Home Fertilizers How to avoid stretch marks on your chest. How to get rid of stretch marks on your chest. Lessons are simple and do not take much time

How to avoid stretch marks on your chest. How to get rid of stretch marks on your chest. Lessons are simple and do not take much time

Carrying a baby is a wonderful period in a woman's life, which, unfortunately, often leaves marks on the forms of a pregnant woman, as well as her skin. Stretch marks are a common problem faced by more than half of expectant mothers. Unaesthetic scars can appear not only on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks, but also on the chest. The delicate skin of the mammary glands does not always keep up with the changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother. The result is more or less pronounced scars - striae. What preventive measures will significantly reduce the likelihood of stretch marks during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby? What if the scars on the skin have already appeared?

Stretch marks are a defect in the upper layer of the skin, which manifests itself in the form of scars (wavy stripes) of various widths. The first time after the onset of striae, they have a rich cyanotic, red-violet hue. Over time, the grooves lighten up to white.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Stretch marks are preceded by strong stretching of the skin in a short period of time. As a result, the cells of the dermis do not have enough time to produce elastin and collagen in sufficient quantities, the tissues become thinner and torn, and the breaks are "filled" with connective tissue. This is how skin scars - stretch marks are formed.

What factors lead to overstretching of breast tissue while carrying a baby?

  • Hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother, lead to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, as a result of which the skin becomes less elastic. Even a gradual stretching of the skin on the chest often leads to its thinning and rupture in certain areas.
  • Physiological increase mammary glands during pregnancy. Natural breast growth associated with preparation for the upcoming lactation can be small, and it can be very significant - the expectant mother may notice an increase in the bust not by 1, but by 2, or even 3 sizes. Of course, the likelihood of stretch marks in the latter case increases significantly.
  • Large weight gain. The extra pounds lead to stretching of the skin, especially in the thighs and buttocks. But if the weight has increased significantly (by 15 kg or even 20 kg), the skin of the breast may also suffer.
  • An important role is played by hereditary factor, which determines the characteristics of the skin.

Prevention of Breast Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

1. Balanced diet.

Diet is the determining factor in your weight. Some of the additional kilos that appear while waiting for the baby are of a physiological nature. They are formed by an enlarged uterus, mammary glands and circulating blood volume, baby and amniotic fluid, placenta. But part of the kilo is associated with the sedentary lifestyle of the pregnant woman, as well as the desire to eat "for two." This is not worth doing. Overeating is a recipe for new stretch marks. The best option is the presence of fruits, vegetables, proteins (they play an important role in preventing striae) and cereals in equal parts. The emphasis should be placed not on the size of the portion, but on the content of vitamins and minerals in it.

  • Meat (beef, chicken).
  • Fatty fish (a source of omega acids).
  • Nuts and legumes.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Fruit.

2. Massage.

Gentle but regular massage movements will help maintain the natural tone of the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. During breastfeeding, a gentle breast massage will be a good stimulation of lactation.

  • It is recommended to apply a few drops of olive or castor oil to your fingers before the massage.
  • Place one palm on top of your chest and the other on the bottom. Slowly massage your chest in a clockwise circular motion.
  • The rest of the oil does not need to be washed off - the product will serve as additional nutrition and hydration of the dermis.

3. Shower.

The streams of water from the shower head also perform a small massage on the breasts. Direct the shower stream towards the breasts and apply a clockwise circular motion with the watering can. Such a simple manipulation will improve the blood supply to the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity.

A contrast shower also has a good effect, although pregnant women need to carry out this procedure with extreme caution and only after the approval of the gynecologist.

If there is a threat of disruption of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to perform a contrast shower.

If the doctor sees no obstacles for this type of shower, perform the procedure as follows:

  • Step under the shower with a stream of warm (not hot!) Water.
  • When you are used to the temperature, move the tap to the hot position. Stay under this water for 30 seconds.
  • Next, cool the water slightly. It is also necessary to stay under it for no more than 30 seconds.

The duration of the first water procedures should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Further, this time can be increased to 7 minutes. After you shower, take a hard towel and gently rub your chest.

4. Moderate physical activity.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the woman is feeling well, moderate exercise can help tone the muscles and maintain the elasticity of the breast skin. Swimming is the optimal choice for women "in position". This sport involves a soft and at the same time complex effect on all the muscles of a woman. It will be sufficient to visit the pool 2-3 times a week. Gymnastics for pregnant women will also help to achieve the desired result (it is recommended to perform it under the supervision of a trainer). Don't be discouraged if you can't get to the pool or fitness center. Walking in the fresh air every day will also benefit your body.

5. Selection of special underwear.

Wearing special support underwear for pregnant women will help to avoid excessive overstretching of the skin. It is necessary to start wearing such bras no later than 4-5 months of waiting for the baby, because it is during this period that a sharp increase in the bust is often noted. A distinctive feature of this category of underwear is its ability to stretch, which occurs as the breast grows. Pay attention to models with wide straps, and you will save the skin on the shoulders from injury. The wearing of special underwear is also recommended after childbirth - during breastfeeding. This will support your breasts by preventing stretch marks on your breasts after pregnancy.

Regular care of the skin of the mammary glands while carrying the baby will be a good prevention of stretch marks on the breast.

If stretch marks appear on the chest during pregnancy

If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of unaesthetic scars, it is necessary to make every effort to reduce stretch marks. Only cosmetic procedures can completely get rid of stretch marks - chemical peeling, microdermabrasion (hardware peeling, involving mechanical resurfacing), laser scar removal.

Home remedies won't completely eliminate stretch marks, but they will help make scars almost invisible. The following recipes are effective:

  • Coffee scrub.

An effective and inexpensive product that not only perfectly polishes the dermis, but also promotes blood flow to problem areas, skin regeneration, and an increase in its elasticity. It is best to make your own scrub from whole coffee beans (for example, grind them in a mortar). So you can control the size of the coffee fractions, choosing the optimal option. For especially sensitive and delicate skin, a ready-made medium-ground powder is suitable. You can combine the crushed grains with any nourishing cream or natural oil. In the latter case, you can add a spoonful of liquid honey (if you are not allergic). After taking a shower, when the skin is steamed, rub the composition into problem areas with gentle massage movements for 5 minutes. Proceed gently, but with pressure. Simple “stroking” the skin will be ineffective. After exfoliation, rinse your breasts and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

  • Mumiyo.

Do not use a pharmaceutical product in the form of tablets - there will be practically no effect. Use a natural mummy in dark brown, almost black plates with a specific smell. Combine 5 g of mummy with 1-2 tsp. boiled water - the product must be dissolved. Add a few tablespoons of fatty baby cream to the resulting gruel. To eliminate the harsh aroma, you can add a couple of drops of an essential oil (ylang ylang, citrus, rose or mint ester). The product is applied 1-2 times a day with massaging movements to problem areas. The duration of 1 procedure is 10-15 minutes. The composition with the mummy does not tolerate storage well, therefore it is better to prepare the volume of the product for 1 time.

  • Blue clay.

Combine blue clay powder and base. Apply the resulting gruel to problem areas and wait until it dries. Next, wash off the composition and apply a nourishing or moisturizer to the skin. Boiled water, herbal decoction (with chamomile, string, sage or oak bark) or natural vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, wheat germ, grape seed, peach or jojoba) can act as a base. The composition is recommended for daily use.

  • Lemon peeling.

Grate the peel of 1 lemon. Combine the resulting zest, 150 ml of natural (home) yogurt and 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. Massage on the composition for 10 minutes. Then rinse your skin and apply cream.

  • Oatmeal peeling.

Pour 0.5 cups of hot water over the cereal. Let the product swell a little. Then remove excess liquid. Combine 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and sour cream. The former will act as a scrub, while the latter will give the skin nourishment and good hydration. Massage into skin for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off the composition.

To achieve the desired effect, an integrated approach is required, including skin resurfacing, nourishment and hydration, and an increase in elasticity. As for the last point, a combination of massage actions and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest shows a good result.

How to smear the breast during pregnancy from stretch marks

Of course, rather than dealing with stretch marks that have already appeared, it is better to make every effort to prevent their appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin from the very first trimester of bearing a baby.

Oils for stretch marks on breasts during pregnancy

The best natural remedies for nourishing and moisturizing the skin are natural vegetable oils. To do this, you need to rub the nutrient daily into problem areas. The optimal choice for women "in position" will be olive or almond oil. Natural coconut oil also provides good nutrition and hydration. Grape seed oil, which contains Omega 6 and Omega 9 acids, also promotes skin regeneration.

Cream for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

The abundance of creams, which is represented by the modern cosmetology market, cannot completely remove the already appeared scars. However, there are many products that can provide the skin with the necessary nutrition so that rough stretch marks do not appear on its surface. Among the popular creams for stretch marks on the breast during pregnancy, the following can be distinguished:

  1. "9 months"... The softness and elasticity of the skin will be presented by a complex of oils - grapefruit and wheat germ oil, as well as shea butter. Herbal ingredients also tone the skin, stimulate the production of natural collagen.
  2. "Pregnacare"... Complex action cream. So menthol will eliminate itching and irritation, panthenol will provide the necessary hydration, lavender oil, as well as extracts of calendula and aloe vera will provide nutrition and soften the dermis.
  3. "Sanosan Mama"... Jojoba oil and vitamin E in the cream increase the tone and elasticity of the skin, thus reducing the likelihood of rupture.
  4. "Avent"... Thanks to the presence of seaweed extract, the cream improves skin elasticity. Almond, papaya and shea butter stimulate lymphatic metabolism in tissues.
  5. "Mama Comfort"... The presence of fruit acids and hyaluronic complex give the skin the necessary hydration and nutrition, preventing scarring.
  6. "Collistar"... The cream contains a complex of 4 amino acids. These substances block elastase, which breaks down elastin.
  7. "Vichy"... The presence of thermal water in the composition improves the regeneration processes, and glycerin helps to retain moisture in the skin.

Existing scars after the birth of a baby can be made less pronounced with the help of a cream for scars and scars - Contractubex. The regenerating effect is provided by allantoin, which stimulates collagen synthesis. The product requires long-term and regular use. An alternative preparation is Mederma gel. In addition to the main action - reducing the severity of stretch marks - the remedy also helps the damaged dermis to adapt to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

Photos of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

The time when a woman is expecting the birth of her baby is the most wonderful. It changes before our eyes: it becomes more beautiful, charming, softer and begins to glow from the inside.

But her body during this period is under heavy stress.

As you already know, one of the signs of pregnancy is breast swelling.

The breasts begin to grow in size, become plump and very attractive.

This is of course great, only the skin on the chest suffers a lot at this moment. Indeed, from rapid growth, she has to stretch strongly, and the connective tissues, due to lack of preparedness, sometimes do not stand up and are torn.

At the site of such breaks, small scars, or stretch marks, form.

How to Prevent Breast Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

  • It is very important to choose the right breast bra during pregnancy. After all, the breast increases in size, becomes very sensitive, blood circulation at this moment increases, so it is important to choose a bra made of natural and breathable fabrics, with comfortable cups and preferably without underwires and internal seams and with wide and adjustable shoulder straps.
  • Try to do it every day using a variety of natural oils
  • Every day, for at least 20-30 minutes, arrange your breasts with air baths - take off the upper part of your clothes, let the skin of your chest breathe a little
  • You can not gain weight dramatically, try to monitor your diet.
  • Watch your diet, as it should be rational. Include in your daily diet plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber.
  • Heredity plays an important role in the formation of stretch marks. If your mom had such a problem, then you need to monitor the condition of your skin even more closely.
  • When using special cosmetics for the breast, the skin must first be cleaned and warmed up. It is best used after a bath.
  • Apply moisturizers to your breasts every day.

If stretch marks have already appeared on the chest

If stretch marks have already appeared on your chest, then folk remedies will help get rid of them:

  • Almond-carrot milk for stretch marks on the chest in pregnant women

Grate 1 carrot and fill it with warm water, so that it slightly covers the carrot. After 15 minutes, squeeze all the juice out of the carrots and add a little almond oil. The resulting lotion should be rubbed into the skin of the breast every night before going to bed with light massage movements. The lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

  • Olive Oil Will Protect Breasts During Pregnancy From Stretch Marks

If you rub it into the chest every day, the skin will become elastic and stretch marks will not appear. This tool was tested by the famous actress Sophie Marceau.

  • Grape mask will protect the skin from stretch marks

Rub thoroughly until a homogeneous gruel is formed and apply it to cleansed breast skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. The grape mask moisturizes the skin well, so it has an excellent preventive effect against stretch marks.

Breast engorgement and enlargement is a natural process caused by pregnancy.

The rounded bust looks appetizing and attractive, but this is where the main danger lies.

Due to the strong skin tension caused by the active growth of the breast, the connective fibers begin to break, forming unattractive scars in these places.

It is possible to get rid of stretch marks on the chest, but it is by no means easy to do it. Let's take a closer look at how to remove stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy using affordable and safe methods.


The main sign of the imminent appearance of stretch marks on the chest is thinning of the skin, accompanied by slight redness and itching.

If you do nothing, you will soon be able to notice the appearance of stripes that differ in color from the general skin tone.

In total, there are three classes of stretch marks on the body:

  • thin superficial stripes of a whitish shade;
  • small scars of light pink color;
  • serious skin damage, characterized by the formation of dense scars in blue-burgundy tones.

The appearance of stretch marks, mainly of the first two types, is characteristic of the chest area. At the initial stage, stretch marks are easy to feel by touch, since they protrude somewhat above the surface of the skin.

In the process of healing, striae brighten, but they cannot catch up with the general shade of the skin due to the absence of melanin in these areas.

A little about physiology

Our skin is made up of four layers, arranged in a specific sequence. The upper two layers are the stratum corneum and the epidermis. Both have a high level of elasticity and stretch ability, but they have a certain limit.

They are followed by the dermis, which is made up of the very collagen and elastin fibers that we have heard so much about.

Collagen fibers are a resilient base with a high level of strength and flexibility. Elastin fibers are responsible for stretching the skin and returning it to its natural state.

With a high level of elasticity, the dermis tends to stretch, which happens at the time of the growth of the mammary glands. The upper layers of the skin, not withstanding this level of tension, begin to burst.

Trying to repair the damage on its own, the body fills the gap with connective tissue. In this place, a scar is formed, which we call a stretch.

And the red tint is given to it by small blood vessels, which we see through the thinned layer of the skin. Over time, the fibers of the connective tissue lose their elasticity and brighten, as the blood flow in the damaged capillaries stops.

Reasons for the appearance

It cannot be argued that the rapid increase in breast size during pregnancy will lead to the formation of stretch marks.

Likewise, breasts of the first or second size can be covered with small scars. What are the main reasons for the formation of striae during the period of bearing a child?

  1. Strong stretching of the skin with a sharp increase in the volume of the mammary glands. If the size of the breast increases gradually, then the skin has time to "adjust".
  2. The hereditary factor plays an important role. The composition of the skin is determined at the genetic level. So the likelihood of striae on the chest increases significantly if mom and grandmother also encountered this problem during pregnancy.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels are the main predisposing factor. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone in a woman's body increases significantly.

    Under the influence of this hormone, collagen production decreases, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin and excessive excretion of moisture from the cells.

All these reasons are not critical, and in any of these cases, mechanical rupture occurs as a result of deterioration in the quality of the skin.

Therefore, it is quite possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy if you pay special attention to personal care and exclude all possible risk factors, such as weakening of the pectoral muscles, intense weight gain, and smoking.

How to get rid of

The most effective treatments for stretch marks on the chest are offered in beauty salons or plastic surgery clinics.

But such services are contraindicated for a future mother, so you will have to deal with striae exclusively with home methods.

Perhaps their effectiveness is somewhat lower, but with regular use, the result will not be long in coming.

Cream for stretch marks

A cosmetic cream for stretch marks is the easiest way to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the breast. All presented cosmetics have a hypoallergenic composition, developed taking into account the needs of dehydrated and thinned skin.

Use during pregnancy is absolutely safe:

  • Mama Comfort. A product based on chamomile extract, tea tree, olive oil and with the addition of hyaluronic acid. Together, these components effectively moisturize the skin and maintain its natural level of elasticity.

    A good preventive and inexpensive remedy from a domestic manufacturer. Recommended for use from the second trimester of pregnancy. For the treatment of already existing stretch marks on the chest, it is unlikely to be suitable.

  • Avent. The cream contains natural oils, the product itself has a light and pleasant texture. The main action is intensive skin hydration.

    So the high efficiency of Avent in terms of prevention is slightly overshadowed by its uselessness for treating both old and fresh scars.

  • Clarins. The products in this series are very popular with women. As for the cream for stretch marks for pregnant women, reviews about it are mostly disastrous.

    Works like a good cream that can prevent scarring when applied from the first months of pregnancy. But even with fresh striae, he is unable to cope.

  • Lierac. The funds are available in the form of ampoules and gel. For prophylaxis, it is recommended to use the gel, applied daily in the morning and in the evening on the skin, starting from the fourth month of pregnancy.

    For stretch marks, a gel product will not work. It is necessary to start treatment with the treatment of damaged skin with the contents of the ampoules.

    The duration of the course is 8 weeks, provided that it is applied twice a day. After two months, you should switch to the gel, continuing its use until visible results.

  • Vichy. The tool is advertised, expensive and effective in the prevention of stretch marks. With regular use, it helps to moisturize the skin, preventing it from tearing due to dryness and thinning. For damaged skin, hydration alone will not be enough.
  • Mustela. The cream with a delicate melting texture is easy to apply, absorbs well, moisturizes and regenerates the skin. For prevention, it is recommended to use it twice a day from the first months of pregnancy. The cream is applied to stretch marks with massaging movements, the course of treatment is 3 months.
  • Sanosan. The cream has a thick consistency, is economical to use, has a regenerating and moisturizing effect. It is recommended to use it during the second or third trimester of pregnancy as a remedy for the prevention of striae on the chest and abdomen. In the treatment of formed scars, the effectiveness is low.
  • Pregnacare. It is recommended to use the cream at the first signs of stretch marks on the breast, applying with gentle movements on the purple stripes, avoiding the nipple area. The duration of treatment is individual, usually the course is continued until the end of breastfeeding.
  • Chicco. The cream contains rice bran, wheat, vitamin E and PP. The tool is recognized as the safest for the intrauterine development of a child, as it has an extremely superficial effect.

    It is for this reason that efficiency is questionable. But as a tool for daily care of thin and sensitive skin, according to the results of all reviews, it deserves a solid five. For the prevention of stretch marks on the chest, we can safely recommend the product.


The main purpose of skin scrubs is to exfoliate dead cells. After removing the stratum corneum, the epidermis is naturally renewed by increasing the production of elastin and collagen.

To make a homemade scrub, you will need a liquid base (honey, cream, yogurt, olive oil) and abrasive particles. For sensitive breast skin, coarse scrubs are not recommended.

Therefore, give preference to finely ground coffee, sugar or cinnamon. During the shower, massage the chest area for two to three minutes, at the end of the procedure, pat dry the skin with a towel and apply a cream for stretch marks or any other moisturizer.


Massage is one of the most effective procedures for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks. With its help, it is possible to improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes in cells and thereby shorten the duration of the regeneration period.

Breast massage during pregnancy should be gentle. Sensitive mammary glands will not tolerate rough intervention, so any sudden movements that deliver unpleasant sensations are prohibited.

It is advisable to perform the procedure after a shower. Choose the type of massage from your own preferences, focusing on your mood. It can be light pinching, circular movements, stroking. The main thing is that you do not experience discomfort during the procedure.

Clay and vegetable oil masks

One of the most effective home remedies for stretch marks is breast masks.

During pregnancy, it is especially undesirable to experiment with the compositions, so it is better to limit yourself to a couple of proven recipes:

  1. Dilute blue or green clay with clean water to a thick sour cream consistency. Add some olive oil. Apply the mask to the skin without touching the areola area. After complete drying, gently wash off the mask without rubbing the skin. Be sure to complete the procedure with a moisturizer.
  2. Oil-based leave-in masks. If you doubt the naturalness of the composition of purchased creams, you can nourish your skin with oils without their help.

    It is enough to apply the mask on the breast skin 1-2 times a week and leave it to be absorbed without rinsing. Use pure or a mixture of oils such as olive, peach, almond, and grape seed.

Essential oils

The list of essential oils approved for use during pregnancy is not that long. These include essential oils of orange, lavender, calendula and geranium.

And even in this case, we can talk exclusively about external use with strict adherence to the dosage. In small quantities, the active substances in their composition do not have the ability to penetrate into the blood or to the placenta, stimulating the activity of uterine contractions.

But, nevertheless, the safe use of essential oils for the fetus is possible starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and only as part of a mixture with other bases.

Note! During pregnancy, in classic recipes for stretch marks on the chest, the dosage should be reduced by at least half, or even three times.

To get rid of stretch marks, essential oils are recommended for massage. This will enhance the penetration of nutrients to the cells, which will make the caring procedure more effective. For 50 ml of base oil (jojoba, olive, wheat germ), take 2 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of orange and geranium.

Store the mixture remaining after the massage in the refrigerator in a glass container. Before the next use, be sure to warm it up in a water bath or in your hands (if a small bottle).

Cold and hot shower

Regular massage of the breasts with alternately warm / cold water has a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation, tones the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic.

A contrast shower is an excellent tool for both prevention and treatment of stretch marks. But during pregnancy, this is not the safest method.

A contrast shower is allowed under the condition of a normal pregnancy, in the absence of any complications and uterine tone. In this case, it is necessary to use a weak pressure so as not to harm the overly sensitive mammary glands.

And the concept of contrast in this period is very different. Temperature changes should be small, within the range of "very warm and slightly cool". No cold or hot water to harm your baby!

Contrast compresses

Contrast compresses during pregnancy are a worthy alternative to cold douches. This procedure will be no less effective in combating stretch marks, but it is safer for the body of a young mother and her baby.

Prepare 2 containers with cool and hot water. Add a little lemon juice to cold water, and a couple of pinches of salt to warm water. After dipping a towel in hot water, apply it to your chest for 30s.

Then change it to a cold compress, letting it sit for a minute. Do 5-6 repetitions for each breast. After finishing the procedure, apply a moisturizer or remedy for stretch marks.

Don't use rosemary as indicated in some recipes! This essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy!


The wrapping procedure helps to saturate the skin with useful microelements, restore moisture balance and improve metabolism. That is why it is so actively recommended for the treatment of stretch marks on the chest.

During pregnancy, wraps will also help to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, preventing the formation of stretch marks.

But during this period, it is allowed to use only cold wraps, performed with a composition whose temperature does not exceed 36 0 C. Warming up and creating a thermal effect in the area of ​​the mammary glands is unacceptable.

For women in position, seaweed will be the best option for wrapping composition. Dilute the dry algae powder with clean water and apply to the chest area without affecting the areola.

Wrap your breasts in plastic wrap, wrap yourself in a blanket and rest for 30-40 minutes. Remember to moisturize your skin after the procedure.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is much easier than removing the formed scars later.

Even with the best option, home treatments can take several years to reduce the appearance of skin blemishes. Moreover, no heroism is required in the struggle for a beautiful bust.

It will be enough for the expectant mother to follow just a few recommendations:

  1. Do not be nervous about trifles, avoid any stressful situations. The tension in the nervous system can provoke a new imbalance in hormones, which will invariably worsen the condition of the skin.
  2. Eat right. Pregnancy is not the time for dieting and losing weight. The baby in the womb takes the lion's share of nutrients, so your skin does not get anything.

    So take care of that by including meat, poultry, cheese, nuts, and eggs in your diet. These products contain substances that promote the production of collagen and elastin.

    Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins and antioxidants - this is an irreplaceable component of a healthy diet.

  3. Wear the right underwear. A bra with wide straps should support the growing breasts well, preventing the skin from stretching again under the weight of the breast.
  4. Do not neglect the need to exercise. Weak muscles are one of the first risk factors. Swimming, yoga for pregnant women, a special fitness program for expectant mothers or just daily walks in the fresh air - all this will make an invaluable contribution to a beautiful bust.

All these tips, combined with complete skin care, apply not only to the breast area. The abdominal area also requires increased attention, as the places of greatest tension on the skin.

Watch the video on how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

Reasons for the appearance

In the occurrence of stretch marks, heredity plays an important role. If your mother had them, then most likely you will.

Striae appear with rapid weight gain, due to which the skin stretches, small multiple tears of the epidermis occur.

Disorders in the hormonal sphere, strict diets and fasting, wearing a bra of the wrong size, smoking, excessive physical exertion for the chest muscles contribute to the appearance of microscopic scars on the skin.

Stretch marks in adolescents

For the first time, ugly stripes on the skin can occur during adolescence in girls. This process is associated with hormonal changes in the body, which leads to rapid breast enlargement. During this period, not all girls start wearing a bra on time or choose the wrong one.

To reduce the likelihood of stretch marks on the pectoral muscles in adolescence, it is necessary to eat a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, enrich your diet with fiber and seafood, quit smoking, do not take alcohol, and exercise.

Stretch marks in pregnant women and after childbirth

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, serious changes occur in the hormonal sphere of a woman. At the same time, the skin becomes less elastic, its elasticity decreases. Most pregnant women put on those extra pounds pretty quickly. The mammary glands increase in volume several times during pregnancy. The restructuring of all biochemical processes in the body during this period leads to moderate dehydration, which additionally contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the pectoral muscles (more often on the lower surface).

The following recommendations will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their number:

  • study in advance all the information about the fight against stretch marks;
  • Get ready for pregnancy by taking a multivitamin
  • adjust your daily menu, making it healthy and useful, enriched
  • all the necessary substances;
  • do not eat for two - this is a delusion;
  • do not smoke cigarettes or drink alcoholic beverages;
  • wear underwear that fits;
  • Apply natural oils to your breast skin daily.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Organic cream for stretch marks >> "Mangosteen"<<

Accelerates recovery and healing

Plumps and rejuvenates the skin

Has anti-inflammatory properties

Reduces moisture loss

Traditional medicine methods are suitable for mothers who are not ready to use cosmetic preparations or do not have the necessary funds.

Using natural methods for stretch marks, you will be able to prevent their appearance, but it will not work to eliminate the striae that have already appeared on the skin. Popular methods include application of natural oils and massage with their use.

The following oils are used: wheat germ, olive, almond, grape, cocoa. Take a shower before using the oils. Apply them with light circular massage movements until the oil is completely absorbed. Increases skin elasticity and firmness cold and hot shower.

If folk remedies did not work, stretch marks appeared, then you can use creams and ointments factory production. They contain hyaluronic and arachidonic acids, from which collagen is formed. The choice of such drugs is great in the pharmacy network of any city. They are applied to problem areas for several months. The most famous among them are Kontraktubeks and Mederma. Their use is permitted during pregnancy and the entire lactation period. They do not enter the bloodstream and do not harm the fetus.

Modern methods of removing stretch marks on the chest include laser techniques and mesotherapy. These methods are used when the skin stripes have already become white.

based on the subcutaneous administration of collagen preparations. Such courses are used for five to six months. Injections are given once every two weeks. They are contraindicated during childbearing and during breastfeeding.

Laser removal gives quick results, but costs more. A special device is used for laser resurfacing of stretch marks, and they become invisible. Contraindications for this technique are the same for the mesotherapy procedure.

Oh, those stretch marks! Pregnancy, of course, beautifies a woman, but its consequences can hardly be assessed as a sign of beauty. Unfortunately, pearlescent scars or stretch marks remain with you for life. But you can resist this - if you do not allow or detect stretch marks during pregnancy in time and take care of your skin.

What are stretch marks?

Your skin is elastic enough and can stretch and shrink again like rubber. But, like any material, it has a certain line.

Your tummy is growing so quickly that the skin simply does not have time to renew itself and stretches to the limit.

In addition, stretch marks may appear on the breasts during pregnancy.

First, you notice stripes of pinkish or purple hues, which after a few months acquire a pearlescent shade and the shape of subcutaneous scars.

Know! For you to understand the importance of this topic, it is worth clarifying that stretch marks are not just stretched skin, but a violation and a rush of the next layer of skin after the epidermis - the dermis.

But the lilac or purple shades of the stretched stripes are given by burst capillaries, which are exactly in this layer of the skin.

You should know that stretch marks or striae, as they are commonly called in everyday life, may not appear during pregnancy. A jump in weight or impaired metabolism contributes to the appearance of unwanted grooves. Therefore, you should learn more about the causes of stretch marks.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

There are about a dozen reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on your body. Study each one to identify the one that is relevant to you.

  • Progressive growth of abdomen and body weight;
  • Excess weight;

With improper nutrition and low physical activity, gaining extra pounds will not be difficult. If you gain more than one kilogram per month, you should reconsider your diet, otherwise purple grooves may appear not only on the stomach, but also on the thighs or buttocks.

  • Hormonal changes;

The main hormone in your pregnancy is progesterone. It is he who relaxes the smooth muscles and the uterus, preventing it from toning. But in parallel, all other muscles, as well as the connective tissues of the dermis, lose their tone, respectively, in the case of skin tension, this layer does not withstand and breaks.

  • Unbalanced diet;

You know that a pregnant woman's menu should be fortified and balanced. If your diet does not contain enough vitamins A and E, proteins and vegetable fats, then collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of fibers, simply will not be produced. Well, you have heard enough about the dangers of fast food and promotional carbonated drinks to remove them from the menu yourself.

  • Smoking and alcohol;

The topic of bad habits continues, but now smoking and alcohol are on the blacklist. And the reason is all the same collagen and elastin, which are not produced under the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol. The skin becomes vulnerable and fragile.

  • Age;

You have heard about the ideal childbearing age, and it is by no means connected with moral norms or social frameworks, but just has a physiological explanation. Until the age of 18, hormones and a woman's body are simply not ready for such stresses as pregnancy. But after 30 years, the same collagen responsible for your skin loses its ground somewhat and is not produced so actively.

  • Repeated childbirth;

If you decide on a second pregnancy, you should heed the advice of specialists in white coats and take a two-year break. This is exactly how much your body needs to replenish vitamins, trace elements and establish hormonal levels.

  • General physical condition;

If your lifestyle is characterized as "couch", then stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy are guaranteed to you. Low physical activity threatens oxygen starvation of tissues, in addition, it leads to weakening of muscles, including abdominal muscles.

  • Lactation.

Before you read any further, let's remind you that breastfeeding is ideal for your little one. Stretch marks in the chest area can of course appear, especially in the first weeks, when milk is actively arriving, and unprepared skin simply cannot withstand the stress. But this is not at all a reason to refuse breastfeeding, you just need to prepare in advance and wear the right clothes.

Risk factors

In addition to the causes of stretch marks described above, there are so-called risk factors. In this case, little depends on you personally, but this information will allow you to take the necessary preventive measures and, at least, reduce the number of stretch marks on your body.

  1. Heredity. Your mom rewarded you with not only eye or hair color, but also skin type. Check if your close female relatives have a stretch mark problem and decide if you are at risk. If you notice stretch marks during pregnancy in the photo of your relatives, most likely you will face the same fate;
  2. Large fruit. If in your family or the family of your spouse there were infants-heroes, then most likely your baby will also not be from a frail ten. A large fruit, of course, will provoke a large tummy;
  3. Twins. If a stork prepares you a double, or even a triple present, then your belly will be somewhat larger;
  4. Polyhydramnios. This purely physiological feature can also provoke an increase in diameters and, as a result, unwanted stretch marks;
  5. Accompanying illnesses. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, various skin diseases are all risk factors;
  6. Bad habits and unhealthy diet. One of the few risk factors for which only you are responsible are bad habits, abandoning which, you will remove the reasons for which stretch marks appear during pregnancy;
  7. Age limit. The ideal age for a first pregnancy is between 18 and 30 years old. Before and after is already a risk zone;
  8. Interpartum interval. If the next pregnancy occurs before the two-year pause, the risk of stretch marks increases significantly.

But the risk zone is not a diagnosis yet. There are steps you can take to avoid stretch marks before and during pregnancy.

When stretch marks appear during pregnancy

You will not find an exact time frame for when there is the greatest risk of stretch marks. For some, this problem occurs already in the first months of pregnancy, while others may notice grooves already during feeding or after returning to their original weight after childbirth.

Given this fact, you need to take care of your skin and carry out preventive measures throughout pregnancy and after it, then you will definitely not miss the time when stretch marks appear.

Means for prophylaxis

All remedies for preventing the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy can be divided into specific and non-specific. The first ones are all kinds of creams and oils for application to the skin, but the second ones relate to the lifestyle and clothes that need to be worn in position.

Specific means of prevention

There are plenty of options for smearing the belly during pregnancy from stretch marks. There are a lot of popular advice, you can buy a ready-made product at a pharmacy.

  • Creams. When choosing a cream to lubricate the belly during pregnancy from stretch marks, pay attention to the presence of vitamins A or E in its composition, as well as elastin and collagen;
  • Oils. A good prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy are oils. You can use a special line designed for women in position, or use olive, peach or almond oils;
  • Masks. Homemade moisturizing masks will also help you cope with unwanted stretch marks. When deciding how to smear stretch marks during pregnancy, opt for ingredients such as oils and vitamin E.

Non-specific remedies for the prevention of stretch marks

Although these funds do not give a 100% guarantee, they significantly reduce the risk of subcutaneous ruptures.

  1. Correction of nutrition. With proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, your skin will be smooth and elastic, and, therefore, the risk of stretch marks is significantly reduced;
  1. Lingerie for pregnant women. You should change not only your lifestyle, but also the clothes you wore before pregnancy. The bodice fabrics are natural, the straps are wide, the bones are absent, the size is exact. As for the panties, you can choose special underwear with a tightening effect on the hips;
  2. Exercise stress. Do not be afraid, no one sends you to the gym, but taking regular walks in the fresh air or swimming in the pool will be very useful (read a related article: Bath during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Fitness for "belly". You can sign up for special classes for pregnant women or do some simple exercises at home. 3 main tasks - kitty pose, butterfly exercise and twisting while standing or sitting with a fixed pelvis;
  4. Fitball. There are many options - this is swinging from side to side while sitting on the ball, squeezing the ball with your hands, swinging the ball with your foot from a supine position;
  5. Massage. You will definitely enjoy a massage with a shower: circular rotation, contrast shower. You can stroke your tummy with a massage mitten made from natural fabrics. Another option is a massage using natural oils.

Please note that any of the recommended preventive measures is acceptable in the absence of contraindications or threats of termination of pregnancy. If you feel any discomfort when performing any of the points, you need to give it up.

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