Home Fertilizers Why vitamin D is useful. Useful properties of vitamin D. Indications for taking vitamin D

Why vitamin D is useful. Useful properties of vitamin D. Indications for taking vitamin D

Despite being synthetic vitamin D was first obtained in 1928, its significance for the development of bone tissue has been known for a long time. Currently, under this name, pharmacologists combine vitamins D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6. Man assimilates the first two. Being fat-soluble, they are resistant to high temperatures and necessarily participate in the work of various organs and their systems. When present in the body, they enhance immunity and enhance resistance.

Useful properties of vitamin D

The main purpose of vitamin D in the human body is to control the absorption of calcium, ensure normal calcium metabolism, as well as the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which occurs in the intestines. Thus, a sufficient amount of calciferol, as this useful substance is also called, is a prerequisite for the proper growth of the body, the formation of its bones and the prevention of rickets in children.

Also vitamin D due to its antioxidant action, it is an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent against cancer (breast, brain, ovary, prostate). It is absolutely necessary for the adequate functioning of the thyroid gland and guarantees normal blood clotting.

Adequate vitamin D will help prevent tooth decay and also promote faster healing of fractures. It also has a regulating effect on insulin levels and normalizes blood pressure.

External use of calciferol is possible, used to treat skin diseases and disorders (psoriasis). Its use is also justified to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes and stabilize mood.

What foods contain vitamin D

The human body is able to produce the necessary amount of vitamin D itself, but this only happens under the influence of sunlight. In the case of certain diseases, during rehabilitation therapy, as well as people who spend little time in the fresh air, it is recommended to balance their diet and add products containing calciferol to it.

Despite the fact that nutritionists consider animal products to be the main source of vitamin D, vegetarians should not despair. Nuts, vegetable oil and parsley will help fill the lack of this important element. There is also quite a lot of calciferol in potatoes and other greens.

If it is impossible to replenish the vitamin D deficiency with food, you should seek help from synthetic drugs, because a small amount of it can adversely affect the functioning of the body.

Lack of vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D has recently become almost ubiquitous. Residents of northern cities are especially susceptible to this, because insufficient sunlight, multiplied by fast food, does not supply the body with sufficient levels of calciferol.

Negative signs of vitamin deficiency are softening of the bones, the appearance of rickets in children, developmental delay, and spinal deformities. The assimilation of calcium necessary for the heart muscle from food is also disturbed, and, as a result, it begins to "take" from the teeth, bones, which leads to the appearance of caries, fragility of bones and the risk of fractures.

Vitamin D overdose

Do not think that significant doses of vitamin D will immediately solve all health problems. Because calciferol is a fat-soluble substance, it has the ability to accumulate in the body. And hypervitaminosis is fraught with no less unpleasant consequences than a lack of vitamin. It can manifest itself in the form of weakness, nausea, shortness of breath, constipation, cramps and joint pain. Fever, slowing heart rate, and increased blood pressure may also occur.

One of the essential vitamins for a child under one year old is vitamin D. It contributes to the normal growth and development of the basis of the musculoskeletal system - the skeletal system, prevents rickets in young children, is responsible for regulating mineral metabolism, thereby making bones strong, helping the fontanelle grow together on the head of the newborn and ensures the timely development of the teeth.
To date, several vitamins of the D-D2 group (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) are known. Substances are fat-soluble, do not lose their properties under the influence of high temperatures and do not dissolve in water. An overdose of them is possible.
There is an insufficient amount of this vitamin in breast milk, therefore, pediatricians often recommend giving it to children from 0 years old, for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. Manufacturers of mixtures use D2 and D3 in their products, however, the best and most useful source of it is sunlight. Daily walks can protect babies from a deficiency of this useful substance.

"Sunny" vitamin prevents the development of oncological and skin diseases, ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have proven that in regions where there is not enough sunlight and food does not contain the required amount of vitamin D, adults and children from 10 years old have a symptom of chronic fatigue and an increased incidence of arthritis, arthrosis, diabetes.
The use of the vitamin improves the absorption of magnesium and calcium, regulates bone metabolism and is responsible for phosphorus-calcium metabolism. It strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood coagulation, and normalizes blood pressure. Promotes the cessation of inflammatory processes in the body. It is actively used in medicine for the treatment of psoriasis.
Dee is important for our muscles so that children grow strong and can withstand physical activity. With a sufficient amount of vitamin D and calcium in the body, not only bones, but also muscles will be healthy.
The more time the baby spends in the sun, the more actively vitamin D is synthesized in the growing body. The problem of the current generation is that children walk little, spending time at school or at the computer at home, the situation is aggravated by various viral epidemics in the cold season. All these factors can result in a deficiency of this useful substance.

Why is deficit dangerous?

One of the most dangerous diseases that can threaten young children is rickets. Symptoms that portend it are easy enough to recognize:

  • new teeth do not grow or appear;
  • slowdown in growth and weight gain;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • joint pain, cramps;
  • bone deformities (with rickets, the spine suffers first of all);
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • the back of the head becomes flatter;
  • with an already onset disease, other bones may also undergo changes.

A deficiency can be cured if symptoms are identified in a timely manner. If medical intervention is neglected, complications such as:

  • changes in the shape of bones, their softness;
  • fractures;
  • osteoporosis.

Children from 3 years of age, D deficiency threatens the development of the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • constant fatigue, depression;
  • heart diseases.

Vitamin D in foods

  • seafood, fish of oceanic origin;
  • Cod liver;
  • kefir, sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • fish fat;
  • butter;
  • mushrooms;
  • parsley, nettle;
  • beef liver.

Vitamin D is present in various foods, however, they can be fed to older children. It is important to formulate a balanced diet correctly. When the first signs of rickets are detected in children under one year old, the pediatrician can allow early feeding.


This phenomenon is not very common, since the fat-soluble vitamin can be stored in adipose tissue in reserve. Most often, an overdose occurs when using special drugs for a long time, due to the fact that the child's body is not able to cope with the excess intake of the substance.
Overdose is dangerous because calcium salts may be deposited in cartilage, kidneys and other internal organs.
Overdose symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • developmental delay;
  • intense thirst;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • high pressure;
  • difficulty breathing.

In case of an overdose, the protective functions of the body weaken. If a child has suffered from hypervitaminosis, his immunity will be reduced for the rest of his life. Some doctors say that a minor overdose is worse for a child's body than mild rickets.

Vitamin norm

Many mothers wonder why vitamin D is needed for children. It is needed to prevent rickets and all of the above diseases, especially in the autumn-winter period. In summer, the child does not need an additional source of vitamin D.
Most often, pediatricians prescribe vitamin D in liquid form to children under one year old. The drug is in the form of oil drops. Both domestic drugs and Finnish-made drugs are popular. Which manufacturer to choose is up to you. The disadvantage of pills is that they can damage the stomach lining.
The dosage must be agreed with the doctor, taking into account the region of your residence, age and individual characteristics of the child. The younger he is, the more vitamin D he needs. If the baby is bottle-fed, pay attention to the presence of vitamin D in infant formula and foods for the first complementary foods.
In the coldest regions of our country, almost every child suffers from vitamin D deficiency. To avoid health problems, consult a pediatrician about the choice and use of the drug. Specify how much, according to the instructions, to give it to the baby.
Table - instructions with an approximate daily intake of vitamin D for different age categories:

How to use

It is better to give it after breakfast in the morning, then you can track the child's reaction to the new product. Read the instructions for use. You should not give the vitamin by mouth to the baby directly from the bottle to avoid overdose.
Conclusion: vitamin D3 is important and necessary for children. Try to give children, no matter how old, the opportunity to spend more time in the sun, eat healthy foods. Overdose and deficiency symptoms are easy to identify. Health to you and your children!

Hair loss, tooth sensitivity, flaky skin on the face and body, bone pain and a general feeling of depression are all familiar and common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women. Usually, the reasons for their appearance are a lack of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D deficiency is especially common.

Let's look at the benefits, potential harm of vitamin D for women.

Role in the body

Vitamins of group D perform several functions important for the body at once:

  • regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • transport calcium from blood to bones;
  • are responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine;
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones.

Calciferols are of several types: cholecalciferol (D3), ergocalciferol (D2), D4, sitocalciferol (D5) and stigma-calciferol (D6).

Their main difference lies in the function they perform. Vitamins D2 and D3 play a special role in the maintenance of vital activity; the significant effect of other types of calciferol on humans has not yet been proven.

Cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin that is responsible for the absorption of minerals, maintaining the normal structure of bone tissue.

Ergocalciferol maintains an optimal concentration of these substances in the body. It is necessary to take both types of vitamins at once, as they complement each other.

Why do women need vitamin D?

Taking D group vitamins is very important for the female body, because calcium is responsible for the condition of our bones, regulation of the heart, transmission of nerve impulses, rapid metabolism and blood clotting.

Phosphorus - the main component of teeth and bones, is involved in the synthesis of nutrients into energy during cell division. If there is little phosphorus in the female body, then bone pains, general weakness, a decrease in the metabolic rate, and skin rashes appear.

Calciferols help the absorption of these minerals! That's why it is important to take the necessary minerals and vitamin D, which will help them assimilate and stay in the body for a long time.

Daily rate

What is the norm of vitamin D for women per day?

The need for calciferol per day is 5 mcg.

We get cholecalciferol from food, and ergocalciferol from sunlight. The daily intake of this component for people living in the north can be increased to 10 μg.

Girls and girls aged 11 to 20 years need to increase the amount of calciferol to 10 μg, since this period is the final stage of the formation of bones and teeth, the development of the female reproductive system, high activity, muscle growth.

The need for both pregnant and lactating women increases... It will be 10 mcg per day. This dose is necessary for the normal development of the child and the prevention of rickets.

The program "Living healthy" in this video highlights the required daily dose of vitamin D:

A blood test helps to show the content of Vitamin D in the body, its deficiency or excess. Usually the study is prescribed by an endocrinologist, but in order to drink any complex, it is better not to neglect this analysis.

Blood collection is performed on an empty stomach, you cannot eat before it for 8-10 hours... Of the drinks, you can use only clean water, since coffee, tea, and especially sweet juices and soda can violate the veracity of the testimony. The cost of the analysis usually ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the place of residence and the medical center itself.

A scale indicating a low, very low, normal or excessive level of vitamin D in women in the blood: when readings are less than 10 ng / ml, there is a lack of calciferol, 30-100 ng / ml is a normal concentration, more than 100 ng / ml is an excess.

A video about vitamin D will tell in detail in what cases it is prescribed:

Causes and symptoms of deficiency

Causes of Calciferol Deficiency:

  • little variety in nutrition;
  • lack of intake of nutrients into the body;
  • rare being outdoors in daylight.

Especially often there is a deficit when girls go on diets. The most harmful in this regard are mono-diets, during which you need to eat only 1 product, and.

For our beauty and health, all useful substances must enter the body. You can find cholecalciferol in cod liver, egg yolk, seafood, cottage cheese, butter and cheese.

Ergocalciferol is obtained from sunlight... Spend more time in the sun, then you will avoid the lack of this component.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women:

  • rickets;
  • softening of bones;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • severe bleeding, frequent bruising and bruising;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • hair loss;
  • increased fragility of nails.

Now you know about the reasons when vitamin D in women is below normal, and the consequences of prolonged deficiency.

Hypervitaminosis is very rare, but among its signs are vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, severe joint pain and a sharp increase in pressure.

The video will tell you about the consequences of a lack of vitamin D:

Deficiency treatment

Monopreparations in drops, tablets

Calciferol is available in 2 forms: oil in the form of drops and solid in the form of tablets. The concentration of the drug in liquid form is usually higher, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

  • Calcitriol.
    It is the active form of cholecalciferol that stimulates the synthesis of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Calcitriol should be taken 1 tablet once a day after meals. During the intake, it is worth reducing the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D: liver, cheese, butter.
  • Alfacalcidol. Vitamin D3, which acts as a regulator of minerals in the body.
    The method of application is selected individually depending on the degree of calciferol deficiency. Typically, your doctor will prescribe a daily dose of 0.5 to 5 mcg. It is produced in the form of capsules of 0.25 and 1 mcg.

  • Doctor Best D3. Cholecalciferol in high concentration. Recommended to take 1 capsule daily after meals.

  • Natures Answer Liquid Calciferol, taken 2 drops daily with your largest meal. Vitamin D in liquid form is mixed with an oil solution and is well absorbed by the body.

  • Akvadetrim. Vitamin D3 in the form of drops with a low concentration, which must be taken dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water. Women are most often prescribed 1-2 drops of Aquadetrim per day.

  • Vigantol.Cholecalciferol in the form of drops, the method of application of which is 1-4 drops per day after meals. If there are diseases associated with Vitamin D deficiency, then the dosage is increased to 10-15 drops.

Vitamin complexes

  • Complivit Calcium D3. A complex of vitamins for women Complivit Calcium D3, which simultaneously contains calcium carbonate and D3 for better absorption. Helps to cope with the lack of minerals in the body, osteoporosis, poor blood clotting, brittle nails. Girls are advised to take 1-2 tablets a day, chewing them.

  • Duovit is a biologically active supplement with a high content of vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, vitamins D and A, folic acid, calcium, zinc, magnesium. Dosing regimen - 1 tablet a day after meals.

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed. Chewable tablets with orange or mint flavor, which help to replenish calcium deficiency in the body. Vitamin D in this case is needed for the full assimilation of the mineral. Dosage - 2 tablets once a day or 1 tablet twice a day.

  • Calcemin. Another dietary supplement in which D3 is needed for better absorption of calcium. Calcemin contains zinc, copper and manganese. The complex should be taken 1 tablet per day.

  • Natekal D3: Chewable tablets with a high content of calcium and cholecalciferol, which regulate the concentration of the mineral in the body, reduce the work of the hormone that flushes it out of the bones. Method of application - 1-2 tablets a day after meals.

Which drug is better to buy

Choosing a drug that works well is not easy. I have to decide whether vitamin D will be taken in a single form or as part of a complex.

In monopreparations, the concentration of calciferol is increased to 2000–10000 IU, which is more than 100, and sometimes more than 1000% of the norm.

Therefore, such supplements are only suitable for people with severe deficiency or those with diseases associated with this deficiency. Monopreparations are best taken under medical supervision to avoid overdose.

Cholecalciferol in the complexes has a lower concentration, usually 5-10 μg (200-400 IU). Vitamin D in these supplements is used as a supplement to calcium for better absorption. That's why you can take dietary supplements without prescribing a doctor... The main thing is not to exceed your daily allowance.

Daily dosage for therapy

The daily intake of calciferol for the prevention of diseases associated with its deficiency is 500-1000 IU (10-20 μg). With osteoporosis and hypoparathyroidism, the dosage should be increased to 3000-5000 IU (international units).

It is worth increasing the dosage to such a figure during pregnancy and lactation, because at this time the baby receives all the necessary substances from the mother.

The deficiency can lead to very serious consequences for the child: rickets, osteomalacia, bone deformation.

D3 and D2 deficiencies are very dangerous. But no less dangerous is its hypervitaminosis, in which a strong deposition of calcium in the internal organs, demineralization of bones and blockage of blood vessels is possible. Therefore, use the drug only in the prescribed dosage!

Calciferols and aging

After 30 years, calcium gradually begins to be washed out of the body. One of the reasons is a lack of Vitamin D.

After 40-45

This problem is especially aggravated during and after menopause. Starting from the age of 40-45 years, women must definitely take vitamin D (calciferol) in the form of a complex.

After 50-55 years

After 50 years, the standard dosage of vitamin D for women - 1000 IU - can be increased by 1.5-2.5 times.

For the elderly

The elderly should also use this dosage of cholecalciferol. After 50 years, you need to take dietary supplements containing calcium.

Of course, special complexes and monopreparations help to replenish the vitamin deficiency. But do not forget to get calciferol from regular food: liver, cheese, butter, spend at least 20 minutes a day in the sun. Then you can keep your beauty and health for a long time!

Now you know everything about D3 and other vitamins of group D: why women need them, what will happen in case of a shortage when the level is lowered.

Remember, as a child, everyone was fed fish oil, claiming that it is vital and incredibly useful? We choked on the tasteless slurry, wondering what we had managed to do in our still short life, for which such a disgusting and cruel punishment was imposed. As the years passed, we learned more about our bodies and realized that feeding on nasty fat was only for the good. It contains an incredible amount of vitamin D, which is required for the normal functioning of organs. Why is vitamin D essential for adults and how to get the right dose on a regular basis?

Vitamin D benefits

Even in the Middle Ages, doctors noticed that children who regularly eat fatty fish or separately fish oil do not suffer from rickets. In that era, they could not understand what kind of substance protects against disease, but the connection was traced. The tradition of feeding children a tasteless liquid continued for many hundreds of years, until modern medical advances led to the appearance of fish oil in capsules. Honor and praise to them!

In the course of more modern research, it was found that the magic component that cured many diseases was vitamin D, or calciferol. This name refers to several forms of the vitamin, which for convenience are numbered from 2 to 5.

Preparations are made on the basis of the first two varieties:

  1. D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin layers under the influence of sunlight, it also enters the body with food.
  2. The human body is not able to independently produce D2 (ergocalciferol), therefore it comes exclusively with food.

What is the substance for children, it is clear, but is vitamin D needed for adults? Of course! He participates in the most important processes of the body, regular use of the substance:

  • make muscles more efficient and bones stronger;
  • will help fight the attack of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • will reduce the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and reduces the risk of endocrine disease;
  • normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

The vitamin is especially important for children under the age of 3 years, when the development of the body is in full swing, as well as for the elderly, whose bones and joints become fragile, osteoporosis occurs. The substance normalizes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, therefore, vitamin deficiency affects primarily the musculoskeletal system.

Human need for calciferol

Depending on age and place of residence, different dosages of the vitamin component are required for normal life, but as a result of careful research, a table of the average daily dosage was compiled:

This is the amount of calciferol that the body needs to get on a daily basis. It is easy to see that older people need it even more than babies. This is due to the leaching of calcium from the body, which is more common in women after menopause. Pregnant women require an increased daily dosage; for normal intrauterine development of the fetus and the proper functioning of the maternal body, about 800 IU is needed. This dosage should be maintained until the end of lactation so that the baby receives the right amount of vitamin for the formation of bone tissue and the prevention of infant diseases through breast milk.


Cholecalciferol (D3) / Ergocalciferol (D2)

Form of substance

IU mg μg g

Decimal places in the result


Conversion of IU ⇄ g / mg / μg (developed by pharmacists and doctors based on reliable data)


The body can signal a lack of vitamin only when the problem has already become serious. The following symptoms of calciferol deficiency are observed:

  • there is constant aches in the joints and bones;
  • a person gets tired quickly even without strong physical activity;
  • the quality of the teeth is deteriorating, you have to visit the dentist often;
  • persistent migraines appear;
  • vision decreases;
  • there are sudden mood swings;
  • painful thinness appears.

A special blood test will help determine the concentration of the vitamin in the body. According to experts from the US Institute of Medicine, it is possible to talk about an acute deficiency in children, in which rickets occurs, if the content is less than 12 ng / ml. A serious lack of vitamin D3 is indicated by readings from 12 to 19 ng / ml.

The Association of Endocrinologists of the United States is more categorical and believes that the indicators should be higher: rickets will occur even at rates below 20 ng / ml, and the numbers from 21 to 29 ng / ml are considered a shortage. This opinion is supported by the majority of specialists who are faced with the problem of a lack of calciferol in patients. In the countries of the former CIS, doctors speak of a deficiency if the concentration of a substance in the blood is lower than 30 ng / ml.

Learn more about deficiency symptoms in the video:


Do not think that a lack of a vitamin is dangerous, and too much calciferol entering the body is not. An overdose of the vitamin will cause the following side effects:

  • tremors in the muscles;
  • deterioration in appetite;
  • breathing problems;
  • itchy skin;
  • digestive and stool problems;
  • sudden pressure surges;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe fatigue and general malaise.

The official indicator of an overdose of vitamin D3 is a concentration above 50 ng / ml.

This condition can develop only after long-term use of large doses of drugs containing calciferol. It is dangerous because there is an enhanced absorption of calcium, which is not normally excreted from the body and forms stones in the internal organs. Children are at risk of overdose, so you need to carefully study the tables with data on the daily dosage.

Nutrition as a source of calciferol

Residents of hot countries are lucky: they rarely have a vitamin D3 deficiency, especially if they spend most of the day outdoors under the sun. Residents of more northern regions receive a sufficient amount of sunlight in spring, summer and early autumn, suffering from vitamin deficiency in winter. Those living in circumpolar latitudes have the hardest time getting the vital D2 and D3 only from diet or vitamin supplements.

Now let's look at the best of the preparations based on vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 drops

Calcium D3 Nycomed

This vitamin complex in tablets is simply necessary for women over 50. At this age, the concentration of vitamin D in the body plays an important role, because the vitamin is responsible for saturating the musculoskeletal system with calcium. If the trace element is well absorbed, then the risk of osteoporosis will be reduced to a minimum. Calcium D3 Nycomed contains both vitamin and calcium. The duration of the course of admission should not exceed one and a half months, if necessary, consult your doctor about a second course.


An absolutely safe drug that is prescribed even for young children. The bottle contains a clear liquid with a slight unobtrusive smell of anise. Drops cannot be used in their pure form; before use, they must be stirred in a glass of distilled water. To guarantee the normal intrauterine development of the fetus, Aquadetrim is often prescribed to expectant mothers; it will take only one drop a day to prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system in the baby.

If the baby was born prematurely, it is necessary to give him 2-3 drops daily, strictly monitoring the dosage. Do not drip into the baby's mouth directly from the medicine bottle. First, they carefully measured, then they gave the child a drink, otherwise the normal dosage can be exceeded. For the usual prevention of rickets, you will need 1-2 drops per day. If the trouble still happened and rickets was diagnosed, the dosage is increased 5 times: 5-10 drops daily, depending on the severity of the disease. Be sure to consult with your doctor about how much Aquadetrim to give your child.

Calcipotriol Daivonex

This drug is produced in the form of an ointment, it is necessary not for the prevention of a lack of vitamin substances in the body, but for the treatment of skin problems. It helps great even with advanced forms of psoriasis. The cream must be applied twice a day to the problem area for one and a half months. It must be used with care and not smeared too much. It is necessary to carefully monitor the dosage when treating young children or persons who have already shown symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D3.

D3 Bon

The drug is intended for intramuscular injection and contains pure vitamin D3. It is used to treat severe rickets, problems with the musculoskeletal system, frequent painful muscle spasms. Te three Bon is not used on a regular basis, usually only one injection is given every six months. For children with breastfeeding, the norm is half an ampoule, for "artificial" people will need a whole one. Teenagers also need one ampoule every six months. Pregnant women are prescribed half an ampoule once, but doctors may advise to repeat the appointment if the last trimester falls in the winter.


This drug of enhanced action should not be used in children, it is intended exclusively for adults. You need to drink only one tablet a week, it contains a shock vitamin dose. Taking the correct medication will help defeat osteoporosis and saturate the body with calcium, which is of great importance for the body and is responsible for the strength of bones. Vitamin D3 is drunk for adults, regardless of food, but you can not take a pill before going to bed or immediately after waking up. Do not try to chew or dissolve the capsule, as its contents negatively affect the oral mucosa and may cause ulceration.


Ignoring the instructions for use and medical prescriptions can lead to serious overdose. This is especially true for young children who were fed large doses of the vitamin in the hope of avoiding rickets. Remember that your child's health depends on your actions! In adulthood, overdose is rare, mainly in people with hypersensitivity to vitamin D3.

See your doctor immediately if, while taking calciferol to boost immunity or strengthen bones, you feel:

  • decreased appetite;
  • malaise;
  • intense thirst;
  • nausea;
  • digestive problems;
  • convulsions.

Acute overdose is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness, the pulse is speeded up. Suddenly, an overdose cannot occur, this is the result of long-term misuse of calciferol, so make sure that the optimal dosage of the substance is observed. The acute form can develop into chronic intoxication, as a result of which the metabolism suffers and the deposition of stones begins in the internal organs.


Do not take medications based on vitamin D3 for people suffering from an excess of calciferol or calcium. With extreme caution, doctors prescribe vitamin D for people with heart or kidney failure, tuberculosis and serious chronic diseases of internal organs. Before starting the course of admission, it is advisable to undergo a complete examination of the body and donate blood in order to exclude the likelihood of these diseases.

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What is vitamin D useful for and what is it responsible for? Every mother knows about its indispensability for the baby - it was not for nothing that they sent us so stubbornly for a walk in the sun, tried to feed them with fish oil and mixed fresh cottage cheese with sour cream for breakfast.

And adults cannot do without a useful substance: healthy teeth, bones, strong nerves - all this is the merit of the super element. Why is the lack of a vitamin miracle dangerous, what is it contained and where to find it - on the dinner table or in the pharmacy?

How to recognize hypovitaminosis

The substance, codenamed D, is a whole complex of medicinal elements: calciferol, ergocalciferol (formed under the sun's rays) and cholecalciferol (found in common foods). It sounds very mysterious, but in fact, the purpose of all these elements is very simple - to help our body absorb calcium and phosphorus.

Lack of vitamin D in kids-, softening of bones, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system. If a baby's hair falls out, he begins to sweat, act up and sleep poorly, immediately sound the alarm - in the future this can lead to skeletal deformities, severe digestive problems and even developmental delay.

If a lack of vitamin D develops, the symptoms in adults will be even stronger:

  • Poor appetite
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Sweating of the scalp (as a result -);
  • Teeth decay;
  • Fatigue and irritation over the slightest trifles;
  • Osteoporosis, slow healing of both fractures and minor cuts.

Benefit from the first days ...

Any group is very dangerous for young children, but vitamin D deficiency can be a real disaster. This element is necessary for a growing body literally from the moment of birth:

  • Responsible for the growth of young bones and muscles;
  • Helps to store calcium in teeth and bones to keep them strong;
  • Strengthens the baby's immunity;
  • Provides good sleep, healthy nerves;
  • Responsible for the overall development of the baby from the first days of life.

For newborns, the best way to get a healing substance is walking in the fresh air under the gentle sun and sweet mother's milk. But not all of us live in the southern regions, and the typical Russian winter of six months is definitely not conducive to sunbathing. The way out is special vitamins for children, dairy delicacies, with age - dishes with a high content of calciferol and its counterparts.

And for life

Healthy bones, hardy muscles and strong nerves are every person's dream, and here you cannot do without a unique vitamin complex. Vitamin D - what is it useful for an adult body?

  • Fatty fish and products from it.

Dishes from cod, sprats, salmon, etc. - sea fish and canned fish have long been recognized as the most reliable source of the useful element.

  • Chicken eggs .

One fat chicken egg contains about 20% of the daily intake of healing vitamins. They are not so rich in calciferol in other nutrients.

  • Red meat.

And even better - beef and lamb liver and kidneys.

  • Fatty dairy products.

Especially ghee and hard cheeses.

  • Mushrooms (chanterelles, morels and oyster mushrooms).

The importance of sunbathing

Products with vitamin D are very tasty, healthy and important, at any age and diet you cannot do without them. But the uniqueness of the super substance is that it can be obtained with the help of an ordinary sun - the element is synthesized in the skin from cholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

What is the conclusion? And very simple - sunbathe, both yourself and with the kids, and you will have tanned skin, strong bones and excellent mood. In general, real happiness! And so that an overly bright sun does not do harm, be sure to follow the simple rules of sunbathing.

  1. Try to enjoy the sun in nature - polluted city streets reduce the effectiveness of such treatment by 10-15%.
  2. Know when to stop: you need to sunbathe for 20-30 minutes a day.
  3. At different times of the year, the ideal time for such procedures changes: in summer - in the morning from 7.00 to 10.30 or after 16.00, in spring and autumn - from 12.00 to 16.00.
  4. Trust nature: at sunrise, the sun helps to wake up, tones up and invigorates, sunset rays relieve daytime stress and soothe.

Pharmacy preparations - which one to choose?

Calciferol and other elements of group D are produced as a multivitamin complex, the most common option is calcium preparations with vitamin D. Pharmaceutical preparations can be met in a variety of forms - drops, suspension, tablets, chewable pills and capsules.

Drops are an option for newborns: they are prescribed to babies for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, 1-2 drops per day or even less often.

Capsules - this is most often known since the times of the Soviet Union. Fish oil has long ceased to be a revived childhood nightmare with a terrible taste: today it is tasteless capsules with the addition of various healing substances that can be taken by both adults and children.

Vitamin D tablets- This is a universal drug, it is usually prescribed for adults and children from 3-5 years old.

How to avoid overdose

How to give vitamin D to infants and how many tablets a day to take for adults is a very important question: hypervitaminosis (or simply an overdose) can become no less dangerous than a calciferol deficiency.

An overdose will be indicated by nausea and vomiting, problems with stools, suspiciously frequent urination, heart palpitations and stable hypertension, weakened immunity.

To avoid hypervitaminosis, it is important not to get carried away with sunbathing at the same time as calcium supplements and fish oil, and also take liquid vitamin preparations with caution. More than 2-3 drops per day for six months can easily lead to an excess.

Any healthy diet should contain vitamin D - for which this healing complex is useful, it can be listed for a very long time, and getting it is as easy as shelling pears. Delicate sea fish, fragrant sprats, airy scrambled eggs and leisurely walks under the warm sun - what could be more pleasant than such a vitamin treatment?

Prepared an article for the site by Nadezhda Zhukova.

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