Home Fertilizers Why is the bearded dreaming? Why is a beard dreaming - the interpretation of sleep. Dreamed of an unfamiliar man with a beard

Why is the bearded dreaming? Why is a beard dreaming - the interpretation of sleep. Dreamed of an unfamiliar man with a beard

Beard. If a beard appears in a graceful dream, this is a warning to a man that he is too reckless in his waking days and does not think about the potential consequences of his irresponsible behavior. His subconscious mind gives him a dream sign that he should be more responsible and prudent, especially when he has to make important decisions.

Why dream of a beard - Freud's dream book

When a beard dreams, a dream warns against meeting some inadequate person, as this can cause serious trouble and discomfort.
If this symbol appears in a dream in some context, it may be a sign of your subconscious mind that you are too lazy to live, and you should be more active, because it can significantly improve your mood.

This symbol can also mean that you will soon make an amazing discovery that will completely change your life, but it is unknown, in a positive or negative sense.

When dreaming that a beard grew in a dream, it is a sign that you will soon have a new experience that will amaze you.

Dreaming of a black beard, means that after a stressful case, you will remember and begin to look more confidently at your situation.

Dreaming of a gray beard, the dream book says that this is a warning that you are either in great danger or even risking your life, so you must be extremely careful.

if you dream of a long beard, this is a preview of an important meeting in which you will participate in the near future, you can expect that someone will entrust you with a very important and responsible task. ,

Symbol - growing beard there will most likely be love at first sight, while a shaved beard is a general frustration, lack of energy and a weakening of your body.

If you see thick beard in a dream, it is a sign that you will soon have new, more professional opportunities.

Dreaming familiar with beard is a financial loss or failure on a professional basis.

if you a man with a beard dreams about a woman, it is a promise that you will soon benefit from someone else's valuable life experiences and learn something important that will make a big difference to you in the future.

A child with a beard is dreaming Sleep can signal that you have lost your value in your waking life and are characterized by spiritual emptiness and the absence of a clear goal towards which you could strive.

In general, this symbol can mean that you are missing out on romance in relation to a loved one and would like some kind of romantic story to become a part of you. It can also mean that you are dreaming too much and out of touch with reality.

Why does a man with a beard dream - Miller's dream book

If you see a man with a beard, this is a sign that you will soon experience a wonderful love event.

If you dream of an old man with a beard, this may reflect your daily doubts about which of the two people you decide to choose, to whom you decide to give your love.

Why does a woman dream of a beard on her face - Dream Interpretation of Wangi

A woman dreams of a beard on her face are predictions of unhealthy emotional experiences that you can expect in the near future.
When this symbol appears in a dream, no matter where it occurs, it is a sign that in the near future you will enjoy excellent health and you are not in danger of serious illness.

If dream of cutting a beard, this is a positive sign that you will soon learn very good things about the person you are working with. This will be a very positive experience for you because you will be sure that you can trust him and he will not fail under any circumstances.

This symbol has many different meanings. For example, it may indicate some plans or feelings that are just sprouting in you, and it will take a long time before finally pulling something out of them.

It can also be a signal that for some reason you do not feel safe and you would like to find a place where you can finally feel yourself or someone who will be your refuge for peace and support.

And finally, it may be a sign of your subconscious mind that you should develop in some respects, and not dwell on the current situation, which objectively leaves much to be desired.

Why does a woman dream of a beard on her face - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dream that the woman has a beard on her face, this is a very clear sign that you are just starting a new phase of your life, and it is up to you to decide whether it will be good or bad.

If this symbol appears in a dream and does not contain any additional details, it could be a sign that you are tired and lack physical strength and mental strength, and you must recover your lost resources for a long rest.

It can also mean that you are very serious about your future and that you are a mature and wise person.

If my husband's beard is dreaming This is a sign that you are surrounded by friendly people who give you friendship and you can count on them in any situation.

Why dream of a beard and mustache - Dream interpretation Hasse

Dreaming of a beard and mustache This is a signal that you are not feeling well in the professional world right now and you need to take some steps to make a difference.

When this symbol appears in a dream in some context, it is usually an announcement of great changes that will soon begin in your life, opening a new stage. It is also a signal from your subconscious mind that you must proceed very carefully now so that you do not fail from the very beginning, which will encourage you to keep working.

When in some context you dream of a big beard, the dream book says about this symbol, that this is a sign that you do not need to worry about the situation in which you are now, because soon one of your relatives will rush to help you, and your support will force you to quickly cope with these problems, which now seem hopeless.

Why dream of shaving a beard - Dream Interpretation Longo

If dream of shaving a beard in a dream, this is a sign that for some reason you are very disappointed and possibly disappointed.

If dreaming about a beautiful beard, it is the promise of a positive and joyful time that will soon begin in your life.

An old man with a white beard is dreaming, means you have a problem and you have no idea how to deal with it. Your subconscious mind is giving you a sign that the solution is in your head, so you must carefully analyze it again, and soon you will feel the relief that comes from solving this constant problem.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Beard in a dream what is the dream of the dreamer

Beard - To have a beard in a dream - to profit, black - to surprise, red - to trouble, gray - to great honor, respect, if your beard turned gray - it means that in reality you will lack the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require of you ... Ironing a beard - to a loss, combing - to respect, blackening - to success, pinching - to a change in business.

For a man to have a big beard - to power and honor. A woman can see her beard - she can expect evil, a quarrel at a wedding or at a party, but if the beard is beautiful and well-groomed - to get what was expected. A pregnant beard dreams of the birth of a boy, and a girl dreams of marriage. Seeing someone else's very long and beautiful beard in a dream means that in reality you will be successful in dubious matters, a black beard - to health.

To see an old man with a beard - you will have a meeting with a kind adviser, but if he has a red beard - you can be deceived. Seeing a bearded woman in a dream - to the need to take care of your health. Seeing a man shaving his beard is an unexpected nuisance. Before our eyes, a beard grows - to an increase in prosperity. If a man in a dream let go of his sideburns, not having them in life, then such a dream promises unexpected profits and income.

Miller's dream book

Why is Beard dreaming in a dream

Beard - Beard indicates that some kind of ill-wisher will confront you, which will lead to a fierce struggle for power, in which you are most likely to suffer losses. A gray beard is a sign of defeat and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman - to unpleasant meetings and a protracted illness. If someone pulls you by the beard in a dream, then you are at risk if you do not sacrifice property.

Combing and admiring her means that your vanity will grow with your wealth, making you unpleasant to old friends. If a girl admires a beard in a dream, then this shows her desire to break her vow of celibacy and her fear of getting into an unsuccessful marriage.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

Analyzing a vision in which you dreamed of trimming your beard

Beard - An ambivalent symbol that can mean, on the one hand, wisdom as a sign of things that have lived a long life, on the other hand, camouflage, disguise. Because the beard allows you to hide both beautiful prominent features and ugly ones and is thus misleading and deceiving.

Female dream book

Why does a woman dream of Beard, what is this dream about?

To dream of a beard growing is a sign of the acquisition of material wealth. To shave off someone's beard is to conceive and commit an unjust act. Black beard dreams of recovery; a luxurious, long beard - to unexpected protection; redhead - expect insidiousness from your friends.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does Beard mean in a dream

Beard - Seeing how it grows - to wealth (the same for the hair on the legs); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; to cut - money and personal losses; to cut another - to a quarrel, trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or connection; for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband; for a widow - to the next marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relations, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; red - cunning friends (yellow - envy).

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the beard

Beard - A symbol of manhood, the difference between a man and a young man. In the old days, men never shaved their beards. It was considered a great insult if one man grabbed another by the beard. In fairy tales, the beard of sorcerers was endowed with magical power.

To dream of a man with a beard, which, when the light changes, casts blue, is a sign of jealousy; unfounded suspicions of a spouse's betrayal; to acquaintance with a person who will win the heart, but will not give anything in return. To see a man with a large curly beard with a shovel on a frosty day - your ally will be a reliable partner; to rich profits; to measured communication.

To see a man with a gray beard who leads a young girl by the arm is a betrayal; to the loss of a heartfelt friend; to an unhappy date; to the disclosure of secrets, secrets from personal life; to an unpleasant conversation with a lover. To see a grandfather with a long beard, who dances squatting, is a frivolous act; to unfulfilled promises; to the unloved business. To see a man cut off his beard and he cries is a public insult; to deep experiences; to an accident that will permanently take you out of working condition.

Tearing hair out of a beard - to fulfill desires; to a meeting with a powerful person; to a frank conversation with an elderly person; to the awkwardness that you will experience due to communication with a person who is older than you; get wise advice. To dream of a man with a red beard, shaped like a goat's beard - beware of the devil's tricks; do not trust people who promise a lot of benefits; a dexterous and nimble person who can deceive you will appear on your way.

Seeing a woman dragging a peasant by the beard is a sign of guilt; to concern for the other half; to a fight in the house. To see a man voluntarily agree to have his gorgeous beard shaved off is a waste; unknowingly, you will bring grief to others; beware of hasty decisions and urgent projects. Seeing a boy with a real male beard is a disease; to the surprise; to unexpected news that will change your life; your child will do something that will make everyone look at him with different eyes.

Seeing a beard of incredible length - fate will bring you together with a wise man; you will find a spiritual guide, teacher; to cooperate with a person, wise experience; to longevity and health.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Beard dreaming in a dream

They say how a beautiful, big beard dreams, then there will be some profit for this person; and how you cut your beard or shave, then there will be some kind of loss. To see how a beard grows is an increase in property; to shave off someone's beard - to commit evil, injustice; black beard - health; luxurious and long - you have many kind patrons, defenders; redhead - insidious friends; crawling out the hair on the beard - a great sorrow. Ironing a beard is a loss. As a girl dreams that she has a beard, then the loss of her beloved.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpreting the beard from your dream

Beard - For a man - power, respect, acquisition; curly or red - deception, envious; long - an indication of magical power and spiritual power. Cutting, losing a beard is a bad sign of loss. A girl's beard - marriage, the birth of a son; a woman has a loss, a break in relations. A child's beard is a sign of a special mission of his fate or his death, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Old French dream book

Beard - why dream

To see a beard in a dream is a good sign, because a beard means strength and greatness. Even more favorable is a dream in which you see a long beard or a bearded feature - this is a harbinger of success and prosperity. If a married woman shaves her beard in a dream, it means that her husband is in trouble. If you see yourself in a dream with a beautiful long beard, this promises you a successful turn in your life: overcoming obstacles, an important meeting for you, success.

If a girl sees in a dream that she has a beard, it means that she will marry at will and she will have many children. If a married woman sees the same dream, it means that she will soon be forced to become the head of her house. And if a pregnant woman sees him, she will give birth to a boy. Losing a beard in a dream or seeing someone pulling it out or shaving it portends a loss of wealth, the loss of loved ones.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918.

Why is Beard dreaming

Seeing a beard growing in a dream is a sign of wealth; in curls - a quarrel; to cut - monetary losses; shaving is an unexpected nuisance; to have in a dream - profit; if a woman sees herself with a beard - getting what she wants; to see an old man with a beard is a good advisor; red beard - deception; ironing is a loss.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Beard as an image in a dream

Beard - Seeing how it grows - property will increase; to cut someone's hair off - to commit a deliberate injustice; plucking a beard - you must reassure your principals; to see a black beard - health; to see luxurious and long - you have a lot of protection; to see a razor (falls out) - great sorrow; to see a redhead - cunning buddies.

Esoteric dream book

Beard in night dreams

Seeing yourself with a beard that doesn't exist in reality is a hobby that is unusual for your age. Combing - to love interests. Cutting - for activities more suitable for children and young people. To shave off - you are ashamed of your hobbies, but the refusal of them will impoverish your life and deprive it of meaning, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Beard in the ancient sense

If someone sees his long beard in a dream, this is to glory and honor, and a short beard always symbolizes a lack of honor and dignity. Pulling your beard in a dream - to wastefulness and remorse. If a woman sees herself in a dream with a beard, then her absent husband will return, and if he is at home, he will leave. If she is a widow, she will marry, and if she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son over time. If that woman has a son, then he will be the eldest in the family.

If a child sees himself in a dream with a beard, then this is a formidable portent that he may die before reaching adulthood. If someone sees in a dream that he has dyed his beard and at the same time that paint will have some specific color, for example henna, then the dreamer is destined to put on expensive festive clothes. If you dream about the coloring of a beard of an indefinite color, for example, the color of mud or lime, then for the dreamer this is a formidable sign: his affairs may fall into such decay that it will not be easy to get hold of a simple mat.

A dream in which you discovered that your beard has become white will achieve prominence, honor and dignity. An indication for those who saw themselves in a dream with a very thick beard - for wealthy people this dream is favorable, since it leads to an increase in capital, and for the poor and needy, it is unfavorable, because it promises a further increase in debts.

Explanatory dream book

Why is Beard dreaming

Beard - To have in a dream - profit; a woman sees herself with a beard - getting the expected; a man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance; to see an old man with a beard - to have a good advisor; to see someone have a red beard - Deceit.

Idiomatic dream book

Beard - what symbolizes what he saw

"Leave or stay with a beard" - that is, with nothing; "Gray hair in a beard, a demon in a rib" - reckless actions, despite experience; "Bearded thoughts", "bearded anecdote" - something outdated, unattractive.

Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book

If you dream in a dream Beard

Beard - An ambivalent symbol indicating wisdom and sacred power, but also hiding truth and disappointed hopes. The phallic symbol, as the dream book says, is a fortuneteller.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Beard is dreaming, what does this mean?

Beard is a Dual Symbol. On the one hand - masculinity and success in life. On the other hand, there is a warning about masking the real face. For a man to have a large beard in a dream is power, success. Losing a beard is a loss. For a girl - to marriage, the birth of a son.

Dream interpretation of Azar

Why dreamed of pulling the beard according to spiritual sources

Beard - Profit, shaving - at a loss.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Why is Beard dreaming in a dream

Beard - Long - respect and honor - short - humiliation, anxiety - to see how your property grows - to increase your property - to cut someone off - to commit a deliberate injustice - to pluck a beard - You must reassure your clients - black - health - luxurious and long - very you have a lot of protection - to see the beard crawled out, falling out - great sorrow - loose - treacherous friends.

Small Velesov dream book

Beard in a dream what does it mean

Beard grows - Profit, wealth; to have - profit, the birth of a son (pregnant), marriage // loss of a lover (to a girl, a widow), widowhood (married), death (to a child); beautiful, thick - luck, wealth, money, find, profit; gray-haired - honor; black - health // sadness, tears; redhead - deception, unfaithful friends; long - strength, respect, you have defenders; short - court; in curls - a quarrel with relatives; shave, cut - loss, dishonor, harm, unexpected nuisance; trim - improvement of affairs; to cut another - to do evil, quarrel; combing a beard - income, wealth; overgrow - benefit; peeling off - grief, humiliation, shame; stroking is a loss, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Beard what does it mean for the dreamer

I have a long beard - Respect, short - a court session, process, or parents will be called to school for a teacher's council.

Slavic dream book

Beard in a dream why dream

Beard - to see on yourself - you are too on your mind, but defeat awaits you. Seeing a bearded man or, even more so, a woman - someone will be ahead of you. A gray beard is a disease. A red beard is a bad sign, someone very strong and wayward will oppose you and defeat you in the fight. Shave your beard - you will come to your senses and after some waiting you will get yours.

Dream interpretation for the whole family / E. Danilova

Dreaming Beard in a dream

Beard - the desire to hide mistakes and delusions from others. The other man with the beard is an authoritative person.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does Beard dream on days of the week

See a man with a big beard. For a woman - to a meeting with an interesting man. For a man - to receive useful information. If an unmarried woman sees that she has grown a beard, she will have to deal with a troublesome business. If a married woman sees that she has grown a beard, there will be significant changes in her life very soon.

Dream interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see a beard - what is it for?

Beard - red - crafty friends. Little trimmed beard - a lawsuit. Luxurious long beard - protection and health.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Beard in a dream

A thick, long beard - for a lot of money, a short - for a slight increase in income. Try to be able to grow your beard as thick and long as possible.

Large modern dream book

Beard - what is the dream of the dreamer

You see yourself bearded, or you see another bearded person - a dream testifies that you will have a difficult struggle - even, perhaps, cruel; it will be a struggle for influence, for power; your enemies will use all means, including unworthy ones - collecting dirt, lies, slander, etc .; unfortunately, their efforts may be successful; fear for your reputation; in the struggle you will suffer losses.

It's like someone is pulling you by the beard - a dream says that you must sacrifice some property, otherwise you and your company will be at great risk. You see a gray long beard - you have failures ahead; as a result of failures, your position will be shaken; the attitude of others towards you will change; you are about to quarrel with a person who would not have dared to raise his eyes to you before.

You are dreaming of a bearded woman - in reality, some unpleasant meeting awaits you; another interpretation of sleep: a long debilitating illness awaits you. A young woman sees herself in a dream bearded - the marriage, to which this woman agrees, will be unsuccessful.

You have a big, thick beard; you take care of her - comb her hair and smooth; you really like your beard - you are lucky in life, your deeds provide well-being in your home; wealth grows, but at the same time your ego grows; traits appear in your character that are unpleasant to your old friends; you allow yourself a patronizing tone towards your friends, and they are annoyed by this; one by one friends leave you.

You liked the beard so much, but you had to shave it off - for the sake of material benefits, you are able to sacrifice your honor; committing a dishonest act is not a problem for you, especially if no one notices this act; with your conscience, you always come to an agreement - the silver in your wallet would ring.

Phoebe's big dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of combing your beard

Beard - to get money. If you want to make big bucks, imagine someone with a very long and thick beard. If you need a small amount for targeted spending at the moment, imagine a person with a small, neat beard. If you want to make a profit on your money invested, imagine a man whose beard grows before his very eyes. In each of these cases, imagine that this person looks at you warmly and in a friendly way, and you feel comfortable and protected in his company.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a beard in a dream

Seeing a man with a beard means that we must defend ourselves against deception and cover-ups.

We may need to consider more masculine qualities in ourselves or in others.

Spiritually, the beard symbol is ambivalent, so its meaning will depend on the culture of the dreamer. A beard can mean wisdom and dignity, but also deception and insincerity.

A universal dream book for the whole family

Beard in a dream - interpretation

Beard - thick - to a profitable business; long - honor and respect; short - a trial, any proceedings; gray-haired - to troubles and worries; for a young man - to a quick marriage; for a woman - beware of shame; shaving - at a loss.

The interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

A bushy beard - for good profit; a bearded woman - to shame; a gray beard - to respect; cutting a beard - at a loss: dragging by the beard - to a fight; a young man with a beard - to marriage.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing yourself in a dream admiring your beard is a loss of friends, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

If in a dream you see yourself with a large, thick beard - this is pride.

1 Dream interpretation of Azar

Beard is profit.
Thick beard - expect profit.
A gray beard - care, grief.
A woman's beard is a shame.
The young man has a beard - he will soon marry.
Shaving a beard is a loss.
Seeing a long beard - you have many defenders.
Seeing a red beard is insidious buddies.
People are bearded - you have a tendency to anger.

2 Dream interpretation of Azar

Seeing a beard in a dream means:

I dreamed of a beard - get ready for the fact that you will have some kind of rival who will only cause negative emotions. There may be a struggle for power, as a result of which you will lose money.
A gray beard portends a difficult fate.
Combing your beard and (or) admiring, it means that your vanity will grow along with your well-being. This behavior can cause frustration with friends.
For a young woman, a dream in which she admires someone's beard symbolizes her desire to get married. However, she should not rush, since the current contender for the hand and heart is far from the best.

3 Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

for oneself a long one - honor and respect; small - litigation; hair loss from the beard is humiliation and shame.

4 Jewish dream book

Sleeping with a beard means:

You dreamed of Beard - To see a man with a big beard. For a woman - to a meeting with an interesting man. For a man - to receive useful information. If an unmarried woman sees that she has grown a beard, she will have to deal with a troublesome business. If a married woman sees that she has grown a beard, there will be significant changes in her life very soon.

5 Dream interpretation of E. Erickson

Sleep Beard Meaning:

What does Beard mean in a dream - red - cunning friends. Small trimmed beard - lawsuit Luxurious long beard - protection and health.

6 Female dream book

Beard - To see in a dream how a beard grows is a sign of the acquisition of material wealth. To shave off someone's beard is to conceive and commit an unjust act. Black beard dreams of recovery; a luxurious, long beard - to unexpected protection; redhead - expect insidiousness from your friends.

7 Dream Interpretation Maya

Good meaning A long, beautiful, clean beard from you or our interlocutor - in the near future you will meet a person who will love you with all his heart. To make this happen, cut out the number eight from the blue cloth, place it in a cup of salt water, and store in a dark place, when the water evaporates, burn the cloth.
Poor meaning: Bristles or a torn beard in you or your interlocutor dreams that the health of a loved one is in danger. To protect those close to you and dear to you, cut out figures of little people from fabric. At sunset, tie white threads to the figures and hand them out to the people you want to protect.

8 Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Beard, in a dream means:

Beard - you see yourself bearded, or you see another bearded person - a dream testifies that you will have a difficult struggle - even, perhaps, cruel; it will be a struggle for influence, for power; your enemies will use all means, including unworthy ones - collecting dirt, lies, slander, etc .; unfortunately, their efforts may be successful; fear for your reputation; in the struggle you will suffer losses. It's like someone is pulling you by the beard - a dream says that you must sacrifice some property, otherwise you and your company will be at great risk. You see a gray long beard - you have failures ahead; as a result of failures, your position will be shaken; the attitude of others towards you will change; you are about to quarrel with a person who would not have dared to raise his eyes to you before. You are dreaming of a bearded woman - in reality, some unpleasant meeting awaits you; another interpretation of sleep: a long debilitating illness awaits you. A young woman sees herself in a dream bearded - the marriage, to which this woman agrees, will be unsuccessful. You have a big, thick beard; you take care of her - comb her hair and smooth; you really like your beard - you are lucky in life, your deeds provide well-being in your home; wealth grows, but at the same time your ego grows; traits appear in your character that are unpleasant to your old friends; you allow yourself a patronizing tone towards your friends, and they are annoyed by this; one by one friends leave you. You liked the beard so much, but you had to shave it off - for the sake of material benefits, you are able to sacrifice your honor; committing a dishonest act is not a problem for you, especially if no one notices this act; with your conscience, you always come to an agreement - the silver in your wallet would ring.

9 Modern dream book

I have a long beard - Respect, short - a court hearing, process, or parents will be called to school for a teacher's council

10 Big online dream book

Beard - To see a beard growing in a dream is a sign of wealth; in curls - a quarrel; to cut - monetary losses; shaving is an unexpected nuisance; to have in a dream - profit; if a woman sees herself with a beard - getting what she wants; to see an old man with a beard is a good advisor; red beard - deception; ironing is a loss.

11 New dream book 1918

Why does a woman dream of a beard:

To see a beard growing - to wealth; in curls - a quarrel; to cut - monetary losses; shaving is an unexpected nuisance; to have in a dream - profit; if a woman sees herself with a beard - getting what she wants; to see an old man with a beard is a good advisor; red beard - deception; ironing is a loss.

12 Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

Seeing a beard in a dream means:

You dreamed of a Beard - A thick, long beard - for big money, short - for a slight increase in income. Try to be able to grow your beard as thick and long as possible.

13 The ABC of interpretation of dreams

A dream with a beard in the dream book is interpreted as:

To dream of a Beard - To have in a dream is profit; a woman sees herself with a beard - getting the expected; a man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance; to see an old man with a beard - to have a good advisor; to see someone have a red beard -. Deceit.

14 Dream interpretation of a housewife

Sleeping with a beard means:

Beard - the desire to hide mistakes and delusions from others. The other man with the beard is an authoritative person.

15 Dream interpretation of the future

Sleep Beard Meaning:

If a beard is thick, this is a profitable business; gray-haired - to troubles and worries; a young man's beard - for an early marriage; for a woman - beware of shame; shaving a beard - at a loss.

16 Dream interpretation of Solomon

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a beard:

A beard at home - honor, respect; small - trial; hair loss from the beard is humiliation and shame.

17 Aesop's dream book

What a beard can dream about:

A beard is a symbol of manhood, the difference between a man and a young man. In the old days, men never shaved their beards. It was considered a great insult if one man grabbed another by the beard. In fairy tales, the beard of sorcerers was endowed with magical power.
To dream of a man with a beard that turns blue when the light changes - to jealousy; unfounded suspicions of a spouse's betrayal; to acquaintance with a person who will win the heart, but will not give anything in return.
To see a man with a large curly beard with a shovel on a frosty day - your ally will be a reliable partner; to rich profits; to measured communication.
To see a man with a gray beard who leads a young girl by the arm - to treason; to the loss of a heartfelt friend; to an unhappy date; to the disclosure of secrets, secrets from personal life; to an unpleasant conversation with a lover.
To see a grandfather with a long beard, who dances squatting - to a frivolous act; to unfulfilled promises; to the unloved business.
To see a man cut off his beard and he cries is a public insult; to deep experiences; to an accident that will permanently take you out of working condition.
Tearing hair out of a beard - to fulfill desires; to a meeting with a powerful person; to a frank conversation with an elderly person; to the awkwardness that you will experience due to communication with a person who is older than you; get wise advice.
To dream of a man with a red beard shaped like a goat's beard - beware of the devil's tricks; do not trust people who promise a lot of benefits; a dexterous and nimble person who can deceive you will appear on your way.
Seeing a woman dragging a man by the beard is a sign of guilt; to concern for the other half; to a fight in the house.
To see a man voluntarily agree to have his gorgeous beard shaved off is a waste; unknowingly, you will bring grief to others; beware of hasty decisions and urgent projects.
Seeing a boy with a real male beard is a disease; to the surprise; to unexpected news that will change your life; your child will do something that will make everyone look at him with different eyes.
Seeing a beard of incredible length - fate will bring you together with a wise man; you will find a spiritual guide, teacher; to cooperate with a person, wise experience; to longevity and health.

18 Online dream book

Beard, in a dream means:

According to the dream book, a beard is the personification of a competitor who will infuriate you in every possible way. Why is she dreaming?
If you dreamed that you had it long, you will receive universal recognition and strengthening of your authority, if it is short
To dream of a gray beard is a sign of a difficult life, red
If you dream that in a dream you are combing your beard - in reality, with the increase in your material wealth, your pride will increase.
Taking care of her in a dream - you will solve all problems quickly and easily.
If you dreamed that you were washing your beard - mental anguish awaits you.
If you dreamed that she was inconspicuous and completely sparse, your hopes would be in vain.
If your beard is thinning in a dream, you cannot avoid reproach from your own conscience.
The dream in which you cut it portends losses.
If in a dream you are pulled for it - you should be more flexible and avoid excessive stubbornness.
I dreamed that you were plucking hairs out of it - soon all your plans will come true, you will be assisted.
A shaving man is dreaming - you can lose material wealth.
If a woman dreamed that she had a beard, her husband would leave the house for a while, but if he is not there, he will reappear.
A dream in which you suddenly grew a beard - respect for your merits, qualities, abilities in society, an increase in income. Family well-being and happiness.
Shaving a beard - something that bothers you in a relationship with a loved one will soon be decided by itself, without any extra effort on your part.
A man with a beard - you will meet a good mentor, an experienced teacher who can give you valuable life advice.
A woman dreams of a beard - you need attention to your health. Carry out disease prevention, treatment procedures for exacerbation of chronic diseases.
To cut a beard is a dream - losses, unplanned expenses await. Or parting with a soul mate.
A gray beard is a sign that portends adversity and some difficulties in life, you may have to overcome many obstacles on the way to achieving the task.

19 Dream interpretation of lovers

If a girl dreams of a beard, then this means:

A dream in which a woman wears a beard and looks after her suggests that she is afraid of an unsuccessful marriage.

20 Dream interpretation of lovers

Why does a woman dream of a beard:

The beard is an ambivalent symbol indicating wisdom and sacred power, but also hiding truth and disappointed hopes. Phallic symbol.
Since the beard allows you to disguise yourself, to hide some facial features, such a dream may indicate that you do not feel safe and you want to somehow protect yourself. Therefore, you want to close yourself off from others.

think about what makes you uncomfortable and insecure and what exactly do you want to hide? after all, everyone knows the law: exactly what we want to hide from others, we just willy-nilly and put on public display. remember: when you are worried and want to hide it, then your voice treacherously trembles as if on purpose and your knees tremble so that it is noticeable to everyone, no matter how we try to calm this trembling. Isn't it better not to be afraid of your shortcomings and honestly admit them first of all to yourself? When we admit our shortcomings to ourselves, we cease to be afraid of them, and they constantly leave us, as any fear leaves when we cease to be afraid. Remember what you were scolded for in childhood, what shortcomings? Now that you have grown up, you have the right to forgive yourself for these shortcomings and admit that you have the right to be imperfect, like anyone else. accept yourself along with your shortcomings, and you will understand that you no longer have anything or anyone to defend against - because you love and accept yourself as you are.

21 Persian dream book Tiflis

If someone sees his long beard in a dream, this is to glory and honor, and a short beard always symbolizes a lack of honor and dignity.
Pulling your beard in a dream - to wastefulness and remorse.
If a woman sees herself in a dream with a beard, her absent husband will return, and if he is at home, he will leave.
If she is a widow, she will marry, and if she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son over time.
If that woman has a son, he will be the eldest of the family.
If a child sees himself in a dream with a beard, this is a formidable portent that he may die before reaching adulthood.
If someone sees in a dream that he has dyed his beard and at the same time that paint will have some specific color, for example henna, the dreamer is destined to put on expensive festive clothes.
If you dream about the coloring of a beard of an indeterminate color, for example, the color of mud or lime, for the dreamer, this is a formidable sign: his affairs may fall into such decay that it will not be easy to get hold of a simple mat.
A dream in which you found that your beard has become white will achieve prominence, honor and dignity.
An indication for those who saw themselves in a dream with a very thick beard - for wealthy people this dream is favorable, since it leads to an increase in capital, and for the poor and needy, it is unfavorable, because it promises a further increase in debts.

22 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If in a dream you see yourself with a large, thick beard - this is pride.

23 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing in a dream how a beard grows is a sign of the acquisition of material wealth.
To shave off someone's beard is to conceive and commit an unjust act.
Black beard - dreaming of recovery; a luxurious, long beard - to unexpected protection; redhead - expect insidiousness from your friends.

24 Dream Interpretation of Kryda Veles

Beard grows - profit, wealth; have - profit, the birth of a son (pregnant), marriage / loss of a lover (girl, widow), widowhood (married), death (child); beautiful, thick - luck, wealth, money, find, profit; gray-haired - honor; black - health / sadness, tears; redhead - deception, unfaithful friends; long - strength, respect, you have defenders; short - court; in curls - a quarrel with relatives; shave, cut - loss, dishonor, harm, unexpected nuisance; trim - improvement of affairs; to cut another - to do evil, quarrel; combing a beard - income, prosperity; overgrow - benefit; peeling off - grief, humiliation, shame; ironing is a loss.

25 Dream interpretation of winged phrases

What is Beard dreaming of:

BEARD - "leave or stay with a beard" - that is, with nothing; "Gray hair in a beard, a demon in a rib" - reckless actions, despite experience; "Bearded thoughts", "bearded anecdote" - something outdated, unattractive.

26 Muslim dream book

If someone sees his beard long, this is to glory and honor, and a short beard means a lack of honor and dignity. And pulling your beard in a dream - to wastefulness and repentance. If a woman sees herself in a dream with a beard, then her absent husband will return, and if he is at home, he will leave. If she is a widow, she will marry, and if she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son. If that woman has a son, then he will be the eldest of the family. If a small child sees himself in a dream with a beard, he will die before reaching adulthood. If someone sees in a dream that he dyed his beard, and at the same time that paint will have a certain color, for example. henna (henna is a red paint used to paint nails and hair), then the dreamer will put on expensive clothes, and if he sees an indefinite color, for example, the color of mud, lime, and the like, then it will not be easy for him to get simple clothes for himself. If anyone sees that his beard has become white, he will achieve prominence, honor and dignity. If someone sees in a dream that he has a lot of hair in his beard, for a merchant this is an increase in capital, and for a poor man - an increase in debts.

27 Idiomatic dream book

"Leave or stay with a beard" - that is, with nothing; "Gray hair in a beard, a demon in a rib" - reckless actions, despite experience; "Bearded thoughts", "bearded anecdote" - something outdated, unattractive.

28 Dream interpretation for bitches

Beard - profit, wealth in the house.
A quickly grown beard - one person will be added to the family.
Long, well-groomed beard - honor and respect.
Gray beard - quarrels and disagreements in the family.
A bearded woman - unexpected communication with unpleasant people.

29 Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Beard - Long - respect and honor - short - humiliation, anxiety - to see how your property grows - to increase your property - to cut someone off - to commit a deliberate injustice - to pluck a beard - You must reassure your clients - black - health - luxurious and long - very you have a lot of protection - to see the beard crawled out, falling out - great sorrow - loose - treacherous friends

30 Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

What is Beard dreaming of:

You dreamed that you were shaving your beard - soon you will have big losses.
If you dreamed that you were stroking your beard, you will certainly be deceived.
In a dream, you are combing your beard - know: your vanity will grow with your well-being, turning you away from your companions.
You are combing someone's beard - soon you will have a new beloved (beloved), but with her you will be disappointed.
If you dreamed that you had a white, gray or red beard, trouble awaits you.
You have a long beard - in the near future you will not face any illnesses.
If you dreamed that you had a black beard, a big disappointment awaits you in the near future.
Bearded woman - dreams of a serious illness.

In a dream, you are pulled by the beard, which means that you will have to sacrifice some property in order not to put yourself at great risk.

31 Combined dream book

To observe someone else's beard in a dream is to great happiness in your personal life.
Long own beard, seen in a dream - influence, financial income; small beard - get ready for trial; if you saw in a dream that hair is falling out of your beard, you will experience a sense of guilt, possibly deserved; gray beard - conflicts at work.
If a man observes a woman with a beard in a dream, it portends health problems.
If a woman observes herself with a beard in a dream, most likely you will receive a long-awaited gift.
Old man with a beard - get the necessary advice from loved ones.
If a man shaves his beard in a dream - problems in intimate life.
Red beard in a dream - wait for the betrayal of friends.
To watch in a dream how a beard grows - to big money; cutting your beard - to financial losses; to cut someone's beard - to conflicts; trim your beard - your business will go uphill; combing your beard - you will safely solve a difficult problem; to burn a beard - to part with a loved one.
If an unmarried woman observes a beard in a dream, she is destined for an early marriage or love affair; a married woman - to divorce or loss of a spouse, for a widow - an early marriage, for a child - a serious illness or death; for a pregnant woman - the birth of a child.
Losing a beard in a dream is a divorce from a spouse or tensions with loved ones, problems.

32 Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

Beard is a Dual Symbol. On the one hand - masculinity and success in life. On the other hand, there is a warning about masking the real face. For a man to have a large beard in a dream is power, success. Losing a beard is a loss. For a girl - to marriage, the birth of a son.

33 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To have a beard in a dream - to profit, black - to surprise, red - to trouble, gray - to great honor, respect, if your beard has turned gray - it means that in reality you will lack the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require of you.
Ironing a beard - to a loss, combing - to respect, blackening - to success, pinching - to a change in business.
For a man to have a big beard - to power and honor.
A woman can see her beard - she can expect evil, a quarrel at a wedding or at a party, but if the beard is beautiful and well-groomed - to get what was expected.
A pregnant beard dreams of the birth of a boy, and a girl dreams of marriage.
Seeing someone else's very long and beautiful beard in a dream means that in reality you will be successful in dubious matters, a black beard - to health.
To see an old man with a beard - you will have a meeting with a kind adviser, but if he has a red beard, you can be deceived.
Seeing a bearded woman in a dream - to the need to take care of your health.
Seeing a man shaving his beard is an unexpected nuisance.
Before our eyes, a beard grows - to an increase in prosperity.
If a man in a dream let go of his sideburns without having them in life - such a dream promises unexpected profits and income.

34 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To see how it grows in oneself - to wealth (the same for the hair on the legs);
in curls - a quarrel with relatives;
to cut - money or personal losses;
to cut another - to a quarrel;
trim - to improve things;
for a girl - a hasty marriage or connection;
for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband;
for a widow - to the next marriage;
for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son;
for a child - death;
loss of a beard - a break in relations, loss of property and honor;
shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love;
red - cunning friends (yellow - envy).

35 Esoteric dream book

What is Beard dreaming of:

Seeing yourself with a beard that doesn't exist in reality is a hobby that is unusual for your age. Combing - to love interests. Cutting - for activities more suitable for children and young people. To shave off - you are ashamed of your hobbies, but the refusal of them will impoverish your life and deprive it of meaning.

36 Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

A beard is a symbol of masculinity and life success or failure associated with this quality.
For a man to have a big beard is power, honor.
Before our eyes, the beard grows - an increase in prosperity.
An unusually long beard - secret diseases and misfortunes.
Ironing your beard is a loss.
Combing is respect.
Blackening is a success.
Plucking a beard - a change in business.
To have a black beard is a surprise.
Red is a nuisance.
Gray hair is a great honor, respect.
The beard falls out, to cut off the beard - great sadness, loss, dishonor / death of a son / impotence.
To see a woman in her beard is evil, a quarrel at a wedding or at a party.

37 Indian dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he has a big beautiful beard, this means that everyone will be pleased to talk to him, because he will always be able to make the subject chosen by him interesting to talk.

Moreover, this dream promises him good luck in his endeavors. When a girl dreams that she has grown a beard, this portends her imminent marriage with someone she likes. For a woman, the meaning of this dream is that she will have to take the place of the head (man) in her house and manage all affairs alone. For a pregnant woman, this dream promises a son. If someone dreams that he lost his beard, or that he was shaved or torn out, this predicts the loss of honor, a relative or some kind of expensive thing. Those who dream that his beard has become longer than usual will get rich.

38 Phoebe's big dream book

You dreamed of Beard - to receive money. If you want to make big bucks, imagine someone with a very long and thick beard. If you need a small amount for targeted spending at the moment, imagine a person with a small, neat beard. If you want to make a profit on your money invested, imagine a man whose beard grows before his very eyes. In each of these cases, imagine that this person looks at you warmly and in a friendly way, and you feel comfortable and protected in his company.

39 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

What does Beard mean in a dream. 1. Seeing a man with a beard means that we must defend ourselves against deception and cover-ups. 2. We may need to consider more masculine qualities in ourselves or in others. 3. Spiritually, the beard symbol is ambivalent, so its meaning will depend on the culture of the dreamer. A beard can mean wisdom and dignity, but also deception and insincerity.
A beard is an ambivalent symbol that can mean, on the one hand, wisdom as a sign of things that have lived a long life, on the other hand, camouflage, disguise.
Since the beard allows you to hide both beautiful prominent features and ugly ones, it is thus misleading and deceiving.

40 Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

What is Beard dreaming of:

Shaving a beard is a loss; combing it is profit, honor.

41 The interpreter of 1829

To have a long and thick beard in a dream has a very good sign and portends perfect success in all enterprises;
Black beard marks sadness and tears; redhead - deception and tricks;
To shave or pull out a beard - loss of property, deprivation of honor or death of relatives and friends; to shave his beard with difficulty and not clean means a difficult and inconceivable business and a vain enterprise,
To rip out another's beard marks great sorrow and poverty to the one from whom it is ripped out;
A girl in a dream to see her beard portends a quick and profitable marriage; for a married woman to see herself with a beard foreshadows the death of her husband; to a pregnant woman, this dream portends that she will give birth to a son;
To cut a beard with scissors to another means loss and sorrow to the one who has seen a dream, and to the one to whom he cut it, profit and joy; to wash a beard in a dream, great grief and misfortune, which, however, will soon pass; scratching a beard in a dream marks the end of all quarrels and strife;
To see a gray beard is a sign of great honor;
To grow a beard portends important benefits and success in the enterprise.

42 French dream book

To see a beard in a dream is a good sign, because a beard means strength and greatness.
Even more favorable is a dream in which you see a long beard or a bearded feature - this is a harbinger of success and prosperity.
If a married woman shaves her beard in a dream, this means that her husband is in trouble.
If you see yourself in a dream with a beautiful long beard, this promises you a successful turn in your life: overcoming obstacles, an important meeting for you, success.
If a girl sees in a dream that she has a beard, this means that she will marry at will and she will have many children.
If a married woman sees the same dream, it means that she will soon be forced to become the head of her house.
And if a pregnant woman sees him, she will give birth to a boy.
Losing a beard in a dream or seeing someone pulling it out or shaving it portends a loss of wealth, the loss of loved ones.

43 Ukrainian dream book

They say how a beautiful, big beard dreams, then there will be some profit for this person; and how you cut your beard or shave, then there will be some kind of loss. To see how a beard grows is an increase in property; to shave off someone's beard - to commit evil, injustice; black beard - health; luxurious and long - you have many kind patrons, defenders; redhead - insidious friends; crawling out the hair on the beard - a great sorrow. Ironing a beard is a loss. As a girl dreams that she has a beard, then the loss of her beloved.

44 Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Seeing yourself in a dream admiring your beard means losing your friends.

45 Russian dream book

What is Beard dreaming of:

What does Beard mean in a dream - thick - to a profitable business; long - honor and respect; short - a trial, any proceedings; gray-haired - to troubles and worries; for a young man - to a quick marriage; for a woman - beware of shame; shaving - at a loss.

46 Dream interpretation of the past

Since a beard allows you to disguise yourself, to hide some facial features, such a dream may indicate that you do not feel safe and you want to somehow protect yourself. Therefore, you want to close yourself off from others. think about what makes you uncomfortable and insecure and what exactly do you want to hide? after all, everyone knows the law: exactly what we want to hide from others, we just willy-nilly and put on public display. remember: when you are worried and want to hide it, then your voice treacherously trembles as if on purpose and your knees tremble so that it is noticeable to everyone, no matter how we try to calm this trembling. Isn't it better not to be afraid of your shortcomings and honestly admit them first of all to yourself? When we admit our shortcomings to ourselves, we cease to be afraid of them, and they constantly leave us, as any fear leaves when we cease to be afraid. Remember what you were scolded for in childhood, what shortcomings? Now that you have grown up, you have the right to forgive yourself for these shortcomings and admit that you have the right to be imperfect, like anyone else. accept yourself along with your shortcomings, and you will understand that you no longer have anything and no one to defend against, because you love and accept yourself as you are.

47 Daniel's medieval dream book

If someone sees that he is shaving or plucking a beard, this portends losses.
Having a meager beard is ruin.
If someone sees himself in a dream with a beard, this portends illness or worries.
Having a long beard is a loss.
Seeing yourself bearded - to multiplication.
To have a thick or long beard - this portends wealth, and according to another opinion - power.
To see or have a burning beard yourself - to suffering.
To see your father bearded is to multiply.

48 Miller's dream book

To see a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by a certain person who is alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and, probably, in this struggle you will have losses.
A gray beard means failure and quarrels.
Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant meetings and a long illness.
If in a dream someone pulls you by the beard, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property.
Brushing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your prosperity, making you extremely unpleasant for your former friends.
If a young woman grooming her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

49 Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

An ambivalent image, meaning, on the one hand, the wisdom of past years, and on the other, camouflage, a disguise that hides the physical defects of a person, that is, mistakes, delusions.

50 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A bushy beard - for good profit; a bearded woman - to shame; gray-haired - to respect; to cut - to a loss; dragging by the beard - to a fight; a young man with her - to marriage.

51 Wanderer's dream book - Terenty Smirnov

A beard for a man is power, respect, acquisition; curly or red - deception, envious; long - an indication of magical power and spiritual power.
Cutting, losing a beard is a bad sign of loss.
A girl's beard - marriage, the birth of a son; a woman has a loss, a break in relations.
A child's beard is a sign of a special mission of his fate or his death.

52 Gypsy dream book

Wearing a beard when it is not in reality - you are a bright personality and do not care too much about what others think of you.

53 Dream interpretation Hasse

to see how it grows - property will grow
to cut someone's hair - to do a deliberate injustice
pluck a beard - you have to calm down your principals
to see a black beard - health
to see luxurious and long - you have a lot of protection
to see climbing (falls out) - great sorrow
to see a redhead - cunning buddies.

54 Slavic dream book

Seeing how it grows - to wealth; in curls - a quarrel; to cut - monetary losses; shaving is an unexpected nuisance; to have in a dream - profit; if a woman sees herself with a beard - getting what she wants; to see an old man with a beard is a good advisor; red beard - deception; ironing is a loss.

55 Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Since the beard allows you to disguise yourself, to hide some facial features, such a dream may indicate that you do not feel safe and you want to somehow protect yourself. Therefore, you want to close yourself off from others. think about what makes you uncomfortable and insecure and what exactly do you want to hide? after all, everyone knows the law: exactly what we want to hide from others, we just willy-nilly and put on public display. remember: when you are worried and want to hide it, then your voice treacherously trembles as if on purpose and your knees tremble so that it is noticeable to everyone, no matter how we try to calm this trembling. Isn't it better not to be afraid of your shortcomings and honestly admit them first of all to yourself? When we admit our shortcomings to ourselves, we cease to be afraid of them, and they constantly leave us, as any fear leaves when we cease to be afraid. Remember what you were scolded for in childhood, what shortcomings? Now that you have grown up, you have the right to forgive yourself for these shortcomings and admit that you have the right to be imperfect, like anyone else. accept yourself along with your shortcomings, and you will understand that you no longer have anything or anyone to defend against - because you love and accept yourself as you are.

A beautiful, well-groomed beard symbolizes the normal functioning of the genitals.

An unkempt beard or beard with crumbs and food debris symbolizes diseases of the genital organs or their functional disorders.

Grooming for a beard speaks of a tendency to engage in self-gratification.

Shaving the beard symbolizes the fear of castration or loss of sexual power.

The woman's beard symbolizes her desire for lesbian love.

58 Small dream book

If you dreamed of a beard, then be prepared for the fact that you will have some kind of rival who will cause you sharply negative emotions. Perhaps you are facing a power struggle, as a result of which you will lose money. If the beard is gray, then it portends a difficult fate. The dream in which you see a bearded woman means that dubious connections and illnesses await you. If you dreamed that someone was pulling your beard, then you may have to sacrifice your property to avoid risk. Combing and admiring your beard means that your vanity will grow with your wealth. This can cause frustration with friends. For a young woman, a dream in which she admires someone's beard means that she will have a desire to get married. However, she should not rush, since the current contender for the hand and heart may not be the best.

59 Dream interpretation alphabetically

A dreamed beard suggests that someone with whom you cannot find a compromise will stand in your way, and the struggle for power will take on such a fierce nature that you simply do not have enough strength to do it, hence losses are inevitable. If in a dream you see a man with a gray beard, it means that in reality you will lack the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require of you in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

Seeing a man shaving his beard is a loss of property. Seeing a beard on your face means trouble, an unwanted meeting and a protracted illness. If someone pulls you by the beard - know that if in a real situation you show unreasonable stubbornness, you will put yourself and your family at risk.

Brushing and trimming your beard is a sign that the growth of your vanity will be directly proportional to the growth of your well-being, which will negatively affect relationships with old friends. Stroking a thick beard is a significant loss. If the above can be attributed to you, as you saw yourself in a dream, all this speaks of your unwillingness to make the final choice and decide on marriage.

Seeing a man with an elegant beard that suits him - you will show clairvoyance in business, which will bring certain benefits. A man with a black beard - for the chores and everyday hassle, overlook the main thing that you will have to regret.

A man who has begun to let go of a beard portends a loss of fortune. A girl with a beard - you will attend a wedding. The old woman - for the funeral of the husband of a close friend.

To wash your beard - to the deep sorrow of the heart. In general, a dream about a beard promises a pregnant woman the birth of a son.

60 Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A thick, long beard - for a lot of money, a short - for a slight increase in income. To see how a beard grows - the invested funds will give a huge profit.

Try to be able to “grow” your beard as thick and long as possible.

Changing the shape of the beard - you feel a subconscious desire to protect yourself from trouble, if in a dream the shape turned out beautiful, you will easily succeed, if unkempt, your protection will not be too reliable. Shave, cut your beard - you will be able to hide from dishonor and humiliation. To cut someone else's beard - to protect yourself from a quarrel; trim - the desire to improve things; plucking hair from a beard - to avoid shame.

Visualize a beard in your dream. Try to experience comfort and a secure state.

Looking at someone else's beard - to changes in personal life: on a woman's face - portends getting what you want; on the face of the old man - meet a kind adviser; on the face of a young man - to a quick marriage; on the man's face - monetary troubles. Seeing a gray beard - disappointment awaits you; white - to high honors, honor and respect; red - to the betrayal of close friends; black - to good health; in curls - to a quarrel with relatives.

Imagine looking at the beard in the photographs (see Photo).

A man with a beard - a two-faced person who disguises his true intentions from people will mislead you. Combing your beard - will cause discord between you and your friends. Pulling his beard - will cause your remorse about unplanned waste. Paints a beard - delusions will lead your affairs to decay.

Remember in detail the face of the man with the beard, try to find features that are familiar to you.

In reality, beware of someone who looks like a person from a dream.

61 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

A symbol of the continuation of a long-standing, perhaps long-forgotten business.

Dreams in which you see bearded people: they suggest that past events can suddenly remind of themselves.

To see that in a dream you suddenly grew a beautiful, thick beard: a man portends unexpected joy, for which he has ceased to hope. Perhaps someone is going to repay the debt to him.

A runny, unsightly beard: a sign of disappointment in your expectations.

A woman to see herself with a beard: she promises that some events from her past will suddenly become a hindrance to her and cause a lot of trouble.

62 Rommel's dream book

Seeing someone's beard in a dream is fortunately in the house.

A long beard at home - honor and respect, profit.

Small - a trial.

Hair loss from the beard is a shame and humiliation.

Gray beard - quarrels and failures.

If a man sees a bearded woman in a dream, this is a sign of trouble and illness.

A woman sees herself with a beard - getting the expected (but for a married woman - breaking up with her husband).

An old man with a beard is a good counselor.

A man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance, and shaving yourself is a solution to love problems.

Red beard - cunning friends.

To dream of a beard growing is a sign of wealth.

Cutting your beard - to losses in money and personal life.

To cut someone's hair - to a quarrel.

Trimming a beard is an improvement in business.

Combing a beard is a solution to all tangled situations, to reconciliation.

Burning a beard means separation from your beloved.

If a girl sees a beard in a dream, a hasty marriage or connection awaits her.

A married woman is widowhood or divorce, for a widow it is marriage, for a child it is death.

For a pregnant woman - the birth of a son.

Losing a beard in a dream means breaking off relations, losing property and honor.

63 The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

66 Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

A symbol of manhood, the difference between a man and a young man. In the old days, men never shaved their beards. It was considered a great insult if one man grabbed another by the beard.
To dream of a man with a beard, which, when the light changes, casts blue, is a sign of jealousy; unfounded suspicions of a spouse's betrayal; to meet a person who will win your heart, but give nothing in return.
Seeing a man with a big curly beard - your ally will be a reliable partner; to rich profits; to measured communication.
To see a man with a gray beard who leads a young girl by the arm is a betrayal; to the loss of a heartfelt friend; to an unhappy date; to the disclosure of secrets, secrets from personal life; to an unpleasant conversation with a lover.
Seeing a grandfather with a long beard dancing to the music is a frivolous act; to unfulfilled promises; to the unloved business.
To see a peasant cut off his beard and he cries is a public insult; to deep experiences; to an accident that will permanently take you out of working condition.
Tearing hair out of a beard - to fulfill desires; to a meeting with a powerful person; to a frank conversation with an elderly person; to the awkwardness that you will experience due to communication with a person who is older than you; get wise advice.
To dream of a man with a red beard, shaped like a goat's beard - beware of the devil's tricks; do not trust people who promise a lot of benefits; a dexterous and nimble person who can deceive you will appear on your way.
Seeing a woman dragging a peasant by the beard is a sign of guilt; to concern for the other half; to a fight in the house.
To see a man voluntarily agree to have his gorgeous beard shaved off is a waste; unknowingly, you will bring grief to others; beware of hasty decisions and urgent projects.
Seeing a boy with a real male beard is a disease; to the surprise; to unexpected news that will change your life; your child will do something that will make everyone look at him with different eyes.
Seeing a beard of incredible length - fate will bring you together with a wise man; you will find a spiritual guide, teacher; to cooperate with a person, wise experience; to longevity and health.

67 Psychotherapeutic dream book

To have a beard in a dream is profit; a woman sees herself with a beard - getting the expected; a man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance; to see an old man with a beard - to have a good advisor; to see someone have a red beard is deceitfulness.

  • If you dreamed of a beard in a dream, from which you pluck hairs, then you should behave carefully, troubles lie in wait for you, an accident is possible.
  • And also a dream in which your hair is pulled out of your beard - to swaying in your own stupidity.
  • If the hair was pulled out of the beard with difficulty in a dream, then in reality this means that the dreamer will do everything that depends on him in order to break out of poverty.
  • Insofar as beard allows you to disguise yourself, hide some facial features, then such a dream may indicate that you do not feel safe and you want to somehow protect yourself. Therefore, you want to close yourself off from others. think about what makes you uncomfortable and insecure and what exactly do you want to hide? after all, everyone knows the law: exactly what we want to hide from others, we just willy-nilly and put on public display. remember: when you are worried and want to hide it, then your voice treacherously trembles as if on purpose and your knees tremble so that it is noticeable to everyone, no matter how we try to calm this trembling. Isn't it better not to be afraid of your shortcomings and honestly admit them first of all to yourself? When we admit our shortcomings to ourselves, we cease to be afraid of them, and they constantly leave us, as any fear leaves when we cease to be afraid. Remember what you were scolded for in childhood, what shortcomings? Now that you have grown up, you have the right to forgive yourself for these shortcomings and admit that you have the right to be imperfect, like anyone else. accept yourself along with your shortcomings, and you will understand that you no longer have anything or anyone to defend against - because you love and accept yourself as you are.
  • See a beard in a dream- a good sign, because a beard means strength and greatness. Even more favorable is a dream in which you see a long beard or a bearded feature - this is a harbinger of success and prosperity. If a married woman shaves her beard in a dream, it means that her husband is in trouble. If you see yourself in a dream with a beautiful long beard, this promises you a successful turn in your life: overcoming obstacles, an important meeting for you, success. If a girl sees in a dream that she has a beard, it means that she will marry at will and she will have many children. If a married woman sees the same dream, it means that she will soon be forced to become the head of her house. And if a pregnant woman sees him, she will give birth to a boy. Losing a beard in a dream or seeing someone pulling it out or shaving it portends a loss of wealth, the loss of loved ones.
  • Dreamed of a beard- get ready for the fact that you will have some kind of rival who will only cause negative emotions. There may be a struggle for power, as a result of which you will lose money. A gray beard portends a difficult fate. Combing your beard and (or) admiring, it means that your vanity will grow along with your well-being. This behavior can cause frustration with friends. For a young woman, a dream in which she admires someone's beard symbolizes her desire to get married. However, she should not rush, since the current contender for the hand and heart is far from the best.

Good value beard in a dream

You or our interlocutor have a long, beautiful, clean beard - in the near future you will meet a person who will love you with all his heart. To make this happen, cut out the number eight from the blue cloth, place it in a cup of salt water, and store in a dark place, when the water evaporates, burn the cloth.

Dream interpretation beard, bad meaning

A stubble or a torn beard in you or your interlocutor dreams that the health of a loved one is in danger. To protect those close to you and dear to you, cut out figures of little people from fabric. At sunset, tie white threads to the figures and hand them out to the people you want to protect.

Why is a beard dreaming

  • A beard is a symbol of masculinity and life success or failure associated with this quality.
  • For a man to have a big beard is power, honor.
  • Before our eyes, the beard grows - an increase in prosperity.
  • An unusually long beard - secret diseases and misfortunes.
  • Ironing your beard is a loss.
  • Combing is respect.
  • Blackening is a success. Plucking a beard - a change in business.
  • To have a black beard is a surprise;
  • Red is a nuisance; gray-haired - a great honor, respect;
  • The beard falls out, to cut off the beard - great sadness, loss, dishonor, death of a son, sexual impotence.
  • To see a woman in her beard is evil, a quarrel at a wedding or at a party.

Dream interpretation bristles

  • If in a dream you touched the man's stubble, it means that you really missed the reliable man's hands, the feeling of strength.
  • What to do - life has decided to give you some self-reliance lessons.

If you dreamed of a mustache

Seeing a mustache on your face is a sign of change. Moreover, the more mustache in your dream, the steeper the changes will be.

I dreamed of shaving off my mustache from your own face or to see how someone else does it - you do not understand what kind of happiness you got in the person of your partner. You are constantly looking for someone else, look at those who, in your opinion, are happier than you. Be careful, otherwise your underestimated happiness will pass by.

To dream that you wear a mustache means that your narcissism and arrogance will prevent you from receiving a decent inheritance, and will push you to treachery towards women.

If a woman sees a mustache in a dream that she adores a mustache, then in reality her virtue is in danger, she should be careful in her behavior.

If a man dreams of a mustache that he shaved them off, he will do everything to break with the company of revelers and return to his former position of a respected and worthy person.

Dreamed of shaving

  • If you just watch shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.
  • If you dream that you are going to shave, it means that you will let the crooks deceive you.
  • If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently exercise leadership in your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy mistress will cause constant scandals.
  • If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.
  • If your face in a dream is stubble and stale, you will experience a lot of excitement in the marital relationship.
  • If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks, you give your friends reason to criticize your love life.
  • If in a dream your beard turns out to be gray, it means that in reality you will miss the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require of you.
  • If a woman dreams of a man shaving, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.
  • If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her with disgust.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a beard, this is the personification of your future confrontation with a certain person who is completely alien to you in spirit. There will be a tough one for power, and, perhaps, in this struggle you will have losses. A gray beard means failure and conflict. Seeing a bearded woman - to unpleasant meetings and a long illness. Feel like someone was pulling your beard - you will be at great risk if you do not give in. Combing and carefully caring for a beard in a dream indicates that vanity will increase in parallel with well-being, and this will lead to hostility from old friends. A young woman was grooming her beard in a dream, which means that she wants to break her vow of celibacy and fears an unsuccessful marriage.

See Beard in a dream

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

I dreamed of your growing beard - you will be rich; curled beard - quarrel with relatives; to cut it - to losses in personal life and finances, to cut it to another - you will quarrel. In a dream, trimming a beard - to improve things; for girls - to too hasty marriage or informal union; for married women - to or the loss of a husband; for widows - to marriage; for - to the birth; for children - to death. Loss of a beard symbolizes a break in relations, loss of property and honor; a beard yourself - solve the problems associated with love; a red beard is a sign of the cunning of friends.

I dreamed of a Beard, what does it mean

Dream interpretation Hasse

Seeing how a beard grows will increase your property; to cut someone's hair - you realize the intended injustice; pluck a beard - you have to reassure your debtors or creditors; to see a black beard - to health; luxurious and long - you have many defenders; to see those falling out of the beard - to great sorrow; the redhead dreams of the cunning of her friends.

A beard in a dream - what is this for?

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

In a dream, you had a beard, although it is absent in life, you will have hobbies that are unusual for people of your age. Combing - to heart hobbies; trimming - to activities more typical of children, etc. Shaving your beard - you are ashamed of your hobbies, but giving up on them will impoverish your life and deprive it of meaning.

Why is Beard dreaming

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

This is an ambiguous image, which means, on the one hand, the wisdom of the time lived, and on the other, a disguise behind which the physical defects of the face are hidden, that is, our mistakes and delusions.

Dreamed of a Beard

French Dream Interpretation

A dreamed beard can be considered a good omen, since it is a symbol of power and greatness. Even more favorable is a dream in which you see a long beard or a bearded feature, because this character portends success and prosperity. A married woman shaved her beard in a dream - her husband could get into trouble.

Beard in a dream

Sonnk Freud

Seeing a mustache on your face is a sign of change. Moreover, the more mustache in your dream, the steeper the changes will be. Shaving your mustache off your face or seeing someone else do it - you do not understand what kind of happiness you got in the face of your partner. You are constantly looking for someone else, look at those who, in your opinion, are happier than you. Be careful, otherwise your underestimated happiness will pass by.

Why is Beard dreaming, interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation by color

What is the dream of a gray beard, describes Miller. If you dreamed of a gray beard, you can expect that your merits will soon be appreciated. Another option for explaining why this is a dream is respect and honor. Dream Interpretation Grishina does not share this point of view, believing that gray hair portends a streak of bad luck.

A black beard is a symbol of health. Such a dream promises a quick and complete recovery to someone who is sick, and simply good health, a surge of vitality and enthusiasm. And if it also has a bluish tint, you have to deal with jealousy.

See Beard in a dream

Female dream book

Interprets a dream in which your beard grows as material goods that will appear in you soon. To dream of a gorgeous beard to gain unexpected protection, red to deceit from loved ones. Black - promises a speedy recovery.

A dream in which you suddenly see yourself with a beard predicts a successful course of business and profit from them.

For a woman to see herself with a beard, a dream predicts that she will have a hard time in life. She will either part with her lover, or become a widow, or she will have to make responsible decisions on her own and carry them out.

The dream predicts that she will successfully cope with her problems and fate will generously reward her for her courage and perseverance.

For a widow, such a dream predicts an imminent marriage.

Such a dream promises a girl an early marriage.

For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts the birth of a son.

Trimming a beard in a dream is a sign of an imminent marriage or love affair for a young girl. For the rest, such a dream predicts death or loss of state.

Combing a beard in a dream is a sign that every tangled matter will be cleared up, and those who are in a quarrel will make peace.

Shaving someone's beard in a dream is a sign of dishonest profit or injustice towards others.

If in a dream you pluck someone's beard, then through your fault the people who trusted you will suffer.

To see a black beard in a dream is a sign of health. If the beard is still luxurious and long, then your friends and relatives will not leave you in difficult times.

If the beard is curled, then quarrels with relatives await you.

A red beard in a dream is an unpleasant omen. A dream about her predicts to you that your friends and relatives will fool you as soon as they have the opportunity. The dream warns you about the cunning of your friends.

If you dream that your beard falls out or climbs, then you will face a lot of loss and suffering; if the beard was pulled out, then beware of an accident with relatives, loss of an expensive and beloved thing or big trouble.

If you see in a dream how a beard grows, then success in business and an increase in state await you.

Seeing yourself in a dream with a long beard is a sign of honor and reward, success in the things that await you.

For women, such a dream is less favorable, since it will be very difficult for them to receive these honors and awards. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows their soon fulfillment of their wishes.

A small beard in a dream is an unfavorable omen, which means that you will soon find yourself embroiled in a lawsuit. If at the same time in a dream your beard begins to climb, then shame, humiliation and loss of the process await you.

If in a dream a man sees that he is shaving off his beard, then he will face many troubles that will fall on him like snow on his head.

If in a dream you see an ancient old man with a gray beard, then you will find yourself in a position where you need the clever advice of an experienced person.

If in a dream the elder speaks to you, then you should remember his words, because perhaps later you will find in them the answer to your question or hint.

Washing a beard in a dream is a harbinger of sadness, and a dry beard is a sign of fun.

If a small child sees himself in a dream with a beard, then he will die soon.

For a young man, a dream predicts success.

If in a dream you set your beard on fire, then you will be separated from your beloved.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Seeing Beard in a dream

If someone sees his beard long, this is to glory and honor, and a short beard means a lack of honor and dignity. And pulling your beard in a dream - to wastefulness and repentance.

If a woman sees herself in a dream with a beard, then her absent husband will return, and if he is at home, he will leave. If she is a widow, she will marry, and if she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son. If that woman has a son, then he will be the eldest of the family.

If a small child sees himself in a dream with a beard, he will die before reaching adulthood.

If someone sees in a dream that he has dyed his beard, and at the same time that paint will have a certain color, for example. henna (henna is a red paint used to paint nails and hair), then the dreamer will put on expensive clothes, and if he sees an indefinite color, for example, the color of mud, lime, and the like, then it will not be easy for him to get simple clothes for himself.

If anyone sees that his beard has become white, he will not achieve prominence, honor and dignity. If someone sees in a dream that he has a lot of hair in his beard, for a merchant this is an increase in capital, and for a poor man - an increase in debts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

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What does Beard's dream mean

A beard is a symbol of masculinity and life success or failure associated with this quality.

For a man to have a big beard is power, honor.

Before our eyes, the beard grows - an increase in prosperity.

An unusually long beard - secret diseases and misfortunes.

Ironing your beard is a loss.

Combing is respect.

Blackening is a success.

Plucking a beard - a change in business.

To have a black beard is a surprise.

Red is a nuisance.

Gray hair is a great honor, respect.

The beard falls out, to cut off the beard - great sadness, loss, dishonor / death of a son / impotence.

To see a woman in her beard is evil, a quarrel at a wedding or at a party.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

See Beard in a dream

Seeing on yourself - you are too on your mind, but defeat awaits you.

To see a bearded man or, even more so, a woman - someone will be ahead of you.

A gray beard is a disease.

A red beard is a bad sign, someone very strong and wayward will oppose you and defeat you in the fight.

Shave your beard - you will come to your senses and after some waiting you will get yours.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

What do Beard's dreams mean?

Seeing someone's beard in a dream is fortunately in the house.

A long beard at home - honor and respect, profit.

Small - a trial.

Hair loss from the beard is a shame and humiliation.

Gray beard - quarrels and failures.

If a man sees a bearded woman in a dream, this is a sign of trouble and illness.

A woman sees herself with a beard - getting the expected (but for a married woman - breaking up with her husband).

An old man with a beard is a good counselor.

A man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance, and shaving yourself is a solution to love problems.

Red beard - cunning friends.

To dream of a beard growing is a sign of wealth.

Cutting your beard - to losses in money and personal life.

To cut someone's hair - to a quarrel.

Trimming a beard is an improvement in business.

Combing a beard is a solution to all tangled situations, to reconciliation.

Burning a beard means separation from your beloved.

If a girl sees a beard in a dream, a hasty marriage or connection awaits her.

A married woman is widowhood or divorce, for a widow it is marriage, for a child it is death.

For a pregnant woman - the birth of a son.

Losing a beard in a dream means breaking off relations, losing property and honor.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Beard dream

Dual symbol.

On the one hand - masculinity and success in life.

On the other hand, there is a warning about masking the real face.

For a man to have a large beard in a dream is power, success.

Losing a beard is a loss.

For a girl - to marriage, the birth of a son.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the Interpretation of Dreams

What does Beard mean in a dream

A dual symbol, which can mean, on the one hand, the wisdom of past years, and on the other hand, a disguise that hides mistakes or delusions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free dream book

Meaning of dreams Beard

A bushy beard - for good profit; a bearded woman - to shame; a gray beard - to respect; cutting a beard - at a loss: dragging by the beard - to a fight; a young man with a beard - to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of dreams

What does Beard mean in a dream

You or our interlocutor have a long, beautiful, clean beard - in the near future you will meet a person who will love you with all his heart. To make this happen, cut out the number eight from the blue cloth, place it in a cup of salt water, and store in a dark place, when the water evaporates, burn the cloth.

A stubble or a torn beard in you or your interlocutor dreams that the health of a loved one is in danger. To protect those close to you and dear to you, cut out figures of little people from fabric. At sunset, tie white threads to the figures and hand them out to the people you want to protect.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

The meaning of Beard sleep

An ambivalent symbol indicating wisdom and sacred power, but also hiding truth and disappointed hopes.

Phallic symbol.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

Interpretation of a dream Beard

wealth, greatness and beauty. Sometimes she indicates piety and adherence to the Sunnah (what the Prophet said and did, s.a.s. If anyone sees that it has lengthened, then he will receive wealth, glory and a life in abundance. The sinner's beard is his repentance, and if he is lost, he will take the True Path.

If someone in a dream sees his beard shaved, then this means a fall in his reputation among people. The same interpretation applies to someone who has a beard. And whoever sees himself with a shaved head and beard, and if there are signs in a dream that indicate good, he will pay off his debts, solve his problems and, if sick, recover. And if in a dream there are no such signs, then this is not good. For a boy to see himself in a dream with a beard is not good.

A pitch-black beard in a snack - for enrichment.

A red beard in a dream is proof of the piety and piety of its owner. For a woman to see herself in a dream with a beard means never giving birth.

If a woman is married, then this dream may indicate a close separation from her husband.

If a pregnant woman sees herself in a dream with a beard, then she will give birth to a son, who may later become an orphan. White or gray beard - to dignity and well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does it mean to see a Beard in a dream

A thick, long beard - for a lot of money, a short - for a slight increase in income. To see how a beard grows - the invested funds will give a huge profit.

Try to be able to “grow” your beard as thick and long as possible.

Changing the shape of the beard - you feel a subconscious desire to protect yourself from trouble, if in a dream the shape turned out beautiful, you will easily succeed, if unkempt, your protection will not be too reliable. Shave, cut your beard - you will be able to hide from dishonor and humiliation. To cut someone else's beard - to protect yourself from a quarrel; trim - the desire to improve things; plucking hair from a beard - to avoid shame.

Visualize a beard in your dream. Try to experience comfort and a secure state.

Looking at someone else's beard - to changes in personal life: on a woman's face - portends getting what you want; on the face of the old man - meet a kind adviser; on the face of a young man - to a quick marriage; on the man's face - monetary troubles. Seeing a gray beard - disappointment awaits you; white - to high honors, honor and respect; red - to the betrayal of close friends; black - to good health; in curls - to a quarrel with relatives.

Imagine looking at the beard in the photographs (see Photo).

A man with a beard - a two-faced person who disguises his true intentions from people will mislead you. Combing your beard - will cause discord between you and your friends. Pulling his beard - will cause your remorse about unplanned waste. Paints a beard - delusions will lead your affairs to decay.

Remember in detail the face of the man with the beard, try to find features that are familiar to you. In reality, beware of someone who looks like a person from a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Beard

To dream of a beard growing is a sign of the acquisition of material wealth. To shave off someone's beard is to conceive and commit an unjust act.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What the Beard's dream predicts

A dreamed beard suggests that someone with whom you cannot find a compromise will stand in your way, and the struggle for power will take on such a fierce nature that you simply do not have enough strength to do it, hence losses are inevitable. If in a dream you see a man with a gray beard, it means that in reality you will lack the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require of you in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

Seeing a man shaving his beard is a loss of property. Seeing a beard on your face means trouble, an unwanted meeting and a protracted illness. If someone pulls you by the beard - know that if in a real situation you show unreasonable stubbornness, you will put yourself and your family at risk.

Brushing and trimming your beard is a sign that the growth of your vanity will be directly proportional to the growth of your well-being, which will negatively affect relationships with old friends. Stroking a thick beard is a significant loss. If the above can be attributed to you, as you saw yourself in a dream, all this speaks of your unwillingness to make the final choice and decide on marriage.

Seeing a man with an elegant beard that suits him - you will show clairvoyance in business, which will bring certain benefits. A man with a black beard - for the chores and everyday hassle, overlook the main thing that you will have to regret.

A man who has begun to let go of a beard portends a loss of fortune. A girl with a beard - you will attend a wedding. The old woman - for the funeral of the husband of a close friend.

To wash your beard - to the deep sorrow of the heart. In general, a dream about a beard promises a pregnant woman the birth of a son.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

To see Beard in a dream

A symbol of manhood, the difference between a man and a young man. In the old days, men never shaved their beards. It was considered a great insult if one man grabbed another by the beard. In fairy tales, the beard of sorcerers was endowed with magical power.

To dream of a man with a beard, which, when the light changes, casts blue, is a sign of jealousy; unfounded suspicions of a spouse's betrayal; to acquaintance with a person who will win the heart, but will not give anything in return.

To see a man with a big curly beard with a shovel on a frosty day - your ally will be a reliable partner; to rich profits; to measured communication.

To see a man with a gray beard who leads a young girl by the arm is a betrayal; to the loss of a heartfelt friend; to an unhappy date; to the disclosure of secrets, secrets from personal life; to an unpleasant conversation with a lover.

To see a grandfather with a long beard, who dances squatting, is a frivolous act; to unfulfilled promises; to the unloved business.

To see a man cut off his beard and he cries is a public insult; to deep experiences; to an accident that will permanently take you out of working condition.

Tearing hair out of a beard - to fulfill desires; to a meeting with a powerful person; to a frank conversation with an elderly person; to the awkwardness that you will experience due to communication with a person who is older than you; get wise advice.

To dream of a man with a red beard, shaped like a goat's beard - beware of the devil's tricks; do not trust people who promise a lot of benefits; on your way there will be a dexterous and nimble person who can deceive.

Seeing a woman dragging a peasant by the beard is a sign of guilt; to concern for the other half; to a fight in the house.

To see a man voluntarily agree to have his gorgeous beard shaved off is a waste; unknowingly, you will bring grief to others; beware of hasty decisions and urgent projects.

Seeing a boy with a real male beard is a disease; to the surprise; to unexpected news that will change your life; Your child will do something that will make everyone look at him with different eyes.

Seeing a beard of incredible length - fate will bring you to a wise man; You will find a spiritual guide, teacher; to cooperate with a person, wise experience; to longevity and health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

Sleep Prediction Beard

Beard - they say how beautiful, a big beard dreams, then there will be some profit for this person; and how you cut your beard or shave, then there will be some kind of loss. To see how a beard grows is an increase in property; to shave off someone's beard - to commit evil, injustice; black beard - health; luxurious and long - you have many kind patrons, defenders; redhead - insidious friends; crawling out the hair on the beard - a great sorrow. Ironing a beard is a loss. As a girl dreams that she has a beard, then the loss of her beloved.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Seeing Beard in a dream

A dream in which a woman wears a beard and looks after her suggests that she is afraid of an unsuccessful marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

What does Beard's dream mean

Beard - profit, wealth in the house.

A quickly grown beard - one person will be added to the family.

Long, well-groomed beard - honor and respect.

Gray beard - quarrels and disagreements in the family.

A bearded woman - unexpected communication with unpleasant people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for the bitch

See Beard in a dream

A symbol of the continuation of a long-standing, perhaps long-forgotten business.

Dreams in which you see bearded people: they suggest that past events can suddenly remind of themselves.

To see that in a dream you suddenly grew a beautiful, thick beard: a man portends unexpected joy, for which he has ceased to hope. Perhaps someone is going to repay the debt to him.

A runny, unsightly beard: a sign of disappointment in your expectations.

A woman to see herself with a beard: she promises that some events from her past will suddenly become a hindrance to her and cause a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

What do Beard's dreams mean?

Beard - long - respect and honor - short - humiliation, anxiety - to see how your property grows - to increase - to cut someone off - to commit a deliberate injustice - to pluck a beard - you must reassure your clients - black - health - luxurious and long - very you have a lot of protection - to see the beard crawled out, falling out - great sorrow - loose - treacherous friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

Beard dream

For a man, power, respect, acquisition; curly or red-haired deception, envious people; a long indication of magical power and spiritual power. Cutting, losing a beard is a bad sign of loss. The girl has a beard marriage, the birth of a son; a woman has a loss, a break in relations. A child's beard is a sign of a special mission of his fate or his death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

What does Beard mean in a dream

To have a beard in a dream is profit.

A woman sees herself with a beard - getting what was expected.

A man shaving a beard is an unexpected nuisance.

To see an old man with a beard is to have a good advisor.

Seeing someone's red beard is deceitful.

Interpretation of dreams from a psychotherapeutic dream book

Meaning of dreams Beard

To see a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by a certain person who is alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and, probably, in this struggle you will have losses.

A gray beard means failure and quarrels.

Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant meetings and a long illness.

If in a dream someone pulls you by the beard, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property.

Brushing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your prosperity, making you extremely unpleasant for your former friends.

If a young woman grooming her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does Beard mean in a dream

Beard - Seeing yourself with a beard that doesn't exist in reality is a hobby that is unusual for your age. Combing - to love interests. Cutting - for activities more suitable for children and young people. To shave off - you are ashamed of your hobbies, but the refusal of them will impoverish your life and deprive it of meaning.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of Beard sleep

If someone sees in a dream that he has a big beautiful beard, this means that everyone will be pleased to talk to him, because he will always be able to make the subject chosen by him interesting to talk.

Moreover, this dream promises him good luck in his endeavors.

When a girl dreams that she has grown a beard, this portends her imminent marriage with someone she likes.

For a woman, the meaning of this dream is that she will have to take the place of the head (man) in her house and manage all affairs alone.

For a pregnant woman, this dream promises a son.

If someone dreams that he lost his beard, or that he was shaved or torn out, this predicts the loss of honor, a relative or some kind of expensive thing.

Those who dream that his beard has become longer than usual will get rich.

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