Home Fertilizers When the blood type is determined. How do you know your blood type? Blood group analysis: where to do it. Where the service is free

When the blood type is determined. How do you know your blood type? Blood group analysis: where to do it. Where the service is free

Often times, people start to think about their blood type when they have health problems. But a person must know such important information about himself and his family. When treating in a hospital, doctors will conduct this study on their own, but in critical cases, where every minute counts, this information is extremely necessary. We will tell you how to determine the blood group at home.

How to determine the blood group

In addition to emergency situations, knowledge of the blood group and Rh factor is required to improve a person's condition. For example, when making dietary recommendations.

There are 3 main ways to find out which blood is:

  1. Delivery of analysis in the laboratory.

This method is considered the most effective. The research is carried out at a professional level with special equipment. The advantage of the method is to obtain an accurate result.

  1. Donating blood for donation.

This method is both the most accurate and fastest. Plus, donating your own blood can help those who are sick.

  1. Doing a home study or blood type tests.

Without passing the necessary tests, it is very difficult to correctly establish the blood group, but the probability of the accuracy of the method of determination exists.

The method has the advantage of eliminating the need for a trip to the hospital. The only thing that is necessary is knowledge of the theory in the field of biological sciences.

There is a special AB0 antigen system. A blood group is a special combination of antigens and antibodies of the AB0 system found on erythrocytes. Agglutinins are antibodies found in plasma. With the help of them, group affiliation is determined. α-agglutinin is characteristic for groups I and III, and β-agglutinin for I and II. In erythrocytes, antigens A or B can be contained separately, together, or completely absent. Hence, there are 4 main groups:

  1. Group I. It is characterized by the content of 2 agglutinins in the plasma.
  2. Group II differs in the content of β-agglutinin.
  3. Group III is characterized by the content of α-agglutinin.
  4. Group IV - agglutinins are absent.

The fourth is considered the rarest group. The first and second groups are common.

The Rh factor (Rh) is an antigen determined together with a blood group. It can be positive and negative.

Methods for conducting a study of belonging to blood groups without taking tests

The easiest way to find out where the blood group is written is to look at the information in the passport. Most people have a seal in it indicating the corresponding blood type and Rh factor. If there is no such data in the passport, then you should look at the medical record.

The extract from the card must indicate the group characteristics. Depending on them, you can determine the blood group. If 00 is specified, then you have group I; 0A, AA - II; 0B, BB - III and AB - IV. The Rh factor is even easier to find out, at the top there should be "+" or "-".

Only a specialized doctor will be able to correctly determine your group and Rh factor when examining analyzes.

How a person's blood type and taste are related

Some experts put forward several theories about the influence of blood type on people's taste preferences.

According to their studies, they assigned certain classes of products to each group. Thus, by finding out what you like the most, you can predict your data.

The representatives of the first group include lovers of meat products. For II - a love for vegetables and various types of cereals is characteristic. People who prefer dairy products belong to III. Representatives of the IV group have no obvious taste preferences.

It is believed that the blood type affects the character and abilities of a person. Using this theory, you can match your character.

A person with pronounced leadership qualities, a tough character, self-confident, is a representative of the first group. The second includes people who are calm, quiet and peaceful. The third characterizes bright, eccentric and sociable personalities. The character traits of the representatives of the fourth are much more difficult to distinguish, they are too versatile.

These theories do not provide a complete picture of the required issue. Further use of the information for medical purposes may harm your health.

How to find out the blood group and Rh factor of a child

There is the possibility of conducting a study for belonging to a certain blood group before the birth of the baby.

Everyone knows that any person inherits genes from their parents. A similar situation occurs with this analysis. To determine it, it is enough to know the blood group of the father and mother. In this case, after going through all possible combinations, you can find out the child's belonging to the group as a percentage.

As mentioned above, there is a legend for each group. Using them, you can get the information you need. Of course, not all cases guarantee 100% accurate determination. But it's worth listing the possible combinations.

If both parents belong to the first group (00), the second (AA) or the third (BB), then with a probability of 100% the child will have the same. In cases where one parent has I (00), and the other has II (AA) or III (BB), then II (A0) or III (B0) comes out, respectively. The fourth group may be in a child whose one parent is with the second group (AA), and the other with the third (BB).

The Rh factor is much simpler. If both parents have it negative, then the baby will have it similar. In other cases, it is impossible to predict the result.

If the father has a positive Rh factor, and the mother has a negative one, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Innovative methods for determining the blood group and Rh factor at home

To date, scientists from Austria have developed a unique way to conduct an analysis at home, which will help you quickly find out the blood type. They have done a very serious job. The method foreshadows the receipt of not only an accurate result, but also the ease of carrying it out as a whole.

To do this at home, you only need a small test strip and a drop of blood. In just a few minutes, you will have the finished result on your hands.

This innovation will allow you to avoid waiting for the analysis and the result itself in the hospital. Time often plays an important role in such a matter.

Home test for Rh factor

Specialists from Denmark are not lagging behind in innovations. Express cards developed by them under the trade name "Eldoncard" can significantly reduce the processing of this analysis. Moreover, they can be used in emergency situations in hospitals, educational institutions and at home.

It is based on improved types of "dry" monoclocal reagents. With their help, it is possible to determine the AB0 antigens and Rh-belonging together and separately.

The analysis does not require specially trained personnel, laboratories and equipment. You only need water or physical. solution.

Research procedure:

  1. Add a drop of water to each circle with reagent.
  2. Take blood and apply it to a special stick.
  3. Apply to the map and wait 1.5-2 minutes.

After the interpretation of the result, it is necessary to apply a protective film to the test for its complete preservation (up to 3 years).

The express test has a wide storage temperature range. It has passed numerous tests in various premises, in emergency situations, and is certified in Russia.

As a result, if you are just interested in knowing your blood group and the process of conducting the study itself, then by all means use the instructions given in the article. Otherwise, it is worth contacting a medical institution to obtain an accurate result. In any case, whatever the reasons, it is quite possible to do some kind of analysis at home on your own!

In this article we will figure out how to find out the blood group at home, how accurate such data will be, and what laboratory research methods exist for this purpose.

Indeed, in some cases, this data can be obtained without analysis, by simply examining the documents on hand.

They can be written in:

  • a certificate from the hospital;
  • passport;
  • military ID;
  • driving license;
  • medical card or book.

Birth certificate

After giving birth, each mother must be issued a certificate of the baby. It contains basic information about the child, Apgar score and blood group data.


These data are also written in the medical book if a person is a donor or asks to enter them himself.

But, as a rule, you can see it only in the clinic, they are usually not kept at home.

Driver's license

In a driver's license, these data can be indicated in the section - "special marks" or "additional information", which is located on the back of the plastic card and photo.

But their entry in this document is voluntary and is carried out only at the request of the citizen himself receiving the rights.

Military ID

A military soldier is one of the documents in which a stamp must be put on which information about the blood group and the Rh factor is indicated. Not only men, but also women liable for military service (doctors, nurses) have a military certificate.

The information is in the eighth section - special notes. The information can be in the form of a stamp or a handwritten doctor's note. If this information is not specified, then an administrative fine may even be issued.

Discharge Epicrisis

If a person was treated in a hospital, an operation or any other procedures, then the result of the analysis with the necessary information is entered into the medical history or discharge summary.

This is done because before carrying out serious manipulations and surgical interventions, an analysis for group affiliation is mandatory and is recorded.

In passport

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to put a stamp in a passport about a blood group and where to do it?

Yes, the legislation of the Russian Federation is allowed. However, the seal can only be affixed by a healthcare institution of the Russian Federation (for example, a district clinic or a blood transfusion station). This data is entered on page 18 of the passport.

Is it possible to independently determine the group and rhesus?

It is possible to determine the blood group at home only with the help of special tests that are sold at the pharmacy.

This express test resembles a glucometer: a drop of blood from a finger must be taken with an applicator, applied to a special strip and awaited the result. In this case, you should carefully study the instructions and adhere to it.

However, it is important to note that this method is not reliable. A truly reliable result can only be obtained in the laboratory, because the research is rather complex and serious, the data is determined accurately.

It is also possible to assume and calculate the correct blood group and Rh of a person based on the group belonging of the parents.

There is a special table for this:

Mother and father groupPossible options for group affiliation in a child
1+1 1 – 100%
1+2 1 – 50% 2 – 50%
1+3 1 – 50% 3 – 50%
1+4 2 – 50% 3 – 50%
2+2 1 – 25% 2 – 75%
2+3 1 – 25% 2 – 25% 3 – 25% 4 – 25%
2+4 2 – 50% 3 – 25% 4 – 25%
3+3 1 – 25% 3 – 75%
3+3 2 – 25% 3 – 50% 4 – 25%
4+4 2 – 25% 3 – 25% 4 – 50%

Possible Rh factor:

All information about blood parameters is transmitted genetically. The presence of certain agglutinones and agglutinogens is formed in the fetus. A few days after birth, the newborn can already be analyzed for group affiliation.

If a husband and wife have a negative Rh or the same 1 group, then the child will inherit it. If they have different rhesus, then the baby can have any indicator: Rh + or Rh-.

Laboratory research methods

The most reliable method for recognizing your group, of course, is the delivery of the analysis.

This can be done on an outpatient basis in any hospital, clinic, blood donation point or private clinic. At the same time, at the transfusion point, the group, the Rh factor will be determined and tested for various diseases completely free of charge, if the person agrees to be a donor.

It has become very popular and convenient to take tests in private clinics. The advantage of conducting a study in a private clinic is the accurate and high-quality conduct of the procedure, the ability to find out the result on the Internet online.

Is it possible to make an analysis for compulsory medical insurance, free of charge?

Yes, this study can be carried out under the compulsory health insurance policy (MHI), because it is included in the list of free services.

But nevertheless, this list may vary from different insurance organizations, so it is advisable to find out this information directly from their representatives.

What groups are there?

According to the AB0 system, 4 blood groups are distinguished, depending on the properties of erythrocytes.

In plasma there are agglutinins (ά, β), and in erythrocytes - agglutinogens (A, B). When the agglutinins and agglutinogens of the same name are combined, hemagglutination occurs - the adhesion of erythrocytes. On the basis of this reaction, group affiliation is determined.

The Rh factor (Rh) is a special antigen D protein that can be on the surface of red blood cells. Most people have it, in which case Rh is positive - Rh +. And only 15% of people do not have it, then Rh is negative and is denoted as - Rh-.

ABO classification table:

How is the procedure carried out?

The blood determination procedure is carried out in two ways:

  • Using standard serums.
  • With the help of synthetic tsoliclones.

Serums are made at a transfusion station and placed in sealed ampoules. Each ampoule has a label with information about the group and the date of manufacture.

During the study, a sample of the analyzed blood is mixed with a drop of each serum. To understand that a reaction of erythrocyte adhesion has occurred, the drops are monitored for 5 minutes.

The results are evaluated as follows:

  • О - the reaction of gluing erythrocytes occurred in a test tube with groups 3 and 4.
  • A - hemagglutination is observed with serum 1 and 3.
  • B - there is a reaction in tubes 2 and 1.
  • AB - hemagglutination did not occur.

Cyloclones are special solutions that contain analogs of agglutinins ά, β. Cyclone anti-A and anti-B are isolated. Hemagglutination during the study occurs between the same blood agglutinins and tsoliclones.

The analysis algorithm is as follows: mix a drop of the blood to be tested and solutions of anti-A and anti-B cyclones. For 2-3 minutes, the emergence of the reaction of erythrocyte adhesion is observed - the color and shape of the test liquid change. Based on the absence or presence of hemagglutination, a conclusion is made about the blood group.

Why reanalysis might be necessary?

Sometimes it happens that errors and inaccuracies occur during the analysis. They can be the result of improper testing, pregnancy, or the presence of certain medical conditions.

In the body, conditions are created for an increase or decrease in the amount of agglutinins and agglutinogens, which complicate the analysis. Therefore, a person is advised to take a second test after a certain period of time.

In fact - the blood group cannot change under any circumstances, you can learn more about this from -. All such changes are simply the result of errors, negatively influencing factors and pathologies.

These include:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • Hormonal Disorders.
  • Bone marrow transplantation.
  • Blood transfusion of another group.
  • Certain autoimmune diseases.
  • Liver cirrhosis, extensive burns, sepsis.
  • Errors during research due to technology disruption.


It can be concluded that an independent study using an express test, and even more so attempts to guess based on the group and the Rh factor of the parents, will not give a reliable result.

If it was not possible to find information about group affiliation in any of the available documents, then the only correct solution would be to pass the analysis.

Almost every person has unforeseen situations during their life. In the event of an accident or other sudden injury, it is important to inform your doctor about your blood type. This will allow you to quickly provide the necessary assistance. Knowing the blood type is necessary for a woman when planning a pregnancy.

Why know your blood type

Human erythrocytes contain certain proteins on their surface - antigens A and B. Blood plasma may contain antibodies to them - alpha and beta agglutinins. They are produced for those antigens that are foreign. These proteins determine the blood group, it is denoted by Roman numerals or letters (AB0 (zero)).

There are 4 options:

  1. First (0, I)... There are no antigens. Plasma contains beta and alpha agglutinins.
  2. Second (A, II)... The most common. Type A proteins are present. Plasma includes beta-agglutinin.
  3. Third (B, III)... Red blood cells have antigen B. Plasma contains alpha antibody.
  4. Fourth (AB, IV)... The rarest. Blood cells contain antigens A and B. There are no agglutinins.

It is necessary to find out the blood group in advance for an emergency. If an urgent transfusion is needed, this will help to quickly find a donor. An antigen test is required prior to any surgical procedure.

It is advisable to find out the group affiliation when planning a pregnancy. This will help avoid conflict and possible pathologies in the fetus. Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and other serious health problems need to think about determining HA.

Analysis to determine the blood group

A referral for free research can be obtained from a general practitioner at your clinic. The sampling of material is carried out by a nurse in the treatment room. In a private laboratory, you can check the blood group for a fee without a visit to the doctor. The presence of antigens is detected using standard sera I, II, III and IV, when mixing, they look at the absence of agglutination (adhesion of erythrocytes).


In order for the results of the study to be accurate, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  1. Blood is donated on an empty stomach. The last time you can eat 8 hours before the sampling of the biomaterial.
  2. In the morning it is allowed to drink non-carbonated water.
  3. The day before the test is taken from the diet, it is necessary to remove spicy foods, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages.
  4. No smoking an hour before the procedure.
  5. It is undesirable to overwork before the analysis. Both physical and emotional stress should be avoided.


In an emergency, when it is necessary to save a person's life, blood sampling is carried out regardless of whether the patient is prepared for it or not. The blood group and Rh factor are determined at once. The biomaterial is taken from a vein located in the area of ​​the elbow bend.

A tourniquet is applied 7-10 cm above the elbow. A health worker draws a certain amount of blood into a test tube using a syringe or a special vacuum system. The procedure is painless and does not cause side effects. The patient receives the result on the day of delivery in a few hours.

How to determine a blood group without an analysis

Laboratory testing is not the only way to find out your biological characteristics. You can see the blood group and Rh factor (negative or positive) in your passport, birth certificate or military ID. Many people have a seal in these documents with the information they need.

Ask parents

If the blood type of the father and mother is known, then the HA of the child can be assumed. To determine it, scientists have developed a table. If both parents have GC I, the child will only have the same. The father and mother were diagnosed with group II - in children, I or II is possible.

If one of the parents is a carrier of group I, the child cannot have IV GC. If mom or dad has IV group, the baby will be the owner of II, III or IV. This is just a theory. In practice, the inheritance table is not always 100% reliable.

Ask a doctor

If the analysis for GC was submitted earlier, then its results are stored in the individual medical record. There is no need to rent it again. To find out the blood type, you just need to contact your doctor.

Home blood type tests

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Various unforeseen situations can occur in a person's life: accidents, accidents. The physician needs to know the basic medical data of the patient in order to provide prompt assistance. Experts tell you how to find out a blood group quickly and easily.

Why you might need

A group is an ordinal determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens in red blood cells. It is necessary to know it in the following cases:

  • during blood transfusion, while searching for a donor suitable for the recipient and excluding their incompatibility;
  • when planning pregnancy - to prevent Rh-conflict between mother and child;
  • during preparation for surgery.

The blood group, which is determined in laboratory conditions, will help to find a suitable donor. Only in this case, the transfusion will not cause rejection and complications. Not all types of blood can mix with each other. So, the carrier of the first group is a universal donor for all people, and the blood of the second group can be transfused only to patients with the same or 4th group, the latter are the best recipients, they can be transfused with any blood.

In rare cases, during pregnancy, immune conflicts arise between mother and child. The expectant mother should be tested for antibodies and checked regularly by the attending physician.

How often do you have a blood test?

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    Only by prescription of the attending physician 31%, 1701 voice

    Once a year and I think that's enough 17%, 947 of votes

    At least twice a year 15%, 822 vote

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 621 voice

    I monitor my health and rent once a month 6%, 335 of votes

    I am afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 235 of votes


An indicator such as the Rh factor is important.

Timely determination of the Rh factor of the blood will prevent the Rh conflict in a future woman in labor.

How to prepare for the test

Before determining the blood group and Rh factor, you must:

  • competently build your diet - do not overeat, consume plenty of clean water;
  • inform the doctor about taking medications and medications;
  • avoid stressful situations and physical overload;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Physiotherapy procedures will also have to be temporarily postponed. Experts recommend refusing food 8-12 hours before donating blood. Tests are taken early in the morning, so such fasting will not bring discomfort to the person. After receiving the results, it is recommended to check the blood again. This will help ensure that the analysis is accurate.

How the blood group is determined in the clinic

In immunological laboratories, blood is tested for the Rh factor and its group affiliation is determined. These laboratories operate in special medical centers and some hospitals. People who are thinking about how to recognize their group can contact these institutions.

For a quick diagnosis, the patient can consult a general practitioner at his place of residence. The doctor will issue a referral with which the person will come to the treatment room on the appointed day. The results will be ready in 2-3 working days, analyzes are carried out free of charge. In private clinics, a referral for testing is not required: blood can be donated here by appointment or without it. The laboratory assistant will tell you about the timing of obtaining ready-made results, but often they are issued the next day.

Important information: What are the blood groups (Rh factors) and how do the positive and negative differ from each other?

For the study, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient from the cubital vein. For similar purposes, blood is taken from a vein in the head of newborns in the maternity hospital. In both cases, the algorithm for determining the blood group is the same: blood mixed with a special solution is placed in a test tube, and then in a centrifuge. During this procedure, a precipitate is formed under the action of agglutinins. A saline solution with a concentration of 3% is added to the container with the working material.

When recognizing a blood group, the determination method remains the same. Today, physicians still use the standard AB0 system. This system serves as the basis for a specific test for group and rhesus determination. The letters A and B stand for special lipids, also called agglutinogens.

To study, 2 portions of blood are required.

The anti-A reagent is added to the first, and anti-B to the other. The presence of antibodies indicates a particular group.

There are common ways to determine the Rh factor. If, after shaking the liquid in a centrifuge, white flakes stand out on the surface, Rh + is diagnosed. When a pink liquid forms in a test tube, experts conclude that the patient's Rh is negative. This method of determining the Rh factor allows you to get a guaranteed correct result.

What technique is used

There is a unified technique for determining the group and the Rh factor. During the study, agglutinogens are used - antibodies. Here, a positive or negative reaction is possible. There are 4 options for the final results. It:

  • complete absence of agglutination in 4 working cells, indicating the first group;
  • lack of the desired reaction in cells 1 and 3, or the second group;
  • Group 3 in the absence of agglutination in cells 1 and 2;
  • the presence of agglutination in cells 1, 2, 3 - 4 group.

The ABO system allows you to find out the necessary information as soon as possible. This method of determining the blood group has proven itself and is used in most medical centers.

How to find out a blood group without tests

Today, each person can independently determine their blood group without going to a medical institution. You can solve the problem by looking at the relevant information in your parents' medical records. Girls inherit their father's group and boys inherit their mothers. Parents with identical indicators give birth to children with the same data. The following table will help you get the necessary information, knowing the parents' data:

Important information: Diet for men according to blood group 1 (first) positive (negative) and food table for women

The necessary information can be contained in the person's personal medical record, which is located in the clinic at the place of residence. You can find out information in the registry of a medical institution.

You can check your data without analysis in the hospital using a special test. To conduct a study at home, you need to purchase a kit consisting of several components:

  • plates with 5 holes, with which you can find out the Rh factor of the blood and the group;
  • tools for obtaining samples;
  • glass rods for mixing liquids;
  • clean pipette for transporting solutions.

The kit will allow a person to understand what kind of blood he has. Everyone can do the analysis for himself. In the wells on the plate there are reagents for antigens (tsoliclones -A, -B, -AB), as well as for the main antigen, which allows you to recognize your Rh factor (tsoliclon anti-D).

Well number 5 contains a reagent control. It helps to prevent possible errors and inaccuracies, to correctly determine the group affiliation and other important indicators. Despite the ease and availability of this procedure, the most proven method of research is still considered to contact a specialized laboratory or medical center. The probability of error in this case is relatively small.

Several ways to determine the blood group without laboratory tests.

Each person has a certain set of physiological indicators that distinguish him from other people and make him a unique individual. These include the color of hair, eyes, physique, certain characteristics of the body, such as metabolism, tendency to be overweight, etc., as well as weight and height. One of the most important features of the body is the blood group and the Rh factor, which determine its basic properties.

But many young people and those who have never been in hospitals often do not have this information. If for some reason you do not want to go to a medical institution for testing, then after reading our article to the end, you will learn how to independently determine the blood group at home.

Image 1. Determine the blood group yourself.

Why do you need to know your blood type?

As already mentioned, the blood group is a determining factor in the individual properties of the human body and its type is inherited, regardless of gender, age or nationality. Of everything exists 4 blood groups, which differ in specific groups of carbohydrates and proteins and have different degrees of compatibility with each other.

Why do you need to know your blood type? Knowing your blood type can come in handy in the following cases:

  • Transfusion... Unfortunately, each person can get into a situation where he or his loved ones may need an emergency blood transfusion, and there will be no opportunity or time to do the necessary analysis. It is under such circumstances that it is very important to know your blood group, because any minute of delay can cost the victim his life.

Image 2. Table of compatibility of blood groups during transfusion.
  • Paternity or family ties test... As already mentioned, a blood type is inherited by a person, and genetic examination also requires information about the blood type. If you are afraid of needles, then it is better to know her in advance.
  • Pregnancy planning... When planning a pregnancy, it is also extremely important to know your blood type and that of your spouse. Or rather, their Rh factor. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father has a positive one, then the pregnant woman risks facing the development of the Rh conflict, which threatens with serious consequences for the health of the fetus.

Image 3. What is Rh-conflict?

How to determine the blood group at home?

Today there are many people among young people who refuse to go to clinics or hospitals to determine the blood group and are looking for ways to do it on their own. The reasons are different for everyone. Someone is afraid of needles, someone does not have time to visit these institutions, and someone is just lazy. Fortunately for such people, there are several ways to determine the blood type and its Rh factor at home. However, it should be said right away that not all of them can guarantee you 100% accuracy of information.

Viewing medical documents

  • Perhaps the easiest, most affordable and reliable way to determine a blood type is to look at your medical records. If you have ever been in a hospital and your blood was taken for analysis, then your blood type must be indicated in the statement.
  • If not, then you are probably attached to the district clinic and this information is indicated in your medical record. You can get it in your hands at the reception and find your blood group yourself, or you can call there, dictate your medical policy number and request the results of previously performed tests.
  • Also, some people may have a corresponding mark in their passport. Despite the fact that this practice has already become a thing of the past, some institutions (for example, the registry office), at the request of a citizen, can put a stamp with a blood group on page 18 of the document.

Ask parents

  • If searches for this information in medical documents have not yielded results, then another reliable way to find out your blood group would be to contact your parents. As a rule, the staff of the maternity hospital on the first birthday of the child informs the mother of his weight, height and blood type.


We remind you that the blood type is inherited and if you know the blood types of your parents, then, based on this information, you can calculate your own. However, there are two problems here:

  • If you do not know your blood type, then you hardly know what kind of blood type your parents have. Perhaps they themselves don't know;
  • You can be 100% sure of the accuracy of the information only if both of your parents have the first group. Then you have the first one too. If the parents have different blood types, then the theory of probability is already starting to work here. You can see the probability table in the image below.

Image 4. Table of the probability of inheriting a blood group in a child.

Using rapid tests

  • If the reason why you cannot pass a normal test in a medical institution is due to lack of free time, then you can purchase a special express test at the pharmacy to determine the blood group. It is a special indicator strip on which you need to drop a little blood and get the result after a few seconds.
  • There are several types of these indicator strips. Some of them are sold separately, and some come with a special device (glucometer), which is often used by diabetics.
Figure 5. Example of meter strips.

By character type

  • This method of determining the blood group can be called absurd or even fantastic. However, many people believe in it, as well as in astrology. It is assumed that people with the first blood group are hard and rude.
  • The second blood group is present in peaceful and gentle people. Representatives of humanity with the third group always show excessive activity and sociability, and the fourth blood group went to versatile and multifaceted people.
  • It is hardly necessary to speak about the reliability of this "analysis". However, this theory also has a right to exist due to the large number of its supporters.

VIDEO: Inheritance of blood type

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