Home fertilizers What is the name of the variety of apples. History of apples. Autumn varieties of apples photo with a description, care

What is the name of the variety of apples. History of apples. Autumn varieties of apples photo with a description, care

The apple tree is perhaps the most popular fruit crop among Russian summer residents. Almost everyone grows such trees on their site.domestic gardener. just a huge amount.They may have different qualities and characteristics. And, of course, many summer residents would like to know

Classification of varieties

The fruits of apple trees grown by domestic gardeners can ripen at different times. All varieties of this fruit crop are divided into three main groups:




List of the most popular apple trees

The best summer varieties among Russian summer residents are considered

    White filling.

    Moscow pear.


The most delicious varieties of appleshay, according to Russian gardeners, this:



The best winter apple trees:



The most delicious for the middle band are just perfect -these are White filling, Moskovskaya Grushovka, Melba and Antonovka.Apple trees Simirenko, Zhigulevskoe and Golden are recommended for the southern regions of the country, Belarus and Ukraine.

White filling: description

In height, the apple tree of this variety can reach 4-5 meters. At a young age, her crown is wide-pyromidal. In the future, it acquires a rounded shape. The fruits grow mainly on kolchatka. The leaves of the apple trees of this variety are ellipsoid, gray-green.

The fruits of the White filling are very large. Their weight can reach 110-150 grams. The color of ripe apples is light yellow. Their skin is covered with a white wax coating. On the south side, these apples may have a slight blush. The pulp of the fruits of the White filling is coarse-grained, very juicy and sweet. This old Soviet Baltic variety is still considered by many to be the most delicious. White filling has one rather serious drawback. With age, the fruits of such trees begin to shrink greatly. In old apple trees, their weight can be only 60 g.

The fruit is usually harvested in two stages. For the first time, apples are picked on August 5-10, the second time - 20-25. The keeping quality of the fruits of the White filling is very low. You can store them no more than 15-20 days. Apples of this variety are most often used fresh. But since the fruits of the White filling are very juicy, they are sometimes used to make various kinds of drinks - juices, liqueurs, wines.

Moscow pear

This apple tree with small bright fruits can also very often be seen in the gardens of domestic summer residents. Moscow pear is one of the oldest varieties. It was known at the end of the 18th century. Trees of this variety grow very tall. The crown of young apple trees is pyramidal, in adults it is spherical. The leaves of the Moscow pear are very large, and the flowers, unlike many other popular varieties, are not white, but pale pink.

The fruits of the Moscow pear are small (weighing about 50 grams), shaped like a turnip. They are yellow-green in color with a blurred blush. On the south side, most of the fruits are covered with bright red stripes.

The first apples of this variety ripen in early August. The return from the Moscow pear is long. The fruits ripen within two weeks. Some disadvantage of the variety is the strong shedding of apples. The advantages of the Moscow pear include high yields and excellent taste of the fruit. Their flesh is juicy and aromatic. They are used, like White filling, usually fresh. Sometimes juices are also made, which, according to many summer residents, differ, among other things, in their medicinal properties. You need to drink them for diseases of the bladder, liver and kidneys. Also, Moscow pear juice helps to solve problems with the nervous system and treat acute bronchitis. The disadvantage of this variety is considered only a low transportability and keeping quality of fruits.


White filling and Moscow pear, according to many gardeners, -the most delicious varieties of summer apples. Not far behind them in popularity and Melba.was bred in Canada in 1898. It was named after one of the most famous singers of that time - Nelly Melba. This variety is grown in many regions of Russia. Not too often it can be seen only in the gardens of summer residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

They grow very low - about 3 meters. Their crown at a young age is columnar. You can recognize this apple tree, among other things, by light green leaves with a yellowish tint with small teeth. Melba's flowers are very large, white.

The fruits ripen around mid-August. The sizes are large, weight - 130-150 grams. The shape of the apples is round, slightly flattened. The color of Melba fruits is light green with a striped blush. The pulp is very tender, sweet, juicy and crispy. Its color is almost snow white. Many summer residents like not only the taste of these apples, but also their aroma. The smell of the fruits of Melba have a pleasant caramel. The advantages of the variety include productivity and keeping quality, the disadvantages are instability to scab, poor winter hardiness and self-fertility.


The most delicious varieties of summer apples- White filling, Moscow pear and Melba mostly used for fresh consumption. Store, as already mentioned, they cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, simultaneously with summer summer residents, autumn varieties of apple trees are often planted. The fruits of such trees ripen in August - September and can be stored for up to several months.

Antonovka late-autumn variety (in some sources it is classified as early-winter), which can be found in the gardens of domestic summer residents no less than White filling. Specially Antonovka was not displayed by anyone. They refer it to the varieties of folk selection.

The fruits of Antonovka are largerounded. Many apples have ribs at the bottom. The color is green-yellow. These apples ripen around the end of September. Their flesh is sour-sweet, very aromatic. The fruits of Antonovka can be used both fresh and for making jam, marshmallow, compote, marmalade, etc. Since the pulp of these apples is dense, many people bake pies, charlottes, etc. with them. to diseases, to shortcomings - not too good keeping quality of fruits.

The most delicious autumn varieties of apples: Zhigulevskoe

The fruits of these apple trees ripen by the end of September. The variety is well suited for cultivation in Ukraine, Belarus and in the central regions of Russia. The fruits of Zhigulevskoye apple trees are quite large. Their weight can reach 150-160 grams. The shape of these apples is flat-round. The color is yellowish with a diffuse blush and a small amount of bright red stripes. The pulp is creamy, coarse-grained, very juicy and tender. These apples have a rich sweet and sour taste. The fruits of this variety ripen almost simultaneously.

Apple trees Simirenko

The most delicious varieties of applesautumn, thus, according to many summer residents, are Antonovka and Zhigulevskoye. Winter popular varieties are Simirenko and Golden Delicious.These varieties are also grown by domestic summer residents very willingly. Apple treeSimirenkocharacterized by high productivity and precocity. Its disadvantages include mainly only weak resistance to prash.In the people, this variety is called "semirinka".

apples atthese treesvery large (up to 200 grams), but at the same time light. The shape of the fruit is round-conical, and the color is light green. The pulp of Simirenko apples is greenish, dense, sweet, juicy, and has a pronounced characteristic aroma. Fruits can be stored up to 7-8 months. They ripen by the end of October. The crown of this apple tree is dense, therefore it requires periodic pruning.

The most delicious winter apple varieties: Golden Delicious

This apple tree was first discovered in one of the US states.Crown atherhas a conical shape.This tree grows low - only about 3 m. Its apples are quite large - up to 220 grams. The color of the fruits are golden yellow with greenish patches. The skin is rough. The advantages of the variety include frost resistance, keeping quality and high yield. The disadvantages are weak resistance to scab and powdery mildew. Despite the fact that Golden Delicious tolerates frost well, it is grown mainly only in the south of the country.

The pulp of the fruits of this variety is juicy and very fragrant. These apples are used most often for fresh consumption and for baking.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found outwhat summer and autumn varieties of this fruit crop do domestic gardeners prefer to grow. ATmost casesall such trees, in addition to excellent fruit qualities, are characterizedalso resilience and resilience. Growing them is not too difficult.But, of course, it is necessary to observe certain technologies when cultivating such fruit crops.

Toof course,should be chosen taking into account adaptability to certain climatic conditionsthe tastiest apples. Varieties for the northwest,for example, frost-resistant ones are better suited. Just an excellent choice for growing in this case can be, for example, White filling and Melba. For cultivation in the southern regions, you should choose Golden or Zhigulevskoye. With the right selection of varieties andstrictly following the cultivation technology from such trees in the future, it will be possible to obtain maximum yields of tasty and juicy fruits.



noun, With., use often

Morphology: (no) what? apples, what? apple, (see) what? Apple, how? apple, about what? about an apple; pl. what? apples, (no) what? apples, what? apples, (see) what? apples, how? apples, about what? about apples

1. Apple is a green, yellow or red spherical fruit that grows on a tree in many countries of the world.

Pick an apple from a branch. | Peel apples. | Dried, soaked, baked apples. | The apple is already mentioned in the ancient legend about Adam and Eve: according to legend, it was the apple that Eve plucked from the tree of knowledge.

2. Speaking about a person a phrase The apple never falls far from the tree or simply apple from apple tree, you want to say that for some qualities of his character (usually negative), he is similar to his parents.

3. apple the spherical shape of a fruit or object can be called.

Pomegranate apple. | Bronze bell apple. | Apples on the spiers of the towers.

4. Adam's apple- this is the name of the Adam's apple, a hard elevation on the throat in men.

Kadik is Adam's apple, obviously, because Adam in the Garden of Eden choked with fear, swallowing the apple stolen by Eve.

5. Eyeball- This is the spherical body of the eye of a person or animal.

This drug dilates the vessels that drain fluid from the eyeball. | The infection penetrates into the lacrimal sac, into the eyelid or even into the eyeball!

6. sovereign apple- This is a spherical decoration, symbolizing royal power.

7. Chinese apple called an orange.

8. bone of contention they name everything that causes a quarrel between people, or some thing that they cannot share.

Since then, the city has become a bone of contention between Persians and Turks.

9. Rejuvenating apples in mythological lore, they allowed those who ate them to become younger.

Thanks to these rejuvenating apples, the gods could keep eternal youth. | Ivan Tsarevich traveled to distant lands, to distant seas for rejuvenating apples.

10. Talking about something somewhere no place for an apple to fall You mean to say that a very large number of people gathered there.

After graduate school, he began teaching history, and there was nowhere for an apple to fall on his lectures.

11. When they say that a horse or horse in apples, they mean dark, round spots on the coat.

The first to trot were the cavalry guards on dapple-gray horses, with naked broadswords in their hands.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


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    Wed apple, apple fruit, apple tree fruit or female apple tree. Pyrus malus. The wild apple tree, the wild apple tree, Pyrus acerba, produces small, sour and bitter apples, sour apples or cut (ryazan), but care and care brought out a lot of tasty breeds from the wild ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    APPLE, apples, cf., and (reg.) apples, apples, male, pl. apples, apples and apples. The fruit of an apple tree, usually spherical in shape. Ripe apple. Green apple. Sweet apples. Dried apples. Rotten apple. ❖ Adam's apple is the same as Adam's apple. In apples o ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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    APPLE, a, pl. apples, apples, cf. The fruit of an apple tree. Antonovskie, anise, cinnamon apples. Summer varieties of apples. Dried, soaked, baked apples. Apple compote. I. does not fall far from the apple tree (last about the one who inherited the bad, unseemly ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    There is nowhere for an apple to fall. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. candil apple, apples, rayka, rosemary, calvil, renet, fruit, pepinka, jonathan, saffron, cinnamon, simirenka, ... ... Synonym dictionary

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    All-Russian socio-political movement of liberal orientation. Founded in 1993. Since 1993 has a faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Leader G. A. Yavlinsky.

Apples are one of the healthiest and most delicious fruits. A very wide range of apples is now presented on the Russian market, and buyers are sometimes lost among this variety. In this article, I will talk about the basic rules for choosing apples and the most common varieties of these wonderful fruits.

How to choose apples: basic rules

First of all, carefully inspect the apple: it should not have brown dots, as well as cloudy brown spots (signs of decay), it should be strong enough to the touch (a flabby apple is still a pleasure). Unlike pears, soft apples that have begun to deteriorate are practically inedible and are not worth buying.

If the apple feels very hard to the touch, then its flesh is firm and crispy. Slightly softer to the touch apples have loose flesh. I don’t advise buying very soft apples - they are probably either flabby, or frozen, or rotting from the inside (you probably know these unpleasant surprises - you cut a seemingly normal-looking apple, and there ...)

The color of the apple must correspond to the variety declared on the price tag. Below I will consider in detail the various varieties of apples and give their photos. By the way, keep in mind that red and yellow-red apples are higher in calories, as they contain more carbohydrates (sugars) than green ones. Green apples tend to have a more sour taste; dark red apples tend to be slightly bitter.

By the way, green apples should be treated very carefully. Often these are immature or very sour fruits. A faint scarlet blush on a green fruit in some cases indicates that the apple was unripe and possibly very sour (exceptions: Simirenko, Granny Smith varieties).

If you want to choose really tasty apples, smell the fruit. Odorless apples usually do not have a very pronounced taste. An unpleasant smell may indicate the beginning of decay, that the apple has begun to deteriorate.

Foreign manufacturers often cover apples with a thin wax film to keep them longer. Such fruits shine and are quite expensive, and sometimes they look like dummies. Before use, they must be washed with warm water and soap to remove this waxy film. It is worth remembering that imported apples are harvested unripe: they ripen on the way. Vitamins in them are usually noticeably less than in domestic fruits.

Apple varieties

A whole sea of ​​various varieties of apples is presented in markets and supermarkets. Fruits of different varieties vary greatly not only in color, shape and size, but also in taste and aroma. The above information, I hope, will help you navigate freely in the apple sections of the fruit departments of shops, markets and supermarkets.

(sometimes this variety is mistakenly called Semerenko, Semerinka, etc.). Medium and large green apples are rounded. A very faint scarlet blush may be present. They are distinguished by the presence of many small white “subcutaneous” dots. If there are no points, then this is not Simirenko, but another (probably the worst in taste) variety. The taste of Simirenko apples is rich sweet and sour, there is a slightly wine flavor and a slightly spicy aroma. The pulp is quite firm and juicy. Simirenko apples keep well.

Golden Delicious. Medium and large, slightly elongated yellow apples. Also with small white dots on the peel. The taste is sweet, slightly fresh. The aroma is not pronounced. The pulp is quite loose, juicy. They keep well. Unfortunately, it's hard to find a good Golden Delicious lately. The shelves are full of golden, which has a pale greenish-yellow color and a mild taste. Perhaps this is just an immature Golden Delicious.

Red Delicious. Usually large and elongated apples of dark red color. Fairly soft flesh. The taste is sweet, slightly fresh. Nice light spicy aroma. There may be a slight bitterness characteristic of dark red apples. Price - from 80 rubles per kilogram.

. Medium-sized apples, elongated, green with a red (sometimes very dark) blush). The pulp is crispy and very hard, so apples are not for everybody. The taste is sweet and sour, more sour. Wine flavor. They keep well. Price - 70-80 rubles.

Royal Gala. Apples are small or medium in size, round in shape. The color is yellow with a strong red blush. Very beautiful. The flesh is quite firm. The taste is rich, sweet with a pleasant sourness. Fruity aroma. They keep well. Price - 80-90 rubles. The variety itself is New Zealand, but apples are also grown in other regions of the planet.

braburn. Large and slightly elongated apples. Color - light green or yellow with a pronounced red blush. The pulp is quite firm, juicy. A very unique rich taste. Herbal taste. The aroma is also herbal, summer, I would say. In general, the impression is good, the apples are original, I advise you to try. They keep well.

Idared. Large and very large apples, usually round in shape. The color is yellow with a red blush that can cover half or almost the entire fruit. The skin is thin. The pulp is quite loose, juicy. Intense sweet and sour taste. The aroma is weak. They keep well. Price - 50-60 rubles. Usually we sell Russian apples Idared.

Jonagold. Large apples, usually slightly elongated. The color is yellow (sometimes greenish) with a bright red blush that can cover most of the fruit. The pulp is rather loose. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness, slightly fresh. Weak fruity aroma. They keep well, but not very long. Price - 50-60 rubles.

Jonagold, but with a more profuse red blush. Apples are large and very large, the flesh is loose. They don't keep very well.

fuji. Large rounded apples. Color - pale yellow with a scarlet blush. Supplied from China, although the variety itself was bred in Japan. The taste is not very rich, fresh, and at the same time sweet (Fuji is generally one of the sweetest apples - along with Royal Gala). The aroma is weak. The pulp is quite firm, crispy. They keep very well.

granny Smith. Large apples of green color and slightly elongated shape. Quite thick skin. The pulp is very hard, crispy. The taste is sour and very rich. Apples for everyone. They keep well. Price - from 90 rubles.

Pink Lady. Fairly expensive apples that come to us from Australia and France. Usually small, rounded. The color is yellow with a very pleasant pink blush. Each apple must have a branded pink sticker. The pulp is juicy. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness. Nice light strawberry flavor. The price is over 100 rubles.

Aryan (Arianna). Another expensive apples, French exclusive. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, beautiful bright red color. The skin is shiny and quite thick. The pulp is quite firm and juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, quite rich. They keep very well. The price usually exceeds 100 rubles.

Honey (Honey Crunch, Honey Crisp). Round apples of medium size. The color is yellow with red. The skin is thin. The pulp is firm, juicy, crunchy. Very pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pleasant aroma. The price exceeds 100 rubles.

Other varieties. Often on sale you can find the so-called Domestic apples and Apples Russia(50-70 rubles). They are usually good. The pulp is friable, the taste is sweet and sour, usually saturated. I advise you to choose fruits that are yellow or yellowish with a rich scarlet blush. In the markets you can also find apple varieties Antonovka- yellow color, with good taste.

It is also worth noting the variety Aport, but these apples are found on sale, unfortunately, rarely. Variety Aport is distinguished by good keeping quality, juicy pulp of pleasant taste; apples are large, yellow-green with a scarlet blush, which often occupies most of the surface of the fruit.

Good too Ukrainian and Moldovan apples (sellers usually indicate only the country on the price tags, and, unfortunately, they do not write the variety). But Polish apples- disgusting tasteless fruits, they are inexpensive, they are stored rather poorly.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention a small plate that summarizes the above information on apple varieties.

Good luck in choosing apples and bon appetit!

Apples are consumed fresh, used for cooking and drinks. In Russian gardens, the apple tree is the most common tree. And the largest harvest of apples is harvested in autumn.

The birthplace of apples is presumably Central Asia, as well as mountainous areas on the border of Kazakhstan and China.

One of the widespread versions is the assumption that for the first time apples appeared in the mountains of Kazakhstan. This assumption was made by Oxford scientists, based on the results of DNA analysis of modern apple varieties. According to another version, an apple is a hybrid of many fruits, resulting from natural selection. In favor of Kazakhstan as the birthplace of the apple, the name of the former capital of this state, Almaty, which in Kazakh means “father of apples,” indirectly speaks.

In the Persian Gulf, apples have been cultivated since the Bronze Age. And this fruit came to Europe at the very beginning of our era, along with the Roman legions.

The ancient Greeks considered the apple tree sacred and dedicated the fruit to one of the gods of Olympus - Apollo.

In Russia, apples have also always been held in high esteem, and the ancient holiday Apple Spas, which is celebrated annually on August 19, has survived to this day.

80% of the fruits of the apple tree are water, but the remaining 20% ​​are useful substances. Such as organic acids, minerals, fiber and vitamins. Apples are a low-calorie product and are great for healthy diets and weight loss.

Apples contain malic, tartaric and citric acids, as well as tannins. The complex of these components provides a putrefactive process and fermentation processes in the intestines and provides natural cleansing and healing of the gastrointestinal tract.

The pectin found in apples makes this product a natural mild laxative. Apples are also a mild choleretic agent.

Also, some researchers suggest that apples can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The fresher the apple, the more vitamins it contains. Vitamin A, which these fruits are saturated with, strengthens the immune system and vision. Rare vitamin G normalizes digestive processes and increases appetite. A lot of apples and vitamins C and B.

On a note: Vitamin A in apples is about twice as much as in oranges, and iodine is 13 times more!

Fresh apples stimulate the production of gastric juice, which facilitates the process of digestion. They also contain natural antibiotics - phytoncides, opposing the pathogens of influenza, Staphylococcus aureus and dysentery.

Tannins in combination with potassium protect against the development of gout and urolithiasis.

On a note: The tannins contained in apples catalyze the precipitation of uric acid salts, which prevents the formation of stones. If there is a large amount of uric acid salts in the urine test, then apples are also an excellent prophylactic of uric acid diathesis.

Low sugar apples normalize blood sugar. Also, an apple diet can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood by up to 30%. In general, apples have a powerful cleansing effect on the blood.

Apples hold the record for boron and nickel content.

Apples will cure beriberi, especially with a lack of vitamin C.

From the juice of sour apples, an extract of malic acid iron is made, which helps with anemia.

Apples prevent the release of uric acid, helping with gout and chronic rheumatism.

On a note: Apples are a dietary product that helps with indigestion, beriberi, anemia, and has a diuretic effect.

Apples have a tonic effect and increase the body's radioactive resistance. Apples help metabolic disorders, obesity, gout, contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Apple phytoncides resist pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus and influenza A. It is recommended to eat apples in case of rehabilitation after a heart attack.

With gastritis, regular use of grated green apples is useful.

Apple juice strengthens the cardiovascular system and stimulates mental activity, as well as improves blood quality.

Apples are able to soften a cold cough and relieve hoarseness.

Apple gruel promotes healing of chapped skin, burns and inflammation.

Composition of apples

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value vitamins Macronutrients trace elements

Calories 47 kcal
Proteins 0.4 gr
Fats 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 9.8 gr
Dietary fiber 1.8 gr
Organic acids 0.8 gr
Water 86.3 gr
Unsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Mono- and disaccharides 9 gr
Starch 0.8 gr
Ash 0.5 gr
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 g

Calcium 16 mg

Magnesium 9 mg

Sodium 26 mg

Potassium 278 mg

Phosphorus 11 mg

Chlorine 2 mg

Sulfur 5 mg

Vitamin PP 0.3 mg
Beta-carotene 0.03 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 5 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.07 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.08 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 2 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 0.2 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 0.3 mcg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 2.2 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.4 mg

Iron 2.2 mg
Zinc 0.15 mg
Iodine 2 mcg
Copper 110 mcg
Manganese 0.047 mg
Selenium 0.3 mcg
Chromium 4 mcg
Fluorine 8 mcg
Molybdenum 6 mcg
Boron 245 mcg
Vanadium 4 mcg
Cobalt 1 mcg
Aluminum 110 mcg
Nickel 17 mcg
Rubidium 63 mcg

Some, mostly southern, varieties of apples are high in sugar, so they are contraindicated for diabetics. And sour apples are harmful for gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

It is also better to peel apples from seeds before eating, as they contain amygdalin glycoside. When split, this substance releases hydrocyanic acid, which is the strongest poison.

On a note: Apple seeds, when ingested, release poison - hydrocyanic acid!

Pay attention to where the apples come from. Try to buy apples from your region. Varieties from central Russia are considered more useful.

Apples should have a characteristic fragrant aroma; it is better not to buy odorless fruits.

The apple peel should be free of wrinkles, dark spots, and soft spots.

Choose medium to small sized fruits because large apples overripe faster.

Do not buy apples covered with shipping wax - it does not wash well.

Here you will find the best varieties of apples for completely different regions. After our wonderful selection, a huge number of reviews about other interesting apple trees, the taste and productivity of which our readers liked.

Leave your feedback and you, just be sure to indicate the region of cultivation.

Apple tree Volodarka

The apple tree is the most common tree in our gardens. Apple varieties are divided into: summer, autumn and winter.

Their main differences are in terms of maturation, and in terms of storage.

We present you the most popular varieties of apple trees with a photo, name and description.

Summer varieties of apple trees

Summer varieties of apple trees ripen early and are not stored well.


Paping- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded oval, densely leafy crown. The variety is moderately resistant, resistant to pests and diseases. But the exception is the scab, which in rainy years the tree can be quite affected. The apple tree begins to bear fruit on the 4-5th year after planting. The variety produces a crop almost every year. Fruit ripeness occurs in mid-August. The duration of their storage is about 10-15 days. Apples are characterized by very low transportability. The average fruit size is 100 grams, it has a round-conical shape and a seam that is observed over its entire surface. The apple is pale yellow in color and has a sweet and sour taste.

Apple Melba

Variety Melba- an apple tree of medium height, has a wide oval crown. The variety is moderately hardy and often damaged by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The variety produces a crop annually. Fruit ripeness occurs at the end of August. Duration of storage is about 30 days. Apples are characterized by excellent transportability. The average size of the fruit is 100-120 g, it has a round-conical shape and stripes with a bright red blush, which occupy a significant part of the surface. The color of the apple is greenish white. The flesh is white, tender and sweet and sour in taste.

Apples Stark Earliest

- an apple tree of medium height, has a wide pyramidal compact crown. The variety is winter-hardy, may be slightly affected by scab and powdery mildew. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The variety produces a crop almost every year. The fruits begin to ripen a week earlier than those of Papirovka. Duration of storage is about 20 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round-conical shape and its entire surface is covered with a bright red blurred blush. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow. The pulp is juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples ripen unevenly, therefore it is better to shoot them in 2-3 doses.

Variety Early sweet- the apple tree is undersized, has a flat-rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. For 3-4 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a crop almost every year. The fruits begin to ripen 10-12 days earlier than those of Papirovka. The average size of an apple is 90-100 g, it has a flat-round shape. The color of the fruit is light yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sweet taste.

Apple tree White filling

Variety White filling- an apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown in young trees and rounded in adults. The variety is moderately hardy and can be easily affected by scab. In the 2nd or 3rd year, an apple tree grafted on a dwarf stock begins to bear fruit, and in the 5th or 6th year on a vigorous one. The variety produces a crop annually. Fruit ripeness occurs in August. The storage period is three months. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round-conical or broadly ovoid shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste.

Apple Borovinka

Borovinka- an apple tree of medium height. The variety is winter-hardy, very much affected by scab, and therefore the ripened fruits quickly crumble. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The variety produces a crop almost every year. Fruit ripeness occurs in August - early September. The shelf life of apples is 2-4 weeks. The average weight of an apple is 100 g, it has a flat-round shape with a striped blush. The fruit is yellow in color, has a juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste.

Bellefleur-Chinese- tree of medium height. Medium yield variety. The apple tree yields almost every year. The average fruit weight is 100 g. The apple has a sweet and sour taste.

Grushovka Moscow- winter-hardy variety. The apple tree is tall, has a spherical or broadly pyramidal crown. Yields nearly every year. Removable maturity of fruits begins in early August and they are not transportable. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it is light white in color, has juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste.

Golden apple tree Chinese

Kitayka Golden- an apple tree of medium height, has a broom-shaped crown in young trees and a weeping crown in older trees. The variety is winter-hardy and often damaged by scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of July and then quickly crumble. The average size of an apple is 80 g, the flesh is yellowish, juicy, with a good sour-sweet taste and a very pleasant aroma.


- winter-hardy variety. For 2-3 years, an apple tree begins to bear fruit on a dwarf rootstock, and for 5 years - on a very tall rootstock. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early August. The average size of an apple is 80-150 g, it has a round-conical shape. The fruit is green-yellow in color with brown stripes and sweet in taste.

Apple Tree Dream- tree of medium height. The variety is winter-hardy, high-yielding, resistant to scab. In the 4th year, an apple tree begins to bear fruit on a seed rootstock, and in the 2nd year - on a dwarf one. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in August. The average size of an apple is 200 gr. on a dwarf rootstock and 100-150 gr. on the seed, it has a round-conical shape and a bright red dashed blush. The fruit is cream colored and sweet and sour in taste.


Mironchik- winter-hardy variety. The tree is vigorous, durable, has a high crown. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-August. Keeping them about 1 month. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it is yellow in color, has a yellowish rough flesh and is sweet in taste.

Suislepskoye- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, densely leafy, or broadly pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy. For 3-4 years, an apple tree begins to bear fruit on a dwarf rootstock, and for 6-7 years - on a very tall one. Removable maturity in fruits begins in August - early September. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flat rounded shape with a pink striped blush. The apple is white-yellow in color, has white, fragrant, fine-grained flesh and a sweet and sour taste.

- apple tree of medium height, compact. At 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a crop annually. The fruits begin to ripen earlier than at the White filling. Apples are light and transportable. The average size of the fruit is 60-70 gr., It is juicy and sweet and sour in taste.

Yandykovskoe- the apple tree is tall, has a dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy, tolerates drought well and is not damaged by diseases. At 5-6 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity in fruits begins in the third decade of July. The shelf life of apples is about 3 weeks. The average size of the fruit is 100-150 g, it has a flat rounded shape, a blurry striped blush and a sweet-sour taste.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Anise scarlet

Variety Anis scarlet- the tree is tall, has a broadly pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but weakly resistant to black cancer. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early September. Tree yield 200-300 kg. The duration of storage of apples before the start of winter. The average size of the fruit is 50-70 g, it has a flat rounded, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is green with a dark cherry blush and a waxy coating. And its flesh is juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is - periodic fruiting.

Anise striped- the apple tree is tall, has a wide pyramidal dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but fruits and leaves can be affected by scab. For 6-7 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity of the fruit begins at the end of August. Tree yield up to 250 kg. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 70 g, it has a flattened round or ribbed shape. The fruit is light green in color with a speckled, striped blush, white, fine-grained, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and winter hardiness.

- an apple tree of medium height, has a compact, sparse crown. The variety is winter-hardy, but can be severely affected by scab. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity of fruits begins in mid-September. Tree yield up to 75 kg.

Fruits are stored for about three months. The average size of an apple is 90 g, it has a round-oval shape. The fruit is greenish-cream in color with a red blush, has white, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good winter hardiness of apples and excellent dessert taste of fruits.

Apple Auxis

auxis- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in September.

The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened round or turnip shape. The fruit is light yellow in color with a red blush, has yellow, firm, juicy, aromatic flesh and a sweet and sour taste. Apples are stored until January, and in the refrigerator until March. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Apple Baltika

Apple tree Baltika- the tree is tall, has a paniculate crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5. The variety produces a crop annually. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early September.

Tree yield up to 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about two months. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round or turnip shape. The fruit is yellow with a striped pink blush, white, firm, juicy flesh and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial quality of the fruit and high yield.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya- the apple tree is tall, has a spreading, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-7 years. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in September. Tree yield up to 130 kg. The fruits are stored until December. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a rounded or flat rounded shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with orange, red strokes and stripes. The flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the uneven ripening of the fruits - therefore, part of the crop crumbles, and the advantage is high-quality fruits.


Apple tree Zhigulevskoe- a tree of medium height, has a broadly pyramidal, rare crown. The variety is affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. The fruits are stored until January. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flat rounded shape. The fruit is golden yellow with an orange or red blush, juicy flesh and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.

cinnamon new

cinnamon new- the apple tree is tall, has a highly rounded, dense crown. The grade is winter-hardy, has good resistance against a scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-7, and gives irregular harvests. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early September. Apples are stored until January.

The average size of an apple is 130-160 g, it has a flat, round, conical shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with a mottled, striped blush, has a light creamy, tender, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial quality of the fruit.

cinnamon striped

cinnamon striped- an apple tree of medium height, has a broadly pyramidal or rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. An apple tree starts an apple tree at 6-8 years old. Removable maturity occurs in the fruit in mid-September. Duration of storage is 2 months.

The average size of an apple is 80-90 g, it has a flattened, turnip shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with dark red outlined stripes and speckles, has yellow-white, tender flesh and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is its late entry into fruiting.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk

Variety Krasa Sverdlovsk- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-6 years. Removable maturity comes at the end of September. Tree yield up to 70-100 kg. Fruits are stored until March-April. The average size of an apple is 120-160 g, it has a wide-round or round-conical shape. The fruit is cream-colored with a crimson-red blush, has a light cream, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and taste quality of fruits, as well as their long keeping quality and high content of ascorbic acid.

Oryol garland

Oryol garland- an apple tree of low growth, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 4-5 years. The tree has a high yield. Removable maturity of apples occurs in mid-September.

Duration of storage until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 90 g, it has a turnip shape. The color of the fruit is golden yellow with a red blush. And its flesh is greenish-white in color, juicy, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste.

autumn striped

autumn striped- the apple tree is tall, has a broadly rounded crown. The variety is moderately hardy, but has a good recovery ability and is slightly affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-8 years. Removable maturity in fruits occurs at the end of September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. The fruits are stored until November-December. The average weight of an apple is 120 g, it has a round-conical, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the fruit is light yellow, with a speckled, striped blush of orange and red. The flesh of the apple is white, tender, and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the good yield of apples and the excellent quality of the fruit.

Apples Riga Dove

Riga dove- an apple tree of medium height, has a broadly rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and resistant to fruit rot and scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-6 years. The tree has periodic fruiting. Removable maturity of fruits begins in mid-September, and 1-2 months after harvesting comes - consumer maturity.

Apples are stored until December. The average fruit size is 120 g, it has an elongated conical shape. The apple is greenish-white when picked, and milky-white with a blurred blush when ripe, has a white, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage is the poor transportability of the fruit.

September- the apple tree is tall, has a pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-7 years. Removable maturity of fruits begins in mid-September. Tree yield up to 140 kg. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a round-conical shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with slightly pronounced stripes, has yellowish, juicy, tender flesh and sweet and sour taste. Apples will keep for 2 months. The advantage of the variety is the good quality of the fruit.


Tambov- the apple tree is tall, has a spreading, rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, has weak resistance against a scab. The apple tree enters fruiting for 5-7 years. Removable maturity of the fruit begins in early September. The yield of the tree is good, but irregular. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has an oval-conical shape with bright red dots. The fruit is light cream in color, has a snow-white, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a wine-sweet taste. Apples keep for about 2-3 months. The advantage of the variety is good marketability and excellent taste quality of the fruit.

Apple Uralets

Uralets- the apple tree is tall, has a strong, dense, pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy, well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years. Removable maturity occurs in fruits from late August to early September. Tree yield 70 kg. The average size of an apple is 40-60 g, it has a round-conical, truncated shape with a bright carmine striped blush. The fruit is cream-colored, has a juicy, fine-grained, tender flesh and a sweet and sour taste. Apples will keep for about 2 months. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness, early fruiting and good yield.

Ural bulk- the apple tree is tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years. Fruit ripens in early September. Their shelf life is about two months. The average size of an apple is 40 g, it has a rounded shape.

The fruit is light yellow in color, has white, juicy, medium-grained flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness and good adaptive properties.

Saffron Saratov

Saffron Saratov- the variety is winter-hardy, well resistant to powdery mildew and scab. An apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or broadly pyramidal crown of medium density. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The fruits ripen in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 150 kg. The shelf life of fruits until December. The average size of an apple is 120-160 g, it has an elongated or round-conical shape, with red speckled stripes. The fruit is yellow-green in color, has a creamy, dense, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good taste and commercial quality of the fruit.

Winter varieties of apple trees

Antonovka ordinary

Antonovka ordinary- the apple tree is tall, has an oval crown. The variety is winter-hardy, but can be affected by scab. Fruiting begins at 7-8 years. Removable maturity of fruits begins in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about three months. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a rounded, slightly flattened shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color, has yellow, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the frequency of fruiting of the tree and the short shelf life of apples. And the advantage is a good yield and excellent fruit quality.

Aport- A medium hardy variety. The apple tree is tall, has a flat rounded crown. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. Removable maturity of fruits begins in the second decade of September. The average size of an apple is 220-250 g, it has a broadly conical shape with a red blush. Fruits are stored until January-February. The apple is yellow-green in color, has a green-yellow, tender, fine-grained flesh and a sweet and sour taste.


Aphrodite- the apple tree is tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness, excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. Duration of storage until the end of December. The average size of an apple is 125 g, it has a medium flattened, broadly ribbed shape with dark crimson stripes and speckles. The fruit is greenish-yellow. Its flesh is white, juicy, finely grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of apples.

Aelita- the variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The tree is tall, has a broadly pyramidal crown of medium density. For 5-6 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree can bear fruit every year. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. The yield of an apple tree is 140 q/ha. The fruits are stored until the beginning of January. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round-conical, regular shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow. Its flesh is juicy, yellow, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the excellent yield of apples.

Bezhin meadow

Bezhin meadow- a large apple tree with a rounded crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. They keep until February. The average size of an apple is 150 g, it has an oblong, widely ribbed shape.

The fruit is yellow-green in color with a raspberry blush. And its pulp is tender, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the yield and excellent transportability of fruits.

Belarusian synapse

Belarusian synapse- the apple tree is tall, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until the end of April - beginning of May. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an oval shape with a pink-red dull blush on the sunny side. The fruit is greenish-yellow. Its flesh is green, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the low juiciness and satisfactory taste of the fruit. And the advantage is winter hardiness and long-term keeping quality of apples.

Apple Berkutovskoe

Berkutovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but can be affected by powdery mildew. The fruiting of the tree is annual. The average size of an apple is 150 grams, it has a rounded shape and dark red stripes all over the fruit. The flesh is greenish-yellow in color, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is a compact crown, abundant annual fruiting and good keeping quality of fruits.


Bogatyr- the apple tree is tall, has a spreading rare crown. The variety is moderately winter-resistant, resistant to scab. Fruiting begins at 6-7 years, after budding. Fruiting is annual. The yield of an apple tree is 50 kg. The marketability of fruits is about 89%. They are stored for 250 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flattened round shape with a noticeable rib on the surface. The fruit is light green. Its flesh is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the abundant annual yield and long shelf life of apples.


Bolotovskoe- an apple tree above average size, has a rounded crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in early September. The yield of the tree is 130 q/ha. They are stored until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 150-160 g, it has a flattened, widely ribbed shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow. Its flesh is green, juicy, dense with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the shedding of fruits if they begin to be removed late. The advantage is high yield and excellent quality of apples.

Bratchud- dwarf apple tree, has a flat-rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy, can be affected by scab. For 3-4 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree, after grafting. The fruiting of the tree is regular. The fruits are stored for 140 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an oblong-rounded shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow. Its flesh is white, slightly juicy, coarse-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.


Bryansk- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, not resistant enough to fruit rot. For 3-4 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The yield of the tree is 270-350 q/ha. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 150 g, and the maximum is 300 grams, it has a rounded or slightly ribbed shape. The fruit is green. Its flesh is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is: a short period of storage of fruits. And the advantage is resistance to scab, productivity, not crumbling, as well as high commercial and consumer quality of fruits.


Venyaminovskoe- the apple tree is large, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. The tree yield is 150 kg/ha. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a medium flattened, conical, broadly ribbed or oblique shape. The apple is greenish in color, has a white, greenish, dense, coarse-grained, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the high yield and good commercial quality of the fruit.

Veteran- a tree of medium height, has a spherical, compact crown of medium density. The variety is moderately hardy, resistant to scab. For 4-5 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree after planting. The fruits begin to ripen until the end of September and they are stored in the refrigerator until mid-March. The tree yield is 220 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a slightly flattened shape. The apple is yellowish-green in color, has a brownish-yellow, tender, juicy flesh and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the shedding of foliage. And the advantage is high productivity, suitability for an intensive type garden, good commercial and consumer quality of fruits.

vita- an apple tree of medium height, has a rare, drooping crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The yield of the tree is moderate with variable frequency. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Duration of storage until the end of March. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened, ribbed, regular shape. The apple is greenish in color, has a dense, greenish flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the long-term preservation of fruits.

Knight- the apple tree is large, has a drooping crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in late September - early October and are stored until May. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a conical or round-conical shape. The color of the apple is yellowish green. Its flesh is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high productivity, long shelf life and good fruit quality.


Cherry- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or flat-rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 115 g, greenish-yellow in color. It has white, tender, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the excellent dessert taste of fruits and high yield.


Star- the apple tree is vigorous, has a wide, sprawling, slightly drooping crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, resistant to apple scab. For 5-7 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree, after budding. The fruits are stored until February-March. The tree bears fruit every year. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flattened round shape with slightly noticeable ribs. The color of the apple is light green with a red blush. And its flesh is green, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruits become small over time and therefore regular pruning must be done. And the advantage is the good taste quality of the fruits and their long-term keeping quality.


Health- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The yield of the tree is 230 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red speckles and wide blurry stripes. Its flesh is green, juicy, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good quality of fruits.

Winter striped- an apple tree of medium height, has an elongated rounded crown. The variety is moderately hardy, the leaves can be affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years. Apples begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until the beginning of April. Tree yield 80 kg. The average size of an apple is 140-170 g, it has a flat-rounded or rounded shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red strokes and stripes. And its flesh is cream-colored, loose, juicy, tender, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruiting of the tree, long-term storage, beautiful shape and good taste of the fruit.


Amazing- an apple tree of medium height, has a spherical crown. The variety is characterized by medium winter hardiness and excellent resistance to powdery mildew and scab. At 6-7 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree. The tree yield is 200 kg/ha. The maximum keeping quality of fruits is 250 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an elongated-conical, leveled shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. Its flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that it can freeze slightly in harsh winters. And the advantage is the good quality of the fruit, high yield, fruit transportability and long-term keeping quality.

Imrus- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Duration of storage until the end of February. The yield of the tree is 90 c/ha. The average weight of an apple is 1oo g, it has a flattened, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is green with a red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its creamy color, juiciness, density and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruit has a thin skin. And the advantage is high yield, long shelf life, good commercial and consumer quality of fruits.

Kandil Orlovsky

Kandil Orlovsky- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown with drooping branches. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a one-dimensional, oblong-conical shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a raspberry blush. And its flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Dwarf- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-October and they are stored until February. The yield of the tree is not sharply plentiful and periodic. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a rounded, regular shape. Greenish-yellow apple. The flesh is light cream in color, semi-oily and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and beautiful shape of the fruit.


Karpovskoe- the apple tree is tall, has an oval crown at a young age, and a spherical crown in the fruiting one. The variety is moderately hardy, can be affected by scab. At 6-8 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree, after budding. The variety is high-yielding, especially after 2-3 years after the start of fruiting, the yield increases very sharply. The fruits are stored in the fruit storage until May. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flattened rounded shape. Greenish-yellow apple with a deep pink blush. The flesh is greenish, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, long keeping quality and good commercial quality of fruits.


Kuibyshevskoe- the apple tree is vigorous, has a broadly conical crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, not sufficiently resistant to scab and fruit rot. At 5-6 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The yield of the tree is high. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Duration of storage until February and longer. The average size of an apple is 110-130 g, it has a flat-round, regular shape. The color of the apple is yellow with a red blush. And its flesh is cream-colored, tender, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruiting, high yield, good quality fruits.


Kulikovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The yield of the tree is 272 q/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until the end of March. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a rounded regular shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a blurred purple blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the smallness of the fruit when the tree is overloaded with crops and there is no pruning. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high productivity, transportability, long-term preservation of fruits.


Kurnakovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to scab, winter-hardy. The apple tree, grafted on the insert 3-4-98, begins to bear fruit already in the 3rd year. The tree yield is 150 kg/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has an oblong-conical, slightly ribbed shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with pink stripes. Its flesh is cream-colored, dense, fine-grained, juicy, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial and consumer quality of fruits.


Kutuzovets- an apple tree of medium height, has a flat-round, and with age, a spreading crown of medium density. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and also moderately resistant to scab. For 5-7 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit from the moment the occulant grows. The yield of the tree is 113 q/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until May. The average size of an apple is 120-130 g, it has a flat-round shape. Greenish apple with a streaked dull blush. The pulp is white, fine-grained, juicy, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is that it is one of the best winter varieties of apple trees.

Lobo- an apple tree of medium height, has a broadly rounded, sparse crown. The variety is characterized by medium winter hardiness and poor resistance to powdery mildew and scab. The yield of the tree is high and stable. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flattened rounded, slightly ribbed shape. Yellowish green apple with raspberry blush. Characteristic pulp is white, tender, fine-grained, juicy, sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is a stable yield, large-fruitedness, as well as high commercial and taste quality of the fruit.


March- the apple tree is fast-growing, vigorous, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, weakly resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until March. The yield of the tree is 110 kg. The average size of an apple is 145 g, it has a flattened rounded shape. The color of the apple is green with a red blush. And its flesh is green or white, juicy, semi-oily, fine-grained, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the tree is large, unripe fruits, as a rule, are covered with a tan during storage. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high productivity, a crown convenient for shaping and trimming, as well as good commercial quality of fruits.

Moscow winter

Moscow winter- the apple tree is very tall, has a spreading, widely rounded, dense, strongly leafy crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years. Removable maturity occurs at the end of September. Duration of storage until April. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a one-dimensional, flattened, rounded, regular shape. The apple is light green in color with blurry dark red strokes. Its flesh is light green in color, medium density, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the size, long shelf life, good taste of the fruit.

Moscow red

Moscow red- the apple tree is low, has a well-leafed and dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy, practically not affected by scab. The fruits are stored until May. The average size of an apple is 130-190 g, it has a round-conical shape. The color of the bottom is greenish-yellow with a blurred red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its yellow color, as well as sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is a long shelf life, good consumer and commercial quality of the fruit, as well as a small tree height is convenient for an intensive garden.

Moscow later

Moscow later- the apple tree is very tall, has a wide pyramidal crown at a young age and a wide oval later. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until May. The average size of an apple is 165-235 g, it has a round-conical shape. Greenish-yellow apple with a pink blush. Its flesh is white, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the strong density of the crown. And the advantage is long-term storage, good consumer quality of fruits.


undersized- the apple tree is low, has a flattened crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 4. The yield of the tree is 170 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a rounded, flattened shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red stripes. The flesh is greenish, fine-grained, prickly, dense and sweet-sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its high yield.

Olympic- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The yield of the tree is 172 q/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a slightly ribbed shape. Greenish apple with brownish-red stripes. The characteristic of the pulp is its green color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the pulp of the fruit is loose. And the advantages are high productivity, good commercial and consumer quality of fruits.

Orlik- the apple tree is medium tall, has a compact rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. The yield of the tree is 220 q/ha. Removable maturity in fruits occurs at the end of September. Duration of storage until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a slightly flattened, slightly conical shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its creamy color, density, juiciness, fine grain and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the partial shedding of fruits. And the advantage is high yield, good taste quality of fruits.

Oryol dawn

Oryol dawn- an apple tree of medium height, has a reverse pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The yield of the tree is 180 kg/ha. Removable maturity in fruits occurs in early September. The average size of an apple is 100-120 g, it has a rounded, flattened, widely ribbed, slightly sloping shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a bright red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The fruits are stored until the end of January. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.

Oryol woodland

Oryol woodland- the apple tree is medium tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The tree yield is 133 kg/ha. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Duration of storage until mid-January. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has an oblong-conical, widely ribbed, oblique shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red dots and stripes. The pulp is white, coarse-grained, juicy, prickly, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial quality of fruits.

Pepin Orlovsky- the apple tree is large, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, highly resistant to scab. The tree yield is 162 kg/ha. Apples begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until mid-January. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a broadly conical, broadly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a raspberry blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, density, juiciness, fine grain and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial quality of fruits.

Renet Tatar

Renet Tatar- an apple tree of medium height, has a broadly rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Duration of storage until April. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a strongly flattened and broadly conical, slightly ribbed shape. Greenish-cream apple with pink blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the yield and transportability of fruits.


Freshness- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. The tree yield is 187 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 110 g, it has a flattened, barrel-shaped, widely ribbed, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red strokes and stripes. The flesh is greenish, dense, fine-grained, prickly, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until May. The advantage of the variety is the yield, good commercial quality of the fruit.

northern synapse- the apple tree is large, very tall, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by medium resistance to powdery mildew, scab, as well as high winter hardiness. An apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 5-8 year, and on a dwarf rootstock (62-396) it bears fruit in the second year. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in early October. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round-conical shape. Yellowish green apple with a red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, fine grain, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. Store apples in the refrigerator until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that with a plentiful harvest, the quality of the fruit decreases. And the advantage is productivity, long-term storage, good quality of fruits.

Apple tree Sinap Orlovsky

Sinap orlovsky- the apple tree is very tall, has a wide spreading crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. At 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The yield of the tree is 170 q/ha. Removable maturity occurs at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a one-dimensional, oblong, round-conical shape. The color of the apple is yellowish-green with a blurred blush. The flesh is greenish-cream in color, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that with a lack of calcium in the soil, the fruits are affected by bitter pitting. And the advantage is high yield, long shelf life, good commercial and taste quality of fruits.


Sokolovskoe- the apple tree is a natural dwarf, has a flat-horizontal crown and its maximum height is two meters. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. For 3-4 years, the apple tree begins to bear fruit after grafting. The yield of the tree is 65 kg. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flat-rounded shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its creamy color, juiciness, fine grain, density and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the quality of the fruit decreases with prolonged high summer temperatures and dry air. And the advantage is large fruits, good commercial and taste quality of apples.

Start- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 170 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has an oblong, broadly ribbed, beveled shape. The fruit is green with red stripes and specks. The flesh is greenish, white, dense, coarse-grained, juicy, prickly and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The advantage of the variety is its high yield and suitability for growing in an intensive type garden.


Stroevskoe- an apple tree of medium height, fast growing, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is resistant to scab, highly winter-hardy. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 117 kg/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a medium flattened, conical, slightly ribbed, slightly sloping shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. The pulp is green, white, dense, coarse-grained, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until mid-February. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial quality of fruits, as well as suitability for cultivation in intensive gardens.


Student- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5. Removable maturity occurs at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flattened, rounded shape. Greenish apple with a raspberry blush and bluish bloom. The flesh is light green, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until mid-May. The advantage of the variety is the yield, long shelf life, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Suvorovets- the apple tree is very tall, has a highly rounded, compact, rare crown. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 4-5 years. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in early October. Duration of storage until mid-December. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flat-rounded shape. The color of the apple is yellowish-green with a blurred blush. And the pulp is pale cream in color, juicy, fine-grained, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the taste of fruits deteriorates in cold, damp summers. And the advantage is abundant yield, long-term storage, transportability, good commercial quality of fruits.

Cliff- the apple tree is very tall, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. At 7-8 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree. The tree yield is 80 centners/ha. Removable maturity occurs in fruits in mid-September. The average weight of an apple is 125 g, it has a flat-round, one-dimensional shape. The color of the apple is yellow-lemon with a red blush. And its flesh is cream-colored, fine-grained, tender, medium density, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until March and beyond. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruiting and good commercial quality of the fruit.

Welsey- an apple tree of medium height, has a broadly pyramidal crown at a young age, and later rounded. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, resistant to scab. For 4-5 years, fruiting begins at the apple tree. The yield of the tree is plentiful. Removable maturity occurs at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a turnip or flattened rounded shape. The apple is yellowish green in color with dark red stripes. The flesh is greenish, white and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The disadvantage of the variety is that with abundant harvests, the fruits begin to shrink and crumble. And the advantage is high yield, long-term storage, transportability and good commercial quality of the fruit.

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