Home fertilizers What does the expression homeland in me yearn for. The sentence as a unit of syntax. The means of intonation are

What does the expression homeland in me yearn for. The sentence as a unit of syntax. The means of intonation are

Meaning, correlation with fragments of the surrounding reality is a special property of the sentence.

How do words and phrases differ from the highlighted sentences?

49. What context precedes the following sentences?

      To health!
      What can you do!
      Please close the door!

50. Read. In which case can we say that we have a set of individual sentences, and in which case - a text? Write the text by marking paragraphs, delimiting sentences with completion marks, and using punctuation marks within sentences. What was the guideline for you when highlighting individual proposals?

  1. He stayed at home Katya likes to dress up come in if you have free time for me tell him at least one word we helped feed the suckling foal in the distance in the fog you could see the mountains on health I lost the book and I really regret it don’t tease the dog.
  2. Mishka the elk in three years turned into a big strong elk, he was completely tame and walked without a leash through the forest somehow a funny and instructive story happened to him once Dasha let the calf walk in the clearing and she herself sat down under a tree to read a book suddenly a wolf ran out of the bushes and right to the calf trouble what to do out of nowhere Mishka he rushed at the wolf and kicked him with all his might, the wolf rolled on the grass The bear behind him attacked the wolf and hit again out of that wolf.

    (V. Zvegintsev)

51. Compose and write down phrases with the words to yearn, longing, love, love as the main ones. Make sentences with these phrases.

Does the person who said: “The motherland will yearn for me” love his homeland? Evaluate the phrase will yearn for me in terms of correctness / incorrectness. Does this person speak the norms of the Russian literary language?

52. Condensed presentation. Read an excerpt from the essay by K. Paustovsky "The Country beyond Onega". What is the meaning of the sentence Motherland in me will yearn in this text? Write in 3rd person, cutting the text in half. What details of the description can be excluded? What can be said more briefly (succinctly)?

Once, in the early summer, I came to one of the Zaonezhsky villages to the storyteller Zakharova. Cherry blossoms were blooming and it was cold. Summer colds in the north always coincide with this flowering.

In the village they showed me a high hut cut down from thick pine by Zakharova with carvings on the window casings. In the yard a ruddy-faced old woman rolled her laundry. This was Zakharova. She saw me, put down the roll and wiped her sweaty face. Flowers, herbs, ears of corn, some birds were carved on the roll.

Zakharova did not immediately agree to sing. “I sing,” she said, “when the homeland in me yearns.” I didn't understand. “Well, how do you explain this, desired,” Zakharova was upset. - Here sometimes in the evening you will go out to the lake. It lies before my eyes like a silver board. A leaf on an aspen - and he trembles. And it will become so sweet in my heart, the homeland will yearn in me, and I will sing.

I guessed. The storyteller called homesickness the feeling that we townspeople call love. Obviously, this means that the feeling of the native country reaches such a sharpness that it requires immediate expression.

53. For each native speaker of the Russian language, the sentence He swam 100 meters freestyle in 45 seconds means "Swimming the freestyle style, he covered a distance of 100 meters and spent 45 seconds on it." What meaning, content will this proposal acquire for a swimmer if it is used in a situation of discussing applicants for inclusion in the national team, and his (the swimmer's) results are worse than the norm?

September twenty-seventh. Classwork.

Checking homework.

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson:

  • 1) You can serve the Motherland and lie down with bones, if only to save the Motherland not by numbers, they fight, but by skill, and Vaska listens and eats.
  • Read the words on the slide. Analyze the meaning of the sentences. Divide the entry into sentences, putting the necessary punctuation marks that reflect the intonational completeness and semantic integrity of each sentence.

  • Check yourself?
  • 1) To live - to serve the motherland.
  • 2) You can lie down with your bones, if only to save your homeland.
  • 3) They do not fight with numbers, but with skill.
  • 4) And Vaska listens and eats.

What are we going to talk about in class today? What is our goal?

The sentence as a unit of syntax.

Lesson Objectives:

Knowledge update

  • What does syntax study?
  • What is an offer?
  • What are the suggestions for the purpose of the statement?
  • What are the suggestions for emotional coloring?
  • What are the suggestions for the presence of grammatical foundations?
  • What are the proposals for the presence of the main members of the proposal?
  • What are the proposals for the presence of secondary members?
  • What can make a proposal difficult?

  • By exchanging information, people create texts. The text consists of sentences. When expressing their thoughts, people speak in sentences.
  • Today we will talk about the properties of the sentence, its content, meaning and functions. The sentence carries a semantic load; this is a message of certain information about the reality around us, a question or an incentive to action.
  • Meaning, correlation with fragments of the surrounding reality is a special property of the sentence.
  • How do words and phrases differ from the highlighted sentences?


Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant,

On firewood, updates the path;

His horse, smelling the snow, trots somehow...

(A. Pushkin)

  • Word winter performs a nominative function - names an object, an inanimate noun, a masculine singular.
  • Sentence Winter!.. performs a communicative function, reflects a fragment of the surrounding reality, confirms the information that the cold season of winter has come. The proposal carries exclamatory joyful information.
  • This sentence is included in the context of a quatrain reflecting further information on the same topic (about winter). It preliminarily sets the reader in the mood for a message about winter nature ... etc.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegova S.I.
  • Context, -a, masculine(book). Relatively complete in terms of semantic part of the text, statements. The meaning of a word is learned in context. adjective contextual, -th, -th and contextual, -th, -th.
  • For example: bow, braid.

Similarly, we analyze the phrase blurred path and offer Blurred path .

Blurred path.

Crooked poplars.

  • phrase blurred path nominatively path is the main word. Path(which?) diffuse. We see two words, but we do not know where this path is, who sees it, and under what conditions. Each reader's imagination draws, supplements information about this path. Each reader submits their own.
  • In the context of the quatrain, we perceive this as a fragment of the surrounding reality. Next, further information is reported: what happened in the place where there was a blurry path (and crooked poplars).
  • The sentence is narrative. It sets the reader up for a picture of a blurry path.

Blurred path. Crooked poplars.

I listened to the noise - it was time to fly away.

And so I got up and went out the gate,

Where the yellow fields stretched

(N. Rubtsov)

What context do you think precedes the following sentences?

  • To health!
  • What can you do!
  • Please close the door!

  • The proposal performs a communicative function.
  • Compare, for example, sentences Evening came. - It was evening. - Evening. - It's evening.
  • In connected speech, sentences enter into semantic relations with each other. Included in a wider context, they reflect a wider fragment of reality.

A sentence is one of the units of a language that has a number of features:

  • has a certain structure;
  • differs in semantic and intonational completeness;
  • performs a communication task.

  • Sentence built on certain models, which in each case is filled with new content.

Learning is light.

Astrakhan is the center of the fishing industry.


  • The proposal expresses finished thought.

clear sky - a phrase, since it only expands the name of the subject.

The sky is cloudless is an offer. It expresses a complete thought.

Do the three light green cheerfulness blindly color the dance?

- A group of words only looks like a sentence, but does not make sense, so it is not considered a sentence.

  • contains information: In the morning there was a fine mushroom rain.
  • contains the question: When does the train leave?
  • there is a call to action: Write down an offer. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

  • The structure of the sentence, its semantic content and communicative task predetermine intonation suggestions.

The means of intonation are:

  • pause;
  • logical stress;
  • melodic (raising or lowering the voice)

Let's go home . - if you want to tell

about the action taken.

Let's go home? - if a question is asked.

Let's go home! - if you express a request, a wish, an order.

Let's do the tasks:

  • Make up and write down phrases with words longing, longing, love, love as the main ones. Make up sentences with these phrases, parse them.

  • Does the person who said: “The motherland will yearn for me” love his homeland? Rate the phrase yearn for me in terms of right/wrong. Does this person speak the norms of the Russian literary language?
  • The homeland in me yearns? can be performed in this sense: the person who said so loves his homeland, he feels it inside himself, the embodiment of his inner convictions, his character, his I .
  • Longing for me- this is the author's version of the text, the author's vision of this topic.

The meaning, the content of the sentence is not only the information that is extracted from the sentence by any native speaker thanks to the knowledge of words, patterns of syntactic constructions and intonation, but also all the information that can be extracted from it due to the general knowledge of the participants in verbal communication about the world surrounding reality, about each other, situations of communication.

For every native Russian speaker He swam 1 00 meters crawl in 45 seconds means: "Swimming in the crawl style, he covered a distance of 100 meters and spent 45 seconds on it."

What meaning, content will this proposal acquire for a swimmer if it is used in a situation of discussing applicants for inclusion in the national team, and his (the swimmer's) results are worse than the norm?

Summing up the lesson:

  • Let's go back to the lesson objective: Lesson objectives:
  • 1. Get acquainted with the concept of "sentence" as a unit of syntax, with its communicative function, features and role in the text.
  • 2. Repeat the grammatical characteristics of the sentence.
  • A sentence is one of the basic units of syntax.
  • The content, the meaning of the sentence, even if it consists of one word, reflects a fragment of the surrounding reality.
  • Each of them in its own way correlates with the outside world, has a grammatical basis.
  • The sentence is characterized by semantic and intonational completeness. The members of the sentence are interconnected not only in meaning, but also grammatically.
  • In connected speech, sentences enter into semantic relations with each other. Included in a wider context, they reflect a wider fragment of reality.
  • The sentence is part of the text and serves for communication (communication) between the speaker and the listener, the reader and the writer.

here is the yard. (3) It is big, green, there is a place to play both ball and hide-and-seek,
and various other games. (4) The guys played almost every day, especially
summer. (5) And I gradually got to know them, and we all treated each other
friend in a good way.
(6) Then they began to appoint me as a referee in volleyball matches.
(7) Nobody liked to judge, everyone wanted to play, and I - always please: how not
help friends? .. (8) And it happened that on the wide porch of the neighboring
wooden house we played chess and loto.
(9) Occasionally guys came to my house. (10) The records were listened to,
played my railroad, chatted about this and that, but nothing serious.
(11) And the guys also loved when I let paper pigeons out of the balcony.
(12) More precisely, they were not quite pigeons. (13) I learned to make out
paper birds that look like flying saucers.
(14) Quite round, only with a crease in the middle and triangular
beak. (15) They flew great, in smooth wide circles.
(16) Sometimes the wind lifted them to a decent height and carried them away from the yard.
(17) The guys chased each dove in a crowd - whoever grabs it first!
(18) In order to avoid a dump, it was decided to say in advance what kind of dove I am
to whom I am sending.
(19) The fact is that I painted each dove with felt-tip pens.
(20) On one he painted all sorts of patterns, on the other - boats in the middle of the sea, on
the third - fabulous cities, the fourth - flowers and butterflies. (21) And all sorts
space pictures. (22) And a lot more - it turned out beautifully and
(23) The guys liked it, of course, but I was still among them
stranger. (24) And I suddenly got sick of letting doves out of the balcony.
(25) I made the last one and - I don’t know why myself - painted the evening
the sky, the orange sun on the horizon and the road along which two people walk side by side

(26) Although no, I knew why I drew this. (27) I wished
friend appeared. (28) Not random, not for an hour when he runs in to play
chess or listen to Paul McCartney, but the real one...
(29) I sent a dove from the balcony, and the wind grabbed it and carried it away behind the poplars.
(30) And I thought: someone will find it, guess, come to me ...
(According to V. Krapivin)*

In which word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In short
passive participles of the past tense is written N "?
1) interesting
2) random
3) decided
4) iron

Replace the colloquial word "talked" in sentence 10 stylistically
a neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Replace the phrase "paper doves" (sentence 11),
built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with
communication management. Write the resulting phrase.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.
Answer: ___________________________.

Among sentences 9–13, find a sentence with a separate
agreed definition. Write the number of this offer.
Answer: ___________________________.

all commas. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
The fact is (1) that I painted each dove with felt-tip pens. On the
on one he painted all sorts of patterns, (2) on the other - boats in the middle of the sea, (3) on
third - fabulous cities, (4) on the fourth - flowers and butterflies. And all sorts
space pictures. And much more - it turned out beautifully and
The guys, (5) of course, (6) liked it, (7) but I was still among them

Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 27. Answer
write it down as a number.
Answer: ___________________________.

In the sentences below from the read text are numbered
all commas. Write down the number indicating the comma between the parts
complex sentence linked by a coordinating link.
It is big, (1) green, (2) there is where to play ball, (3) and hide-and-seek, (4) and
various other games. The guys played almost every day, (5) especially
summer. And I gradually got to know them, (6) and we all treated
good to each other.
Answer: ___________________________.

Among sentences 28–30, find a compound sentence with an allied
connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.
Answer: ___________________________.

"Synopsis of the Russian language lesson "Educational concise presentation""

Educational concise presentation (an excerpt from the essay by K.G. Paustovsky "The Country beyond Onega", exercise No. 52).

Learning goal: prepare students for writing a summary.

Tasks: 1) prepare students to comprehend the content of the source text, understanding the main idea; learn to see the structure of the text.

2) to teach schoolchildren to write a concise presentation using the basic techniques of text compression.

Educational goal: fostering a sense of patriotism, love for "one's own, small" Motherland.

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Message about the purpose of the lesson.

U: Today in the lesson we will prepare for writing a concise presentation based on an excerpt from the essay by K. G. Paustovsky “The Country beyond Onega”. Before turning to the text, let's remember what kind of presentation is called compressed?

(A condensed presentation is a reproduction of the text, in which secondary details are excluded, but the main idea and the main content of the text are preserved.)

W: That's right, when writing a condensed presentation, it is true that secondary information is removed, and only the main one remains. This means that when analyzing the text, we need to highlight the main information and minor details that we can reduce. It must be remembered that when writing a presentation, it is allowed to replace the person from whom the narration is being conducted.

2. Preparatory work for the perception of the text.

U: Before you is an excerpt from the essay by K. G. Paustovsky “The Country beyond Onega”. Let's remember what an essay is?

(An essay is a literary work that describes some life events.)

U: Indeed, K. G. Paustovsky talks about his journey through the northern places, about meetings with different people.

3. Expressive reading of the text by the teacher (exercise No. 52).

T: Now I will read the text to you, and you try to determine the main idea and semantic parts in the text.

Reading text.

Once, in the early summer, I came to one of the Zaonezhsky villages to the storyteller Zakharova. The cherry blossoms were in bloom and it was cold. Summer colds in the north always coincide with this flowering.

In the village they showed me a high hut cut down from thick pine by Zakharova with carvings on the window casings. In the yard a ruddy-faced old woman was rolling laundry. This was Zakharova. She saw me, put down her valet and wiped her sweaty face. Flowers, herbs, ears of corn, some birds were carved on the roll.

Zakharova did not immediately agree to sing. “I sing,” she said, “when the Motherland yearns for me.” I didn't understand. “Well, how do you explain this, desired,” Zakharova was upset. “Sometimes in the evening you will go out to the lake. It lies before my eyes like a silver board. A leaf on an aspen - and he trembles. And it will become so sweet on the heart, the Motherland will yearn in me, and I will sing.

I guessed. The narrator called longing for the motherland the feeling that we, the townspeople, call love. Obviously, this means that the feeling of the native country reaches such a sharpness that it requires immediate expression.

4. Conversation on the content of the text.

T: Tell me, please, what is the main idea of ​​the text?

W: Right. Write down the main idea in your notebook.

T: Tell me, who is this text intended for?

(We, the readers.)

(To help readers remember their homeland and think about the need to love the place where you were born.)

T: What type of text (speech) do you think the author chooses?

(Narration and description.)

T: Are all the words in the text familiar to you? Who is a storyteller?

(Narrator of folk tales, performer of epics.)

Q: What is a window frame?

(The platband is an overhead strip on the window opening,)

U: And what is a roll (rolled underwear with a roll)?

(Valek is a long, flat, slightly curved bar with a handle for rolling clothes on a rolling pin, for knocking out clothes when washing.)

Q: What does the word plat mean?

(Plat is a scarf.)

U: Tell me, how do you understand the expression: “The Motherland will yearn for me”?

(This is when a person remembers his homeland, thinks about something good and he wants to somehow express his feelings.)

U: Is the phrase constructed correctly from the point of view of the Russian language?


W: What would be right?

(I am homesick.)

(Because in the writer’s phrase, the Motherland is something inside a person, and in the first phrase, the Motherland exists separately.)

U: And in what sense are the words used: melancholy, longing in this text?

(Love, love.)

Q: How would you title this text?

(Love for the Motherland, longing for the Motherland.)

5. Work on text compression.

T: How many micro-themes are in this text?


T: Give each micro-topic a title. (Plan on the board and in children's notebooks.)

T: Please see if our plan reflects the main idea of ​​the text?

(Yes, it reflects.)

First micro.

T: Read this fragment of the text expressively again, try to note the main thing in this micro-topic.

(In the early summer I came to one of the Zaonezhsky villages to the storyteller Zakharova.)

Write in a notebook (plan).

T: What details in this part are not important for revealing the main idea?

(It was cold, the bird cherry blossomed.)

T: Okay, what is the method of shortening the text we used?


W: That's right, we removed (excluded) secondary information, leaving only the main one.

Second microtheme.

T: Read the second passage in the text. Highlight, please, the main thing in this micro-theme, excluding minor details.

T: But the method of exclusion can be used in another way. To compress the text, you can exclude minor members of the sentence (circumstances, definitions). In what sentences can we do this?

(Almost every sentence.)

W: What did you get?

(They showed me Zakharova's tall hut with carvings on the window casings. The old woman rolled the linen in a roll. She saw me and put down the roll on which the patterns were carved.)

Write to table.

The third micro-theme.

T: Read this passage aloud again.

T: There are a lot of direct speech sentences in this part. To compress such a passage, a generalization technique is usually used. Try to convey the essence of the third part without using sentences with direct speech. Tell what happens in this part in your own words.

(Zakharova did not immediately agree to sing. She said that she sings only when the Motherland yearns for her. I did not understand. She was upset and explained to me that a special mood was needed for the song.)

Write down in a notebook.

The fourth microtheme.

T: Read aloud the last micro-topic. Please find key words to understand the content of this part and write them down.

(Longing for the motherland, we, the townspeople, love, feeling of the native country, sharpness, immediate expression.)

T: Okay, now re-read the passage again and, using keywords, orally retell this micro-topic.

Retelling, 2-3 people.

T: What sentences can we simplify? How to replace an offer with an application?

(Leave only the townspeople.)

T: How can you change the structure of the last sentence?

(Delete the introductory word, replace the complex sentence with a simple one.)

W: What did we get?

(The narrator called longing for the Motherland the feeling that the townspeople call love. This acute feeling requires immediate expression.)

6. Working with language means of communication.

T: Please read the phrases in the second column of our table. Can this be called text?

(No, since there are no links between parts of the text.)

W: That's right, in order to get a text, you have to choose the means of communication between parts of the text. These can be synonyms, pronouns, conjunctions. Let's write them down in our table.

7. Re-reading by the teacher of the text.

8. Writing a concise summary.

T: Before you start, don't forget to keep the main idea when writing a summary. Please note that we are writing in 3rd person. Good luck to you!


On the board and in notebooks.

Meaning, correlation with fragments of the surrounding reality is a special property of the sentence.

How do words and phrases differ from the highlighted sentences?

49. What context precedes the following sentences?

      To health!
      What can you do!
      Please close the door!

50. Read. In which case can we say that we have a set of individual sentences, and in which case - a text? Write the text by marking paragraphs, delimiting sentences with completion marks, and using punctuation marks within sentences. What was the guideline for you when highlighting individual proposals?

  1. He stayed at home Katya likes to dress up come in if you have free time for me tell him at least one word we helped feed the suckling foal in the distance in the fog you could see the mountains on health I lost the book and I really regret it don’t tease the dog.
  2. Mishka the elk in three years turned into a big strong elk, he was completely tame and walked without a leash through the forest somehow a funny and instructive story happened to him once Dasha let the calf walk in the clearing and she herself sat down under a tree to read a book suddenly a wolf ran out of the bushes and right to the calf trouble what to do out of nowhere Mishka he rushed at the wolf and kicked him with all his might, the wolf rolled on the grass The bear behind him attacked the wolf and hit again out of that wolf.

    (V. Zvegintsev)

51. Compose and write down phrases with the words to yearn, longing, love, love as the main ones. Make sentences with these phrases.

Does the person who said: “The motherland will yearn for me” love his homeland? Evaluate the phrase will yearn for me in terms of correctness / incorrectness. Does this person speak the norms of the Russian literary language?

52. Condensed presentation. Read an excerpt from the essay by K. Paustovsky "The Country beyond Onega". What is the meaning of the sentence Motherland in me will yearn in this text? Write in 3rd person, cutting the text in half. What details of the description can be excluded? What can be said more briefly (succinctly)?

Once, in the early summer, I came to one of the Zaonezhsky villages to the storyteller Zakharova. Cherry blossoms were blooming and it was cold. Summer colds in the north always coincide with this flowering.

In the village they showed me a high hut cut down from thick pine by Zakharova with carvings on the window casings. In the yard a ruddy-faced old woman rolled her laundry. This was Zakharova. She saw me, put down the roll and wiped her sweaty face. Flowers, herbs, ears of corn, some birds were carved on the roll.

Zakharova did not immediately agree to sing. “I sing,” she said, “when the homeland in me yearns.” I didn't understand. “Well, how do you explain this, desired,” Zakharova was upset. - Here sometimes in the evening you will go out to the lake. It lies before my eyes like a silver board. A leaf on an aspen - and he trembles. And it will become so sweet in my heart, the homeland will yearn in me, and I will sing.

I guessed. The storyteller called homesickness the feeling that we townspeople call love. Obviously, this means that the feeling of the native country reaches such a sharpness that it requires immediate expression.

53. For each native speaker of the Russian language, the sentence He swam 100 meters freestyle in 45 seconds means "Swimming the freestyle style, he covered a distance of 100 meters and spent 45 seconds on it." What meaning, content will this proposal acquire for a swimmer if it is used in a situation of discussing applicants for inclusion in the national team, and his (the swimmer's) results are worse than the norm?

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