Home On the windowsill What does an embryo look like in. The development of pregnancy by week with a description and photo. What happens to the baby

What does an embryo look like in. The development of pregnancy by week with a description and photo. What happens to the baby

When is the 4th week of pregnancy - is it felt? What does the expectant mother feel? There were already a lot of questions at this time. After all, in the early stages, every day is important.

Calculations by different methods

When doctors work with pregnant patients, they don't go into details of ovulation and day of conception. The gestational age will be calculated by the obstetric method: from the first day of the last completed menstruation.

By the embryonic method, the term is considered from the presumptive ovulation and is "late" by two weeks in comparison with the obstetric term.

Sometimes women consider the period from the moment of delay. Then the fourth week will mean the eighth obstetric or sixth embryonic. Is it easy to get confused? Then it's better to stick to a medical point of view.... After all, the expectant mother will have to communicate with doctors quite often.

Fruit size: more than one cell

As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, the zygote begins to divide violently. If you think about it, it's a miracle. One single cell forms many others. They are completely different, and their roles are different. And each cell "knows" where it is and what to do.

If it's the 4th obstetric week, then it's too early to talk about the fetus. The zygote gradually passes into the embryonic stage. Now the unborn child is an almost invisible lump of cells, which scientists call a morula. Under the microscope, it will look like a berry covered with "pimples". If the fixation of the morula in the uterine cavity has not yet occurred, it will certainly take place. And then the real cellular magic begins.

How does the embryo work?

The size of the future fetus at the 4th obstetric week is comparable to the "poppy seed"... His weight is about 0.5 g, and his height is 0.36-1 mm. However, this is literally momentary data. The embryo grows rapidly due to constant cell division.

The structure of the embryo

Doctors often use the concept of the germinal disc, which is formed by the germ layers. These are special layers of cells:

  • the inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to the digestive tract, liver and lungs, as well as the pancreas;
  • the middle layer (mesoderm) is the future kidneys, muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as the baby's skeleton;
  • the outer layer (ectoderm) is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, the head (including the eyes, teeth, and hair), and the skin.

Extraembryonic organs

The miracle of nature is also in the fact that one single fertilized cell, when it divides, provides the baby with everything he needs. Including full meals. This is done by the so-called extraembryonic organs. There are three of them:

  • chorion: a kind of hairy sac that later becomes the placenta
  • the amnion is the future fetal bladder, a strong "packaging" of the fetus;
  • the yolk sac is a supply of food for the embryo.

The last extraembryonic organ is especially important. It is his dysfunction or pathology that can lead to miscarriage. According to the state of the yolk sac, the ultrasound doctor will receive some important data about the pregnancy and the embryo.

Scientists have established an interesting fact: it is mainly the male genes of the embryo that are "responsible" for the external embryonic organs. We can say that the function of the breadwinner and protector lies at the deepest levels of the human being.

Future mom

In the fourth obstetric week, a woman may still not know about anything.... The active development of the zygote in the female body can either give the first signs of pregnancy, or in no way affect the condition of the expectant mother.


If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she is full of expectations. The main question now is: did it work or not? In the 4th obstetric week, the mother's feelings are more emotional.

Physically, a woman may feel a little unwell.... Slight weakness, subtle discomfort in the lower abdomen, drowsiness are possible. This condition is almost the same in early pregnancy and on the eve of menstruation.

But the sensitivity of the breasts and nipples can increase markedly. The mammary glands sometimes swell from the first days after conception. Also, by the end of the fourth week, the expectant mother may well have the first. In this case, someone will simply empty the refrigerator, and someone will run to the store for something “tasty”, special. It may be the other way around: nausea will come, and you will not want to eat at all.

External changes

Even in the fourth week, a woman's waist can increase by 1-2 cm. If all the clothes are “tight-fitting”, the woman will definitely notice it. The main thing is to react correctly. If pregnancy is not planned, the expectant mother may not recognize her condition. Then she rushes to the gym or to a nutritionist. That is why it is important to have good quality protection. And if pregnancy is allowed, you need to be careful. Then even the smallest symptoms will give the correct clue.

The expectant mother may become a little “heavy”. Early weight gain is explained, like much else, by hormonal changes. It, in combination with early toxicosis, sometimes leads to slight weight loss. If the expectant mother feels good at the same time, you should not worry.

Vaginal discharge

In the normal course of pregnancy, the next menstruation will not come. If, for some reason, the zygote cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, menstruation will come. In this case, they don't talk about miscarriage. Often women do not even know that they could become future mothers.

If pregnancy is confirmed, bleeding is an alarm. You should urgently consult a doctor.

Implant bleeding - This is a very slight bloody or brown discharge. One or two smears are possible when the embryo is anchored in the uterine cavity.

The female body uses mucous secretions to create a special protective plug. She literally clogs the cervix and comes out normally only before childbirth.

The woman will have to be examined if the mucous discharge is unusual:

  • with an unpleasant odor;
  • yellow;
  • too abundant;
  • thick and white;
  • look like cottage cheese flakes.

Ways to confirm pregnancy

How soon will the expectant mother be convinced of her new condition? How long will you have to wait until the most correct result? It all depends on the method.

Pharmacy test: will it show or not?

Some modern tests are able to recognize pregnancy even before the delay. Therefore, if the gestation period is 4 weeks, the test can be applied if there is no patience. Still, it's better to wait until the first day of your expected period. The result will be more reliable.


At the beginning of the fourth obstetric week, research is unlikely to help. But in the end, on high-quality equipment, a good specialist will already make out something. This will be the uterus with a thick layer of endometrium and the embryo - a small black dot. If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist doctor will definitely check the entire female system.

HCG blood test

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases during pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test at the end of the 4th week will help confirm that the conception was successful.

A visit to the doctor: is it time or can I wait?

Modern women are often very busy. Work, family life and hobbies are time-consuming. But now the expectant mother will have to take care of two at once.

It is still too early to get registered in the fourth obstetric week. The pregnancy itself may not yet be confirmed. But if there is already a positive result, you can go for a consultation. What will the doctor do?

  1. He will examine the woman and externally assess her general condition.
  2. Collect primary data.
  3. Prescribe a suitable vitamin complex and folic acid preparations.

If conception was planned and took place under the supervision of doctors, the woman will visit her doctor anyway. The doctor will confirm a successful conception and prescribe measures to preserve the pregnancy. This is especially important if the patient has already had miscarriages.

What to look for

It's amazing how many aspects of life have to be judged differently when pregnancy occurs. Special recommendations for expectant mothers should be adhered to as early as possible. If this has not happened before the 4th week, it's time to pay attention to a lot.


Completeness and balance: these are the main requirements... Fasting days are now in the past. And it is also advisable to give up canned food, semi-finished products and fast food.

When preparing meat dishes, it is important to ensure that there is no fat. Fish, on the other hand, can be eaten with fatty varieties. Is there a contradiction here? In fact, none. Fatty fish contains many useful organic acids that are completely absent in animal fat. It should be noted: we are not talking about frying in oil. It's just that some fish species live in cold seas and oceans, so they acquire a fat layer for their own heat. The most famous are salmon, trout and salmon.

If you want something sweet, then marshmallow or marshmallow is better than chocolate or cake.

Vegetables and fruits are indispensable components of the "pregnant diet". They can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Plus porridge and dairy products.

Expectant mothers often ask: what, now nothing "like that" is allowed? And if you really, to the point of faintness, you want sprat, chili compote or chips? If you approach dietary issues strictly, then the answer is only one: yes, nothing "like that" really is impossible. But if some kind of food, even "harmful", will help the expectant mother to cope with nausea or cheer up, then why not? Only it is better to consume unwanted foods in micro doses. "Stretch" a pack of chips for a week, and you should not eat canned food with a tablespoon straight from the jar.

There is only one absolute "taboo": alcohol of the expectant mother is strictly contraindicated! It doesn't matter how many "degrees" are in the drink. All kinds of homemade liqueurs are also alcohol, albeit as natural as possible. The best strategy for a mom-to-be is to avoid alcohol altogether.

Food poisoning is dangerous for the unborn baby... Therefore, it is very important to secure your nutrition in the 4th week of pregnancy. There is no need to try exotic dishes and products at this time. The body may not accept them and react with a gastrointestinal disorder. And not only the expectant mother will suffer, but also the embryo. Right now, he is very unstable to any negative influences.

Protection from harmful factors

The body of an expectant mother can be very vulnerable. Some defense mechanisms in the 4th obstetric week have not yet been formed. Therefore, it is very important:

  • quit smoking yourself and stay away from smokers;
  • carefully beware during epidemics of viral infections;
  • monitor your mood and allow only positive emotions into your life;
  • avoid sudden climate change.

Additional measures

Stretch marks can seriously ruin both the appearance of the skin and the mood of a woman. One of the skin protection measures is olive oil. It is recommended to rub it into problem areas even before the tummy begins to grow.

Pregnancy and sex

In the 4th obstetric week, the couple may not yet know that someone else has already been born. Therefore, the intimate life of future parents proceeds as usual.... Some women, after intimacy, feel an unpleasant heaviness in the labia.

If conception is planned and carried out under the supervision of a doctor, he may advise you to take a break from your sex life. This is especially important if the woman has had miscarriages before. In rare cases, contractions of the uterus during orgasm can prevent the embryo from fully gaining a foothold in the uterine cavity.

In all other cases, with good health, the couple has no obstacles to sex. There is one psychological moment... Perhaps, over time, the intimate feelings of the expectant mother will change. She may feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, or simply fearful when intimate with her beloved man. It is highly advisable to warn your partner about this. A father-to-be must be willing and patient. With the slightest negative in her intimate life, a woman should not shut herself up, consider sex as a duty and obligation. The child's father will surely feel the tension. Without knowing the true cause, problems in family life are possible. That is why - now, mutual love, respect, attention and frankness are especially important.


In the fourth obstetric week, the concept of miscarriage is rarely used. In most cases, a woman does not have time to accurately confirm pregnancy or even fully realize her condition. Therefore, for many, bleeding during miscarriage is equal to monthly.

Some symptoms may indicate a possible interruption.

  1. The stomach hurts and pulls. This is pain, not mild discomfort.
  2. Bleeding profuse, sometimes with clots.
  3. Blood discharge is brown.

But even all of these signs do not always signal that a miscarriage has occurred or spontaneous abortion.

Termination of pregnancy can also be intentional. Every woman has a right to this. However, the decision must be responsible. Nothing should be done in a state of a nervous breakdown, out of fear, or in revenge on someone. Modern medicine tries to spare women under any circumstances. But the unfavorable physical and psychological consequences of abortion have not yet been canceled.

Grand total of 4th week

  1. The fourth obstetric week may be the time to confirm pregnancy.
  2. The embryo is not just dividing, but the functional distribution of cells.
  3. The first, barely noticeable signs and symptoms of pregnancy appear.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman in the fourth week will largely determine the further development of a tiny creature - a future baby.

Video guide: 4 weeks pregnant: what happens, symptoms, sensations, signs

A woman's pregnancy is a unique natural process, when in 9 months a full-fledged person appears in her stomach from several cells. Many expectant mothers are interested in how the fetus develops, because this miracle happens in their stomach and directly affects the entire body. Therefore, at present, it has become very popular to observe the intrauterine development of a child by week or day.

Modern technologies allow you to monitor the development of the embryo week by week from the photo. The development of the embryo by week can also be observed on video.

However, despite the huge number of descriptions of the development of the baby in each trimester of pregnancy, each expectant mother will be interested in exactly how the intrauterine development of the child takes place, although in general terms, the development of the embryo is the same for everyone. More details in the video.

Fetal development by week

1st week

The development of the fetus in the first week of pregnancy occurs literally by day. The first day of pregnancy is considered the day when the egg is fertilized by the sperm. A new, formed unicellular organism is called a zygote and contains 46 chromosomes.

On the fourth day, the embryo, gradually moving along the fallopian tube, reaches the uterus. On the fifth day, the embryo is already a small lump of 12 cells. Every day, the cleavage of the embryonic cells occurs more and faster, and by the seventh day the embryo already consists of several hundred cells.

2nd week

In the 2nd week of pregnancy, the external cells of the embryo are implanted into the lining of the uterus. The fetus, previously floating freely in the uterine cavity, is attached to its wall. By this time, the woman's body is already completely ready for pregnancy, although she herself may not yet feel it.

At this stage, the rudiments of the muscular, bone and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is considered important. The first two weeks of pregnancy in obstetric practice are still not considered an actual and onset pregnancy.

This is because at the 2nd week of pregnancy, the follicle is still maturing, preparation for the possible successful fertilization of the egg cell intended for this.

In the future, with the onset of ovulation and subject to successful fertilization, an actual pregnancy will already occur. In the meantime, in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy, the question of whether a real pregnancy will occur, whether a woman will be able to conceive a baby this time is still being decided. Thus, the first two weeks of pregnancy are still considered the follicular phase, that is, in fact, the woman is not yet a pregnant woman.

3rd week

The development of the fetus in the third week of pregnancy is called the embryonic period of development and it lasts until the 12th week. During this period, the laying of the axial organs of the embryo occurs.

4th week

At 4 weeks, the rudiments of the skeleton, brain, endocrine glands, kidneys, muscles, ears, skin are formed.

At this point, the woman notices the absence of menstruation. Hormonal changes take place in her body, preparing her for further pregnancy and childbirth. Mild signs of pregnancy appear, such as drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. A pregnancy test will already confirm it 100%.

5th week

The fifth week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of the placenta, which is a source of oxygen and nutrients for the future man. The ears and eyes of the child begin to form, finger processes appear.

The length of the embryo by the end of the fifth week of pregnancy is 6.5 mm. Also this week, the rudiments of the child's cardiovascular system begin to form, which will finish their development for several more weeks.

6th week

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the development of the baby's brain continues, the lungs, nose, jaws, fingers are formed. The ultrasound will already determine the baby's heartbeat. Now you can take the first photos of the unborn child. The length of the embryo at the 6th week of gestation is about 1 cm.

7th week

The development of the fetus in the 7th week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of all vital organs, hair follicles, eyelids, and tongue. The body grows, elbows and fingers acquire more distinct outlines. The intestines, liver, lungs, and kidneys are almost completely formed.

This week, the rudiments of the eyes, belly and chest are determined, and fingers appear on the handles. The baby already has a sense organ - the vestibular apparatus.

Embryo length - up to 12 mm. The face of the fetus is already determined, you can even distinguish its mouth, nose and ears. The head of the embryo is large and its length this week already correlates with the length of the body. At this stage of development, the fetal body is almost completely formed.

8th week

At 8 weeks gestation, the embryo finally turns into a baby. The bones and muscles are almost formed, the facial features become even more distinct - the eyes, ears, arms and legs of the child are clearly visible.

The kid moves a lot. By the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus reaches 3 cm, and it weighs 5 grams. From this moment on, the development of the human embryo by day turns into the development of the fetus by week. All important parts of the child's body are present, although they are not yet fully formed. The nervous system is improving more and more.

Third month of pregnancy, 9-12 weeks

During this period, the fetus appears and begins to function the vestibular apparatus. The more the mother moves during this period, the more useful it is for the baby. The baby's skin is transparent, the arms grow faster than the legs. The head and neck of the fetus are straightened, the face has already formed. Muscles and bones are visible under the skin, which does not have a layer of fat. The baby has a cartilaginous skeleton, the fetus begins to actively move.

A frequent fetal heartbeat is heard. At the 10th week, you can already distinguish the sex of the child. At the 12th week, the baby's eyes converge, the mouth decreases, vocal cords appear, and the nostrils are wide open.

The first hairs appear above the eyes and upper lip. Every day the baby grows by 1.8 mm and gains 1.4 grams in weight. By the end of the 12th week, the child's length is 8-9 cm, and the weight is about 30 grams. More details in the video.

Fourth month, 13-16 weeks

Fetal development at 13 weeks gestation enters a new stage. The kid already looks like a miniature copy of a person. All vital organs are already formed, but not yet fully functional.

At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's first milk teeth are formed, hidden in the jaw tissue. The first hairs appear on the head and body of the fetus.

At 14 weeks, the baby's brain is actively growing, as a result of which the growth of the body slows down.

At the 15th week of fetal development, the hormone testosterone is produced in the body of the unborn baby. A little later, female hormones begin to be produced. During this period, the fetus's skin color changes.

At 16 weeks, the baby's body proportions change, the head becomes smaller in relation to the body. The kidneys, sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work. The liver is actively developing and is already capable of storing bile and producing glycogen. The length of a four-month-old fetus is 16 cm, the brush size is 1.4 cm, and its weight is approximately 120 grams.

Fifth month, 17-20 weeks

From this moment, the development of the human embryo by weeks of pregnancy turns into the development of a child by weeks of pregnancy, since a full-fledged organism is already functioning in the belly of the expectant mother, with all the internal and external organs formed.

The respiratory, digestive, nervous and circulatory systems are fully formed. At 17-20 weeks, a layer of subcutaneous fat forms on the entire body of the baby, with the exception of the face.

The face is very wrinkled, hairs grow on the head. Nails begin to grow on the baby's fingers, a sucking reflex appears. The growth of the head slows down, and it already makes up a third of the body length. The growth of the baby by the end of the fifth month is about 25 cm, and it weighs 300-400 grams.

By this time, mom is gaining about 4 kg in weight.

Sixth month of pregnancy, 21-24 weeks

The development of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is characterized by active kidney function. They already excrete uric acid and urea into the amniotic fluid. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, aesthetic changes occur in the development of the child. The formation of the subcutaneous fat layer is completed, the facial features become more defined.

At 23 weeks, the baby's neck lengthens, the ears increase, the line of the nose and eyebrows become clearer. The baby's body is covered with a thin layer of delicate hairs. The baby in the mother's belly is already waking up and falling asleep. The growth of the baby slows down in length, but the weight gain increases. By the end of 24 weeks, the baby is about 30 cm in length and weighs about 600-650 g. The length of the baby's hand is 2 cm.

Seventh month, 25-28 weeks

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby's hair on all parts of the body except the head disappears. The development of the human embryo at 28 weeks of gestation ends. From that moment on, the baby only gains strength and receives nutrients for further growth from the mother's blood.

The baby's fully formed eyes open, he can already see, hear and suck his own finger. The baby freely changes its position in the uterus. The hair on the baby's head reaches a length of 50 mm. The baby gains an average of 25 grams per day and by the end of the seventh month of pregnancy weighs about 1300 g, and his height is 35 cm.

Eighth month, 29-32 weeks

Most likely, at the 29th week of pregnancy, you will already notice that the movements of the fetus have changed their character: firstly, they have become more distinct, secondly, more tangible, and thirdly, now the baby will kick and push more and more than roll over and all the more somersaults. And all because he has already grown up enough for this - there is less and less space for activity.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the baby thickens, and the skin becomes lighter. The brain develops much faster than the body grows. The whole body of the baby is covered with original lubricant, protecting him from amniotic fluid. There are small cilia on the eyelids of the baby.

He distinguishes between light and darkness. The baby already hears well and reacts with jerks to screams, loud music and other harsh sounds. But the quiet, affectionate words of his mother can quickly calm him down.

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the baby gains about 190-200g in weight, the entire increase in the mother's body weight is now due to the growth of the baby. At 32 weeks gestation, the baby is 43 cm tall and weighs about two kilograms.

Ninth month, 33-36 weeks

36 weeks pregnant ... Just a little more, and the long-awaited and unforgettable sacrament for a woman will come true - a meeting with her already beloved baby. "Quite a little" ... How much is it - quite a bit? - closer to childbirth, mommy may ask, completely confused in the calculations. What happens to the fetus?

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby disappears from the fluff that previously covered his entire body. A layer of subcutaneous fat builds up, the skin color evens out, acquiring a beautiful pinkish tint.

By the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby is in a permanent position in the ovum, usually head down. The baby's lungs and liver are ripening, the heartbeat is 120-140 beats per minute. The baby weighs on average 2800 grams, and his height is about 46 cm. And although the development of the baby and the strengthening of his body are still continuing, he can already be born without much danger to life.

37-40 weeks

At 37-40 weeks, the baby is almost ready to be born. He reaches the size that he will have at birth. The nails on the toes are longer than the pads of the fingers. The weight of a full-term baby is 2700 - 3500 g, and his height is about 50 cm.

During this period, pregnant women usually feel some relief. Food is digested better, shortness of breath disappears. The baby's nervous system is strengthened, the development of the lungs allows him to breathe oxygen freely. Read more about this period of pregnancy in the video.

Video and ultrasound

Of course, expectant mothers are interested not only in knowing how their baby is developing, but also watching the process. Modern technologies allow pregnant women to watch the whole process on video. However, doctors do not recommend doing ultrasound examinations too often.

The problem is solved with the help of numerous ready-made video clips. This is due to the fact that the development of the embryo occurs to a greater or lesser extent in the same way, which means that almost all of them have the same pictures on the video.

Details about ultrasound and pregnancy in the video.

Most dangerous weeks

The most dangerous of the entire period of pregnancy are:

  • 2-3 weeks, the period when the fertilized egg moves to the uterus;
  • 8-12 weeks, when hormonal disruption of the body occurs;
  • 18-22 weeks, when the risk of infection increases;
  • From the 28th week, there is a danger of placental abruption or placental insufficiency.

These periods are characterized by an increased risk of losing the child. To avoid this, you need to register at the antenatal clinic on time, take all the tests and be examined on time. If dangerous symptoms are detected, qualified doctors will take the necessary measures to preserve the pregnancy and the life of the child.

The observation of the development of the embryo is not carried out out of idle curiosity. Knowledge of the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman and her baby will allow the expectant mother to understand what her actions will bring the greatest benefit to the baby, which will be useful for his development.

Observing how the baby develops, young mothers realize that the life of a little man begins from the first day of fertilization of the egg, and not from the moment the baby is born, as was commonly believed before.

This is a kind of phantom period, which is characterized by a process that takes place in the female body every month. The first week of pregnancy stands out rather theoretically, because at this time even regular periods are possible. The embryo is not yet present, that is, in fact, pregnancy does not exist yet. The fruit is formed much later.

Symptoms this week are due only to the woman's fears or the desire to get pregnant. There can be no physiological manifestations or specific sensations. Abdominal pain, menstrual flow are normal for the onset of menstruation.


Every woman, even if she is not planning a pregnancy, should be aware of the dangers that lie in wait for her in this process. The body will change immediately after conception. This may be completely imperceptible, but nevertheless, it is worth monitoring your health more carefully.

The most dangerous period occurs in the first week of pregnancy. At this moment, the most destructive for the embryo is medical intervention or the effect of drugs.

Before a planned pregnancy, you must visit a gynecologist without fail. It will help determine whether the body is ready for conception and indicate what dangers may be encountered at the very beginning of the path to achieving the goal. If the pregnancy was not planned in advance and the state of health is not ideal, the doctor may prescribe treatment. At an early stage, it is worthwhile to devote maximum time to the consultation and supervision of a specialist.

The first week after conception is the most dangerous and in many cases does not lead to the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. At the same time, a woman may not at all notice the presence of a miscarriage at such an early stage and never find out that she was pregnant. If you experience profuse bleeding, not associated with menstruation, or severe pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help.

Stomach ache

Stomach pain in the first week after conception can be completely harmless. To determine whether they are dangerous, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their characteristics. As mentioned earlier, in the first seven days after fertilization, the egg moves towards the uterus and attaches to its walls. Actively acting sex hormones affect the increase in the volume and number of muscle fibers of the uterus, as a result of which it expands. It is located on the pelvic ligaments, which are slightly stretched during this period.

The above changes in the body are accompanied by sensations that depend on the sensitivity of the expectant mother. Some women may feel absolutely nothing at this moment. But more sensitive girls have significant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The embryo implantation process can also be accompanied by short-term pain. They cannot be significant, therefore women most often do not feel anything unusual during this period.

If a pregnant woman feels significant pain in the lower abdomen after the embryo is inserted into the uterine wall, this can become an alarming sign. It is worth contacting a doctor and undergoing the necessary examination.

What do we have to do

Every girl, faced with pregnancy for the first time, is in some confusion. If this was not planned in advance, most likely, the onset of pregnancy will be indicated by the onset of a delay in menstruation. It is impossible to accurately determine the success of conception immediately after fertilization of the egg, even with the most reliable tests and analyzes. Therefore, it is worth doing this in the first week.

Assuming pregnancy, you need to radically change your lifestyle. It is advisable to do this at least six months before conception, but if this has not been done, you should immediately get down to business. First of all, you need to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy and be examined by a doctor. At this moment, important analyzes are passed and useful knowledge is acquired.

Do not despair, let alone be nervous. In the first week of pregnancy, you can find out a lot of useful information, do gymnastics for expectant mothers and change your diet. It is best to spend time for your own pleasure and have a pleasant experience. But you should not relax, because this moment is the most responsible and will play a major role in the correct development of the baby. By adhering to completely simple rules, you can ensure a safe course of the entire pregnancy.

What does the belly look like?

In the first week of pregnancy, the abdomen practically does not change in size. The photo shows that there are no changes.

Belly photo

The onset of pregnancy is the beginning of an amazing time for the expectant mother. Seeing two cherished stripes on the test, I can't wait to find out what awaits next on the upcoming path of bearing crumbs. Today we will tell you how the fetus develops by weeks of pregnancy, what the mother feels at the same time, and at what stages all organs and systems of the baby's body are formed.

Starting point: how to know when the pregnancy started

The obstetrician calculates the date of the beginning of waiting for the baby for the woman during the first visit to the antenatal clinic.

  • The doctor performs a manual examination to determine the size of the uterus. This will help him understand what period of pregnancy the uterus corresponds to.
  • Also, the local doctor must specify the date of the first day of the last menstruation. This moment is taken into account, because the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to prepare for pregnancy from this particular period of time.
  • You can find out the most reliable information about the gestational age with the help of an ultrasound scan. An ultrasound study can tell up to the day when a small life was born. Examination even at the earliest stages (starting from 4-5 weeks) assesses the size of the embryo, which allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to calculate the exact date of the onset of pregnancy.

In the first week after conception, the embryo actively moves along the fallopian tube. After six days of active “travel”, it enters the uterine cavity. Under the influence of progesterone (it is also called the pregnancy hormone), the future baby is attached to the lining of the uterus, this process is called implantation.

If the embryo is successfully attached, then the next menstruation will not happen - the pregnancy has begun.

Intrauterine development of the child

The development of an infant inside the womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth, is usually called a miracle, and there is every reason for this. Fortunately, medicine has studied quite well all the stages of the most important event in a woman's life - pregnancy. Each expectant mother can imagine exactly what will happen to her and her baby during all nine months.

There are three periods of intrauterine development of a baby:

  1. blastogenesis- starts with fertilization and lasts 15 days;
  2. embryonic period- starts from the 16th day and ends by the 13th week of pregnancy;
  3. fetal period- from 13 weeks and lasts until the very birth.

Each of the periods has its own chronology of events. The formation of the child's organs, systems of vital activity in his body and his direct growth naturally move in each period of intrauterine development. How this happens, to find out what and when is formed, you can find out in the summary table. It will be informative for expectant mothers who are interested and important in information about the development of the child at all stages of the pregnancy.

Pregnancy development by week

Waiting for the birth of a baby in obstetrics is usually divided into three conditional parts:

  • I trimester - from the beginning of pregnancy until the 13th week;
  • II trimester - from the 14th to the 26th week;
  • III trimester - from the 27th to the 40th week.

These trimesters contain 10 obstetric months. Conditional split table:

Obstetric month Weekly pregnancy period
First month From the first to the fourth week of pregnancy (1-4)
Second month From the fifth to the eighth week (5-8)
Third month Week 9 to 12 (9-12)
Fourth month Thirteenth to Sixteenth (13-16)
Fifth month Seventeenth to Twentieth (17-20)
Sixth obstetric month Twenty-first to twenty-fourth (21-24)
Seventh month Twenty-fifth to twenty-eighth (25-28)
Eighth month Twenty-ninth to thirty-second (29-32)
Ninth month Thirty-third to thirty-sixth (33-36)
Tenth month Thirty-seventh to fortieth (37-40)

Before a detailed study of the process of fetal development in the mother's abdomen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the table of changes in the height and weight of the future fetus:

Week of pregnancy Fruit size Fetal weight
3 0.15-0.2mm
4 1 mm
5 1.25-1.5mm
6 2-4 mm
7 4-5 mm
8 1.6-2 cm. 1 g
9 2.3 cm. 3-4 g.
10 3-3.1 cm. 5 g
11 4.1 cm. 7 g
12 5.4-6.3 cm. 13-14 g.
13 7.4-8 cm. 20-23 g.
14 8.7 cm. 35-43 g.
15 10-11 cm. 50-60 g.
16 11.6 cm. 80-90 g.
17 12-13 cm. 100-110 g.
18 14.2 cm. 150 g
19 15.3 cm. 200-210 g.
20 16.4 cm. 260-270 g.
21 19-20 cm. 300-310 g.
22 21-22 cm. 350 BC
23 23 cm. 450 BC
24 24 cm. 550 BC
25 25-26 cm. 680-700 g.
26 33 cm. 800 BC
27 34 cm. 950 BC
28 36 cm. 1-1.3 kg.
29 37 cm. 1.4 kg.
30 38 cm. 1.5 kg.
31 39 cm. 1.6 kg.
32 42 cm. 1.7 kg.
33 43 cm. 1.9-2 kg.
34 44 cm. 2.2 kg.
35 45 cm. 2.4-2.5 kg.
36 47.5 cm. 2.6 kg
37 48.5 cm. 2.9 kg
38 50 cm. 3.1 kg.
39 51 cm. 3.3 kg.
40 52 cm. 3.4 kg.

Now let's move on to describing the development of the baby in the womb at each week of a woman's pregnancy:

1 Week

The fetus as such is not yet in question, since pregnancy has not actually occurred yet. The main sign that fertilization has occurred is implantation bleeding. This phenomenon manifests itself as a slightly smearing spotting about 6-7 days from the moment of conception.

2 week

This week from the obstetric point of view is considered as possible for conception. The egg cell in the female body matures by the 14th day of the cycle and is theoretically ready for fertilization. If, according to your calculations, the moment of conception has already taken place, then the second week is marked by the attachment of the ovum to the uterus. This moment is important, since from the moment of attachment, the fetus begins its full development.

3 week

The embryo looks like a microscopic berry, in the third week it is still only a set of cells. The size of the embryo is negligible, the maximum diameter by this time is 0.2 mm. But just during this period, the formation of sexual characteristics begins at the cellular level. Having anchored in the uterus, the most important process of intrauterine development of the baby begins - the formation of the placenta. Very little is left before the formation and development of the basic systems of the organism of the unborn child.

4 week

Obstetric 4th week - the period during which the expectant mother discovers two cherished strips on the test. The functional distribution of cells is in full swing in the embryo. Its size can be compared with a poppy seed this week. The weight is still quite insignificant and does not exceed 0.5 g, but the process of cell division occurs every minute and the future baby is growing very quickly.

5 week

The embryo has already passed several stages of its development - zygote, morula and blastocyst. The cells continue to divide rapidly, and by the end of the fifth week the baby will weigh at least 1 g, and the size will reach as much as 1.5 mm. On the ovum, you can already see the emerging sensory organs - eyes, ears and mouth gap. The blood group of the unborn child was formed just by the 5th week of intrauterine life. The formation of the thyroid gland begins, as well as the intestinal and urinary systems.

6 week

At this time, the unborn child clearly shows the largest parts of the body - the trunk and head. In the form of tiny processes, legs and arms are distinguishable, with tiny fingers protruding on them. The weight at the sixth week in the embryo is up to 2 g, and the average size is about 4 mm. Cartilaginous structures are actively developing, the thymus gland is being formed. The main organs continue to develop: the heart, liver, lungs, stomach and pancreas. The baby is developing muscle tissue, the external genital organs are outlined.

7 week

With the beginning of the seventh week, the embryonic period ends. The unborn baby is now called by another medical term - fetus. At this time, the facial features of the crumbs are already slightly distinguishable. The rudiments of the nose, eyelids are formed, the ears and upper lip are visible. Outwardly, “unnecessary” organs are still present - the gills and the tail, which will disappear a little later. The cerebral hemispheres are formed, cartilage tissues develop continuously. The liver is already capable of producing blood cells at 7 weeks.

8 week

At 8 weeks, the weight of the fetus is 1 g, and the length reaches 20 mm. If you look at an ultrasound scan, then the future baby will look proportionally like a grape. But every day the fruit looks more and more like a real man. The baby's face is already better defined, the nose has small nostrils, and the olfactory recipes are actively forming. His heart becomes four-chambered; ovaries form in future girls, testicles in boys; the arms and legs of the fetus at this time can already bend / unbend.

9 week

Many systems and organs are formed by the 9th week of pregnancy, but they are not yet fully functional, but continue to develop. The palms are formed, the membranes between tiny fingers disappear. Lymph nodes are laid. The first reflex, the swallowing reflex, begins to develop. The baby's eyelids are formed and can involuntarily open and close. The size of the fruit already resembles a large cherry berry - weight 4 g, height about 30 mm.

10 week

In the 10th week, the baby is actively moving and pushing. But these movements are so weightless that the expectant mother simply does not feel them. The muscles of the face, neck and pharynx begin to develop. The face has already been formed, and in a few weeks the appearance of the unborn child can be examined on an ultrasound scan. The rudiments of milk teeth develop. The cerebellum "acquires" neural connections, which are subsequently responsible for reflexes. A small heart beats at least 150 beats per minute. Now the fruit already weighs 5 g, has grown by about +12 mm and resembles a strawberry.

11 week

The organs and systems of the crumbs have already been formed by this time, some are working in full force, while others continue to ripen. Bronchi, lungs, trachea are actively developing; liver; intestinal tract; blood vessels; irises of the eyes. At 11 weeks on an ultrasound, you can see quite distinguishable outlines of the unborn baby.

12 week

The kid is already actively using some reflexes - imitates breathing and swallowing movements, involuntarily squeezes and unclenches his palms into fists. The first contractions of the intestinal muscles appear (peristatics). The pancreas is formed and is already “learning” to produce bile. A unique pattern appears on the fingertips. The baby develops facial expressions, he can smile or wrinkle his face. Weight - up to 13 g, and height - up to 62 mm.

13 week

A week of an active growth spurt for the future baby. The brain is already capable of giving the first commands for the reflex movements of the fetus. The sense of smell develops, the vocal cords are formed. The body begins to grow faster, and the growth of the head, on the contrary, slows down. Digestive villi appear in the intestines of the crumbs. The baby's skin is still very thin, and is riddled with blood vessels. The weight of the fetus increases up to 20 g, and the growth - up to 80 mm.

14 week

At week 14, all organs and systems of the unborn baby are being improved and continue to grow actively. The ribcage can rise and fall as if breathing - this is how the lungs train. The process of hematopoiesis is formed, sweat glands, neck muscles become stronger every day. The baby's weight at this time is about 27 g, and his height is 110 mm. The lifestyle, nutrition and well-being of the mother are very important - if these indicators are in order, then the baby feels good and does not experience any discomfort.

15 week

This week, the fetus has already formed vision and the necessary nerve endings to be able to see after birth. From the 15th week, skeletal ossification gradually occurs - a long-term process that requires a large amount of calcium. In baby boys, a male hormone, testosterone, begins to be produced. The kidneys excrete the first amniotic fluid. The muscles of the child are improved and strengthened. Fruit weight - 50 g, height - up to 104 mm.

16 week

At 16 weeks, the future baby is actively growing up from the top of the head to the very heels. The weight is already about 80 g, and the height can reach 117 mm. The systems of the body function to the best of their ability, some of them already “work” quite well. When the amniotic fluid is swallowed, it travels through the digestive tract and kidneys and becomes urine. The skeleton stiffens, the child's legs are lengthened. The baby is actively moving in the uterus.

17 week

The auditory formation of the unborn baby by the 17th week smoothly ends. The weight is approaching the 100 g mark, and the growth becomes about 12 cm. The blood vessel system develops and branches out. In the baby's blood, the most important components of their own immunity appear - interferon and immunoglobulin. In female children, the uterus is formed in utero. The strength of the baby's pushes increases during this period, they become frequent and tangible.

18 week

The development of the fetus in this period of the second trimester is very intensive. The baby is growing so fast that it could already fit in the palm of your hand. The movements are palpable, the baby moves very actively at 18 weeks. Often swallows amniotic fluid, which can lead to hiccups - this moment the expectant mother can notice by a slight tremor of the abdomen. Gradually, a layer of subcutaneous fat forms in the fetus, muscles develop, and the mineralization of the skeleton continues. Weight - about 150 g, height does not exceed 14 cm.

19 week

The child inside the uterus is actively growing, improving and gaining weight. By the way, the baby weighs about 200 g by week 19, and his height is about 14-15 cm. The body focuses on the development of the brain, the improvement of the five basic senses. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The respiratory system continues to develop and strengthen. The period of wakefulness alternates with a period of activity, the baby can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day.

20 week

Outwardly, your baby has already become a real little man, and on an ultrasound scan you can already see the sex of the child, his facial features, observe facial expressions (which sometimes shows the character traits of the future child). The weight of the baby at the “equator” of pregnancy is about 250-270 g, and the average height is 16 cm. The child is active, turns his head, sucks his fingers, opens and closes his mouth.

21 week

At this time, you can already be sure that the child distinguishes between sounds and hears what is happening outside the uterus. In terms of body proportions, the baby almost resembles a newborn. The weight of the fetus is about 300 g, the height is 19 cm. At this time, taste buds are actively formed, and the composition of the blood is improving.

22 week

The twenty-second week is the period when the unborn child prefers to spend most of the time sleeping. But, nevertheless, in a dream, the baby actively turns over, the size of the uterus still allows you to change the position. The crumb is spinning, pushing, pulling the umbilical cord. The weight at this stage is about 350 g, and the height is 20-21 cm.

23 week

The next week meets with habitual movements, although many babies prefer to “calm down” by 23-24 weeks and make their mothers worry about rare movements. The crumbs still have enough room in the uterus, so many of its tremors are simply not felt, so there is no need to worry. The weight is already moving towards the 450 g mark, and the height is more than 22 cm, although it is worth remembering: all the listed parameters are individual.

24 week

Under the mother's heart, the future baby grows and gains weight - the indicator for many future children at this time is at least 550 g. This week the development of the infant's bronchi is completed, which is very important for the child's respiratory system as a whole.

25 week

From the 25th week, the child in the womb begins to produce pigment in the hair, giving them the color that is due to heredity. It is this color that the mother will see in the baby at his birth. Weight reaches 700 g, height - 23-25 ​​cm. Nerve connections and brain cells continue to form. Training breathing movements can be observed in the fetus.

26 week

Tremors at twenty-six weeks become strong, distinct, and many mums may even complain of their intensity. The child's weight is already at least 800-850 g, and his height is already more than 33 cm. The active strengthening of the bones of the skeleton continues, the rudiments of milk teeth in the gums are mineralized. Marigolds and hairs begin to grow.

27 week

The growth of the child at this time is about 34 cm, and the weight is close to 1 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, and the legs cannot be extended, so the baby takes an optimal position: pulls small crossed legs and arms to the chest. From the twenty-seventh week, the child is already gradually taking the correct position in the uterus, but if he lies across or “sits on the bottom,” then there is still time to roll over.

28 week

With the beginning of the 28th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is up to 1300 grams, and the growth is up to 37 cm. The child's muscle tissue continues to develop intensively. New convolutions are formed in the cerebral cortex. Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus is possible, and at this time the obstetrician-gynecologist must take special measures.

29 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1500 kg, and the body length is at least 38 cm. It is time for the expectant mother to master the method of calculating movements.

30 week

The full growth of the fetus reaches 36-38 cm, weight reaches 1.5 kg. The expectant mother may have several fears that are associated with future childbirth.

31 weeks

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus will be about 1.6 kg, the full height is about 39 cm. The baby develops pain sensitivity. Possible disturbances in the night sleep of a pregnant woman due to active and strong tremors of the fetus. Now is the time to study the issues of pain relief during childbirth.

32 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1.7 kg, the size from the crown to the heels is 40-42 cm. Abrupt movements can cause dizziness and nausea in a pregnant woman. It's time to think about the possible presence of someone close to you at birth.

33 week

The weight of the fetus by 33 weeks is about 2000 g, the height is 42-43 cm. The mineralization of the bones of the fetus is almost complete. The expectant mother should count the fetal movements from time to time.

34 week

The growth of the fetus is on average 43-44 cm, weight 2.2 kg. The baby becomes very cramped in the uterus, and motor activity decreases. It is time for the mother to discuss with the doctor the method of delivery: a natural birth or a cesarean section.

35 week

The growth of the fetus is 45-46 cm, weight is 2300-2500 grams. The fetus is almost completely ready for childbirth, but the lungs are not yet ready to perform the respiratory function. It's time to pack up for the hospital. If the baby in the uterus has not yet taken the correct position, special exercises will help.

36 week

Fruit weight is approximately 2.5-2.7 kg. Full growth is about 45-47 cm. At this time, the indicators of each crumbs can differ greatly from the average in a smaller or larger direction. It's time for parents to make a to-do list to plan and complete before the baby is born.

37 week

The thirty-seventh obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when the mother must be mentally prepared for the birth of the child. This is especially true of multiple pregnancies and childbirth, starting with the second child. The weight of the child reaches 2.9 kg, and the height is within 50 cm.

38 week

Thirty-eighth week can be the last week of your pregnancy. The child gradually becomes heavier. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and the height is already 48-50 centimeters. Childbirth can begin at any time, so loved ones should be within reach at all times.

39 week

At the 39th week, the mother is not only physically, but already mentally prepared for childbirth. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and its height is about 48-50 cm. The size of the child at this time is similar to a miniature watermelon.

40 week

At the end of this week, the estimated date of the baby's birth may come. The baby's weight is already about 3.5 kg, the height is about 51-55 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth. It remains to wait for the moment when he will make the newly-made parents happy with his birth.


This is how 40 weeks of pregnancy go by. A happy start to a new life - watch the video of how the crumb develops in the mother's belly:

Development of pregnancy by months: how the mother's body changes and the baby grows

1st month

Mum. The chest becomes sensitive, touching it - painful. The uterus begins to grow gradually.

Child. So far, the future baby is called an embryo. For the first six days of pregnancy, he swims in amniotic fluid, lives “autonomously” and is not yet connected with his mother. Outwardly, the embryo resembles a tiny auricle 5 mm in size. By day 21, his heart starts to work; in parallel at the same time, important organs are formed: the spinal cord and the brain. By the end of the 1st month, the umbilical cord appears, connecting the baby with the future placenta.

2nd month

Mum. Pregnancy is not yet outwardly noticeable either to the expectant mother or to those around it - the uterus is in a small pelvis, and its size is small. Changes continue to occur in the breast, it swells and increases in size.

Child. This month, changes are coming in the appearance of the unborn baby - facial features appear, the outlines of the eye sockets appear; there is the formation of tiny arms, legs and even fingers on them. The weight of the embryo at this time is up to 8 g, and the size is about 4 cm.

3rd month

Mum. Intensive growth takes place in the uterus, it develops, in size it already fills the small pelvis and almost reaches the bosom. Very soon everyone will see that you are in a position!

Child. By medical standards, your baby has already passed the embryonic stage and is now becoming a fetus. Its weight can reach 65 g, and its length varies from 10 to 12 cm. An important moment in development - in the 2nd month, the child has an inner and outer ear. The baby is very active, moves its arms and legs, nods its head and clenches its fists. The growing child already has eyelids, and thanks to them, he can open and close his eyes.

4th month

Mum. A rounded tummy is already looming, the waist begins to gradually "blur". The mammary glands cause considerable discomfort due to their height and sensitivity - you have to choose the right sleeping position for a long time.

Child. Your baby already has quite a tangible weight - up to 250 g. Most of the time the child spends swimming in the amniotic fluid, their renewal occurs every 3-4 hours. A fluff appears on the baby's head, eyebrows and eyelashes on the face. In the intrauterine development process, the first feelings and sensations begin to form in the child. The baby reacts to loud sounds and a bright light source.

5th month

Mum. Almost every day, the belly of the expectant mother becomes larger and clearly protrudes forward. The uterus is located about 8 cm below the navel. Starting from 17 weeks, most expectant mothers begin to feel new sensations in the stomach - while weak, but very pleasant pushes and movements of their baby.

Child. In the fifth month, the child's brain is actively growing, the nervous system develops. The heart beats twice as often as that of the mother. By this period, the weight of the crumbs can be up to 650 g, and the height is about 30 cm. By the 20th week, the baby is already able to suck his fingers on his hands, and at 24 weeks, he can open his eyes and react to light.

6th month

Mum. The waist of a pregnant woman by this time becomes 8-10 cm larger. The size of the uterus increases so much that it now reaches the navel. The state of health and mood is good, the weight has not grown too much and the activity of the expectant mother is not limited by anything.

Child. It's time for the baby's respiratory system to mature. The lungs begin to mature after 24-25 weeks of gestation. The child has already formed sensations of light and noise - when he hears a sharp sound, the baby can shudder. The first reflexes also appear and actively develop (hiccups, swallowing and sucking reflexes).

7th month

Mum. The size of the uterus by the seventh month of pregnancy reaches 24-28 cm in height, it continues to grow and grows with the baby.

Child. The baby is already less active than in earlier periods. In most cases, the baby settles in the uterus, head down, and sleeps for a long time. The child's weight is already 1-1.2 kg, and his height is up to 37 cm. He is already learning to breathe, but the lungs are not yet mature enough - they will finally be ready for the breathing process at about 34 weeks, which is important in case of premature birth. By this time, the baby has already learned to recognize the mother's voice, and recognizes it when he hears it.

8th month

Mum. The body of the expectant mother continues to change - the uterus rises up already by 30 cm, contracting from time to time, as if “rehearsing” the upcoming contractions. Colostrum appears in the breast. In the third trimester, the load on the female body increases many times over, and existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Child. The kid is growing and gaining strength. For the mineralization of bones, the baby needs a large amount of calcium, which comes to him from his mother. The baby's skin becomes pink, smoother. From time to time, a mother can observe protrusions and "bumps" on her stomach at those moments when the baby is tossing and turning violently.

9th month

Mum. The body of a pregnant woman begins to actively prepare for childbirth. The uterus, together with the baby, weighs about 6-7 kg at this time, and its height is measured within 33 cm. In the third trimester, pain in the pubic articulation, edema and increased blood pressure are frequent.

Child. After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the intrauterine development of the baby can be considered complete. The baby is ready to be born. In the last month, the baby is gaining 10-15 g every day. Amniotic fluid becomes less and less, the baby grows by leaps and bounds, and it becomes cramped in the uterus. In girls, the labia majora cover the small ones; in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The fluff on the body completely disappears, and only a little primordial grease remains. At the time of birth, the child weighs approximately 3-3.5 kg, and the height varies from 50 to 55 cm.

And finally, photos and recommendations from a young mother. Look at the photo of the growth of the belly during forty weeks of pregnancy. Have you photographed your belly week by week?

All expectant mothers are interested in how their baby is developing. After all, a small man is formed from just one cell for nine months. In the first trimester, the future baby grows very quickly, every day something changes in him. From this article you will find out at what size of the ovum the embryo is visible, the stages of embryo development by week. The timing of the beginning of the formation of internal organs and systems will be discussed in detail.

What is the size of an embryo at 6 weeks, for example? You will learn the answers to this and many other questions from this article.

How to calculate the gestational age?

You can often see how the question "what month are you in?" confuses a pregnant girl. The thing is that doctors, and after them, pregnant women, are counting the duration of pregnancy in weeks.

Many pregnant women who see a doctor for the first time are surprised at the deadlines. Indeed, according to the calculations of expectant mothers, pregnancy came one to two weeks later. The fact is that there are two methods for calculating the gestational age - embryonic and obstetric.

Fetal due date starts from conception and the expected due date is 38 weeks later. The obstetric gestation period is considered the most ancient. It is determined by the menstrual cycle. For a long time, midwives noticed that a baby is born after 280 days (or nine months and a week) from the beginning of the last menstruation.

The obstetric period includes the entire cycle of development of a new life from the maturation of the egg to childbirth. In obstetric terms, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. It is about two weeks longer than the embryonic one. In the literature, as a rule, it is the obstetric term that is used.

1st week

A normal pregnancy lasts 38-42 weeks. Since the exact date of conception is usually unknown, in obstetrics, pregnancy is determined from the first day of the last menstrual period. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, and ovulation occurs on about the fourteenth day of the cycle.

Thus, in the week from which the pregnancy countdown begins, conception has not yet occurred. This is what confuses many pregnant women, because they often start counting from the expected day of conception. It is too early to know the size of the embryo by week.

The first week of pregnancy is the planning stage. In the female body, ideal conditions are created for future conception. The body is preparing for the birth of a new life, so a woman needs to carefully monitor her health. A few tips for expectant mothers:

  1. The very first recommendation is to give up bad habits right now, at the planning stage. This will have a beneficial effect on the development and health of the child.
  2. Do not take any medication without the knowledge and approval of your doctor.
  3. Do not get x-rays unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Avoid conflict and stress.
  5. Try not to contact sick people, take measures so as not to get sick with colds or other diseases that may be accompanied by a rise in temperature.
  6. To strengthen the immune system and enrich the body with microelements, it is recommended to start taking a vitamin complex, special attention should be paid to a sufficient intake of folic acid in the body.
  7. A complete healthy diet is of great importance at this stage.

2nd week

In the second week, the egg is released from the follicle and enters the fallopian tube. It is there that fertilization takes place at the end of the second or the beginning of the third week. Now the fertilized egg has to descend into the uterus. At the site of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, it is this temporary gland that will be responsible for the production of progesterone. Together with estrogen, this hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and attaching the embryo to the uterus.

In the second week, the woman's body begins to work on maintaining pregnancy and protecting the unborn child from harmful effects. The fertilized egg divides and intensive development takes place. By the end of this period, the morula descends into the uterine cavity.

During this period, a woman is not yet aware of her pregnancy, but the active work of the body and a surge in hormones can affect her well-being. Perhaps mild malaise and subtle abdominal pain, breast swelling. Most women mistake these changes for signs that menstruation is imminent. It is still early, but soon it will be possible to be interested in development and find out the size of the embryo by week.

3rd week

The third week of pregnancy can be called the first week of a future baby's life. During the pre-implantation period, the endometrium actively grows in the uterus, to which the egg is attached, which by this time has become a blastocyst. The third week is the first critical period of pregnancy, because if implantation does not occur, then a miscarriage will occur. At such a short time, it happens unnoticed by a woman.

An important role at this stage is played by the amount of immunosuppressive protein, which began to be produced with the division of the egg. It is this protein that prevents the embryo from being mistaken for a foreign body.

By the end of the week, implantation takes place and an embryo begins to form in the blastocyst. 3 weeks (the size of the embryo at this time is about 0.15 mm, and the weight is only 2 μg) - the period is still insignificant. The unborn baby is now a group of about 250 cells that carry a valuable genetic code. It's hard to imagine, but this baby has already determined the gender, color of skin, hair, eyes.

At this time, the expectant mother is not yet aware of her situation. Pregnancy cannot yet be determined using ultrasound. During this important period, the expectant mother needs to avoid heavy physical exertion, overwork and stress. Taking medications, especially antibiotics, is highly undesirable.

4th week

The second week of the fetus's life is coming, and the expectant mother still does not suspect about her, because the main symptom - a delay in menstruation - has not yet appeared. An ultrasound scan will not yet show pregnancy, the woman's uterus and abdomen are not enlarged. What is the size of the embryo at this time? Only one millimeter, and it looks more like a small fish with a tail than a person. The size of the ovum and embryo is rapidly increasing by week.

During this period, the embryo has already attached to the wall of the uterus. The laying of organs begins, the germ layers are formed. The outer layer of cells will turn into the nervous system, skin, hair, tooth enamel and cornea of ​​the eyes, the middle layer into the skeleton, muscles, circulatory system, heart and kidneys, and the inner layer into organs. By the end of the period, a neural plate will appear, which will become the spinal cord and brain. The formation of the face and eyes begins.

In the fourth week, the embryo receives nutrition from the yolk sac and is not yet closely associated with the mother's blood. Often, expectant mothers are worried if they drank alcohol during a period when they did not know about the onset of pregnancy. This is not worth doing, the influence of toxins during this period is minimal. Of course, after you find out about pregnancy, drinking alcohol is prohibited.

5th week

Already in the fifth week, some women may feel unwell, a change in taste preferences, an increased sensitivity to odors, and morning sickness. There is a noticeable increase in the breast, darkening of the nipples, sometimes the strip extending from the navel darkens. Menstruation does not come on time. It is in the fifth week that most women find out about their condition by taking a pregnancy test.

What is the size of the embryo now? 5 weeks is exactly the period when the doctor can prescribe the first ultrasound. It is not prescribed to everyone, but only if there is evidence. At what size of the ovum is the embryo visible? It is usually visualized in the fifth week, when the diameter of the ovum (OVD) is 6-7 mm. Sometimes it happens that the embryo cannot be seen yet. Don't panic, it depends on many factors. In this case, a second ultrasound is prescribed in the sixth-seventh week, when the SVD is 18-23 mm. The embryo size (5 weeks) is 2.5 mm.

From this moment on, expectant mothers closely monitor the development of the baby. In the first trimester, the size of the embryo changes very quickly by week. Ultrasound photos clearly show the growth and formation of the embryo.

What can be seen on an ultrasound examination at 5 weeks? A small oval with a light spot inside. From the middle of the week (approximately 2.5 weeks from conception), a heartbeat can be noticed in the embryo. Already at the first ultrasound, the expectant mother can see a pulsating point. This is the beating of the baby's heart!

The speck is still very small, and it is almost impossible to see something, but the baby already has the rudiments of eyes, nose, ears, and a face is formed. The neural tube in the head thickens. This will be the brain. There are rudiments of arms and legs, it is already clear where the tummy will be, and where the back will be.

In the fifth week, all organs and systems are actively developing: the rudiments of the skeleton, muscles, circulatory, digestive, and endocrine systems appear. The amniotic fluid appears. The uterus is increasing in size, but the belly of the pregnant woman has not changed yet.

6th week

The sixth obstetric week is 4 weeks from conception. The size of the embryo has changed, but this has not yet been reflected in the appearance of the woman. But the riot of hormones is already affecting the behavior: the mood often changes, the pregnant woman can become more sensitive, more emotional.

Some women suffer from toxicosis, which is often manifested not only by nausea and vomiting, but also by weakness, drowsiness, headaches, a change in taste preferences, and irritability. The hormone progesterone is actively produced, which protects the mother's body from infections, provides nutrition to the fetus, but it is its excess that causes morning sickness.

At 4 weeks from conception, the size of the embryo is about 5 mm. On ultrasound, the little man is still almost invisible, and the ovum is only 2.5 cm in size. Despite the small size of the embryo at 6 weeks, the baby has a face, the nervous system begins to develop, the main nerve nodes and the brain are formed. Fingers appear on the hands and feet.

Internal organs continue to develop, but they are still outside the embryo, in a special bag. A small body is not yet able to accommodate them. At this time, the placenta begins to form. It is she who will perform the functions of internal organs at first. The development of the genitals starts.

But the muscles and nerve tissues have already developed enough to start working. The first movements appear, but the embryo is too small for the expectant mother to feel them.

7th week

In the seventh week, changes in character are joined by changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. The amount of adipose tissue on the abdomen may increase, the body begins to make reserves. The breast is enlarged, the nipples darken.

The seventh week of pregnancy is very important for the unborn baby. It is during this period that the brain and heart are actively developing.

By the end of the week, the gills disappear, and the tail is still preserved. The arms and legs grow intensively, fingers begin to form. A neck and shoulders were outlined. The embryo size at 7 weeks is 10-13 mm, and the weight is 0.8 g.

On ultrasound, the expectant mother can already see the little man. The time has come to choose an antenatal clinic and a doctor who will manage the pregnancy.

8th week

In the eighth week, the uterus has enlarged enough and the lower abdomen may protrude slightly. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Vaginal discharge may increase. It is okay if they are clear or white with no unpleasant odor. If the discharge is of a different color, smells unpleasant, or is accompanied by a burning sensation and itching, you should consult a doctor.

The size of the ovum and embryo is 27-34 mm and 20 mm, respectively. From the eighth week onwards, the baby is called the fetus. The embryonic stage of development is behind. The main systems and organs have already been formed.

The period of active development of eyes, sweat and sebaceous glands, mouth, jaw, rudiments of teeth, lips and tongue has come. The intestines are lengthened.

The size of the embryo at 8 weeks is small, and the sex of the child cannot be determined using ultrasound, but girls are already developing ovaries, in which eggs are formed, and in boys, testicles.

9th week

The tummy at the ninth week has not yet appeared, but an attentive eye can notice that the figure of the expectant mother has become rounded, and the chest has increased. The woman is still subject to changes in character, drowsiness, fatigue, toxicosis continues.

The size of the embryo grows rapidly by week. In the ninth week, its value is 3 cm. The kidneys begin to work, and by the end of the week urine is excreted.

The neck and shoulders are clearly distinguishable, the eyes cover the eyelids, elbows are visible on the handles, nails begin to form. The placenta is already formed and the baby is completely dependent on the mother's lifestyle. The waste products of the fetus are excreted through the mother's body, so the load on the kidneys begins to increase, so the expectant mother needs to monitor the diet.

10th week

Weight gain begins from the tenth week. Usually it is less than a kilogram, and those suffering from toxicosis may even have a slight weight loss.

The blood volume increases, and although the belly has not yet grown, the clothing may become tight. It's time to visit a maternity clothing store. The size of the embryo continues to grow by week, at the tenth week the fetus is about 4 cm in height.

All organs and systems have already been formed, on an ultrasound you can see the face and fingers of the baby. The fruit is still disproportionate, with a large head and a slender body. The tail has turned into a tailbone.

11th week

By the eleventh week, toxicosis gradually begins to pass. Intensive hormonal changes are still going on, but external changes are barely noticeable. There are still mood swings, irritability, absent-mindedness, fatigue, forgetfulness. The expectant mother seems to be in the clouds.

At the eleventh or twelfth week, the first scheduled ultrasound is scheduled. Its purpose is to determine the overall development of the fetus, as well as to measure the collar space of the fetus (VP) and the coccygeal-parietal size (CTE).

The CTE indicator is determined in order to determine the approximate gestational age and the general development of the unborn baby. These EPs help determine the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (one of the known diseases is Down's syndrome). What is the collar space? It is a small fold of skin at the back of the neck. The size of this fold should not exceed 2 mm for 11 weeks. This study must be carried out on time, since over time, the size of the embryo increases by weeks of pregnancy, the fold is smoothed out and it is no longer possible to carry out diagnostics.

On ultrasound, you can see the child well. The neck is clearly visible, and the child can raise his head. The head is still large and the legs are shorter than the arms. The child moves a lot, but the mother still cannot feel it. His eyes are still closed, but he already knows how to swallow.

12th week

The twelfth week is the last week of the first trimester, the most crucial period of pregnancy. Fertilization, implantation took place successfully, the placenta and all organs and systems were formed.

Nausea and morning toxicosis pass. The state of health of the expectant mother improves, mood swings and drowsiness stop.

The tummy may protrude slightly, but this is not noticeable to others. The child is fully formed, organs and intestines have taken their places in the abdominal cavity. The urinary system works and removes all waste through the mother's body. The formed tongue can already recognize the taste; fingerprints have appeared on the fingers. Fruit size - from 52 to 65 mm, weight - 14 g.

On ultrasound at this time, it is sometimes possible to determine the sex of the child. The genitals of the girl and the boy are different, but an accurate result can be obtained only later, with the following studies.

In the second and third trimester, the baby will continue to grow and develop, and his organs will improve.

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