Home Fertilizers The biological essence of a person determines the need for self-preservation. The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for. The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for what? Factors and reasons for the formation of human needs

The biological essence of a person determines the need for self-preservation. The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for. The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for what? Factors and reasons for the formation of human needs

Human life is a changeable sequence of events, a combination of various actions. Any organism feels the need for food, water and air in order to maintain normal vital activity, and a whole hierarchy of such needs is characteristic of a person, which we will consider.

The biological essence of man. Examples of needs, their classification

All the requirements that a person has throughout life can be conditionally divided into three large groups: primary basic, social and emotional needs.

Man relates to the animal kingdom in the same way as primates, insects, fish, etc. It is not surprising that the primary needs of all these organisms for food and water coincide. You can also draw an analogy between the social needs of humans and some colonial animals, but here you need to be careful: after all, the human brain is extremely different from the brain of ants or bees.

So, the biological essence of a person is determined by his need for food and water, social status and acceptance in society, the inconstancy of the emotional background. These three whales are the basis of the needs of homo sapiens, and some of them you can feel on yourself every day, unaware of the existence of other equally important needs of a higher level.

Primary basic human needs

The biological essence of man is determined by his need for basic needs, which we inherited from the closest relatives of the animal world, primates, with only some changes and additions. Here is a list of the basic necessities of any person:

  1. Food that is environmentally friendly, suitable for the taste.
  2. Plain drinking water, pleasant to the taste.
  3. No threat to life.
  4. Sleep and good rest.
  5. Favorable air composition.
  6. Sexual needs, procreation.
  7. Eliminate diseases and other health-related discomforts.
  8. Spatial comfort (personal space in the literal sense).
  9. Natural comfort (ecological state of the environment).
  10. Labor activity and mobility.

The need of a person to change the emotional background

The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for the manifestation of emotions. Each individual wants not only to exist, but also to live in his own society. Any manifestations of emotions that arise in a person are one general need, and this is inherent in nature. This includes moments of joy, and disappointment, and love, and envy, and hatred, and empathy.

In general, any change in the emotional background (both positive and negative) is a part of our life, without which it is impossible for a normal average person to exist. Of course, more or less sensitive people are singled out, but sooner or later they begin to feel the need for emotions.

Social needs

Man is a social being. Our society is built using a complex hierarchical system in which the individual wants to be accepted and understood.

The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for general recognition. And you don't have to be the navel of the earth, the center of attention and reference. It is important to be accepted in the society in which you are located: work, school, university, company of friends, relatives, etc.

Also, the satisfaction of biological needs is closely related to human activities in society. He must occupy a certain niche in society, be capable and useful. Of course, the work of the XXI century is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle, but a person still strives for work, and this is not out of conscience, but because of banal social needs.

Human life is a changeable sequence of events, a combination of various actions. Any organism feels the need for food, water and air in order to maintain normal vital activity, and a whole hierarchy of such needs is characteristic of a person, which we will consider.

Biological Examples of needs, their classification

All the requirements that a person has throughout life can be conditionally divided into three large groups: primary basic, social and emotional needs.

Man relates to the animal kingdom in the same way as primates, insects, fish, etc. It is not surprising that the primary needs of all these organisms for food and water coincide. You can also draw an analogy between the social needs of humans and some colonial animals, but here you need to be careful: after all, the human brain is extremely different from the brain of ants or bees.

So, the biological essence of a person is determined by his need for food and water, social status and acceptance in society, the inconstancy of the emotional background. These three whales are the basis of the needs of homo sapiens, and some of them you can feel on yourself every day, unaware of the existence of other equally important needs of a higher level.

Primary basic human needs

The biological essence of man is determined by his need for basic needs, which we inherited from the closest relatives of the animal world, primates, with only some changes and additions. Here is a list of the basic necessities of any person:

  1. Food that is environmentally friendly, suitable for the taste.
  2. Plain drinking water, pleasant to the taste.
  3. No threat to life.
  4. Sleep and good rest.
  5. Favorable air composition.
  6. Sexual needs, procreation.
  7. Eliminate diseases and other health-related discomforts.
  8. Spatial comfort (personal space in the literal sense).
  9. Natural comfort (ecological state of the environment).
  10. Labor activity and mobility.

The need of a person to change the emotional background

The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for the manifestation of emotions. Each individual wants not only to exist, but also to live in his own society. Any manifestations of emotions that arise in a person are one general need, and this is inherent in nature. This includes moments of joy, and disappointment, and love, and envy, and hatred, and empathy.

In general, any change in the emotional background (both positive and negative) is a part of our life, without which it is impossible for a normal average person to exist. Of course, more or less sensitive people are singled out, but sooner or later they begin to feel the need for emotions.

Social needs

Man is a social being. Our society is built using a complex hierarchical system in which the individual wants to be accepted and understood.

The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for general recognition. And you don't have to be the navel of the earth, the center of attention and reference. It is important to be accepted in the society in which you are located: work, school, university, company of friends, relatives, etc.

Also, the satisfaction of biological needs is closely related to human activities in society. He must occupy a certain niche in society, be capable and useful. Of course, the work of the XXI century is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle, but a person still strives for work, and this is not out of conscience, but because of banal social needs.

1) economic and spiritual
3) social and spiritual
4) political and spiritual
1) breathing
2) nutrition
3) self-preservation
4) self-realization
1) cooperation
2) confrontation
3) leaving
4) assignment
1) creativity
2) education
3) socialization
4) science

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

2) economic benefits
3) direct taxes
factors of production

1) entrepreneurship
2) financing
3) production
4) economics

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong
1) social institution
2) social mobility
3) social structure
4) social inequality
1) professional growth
2) unity of views
3) general hobbies
4) community of everyday life

A1. Social scientists determine the general

A1. Social scientists define society as
1) the whole world in the variety of its forms
2) the totality of natural and social forces
3) a part of the world isolated from nature
4) the natural conditions of human existence
A2. The country's government has restricted the import of foreign-made household appliances. The interconnection of what spheres of the life of society illustrates this fact?
1) economic and spiritual
2) political and economic
3) social and spiritual
4) political and spiritual
A3. The social essence of a person is determined by his need for
1) breathing
2) nutrition
3) self-preservation
4) self-realization
A4. Marina offered Lena her help in preparing for the exam, but was forced to go to her sick grandmother. Lena was offended and did not answer Marina's phone calls. After Marina returned, the girls calmly sorted out the situation, and the conflict was settled. What method of conflict resolution does this example illustrate?
1) cooperation
2) confrontation
3) leaving
4) assignment
A5 Purposeful cognitive activity of a person to acquire knowledge and skills is called
1) creativity
2) education
3) socialization
4) science
A6 Are the following judgments about the relationship between society and nature true?
A. Climatic conditions affect the development of society.
C. The interaction between nature and society is contradictory.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong
A7 The main resources used in the production of material goods are called
1) material needs
2) economic benefits
3) direct taxes
factors of production
A8 Proactive independent economic
human activities carried out at their own risk within the framework of the law, aimed at making a profit, are called
1) entrepreneurship
2) financing
3) production
4) economics
A9. In countries with market economies
1) the manufacturer independently determines what and how much to produce
2) the state sets the amount of wages for employees
3) the ministry of finance decides how to use the received profit
4) the state committee sets prices for cement and other building materials
A10 Are the following judgments about ownership correct?
A. The owner has the right to dispose of the thing belonging to him at his own discretion.
B. In the Russian Federation, land and other natural resources may be
only in state or municipal ownership.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong
A11 The connection between the elements of society is called
1) social institution
2) social mobility
3) social structure
4) social inequality
12. The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by
1) professional growth
2) unity of views
3) general hobbies
4) community of everyday life

Tasks 2. Biological and social in man; personality; human activity and its main forms

1. The difference between a man and an animal ...

1) the instinct of self-preservation

2) use of natural objects

3) the desire to understand the world around

4) the ability to adapt to environmental conditions


A person is distinguished from an animal by the desire to understand the world around him, since a person is the only living being with a mind.

All other qualities are present in humans and animals.Answer: 3

2. What human needs does the modern philosopher reason about: "... the main human passion is to be, to be fulfilled, to be fulfilled"?

1) in self-control 2) in self-realization

3) in self-knowledge 4) in power


Maslow's needs were distributed as they grew, explaining such a construction by the fact that a person cannot experience high-level needs while he needs more primitive things. At the bottom is physiology (satisfying hunger, thirst, sexual needs, etc.). A step higher is the need for security, above it is the need for affection and love, as well as for belonging to a social group. The next step is the need for respect and approval, over which Maslow placed cognitive needs (the thirst for knowledge, the desire to perceive as much information as possible). This is followed by the need for aesthetics (the desire to harmonize life, fill it with beauty and art). And finally, the last step of the pyramid, the highest, is the striving to reveal the inner potential (it is SELF-REALIZATION). It is important to note that each of the needs does not have to be fully satisfied - partial saturation is enough to move on to the next step.

Correct answer: 2.

3. The social essence of a person is determined by his need for ...

1) self-realization t 2) self-preservation

3) breathing 4) nutrition


Maslow's needs were distributed as they grew, explaining such a construction by the fact that a person cannot experience high-level needs while he needs more primitive things. At the bottom is physiology (satisfying hunger, thirst, sexual needs, etc.). A step higher is the need for security, above it is the need for affection and love, as well as for belonging to a social group. The next step is the need for respect and approval, over which Maslow placed cognitive needs (the thirst for knowledge, the desire to perceive as much information as possible). This is followed by the need for aesthetics (the desire to harmonize life, fill it with beauty and art). And finally, the last step of the pyramid, the highest, is the striving to reveal the inner potential (it is self-realization). It is important to note that each of the needs does not have to be fully satisfied - partial saturation is enough to move on to the next step.

Correct answer: 1.

4. Both man and animal

1) pass on cultural experience to subsequent generations

2) reflect the surrounding world in consciousness

3) take care of their offspring

4) evaluate themselves and their actions


The common thing for both man and animal is caring for the offspring.

All other qualities are inherent only in humans.

Correct answer: 3.

5. What concept is traditionally used to denote the totality of socially significant human qualities acquired throughout life?

1) personality 2) temperament

3) individual 4) talent


Temperament (from Latin temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts), the characteristic of an individual from the side of the dynamic characteristics of his mental activity, that is, the pace, rhythm, intensity of individual mental processes and states.

Correct answer: 1.

6. Yulia has an ear for music by nature, but she did not study music in order to develop this quality. What concept characterizes Julia's abilities?

1) skill 2) makings 3) genius 4) talent


The makings are the anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system, which serve as the basis for the formation of certain abilities.

Craftsmanship is art; master; perfection of the pictorial form; creation; art technique; artistic creativity.

Genius (from Lat. Genius - spirit) - unusually high intellectual abilities. For example, to the accomplishment of inventions and discoveries, original thinking, productive creative activity

Talent - certain abilities that are revealed with the acquisition of skill and experience.

Answer: 2

7. Inna found out that Zoya had invited all her work colleagues to a picnic, except her. She did not begin to find out the reason for this act, she just stopped talking to Zoya. What way of behavior in interpersonal conflict does this example illustrate?

1) avoiding a conflict situation

2) mediation 3) compromise 4) cooperation


In modern conflict management, five strategies of behavior in a conflict situation have been identified:

1. Adaptation - one side in everything agrees with the other, but has its own opinion, which is afraid to express.

2. Avoidance - avoiding a conflict situation.

3. Compromise is a joint solution that satisfies both parties.

4. Rivalry - active opposition to the other side.

5. Collaboration - an attempt to come to a joint solution.

Answer: 1

8. To denote the totality of socially significant qualities of a person, the concept is traditionally used ...

1) individual 2) talent 3) abilities 4) personality


Personality is a common and scientific term denoting: 1) the human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity (a person, in the broadest sense of the word) or 2) a stable system of socially significant traits.

Abilities, individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity.

An individual is a separate person as a social being, which is something more than a combination of innate qualities.

Talent is a high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements that are important in the context of cultural development.Answer: 4

9. Obtaining new information about the world around us is the main goal of the activity ...

1) practical 2) artistic

3) labor 4) cognitive


There are three main types of activity: labor, cognitive, play. Obtaining new information is the main task of the cognition process.

Correct answer: 4.

10. The interaction of two or more subjects, consisting in the exchange between them of information, thoughts, feelings, scientists designate the concept ...

1) creativity 2) social role

3) communication 4) development


Communication - "transfer of information from person to person", a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal communication) and groups (intergroup communication).Answer: 3


1) mathematics 2) physics 3) biology 4) history


Usually the exact sciences are opposed to the humanitiesAnswer: 1



Morality, generally accepted traditions, unspoken rules) - accepted in society ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas. Sometimes the term is used in relation not to the whole society, but to its part, for example: Christian morality, bourgeois morality, etc.Answer: 1


1) history 2) mathematics 3) art history

4) physics


Answer: 4

14. What is the hallmark of science?

1) appeal to supernatural powers

2) striving to achieve objective truth

3) impact on people's emotions

4) figurative reflection of the author's ideas


Answer: 2

15. What cultural institution is comprehensively involved in the restoration, storage and display of cultural values?

1) museum 2) theater 3) archive 4) cultural fund


Theater (Greek θέατρον - the main meaning - a place for spectacles, then - a spectacle, from θεάομαι - I look, I see) is a spectacular form of art, which is a synthesis of various arts - literature, music, choreography, vocals.Answer: 1

16. What makes religion different from other areas of spiritual culture?

1) use of artistic images

2) appeal to supernatural powers

3) reliance on ideas of good and evil

4) the desire to explain the surrounding realityExplanation.

Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

Religion is a special form of understanding the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and uniting people in an organization (church, religious community).

Art is a figurative understanding of reality; the process or result of the expression of internal or external (in relation to the creator).

Answer: 2

17. The storage of documents, video and photographic materials of personal and public value is an immediate task

1) libraries 2) museums 3) archives 4) galleries


Museum (from the Greek - House of the Muses) is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture.

Archive (Greek άρχεϊον) is an institution or structural unit of an organization that stores, collects, records and uses archival documents.Answer: 3

18. The categories of morality include concepts ...

1) honor and dignity 2) comfort and convenience

3) nature and culture 4) health and success


Morality is an internal attitude of a person - in contrast to morality, which (along with the law) is only an external requirement for the behavior of an individual.

In a narrower sense, morality is the internal attitude of the individual to act in accordance with his conscience and free will - in contrast to morality, which, along with the law, is an external requirement for the behavior of the individual.

Answer: 1

19. What belongs to the humanities?

1) history 2) physics 3) chemistry 4) mathematics


Humanitarian - about something that is directly related to man and created by him.

Answer: 1

20. What are the arts?

1) painting 2) literary criticism

3) history 4) art history


The arts include:

Fine painting, graphics (drawing, printmaking), arts and crafts, sculpture, photography, graffiti, comics, silent cinema, theater, opera, stage, circus, cinema, architecture, literature, music, choreography, ballet, radio art.

Answer: 1


1) spiritual needs

2) social needs


The spiritual needs of a person are the need to know the world around him and himself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, in knowing the meaning of his existence. answer: 4.

22. The main goal of this type of activity is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. it

1) art 2) religion 3) education 4) science

Explanation. Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. Religion is a special form of understanding the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and uniting people in an organization (church , religious community).

Art is a figurative understanding of reality; the process or result of the expression of internal or external (in relation to the creator).Answer: 4


1) physical movement 2) food 3) rest 4) communication

Explanation. The classification according to the level of complexity divides the needs into biological, social and spiritual. The biological one includes the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, safety, sexual satisfaction, to save energy, etc.).

Social needs include a person's need for communication, for popularity, for domination over other people, for belonging to a particular group, for leadership and recognition.

Answer: 4


1) natural ability

2) your own beliefs

3) social environment

4) natural surroundings


Personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, consider him as a subject of socio-cultural life, define him as a bearer of the individual principle, self-revealing in the contexts of social relationsAnswer: 3

25. The social needs of a person include the need for

1) friendship 2) food 3) rest 4) reproduction


Difficulty classification divides needs into biological, social and spiritual.

The biological one can include the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, safety, sexual satisfaction, to save energy, etc.).

Social needs include a person's need for communication, for popularity, for domination over other people, for belonging to a particular group, for leadership and recognition.

The spiritual needs of a person are the need to know the world around him and himself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, in knowing the meaning of his existence.Answer: 1

26. Personality is formed under the influence

1) natural ability

2) your own beliefs

3) social environment

4) natural surroundings


Personality is a relatively stable system of individual behavior, built primarily on the basis of involvement in the social context. Self-esteem is the core formation of the personality.

Answer: 3

27. What belongs to natural sciences?

1) history 2) mathematics 3) art history

4) physics


Natural sciences are the branches of science responsible for the study of natural (natural - from "nature", nature) phenomena external to man.Answer: 4

28. What belongs to the exact sciences?

1) mathematics 2) physics 3) biology 4) history


Exact sciences are areas of science that study quantitatively accurate patterns and use rigorous hypothesis testing methods based on reproducible experiments and rigorous logical reasoning.

Usually the exact sciences are opposed to the humanities.Answer: 1

29. What is the hallmark of morality?

1) reflects ideas about good and evil

2) emotionally affects a person

3) explains natural and social phenomena

4) appeals to supernatural powers


Morality, generally accepted traditions, unspoken rules) - accepted in society ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas. Sometimes the term is used in relation not to the whole society, but to its part, for example: Christian morality, bourgeois morality, etc.Answer: 1

30. These human needs are expressed in the desire to preserve and protect their lives, their families and homes from invasion, natural disasters, and discomfort. it

1) spiritual needs

2) social needs

3) physiological needs

4) security needs


The classification according to the level of complexity divides the needs into biological, social and spiritual. The biological one includes the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, safety, sexual satisfaction, to save energy, etc.).

Social needs include a person's need for communication, for popularity, for domination over other people, for belonging to a particular group, for leadership and recognition.

The spiritual needs of a person are the need to know the world around him and himself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, in knowing the meaning of his existence.Answer: 4



Interpersonal relationships occur only with close acquaintance.Answer: 3

32. A ninth grade graduate, Sergei, preparing for the state final certification in mathematics, repeats the methods of solving the equation. This type of activity belongs to

1) communication 2) study 3) work 4) play


Here we are witnessing the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills, this first of all characterizes such a type of human activity as study.Answer: 2

33. Anna shares with Yulia her impressions of the book she has read. This is an example of an activity like

1) work 2) study 3) play 4) communication


The exchange of information relates primarily to the field of communication.Answer: 4

34. What is characteristic of both man and animal?

1) social needs

2) the instinct of self-preservation

3) the pursuit of knowledge

4) norms of behavior


Only the instinct of self-preservation from these examples is inherent in both man and animal, all other examples are characteristic only of man, since they reflect his social nature.

Correct answer: 2

35. In country Z, the economy is dominated by the agrarian sector, the basic unit of society is the clan community. What type of society is country Z?

1) traditional 2) industrial

3) informational 4) postindustrial


A traditional or agrarian society is characterized by the dominance of agriculture.Answer: 1

36. For which of the human activities is it necessary to have a partner?

1) creativity 2) play 3) labor 4) communication


Of all the examples mentioned, only communication requires a partner.Answer: 4

37. In which example is a person's personal qualities manifested?

1) Masha is preparing to enter a medical institute.

2) Peter is the tallest in the class.

3) Nafisa was late for work due to a large traffic jam.

4) Kolya is always worried before exams.


Of all the examples given, only in example 1 we see the manifestation of a person's personal qualities, the ability to set a goal and overcome difficulties. benefit others. In other cases, it is simply a manifestation of the individual qualities of a person.

Answer: 1

38. The social essence of a person is determined by his need

1) in food 2) in warmth 3) in procreation

4) in self-realization


Answer: 4

39. Which of the following terms are used to describe the social sphere of society?

1) classes, strata

2) political parties, movements

3) business, entrepreneurship

4) knowledge, cognition


classes, strata - the social sphere;

political parties, movements - political;

business, entrepreneurship - economic;

knowledge, cognition - spiritual.Answer: 1

40. The social essence of a person is determined by his need for

1) food 2) warmth 3) procreation 4) self-realization


The needs for food, warmth and procreation are biological, the need for self-realization is social.Answer: 4

41. The biological essence of a person is determined by his need for

1) self-realization 2) food 3) creativity 4) communication


Self-realization, creativity and communication are conditioned by social essence. The need for food is biological.Answer: 2

42. Which example illustrates interpersonal conflict?

1) The government of the country announced an increase in customs duties.

2) Classmates quarreled over the duty schedule.

3) A traffic police officer issued a speeding ticket.

4) The employee made a claim to the employer about the late payment of wages.


An interpersonal conflict necessarily presupposes a personal acquaintance. Hence, the only true is 2.Answer: 2

43. One of the differences between work and study is

1) the acquisition of knowledge about nature and society

2) getting a practically useful result

3) satisfying spiritual needs

4) moral development of the personality


When working, there is always a practically useful result, in training not always.

Correct answer: 2

44. Which of the following examples illustrates interpersonal communication?

1) The head of state addresses citizens in the media.

2) Doctors listen to the report of the Minister of Health.

3) Friends met after a quarrel, found out the reasons and made up.

4) Representatives of trade unions are discussing the organization of the meeting.


interpersonal relationships are possible only with a personal acquaintanceAnswer: 3

45. The exchange of information, thoughts, feelings using various means, scientists denote the concept

1) learning 2) cognition 3) communication 4) creativity


COMMUNICATION - A complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities; includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of interaction.Answer: 3

46. A person is distinguished from an animal by the ability

1) take care of the offspring

2) use objects given by nature

3) perceive and transmit information

4) create conditions and means of life in joint activities


Activity presupposes a goal, goal-setting, only man is capable of goal-setting, animals act under the pressure of instinct, animals perform actions to satisfy their instinctively conditioned needs, but are not capable of activities based on GOAL-POSITION.Answer: 4

47. The social essence of a person is determined by his needs for

1) understanding 2) rest 3) nutrition 4) self-preservation

Explanation. 2.3.4 are typical for animals. The need for understanding is inherent only for man.

Correct answer: 1

48. The exchange of information, thoughts, feelings, scientists designate the concept

1) cognition 2) freedom 3) creativity 4) communication

Explanation The exchange of information, thoughts, feelings, scientists designate the concept of communication.

Correct answer: 4

49. Man, unlike representatives of the animal world,

1) shelters from the cold

2) takes care of his offspring

3) needs public recognition

4) builds dwellings from natural materials


Man, unlike representatives of the animal world, needs public recognition. Animals do not need this.Answer: 3

50. The game, unlike other types of activity, involves

1) transformation of the natural environment

2) the presence of an imaginary environment

3) transfer of certain information

4) communication with other people


Play, in contrast to other types of activity, presupposes the presence of an imaginary setting (robber Cossacks).Answer: 2

51. A person differs from an animal in that he

1) has verbal speech

2) has the most perfect hearing

3) can train offspring

4) does not depend on natural conditions

Explanation. 3 and 4 are also characteristic of animals, the hearing of some animals is more perfect than the hearing of a person, but not a single animal possesses verbal speech.Answer: 1

52. An example of work activity is

1) cooking dinner

2) chatting with friends

3) inspection of the exhibition of paintings

4) playing on the computer


Labor is an expedient, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. Here is the preparation of dinner.

Correct answer: 1

Answer: 1

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