Home Fertilizers A holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group. Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world for children of the preparatory group with a presentation. Men and women in the family

A holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group. Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world for children of the preparatory group with a presentation. Men and women in the family

Lilia Letyagina
Summary of the lesson on "Formation of a holistic picture of the world" in the preparatory group

Abstract of an open lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening one's horizons in preparatory group.

Theme: Forest and its inhabitants.

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about trees and forest inhabitants.

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about deciduous and coniferous trees, wild animals and their babies, their habitats. To generalize ideas about the rules of behavior in nature.

Develop long-term memory, attention, auditory and visual perception.

To foster interest in trees and wild animals, respect for nature.

Equipment: cards"Trees", poster "The structure of the tree", the image of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forest, cards"Wild animals and their dwellings", signs "Rules of conduct in nature".

Integration of areas: formation of a holistic picture of the world, ecology, communication.

Type of classes: pinning.

Course of the lesson

IOrg. moment

Children enter group and stand in a circle.

II Communication of the topic and objectives

Theme classes you will find out by solving the riddle. Listen to her carefully.

The guys have

Green friend,

Cheerful friend, good,

He will give them

Hundreds of hands

And thousands of palms.


What is a forest?

A forest is an open space where trees, shrubs, mosses, and wild animals live.

Today on occupations we will talk about the forest and its inhabitants, remember what types of trees you know, and what wild animals live in the forests.

III Securing

1. Riddles about trees.

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She does not sew anything herself,

But in pins and needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Berries are not sweet

But to the eye - joy,

And the decoration of the gardens,

And a treat for the blackbirds.


I lowered the curls into the river

And I was sad about something,

And what is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.


Russian beauty

Stands in the clearing

In a green blouse,

In a white sundress.


I have a long needle

Than the tree.

I grow very straight


If I'm not at the edge

Branches are only at the top of the head.


From the trees in early summer

Suddenly the snowflakes flutter

But this does not make us happy -

We sneeze from it.


2. Didactic game "From which forest"

What types of forest do you know? (coniferous, deciduous, mixed)

What are the names of trees growing in coniferous forests? (conifers)

What are the names of the trees growing in deciduous forests? (deciduous)

Distribute cards with trees in the woods where they grow.

Conifers Deciduous

Spruce, cedar Birch, oak, rowan,

Pine, larch poplar, willow, fir

Tell me, what is the difference between trees? (leaves, trunk width, etc.)

What do all trees have in common? (structure)


The wind flew through the forest,

the wind counted the leaves

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash carved,

Here is a golden birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen

the wind threw on the path.

The wind whirled through the forest

The wind was friends with the leaves.

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash carved,

Here is a golden birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen

the wind swirls over the path.

3 Vocabulary work (with ball or bump)

-Finish the phrases:

Birch leaf - birch

Oak leaf - oak

Maple leaf - maple

Rowan leaf - rowan

Aspen cone - aspen

Oak acorn - oak

Cedar cone - cedar

4 Didactic game "Third wheel"

In the forest, not only trees grow, but also other plants. Listen carefully to the word chains and select "Superfluous" word.

Birch, oak, dandelion.

Spruce, pine, poplar.

Maple, rowan, lilac.

Rowan, tulip, willow.

There are not only plants in the forest, but also animals. Guess which ones.

She doesn't walk on the ground

Like a bird does not fly.

Prefers to live in a hollow,

Stores nuts.


I am cunning and dexterous

They call me a cheat.

But I like it more,

When they call you a beauty.


A lump of fluff

long ear,

jumps dexterously,

loves carrots. (Hare)

Grayish, toothy,

prowls around the field,

looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf)

Sleeps in winter

stirring up the hives in the summer. (Bear)

Where do wild animals live? (in the forest)

What are their dwellings called? (den, burrow, lair, hollow)


Low mobility game "I walk, I wander through the woods ...."

5 Examining a series of plot paintings on the theme"Rules of conduct in the forest"

Look at cards, what is depicted on them?

How children take eggs from nests, scratch inscriptions on the bark, carry animals out of the forest, leave or bury garbage, etc.

Can you do this?

Forest rules.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget.

You don't need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies.

In order for these rules to be observed, signs of behavior in the forest were invented. Let's put them together on a poster.

What did they talk about occupations?

What do you remember the most?

Which rules?

Now we will smile

Let's hold hands tightly

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise:

We will be friends with the forest, protect it, love!

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In the Program, the content of the section "Formation of a holistic picture of the world "consists of three components:Subject environment. Phenomena of public life. The world of nature.

Each component of a section has its own base.

Introduction to the objective world presupposes the formation of ideas about the subject as such, and how about the creation of human thought, and the result of labor activity.

In acquainting children with the phenomena of social life, the pivotal theme is the life and work of people.

At the heart of familiarization with the natural world is helping the child in realizing himself as an active subject of nature.

Natural surroundings. Environmental education.The purpose of the section is to familiarize children with living and inanimate nature, the formation of a consciously careful attitude towards it, the formation of the principles of ecological culture.

The goal is realized through the solution of the following tasks:

  • Clarification, systematization and deepening of knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena; about the state of the environment.
  • Formation of knowledge about the life manifestations of all living things (nutrition, growth, development).
  • Formation of ideas about cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex.
  • The development of an emotionally friendly attitude towards living objects of nature in the process of communicating with them.
  • Formation of the need to take care of the ecological cleanliness of your yard, kindergarten site, group, city (village, village, etc.).
  • Development of a conscious attitude towards oneself as an active subject of the surrounding world.
  • Formation of the habit of rational use of natural resources.
  • Development of skills to properly interact with nature.
  • Development of interest in the natural world.
  • Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality, primarily to nature in all its manifestations.

The implementation of program tasks is carried out in the process of both everyday communication with children and in special classes, frontal and subgroup. In all groups, children are introduced to the diversity of the world around them, but at each age stage, the interests and preferences of preschoolers relate to one or another sphere of reality. Therefore, the schedule of classes provides for a reasonable alternation of them during each month.

By the end of the year, children can:

Distinguish and name the types of transport (ground, underground, air, water); items that facilitate human labor in production; objects that create comfort and coziness indoors and outdoors; determine the material from which the object is made: fabric (chintz, satin, nylon, drape, knitwear, etc.), silver, aluminum, iron, wood (plywood, board, log), artificial materials (plastic, polyethylene, plastic, etc.) etc.).

To know that objects are the creation of human thought.

  • Examine an object using a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions (actions of perception).
  • Select and group items according to the cognitive task.
  • Have an understanding of the history of item creation.
  • Know your date of birth, your middle name, home address and phone number; names and patronymics of parents; kindergarten address.
  • Know the coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia. Have an idea of ​​the President, the Government of Russia.
  • To have an idea of ​​the different types of troops and the honorable duty to defend the Motherland.
  • Have an idea of ​​your native land; about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, labor, etc .; about the Earth, about people of different races living on our planet; about the work of adults, their business and personal qualities, creativity; about the heroes of space; public holidays.
  • Have a primary understanding of the school, library.
  • Explain environmental dependencies; to establish connections and interactions between man and nature.
  • Take care of plants and animals in a corner of nature.
  • Have an idea of ​​various natural sites; about the vegetation of the forest, meadow, garden, field; domestic and wild animals, birds; The Red Book; the nature of the native land.
  • Establish causal relationships between the state of the environment and the life of living organisms.
  • Make elementary conclusions and conclusions.
  • Establish connections between properties and characteristics of various materials and their use.
  • Determine the origin of man-made objects.
  • Examine the subject using a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions.
  • Know the essential characteristics of objects, their properties and qualities.

It is necessary to consolidate and deepen the ideas of preschoolers about indoor plants, vegetation of a forest, meadow, garden, field; about domestic and wild animals, birds. To acquaint with the plants and animals of the native land, listed in the Red Book.

Explain ecological dependencies, the awareness of which contributes to the development of modern ecological thinking. To cultivate a humane attitude towards all living things, a sense of mercy; teach the correct behavior in the natural environment, lay the foundations of the ecological culture of the individual.

Promote understanding of various aspects of human interaction with nature.

To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the life of plants and animals. To form an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature (man is a part of nature); desire to protect nature. To acquaint with the activities of people for the protection of wild animals.

To systematize and deepen children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

To form the ability to distinguish and name herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees, houseplants.

Expand the understanding of the classification of the animal world: animals, insects, fish, amphibians, etc.

Abstract of GCD "Garden-vegetable garden" preparatory group

Educational area: "Communication"

Integration: "Cognition", "Artistic creation", "Music", "Reading fiction"

Goal: Development of free communication with adults and children through the integration of educational areas.

Educational: develop the ability to combine different types of artistic creativity; teach to create a collective composition by placing the cut out elements; show the role of the background color for a still life; teach children to make a collage; to consolidate the ability to cut out of paper by a template, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the genre of "still life", to clarify the knowledge of the distinctive features and qualities of vegetables.

Developing: develop a sense of shape and color, creative imagination; promote the development of positive emotions in the course of creative work; develop auditory perception, logical thinking and tactile perception; develop communication skills, the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of comrades, and improve speech.

Educational: foster a sense of belonging to a group through collective creativity, foster respect for the work of adults; accuracy and perseverance.

Correctional tasks: encourage children to actively participate in the conversation; teach children to use words in the correct grammatical form; encourage children to try to speak clearly, clearly.

Material: A3 sheet, colored pencils, black and white pictures of vegetables, scissors, glue stick, cotton pads, gouache, brushes, napkins ...

Dictionary: still life, collage, composition, harvest ...

Preliminary work: acquaintance of children with different genres of fine arts (still life, landscape, portrait), to acquaint with the technique of "collage", with tonal technique (shading, slate shavings); examination of reproductions of paintings on the autumn theme, conversation "Labor of people in the fall", reading children's poems: "The good autumn has come" by V. Volin, "Our Garden", U. Rashid, "Garden" by A. Prokofiev. "Cucumber" K. Tangrykuliev, "Potato" E. Ostrovskaya, etc .; drawing up stories based on plot pictures.

Organizing time


M. Khodyakova
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This time of the year is called autumn.

The educator's story. Vegetables are harvested in the gardens in autumn. People carefully collect them from the garden so as not to damage them. Carrots, beets, onions, garlic are pulled out; cabbage - cut down, potatoes - dug up; cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers - removed. Vegetables are eaten raw, boiled, fried, salted. Salads are made from them, added to soup, borscht. Vegetables are harvested for the winter. They are useful, they contain a lot of vitamins.

Consolidation of the passed material.

Look at what is in this basket (vegetables are considered and named) at the first correct answer, the vegetable is placed on the child's table.

Guys, what other vegetables do you know?

What's in this basket?

Let's call them.

Guys, what other fruits do you know?

Fruit is also distributed to children.

How can you name in one word what I brought (vegetables), (fruits).

Children provide answers.

Introduction of new concepts "garden" and "vegetable garden"

To find out what our lesson is called today, we must answer the questions "Where do vegetables and fruits grow?" and then we will find out the topic of our lesson.

Where do you think Autumn got so many vegetables?(children's answers).

A vegetable garden is a fenced-in piece of land with beds and greenhouses. There people grow vegetables (show).

Well done, and who can name the vegetables that we pick?(cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).

And which we dig up?(potato).

And which we pull out of the ground?(carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.).

What vegetables do we cut with a knife?(pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant).

Okay, where did she get the fruit?(Answers of children).

A garden is called a fenced area with fruit trees - this is an apple tree, a peach tree, etc. (show).

Who will be able to define the topic of our today's lesson?



Didactic game "What is what?"

Let's try to say what kind of juice can we get from vegetables and fruits?

Apple juice - apple, banana juice -…, apricot juice -…, orange juice -…, pear juice - pear, plum juice.

Did you know that you can also make juice from vegetables.

Remember the name of carrot juice - carrot juice, and tomato juice - tomato juice.

And what kind of jam will come out of :?

Apple - apple, pineapple - pineapple, orange - orange, plum - plum, pear - pear.

Let's remember what your mothers cook from vegetables?(salads, caviar, soups, salted, pickled, etc.).

And what kind of salad will be obtained from: - beets - beetroot, from carrots - carrot, and from cabbage - cabbage.

Development of mental operations Didactic game "The fourth extra" (show)

I want to play a very interesting game with you.

Educator: Guys, the doll Tanya came to visit us. Today she decided to help her mother prepare a salad for lunch, but she doesn't know how to make it. But she hopes that you will tell her how to cook it, you are so smart and you know everything.

The teacher asks to answer several questions:

1. Before eating or preparing vegetables or fruits, what should be done first (Wash)

2. Is it required? Why wash vegetables and fruits? (Dirty fruits cannot be eaten - they have a lot of microbes)

3. What vegetables do you need to peel? (Potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, onions).

4. What vegetables can I eat raw? (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, carrots).

5. What is prepared from raw vegetables? (Salads)

6. What vegetables can you eat raw or cooked? (Cabbage, carrots).

7. What vegetables can be salted for the winter? (Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers).

8. What greens can you put in salads or soups? (Dill, parsley, celery).

9. What can be made from fruits? (Compote, jam, juice, jam).

Didactic game "Magic Bag" ( bag of vegetables)

Children take objects out of the bag by touch and name the vegetables.

Educator: Well done boys! Know all the vegetables. In order to work in the garden, one must also have dexterous hands and have quick hands.

Finger gymnastics "The hostess once came from the bazaar."

The hostess once came from the bazaar,

They "walk" with their fingers.
The hostess brought home from the bazaar

Bend one tail at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more needed on earth.
Potatoes? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas?

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley or beets? Oh!..

The hostess, meanwhile, took the knife
And with this knife began to crumble
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in steep boiling water

The palms are folded crosswise.
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup was not bad!

"Eat" soup.

Man in autumn

Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? ( We'll talk about human concerns in the fall.)
- Of course. Let's remember what we are doing in the fall, your parents, friends and acquaintances. Can you tell him how we work in the fall? (paintings are exhibited)
- What kind of work is done in the gardens? - And in the gardens? (The lower part of the trees is whitewashed with lime, hso that the hares do not gnaw them. In the autumn in the gardens, fruit trees are well watered, so that they endure frost and give a good harvest next year)
- Sasha, what other work is being done in the garden? (Even in the fall, they harvest in the orchards: apples, pears, potatoes are dug and carrots.)
- Sasha M., what can you add? (cabbage riddle)
- And how do they work in the countryside, in the fields? ( In the villages, the remaining bread is removed, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are removed from the fields. The harvested fields are fertilized and plowed. Seeds of winter rye and wheat are sown on plowed fields, carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.)
How did you guys work all autumn? ( And we cleaned the foliage on the site to help the janitor, Uncle Fyodor, to keep it clean.)

Who wants to add? ( Mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter: jams, compotes, pickles, marinades.)
- Right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all its gifts must be collected and processed: canned or dried, boiled or salted. And this is also a lot of work.

Didactic exercise "Tops-roots"
- You have colored pencils and pieces of paper with a task on your tables. It is necessary to circle in green those vegetables from which we eat tops, i.e. leaves, greens. The roots are in red. And in blue, those vegetables from which we eat both.

13. Summing up.

With what two new words did we meet today "Vegetable garden", "Garden"?

What did they repeat?

What games did you play?

Synopsis of Directly educational activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world (broadening one's horizons) in the preparatory group "Vitamins"

Software content:
To acquaint children with the main vitamins A, B and C, what foods they contain, what role they play for human health. To systematize the knowledge of children about healthy foods that contain vitamins. Lead to conclusions and generalizations. To consolidate knowledge about the gifts of the forest growing in our forest. To foster in children a sense of empathy, a desire to help.
Preliminary work:
-Selection of children's works of art on this topic.
-Viewing encyclopedias.
-Viewing pictures.
-Conversations on the topics "Vitamins", "Berries", "Products".
Multimedia equipment, mortars, berry pestle. Wet wipes, aprons, a pitcher, hot water. Keys made from surprise kinder and garlic inside.
Educational technologies: technology of developing education,
information and communication technologies, health-saving technologies.
Course of the lesson:
Guys, Little Red Riding Hood handed you a letter, let me read it to you?
(open letter)
"Hello, friends! Red Riding Hood is writing to you. Guys, I really want to play with you, work out, but I caught a cold. My grandmother and I ask you to help us. Advise how to recover faster. See you soon".
-Do you want to play with Little Red Riding Hood?
-What do you think you can advise Little Red Riding Hood?
(children's answers).
- Guys, yes, Little Red Riding Hood eats badly and therefore gets little vitamins.
-What are vitamins?
Where can we see what vitamins are?
(in encyclopedias, books ...)
"Vitamins are substances necessary for the normal functioning of a living organism."
Today I propose to you to go on an amazing journey to the extraordinary village "Vitaminkino". And in order to get there, I will give everyone the keys, you have to put them on and smell them, close everyone's eyes.
1.2 slide.
Now open your eyes. So we got to the village "Vitaminkino". Where do you think vitamins live? (children's answers)

Maybe you know which vitamins live in which foods?
So in this village there are three streets A, B, C.
3,4,5 slide.
Let's stop at Vitamin A Street.
Check out which foods contain vitamin A.
"This vitamin is called the vitamin for growth, vision and strong teeth."
6,7 slide.
Now let's stop at Vitamin B Street.
Check out which foods contain vitamin B.
What is it for? (children's answers).
“This vitamin is important for the brain and the whole body. If you want to be strong and have a good appetite, you don’t want to be upset and cry over trifles, vitamin B will help you to be in a good mood ”.
8,9,10 slide.
The last street in this village is Vitaminkino, vitamin C.
Let's see what foods contain vitamins C.
What is it for? (children's answers)
If you want to catch colds less often, to be alert, to recover faster from an illness, you need vitamin C. Vitamin of health.
So what advice can we give to Little Red Riding Hood?
(Answers of children).
- eat healthy foods that contain vitamins.
They love to play in this village and I suggest you do it:
Phys. a minute
We breathe deeply through our nose
We squat easily (squat)
Leaning forward
Bend over backwards (bends)
Now let's turn our head
This is how we think better (head rotation)
Stand up children stretch out
And sit on the chairs.
The people say "It is good for your health that has grown in your land."
11 slide.
Didactic game.
You see the berries, but you need to choose the berries of our region.
12 slide.
Let's check who correctly showed the berries of our region.
What can be made from these berries? (compote, fruit drink, juice ...)
Well done.
(Showing fresh berries)
From this berry, we can now make fruit drink with you.
If cranberries-
What will the fruit drink be?
13 slide.
(We need: a jug, berries, mortars, pestles, sugar, wet wipes, boiled hot water).
Let's consider in order how to make fruit drink. Then let's put on aprons
We will wash our hands and grind the berries in mortars, then put all the berries in a jug and pour boiling water over them. All this must be infused. We show the fruit drink - but we were treated to this fruit drink in the village "Vitaminkino", let's go back to the group and try what kind of fruit drink it is. Let's breathe in the magic air, close our eyes, open our eyes.
We can now write a letter to Little Red Riding Hood and give the fruit drink in which there is something, and why she needs it. (children's answers)
- recover faster
-to make it funny
- so that she has an appetite
-that the brain works
14 slide. Doctor's advice on how to eat right.

Educator: Kozhevnikova Oksana Alexandrovna

MDOBU No. 32 Orenburg, st. Installers d 8

Target: Formation of children's interest in traditional folk culture, customs of the past, in the process of making a doll - a talisman.


Educational: Improve the ability of children to use short and common answers in speech; To generate interest in folk dolls; Expand the horizons of children about the use of a rag doll as a talisman in the old days and today.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently unite for joint activities; to deepen children's ideas about the objects and materials from which they are made: clay, straw, wood, fabric; improve coherent speech, dialogical speech; Strengthen the skills of using the algorithm in the process of creating a doll from fabric

Educational :

Foster a respectful attitude towards human-made objects

Preliminary work: Consideration of illustrations of old dolls, a conversation about amulet dolls, viewing a presentation, making rag dolls

Material and equipment: dolls of various types and sizes, hoops (swamp), arcs (wood), fabric, cotton threads (pre-cut), scissors.

Course of the lesson:

Part 1 (introductory)

Educator: Guys, look, what's unusual today?

Children: There are many guests in the group.

Educator: They came to us from another kindergarten, to look at us, etc. What should be done when guests arrive?

Children: Say hello.

Educator: Well, of course, let's say hello to all the guests.

Children: Hello!

Surprising moment.

A knock on the door.

Educator: Do you guys hear? Or did it seem to me that someone knocked on the door?

(the teacher looks out the door and brings the amulet doll)

Educator: Guys, do you know where such a beautiful doll came from?

Children: From the store, or from the factory

Educator: Let's ask her, maybe she herself will tell us where she is from and what her name is?

Children: Let's

Educator: She says her name is Masha. She came to us from the magical land of Kuklandia. Who do you think lives in this country?

Children: Dolls.

Educator: Yes, there are many different dolls. And there you can also learn about dolls with which children have played for a very long time. Do you know what kind of dolls you used to play with?

Children: No.

Educator: Can you tell us, doll Masha, what dolls were before? With pleasure! Not only will I tell you, but I will also take you to the magical land of Kuklandia. But for this you need to get into the magic. Let's stand in a circle, count how many of us people go on a journey, close our eyes and say: "1,2,3, perch us into the magic!"

IIpart (main).

Educator: Where did we end up with you? And where to go next? Can't you see anything?

Children: Arrows.

Educator: The arrows are correct, probably this is a pointer to how we move on. Before we go further, I think that we will have obstacles on the way, it will be easy for us to overcome them if we are careful and attentive. What do you see?

Children: Tracks.

Educator: Which one will we go? And why? Well, of course, for the one that is shorter, in order to quickly get to our country of Kuklandia. Come on in, remember the rule do not push. Guys look beyond the swamp. You need to jump from hoop to hoop. Be careful not to fall into the swamp, in front of the forest you need to crawl through the thick thicket of the forest (crawl under the arc).

Educator: So we came to the magical land "Kuklyandiya" How many dolls are there. But you can't take them guys, they are all magical. Guys, do you want to know what kind of dolls you used to play in the old days.

Children: Yes.

Educator: How can we find out now.

Children: Via the Internet, from a book, go to a museum

Educator: Sit down comfortably, I will now show you information from the Internet about old dolls, and what they were made of. (Presentation).

Educator: Long, long ago, when there was no plastic, no glass, no paint, no artificial hair, children played with a wooden doll. Here's one. Do you see such dolls in the store now? But they can be seen in museums. Look, does she look like a modern doll? Let's find the similarities and differences between the dolls.

Children: An old doll has no arms, legs, not colorful, made of wood, Educator: what does it mean?

Children: Wooden

Educator: The modern one is made of plastic, artificial hair, you can bathe, comb, dress, undress, sing and talk themselves), Guys, there were clay dolls even earlier. People sculpted dolls out of clay and painted them with coals. When artificial paints appeared, people began to paint dolls with paints. They became bright and beautiful. And how do you think these dolls have survived to this day.

Children: Yes

Educator: Correctly preserved, but they are not played with, they serve for decoration. What are these dolls?

Children: Dymkovskaya, Filimonovskaya.

Educator: What are these dolls made of?

Children: From clay

Educator: So what are they?

Children: Clay.

Educator: Guys look and guess what this doll is made of?

Children: Made of straw.

Educator: Yes, there were even straw dolls before. People collected straw, then boiled it to make it soft, elastic, shiny, then twisted it, tied it and decorated it. This is how the doll turned out. Guys, is it fun to play with a straw doll?

Children: No

Educator: Why?

Children: Not strong, breaks down, cannot be undressed, clothed.

Educator: That's right, but many years passed and a man came up with another doll. What do you think it is made of?

Children: From fabric

Educator: What is it called?

Children: Tissue,

Educator: Well done. But before the fabric was called a rag, and this doll was nicknamed Rag. Only this doll is not ordinary. What is unusual about it? (No face - faceless, handmade) but most importantly, this doll is a guardian. What is a talisman? (means to protect, to protect). This amulet doll was placed in the front corner of the house so that everyone could see it, and then passed from mother to daughter, they were endowed with strength, family energy and helped from various troubles, brought happiness to the house. Here's an interesting story about dolls. What materials are all dolls made of?

Children: From different

Educator: Let's remember once again what kind of dolls we used to play

Children: Wooden, clay, straw, rag.

Educator: What doll do you remember the most? (Children's answers) And I liked the amulet doll that came to visit us, if I had such a doll that protected my family from all troubles, illnesses, and in my house there would be only happiness, joy.

Oh, our guest got lost among modern dolls. Let's find her.

There she is! But what about us, there is only one doll, but there are many of us?

Children: Do it yourself.

Educator: Let's try to make such dolls ourselves that will protect you, but first we need to return from the magical land to the group, we need to go through the same obstacles, remember how we went here? What obstacles have passed? We must all go together, not run far from each other, the path is far. (Gone) But we are all still in magic, what words do we need to say in order to be in the d / s? say the magic words to return to the group. What magic words do you know? "1, 2, 3, bring us back to the group." Here we are in the group, look, everyone returned, no one lost, did not you forget? (Let's count the number). I suggest you take a break and remember our finger gymnastics "Favorite Dolls"

They sewed dresses for dolls together,

We loved dolls very much,

They threaded the threads for a long time,

The knot was then knitted,

Cut off a shred

Sewed along the stitch.

They called the dolls as soon as possible,

Dressed up. Did not recognize!


Educator: Have a rest? Well, what are we going to start making a doll amulet? Do you know? how to do? Let's see how it's done. We sat at the table. (There is an algorithm for making a doll on the board.)

Process technology

1. For manufacturing, we take a colored fabric.

2.Gently put cotton wool in the form of a ball in the middle of the square.

3. Then connect 1 corner to another, as we did with paper.

4. The cotton ball will remain a sweat cloth.

5. Take a ball and pull it tight with a thread, and tie it to a knot.

6.. This is the basis of the doll.

7. Then take a white rectangular fabric, put it on your head and also tie it to a knot, and leave the edges.

8 .. In order to make the hands, you need to tie the edges of the white fabric. When shaping the doll's head, pay attention to the fact that the assemblies formed by the patch should be laid in such a way that the face remains smooth.

4. Now you can dress the doll. We will tie the kerchief and again tighten the thread at the level of the neck.

Educator: We will show the doll Masha our dolls, amulets. Each doll is not like any other doll, because each of you put your love and soul into it.

Previously, the dolls were without a face, faceless, but now guys who want to, draw a face for the dolls. Well done, what wonderful dolls you have turned out, no worse than those of our great-grandmothers. Let's now press our amulet doll to our chest, do you feel how it already protects you? Let's tell Masha, what did you remember the most in the lesson? What do you want to talk about at home? What else do you want to know? Who wants to make the same amulet for his grandmother, or mom, sister, dad? And where will they be stored with us?

Children: In a group

Educator: Let's come up with names for our dolls. We will treat them with care, and they will protect us, bring happiness, joy and good luck.

Guys, let's say goodbye to Masha and go play with our new dolls

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