Home Vegetables Recipe fantasy cake with poppy seeds and nuts. Cake with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins. Several variations. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts - the basic principles of cooking

Recipe fantasy cake with poppy seeds and nuts. Cake with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins. Several variations. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts - the basic principles of cooking

Such a dessert is not only a delicious dessert, but also very healthy. Nutrients are stored in nuts throughout the year, raisins are a source of vitamin B, and poppy seeds contain carbohydrates.

Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts - the basic principles of cooking

Cake cakes are made from biscuit dough, which is divided into three parts and poppy seeds, raisins and nuts are added to each. This dough is prepared on the basis of egg mass. For this, the whites are separated from the yolks. Whisk the whites with a mixer until they become dense foam. The longer it is beaten, the more bubbles are formed in it, thanks to which the dough is airy. Then add sugar and add the yolks one at a time, without stopping to shake. Flour is added last, be sure to sift it first. Mix gently with a spatula, in the same direction as whipped. Do not add too much flour, otherwise it will clog the dough and the biscuit will not come out tender.

The dough is divided into three equal parts. Poppy is added to one, the second is baked with raisins and nuts are put in the third.

The cakes are baked and cooled on a wire shelf.

If you are afraid that the dough will settle while the first cakes are baked, you can prepare the dough separately for each one.

The fillers are prepared before being added to the dough. Nuts are fried in a dry frying pan and chopped, raisins and poppy seeds are steamed and dried. Then the fillers are mixed with flour and only then are they added to the dough.

Any cream can be used. It all depends on your preferences and imagination. The cake is especially tasty with butter, custard or sour cream.

Recipe 1. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with sour cream


fine sugar - 100 g;

100 ml fat sour cream.

chopped walnuts - half a glass;

Cooking method

1. In a deep bowl, combine sour cream with egg and sugar. Mix everything well with a spoon.

2. Sift flour with baking powder. In small portions, add flour to the liquid ingredients and knead the dough without lumps.

3. Pour the poppy seeds into the dough and stir. Transfer it to a mold, grease it, and bake until golden brown at 200 C.

4. For the other two cakes, cook the dough according to the same principle, only add pre-steamed and dried raisins to one, and chopped nuts into the second.

5. Cool the finished cakes on a wire rack. Combine sugar with sour cream, and beat with a mixer until fluffy.

6. Lay the cakes one on top of the other, smearing each with cream. Leave the cake to soak for two hours. Then chop it up and serve with coffee, compote or cocoa.

Recipe 2. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts without baking


square shortbread cookies - 900 g;

fig jam - half a glass;

a pack of butter;

fried cashews - 150 g;

homemade milk - 1.5 tbsp.;

Cooking method

1. Stir sugar and flour.

2. Beat eggs until foam appears. Pour milk in a thin stream, without stopping whisking. Then gradually add the dry mixture and beat until not a single lump remains.

3. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, until thickened. Cool the cream. Add butter and vanilla. Beat for about five minutes, gradually increasing the speed.

4. Chop the nuts and add them together with the poppy seeds to the cream. Mix.

5. Arrange the cookies in one layer on a serving plate. Lubricate it with custard, stepping back two centimeters from the edge. Lay out another layer of cookies. Grease it with fig jam mixed with raisins. Each subsequent layer of cookies should be slightly smaller to form a pyramid-shaped cake.

6. Brush the sides of the cake with custard and apply a geometric pattern with fig jam. Soak the cake for 12 hours.

Recipe 3. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with butter cream


a can of boiled condensed milk;

175 g butter;

200 ml heavy cream;

300 g cane sugar;

one and a half tbsp. sour cream;

half a glass of hazelnuts;

one and a half tbsp. flour;

poppy and raisins - half a tbsp.

Cooking method

1. Soak poppy seeds in warm sugar syrup. Then fry in a dry frying pan.

2. Rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over them. We leave for a quarter of an hour. Drain the infusion and dry the raisins on a napkin.

3. Cooking the 1st cake. Take one egg and add half a glass of sour cream, flour and sugar to it. Add some baking soda and chopped nuts. Knead a homogeneous dough without lumps.

4. For the second cake, take the same ingredients, but add raisins instead of nuts.

5. Prepare the third cake according to the same principle, only add poppy seeds to the dough.

6. Bake each cake in a round shape. Having previously lubricated it. The oven temperature should be 200 degrees. We cook for 20 minutes.

7. Beat the cream with a mixer until firm foam and add softened butter and condensed milk. Beat until thick, creamy.

8. Lay the cakes, liberally smearing each with cream, in this order: nut crust, poppy seed and with raisins. Decorate the cake with colored coconut or grated chocolate.

Recipe 4. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins with custard


300 g cane sugar;

nuts and raisins - half a glass each.

half a pack of butter;

homemade milk - 230 ml;

granulated sugar - 75 g;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour.

Cooking method

1. Take three small bowls and put an egg, a pinch of salt and slaked soda in them, as well as one hundred grams of wheat flour, sour cream and sugar. Knead a thick dough without lumps.

2. Pour the poppy seeds into the first bowl, add chopped nuts to the second, and steamed and dried raisins into the third. Mix well and bake three cakes at 180 C. Half an hour for each cake. Cool the finished cakes.

3. Shake two eggs with sugar, flour and three tablespoons of milk. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, heat it over low heat and add the egg mixture with a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cook the cream until thick. At the end, put butter and shake with a mixer until an airy cream is obtained.

4. Lay the cakes one on top of the other. Lubricate each cake with custard.

Recipe 5. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts in a slow cooker


1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar;

one and a half tbsp. wheat flour;

1.5 tbsp. sour cream 20%;

100 g of any nuts.

can of condensed milk;

a pack of butter;

Cooking method

1. Pour boiling water over the washed raisins. Steam for ten minutes. Then drain the infusion and dry the raisins on a napkin. Pour poppy with hot water and leave to swell. Chop the nuts.

2. For the first crust, beat the egg into a bowl. Add to it half a glass of sugar and sour cream. Mix, add a little soda and little by little sprinkle half a glass of flour, knead the dough without lumps. Add the steamed poppy seeds to the dough and mix until smooth.

3. Lubricate the inside of the multicooker bowl with oil. Put the dough in it and cook in the "baking" mode for 20 minutes. Then turn over using the steamer and bake for another three minutes in the same mode.

4. Knead the dough for the second crust using the same ingredients in the same amount, but add chopped nuts instead of poppy seeds.

5. Knead the dough for the third cake with the raisins. Bake the rest of the cakes in the same way as the first.

6. Beat soft butter with condensed milk. Add cocoa at the end.

7. Assemble the cake, brushing the warm cakes with cream.

Recipe 6. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with butter cream


For one cake

granulated sugar - 200 g;

a glass of wheat flour;

walnuts - 200 g;

condensed milk - two cans;

300 g butter.

Cooking method

1. You need to bake three cakes. Whisk the egg with sugar. Add a little soda to the sour cream, thereby extinguishing it. Combine sour cream with egg mass. Pour in the gradually sifted flour and knead until smooth. Continue whisking. Using this recipe, prepare the dough for the rest of the cakes.

2. Rinse the raisins and soak in boiling water for ten minutes. Then drain the broth, and peel the raisins from the tails and dry on a paper towel.

3. Add the dried raisins to the dough for the first crust and mix.

4. In the second batch, add cinnamon and chopped nuts.

5. Pour the poppy seeds into the dough for the third cake layer.

6. Cover the form with parchment, grease it, lay out the dough for one cake and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Bake all three cakes according to this principle.

7. Beat the butter until fluffy, pour in condensed milk in a thin stream and continue beating until a smooth, homogeneous consistency is obtained.

8. Cool the cakes. Cut off the top with a sharp knife.

9. Put cream on each cake, smooth and collect them in a pile. Grease the sides and top of the cake with cream.

10. Dry the cuttings and grind them into crumbs. Sprinkle the whole cake with the resulting crumb and decorate to your taste.

To make the poppy soft, soak it in boiling water for half an hour.

It is advisable to knead the dough just before baking so that it does not have time to settle.

Do not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

The eggs will be easier to beat if they are chilled well beforehand.

You can use any nuts as a filler: walnuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts or almonds

So that the nuts do not taste bitter, they are fried and peeled into a thin film.

Who doesn't like to treat guests, and even their own family, with something sweet and tasty? You can have tea, or you can drink something stronger, liqueur, for example, or sweet wine with such wonderful desserts. Cake with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins is no exception. A similar product was called "Fairy Tale" in the culinary arts of the USSR, and it even had its own GOST. How tasty it was - from the memory has already been erased over time. And we'll just try to cook with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins, consisting of several cakes soaked in cream and these rather healthy ingredients. Well, just lick your fingers!

Cake with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins

Ingredients: three eggs, one and a half cups of flour, one and a half cups of sugar, one and a half cups of sour cream, three teaspoons of baking powder (we cook at home: ten grams of citric acid, fifteen grams of baking soda, thirty grams of flour). For the filling of the cakes, take half a glass of poppy seeds, half a glass of peeled and chopped walnuts, half a glass of raisins. For the cream - sour cream and sugar.

Making cakes according to the classic recipe

We begin to prepare the cake with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins with dough and cakes. We remind you that there will be three. Accordingly, the dough will need to be divided into three equal parts. Some housewives do it very simply: they knead the dough separately for each cake, taking a third of the ingredients. We will do the same. Mix sugar, egg and sour cream, beat slightly. Sift the flour, mix with baking powder and add to the total mass. Mix well. It turns out a fairly thin dough. Add poppy to it. Knead until smooth. Put the mixture in a rounded shape, oiled with oil. We bake in an oven preheated at a temperature of 200 o C. This is about half an hour. Readiness can be checked with an ordinary match or a wooden stick: if the dough is baked, then it will not stick to it.

Second and third cakes

Bake the second and third layers in the same way. Only instead of poppy we add nuts, peeled and heavily chopped, as well as pitted raisins (raisins). It is better to take nuts, like raisins, fresh, "bazaar". Even if they are more expensive. But whatever you say - a guarantee of authenticity: in packs in supermarkets they are often stale, lacking the original taste, emasculated. We bake all three of our cakes one by one and let them cool down.


In the meantime, let's make a cream. The simplest but most delicious! One glass of sour cream, thick enough, beat in a blender or mixer with several large tablespoons of sugar. Some housewives prefer to put honey as an option. The main thing here is to get airy, well-whipped, homogeneous.

The final

Next - generously coat the cakes with cream and put one on top of the other. In what order? It's up to you to decide. Some put poppy in the middle, they say it tastes better. Let the cake soak well. On top, decorate the work of culinary art with the same nuts and raisins. You can also use chocolate chips. Here, the freedom of choice is yours. The main thing is to observe the main ingredients of which the cake consists: cakes, poppy seeds, nuts, raisins, cream. And your guests will get guaranteed pleasure from a delicious and very healthy dessert.

Cake "Poppy-nuts-raisins". Recipe with variations

You can also make a similar cake with custard. Some people like it even better. To do this, mix two 100 grams of granulated sugar, half a glass of sifted flour. Add half a glass of warmed milk and mix. Add more milk (250 grams) to the resulting mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Cook over very low heat until thickened. Add one hundred grams of butter and beat with a mixer until smooth. We coat the cakes with this resulting cream. All other operations remain the same as in the first recipe. Bon Appetit!

Such a dessert is not only a delicious dessert, but also very healthy. Nutrients are stored in nuts throughout the year, raisins are a source of vitamin B, and poppy seeds contain carbohydrates.

Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts - the basic principles of cooking

Cake cakes are made from biscuit dough, which is divided into three parts and poppy seeds, raisins and nuts are added to each. This dough is prepared on the basis of egg mass. For this, the whites are separated from the yolks. Whisk the whites with a mixer until they become dense foam. The longer it is beaten, the more bubbles are formed in it, thanks to which the dough is airy. Then add sugar and add the yolks one at a time, without stopping to shake. Flour is added last, be sure to sift it first. Mix gently with a spatula, in the same direction as whipped. Do not add too much flour, otherwise it will clog the dough and the biscuit will not come out tender.

The dough is divided into three equal parts. Poppy is added to one, the second is baked with raisins and nuts are put in the third. The cakes are baked and cooled on a wire shelf.

If you are afraid that the dough will settle while the first cakes are baked, you can prepare the dough separately for each one.

The fillers are prepared before being added to the dough. Nuts are fried in a dry frying pan and chopped, raisins and poppy seeds are steamed and dried. Then the fillers are mixed with flour and only then are they added to the dough.

Any cream can be used. It all depends on your preferences and imagination. The cake is especially tasty with butter, custard or sour cream.

Recipe 1. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with sour cream


For one cake

baking powder;

flour - 100 g;

one egg;

fine sugar - 100 g;

100 ml fat sour cream.

granulated sugar;

fat sour cream.


raisins - 0.5 tbsp.;

chopped walnuts - half a glass;

poppy - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

1. In a deep bowl, combine sour cream with egg and sugar. Mix everything well with a spoon.

2. Sift flour with baking powder. In small portions, add flour to the liquid ingredients and knead the dough without lumps.

3. Pour the poppy seeds into the dough and stir. Transfer it to a mold, grease it, and bake until golden brown at 200 C.

4. For the other two cakes, cook the dough according to the same principle, only add pre-steamed and dried raisins to one, and chopped nuts into the second.

5. Cool the finished cakes on a wire rack. Combine sugar with sour cream, and beat with a mixer until fluffy.

6. Lay the cakes one on top of the other, smearing each with cream. Leave the cake to soak for two hours. Then chop it up and serve with coffee, compote or cocoa.

Recipe 2. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts without baking


four yolks;

raisins - 120 g;

two eggs;

square shortbread cookies - 900 g;

fig jam - half a glass;

200 g sugar;

a pack of butter;

fried cashews - 150 g;

homemade milk - 1, 5 tbsp.;

flour - 75 g;

a packet of vanilla.

Cooking method

1. Stir sugar and flour.

2. Beat eggs until foam appears. Pour milk in a thin stream, without stopping whisking. Then gradually add the dry mixture and beat until not a single lump remains.

3. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, until thickened. Cool the cream. Add butter and vanilla. Beat for about five minutes, gradually increasing the speed.

4. Chop the nuts and add them together with the poppy seeds to the cream. Mix.

5. Arrange the cookies in one layer on a serving plate. Lubricate it with custard, stepping back two centimeters from the edge. Lay out another layer of cookies. Grease it with fig jam mixed with raisins. Each subsequent layer of cookies should be slightly smaller to form a pyramid-shaped cake.

6. Brush the sides of the cake with custard and apply a geometric pattern with fig jam. Soak the cake for 12 hours.

Recipe 3. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with butter cream


three eggs;

a can of boiled condensed milk;

175 g butter;

200 ml heavy cream;

300 g cane sugar;

one and a half tbsp. sour cream;

half a glass of hazelnuts;

one and a half tbsp. flour;

poppy and raisins - half a tbsp.

Cooking method

1. Soak poppy seeds in warm sugar syrup. Then fry in a dry frying pan.

2. Rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over them. We leave for a quarter of an hour. Drain the infusion and dry the raisins on a napkin.

3. Cooking the 1st cake. Take one egg and add half a glass of sour cream, flour and sugar to it. Add some baking soda and chopped nuts. Knead a homogeneous dough without lumps.

4. For the second cake, take the same ingredients, but add raisins instead of nuts.

5. Prepare the third cake according to the same principle, only add poppy seeds to the dough.

6. Bake each cake in a round shape. Having previously lubricated it. The oven temperature should be 200 degrees. We cook for 20 minutes.

7. Beat the cream with a mixer until firm foam and add softened butter and condensed milk. Beat until thick, creamy.

8. Lay the cakes, liberally smearing each with cream, in this order: nut crust, poppy seed and with raisins. Decorate the cake with colored coconut or grated chocolate.

Recipe 4. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins with custard


300 g cane sugar;

300 ml sour cream;

100 g poppy seeds;

flour - 300 g;

3 chicken eggs;

slaked soda;

nuts and raisins - half a glass each.

two eggs;

half a pack of butter;

homemade milk - 230 ml;

granulated sugar - 75 g;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour.

Cooking method

1. Take three small bowls and put an egg, a pinch of salt and slaked soda in them, as well as one hundred grams of wheat flour, sour cream and sugar. Knead a thick dough without lumps.

2. Pour the poppy seeds into the first bowl, add chopped nuts to the second, and steamed and dried raisins into the third. Mix well and bake three cakes at 180 C. Half an hour for each cake. Cool the finished cakes.

3. Shake two eggs with sugar, flour and three tablespoons of milk. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, heat it over low heat and add the egg mixture with a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cook the cream until thick. At the end, put butter and shake with a mixer until an airy cream is obtained.

4. Lay the cakes one on top of the other. Lubricate each cake with custard.

Recipe 5. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts in a slow cooker


soda - 7 g;

1, 5 Art. granulated sugar;

100 g poppy seeds;

one and a half tbsp. wheat flour;

100 g raisins;

1, 5 Art. sour cream 20%;

100 g of any nuts.

can of condensed milk;

a pack of butter;

2 tbsp cocoa.

Cooking method

1. Pour boiling water over the washed raisins. Steam for ten minutes. Then drain the infusion and dry the raisins on a napkin. Pour poppy with hot water and leave to swell. Chop the nuts.

2. For the first crust, beat the egg into a bowl. Add to it half a glass of sugar and sour cream. Mix, add a little soda and little by little sprinkle half a glass of flour, knead the dough without lumps. Add the steamed poppy seeds to the dough and mix until smooth.

3. Lubricate the inside of the multicooker bowl with oil. Put the dough in it and cook in the "baking" mode for 20 minutes. Then turn over using the steamer and bake for another three minutes in the same mode.

4. Knead the dough for the second crust using the same ingredients in the same amount, but add chopped nuts instead of poppy seeds.

5. Knead the dough for the third cake with the raisins. Bake the rest of the cakes in the same way as the first.

6. Beat soft butter with condensed milk. Add cocoa at the end.

7. Assemble the cake, brushing the warm cakes with cream.

Recipe 6. Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts with butter cream


For one cake

granulated sugar - 200 g;

baking soda;

a glass of wheat flour;

one egg;

250 g sour cream.


raisins - 200 g;

50 g cinnamon;

walnuts - 200 g;

200 g poppy seeds.

condensed milk - two cans;

300 g butter.

Cooking method

1. You need to bake three cakes. Whisk the egg with sugar. Add a little soda to the sour cream, thereby extinguishing it. Combine sour cream with egg mass. Pour in the gradually sifted flour and knead until smooth. Continue whisking. Using this recipe, prepare the dough for the rest of the cakes.

2. Rinse the raisins and soak in boiling water for ten minutes. Then drain the broth, and peel the raisins from the tails and dry on a paper towel.

3. Add the dried raisins to the dough for the first crust and mix.

4. In the second batch, add cinnamon and chopped nuts.

5. Pour the poppy seeds into the dough for the third cake layer.

6. Cover the form with parchment, grease it, lay out the dough for one cake and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Bake all three cakes according to this principle.

7. Beat the butter until fluffy, pour in condensed milk in a thin stream and continue beating until a smooth, homogeneous consistency is obtained.

8. Cool the cakes. Cut off the top with a sharp knife.

9. Put cream on each cake, smooth and collect them in a pile. Grease the sides and top of the cake with cream.

10. Dry the cuttings and grind them into crumbs. Sprinkle the whole cake with the resulting crumb and decorate to your taste.

Three-layer cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts - tips and tricks

To make the poppy soft, soak it in boiling water for half an hour.

It is advisable to knead the dough just before baking so that it does not have time to settle.

Do not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

The eggs will be easier to beat if they are chilled well beforehand.

You can use any nuts as a filler: walnuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts or almonds

So that the nuts do not taste bitter, they are fried and peeled into a thin film.

For a tasty and easy-to-prepare cake, many pastry chefs use walnuts, raisins and poppy seeds in combination with biscuit cakes. These ingredients, in addition to excellent taste, have a lot of vitamins and useful properties, and their excellent combination allows you to create great, delicious desserts.

As a rule, a cake with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts is made in layers of three cakes soaked in sour cream or. You can arrange the fillers in the cake to your taste, the main thing is that there are enough of them.

We offer two recipes, raisins and nuts.

Three-layer cake with nuts, raisins and poppy seeds


  • wheat flour - 330 g;
  • sour cream - 330 g;
  • granulated sugar - 330 g;
  • eggs (large) - 3 pcs.;
  • baking soda - 12 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • poppy - 110 g;
  • raisins - 110 g;
  • walnuts - 160 g;
  • milk chocolate - 150 g;

For the cream:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 290 ml;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.


Beat one egg with 110 grams of sugar, add a little salt, one third of a teaspoon of baking soda, extinguish it with vinegar, add 110 grams of sour cream. Then, stirring constantly, add 110 grams of flour and add one hundred grams of finely chopped nuts.

We spread the resulting mass in a form covered with parchment and bake in the oven for about twenty-five minutes at a temperature of 185 degrees. The first cake base is ready.

To prepare the second and third cake layers, we do everything in the same way, only we replace the nuts, in the second case - with pre-steamed and squeezed raisins, and in the third - with poppy seeds.

To prepare the cream, beat eggs with granulated sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar, add flour, three tablespoons of milk and stir. We introduce the resulting mixture a little into warm milk, bring to a boil and boil until thickened. Cool slightly, add butter and beat until fluffy. We distribute our cream on the finished cakes, and coat the cake with it on top. Sprinkle the sides and top with grated chocolate, and decorate the top with ground nuts and chocolate chips. We leave the cake to soak for twelve hours.

Royal cake "Fruit Fantasy" with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts


  • wheat flour - 300 g (1.5 cups);
  • sour cream - 300 g (1.5 cups);
  • granulated sugar - 300 g (1.5 cups);
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 3 tsp;
  • poppy - 110 g;
  • raisins - 110 g;
  • walnuts - 110 g;
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • oranges - 1 pc.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;

For the cream:

  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 200 g;


To prepare the cakes, beat one egg and half a glass of granulated sugar, add half a glass of sour cream and flour and one teaspoon of baking powder each. Mix everything thoroughly, add walnuts, chopped in a blender or using a rolling pin, and distribute them into a cake pan lined with parchment. We bake the cake with temperature 195 degrees twenty-twenty-five minutes. We check the readiness with a toothpick or a match.

In the same way, we bake the other two cakes, adding instead of nuts, previously soaked in warm water, and then squeezed and slightly dried raisins and poppy seeds.

Now whisk the condensed milk with softened butter until light, coat the finished cakes with the resulting cream. On top we decorate our cake with sliced ​​fruits as your fantasy and imagination tells you. We let it soak for a few hours, enjoy ourselves and surprise loved ones and friends. Bon Appetit!

In the culinary books of many housewives, this three-layer cake from the Soviet era is recorded as the "Fairy Tale" cake. On the Internet, a similar cake can be seen under various names: "Ministerial", "Three Wishes", "Royal", etc.

Under what name your recipe for this cake is written down, this is not the essence of how important it is, the main thing is that the cake turns out to be tasty and satisfying, and in the context it looks very beautiful.

The cake consists of three layers: with poppy seeds, with walnuts and with raisins. You can arrange the cakes as you wish.

Let's prepare products for a three-layer "Royal" cake with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins according to the list. We need to bake 3 cakes using different additives: poppy seeds, walnuts and raisins.

Wash and dry the raisins. Dry the walnuts in a pan or oven, then chop.

Cooking the first cake. Put sugar, eggs, sour cream in a container, mix with a mixer.

We introduce slaked soda, mix.

Add flour in parts, mix until smooth.

Add poppy seeds, mix.

Pour the dough into a mold with a diameter of 22 cm. Pre-cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper. We bake the cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, until a dry skewer (focus on your oven).

While the cake with poppy seeds is baked, prepare the dough for the second cake in the same way, but add walnuts to it.

Add raisins, rolled in a little flour, to the dough for the third cake.

The cake layers are ready. Now it remains to prepare the cream.

The simplest recipe for sour cream: beat sour cream with sugar and generously coat with warm cakes. We leave it overnight to soak the cake.

Or you can cook it to grease the cakes and decorate the cake with it.

But first, we soak each cake with sugar syrup, otherwise the cake will be dry. Then, using a culinary bag with a nozzle or just a spoon, spread the cream evenly on each cake.

We coat the sides and decorate the top of the cake.

Three-layer cake with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins is ready.

Enjoy your tea!

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