Home fertilizers What foods are needed for good sleep? Foods that promote good sleep What to eat before bed to sleep better

What foods are needed for good sleep? Foods that promote good sleep What to eat before bed to sleep better

Walnuts are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin levels necessary for healthy sleep (these hormones are responsible for our biological clock and sense of time). It is these two substances that help normalize circadian rhythms, fall asleep quickly and sound sleep.


Almonds - and, according to research, low levels of this substance make it difficult to fall asleep quickly. A handful of nuts before bed helps to quickly solve this problem!


We have known since childhood that a glass of warm milk at night (preferably with cookies - but we will talk about this in more detail below) guarantees a sound and healthy sleep throughout the night. In fact, all dairy products have this magical property: the calcium they contain helps absorb the amino acid tryptophan and produce melatonin. In addition, calcium also helps to normalize muscle activity and relieves night cramps.


Good news for those who are on a diet - one of the most popular ingredients in light salads, lettuce, is an indispensable tool in the fight against insomnia. It's all about the rich content of lactucarium - a substance that resembles a sedative in action. Lettuce, by the way, can not only be eaten, but also brewed: to prepare “salad” tea, four large leaves must be poured with hot water and infused for 15 minutes. And in order to make the drink more palatable, you can add a little mint to it.


Salted pretzels and crackers have a high glycemic index - that is, they cause a quick burst of energy, which is replaced by drowsiness just as quickly. So if you are struggling with insomnia, you have a good reason to crunch on something forbidden at night looking. The main thing is not to turn it into a habit!

Tuna and salmon

Fish, and especially tuna and salmon, are extremely rich in vitamin B6, which takes an active part in the production of melatonin and serotonin. By the way, among other products, where you can get this vitamin - garlic (exceptionally fresh) and pistachios.

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As with crackers, rice is notable for its glycemic index. But the jasmine variety is more effective than others in helping you fall asleep quickly and soundly - this is exactly what the results of studies published by the specialized edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition say.

Cherry juice

According to recent research from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Rochester, drinking a glass of cherry juice before bed can help you get into the dream world faster. The thing is that cherries increase the level of melatonin in the body.

cereal flakes

Flakes are considered to be an excellent breakfast dish, but it turns out that they contain two components at once that help to quickly and soundly fall asleep: carbohydrates (in the flakes themselves) and calcium (in the milk with which they are usually eaten).

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is the first remedy recommended for insomnia. And for good reason: one cup of fragrant broth raises the level of glycine, which, in turn, gently calms the nerves and relieves muscle tension.

Long sleepless nights lead to serious physical and mental exhaustion. If you periodically have problems with sleep, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for sleeping pills. You can fight insomnia by changing your diet a little. In this article, we will talk about Top 10 best sleep aids.

“Most people who suffer from sleep problems will be able to sleep soundly again, just add a few foods to their diet,” says insomnia expert Dr. Yakov Teitelbaum.

10 foods that improve sleep


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for good mood and helps to relax.

Melatonin, known as the "sleep hormone", in turn, is responsible for the regulation of sleep and has antioxidant properties (melatonin is not formed naturally in the body, it can only be obtained from food).


Boiled eggs contain a lot of protein, which has a positive effect on sleep. Due to the high protein content, boiled eggs have a positive effect on sleep and, in addition, successfully help fight acid reflux, a symptom of which is heartburn, which does not allow you to sleep well at night. Other foods are also rich in protein, in particular, meat, cheese and cottage cheese.


Almonds are rich in protein and also contain a solid dose of magnesium, which promotes good sleep and muscle relaxation.

A handful of almonds (don't overdo it, they're also high in fat) or an almond butter sandwich are great sleep aids.

A fish

Most varieties of fish (especially salmon) contain vitamin B6, which is necessary for the synthesis of melatonin in the body.

In addition to fish, vitamin B6 is found in peas.

Do you know how to properly store fish so that it stays fresh and retains its beneficial properties? Look!


A glass of warm milk is a grandmother's recipe for good sleep. Milk is an excellent remedy for insomnia, containing calcium and the amino acid "tryptophan", which is necessary for the production of the "sleep hormone" - melatonin.

If you can't sleep or wake up frequently during the night, get out of bed and drink one glass of warm milk. Sleep will become even sweeter if you add one teaspoon of honey.


It is well known that dairy products are rich in calcium, but many green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, boast the presence of this nutrient, the deficiency of which leads to insomnia.


Cherries are one of the few natural sources of melatonin. A few cherries will help you to freely enter the magical land of dreams.


One serving of oatmeal contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium - substances that promote good sleep.

Do not overdo it with sweet additives to porridge. Sugar can negatively affect your sleep.


The sugar in honey slightly raises insulin levels, which allows the amino acid tryptophan, also found in honey, to better enter the brain and promote good sleep.

Do not overdo it! Eat no more than one tablespoon of natural honey before bed, preferably on an empty stomach.


Grapes are another enemy of insomnia, containing a natural sleeping pill - melatonin. Due to its presence, wine has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The products that we talked about above will ensure a good night's sleep and cheerfulness in the morning. In order for products to retain their freshness and useful properties, they must be stored properly. We wrote about it in detail.

Foods that interfere with sleep

In addition to products that normalize sleep, it is useful to know what harms it.

Fatty food

Eating fatty hamburgers and french fries leads to fatigue and drowsiness. The reason lies in the fact that these products limit the oxygen that enters the brain.

Eating heavy meals will make you think you fall asleep faster, but studies show that people who eat fatty meals at lunchtime get less sleep than those who eat healthy.

Be careful if you have acid reflux. High-calorie, high-fat foods can disrupt digestion and stomach acid secretion, not to mention make it harder for you to sleep.

If you still decide to eat something high in fat, do it no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Eating foods high in starch, fat, and sugar can make you feel sluggish and lethargic, as they put a lot of stress on your digestive system.

Avoid the following foods before bed: pork, cheese, chocolate, eggplant, tomatoes, and potatoes. They contain tyramine, an amino acid that is converted in the body to the substance norepinephrine, which is a brain stimulant.


Limit caffeinated foods, especially if you're used to drinking coffee in the afternoon. This substance becomes a frequent culprit of disturbed sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, reduce your intake of other caffeinated foods such as chocolate, black tea, and some chewing gums.

Not all people who drink coffee experience sleep problems. This is due to the fact that we metabolize caffeine differently.

Advice: The stimulating effect of caffeine peaks between 1 and 4 hours, but some people may feel its effects for up to 12 hours. Some medicines for flu and headaches also contain caffeine.

Each of us would like to have a healthy and strong dream because it is the key to good health. The quality of sleep affects both our physical fitness and.

When our body has a good rest at night, we meet the morning fresh and renewed. Sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

Unfortunately, not all of us can boast sound sleep. Many of us find it difficult to fall asleep. In our time, it is difficult to surprise anyone with this problem, because the high pace of life, the numerous issues that we have to solve daily, as well as the use of modern technologies affect the quality of sleep.

In order for a night's rest to be healthy and restorative, it is necessary to establish a certain sleep routine and sleep in suitable conditions. Experts believe that in the bedroom there is no place for electronic devices that have a negative impact on our sleep. Nutrition plays an equally important role. Before going to bed, it is better not to load the stomach with heavy food.

As a result of the research, the experts came to the conclusion that proper nutrition helps to fall asleep easily and avoids.

So, some products contribute to a stronger and more restorative sleep. The substances contained in them have a special effect on the human nervous system, stimulating the production of melatonin and serotonin, which promotes relaxation and improves the quality of sleep.

Sound and healthy sleep: useful products


As a rule, it is usually recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast. But morning is by no means the only time of day suitable for her. If you want oatmeal for dinner, do not deny yourself this. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and is useful for people with diabetes.

A serving of oatmeal two to three hours before bed will help your body relax, making it easier to fall asleep. This fact has its own explanation - oatmeal stimulates the production of melatonin.

A handful of almonds promotes deep and uninterrupted sleep. The fact is that it has a high content of tryptophan and magnesium. These substances have a positive effect on our sleep.


If you're having trouble falling asleep, try adding some honey to your tea or milk. The glucose content in honey helps to reduce levels of orexin (a substance that keeps our brain awake).

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain bread contains vitamins B1 and B6. It can be combined with honey - in this case, tryptophan, reaching the brain, is transformed into serotonin. As we said above, serotonin improves the quality of sleep.

Full healthy sleep depends on the composition and quantity of our food. Diet scientists have established that foods for good sleep should contain the amino acid tryptophan, be rich in carbohydrates and have a high calorie content.

Experts say there are products that improve sleep

Choosing a time to eat

During sleep, the body needs to rest. Since the process of digestion is a purposeful and active work, having a hearty snack before going to bed, you do not give your body the opportunity to rest.

Of course, after eating there is a feeling of drowsiness. Looks like you just need to put your head on a pillow. This is because blood flows from the head to the digestive organs.

If you go to bed in this state in the evening, then increased activity will remain in the gastrointestinal tract and the centers of the brain responsible for the digestion process. This will lead to superficial sleep and will not give a good rest.

Triggering hormones for deep sleep

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is considered essential for the body and must be supplied from outside. Melatonin is synthesized from it. It is a pineal gland hormone that regulates our nightly rest. If it is not enough (and with age it is produced less), then there are problems with sleep.

So, more tryptophan - more melatonin - better sleep. However, don't rush to drastically increase foods with tryptophan. There are also negative sides.

Intermediate between tryptophan and melatonin is serotonin, a neurotransmitter. With its excessive formation, serotonin syndrome can occur. It is manifested by sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, nausea, hallucinations and other phenomena that can even lead to death.

Particularly careful use of products containing a large amount of tryptophan to improve sleep is necessary for those who take antidepressants MAO inhibitors.

Also, you should not eat food rich in this amino acid throughout the day. Such a diet will cause drowsiness and will interfere with vigorous activity. It is better to leave it for dinner, 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Where is tryptophan found?

Tryptophan is found in all plant and animal products. Its content varies from negligible values ​​to a very large amount.

Most often, to improve sleep, it is recommended to include nuts, bananas, milk, a piece of fish or an egg in the afternoon. Let's see what is the content of tryptophan in these products. The tables below show the content of tryptophan in 100 g of the product as a percentage of the daily value (for adults).

Nuts are high in tryptophan

A glass of milk before bed can help you fall asleep

Pork meat 68
meat beef 60
Turkey meat 87
chicken meat 72
chicken liver 45
Ham 40
Sausage servelat 93
Dairy sausages 50
liver sausage 35
blood sausage 45
Egg yolk 60
Rice groats 25
oatmeal 48
Bananas 3
Raisin 13

Thus, the most tryptophan-rich foods, and therefore useful for sleep: cheeses, eggs and meat. It should be noted that the amount of amino acid decreases during defatting and pasteurization.

Calm the nervous system

Milk with honey at night - a tasty and healthy combination

If dinner is aimed at the subsequent production of melatonin, then an hour and a half before bedtime, you can have a snack of something “sedative”. For this purpose, sweet foods are the best option. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, cope well with stress. And it doesn't have to be cake or candy.

You can drink semi-sweet jelly or compote with crackers, milk with honey or kefir with a spoonful of sugar, light milk pudding or berry jelly, banana or kiwi, and so on. In small amounts, taken shortly before bedtime, these foods will not cause harm. On the contrary, you will not feel hungry when you go to bed, and the nervous system will quietly return to normal.

In addition, melatonin will already be produced by this point (after all, you took care of this at dinner). So you can safely finish your business.

Carbohydrates help you sleep

Sweet foods not only relieve stress. Being a source of fast carbohydrates, they allow you to saturate the body with glucose in a short period of time. Having received the right portion of "sweet", the brain will calmly go to sleep.

Banana helps you fall asleep faster

If there is not enough glucose in the blood, a person often wakes up at night. You may want to eat. This is due to the action of growth hormone, which keeps glucose consumption under control. To avoid sleepless nights, eat something tasty and light.

And do not worry that you will gain weight this way. A glass of jelly or a banana an hour before bedtime will not lead to fatty pathology, since carbohydrates will go to other needs. On the contrary, healthy deep sleep will make you slimmer. It has been proven that it is lack of sleep that contributes to obesity, and not sleep itself.

Products for healthy sleep according to Ayurveda

Supporters of Ayurveda recognize the importance of the material component of products, that is, its chemical composition. However, it is believed that nutrition acts much deeper, it affects us at the level of the natural mind. In order to have a restful and full sleep, in the evening it is necessary to consume warm, oily dishes with a sour, sweet or salty taste.

  • Milk products. If these are liquids, then they should be consumed warm and should not be washed down with solid food.
  • From cereals recommend rice and wheat.
  • Whenever possible, food should be sweetened. An ideal product for this is brown sugar.
  • The use of oils is encouraged.
  • Fruits should be light, sweet or sour (bananas, cherries, oranges, etc.). Not suitable for apples and pears.

Cherries contain melatonin

  • Boiled vegetables are very useful: potatoes, carrots, beets.
  • Nuts are also welcome.
  • Legumes should be removed from the diet, leaving only soy.
  • For those who love meat, it is advised to put aside pork and beef. Chicken and fish are allowed.

As you can see from this list, despite a different approach to nutrition, the sleep-healthy foods are the same as those listed in the tables above with more tryptophan. This once again confirms that their use will help improve the quality of your sleep.

With insufficient sleep, all these processes are shifted in one direction or another, and a failure begins. Also, among other things, it affects the reduction or increase in weight. If the daily routine is violated, fatigue appears, energy resources are depleted, and the body begins to require more carbohydrates, as a result, overeating occurs.

Instead of sitting up late on social media, you might as well have had a good night's sleep. But this does not mean that you need to sleep constantly. Do not forget that too much sleep is harmful. Everyone knows - a sleepy day off?

An important factor in insomnia and other sleep disorders is our diet. That's the right diet! You should not starve yourself before going to bed and try to fall asleep with a rumbling stomach, in the desire to achieve an ideal figure. Let's figure out how and what to eat in order to sleep soundly and wake up in the morning with a cheerful mood.

Where is the dream born?

A little theory first!

Sleep occurs in the pineal gland, where the amino acid melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced during metabolism. Melatonin levels are directly related to the amino acid tryptophan. When enough tryptophan is accumulated in the brain, a person falls asleep easily and quickly.

During the day, light acts on the retina of the eye, and tryptophan is used to form the hormone of joy - serotonin. Night falls and the light level decreases, the level of serotonin also decreases, inhibition in the brain begins to predominate and drowsiness occurs. At this point, melatonin is synthesized from tryptophan. Serotonin is also converted to melatonin at night.

Now it is clear that the fundamental amino acid tryptophan is the foundation of sound sleep and good mood!

Therefore, it is necessary to consume more foods containing tryptophan. And not at bedtime, but during the day, at any of the meals.

Foods with tryptophan

The main sources of tryptophan are dairy and meat products, legumes and grains, nuts. Especially rich in amino acids are hard cheeses, cottage cheese, cocoa, soy, almonds, hazelnuts, oatmeal and whole grain bread.

  • For kids warm milk with honey is the perfect sleeping pill, especially after a busy and hard day. In addition, it contains calcium, which helps the brain absorb tryptophan.
  • For adults- turkey meat, almonds and pine nuts, whole grain bread. In the evening, it is good to eat a sandwich of turkey and whole grain bread. But it is in the evening, and not before bedtime! A hearty meal before bedtime is perceived by the brain as a signal for a new cycle of activity.

Products with melatonin

People suffering from insomnia need to pay attention to products that directly contain the hormone melatonin itself and add them to the diet, namely for dinner.

You should not gobble them up just before bedtime, as a panacea for insomnia. Good sleep products are not fast-acting sleeping pills, it takes the body several hours to digest and absorb nutrients, convert them into chemical compounds.

The main sources of melatonin are rice, bananas, cherries, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, and corn.

  • Bananas- "sleeping pills in the peel", stimulates the production of melatonin, and contain potassium and magnesium, which help stabilize mood and relax muscles.
  • Cherry and sweet cherry- natural sources of melatonin. If you want to sleep on a plane or train, always take a handful of cherries or cherries with you.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the hormone melatonin, which enters our body with food, is partially destroyed by the enzymes of gastric juice. Therefore, it is absorbed only in favorable conditions.

In addition to tryptophan and melatonin, the presence of other vitamins and micronutrients is very important for good sleep.

  • Magnesium. The main sources are fresh green vegetables and fruits, but such plant foods contain the substance phytin, which makes it difficult for magnesium to be absorbed. For this reason, it is better to use nuts and cereals to enrich the internal reserves of magnesium. It is recommended to consume these foods before bed and during snacks throughout the day.
  • B group vitamins. The most important of them are B1, B2, B5, B6 and B12. The most important vitamins for the functioning of the nervous system and, accordingly, a good, restful sleep. Vitamins B1 and B2 are found in plant foods: bran, bread, cereals, potatoes, spinach, soy, broccoli. Vitamins B6 and B12 are present in animal products: meat, milk, yolks.
  • Vitamin D also essential for quality sleep. With a lack of this vitamin, sleep worsens. According to statistics, people suffering from increased body weight or insomnia have a lack of this particular vitamin. In order for it to be effectively produced, it is necessary to have vegetable oils and fish in the diet and frequent exposure to the sun. The latter is not always possible, therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin D and fish oil (omega-3) in the form of additional vitamins and dietary supplements.

It is especially important to pay attention to vitamins and microelements for vegetarians and people on strict diets. In this case, it is necessary to take additional sources - vitamin-mineral complexes.

  • Alcohol significantly reduces the quality of sleep. A person turns off, but it can hardly be called a good full sleep. The body cleanses itself all night of toxins and alcohol breakdown products.
  • caffeinated products which include tea, coffee and various energy drinks. Firstly, it is a strong stimulant that increases blood pressure and heart rate. Caffeine excites the nervous system, so taking it less than a few hours before bedtime can cause insomnia or reduce sleep quality. Secondly, caffeine is a fairly strong diuretic that removes water from the body. In turn, the lack of fluid, which plays a major role in the metabolism in the body, including the transmission of nerve impulses, affects sleep in the most detrimental way.
  • In addition to caffeine, there are a number of other stimulant products, which include many spices, such as hot peppers or ginger. They have the same effect as tea or coffee. This is especially important for those who are losing weight with a diet with green coffee and ginger, so you should not use these drinks in the evening, but prefer herbal tea. For example, chamomile tea is a safe and beneficial sleep aid that contains the natural amino acid theanine. It keeps the brain calm and helps you fall asleep faster. Also an excellent drink is chicory, which calms the nervous system tired during the day.
  • Salt. Its use usually exceeds the norm by 3 times. You can eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day. Do not forget that additionally salt is added to all products. And the amount of 5 grams refers to the entire diet. Salt retains water in the body and as a result, swelling and electrolyte imbalance. This is where insomnia and sleep disturbances in the form of nightmares come from.
  • Not fast carbohydrates before going to bed, they give an impetus to wakefulness and energize.

  1. Rational eat
  2. Give preference to foods that are rich in tryptophan (turkey, eggs, and for children - milk). Products that stimulate the nervous system (chocolate, confectionery) are recommended to be consumed before 15 pm. Avoid overeating - this creates a feeling of heaviness, causes abdominal discomfort, increased gas production and ultimately interferes with sleep.

  3. Don't Forget Your Vitamins
  4. Some of them increase the production of melatonin. For example, vitamins B3 and B6, magnesium are supplied in insufficient quantities, especially in old age. Those who take these vitamins in tablet form should be aware that vitamin B6 should be taken in the morning, as it initially excites and can interrupt sleep. Vitamin B3 can be taken in the evening along with calcium and magnesium, which at this time of day help increase melatonin production.

  5. Guard Your Melatonin and Pineal Gland
  6. Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and fast food - each of them is able to undermine the normal production of the hormone. Over time, this gland undergoes the so-called process of calcification, to prevent this, it is necessary to give preference to a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Sleep and nutrition are closely related. To sleep well, you do not need to immediately resort to medicinal sedatives. And you don’t even need a special strict diet, you just need to provide yourself with a full, healthy, varied diet on an ongoing basis!

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