to the right and left, uneven distribution of pigment, as a result of which, some letters may become partially or completely invisible.

Where on the body is it better to get a tattoo with inscriptions

Depending on the size, shape and meaning of the Latin phrase, an appropriate position on the body is selected. Long stitches work well on the arm and along the collarbone. Small capacious statements written in small print look very neat and original on a woman's foot. Large text in large print can be applied to the shoulder blade area, or between the shoulder blades. This arrangement will be interesting to look both on the male back and on the female. Volumetric tattoos, complemented by images, can be placed in the back or under the ribs.

A tattoo with a phrase in Latin looks perfect on any part of the body of a girl or a young man. Most often, girls get a tattoo with inscriptions on the neck, wrist, back, ankle. For men, a popular part of the body for applying such a tattoo is the chest, back, arms. Choose the place where you want to apply the tattoo, consciously, thinking over all the nuances. Of course, a tattoo on the palm looks interesting, but it can attract the attention of the authorities, cause their negative emotions. Perhaps it would be best for them not to know if you have a tattoo.

Recently, the half-way arrangement of inscriptions on the body has come into vogue. One part is applied to one hand, the second part is applied to the other, each part of the phrase itself contains a wise thought, however, when the hands are combined, the tattoo becomes integral, revealing the full meaning of the saying.

It is necessary to approach the issue of the location of the tattoo on the body with full responsibility, since it is selected and applied for life. If the application of any philosophical saying has for a person not just a decorative purpose, but a tattoo is his and a motivator, then it is better to do it not in the most conspicuous place, so that, as befits a talisman, the inscription inspires, gives new strength, without wasting energy. enclosed in it, on strangers.

Important! When applying a tattoo in the chest, abdomen and thighs, it must be borne in mind that in this place the skin is especially susceptible to stretching, which is fraught with a change in the image and quality of the applied pattern! The skin on the wrists is very delicate and vulnerable, the inscriptions made in this place will not be worn for a long time and may require correction.

Stages of tattooing

Correctly performed stages of tattooing ensure the safety of the client and allow you to get a high-quality beautiful image.

From the idea to the implementation of the idea of ​​a tattoo in life, there are several steps.

  1. It all starts with choosing a phrase that you would like to see on your body. You can, having come to the salon, look and select a sketch in the catalog, or you can independently find your favorite saying in any source and, together with the master, come up with a stylistic design for it.
  2. Having decided on the desired image and its location on the body, the skin in the selected area, if necessary, gets rid of hairs, degreases and lubricates with an antiseptic gel.
  3. The sketch is transferred to the skin.
  4. With the help of a tattoo machine, a dye is injected under the skin, and a tattoo is applied.
  5. At the end of the tattooing process, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic and a healing ointment is applied. The area of ​​the skin with the tattoo is covered with an antiseptic material and cling film, this helps to avoid infection and drying out of the wound. The bandage can be removed after 3-4 hours.
  6. The tattoo made heals for about a week, during this period it is necessary to lubricate this area of ​​the skin with healing ointments, and also avoid prolonged contact with the sun and water.

Who just does not strive to emphasize their individuality, and look different from everyone else. Someone is looking for self-expression in bright outfits, someone in makeup, piercings, and someone prefers tattoos. Have you had an idea for a long time to get yourself a tattoo and are you looking for a phrase worthy of you with meaning? Then our selection is just what you need. We offer you sayings for tattoos with translation. Here you will find various beautiful phrases and quotes for tattoos in different languages: English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and others.

There are many types of tattoos: they can be made in the form of a drawing, abstraction, or a portrait. But the most popular are tattoo inscriptions, especially in a foreign language. This type of body art has a certain secret. As phrases for a tattoo, you can choose your life credo, you can fill in short and wise words of love, gratitude to parents, family. It is not uncommon for tattoos to symbolize the past or an important moment in life.

Remember who you are. (Remember who you are).

And never imagine yourself to be anything more.

Everyone has one's own path. (Each has its own path).

Everyone should follow their own path, and not look at someone else's.

Now or never. (Now or never).

Of course, now!

Life is beautiful. (Life is Beautiful).

Does anyone doubt this?)

My guardian is always with me. (My keeper is always with me).

Let him protect my every step.

One lifelong love. (One love for life).

If you fall in love, then once and for all your life!

The best thing in our life is love. (The best thing in our life is love.)

The worst thing is to lose her.

While I’m breathing - I love and believe. (As long as I breathe, I love and believe).

Love and faith give strength to live.

I will get everything I want. (I'll get everything I want)

Whoever believes in himself will succeed.

My dreams come true. (My dreams are coming true).

That's why they are dreams to come true.

My angel is always with me. (My angel is always with me).

Nobody sees the guardian angel, but everyone has one.

The love of my life. (Love of my life).

He (she) is my whole life.

Jamais perdre l`espoir. (Never give up hope).

Hope gives strength to move forward.

Live without regrets. (Live without regrets).

Do not regret anything, since it was, then it must be so.

Jouis de chaque moment. (Enjoy every moment).

Life is given to enjoy it.

Les rêves se réalisent. (Dreams Come True).

Dreams come true for those who believe in them.

La vie est belle. (Life is Beautiful).

Whatever one may say, but the way it is!

Amor Vincit Omnia. (Love conquers everything.)

Everything, even hatred.

Amor et honor. (Love and honor).

These are important characteristics of a person.

Vincit qui se vincit. (The most difficult victory is victory over yourself).

The one who has conquered himself will conquer all trials.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae. (Man himself is the creator of his own destiny).

Everything is in your hands, remember this.

Esto quod es. (Be who you really are).

Be yourself and don't try to imitate someone.

Ut Amem Et Foveam. (This is what I love and adore.)

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

Verba volant, scripta manent. (Words fly away, the written remains).

Words do not remain in the field of vision, as is written, but they remain in memory.

Luctor et emergo. (I fight, but I will survive).

Do not be afraid, you just need to live and move forward.

Veritas vos liberabit. (The truth will set you free.)

Nothing makes life easier than the truth.

Vita est speciosa. (Life is Beautiful).

Life is beautiful, whatever one may say!

Vivere in momento. (Life is made up of moments.)

Life is a picture, every moment is a puzzle that it consists of.

Minima maxima sunt. (The smallest things are the most important in life.)

Small things matter a lot.

Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus. (What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.)

The tests are given in order to make us stronger.

Si vis amari ama. (If you want to be loved, love yourself).

One who loves himself cannot be unloved.

Veritas lux mea. (Truth is the light in my life.)

While lies are real darkness.

Vive ut vivas. (Life is what you make it).

You live your life as you deserve it.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris. (Expect from the other what you yourself did to the other).

Do to others as you would like them to do to you.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit. (Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting)

Life should be appreciated in youth, while there is still time to live!

Actum ne agas. (What is done, do not return to that).

Know how to part with things, with people.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant. (Friends are created by happiness, unhappiness is testing them).

Friends are known in trouble - life has proven.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit. (Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart).

Love lives in the heart.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare. (I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey).

Listen listen, but do it your way.

Aut vincere, aut mori. (Or win or die).

Win and win again!

Carpe diem. (Seize the moment).

Don't let go of your luck.

Certum voto pete finem. (Set yourself only achievable goals).

Do not set unattainable goals, otherwise you will lose faith in yourself.

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus. (Time is the most useful advisor to a person).

Only time can put everything in its place.

Vita sene libertate nlhil. (Life without freedom is nothing.)

Life and freedom are one.

Audaces fortuna juvat. (Fate helps the brave).

Fate feels the weaknesses of everyone, so it takes advantage of them.

Bene vobis. (Let everythnig will be alright).

Each of us…

Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón. (Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat).

Love - until the end!

Yo mismo me hago la vida. (I am building my own life).

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, dónde lo hay todo. (Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything).

Before you complain that you have nothing, take a close look, and perhaps you will see that you have everything.

Un día todo irá bien: he aquí nuestra esperanza. (One day everything will be fine: this is our hope).

The main thing in this life is to believe ...

Cada paso con Dios. (Every step with God).

Lucky is the one who lives with God.

Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte. (You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love and protect it if you don’t want to stay).

When people love a friend a friend, they give the loved one a part of themselves.

Casi desde el cielo. (Almost from heaven).

Heaven blesses every step you take.

Todo es para ti, mamá. (Everything for you, mom).

Mom is the person to whom we owe everything.

Cuando las personas se van - déjales ir. (When people leave - let go).

If someone decides to leave you, do not hold back.

Sueña sin miedo. (Dream without fear.)

Dreams should feel confident in them.

Eres mi fuerza. (You are my strength).

Everyone has someone who inspires us and gives us strength.

Sálvame y guárdame. (Bless and save).

Faith in God is the meaning of life.

Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida. (Happiness is harmony with life).

Happiness is the ability to value life.

Cum deo. (With God).

It is easier to live with faith!

The heart of a mother is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (Balzac)

There is one person in the world who will always forgive everything, and this is mom.

What a person owes his mother, he will never return.

But he can give it back to his children.

Every mother is a guardian angel.

But there is a mother, we feel the wings behind our backs.

Mother is the name of the Lord in the heart of every child.

A child is God's reward for faith.

The mother's heart beats faster.

No one’s heart is more worried than a mother’s.

Everyone has a God and his name is mother. (Georgy Alexandrov)

Mom is a holy word.

Honor to gods, honor to parents.

The one who honors God and parents lives righteously.

The mother's heart is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.

A mother's heart is a storehouse of kindness.

The descendants atone for the guilt of the ancestors.

Live righteously so that your children do not have to pay for your sins.

Love that is not reborn daily dies daily. (Kahlil Gibran)

Love is like fire, you need to kindle regularly.

Where they love us - only there is a hearth dear. (J. Byron)

We always want to return to where we are loved.

In moments of true love you love everyone. (I.I. Lazhechnikov)

And only after the inspiration do you understand that only a few are worthy of love.

To fall in love does not mean to love ... You can also fall in love by hating. (F.M.Dostoevsky)

Love often follows hate.

Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them. (I.V. Goethe)

Love can change you in such a way that you don't even recognize yourself.

To deserve love, beauty alone is not enough. (Ovid)

To deserve love, you need to have a pure soul.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. (Francois Mauriac)

To love is to get someone's heart.

There is no more pain than that which lovers inflict on each other. (Cyril Connolly)

Love is painful when it is not mutual.

It's easier to live without love. But it makes no sense without her ... (Lev Tolstoy)

The meaning of life is to love and do good.

Love hurts even the gods. (Petronius)

Cupid's arrow can hit anyone.

Love cannot be treated with herbs. (Ovid)

Even time hardly heals love wounds.

My tattoos are like scraps from life. Sometimes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, so cover it with designs. (Frank Iero)

A tattoo is a reason to change something in yourself.

If I had tattooed myself, it would have been the inscription "Mom". (Woody Allen)

It makes no sense to wear other words on yourself.

¿Hablas español?You are in good company. So why not get yourself the next tattoo in the language of Cervantes and Neruda? Decorate your body with a lyric phrase in Spanish to highlight your tendencies or get inspired by what is calledla vida apasionada (life full of passion).

Spanish Romance

The language of love is often tortured, sometimes life-loving, always expressive and emotional. Complement your favorite quote with vibrant red roses on your chest or arm. Get a graceful ribbon tattoo on your wrist. You can also stamp the evidence of your past sadness on your ankle. The lessons of the past will adorn your body, moments of euphoria or grief, on your chest, the spirituality that moves you will find expression in a tattoo.

Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.

Translation: " Love is short and memory is long ”. The Chilean poet and Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda wrote these beautiful lines about a departed love in his poem Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche or"Tonight I will write the saddest lines."

Tu eres mi sol.

Translation: " You are my sun”. A line from a songEres mi sol popular love song by Alex Campos. Campos is a Grammy Award winner with a large fan base in Latin America.

Te quiero con toda mi alma.

Translation: " I love you with all my soul . This is a Spanish expression that indicates your serious intentions.

Te quiero no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo.

Translation: " I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I am with you. ”. Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, another Latin American Nobel laureate best known for his magical realism novel, is the author of this beautiful quote."One Hundred Years of Solitude" .

Te amo más que a mi propia piel.

Translation: " I love you more than my skin ”. This is a quote from Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose tumultuous relationship with her husband, the master of fresco painting Diego Rivera, was as fiery and passionate as her famous self-portraits.

Sages and rebels

Ardent Latin American patriots and revolutionaries, and Spanish sages of all ages have left their mark on the language. Their immortal words can still be seen on the walls of houses and heard from the lips of the opposition. Sophisticated Hispanic speakers benefit from the wisdom of great minds from other cultures. Why not inscribe some fiery, time-honored message on your leg or arm, lower back or wrist? This will be a reminder to you of wildness and wisdom every time you look at your tattoo.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado.

Translation: " Better to die standing than live on your knees ”. These are the famous words of the heroine of the Spanish Civil War Dolores Ibarruri Gomez "Pasionaria" (Spanish for "passionate", or "passion flower"), a bright orator whose official statement: "! No pasarán!" (They will not pass!), Spoken against the troops of Francisco Franco, was a battle cry for the rebels. The quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata, the leader of the peasant riot during the Mexican Revolution.

Sed realistas, pedid lo imposible.

Translation: " Be realistic, demand the impossible ”. Expression of Argentine rebel Marxist Ernesto "Che" Guevara, inspired by the revolutionary movement in Latin America, one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.

Translation: " Traveler, bridges do not exist, they are built where they are going to pass over them ”. Mexican-American researcher Gloria E. Anzaldua addressed this advice to travelers on the road of life, reminding them that there is no ready-made map or time-tested way to investigate individual problems.

Persevera y triunfaras.

Translation: " Persevere and you will succeed ”. This is the Spanish equivalent of "If at first you are unsuccessful, try again and again." A popular Spanish expression is a simple instruction for showing resilience and coping with difficulties on the way to your goals.

El tiempo pasa inexorablemente.

Translation: " Time moves inexorably forward ”. An analogue of the expression: “time waits for no one”. This is a Spanish translation of a quote from Chaucer. The English poet of the Middle Ages Geoffrey Chaucer reflected this observation about time and nature in his"The Canterbury Tales" as a warning against procrastination and missed opportunities.

Arte Público

Your life is a work of art, and what could be more public than recognizing it in the form of a graceful tattoo with lyrical words “stuffed”, for example, on the neck, somewhere on the arm or on the back? Famous Spanish people of art, from painters and sculptors to singers and actors, express their life and work in words, sometimes poetry, worthy of being a decoration in the form of a tattoo.

El espectáculo del cielo me abruma.

Translation: " The action of heaven shakes me ”. The Catalan artist Joan Miró was a romantic who turned his back on bourgeois life and painted pictures in his imagination. His avant-garde work is full of magical realism and fantastic imagery, where the immense background of blues and blues is emphasized by unusual shapes, lines, scribbles or multicolored spots.

Pedir por más.

Translation: " Ask for more ”. This is a quote from Shakira, a Colombian singer / dancer / songwriter, winner of music competitions and a famous Latin American star with a multi-million circulation of records, a philanthropist. “Asking for more” in English and Spanish is her life credo, stating that you should never settle for less than you can achieve.

Yo no busco, yo encuentro.

Translation: " I do not seek, I find ”. This simple phrase is attributed to Pablo Picasso. He was an artist who claimed that his works were the result of the manifestation of his inner muse. He was open to art and said that it found him, because he himself opened up to him every day.

Yo no tomo drogas. Yo soy una droga.

Translation: " I don't do drugs. I am a drug myself ”. This unusual quote is attributed to Salvador Dali. He was a surrealist painter of the early 20th century who distorted reality to express his extravagant and dreamlike vision. His work was unique and exciting, and he himself continued to be an extraordinary personality throughout his life.

Soy más grande que la vida.

Translation: " I am more than life ”. Academic award winner Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno has made her life an art. Her bold statement that being more than life itself is not that difficult for her is an expression of faith in herself, a formula for achieving success.

Sometimes one single word takes possession of emotions, causes a strong desire to do something, awakens a moment of truth so much that there is a desire to remember this word. A tattoo can be a daily reminder of a deep thought gained from experience. Choose your own word or a short phrase that is quite capacious to fit on your finger, back, neck, behind the ear, or a phrase in the form around the navel, decorated with piercings. For example:

  • Destino: Fate
  • Felicidad: Happiness
  • Serendipia: Luck
  • Vivir: Live
  • Para siempre: Forever and ever
  • Vida mágica: Wonderful life
  • Que sera, sera: Let it be
  • Sigue a tu corazón: Listen to your heart

Phrases in Spanish

Even if Spanish is not your first (second) language, the power and eloquence of words are worthy of adorning your body. Let your body have such phrases for which you will never be ashamed afterwards. And the applicability and significance of the phrases and quotes given here has been proven by life itself.

Good luck!

Lindsay Lohan tattoo in Italian meaning "beautiful life" was supposed to mean "life is beautiful"

Italian tattoos appear in all the variety of forms and content. Italian cross, "Italian boot", green-white-red Italian flag (in its many variations, such as the flag in the form of the outline of the borders of Italy or in the form of stars). I even had to see a tattoo on my hand with a picture of Italian food: a plate of pasta and meatballs, a jug of wine and cannoli. Fortunately, unlike Latin (which is considered a book language), Hebrew and Arabic (which are quite complex and use their own alphabets of letters, requiring correct spelling depending on the place of the letter in the word, etc.) or Gaelic (which many dialects), Italian is easy to translate.

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Phrases for tattoos in German with translation

Phrases and aphorismswith translation into

Only mom's love lasts forever.
Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig.

Bless and save.
Rette und bewahre.

Thank you parents for life.
Danke den Eltern für das Leben.

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Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

French phrases, aphorisms with translation.
Phrases for tattoos translated into French.

Telle quelle.
As she is.

Il n`est jamais tard d`être celui qu`on veut. Exécute les rêves.
It's never too late to be who you want to be. Make your dreams come true.

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Phrases for a tattoo in Arabic with translation

Below are the most popular tattoo lettering in Arabic with translation.

Eternal love - حب أبدي
He knows no fear جريء
I will always love you - وسوف احبك الى الابد
Silence swallows my thoughts - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
Suzanne - سوزانا
Live today, forget about tomorrow - عِش اليوم وإنس الغد

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