Home Diseases and pests Illegitimate child of alexander vasiliev, fashion historian. Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev spoke about his beloved woman and admitted that he has an illegitimate child. Alexander Vasiliev in the film "Hero"

Illegitimate child of alexander vasiliev, fashion historian. Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev spoke about his beloved woman and admitted that he has an illegitimate child. Alexander Vasiliev in the film "Hero"

In this article, you will get to know Alexander Vasiliev. He is a fashion historian and art critic, an honorary member of the Academy of Arts in Russia. Gained great popularity thanks to the TV show "Fashionable Sentence".

Also, its popularity goes beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, because he works in various theaters and shows his collection of historical character. Behind him are several famous lectures, which he delivered in several languages.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Vasiliev

Many fans of the art critic are interested in such external data as height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Vasiliev is a frequent question among those who follow or take part in the fashion world. So, the height of Alexander Vasiliev is approximately 178 centimeters. The fashion historian weighs approximately 80 kilograms. Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev was born in 1958, which means that this year he will be 59 years old. By the sign of the Zodiac, by the way, he is a Sagittarius, which fully corresponds to his character and aspiration.

An interesting fact is that among famous people there are two more Alexandra Vasilievs - a fashion designer from Ukraine, who, by the way, was trained by the main character of our article. And the vocalist of the "Splin" group, which is also well known in the CIS countries. Many journalists asked him about a pseudonym, but the fashion historian does not want to hide under fictitious names. In addition, as he says, the French already mispronounce and write his last name.

Biography of Alexander Vasiliev (fashionable sentence)

The biography of Alexander Vasiliev originates in the capital of the USSR. The future fashion historian was born in December 1958. The family had an intelligent base.

Since childhood, he was surrounded by an atmosphere inextricably linked with art. Later, he will say that it was precisely such an environment that determined his vector of development at an early age.

From an early age, he helped his father with sewing costumes for the theater. The first costumes that belong to his hand, he made at the age of 5. At the same age, he starred in programs such as "Alarm Clock" or "Theater of Bells", which are well known to the Soviet TV viewer. And at the age of twelve, he acts as a decorator for children's theatrical performances.

By the way, he left his first painting at the age of seven. When he starred in children's programs, a large number of letters came from his peers, who begged for an autograph. Of course, Sasha could not refuse and many got his painting.

Of course, this alignment implied a further profession associated with fashion and art. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater, where he was taken to the faculty of productions. Having finished it with excellent marks, at 22 he got a job at the Theater as a costume designer.

Around this time, he falls in love. But, his beloved had to leave for France. Alexander could not accept this, and found a way to leave for Paris. As you know, just like that, it was impossible to move from the USSR. The decorator had to arrange a fictitious marriage. In those days, Alexander did not even know that he was leaving his native country for a long time.

When the period of stay abroad came to an end, changes began to take place in the USSR associated with the policy of visiting other countries and the war in Afghanistan. Due to these factors, Alexander had to stay in France, where he made a residence permit. There he managed to get a job related to the design of performances for theaters or a festival. His training developed in two ways - self-development and the Louvre school, where he received a diploma as a designer of palace interiors.

By that time, Alexander was serving clients such as the Rond Pointe, the Royal Opera, the Opéra de Bastia and so on. Along the way, he taught for the Russian Theater School and various fashion schools.

After a short period of time, theaters located in Britain, Iceland, Turkey became interested in him. This is based on the fact that the Russian fashion historian was considered a great rarity in foreign countries. France, Spain and Italy taught him languages, after which he was able to translate and deliver his lectures in many parts of the world. In 1994 he received French citizenship.

When the USSR collapsed, Alexander returned to Russia, where he began to organize fashion festivals. Later, he became the host of the "Breeze of the Century" program. For a long time he taught and continues to teach the history of fashion in various universities and fashion schools.

In 2009, he came to the TV show "Fashionable Sentence", replacing V, Zaitsev. Later, he institutes his own lily award, which is presented for interior decoration in such institutions as a cafe, train station, etc.

Can speak seven foreign languages. Also, he conducts lectures related to fashion in countries that are very popular.

Concurrently, Alexander Vasiliev wrote several dozen books. Some of them are still being published, moreover, in several languages. Basically, his books describe the history of the formation of fashion, both in the USSR and in the CIS countries.

It should be noted the large number of collections that are exhibited in many countries of the world, for example, in France, Australia, etc. These collections include the robes of princesses, countesses and baroness. But most of all, in his collection - scarves and scarves, of which there are more than two hundred.

By the way, Alexander took part in the preparation of the scenery for the film "The War Is Passing" directed by Roberto Enrico.

Alexander is inextricably linked with the theater. On his account there is a large number of sets created for various productions and performances. During the design, he visited 26 countries of the world, where he staged about a hundred performances. In 2012, he revived the ballet called “Pavilion of Artemis”, creating new and beautiful scenery.

Plans to create the first museum in Russia, which will showcase historical costumes. Generally speaking, it will be a permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of fashion.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

The personal life of Alexander Vasiliev is a dark topic for ordinary fans. As previously mentioned, his beloved left for Paris. To get there, Alexander arranged a fictitious marriage with a French woman who came to the USSR. In such a marriage, they lived for about five years, after which they decided to leave. As the actor admitted, Ann fell in love with him over time, and he also tried not to deprive her of sympathy.

He does not like to discuss his further love affairs, but only jokes that his only marriage is fashion, and he is pleased with such a "marriage." In numerous interviews, he says that women often do not give him a pass and offer to give birth to a child. However, Alexander believes that a child born in such an atmosphere will feel uncomfortable.

There are rumors that Alexander had another short marriage during his stay in Iceland.

Family of Alexander Vasiliev

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the family of Alexander Vasiliev consisted of the intelligentsia. Pope Alexander worked in the theater as an artist and fashion designer, had many awards related to his activities, including the People's Artist of Russia. Some of his works are kept in the State Museum. Pushkin. At different times he was the chairman of the Soviet Center of the International Association of Stage Designers.

The mother of the fashion historian also worked in the theater and was engaged in teaching stage speech in famous universities in Moscow. Also, she was a teacher at a school at the Bolshoi Theater. Such family ties, from early childhood, helped Alexander to decide on his future profession.

Children of Alexander Vasiliev

The children of Alexander Vasiliev are a topic that he does not like to discuss in public. He has no children of his own. He is the godfather for three children of his acquaintances and friends. He has the closest communication with Martha Milovidnaya.

The fashion historian admits that he wants to leave behind offspring. However, at the moment, he sees only his company in the form of his beloved dog. Many fans believe that he has a child from his first marriage. But he refuses to answer this question, tk. believes that there are topics that should not be disclosed to the public.

Alexander Vasiliev's wife - Anna

This marriage was fictitious and was needed in order to issue a visitor visa to France. The wife of Alexander Vasiliev, Anna, came to study at Moscow State University, at the faculty of the Russian language. Their marriage was formalized in 1982.

In the same year, they leave the USSR. Unfortunately, it did not work to start a family with the girl for whom he left for Paris. Now, he recalls Masha with gratitude, because who knows how his life could have turned out if he had not left for France.

Photo by Alexander Vasiliev before and after plastics

Photo of Alexander Vasiliev before and after plastic surgery - a "testing ground" for a large number of speculations on the part of the yellow press and journalists. As the fashion historian himself notes in numerous interviews, with the help of plastic surgery, old age can be delayed.

However, he does not recognize the stars who make a large number of such interventions and it is already difficult to understand where the natural beauty is and where the surgeon's work is. He himself declares that he has not yet thought about changing something in his appearance. But for this it is not necessary to go under the knife - you can change your style or type of clothing.

So, while still at a young age, he often experimented with his appearance - he changed the length of his hair, their color, grew a mustache and beard. All this took place in France, because in the USSR he simply would not have been understood.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Vasiliev

Like all modern figures of culture and stage, Alexander started a page on the Instagram social network. It contains a large number of photographs related to the daily life of a fashion historian. Also, there are announcements of his performances or lectures related to fashion. So, for example, on May 12, another performance will take place in Miami.

Many people use the social networks of a fashion historian to keep up with the latest innovations, to keep abreast of fashion trends, etc. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Vasiliev contain the main life and career stages of a fashion historian, which he had to go through in order to achieve unprecedented success, both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

On December 8, 1958, a unique person was born, a true patriot of his great homeland, Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev. Now he is called: a fashion historian, one of the best art historians, a talented writer and a brilliant TV presenter. But first of all, on that memorable winter day, the country received a great patriot and connoisseur of Russian traditions.

Youth of Alexander Vasiliev

The whole life of Alexander Alexandrovich was devoted to culture. Born into an intelligent family, where his father, Alexander Pavlovich, worked as the chief artist of the Moscow theater, and his mother, Tatyana Ilyinichna, mesmerized the viewer with her play of dramatic roles on stage. Alexander simply did not have a chance to escape his fate.

He designed his first costumes for a puppet show only at the age of five. And at the age of 7, he already delighted young viewers in the TV programs "Bell Theater" and "Alarm Clock". For a rather serious production of "The Wizard of the Emerald City", the boy created the costumes and scenery when he was only 12. So it is not surprising that, in 1974, as soon as he turned 16, and the legislation allowed Sasha to issue a work book, he Immediately he was hired as a prop at the Sovremennik Theater, where he worked until the Moscow Art Theater. Vasiliev finished school at the age of 22 and moved to work as a costume designer on Malaya Bronnaya.

The role of women in the life of Alexander Vasiliev

It is not known how the fate of the great art critic would have developed further, if not for his stormy romance with Masha Lavrova. Young hot blood always wanted to be with the woman he loved. But her mother married a Frenchman, taking her daughter to another country.

- "You must come to me there - to this most beautiful city on earth!" Alexander Alexandrovich still remembers these words. And he promised to come. The 21-year-old had no idea how then, but firmly believed that he would succeed.

The opportunity presented itself two years later. A French girl, Anna, came to Moscow State University to improve the Russian language. She became Vasiliev's pass to Europe.

In 1982, young people seal their relationship with marriage and leave the country of the councils.

Alexander Vasiliev in Paris

Paris meets the young man with its contrasts, dark alleys gave way to the flowering Champs Elysees. The night city simply sparkled with lightboxes, outlandish for a Russian person. In Paris there was a choice, there was freedom. Even the ordinary restaurant menu amazed. The newlyweds lived in the 14th district in a small apartment on the fifth floor.

That house didn't even have an elevator. After the 100-meter Moscow chorus then. But freedom was more expensive. Freedom and that beloved girl, whom he promised to change his life two years ago.

Then there was a trip to a villa in Arcachon, a heavenly place on the Atlantic coast. Wonderful beaches and simply delightful horizons could not leave a creative person indifferent. The genius spends a long time near the sea.

The only thing that aroused protest was the monotony and monotony. Dinner at the same time, the same dishes, the same orders. And all living things in Alexander played, demanded reforms. The first thing that the artist changed was the old bedspread on the matrimonial bed. But even to such a trifle, he approached with all his talent and creativity. Everyone appreciated his choice.

Don't trust your friends - Alexander Vasiliev.

Three months flew by quickly, the visa expired, Sasha applies for an extension of his stay in France, and his request is satisfied. Now it sounds mundane, but at the time, it was at the level of fantasy. It was only many years later that Vasiliev learned that this was facilitated by the KGB itself, which had its own plans for the Russian decorator.

First steps in Europe

The idleness is over. The artist enters the school at the Louvre, and after graduating from the graduate school of the theater department of the Sorbonne. Already in the fall of 1982, Vasiliev was invited to decorate the play "Papess John", which took place in the theaters "Poitiers" and "Cartoucheri". Then there were the scenery and costumes for the plays "Galleries of the Palace", "Triumph of Love", "Galleries of the Palace" ... He has to work with such stars as: Valerie Dreville, Recep Mitrovica, Michel Vitold.

Unfortunately, the wife did not share her husband's aspirations, and after he refused to be a teacher of the Russian language at the local lyceum, they parted.

Confession of Alexander Vasiliev

As it turned out, Vasiliev did not risk in vain. His talent did not go unnoticed. Already in 1985 he was invited to Reykjavik. Where he prepares costumes for Plato and Wild Honey. The performances were waiting for a full house, and the artist's recognition.

In the same 1985, Vasiliev began working for ballet performances. That, a year later, brought him to Galina and Valery Panov, who give him the position of artistic director at the Royal Flanders Ballet. The genius is literally snapped up, he is literally bombarded with offers by the leading theaters of all European countries.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev - about school uniform

In 1989, Alexander Alexandrovich was invited to Japan. Where Masako Oya invited him to design Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker.

Vasiliev was also noted in the cinema. Working closely with Roberto Enrico, he designs costumes for the movie And The War Comes Down. And also for films: "My friend is a traitor" by Jose Giovani and "Manzhklu" by Moshe Mizrahi.

Vasiliev - teacher

The ability to work of this person is simply amazing, performing a colossal amount of work, he finds time to teach. Lectures and seminars at the higher art schools in London, Paris, Beijing, Brussels, Nice ... and this is just an incomplete list of Vasiliev's achievements as a teacher. In 1994 he presents his lecture program in 4 languages. This work is read all over the world.

Alexander Vasiliev today

2003 year. And again Alexander surprises the world. Having opened in Moscow, yes, in his hometown, the design studio "Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev", he amazes the audience with an unusually rich collection of antique clothes. The vintage costumes purchased at various auctions are truly unique. And with them, the collector, does not part for any money. Although the money, just for the rental of things, was not small.

In 2009, for health reasons, the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev left Channel One.

Alexander Vasiliev is invited to take the place of the host of the popular TV show "Fashionable Sentence". In the same 2009, he holds the post of head of the Moscow Academy of Fashion, which is organized at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Now the great fashion historian, despite all the years he has lived, is still 18. He is full of energy and initiative. He writes books, gives lectures, is the host of many television and radio programs.

Vasiliev Alexander Alexandrovich is an extraordinary, talented person who managed to reveal his abilities for the benefit of society. Many people know him as the host of the popular TV show "Fashionable Sentence". Alexander Vasiliev is also known as a fashion historian, who has published many books on this topic. You can learn about his fascinating life from this article.

Vasiliev Alexander Alexandrovich was born in 1958 in the capital of Russia. His parents were intelligent people who devoted their lives to art. My father was a People's Artist of the USSR, made sets and costumes. Mom, on the other hand, was an actress, taught stage speech at theatrical universities in Moscow.

It is clear that from childhood the boy was initiated into the theatrical atmosphere, into the secrets of life behind the scenes. He saw how the costumes and sets were created, how the actors prepared for the performances, put on makeup, dressed beautifully. He remembered many beautiful costumes from childhood. This is how the refined taste of Alexander was formed.

And, of course, he could not resist trying to create, invent, create beauty himself. He created his first costume at the age of five! And at the age of twelve, the young artist was already creating costumes for his own performance.

He also took part in the filming of the children's television program "Alarm Clock". But, unfortunately, this hobby took time, effort and could not but affect the quality of school.

At first, the boy was sent to a special school with in-depth study of the English language. But due to poor academic performance, he had to leave. He entered the school for working youth.

Vasiliev Alexander: y wearing years

Of course, after leaving school, he did not think long about the choice of his profession. Everything had already been decided in advance long ago. Sasha decided to fulfill his dream and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. At the same time, from the age of sixteen, Alexander worked as a prop at the Sovremennik Theater.

After graduation, Alexander Vasiliev, the future fashion historian, worked with his father at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya as a costume designer.

It seems that the beginning of a career has been laid. There is only a bright prospect ahead - the implementation of their creative plans. But, however, he was destined to meet his first love at this ardent age. It was she who changed everything in Alexander's life ...

A beautiful girl named Maria Lavrova captured his heart. A whirlwind romance developed. The lovers were happy and intended to spend the rest of their lives together. But ... fate decreed otherwise.

Maria's mother married a foreigner and took her daughter with her to the capital of all lovers. "Promise me that you will definitely find me in Paris!" - Masha said goodbye. He promised, of course, but he had no idea how he would fulfill his promise.

Leaving for a capitalist country was somewhat problematic during the Soviet era. But two years later (these were not easy years for Sasha), he met a French woman at Moscow State University who was studying Russian in Moscow. And then he had a plan.

History is silent on how this all happened, but Alexander formalized his marriage with this French woman in order to get to Paris.

The French period in the life of Vasiliev

What happened next looks like a touching movie about love. Alexander Vasiliev found his beloved in Paris. She was a little surprised to see him. Because I could hardly believe that Alexander would come to Paris for her. But, unfortunately, it turned out that Masha was already in love with a young Frenchman. A bitter disappointment in women was born in the artist's soul. But, one way or another, Paris played a big role in the life of a fashion historian. And who knows, if he had not fallen in love with Masha, maybe the world would not have recognized the real master.

Paris could not fail to impress such a creative person as Vasiliev. Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris ... And endless lavender fields! All this admired the thin young man and left an imprint on his work. At first he lived in a small apartment on the fifth floor. The house didn't even have an elevator. Alexander got used to a slightly different environment from childhood. But the beauty of the French capital covered everything.

To be honest, Vasiliev did not expect that he would stay so long in Paris. The visa expired quickly, but it was impossible to return home for many reasons. So he got a residence permit.

In order not to waste time, Alexander entered the school at the Louvre and received the specialty of a designer of palace interiors. In addition, he independently increases the level of knowledge and skill. They began to turn to the young master with orders.

Vasiliev began to invent decorations for such famous theaters as the Ronde Pointe, the Royal Opera of Versailles, Cartoucheri, Lucerne and others.

Simultaneously with his creative work, Alexander Alexandrovich began teaching the history of fashion at prestigious universities. Soon he began to collaborate with such French celebrities as: Michel Witold, Valerie Dreville and others.

The wife of Alexander Vasiliev insisted that he teach Russian at the Paris Lyceum. But for this he had no time, no strength, no desire. Disagreements and quarrels more and more appeared in the family. The couple soon parted ways after living together for five years.

It is difficult to say if this marriage was fictitious. Vasiliev himself claims that he had tender feelings for his ex-wife. That they had everything for real. And by the time he found his former lover Masha in Paris, he had already become attached to his French wife. Therefore, he even sighed a little with relief that his ambition had not suffered.

Peak of popularity

The rumor about the Russian fashion designer from Paris soon spread throughout the world. Vasiliev's talent and originality were appreciated in many countries of the world. He began to receive job offers from London, Glasgow, Iceland, Japan and Turkey.

Then the fashion historian signed contracts with colleagues from Spain and Italy. Collaborating with people from all over the world, Vasiliev had to expand his knowledge of languages. He successfully studied different languages, which gave him the opportunity to lecture in French, Spanish, Italian. He already knew English well from childhood. Vasiliev himself admitted that foreign languages ​​are very easy for him.

The popularity of Alexander Vasiliev as a fashion historian grew every day. This was at a time when almost no one knew him at home.

In 94, Vasiliev received French citizenship. He was invited to design ballet performances in different countries of the world. In the Japanese theater, for example, he designed Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker. And in the Flanders ballet, he even became the artistic director.

Once in Paris, Vasiliev was at a dinner with the Countess de Bogurdon. The famous Russian ballerina Maya Plesetskaya happened to be there. She looked at the sketches of the young artist and was amazed. The beauty of the decorations and the refined taste of the master were highly appreciated.

The appreciation of Maya Plesetskaya played a significant role in meeting Vasiliev with the director of the Royal Ballet in Antwerp, Valery Panov. He made Alexander a designer in this theater, which was very honorable.

At the same time, Vasiliev collaborates with filmmakers. For example, Roberto Enrico invited the master to create costumes for the film "And War Comes". Other directors from different countries also ordered costumes from him for their films.


Did Vasiliev miss his homeland, being abroad for so long and bathing in the rays of glory? Probably yes. Because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he returned back, leaving hospitable Paris. He will always remember France with gratitude, but his heart was drawn to the place where he was born and spent his childhood and youth.

Maybe he returned earlier, but then he would have been threatened with service in Afghanistan. Therefore, the consul advised the young man to stay in Paris as long as possible. Vasiliev missed his parents. They often corresponded, sent parcels to each other. His mother visited his son several times in Paris.

In Russia, Vasiliev continues his active professional career. In 2000, Alexander Alexandrovich opened a festival of fashion and theatrical costumes in Samara. It was called "The Volga Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev".

Then, in 2002, the famous fashion historian appears on the Kultura television channel. There he organizes and conducts the "Breath of the Century" program.

Next year, the design studio "Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev" opens in the capital. What did the author want to show in this project? He conceived of presenting the rich Russian traditions in French chic. The combination of these two diametrically different traditions was unusual and very interesting.

Vasiliev also does not leave teaching. He lectures at Moscow State University, as well as in many cities of Russia. Everyone listened with interest to the renowned fashion historian, enjoying his sophistication of manners and amazing store of knowledge.

Alexander Vasiliev host of the "Fashionable Sentence" program

Soon, thanks to his efforts, the country's first Museum of Fashion History was opened in Chelyabinsk. Vasiliev also often appears on television, takes part in various programs.

In 2009, an acquaintance of Vasiliev, the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, asked to replace him in the field of the host of the "Fashionable Sentence" TV show. He had to be absent from the country for a long time, and his state of health already left much to be desired. Alexander agreed. This participation in the popular TV show brought the fashion historian great fame among the common population of the country.

All viewers quickly fell in love with the new presenter for his shrewd mind, secular manners, gentle character, subtle humor and an unusually polite attitude towards the participants in the show.

Since 2012, Vasiliev has been conducting very interesting programs from the series “Portraits of Great Fashionists” at the Mayak radio station.

In 2011, his personal prize "Lilia Alexandra Vasiliev" was established. It can be awarded to the best author's interior design. These can be cafes, galleries, train stations.

Alexander Vasiliev is the author of many books on the history of fashion and the style of Russian emigrants. He also plans to publish the memoirs of T. Leskov, the great-granddaughter of the famous Russian writer Leskov. Vasiliev's creations are published in different languages ​​in different cities of the world.

Vasiliev's collections are a special topic. He collects historical costumes. Among them are the outfits of Maya Plisetskaya, Countess de Bogurdon, Princess Shcherbatova, as well as Soviet actresses: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Clara Luchko, Lyubov Orlova and others.

In 2011, Alexander Vasiliev became an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

Many viewers liked the TV presenter of the "Fashionable Verdict" program, Alexander Vasiliev. They immediately became interested in his personal life.

After marriage with a French woman (in which there were no children) Vasiliev, according to some sources, was married again. He married an Icelander Stephanie. But this marriage quickly fell apart.

According to Vasiliev, he maintains friendly relations with both his first wife and his first lover - Masha. She often visits him.

His first wife later married her former lover, gave birth to children from him. Masha also married a Frenchman and has two children.

After that, he was not married anymore. Once, TV presenter Alexander Vasiliev said in an interview about his personal life that he was meeting several women at the same time. Because polygamy is inherent in its nature.

But I would not refuse marriage either. His chosen one should be smart, well-read, not hysterical, according to Vasiliev himself. Must come from a decent family, have good manners. He still believes that he will find his only constant companion in life.

Vasiliev is very fond of traveling. He traveled around the globe three times. Lying and sunbathing on the beach is not for him. He loves to work in his garden, to grow flowers. A measured stay for the sake of carnal needs, he considers unacceptable.

The eminent presenter of "Fashionable Sentence" surprises his fans with quirky outfits and florid criticism of the appearance of the participants in the program. Therefore, interest in the personal life of Alexander Vasiliev, the presence of his wife in it and the silence about children arouses constant interest in the viewer.

First love and first marriage

The fashion critic experienced an unearthly passion in his early youth - he fell in love at the age of 21. With his chosen one, Masha Lavrova, Alexander Vasiliev met while studying at the workers' faculty and only by that time represented her as the wife and mother of future children. The personal life of the future celebrity at that time was much calmer and less intense work than it is now.

On the way to happiness, a very difficult obstacle arose before the young - the girl's mother married a Frenchman and the family moved to Paris for permanent residence. It is now residents of the former CIS who can freely travel around the world. The Soviet state did not let its citizens out easily and painlessly.

Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

Chance helped - Vasiliev met a French woman who came to Moscow to improve her Russian language. An-Micheline Jean Bodimon was pretty, Vasiliev was young and courteous, so young people quickly found many common topics for conversation and not only. After the marriage, Vasiliev managed to get permission to leave, and he went to Paris for his dream.

At first, the young decorator planned a fictitious relationship with a French woman, but after meeting his Masha in a small cafe on the Eliseevsky Fields, he realized that Anna had become dear to him. Therefore, the girl's story about an affair with a reporter from a local popular publication and about pregnancy was given to the future celebrity easily, without leaving a tangible wound on the heart.

Alexander Vasiliev was not ready to raise other people's children, so he decided to leave his relationship with his wife and personal life unchanged. Moreover, Anna turned out to be a wealthy heiress of a French industrialist, whose factories produced packaging for chocolate products. The position of Vasiliev's mother-in-law is also impressive - at the time of his move to France, she held the post of supreme judge in the city of Bordeaux.

A. Vasiliev at work in France

The family had their own villa on the shores of a prestigious beach in the town of Arcachon, famous for its ancient traditions and pristine coastline. The husband of Anna's aunt was the supplier of the best sorts of wines for the pious family, so Vasiliev tasted the elite sorts of champagne even then.

Divorce from the first wife

The ambitious and outrageous graphic designer could not get used to the measured order of the bourgeois way of life with its obligatory breakfasts, lunches and dinners in full dress. Sasha wanted to change something all the time, to push the family, frozen in their prosperous and measured order. The revolt began with a change in the veil on the matrimonial bed, which everyone, however, perceived as a whim of a young man who had escaped from the Soviet gray everyday life.

Gradually, the family accepted a Russian refugee. His wife's mother even offered him to become a teacher of the Russian language at a local school - by that time the “iron curtain” had slightly rusted, and it became very fashionable to know the language of former ideological enemies in France. In addition, in the homeland of the great revolutionaries and founders of the Paris Commune, it is very prestigious to have a public office that gives considerable benefits, a stable salary and the possibility of career growth. Perhaps Alexander would agree with the arguments of his wife, only returning from work in the evening, he saw Anna with her lover. Their hugs and kisses left no room for doubt.

Vasiliev in his youth with his first wife

Since Alexander Vasilyev did not have common children with his wife, he did not want to become a respectable French employee with branchy horns, the family decides to change their personal life - by mutual agreement they divorce. And the future celebrity has to pay for the rented apartment himself, his own food and look for work. The charm, hard work and, of course, the artist's talent helped.


Gradually, the talent of the Russian costume designer allowed him to travel the world in search of ideas for his works and unusual antique pieces of design art. There was no need to save anymore - paying for costumes for ballet and theatrical performances, lectures at art schools in Europe provided a solid income for a fashionable genius.

Vasiliev had a relationship with the Icelandic Stephanie

During one of these trips, Alexander Vasiliev makes an offer to the Icelander Stephanie, hoping that the young girl will agree to become his wife and mother for future children. The personal life of a fashion historian at that time was very eventful - Sasha knew how to please women, so he counted on the consent of his future wife to live with him in Paris. The arrogance of the costume designer let him down - Stefania flatly refused to leave her homeland. Another dream of starting a family suffered from the passion of the fashion guru for the Parisian atmosphere.

The wife must distinguish the cable from Babel

Today, Alexander Vasiliev has neither a wife nor children of his own - the entire personal life of a fashion historian is painted literally by the minute. Although he, like a mere mortal, really wants to find a life partner.

At the same time, the requirements for his future wife are very, very solid:

  • at least 40 years old;
  • a celebrity should not explain to her how Gogol differs from Hegel, and the cable from Babel;
  • a woman should take care of herself and not paint over gray hair with "eggplant" paint;
  • have an even, non-hysterical character.

With close friend Evelina Khromchenko

According to the fashion style guru, his chosen one should be just smart and attractive, and not a mad fan who offers to give birth to children. Alexander is very sensitive to such a question and he does not want to know that his blood is growing in an unhealthy atmosphere.

At the same time, in numerous interviews, the fashion critic says that he has several beloved women at the same time and, as a true gentleman, keeps their names secret from the yellow press.

Participation in the Secret to a Million Program

The format of the TV show is designed for the frankness of the guest star in exchange for a certain amount. Fans of the guru "Fashionable Sentence" enthusiastically listened to the revelations of Alexander Vasiliev about ex-wives and unborn children, wanting to learn at least something new from the idol's personal life. The intrigue reached its climax when Lera Kudryavtseva suggested declassifying the name of the fashion critic's illegitimate child. In his usual manner. Vasiliev avoided the question, saying that all fans of his talent would learn about this only from the memoirs of a celebrity.

Thus, a million remained with the organizers of the program. Vasiliev was not very upset, because his work in Parisian theaters as a production designer allowed the critic to acquire real estate in different parts of Europe. Today, Alexander has a family ancestral nest in Lithuania, apartments in Moscow and the Kaliningrad region, in Paris and Belarus.

With Nadezhda Babkina on the set of the "Fashionable Sentence" program

Vasiliev chooses all real estate with an emphasis on antiquity - so he restores a mansion in the Kaliningrad region from a photograph of 1910, seeking permission from the authorities to recreate the previous appearance of the house. Modern double-glazed windows and facade insulation of residential buildings enrage criticism, and he throws all his efforts on the preservation of historically valuable buildings.

The interior decorations of the purchased apartments and mansions are no less important for Alexander - he can travel around several countries in a day in search of an authentic interior detail or a suitable sugar bowl. He is still attracted to flea markets in Europe and the East, where Vasiliev fiercely bargains with sellers.

Difficult relationships with children

The critic does not feel lonely, despite the absence of his wife and children in his personal life - according to Alexander Vasiliev, the presence of small heirs does not always make a person happy. As an example, he cites the life of the actor Zeldin, who died at the age of 101 and at the same time left behind the good memory of a happy and charming man in full bloom.

The critic is very attached to his goddaughters, with one of whom Alexander has a particularly warm relationship. Martha Milovanova is the daughter of an old friend of Vasiliev, who adores her godfather, listens to his advice and is incredibly happy with the gifts. In turn, the guru of the fashion world worships the goddaughter and speaks about her only in delightful expressions. Perhaps it is this girl who will inherit part of the multi-million dollar fortune of a world-famous artist and costume designer. She participated in the filming of a scandalous TV show, defending her beloved godfather from attacks by the host.

Alexander Vasiliev with his beloved pug Kitty

Alexander Vasiliev does not even think about the adopted children - without a good wife, they will only become a burden in the professional activity and personal life of a popular stylist. Therefore, the main member of the Vasiliev family at the moment is the pug Kitty, who does not require special care and attention, is loyal and affectionate.

Theatrical artist, host of "Fashionable Sentence" Alexander Vasiliev does not hide the fact that his personal life did not work out. In life, he is lonely and bachelor. His first beloved left for France, where Alexander was also going to visit her. But the bride did not wait for him and started an affair with a Frenchman, from whom she became pregnant.

Not much is known about the personal life of Alexander Vasiliev. It was rumored that the host of the "Fashionable Sentence" show had a daughter and had two marriages. Lera Kudryavtseva, the host of the Secret for a Million program, pulled the whole truth out of him.

In Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million" Alexander Vasiliev first spoke about all his real estate abroad. He has three houses in the south of France, where he lives permanently. And he comes to Russia only for important projects, and for filming the "Fashionable Sentence" program. Now Vasiliev has another business - he is developing his own collection of jewelry made from precious stones. The fashion historian also admitted that he never had leotards with extended knees and "family" underpants in his wardrobe.

Lera Kudryavtseva raised the topic of paternity: the program editors found out that he has a daughter, but their relationship is very complicated. The fashion historian confirmed this fact, but did not want to tell the details even for the proposed million rubles, noting that he would someday write about it in his memoirs.

"It will show itself when it will be necessary to divide the inheritance," - said Vasiliev.

On the Web, they wrote that at the age of 21, Vasiliev became interested in a French woman named Anne-Micheline, and married her.

"I loved this girl, but I could not take responsibility for someone else's child. And we parted, although we recently began to communicate again," Vasiliev admitted on the NTV program "Secret for a Million." married a total of three times. "

He also had a second marriage in his life - with the Icelandic Stephanie, when he lived in Reykjavik. And for the last many years he has been living alone, more precisely, his beloved pug named Kitty, who, according to the owner, sleeps with him in the same bed and snores terribly, is his company.

Alexander Alexandrovich does not hide that he is a rich man - he has three houses in France, an apartment in Paris, apartments in Turkey and the Baltic states. In total, his inheritance is estimated at several million euros. Although he calls his private collection of antiques and costumes the main value.

The fashion historian noted that he had already drawn up a will in order to take care of the acquired in advance. And he added that he was not going to have children or take a baby from an orphanage - they say, a child is a big burden, for which he is completely unprepared.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev, also said that bad taste has always been, but now there is simply no alternative to it.

“It happens that people buy furniture decorated with rhinestones. They want luxury, so that everything sparkles and sparkles. But everyone cannot be brought under a common denominator. Both in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are collectors who fiercely bought up Russian antiquity abroad. There are people who are drawn out. to great art ".

Once in an interview, Alexander Vasiliev spoke about the behind the scenes of the popular "Fashionable Sentence" program:

“The crowd in the hall are hired people, they clap, admire at the command of the directors. Sometimes they write to us on the site - why, they say, are people sleeping in the hall? And how can you keep track of them, if they come at 10 and leave at 1 am, you will fall asleep here! And we have to pretend early morning! And they are paid very little - 500 rubles a day. This is very hard work. And everything looks like a light fairy tale about Cinderella. And people come for this money, sit on hard benches for several hours, many pensioners earn that way - they have a good bonus to their pension. After all, in my opinion, they all live in the "Ostankino" area. Because the metro doesn't run at 1 am. They apparently live in high-rise buildings. And they go in companies to all the shows. From us - to "It's great to live!", To "Let them talk" and then go. Once I noticed how one woman picked up a little man for herself and was sitting next to her. Then I look - by the evening they are already hugging! By the way, nobody calls them extras. They are listed as "crowd scene artists". It sounds proud! "

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