Home Fertilizers What does a person have in the body. Who lives inside a person? Internal organs are the basis of life

What does a person have in the body. Who lives inside a person? Internal organs are the basis of life

The heart is essential because it provides blood flow. The bloodstream carries nutrients and oxygen to every organ and tissue cell. For any system to function, cells need nutrients, their delivery and blood carries them. Also, with the blood flow from the cells, the outflow of carbon dioxide and toxic decay products is carried out.

The heart has two atria and two ventricles. From the left ventricle, the aorta departs, through which oxygen-enriched blood, thanks to heart contractions, flows to all cells of the body. The arteries branch to the smallest capillaries, in which the exchange of nutrients for the products of cell activity occurs, the capillaries are collected in the veins and through the vena cava blood enters the right atrium. From the right ventricle, venous blood through the pulmonary artery enters the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen and enters the left atrium through the pulmonary vein.

When the heart stops, blood flow stops, and the cells of the body do not receive oxygen, due to which oxidation and metabolism occurs, as a result, cell death occurs. Cells of various tissues are differently sensitive to oxygen starvation, the nervous tissue needs oxygen most acutely, without it, neuronal death is noted within 7-10 minutes.

The uniqueness of the heart muscle is that it is equipped with its own autonomous apparatus, in which impulses are generated that provide a rhythmic contraction of the heart. Thus, an impulse from the brain is not required for the myocardium to work, the heart beats even with paresis of the whole body.

central nervous system

The brain and back are also important human organs. With the help of the central nervous system, all processes occurring in the body are regulated. The spinal cord is responsible for the innate reflexes, with the help of which the newborn is fed, the bowels and bladder are emptied, etc. The brain is responsible for the acquired skills: from the elementary ability to hold a spoon in your hands, to complex thought processes.

The brain can be called the main organ, because a person thinks and is aware of himself, thanks to him. The processes of memory, thinking, perception take place in the brain. This organ also analyzes all the information received from the receptors of the skin, muscles, etc., then sends back impulses that provide a response to any irritation. The central nervous system provides the instinct for self-preservation, humoral regulation and other vital processes.

The human body is a complex mechanism, all the elements of which are in close interaction and occupy a certain place in it. The study of the location of the internal organs of a person allows you to understand the basics of the functioning of the body, to establish its vulnerable and important areas, to diagnose the disease by localizing its manifestations, and in an emergency, to provide first aid.

Human anatomy: photo with captions

Anatomy, a branch of biology, deals with the study of the structure and functions of the human body. The sciences of the viscera of the body and their placement are splanchnology and topography.

It is customary to highlight the structure of the body:

  • External- accessible to visual observation. It includes the head, neck, torso, legs, arms, and so on;
  • Internal- hidden from view. This structure includes the stomach, brain, liver, intestines and others.

The main organs are shown in the figure. Each of them occupies a certain place and performs its functions.

It is advisable to study the human structure in different projections. Below is a photo with a detailed list of organs with signatures in Russian for viewing from the front and from the back.

The liver, stomach, intestines, bladder, and thyroid gland are better visualized in the front of the body. The kidneys, pelvic bones, scapula, spine must be viewed from the back. This is taken into account when conducting diagnostic studies.

The structure of the internal organs of the body is usually divided into cavities:

  • thoracic, including the pleural and pericardial regions;
  • abdominal;
  • pelvic.

The first is separated from the second by the diaphragm, which performs respiratory and support functions. The organs of the head are located in the cranial cavity. In the spinal canal is the spinal cord and sections of the nerve roots.

Depending on the purpose, the totality of human organs forms systems. The main ones are presented in the table, each is responsible for a specific function, and also interacts with others.

The system is distinguished in the body:

SystemBodies included in the systemMain functions
CardiovascularHeart and blood vesselsCarries out a transport task, supplying blood to tissues and organs
MusculoskeletalSkeleton and musclesProvides support and movement
RespiratoryNasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx, trachea, lungsSaturates blood with oxygen, removes carbon dioxide
NervousBrain and spinal cord, nervesDue to the transmission of impulses, it regulates the activity of the body
EndocrineEndocrine glands, single hormone-synthesizing cells, parts of non-endocrine organsResponsible for metabolic processes
DigestiveOral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and ducts, salivary glands
Recycles food
ReproductiveGenital tract and glands (in women - ovaries, in men - testes)Carries out the function of reproduction
UrinaryKidneys, ureters, bladder, urethraRemoves waste substances from the body
Skin integumentSkin, mucous membranesProtects the body from external factors

Live study of the location of organs during anatomy - cutting a dead body.

What organs are on the right

To determine how the body works, what and where it is, it is recommended to use the anatomical atlas.

On the right side of the body are located:

  • part of the diaphragm;
  • right lung;
  • liver - its right lobe and part of the left, lying "under the cover" of the diaphragm;
  • gallbladder and ducts;
  • right kidney with adrenal gland;
  • part of the intestine - duodenum, ileum and cecum with appendix;
  • bladder - located closer to the center of the lower abdomen;
  • pancreas - its head is located on the right;
  • right ovary and fallopian tube in women.

What organs are on the left

On the anatomical map, you can see which parts of the body are on the left side, and how they are located relative to each other.

This area contains:

  • left lung;
  • part of the diaphragm;
  • the heart is tilted back and to the left, the position of the organ is behind the lungs;
  • stomach;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • left kidney with adrenal gland;
  • intestine - part of the small, transverse and descending colon, sigmoid colon;
  • ureter;
  • left ovary and fallopian tube in women.


The musculoskeletal system acts as a support and protection for soft tissues, provides movement. The skeleton is its passive part, an element of the application of muscles, while each bone is considered a separate organ. It includes the skull, thorax, spinal column, the girdle of the upper and lower extremities, and directly the arms and legs.

The picture shows a full-length skeleton with the names of the main bones. There are up to 207 of them in the body of adults.

Bones unite and gain mobility through joints, ligaments, and other connections.

The purpose of the skeleton in support, movement and protection, in participation in hematopoietic processes and metabolism. The latter is due to the content of bone marrow in the bones.

The bone structure is shown in the figure.

Bone tissue is formed from compact and spongy substances. The ratio of their content varies. The predominantly compact substance makes up 80% of the bone mass. This outer layer is dense and includes nerves, blood vessels, and bone cells.

The spongy substance makes up 20% of the mass of the skeleton. The porous layer forms a lattice structure, which is necessary for the storage of bone marrow and fat stores.

Bones unite and gain mobility with the help of joints, ligaments, cartilage.

The location of the main joints is shown in the figure.

These elements are comparable to hinges that provide smooth sliding of bones due to the content of a specific lubricant - synovial fluid, which prevents their destruction. Joints can be motionless (fixed), partially mobile (semi-joints) and mobile (true), have the shape of an ellipse, cylinder, ball.

The joints ensure the movement of the body in space and its individual parts relative to each other, maintaining a stable posture.

The knee joint with an indication of the location of the ligaments and cartilage is shown in the picture.

Cartilage acts as a shock absorber, prevents abrasion of bone tissue. Ligaments connect bones, support muscles, fascia, they are elastic and flexible.


This part of the body is recognized as the main one, since it contains the control center of the body - the brain. The skull serves as his protection. The main sense organs are located in the front part of the head: sight, hearing, smell, taste.


The figure shows the bones that form the human skull.

The body consists of 2 sections:

  • Mozgovoy formed by 8 bones. The upper region is called the vault, the lower one is the base of the skull, which are separated by a conventional line from the occipital part towards the frontal part above the ear and along the infraorbital border;
  • Facial formed from 15 paired and unpaired bones. In this area, the eye sockets, oral, nasal, and tympanic cavities are located (the organ of hearing is located here). The only movable bone is the mandibular, to which the chewing muscles are attached.


The paired organ of hearing is located in the temporal part of the head, is attached to it with the help of rudimentary muscles and is responsible for the transmission of sound waves, regulates the balance and coordination of human movements.

The picture shows a schematic structure of its main departments:

  • Outside, which includes the auricle, which catches sound, and the external auditory canal, which contains the sebaceous and sulfur glands.
  • Middle, represented by the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube connecting the department with the nasopharynx.
  • Inner ear (membranous labyrinth)- includes the vestibule, cochlea and semicircular canals filled with fluid. This section contains the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and acceleration.

The device of the organ of hearing begins with an externally visible shell and ends in the cranium. A person hears at the moment the sound reaches the eardrum, the vibrations of which set in motion small bones - the anvil, malleus and stapes. Further, the waves are transmitted to a special fluid in the inner ear, which the auditory nerve signals to the brain.


The visual drawing depicts the physiological structure of the organ of vision - a kind of optical apparatus of the body.

The eyes are located in the anterior region of the head in the eye sockets of the skull and, together with the eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, are part of the facial region.

The organ has the main components: the eyeball and the optic nerve, as well as auxiliary ones: the eyelids, the lacrimal apparatus, the muscles that provide rotation. The back region of the eyelids and the front apple is covered by a mucous membrane - the conjunctiva.

The detailed structure of the eye is shown in the picture.

Light from an object that a person sees passes through the cornea and pupil into the lens. In this case, the rays are refracted, and an inverted image appears on the retina. Further, impulses along the optic nerve enter the brain, as a result, the appearance of the normal position of the object is restored.

A three-dimensional 3D image is provided by the interaction of both eyes. They transmit the view of their half of the object to the brain, which connects the received parts.


The olfactory organ is located in the front of the head, its anatomy includes the components: the external section and the nasal cavity. The outer visible part consists of 2 bones that form the bridge of the nose and cartilage that forms its wings and tip.

The nasal cavity has an upper, middle and lower passages.

It is symmetrically divided by a partition into 2 halves. In front, through the external nose, it communicates with the atmosphere, behind - with the pharynx.

The purpose of the organ is to deliver purified, warmed and humidified air to the lungs, as well as in the perception and recognition of odors.

The mucous membrane is intended for mechanical treatment of the air flow. Its ciliated epithelium has a cleansing effect, trapping and expelling dust particles. The mucous glands help to humidify the air, the rich venous network has a warming effect.

Additional ventilation is provided by the paranasal sinuses, located around the cavity of the olfactory organ. They are also covered with mucous membranes. 4 pairs of paranasal sinuses are shown schematically in the figure.

Aromatic particles enter the nose and irritate the olfactory nerves. Through them, signals are sent to the brain, which recognizes smells - this is how the olfactory function is carried out.


The oral cavity is considered the beginning of the digestive tract.

Its structure includes the gums, teeth, palate, salivary glands and tongue. The lips, formed by the skin and muscle folds, are considered a kind of entrance. Their increased sensitivity is due to an extensive network of nerves.

The salivary glands of the oral cavity are:

  • sublingual;
  • submandibular;
  • parotid.

Due to the production of mucus, they provide a constant humidity of the environment. Saliva has an antiseptic effect, promotes the sense of taste, wetting the kidneys of the tongue.

The oral cavity is involved in 2 functions of the body: digestive and respiratory, and is also associated with human speech. The teeth mechanically process the incoming food, the hard palate promotes its softening and mixing, the soft palate prevents it from entering the nasal cavity.

From the center of the latter comes the so-called "third amygdala", the purpose of which is unknown. However, it is believed that it acts as a kind of flap of the respiratory tract, preventing a person from suffocating when swallowing.

The tongue is an organ of taste with many receptor papillae. The figure shows its structure with a description and indication of the areas responsible for taste and temperature perception.


The outer cover is considered the most extensive organ of the human body. Sectional structure of the skin is shown in the figure.

The cover consists of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat).

Sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and nails are considered appendages. Blood and lymphatic vessels and nerve fibers are also found in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

The main function of the skin is considered to be protective. It resists the harmful effects of the environment, protects the body from pathogenic microflora, damage.

The skin is involved in metabolic processes, removes unnecessary substances from the body, and regulates body temperature. The dermis carries out about 2% of gas exchange in tissues.

The skin is an organ of touch, through nerve endings, impulses are transmitted to the brain, forming the perception of an object when touched.

Nervous system

The figure shows a structured description of the components of the human nervous system, which regulates the functioning of all organs of the human body. It combines sensitivity, motor activity, the activity of other regulatory mechanisms (immune, endocrine).

It is classified into:

  • Central including the brain and spinal cord. It is the basis that has the main function - the implementation of reflexes. The brain controls the work of individual organs, systems, ensures their connection with each other and well-coordinated work. The upper section - the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations - carry out a holistic interaction of the body with the outside world.
  • Peripheral, which includes the cranial and spinal nerves and nerve nodes. Connects the central system to the organs. It is not protected by bone tissue, therefore it is prone to damage. Functionally, the peripheral system is divided into somatic, which regulates the muscular activity of the skeleton, and the vegetative, which is responsible for the functioning of organs. The latter is classified into sympathetic, which forms a response to stress, causing tachycardia, an increase in pressure, and so on, and parasympathetic, which controls the mechanisms of relaxation, a state of rest.


The organ is located in the cranium and is the body's control center. The brain is made up of many nerve cells and processes that are connected to each other.

The structure of the organ has 5 sections:

  • medulla;
  • average;
  • intermediate;
  • posterior - unites the cerebellum and the bridge;
  • large hemispheres (forebrain).

The cerebral cortex, which occupies an area of ​​about 4 square meters, is responsible for the higher nervous activity.

In this case, the grooves and convolutions divide the organ into lobes, shown in the figure:

  • frontal- determines the control of human behavior, movement, speech;
  • parietal- forms the majority of sensations, analyzes information, is responsible for the ability to read, write, count;
  • temporal- carries out the perception of sounds;
  • occipital- is responsible for visual function.

The surface of the brain is covered with 3 types of membranes:

  • Soft (vascular)- adjoins the medulla, enveloping the convolutions and entering the furrows. The vascular network feeds the organ.
  • Cobweb- does not have blood vessels. Does not go into the grooves, these areas between the meninges and the arachnoid are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Solid- periosteum for the inner surface of the skull. The shell has a high concentration of pain receptors.

Spinal cord

The organ of the central nervous system is located in the spinal canal. What the spinal cord looks like, its location and structure are shown in the figure.

It is divided into right and left parts and has a hard, soft and arachnoid shell. Between the latter two, there is a space filled from the inside with cerebrospinal fluid.

In the central part of the organ, a gray matter is found, formed from neurons and surrounded by white. Its length is 50 centimeters, width is no more than 10 millimeters. Sectional structure of the organ is shown in the picture.

The spinal cord is characterized by direct communication and interaction with organs, skin, muscles.

There are reflex functions of the organ, which are responsible for motor activity, and conductive, which consist in the transmission of impulses.


Nerves are structural units of the nervous system, formed from a plexus of bundles of nerve fibers (long processes of neurons). The picture shows the structure of the organ and its purpose is determined.

Nerves transmit impulses from the brain and spinal cord to organs. Their combination forms the peripheral system.

Nerves are of varying thickness. This is due to the number and caliber of the beams that formed it. Large ones are called trunks. Departing from the brain, they form a branched network, in organs and tissues they are represented by separate fibers, the ends of which are nerve endings. The map shows the location of the nerves in the human body.

As you can see, they permeate almost the entire body and connect organs and parts into a single mechanism.

Chest cavity

In the chest area there are organs:

  • breathing (lungs, trachea, bronchi);
  • heart;
  • esophagus;
  • diaphragm;
  • thymus gland (thymus).


The main organ of the circulatory system is located between the lungs to the left of the central line of the chest. Oblique presentation of the heart is noted - the wide part is located higher, deviated back and to the right, the narrow part is directed to the left and down.

The heart contains 4 chambers, separated by septa and valves. Due to constant rhythmic contractions, the organ pumps blood and participates in its processing, contributes to the spread of biological fluid throughout the body.

Venous blood from the superior and inferior vena cava enters the right atrium, then the right ventricle. Further, through the pulmonary trunk, it enters the lungs, where it is converted into an arterial one. Then the blood returns to the heart, left atrium and ventricle, enters the aorta and is carried throughout the body.

The regulation of the work of the heart is produced by receptors presented in its cavity and large vessels. Impulses from the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord cause reflex activity of the organ, taking into account the needs of the body. In this case, the parasympathetic nerves transmit signals that reduce the number of heart contractions, sympathetic - increase.


The most voluminous organ of the respiratory system, which occupies 2/3 of the chest. The lungs rest on the diaphragm and are directed towards the area above the collarbone. Their surface facing the ribs is convex, towards the heart it is concave.

The sizes of paired organs are constantly changing and depend on the depth and phase of respiration.

The left and right lungs differ in structure. The first contains 2 lobes: upper and lower. The right one has an additional third, middle one. The shares are divided into segments and labules. The serous membrane - the pleura - covers the respiratory organ and the wall of the chest cavity.


The organ is located between the bronchi and the larynx and acts as a continuation of the latter. Through it, air enters the lungs.

It is a semicircular formations of cartilage tissue, formed in the form of a tube, originating at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra. One third of the organ lies in the region of the cervical spine, the rest - in the chest cavity. The trachea is also called the "windpipe".

The organ is covered with a mucous membrane, the back wall is formed of connective tissue with a smooth muscle structure. This helps the passage of food through the esophagus, located behind the trachea. A part of the thyroid gland is located in front.


Paired respiratory organ in the form of tubular processes of the trachea, which branch out in the lungs, forming their skeleton or bronchial tree.

The functions of the bronchi are to conduct air, warm it, humidify and cleanse it from dust, microorganisms, and harmful substances. Each of them enters the lungs with blood vessels and passes into the bronchioles. These terminal branches end with alveoli, in which gas exchange takes place.

The bronchi are covered with a mucous membrane from the inside, their walls have a cartilaginous structure. A branched tree is supplied with lymph nodes and nerves.


The placement of organs in the peritoneal cavity is shown in the figure.

This area includes:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder and ducts;
  • intestines;
  • spleen;
  • kidneys and adrenal glands.


The organ of the gastrointestinal tract is a continuation of the esophagus, from which it is separated by a valve. The stomach is located under the diaphragm and is displaced to the left side, to the hypochondrium.

It has a bag-like appearance, the shape of the organ depends on the physique of a particular person.

The size of the stomach is constantly changing, as it fills with food, it stretches and presses on the diaphragm and pancreas.

The purpose of the organ is to process food, absorb some components (sugar, water, and others) and move it further into the intestinal tract. The chemical effect on food is carried out due to the juice secreted by the walls. The hydrochloric acid it contains has an antiseptic effect. The endocrine function of the stomach is noted, which consists in the production of hormones and biologically active substances.


It is considered the largest internal glandular organ in the human body. The liver lies on the right just below the diaphragm. The organ consists of the right and left lobes.

The main cleansing function is due to the peculiarities of the blood circulation in it: blood from the intestinal tract, containing toxins, decay products, the vital activity of microflora is supplied through the portal vein to the liver, where detoxification takes place.

Further, the vessel branches. The oxygen-rich blood enters the liver through the hepatic artery, which also branches. As a result, through the interlobular veins and arteries, blood enters the sinusoids, while the mixed biological fluid flows into the central vein, then into the hepatic and inferior vena cava.

The functions of the organ include cleansing the body of toxins, excess bioactive substances (hormones, vitamins), regulation of metabolic processes, including lipid, synthesis of bile acids, bilirubin, hormones. The liver is a depot for blood, replenishing in the event of blood loss.

Gallbladder and ducts

The organ is located in the lower part of the liver along the right sulcus and acts as a reservoir for incoming bile.

It consists of the neck, bottom and body. The bubble is shaped like a pear the size of a chicken egg. The organ has upper and lower walls, one of them is adjacent to the liver, the other looks into the abdominal cavity. The bottom communicates with the duodenum and the transverse colon. The fluid accumulated in the organ enters the intestines through the bile ducts.

The bladder is mobile and capable of twisting, as a result, its necrosis is possible. There is a doubling of an organ, an abnormal position in the abdominal cavity, including intrahepatic.


A full description of the structure and location of the organ is shown in the figure.

It has the functions of internal and external secretion. The gland releases hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. It participates in the production of enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, amylase) for the digestion of food and in the metabolism: carbohydrate, protein, fat.

Pancreatic juice is stored in the interlobular ducts, which join with the main excretory duct that exits into the duodenum.


The oval-shaped organ lies on the left side next to the stomach. It touches the colon, pancreas, left kidney, and diaphragm. Sometimes there is an additional lobule of the organ, not showing itself in any way. The spleen is able to change, depending on the accumulated blood.

The picture shows the structure and functions of the organ.

The spleen is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis and immune defense occurring in the body: it accumulates blood, destroys damaged cells of biological fluid (erythrocytes, platelets) and foreign agents, and deposits iron.


Recognized as the longest organ, consisting of the small and large intestines. Located in the lower abdomen.

The tubular organ, in which the necessary substances are absorbed and the unnecessary and harmful ones are removed, gradually passes from right to left from its thin part into the thick one and ends with the anus.

The main purpose of the intestine is the processing and assimilation of nutrients, since it is the final destination of the digestive system.

The excretory, immune, secretory functions are also indicated. The intestine prevents the development of pathogenic microflora, produces immunoglobulins, T-lymphocytes, hormones and vitamins.


It is a process of the cecum, located on the right side in the ileum, going down to the entrance to the small pelvis. An organ opening with a mucous flap opens into the cecum. In this case, partial or complete overgrowth of the lumen is characteristic.

It is not considered a vital organ, but it carries out a protective function, preserves useful microflora, is considered an incubator for E. coli, contains clusters of lymphoid follicles, is part of the immune system.

In case of inflammation, the appendix must be urgently removed.


Paired organs of the excretory system are located in the lumbar region behind the peritoneum at the level of the 12th rib. In this case, the right kidney is located slightly below the left. The organs are covered with a fibrous membrane.

The anatomy of the kidneys is shown in the figure.

The inner part of the organ forms a kind of gate through which the vessels, nerves, and the ureter pass. The latter leaves the pelvis and is directed to the bladder with its distal end. The organs regulate chemical homeostasis, are responsible for urinary excretion, and regulate blood pressure. Like the liver, the kidneys are considered a kind of filter of the body.

Adrenal glands

Paired glands of the endocrine system are located in the upper part of the kidneys and consist of cortex and medulla.

Organs regulate metabolism, produce hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, aldosterone, corticosterone, and so on), help the body adapt to adverse conditions of existence and stress.

Organ dysfunctions lead to severe pathologies.

The adrenal glands are able to increase in size during prolonged stressful situations, depletion is possible when they become unable to produce hormones.

Organs of the large and small pelvis

The pelvis refers to the lower torso. This area is formed by 2 pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx. The large pelvis is bounded from the front by the septum of the peritoneum, from the back by the spine, and from the side by parts of the ilium. The small one passes from the pubis, ends with the sacrum and coccyx, on the side - with the bones of the seat.

The internal organs of the region include the intestines, bladder, ureter, and genitals.


The organ is located in the lower part of the pelvic area behind the pubis.

The figure clearly shows the structure of the bladder, which is a reservoir for the accumulation of urine, which is periodically excreted from the body.

The organ is elastic, capable of contracting or stretching; when filling with fluid, it grows upward, touching the abdominal wall.

The ureters flow into its middle part on both sides, the lower region forms a neck, narrows and passes into the urethra. The internal sphincter is located here, which prevents involuntary urination.


The organ is located above the bladder and connects it to the kidney.

The ureter has a tubular structure and is designed for the passage of urine due to the contractile movements of its segments. This is due to the presence of a muscle layer in the outer wall.

From the inside, the organ is covered with a mucous membrane. The ureters have mechanisms that prevent reflux (reverse reflux) of the contents of the bladder.


The organ is the end of the large intestine, located downward from the sigmoid to the anus. It is located at the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra.

In men, the rectum is adjacent to the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, in women - to the back wall of the vagina and uterus.

The organ gets food that has not been absorbed in the small intestine and water. There are also fiber, bile, salts, bacteria. In the rectum, the final breakdown of food takes place, the formation of feces with the help of digestive juice and its excretion.

Genitourinary system

This system includes the urinary and reproductive organs of a person.

Common to men and women are:

  • kidneys;
  • ureters;
  • bladder;
  • urethra.

However, due to the differences in the structure of the reproductive system of both sexes, the features of the structure and placement of organs, shown in the pictures below, are distinguished.


The general structure of the genitourinary system is complemented by male organs:

  • Prostate- the prostate gland, which is located below the bladder, its excretory ducts open into the urethra. The functions of the organ consist in the production of secretions (a constituent part of sperm) containing immunoglobulins, enzymes, vitamins, and so on. It is a valve that blocks the exit from the bladder during erection.
  • Testicles- Paired organs are presented in the scrotum and may differ in size, placed at different levels. They form sperm - male germ cells and steroid hormones (mainly testosterone).
  • Vas deferens- a paired organ connecting the duct of the epididymis and the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle.
  • Penis (penis)- an external organ of a man that performs urinary and reproductive functions.


In this case, female organs additionally belong to the common organs of the urogenital tract:

  • Uterus with appendages- carry out reproductive function. The uterus is an organ with a smooth muscle structure and is located in the middle of the pelvic cavity. Consists of bottom, body and neck. Designed for bearing the fetus and its subsequent expulsion, participates in menstrual function, the synthesis of prostaglandins, relaxin, sex hormones. The appendages include the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus.
  • Ovaries- Paired female organs, are the place of maturation of germ cells and are responsible for the production of hormones. They consist of connective tissue and cortex containing follicles at different stages of development.
  • Vagina- the internal tubular genital organ in women, is located between the bladder in front and the rectum in the back. They carry out reproductive, protective, generic functions.

Digestive system

Includes organs of the gastrointestinal tract and auxiliary organs.

The first are:

  • oral cavity;
  • pharynx;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • intestines.

Auxiliary digestive organs that aid in the digestion of food are:

  • salivary glands;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • pancreas and so on.


Continuous blood flow in the body, providing organs and tissues with food and oxygen and removing processed products from them, is produced through a closed network of vessels.

In the human body, large and small circles of blood circulation are distinguished. Their location, the structure of the arterial and venous systems are shown in the figure.

The small circle comes from the right ventricle: venous blood is ejected during contraction into the pulmonary trunk and follows into the lungs, where gas exchange (oxygen saturation) takes place. Arterial blood through the pulmonary veins is directed to the left atrium, closing the circle.

The systemic circulation originates in the left ventricle. During its contractions, arterial blood enters the aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the whole body, giving the tissues nutrients, oxygen and taking away metabolic products, carbon dioxide. Further, venous blood follows the venules and veins into the right atrium, closing the circle of blood circulation.

Lymphatic system

It is considered a component of the cardiovascular system, participates in metabolic processes and cleansing the body. It is not closed and does not have a pump.

The lymphatic system includes:

  • capillaries;
  • vessels;
  • nodes;
  • trunks and ducts.


The endocrine system is responsible for the stability of the activity of organs, regulates their work, growth and development.

The location of the main glands in men and women is shown in the figure:

  • Thyroid produces hormones involved in the metabolism, affecting growth, oxygen consumption (calcitonin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine).
  • Parathyroid are responsible for the level of calcium in the body.
  • Thymus plays an important role in the immune system, producing T-lymphocytes and hormones (thymalin, thymosin and others).
  • Adrenal glands synthesize the hormone adrenaline, which triggers a response to external stress.
  • Pancreas produces insulin, glucagon and enzymes for digesting food.
  • Sex glands (ovaries, testes) perform the function of reproduction.
  • Pituitary and hypothalamus form the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The pituitary gland regulates the activity of the entire endocrine system, produces growth hormone.
  • Epiphysis counteracts growth hormones, slows down the progression of tumors, affects sexual development, controls the water balance in the body and the change in sleep phases, is responsible for muscle contractions.


The muscular system of the human body is a component of the musculoskeletal system. It sets in motion its various parts, maintains posture, provides breathing, swallowing, and so on.

Muscles are formed from elastic and resilient tissue containing myocytes. Under the influence of signals given by the nervous system, they contract. However, the muscular system is characterized by fatigue. The most powerful are the gastrocnemius and chewing muscles, the most extensive are the gluteal muscles, which are responsible for the movements of the legs.

Allocate types of muscles:

  • skeletal - attached to bones;
  • smooth- presented in the walls of organs and blood vessels;
  • heart- is located in the heart and constantly shrinks throughout life.

Anatomy of children

The structure of the child's body has some peculiarities. The main difference from the adult body is the smaller growth and size of the organs.

In boys and girls of adolescence, the structure gradually becomes identical to an adult.

The features of the body of children are shown in the figures below.

The skeleton of a newborn baby has 270 bones, which is more than that of an adult (up to 207 bones). In the future, some of them unite. The muscles are less developed than in adults. They lengthen and thicken with age.

The location of the digestive organs does not differ significantly.

Pregnant woman

The physiology of a girl's body during pregnancy changes significantly with an increase in term. The size of the uterus increases, the main organs rise, and the placental circulatory system is formed.

The mass of the heart muscle, the release of blood and its volume increase. An increase in lung capacity is noted, and their work is enhanced. The activity of the kidneys becomes tense, the tone of the bladder decreases. Turning to the right, the uterus can obstruct the flow of urine from the right kidney, increasing the risk of hydronephrosis.

Changes in the structure of the body of a pregnant woman are shown in the figure.

After childbirth, the organs return to their previous position.

Pictures of the human structure for children

You can use different methods to show your child what is inside the human body. Beautiful and colorful pictures of the body are suitable for babies.

It is advisable to use puzzles and coloring books.

Older children will be interested in models and mock-ups with organs.

They look like a real human body, while being prefabricated

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  • Anatomy. Human organs. Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality, Petrova Y., Bannikova N., The human body is a very complex and interesting system. This is a whole world with special connections and connections. The Atlas of the Human Body is unlike other anatomy books. He ... Category:

Man still remains an extremely complex structured organism on the planet. Our body is a unique system in which all its parts work harmoniously and perform a number of functions at the same time. Each organ in our body has its own task and performs it: the lungs enrich blood cells with oxygen, the heart drives oxygenated blood through the body to deliver it to each cell, the brain controls all cognitive processes.

The structure of both internal organs and the whole organism is studied by human anatomy, which is divided into internal and external.

The external structure of a person combines those parts of the body that we can see with our own eyes without any adaptations. The external anatomical structure includes such organs as the head, neck, trunk, chest, back, upper and lower limbs. Internal anatomy describes the location in the body of the internal organs of a person, they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The structure of our body is in many ways the same as that of mammals. This fact is easy to explain, since according to the evolutionary theory, man can be one of the branches of mammalian development. Man developed simultaneously with animals in similar natural conditions, which ensured the similarity in the structure of cells, tissues, internal organs and their systems.

The structure of internal organs: the brain

The brain is the most complex internal organ, the complex structure of which puts us several stages higher in development than all other creatures on the planet. The brain and the complex of neurons is the central nervous system, under the control of which all the functions of the body are controlled, and the thought process is provided. The brain is positioned as a collection of nerve fibers that form a complex stable system. It includes two large hemispheres, the cerebellum and the bridges of varoli.

Even now, experts say that the human brain is not even half-studied. During the formation of anatomy as a science, the greatest difficulties arose precisely with the description of the processes taking place in the nervous tissue that forms the brain.

The main parts of the brain:

  • Large hemispheres occupy the largest part of the brain volume. Through them, control occurs at all stages of thought processes. It is thanks to the action of the cerebral hemispheres that we make conscious movements;
  • Two Varoli bridges... One of the bridges is located under the cerebellum almost at the base of the skull and performs the task of receiving and transmitting nerve impulses. The second bridge is located even lower, has an oblong shape and provides transmission of signals from the spinal cord;
  • Cerebellum... A significant part of the brain that determines the ability to keep the body in balance. Controls muscle reflexes. For example, touching something hot, we withdraw our hand even before we have time to realize what has happened. It is these reflexes that are controlled by the cerebellum.

Human abdominal organs

The abdominal cavity is defined as the space that delimits the diaphragm from above from the chest cavity, in front and on the sides it is closed by the abdominal muscles, and behind it is protected by the spinal column and muscle tissues located in the same place. Also, the abdominal cavity is called abdominal.

From below, the abdominal cavity smoothly passes to the pelvic cavity. There is a complex of internal organs that perform various important functions, as well as nerve endings and large blood vessels. Diseases of the abdominal organs are the most frequent cases in practical medicine and have a great impact on the entire human body, therefore, the speed of making the correct diagnosis and the patient's life depend on knowledge about them.

Some of the organs located inside the abdominal cavity are completely or partially covered with a special membrane, but some of them do not have it at all.

This shell has significant elasticity and is characterized by a specific absorption capacity. Here, a serous fluid is produced, which, acting as a lubricant, reduces the amount of friction between organs.

Organs of the abdominal cavity

  • Stomach- a muscular organ with a shape similar to a bag. It is one of the main organs of the food digestion system, which is essentially an extension of the esophagus into the abdominal cavity. The walls of the stomach produce a special complex of biologically active substances and enzymes, which is called gastric juice, which actively breaks down nutrients. The acidity of gastric juice can show the state of the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
  • Intestines... This is the longest part of the digestive system. It begins with the outlet of the stomach and ends with the excretory system. Inside the abdominal cavity, the intestines are in the form of a kind of loops. The main task of this organ is to digest food and remove unnecessary substances from the body. The intestine is divided into large, small and rectum.
  • Kidney- as well as the lungs, a paired organ, which is localized in the lumbar region and, if you look at the photo, resemble beans in shape. They ensure the maintenance of homeostatic balance in the body, and are also part of the urinary system.
  • Adrenal glands... The satellite organs of the kidneys, also paired, are located on the right and left in the abdominal cavity. Their main task is to regulate the functionality of the endocrine and hormonal systems. The adrenal glands produce a large number of hormones - more than 25, which include adrenaline, corticosteroids and other substances. The impulses of the nervous system are also transmitted to the adrenal glands, which are captured by the medulla filling these organs. Here, regulation of the processes of inhibition and excitation, characteristic of stressful conditions, takes place.
  • Liver known as the largest gland in our body. Its placement is directly below the diaphragm and is subdivided into two lobes. In the liver, toxic and harmful substances are neutralized, so it is the first organ that suffers if a person has bad habits. Also, the liver takes part in blood circulation and affects the digestive processes. In the process of functioning, there is a close connection between the liver and the gallbladder.
  • Bladder It is also located in the abdominal cavity and is a kind of bag in which urine accumulates, which is subsequently excreted from the body by the efforts of the excretory system. The bladder is located in the groin area behind the pubic bone. Also, the bladder has a significant effect on digestion. Disruptions in his work can lead to such unpleasant consequences as discomfort, nausea and vomiting. It also often leads to the development of gastric and intestinal ulcers.
  • Pancreas... It has the ability to produce special substances and enzymes that improve the speed and quality of food digestion. This organ is located to the left behind the stomach, in the upper half of the abdominal cavity. One of its main tasks is to provide the body with a natural hormone - insulin. In case of dysfunction of the pancreas, diabetes mellitus develops.

An important hematopoietic organ of the abdominal cavity is the spleen, if you look at a model of a person with organs, it can be found above the diaphragm. It is a unique organ that has the ability to change its size depending on the volume of blood flow. The spleen also plays a protective role in the body.

Significant differences in the structure of the male and female abdominal cavity

The layout of the abdominal organs has an invariable structure, characteristic of any person of any nationality. Some structural features are distinguished in childhood and adulthood, but most of the differences are determined by gender.

In men, the abdominal cavity is defined as a closed system, but in women it is not a closed space, since the female body communicates with the uterine region using the fallopian tubes. In addition, in the female body, the abdominal cavity is able to communicate with the external environment through the vaginal cavity.

Thoracic organs

The chest is the most important protective structure in our body, which protects the most important organ in the human body - the heart and the largest blood vessels that go to it. Most of the chest cavity is occupied by the lungs, which provide oxygenation of the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide harmful to the body. Also here is the diaphragm, which is a flat broad muscle, one of the functions of which is to delimit the chest and abdominal cavity. Let us consider in more detail the location of the human organs located in the chest cavity.

The heart is a hollow muscular organ located in the chest between the lungs with an offset to the left. It is easy to imagine the size of the heart if you clench the hand of an adult into a fist. On the one hand, the heart performs one simple function - it pumps blood into the vessels-arteries and receives venous blood, on the other, without this function, our body could not exist.

Basic facts about the structure and function of the heart

  • The movements necessary in order to pump blood into the vessels, the heart produces by the work of the left and right ventricles;
  • The scheme of the location of the heart inside the chest is very curious and is called oblique presentation. This means that the narrower part of this organ looks down and to the left, and the wider part looks up and to the right;
  • The right ventricle of the heart is slightly smaller than the left;
  • The main vessels extend from the wider part of the heart (or its base). The heart is never at rest, since it needs to constantly pump blood into the vessels, which carries oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body;
  • Outside, this muscular organ is covered with the pericardium - a special type of tissue, in the outer part of which blood vessels are located. The inner layer of the pericardium fits snugly against the heart.

Lung structure

The lungs are the largest paired organ in size, not only located in the chest cavity, but also in the whole human body. Both lungs - left and right, are identical in appearance, but nevertheless, their anatomy and functions performed have significant differences.

The left lung can be subdivided into just two lobes, while the right lung can be subdivided into as many as three. Also, the lung, located in the chest on the left, is distinguished by the presence of a bend. The main task of the lungs remains the processing and oxygenation of blood cells, as well as the elimination of carbon dioxide formed during respiration, the presence of which is dangerous for the whole organism.

Also in the chest cavity is the trachea, which acts as an air duct through which oxygen enters the lungs. It is located from top to bottom and connects the larynx to the bronchi. This organ is a complex of cartilaginous half-rings and connective ligaments, on the back wall of the trachea is muscle tissue covered with mucus. The trachea in the lower section is subdivided into bronchi, which in their essence are its continuation. Through the bronchi, air enters the lungs. The internal structure of the lung contains many bronchi, whose branches represent a complex structure. The trachea also performs protective and cleansing functions.

The esophagus is also located in the chest cavity - a muscular organ that connects the larynx to the stomach and provides food intake.

Caring for the body is the key to health

Despite the vast knowledge of mankind and its own anatomy, the human body still remains the most important object of study and experiments. We have not solved all of its riddles yet, there are a great many of them ahead.

At the same time, the instinct for self-preservation, protection of the whole organism and internal organs is laid down in all living beings from the very beginning. However, a person often forgets to treat their body with due respect. Not only leading an unhealthy lifestyle and the presence of bad habits, but also engaging in heavy physical labor or other situations that require the body to work at the limit of its capabilities can cause malfunctions and the functioning of internal organs and lead to diseases. Therefore, do not forget about caring for your body.

  1. preserves blood, regulates blood flow;
  2. maintains a free flow of Chi energy through:
    • - emotion management,
    • - participation in digestion,
    • - influence on the circulation of QI;
  3. determines sexual and reproductive health of the genitals;
  4. opens into the eyes, is the main organ affecting vision;
  5. manifests itself on the nails - by the appearance of the nails, one can judge the state of the liver.

Gall bladder stores and secretes bile, which aids in the digestion and assimilation of food in the small intestine.

Liver is responsible for a person's ability to act, and Gall bladder- for making decisions.
The purity of bile affects the clarity of judgments, the clarity of vision and thought, the clarity of decisions.
If between Liver and Gallbladder- imbalance, actions are performed rashly, decisions are not implemented.
A business Liver- to maintain evenness of emotions and clarity of mind, physical and mental comfort, flexibility of body and mind.
With a healthy Liver judgments and decisions are reasonable, vision is clear, action is decisive.


  1. controls blood circulation by accelerating blood;
  2. repository Spirit (Shen), psyche management;
  3. opens into the tongue and by its appearance one can judge the state of the heart.

Small intestine separates useful components of digested food from waste, directing liquid waste to the kidneys, and solid waste to the large intestine.
Thanks to Small intestine, Substrate food is digested Spleen.

Heart- abode Spirit (Shen)... Here Spirit- not an immortal essence, but the general life force of a person - an external personal expression of Chi energy, personal strength. Spirit (Shen) it is also the sphere of moral and spiritual qualities of the highest order.
Feeling your own individuality and at the same time connecting with others depends on Hearts. Heart responsible for the ability to think, perception, sensation, speech, communication and memory.
What Kidney receive through the senses, Heart expresses through speech, tone of voice and the expression of shining eyes.

Small intestine protects Spirit... Problems Hearts often manifest in inflammatory diseases of the small intestine.

Spleen (pancreas):

  1. manages the transport and processing of food and water;
  2. by supplying nutrition, maintains the structure and integrity of the body;
  3. manages blood by keeping it inside the arteries and veins;
  4. distributing moisture, affects the weight, shape and tone of tissues, joint fluid and moisture of the mucous membranes;
  5. ensures consistency in body weight, size and shape;
  6. opens into the mouth, the sensation of the taste of food indicates the state of the spleen.

Stomach wets and breaks down food.

Spleen is in charge of assimilating ideas and information. From it comes concentration, the birth of new ideas, memories and reflections, it focuses the mind and gives firmness to intention.
Intention is the force that allows you to accumulate the momentum necessary to transform will, impulse Kidney, in action - an internal impulse Liver.
Spleen retains the motivation needed to sustain efforts over time.
It maintains homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) and provides adaptation (adjustment) and balance.
By providing continuity of mental orientation, Spleen maintains the constancy of personality.


  1. control energy and breathing;
  2. support water exchange;
  3. affect speech and tone of voice;
  4. open in the nose if the QI Lungs sufficient, nasal breathing is free and the sense of smell is acute.

Colon accumulates and excretes wastes from digestion and general metabolism.

Lungs guide the relationship between the inside and the outside, setting limits and protecting boundaries. Expanding and contracting Lungs accumulate, mix and distribute Chi, establishing rhythm and order.
The eastern systems of self-improvement are based on breath control. By regulating your breathing, you can achieve mental clarity, emotional calmness, and physical strength.
Lungs manage safety, our physical and emotional protection from infections, negative thoughts and feelings of others depends on them.
Colon allows you to specifically distinguish between useful, harmful and useless, right and wrong.
Wrong work Large intestine makes these distinctions vague and the mind clouded. Due to the inability to throw out the old, there is no place for the new, a feeling of constraint and lifelessness arises. And the inability to hold back what is useful makes a person weak and empty.

Colon together with Light promotes separation, purification and disposal processes. Outlining individuality, they give a clear sense of form and value. Their power gives a person the ability to easily discard unnecessary thoughts, feelings and attachments. The reluctant manifestation of impulses and the reserved expression of feelings give rise to numbness and isolation. Suppressing physical and emotional responsiveness is a way to close off and reinforce the protective sheath of the body and psyche. ()
The skin and skeletal muscles become tense, rigid, and spasms occur in the muscles of the internal organs. This limits creativity and leads to asthma, constipation, ossified spine, etc.


  1. control the growth and development of the body;
  2. regulate water exchange;
  3. collect and store QI (“lungs are the ruler of QI, kidneys are the root of QI”);
  4. open in the ears when QI is depleted Kidney there is tinnitus, hearing loss and dizziness.

Bladder accumulates and releases unnecessary liquid.

Kidney are the energy basis for the health and vitality of the human body. Even before we are born, our parents endow us with “innate QI”, which is then supplemented with the QI of the air from Lungs and qi of food from Spleen... Congenital and acquired QI is collected in Kidney and is consumed as needed. The depletion of “innate QI” is the cause of aging and death of a person.

On the left is the kidney itself, on the right is the “Gate of Vitality”. In the "Gate of Vitality" is the source of vitality, Chi. In men, "the sexual essence of the jing" is accumulated here, in women, the forces that control the menstrual cycle and hold the placenta are located.
The kidney's own QI is associated with the left kidney.

Kidney give birth to intelligence, creativity and keep the instincts of procreation and survival. They pass on to descendants the physical and behavioral heritage accumulated by the species throughout its evolution. Kidney- a source of imagination that allows you to remember the past and foresee the future.
Kidney Substrate creates the bodily aspect of a person and provides self-expression Spirit (Shen). Spirit revitalizes the body, and the body is necessary to give Spirit its shape.

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