Home Fertilizers Which of the encrypted words does not mean. What is this nekafiot. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova

Which of the encrypted words does not mean. What is this nekafiot. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova

Grade 9






1. Mitigation

2. Archaism

3. Antonym

4. Vocabulary

Total: maximum - 10 points.

2 . In the Russian language there is an interjection in which the pronunciation of sounds is fundamentally different from the pronunciation of other sounds of the Russian language. It is also found in fiction, for example, in M. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard":

- Ah, - Myshlaevsky wheezed, sinking to the floor.

The black gap widened, and Nikolkin's head and chevron appeared in it.

- Nikol ... help, take him. Take it like that, by the arm.

- Ts-ts-ts ... - Nikolka mumbled pitifully, shaking his head and

What is the peculiarity of the pronunciation of sounds in the highlighted interjection?

What is an interjection that is spelled differently, but conveys a similar sound, pronounced in the usual way. What does this interjection mean?


A necessary condition for pronouncing any sound is the presence of a stream of air in the pronunciation apparatus. In Russian (and most other languages), this flow is created with the help of the lungs and is directed from the lungs outward through the trachea, larynx, pharynx, and nasal or oral cavity.

When pronouncing interjections c-c-c air flow

a) directed not outward, but inside the vocal tract,

b) it is created not with the help of the lungs, but due to the difference in pressure in the oral cavity and outside it.

Interjection mc! , written differently, but conveying a similar sound (dental whistling affricate), pronounced in the usual way, usually means a call for silence.


3 points for indicating the direction of the air flow,

3 points for indicating the method of creating an air flow,

2 points for comparison with interjection mc! ,

2 points for pointing out its meaning.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

3 . Insert the missing letters and explain your choice:

health ... well, health ... well


The spelling of these unstressed suffixes obeys different spelling rules and reflects different spelling principles.

Suffix - ets - (with a fluent vowel) is written in the words m. (brother, frost, question, folk), and the suffix - itz - in the words of g.r. ( puddle - puddle, request - request).

In noun Wed R. the suffix can be written as - ec - and how - itz -. The choice of spelling is determined by the place of stress. If the stress falls on the syllable preceding the suffix, then I (butter, armchair, dress). If the stress falls on the syllable after the suffix, then E (coat, letter, gun).

Unstressed suffix - ichk - is written only in the words of zh.r. derived from stems with the suffix - itz - ( button, staircase). Wed: voditsa - water, sister - sister.

In other cases, it is written - echk - ( C grade, pawn, seed, strainer, time, health) as in fluent vowel suffixes. Wed:board - plank, porch - porch, place - place.


Health - 1 b. for correct spelling, 1 b. for the connection of suffixes -ets- and -its- with the category of gender, 1 b. for the connection of the choice of spelling of the suffix in noun. Wed R. with stress, 1 b. for examples.

Zdorovyechko - 1 b. for correct spelling, 1 b. for the formulation of the rule or explanation of the spelling, 1 b. for examples.

Total - 7 p.

4. The left column lists the words of the Czech language, and the right column lists their meanings in no particular order. Taking into account the family ties of the Czech and Russian languages, bring the words and their meanings into line; justify your answer.

wow ; the letter y denotes a sound similar to Russian [s], č - a sound similar to Russian [ч]).



Total: maximum - 10 points.

5 . In the modern Russian literary language, some borrowed words retain certain traces of a foreign language origin. Find such features that characterize the following groups of words:

1) poet, spaniel, project;

2) julienne, brochure, parachute;

3) antenna, test, display, cab;

4) muesli, bureau, deja vu.


1) a combination of two vowels inside a morpheme (gaping),

2) writing a letter Yu after a (hard) hissing consonant,

3) pronunciation of a paired solid consonant before [e],

4) non-declination and pronunciation of a soft labial consonant before [y].


Two points each for answering questions 1-3; three points for answering question 4.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

6 . In DV Venevitinov's poem "The Poet and Friend" we find the following lines:


The covenant is not so strict of nature.

Do not despise her gifts:

She is to the delight of young years

Gives hope to us with dreams.

You proudly heard their greetings;

She is a holy desire

Itself lit in your blood

And in the chest for sweet love

Inserted a young heart.

How do you understand the meaning of the underlined line? Determine the case of the highlighted pronoun? Justify your answer.


1. The meaning of the underlined line is “do not neglect her (that is, nature's) gifts”; as can be seen from the context, we are talking about youth, love, etc.

2. The verb “to despise” is used here, apparently, not in its modern meaning, but in the poetic ‘to neglect’, and in such a way that it retains the control of the instrumental case in exactly the same way as the verb “to neglect”. From this it follows that the word dependent on the verb turns out to be precisely “gifts”, while “her” turns out to be a definition to the noun. Hence, the case "her" is genitive. It should be noted that in the old pre-reform spelling, the mixing of the genitive and accusative forms of this pronoun was impossible, since the spelling "her" was used for the first; and indeed, this is precisely the form we find in Venevitinov's lifetime editions.


3 points for the meaning of the line.

2. point for indicating the genitive case.

Up to 4 points for detailed reasoning of the answer (and an indication of the connection with semantics, morphology and difference in spelling.)

Total: up to 9 points.

7 . Read an excerpt from V.I. Dahl to the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language":

“So, here is the order, the structure of the dictionary, on which the compiler decided: to collect by families or nests all obviously related words, however, eliminating prepositional and those derivatives in which the initial letters change; this is an attempt at the middle way, between unfounded and root-sounding dictionaries. "

Explain the meaning of "term" unfounded ... Is it possible by the use of this "term" to judge Dahl's attitude to the designated object. Arrange the wordsseven, family, seven, familyaccording to the "unfounded" and "root-sounding" methods.

Explain the meaning of the term prepositional ... Indicate the reason why today the use of this term after Dahl and in the same sense is undesirable. Give two examples (a) " prepositional words "(according to Dahl) and (b) other" derivatives in which the initial letters change. "


Unvoiced = a dictionary strictly alphabetical by the type of arrangement of words. Dahl considered the alphabetical order meaningless and assessed it negatively: “The first method is extremely stupid and dry. The closest and akin to the utterances, with their legal change in the second and third letters, are carried far apart and languish here and there in solitude; every living connection of speech is severed and lost; a word in which no less life, as well as in man himself, suffers and stagnates; the same interpretation should be repeated several times; there is no strength to read such a dictionary, on the tenth word the mind will become dull and the head will turn dizzy, because our mind requires in everything some kind of reasonable connection, gradualness and consistency ”(VI Dal). Hence the choice of the term, the primary meaning of which is “false, unreasonable, false”.

Demonstration of practical knowledge of the principles of strictly alphabetical and nested arrangement of words in the dictionary:

1) family, seven, seven, family.

2) A. seven, seven. B. family, family.

Prepositional = prefixed. Today, a strict distinction between prepositions (written separately) and often homonymous prefixes (written with the subsequent part of the word as one) is fixed in terminology. Dahl's terminology leads to the loss of this important distinction.

Examples: (a) in-entry, ascent-ascent, approach-entry; (b) walk - and dti - walked, I - me, we - nas, human - people, good - l better.


Unsolicited, for interpretation - 1 point. Dahl assessed negatively with justification - 1 point. The tasks for the alphabetical arrangement were completed correctly - 1 point, for two nests - 2 points. In total - 5 points.

Prepositional, for interpretation - 1 point. Today the term does not mean only "platformers" - 1 point, while Dahl had an uncertainty - 1 point. Correct examples for prefix and supplementary - 2 points. (If possible, consider the ownership of the term suppletivism , not in all textbooks presented.) In total - 5 points

Total: maximum - 10 points.

8 . A.S.Shishkov believed that the word polushka "Compiled from the word floor (i.e. half) and eyelet (deceiving off ear ) ", Citing the fact that" in ancient times ears zvѣrinykh skins were used instead of money. "

What is the meaning of the word polushka?

Do you agree with Shishkov's hypothesis about the origin of this word? Give reasons for your answer.


Shishkov is only partly right: in the word polushka eat root floor - ‘half’, but no root ear (o)< ух(о); ушк - is a diminutive suffix: cf.hump - hump, village - hamlet, mountain - mountain, ash - Cinderella.

Shishkov is also wrong historically: in the old days, contrary to what he writes, it was not the ears of animal skins that were used as a means of payment, but the skins of martens and squirrels, from where such names of monetary units came askuna, hryvnia kun, veveritsa.

The word polushka meant a coin of half a penny or a quarter of a penny.

Assessment: 2 points - for the correct morphemic articulation of the word; 2 points - for determining the meaning of the suffix ear -; 2 points - for pointing out the historical mistake of Shishkov; 4 points - for the correct definition of the meaning (answer: polushka - ‘half a kopeck’ is estimated at 1 point).

Total: 10 points.

9 . How should the editor correct this sentence? Give reasons for your answer.

We invite teams of organizations and individuals to celebrate the New Year in our cafe.


In this case, it is not taken into account that the word PERSON in the meaning of "person" is animate, and therefore the form of V. p. plural must coincide with the R.p. form. plural, so you should correct "individuals" to "individuals". However, this will create ambiguity: We invite teams of organizations and invite individuals OR: We invite teams of organizations and teams of individuals? It would be appropriate to change the word order: We invite individuals and groups of organizations ...


4 points for grammatically correct commentary and 4 points for complete correction.

Total: maximum - 8 points.

10 . Read the verses:

And boring and sad, and no one to lend a hand

In a moment of mental adversity ...

(M.Yu. Lermontov. "Both boring and sad ...")

Specify the initial form of the highlighted pronoun. What is the peculiarity of the declension and use of this pronoun?


For the initial form of a negative pronoun no one the form R. of the case of this word is accepted no one , since in his declension there is no form of direct Im. case.

This lack of paradigm is due to the fact that the pronoun no one used only for infinitives. Historically, this is due to the turnover there is (from * not) to whom to go ... Other negative pronouns that have a full paradigm may depend on other verb forms, cf.no one to go to, he did not go to anyone, no one went.


for pointing out the absence of Him. case - 1 point,

for pointing out the initial form no one - 1 point,

remark on pronouns no one only with the infinitive - 6 points,

for historical commentary - 2 additional points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.


Grade 10

1. Decipher the anagrams of linguistic terms:


form of thunder

walkway panizuwe


Indicate a term that stands out in terms of its meaning. Justify your answer.


1. Abbreviation

2. Spelling

3. Onomatopoeia

4. Alphabet


For each term 2 points, in total - no more than 8 points.

For specifying a term with a different meaning with justification - 2 points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

2. In spoken Russian, there are two antonymic words that are pronounced entirely with a closed mouth. Both of them consist of two syllables, and differ from each other by the place of stress and the quality of the consonant. Give the dictionary synonyms for these words. What sound occurring in one of these words is pronounced in a phrasedot the i ? What is it for? What is its difference from other consonants of the Russian language? Describe it as accurately as possible.


1) These are interjections yes and no (uh-huh and no-a).

2) In a phrase dot the i before i the glottal stop (knuckleut) is uttered.

3) This sound serves to prevent the assimilation of the vowel [and] in place of the letter i the preceding solid consonant (so that in place i the sound [s] was not pronounced: dot you don't need).

4) This is a occlusive laryngeal consonant, formed by the complete and relatively prolonged closure of the vocal cords. Its difference from all other consonants of the Russian language is that it is not pronounced in the mouth.


for answering the first question - 2 points;

for answering the second question - 1 point;

for answering the third question - 2 points;

for the answer to the fourth question - 2 points for indicating the formation of sound outside the oral cavity, 1 point each for indicating the larynx, vocal cords, bow.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

3. Recently, there has been a tendency to distinguish between letters e and e ... Underline letters where you could print e ... Explain your decision.

A) And ce Minerva strikes

At the top of the Riphean copy;

Silver and gold expires

In all your heritage.

Pluto is reeling in the crevices,

That the Ross is given over to

Drag its metal from the mountains,

Which nature hid there;

(M.V. Lomonosov)

B) When there is no agreement in the comrades,

Their business will not go well.


C) Green Noise is humming,

Green Noise, spring noise!

Drenched in milk,

There are cherry orchards

They make a quiet noise;

Warmed by the warm sun

The merry ones make noise

Pine forests;

And next to new greenery

They are babbling a new song

And the linden is pale,

And white birch

With a green scythe!

(N. A. Nekrasov)

D) The village where Eugene was bored,

There was a lovely corner;

There is a friend of innocent delights

I could bless the sky.

The lord's house is secluded,

Shielded from the winds by a mountain,

I stood over the river ...

(A.S. Pushkin)


1. B (A) the letter E should not be in any word. This is an ode, the style of which did not allow reading [o] in place of E.

2. In (B), one should also not write E in the word WILL GO. A fable in the 19th century no longer required an unambiguous reading [e] in place of any E, but in this case, E would destroy the rhyme.

3. В (В) in the words GOING, BUYING, GREEN, CHERRY, you can without a doubt print Yo, since such a pronunciation is characteristic of Nekrasov's poetics. Naturally, we do not write the word FUN, as in FUN.

4. In (D) the question is very difficult. For Pushkin it is not at all necessary to read [e] in place of any E, but in participles the pronunciation [e] lingered longer than in other positions. So there could be both Yo and E.

Grade: 2 points for each correct item.

Total: maximum - 8 points.

(Reference: in Czech, the combination of letters ch means a sound similar to the Russian sound [х], the letter h means the same sound as in words wow ; the letter y denotes a sound similar to Russian [s]; č - a sound similar to Russian [ч]; ž - a sound similar to the Russian sound [g]).


(Česko-ruský slovník. Pod vedením K. Horálka, B. Ilka, L. Kopeckého. Praha, 1965)


0, 5 points - for a correctly defined value and 0.5 points for a correctly established relationship with the words of the Russian language, that is, for correct justification.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

5 . According to the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, the word reverend can be applied to both holy people ( holy reverend prince), and to tools:revere ax, revere chisel.

Expand the original meaning of the word reverend in comparison with related words in modern Russian. Interpret the expressionreverend ax.


In modern Russian, the word reverend - single-root withsimilar, unmatched, likeness, befitting (befitting, befitting), to liken.

Idea of ​​similarity based on the analysis of these words should be represented as a sequencedue, established order, sample. Compare: as befits - as it should, should, accepted, should; befitting - as necessary, with a set of certain, necessary qualities; incomparable - one that cannot be compared with the sample(compare: V. I. Dal:which has no similar relatively good qualities; best, excellent, incomparable, unparalleled), liken - compare with what the sample might be; pattern something.

Hence: Reverend with amplifying attachment pre-: very, very worthy, possessing an excess of the necessary set of internal characteristics in the relevant activity... Combination reverend axV. I. Dal interprets asvery good, incomparable, excellent.


3 (2 + 1) points - selection of related words and description of their meaning (2 points - for 1-3 words + 1 point if there are more than 3 words).

3 points - interpretation of the original meaning of the word reverend through comparison with related words.

2 point - explanation of the expressionreverend ax.

Total: maximum - 8 points.

6. What is the language game based on in this sentence? How do you understand its meaning?

The girl Podzatylkina is remarkable only in that she is not remarkable in anything. (A.P. Chekhov)


This sentence plays on the polysemy of the adjective wonderful : 1. Outstanding, extraordinary in its qualities. // Exceptional. // Very good. 2. Noteworthy; notable. Short form wonderful used in different, opposed meanings. This is a special stylistic figure of speech (ploka). In this context, it serves to create irony.

The phrase allows for different interpretations:

A) The girl Podzatylkina was distinguished from others by her exceptional (outstanding) mediocrity.

B) The girl Podzatylkina was already good because she did not attract attention to herself.

C) The mediocrity of Podzatylkina is her only positive quality.


An indication of the polysemy of an adjective - 1 b., An indication of the use of an adjective in different meanings - 1 b., Determination of the meanings of an adjective - 2 b. + 2 p., Indication of the use of a special stylistic figure - 1 p., Interpretation of different meanings of the phrase - 3 p.

Total - 10 p.

7 . What are the meanings of the word yard can be derived from its derivatives? Group the words according to the meanings you have highlighted.

hotel palace, courtyard, courtyard, janitor, mongrel, courtyard (building), backyards, odnodvorets, courtyard (census), courtyard.


Words derived from a polysemantic word correspond to it strictly in one sense. Therefore, by analyzing the meanings of derived words, one can get an idea of ​​the semantics of the motivating word. However, not all meanings of a word can be reflected in derived words.

1) From the word yard in meaning 1 "A plot of land near a house, fenced off by a fence or walls of buildings", the wordsyard, janitor, mongrel, yard(building), backyard (back of the yard).

2) From the word yard in meaning 2 “Peasant house with all outbuildings; separate peasant farm "formed by the wordscourtyard, odnodvorets, courtyard(census), courtyard.

3) From the names of institutions, institutions (gostiny dvor, mint, inn, etc.), only one word is formed - hotel palace.


For the correct distribution of all 10 words - 10 b.

8. Explain why the following character names are often found in Russian fairy tales about animals:Kotofey Ivanovich(cat), Lisafya Ivanovna(Fox), Petushaylo Ivanovich(rooster), Khavronya Ivanovna(pig), Mikhailo Ivanovich(bear)? What role does the word play in naming Ivanovich?

Answer :

A) Human names (Lisafya, Khavronya, Mikhailo), as well as anthropomorphic names of animals, likened to anthroponyms (Kotofey- Timofey, Dorofey, Dosifei, Petushaylo - Mikhailo) in Russian fairy tales performed the function personifications ... They emphasized allegory , the allegorical meaning of the tale.

B) The word Ivanovich in the names of animals conditionally (they did not have a father named Ivan). Russian word Ivanovich , like a word of Ukrainian origin Batkovich , is able to replace any patronymic, compensate for its absence. This quasi-patronymic.

C) The word Ivanovich endows animals with Russian nationality. Name Ivan met in Russian saints more than 70 times, this is due to its frequent use in the naming of Russian people. Surname Ivanovich was also one of the most common. Wed in “Russian Fairy Tales” by A.M. Gorky: “Once upon a time Ivanychs were wonderful people! What do not do with them - they are not surprised at anything! "

D) In ​​Russian traditional culture, the right to be called a patronymic was acquired only upon reaching the age of majority. Therefore, the heroes of fairy tales are endowed with the properties of adults.

E) Patronymic is used for respectful naming ("They call them by their name, but they call them by their patronymic"). The naming of animals by patronymic reflects their privileged position in the fairy world.


An indication of the heterogeneity of the "personal names" of animals (human names and the names of animals similar to them) - 1 b.,

Determination of the personification function - 1 p.,

Role in creating the allegory of a fairy tale - 1 p.,

Conditional patronymic in naming animals, quasi-patronymic function (term is optional) - 2 b.

Characterizing function of naming: indication of nationality (2 p.), Adulthood (1 p.), Privileged position (1 p.).

Total: 9 pts.

9 ... In the "Dictionary of the Russian language 11-17 centuries." there is a dictionary entry with the heading MASHTUK. The compilers of the dictionary could not give a definition to this word by putting a sign (?), However, they cited a quote from a written monument in which this word is used:

“And I never had a chance to see me from him, but I’ll send it out on the spot about drills and bits ...зъ ∙ в̃ ∙ mashtukama"(1698).

Translate the selected text fragment into modern Russian. Justify your answer.


"And from him to me there was no news, so I will specially send [news] about drills and chisels ... with two pieces."

The dictionary publishers misread the ancient text by incorrectly dividing it into words. The letter ∙ в̃ ∙ denoted the number 2, and - ma - this is the end of the dual number Tv. etc., as well as in the word form thing-ma; note that the spelling of the preposition h reflects the living pronunciation of the writer, however, the voicing of the preposition with it is possible only before the consonant [d], while voicing [s] before [v] in the Russian language was not and is not; this also serves as an argument that the first word in the selection is two .


For correct reading dwema stukama - 5 points, for indicating the meaning of the letter ∙ в̃ ∙ - 1 point, for determining the shape piece - 1 point, for a phonetic argument - 3 points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

10 ... Determine what mistakes are in the sentences, explain them and correct them.

1. Both sides signed a consensus.

2. Ikebana - a bouquet made of dry flowers.

3. One imprudent step - and your foot plunged into a small puddle, which was formed by the recent rain. Now she, shiny, decorated with a yellow leaf, cheerfully smiles at the affable sun.

4. According to the data of the hydrometeorological center, during these 3 days the monthly norm of precipitation fell in the capital. The raging elements paralyzed the movement in the center of the capital. Traffic accidents have become more frequent.

5. Journalists have a lot of information.


1. You cannot sign a consensus. Either they signed an agreement or came to a consensus.

2. Instead of "arid" should be "arid". An error in the use of paronyms.

3. Incorrect use of a sentence with a personal pronoun, which can replace one of two words in the previous sentence.

4. Incorrect "accidents". Cases can be, for example, diseases. Here: More frequent accidents.

5. A fraction can only be small. Follows: have a lot of information.


2 points for an answer to each question.

Total - 10.


Grade 11

1 . Decipher the anagrams of linguistic terms:





Indicate a term that stands out in terms of its meaning. Justify your answer.

Answer :

1. Phonetics

2. Toponym

3. Stress

4. Consent


For each term 2 points, in total - no more than 8 points.

For specifying a term with a different meaning with justification - 2 points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

2 . The most common greeting in Russian Hello due to its frequency, it is often pronounced with a significant degree of reduction - the part highlighted in curly brackets may be absent in it: hello [with "t"] e.

Should a letter in this form write a soft sign between letters s and t ? Give reasons for your answer.


Positional phonetic softness of consonants in Russian is not indicated in writing: ( bones, clean ) in contrast to the "own" consonant softness: ( drop it - drop it). In the word hello a soft sign should not be written, otherwise this form will be perceived as the plural of an imperative from a non-existent verb hello.


2 point for absence b,

up to 3 points for not indicating positional softness,

up to 3 points for indicating the form hello.

Total: maximum - 8 points.

3 . In the 1st Novgorod Chronicle we read:

And in Novgorod priihash Prince Patriky Narimantovich, and priyasha his Novgorodians and give him to feeding Orkhov city (fol. 371).

Among philologists, there are still disputes over which of the two homonyms of the word feeding used in this text. Name these homonyms, indicate their meanings and related words in modern Russian. Explain why a definitive solution is not possible in this case.


1 homonym - feeding ‘Verb action feed: give food ' ... In this context: ‘use of fees, feed’ (meaning the way of keeping the princely and sovereign people at the expense of extortions from the population). Related words:feed, feed, foster etc.

2 homonym - feeding ‘Verb action feed : to rule'. In this context: ‘management’. Related words:helmsman, helmsman, helm ‘rudder’, stern.

An unambiguous solution in this case is impossible, since the context presupposes a double understanding:put the city under control and gave the city to the use of fees, feed.


3 points - the meaning of the first homonym (2 points) and related words to it (1 point)

4 points - the meaning of the second homonym (3 points) and related words to it (1 point)

2 points - explanation of the impossibility of the correct decision.

Total: maximum - 9 points.

4 ... In modern Russian literary language, before the end of the prepositional case-e a consonant paired in terms of hardness / softness is always pronounced softly (o tra [w '] é, o ko [z'] é, o o [s'] é), and unpaired consonants do not change (o du [w] é, o me [ f] é, about me [h '] é, about the wings [c] é).

In one of the dialects of the Russian language, part of the consonants behaves in the same way as in the literary language, and the other part is pronounced differently due to the phonetic change. As a result, some word forms almost coincide with each other, and examples can be found in this dialect:

about ové and about ov [c] é,

whether about [s] é and about [s] é,

o per [s'] e and o per [s] e,

o fell [w] é and o fell [w ’] é,

about that [w] e and about that [w '] e,

o ký [w] e and o ký [sh ’] e.

Form literary forms of the nominative singular for all of these examples. What phonetic change has occurred in this dialect? Give examples of a similar phenomenon (both lexically and positionally limited) in modern Russian literary language.


Oats - sheep, fox - face, persian - pepper, broadsword - executioner, carcass - cloud, kush - heap.

This is a change in the affricate [c] and [h "] into slotted consonants [s] and [w"], respectively (loss of the bow while maintaining the original hardness / softness and unpaired consonants for this feature).

In modern Russian literary language, in a number of words it is possible to pronounce [w] on the spothbefore the occlusive consonantTorn(without preserving the original softness), for example, in wordswhat, omelette, on purposeetc. A similar phenomenon can be seen in cases of the typehairbrush,where [w "w"] is pronounced in place of the combinationnt(the original softness is retained here).


1 point each for correct forms from 2 columns;

2 points for indicating a change in [c] in [s] and [h "] in [w"];

1 point for examples of the typeomeletteandhairbrush.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

5 ... The left column lists the words of the Czech language, and the right column lists their meanings in no particular order. Taking into account the family ties of the Czech and Russian languages, bring the words and their meanings into line; justify your answer.

(Note: in the Czech language, the combination of letters ch means a sound similar to the Russian sound [х], the letter h is the same sound as a consonant in wordswow; the letter y denotes a sound similar to Russian [s], č - a sound similar to Russian [ч]; š - sound similar to the Russian sound [w])




Wed Russianhot,same root with Czechhorky.

(Česko-ruský slovník. Pod vedením K. Horálka, B. Ilka, L. Kopeckého. Praha, 1965)


0.5 points - for a correctly defined value and 0.5 points for a correctly established relationship with the words of the Russian language, that is, for correct justification.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

6 . In Vasily Shukshin's novel "The Lyubavins" there is a verbget highin the following context:

- And along his river<плот бревен на постройку дома>rafting in two days.

- You need a knowledgeable person - along the river. And thenget highon the rapids.

- Grinka is sailing with you, I spoke to him.

Turning to dictionaries, we find two different interpretations.

A. « NAKUŔ YOU, - I am, I am,owls... To spend a lot of time inactive, unable to get out of a predicament ... Probably from "smoking"<…>; I mean spending a long time in forced smoke breaks ”(Dictionary of the language of Vasily Shukshin, 2001).

B. « NAKUŔ YOU, - I am, I am,owls... Take a dip, plunging into the water with your head ... (Cf.smoke- to dip: “When Alyosha especially went to the regiment<в парилке>he smoked his head right into this bath "(" Alyosha Beskonvoyny ")" (Dictionary of dialectisms in the works of VM Shukshin, 2003).

Which interpretation do you think is correct? Why is a different interpretation incorrect? Justify your answer.


Interpretation A is wrong. It is caused by an imprecise analogy with pairs like:precursorandt - preliminariesI amth, dawnandt - illuminationI ambe... However, these verbs ending in -goperfect form and denote a single action, andchickensandbe- imperfect and denotes long-term action. For its derivatives of the perfect form, if necessary, an imperfect form with a different suffix is ​​formed:highandtsya - smokewahbe.

Interpretation B is supported by a dialectal parallelsmoke(dip) from another story by Shukshin. In addition, it can be justified in a broad context: while sailing on a river, on rough river rapids, it is quite difficult to find time for inactivity and long smoke breaks, but you can easily get wet.


For the assessment of interpretation A - up to 5 points, depending on the level of justification.

For the assessment of interpretation B - up to 5 points, depending on the level of justification.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

7 . In 1906, records of one southern dialect were published. Compare two words from the same thematic group:

throatI amTyy - ‘loud, throaty, screamer’.

deaf manI amty - ‘deaf’.

Answer the questions:

1. Washeelorgan of speech and hearing in that era, or is it something else? Determine what is the origin of the second root in these adjectives?

2. What word in this pair appeared earlier?

3. How is the word that arose later formed? What is the difference in the way it is formed?


1. The heel was not an organ of speech and hearing, even at that distant time. The second root in these adjectives, if we turn to history, is the same as in:racesfive-th, ra-pin-a-th,five-l-i-th,five-l-bts-s, throat-o-pan.

2. Earlier there was a wordthroattoeth'The one with the throat open wide, the one with the throatbangs(makes the throatfive- T-th) like a throatpan’.

3. And then, by analogy withthroatfifth(loud, loud-voiced), was formeddulllyfifth, where -fifthwas used no longer in the meaning of ‘widely disclosed’, but by analogy in finished form, in its entirety, in the second part of complex adjectives characterizing a person in speech and hearing.


1. For determining the meaning of the second root; for specifying one-root derivatives with different root variants - up to 4 points.

2. For substantiation of the priority of the formation of the word gorlopyaty - 2 points.

3. For indicating the formation of an adjectivedeafSimilarly; for justifying that -fifthdoes not mean "wide open" here; for indicating that this analogy is caused by the proximity of adjectives in meaning (speech and hearing) - up to 6 points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

8. Read sentences from the works of A.P. Chekhov. On the basis of what syntactic features are they combined into two different groups?


a) Letters are smart, warm, interesting; she did not complain, but I felt that she was deeply unhappy; every line is a sore, stretched nerve.

b) Every word is sharp, every look is a bullet in the chest.

c) Before that there was no scribe, then he was a hero, a knight without fear and reproach, a martyr, a sufferer and a truthful person. And now? Look, Russian land, at your sons who write, and be ashamed!


a) And in the camps, every Friday, there is a ball, and, read it, every day a military orchestra plays music ...

b) Every day, there is such an acquaintance that I would simply give my soul for a person.

c) Lord, what a civilization! These views, different Vesuvius ... surroundings! Every step, the surroundings!


All these sentences are united by the presence of subordinate clauses in their structure, attached by the union word WHAT NOT.

1. In the first group of sentences, the union word formalizes the relationship of identity, equating concepts, phenomena, situations named in the subordinate and main parts.

TO - demonstrative pronoun, indicates the subject named in the previous part.

In all three sentences there is a figuratively characterizing, metaphorical meaning (a line is a stretched nerve, a word is a knife, a look is a bullet, a scribbler is a hero).

2. In the second group of sentences, the union word adds a subordinate tense, the content of which indicates the regularity, repetition of the action or event named in the main part.

TO is a correlative word. Relates the content of the main part to the subordinate tense.


Subclauses with WHAT NOT - 1 b., WHAT NOT - union word - 1 b.

Group 1: the meaning of the subordinate clause - 2 b., The pronoun TO - 1 b., The metaphorical meaning - 1 b.

Group 2: the meaning of the subordinate clause - 2 b., The correlative word TO - 1 b.

The logic and depth of the answer - 1 b.

Total: maximum - 10 bp.

9. What is the lexical and grammatical originality of the verbget sick? Justify your answer, provide examples.


For the correct execution of the task, it is necessary to clarify:get sickcan be an indefinite form of two homonymous verbs: verb 1 conjugation and verb 2 conjugation.

A. According to the 1st conjugation, about a living being, in the meaning of "experiencing an illness, illness" - 6 forms:

units h. pl. h.

1 l. sick sick

2 p. sick sick

3 l. sick sick

B. According to the 2nd conjugation, about a part of the body, impersonal, meaning "to be a source of pain" - 2 forms:

units h. pl. h.

3 l. hurts hurts


for indicating both conjugations - 2 points (only for one conjugation - 0 points);

for indicating the semantic differences between two conjugations - 2 points;

for each pair of forms 1 point, total: 2 points;

for indicating an incomplete paradigm (including in the scheme), impersonality - 2 points;

for examples - 2 points.

Total: maximum - 10 points.

10 ... As you know, the journalistic style is characterized by the active use of emotionally charged phraseological units. Restore the original appearance, values ​​and source of the selected persistent expression that occurs in this fragment. What is the historical incorrectness resulting from the use in this text?

"Youthbrought to the slaughter of Mamon... All the most sacred was thrown as a sacrifice to this idol, personifying greed and money-grubbing. "


In this fragment, the turnoverbring to the slaughter Mamonis a contamination of three different expressions:lead (go) to the slaughter‘Lead (go) to destruction’,sacrifice (throw) to Moloch'Take brutal measures related to mass bloodshed; to give to a cruel unforgiving force requiring human sacrifice someone the most expensive 'andserve mammon (mammon)"To take care of wealth, material values, indulge in sensual pleasures." The source of all three expressions is the Bible.

The historical incorrectness lies in the fact that Mamon (Mammon), unlike Moloch, was never an idol and a deity. Even in early Christianity, a legend arose that this was the name of a pagan god, and therefore later this word began to be perceived as a proper name, but originally the wordmammon (mammon)meant 'money, wealth'. In this way,make sacrifices to mammonandleadmammon for the slaughterit is possible only figuratively.


if the source is identified - the Bible - 1 point,

if you named an expression - 1 point,

if the value is determined - 1 point,

if historical incorrectness is indicated - 3 points

Total: 10 points.

11 . The scientific style is opposed to the scientific style, which is used in everyday life, and sometimes in scientific communication. An example of using this style is a fragment from the work of D. Prigov "Description of objects" (1979).

Read the text and answer the questions: what is the difference between the pseudoscientific style and the scientific one itself? For what purpose does the author use it in his work?


Comrades! The egg is one of the most common items in the social, labor and everyday practice of a person.

It is a complex curved closed surface with a complex organic filling; ranging in size from 20 mm to infinity in length.

It is depicted by bringing two hands together, each folded like a hemisphere. In everyday life, it is used as feed for all types of livestock and humans in raw form, in the form of scrambled eggs, omelet, in boiled form, etc. The historical origin of the egg is associated with the appearance on the Earth of the egg-laying species, which is incorrect, since much earlier eggs of natural origin are found.

The image of an egg is often used as a spiritual-mystical symbol of the initial cosmological substance, which is absolutely incorrect from a scientific point of view, since it would be more correct to consider the idea of ​​the emergence of the world as an act of demiurge creativity within 7 days.

Sometimes the image of an egg is associated with the image of a social class as a certain substance and a rigid form of class ideology, which is incorrect from the Marxist point of view, since the mechanism of interaction between classes and ideology is fundamentally different.

Due to the complexity of the curved closed surface and the thinness of the shell, the object is practically irreproducible. Its real existence for the above reasons is considered unlikely.


1. Science-like style - a superficial imitation of the scientific style in everyday and sometimes scientific speech. The term does not denote a functional variety of language, but speech that violates literary stylistic norms.

Any style is characterized by extra-linguistic (extralinguistic) features and linguistic features proper.

The formal similarity between the scientific and the scientific style that imitates it (linguistic signs):

2. Scientific definitions and comments to them (The egg is one of the most common items in the social, labor and everyday practice of a person. It is a complex curved closed surface with a complex organic filling; from 20 mm to infinity in length) , including general scientific vocabulary (object, surface, phenomenon, substance, hemisphereetc.) and book (is, associate, the aboveand etc.);

3. In vocabulary: use of terminology, book vocabulary, specialization of ambiguous words, lack of expressive and colloquial vocabulary, exact lexical repetitions, especially in the use of terms;

4. In syntax: impersonal (...it would be more correct to consider…) , unidentified personal (The image of an egg is often used…) and generalized personal constructions, the predominance of complex sentences with causal, conditional, temporal relationships; in morphology: the use of verbs in a connective or auxiliary function (is, is, is considered); and etc.

However, in a pseudo-scientific style, the use of these means is accompanied by a violation of speech norms (inconsistency of style with the subject of speech, a pile of terms that are often incongruous, the abuse of cliches, a pile of quotes, etc.).

5. The difference between scientific and pseudo-scientific styles (extra-linguistic features):

The scientific style is intended for an adequate, objective, accurate, logically rigorous transmission of scientific information, a reasoned presentation of modern knowledge.

The scientific style is the result of stylistic awkwardness, a lack of understanding of the nature of the scientific style. associated with the speaker's desire to give weight to his words, to impress an unprepared audience, or performs the function of camouflaging confused logic, insufficient knowledge, ill-conceived content, lack of facts.

6. The work of D. Prigov presents the substitution of scientific knowledge with pseudo-scientific judgments that have no real basis and meaning. The choice of style does not correspond to the subject of the description. Reasoning about unscientific things in a scientific form serves to express the author's irony regarding the stereotyped, superficiality of the social sciences of the Soviet era. The comic is emphasized by a mixture of pseudoscience and colloquial everyday vocabulary (In everyday life, it is used as feed for all types of livestock and humans in its raw form, in the form of scrambled eggs, omelet, in boiled form, etc..)


2 points for the answer to each item.

Total: maximum - 12 points.




A). A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

B). N.V. Gogol "Terrible Revenge".

V). A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

G). A.S. Pushkin "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

D). M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

  1. Compare the works of folklore and Old Russian literature with the names of composers who created operas based on these works.

A word about Igor's regiment A.P. Borodin

Sadko N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

Dobrynya Nikitich A.T. Grechaninov

The story about Frol Skobeev T.N. Khrennikov

  1. CLASS
  1. Determine in which works of Russian literature of the XIX century the following songs sound. It is necessary to name the work and its author.

A). A.P. Chekhov "Ionych".

B). I.S. Turgenev "Singers".

V). A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry".

G). ON THE. Nekrasov "Song to Eremushka".

D). A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

  1. Match the works of Russian literature of the 19th century with the names of the composers who created operas based on these works.

Snegurochka N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

Demon A.G. Rubinstein

Boris Godunov M.P. Mussorgsky

The Queen of Spades P.I. Tchaikovsky

War and Peace S.S. Prokofiev

  1. CLASS
  1. Determine in which works of Russian literature of the late XIX - first half of the XX centuries. the songs below are played. It is necessary to name the work and its author.

A). V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

B). I.A. Bunin "Mowers".

V). M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don".

G). M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

D). M. Gorky "At the Bottom".

In the landau

The daughters of the actual state councilor Bryndin, Kitty and Zina, rode along the Nevsky in the landau. Their cousin Marfusha, a little sixteen-year-old provincial landowner who had recently come to St. Petersburg to stay with a noble family and look at the "sights", also rode with them. Beside her sat Baron Dronkel, a freshly washed and too noticeably cleaned-up little man in a blue coat and a blue hat. The sisters rolled around and glanced sideways at their cousin. The cousin both amused and compromised them. A naive girl who never went to landau and did not hear the noise of the capital, curiously examined the upholstery in the carriage, the footman's hat with braids, screamed at every meeting with the horse-drawn carriage ... And her questions were even more naive and funnier ...

- How much does your Porfiry receive? She asked, by the way, nodding at the footman.

- I think forty a month ...

- Not already ?! My brother Seryozha, a teacher, only gets thirty! Is labor really valued so dearly in St. Petersburg?

“Don’t ask such questions, Marfusha,” said Zina, “and don’t look around. This is not appropriate. And look over there - look sideways, but it's indecent - what a funny officer! Ha ha! I just drank vinegar! You, Baron, are like that when you look after Amfiladova.

“You mesdames are funny and cheerful, but my conscience is tormenting me,” said the baron. - Today our employees have a memorial service for Turgenev, and by your grace I did not go. It's embarrassing, you know ... Comedy, but you should still go, show your sympathy ... ideas ... Mesdames, tell me frankly, with your hand on your heart, do you like Turgenev?

- Oh yes ... I see! After all, Turgenev ...

- Come here ... Everyone who I ask likes it, but I ... I don't understand! Either I don’t have a brain, or I’m such a desperate skeptic, but it seems to me exaggerated, if not ridiculous, all this nonsense raised because of Turgenev! He is a writer, I will not deny, good ... He writes smoothly, the syllable is even a striker in places, there is humor, but ... nothing special ... He writes, like all Russian scribblers ... Like Grigorievich, like Kraevsky .. Yesterday I deliberately took Notes of a Hunter from the library, read it from blackboard to blackboard and found absolutely nothing special ... Neither self-awareness, nor about freedom of the press ... no idea! And there is nothing about hunting at all. It is written, however, not badly!

- Very good! He's a very good writer! And how he wrote about love! Kitty sighed. - The best!

- I wrote well about love, but there are better ones. Jean Rischpin, for example. What a delight! Have you read his "Sticky"? Another thing! You read and feel how it all really happens! And Turgenev ... what did he write? Ideas are all ... but what are the ideas in Russia? Everything from foreign soil! Nothing original, nothing native!

- And the nature as he described!

- I do not like to read descriptions of nature. Pulls, pulls ... "The sun has gone down ... The birds are singing ... The forest rustles ..." I always miss these delights. Turgenev is a good writer, I do not deny, but I do not recognize his ability to work miracles, as they shout about him. As if he gave an impetus to self-consciousness, he pinched some kind of political conscience in the Russian people to the living ... I don't see all this ... I don't understand ...

- Have you read his "Oblomov"? - asked Zina. - There he is against serfdom!

- True ... But I am also against serfdom! So screaming about me?

- Ask him to shut up! For God's sake! - whispered Marfusha to Zina.

Zina looked in surprise at the naive, timid girl. The eyes of the provincial woman ran restlessly across the landau, from face to face, shone with a bad feeling and, it seemed, were looking for someone to pour out their hatred and contempt on. Her lips trembled with anger.

- It's indecent, Marfusha! - Zina whispered. - You have tears!

“They also say that he had a great influence on the development of our society,” the baron continued. - How can you see it? I do not see this influence, sinful person. On me, at least, he had not the slightest influence.

Lando stopped at the entrance of the Bryndins.


Topic: Phonetic, orthoepic and graphic analysis of a word.

Goals: repetition of the features of phonetic, orthoepic and graphic analyzes of a word, expressive means of phonetics; to consolidate the ability to do phonetic, orthoepic and graphic analysis of a word, to highlight expressive means of phonetics in a poetic text.

The student should be able to:

Use orthoepic dictionaries, dictionaries of the Russian language.

3. Complete tasks 1-4.

Time rate: 2 hours.

Means of education:

1. Textbook on the Russian language.

2. Texts of tasks.

1. What is phonetics?

2. What sounds do you know?

3. What groups are consonants divided into?

4. What is stress?

5. What is a syllable?

6. What is meant in the science of language by graphics?

7. What graphics are you familiar with?

8. What is orthoepy?

  1. Place the stress in these words, checking yourself against the spelling dictionary.
Beetroot, quarter, chauffeur, shop, percentage, catalog, tool cement, provision, wholesale sorrel, kitchen, more beautiful, icon painting, leisure, glimpse, repeat, repeat, repeat, means, carpenter, facilitate, gas pipeline, invention, understood, understood, collected, pamper, pamper, belt, petition, start, started, dialogue, calls.

  1. Write off, place the missing punctuation marks for homogeneous members of the sentence. Insert the missing letters where necessary.
The Russian language brought us from ancient times a rare gift - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" its great breadth and bitterness.

This language adorned with tales and songs a heavy share of a common Russian person. He was the main one ... casual, affectionate and striking. He thundered with unshakable anger in the speeches and books of our free-thinkers sounded languidly in Pushkin’s st..hakhs buzzed like a bell on the towers .. veche, at Lermontov’s r... he put out the grave canvases of Russian life, Tolstoy Herzen Turgenev Dostoevsky Chekhov had thunder. .like in the lips of Mayakovsky, simple and austere in Gorky's thoughts with witchcraft tunes sounded in the stanzas of Blok.

We need, of course, whole books that (would) tell ... to tell about everything great ... to the beauty of our unheard-of generosity really in ... magic language.

  1. Write out from the text in a notebook the words in which the consonants are stunned in the middle of the word. Make a phonetic record of the words you wrote out in the notebook.

  1. Put stress in words. Read aloud.
Alphabet, hyphen, quarter, kitchen, scanty, orphans, convocation, statue, phenomenon, expert, flounder, pantry, silo, carpenter, more beautiful, beetroot, sorrel, (he) calls, corrugate, pamper, cork.

  1. Form all past tense forms of verbs and put stress in them.
Call, pour, take, spin, call, drive, wait, steal, start, revive, understand, accept.

  1. Read the words out loud. What are the features of pronouncing the selected consonants? Write words in phonetic transcription.
I. Atelier, museum, plywood, pool, cafe, term, hyphen, coffee, cybernetics, cream, overcoat, awning, hair dryer, motorcade, cornet.

II. Freckled, buster, cab, swatch, yeast, squeeze, rain, count.

III. Bakery, Ilyinichna, birdhouse, scrambled eggs, brown, on purpose, of course, baked.
7. Read the text. Do a phonetic parsing of the highlighted words. Write down words with historical and positional alternations.

Which happiness work for yourself and your family from dawn to dawn, build shelter, cultivate the earth in care of food, create your own world, like Robinson, imitating the creator in the creation of the universe, following his own mother, producing himself again and again to the light!

How many thoughts go through consciousness how much new you change your mind while your hands are busy with muscular, bodily, black or carpentry work: while you set yourself reasonable, physically solvable tasks that reward your performance with joy and luck; bye six hours in a row are you talking something with an ax or digging the ground under the open sky, burning you with its blessed breath.

(B. Pasternak)

Find expressions in the text that correspond to the definitions: "whole night", "build a dwelling", "not indoors". What are these expressions called?
8. Linguistic observation. Compare the phonetic system of the Russian language and the foreign language you are studying. Find similar and different items. Think how knowledge of the phonetics of the Russian language helps in the study of the sound structure of a foreign language. Give examples.
9. Run the test

1. Which of the encrypted words does not denote a section of linguistics?


2. Which word fits the phonetic description: sonorous hard consonant; unstressed vowel; voiced hard consonant; stressed vowel; sonorous solid consonant; unstressed vowel; voiceless consonant?

a) child
b) reward
c) ruler
d) plane

3. Which answer contains the extra letter?

a) sonorous: l, r, n, y, m
b) always solid: w, w, c, h
c) always soft: h, w, d

4. In which word are all consonants solid?

a) parachute
b) acorn
c) heron
d) conscience

5. In which word are all consonants soft?

a) ant
b) lemon
c) flattery
d) kettle

6. In which word are all voiced consonants?

what about work
b) lezginka
c) collection
d) oak

7. In which word are all consonant sounds deaf?

a) building
b) mitten
c) point
d) chest of drawers

8. In which answer option do all pairs of words have the same sound composition?

a) pillar - pillar, fairy tale - pointer, horn - rock
b) ear - hair, sleep - nose, economy - save
c) inert - bone, defect - threshold, open - boil

9. In what word is the stress error?

a) religion
b) spoiled
c) providing

10. What word was mispronounced?

a) o [d] pull
b) eggs [w] nitsa
c) zvenigoro [c] cue
d) without [h] vital

11. In which word is the consonant before e pronounced softly?

a) alternative
b) neckline
c) parterre
d) debut

Section 3. Lexicology and phraseology
Practical lesson number 7
Topic: Observing the functioning of lexical units in one's own speech, developing the skill of composing texts (oral and written) with lexemes of various spheres of use.

Goals: improve the ability to find and correct lexical errors in the text, errors in the use of phraseological units.

Educational results declared in the third generation FSES

The student should be able to:

Possess the norms of word use;

Determine the lexical meaning of a word;

To be able to use explanatory, phraseological, etymological dictionaries, a dictionary of outdated words of the Russian language.

Instructions for performing practical work

1. Review the theoretical material on the topic using the textbook

2. Answer the questions to consolidate the theoretical material on the topic.

3. Complete tasks 1-4.

4. Fill out the completed assignments in the exercise book.

Time rate: 2 hours.

Means of education:

1. Textbook on the Russian language.

2. Texts of tasks.

3. Notebooks for practical work.

Questions to consolidate theoretical material on the topic:

  1. What do etymology, lexicology, phraseology, lexicography and linguistics study?

  2. What is the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word?

  3. Tell us about unambiguous and ambiguous words; direct and figurative meaning of the word.

  4. Tell us about homonyms and their varieties.

  5. What is the difference between homonyms and paronyms?

  6. What do you know about synonyms and antonyms?

  7. Phraseological turnover, phraseological unit, stable combination of words, non-free word combination, phraseological expression - is their meaning the same?

  8. What are the groups of phraseological units according to their origin?

  9. What are the types of dictionaries of the Russian language
Writing assignments:
Task 1. Lexical analysis of the proposed text.

1. Write down 2-3 examples for each lexical group (synonyms, antonyms, etc.).

2. Using dictionaries, determine the meanings of the polysemantic word corpus in different contexts.

1. Vladimir Dubrovsky was brought up in the cadet corps. 2. Major General Golitsyn, with his corps, was supposed to block the Moscow road. 3. The windows in all the buildings were brightly lit, and that is why it seemed very dark in the huge courtyard. 4. Stretched past the tribune, a tall wooden building two hundred horse-long buildings. 5. Dying rolls of smoke-filled water, banging against the iron hull of the ship, howling in the mast, whistling in the corners of superstructures, the incessant rumble of the whole space - all these sounds merged into one awkward, but extremely powerful symphony. 6. The entire correspondent corps was engrossed in this cheerful work. 7. The printing house at that time possessed the richest set of fonts ... In the mathematical font there were 4 sizes of letters: corpus, petit, small petit and conparilla. 8. The background of the painting was painted by the body. 9. In the library there was a corpus of Krylov's fables.

3. Choose a synonym and antonym for adjectivesfree, fresh in the following phrases:

1) free people, free entrance, free breathing, free dress, free apartment, free time;

2) fresh bread, fresh evening, fresh cucumber, fresh look, fresh look, fresh snow.

4. Make up phrases of paronymsbusinesslike - business - efficient - businesslike with words: relationship, grip, gait, worker, woman, character, criticism, secretary, ant, story, picture, book, article.

5. Write out obsolete words from the text, indicate their categories (historicisms and archaisms).

They guessed why the king had called to the palace. Recently, on Red Square, a Duma clerk read a great decree with a drumbeat from the frontal seat: in their auctions and in all kinds of trades, great losses and ruin are incurred ... Mercifully, he, the sovereign, pointed out about them: in all their punitive, court and petitions, and in merchant affairs ... to be in charge of their mayors and the mayors to choose their hedgehogs for the weather good and truthful people , - whom they want among themselves ... "(A. Tolstoy, Peter the First)

6. Edit sentences, eliminate speech errors.

1. Many writers are now closely involved in politics. 2. The artist has won the appreciation of the audience. 3. This property is common to all writers. 4. I have already told about my autobiography. 5. Yesterday it rained, but now the day is warm and bright. 6. This story is quite a plot for an action movie. 7. Christian Democrats play an important role in this movement. 8. Every athlete can get a fiasco. 9. Due to the lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 10. The aforementioned students did not come to school. 11. The poet stood at the source of new poetry. 12. Trofimov's speeches, like other characters, are characterized by lyricism.
Task 2.Complete test tasks

1. Indicate an incorrect statement:

a) parts of speech are distinguished on the basis of a certain commonality of the lexical and grammatical meanings of the word;

b) there can be lexical and contextual homonyms

c) homoforms, homophones and homographs have signs of homonymy;

d) there may be contextual antonyms

e) obsolete words are also found among neologisms;

f) historicisms and archaisms in speech are used in different ways.

2. Indicate the phrases in which the italicized words are used in their direct meaning:

a) protection dissertation;

b) Class working;

v) feeling elbow;

G) transition through the mountains;

l) played Shakespeare;

e) simple people

a) root a citizen - root question;

b) man thin- character thin;

v) sick asleep - sick child;

G) satellite Mars - satellite on the way;

e) pack cigarette - pack ballerinas;

e) star stage - star in the sky.

4. Indicate which of the homonymous forms is used in the sentence:

Not you, but Sima suffered unbearably, the water of the Neva is carried. (V. Mayakovsky.)

a) homoforms;

b) homophones;

c) homographs.

5. Which of the following words has the meaning of "a sense of moral responsibility for their behavior in front of a certain person, society"?

a) conscience

d) nobility

6. In what variant is the lexical meaning of the word indicated incorrectly?

a) discussion - a dispute, discussion of an issue at a meeting, in print, conversation

b) imitation - reproduction of something with the possible accuracy, imitation

c) analogy - the opposite of something

d) privilege - preemptive rights, benefits

7. Which of the words in the sentence is used figuratively?

In Genoa, on a small square in front of the station, a dense crowd of people gathered.

a) area

b) station

c) gathered

d) thick

8. Which of the following words has homonyms?

a) idyll

c) ruler

d) pressure

9. Which sentence has no antonyms?

a) The book teaches to distinguish between good and evil.

b) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

c) The enemy agrees, but the friend argues.

d) Learning is capable of both decorating and comforting.

10. Which of the synonyms belongs to common vocabulary?

a) cool

b) cool

c) cool

d) excellent

11. Determine in which version the meaning of the phraseological unit is indicated incorrectly.

b) a teaspoon per hour - slowly

c) grated roll - experienced (about a person)

d) seventh water on jelly - close relatives

12. Select from the words in brackets the word corresponding to the phrase:

1) make [a) fashionable; b) shaped] haircut;

3) he has [a) hidden; b) secretive] friends;

4) not based on anything [a) justified; b) grounded] claims;

5) the student [a) graduated; b) finished] school.
Task 3.Lexical norms. How to say it correctly?Find mistakes and correct texts from school essays and students' oral answers

  1. I AM lodge book in place. He puts the folder on the table. " Put pipe "... Pokladu into place.

  2. Smoothing numbers.

  3. Climb on excavator In the underground.

  4. Kenger- Austrian animal.

  5. Verney lodges foot step.

  6. He snapped ankle wickets.

  7. Daughter in three years age caught up with the mother.

  8. First will develop tourist route.

  9. I have no time to study with my younger brother, today I busy.

Task 4.Find and correct the language inaccuracy.

    1. She is terribly beautiful.

    2. He performed terribly well.

    3. Misha will not go to school, he has a temperature.

    4. The athlete is in shape today.

    5. They dance at a pace.

    6. She has two pairs of watches, and both don't work.

    7. I changed five pairs of Stockings and socks.

    8. We bought a pair of boots and two pairs of boots, a pair of jackets and trousers.

    9. Cars brought bricks and sands here.

    10. There are different oils in the store.

    11. Forty-seven nuts are there for me.

    12. One core - many cores.

Practical lesson number 8

Linguistics is the science of natural human language, which studies its structure, functioning and historical development, its properties and functions.

Linguistics is the science of all the languages ​​of the world as individual representatives of the natural human language. Currently, there are about three to seven thousand languages ​​on earth. It is impossible to establish an exact figure, which is due, on the one hand, to the abundance of dialects in certain languages.

Linguistics is divided into sections: general and specific.

General linguistics is divided into the following main levels of language: phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic.

Phonetics is the science of the sound side of language, the subject of its study is the sounds of speech.

Lexicology deals with the study of the vocabulary (vocabulary) of the language.

Morphology is that part of the grammatical structure of a language that unites grammatical classes of words (parts of speech), grammatical (morphological) categories and forms of words belonging to these classes.

Syntax is a section of linguistics that studies the structure of phrases and sentences and the functional interaction of various parts of speech in them. It is an integral part of the grammar.

The private sciences of language study individual languages ​​and their groups. According to the object of research, the following special sciences about language are distinguished: 1) for a separate language - Russian studies, Japanese studies, etc .; 2) according to the group of related languages ​​- Slavic studies, Turkic studies, etc .; 3) according to the geographical origin of languages ​​- Balkan studies, Caucasian studies, etc.

2. Morphological classification of languages.

Languages ​​can be combined into one typological group based on the characteristics of their morphological structure. The morphological structure of a word is the totality of its morphemes.

A classification based on the morphological structure of a word is called morphological.

According to the morphological classification, languages ​​are divided into four groups: 1) root-insulating, or amorphous, 2) agglutinative, 3) inflectional, 4) incorporating, or polysynthetic.

For root-isolating languages, the absence of inflection is characteristic, the base of the word coincides with the root. Word order is of great grammatical significance. These languages ​​include Chinese, Vietnamese, Dungan, Muong, etc. Modern English is evolving towards root isolation.

Languages ​​of the second type are called agglutinative, or agglutinating. Languages ​​of this type are characterized by a developed system of inflection, in which each grammatical meaning has its own indicator. Agglutinative languages ​​are characterized by the presence of the same type of declension for all nouns and the same type of conjugation for all verbs. The agglutinative type of languages ​​includes Turkic, Tungus-Manchu, Ugro-Finnish and some other languages, as well as the Esperanto language (international language, international words, often understood without translation, and 16 basic grammatical rules).

The third type is represented by inflectional languages. Languages ​​of this type are characterized by a developed system of inflection and the ability to convey several grammatical meanings with one indicator. The inflectional type of languages ​​includes Slavic, Baltic, Italic, some of the Indian and Iranian languages.

The fourth type includes incorporating languages. Languages ​​of this type tend to combine a whole sentence into one big complex word. In this case, grammatical indicators do not form individual words, but the entire word-sentence as a whole.

In what word is there an ERROR when stressing? kilometer 2) white 3) having taken 4) skull 2 ​​Which of the selected words is formed

in a prefixed suffix way? 1) UNUSUALLY beautiful 2) A child who got lost 3) TURNING the nuts 4) Appeared AGAIN 3 Establish a correspondence between the highlighted word in the sentence and the name of the part of speech (set the part of speech of the highlighted word in each sentence). PROPOSALS WITH THE BELOW WORD OF PART OF THE SPEECH A) In my opinion, the expert opinion is quite CORRECT. 1) adverb B) The publishing house has recently PUBLISHED the collected works of D. London. 2) adjective C) The cloud was AMAZINGLY similar to the shape of a giant fish. 3) participle 4) category of state 4 In the characteristic of which of the selected words is there an ERROR? 1) THREE TIMES costs are reduced - an adverb with the meaning of measure and degree. 2) THE PERSONS REFERRED to in the contract - the passive participle of the past tense. 3) come CLOSER - adverb superlative. 4) LEAVING, extinguish the light - an imperfect participle. 5 In what case is an ERROR allowed during the formation of a word (form of a word)? 1) to plunge into the water MORE DEEPER 2) paths, led only by forest dwellers 3) shot a TOTCHE EVERYTHING 4) JUST ATTACK 6 In what sentence is there an ERROR when using the participle (adverbial) phrase? 1) While in Germany, Russian painters became interested in the traditions of Gothic architecture. 2) The waves that rose as a result of the earthquake destroyed the port on the coast. 3) The fields, illuminated by the sun's rays, were an unforgettable sight. 4) After drinking tea with cream, the friends went to play chess. 7 In which row is the same letter missing in both words? 1) acquired ... my, (slightly) appearance ... my 2) hearing ... chirping ... chirping 3) confused, real ... in the word at the place of the gap is one letter H written? 1) Loaded barges followed one another along the Volga. 2) An idea ... my friends' business seemed interesting to me. 3) Even a calm person is not always able to act reasonably and weigh ... oh. 4) Nastya immediately put the purchased products in the refrigerator. 9 In which row in both cases is NOT written together with the word? 1) (not) the marks put in the magazine, (not) rarely looked at us 2) ambiguous (not) clarity, (not) knowing exactly 3) stayed for a very (not) long time, (not) hammered in a nail 4) (not) happy number, reports (not) submitted 10 In which sentence is the highlighted word written separately? 1) In the morning we (ON) soon had breakfast and went to the forest. 2) WHAT (WOULD) enter the school, it was necessary to finish eight classes of the school. 3) (B) CONSEQUENCE of the flood the bridges on the river became unusable. 4) The brother looked the same (SAME) as before: he hardly changed. 11 In which row is the same letter missing in both words? 1) illuminated (room), (send for) luggage ... m 2) (he) bewitched ... n (silence), (tin) w ... forehead 3) hare ... nok, (singer) protects ... t (voice) 4 ) (chicken) oven ... nka, cottage cheese ... to

1. Which of the following words has the meaning of "universal":

1) radical
2) inert
3) potential
4) total

2. Which of the following words has the meaning "relating to lyrics as a kind of literature":
1) lyric
2) expressive
3) lyric
4) subjective

3. Which of the following words means "the one who is awarded the diploma":
1) diplomat
2) opponent
3) student
4) addressee

4. Which of the following words means "a brief description of a book or article, setting out their content in the form of a list of main questions":
1) annotation
2) abstract
3) abstracts
4) review

5. The meaning of which word is definitely wrong:
1) RADICAL - decisive, extreme
2) CORRECT - polite and tactful, courteous
3) REACTIVE - direction against overall progress
4) AVAL - cruel, heartless

1. What is the lexical meaning of the word?

1) in the draft
2) not necessary, not required
3) does not require special knowledge, qualifications
4) related to the draft

2. What is the meaning of the highlighted word in the sentence?
After making sure that Ivan was alone and listening, the mysterious visitor grew bolder and entered the room.
1) being a secret to others, not known to others
2) being a secret, hidden
3) meaningful and mysterious
4) containing a secret, something unsolved, mysterious

3. In what sentence is the highlighted word used in its direct meaning?
1) The splendor of the palaces of St. Petersburg makes a strong impression on tourists.
2) In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin appears in all the splendor of his talent.
3) The sparkle of the candles and the noise of the dresses reminded her of the first ball.
4) The final exams are over, and he passed them brilliantly.

4. In what sentence is the highlighted word used in a figurative meaning?
1) The patient groaned in front of the caretaker and did not speak almost a word, but he drank two cups of coffee
and, groaning, ordered dinner for himself.
2) His sick, faded gaze, a pleading look, a mute reproach, she understands everything.
3) Your sick imagination can lead you God knows where!
4) He had already been lying in delirium for several days, sick with typhus.

5. Write out the word used in a figurative meaning from the sentence.
I love the spring babble of a shady grove, the caring rooks, the trills of the nightingale and the sonorous
the song of the lark in the high, blue sky.
The dawns lit the sky with an ominous crimson and, like a fire, shone over the desert snows.
She was young, beautiful; life smiled at her, but there are smiles worse than tears.
Have you seen an old gray stone on the seashore, when at high tide, on a sunny, cheerful day, live waves beat on it from all sides?
The stone remains the same stone - but bright colors appear over its gloomy surface.
These colors testify to that distant time when molten granite was just beginning to harden and was all burning with fiery colors.
So, recently, young female souls have flooded into my old heart from all sides - and under their caressing touch, it blushed with faded colors!
Some bird sang, fervently and sonorously. Her trills melted into the air, full of the quiet sound of the waves.
The most dismal picture: a handful of people, deprived of any shadow of hopes for a better future, are drowning in the cold black mud of a dirt road.
Waves play - the wind whistles, and the mast bends and screeches ...
6. What meaning of the selected word is realized in the sentence: 1) direct, 2) metaphorical, 3) metonymic, 4) occasional (individual author's)?
1. The high sky overturned a pale green bowl.
2. And each of the darkness looked and listened as the white dress sang in the beam.
3. Not cheerful, not sad, as if descended from a dark sky, you are both my wedding song and my crazy star.
4. I noticed in the darkness of the tree branches a slightly living likeness of your smile.
5. In the golden skies outside my window, clouds float one after another.

7. What word is wrong?
1) ANACHRONISM - a relic of antiquity
2) EXTERIOR - external forms of the animal's constitution
3) Euphoria - unjustified complacency
4) COOLIARS - rest or entertainment room

eight . In which sentence should the word righteous be used instead of truthful?
1) A truthful and honest person, he often spoke out against the authorities.
2) He always gives the correct answer to a question.
3) The monk lived a truthful life and did no harm to anyone
4) We heard a true story about the life of students abroad.
9. Which of these words is unambiguous?
1) dog, 2) mail, 3) nail, 4) sedentary

10. Which word is ambiguous?
1) measure, 2) daily, 3) corn, 4) leave

11. Indicate an extra word in the row of synonyms.
1) kind, 2) good, 3) warm-hearted, 4) sincere

1.In which example does the compositional conjunction connect parts of a complex sentence?

A. wild goat, or roe deer, is found throughout the Ussuri region
Q. the sun was shining, then it was raining
C. flowers are best picked in the morning or in the evening
D. The sky was now clouded with clouds, then cleared again for a moment.
E. and we will not bring our own, we will roll

2. In the spelling of which of the selected words was there a mistake?

A. The train is ARRIVING at five o'clock.
C. His friend is an EXCELLENT person
C. The door was OPEN.
We ARRIVED in the north at this time
F. Should not CRIME the law

3. Specify a word with a checked unstressed vowel of the root
A. geneticist
V. geologist
S. hero
D. general
E. geographer

4. In which example is the checked word for an unstressed root vowel wrong?
A. inheritance (sweet)

1. Which of the encrypted words does not designate a section of linguistics?

a) sonorous: l, r, n, y, m

b) always solid: w, w, c, h

8. In which answer option do all pairs of words have one sound

a) pillar - pillar, fairy tale - pointer, horn - rock

9. In what word is there a mistake in stress?

10. What word was misspelled?

e pronounced softly?

Which of the encrypted words does not denote a section of linguistics

1) NECAFIOT-phonetics-studies the sounds of speech

2) GRYAORPIFOA-spelling-word spelling rules

3) TANOCEFO-record library-repository of sound recording collections

4) FRIOEPOY-orthoepia-norms of pronunciation of words

Other questions from the category

alternation at the root. Nearby is a word check.

Past the barrels and boards

From heel to toe

An important old man is walking

Smokes a pipe in a cam,

Keeps order.

Read also

in a prefixed suffix way? 1) UNUSUALLY beautiful 2) A child who got lost 3) TURNING the nuts 4) Appeared AGAIN 3 Establish a correspondence between the highlighted word in the sentence and the name of the part of speech (set the part of speech of the highlighted word in each sentence). PROPOSALS WITH THE BELOW WORD OF PART OF THE SPEECH A) In my opinion, the expert opinion is quite CORRECT. 1) adverb B) The publishing house has recently PUBLISHED the collected works of D. London. 2) adjective C) The cloud was AMAZINGLY similar to the shape of a giant fish. 3) participle 4) category of state 4 In the characteristic of which of the selected words is there an ERROR? 1) THREE TIMES costs are reduced - an adverb with the meaning of measure and degree. 2) THE PERSONS REFERRED to in the contract - the passive participle of the past tense. 3) come CLOSER - adverb superlative. 4) LEAVING, extinguish the light - an imperfect participle. 5 In what case is an ERROR allowed during the formation of a word (form of a word)? 1) to plunge into the water MORE DEEPER 2) paths, led only by forest dwellers 3) shot a TOTCHE EVERYTHING 4) JUST ATTACK 6 In what sentence is there an ERROR when using the participle (adverbial) phrase? 1) While in Germany, Russian painters became interested in the traditions of Gothic architecture. 2) The waves that rose as a result of the earthquake destroyed the port on the coast. 3) The fields, illuminated by the sun's rays, were an unforgettable sight. 4) After drinking tea with cream, the friends went to play chess. 7 In which row is the same letter missing in both words? 1) acquired ... my, (slightly) appearance ... my 2) hearing ... chirping ... chirping 3) confused, real ... in the word at the place of the gap is one letter H written? 1) Loaded barges followed one another along the Volga. 2) An idea ... my friends' business seemed interesting to me. 3) Even a calm person is not always able to act reasonably and weigh ... oh. 4) Nastya immediately put the purchased products in the refrigerator. 9 In which row in both cases is NOT written together with the word? 1) (not) the marks put in the magazine, (not) rarely looked at us 2) ambiguous (not) clarity, (not) knowing exactly 3) stayed for a very (not) long time, (not) hammered in a nail 4) (not) happy number, reports (not) submitted 10 In which sentence is the highlighted word written separately? 1) In the morning we (ON) soon had breakfast and went to the forest. 2) WHAT (WOULD) enter the school, it was necessary to finish eight classes of the school. 3) (B) CONSEQUENCE of the flood the bridges on the river became unusable. 4) The brother looked the same (SAME) as before: he hardly changed. 11 In which row is the same letter missing in both words? 1) illuminated (room), (send for) luggage ... m 2) (he) bewitched ... n (silence), (tin) w ... forehead 3) hare ... nok, (singer) protects ... t (voice) 4 ) (chicken) oven ... nka, cottage cheese ... to

1) RADICAL - decisive, extreme

2) CORRECT - polite and tactful, courteous

3) REACTIVE - direction against overall progress

4) AVAL - cruel, heartless

1) in the draft

2) not necessary, not required

3) does not require special knowledge, qualifications

4) related to the draft

After making sure that Ivan was alone, and listening, the mysterious visitor grew bolder and entered the room.

1) being a secret to others, not known to others

2) being a secret, hidden

3) meaningful and mysterious

4) containing a secret, something unsolved, mysterious

1) The splendor of the palaces of St. Petersburg makes a strong impression on tourists.

2) In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin appears in all the splendor of his talent.

3) The sparkle of the candles and the noise of the dresses reminded her of the first ball.

4) The final exams are over, and he passed them brilliantly.

1) The patient groaned in front of the caretaker and did not speak almost a word, but he drank two cups of coffee

and, groaning, ordered dinner for himself.

2) His sick, faded gaze, a pleading look, a mute reproach, she understands everything.

3) Your sick imagination can lead you God knows where!

4) He had already been lying in delirium for several days, sick with typhus.

I love the spring babble of a shady grove, the caring rooks, the trills of the nightingale and the sonorous

the song of a lark in the high, blue sky.

The dawns lit the sky with an ominous crimson and, like a fire, shone over the desert snows.

She was young, beautiful; life smiled at her, but there are smiles worse than tears.

Have you seen an old gray stone on the seashore, when at high tide, on a sunny, cheerful day, live waves beat on it from all sides?

The stone remains the same stone - but bright colors appear over its gloomy surface.

These colors testify to that distant time when molten granite was just beginning to harden and was all burning with fiery colors.

So, recently, young female souls have flooded into my old heart from all sides - and under their caressing touch, it blushed with faded colors!

Some bird sang, fervently and sonorously. Her trills melted into the air, full of the quiet sound of the waves.

The most dismal picture: a handful of people, deprived of any shadow of hopes for a better future, are drowning in the cold black mud of a dirt road.

Waves play - the wind whistles, and the mast bends and screeches ...

6. What meaning of the selected word is realized in the sentence: 1) direct, 2) metaphorical, 3) metonymic, 4) occasional (individual author's)?

1. The high sky overturned a pale green bowl.

2. And each of the darkness looked and listened as the white dress sang in the beam.

3. Not cheerful, not sad, as if descended from a dark sky, you are both my wedding song and my crazy star.

4. I noticed in the darkness of the tree branches a slightly living likeness of your smile.

5. In the golden skies outside my window, clouds float one after another.

1) ANACHRONISM - a relic of antiquity

2) EXTERIOR - external forms of the animal's constitution

3) Euphoria - unjustified complacency

4) COOLIARS - rest or entertainment room

1) A truthful and honest person, he often spoke out against the authorities.

2) He always gives the correct answer to a question.

3) The monk lived a truthful life and did no harm to anyone

4) We heard a true story about the life of students abroad.

9. Which of these words is unambiguous?

1) dog, 2) mail, 3) nail, 4) sedentary

1) measure, 2) daily, 3) corn, 4) leave

1) kind, 2) good, 3) warm-hearted, 4) sincere

A. wild goat, or roe deer, is found throughout the Ussuri region

Q. the sun was shining, then it was raining

C. flowers are best picked in the morning or in the evening

D. The sky was now clouded with clouds, then cleared again for a moment.

E. but we will not bring our own, we will roll

C. His friend is an EXCELLENT person

C. The door was OPEN.

We ARRIVED in the north at this time

F. Should not CRIME the law

A. inheritance (sweet)

V. luxurious (luxury)

S. punish (punishment)

E. shake (shake)

Divide the quantitative numbers into groups: a) whole, b) fractional, c) collective, d) indefinite quantitative. Determine to which part of speech non-numerals belong.

Methodical instructions for carrying out practical work of an educational academic discipline

Place the stress in these words, checking yourself against the spelling dictionary.

Beetroot, quarter, chauffeur, shop, percentage, catalog, tool cement, provision, wholesale sorrel, kitchen, more beautiful, icon painting, leisure, glimpse, repeat, repeat, repeat, means, carpenter, facilitate, gas pipeline, invention, understood, understood, collected, pamper, pamper, belt, petition, start, started, dialogue, calls.

Write off, place the missing punctuation marks for homogeneous members of the sentence. Insert the missing letters where necessary.

The Russian language brought us from ancient times a rare gift - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" its great breadth and bitterness.

Write out from the text in a notebook the words in which the consonants are stunned in the middle of the word. Make a phonetic record of the words you wrote out in the notebook.

Put stress in words. Read aloud.

Alphabet, hyphen, quarter, kitchen, scanty, orphans, convocation, statue, phenomenon, expert, flounder, pantry, silo, carpenter, more beautiful, beetroot, sorrel, (he) calls, corrugate, pamper, cork.

Form all past tense forms of verbs and put stress in them.

Call, pour, take, spin, call, drive, wait, steal, start, revive, understand, accept.

Read the words out loud. What are the features of pronouncing the selected consonants? Write words in phonetic transcription.

I. Atelier, museum, plywood, pool, cafe, term, hyphen, coffee, cybernetics, cream, overcoat, awning, hair dryer, motorcade, cornet.

7. Read the text. Do a phonetic parsing of the highlighted words. Write down words with historical and positional alternations.

8. Linguistic observation. Compare the phonetic system of the Russian language and the foreign language you are studying. Find similar and different items. Think how knowledge of the phonetics of the Russian language helps in the study of the sound structure of a foreign language. Give examples.

9. Run the test

2. What word fits the phonetic description: sonorous hard consonant; unstressed vowel; voiced hard consonant; stressed vowel; sonorous solid consonant; unstressed vowel; voiceless consonant?

3. Which answer option contains an extra letter?

a) sonorous: l, r, n, y, m

b) always solid: w, w, c, h

c) always soft: h, w, d

4. In which word are all consonants solid?

5. In which word are all consonants soft?

6. In which word are all voiced consonants?

7. In which word are all consonant sounds deaf?

8. In which answer option do all pairs of words have the same sound composition?

b) ear - hair, sleep - nose, economy - save

c) inert - bone, defect - threshold, open - boil

11. In what word is the consonant before e pronounced softly?

Section 3. Lexicology and phraseology

Practical lesson number 7

Topic: Observing the functioning of lexical units in one's own speech, developing the skill of composing texts (oral and written) with lexemes of various spheres of use.

What do etymology, lexicology, phraseology, lexicography and linguistics study?

What is the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word?

Tell us about unambiguous and ambiguous words; direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Tell us about homonyms and their varieties.

What is the difference between homonyms and paronyms?

What do you know about synonyms and antonyms?

Phraseological turnover, phraseological unit, stable combination of words, non-free word combination, phraseological expression - is their meaning the same?

What are the groups of phraseological units according to their origin?

What are the types of dictionaries of the Russian language

Writing assignments:

Task 1. Lexical analysis of the proposed text.

Task 2. Complete the test tasks

a) protection dissertation;

a) root a citizen - root question;

4. Indicate which of the homonymous forms is used in the sentence:

5. Which of the following words has the meaning of "a sense of moral responsibility for their behavior in front of a certain person, society"?

6. In what variant is the lexical meaning of the word indicated incorrectly?

8. Which of the following words has homonyms?

9. Which sentence has no antonyms?

11. Determine in which version the meaning of the phraseological unit is indicated incorrectly.

Task 3. Lexical norms. How to say it correctly? Find mistakes and correct texts from school essays and students' oral answers

I AM lodge book in place. He puts the folder on the table. " Put pipe "... Pokladu into place.

Climb on excavator In the underground.

Kenger- Austrian animal.

Verney lodges foot step.

He snapped ankle wickets.

Daughter in three years age caught up with the mother.

First will develop tourist route.

I have no time to study with my younger brother, today I busy.

She is terribly beautiful.

He performed terribly well.

Misha will not go to school, he has a temperature.

The athlete is in shape today.

They dance at a pace.

She has two pairs of watches, and both don't work.

I changed five pairs of Stockings and socks.

We bought a pair of boots and two pairs of boots, a pair of jackets and trousers.

Cars brought bricks and sands here.

There are different oils in the store.

Forty-seven nuts are there for me.

One core - many cores.

Practical lesson number 8

Methodological instructions for the implementation of practical work are developed on the basis of the work program of the academic discipline "Legal support.

Methodological instructions for the implementation of practical work are developed on the basis of the work program of the academic discipline "Law"

Methodical instructions are intended for the implementation of practical work of the academic discipline "English" for students 1, 2 and 3.

Methodical instructions for laboratory work are intended for technical students of the Lipetsk Metallurgical College.

Methodical instructions are intended for performing laboratory and practical work on carrying out service and restoration work.

Methodical instructions are drawn up in accordance with the curriculum of the discipline op. 12 "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" in the specialty.

Notary. Methodical instructions for conducting practical training / Comp. E. V. Shirokova; Volgograd State Technical University - Volgograd.


Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.- Chudinov A.N. , 1910.

Dictionary of foreign words.- Komlev N.G. , 2006.

Explanation of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D. , 1865.

New Dictionary of Foreign Words - by EdwART, 2009.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words L.P. Krysin.- M: Russian language, 1998.

See what "NEOFIT" is in other dictionaries:

neophyte - neophyte ... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Neophyte - ah, husband. Old. Rare Report: Neophytovich, Neophytovna. Derivatives: Neophytka; Nephita Origin: (Greek neophytos newly planted; re-convert.) Name days: Feb 3, Aug 24, Sep 2, Sept 4, Nov 22, Dec 2, Dec 16 Dictionary of personal names ... ... Dictionary of personal names

neophyte - a, m. néophyte neophytos neos new + phyton plant. 1. What a new follower l. religion. Krysin 1998. Convert to the Christian faith, newly baptized. KSIS 1846. // Petrashevtsy221. 2. A new supporter of what L. teachings ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

NEOPHITUS - (from the Greek neophytos, a convert, literally a young growth), 1) a new adherent of any religion. 2) A new supporter of any doctrine or social movement; new to anything ... Modern encyclopedia

NEOPHITUS - (from the Greek. Neophytos convert) 1) a new adherent of any religion. 2) A new supporter of any doctrine or social movement; new to anything ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

NEOPHYT - NEOPHYT, neophyte, husband. (Greek neophytos, literally newly planted) (book). 1. Converted to some religion. 2. A new adherent of some doctrine (iron.). || Newbie in some business (ironic). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEOPHYTHE - NEOPHYT, eh, husband. What new follower n. religion (special), as well as (transl.; book.) a new supporter of what n. teachings. | wives neophyte, and. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEOPHITUS - man., Greek. newbie, recruit, newcomer, newbie; newly baptized. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Neophyte - (Greek neophitos - convert) 1) a new adherent of any religion; 2) a new supporter of any doctrine or social movement; new to anything. Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies .. Kononenko BI .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies


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  • Neophyte, Guy N. Smith. Quiet muttering: “Neophyte. neophyte. give us a neophyte. " Sally Ann glanced towards the one standing in front of the black altar. His raspy voice said: "Give them a neophyte!" Joby ... Read more Buy for 110 rubles

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The meaning of the word Neophyte according to Efremova:

Neophyte - 1. Converted to some l. religion.

2. A new follower of smb. teaching or social movement. // transfer New to smth. business.

The meaning of the word Neophyte according to Ozhegov:

Neophyte in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:

Neophyte - (from the Greek. Neophytos - convert) - 1) a new adherent of a religion. 2) A new supporter of any doctrine or social movement; new to anything.

The meaning of the word Neophyte according to Ushakov's dictionary:

NEOPHYT, neophyte, m. (Greek neophytos, literally newly planted) (book). 1. Converted to some n. religion. 2. A new follower of some kind. teachings (ironic). ? Newbie in some n. case (iron.).

The meaning of the word Neophyte according to Dahl's dictionary:

Neophyte is. The meaning of the concept and the syndrome of neophyte

In the media, historical, fiction and religious literature, you can find the term "neophyte". Let us examine what exactly this concept means, as well as the characteristics of the syndrome of the same name.

The meaning of the word neophyte

The concept comes from the ancient Greek νεόφυτος, which means "recently planted." In the most general sense, a neophyte is a new member, a newly converted adherent of any religion, religious movement.

In history, this term was used to define:

  • new adherents of secret meetings - for example, the ancient Greek Eleusinian mysteries - the cults of the Olympic goddesses of fertility Demeter and her daughter Persephone;
  • Christians who were baptized, who wore white robes during the period from Easter to Antipascha (in the meaning of “opposite,” namely, the first Sunday after Easter);
  • newly tonsured monks in various monastic orders.

Also, the Greek word neophyte means:

  • a beginner in absolutely any activity;
  • a plant that has just settled in a location.

Name Neophyte

In addition to all the above meanings, Neophyte is a Greek male name. He was received by many bishops, patriarchs, archimandrites, monks of the Hellas (Greek), Bulgarian, Russian, Alexandrian Orthodox churches, in particular:

  • Hieromonk Neophytos, who died in 1727, the main work of his anti-schismatic activity is Pomor Answers;
  • Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church Neophytos of Karist (), who was a member of the Greek liberation movement;
  • the hermit Neophytos of Cyprus () - the founder of the monastery of the same name on the island of Cyprus;
  • Neophyte of Urbnisi, who died in 587, - this name was adopted by the former commander Omar (Persia), later recognized as a great martyr;
  • Archimandrite Neophyte (Osipov) (), canonized in 2009.

What is a neophyte? This is also an integral part of some toponyms - the names of the Bulgarian villages Neofit-Rilski (Varna region) and Neofit-Bozvelievo (Kurdzhali region).

What is neophyte syndrome

The syndrome of a neophyte or neophyte in the theory of religion is called excessive zeal, impulsiveness, which is observed precisely in the newly converted followers. This is to some extent a mental disorder of radicals who, having acquired a different meaning of life, are ready to sacrifice everything they have for it - property, family, well-being, previously loved activities, interests, and even their own lives.

Such a neophyte is a person who believes that it was to him that the meaning of religious teaching was revealed, that it was he who was obliged to shed the light of knowledge on more measured and calm followers of a faith or cult. However, he, in contrast to peaceful believers, lacks experience, knowledge, flexibility of mind, which help to fully comprehend the doctrine, dogma.

This neophyte is, first of all, a maximalist who goes to the extreme. Today, such people donate huge sums to the poor, the needy, they are examples of patronage, and tomorrow they “burn” with the power of their hatred and aggression everyone who somehow disagrees with their views.

The danger posed by neophyte syndrome

Many citizens who have been seized by such a syndrome often find themselves without a home, family, livelihood, carried away by the teachings of a particular sect. A huge number of cases are known when unscrupulous leaders of near-religious movements made fortunes from the donations of such neophytes. But this is not yet the most dire danger.

Studies show that it was Muslim neophytes who participated in many high-profile terrorist attacks in recent years. New converts are highly valued by extremist groups - they do not stand out among the local population, but at the same time they are aggressive, decisive, capable of any sacrifices.

Risk groups have been identified - people who are most likely to be recruited by extremists, making them neophyte terrorists:

  • asocial individuals inclined to protest against society - often they are already adherents of radical groups;
  • citizens with serious material difficulties - as a rule, they blame the authorities and the public for their troubles;
  • people on whom recruiters have managed to collect serious dirt, with which they are blackmailed for their own purposes;
  • fanatics of religion - having psychologically processed these individuals, extremists can direct their train of thought in the right direction - to suffer for their faith.

The concept of "neophyte" is explained both in a number of fundamentally close and very distant meanings. The neophyte's syndrome has one main meaning - a destructive effect both on the person and on her actions.

Who are the "neophytes"? Why are they treated ambiguously?

The word neophyte is of Greek origin (neophytos). It came from the merger of the words neos and phyton, literally translated as a new plant, a new sprout. This is what they call converts to a certain religion or a new supporter of a certain doctrine, trend, idea.

As a rule, religious neophytes evoke ambiguous attitudes towards themselves. Faith carried to extremes is characteristic of many neophytes. This is especially typical for our country in the past 20 years, because our religious tradition was interrupted for more than 70 years, when faith and religiosity were an integral part of the life of every person from birth. Before the revolution, people went to church, kept the commandments, knew prayers, read the Holy Scriptures, and all this without strain, without pathos, without hysteria.

Many of the current "new Orthodox" (most often women over 50), having lived most of their lives as atheists and suddenly believing, become intolerant maximalists, ready to condemn everyone who, in their opinion, believes "wrong." For such neophytes, it is typical, as a rule, to observe only external rituals. It is they who scold and drive women out of the temple with bare heads, and even more so in trousers, make a remark to those who cross themselves incorrectly, hold the candle incorrectly, not where they should be. Such people are able to discourage for a long time from going to church from those who came across them, having come to the temple for the first time.

Here is a quote from an article on neophytes:

(1) This refers to Alexy II, the article was written in 2004.

I personally know several of these neophytes and saw several on TV (these are our famous actresses). So, I noticed that they are characterized by frequent, sometimes completely out of place, mention of God. Literally in every phrase they pronounce this word, forgetting the commandment "Do not remember the name of the Lord your God in vain."

This kind of neophytes is also found in Islam. Some of them become radical Islamists, Wahhabis and even terrorists. Suffice it to recall the recent terrorist attacks in Russia committed or planned by Russians who recently converted to Islam, or the seizure of a shopping center in Kenya, led by a "white widow" - an Englishwoman who converted to Islam.

Fortunately, there are many decent and smart people among the newly converted believers.

Neophytes are new participants, members of a certain group or community, taking the first steps in some business and just starting their work, study or other activity.

Newcomers to Internet communities or sites can also be called neophytes. Old-timers are wary of newcomers, for the reason that they do not yet know what exactly can be expected from this newcomer.

Neophytes in botany are called plants that have only recently begun to grow in a given area.

A neophyte is literally a beginner.

And they treat them ambiguously, because they ask the "old-timers", as it seems, with stupid questions and cannot really do anything on their own.

Especially "ambiguous" to them are those who only yesterday were considered a beginner.

Neophyte translates as a new sprout. And it is more often used in religions to newly converted. The ambiguous perception of neophytes is associated with the ambiguous behavior of these. As a rule, neophytes become overly fanatical believers and can join radical religious groups due to their little awareness of the accepted religion.

The meaning of the word neophyte

neophyte in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir

m. Greek. newbie, recruit, newcomer, newbie; newly baptized.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

neophyte, m. (Greek neophytos, literally newly planted) (book).

Convert to some n. religion.

A new follower of some n. teachings (ironic). ? Newbie in some n. case (iron.).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

A, m. Some new follower. religion (special), as well as (transl.; book.) a new supporter of some n. teachings.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Converted to religion.

New follower of smb. teaching or social movement.

transfer New to smth. business.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

NEOPHYT (from the Greek neophytos - convert)

a new adherent of any religion.

New supporter of any doctrine or social movement; new to anything.


A neophyte of any religion, doctrine, social movement, a beginner in any business.

As a historical term, refers to new members of secret meetings, such as the Eleusinian sacraments in ancient Greece. In the early church, this was the name given to Christians who were baptized and from Easter to Antipascha who wore white clothes; later in the monastic orders the newly tonsured monks were called so.

Neophytes are plants (usually weeds) that have recently appeared in the local flora (in comparison with archaeophytes) as a result of human economic activity or natural migration.

In Europe, among the representatives of neophytes: Canadian elodea (introduced from North America in the middle of the 19th century), glossy quinoa (since 1880), odorous chamomile (since 1852), ragweed, Sosnovsky's hogweed and others.

  • The neophyte is a new adherent, a beginner.
  • Neophyte is a plant that has recently appeared in the local flora.
  • Neophyte is a masculine personal name of Greek origin.

Bishop Neophyte (in the world Nikifor Dokuchaev-Platonov at the birth of Dokuchaev;, the village of Dubrovka, Moscow province -,) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogorsk.

Archbishop Neophyte (in the world Nikolai Petrovich Sosnin;, Yaroslavl -, Verkhotursky district, Perm province) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, archbishop of Perm and Verkhotursky.

Archbishop Neophyte (in the world Nikolai Vasilyevich Nevodchikov;, -, Izmail) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Chisinau and Khotinsky. Spiritual writer.

Metropolitan Neophytos (in the world Nicolaos Metaxos,; November 2, 1762, Athens - December 29, 1861, Athens) - Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, Bishop of Athens in 1833-1861 - the first Metropolitan of Attica.

Bishop Neophyte (in the world Nikolai Nikolaevich Slednikov; 1873, Velsk - November 29, 1918) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop of Starobelsk, vicar of the Kharkov diocese.

Patriarch Neophyte (in the world Simeon Nikolov Dimitrov; October 15, 1945, Sofia) - Bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, since February 24, 2013 - His Holiness Patriarch of Bulgaria, Metropolitan of Sofia.

Metropolitan Neophyte (in the world Nikola Mitev Karaabov; June 29, 1868, the village of Kum-Duvandzhiy - February 26, 1971, Vidin) - Bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Vidin.

Metropolitan Neophytos was a prominent figure who left a noticeable mark on the history of the Bulgarian Church. He served in the priesthood for 82 years, was Metropolitan of Vidin for 57 years and served as Vice-President of the Holy Synod for 14 years.

Bishop Neophyte (in the world Nikolai Alekseevich Korobov; January 15, 1878, the village of Novoselovo, Romanovo-Borisoglebsk district, Yaroslavl province - November 1937, Gorky) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Vetluzhsky, vicar of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

Archimandrite Neophyte (in the world Nikolai Alexandrovich Osipov; May 9 (21), 1875, Augustov, Suvalk province - November 3, 1937, Antibes camp point, Siblag, Novosibirsk region) - Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Metropolitan Neophyte (in the world Naum Paskalev or Paskov; January 4, 1870, Ohrid - January 8, 1938, Sofia) - Bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Skopsky.

Episcope Neophytes (, in the world David Kiplagat Kongay,; 1970, Kesengei village, Nandi district, Kenya) - bishop of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church, bishop of Nieria and the Kenyan Mountains.

Metropolitan Neophyte (, in the world Omiros Masuras,; January 21, 1962, village of Ano-Zodia, Paphos region, Cyprus) - Bishop of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Morph and Prohedr Salt.

Neophyte (d. 1727) - anti-schismatic missionary, hieromonk, disciple of the Nizhny Novgorod Archbishop Pitirim. In the course of his missionary activity, the "Pomorian Answers" of the Old Believers appeared (1723).

On April 22, 1722, Peter the Great ordered to send a missionary to the Pomor "schismatic camps". The choice of the synod fell on the hieromonk Neophyte. He was instructed to conduct conversations in the presence of local civil authorities, clergy and common people, "reliable for the sake of testimony"; write down more important questions and answers and affix the notes with signatures on both sides; in admonishing opponents "to be established by books"; to carefully consider difficult questions and even apply for their solution to the synod, without forcing the Old Believers in such cases to "a quick and imprudent answer"; with those who "in conversations" would show stubbornness, it was prescribed "not to use any cruelty and not to suppress their freedom."

On September 23, Neophyte arrived at the Petrovskie Zavody. The Vygovites already knew about the definition of the synod, as well as the content of the instructions given to Neophytos; the first debate with Neophyte took place on February 2, 1723 in the apartment he occupied. The Vygoretsk Cinoviarchs decided to limit their contacts with Neophyte to written explanations. They began to ask him to write in the letter what he would "talk" about. He wrote 106 questions and handed them over to their destination. In July 1723 the Old Believers sent him their answers. The answers of the Vygovites formed a whole book - "Pomor Answers". Having asked the chief chamberlain of the court to submit the answers to the emperor, while another copy of the answers was sent by Neophyte to the synod, the schismatics began to demand that the missionary "be rhetoric sooner." By September, he had managed to compose "brief exclamations" to their answers. Large gatherings took place on September 4 and 5. The neophyte read his "accusations"; The Vygovites demanded that their "answers" be read, while in oral remarks they were very evasive. As a result of such tactics, the ranting only damaged the case of Neophytos. Those of the common people who until then went to him and listened to his admonitions, after the ranting, began, in his words, to "praise the deceitful response" of the Old Believers. The neophyte began to propose to the synod a "search" for schismatics, especially demand-correctors, confiscation of books from them, and so on, but these proposals did not lead to any results. He died in 1727.

Examples of the use of the word neophyte in literature.

Let neophyte knows what assonance and alliteration are, adjacent and distant rhyme, simple and complex, just as we have the right to expect from a musician that he knows harmony and counterpoint, and all the other trifles of his craft.

But then the main bodyguard entered the same door through which he left and, approaching neophyte, as one could call the Varangian, said to him: - Follow me, Hirvard, for the decisive moment is coming.

These are not flashes of fire, this is a wise, from afar, smile of omniscience, so frightening neophytes.

But it is precisely by the measure of taste in the interpretation of purely spiritual material that Kublanovsky differs so favorably from most of his contemporaries, who are all suffering, to put it mildly, a complex neophyte, a complex of suddenly acquired usefulness.

So once naive neophyte I was horrified to learn from the gray-haired priest that the oil from Isis's navel was squeezed out by a pump, but, upon learning, he was silent, for the crowd of believers would immediately make out the indicated neophyte but into the component parts, if he would explain it to her frankly.

He was delusional like everyone neophyte believing that blacks cannot be as complacent and vulgar as whites.

Returning to his homeland as a nineteen-year-old youth, he converted to Catholicism and with a fierce ardor neophyte began to plant on their lands the papezhian faith, which was hated by the Orthodox peasants and townspeople.

Episodes from the Old Testament frightened off Christians neophytes from traditional Judaism, let alone the contact of Christianity with Talmudism was out of the question.

Little knowledgeable about the life of the former second lieutenant neophytes It was seriously believed that Aspid was his old Bolshevik nickname.

Your friends follow you with an excitedly buzzing crowd, exulting at the kayaking conversion of yet another neophyte.

If they changed places, if Gorin could have the knowledge and experience of Haviland, and Haviland could be neophyte, then, perhaps, one could still count on the success of the enterprise.

Answer: our sovereign studied the kingdom according to the previous custom, as his progenitor, the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, was crowned into the kingdom of Russia, when he went as an army against the Greek Tsar Constantine Monomakh, and Tsar Constantine Monomakh then finished off his brow and sent him gifts: a royal crown and a diadem - with the Metropolitan of Ephesus, Cyrus Neophyte, and Metropolitan Neophytos crowned his kingdom, and from that time the king and Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh was called.

The beautiful Egyptians unraveled the silk knots, freed neophytes, and Lorenza announced: - Get freedom and be free in the same way in society.

Many neophytes who know Hebrew confidently take their place in the pulpit and say prayers.

In the evening, he lit the fireplace with a memorandum and promised himself that he would meet with the Master. neophytes, as soon as he enters the Caesarean capital.

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