Home Fertilizers How to open a rehabilitation center for drug addicts. How to open a rehabilitation center in a rural parish. What is a rehabilitation center

How to open a rehabilitation center for drug addicts. How to open a rehabilitation center in a rural parish. What is a rehabilitation center

On May 6, 2016, the solemn official opening of a new project of the public organization "Dzherelo" - the center for the resocialization of drug addicted youth FreeDom took place.
The guys were very worried and worried about how this event would go, because the Governor of the Nikolaev region Merikov Vadim Ivanovich, Head of the Nikolaev Regional Council Moskalenko Viktoria Viktorovna, People's Deputy of Ukraine Podbereznyak Vadim Ivanovich, Head of the Ochakovskaya regional administration Samoukov Sergey Viktorovich, representatives of the Clergy directly took part in the opening ceremony, law enforcement agencies, the public. Nevertheless, everything went well and the guests were welcomed warmly.

The guys were happy to show the House, as well as the etude "Vices" - the hallmark of our organization. And even bad weather conditions did not become an obstacle in conveying to high-ranking guests the mission that our organization has been carrying for 10 years. We prove to a skeptical society not only in words, but also in deeds that drug addiction is not a sentence - there is a way out and people should and can lead a healthy, sober and socially active lifestyle.

The chairman of the Nikolaev regional administration Vadim Ivanovich Merikov highly appreciated the achievements of the organization, separately noting that the organization exists without the help of the State, and right at the event appointed the Chairman of the board of the public organization "Dzherelo" Pavel Kazaryan as his advisor, having handed him a certificate.
The guys heard many kind words in their address, words of parting words, wishes of prosperity and undisguised admiration for their activities. Considering the continuous growth of drug addiction and, as a consequence, the increase in mortality among young people, we do not stop our activities and the third House, like the previous two, to save young people from death. At the end of the solemn event, all the guests wrote their wishes to the children and the center on balloons, and, under stormy applause, released them into the sky.

The fact is that the problem of getting rid of drug addiction is usually associated with medicine. But this is a deep delusion. This problem has nothing to do with medicine. If drug addiction is associated with medicine, then this connection has, for the most part, a negative character. Many people become drug addicts due to the fact that women are prescribed a lot of drugs during pregnancy. Including various tranquilizers. A positive connection between medicine and drug addiction is manifested only in emergency cases of overdose or withdrawal symptoms in the absence of a dose of the drug addict.

If we ignore these particular cases, then drug addiction is a socio-psychological phenomenon. Therefore, it cannot be treated with medical methods. Again, if there are rare exceptions to this rule, it is not in vain that they say that exceptions only confirm the rule. And if someone thinks that I am wrong, let them provide me with reliable statistics.

In connection with the above, I believe that it should not be surprising that this activity (drug rehabilitation) is increasingly used by churches as their business. And it really is a business. Although the church, as a phenomenon, is nothing more than a business. This is my personal conviction, which I am ready to discuss with anyone, subject to honest polemics.

After such a long preamble, although the introduction could have been made much longer (if any questions arise, I’m ready to discuss the topic in more detail), we can proceed to a short description of the idea.

Therefore, in order to save a person from drug addiction, he must be placed in such conditions when he will be forced to take constructive actions. And mutual responsibility must be transformed into mutual assistance. This will already be enough for the addict to stop being a drug addict.

How can this be achieved? First of all, work should be done with small groups. A prerequisite is distance from the city. You can use two options here. In summer, hiking conditions are ideal. It is best to use river rafting of a low category of difficulty away from your home. Long-term parking is used - 3 - 5 days. The second option is year-round. This requires a hospital. Again, it must be removed from the city. There should be no transport on which you can freely leave either. Such isolation from civilization should last at least 3 weeks. Better if it lasts about a month and a half.

In order to cleanse the body of toxins, a bath is used. A daily sauna or hiking bath is accompanied by a diet rich in vitamins. Additionally, clients must take at least the daily requirement of special vitamin complexes. I will not describe detoxification in more detail. There is enough information on this topic on the Internet. I will briefly dwell on the use of hypoxene. This will be new information.

Hypoxene- This is the trade name of oliphene. This drug was developed more than thirty years ago in the military-industrial complex. Its action lies in the fact that cellular respiration is restored in the body and metabolism is sharply activated. As a result, cells begin to "shake out" toxins and toxins from themselves.

During the rehabilitation period, it should be applied with plenty of water. I have developed a methodology for its use in homeopathic doses. One capsule dissolves in 3-5 liters of water. This water should be drunk when you feel thirsty. And with a daily bath and physical activity, you want to drink often and a lot. The use of hypoxene dramatically reduces the intensity and duration of withdrawal symptoms. These results were obtained experimentally in the course of clinical trials conducted at the initiative of the manufacturer of the drug (your humble servant told them about this).

Another important element is the use of special sound programs - binaural beats. These programs synchronize the cerebral hemispheres. There are special rhythms that reproduce the frequencies of the body, under the influence of certain drugs and psychedelics. And they are good for health. By using such a substitute, the psychological need for drugs can be eliminated.

There are, of course, a number of other aspects of the organizational plan. But I did not set myself the task of presenting the entire technology, including the business plan. I just wanted to briefly outline the business idea. The cost of this whole complex is scanty. And the prices for getting rid of drug addiction, as a rule, are expressed in five-digit dollar figures. As you can see, the profitability is self-evident here. Who wants to take up the implementation of this idea - you can write in the comments.

Especially for HOBIZ.RU

Currently, the medical services market is in the active development stage. This is due to government support, which increases the investment attractiveness of the industry. In particular, rehabilitation centers are in active demand among the population. This business plan was drawn up for the opening of a rehabilitation center for 20 wards. Given this number of chambers, the payback period will be 18 months, and the break-even point is 4 months.

To open the center, you will need to rent a room. It should be noted that it must comply with all sanitary standards. The minimum area is 500 m2. It is best to look for premises in ecologically clean areas of the city or in the countryside. The total number of employees will be 19 people.

The rehabilitation center is designed for 20 wards. On average, about 80 people will undergo rehabilitation every month. The cost of one 3-4 day course will be 25,000 rubles. As a result, the project's operational indicators will be as follows:

  • Total investment- 3,804,000 rubles
  • Monthly costs- 1,580,833 rubles
  • Monthly profit- 257 840 rubles
  • Payback period- 18 months
  • Break even- 3 months.
  • Return on sales - 19%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Rehabilitation centers represent institutions that provide medical and wellness services. The main task of the center is to provide services for the patient's recovery after operations, injuries, diseases. The most popular centers are in the following areas:

  • Centers for the treatment of problems with the spine, back
  • Recovering a patient from a stroke or neurological disease
  • Rehabilitation centers for children
  • Psychological centers
  • Multidisciplinary centers
  • Centers for people with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

These centers are the most popular. The most important factor when opening is the competence of the chief physician and the head, since the direction of the center will largely depend on their experience and knowledge.

To open a center, you will need to find a suitable room. Its area should be about 500 m2. The premises will need to be overhauled in order for the premises to meet all sanitary and fire safety requirements.

For normal operation, the center will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Cashbox
  • Refrigerator for storage of drugs
  • Reception furniture
  • Staff Lounge Furniture
  • Bathroom
  • Faucet with sink
  • Television
  • Ward furniture (bed and bedside table)
  • Computers
  • a printer
  • Shower cabins

This will fully provide 20 chambers and administrative staff with everything they need.

In addition to organizational issues, the business owner will need to obtain a medical license. To do this, you need to contact the territorial department of the Ministry of Health and submit an application. For a more detailed list of activities that are subject to licensing, see the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

3. Description of the sales market

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

The key risks when opening a rehabilitation center are:

  • Low qualification of employees and quality of service

To eliminate this risk, it is necessary to hire only experienced and qualified employees. It is advisable to do this in conjunction with the chief physician.

  • Lack of sufficient number of clients

To reduce this risk, before opening, conduct an analysis of the demand for the center in your city. This will help to correctly determine the target audience and the scale of the business you are opening.

A rehabilitation center for EMERCOM employees was opened in Sedovo. Recreation complex "Spasatel" received the first arrival of vacationers - about 100 people. Recently, the main repair work was completed, which lasted for several months - the building had to be restored almost from scratch.

The first wave of vacationers was greeted as family members: to the sounds of a button accordion and folk ditties, with bread, with salt - everything as it should be. They even launched a new tradition.

The guests did not remain indifferent to such a reception. Moreover, many people had never organized a vacation before. Oleg worked as a firefighter for over 7 years, but during all this time he never received a ticket.

Natalia gave 11 years to the dispatching service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. She arrived with her husband and daughter. The situation is the same: for the entire time of work, a woman with a small child did not bother to offer a free vacation. Now they plan to make up for lost time.

The former Gorizont boarding house, which has practically not undergone any changes since 1978, had to be restored anew. To the ragged walls and shattered floor was added last year's hurricane to scatter the trees in the courtyard. All this was corrected by the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For several months they landscaped the territory, re-installed water supply and sewerage, and prepared rooms.

At the moment, it remains to renovate the 1st and 4th floors. Valery has been here since April. Together with other rescuers, we have already done most of the work; and everything - according to modern standards.

EMERCOM employees hope that soon their families will have a rest here, on the new, renovated floors. In the meantime, the first 100 people have moved into the ready-made rooms. In turn, the staff of the rehabilitation center is already thinking about how to surprise the guests in the future.

A former drug addict OPENED A HOME REHABILITATION CENTER. Many young people are dying of drug addiction today. The so-called "golden prick" takes 16 - and 20 - and 30-year-olds. The hearts of many cannot stand an overdose. Well, let him say who. It's okay to spread the disease around the world. If they were normal people, they would have no problems, they would live happily ever after. But, people, look around! A tragic mistake can happen to anyone.

This is what Konstantin, a 33-year-old resident of Zhmerin, is a former drug addict with 10 years of experience.

- I became addicted to drugs in the army. Service in Azerbaijan was quite difficult. There we used them to relieve stress. Coming from the army, he did not use drugs for some time, and began to arrange his life. But nothing worked. Out of despair, he started using drugs again. Then problems began with law enforcement officers, prison, after a while again bunks.

Being on the second "walk", I began to reflect on the meaning of life. What do I live for?

Rehabilitation center business plan

Once my friend passed away from tuberculosis. At the last moment of his life, he, an ardent atheist, began to shout: "Lord, forgive me." Apparently, then I also cognized God, became a believer.

I also suffered from a severe form of tuberculosis. And I understood that I would soon follow my friend too. He sat on a bunk and simply said: "Lord, if you exist, then save me." And the change began. I wanted to live, I wanted to do something in this life and be useful, but the disease progressed. What is the treatment for the zone? Then I said: "Lord, if you need my life, it is Yours, and no - it is Your will."

I left the zone as a disabled person of the 2nd group. I wanted to make myself a pension. But when I began to pass the commission and did a fluorography, the doctor said that I did not have tuberculosis. And to this day I do not remember what kind of disease it is. Life began to change before our eyes.

I set a goal for myself - to create my own rehabilitation center for drug addicts. An acquaintance from the organization "Social Service for Youth" suggested taking up a special program for drug addicts. He worked as a volunteer. I understood that many drug addicts do not want to be treated, therefore the desire to get rid of drugs is momentary. When a drug addict is “high” and realizes that he needs to be treated, he needs to change his life. And when he "breaks" ... for the sake of the next dose - he is ready for anything.

Working as a volunteer, I had to send drug addicts to rehabilitation centers. But, as it turned out, there are not enough places in the centers. Many patients ask: "Take, please ...". They are asked to wait three months, because now there are no vacancies. But for a drug addict, three months is an eternity.

Then I thought: what, how to take them home? At this intermediate stage - between the needle and the rehabilitation center. Now, in my apartment, two people are undergoing rehabilitation in this way.

According to Konstantin, he does not take everyone home. To get into it, one must really strive to break with the past forever. Those who want to be cured live like full-fledged family members. When they break down, Konstantin tries to keep them busy. Another very effective medicine is prayer.

Constantine's experience proved that drug addicts in his house are not as Kumari as in other months. On the second day, they sleep like babies. On the third day, they already feel great. And doctors say that the third day of withdrawal is a "peak".

“God helps everyone who wants it,” says Constantine. "If a drug addict looks for purity in himself, strives to achieve his goal, to find the meaning of his life, he will succeed."

By the way, now Konstantin is the director of the public association "Center for Municipal Development". It is this center that conducts the Harm Reduction program, which is aimed at combating drug addiction as a disease. Together with Kostya, trainings in schools and other educational institutions are conducted by an experienced psychologist Tatiana Kovalchuk. They cooperate with the Vinnitsa Public Congress "Persistence". So, if you really want to, then everything will work out.

20 years "on drugs"

“In 20 years of drug addiction, I have tried hundreds of times to end this. Told myself that I was not a weakling. I thought that I would crush my "kumar" with vodka. He was repeatedly treated in drug clinics. But nothing worked. After them, I could only survive for a month or two. It seemed that I lived in Hell on earth, from which there was no way out. Repeatedly I wanted to make a "golden injection". But, obviously, God still needed me, because in 2003 I met with Kostya. He assured me that drug addiction is not only my problem and he wants to help me cope with it. I ended up in the "Center for Municipal Development". There, I learned how the problems of pins and HIV-infected people in Europe are being solved. I made sure that drug addiction is curable and that we are treated like people. During the period of my rehabilitation in the Kostik family, I really wanted to live differently. Not a single pill. Only love, understanding, support could change me and my sister.


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Social rehabilitation

Social practices implemented by the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations

Preparing for an independent life for children with disabilities and children with disabilities

Disability for a child is a serious challenge that leaves an imprint on his entire life. It influences the formation of habitual life stereotypes, the social status of an individual, the development of a system of social contacts, barriers appear on the way to the implementation of the most important biological and social needs.
The disability of children significantly limits their life activity, leads to social maladjustment, which is caused by impairments in their development and growth, loss of control over their behavior, as well as the ability to self-service, movement, orientation, learning, communication, and work in the future. The acquisition of social experience by disabled children, their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires additional measures and funds. The development of these measures should be based on knowledge of the laws, objectives, and the essence of the process of social rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation programs for children with disabilities and children with disabilities should be focused on the development of the child's personality and his preparation for an independent life in society. Therefore, the priority task of rehabilitation programs is the formation of functional abilities in a child, the development of new skills in such areas as the acquisition and application of knowledge, communication, mobility, interpersonal interaction, self-service and everyday life, play, fulfillment of requirements.
This area of ​​activity with the support of the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), in 2012-2014. was developed within the framework of the programs of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Komi, the Trans-Baikal Territory, Belgorod, Vologda, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Smolensk regions (the Foundation's programs "I can live independently" and "The right to be equal"). The target groups are children with disabilities and children with disabilities who are brought up in families, as well as children with disabilities who are brought up in residential institutions.
One of the directions of this activity is the introduction of programs of social and household orientation of children with disabilities and children with disabilities on the basis of institutions of the system of social protection of the population and education.
For example, in the Republic of Khakassia, on the basis of the State Institution of the RH "Teremok" Republican boarding school for mentally retarded children, a training apartment is equipped to prepare children for independent living. space, to form vital skills and self-service skills.
In the Republic of Bashkortostan, on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution "Serafimovskiy orphanage-boarding school for mentally retarded children", a department has been created for social rehabilitation and social adaptation of children with mental disabilities, including those living in families. The department has a household room, sewing and knitting workshops. During their stay in the department, children with disabilities master the available skills of self-service, practical activities, sewing and knitting skills. Parents of children are given practical recommendations for the development of the individual capabilities of the child and his adaptation in the social environment. This work contributes to the solution of emerging acute family problems, to overcome the isolation of children with disabilities and families; is an effective tool in the implementation of the tasks of preventing abandonment of disabled children.
In the Ryazan Region, on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution "Center for Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People" in 2012, with the support of the Fund, a rehabilitation training and training department was opened for families raising children with disabilities. The main tasks of the department are to provide children with disabilities with services for social rehabilitation (services for social adaptation, social, environmental and socio-cultural rehabilitation, as well as rehabilitation by means of physical culture and sports) in accordance with the recommendations of individual rehabilitation programs; work with families raising children with disabilities.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, within the framework of the regional program "I can live independently" in three orphanages for mentally retarded children, the diagnostic component in the system of rehabilitation work with disabled children was strengthened (rehabilitation and diagnostic laboratories were created) in order to comprehensively assess the rehabilitation potential of disabled children and the formation of a group of children with sufficient potential for independent living in society. This work is based on the Longitude software package with the inclusion of a specialized unit additionally developed jointly with St. Petersburg State University for recording the volumes, timing and results of habilitation activities, as well as for conducting various kinds of automated sampling in habilitation directions. The implementation of diagnostic measures in all three institutions is carried out by members of a multi-professional team: a defectologist, psychologist, speech therapist, social work specialist, social teacher, exercise therapy instructor. As a result, individual rehabilitation programs for children have been developed and are being implemented, including preparation for independent living.
In the Trans-Baikal Territory since 2008

the implementation of the technology "Social support of pupils of the orphanage-boarding school during their adaptation to independent living and graduates of the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsk orphanage-boarding school for mentally retarded children in the place of their compact residence" is being introduced. In order to prepare the inmates of this institution for independent living in the Trans-Baikal Territory, in the period from 2009 to 2011, with the co-financing of the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations, the "Road to Life" program was carried out. The result of the implementation of the program was the development of a social village - a place of compact residence of young disabled people - graduates of an orphanage for mentally retarded children. Graduates of this institution, who have the potential for independent living, but with unstable work motivation and not fully formed self-service skills, are adapting to living independently in rural areas. Subsequently, after completing an individual adaptation course in a rural settlement, graduates of the orphanage, taking into account the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council on the possibility of independent living and, if they wish, acquire residential houses in the rural settlement (or order the construction of a house) and stay there for permanent residence. Social support for young people with disabilities is provided by the complex "Veteran" social service center, since at the initial stage young people need supervision, help and support from adults. Specialists (district social work specialist, psychologist, medical worker) go to the village at least twice a week, and labor instructors (cooking, subsidiary farming, carpentry) work in the village on a rotational basis (for one week). Under the guidance of instructors, young people with disabilities prepare food, maintain order in living quarters, do part-time farming, prepare firewood for the winter, grow vegetables, spend leisure time (all graduates are employed).
GSUSO "Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky boarding school for mentally retarded children" also has its own premises in the village and during the year, according to a specific program, takes out pupils (groups of 3 to 7 people) for adaptation. During the adaptation period, children live in the village with a teacher from an orphanage. In the period from 2009 to 2014, 90 pupils of the boarding school underwent adaptation in a rural settlement, 35 of them were adapted to the conditions of independent living. In the future, it is planned to increase the number of houses to 15, create additional jobs: open a sewing workshop, a hairdresser, and develop a subsidiary farm.
An analysis of the practice of implementing regional programs and projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shows the presence of sustainable results of social partnership, including the effective implementation of a number of innovations.
For example, the successful regional experience of using modular equipment (auto towns, etc.) within the framework of programs of social and environmental orientation and adaptation to the environment of disabled children served as the basis for the development and implementation of a new project of the Fund.
Affiliate charitable project "To the movement without limits!" developed by the Foundation for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations, and since 2012 has been implemented with the financial support of Kia Motor RUS LLC. The goal of the project is to assist in creating conditions for the implementation of measures for the social and environmental rehabilitation of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in institutions for children with disabilities, children and adolescents with disabilities of the system of social protection of the population and in special (correctional) educational institutions ...
Target groups - children with disabilities and children with disabilities under the age of 18 (who are brought up in residential institutions for children with disabilities of the social protection system; students who are brought up in special (correctional) educational institutions, including in special (correctional) ) general education boarding schools; receiving social rehabilitation services in non-stationary social service institutions (rehabilitation centers) for children and adolescents with disabilities).
The objectives of the project are:
- Creation of specialized development sites in basic institutions (an auto playground plus a playground) for carrying out activities for the social and environmental rehabilitation of children of target groups and classrooms (autoclasses) for conducting classes on the safe behavior of children on the roads;
- increasing mobility and ensuring the safety of children of target groups by instilling in them the skills of safe behavior when moving, playing, driving on the road;
- assistance in the development and implementation into the practice of the work of basic institutions of developmental programs aimed at increasing the motor activity of children, preventing injuries, teaching safe behavior during games and moving on the road, their socio-psychological rehabilitation as participants in the movement process;
- assistance in holding events for the exchange of experience in the field of social and environmental rehabilitation of children of target groups for specialists of institutions of the social protection system and educational institutions using the capabilities of specialized development sites and autoclasses.
Specialized development sites and autoclasses are equipped with equipment and vehicles, built into the infrastructure of basic institutions and have multifunctional opportunities for use in the process of social rehabilitation of disabled children and children with disabilities.
In 2012, 6 specialized development sites were opened in Novosibirsk, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod regions, Khabarovsk and Stavropol regions.

Business plan of the Upper Volga Rehabilitation Center

Over three years, the project has involved 30 cities from 28 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The project helps to strengthen interagency cooperation. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, partners and dealers of the Kia Motor RUS company participate in joint work with the Fund.
The project received recognition from parents and specialists, winning in the nomination of the national program "Best Social Projects in Russia".
As part of the project, the following is achieved:
- an increase in the number of children of target groups with whom classes on social and environmental rehabilitation were conducted at specialized development sites and in autoclasses;
- development of the rehabilitation potential of children with disabilities and children with disabilities through participation in classes, a higher level of their integration into society, including as road users;
- improvement of conditions in basic institutions to solve the problem of improving the system of social rehabilitation, including social and environmental rehabilitation, disabled children and children with disabilities;
- a positive influence on the formation in society of a positive attitude towards children with disabilities, children with disabilities, including as participants in the movement process.
Thanks to the project, children with disabilities and children with disabilities have the opportunity, while moving on electric vehicles and bicycles, including specialized ones, to feel the joy of movement, to learn in practice the rules of safe behavior on the road in conditions as close as possible to real ones: there are sidewalks on the sites, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, road signs and even models of schools, houses, public transport stops.
The autoclass allows them to study the rules of the road, simulate various situations on the road, and practice driving a car on the "Shkolnik" children's car simulator. The created objects are used as a base for conducting classes with children from other institutions.
The introduction of vocational guidance and pre-vocational training programs is the most important direction in the general system of preparation for an independent life of disabled children and children with disabilities.
In 2013-2014 The Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations, with the financial support of Metalloinvest Management Company LLC, has begun implementing the Road to Life charitable partnership project aimed at building the competitiveness of boarding school graduates.
In the Orenburg region, this project is being implemented on the basis of GBS (K) OU for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education boarding school in Novotroitsk".
The project includes the following areas:
- development, implementation of vocational guidance and pre-vocational training programs for pupils and graduates (including professional diagnostics programs);
- introduction of the program of pre-professional training of pupils "The Road to the World" and expansion of the list of professions mastered by pupils of the institution;
- development and implementation of comprehensive socialization programs ("Social Living Room"), within the framework of which programs for providing psychological assistance to pupils are implemented (solving communication problems, solving urgent problems, resolving conflicts); trainings for personal growth are conducted; classes are held aimed at developing creative abilities, communication skills of pupils; mentoring programs are being introduced.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod regional public organization for support of children and youth with disabilities "Veras", pre-professional workshops are equipped and operate: "Polygraphy", "Painting on wood", "Papier-mache", "Plant growing", "Ceramics" , "Felting wool". In 2013, 29 disabled children were engaged in the workshops. Similar workshops have been created in a number of social service institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region. For example, on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities, Gorodetsky District", an integrated printing workshop was created, in which children with disabilities and children with disabilities, their healthy peers - students of secondary schools, take part; Students of the pedagogical college provide all possible assistance on a voluntary basis. The work is aimed at teaching how to perform the available operations of the printing production process. Moreover, this activity is associated with active creative work. For example, classes are held on how children prepare mini-brochures with their own recipes for cooking, describing algorithms for performing various household chores, etc. This stimulates the emergence of a great desire to realize their capabilities, since children understand the significance and importance of their work in creating works. Self-esteem, emotional background and motivation increase in children. In the course of joint work in the creative workshop, the process of social integration of disabled children into the environment of healthy peers is being improved, the psychological barrier in communication between disabled children is being overcome. In the workshop, children also make illustrated calendars, postcards, notebooks, teaching aids for classes, souvenirs and other products.
In the Ulyanovsk region in 2013

work began on the creation of a resource center for the habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children at the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education for children No. 9". The institution has four workshops (pottery, bookbinding, basket weaving, photographic studio), in which 40 disabled children are engaged.
A significant role in programs and projects supported by the Foundation is assigned to the implementation of rehabilitation programs using high-tech rehabilitation equipment. For example, within the framework of the program of the Astrakhan region for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities, specialized equipment was purchased: a plantar simulator of support load "Korvit", a support for crawling "Turtle", verticalizers "Kitten" and "Actival", etc. This equipment allows you to maximize recovery the functions of standing and walking, to normalize the coordinated control of movements of various classes in the complex rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy; to practice crawling skills in children with various pathologies; also allows upright positioning with back and front support. The use of the Atlant neuro-orthopedic suit as a method of kinesitherapy in medical-conductive rehabilitation improves the physiological state, the ability to move, maintain posture, differentiated movements, and speech. The positive effect of restoration of motor functions is observed in 50% of cases.

Home / Finished Works / Term Papers / Management

Rehabilitation Center Project - Coursework

Type: Coursework
Section: Management
Pages: 35
Year: 2011

1.1. Description of the problem situation 5
1.2. Identifying the causes of the current situation 5
1.3. Problem statement 7
1.4. Justification of the urgency of the problem 7
1.5. Identifying the extent and nature of the solution to the problem 11
1.6. Description of the possible consequences of the problem 12
2.1. Development of the strategic concept of the project 14
2.2. Development of the target structure of the project 16
4.1. Team management 21
4.2. Organizational Project Modeling 23
4.3. Time management 24
4.4. Cost Management 28

Graduate work:
Socio-pedagogical activities with disabled children in the conditions of the Rehabilitation Center

Practice report:
Activity of a psychologist at a rehabilitation center for the disabled

Introduction (excerpt)

One of the urgent problems of our society is the social rehabilitation of elderly people with disabilities. Today the disabled are among the most socially unprotected category of the population. Their incomes are well below average, and their health and social needs are much higher. Disability is not a problem for one person, and not even for a part of society, but for the whole society as a whole. Its essence lies in the legal, economic, industrial, communicative, psychological characteristics of the interaction of disabled people with the outside world. Restriction of a person's life activity is expressed in full or partial loss of the ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over their behavior.
The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development. The state, ensuring the social protection of disabled people, is called upon to create the necessary conditions for their individual development, the realization of creative and production opportunities and abilities by taking into account their needs in the relevant state programs, providing social assistance in the forms provided for by law in order to eliminate obstacles in the exercise of the rights to health care by disabled people. , labor, housing and other socio - economic rights.
The purpose of the course work is to develop a project for the creation of a day rehabilitation department for persons with disabilities on the basis of the State Educational Institution "Complex Center for Social Services for the Population of Krasnoturinsk".
Based on the goals set, the following tasks can be formulated:
analyze the situation (pre-project analysis);
carry out the formulation of the project concept;
mobilize project resources;
consider the stages of project implementation
justify the stages of project monitoring.
The object of the research is the State Educational Institution "Complex Center of Social Services for the Population of Krasnoturinsk".
The subject of the research is project management for the creation of a rehabilitation center.

Practice report:
The specifics of the work of a psychologist in a rehabilitation center

Graduate work:
Shopping center construction project management

Main part (excerpt)

GOU "Complex Center for Social Services for the Population of Krasnoturyinsk" (KTSSON) is a complex institution for social services for citizens, families, children in difficult life situations.
KTSSON provides social welfare, socio-medical, socio-psychological, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, conducts social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens, families and children.
The center has three departments:
social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens;
department of urgent social services;
advisory department.
The administration of the city of Krasnoturyinsk set the goal of creating a day rehabilitation department for persons with disabilities on the basis of the State Educational Institution "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of Krasnoturyinsk".
Based on Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ, the main directions of rehabilitation of disabled people are:
restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;
vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;
socio-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and socio-cultural rehabilitation, social adaptation;
physical culture and recreational activities, sports.

Conclusion (excerpt)

As a result of the work done, a number of main conclusions can be drawn.
The implementation of the proposed project will solve the problem of creating a day rehabilitation department for persons with disabilities on the basis of the State Educational Institution "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of Krasnoturyinsk".
The problem of the implementation of the proposed project is caused by the fact that at the moment in the city of Krasnoturyinsk there is no specialized institution for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

Possible failure to solve the problem that has arisen can lead to further isolation of persons with disabilities in society, deterioration of health, a decrease in their self-esteem, and an increase in suicides among disabled people.
The purpose of organizing a day rehabilitation department for persons with disabilities is to provide medical and social assistance services in stationary conditions to persons with disabilities.
Achieving this goal can be achieved by solving the following tasks:
formation of the material and technical base of the department;
attraction of financial sources for the functioning of the department;
solution of personnel issues.
On the basis of this department will be carried out:
1) a comprehensive diagnostic examination:
2) physiotherapy department.
A functional management structure is used to implement the project.
The critical path length for this project is 55 days.
The total cost of the project will be 4506.3 thousand rubles.
The social effect of the project is expressed in increasing the efficiency of the work of municipal authorities on issues of social protection of persons with disabilities.

Graduate work:
Small business start-up business plan

Graduate work:
Office center construction management


How to open a rehabilitation center

Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled People in the Russian Federation" dated 24.11.1995 N 181-FZ
2. Balashov V.G., Zalozhnev A.Yu., Novikov D.A. Organizational project management mechanisms. M .: IPU RAN, 2003 .-- 84p.
3. Volkov I.M., Gracheva M.V. Design analysis. Textbook. - M .: UNI-TI, 2006.
4. Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D. Project management. Reference manual. - M .: Higher school, 2001.
5. Project management / Under total. ed. V.D. Shapiro. - SPb .: DvaTrI, 2005.
6. Project management: a reference guide / Ed. I.I. Mazura, V.D. Shapiro. M .: Higher school, 2006 .-- 875 p.
7. Project management: Explanatory English-Russian dictionary-reference book / Ed. V.D. Shapiro. - M .: Higher school, 2007.
8. Project management: Explanatory English-Russian dictionary-reference book / Ed. V.D. Shapiro. - M .: Higher school, 2000.
9. Shapiro V.D. and other project management. - SPb .: DvaTrI, 2005.

Unfortunately, the problem of alcohol and drug addiction is still very urgent for our country. The fight against this social “disease” is far from being carried out at the proper level in all regions. Therefore, the business of organizing a private clinic for the rehabilitation of drug addicted citizens will not only be very profitable, but also useful for society. We will talk about how to open a drug treatment center yourself, avoiding many difficulties and problems, in this article.

Features of the implementation of this business idea

To open a drug treatment center, you need to collect a great variety of permits. The medical activities of the center are subject to compulsory licensing, so the requirements for the staff are the highest. Only qualified specialists with specialized higher medical education can work in a narcological clinic. In addition to a diploma, the staff of the center must have valid certificates for the implementation of medical activities. It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur as the form of organization of this business - this will save you from some legal delays and future problems with the tax service.

As for the location of the drug treatment center, the building must be non-residential and located closer to the sleeping areas of the city. The total area of ​​the institution should be at least 100 square meters, with a "margin" for future business expansion. The main requirements for the layout of a drug treatment clinic are as follows:

  • A short corridor ending in a lobby with comfortable waiting benches.
  • Two equipped bathrooms (male and female).
  • Walk-in closet.
  • A small room for household needs.
  • Staff room for staff.
  • A fenced-off reception desk equipped with filing cabinets.
  • Three single wards for patients that meet all the requirements of the SES.

The drug treatment center should have soft "cold" lighting, pastel-colored walls, as well as permanent cleanliness and sterility.

It is best to promote your drug treatment clinic on the Internet: a website with a price list for services and reviews of grateful clients is a must. You should also agree with other medical institutions in the city to place brochures and business cards of your clinic in them. If your employees work from the heart and individually approach the treatment of each patient, then the good reputation of your center will quickly spread throughout the region, providing you with a constant influx of clients.

Financial question

A private drug treatment center does not belong to the category of business projects, the implementation of which requires huge financial investments. The one-time costs of opening such a center will not exceed 500 thousand rubles. Monthly expense items will look like this (data is focused on the metropolitan area):

  • Rent - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a narcologist is 60,000 rubles.
  • A nurse's salary is 35,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a receptionist is 25,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a nurse is 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of medicines - 50,000 rubles.

As a result, every month you will have to “fork out” about 250,000 rubles. Let's now look at the main sources of income for a drug treatment center. For example, the average bill for alcohol and drug addiction treatment is 5,000 rubles per day. The duration of treatment for alcohol addiction is 4 days, for heroin addiction - 5 days, and for the most serious - methadone addiction - up to 14 days.

A small drug treatment clinic includes no more than three equipped wards. Accordingly, its maximum occupancy is three patients. The clinic will work without weekends and holidays - the specifics of the activity obliges to adhere to such a schedule. If the capacity of the wards is 100% every day, then the monthly income from the work of the drug treatment center will be 450 thousand rubles. Excluding mandatory expenses, the net profit turns out to be very pleasant - 200 thousand rubles a month.

Naturally, if there are queues at your center, the number of rooms can be increased. As regrettable as it may sound, the likelihood of queues is very high, regardless of the region where the drug treatment center is located. He will definitely not be left without work.


Quite rarely, drug addicted citizens voluntarily agree to treatment in a drug treatment clinic. In most cases, they get caught at the cost of the incredible efforts of their relatives and friends. Accordingly, in the work of the drug treatment center, there is a clear division into clients and patients. It is not the patients who pay the money, but the clients. Sometimes you shouldn't even expect gratitude from patients. Still, piecing together the broken lives of others is a respectable occupation. Well, a good financial profit can be considered compensation for harmful working conditions. Good luck in business!

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