Home Perennial flowers Making homemade cheese with lemon. Delicate homemade Adyghe cheese (paneer) made from milk. Homemade marble cheese

Making homemade cheese with lemon. Delicate homemade Adyghe cheese (paneer) made from milk. Homemade marble cheese

Humanity has long learned to reproduce factory and factory products at home. Our enterprising people smoke fish at home, cook condensed milk, make sweets, bake cookies better and healthier than store-bought ones. And also - perfectly cooks homemade cheese. You can find a simple recipe for delicious homemade cheese in different variations in our section. At home, you can easily make cheese like Philadelphia, Mozzarella, Adyghe and Suluguni. You can use simple products to make delicious processed cheese and a lot of other cheese delicacies at home. Yes, it may be different from the store counterparts, but it will be much more useful and several times cheaper, it will not contain various GMOs and palm oil, and will be made by hand.

At home, you can even make the famous Indian Panir cheese using only homemade milk and kefir (or lemon juice, sour whey, live yogurt). The recipe is simple and straightforward. So, to make homemade cheese from milk, you need to pour this milk into a cauldron (thick-walled saucepan), let it boil. Pour in a little kefir or lemon juice (you need acid to curdle milk). After a couple of minutes, the curd will float on top of the separated whey.

This is already a delicious homemade curd, and it can be easily consumed. But - we want to make homemade cheese. Therefore, we collect the curd, wrap it in cheesecloth, put the press on and after 2-3 hours we have a wonderful cheese, called “Panir” in India, which is healthy and tasty. It is noteworthy that nothing is lost here - the resulting serum is perfect for okroshka and borscht, for baking, you can just drink it, wash your face and wash your hair. Waste-free production.

Creamy homemade cheese from cottage cheese is simple and easy to make according to the following recipe. For 1 kg of low-fat dryish cottage cheese, you need to take 1 liter of milk, 3 eggs, half a pack of good butter, a little salt, and a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour milk into a thick-walled saucepan, immerse the cottage cheese there, let it boil. Armed with a wooden spoon, stir for 6-7 minutes, a good curd will begin to stretch.
Then strain using cheesecloth, you get a plastic-like mass.

Then, to get a delicious creamy homemade cheese, you need to take another thick-walled saucepan, send the cottage cheese and other products there, mix, turn on the fire and melt for about 7 minutes, stirring constantly. When it starts to lag behind the walls, the cheese is ready. Now all that remains is to put it on a dish, cool it, wrap it in foil and send it to the cold. Now you know a simple recipe for delicious homemade cheese, you can cook it every day. In our section you will find other wonderful and simple recipes, use them, and please your relatives with healthy tasty dishes.


Homemade goat cheese

Ingredients: goat milk, sour cream, lemon, salt

Goat milk can be used to make delicious homemade cheese. I described the recipe in detail for you in detail.


- 2 liters of goat milk,
- 5 tbsp. sour cream,
- 1 lemon,
- salt.


Cheese with pepsin at home

Ingredients: milk, meito enzyme, sour cream, salt


- 4 liters of milk,
- 0.04 grams of Meito enzyme,
- 70 grams of sour cream,
- 1-2 tbsp. salt.


How to make cheese at home from milk

Ingredients: milk, kefir, sour cream, egg, salt

It is not difficult to make homemade cheese, the main thing is to have some milk, kefir, sour cream and eggs available. Well, and, of course, our recipe, which describes the entire cooking process clearly and understandably.

- 1 liter of milk;
- 100 ml of kefir;
- 200 gr sour cream;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 tbsp. salt.


Processed curd cheese

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, soda, sugar, butter, salt

Have you ever wondered about the quality of the processed cheese you buy? We invite you to cook this delicious thing yourself, which can be an independent dish such as a pate, or you can use it to add to dishes, to add flavor.


- 500 g of cottage cheese (necessarily with a fat content of more than 15%),
- 1 chicken egg (preferably homemade),
- 0.5 tsp baking soda,
- 1 tbsp. l. white sugar
- 100 g butter,
- 1 tsp sea ​​or kitchen salt.


Cheese from goat milk at home

Ingredients: goat milk, vinegar, salt

Bryndza is a very tasty and healthy cheese. Today I will tell you how to make cheese from goat milk.


- 3 liters of goat milk,
- 1 tbsp. vinegar
- 1 tbsp. salt


Homemade milk cheese

Ingredients: milk, cottage cheese, butter, egg, salt, soda

I want to tell you how to make delicious homemade cheese from milk. There is nothing difficult in its preparation, just read the recipe carefully and start cooking.


- milk - 800 ml.;
- cottage cheese - 1 kg.;
- butter - 100 grams;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- salt - one and a half tsp;
- soda - 1 tsp.


Philadelphia cheese at home

Ingredients: sour cream, yogurt, salt, lemon juice


- 350 grams of sour cream,
- 300 grams of yogurt,
- 1 tsp salt,
- half a tsp lemon juice.


Adyghe cheese at home

Ingredients: milk, whey, salt

Adyghe cheese is very tasty and healthy and, moreover, not cheap. Today I will teach you how to cook this delicious cheese at home. It prepares very easily.


- 2 liters of milk,
- 700 ml. serum,
- salt to taste.


Hard cheese at home

Ingredients: Milk, egg, butter, cottage cheese, soda, salt

If you haven’t made your own hard cheese yet, but buy it from the store, then you have not tried it at home. Indeed, in fact, it is very simple, quite fast and insanely delicious!
- 1.5 liters of milk;
- 1 egg;
- 100 grams of butter;
- 1 kg of cottage cheese;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 1-1.5 tsp salt (sea or fine kitchen).


Cheese cheese at home

Ingredients: milk, sour cream, salt, citric acid

Cooking homemade feta cheese according to the proposed recipe. A simple and affordable recipe for those who are going to cook cheese on their own for the first time. Give preference to a natural product that is easy to prepare, as you can see for yourself.

- 1 liter of milk,
- 3 tablespoons of sour cream,
- salt to taste,
- 1 teaspoon of citric acid.


Panir cheese

Ingredients: milk, citric acid

This recipe with a detailed description of the process will tell you how to make homemade cheese yourself. The snack prepared in this way does not contain preservatives and is very tasty.

- 1 liter of milk,
- half a teaspoon of citric acid.


Processed cheese

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, salt, butter, soda

A simple and affordable in all respects recipe for making processed cheese at home from cottage cheese and butter. It's so simple that any hostess can handle it, and you end up with a great breakfast snack for the whole family.

- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- cottage cheese - 500 grams,
- butter (room temperature) - 100 grams,
- soda - 1 tsp,
- salt - 1 tsp.


Delicate homemade cheese made from milk

Ingredients: milk, lemon, salt, spices

Home-made cheese doesn't look exactly like store-bought cheese. Nevertheless, it turns out to be very tasty and tender. And you can practically endlessly experiment with its taste. Well, shall we try to cook it?

Write down the products you need, there are not many of them:

- 0.5 liters of milk;
- half a lemon;
- table salt - a pinch;
- favorite spices.

Nowadays there is such a variety of cheese on the shelves that it makes you dizzy.

But I want to tell you how you can, without much money and time, prepare a delicious one that tastes like Adyghe cheese. I think that cheese lovers will certainly be interested in this recipe and you will hurry to the kitchen to cook this delicate cheese.

Recently, we cooked from a larger set of products (milk, sour cream, kefir and eggs) and our cheese turned out to be fatter and at the end of the finished product we got more, about 800 - 900 gr. Today I decided to make homemade cheese from a minimal set of products, to conduct an experiment, so to speak. What kind of cheese will we get and what will it be by weight ...

I will say right away that from 2 liters of store milk with a fat content of 3.2% and lemon juice - I got about 250 grams. cheese, this is a little more than a pack of butter in volume. Agree, we spend much less ingredients for its preparation (compared to cheese made with eggs, sour cream and kefir) and the fat content of our homemade cheese is generally minimal.

From homemade milk, from under a cow - you will definitely get more cheese than from a store product. But my experiment proves that even from store-bought drinking milk we can safely cook homemade cheese and delight our family with them at least every day.

Would need:

  • Milk - 2 liters.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Greens - optional (I have dill)
  • Gauze and sieve

How to make delicious homemade cheese with your own hands:

To prepare homemade cheese, we need very little time - about 20-30 minutes, and then we will just wait for our cheese to settle under the press and you can safely eat it or send it to the refrigerator to cool. I even make this cheese, you can say "between times", for example, while I cook or warm dinner with my homemade ones ... We put a saucepan on the stove and pour milk. Add salt and bring to a boil. When the milk begins to boil, add lemon juice (from fresh lemon or lemon juice purchased at the store). Today I used ready-made lemon juice.

Some housewives say that you can even use ordinary citric acid, having previously diluted it in water. As the milk with lemon juice boils, add finely chopped fresh herbs (or even make cheese without herbs) and cook the cheese after separating the flakes for 5-7 minutes.

You see how the milk curdled ...

As time is up, we pour the curd into a colander, lined with gauze in 2-3 layers.

Let the whey drain and put the cheese under the press. I usually do this: I put cheese wrapped in cheesecloth on the board, cover it with a second board and put a press. Today the usual 2 liter pack of juice was enough for me.

After all, the cheese yield is very small. We leave the cheese under the press for 2-3 hours, then send it to the refrigerator until it cools completely. Usually we eat cheese in the morning for breakfast, but if you are impatient, you can take a sample right away. Even after the press, the cheese is quite dense and perfectly cut. Here is such a homemade beauty I got today.

The cheese is also very pleasant and has a creamy taste. Cut our homemade cheese into pieces and serve homemade ...

Enjoy cooking for your loved ones!

Bon appetit, Svetlana and my home site!

- You will find out in a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo

Some people prefer to cook sausages, pates and other foods with their own hands. It often turns out much tastier than store options. This article will discuss how to make paneer cheese at home. It is prepared according to the Adyghe principle and can be used in many dishes.

Indian paneer cheese is one of the most famous and popular. It is made from homemade cottage cheese, pressed to a dense mass. Classic paneer should have a bland taste. Cheese can be served as a cold appetizer, used in salads, soups or desserts.

Homemade cheese benefits

Homemade paneer cheese is quick and easy to make. For cooking, you need country milk (or with a high fat content, closer to the present) and a sour product, which can be in the form of:

  • yogurt;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream.

Paneer during heat treatment does not melt and does not lose its shape. The cheese belongs to the type of dense, so it does not crumble when cutting. Paneer made at home is much better quality and cheaper than the store one.

Paneer cheese made from milk and citric acid

Most often, they prefer to cook paneer at home with citric acid. It can be replaced with lemon juice, which will require more. This recipe indicates the minimum amount of lemon. You can add more if you want. For homemade cheese you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

It is best to take homemade milk. If you use a store, it is desirable with a short shelf life. Super pasteurized will not work. The milk is poured into a large saucepan and brought to a near boil. Then citric acid is poured into it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

As soon as foam begins to rise, remove the pan from the heat. Or it is reduced to a minimum, and the milk is heated for another 3 minutes. All this time, the mixture must be stirred. It will be clearly visible how the milk is divided into curd and whey.

A sieve or colander is taken and covered with a thick layer of gauze. The contents of the pan are poured into it. After the moisture has drained, the gauze is twisted into a knot. All liquid is squeezed out as much as possible. Any shape (jar, deep bowl, etc.) is taken and the appearance of the cheese is formed.

Then the gauze with it is put back in a colander or sieve. A press is placed on top of the curd mass. You can use a regular three-liter jar filled with water. The curd mass is kept under the press for at least 60 minutes. Then the cheese is taken out and rinsed with running water to smooth the surface of the product.

Milk and kefir paneer

Quality food can often be prepared at home. One of my favorite treats is paneer cheese. The recipe for cooking with kefir will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of milk with maximum fat content;
  • 150 ml of kefir.

Milk is poured into a saucepan and put on fire until it boils. Then kefir is poured in a thin stream. In this case, the mass is constantly stirred. After a couple of minutes, the process of separating the whey from the curd will begin. After that, dense pieces will float to the surface.

Colander is lined with gauze in several layers. The contents of the pan are poured onto the cloth. Wait until the serum is completely drained. Then the gauze is pulled tight and placed in a deep bowl. Press down on top with a press. Any large container filled with water can be used as it.

Spiced paneer (cheese)

The recipe for cooking with spices differs little from the classic version. For the dish you will need:

  • 2 liters of milk (with the highest fat content);
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • 30 g of dried spices (slices of tomato, paprika, dill, etc.);
  • salt to taste.

The milk is poured into a large saucepan and heated, but not boiled. In this case, the liquid is constantly stirring. Then the burner turns off and the juice from a half of a large lemon is squeezed into the warmed milk. It will be better if this is done in advance and the juice is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth.

While the lemon liquid is slowly pouring in, stirring constantly for five minutes is necessary. You will immediately see how the milk begins to curdle. After that, it will split into whey and curd. The bottom of the colander is lined with gauze. The contents of the saucepan are poured out and left to stand for a while until the excess whey is drained.

If at the same time the mass is constantly stirred, then the process will go much faster. During it, salt and dried spices are added. After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the gauze is tightly curled into a knot. The latter is pressed by oppression. It takes two hours to form the cheese. It is better if the product is under pressure in the cold.

Fried paneer

Cooking paneer cheese, as it turned out, is a simple matter. But not everyone knows how to fry the finished product correctly. Paneer does not melt at all from heat and therefore does not lose its shape. But properly roasted cheese acquires an unusual, unique taste.

Again, a lot depends on the consistency of the product. Hard paneer is easy to fry. It is cut into small slices, rolled in spices and fried in a skillet with vegetable oil. Soft cheese is prepared in a slightly different way. For fried paneer you will need:

  • 200 g cheese (soft);
  • 1 tsp butter ghee;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. cumin;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • a quarter teaspoon of turmeric;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt.

Ghee (if not available) can be replaced with regular olive oil. On it, over high heat, cumin is fried. Moreover, it must be constantly mixed. The cumin is fried until golden brown. It is then that the seasoning gives the oil all its flavor.

Add pieces of paneer to a skillet, then sprinkle with turmeric and salt. Everything is fried for a few minutes. At the same time, it is constantly mixed. Then the dish is removed from the heat, pepper and sour cream are added. Everything is mixed and sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.

How much citric acid is needed for cheese?

The amount of citric acid used to make paneer is directly related to the quality of the milk. There are many types of it sold in stores. Many have added special components that prevent milk from curdling quickly. Therefore, more than one teaspoon of citric acid may be required. But even in this case, the milk is still whitish instead of yellow.

Features of making cheese

After the coagulating substance has been added to the milk, the resulting product cannot be kept on fire for a long time. Otherwise, the paneer cheese will become very tough. If you want to get a crumbly cheese, then during cooking, add turmeric seasoning. The remaining whey is a secondary product that can be used to prepare other dishes (pancakes, okroshka, etc.).

If, despite the large amount of coagulant added to the milk, the expected hard layer does not form, the product is removed from the heat and left to “rest” for several hours. During this period, solids will rise above the whey and a curd layer will appear.

Citric acid, which is commonly used to make paneer cheese, is easily replaced with other ingredients. For example, for fermented milk whey. It will take 150 ml to roll 600 ml of milk. The second option is yogurt. With its use, the sourdough turns out to be thick and very tasty. For curdling 600 ml of milk, you need 5 tablespoons of yogurt.

But the easiest option is squeezed lemon juice. It imparts a sour taste. It will need at least 5 tablespoons per 2 liters of milk. After the cheese is ready, it can be served as a separate dish cut into pieces (with or without sauce), or fried with spices.

The higher the fat content of milk, the tastier the final product will be. If gauze is not available, it is replaced with a clean white cotton cloth (no print or ink). Salt or granulated sugar can be added before the milk begins to curd.

There are special devices and containers for making cheese. If the milk is not curdled in any way, then you can try to boil it. This requires constant stirring. Stale or sour milk is not suitable for paneer. It is also problematic to make cheese from low fat.

How do you get the right cheese density?

Paneer cheese can be hard or not. There are two different methods for this. In order to make the cheese dense, you need to tie the cheesecloth in which the product lies and press it down with a press.

The paneer should remain in place until all the serum has drained. The longer it will lie later, the denser it will become. For a soft consistency, the paneer is placed in cheesecloth. It is tied tightly and left in a colander until all the moisture has drained off and the cheese is hard.

I would like to offer you very tasty and fairly simple recipes for homemade cheeses. Often you just need milk and citric acid.

Homemade cream cheese

Ingredients for making homemade cream cheese:
1 liter of cream

Homemade Cream Cheese Recipe:

1. To make cream cheese at home with our own hands, we need to take the cream and put it in a warm place for 2 days.
2. When the cream is sour, filter it through cheesecloth, squeeze out the excess whey, and put the resulting mass in cheesecloth back into a bowl and put it under a press (weight 2 - 3 kg).
3. After 30 minutes, remove the press and remove the cream cheese from the cheesecloth.

That's all. Homemade handmade cream cheese is ready. Simple and delicious.

Homemade tofu cheese

Ingredients for making homemade tofu cheese:
1 L soy milk, 1 large lemon

Homemade Tofu Cheese Recipe:

1. So, let's get started: take a large saucepan, pour soy milk into it and put it on medium heat. Do not forget to stir periodically with a wooden spoon, otherwise the milk will burn and the homemade cheese will not be tasty.
2. As soon as the milk begins to boil (until the foam appears and the milk rises), remove the pan from the heat and squeeze the lemon juice into the milk. We leave the milk alone until it is completely coagulated.
3. Now we take a sieve, put a cotton cloth on it and put our curdled milk on it. Leave until the whey drains, and only tofu cheese remains in the sieve.
4. When most of the whey has escaped, wrap the tofu in a cloth and squeeze out the remaining whey well. In order for our tofu to turn out to be dense in consistency, then we need to squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
5. We transfer the homemade tofu cheese to another fabric, place it in a saucepan and put a press on top (weight weighing 800 g). We leave for 30 minutes - during this time the cheese will take its shape and become dense.
6. We take out the finished homemade tofu cheese from the fabric and can be eaten. Bon Appetit.

Adyghe homemade cheese

Ingredients for making Adyghe homemade cheese:
3 liters of pasteurized milk, 1 liter of kefir, 2 tsp. salt

Recipe for making Adyghe homemade cheese:

1. We take kefir, of course, it is better fatter, pour it into a saucepan and put it on a weak fire. And we wait until the curd separates from the whey and floats. Then we take cheesecloth and filter all the whey, and set the curd aside.
2. Leave the whey to sour for 2 days at room temperature. If it is very hot, then we leave it only for a day.
3. Pour pasteurized milk into a large saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and add the sour whey. We continue to cook over low heat until the milk curdles and the cheese rises up. Then we remove the pan from the heat and filter the cheese through cheesecloth into another clean dish. Add salt and mix thoroughly. We tie cheesecloth with cheese and hang it over the sink for 30 minutes so that the last excess liquid is glass.
4. We form a head of the required size from the cheese and put it under a press (1 kg). We drain the released water, and put the Adyghe homemade cheese under the press for 3 - 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Home paneer

Ingredients for making homemade paneer:
5 liters of milk, 1 tsp. citric acid

Homemade paneer recipe:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, when the milk just starts to boil, add citric acid.
2. After boiling, turn off the fire, mix the milk a little and leave it to stand for 2 - 3 minutes.
3. Now we take a colander, cover it with gauze folded in two layers and throw the resulting curd onto it. Tie the gauze tightly and put it under a press weighing 2 - 3 kg for 30 minutes.
4. After 30 minutes, remove the delicious homemade paneer from the gauze.

Hard homemade cheese

Ingredients for making hard homemade cheese:
1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 l of milk, 50-100 g of butter, 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda, 0.25 tsp each. turmeric, curry, 0.3 tsp black pepper, asafoetida on the tip of a knife

Recipe for making hard homemade cheese:

1. We put milk on fire and bring to a boil, then add cottage cheese and bring to a boil again, and then turn off immediately.
2. Filter the resulting mass through cheesecloth folded in two layers and squeeze out the remaining liquid thoroughly.>
<3. Melt the butter in a frying pan, spread the curd mass and fry for 1 - 2 minutes, break the lumps. We need to bring to a viscous consistency. Continuously stirring, add salt, soda and seasonings. Then we transfer the hot mass to the mold (I used the pots) and cool it.
4. When the hard cottage cheese has cooled down, you can eat it.

Rustic homemade cheese

Ingredients for making rustic cheese:
1 liter of milk, 500 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of melted butter, 1 beaten egg, 1 tsp each. soda, salt

Country cheese recipe:

1. First, we bring the milk to a boil, then add the curd to it and stir continuously until the whey begins to separate.
2. We put the resulting curd mass in a colander, drain it back, and transfer the mass to a saucepan. Add to the hot curd mass, with constant grinding, an egg, soda and salt.
3. We transfer the prepared mass to the form and put it in the refrigerator.

Homemade soft cheese with dill

Ingredients for making homemade soft cheese with dill:
1 liter of milk with a fat content of 3.2%, 2 tbsp. l. butter, apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp each. dried dill, salt

The recipe for homemade soft cheese with dill:

1. Bring milk to a boil. When the milk just starts to boil, add salt, vinegar, dill and butter to it. Stir and bring to a boil again.

2. Put cheesecloth folded in half on a bowl and strain the separated serum through it. Cover the resulting cheese with gauze and put heavy oppression.

3. After 40 - 45 minutes, we take homemade soft cheese with dill out of the gauze and can be eaten.

Homemade mascarpone cheese

Ingredients for making homemade mascarpone cheese:
1 liter of cream 20% fat, 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Homemade mascarpone cheese recipe:

1. Heat the cream to 80 ° C, then add lemon juice, turn the fire down and boil for 10 minutes.

2. Fold the cheesecloth in 6 layers and put it on a saucepan. Throw the resulting cottage cheese onto cheesecloth and leave overnight so that all the serum is glass.

3. Homemade mascarpone cheese will be ready the very next day.

Mascarpone at home

Ingredients for making homemade mascarpone:
800 g sour cream (or cream) 20% fat, 200 ml milk, 2 tsp. lemon juice

Homemade homemade mascarpone recipe:

1. Pour milk into sour cream and stir with a spatula until smooth. We put on fire and bring to 70 - 75 ° С with constant stirring. After that, add lemon juice, stir, turn the fire down and wait until the sour cream curdles (this will take about a few minutes), but do not boil.

2. Turn off the heat, but leave the pan on the stove for 5 to 7 minutes.

3. Now we take a colander and put cheesecloth folded in 3 layers on it and throw the resulting mass onto it so that all the liquid is glass.

4. After 50 minutes, you can squeeze the mass a little. We look, if the liquid is not completely glass, then we leave the mass for a few more minutes (you can gently stir with a spoon).

5. We put the mascarpone home-style into a clean dish with a tight-fitting lid and store in the refrigerator.

Homemade mascarpone cream cheese

Ingredients for making homemade mascarpone cream cheese:
200 g cottage cheese 18% fat, 200 ml cream 33% fat

The recipe for homemade mascarpone cream cheese:

1. Wipe the curd through a sieve 2 times to make a curd mass, then add cream to it. Beat all this with a mixer (blender) at low speed until creamy.

2. Homemade mascarpone cream cheese is ready. Bon Appetit.

Homemade cheese

Ingredients for making homemade cheese:
1 liter of milk, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, 200 ml of boiled water

Homemade cheese recipe:

1. Put milk on high heat, then add sour cream and stir. As soon as the folding process begins, we need to add lemon juice to the mass, mix and continue to keep on fire for another minute so that the whey is completely separated.

2. Cover the sieve with gauze and throw the resulting mass onto it, let the serum drain completely.

3. We wrap the homemade cheese with gauze and put a load on it for 1 hour. An hour later, cut the homemade cheese into small pieces and place in the brine. Keep feta cheese in brine for at least 30 minutes. Store in brine too.

4. Prepare the brine: dissolve the salt in water.

Cheese at home

Ingredients for making homemade feta cheese:
1 liter of milk, 200 g of sour cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. salt

Homemade cheese recipe:

1. Bring the milk to a boil, then add salt without removing it from the heat.

2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sour cream and then add the resulting mixture to boiling milk. With constant stirring, so that the mass does not burn, bring to a boil and then boil for another 5 minutes. During this time, the whey will separate from the mass and the feta cheese will begin to thicken.

3. Cover the colander with gauze folded in 4 layers and put the resulting mass on it. Then we tie the gauze and hang it for about 3 hours so that the serum is completely glass.

4. Put the cheese at home in the same gauze under the press. Cheese yield: 400 - 500 g.

Homemade mozzarella

Ingredients for making homemade mozzarella:
2 liters of fat milk, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt, rennet on the tip of a knife, 1.5-2 liters of water

Homemade mozzarella recipe:

1. Pour half a glass of water into a saucepan and dilute the rennet in it.

2. We heat the milk to 70 ° C and add lemon juice and a diluted enzyme to it. We mix. Do not bring to a boil.

3. Drain the resulting whey, and squeeze the cheese mass with your hands.

4. In a separate saucepan, heat the water to 90 ° C and immediately remove it from the heat, add salt, stir and immerse the cheese in water for a couple of minutes, so that the cheese becomes soft and very stringy. Then you need to knead and stretch the cheese, dipping it several times in hot water for 2 minutes. The mass should be practically homogeneous. We spread the mass on a cutting board, knead it with your fingers and fold it in an envelope. Then put it back in hot water to soften.

5. We spread cling film on the table. We take the cheese out of the water, put it on a film and roll it in the form of a sausage, wrapping it tightly with a film and then tie it tightly with a string in several places so that separate balls are obtained.

6. The resulting balls - homemade mozzarella cheese, put into a container with whey and put in the refrigerator, and store.

Homemade sandwich cheese

Ingredients for making homemade sandwich cheese:
1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 liter of milk, 2 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. thick fat sour cream, 2 tsp. salt

Homemade sandwich cheese recipe:

1. Pour milk into the curd, mix and bring to a boil, but do not boil. After that, we throw the mass onto a sieve with gauze, filter the whey, and then squeeze the mass.

2. Now we take an aluminum pan and put the strained cottage cheese into it. Add eggs, sour cream and salt, mix everything thoroughly with your hands. Next, put the mass on the fire and boil for 5 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous and viscous (it should lag behind the dishes in one lump).

3. Put the finished homemade sandwich cheese on a plate, level it and put it in the refrigerator. After the cheese has cooled, turn it over onto a dish.

Homemade brown cheese "Brunost"

Ingredients for making brown homemade Brunost cheese:
1.5 l of fresh homemade whey, 250 g of sour cream 30% fat

Recipe for making brown homemade Brunost cheese:

1. To make homemade brown Brunost cheese we need fresh whey from paneer cheese, ricotta, cottage cheese and other homemade cheese.

2. We put the whey on the fire and cook until 500 ml of its original amount remains. And so that our serum does not burn, we run along the bottom of the pan, from time to time, with a wooden spatula. Then add the cream, stir and cook until a curd forms.

3. Now you need to mix the resulting mass with a crush to grind it. We transfer the mass to a blender and whisk. Then put the whipped mass into a frying pan and heat it up for 3 - 5 minutes with constant stirring. When you see the paste starting to clump, transfer it to a mold. Let the cheese cool, and then we pack it in an airtight package and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Homemade processed cheese

Ingredients for making homemade processed cheese:
400 g of slightly damp cottage cheese, 100 g of soft butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. quick soda

Homemade processed cheese recipe:

1. Knead the cottage cheese very carefully with your hands (you should get a paste). Then add the baking soda, the egg and mix well again, mnem. After that, add butter to the mass and knead it well again until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

2. Put the prepared homogeneous mass on medium heat for 15 minutes to melt all the lumps. Do not forget to stir constantly so that it does not burn, otherwise our homemade melted cheese will be spoiled. If desired, according to your taste, you can make processed cheese not pure, but with any additives, for example, with mushrooms, vegetables, herbs or ham. To do this, grind the selected ingredient and add it to the mass. We mix.

3. Pour the finished homemade processed cheese into a container with a lid prepared in advance and put it in the refrigerator for cooling. Then you can eat right away.

Homemade processed cheese with dill

Ingredients for making homemade melted dill cheese:
500 g of cottage cheese, 120 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 0.5 tsp. soda, chopped dill, salt

Recipe for making homemade melted cheese with dill:

1. Add soda, milk to homemade (preferably) cottage cheese and mix well with a blender.

2. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan and put on low heat, stir constantly. When the curd begins to melt, immediately add salt, oil and chopped dill. We keep on fire until the cottage cheese completely dissolves - the mass in density should turn out like semolina.

3. Pour the hot mixture into molds and put them in the refrigerator.

Marble cottage cheese

Ingredients for making marbled homemade cheese:
1 liter of milk, 1 kg of cottage cheese, 50 g of butter, 3 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 small carrot, 0.3 tsp. juice of garlic, 1 dec. l. salt, 1 tsp. soda

Recipe for making marbled homemade cheese:

1. Rub the carrots on a fine grater.

2. Pour milk into cottage cheese, add chopped carrots and put the mass on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 - 7 minutes.

3. Throw the resulting mass onto cheesecloth and let the liquid drain. Then add the egg, butter, salt, sour cream, soda and garlic juice. Mix everything thoroughly and again put on a small fire and cook for 5-7 minutes.

4. Transfer the finished marble homemade cheese into a deep bowl and let it freeze completely. After the cheese has hardened, use a thin knife to separate it from the edges of the bowl and transfer it to a flat plate. Everything.

Homemade creamy ricotta

Ingredients for making homemade creamy ricotta:
1 l milk, 400 ml cream, 200 g sour cream

Homemade Creamy Ricotta Recipe:

1. We take a large saucepan, pour milk into it, add cream and sour cream, mix everything well, close the lid and put it in a warm place for fermentation. This will take approximately 6 hours. A thick curdled milk should form.

2. After that, put the pan on low heat and heat it up. You do not need to stir so as not to damage the clot. We heat to a hot state, but do not bring it to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and leave to ripen for 12 hours. Whey should form during maturation.

3. After 12 hours, carefully pour the serum into a colander with gauze folded in 4 layers. We tie the cheesecloth and hang over a deep bowl for 6 hours so that all the serum is glass. Then remove the gauze and put the finished homemade creamy ricotta on a plate.

Homemade kefir ricotta

Ingredients for making homemade kefir ricotta:
1 liter of milk, 100-150 ml of kefir, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt

Recipe for making homemade kefir homemade ricotta:

1. We heat the milk to a hot state, but never boil it. Then add sugar, salt, kefir and lemon juice. Stir and leave the curdled milk for 30 minutes.

2. Then we put it in a colander in cheesecloth, and then we hang the cheesecloth over the sink so that all the rest of the serum is glass. All ricotta is ready.

Feta at home

Ingredients for homemade feta:
400 g of natural milk powder, 100 g of sour cream, 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. vinegar, 3 pcs. Abomin rennet, 600 ml warm water

Homemade feta recipe:

1. Dissolve milk powder in water, stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Then add sour cream and mix well again.

2. Dissolve the rennet tablets in cool water in advance.

3. Add abomin to the milk mixture and mix thoroughly. Next, we add vinegar and stir. All ingredients must be added quickly enough so that the milk mixture does not cool down.

4. Wrap the pot with a warm blanket and leave for 12 hours. After 12 hours, we discard the milk mass in a colander with gauze folded in 2 times and drain the whey. When the liquid drains, wrap the cheese with gauze and put it under a 3 kg load for 5 - 10 hours.

5. Cut the cheese into pieces.

6. Prepare the brine: cool the water and add salt to taste.

7. We put the prepared pieces of cheese in a jar and carefully fill with brine. We leave it for at least a week so that the cheese acquires good taste.

Homemade feta

Ingredients for making homemade feta:
2 liters of milk, 200 g of sour cream, 8 tablets of pepsin, 3 tbsp. l. boiled water

Homemade feta recipe:

1. We dilute sour cream in a glass of milk. And put the rest of the milk on fire and heat it to 35-38 ° С. Then remove from heat, add prepared sour cream and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

2. Dissolve pepsin tablets in warm water and add to the mixture, mix well. We leave the mass for fermentation for 5 - 6 hours or overnight.

3. We drain the resulting serum. We spread the fermented mass in portions using a spoon in a sieve with gauze. If you put the whole mass at once (do not use a spoon), then it will be difficult for the thick serum to seep through the gauze and it will drain for a very long time.

4. Then, after about 1-2 hours, we shift the mass into a linen bag and put a 3 kg load on it for the night.

5. In the morning, put the prepared feta cheese on a dish and cut into small pieces. If your cheese is too soft, it needs to be condensed. How to do it? We take pieces of feta cheese, rub with salt and leave the whey to glass. This method will help to get rid of excess liquid and add saltiness to the cheese.
If your cheese, on the contrary, turned out to be quite hard and crumbly at the same time, then put the pieces of cheese in salted whey or cold salted water and leave for 1 hour.

6. Prepare the brine: water or whey (200 ml), add salt (1 - 1.5 tsp) and dissolve it.

Homemade marble cheese

Ingredients for making homemade marbled cheese:
2 liters of milk, 400 g of sour cream, 150 ml of carrot and apple juice, 6 eggs

Homemade marble cheese recipe:

1. We divide all ingredients into 2 equal parts.

2. Bring milk (1 l) to a boil, add salt, and then juice. Beat the sour cream with eggs and then slowly pour it into the boiling milk with constant stirring. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes, until the whey separates from the curd.

3. Pour the resulting cheese mass into a colander covered with gauze and wait until the whey is drained. Then we transfer the mass to a clean bowl.

4. We prepare the second part of the ingredients in the same way, but leave in a colander. We spread the first part there and mix a little so that the liquid is glass. Cover with gauze and place a weight of 1 kg. We leave homemade cheese for 1 hour, and then put it together with the load in the refrigerator for 5 hours. / Div>

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In this very simple recipe, we will tell you how to make Adyghe cheese at home, or, as it is also called in India, paneer. This requires a minimum of effort and not so much time.

Unlike industrial versions, our Adyghe cheese, of course, will not contain any harmful substances that allow the cheese to be stored for weeks (we recommend that you prepare it from homemade milk). Homemade paneer (translated as "cheese") spoils quite quickly, its shelf life is 3-4 days in the refrigerator. But it is much tastier than the store. And how many delicious and wonderful dishes can be prepared from it, for example

Video recipe

Ingredients for 200 g of Adyghe cheese

  • Homemade milk - 1.5 l.
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Salt - optional

How to cook homemade Adyghe cheese - step by step instructions with a photo

  1. Prepare a mold or cheesecloth in which you will strain the cheese (we use a semicircular sieve).

  2. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

  3. While the milk comes to a boil, squeeze out the juice of one small lemon.

  4. As soon as the milk boils, turn it off and let it stand for a few minutes (3-4 minutes). It is necessary for the temperature of the milk to drop to 95 degrees. If you start cooking the cheese with too hot milk, its texture will be more rubbery, rather than tender. At this stage, add salt and spices as desired (without them).

  5. After the milk has cooled down a little (it also cannot cool too much - the necessary reaction will not occur), pour the squeezed lemon juice into it and mix the mixture well.

  6. The reaction of separating the protein from the whey should begin to occur before the eyes and be completely completed within literally 1 minute. The reaction is considered complete when stable protein clumps have formed, and the separated whey has acquired an almost transparent color.

  7. Now you need to strain the mass through cheesecloth or a sieve if you use it as a panir dish. Paneer in gauze can be hung up and allowed to drain. Squeeze the paneer in a sieve with a spoon to remove excess liquid.

  8. Let the cheese sit until it has cooled completely. Then you can eat it, or prepare other dishes from it (for example, simply). Your Adyghe cheese is ready!

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