Home fertilizers Joseph Goebbels Jewish origin. A true Aryan family. Magda and Joseph Goebbels did not want to live in a world without Nazism! Faith is a zealous Christian

Joseph Goebbels Jewish origin. A true Aryan family. Magda and Joseph Goebbels did not want to live in a world without Nazism! Faith is a zealous Christian

Perhaps Magda would have married Chaim and gone with him to Palestine, if not for her visit in 1930 to the congress of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany. The eloquence of Joseph Goebbels impressed the girl so much that she completely revised her views on life and joined the ranks of the Nazi Party. Goebbels, despite his physical handicaps, became her new passion.

There could be no more talk of any relationship with a Jew. There was a quarrel between the ex-lovers. On August 12, 1931, Magda fired two pistol shots at Chaim, but missed both times. However, according to another version, Arlozorov himself shot at the former passion.

December 19, 1931 Magda Quandt officially became the wife of the Berlin Gauleiter of the NSDAP. And in June 1933, five months after Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, two unknown men in Tel Aviv killed 34-year-old Chaim Arlozorov. According to the relatives of the Zionist, the murder could have been organized by Goebbels. This seems quite possible, given that even his wife's stepfather, Richard Friedländer, was later sent by a fanatical Nazi Party functionary to Buchenwald.

In the official biographies of Joseph Goebbels, published in Germany during his lifetime, his wife's former lover appeared as "student Hans" to avoid misunderstandings.

Note that despite the image of a happy Aryan family replicated in the media of the Third Reich, the Goebbels' marriage was not at all cloudless. There were betrayals on both sides, and sometimes the Fuhrer himself had to reconcile the spouses. Whether Josef reproached Magda at the time of the quarrels, recalling her past relationship with a Jew, one can only guess.

According to the passport - a Jew

According to news agencies and newspapers in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is a Jew according to his passport.

This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from World War II. The passport was kept in the archives of the special forces of British intelligence, which led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first made public on 8 February 2002 in London.

On the cover of the passport is a seal certifying that Hitler is a Jew. The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine.

Origin - Jewish

On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was considered illegitimate for a long time. Maria on this topic, she never spread with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the house of Rothschild.

“Hitler is Jewish by mother. Goering, Goebbels - Jews. [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

Adolf Hitler himself did not have a mandatory document confirming his purebred Aryanism, while he himself insisted on the adoption of a law on this document.

In 2010, saliva samples from 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler were examined. Tests have shown that Hitler's DNA has the E1b1b1 haplogroup marker. Its owners are, according to the scientific classification, the carriers of the Hamitic-Semitic languages, and according to the biblical classification, the Jews, the descendants of Ham, or rather, the Berber nomads. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is determined by the Y-chromosome, that is, it shows paternal inheritance. The study was conducted by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem and published in the Belgian journal Knack ( By Michael Sheridan. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish and African relatives, DNA test suggests. DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, August 24th 2010.).

Connections - Zionist

In response to Rothschild's written request for the return of valuables confiscated from him by the Nazis, Hitler ordered the return of the gold, and instead of the seized carpets that Eva Braun liked, new carpets were bought with Reich's money.

After that, Rothschild moved to Switzerland. Hitler ordered Himmler to guard Rothschild.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party with Swiss bankers, among whom there were no non-Jews.

The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Germany from 1934 to 1945 were studied in schools.

Faith is a zealous Christian

Adolf Hitler is a devout Christian.

To attack the Soviet Union received the support and approval of the Vatican.

"Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism." [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves indicated to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the world kahal.

While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel. In the concentration camps, the SS was assisted by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Nazi regime.

PR-action "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler

Yervei took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people.

And, although this is a lie, Hitler's merit in the formation of such a large-scale "Flag" is undeniable.

For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law has been passed that establishes punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust.

The work of resettling Jews in other countries is entrusted to Hitler

The story told by Roman Yablonko about his grandmother Ilse Stein:

“Luftwaffe captain Willy Schulz, who was in charge of logging operations near Minsk, placed an 18-year-old Jewess Ilsa Stein, deported from Germany, at the head of a firewood brigade.

The following entries appear in the captain's personal file: "Secretly listened to Moscow Radio"; "In January 1943, I informed three Jews about the impending pogrom and thereby saved their lives." On July 28, 1942, Schulz, who knew that a pogrom was going on in the ghetto, detained a brigade of firewood, led by Ilse Stein, until the end of the “action”.

The last entry in the Schultz file: "Suspiced in connection with the Jewess I. Stein." And the resolution: “Transfer to another part. With promotion."

Ilsa Stein lives in the USSR-Russia, in Rostov-on-Don.

Ilsa Stein's daughter Larisa said about her mother's attitude towards the captain who saved her life: "Ilsa hated him."

Health is good

Vedeneev V.V. on this occasion reports:

“When in 1914 Adolf Hitler expressed a desire to volunteer for the front as part of the Bavarian Regiment, no diseases were found in the young volunteer. Documents of that period confirm that Hitler turned out to be quite a brave and skillful soldier who had been in many battles, received injuries and awards deserved by blood.

In 1918, Adolf Hitler, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War, was seriously ill with epidemic encephalitis.

In 1923, after the Beer Putsch in Munich, German psychiatrists did not find any mental illness in the future Fuhrer.

In 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany after the National Socialists came to power, the prominent German psychiatrist Karl Wilmans diagnosed Hitler with short-term but rather severe psychogenic blindness.

Joseph Schmidt is often compared to another great opera singer, Enrico Caruso. Sometimes their names are combined. Schmidt in the past was called the "Caruso of radio waves", now such expressions as "Jewish", "German" or "Bukovinian" Caruso are more often used. This reflects the birthplace of Schmidt, his ethnic roots and the psychological desire of people who heard him to sing, to associate an outstanding personality with their own history and culture. They call it their own in Ukraine, Austria, Germany and Romania. Well, the Jews rightfully consider him a representative of their people. In the end, no consensus was found - Schmidt became the citizen of the world that he considered himself to be. He knew several languages, including Yiddish, Romanian, French, English and German, and studied Hebrew.

Joseph Schmidt was born on March 4, 1904 into a poor Jewish family in the village of Davideni - now Davydovka - in the Chernivtsi region. Then this territory was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after the First World War came under the control of Romania, and in 1940 went to the Soviet Union. Now it is the territory of Ukraine. In 1914, Josef and his parents moved to Chernivtsi, a city that in those years was considered one of the prominent European cultural centers.

The musical abilities of the child appeared very early. The boy had a natural ear and constantly sang. In Chernivtsi, he studied at the gymnasium, took music lessons and participated in the children's choir in the city synagogue, mastering the complex technique of cantorial singing. Subsequently, he began to take vocal lessons from the best teacher in the city - Felicia Lerchenfeld-Grzhimali, the niece of Professor Jan Grzhimali, one of the founders of the Russian violin school.

Schmidt's talent was appreciated in 1924 - it was then that his first solo concert took place in the hall of the Musical Society, which has now become the regional Chernivtsi Philharmonic. After a brilliant performance, the Jewish community of the city raised money, which allowed the young talent to settle down and continue his studies in Berlin. There he improved his vocals at the Berlin Academy of Music with Professor Hermann Weissenborn - who, knowing about the poverty of his student, taught him for free.

The singer's misfortune was his small stature - about 150 centimeters, because of which he was not accepted into the opera house. But Schmidt was lucky. At Radio Berlin, they decided to stage operas live - there was no tape recording, so they had to sing live. And Schmidt decided to participate in the competition for the best tenor. He was heard by the famous Dutch baritone Cornelis Bronsgist and immediately said: “You don’t need to look for work anymore, you will still sing here.” Literally after the first performance in 1929, thousands of letters began to come to the editorial office of the radio studio with a request to tell more about the tenor singer and continue to broadcast his performances. Some even admitted that Schmidt's singing heals, relieves depression and stops potential suicides. Over the next four years, Schmidt sang the lead roles in 37 productions.

Foreign tours followed. First, Schmidt gave a solo concert in Vienna, then went to the Middle East. On the way he gave concerts in Bucharest, Sofia, Athens and Istanbul. Everywhere he was waiting for a triumphant success. Tickets in Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Haifa and Jerusalem were immediately sold out. But there were so many people who wanted to get to the concert that the concert in Tel Aviv was repeated four more times. Schmidt himself recorded two unique Jewish prayers in Palestine - Ki lekach tov natati lachem, "Because I gave the right teaching," in Hebrew and Ano avdoh, "I am your servant," in Aramaic.

By a strange coincidence, on January 30, 1933, when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, German radio broadcast Schmidt's speeches almost all day. After each announcement of the course of the elections, the announcer announced: "Our favorite Josef Schmidt is singing again." However, he was not "the favorite of the German people" for long. Less than a month later, he was fired from radio.

It is curious that Reich Chancellor Joseph Goebbels was well acquainted with the work of Schmidt and even on May 9, 1933 attended the premiere of the film "This song goes around the world" - The Song Goes Around the World, in which Schmidt played the main role. The film was originally planned to be called "People's Singer", but the creators soon realized that neither they nor Schmidt were "folk singers" anymore. Screenwriter Ernst Neubach, a Viennese Jew who survived the Holocaust, claimed after the war that Goebbels offered Schmidt 80,000 Reichsmarks a month if he agreed to speak on German radio and become an "honorary Aryan."

In December 1933, Schmidt moved to Vienna and from there continued to travel frequently. Despite the fact that Schmidt had millions of admirers who knew him as a sad person and were ready to console him, he never married. But he started romances often. It is known that he had the longest relationship with the 24-year-old Polish Jewess Lotte Reig, who was married to Otto Koch, also a Jew. It was a stormy relationship, full of scandals and passion. In 1935, Madame Koch announced that she was pregnant by Schmidt. His reaction to this is unknown. In the same year, during a tour, he received a telegram that his son Otto Koch Jr. was born, who survived to this day in Antwerp.

In 1937, Schmidt toured the United States twice and gave six concerts at Carnegie Hall. In Hollywood, he was offered 10 thousand dollars for just three minutes of singing in the film - by modern standards, this is about 170 thousand dollars. But Schmidt decided to return to Europe - to his mother, friends and fans. Here he had to constantly wander - five days before the Anschluss of Austria, he left Vienna with Lotte Reig and her son Otto and traveled around the still unoccupied countries of Europe for a year. In 1939 he ended up in Brussels. There his last dream came true: despite his small stature, he was accepted into the Brussels Royal Opera La Monnaie.

In 1940, the singer, while in France, received a letter from his mother. She begged him to leave Europe. Schmidt did not listen to her - only in November 1941 he bought a ticket to Cuba, but he never flew. Before that, a rich man, now the singer eked out a beggarly existence. He was not allowed to perform, and all assets in banks were frozen by the Nazis. Schmidt's girlfriend Lotte left him a long time ago and fled with her son and new lover to the Netherlands. The singer gave his last concert in the town of Mont-Dore in August 1942 in favor of refugees like himself. Naturally, for free.

After Schmidt, with great risk, he illegally moved to Switzerland, to Zurich. Here he tried to get documents for legalization, but instead he was sent to a refugee camp in the village of Girenbad, 30 kilometers from Zurich. It was October 1942. It was very cold in the dilapidated factory where the camp was located. There were no warm clothes and shoes, the food was bad. During the day, the internees were sent to earthworks. In early November, Schmidt caught a cold and began to experience severe chest pains. Schmidt was admitted to the hospital. There he was visited by tenor Max Lichtegg and baritone Marco Rothmüller, who promised that they would do everything possible to bring the singer back to the concert stage. However, the doctors treated the patient's complaints negligently, considering him a malingerer, and after a short examination and simple procedures, they sent him back to the camp.

On the morning of November 16, the camp commandant released the completely ill Schmidt, accompanied by a comrade, to the Waldegg tavern so that he could rest and warm up. In the tavern, Schmidt became ill, he died before the doctor arrived. A rabbi, also a prisoner, arrived and read Kaddish. In the evening, the body of the deceased was sent to Zurich. The whole camp came out to accompany the hearse. The Swiss guards did not interfere with the procession. Schmidt was 38 years old.

However, the singer's story did not end with his death. Despite the fact that Schmidt's name was forgotten in the countries of the Eastern Bloc, in the West after the war, many record companies kept records of his performances. A beautiful voice, along with a tragic fate, returned the singer to fame.

In history, there are events about which it is not customary to speak, or they are deliberately hushed up, and only insignificant and logically unrelated events emerge to the surface. One of these moments in history is the events of the Second World War, or rather an episode of the story about why Switzerland remained neutral during the war. It is only briefly mentioned in modern literature. But why? The country in which the world's finances are concentrated, stored in banks, the country that was supposed to attract Adolf Hitler, like a tasty and desired piece of the pie, remained on the sidelines? Meanwhile, Hitler captured the whole of Europe, did not pay any attention to Switzerland, and moved further to the East? And between the USSR and Germany, in general, a “Non-Aggression Pact” was signed, and this didn’t stop Hitler at all? Where are the answers, why do we know so little about it?

According to news agencies and newspapers in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is a Jew according to his passport. This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from World War II. The passport was kept in the archives of the special forces of British intelligence, which led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first made public on February 8, 2002 in London. On the cover of the passport is a stamp certifying that Hitler is a Jew. The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine. [Many try to present the passport as a fake.] The origin is Jewish. On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was considered illegitimate for a long time. Maria on this topic, she never spread with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the Rothschild house. “Hitler is Jewish by mother. Goering, Goebbels - Jews. [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

A. Hitler was a Jew. No one has ever refuted, instead, another tactic has been chosen - hushing up, the available indisputable evidence of the Jewish origin of Adolf Hitler Shiklgruber (Alois Schicklgruber), from the seed of which this tyrant was born, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, whose last name he bore. Already among her ancestors there were several Jews. Hitler's biographer, Conrad Heiden, in 1936 identified among them Johann Solomon, as well as several Jews named Hitler, who lived in the very backwoods area from which she came.

After Hitler annexed Austria, on his orders, Jewish cemeteries with tombstones of his ancestors, archival records and other indications of his Jewish origin were methodically and diligently destroyed.

Maria Anna became pregnant as a servant in the house of Solomon Mayer Rothschild. The aging Solomon Mayer was obsessed with young, inexperienced "madchen", and did not miss a single skirt that was within reach. Maria Anna married Johann Georg Hiedler, a Czech Jew. The Hidler family can be traced back to the 15th century. Once they were rich Jews who owned silver mines. Later, Alois changed his maternal surname to the Jewish surname Hiedler or Hitler - in this spelling - a common Jewish surname in Austria. German researchers Maser, Kardel and others cite the words of Hitler himself and numerous evidence that Alois was the son of a Jew Frankenberger, who for many years paid for the maintenance of his son to Maria Schicklgruber. Perhaps Frankenberger is a figurehead through which the money came from the Rothschilds. In any case, this is a very important indication that everything related to Hitler will definitely lead to “one more, and one more” Jew.

Adolf Hitler was born and raised in a Jewish family, in a Jewish environment, dressed like a Jew, looked like a Jew, moved among Jews, was friends with Jews and was supported by them at first, and received his political education (by his own admission) by studying , observing and criticizing the tactics of the Zionist Jews. Masses of Jews voted for Hitler, and from abroad he was initially supported by Jewish circles and the British aristocracy close to them.

Throughout the war, the Rothschilds remained the owners of Hitler's newspapers!

And the Rothschild-Rockefeller chemical giant Faben was the backbone of the Hitlerite economy, which was insisted on the capital of the largest Jewish and German-Jewish financiers (Krupps, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds - among them), as well as the military-political power of Nazi Germany.

In his brilliant study, Henneke Kardelj writes about the many Austrian Jews (such as Hitler himself) who gather in small circles over beer, wearing Nazi swastika orders and discussing their war crimes committed in the ranks of the Wehrmacht.

There is no doubt that among them there are many holders of Israeli citizenship. Kardelj emphasizes that the Nazi criminals of Jewish origin not only were not punished, but also continued to commit crimes non-stop: already in the ranks of the Israeli army. He refers to the book of the German author of Jewish origin, Dietrich Bronder, (Dietrich Bronder, "Before Hitler Came"), which sums up, comparable to the well-known fact about 99 percent of Jews in the first Soviet government and about the overwhelming Jewish majority in the Cheka and in the institute commissioners.

The Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler was a Jew or a half-Jew. And Reichsminister Rudolf Hess. And Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, all three of whose wives were "purebred" Jews. And the federal chairman of the Nazi Party, Gregor Strasser. Head of the SS Reinhard Heydrich, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsminister von Ribbentrop, von Ködell, Jordan and Wilhelm Hube, Erich von dem Bach-Zelinsky, Adolf Eichmann. This list goes on and on.

We only emphasize that all of the above were related to the project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine and to the extermination of European Jews.

Jewish bankers of Hitler and his Jewish supporters before 1933: Ritter von Strauss, von Stein, General Field Marshal and Secretary of State Milch, Deputy Secretary of State Gauss, Philipp von Lenhard, Abram Esau, professor and chief of the Nazi Party press, friend of Hitler Haushofer, who later he will become an adviser to the American President Roosevelt, the Rothschild, Shif, Rockefeller, and other clans. This list can also be continued.

Three individuals played a major role in the creation of Nazi Zionist Israel and in the extermination of the Jews of Europe: Hitler himself, half Jewish, Heydrich, a "three-quarters" Jew, and Adolf Eichmann, "100% Jewish."

It is a well-known fact that the American President Roosevelt and the English Nazi Prime Minister Churchill were half-Jewish. They knew about the Jewish origin of Hitler.

Leading Jewish bankers, industrialists, politicians, members of secret societies, Jewish oligarchs in Germany, England and America also knew.

Prominent Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and members of other sects, such as the Bush clan, groups and societies, were aware of Hitler's Jewish origins.

Their support for Hitler reads like elementary Jewish solidarity. Leading activists of the anti-Zionist movement and talented historians argue that the State of Israel, formed under the ideological leadership of Nazi Germany and according to the plans of Hitler-Himmler-Goebbels-Eichmann, is the only heir to the Third Reich in the world.

The first full-scale experiment to breed a "superman", a "synthetic" pure Aryan race "was set up not on the Germans, but on the German Jews. This by no means laboratory experiment was carried out by the fascist leadership with the full assistance and cooperation of the Zionist elite. Together with the Gestapo, the Zionists, in the person of the Sokhnut (Jewish Agency), selected single and mostly young German Jews. With a standard set of "Aryan signs." And in a roundabout way they sent those selected to Palestine, with weapons in their hands, to fight for a new order and the creation of a new person.

One of the conditions was the renunciation of the "past", "bourgeois-philistine" morality and the ability to show, where necessary - cruelty, ruthlessness and adherence to principles. There was an official name for this entire operation - "Operation Transfer" - and the future Jewish state was to be called "Palestine". The Nazi leadership established a special organization that was in charge of the transportation of the past selection - the "Palestinian Bureau"; it transported the most devoted Jews to Palestine, ready to die for fascist ideals. To coordinate political and ideological plans and military actions against Britain, the Zionist leaders regularly maintained contacts with the leadership of Nazi Germany (visiting the Fatherland). The joint German-Zionist actions were coordinated by such prominent figures of the Third Reich as Himmler, Eichmann, Admiral Canaris, Hitler himself. True, Himmler later revised his attitude towards the Zionist project.

The ideological connection with the fundamental "values" of Nazi Germany, with its atmosphere and style, has been preserved in Israel to this day. It is no coincidence that Hitler's Mein Kampf, published in Hebrew in 1992 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, has become a reference book for Hebrew-speaking youth...

Thousands of Jewish collaborators who collaborated with the Gestapo, employees of the Jewish Nazi gendarmerie "Judenraten", members of the autonomous Jewish fascist authorities - were almost never held accountable in Israel.

Israel is a country where tens of thousands of young neo-Nazis communicate, exchange experiences, read Hitler and believe in neo-Nazi ideas. New immigrants from Europe are often slammed in the face with "go to your gas chambers".

In their famous 10 Questions to Zionists, some Orthodox Jews accused the Zionist leadership of fascism and of being directly responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews. They cite irrefutable facts of the intentional disruption by the Zionists (in particular, the Jewish Agency) of the negotiations initiated by the German Nazis (Gestapo) on the "evacuation" (deportation) of European Jews. The deliberate disruption of a specific plan for the evacuation (rescue) of European Jews was carried out by the Zionists in 1941-42 and in 1944.

On February 18, 1943, the head of the Rescue Commission of the "Jewish Agency" Greenbaum, in his speech addressed to the "Zionist Executive Council," stated: then I would again and again answer no!

He could not resist such a statement, repeating the words of Weizmann - "One cow in Palestine is more valuable than all the Jews of Poland!"

And this is not surprising, since the main idea behind the Zionist support for the killing of innocent Jews was to instill such horror in the survivors that they would believe that the only safe place for them was in Israel. How else could the Zionists convince the Jews to leave the beautiful European cities in which they lived and settle in the desert!

By about 1942, the Nazi leadership decided that they had already sent all the Jews "suitable for Palestine" from Germany. From that moment on, it was ready, within the framework of certain "barter deals", to release a certain number of Jews, but only on the condition that they did not go to Palestine.

Who did Hitler see as Zionists?

Meetings between the Zionist elite and the leadership of fascist Germany set as their main goal the coordination of joint actions against Great Britain and the development of military-economic cooperation. At a low level, there were hundreds or even thousands of such contacts. All Jewish organizations, except for the Zionist ones, were banned on the territory of the Third Reich. As for the attitude towards the Zionists, the Hitlerite leadership issued a widely known directive calling on local authorities and various levels of imperial bureaucratic structures to assist them in every possible way. In his long-term program of limiting power, and in the prospect of its abolition, of the church, as well as in his other plans, Hitler saw the Zionists as faithful allies. Particularly close relations developed between the Zionist organizations and the Gestapo.

The Gestapo vehicles featured a double-headed eagle on one side and Zionist symbols on the other.

The Fascist authorities maintained extensive contacts with the rank and file of Zionist organizations throughout Germany. They continued regularly throughout the second half of the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s in the form of scheduled meetings, mainly trips of Zionist delegations to Berlin. Formally - to divert eyes - these meetings were called "negotiations". We know only about those delegates who, in one way or another, "shone", while the majority remained forever in the shadows. Chaim Weizmann's trips to Italy to meet with Mussolini (1933-34) "do not count": the latter, although the founder of fascism, had no direct relation to Nazism. Even the small fraction that we know immediately dismisses all assumptions (Michael Dorfman) about the "non-regularity" and "disposability" of Zionist-Nazi contacts.

Trips of Yair Stern, the founder of LEHI, to Berlin to meet with the Nazi leadership (presumably 1940 and 1942).

Several meetings of Lehi operative Naftali Levenchuk with German agents, and, in particular, with Ambassador von Pappen in Istanbul in 1942.

Adolf Eichmann's trip to Palestine (where he was born) to negotiate with the Zionist leaders: 1941-1942. It is believed that he met with Yitzhak Shamir, Yair Stern, Naftali Levenchuk and other prominent representatives of the Zionist right wing.

Journey of the head of the Jewish Department of the SS, von Mildenstein, to Palestine, where he met with leading Zionist leaders (1933-34).

Trips of Chaim Orlozorov (Head of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency) to Rome (meeting with Mussolini) and to Berlin: 1933 and 1932.

Several meetings of Chaim Weizmann with Mussolini (1933-34) and with Adolf Eichmann (1940s).

Permanent and long-term relationship between Chaim Weizmann and von Ribbentrop.

Meeting in Berlin of one of the leaders of the Haganah - Feifel Polkes - with Adolf Eichmann: in February 1937

Contacts of the head of LEHI Yitzhak Shamir with A. Eichmann, Hitler and Himmler: 1940 and 1941. His own unsuccessful trip to such negotiations: the British arrested him in Beirut: 1942

Negotiations of J. Brand on behalf of the Jews with the leaders of Germany: 1944. Negotiations of Rudolf Kastner on behalf of the Jews with the leaders of Germany: 1944.

One professional historian expressed this opinion: “Feifel Polkes, and Chaim Weizmann, and Yitzhak Shamir, and other leaders and prominent figures of the world Zionist movement, and even the little-known J. Brand, were all Nazi Germany’s own agents, and not the other side, like you imagine."

Created in 1942 in Palestine under the leadership of Yair (Stern), the Jewish terrorist organization LEHI (Lohamei Herut Yisrael - Israel Freedom Fighters) turned to the Nazis with a proposal to assist the German army in expelling the British from Palestine.

Rothschild in Germany was very wealthy and had a wonderful collection of Persian rugs. Once the Nazis came to him, and everything was confiscated from him. Then Rothschild wrote a letter to Hitler, where he demanded the return of his wealth, and also demanded that he be released to Switzerland. Hitler responded to Rothschild with a letter, apologized, returned all the wealth, but left the "Rothschild" Persian carpets for Eva Braun, and in return gave money from the state treasury to purchase no less worthy ones. The SS then deliver it to the Jew Rothschild, the banker. And then, when Rothschild said that these Nazis who march through the streets spoil his nerves, he ordered a special train and ordered Himmler to accompany Rothschild, loaded to the top with his riches, gold, to the border of Switzerland.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party from Swiss bankers for the poor and those who refused to serve the world kahal, among whom there were no Jews. The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Germany from 1934 to 1945 were studied in schools. Faith is a zealous Christian Adolf Hitler is a zealous Christian. To attack the Soviet Union received the support and approval of the Vatican. "Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism." [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.] Cleansing of the Jewish nation - entrusted to Hitler Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves indicated to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the world kahal. While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel. In the concentration camps, the SS was assisted by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Nazi regime. PR-action "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler. Yervei took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people. And, although this is a lie, Hitler's merit in the formation of such a large-scale "Flag" is undeniable. For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law has been passed that establishes punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust. The work of resettling Jews in other countries was entrusted to Hitler.

The well-known version of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun suits the official historians of fascism, democracy and communism - everyone who receives scientific grants, scholarships and salaries and serves the "higher interests" of nations and peoples. Having shot himself with a pistol, Hitler became a mythological hero of neo-Nazism, isotherism and mysticism. However, Joseph Stalin until 1948 was very skeptical about the operational materials of the NKVD, more trusting the information of military intelligence.

From their information it followed that on May 1, 1945, in the area of ​​the 52nd Guards Rifle Division, a group of German tanks broke through from Berlin, leaving at high speed to the north-west, where on May 2 it was destroyed by parts of the 1st Army of the Polish troops about 15 kilometers away. from Berlin.

In the center of the tank group, powerful Weasels and Meinbachs were seen leaving the tank formation on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The examination of the remains of E. Braun and A. Hitler, found next to the Reich Chancellery, was carried out extremely sloppily, but even on the basis of its materials, specialists from the special services revealed a picture of obvious fraud. So, golden bridges were put into the oral cavity of Eva Braun, made really by her order, but never installed by the Fuhrer's future wife. The same story was with the mouth of "Adolf Hitler". The Nazi double No. 1 was literally stuffed in the oral cavity with newly made teeth according to the schemes of Hitler's personal dentist - Blaschke.

A native of a low-income family, Joseph Goebbels became one of the most recognizable political figures of the 20th century, about whom books are still being written (Prelude of Barbarossa), films are being made. Poor health, Goebbels could command the crowd with just one word, for which he received the favor of the chief ruler of the Third Reich.

Childhood and youth

The future Gauleiter was born on October 29 in Germany, in Reidt, a small industrial town. In the Goebbels family there were no figures of power and people inclined to politics.

Josef's father Friedrich worked as an employee in a lamp factory, and then was engaged in accounting, and his mother Maria ran the household and raised the children, in addition to Josef, the family had five more children: two sons and three daughters. Maria was a native of Holland and did not have a primary education, so she spoke a vernacular German dialect until the end of her life.

Seven people lived in cramped conditions, sometimes there was not even enough money for food, because Friedrich was the only breadwinner.

Therefore, from early childhood, Joseph was embittered because of the injustice in the world: the rich have a lot of money and profit from the work of ordinary working people, which was the family of the future politician.

There were no aristocrats and eminent personalities in the Goebbels family. Goebbels personally publishes his family tree, refuting rumors that there were Jews in the Gauleiter family.

The family in which Joseph grew up was distinguished by piety, the father and mother of the future politician professed Catholicism and taught their son to be religious. Friedrich taught children that success in life can be achieved through thrift and hard work, so Joseph knew from childhood what saving is and what it is like to deny yourself luxury.

The future comrade-in-arms grew up as a sickly child, he had poor health, survived pneumonia, which could be fatal. Most likely, the young man caught a cold due to the fact that there was no heating in the house of the Goebbels family due to lack of money.

When the boy was 4 years old, he experienced a serious illness - purulent inflammation in the bone marrow: osteomyelitis led to the fact that the young man began to limp: his leg became 10 centimeters shorter due to hip surgery.

In his biographical diary, Goebbels recalled that due to the deformity of his right leg, his peers did not like him, so the little boy was alone and often played the piano, since the child had practically no friends.

Although the family of Dr. Goebbels was a believer, Joseph began to be skeptical of any manifestation of religion, this was facilitated by his illness. The young man believed that he was unfairly physically inferior, and, therefore, there was no higher power. Cynicism, skepticism and bitterness - these are the character traits that the boy developed from an early age.

Later, the injury also played on the pride of young Josef, since at the height of the First World War, due to physical injury, he was refused to volunteer for the army, unlike his peers who were 16-17 years old. Goebbels considered this circumstance the main shame in life, and besides, those who got to the front humiliated Joseph in every possible way.

Goebbels drew consolation from loneliness from books: the future politician in childhood was smart beyond his years and diligently studied literature. In addition to literature, young Joseph's favorites were ancient mythology and the ancient Greek language.

Goebbels studied at one of the best Reidt schools and proved himself to be a bright student who was given any subjects.

After graduating from high school, Goebbels studied subjects at the universities of Bonn, Würzburg, Freiburg and Munich. The Catholic organization named after Albert the Great, in which Goebbels' parents were members, issued an interest-free loan for the young man's studies: Maria and Frederick wanted their son to become a pastor.

However, the student refused the desire of his parents and did not diligently engage in theology: the young Goebbels preferred philology, history, literature and other humanitarian subjects. One of Paul's favorite writers -. The politician himself later called the Russian philosopher "spiritual father." However, this is not surprising, because in life Goebbels was like the characters in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich.

In his youth, Paul Joseph Goebbels dreamed of becoming a journalist and tried himself in the literary field as a poet and playwright. In the summer of 1919, Josef began work on his first autobiographical novel, The Early Years of Michael Forman.

At the University named after Ruprecht and Karl, located in the city of Heidelberg, Goebbels defends his doctoral dissertation on the work of the little-known playwright Wilhelm von Schutz. Later, the Gauleiter, on occasion, boasts of this achievement, and many called him Dr. Goebbels.

Nazi activities

The writing activity of the future companion of Hitler did not work out, Paul is trying to publish his works, but these attempts are not crowned with success.

The last straw of Goebbels' patience was that the theater refused to put on the sentimental and whining play Der Wanderer (which means "Wanderer"), written by Josef.

As a result of these events, Goebbels decided that literature was not his way, and preferred political goals.

So in 1922, Josef joined the left wing of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which at that time was led by Otto Strasser.

In 1924, Dr. Goebbels tried his hand at journalism, becoming editor of the propaganda newspaper Völkische Freiheit, and in the fall of 1925, Paul Joseph worked on the National Socialist Letters, which belonged to the party's press organ, centered around the Strasser brothers. During the editorial activities of Goebbels, Adolf Hitler was known as a bad politician, especially after an unsuccessful attempt to seize state power (Beer putsch, 1923).

Therefore, initially, Joseph openly opposed the Fuhrer in his articles, calling him a "bourgeois": initially, Goebbels considered himself a socialist and a faithful servant of the working class, and also reverently treated the USSR, considering this country sacred.

At a two-hour meeting in Bamberg in 1926, which was devoted to criticizing Strasser's worldview, Hitler condemned socialism, calling it the creation of the Semites, and also fiercely defended the point of view about the belonging of the Germans to the super-race. Hitler's speech disappointed Goebbels, which he wrote about in his diary.

Hitler tried to lure the doctor to his ideological side, and soon the Fuhrer succeeded: after meeting Adolf Hitler, Goebbels completely changes his position about belonging to the party, and tries to keep silent about his former love for the Soviet Union.

A few years later, as a party leader, Goebbels returned to writing, changing the story "Michael" and finishing the play "The Wanderer", which was shown in Berlin in the autumn of 1927. The only publication that did not criticize Der Wanderer was Der Angriff, which was run by Josef.

Minister of Propaganda

The very idea of ​​Nazi propaganda came to Hitler after the events of the Beer Putsch in the 1920s. While in custody, the Fuhrer writes the book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), which reflects Adolf's spiritual mood. Based on this experience, on March 11, 1933, the Reich Chancellor decided to create the Imperial Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda, where Joseph Goebbels became the head.

The success of the Nazi ideology among the Germans was largely due to the brilliant oratory of the leaders of the party, as well as the media. Youthful hobbies for literature and journalism came into Josef's hands. Due to the intelligibility in psychology and the ability to correctly express thoughts, Goebbels knew how to get the crowd to raise their hands in the air with the exclamation of "Heil Hitler!"

Paul believed that the primitive population of the street likes to listen rather than speak, and to communicate with ordinary people in a simple and understandable language, sometimes repeating the same statement several times.

“Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. The search for intellectual truth is not part of the task of propaganda,” said the German politician.

Thanks to the speeches of Goebbels, bloody battles arose between the communists and the National Socialists on the German streets. On January 14, 1930, the son of a priest, Horst Wessel, was mortally wounded by a shot in the head by members of the Communist Party ("Union of Red Front Soldiers"). This news delighted Goebbels, because thanks to the informational occasion in his press, Joseph was able to turn society against the Untermensch - adherents of the Communist Party.

With the help of the fourth power, Goebbels manipulated people, praised Nazism and turned the Germans against Jews and communists. If for many countries journalism was only a political tool, then for Josef the media personified unlimited power. Moreover, it did not matter whether the inhabitants of Germany knew about the exact tasks of the Third Reich, but it was important that the people go after the leader.

Some attribute to Goebbels the quote: “Give me the media, and I will make a herd of pigs out of any people,” but historians believe that Josef did not say this.

The Second World War

Goebbels supported the aggressive policy of the Fuhrer, who in the winter of 1933 addressed the armed forces of Germany with a proposal to conquer the territory of the East and violate the peace treaty of Versailles.

Joseph's main activity in World War II was the same anti-communist propaganda: Goebbels inspired hope in the front-line soldiers with impeccable speeches, but Joseph did not go into the course of the war, as well as diplomatic issues. That is, Hitler was the leader of the German people, and Joseph Goebbels was the inspirer.

In 1943, when the fascist army was threatened with defeat, the propagandist made a famous speech about "Total War", calling for the use of all available means to help win.

In 1944, Josef was appointed chief of mobilization. But, despite this position, Goebbels continued to support the German soldiers, announcing that he was waiting for them at home even in the event of a defeat.


This term has two meanings, narrow and wide. In the first sense, the Holocaust is identified with the mass persecution and killing of Jews living in Germany; in a broad sense, this concept refers to the destruction of many races during the Second World War that do not belong to the Aryans. The Nazis also persecuted inferior people (according to the Nazis): the elderly and the disabled.

Joseph Goebbels became the first politician of the Third Reich who openly declared his anti-Semitic hostility. Historians are confused as to where the hatred of Jews for the representative of German propaganda came from. Some believe that Goebbels disliked this nationality since childhood. Others are sure that an ardent admirer of Hitler sought to indulge him in everything: after entering politics, Joseph demanded from Adolf that he quickly resolve the Jewish issue. The problem of the Jews was discussed by Hitler and Goebbels at almost every meeting.

Interestingly, Goebbels was a self-contradictory person, because he strongly rejected the idea of ​​scientific racism.

According to estimates for 1942, about 62,000 Semites lived in the capital of Germany, whom they tried to expel to the East. Joseph knew that most of the people he hated were subjected to brutal extermination and torture in concentration camps, but the propagandist was not against such a policy, believing that the Jews deserve it. On December 19, 1931, Goebbels marries his beloved Magda, who admired Joseph's speeches. The couple has six children. Hitler adored Magdalena and considered her a close friend.

Legal marriage did not prevent Goebbels from enjoying women's company on the side: the German politician was often seen in the circle of girls of easy virtue and often participated in orgies.

The Nazi was also fond of the Czech actress Lida Baarova, which was contrary to the German ideology. Goebbels had to humiliatingly explain himself to party members for his love affair.

Goebbels' contemporaries said that the doctor was a cheerful person: in many photographs and videos, Goebbels does not hide sincere laughter. However, Brunnhilde Pomsel, Josef's former secretary, recalled in an interview that the propagandist was a cold and callous person.


On April 18, 1945, hopeless Goebbels burns his last personal notes. After the defeat of the fascist army, the ruler of the Third Reich, deified by Goebbels, commits suicide along with his wife. According to the will of Adolf Joseph, he was to become Chancellor of the Reich.

The suicide of the Fuhrer led Goebbels to a mental shock: he regretted that Germany had lost such a person, and declared that he would follow his example.

After Hitler's death, Josef had the hope of being saved, but the Soviet Union refused to negotiate. The propagandist, along with his children and his wife Magda, move to a bunker located on the territory of Berlin.

In the spring of 1945, on the territory of the bunker, at the request of Magdalena, all six children are given morphine injections, and cyanide is put in the children's mouths. At night, Goebbels and his wife go for salts of hydrocyanic acid. Further, nothing is known about the murder of children and the suicide of the Goebbels spouses: on May 2, 1945, Russian soldiers found the charred remains of seven people.


  • "The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state, penetrating into all spheres of public life."
  • "We're pouring cold showers of denial."
  • “A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. However, he must be able to use the will of the people.”
  • "Propaganda loses its power as soon as it becomes overt."
  • "Jurisprudence is the corrupt girl of politics."

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