Home Fertilizers Dark souls 3 cooperative game. Which starting class to choose

Dark souls 3 cooperative game. Which starting class to choose

This article is dedicated to players who want to play Dark Souls 3 with a friend, or who are having problems completing a particular boss. The interaction system in the game is very unusual, and we will help you figure it out.

Dark Souls 3 cooperative game

  • As practice shows, few people play Dark Souls 3 in co-op mode. This is due to the fact that launching it is quite problematic.
  • As a rule, you start a cooperative session, or in other words, a call, only when you need help. Another gamer joins the session in the same order.

How to play with another player in Dark Souls 3

  1. Go to the maid in the Temple and purchase the White Crayon from her for 500 souls. It is necessary to leave a sign on the ground so that you can summon players.
  2. Use a crayon in your inventory - the hero will put a sign on the ground. Then the player who sees this sign can click on it.
  3. Before leaving the mark, you can set a password. It is necessary for your friend to join you, and not any other player.
  4. To set a password, open the game settings. There, in the network section, it is possible to set a password.
  5. Make sure you and your friend are in the same area before placing the sign. Up to 4 people can join a co-op in Dark Souls 3.
  6. To join other players, you will not need a Coal, on the contrary, you will be given it for destroying the boss.

How to summon other players in Dark Souls 3

  • The zone boss cannot be defeated in battle.
  • If you touched the boss of a zone, you will not be able to invite other players in this zone.
  • You must have the power of Lord Zinder.
  • After death, your hero loses this form and HP returns to normal. In the usual form, you will not be able to invite other players, since you will not see the call sign.
  • Consume ember to reshape. It is given for destroying a boss and is scattered around the world. It is also sold in the Temple by the Handmaiden, but it is expensive in the early stages of the game.
  • By activating the ember form, you will see the call signs on the ground.

Agree, a rather complicated process.

How to quit co-op in Dark Souls 3

The closure of the cooperative session occurs automatically after the destruction of the zone boss, or if you or your comrade dies. After that, the summoned hero will be returned to his world.

To manually end the session, one of the players needs to use the Black Crystal of Separation. With the help of this item, the summoned player will return to his world.

It can be very difficult to play alone, and not all of Lothric's dangers succumb to a lone hero the first time. Wherein co-op in Dark Souls 3 continues to be infamous, and not because of the contemptuous attitude of the players to the "weaknesses", unable to complete the game on their own, but because of the extremely incomprehensible and inconvenient mechanism for creating a server and playing in co-op. Let's consider this mechanism in more detail.

How is it supposed to work?

  1. You buy crayons from a maid in the temple. It is inexpensive, only 500 souls.
  2. After that, go to the location and draw a call sign on the floor with this small sign of the call, along the way setting the parameters of the call (you can set a password, and in order to be called into the world you do not need to be in the form of the Champion of Ashes).
  3. Wait a bit for your friend / player to find the crayon mark and start yours.
  4. Summon into the world as a phantom and have fun playing together.

What could go wrong?

  1. Balance. Yes, yes, to go behind the character in and with a weapon +10 and take it out with a glance will not work. In order for you to be summoned, your level should not differ much from the level of the host of the world, while your equipment should be approximately the same, since its pumping, and especially tempering, are taken into account. Therefore, it is better to start Dark Souls 3 coop with a friend, and play only together, without looking ahead.
  2. NG, NG + and so on ad infinitum - these are all different "worlds". Players from NG are only summoned to NG, from NG + to NG + and so on.
  3. Covenants. An unclear reason for the failure of most calls. If your covenants are at war, then you will not be able to be summoned. Ideally, remove all Covenant insignia before the call, so you will find a game or a friend faster.
  4. Amazing network settings that ruin any co-op. Dark Souls 3 was planned primarily as a solo game, so setting up a stable and convenient connection did not get much attention. Your FPS may drop, the session may be constantly broken for reasons known only to the network, etc.

Online Play in Dark Souls 3 are depicted as a kind of storyline. According to legend, there are many alternative universes where similar events take place. In a parallel world, your partner is the same chosen "Risen Dead", like the main character. He came from another dimension to fight the player or provide him with generous assistance in killing bosses. Orange markers serve as clues that show the path your friend has taken in Dark Souls 3.

The network game Dark Souls 3 is presented in the form of a fight between heroes or. For a better understanding of the mechanics of the multiplayer component, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of its elements.


Moving along the storyline, the gamer will sometimes notice ghosts, which are other users going through a similar stage. It cannot be fought or interacted with.

Lighting a fire

If someone from the online mode participants decides to light a fire, then all nearby users will receive an additional jar of Estus.

Cooperative game

The Summoning Token is the answer to the question: How do I play Dark Souls 3 online? With its help, gamers can jointly pass the leaders at the location. Unlike the previous parts, the new project has somewhat modified the appeal of friends. From now on, in order to enlist the support of an ally, it is necessary to conduct a ritual of sacrifice, and not just draw a symbol as before.

Skirmish or invasion

PvP mode is a favorite way to find out who is cooler among fans of RPG projects. In this confrontation, everything depends on the skill of each of the fighters. According to the plot of PvP battles, this is the invasion of one user into the world of another. It should be noted that the defending side has some advantage over the invader.

Platform: PC, X-One, PS 4
Language: Russian text, English voice acting

Operating system: Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 10 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 / AMD FX-6300
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti / ATI Radeon HD 7950
DirectX: 11
Free space: 25 GB

Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 10 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD FX-8350
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / ATI Radeon R9
DirectX: 11
Free space: 25 GB

A stable internet connection is required to activate the game.

The castle is filled with echoes of sorrow and grief; once upon a time the majestic Lothric stood on these ruins, in whose throne rooms sages and heroes sat. Now in this place are the ashes of dead eras. Pain and despair.

Today the empty castle walls are begging for help. They need Fire and someone who is able to light it.

presents the final, bitter story of the end of the Age of Fire. She, with all her essence, with every grain of her, proves to us that the world is the end. That the Dark Souls series ends on a note of despair. Our hero is not the last hope. His struggle is pointless, his end is near.

The old labyrinths of Lothric reveal new secrets for the hero. Their solution will require a lot of time, effort and skills, but in return the game will present the whole picture, assembled in small details. A fan of the series is presented with a huge decrepit tome, the pages of which are hidden in the darkest corners of the silent castle. Only the steadfast and brave will put an end to the cursed world.

The last Dark Souls carry a practical principle: the player starts slowly, his pace is laid by light gangs of enemies, his path lies only forward. It is impossible to get lost in the initial locations - the game takes the hero to the place he needs; it gives the player confidence in victory, lulls vigilance. And only then the Shadow of merciless hardcore falls on the hero.

The journey will be brightened up by new and already familiar characters. Old man Andre from Astora will help enchant the weapon, and the clever thief Greyrat will offer us the lost items. Lothric summoned many of the lost to him: some came with a desire to help the Hero, the second - for personal gain, pursuing their own goals. From the very beginning, the player is given to understand: in the world of the damned, you need to be on the alert at all times, trust is an unforgivable luxury.

Fights have become faster and more energetic, the hero needs a quick reaction and the ability to lively thought. She contributed to the change in the classic dynamics with her hordes of enemies in short battles. But an augmented class system is given to help - for example, the new Thief will be able to run quickly, sneak unnoticed and strike with lightning speed with one-handed daggers. Or a Herald brandishing a spear and using scrolls of restoration.

And not only the scale of health and stamina will have to be restored - the blue stripe has returned to the game, spoiling the life of any magician or dodger. Now, in order to use the scrolls, you have to have a sufficient amount of concentration, which is excruciatingly long to recover. From now on, even an experienced sorcerer will have to swing a sword.

The enemies did not become smart or too strong - every battle will be spoiled by the location. Endless swamps in the places of ancient gardens, narrow labyrinths without any source of light - each place will play against the hero, forcing him to quickly find ways out of even the most hopeless situations.

But any defeated enemy is only a small step towards the most merciless creatures of Dark Souls. The bosses in the game have become much stronger and smarter, their speed has increased significantly. The player, as before, must look for an approach to each variation, catch any weak point and guess the timing. Then the Japanese decided to finally spoil the nerves of their admirers.

But any battle will become easier and more enjoyable in the circle of reliable comrades! The developers did not change anything here - the same covenants, friendly and enemy phantoms, which are summoned using certain artifacts. A world full of traps and meanness will dilute clues from other players and traces of blood.

Is the final story of lost and damned souls. Dealers from FromSoftware tried to give their fan a new, unforgettable experience, and they succeeded. The game began to demand more strength and aspirations, in return giving fascinating pages of lore. The last part of Dark Souls is a book to be read to the end.

It's time to light the Fire, friends ...

Information about network modes:


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One of the constituent parts Dark souls 3 is the "call" - a kind of cooperative mode that allows you to call on other players. You can summon up to three "white" phantoms that will help you in the passage. This guide will help you figure out how to do it in Dark souls 3.

Dark Souls 3 co-op

If you are looking for help to defeat a difficult boss, here is the way to summon:

  • Use coal... This will increase your maximum health by a certain percentage until your next death, and will allow you to summon other players.
  • Find the white call sign. They look like glowing white runes etched into the ground. They can most of the time be found around bonfires and near the boss entrance.
  • Stand on the sign to see the player "phantom" the player. Interact with it to summon the player to your world.
  • Repeat up to three times as needed. Keep in mind, the boss's health bar will increase with the number of summoned players.

If you want to be called yourself, here are the steps:

  • Receive WHITE CHALK. This will allow you to leave a call sign. You can buy it from the Fire Temple Acolyte for a small amount of souls. Screenshot below:

  • Select the area where you want to offer your help. Leave your summoning sign in a place where it is visible - near a bonfire, close to the boss, anywhere.
  • Wait for someone to call you for help.

How to summon friends in Dark Souls 3 regardless of level

The process is basically the same as when challenging random players, only the password system must be used at the place of call- it allows you to connect with friends.

If you use a password to challenge friends, the game will ignore any soul level differences. But this does not mean that your summoned friend, if he is much higher than the level, will “endure” all opponents - in this case, his phantom will correspond to your level.

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