Home Preparations for the winter When they condemn Fridinsky. General Exodus. Sergei Fridinsky's team leaves the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office. "This land has become ours?"

When they condemn Fridinsky. General Exodus. Sergei Fridinsky's team leaves the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office. "This land has become ours?"

RF from 2006 to 2017. In addition, he holds a doctorate in law. In April last year, Fridinsky wrote a letter of resignation and submitted it to the Federation Council for consideration. He took legal rest with the rank of Colonel General. You will learn more detailed information about this smart and talented person in the process of reading this article.

Information from the biography

Sergey Nikolaevich Fridinsky was born in Kuibyshev (now this city is called Samara) on June 2, 1958. Nothing is known about the statesman's parents.

From 1975 to 1976, Fridinsky worked at a military warehouse in the Transcaucasian Military District. Then the future prosecutor entered the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense, graduating in 1980.

After graduation, Sergei Nikolaevich Fridinsky served in the Krasnoyarsk garrison. There he worked as an investigator, then as a senior investigator, then as an assistant military prosecutor. Here he served for five years.

What happened next

From 1985 to 1989, Fridinsky served as the military prosecutor of the investigative department and was an assistant to the head of general supervision in the military prosecutor's office of the city of Novosibirsk. So the career of a statesman gradually went up.

Then, from 1989 to 1993, Fridinsky was a military prosecutor in the Krasnoyarsk garrison. After that, he took the post of first deputy prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Military District. From 1997 to 2000 Sergei Fridinsky worked as a prosecutor in the North Caucasian Military District.

In 2000, the statesman became the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. Six years later, he was appointed to the post of chief military prosecutor.

In April 2017, information appeared in the media that Sergei Nikolaevich Fridinsky, who has state awards and the rank of colonel general, resigned. He retired due to years of service.

There are opinions

From the biography of Sergei Nikolaevich Fridinsky, not so much is known. In particular, there is almost no information about his family in the public domain. Nevertheless, many employees say that he left his parents a two-room apartment in Transbaikalia. For his daughter, he kept a large apartment in Rostov-on-Don, which Fridinsky received from the state.

While the retired military prosecutor himself lives in a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow. Nevertheless, Sergei Fridinsky prefers to spend time outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle. In addition, there is an opinion that the statesman at each new duty station received housing, which he kept for himself. But he did it legally.

It should also be noted that in his interviews, Fridinsky often said that the state should help all officers who do not have their own housing.

Personal life

It is known that the statesman is married and has a daughter. Fridinsky Sergey Nikolaevich does not really like to talk about his family and personal life, so this information is hidden from the public eye. It is known that his wife always agreed with her husband's decision and followed him.

Work done

In 1997, Sergei Nikolayevich Fridinsky, whose photo is posted below, became the youngest military prosecutor in Rostov-on-Don. A year later, he already headed the investigation into the attack on staff vehicles on the border between Ingushetia and Ossetia. During the conduct of this case, various conflicting information appeared in the press about the results of various investigative measures.

In 2000, he was involved in the investigation of a terrorist attack in the dormitory of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the city of Chelyabinsk.

In 2001, Fridinsky signed an indictment in the case of the Chechen commander who carried out the attack on Kizlyar and Pervomaiskoye.

Then Fridinsky dealt with the case of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia, who was removed from office for various violations. Then the statesman supervised the investigation of the terrorist attack in Grozny, which took place on May 9, 2004. Then the president of the Chechen Republic died - Then Fridinsky took control of the investigation into the terrorist attack at the Beslan school. After that, he was relieved of his post and left for Moscow.

In the capital, Sergei Fridinsky dealt with the adoption of orphans by foreign citizens, as well as the problems of street teenagers. Already in 2006, he conducted an audit in many schools in Russia, during which serious violations were identified and proposals were made to eliminate them.

Personal achievements

Fridinsky Sergei Nikolaevich - retired chief military prosecutor, has state and departmental awards. His colleagues note that he never allowed himself to break the law. Moreover, Fridinsky believed that people with a criminal record should be dismissed from the army.

The statesman was awarded the orders "For Services to the Fatherland", for "Military Merit" and Honor. He has the title of Doctor of Law. He is an honorary worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and an honored lawyer of Russia. He retired with the rank of Colonel-General of Justice. All his life, this talented person worked conscientiously and observed the laws of the country.

In 1999, information appeared in one of the military newspapers that Fridinsky received official housing for himself and his parents earlier than others, not observing the existing queue for receiving apartments. Moreover, it contained information that allegedly an employee of the military prosecutor's office was carrying out his actions illegally. In turn, Fridinsky sued the newspaper and won the case. Thus he retained his reputation and defended his honor. In addition, the publishing house paid him compensation in the amount of seventy thousand rubles.

A small characteristic

Fridinsky Sergey Nikolaevich - a family man, a retired military prosecutor. He began his career with the most ordinary positions, but his perseverance in achieving his goals and work helped him to achieve a serious public position. Moreover, for all his official activities, he has never been seen in corrupt ties.

Although information often appeared in the media that Fridinsky was on good terms not only with the heads of the Interior Ministry apparatus, but also with criminal authorities. However, this information remained unconfirmed. Moreover, Sergei Fridinsky has always been in good standing in the state power structures. After all, he was the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia for a long time.


Fridinsky was chief military prosecutor for eleven years. During this time, he did a really great job. This man began his career as a simple investigator, he always delved into cases very seriously and studied in detail all the circumstances of criminal acts.

In the early 2000s, he conducted an inspection of educational institutions throughout Russia and identified a number of violations. After that, all the shortcomings of the schools were corrected by their leaders.

In the spring of 2017, state activities wrote a letter of resignation. As Fridinsky himself explained, he did this due to the fact that he decided to retire due to the length of service. At a meeting of the Federation Council, his decision was approved. Fridinsky went on a well-deserved rest with the rank of Colonel General of Justice.

Chief military prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky covers up corrupt officials and "werewolves in uniform".

Dismissed in 2015, Colonel Oleg Zub investigated the corruption activities of the son-in-law of the ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, Valery Puzikov, and bribery in the GVP. After that, unprecedented pressure began to be exerted on the employee by the head of the military prosecutor's office, Sergei Fridinsky, and his subordinates.

Did they give you a "tough punch" for Puzikov?

At the end of 2014, Colonel Oleg Zub received a call from an "unidentified person" and asked him to come to the Moskvich restaurant.

It was from this call that the persecution of the Tooth by the "werewolves in uniform" began.

In the restaurant, Zub was met by someone "Vadim", who introduced himself as a member of the family of Anatoly Kurilovich (a businessman suspected of corruption) and handed over a flash card with "information", saying that he had a lot of compromising audio recordings of Zub. The Colonel was surprised. His pupils widened even more when “Vadim” demanded 14,200,000 rubles for non-disclosure. Vadim called more than once, and then quite strange things began to happen ... Further on, according to the scenario about bad cops. Zub was called to his office by V.V. Then the colonel understood everything ...

Tooth is simply "bred" by colleagues. Zub demanded an internal audit and a criminal case. But these were words into the void ... Rudyak V.V. answered that he knew the person who had given him these compromising documents - his acquaintance came with them, and allegedly Rudyak propitiated this person not to file an official application yet, because he (Rudyak) would figure it out! The scammers began to play "bad" and "good" cops.

Rudyak V.V. suggested that Zub “change his mind” and return the money to Kurilovich, and recalled that if he had listened to him earlier about the checks initiated by the Zub (prosecution, official), then this situation would not have arisen now.

Another topic was revealed - someone did not like the checks of the Tooth! After all, earlier Rudyak V.V. repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction and advised "not to interfere", but to act according to his instructions!

And here comes the main link. The tooth reported to the Chief Military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky about everything !!! The boss, when asked to appoint an internal check on these facts, said that Zub did not submit any report!

So what checks were the Zub's bosses dissatisfied with? In 2013, as part of an inspection conducted in Zubom on the instructions of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on the legality of providing housing for the former prosecutor of the department Tereshchenko (Nadirashvili) M.G. - a close friend of Rudyak V.V. and there was a misunderstanding...

Even then, Rudyak advised not to carry out such a zealous check, but the Tooth decided to act within the law. Tereshchenko M.G. was dismissed from the General Prosecutor's Office, and a criminal case was initiated on this fact!!! But the matter was not simple, 49 apartments were stolen in a residential building at the address: Moscow, st. Metallurgov, d. 62, bldg. 1, intended for military personnel of military unit 11135 (investment contract with CJSC Voeninveststroy), as a result of which the GVSU of the RF IC launched an investigation.

All of them were stolen, as the investigation suggested, by friends of Tereshchenko M.G. Rumor has it that a couple of hundred square meters of housing fell to Fredinsky ...

Note that the Tooth "interfered" back in 2008. Then, while checking the land under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, he discovered a decrease in it by 34 hectares. And this actually means that the high-profile case of "Oboronservis" with Anatoly Serdyukov in the "leading role" could "ring out" even then.

But some people remained untouched ... Deputy chief military prosecutor Sergei Devyatko (in 2008 - head of the 3rd department of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office - senior assistant to the chief military prosecutor), former deputy chief military prosecutor Vladimir Melnikov (dismissed from military service by presidential decree) received their pieces of land near Moscow in 2013), the former (until 2002) chief military prosecutor Mikhail Kislitsyn, the head of the department for supervision of the FSB Vladimir Molodykh, the former head of the personnel department of the GVP Yevgeny Ildyuganov and many others.

It should be noted that the colonel reported this to his superior, Chief Military Prosecutor Fridinsky. But, according to the applicant, he received a strict order to shelve the case!

But the activity of Colonel Zub not only harmed corruption in the department, it complicated the relationship between the military investigation and supervision, within which, according to a source close to the GVSU, criminal cases sent for approval to the GVP are checked literally to the comma!

As a result, for example, the case of Valery Puzikov, the son-in-law of the ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, accused of embezzlement, was returned to the investigation! At the request of the court, only a few technical errors had to be corrected in the materials, but the prosecutor's office, which had previously approved these materials, this time considered the qualification of the actions themselves imputed to Mr. Puzikov to be incorrect!!!

The tooth did not understand all this, and he was fired in 2015 ...

The case of 1.5 billion

In 2014, according to the Zub, an internal audit was appointed in relation to the employees of the Moscow City Police Department due to the circumstances of their separation in 2012-2013. funds to pay for expert studies of the value of real estate. (See Valuation and Theft Report, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8, page 9,)

As a result, it turned out that more than 1.5 billion rubles were damaged!!! The sum is astronomical!!!

Also, the fact of lobbying the interests of FSUE "SNPO Eleron" by the employees of the GWP was revealed in concluding a contract to carry out work on equipping the GWP with video surveillance equipment, burglar alarms and the CUD system.

Note that the amount of the contract is a considerable 56 million rubles. GVP employees provided false information that FSUE "SNPO Eleron" is the main certified supplier of security and alarm systems. Subsequently, a contract and additional agreements were concluded with FSUE "SNPO Eleron" in order to illegally increase the price!

Who provided such data that misled GWP experts? This was done by V.M. Razumov, a representative of the Office of the Chief Military Prosecutor. under the leadership of Rudyak V.V! It was they who wrote the false notes, according to Zub. Mr. Rudyak did not give a move to the case. Moreover, Rudyak, so that the Tooth "does not climb there"! And then Zub reported the revealed facts of illegal activity directly to the Chief Military Prosecutor. But Firidinsky actually stalled the case.

Bribe in the form of a TV

At the end of October 2014, Zub approached Rudyak V.V. and demanded from the latter to “pay” Abarinov Sergey Nikolayevich for the TV (!), which Abarinov bought for Rudyak at the request of the latter for the promise to place him in the service of the GVP apparatus and provide patronage. An official check was carried out on this fact, but the money was not returned to Abarinov. Then Rudyak V.V. told Zub that he takes on a lot and it's none of his business at all.

But with the TV "everything is in order." The inventory is carried out by Fridinsky's subordinates, who are "silent in a rag." And auditing is generally carried out by Audit House LLC, which is affiliated with A.Yu. Denisov, a former employee of the Moscow City Military Prosecutor's Office. (See DZ Inventory page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4)

They write the numbers they need ... (see the explanation of Gromov O.P. p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 9)

It is not at all clear who works in the GVP. So, for example, Fridinsky's department took on Gevorkyan B.A. - a person without higher education!

Moreover, he was awarded the class rank of "Senior Counselor of Justice"! In other words, registration for service in the prosecutor's office Gevorkyan B.A. produced in violation of Art. 40.1 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation".

Last year, under pressure, Zub refused all illegal offers of these persons. And immediately Kurilovich A.S. an application was filed with the GVSU of the Investigative Committee of Russia to initiate a criminal case against Zub on the fact of allegedly receiving 9,600,000 rubles!

Then “Vadim” called Zub, asking “how I feel about the current situation.”

But the pursuit of the Tooth did not end there. Colonel in 2015, due to illness, I applied to the 9th Medical Diagnostic Center. But this was verbally stated to him by a neuropathologist, to whom Zub turned, that in connection with the indication “from above”, the question of receiving and providing me with any medical assistance is resolved only with the knowledge of the deputy head physician of the FGBU “9 LDC” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Klepak V .M.!!!

The tooth was nevertheless told that he needed hospitalization. But soon the head of the FGBU "9 LDC" Eloev M.S. said, “that in order to make a decision, you need to“ wait a little, now he will come, Rudyak V.V. should appear just about.” …

After that, the military hospital suddenly decided that Zub did not need medical attention. However, the colonel's health deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized in another medical facility. In other words, Rudyak V.V. intervened in the procedure for the provision of medical care by medical specialists, put pressure on them in order to prevent Zub from being treated. The real mess...

The tooth was in a difficult situation. The colonel has lost his job, and former colleagues continue to "attack" him. Meanwhile, the multi-billion dollar corruption in the PRT is not being investigated. Elections to the State Duma have passed, but the FSB and the TFR must respond to the situation if the country is fighting corruption. Or are they pretending to fight?

Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation since 2006, State Counselor of Justice 1st Class, Colonel General of Justice, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office. In 1980-2000 he worked in the military prosecutor's office in Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Chita and Rostov-on-Don. In 2000, he became Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Federal District, later renamed the Southern Federal District, in 2004 he was transferred to the central office of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Sergey Nikolaevich Fridinsky was born on June 2, 1958 in the city of Kuibyshev, in 1976 he entered the military law faculty of the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense, after completing the course he worked in the system of the military prosecutor's office of the Siberian Military District and ZabVO, served in Krasnoyarsk (1980-85), Novosibirsk (1985 -89), again Krasnoyarsk (1989-1993), Chita (1993-97). At the last place of service, he served as deputy military prosecutor of the ZabVO.

In 1997, Fridinsky was transferred to Rostov-on-Don and appointed military prosecutor of the North Caucasus Military District, became the youngest lawyer to hold the position of military prosecutor of the district. In 1998, he led the investigation into an attack on a convoy of command vehicles near the Khurikau pass on the border between Ingushetia and North Ossetia; conflicting reports about the results of the investigation leaked to the press. In 1999, he became a participant in the "apartment scandal", starting a lawsuit in court with the columnist for the newspaper "Military Bulletin of the South of Russia" Alexander Tolmachev, who accused the military prosecutor of obtaining housing for himself and his parents out of turn and the established order.

In June 2000, he became Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov for the North Caucasian (later - Southern) Federal District, and turned out to be the only military prosecutor from among the district justice workers. According to the media, Fridinsky was helped to get to this position by the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Viktor Kazantsev.

In 2000, he investigated a terrorist attack in the dormitory of the Chelyabinsk police department in Argun, in 2001 he approved the indictment in the case of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev, who in 1996 attacked Kizlyar and the village of Pervomayskoye. In 2002, he led the investigation into the terrorist attack in Kaspiysk, supervised the extradition to Russia of Akhmed Zakayev, the foreign emissary of the president of the unrecognized Republic of Ichkeria, Aslan Maskhadov (Zakayev was never extradited to Russia). In 2003, he worked on the case of Timofey Sasykov, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia, who was removed from his post for various violations and refused to obey the orders of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Boris Gryzlov. In the summer of 2004, he supervised the investigation into the terrorist attack in Grozny at the Dynamo stadium on May 9, which killed Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov. Later, he took control of the investigation into the case of a terrorist attack in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. On September 20, 2004, he was relieved of his post, transferred the powers of the Deputy Prosecutor General for the Southern Federal District to Nikolai Shepel and left for Moscow.

In Moscow, he dealt with the adoption of Russian orphans by foreigners, the problem of homeless and neglected children, in 2005 he proposed creating a network of labor gymnasiums for them. In 2006, he conducted a large-scale audit in schools throughout Russia, revealing numerous shortcomings in employees of the ministries of education, health and social development, about which Fridinsky's service made presentations to the relevant ministers - Andrei Fursenko and Mikhail Zurabov.

On July 7, 2006, Fridinsky was approved by the Federation Council upon the nomination of the new Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika as Chief Military Prosecutor, replacing Alexander Savenkov, who is known for his involvement in the conflict between the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Defense. With the advent of Fridinsky, experts noted, the conflict ended.

Fridinsky was awarded a number of state awards. He is married and has a daughter.

June 7, 2000 - July 7, 2006 Birth: 2 June(1958-06-02 ) (61 years old)
Kuibyshev Education: Academic degree: Doctor of Law Profession: Lawyer Awards:

Sergey Nikolaevich Fridinsky(born 1958) - Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Prosecutor (since July 7, 2006), Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia (2000-2006), Doctor of Law (2011), State Counselor of Justice 1st class (2000), General - Colonel of Justice (2007).


In 1975-1976 he worked at a military warehouse in the Transcaucasian Military District. In 1976 he entered the military law faculty, from which he graduated in 1980 with a degree in law.

In the period 1980-1985, he served in the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Siberian Military District in the positions of: investigator, senior investigator, assistant, senior assistant to the military prosecutor. In 1985-1989 - military prosecutor of the investigative department, senior assistant - head of the general supervision department of the military prosecutor's office of the Siberian Military District (Novosibirsk).

In 1989-1993 he was the military prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Siberian military district. In 1993-1997 - First Deputy Military Prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Military District, (Chita). In 1997-2000 - military prosecutor of the North Caucasian Military District, (Rostov-on-Don).

On July 7, 2006, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Prosecutor.


honorary titles

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  • . Official website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Retrieved July 14, 2012. .
  • . Official website of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office. Retrieved July 14, 2012. .
  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.
  • . Lentapedia. Retrieved July 14, 2012. .

An excerpt characterizing Fridinsky, Sergey Nikolaevich

How happy Rostov would be if he could now die for his tsar!
- You have earned the banners of St. George and will be worthy of them.
"Only die, die for him!" thought Rostov.
The sovereign also said something that Rostov did not hear, and the soldiers, pushing their chests, shouted: Hurrah! Rostov also shouted, bending down to the saddle, as much as he could, wanting to hurt himself with this cry, only to fully express his delight in the sovereign.
The sovereign stood for several seconds against the hussars, as if he were indecisive.
“How could the sovereign be in indecision?” thought Rostov, and then even this indecision seemed to Rostov majestic and charming, like everything that the sovereign did.
The indecision of the sovereign lasted for an instant. The leg of the sovereign, with a narrow, sharp toe of the boot, as was worn at that time, touched the groin of the english bay mare on which he rode; the hand of the sovereign in a white glove picked up the reins, he set off, accompanied by a randomly swaying sea of ​​\u200b\u200badjutants. He rode further and further, stopping at other regiments, and, finally, only his white plume was visible to Rostov from behind the retinue surrounding the emperors.
Among the masters of the retinue, Rostov noticed Bolkonsky, lazily and dissolutely sitting on a horse. Rostov remembered his yesterday's quarrel with him and the question presented itself, should - or should not call him. “Of course, it shouldn’t,” thought Rostov now ... “And is it worth thinking and talking about it at such a moment as now? In a moment of such a feeling of love, delight and selflessness, what do all our quarrels and insults mean!? I love everyone, I forgive everyone now, ”thought Rostov.
When the sovereign traveled around almost all the regiments, the troops began to pass by him in a ceremonial march, and Rostov, on a Bedouin newly bought from Denisov, drove through the castle of his squadron, that is, alone and completely in front of the sovereign.
Before reaching the sovereign, Rostov, an excellent rider, twice spurred his Bedouin and brought him happily to that frenzied gait of a lynx, which the heated Bedouin paced. Bending his foaming muzzle to his chest, separating his tail and as if flying in the air and not touching the ground, gracefully and high tossing and changing legs, the Bedouin, who also felt the sovereign's gaze on himself, passed admirably.
Rostov himself, throwing his legs back and tucking up his stomach and feeling like one piece with a horse, with a frowning but blissful face, the devil, as Denisov said, drove past the sovereign.
- Well done Pavlograd people! - said the emperor.
"My God! How happy I would be if he ordered me to throw myself into the fire now, ”thought Rostov.
When the review was over, the officers, who had come again and the Kutuzovskys, began to converge in groups and began talking about awards, about the Austrians and their uniforms, about their front, about Bonaparte and how bad it would be for him now, especially when the Essen corps approached, and Prussia will take our side.
But most of all in all the circles they talked about Emperor Alexander, conveyed his every word, movement and admired him.
Everyone wanted only one thing: under the leadership of the sovereign, as soon as possible to go against the enemy. Under the command of the sovereign himself, it was impossible not to defeat anyone, as Rostov and most of the officers thought after the review.
After the review, everyone was more confident in victory than they could have been after two battles won.

The next day after the show, Boris, dressed in the best uniform and instructed by the wishes of success from his comrade Berg, went to Olmutz to Bolkonsky, wanting to take advantage of his affection and arrange for himself the best position, especially the position of adjutant with an important person, which seemed to him especially tempting in the army . “It’s good for Rostov, to whom his father sends 10 thousand each, to talk about how he doesn’t want to bow to anyone and won’t become a lackey to anyone; but I, who have nothing but my head, have to make my career and not miss opportunities, but use them.
In Olmutz, he did not find Prince Andrei that day. But the sight of Olmutz, where the main apartment stood, the diplomatic corps and both emperors lived with their retinues - courtiers, close associates, only strengthened his desire to belong to this supreme world.
He did not know anyone, and, despite his dandy guards uniform, all these top people, scurrying through the streets, in dandy carriages, plumes, ribbons and orders, courtiers and military men, seemed to stand so immeasurably higher than he, a guards officer, that they could not only did not want, but also could not recognize its existence. In the premises of Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov, where he asked Bolkonsky, all these adjutants and even batmen looked at him as if they wanted to convince him that there were a lot of officers like him hanging around here and that they were all very tired. Despite this, or rather because of this, the next day, on the 15th, after dinner he again went to Olmutz and, entering the house occupied by Kutuzov, asked Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei was at home, and Boris was led into a large hall, in which, probably, they used to dance, but now there were five beds, heterogeneous furniture: a table, chairs and clavichords. One adjutant, closer to the door, in a Persian robe, sat at the table and wrote. The other, red, fat Nesvitsky, lay on the bed with his hands under his head, and laughed with the officer who sat down beside him. The third played the Viennese waltz on the clavichords, the fourth lay on these clavichords and sang along with him. Bolkonsky was not there. None of these gentlemen, noticing Boris, did not change his position. The one who wrote, and to whom Boris turned, annoyedly turned around and told him that Bolkonsky was on duty, and that he should go to the left through the door, to the reception room, if he needed to see him. Boris thanked and went to the reception. There were about ten officers and generals in the waiting room.
At the time when Boris ascended, Prince Andrei, screwing up his eyes contemptuously (with that special look of courteous fatigue, which clearly says that, if it were not for my duty, I would not talk to you for a minute), listened to the old Russian general in orders, who, almost on tiptoe, at the hood, with a soldier's obsequious expression on his purple face, was reporting something to Prince Andrei.

Sergey Nikolaevich Fridinsky was born on June 2, 1958 in the city of Kuibyshev, in 1976 he entered the military law faculty of the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense, after completing the course he worked in the system of the military prosecutor's office of the Siberian Military District and ZabVO, served in Krasnoyarsk (1980-85), Novosibirsk (1985 -89), again Krasnoyarsk (1989-1993), Chita (1993-97). At the last place of service, he served as deputy military prosecutor of the ZabVO.

In 1997, Fridinsky was transferred to Rostov-on-Don and appointed military prosecutor of the North Caucasus Military District, became the youngest lawyer to hold the position of military prosecutor of the district. In 1998, he led the investigation into an attack on a convoy of command vehicles near the Khurikau pass on the border between Ingushetia and North Ossetia; conflicting reports about the results of the investigation leaked to the press. In 1999, he became a participant in the "apartment scandal", starting a lawsuit in court with the columnist for the newspaper "Military Bulletin of the South of Russia" Alexander Tolmachev, who accused the military prosecutor of obtaining housing for himself and his parents out of turn and the established order.

In June 2000, he became Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov for the North Caucasian (later - Southern) Federal District, and turned out to be the only military prosecutor from among the district justice workers. According to the media, Fridinsky was helped to get to this position by the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Viktor Kazantsev.

In 2000, he investigated a terrorist attack in the dormitory of the Chelyabinsk police department in Argun, in 2001 he approved the indictment in the case of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev, who in 1996 attacked Kizlyar and the village of Pervomayskoye. In 2002, he led the investigation into the terrorist attack in Kaspiysk, supervised the extradition to Russia of Akhmed Zakayev, the foreign emissary of the president of the unrecognized Republic of Ichkeria, Aslan Maskhadov (Zakayev was never extradited to Russia). In 2003, he worked on the case of Timofey Sasykov, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia, who was removed from his post for various violations and refused to obey the orders of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Boris Gryzlov. In the summer of 2004, he supervised the investigation into the terrorist attack in Grozny at the Dynamo stadium on May 9, which killed Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov. Later, he took control of the investigation into the case of a terrorist attack in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. On September 20, 2004, he was relieved of his post, transferred the powers of the Deputy Prosecutor General for the Southern Federal District to Nikolai Shepel and left for Moscow.

In Moscow, he dealt with the adoption of Russian orphans by foreigners, the problem of homeless and neglected children, in 2005 he proposed creating a network of labor gymnasiums for them. In 2006, he conducted a large-scale audit in schools throughout Russia, revealing numerous shortcomings in employees of the ministries of education, health and social development, about which Fridinsky's service made presentations to the relevant ministers - Andrei Fursenko and Mikhail Zurabov.

On July 7, 2006, Fridinsky was approved by the Federation Council upon the nomination of the new Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika as Chief Military Prosecutor, replacing Alexander Savenkov, who is known for his involvement in the conflict between the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Defense. With the advent of Fridinsky, experts noted, the conflict ended.

Fridinsky was awarded a number of state awards. He is married and has a daughter.

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