Home Diseases and pests Kindergarten vacation theme week. Plan for winter vacations with children of middle and senior preschool age. Purpose: to provide a comfortable, emotionally favorable environment for the rest of pupils in a preschool institution during winter

Kindergarten vacation theme week. Plan for winter vacations with children of middle and senior preschool age. Purpose: to provide a comfortable, emotionally favorable environment for the rest of pupils in a preschool institution during winter

Tasks:- To intensify the experience of the holiday.

Learn to express your thoughts, encourage you to remember New Year's poems.

Final event: Exhibition of children's works on the theme of the week.

Educational areas

Region development

The form of organizing joint activities of a teacher with children

Organization of PPRS for independent activities of children

Continuous educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development

Learn to draw an object consisting of vertical and oblique lines;

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between the palms with straight movements.

D / and "Find unnecessary",

Examination of Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations.

D / and "Decorate the Christmas tree".

Making riddles.

Illustrations with the image of Christmas trees, pictures of winter nature.

Panorama of a winter forest, a picture with a picture of a Christmas tree.

Drawing: "Herringbone is fluffy, prickly, fragrant." (Golitsyna p. 110)

Modeling: "Herringbone" (Golitsyna p. 110)

Speech development

Learn to name objects correctly, coordinate nouns with adjectives;

Facilitate memorization of the poem.

D / and "Our tree is high", "Find what I say",

Illustrations on the theme of the week.

A book with a poem.

Development of speech: I. Ilyina "Our Christmas tree" (Golitsyna p. 108)


Cognitive development

To intensify the impressions of the holiday;

Learn to compare 2 groups of objects by using the application;

Consolidate knowledge of concepts; so much - so much; more, less, etc.

Fix spatial directions: top - bottom, left, etc.

To teach to bring the work started to the end.

Viewing the presentation "Our New Year's Living Room".

Reading poetry.

Remember how the Christmas tree was decorated.

Conversations from personal experience

Silhouettes of Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations.

Major constructor.

FTSKM: "Our Merry New Year" (Golitsyna p. 107)

FEMP: "How we decorate the Christmas tree" (Golitsyna p. 107)

Construction: "By design"

Social-com. development

Foster a respectful, caring attitude towards others.

Continue to develop playing skills in a team.

Conversations about the past holiday.

D / and "Meeting with Santa Claus"

Costumes for s / r games.


Subject - role-playing games at the request of children.

Physical development

Continue to develop healthy lifestyle skills.

Exercise in the ability to navigate in space.

Morning exercises, invigorating exercises,

P / and "Run to what I say", "Along a flat path"

Sports equipment, masks for p / i.

Lesson number 17 (Penzulaeva p. 43)

date09 . 01 .1 7 ... Monday


Educational areas

Interaction with parents

Educational activities

Group / subgroup



Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music. D / and "Expand the pictures" - classification of objects

With Alice M., Diana B. in the corner of sensory development "Colorful paths"

Situational conversation “Santa Claus came to us”.

Consultation for parents: “What and how we read at home”.

Hood - est development.

Pozn. development

Music (see the plan of the muses of the hands - la)

FTSKM: "Our Merry New Year"

Objectives: to encourage people to remember New Year's poems, to intensify the impressions of the holiday.


Observing passers-by.

An outdoor game: "Along a flat path."

With Tanya and Kira on physical education - exercise children in running

Situational conversation "What is the difference between the weather in spring and winter."

Games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading: Z. Aleksandrova "Santa Claus".


Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Narration of the Russian folk tale: "Three Bears".

With Tanya, Egor and Vanya - d \ "Whose baby" game - teach children to correctly name baby animals

Game Situation: "Polite Words"

Working in a corner of nature: putting things in order.


Examination of animal tracks, drawing up stories. P / and "White Bunny".

With Artyom L., Dima, Sasha for the development of fine motor skills

Purpose: to lay out a snowflake from sticks.

Game exercise: "Along the snow bridge."

Games with portable material.

Work after a walk

Creative workshop: drawing "Snowflakes - fluffs"

Viewing the photo album: "Winter".

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 10.01.17. Tuesday


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities

Group / subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music. Creative workshop: "Outfit for the Snow Maiden"

With Alice L., Diana N. in a corner of nature - viewing houseplants

Situational conversation "My New Year's gifts".

M./d. game "Bird and chicks"

Consultation for parents: "How we spent the holiday weekend."

Pozn. development

Physical development

FEMP: "How we decorated the Christmas tree"

Tasks: to teach to compare objects by superposition, to fix spatial directions ..

Integration: pozn. development .; social - comm. development .; pozn. development

Physical education. Lesson number 17.

Tasks: jumping on two legs with forward movement; repeat walking with assignments.

Integration: physical development; social - communes. development .; speech development


Observing the work of the janitor: we clean the paths.

Outdoor game: "Find your color."

With Vasilisa, Kira and Seryozha in physical education - exercise in jumping on two legs with forward movement

Situational conversation "Hello, winter is winter".

Building material games.

Work before bed

Reading: S. Marshak "Quiet Tale".


Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Di. "Who Called." Games at the request of children.

With Fedya. T., Dasha and Masha - experimenting: "What it smells like"

Game Situation: "Helping Mom"

S. / r. game: "Shop"


Bird watching at the feeder. P. / I. "Hit the target."

With Artyom V., Slava, Sasha - to teach to imitate the voice of birds.

Game exercise: "The bear needs help."

Games with portable material.

Work after a walk

Looking at the album: "Wintering Birds"

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 11.01.17. Wednesday


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities

Group / subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music. Multisalm: "Dancing Men" "Smeshariki"

With Egor, Vika., Diana N. - traffic safety rules

Situational conversation "Let's say words of gratitude to Grandfather Frost."

Board - printed games

Consultation for parents: "Prevention of influenza".

Hood Est. development

Cognitive development

Modeling: "Herringbone"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to roll plasticine between the palms with straight movements.

Design: "By design."

Tasks: to continue working with the designer, to teach how to decorate the building.


We clean the feeders and feed the birds. P. / I. Snowflakes and Wind.

With Fedya Shch., Miron and Sasha - to develop the skills of orientation in space.

Situational conversation "Wintering birds".

Games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading: S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".


Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale.

With Alisa M., Katya and Tanya - to teach to compare objects

Game situation: "Teddy bear is having dinner"

S. / r. game: "Hairdresser"


Bird watching at the feeder. Di. Find a familiar bird. P. / I. "Hit the target."

With Sophia, Ksyusha - to teach to find tracks of birds.

Conversation: "Our neighbors are older guys"

Games with portable material.

Work after a walk

Work in the corner of sensory development: "Open - close"

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 12.01.17. Thursday


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities

Group / subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music. Self-service job: take the cup away.

With Slava, Vasilisa, Diana B. in the corner of sensory development - to teach how to select lids for objects.

Situational conversation “How were the holidays”.

C / r. Game "Family"; plot "Cleaning the apartment".

We answer the parents' questions of interest.

Hood - est development.

Speech development.

Music (see the plan of the muses of the hands - la)

Development of speech: "Our tree" by I. Ilyin (memorization)

Tasks: to teach the correct name of objects, to help memorize the poem.

Integration: speech. development .; social - comm. development .; pozn. development .; physical raz

Work before bed

Reading: S. Marshak "In January, in January ...".


Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Preparation for s. / R. game: "Kindergarten".

With Miron, Egor and Serezha - d \ game "Whose baby" - to acquaint with the immediate environment.

Reading the story of N. Gernet: "Sister".

Labor assignments: we put things in order in the group.


Examining snow-covered trees, composing stories. P / and "White Bunny".

With Artyom L., Dima, Sasha for the development of fine motor skills - we roll snowballs.

Game exercise: "Walk along the snow bridge."

Snow games: whose tower is higher.

Work after a walk

Independent activities in the play corners

Planning direct educational work with children

Date 13.01.17. Friday


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities

Group / subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Reception and examination of children in a group. Morning exercises to music. Observation: frost on the windows.

With Dima, Vika, Katya - to introduce the attendants to the corner

Situational conversation "Rules of conduct in a group."

Play exercise with paints: hide the mouse from the cat.

Conversation with Miron's mother: comfortable shoes for the child in the garden.

Hood Est. development

Physical development

Drawing: "Herringbone fluffy, prickly, fragrant"

Tasks: teach to draw an object consisting of straight vertical and oblique lines.

Integration: pozn. development .; social - comm. development .; thin - Est. development, physical development

Physical culture: lesson number 17.

Objectives: exercise in maintaining balance in a limited area.

Integration: physical. development; social - communes. development .; speech development .; pozn. development


Observing the shadow. P / i .: "Sparrows and a cat"

With FedayT, Diana B. and Sasha - to teach how to make patterns on a building.

Situational conversation "Snow buildings".

Games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading: S. Drozhzhin "Grandfather Frost Walking the Street".


Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Working in a corner of nature: acquaintance with natural materials.

With Egor, Vika, Dima - we compare objects.

Looking at the painting: "First Snow"

Games in the corner of the sensor.

Valeria Kadeeva
Daily scheduling on the topic "Vacation week" (09-13 November) (preparatory group)

Individual work on mathematical development "Solve examples" with kids ___

1. Morning exercises.

Complex "Hooray, holiday

3. Conversation on the questions “What is a road? What elements does it consist of? What is sidewalk? What is a curb? "

4. D / i "City walks"

5.C / R "Cars and Pedestrians" Board games "Traffic lights", "Go right", "City streets".

Traffic rules quiz "Children and the Road" C: Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules


Making riddles about the air for children ___

1. Observation of transparency and air movement

C: to summarize knowledge about air and its properties

2. Experience "Hello, wind!"

3.T.P .: collecting stones at the site

4. D / i "What happens?"

5. P / i "Pick up the toy"»

SD Sedentary game "Stream", "Ocean is shaking"

Experiments with air

Di "Collect the sign" with kids ___

Exercise after sleep.

Walking massage paths.

Hardening procedures

1. Conversation "What are the signs on the road for?"

2. Learning a poem by Y. Pishumov "Cars"

3. Making riddles about different types of transport Construction game "Different types of roads"

Examining pictures on the topic "Cars on our street"

An evening walk

The exercise "Hit the ring" children ___

1. Observing the invisibility of air

C: continue to introduce you to the properties of air

2. Experience "Air is invisible"

3. D / i "When does this happen?"

Outdoor games

Individual task for children ___ "Name the symbols of Russia"

1. Morning exercises.

Complex "Hooray, holiday

2. Working with the dining room attendants

3. Conversation on the topic "Nature of Russia", accompanied by the examination of forests, seas, rivers, mountains, steppes.

C: to introduce children to the natural diversity of Russia (flora and fauna).

4. Reading a poem by M. Lisyansky "My motherland" Examining illustrations with views of Moscow (Red Square, Spasskaya Tower, Tsar - Bell).

Organized educational activities

Reading competition "Russia is my Motherland!"

C: To form in children an idea of ​​the country in which we live; arouse interest in the present, past and future of Russia; to form an idea of ​​Russia as a native country, a feeling of love for their homeland, a sense of pride in their country, to acquaint children with the concepts "Big" and "Small homeland".


Development of movements in the game "Hometowns" with kids ___

C: pay attention to how the color of the sky changes in autumn

2.T.P .: collecting foliage around trees

3. D / i "Where what can you do?"

4. P / i "Who is faster to the Russian flag?"

N / a "Birds fly to their native land"

Di "Native open spaces" with kids ___

Exercise after sleep.

Walking massage paths.

Hardening procedures

1. Conversation on the topic "State symbols of Russia"

C: to form the idea of ​​children about state symbols.

2. Learning a poem by V. Stepanov "Russian flag"

1. Coloring of the flag of Russia and the image of an eagle on the coat of arms of Russia.

2. Examination of the layout of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

An evening walk

Assignment to the child ___ "Name the cities of Russia"

1. Observation of stratus clouds

2. D / i "Who knows more?"

3. Making riddles about the Motherland

4. P / i "Burners"

Sedentary game "Entertainers"

The game "Connect the numbers in order" with kids ___

1. Morning exercises.

Complex "Hooray, holiday

2. Working with the dining room attendants

3. Conversation on the topic "Folk applied art - what is it?"

4. D / i "Multi-colored turrets" (from the Lego constructor)

5. P / i "Pick up the toy" Block game "Gienesha"

The game "Perform hatching"

Organized educational activities

Yoga teacher master class "Weaving mandalas"


Di "Seek" with kids ___

1. Observing the first snow

C: to systematize and generalize ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature

2.T.P .: feeding birds

3. Reading a poem by I. Surikov "Winter"

4. Snow experience "Warm palms"

5. Sedentary game "Ring" N / a "Owl and butterflies", "Cat and Mice", "Frog and Heron"

Doll games

Di "Make a riddle" children ___

Exercise after sleep.

Walking massage paths.

Hardening procedures

1. Work in a creative workshop "Craftsmen": making crafts from various materials

2. Musical dynamic game "Rhythmic Lotto"

Examination of the exhibition of arts and crafts of different peoples of the world

An evening walk

The exercise "Crawl under the arc" with kids ___

1. Observing the snow

C: establishing a relationship between air temperature and the state of aggregation of water

2. D / i "What season?"

3. P / i "Trap, take the tape", "Trap"

Fun game "Find out without seeing"

C / R "A toy shop"

The exercise "Come up with the end of the fairy tale" with kids ___

1. Morning exercises.

Complex "Hooray, holiday

2. Working with the dining room attendants

3. Developmental situation "Salad from fairy tales"

4. Solving a crossword puzzle based on fairy tales

5. D / i "Name a fairy tale with the right sound"

Drawing on a theme "Decorating a bookmark for a book"

organized educational activities

Staging of a Russian folk tale "Turnip" and "Kolobok" for younger children groups


Drawing with a stick of patterns in the snow with children ___

1. Examination of ice

C: pay attention to the phenomena typical for this time of year

2.T.P .: clearing the tracks from snow

3. Experience "Magic water"

4. Making riddles about ice

5. P / i "Penguins with a ball", "Pass silently"

The game "Hand of a friend" (comparison of prints)

Rolling the hoop on a flat track.

Tidying up the book corner with children ___ ___

Exercise after sleep.

Walking massage paths.

Hardening procedures

1. Consolidation of the idea of ​​the genre features of the story, its difference from a poem and a fairy tale

2. Acquaintance with proverbs about books

3.C / R "Book shop"

Making baby books as a gift for younger children groups

An evening walk

Di "Add a syllable" with kids ___

1. Observing ice in puddles

C: to generalize ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature

2. Experience "Ice transparency"

N / a "Snail", "Stop!"

Outdoor games

Di "Who needs what?" with kids ___

1. Morning exercises.

Complex "Hooray, holiday

2. Working with the dining room attendants

3. Conversation on the topic "Are there miracles?"

4. Puzzle game "Magic circle"

5. Experience "Miraculous transformations"

Application on the theme "Magic Garden"

Organized educational activities

Play "Magic tree"


Di "Who can think of more words" with kids ___

1. Watching the clouds

C: develop the ability to independently identify signs of late autumn

2.T.P .: shoveling snow into flower beds

3. Acquaintance with the signs of autumn

4. Reading poems. about the clouds

5. Russian folk game "Big ball"

C / R "Theatre"

Creative task for children ___ "Make up a magical story"

Exercise after sleep.

Walking massage paths.

Hardening procedures

1. Reading a fairy tale by O. Preusler "Little Baba - Yaga", conversation about the read.

2. Game "Magic Bundle"

Modeling / drawing by subject"Magic tree"

An evening walk

Making riddles about clouds for children ___

1. Observing the change in the color of the sky

2. D / i "What? What? What?"

3. P / i "Troika"

Sedentary games "Flies, does not fly", "Stream"

Targets and goals:

Expand ideas about the Victory Day holiday, about the soldiers who defended the Motherland.

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War.

To form in children an idea of ​​the heroic deed of the people who stood up to defend their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the army, about representatives of different types of troops (pilot, tanker, infantryman, sailor).

Raising moral feelings (love, pride) for the older generation, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, veterans of the Second World War.

April 29 - 30. Topic of the week: Late Spring. Primroses.

Targets and goals:

To generalize the knowledge of children about spring based on observations of changes in nature (changes in the life of animals, opening of leaves, flowering of plants).

Continue to consolidate the characteristic features of spring. Compare signs of early and late spring in nature.

Learn to find signs of spring in the surrounding nature, develop the ability to observe, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

Introduce the concept primroses... Learn to distinguish between mother-and-stepmother flowers.

Expand the experience of research activities in the study of natural objects. Develop emotional responsiveness while communicating with nature.

April 22 - 26. Topic of the week: My city is Chebarkul. Russia is my homeland.

Targets and goals:

Expand children's ideas about the Motherland, the symbols of Russia. To give children an idea of ​​Moscow as the main city of our country.

To form an initial idea of ​​the native land, its culture. To acquaint with the history of the Urals, the city of Chebarkul. Form an idea of ​​the sights of the hometown, the enterprises of Chebarkul.

To cultivate love for the native city, for the Motherland.

To form patriotic feelings.

April 15-19. Topic of the week: Meet the birds.

Targets and goals:

Form a concept migratory birds... To expand the knowledge of children about groups of birds: wintering - sedentary, migratory - nomadic.

To acquaint with the life of birds in the spring (nesting, breeding chicks).

To learn to recognize and distinguish migratory birds (starling, swallow, rook, crane, nightingale) by external signs (size, color of feathers, characteristic habits, etc.)

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards birds (consider, feed, do not frighten, do not ruin the nests).

April 8-12. Topic of the week: Reservoirs. Fishes. (for junior, middle and senior groups)

Targets and goals:

To acquaint children with various bodies of water - lake, pond, sea, swamp.

To systematize children's ideas about the inhabitants of reservoirs.

Form a generalizing concept fishes, teach children to correlate specific subjects with a generalized concept.

To acquaint with the classification of fish (river, lake, sea), body structure.

Compare and describe fish (appearance, distinctive features, what they eat).

To foster a respect for nature.

April 8-12. Topic of the week: Space. (for preparatory groups)

Targets and goals:

To form an initial idea of ​​space, the space system, the planets of the solar system.

To form understandable ideas of children about the public holiday "Cosmonautics Day"

To form ideas about the activities of people in space exploration (the profession of an astronaut, his personal qualities.)

Expand children's knowledge of spaceships, rockets and other space technology.

Develop cognitive activity and interest in learning about the world around you.

April 1 - 5. Topic of the week: Early Spring.

Targets and goals:

Expand children's ideas about spring, teach them to talk about the signs of the coming spring.

Learn to observe changes in nature, draw conclusions based on observations.

Broaden the horizons of children.

To foster a respect for the surrounding nature.

To foster a sense of beauty, the ability to notice beauty in everyday events.

March 25 - 31. In kindergarten - VACATIONS !!!

Targets and goals:

Reduce the psychological and mental stress on the child's body.

Organize outdoor activities for children.

To develop the creative activity and independence of children.

March 18 - 22. Topic of the week: Professions.

Targets and goals:

To clarify the knowledge of children about the professions of adults.

Expand ideas about adult labor, show its importance.

To acquaint with the peculiarities of work, tools and implements of labor.

Foster respect for working people.

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the result of someone else's work.

March 11-15. Topic of the week: My family. My house.

Targets and goals:

Expand children's ideas about themselves and their families. To expand knowledge about the professions of family members. Form an initial understanding of family relationships.

Expand gender perceptions.

Foster emotional responsiveness; caring attitude towards elderly relatives. To foster a desire to please loved ones with good deeds.

Strengthen the knowledge of children of their home address.

Expand children's knowledge of the diversity of residential buildings. To form knowledge about the parts of the house (entrance, staircase, elevator, apartment), the purpose of rooms and other premises in the apartment (withbedroom, dining room, hallway, kitchen, children's room, living room, toilet, bathroom)

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards everything that surrounds us. Form a respectful attitude to the result of someone else's work.

March 4 - 7. Topic of the week: Women's Day 8 March.

Targets and goals:

Expand and clarify children's ideas about the holiday - International Women's Day. To remind you that on this day it is customary to congratulate all the women around.

Expand the understanding of women's work.

Expand gender perceptions.

To cultivate a careful, sensitive, respectful attitude towards loved ones.

To foster a desire to help loved ones, take care of them, the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

February 25 - March 1. Topic of the week: Indoor flowers.

Targets and goals:

Introduce indoor plants (geranium, begonia, violet).

Learn to find and name parts of indoor plants - stem, leaf, bud, flower.

Teach children to find the distinguishing features of indoor plants, compare plants by stem, leaves, flowers, smell.

Form the ability to care for indoor plants with the help of adults.

February 18 - 22. Topic of the week: Our defenders

Targets and goals:

To form an idea of ​​children about the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

To acquaint with the branches of the Russian army, military professions, military equipment.

Form an idea about the features of military service.

Tell about the history of the Russian army.

Expand children's ideas about our country.

Raise a sense of pride in your army and arouse the desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.

February 11-15. Theme of the week: Winter

Targets and goals:

Expand children's ideas about winter. To generalize the observations of children, to systematize the knowledge of children about winter (cloudy sky, gray clouds, it is snowing, there are large snowdrifts, a cold wind blows, drifting snow, a blizzard). Continue to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, describe and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

To consolidate the idea of ​​how to prepare forest animals and birds for winter; teach to analyze and draw conclusions.

Fix the names of the winter months.

February 4 - 8. Topic of the week: Clothes, shoes, hats

Targets and goals:

Clarify and expand children's ideas about clothes, hats, shoes. Form (consolidate) generalizing concepts clothes, hats, shoes ... Teach to correctly relate specific subjects to each generalizing concept.

To form an idea of ​​the types of clothing, hats, footwear in accordance with the season (winter, summer, demi-season), by belonging (men, women, children), by appointment (sports, uniform, smart).

Learn to correctly name the details of clothing (sleeve, collar, cuffs, pocket, belt), hats (crown, brim, visor, band), shoes (toe, heel, sole, heel, tongue).

To teach the formation of relative adjectives when naming materials from which clothes, hats, and shoes are made.

Name the rules for caring for clothes, hats, shoes. To cultivate a respect for things.

January 28 - February 1. Topic of the week: Tableware

Targets and goals:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about cookware. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept dishes .

Teach children to differentiate concepts tea room, dining room, kitchen dishes, correlate specific objects with a generalized concept. Compare tableware, tea and kitchen utensils (purpose and materials from which they are made).

Vto nurture a sense of beauty and respect for things.

January 21 - 25. Topic of the week: Furniture. Appliances

Targets and goals:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the main types of furniture. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept furniture . Teach children to relate specific subjects to a generalized concept.

To acquaint with the purpose of pieces of furniture, the materials from which it is made. Name the pieces of furniture and their functional meaning.

To foster a sense of beauty and respect for furniture.

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about household appliances. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept Appliances .

To acquaint with the purpose of household appliances, with the safety rules when using them.

January 14-18. Topic of the week: Wintering Birds

Targets and goals:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about wintering birds. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept wintering birds .

To acquaint with the living conditions of birds.

Learn to distinguish between birds by their characteristic features: feather color, size, tail shape, mode of movement.

Raise the desire to take care of the birds, feed them in winter.

December 24 - January 13. In kindergarten - VACATIONS !!!

Targets and goals:

Reducing the psychological and mental stress on the child's body.

Carrying out New Year's parties.

Development of creative activity and independence of children.

December 17 - 21. Topic of the week: New Years Kaleidoscope

Targets and goals:

To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in kindergarten ( decorating the group, preparing for the matinee, making New Year's crafts) and in the family (decorating a Christmas tree, an apartment, making gifts, inviting guests).

Learn to compose a story based on plot pictures, according to your own impressions.

Learn to compose descriptive stories about Christmas tree decorations, find their distinctive features: color, shape, size, material of manufacture, purpose.

December 10-14. Theme of the week: Winter fun

Targets and goals:

Continue to introduce children to winter phenomena in nature.

Compose stories about children's winter fun.

Form children's ideas about winter sports.

Form a concept sportswear.

December 3 - 7. Topic of the week: Poultry

Targets and goals:

Strengthen children's knowledge of poultry (chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey) and their cubs. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept poultry .

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the appearance, habits of poultry.

Give an idea of ​​how a person cares about poultry, about how they benefit people.

November 26 - 30. Theme of the week: Pets

Targets and goals:

Strengthen children's knowledge of pets (cow, horse, goat, pig, cat, dog, sheep) and their babies. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept Pets .

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the appearance, habits of pets.

Give an idea of ​​how a person cares about pets, how they benefit people.

November 19 - 23. Theme of the week: Wild animals

Targets and goals:

To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children of wild animals and their babies. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept wild animals .

Help to learn the names of animals, to acquaint with the habitat, features of the appearance and way of life (habits, food, housing).

Develop the ability to highlight signs of similarity and difference.

To consolidate the idea of ​​how to prepare forest animals for winter.

Give concepts predators and herbivores animals.

November 12-16. Topic of the week: Transport.

Targets and goals:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about transport. Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept transport. Teach to correctly relate specific subjects to a generalizing concept.

Form an idea of ​​the types of transport: land, water, air; cargo, passenger; city, intercity.

Learn to correctly name the details of the transport (wheel, cab, steering wheel, steering wheel, fender, etc.).

To acquaint children with the professions of people working in different types of transport.

Review traffic rules, rules of conduct on transport.

November 6-9. Theme of the week: Late Autumn

Targets and goals:

Expanding and enriching the knowledge of children about the features of late autumn (pre-winter), observation of such natural phenomena as frost, first snow, strong winds, rain, frost, hail, fog.

To provide an insight into how cooling and shorter days are changing the life of plants, animals and humans.

Expanding knowledge of how some animals prepare for winter (frogs, hedgehogs, turtles, bears hibernate, hares, squirrels molt, some birds fly south).

Summarize the knowledge of children about the distinctive features of autumn by months (September, October, November).

October 29 - November 2. Topic of the week: Kindergarten. Toys. (for children of younger, middle, older age)

Targets and goals:

To systematize the knowledge of children about kindergarten: about the appearance of the building of the kindergarten, about the name and purpose of the premises.

To consolidate knowledge about the work of adults in kindergarten.

Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept toys . Teach to correctly relate specific subjects to a generalizing concept. Improve the ability to describe an object, indicate its essential features, recognize an object by description.

October 29 - November 2. Topic of the week: School. School supplies. (for children of the preparatory group)

Targets and goals:

Systematize children's knowledge about school: nThe name and purpose of premises in the school (cloakroom, classrooms, gym, offices of the director, doctor, dining room), rules of conduct at school, differences between school life and life in kindergarten.

To acquaint children with the work of a teacher.

Form (consolidate) a generalizing concept school supplies . Teach to correctly relate specific subjects to a generalizing concept.

Topic of the week: "Winter Holidays"


Regional component:


Integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents

Monday 25.12.2017


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Chat with the kids about the weekend ... Ts.: To form in children a desire to share interesting experiences with their friends.

Conversation: "New Year" Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the New Year's holiday and the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Continue to acquaint with the history of the origin of the fairy-tale characters of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Tell about the traditions of celebrating the New Year; to cultivate love for the history of Russia, national pride; to cultivate love for Russian folk art. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Didactic games (subjects) "Find by touch" Target: consolidation and development of fine motor skills, massage of the hands, fingers, increasing the sensitivity of the fingers. Development of classification according to various criteria.

Individual work (sensorics): Artem Sh. Artem, J. Dmitry« Figures " Target: teach children to distinguish objects by size. Teach simple actions (insert and remove objects, open and close the box). To enrich the sensory experience in acquaintance with the magnitude.

Preparing for breakfast , breakfast

CTG: Conversation "Let's remember how to eat right" Ts .: Improve the ability to hold the fork with your thumb and middle fingers, holding it on top with your index finger.

Board-printed games on this topic. "

Conversation "How to make a winter walk useful"


Cognitive, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic development

9.00-9.25 Cognition (outlook):

Ts .:

10.10-10.35 Psychocorrection: According to the plan of specialists.

15.50-16.15 Physical education (walk):

Ts .:


Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Physical development

Social and communicative development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Observation of non-wildlife: Observing the snow. Establish the relationship between air temperature and the aggregate state of snow using a thermometer (sticky, crumbly, dry). Riddle: It is fluffy, silvery, But do not touch it with your hand: It will become a drop of pure, As you catch it in the palm of your hand. (snow) Didactic game "Who is more?" What kind of snow does it snow? (white, fluffy, silvery, shaggy, terry, milky, clean, airy, heavy, sparkling, cold, light, wet, shiny, beautiful, crunchy, crumbly, soft, loose, deep, sticky, squeaky).

Travel run ... around the sports ground. Ts. Teach correct breathing while jogging.

N / a "The sea is worried" Ts .: development of coordination of movements, imagination.

Labor activity:

cleaning snow from tracks.

C .: Develop a desire to do the job in a friendly manner.

Self-employed worker.

Outdoor games .


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Hardening procedures

Theatrical games: (Theater on hand - glove) Game "Snow Maiden". Ts. :: Learn to play with the literary text.

A. Kirill, A. Elina, A. Danil. Composing a story from the experience "If you want to be healthy" Ts .: to form an emotional attitude to literary works.

Reading h.l .: N. Litvinova "Kingdom of cutlery".

Preparing for a walk. Walk

Observing plants (labor, experience): Planting onions on the windowsill. Goal: Teach children to set a goal, prepare the workplace, tools and clean up after themselves. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the structure of the bulb, about the conditions necessary for the growth of the onion. Develop labor skills and abilities.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Watching the weather : At the meteorological site. Take the turntable out for a walk. Reveal the connection between strong wind and fast spinning of the turntable. Establish a connection between the strength of the wind and the shape, location of snowdrifts. Measure the depth of the snowdrifts before and after the snowfall with a conventional yardstick. Draw a conclusion why in some places the snow is deep, while in others it is almost nonexistent.

The poem by A.S. Pushkin

"Winter evening":

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds;

How a beast she will howl

It will cry like a child

Then on the dilapidated roof

Suddenly it will rustle with straw,

How a belated traveler

He will knock at our window.

Di: "Looks like - not like",
"Name three items"
Ts .: teach children to show movements and guess them.

Labor activity Target : to form teamwork skills.

Self-play activity with external material.

P / game: "Homeless hare" Ts .: development of running, the ability to jump on two legs.

Target: To form in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it; bring joy to children; to develop the motor qualities and abilities of children: agility, speed, strength, general endurance; develop the cognitive interests of children.

Regional component: "Settlement of the territory of the Stavropol Territory by Russian peasants and Cossacks"

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge about the history of the Stavropol Territory.

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in times of security

Tuesday 26.12.2017


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 9

Exercises for the development of speech breathing:

Breathing exercises "Inflating balloons"Objectives: To improve the skills of correct breathing.

D / game "Name the birds with the right sound"Purpose: to develop auditory attention.

Individual work (speech development): A. Roman, A. Leonid, A. MaximPurpose: compilation of a story based on a plot picture.

Building games: Children learn to do work according to plan. The teacher draws a plan - for example, a room, yard or house. Introduces the plan to the children and removes it. Ts.: To teach from memory to create an idea of ​​the educator from the parts of the building set.

Morning exercises.

CTG: Washing Purpose: Strengthen and improve the acquired skills, develop the habit of keeping the body clean

Filling in the nature calendar (based on observation results)

Conversation about children's behavior when communicating with each other


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.55-9.20 Cognition (FEMP):

Ts. :

9.30-9.55 Music : According to the plan of specialists.

10.20-10.45 Drawing: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Experimenter. :

Snow experience. Collect snow in a glass and bring it to the group. What happened to the snow in the room? Examine the water, note that it is dirty. It contains soot, dust, small objects, etc. explain that, falling, snowflakes collected everything that was in the air. With snow, various bacteria can enter the body, so you cannot take snow into your mouth. Also, the cold snow can hurt your throat.Observing wildlife : Observation of the behavior of birds at the feeder. Navigate the tracks in the snow; which of the birds flew to the feeder. Find out what kind of feed what bird needs. Note the peculiarities of the behavior of sparrows: they cheerfully chirp - they feel an increase in light. If the sparrow is ruffled - to the frost, the feathers are smoothed - to the warmth. In January, you can already hear the song of the titmouse. Make a conclusion that birds are the first to react to the addition of light. A. Yashin's poem "Feed the Birds":

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

A handful of grain is needed

One handful -

And not scary Will they be winter.

Individual work: B. Bogdan, B. Zhenya, G. Georgy.Purpose: to highlight the signs of objects, to use high-quality adjectives in speech. Means: d / i"Find an object of the same shape" cards.

N / a "Two Frosts". Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity .; "Frost - Red Nose". Purpose: to develop interest in Russian folk games.

Labor activity

Snow removal from paths. C.: Develop a desire to do the job in a friendly manner.

Games with portable material.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating" Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.

Hardening procedures (washing face and hands up to the elbows with cool water)

Reading H.L.: Poem I. Lopukhina "Snowfall": Purpose: to teach children to expressively recite a poem by heart, conveying the intonational calm sadness of autumn nature; continue to develop children's poetic ear. the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem; exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons, metaphors for describing autumn landscapes.

Work in a sports corner: "On safety rules during sports"

Purpose: to give knowledge about safety rules during sports, teach to obey safety requirements.Fold up sports. inventory in its place. : to foster hard work in children.

"Games without quarrels" Target : Explain to children that fighting interferes with play and friendship.Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, not get angry at a loss, not tease the loser.

Individual work ( on cognitive development) : ... G. Nastya, D. Milena, D. NadezhdaPurpose: the ability to determine the parts of the day, to argue for your answer.

Building games: Garage construction. Purpose: Formation of independence, activity of thinking, development of working capacity, constructive and creative abilities, correct relationships in a friendly team.

Group duty

C: To form work skills in a team, to be responsible for the assigned task.

Independent games of interest.

Replenish the group with new board games. Introduce the rules of the game.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Animal observation: Dog observation... Goals: learn to establish a connection between the features of the appearance, behavior of animals and the conditions of the cold season; foster interest in animal life, love, the desire to help in difficult conditions.

Adults and children know in our house

That I am now happier than anyone else in the world:

I have, to the envy of all dog breeders,

There is a dog of an amazing breed.

A dog's happy life depends a lot on its owner. Dogs eat a wide variety of foods. They can enjoy cereals, milk, cottage cheese, but most of all, of course, they love meat.

P / game Buryat folk games"Needle, thread
and a bundle "
Ts .: development of coordination of movements, beauty of movements.


activity: Collective work on the site for garbage collection.Target:to form teamwork skills.

Self-playactivities of children.

Games with portable material.

Topic of the week: "Winter Holidays".

Target: To form in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it; bring joy to children; to develop the motor qualities and abilities of children: agility, speed, strength, general endurance; develop the cognitive interests of children.

Regional component: "Settlement of the territory of the Stavropol Territory by Russian peasants and Cossacks"

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge about the history of the Stavropol Territory.

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in times of security

Wednesday 27.12.2017


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 9

Conversation with children: "Baptism" Purpose: to explain to children the meaning of Baptism, to tell how Christianity came to Russia. To form feelings of patriotism and respect for the past of their homeland, to form an idea of ​​the importance of baptism, acceptance of Orthodoxy, to develop the ability to perceive, analyze literary works, the ability to express their feelings.

Individual work (IZO): D. Georgy, Z. Kolya, Z. Ksenia workwith watercolors, their features: paints are diluted
water; the color is tried on the palette; you can get a brighter light tone of any color by diluting the paint with water, etc.

Ts .: Teachways
work in watercolor.

Fun games :

Duty in a corner of nature. Top dressing of indoor plants, loosening, wiping dust from leaves with a brush.Observation in a corner of nature: Indoor plant "Purpose: to continue to reinforce in children elementary ideas about indoor plants.

Filling in the nature calendar (based on observation results)

Child independence: its boundaries


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.50-9.15 Cognition (research - construct):

9.25-9.50 Speech development :

10.00-10.25 Physical education: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of the phenomena of social life ... Observing the work of the janitor. How does he collect garbage on the territory of the kindergarten, what does he do? What tools does he need? Do we need the work of a janitor? For what? Would you like to help the janitor? What can we do to achieve this? (do not litter yourself, collect garbage together, do not let others litter). Explain that if everyone observes the rules - to throw garbage only into a trash can or put it in a pocket and then throw it away, then we will have a clean place in the kindergarten, in the yard, on the street.

P / game: "Homeless hare" Ts .: exercise in running, dexterity, courage. "Score a goal" Ts .: development of the eye, dexterity, "The wand is a lifesaver" Ts .: exercise in running, dexterity, courage.

Individual work: . K. Gleb, L. Alexander, M. Rasul ..-Didactic game: "Help Nyusha cross the road." Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules, to remember the meaning of traffic signals.

Labor activity

Garbage collection at the site.

Target : teach to work together, achieving the task with joint efforts.

Independent games of interest.

C \ r game Ts. "School": To cultivate friendly relations, hard work, neatness.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Hardening procedures

CTG: Who and when came up with the rules of conduct Target: Improve the skill of correct behavior.

C / r games: ZOOPARK Purpose:

1. To enrich and concretize the knowledge and ideas of children about wild animals and

their habits and conditions in captivity.

2. To foster respect for the work of zoo workers.

3. To instill a love for animals, to cultivate a sense of kindness and pity.

4. Activation of the dictionary: trappers, guide, animals of Africa, animals of the North, animals of Australia, marsupials.

Entertainment, leisure: Theatrical game "Winter's Tale" Ts .: To improve the ability to convey the emotional state of the characters by facial expressions, gestures, body movements. Result: Staging a fairy tale

Fine motor development games: « These are the sticks " Target: learn to distinguish and name the colors of the sticks, push them into the holes corresponding to the color. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Reading H.L. : E. Charushina "Foxes"

Ts .: To form the ability to listen attentively and with interest to a work of art.

Situational conversation: "SDA during the winter season».

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road in the winter season.

Independent artistic activity.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development.

Walk: Monitoring the air temperature. Regularly measure the air temperature and enter it in the observation diary. At the end of the month, summarize these observations and conclude why January is called the fiercest of all winter months.

Riddle: Pinching ears, pinching nose,

Climbs into boots frost.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water already, but ice.

Even a bird does not fly

The bird freezes from the frost.

The sun turned to summer.

What, tell me, for a month is this?

Di: “Raise your eyes to the sky, lower your gaze to the ground, close your eyes, expose your face to the wind, turn away from it - the result is going downwind”.

P / game: "Do not stay in the snow" Ts .: to train children in agility, jumping.

Labor activity :

Clear snow from the paths.


Motor activity

"Cossacks-robbers", "Fox in the chicken coop"

Topic of the week: "Winter Holidays".

Target: To form in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it; bring joy to children; to develop the motor qualities and abilities of children: agility, speed, strength, general endurance; develop the cognitive interests of children.

Regional component: "Settlement of the territory of the Stavropol Territory by Russian peasants and Cossacks"

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge about the history of the Stavropol Territory.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 9

Individual work (fine motor skills): M. Varvara, N. Sofia, O. "Mill"

Target: teach children to distinguish and name colors, develop fine motor skills of hands, pushing beads with a finger.

D. and. (musical): "Funny Races"

Target: development of visual perception and attention, its stability and ability to switch; development of auditory attention.

Fun games "CINDERELLA"

Target: Encourage emotional responsiveness, foster communication skills with adults and peers.

Stroke: All players sit on the bench and take off one shoe, dumping them in a common heap. The driver turns away, they show him the shoes and ask: "To whom?" He mentions the name of the player who receives this shoe. This continued until the shoes ran out. All players at the end of the game are having fun wearing a new shoe.

S.R. Game "STORE" Target:

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the work of a shop assistant.

2. To cultivate a respectful and polite attitude towards the seller's work.

3. Activation of the dictionary: the seller, the buyer, pay to the cashier, showcase, goods, scales, cashier, weigh, wrap things, names of products, household appliances, clothes.

Word games : Bashkir folk games "Shooter",
"Sticky hemp".

Observation in a corner of nature: Loosening the soil in indoor plants. Purpose: To teach children to care for indoor plants; give children the knowledge of why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; to fix the methods of loosening and the rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy.

Filling in the nature calendar (based on observation results)

N. p. games at the request of children (puzzles, dominoes, loto, etc.)

Sports shoes for physical education


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

9.00-9.25 Speech development :

9.55-10.20 Music: According to the plan of specialists.

10.50-11.20 Drawing: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Target walk: TOPIC "Walk around the kindergarten"Target: Continue to acquaint with the signs of winter, consolidate the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them.

Individual work : Gulzoda P. Sonya, S. Polina, P. Violetta- aesthetic development

Purpose: exercise in the correct holding and use of scissors.

N / a "The Hunter and the Hares" Ts .: jumping, throwing

Labor activity

Garbage collection at the preschool educational institution.

Target:to teach to come to the aid of an adult when picking berries.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Hardening procedures (washing face and hands up to the elbows with cool water).

GCD: 15.50-16.15 Circle work according to plan

Theatrical games: (Theater on the hand - finger) Game "Teremok". Tasks for the teacher: Encourage children to actively participate in the theatrical play. Game task for children: Develop communication skills and independence.

Examining illustrations: "North Pole" Ts .: Acquaintance of children with the nature of the North Pole.

Individual work : S. Dmitry , S. Varvara , T. Evita - on the development of elementary mathematical representations Purpose: to establish a correspondence between the number of subjects and the number .


Teach children to help each other dress (tie a scarf, button up)

Independent games of interest.

C \ r game : "Cafe" Objectives: To continue to enrich the content of children's games, to organize the game, to improve role-based communication, to form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observing the weather: Monitoring the state of the weather. Develop the ability to independently recognize and name snowfall, drifting snow, frost, blizzard, frost.

Ts .: To teach children to compare these phenomena, to find similarities and differences.

D. and. "Who is bigger?" - exercise in the selection of definitions for nouns and verbs corresponding to winter events. What winter day? (frosty, cold, clear, snowy, short, windy, fabulous). Frost (what is it doing?) Freezes, cracks, grows stronger, freezes, stands, hits, weakens, fetters, does not order to stand. The wind (what is it doing?) Blows, sweeps, carries (snow), howls, howls, circles.

Engine. to act : walking in single file, jumping on two legs. Ts .: develop jumping.

Outdoor play: "Find your house" Ts .: to exercise children in running."The ball to the driver" C.: to develop dexterity, courage, throwing, catching.

Labor activity

Clear snow from the paths.

Target:foster a desire to work together.

Independent games of interest.

Games with portable material.

Topic of the week: "Winter Holidays".

Target: To form in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it; bring joy to children; to develop the motor qualities and abilities of children: agility, speed, strength, general endurance; develop the cognitive interests of children.

Regional component: "Settlement of the territory of the Stavropol Territory by Russian peasants and Cossacks"

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge about the history of the Stavropol Territory.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning gymnastics number 9

Didactic games (sensorics): « Multicolored trailers " Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, introduce children to basic colors, connect trailers according to the pattern

Building games: "My house is made of bricks" Purpose: Formation of independence, activity of thinking, development of working capacity, constructive and creative abilities, correct relationships in a friendly team.

Development of coordination of movements and eyes.

Construction of the simplest buildings according to drawings drawn by adults, or according to the options for the "Construction" section of the preschool general education program.

Work in a corner of nature (observation, labor, experience): Research activities

Ice is frozen solid water.

Warm the piece of ice in the palm of your hand, it will immediately flow down from your fingers in a thin stream. - Determine the signs of ice: shine, smoothness, hardness, brittleness - Stroke the surface to determine the smoothness.

Strike to detect strength and brittleness.

CGN Conversation: "What rules should children follow when brushing their teeth"

Filling in the nature calendar (based on observation results)

Board games "Collect and guess", "Correct the mistake", puzzles "Russian folk tales".

The value of the regime in the upbringing of an older preschooler


Physical development

Cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, speech, social and communicative development.

9.00-9.25 Physical education: According to the plan of specialists.

9.35-10.00 Application:

Ts .:


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Wildlife observation: Watching the trees. According to the characteristics of the trunk, the location of the branches, the peculiarities of the buds, children distinguish between trees: birch (white trunk and thin hanging branches extending from large branches), willow (ash-gray trunk), larch (dark trunk with thick bark and drooping branches), poplar ( gray trunk with branches raised up), pine (in the lower part of the trunk, the bark is thick, dark, reddish-brown, furrowed). Riddle: We saw him dressed in the spring and summer, And in the fall they ripped off all the shirts of the poor thing, But winter blizzards dressed him in furs.

Di: "Find the same sheet" Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to compare and draw conclusions

Ind / work: Sh. Olga, Sh. - throwing the ball into the basketball hoop. Purpose: to take the correct position of the body, to swing from behind the head.

Folk games: Russian folk fun "Snow Woman", "Wolf", "Herd".

Purpose: to move in accordance with the dance character of the music and convey the content of the lyrics of the song.

Labor activity

Sweeping the walkway.

Target:to cultivate diligence, the ability to work together.

Games with portable material.

Game C / R"Shop". Ts .: Strengthen the ability to distribute roles.

First, two people play: the seller and the buyer, and then everyone.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Reading H.L. : L. Tolstoy "Bone"Ts .: To form the ability to listen attentively and with interest to a work of art.

C / R. the game : "On the roads of the city" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, to acquaint with a new role - a traffic controller, to bring up endurance, patience, attention on the road.

Joint activities in the corner of fine arts:

Arrange in places a variety of visual materials (colored pencils; felt-tip pens; air markers; watercolor markers; stamps; stained glass paints; watercolors; gouache; stencils; blotting tubes, plastic forks, toothbrushes; cotton swabs (for non-traditional drawing methods); wax crayons, crayons, sharpeners, erasers, etc.) C: Develop hard work, a desire to help adults, put everything in its place.

Building games: - a game of increased complexity, requires a certain skill of children. Purpose of the game:

Teach children to work with the scheme: distinguish parts of the structure in the picture; find the details necessary for them; lay them out accordingly.

Household labor:

"Helping the nanny"

Purpose: To teach how to make bed linen to teach children to provide all possible help to adults. Develop hard work, a desire to help adults. Foster respect for adult work.

Independent games of interest.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observing nature: Observing the weather in severe frost (in a group). Pay attention to the patterns on the windows, admire their beauty. Where did the patterns on the windows come from, who drew them? (Moroz Ivanovich draws them) What does Moroz Ivanovich draw with? Water, transparent water vapor, which is always in the air. There is it in the room, and between the double-glazed windows - everywhere! Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just as snowflakes form in the sky above. Ice crystals join together, cluster on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches on the glass, and gradually an ice garden grows on the window with unusual flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. Thus, patterns appear because the surface of the glass is uneven (this can be seen through a magnifying glass, not visible to the naked eye). N. Naidenova's poem:

An amazing artist visited the window. An amazing artist painted the window for us.

Palm trees, ferns, maples ...

There is a thick forest at the window,

Only a white, not green forest is wonderful, not simple.

Flowers and leaves on the glass, everything sparkles, everything is white,

But without paints and without a brush, glass is painted. A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window.

Di: "Name the winter months"; "Game of attention, what is superfluous here"

Labor activity Teamwork in the garbage collection pavilion.Target : build teamwork skills

Independent games with portable material.

Outdoor games

"We are funny guys" Ts .: jumping, running, orientation on the site.

Menshikova Lyudmila Viktorovna
Planning joint activities in the senior group on the theme of the week "New Year's Holidays"

from 26.12.2016 to 30.12.2016

Theme weeks: « New Year Holidays» .

26.12.16. Monday


1. Chatting with children at theme: « New Year Holidays, What's the plan?"

Target: to summarize the presentation of children by subject, develop speech, thinking.

2. Play exercise "Charging Santa Claus"

Target: develop creativity in motor activities.

3. Duty: in a corner of nature.

Target: to promote the desire to care for houseplants.

4. Examining cards and talking about birds on theme: "Birds of the Perm Territory".

Target: to expand the idea of ​​children about wintering birds of the Perm Territory, to develop the ability to recognize birds by their appearance and name them.

5. Drawing "Titmouse and Bullfinch".

Target: promote the ability to convey the image of a titmouse and a bullfinch in a drawing, select the appropriate color scheme, beautifully arrange birds on a sheet of paper.


1. Bird watching.

Target: to form a desire to take care of wintering birds, pour food into the feeders; expand knowledge about wintering birds.

2. P / i "Over the bumps"

Target: practice jumping on 2 legs.

3. Clearing snow from paths for Santa Claus at the site.

Target: to promote hard work, sociability.

4. Outdoor games "The deer has a big house".

Target: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text.

5. Self activity: children's games with snow, sledding, modeling of figures from the snow.


1. D / i "Make up a Christmas tree".

Target: contribute to the consolidation of the concept "upper", "average", "lower".

2. Guessing riddles from the envelope of Santa Claus.

Target: to promote the development of logic, ingenuity, thinking.

3. Reading a poem by A. Stern "Our Christmas tree"

Target: to instill in children an interest in literary works, to poetry, to teach to perceive the poem in a holistic manner, to retell the passages they liked in their own words.

4. Creative workshop: registration of a letter to Santa Claus.

Target: To form ideas about the work of the postal service, to develop creativity. Promote a positive attitude, expectations of the holiday.

12/27/16 Tuesday


1. Conversation with children on the topic "How people congratulate each other on the New Year"(give gifts, send greeting cards, parcels, letters, etc.).

Target: to improve knowledge of the traditions of the celebration.

2. D / i "Find an extra item" on subject"Christmas tree decoration"

Target: Teach children to classify objects based on a given attribute, independently identify a classification attribute, choose an object that does not have these qualities.

3. Application "Snow Maiden in a beautiful fur coat".

Target: to promote the development of the ability to compose a person's figure, correctly conveying the shape of clothing, body parts, observing proportions.

4. Reading the story of V. Suteev "Yolki".

Target: to acquaint children with the work, offer to express their opinion about the story.


1. Construction of snow: home for Santa Claus.

Target: Teach children to build a house out of snow, decorate a building with waste material (tinsel, colored circles, etc.)

2. P / i "Jack Frost".

Target: to develop physical activity of children for a walk.

3. P / i "Freeze"

Target: to develop physical activity, to raise a festive mood for children.

4. Experimentation "Ice Strongman"

Target: Draw the attention of children to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the top with water, offer to express a proposal about what happens to the water if it freezes. Offer to conduct an experiment.


1. Narration of the poem by A. Usachev "Where does the New Year come from?"

Target: Continue introducing children to New Year's works, teach to reason, follow the course of reasoning of the author of the poem. Develop imagination.

2. Creative workshop: painting with paints, gouache "Let's decorate the Christmas tree".

Target: continue to acquaint children with various ways of decorating a Christmas tree, tell about the history of the appearance of Christmas tree decorations in Russia.

3. Game-dramatization by S. Marshak "Twelve months".

Target: Encourage children to improvise, to form the ability to feel free in a role. Offer children the opportunity to speak to peers.

4. Duty in the dining room: We serve beautifully tables for dinner.

5. Offer children coloring pages theme: New Year

28.12.16. Wednesday


1. "How many colored balls on the tree".

Target: exercise in counting objects, develop the ability to compare sets. 2. Conversation "How are Santa Claus and Santa Claus different and similar?".

Target: develop attention, memory.

3. Duty in the dining room.

Target: education of CGN, culture of behavior and skills self service: to consolidate the skills of a culture of behavior at the table.

4. Didactic game "What the artist confused".

Target: develop logical thinking, attention.

5. Create conditions for self-production new year cards.


1. Observation of trees in winter, tell how to save them from severe frosts.

Target: to promote the acquisition of knowledge about the conservation of trees in the cold season.

2. Games with snow. Strengthening young trees with snow.

3. Hanging feeders on the site.

Target: Promote bird care during the winter season.

4. Ind. work on physical education: exercise in walking "Trail in trail"

Target: exercise in balance.

5. P \ u "Birds and Cuckoo".

Target: develop agility, speed.

6. Organize sledding.

Target: to promote the development of physical activity.


1. Exercise counting objects (Christmas toys) .

2. Didactic game "What's in the sack of Santa Claus?"

Target: help children to recognize objects by their characteristic features, using tactile sensations.

3. Opening of Grandpa's workshop Frost: selection of schemes for making Christmas tree decorations.

Target: promote the creation of homemade christmas decorations.

4. Reading a fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the peculiarities of the fairy tale genre.

5. D / i "Who's doing what?".

Target: Exercise in the selection of verbs corresponding to winter phenomena.

6. Games in the centers of the child's choice.

11/29/16. Thursday


1. D / i "What kind of bird is this?"- continue to fix the names of wintering birds in the Perm Territory.

2. Conversation on the topic "Good deed".

Target: to help to show a desire to help people, to consider situations in which help is needed.

3. Finger games "Snowflakes" "Snowman".

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands.

4. D / i "I'm going for a walk".

Target: Facilitate memorization of the sequence of actions when dressing for a walk.

5. Consideration of illustrations of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


1. "Funny drawings in the snow"- observation of traces.

Target: to improve the ability to think about whose footprints remain in the snow.

2. Throwing snowballs at the target.

Target: develop accuracy.

3. P / i "Blizzard"- perform movements according to the content of the game.

Labor activity: clearing paths.

Target: to promote the desire to provide all possible help to adults.

4. Pour feed into the birds' feeders. Target: foster the desire to take care of the birds.

5. Self activities of children.


1. drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures with the new year.

Target: create conditions for mastering the ability to compose a story.

2. Role-playing game "A family": plot "Preparation for the holiday".

Target: to lead children to the independent creation of a game concept, to form the ability to use substitute objects.

3. Outdoor play "Owl and birds".

Target: exercise in random running.

4. To learn a poem by N. Artyukhova "Hello Dedushka Moroz…".

Target: promote the development of memory, enrich the vocabulary of children.

5. Games with building materials.

Target: create conditions for the development of imagination, fantasy.

6. Board-printed games at the request of children.

Target: to promote the ability to play together by negotiating the course of the game.

30.11.16. Friday


1. Conversation "A kind word to a friend for joy ...".

Target: create conditions for increasing the level of knowledge about kind and polite words, about their "Magic" action.

2. D / i "What kind of bird is this?".

Target: create conditions for fixing the names of birds.

3. Finger play "Herringbone".

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Offer children books "Do it yourself" (cut and paste): "Here, on the threshold of the New Year".

Target: Promote creativity, safety when working with scissors.

5. Drawing "Decorative drawing "Gorodets horse painting".

Target: exercise in the ability to paint a template based on the Gorodets painting.


1. Watching the wind.

Target: expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature; to form an interest in natural phenomena.

2. "Running along a winding path"

Target: Exercise in the ability to maintain direction.

3. Labor activity: clean the path leading to the veranda.

Target: improve the ability to work with a shovel correctly, throw snow in the right direction.

4. P / i "Red, yellow, green".

Target: to act on a signal, to consolidate the rules of behavior on the street.

5. Constructive play "Snow gate".

Target: create structures and heroes New Year's tales from the snow.


1. Reading p. n. fairy tales "Morozko".

Target: continue to acquaint children with the works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of the heroes, to express their attitude towards them. Conversation on content.

2. Game of low mobility "Find what you describe".

Target: improve the ability to find an object by description, exercise in orientation in group, develop attention.

3. Labor activity: cleaning the play areas group for the holiday weekend.

Target: to promote the ability to maintain order.

4. Creative workshop of cones, plasticine and gouache: "Let's paint the Christmas tree and dress it up with toys".

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