Home Fertilizers Were there people in the future. How can a person change in the process of evolution in the future, from the point of view of science? Hairline has decreased

Were there people in the future. How can a person change in the process of evolution in the future, from the point of view of science? Hairline has decreased

Cold snap. Warming. Scientific and technical progress. How our body will change depending on possible future scenarios.

Global warming

The most frightening possible option. However, not for the human body. After all, then the dream of all the beauties of the Earth will come true - to have a slender and tanned figure like that of Hollywood divas. This is because those who live in hot climates eat a lot of plants that do not contribute to fullness at all. And another commonplace reason is thermoregulation. Inhabitants of warm countries are thin and have elongated proportions. The thinner a person is, the easier his body cools down, harmony is just an evolutionary adaptation to a hot climate.

And in humans, according to anthropologists, most likely, the nose and lips will expand, the jaws will enlarge. Like all equatorials (a wide nose and jaws allow better ventilation, and plump lips allow liquid to evaporate). Perhaps the skull will stretch out and we will acquire anthracite-black curls. Both allow the head to lose heat more efficiently.

glacial period

No matter how frightened by global warming, many experts are twisting at their temples: they say, what are you talking about, what kind of warming, we live in the interglacial era. And by the standards of history, it dragged on for an unacceptably long time. So get out your fur coats. And meat. And lard. This is what the northern peoples eat. Eskimos, by the way, are able to register 3 kg of fat per day (without having problems with cholesterol!). Are you weak?

Eating record amounts of protein and fat is responsible for the stockiness of the northerners. That is, the more protein they eat, the more their muscles and bones develop. Therefore, if there is a total freeze, we will become low and wide (we will have developed muscles, and some will have fat deposition). According to the samovar principle: the rounder, the longer the heat stays.

And this is just the beginning. Scientists do not exclude: in the distant future, humanity can learn ... to go into hibernation. And what, such examples exist both among our primate relatives (fat-tailed lemurs), and among the same northern peoples. With the onset of the polar night, the latter can enter their body into a state of suspended animation, when they sit around the fire and do not talk to each other all day.

GMO people

And this is possible. At least according to futurists. Advances in technology will allow us to look the way we want. And especially the brave believe that our mortal body as such will no longer exist - only avatars, only hardcore. Gradually, parts of the body will be replaced by artificial ones, until in the end we will not turn into intelligent machines at all, and maybe we will only exist in the Internet space. And perhaps someday genetic engineering will reach the level when we ourselves will be able to choose a specific appearance and any other set of physical characteristics for our children. Fortunately, this will not happen soon. If it happens at all.

Satiated future


But with the notorious scientific and technological revolution, options are possible. The future can be heaven for some and purgatory for others. Like HG Wells' Time Machine. "A small creature - no more than four feet tall", "amazingly beautiful, reminiscent of a consumptive beauty" - this is how the father of science fiction described the first category of earthlings of the future - the Eloi, who reached the pinnacle of technological progress. And so: "Ape-like ... off-white", "with large grayish-red eyes", "runs on all fours" - disgusting Morlocks, degraded people who returned to the level of Australopithecus.

In the future, humanity may split into these two "races." The latter will serve the first (after all, there may not be enough resources for everyone; in this case, someone will inevitably end up at the very bottom of the social, and then the evolutionary ladder). It is possible that only the "Morlocks" or only the "Eloi" will remain. Depends on which side progress will take.

The well-known anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky in his article "Pan or Morlock" writes: "(if humanity will live tens of thousands of years in the bosom of supercivilization) ... the size of the digestive system as a whole and the jaw in particular will decrease, the bones of the skull will become thinner, muscle tone will inevitably weaken ... interesting changes are possible: for example, fingers can lengthen and their mobility increase if success in working on a computer becomes reflected in reproductive success. "

The Morlocks will appear in an apocalyptic scenario. Pollution of the planet will lead to increased natural selection. All the weak and sickly will die out. Physical strength and endurance will again come to the fore. Humanity will start to run wild. “So far, unfortunately, everything is going towards this scenario, and it is still very optimistic, for it implies, in principle, the survival of mankind. Sadly, we are destroying our habitat so quickly that with our slow reproduction rate, we may not have enough speed to adapt to new conditions. Humanity may die out in the next couple of hundred years, ”writes Drobyshevsky.

First of all, this applies to the most civilized part of the world. Australian aborigines, savage African tribes, or the Amazonian Indians will likely not notice at all. And they will become at the origins of a new humanity.

Bright future

About rudiments

Changes await us in any scenario. This primarily concerns the senses. For example, vision. Constant sitting at the monitor will lead to the modification of the organs of vision. Moisturizing rarely blinking eyes with the help of increased work of the sebaceous glands will become relevant - reflex blinking will not be enough. But our sense of smell, with which everything is very sad today, will apparently disappear altogether. As unnecessary - we have nothing to smell in the environment, except for roses and perfumes. But on such "little things" evolution is not exchanged - the scent is needed to track down prey or escape from it. Everything else is "self-indulgence", an extra part that takes up too much space in our brain, which could "go" to more important things. For example, the ability to see in the dark (if humanity has to go underground - say, in connection with a natural disaster).

By the way, the rudimentary organs will also be reduced. Such, for example, wisdom teeth, which, according to anthropologists, will sink into oblivion in 200 years. The muscles of the ears, nose and the last two ribs will disappear in about 2 million years. So are the toes. But the brain is likely to grow. For 1 kg. After 7 million years (as anthropologists believe, based on the history of the evolution of mankind).

Globalization and constant immigration will eventually do their dirty deed. I mean, swarthy. Some anthropologists are sure that in a few centuries we will all become brown-eyed mulattoes. Like the Brazilians. Blue eyes, red hair and freckles, which even today can be listed in the Red Book, may disappear altogether. By the way, in 2002, epidemiologists from the United States found that only one in six white Americans have blue eyes. And even a hundred years ago, more than half of the white population of the States had them.

The world is changing, each subsequent decade, century or millennium brings its own, characteristic only changes, and the speed of change only increases. And along with the changing world - the person is changing. The evolution continues. At the moment, there are many different theories that give their options for human development in the future. However, some anthropologists and researchers still believe that evolutionary processes no longer play the important role that they played before.

Biological evolution is a natural process of development of living nature, accompanied by a change in the genetic composition of populations, the formation of adaptations, speciation and extinction of species, the transformation of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole (c) Wikipedia

For example, according to Professor Steve Jones of University College London, evolution is fading into the background. If in the distant past, the fittest survived, then in the modern world, a person surrounded by comfort is unlikely to continue mutation. At the same time, scientists do not exclude the possibility of changes and development of our bodies.

In addition, we must not forget about the existence of the Hardy-Weinjerg law, which states that evolutionary change is mathematically necessary as long as the genetic population remains under the influence of at least one of five factors:

  • Mutation
  • Non-random pairing
  • Gene flow
  • Gene drift
  • Natural selection

On the basis of this law, one can draw a simple conclusion - there should be evolutionary processes. That is why many scientists do not dwell on the argument "for" or "against" evolution, but put forward their assumptions about how a person will look in the future and what evolutionary changes we face in the next millennia.

Growth change

The tendency to increase in height is known and studied for certain. If we take into account at least the last 100-150 years, then it is not difficult to calculate that humanity has become, on average, 10 centimeters taller. So, for example, every fifth inhabitant of Italy has a height above 180 cm, and in the post-war period (after the Second World War), the number of people with such growth was no more than 6% of the total population.

Average height of men on the world map

According to the researchers, one of the main reasons for this change is the abundance of nutrients that are available to modern humans. And if earlier hunger prevented the body from developing, now in a large part of the world this issue is already secondary.

Human head size

Interestingly, there are two opinions on the issue of changing the size of the skull. The first says that the size of the skull will increase. This is primarily due to the development of the person himself, because technological development implies the need for intellectual and brain development. That is why, according to some scientists, in the future we will look like the most real standard "aliens".

However, there is also an opinion opposite to this assumption, which says that the size of the cranium, if it undergoes changes, is insignificant. Paleontologist Peter Ward of the University of Washington in Seattle thinks otherwise. The reason is very simple - any woman who has given birth at least once in her life will tell you with complete confidence that the baby's head is already quite large in size. That is why the Caesarean section method is increasingly used these days, and that is why evolution is unlikely to take such a step (no, we do not consider evolution to be something that has a will of its own - ed.).

Skin color and facial features

Mono-ethnicity is a word that comes to mind of many scientists when it comes to the distant future of humanity. Mixed marriages have long ceased to be something out of the ordinary and “blood purity” is preserved only among certain ethnic groups, which, as a rule, are in a certain isolation, territorial, religious or any other.

Nevertheless, globalization and cultural fusion, together with the availability of free movement, are doing their job and sooner or later all this will lead to averaging of facial features and skin color. This is what Yale University professor Stephen Stearns says. According to forecasts of various researchers, the color of the skin and hair will darken. Therefore, it is believed that in a few centuries or a little later, most of the world's population will look approximately like Brazilians.

There is also a parallel point of view, the adherents of which believe that over time, humanity or individuals will be able to acquire the ability to mimicry, and therefore, it will be possible to change the color of the skin at will. Such statements could be considered fiction, but scientists are already experimenting with the introduction of chromatophores (pigment-containing cells that are present in amphibians, reptiles, etc.).

Human hair

It's no secret that ancient people were much hairier than we are. No, this does not mean that they had very long hair, by no means, just the hairline was much more noticeable than it is now. The famous scientist Charles Darwin once said that the hair on our bodies is nothing more than a rudiment, a kind of greetings from the past of mankind.

Hair cover in those distant times replaced clothes for a person, but over time, such a need disappeared due to the spread and availability of clothing and heating. Therefore, there is not a small chance that in the future humanity will become practically bald. However, even here one cannot speak of confidence in such changes. So, for example, hair acts as one of the indicators when choosing a sexual partner, which means that if the need for hair does not completely disappear, then the hair will not go anywhere, unless there will be a little less of it.


If you look at the jaws of a person who lived about 100,000 years ago and the jaws of a modern person, you will notice changes even with the naked eye. In the past, human teeth were twice as large. This was necessary so that you could gnaw nuts, tear raw meat with your teeth, etc. Later, the human brain developed, his diet changed, and as a result, the jaws, like the teeth, began to shrink.

One of the most noticeable changes is the disappearance of wisdom teeth. Already now, almost 25% of people are born without the rudiments of wisdom teeth, which can be attributed to the influence of natural selection, and in the future, this percentage will only increase. According to scientists, human teeth will continue to decrease, and possibly even disappear.


The fact that humanity will lose muscle mass is just a matter of time, scientists are almost sure of this. Already now humanity is weaker than its past "I". This is due to the ever-smaller volumes of physical labor, which is not largely replaced by technology. The faster technology advances and automation takes place, the faster humanity will become in terms of physical strength.

Meanwhile, serious developments are already underway to create artificial and reinforced parts of the body, muscle tissues, exoskeletons and others. All this can lead to the fact that the limbs of people can begin to change. Reduction of muscle mass, the legs will become shorter and the feet will be smaller.

In addition, there is a second scenario, which assumes that humanity will lose muscle mass in connection with the "relocation" into space. Many people know that after returning to Earth from space, astronauts have to re-gain their physical form. Now imagine what will happen if such a flight will drag on for a very long time.

Brain functions

Naturally, the brain will not remain unchanged either. In the modern world, the influence of technology on our thinking is already visible. The human brain works in such a way as to perform the task as efficiently as possible, therefore, instead of memorizing a certain amount of information, the brain prefers to memorize directly the source from where the necessary data can be obtained. So, for example, it is much easier to remember where you put the book, and not what is written on page 329 in the 3rd paragraph. Therefore, in the future, the likelihood of a deterioration in the state of our memory is high. On the other hand, humanity has not revealed its full "brain" potential, so there is no need to fear too much for future generations.

Another interesting change may affect our hearing. Throughout the evolutionary process, a person has learned to focus his attention on certain sound waves caught by the ear and to isolate what he needs more. Although, of course, such a skill is not omnipotent, however, during a noisy party, we are able to distinguish the speech of our interlocutor among the many conversations and noises. Of course, it is not the ear that possesses such a mechanism, but our brain, which plays the role of an analytical filter. At the same time, the development of media and the Internet is more and more clogged with unnecessary "noise" and useless information that people are trying to sort right now. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that in the conditions of such an information environment, humanity will have to more effectively learn to determine what is useful for it and isolate it among the stormy general flow.

That's all. No, of course, there are still many options for evolutionary changes, but it is rather difficult to list all of them, and not really necessary. We tried to briefly describe the most noticeable of them and give a general idea of ​​what awaits our descendants in the distant (or not so) future. Good luck and evolve!

People have not stopped evolving, although our civilization is not so many years old for us to be able to see some kind of strong changes. And yet, some changes in people are predictable. Here are ten big changes that are likely to occur in the next 200,000 years if civilization continues on its current path.

10. Mono-ethnicity

Multiculturalism is the foundation of modern society. It will not be surprising if, with further mixing of cultures, people eventually evolve into one ubiquitous ethnic group. Mixed marriages are no longer something out of the ordinary for a long time, because of which people will gradually lose their distinctive ethnic features, adopting the characteristics of peoples from different parts of the planet. At least one way or another, racism will no longer be a problem in the future.

9. Weakening of the immune system

As a person's dependence on drugs increases, it can be expected that the person's immune system will gradually weaken. A good explanation for this is the example of hormones: in the future, with the help of supplements, a person will be able to regulate their hormones in order to improve their well-being. Over time, the human body will become dependent on additional hormones until this dependence reaches the level where the body stops secreting these hormones, fully relying on receiving hormones from the outside. The body's hormone-making processes will become less critical to survival, as supplementation will ensure that the body will always have the right amount of hormones.

After several tens of thousands of years of this lifestyle, the human body is likely to completely lose the ability to produce hormones as unnecessary. Taking this example further, many bodily functions may become unnecessary as a person's dependence on outside help increases. Why does the body need a strong immune system if all pathogens are eliminated by drugs? This is another drawback of thoughtlessly taking medications to combat even mild illnesses.

8. Muscular atrophy

There are two reasons for the possibility of a gradual weakening of the physical aspect of the human body. The first reason is the transfer of "dirty" (but improving our muscles) labor to technical devices. The less each generation is dependent on physical strength, the more likely our species as a whole will become weaker.

The second reason for the possible development of muscle atrophy sounds much more pleasant - the "move" of mankind into space. In this scenario, physical strength will no longer be needed in everyday activities. If humanity embarks on too long a space flight, then gradually the muscle mass of people will greatly decrease. Many have heard that astronauts returning to earth after a long stay in space noticeably lose muscle mass. Future generations will have to take this fact into account if they do not want to be unable to move independently, like people from the WALL-E cartoon.

7. Increased growth

The average height of a person has been rapidly increasing over the past two centuries. Over the past 150 years, the average height of people has increased by 10 centimeters. It is believed that the main reason for our striving upward is the abundance of nutrients available to humans. Hunger was a big problem for those who tried to grow taller, but now in some parts of the world the problem of hunger is no longer so acute.

The more a child can eat, the more energy he / she has to grow. As long as people have the opportunity to eat more than they need, our species will grow taller. Only time and evolution will show what the limit of human growth is.

6. Hair loss

For many reasons, the human body has already gotten rid of most of its hairline, and over time, most likely, humanity will become increasingly bald. Women, in particular, are often considered more attractive if they lack hair on certain parts of the body. If the lack of hair provides an individual with an advantage in sexual attractiveness, then over time, women can evolve so that unwanted hair is completely absent from their bodies. The same can be said for men, at least in terms of body hair, but since society does not require men to be completely hairless, change is less likely.

5. Redistribution of brain functions

Technology has already influenced the way our memory works. The human brain strives for maximum efficiency, which is why it prefers to remember where some information can be found, rather than memorize the information itself. It is much easier to remember where you put the book with the necessary facts than to remember the entire book, and in the era of the Internet, this feature of the brain has become even more important. How often have you tried to remember something, but then decided to just find it on the Internet? Thus, the brain remembers where information can be found - on the Internet, on Wikipedia, through Google, and so on. As technology advances, our brains are adapting to greater efficiency, which could potentially have detrimental effects on memory.

4. Reducing the size of teeth

The most obvious change in our jaws will be the absence of wisdom teeth, which are not needed by a modern person, and which are already quite rare among some peoples. In addition, we can expect a reduction in the size of our teeth. Throughout human evolution, there is a process of teeth reduction. Studies show that over the past 100,000 years, human teeth have halved in size. The human jaws have also shrunk since they no longer have to support their huge canines. We can safely say that the size of the teeth will continue to decrease.

3. Less toes

Before humans became erect, the toes were used for grasping, as were the hands. Since people began to walk more than climb, the toes began to shrink in size. Now our feet are unable to grasp even small branches, and evolution has almost eliminated our little toes.

If the other toes, especially the big one, serve to walk and maintain stability, the small toes have no function and people would not notice the little toe disappear. For this reason, and also because of the problems from its useless existence (hitting any protruding object and rubbing while walking), people of the future can be expected to have only four toes. We will not be the first example of a reduction in the number of fingers during evolution, for example, horses previously had more than two fingers.

2. Increase / decrease in the volume of the skull

There are two opinions about the change in the size of the skull. The opinion about a decrease in the size of the skull, supported by many scientists, is due to the fact that the human head can no longer become larger. Why? Those who gave birth will tell you that the baby's head, to put it mildly, is already big enough. For this reason, many biologists believe that an increase in head size would make childbirth impossible, which means that the evolutionary process would quickly respond to this. A large head is more likely to cause death or injury to the mother. Given these arguments, it seems inevitable that head size will remain or even shrink over time.

On the other hand, it does not take into account the fact that Caesarean section may contribute to the survival of large-headed children. What's more, some believe that over time, a Caesarean section will become much safer than a natural birth. This can mean that babies born naturally with small heads are less likely to survive than babies born with a Caesarean section.

However, such dependence can be dangerous for people. If large-headed people lose the ability to perform a Caesarean section, they face rapid extinction.

1. Self-improvement

Over time, mankind can develop a technology that makes it possible to independently carry out evolutionary processes. Whether it's literal self-improvement (bionic organs, for example) or parental selection of genes for their unborn child, this is the most likely path for human evolution in the near future. If the choice of genes is allowed by governments, it could lead to a boom in "perfect children" who lack all the flaws and unwanted characteristics. This could help humanity to get rid of most of the negative qualities.

The most frightening possible option. However, not for the human body. After all, then the dream of all the beauties of the Earth will come true - to have a slender and tanned figure like that of Hollywood divas. This is because those who live in hot climates eat a lot of plants that do not contribute to fullness at all. And another commonplace reason is thermoregulation. Inhabitants of warm countries are thin and have elongated proportions. The thinner a person is, the easier his body cools down, harmony is just an evolutionary adaptation to a hot climate.

No matter how frightened by global warming, many experts are twisting at their temples: they say, what are you talking about, what kind of warming, we live in the interglacial era. And by the standards of history, it dragged on for an unacceptably long time. So get out your fur coats. And meat. And lard. This is what the northern peoples eat. Eskimos, by the way, are able to register 3 kg of fat per day (without having problems with cholesterol!). Are you weak?

Eating record amounts of protein and fat is responsible for the stockiness of the northerners. That is, the more protein they eat, the more their muscles and bones develop. Therefore, if there is a total freeze, we will become low and wide (we will have developed muscles, and some will have fat deposition). According to the samovar principle: the rounder, the longer the heat stays.

And this is just the beginning. Scientists do not exclude: in the distant future, humanity can learn ... to go into hibernation. And what, such examples exist both among our primate relatives (fat-tailed lemurs), and among the same northern peoples. With the onset of the polar night, the latter can enter their body into a state of suspended animation, when they sit around the fire and do not talk to each other all day.

And this is possible. At least according to futurists. Advances in technology will allow us to look the way we want. And especially the brave believe that our mortal body as such will no longer exist - only avatars, only hardcore. Gradually, parts of the body will be replaced by artificial ones, until in the end we will not turn into intelligent machines at all, and maybe we will only exist in the Internet space. And perhaps someday genetic engineering will reach the level when we ourselves will be able to choose a specific appearance and any other set of physical characteristics for our children. Fortunately, this will not happen soon. If it happens at all.

But with the notorious scientific and technological revolution, options are possible. The future can be heaven for some and purgatory for others. Like HG Wells' Time Machine. "A small creature - no more than four feet tall", "amazingly beautiful, reminiscent of a consumptive beauty" - this is how the father of science fiction described the first category of earthlings of the future - the Eloi, who reached the pinnacle of technological progress. And so: "Ape-like ... off-white", "with large grayish-red eyes", "runs on all fours" - disgusting Morlocks, degraded people who returned to the level of Australopithecus.

In the future, humanity may split into these two "races." The latter will serve the first (after all, there may not be enough resources for everyone; in this case, someone will inevitably end up at the very bottom of the social, and then the evolutionary ladder). It is possible that only the "Morlocks" or only the "Eloi" will remain. Depends on which side progress will take.

The well-known anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky in his article "Pan or Morlock" writes: "(if humanity will live tens of thousands of years in the bosom of supercivilization) ... the size of the digestive system as a whole and the jaw in particular will decrease, the bones of the skull will become thinner, muscle tone will inevitably weaken ... interesting changes are possible: for example, fingers can lengthen and their mobility increase if success in working on a computer becomes reflected in reproductive success. "

The Morlocks will appear in an apocalyptic scenario. Pollution of the planet will lead to increased natural selection. All the weak and sickly will die out. Physical strength and endurance will again come to the fore. Humanity will start to run wild. “So far, unfortunately, everything is going towards this scenario, and it is still very optimistic, for it implies, in principle, the survival of mankind. Sadly, we are destroying our habitat so quickly that with our slow reproduction rate, we may not have enough speed to adapt to new conditions. Humanity may die out in the next couple of hundred years, ”writes Drobyshevsky.

First of all, this applies to the most civilized part of the world. Australian aborigines, savage African tribes, or the Amazonian Indians will likely not notice at all. And they will become at the origins of a new humanity.

Changes await us in any scenario. This primarily concerns the senses. For example, vision. Constant sitting at the monitor will lead to the modification of the organs of vision. Moisturizing rarely blinking eyes with the help of increased work of the sebaceous glands will become relevant - reflex blinking will not be enough. But our sense of smell, with which everything is very sad today, will apparently disappear altogether. As unnecessary - we have nothing to smell in the environment, except for roses and perfumes. But on such "little things" evolution is not exchanged - the scent is needed to track down prey or escape from it. Everything else is "self-indulgence", an extra part that takes up too much space in our brain, which could "go" to more important things. For example, the ability to see in the dark (if humanity has to go underground - say, in connection with a natural disaster).

By the way, the rudimentary organs will also be reduced. Such, for example, wisdom teeth, which, according to anthropologists, will sink into oblivion in 200 years. The muscles of the ears, nose and the last two ribs will disappear in about 2 million years. So are the toes. But the brain is likely to grow. For 1 kg. After 7 million years (as anthropologists believe, based on the history of the evolution of mankind).

Globalization and constant immigration will eventually do their dirty deed. I mean, swarthy. Some anthropologists are sure that in a few centuries we will all become brown-eyed mulattoes. Like the Brazilians. Blue eyes, red hair and freckles, which even today can be listed in the Red Book, may disappear altogether. By the way, in 2002, epidemiologists from the United States found that only one in six white Americans have blue eyes. And even a hundred years ago, more than half of the white population of the States had them.

I will post an interview with R. Kurzweil, which he gave several years ago. But it has not received wide circulation in the Russian Internet, so it is useful to repost. Kurzweil is a futurist, a specialist in innovation, perhaps the best in the world. He tells us what awaits us in 20 years. He grew up in Queens, USA, where, he said, schooling alienated him from what he wanted to do more than anything else: build computers. While continuing his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ray earned the nickname "Phantom" for not appearing in many courses. Instead, he was engaged in inventions in the field of electronics and computer technology. He helped invent the first optical pattern recognition technology; the first speech synthesizer for reading printed text; computer musical instruments and the first human speech recognition system. His inventions made him famous. Subsequently, he founded several companies and wrote hundreds of scientific articles. He is also the author and co-author of many books, including the book "The Age of Ouch Machines, or When Machine Intelligence Surpasses Human Intelligence." Ray is currently working with Terry Grossman to write a book about the possibilities of nanotechnology and nanomedicine, Fantastic Journey. Now Ray, instead of inventing, took up the prediction of the technological development of mankind.

“We've already heard about how technology leaves people out of work. Will this continue?

Ray: This is part of a process that began at least 200 years ago when the English textile industry began to automate. Then there was simply a machine that could move 10 or 30 shuttles. But with the launch of such machines, new industries appeared. For example, the engineering industry, which creates and maintains these machines. As soon as the product becomes mass-produced, the demand for it increases. People no longer want to settle for one shirt if they can buy several more. The history of automation shows that the number of jobs has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has grown even more. A hundred years ago, about 30% of the potential workforce was employed. Now more than 60% are arranged. Compared to the last century, dollar earnings have increased six to eight times! (Ray is talking about the United States, while ignoring inflation - approx. Transl.). Can we hope that this trend will continue? A significant increase in the productive capacity of humankind can be expected in the near future. In 20 years, we will be able to produce almost any physical product very cheaply. This will happen thanks to the close integration of modern information and production technologies. Today, we can already produce a variety of products using software, since there have long been automated computer systems for controlling production processes, tools, raw materials and their processing.

- Of course, the increasing productive capacity of humanity is wonderful, but what about jobs?

Now in the United States there is a relatively small percentage of the unemployed (about 6%). One of the peculiarities of working in the 20th century is being bound to a specific place. That is, if you want to work in New York, you must live in New York. But now, thanks to cyberspace, you can live almost anywhere. Thus, a person can find a job in another city if he does not find a job in his own. At the same time, he will not need to move. This is a positive trend for the world economy. This is how the world economy is leveled.

- The fact that China and India produce a lot of cheap products does not in any way “harm” the American economy, since the latter has moved to the information and high-tech sectors. What do you think about the continuation of this trend for a longer period?

Now we see an international competition in the field of training highly qualified specialists. Every country wants to have the most competent staff. And this trend will continue. I think this is a good direction. China is building about 50 universities in the class of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And this indicates that their state wants to have highly qualified specialists and intellectual property. For humanity, it does not matter which country makes a new discovery in the field of biotechnology - everyone will benefit from it. But I believe that the United States will remain at a high level of research and development.

-What do you think about new products and products that may appear in the IT industry in 10 years?

To do this, you need to follow several trends. Most of today's networking and server solutions are likely to change or disappear altogether. There will be no desktops. By the end of this decade, most desktop computers will be gone - replaced by smaller, more mobile cousins, integrated with systems that project images directly onto the retina. Everyone will be in touch. The Internet or similar communication link will become very fast. Computer equipment will be almost everywhere: within the walls of a personal apartment, in clothes, on the streets.

-What will the IT industry do then?

It will focus primarily on protecting users from hacker and virus attacks. Now such developments are relevant, and in a decade they will become even more relevant. Everything goes to the fact that the software will work directly in our bodies, brain, circulatory system (thanks to microchips and nanorobots), so a viral or hacker attack will directly affect our physical condition. I also believe that the value of information as such will increase as it will be the foundation of a future society. And, naturally, nothing will be more important than information processing organizations.

-How will people change? What will they become? What will they strive for?

Technological advances grow exponentially as we use the latest technological advances to create even more advanced technologies. This process began with biological evolution. It took billions of years for a DNA molecule to appear, but as soon as DNA began to use the replication mechanism, new organisms arose on its basis. The Cambrian era has begun. It's the same with technology. The first computers were designed on paper and assembled with bolts. Today, an engineer sitting at a CAD-type development program forms the structure of a computer with complete ready-made blocks and formulas. The necessary microcircuits are produced automatically, this process takes several days, whereas previously it took months or even years to prototype. This is why computer technology is developing exponentially. Now the creation of new technologies is a joint process of cooperation between people and machines. I think it is important to realize that technology and human civilization will come into closer contact. Computers will get closer and closer to us. I recently spoke with a woman who said that her ten-year-old son's laptop is an extension of himself. She said that the laptop is as close to the child as if it were inside him, like a part of the body. So soon computers will be inside us. In one or two decades, we will be able to place non-biological computing devices inside our bodies that will not harm our health. By 2020, it will be possible to place billions of cell-sized nanorobots inside the circulatory system. These machines will be able to slow down the aging process, heal individual cells, and interact with individual neurons. So the machines will practically merge with us. Our brain architecture is limited. The brain uses electrochemical signals to process information and processes it millions of times slower than modern electronic circuits. The brain is unsuitable for storing large amounts of information, since the number of neural connections is limited. If you've ever used search engines like Google on the Internet, you can imagine the information power of machines. In the future, the expansion of the number of neural connections due to electronics and the acceleration of the transmission of nerve impulses along them may lead to the creation of completely new personalities. And this process will also develop exponentially. By 2030, the brain of an individual person will be significantly improved with the help of non-biological computing. Therefore, to the question of what will happen if we do not change, one can answer that machine intelligence will far exceed human intelligence. But I don't think this will happen, as machines and people will eventually merge.

-If this change in the world happens so radically, wouldn't humanity have a culture shock?

I think not. It's a very smooth process. Of course, the world of 2030 is not at all like our modern world, but these changes will occur through a lot of incremental improvements. Each of the steps will be careful and conservative, but at the same time, it will bring us closer to a new world. Of course, there will be a response from society. Something like a movement against technology. Reflections of people about whether they control the world order, or whether the world order controls them, belong rather to the field of philosophy. Since ancient times, mankind has tried to destroy the restrictions dictated to it by the surrounding world. I think that we will not stop at biology and go a step further. For example, I myself plan to improve my intelligence as soon as the opportunity arises for this.

-Are you not smart enough now?

Of course not, are you kidding me? My main occupation is to follow the development of technologies and anticipate their further development. This forces me to plunge my intellectual "hands" into various fields of knowledge in order to find the information I need. This is the very opposite of what modern scientists are doing, who are more and more specialized. Therefore, I consider myself a neophyte in this new uncultivated field.

- You completely rely on the power of machines to help us, forgetting about the mistakes that so often occur during their work. For example, in biology: there is no cure for cancer and AIDS. How will technology work in this area?

This is complete nonsense. We are just starting to develop biotechnology. We've just finished decoding the human genome. We don't know anything about revertases. And we don't know enough about how genes are expressed into proteins. Computers are only now emerging that can solve the protein folding problem. We have just begun to apply new methods of information processing to the problems of aging and the treatment of diseases. In order to defeat aging and effectively treat and prevent diseases, we still need to make many more discoveries in the field of biotechnology. As we improve and apply our knowledge in the field of biotechnology, we will have new drugs. For example, medications, taking which, you can eat as much as you like and not get better. There will also be an effective cure for grade 2 diabetes. I'm pretty sure that within the next decade, 95% of existing fatal diseases will be cured through biotechnology. We have now identified a number of aging mechanisms and we have a number of strategies to eliminate them. I believe that in 10 years we will be able to get a mouse that does not age at all. Then we will try to transfer this therapy to humans, which may take another 10 years.

-What do you think will be the life span of the people of the future?

I don’t even think they’ll think about it. People who will live in 20-30 years will not think about death at all. We are now arranged differently. We think that life is short and you cannot live forever. Only taxes and one's own death are eternal. This is called the normal life cycle. Since we still have not been able to overcome death, we simply rationalized it and took it for granted. I believe that death is a tragedy. This is the loss of all the knowledge and experience accumulated by a person. And we have introduced death into our natural life cycle. In my book Fantastic Journey, which will appear at the end of the year, I will detail all the latest advances in medicine, nanotechnology and biotechnology that will soon allow a person to live forever and improve his body and brain at the same time. You are in good physical shape. Yes, because I set myself the task of extending life. I do not accept death for a minute. I recently took a biological test to determine my physical age, and found out that my body is at around 40 years old. And I'm 56 now.

-What are you doing to slow down the aging process?

Our genome is full of harmful programs that we execute subconsciously. ’Hunt for every calorie! Next time you won't be able to find food for yourself! ”- this is what one of the long-outdated mechanisms of self-preservation tells us. This and other programs need to be radically changed. Many mechanisms of aging accelerate when we are 50, 60. I try to stop them using the techniques I have developed. I eat a specific, specially formulated diet. I take 250 supplements every day. By doing this, I literally reprogram my biochemistry. Many people believe that eating should be self-obedient and natural. I don't think so, because biological evolution is working against us.

-How do you imagine 120-year-old people? Maybe extending their age will bring them more additional frustrations and problems?

Yes, of course there is a difference between a 30-year-old and a 120-year-old person. But since the future society will spend most of its time in virtual reality, even 120-year-olds will be able to fully realize themselves. The most important thing is that they will have the opportunity to think and accumulate knowledge. This, I think, is the meaning of our life!


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