Home Fertilizers Parent's corner consultation in kindergarten. Methodical recommendations for the design of a corner for parents. Requirements for the design of material for parents

Parent's corner consultation in kindergarten. Methodical recommendations for the design of a corner for parents. Requirements for the design of material for parents

Parents' corner in kindergarten

Information posted on the parent stand should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least every two weeks.

When placing any printed material on the stand (advice from doctors, psychologist, etc.), a reference to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, the name of the site is required.

The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When decorating stands, there is no need to abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys. The ratio of text and illustrations on stands and information carriers should be approximately 2: 6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

1. Parents' Corner contains a tablet about the age characteristics of the children in your group. During the year, the material is updated, including in turn the requirements for the physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, the peculiarities of the development of children's speech, self-service skills, etc. (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year etc.).

2. "Our life is day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, handicrafts, the text of a song learned in a lesson or a walk, the name of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain the following addresses: "Mom, learn a tongue twister with me:" Sasha walked along the highway and sucked a dryer ";" Dad, tell me a riddle: "Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, but doesn't let me into the house?" etc.

3. "Children's rights". A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of childhood rights in a preschool institution and family, addresses and phone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, official documents.

4. Age group mode

5. Advice from specialists You can paint a complex of gymnastics or advice on hardening (the physical culture leader prepares, the music director prepares the repertoire of the lesson, what works they listened to. , where information about these classes is placed. ” corner for parents

6. Notice board. Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a parent meeting, a performance, etc.

In addition to a stand, it is good to have a wardrobe or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, and a shelf for newspapers and magazines.

The purpose of the next form of visual propaganda - thematic exhibitions - is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects (samples of toys, play materials, works of art, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, educators.

The journal "Management of a preschool institution", the application "Working with parents in a preschool educational institution".

We decorate the parent's corner:
new forms and approaches

Traveler stands

We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are different specialists: a teacher-psychologist, a defectologist, a physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of the kindergarten pupils. Picking up material for parenting corners is a special job. And to do this twelve times, you must admit, is not easy. Therefore, experts can unite and come up with travel stands. So, for example, in one of the kindergartens, a boat “floats” in the younger groups, and trains “ride” in groups for middle-aged and older children.

In the changing room of each group, the Traveler's stand makes a stopover for a week and then travels to the next destination. After the stand has “driven” along the entire assigned route, the information on it is updated.

Five rules for the design of the parent corner

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs about the content of classes, gives advice and recommendations on education. In this way, the educator helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children, and reveals the value of their own work.

Parent corners are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get to know the group. But how often we do not have enough time and opportunities for their competent design!

In the corners there are articles that are useless to anyone, written in small print from unknown magazines, the obligatory menu and the meager words of the program content of the lessons, which frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.

In order for parental corners in our kindergarten to really fulfill their functions, I recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

1. Select articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communicating with the teacher on this topic.

2. Do not use terms that are incomprehensible to parents.

3. Place information at the level of the parents' eyes. In printed materials, use a font of at least 14th.

4. Articles should be supplemented with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

5. In a tight folder with files we put all the information about the kindergarten, expert advice, useful articles from magazines, newspapers.

Approximate furnishing of the parent's corner.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Skill level (what a child should be able to do at ... years of age)

3. Regime of the day.

4. Grid of occupations.

6. Menu for every day (save the menu for 10 days)

8. Rules for parents

9. What we did today.

10. Repeat with children.

12. Announcements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for demonstrating children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, the goals and objectives of the age group., Reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

The material should be:





There should be no more than two colors in the design

In the section “What we were doing today” the type of lesson, topic, program tasks are indicated. Briefly describes the activities of the day, demonstrates children's work,

The Tips and Tricks section only provides advice and guidance to parents. It is advisable to relate the content of the recommendations to the topics of the teachers' council, parent meetings, current topics, program material that is currently given to the children in the group.

In the section "Repeat with us" - it is suggested that parents repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs ...

You can use additionally:

The issue of the Family Newspaper highlights the experience of family education. The parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its purpose is not only to interest parents in the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to the parents the content and significance of this or that issue of upbringing.

In the section “Are you asking? We answer! »Teachers post topical issues of public life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

In the section "We express our gratitude" reflects the good deeds of the parents who provided various types of assistance to the kindergarten, the group (all possible help in the repair of toys, the purchase of books, participation in subbotniks). Here the administration thanks the parents for the help provided

The success of the educational process in kindergarten directly depends on the degree of coordination between teachers and parents. In this connection, the exchange of information, experience, the search for interesting ways of organizing work with children, as well as awareness of the results of the educational activities of children are very important. All these aspects of cooperation are reflected in the parent's corner. And the task of the educator is to formulate it in a methodically competent and aesthetically pleasing manner.

Purpose of creating a corner for parents

A stand or shelf, as well as tablets and mattresses, which are in the reception room and are intended to familiarize parents with the life of the group where their baby is being brought up, are called a parent's corner. The goals of its creation are: awakening the family's interest in the life of the group and the garden (materials on planned excursions, creative projects, etc.); demonstration of the results of work on the training, development and upbringing of children (photos, collages from photos, drawings of babies, crafts, including those made with parents, etc.); acquaintance with the normative documents related to parenting (information on the rights of the child, a list of the rights and responsibilities of parents, the charter of a preschool institution, etc.)

Material presentation form

In order for the corner to fulfill its purpose as much as possible, its design should be varied, but not redundant. Based on the methodological experience of generations of educators, we can conclude that for a beautiful and meaningful parenting corner, it is enough to choose something from the following positions:

  • 1-2 stands;
  • 3-4 tablets (the size is matched to the dimensions of the corner);
  • 1 table or shelf for an exhibition of children's works (it is convenient to place them in a mat);
  • posters or images of silhouettes of toys, fairy-tale characters.


Children's drawings, bright pictures, photographs of babies during classes and walks - this is only part of the design of the corner for parents, the content of which can be divided into two groups of materials: permanent and temporary. The first are:

  • annually updated age characteristics of children;
  • a list of age-relevant skills and abilities (rewritten every year);
  • daily routine for the current academic year;
  • menu;
  • the rules "Every parent should know this";
  • information about the program according to which the preschool child care institution operates;
  • telephones of the educator, assistant educator, social service, ambulance, trust service;
  • information from specialists (their names, reception hours, phone numbers);
  • tips for training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking;
  • notes on disease prevention (organized, for example, in a folder);
  • a table with weighing data and measuring the growth of babies;
  • letters of thanks for parents (for helping the group, garden, etc.).

Convenient when a place is allocated in the parent's corner for a lost property office for lost items of kids

Temporary content assumes the following information:

  • list of birthday people for the month;
  • health sheet with information on a specific day;
  • a list of activities for the whole week (with topics, tasks and a short description of the content);
  • information about the results of the kids' work (exhibition of works, the results of psychological and pedagogical tests, etc.);
  • a list of topics that need to be repeated with children (for example, learn a riddle, a poem, a proverb);
  • a list of activities for a segment of the training period (usually for a month);
  • news from the life of the kindergarten;
  • information about upcoming contests (for example, "Summer Holidays for My Family", "Weekend with Dad", etc.)

Where to locate

It is best if the corner is located near the window. Any well-lit area of ​​the room will work as well.

In many kindergartens, information for parents is placed above the lockers.


As with all educational materials, several requirements are imposed on the parent's corner:

  • heading names are highlighted in bright, for example, red;
  • the text must be divided into paragraphs;
  • availability of constant and updated information;
  • the main principle of material presentation is lapidary.

It is interesting. Lapidary - extremely short, succinct.

As for the issue of content, the relevance of the information is important. And the task is not only in accordance with the material at a given moment in the life of the group, such as: a report on events, a work plan for a week or a menu, but in creating a selection of useful recommendations for parents of a specific age group. So, it will be useful for parents of children of the first junior group to read about the daily routine in kindergarten, so that at home relatives can build a similar rhythm to facilitate the adaptation of the baby to the new living conditions in the group. But for mums and dads of preschoolers of the preparatory group, for example, it is very important to know in advance about the tests for first graders, as well as about the work that is carried out in kindergarten to prepare children for the first tests.

Working with parents

Our corner is addressed to caring parents - mothers and fathers, grandparents, whose children attend our preschool. After all, it is here, in kindergarten, that the mechanisms of communication between the baby and peers and adults are laid, the first, and therefore invaluable, steps are made on the path of personality formation.

Our corner was created in order to preserve the childhood of children and help their parents to raise them.

We are glad that our meetings take place not only in kindergarten.

Our kindergarten has the following rules for parents.


1. Bring the children on time so that they are not late for morning exercises and classes.

2.Provide children with comfortable replacement shoes; sports shoes for joint physical education activities; "Czech women", for musical lessons and holidays; spare set of linen.

3. To monitor the sports form of children, wash at least 1 time a week.

4. Attend kindergarten every day.

5. In case of illness of the child, promptly inform the kindergarten about it.

It is prohibited:

1. Give children dangerous toys with them to kindergarten (not age-appropriate, various sharp objects, toy weapons, coins, and so on).

2. Leave the children gifts, vitamins, medicines (without first informing the teacher about this).

3. On a child's birthday as a treat, bring chips, ice cream, crisps and any foods that can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in children to the kindergarten.

Reception of children is carried out from 7.30 to 8.10 every day, except weekends and holidays. Timely arrival at kindergarten is a necessary condition for the correct organization of the educational process.
The teachers are ready to talk with you in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening from 17.00 to 18.00. At other times, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract him.
The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed to you, by name and patronymic. Conflict controversial situations must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the deputy head or head.

We ask you not to give your child chewing gum, sucking candies, chips and croutons with you to kindergarten.
We strongly advise against dressing your child with gold and silver jewelry, or giving expensive toys with you.

Requirements for the appearance of children

A neat look, buttoned-up clothes and shoes;
Washed face;
Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
Hair cut and carefully combed;
Clean underwear;
The presence of a sufficient number of handkerchiefs.

To create comfortable conditions for a child's stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

At least 2 sets of changeable underwear: for boys - shorts, panties, tights; girls - tights, panties. In warm weather - socks, knee-highs.
At least 2 sets of replaceable sleepwear (pajamas).
Two bags for storing clean and used laundry.
Linen, clothing and other items must be labeled.

Before taking your child to kindergarten, check if his suit is suitable for the season and the air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too large and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can self-serve. Shoes should be light, warm, fit exactly with the child's foot, easy to put on and take off. Wearing overalls is undesirable. A handkerchief is essential for a child, both indoors and out. Create convenient pockets on your clothing to store it.
To avoid injury, parents should check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothing for dangerous items. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles) to the preschool educational institution, as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets.

Dear Parents! If you brought your child after the start of a certain time period, please undress him and wait with him in the dressing room until the next break.
Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8.10 and in the evening after 17.00. at other times the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and must not be distracted.

To the teachers of the group, regardless of their age, you must contact you, by name and patronymic.

Controversial and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.

If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the head.

Remember that in kindergarten you can seek advice and individual help on all issues of interest to you regarding the upbringing of a child.
We ask you to make sure that there are no sharp, cutting or stabbing objects in the child's pockets.

Please do not give your child chewing gum in kindergarten.

In a group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other, take personal belongings without permission, including other children's toys brought from home, spoil and break the results of other children's labor. Children are not allowed to "hit back", nor are they allowed to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by considerations of the safety of each child.

For toys brought from home, the child must take care of himself, educators are not responsible for these toys.

We ASK you in your family to support these requirements!

Responsibilities of parents
? bring the child neatly dressed and personally hand him over to the caregiver and pick him up! Parents, remember! Educators are strictly forbidden to give children to drunken persons, children under the supervision of Jr. school age, release children at the request of parents, give children to strangers without parental warning!
? resolve all controversial issues in a calm and businesslike atmosphere, indicating the reasons for the dispute and involving the administration! Parents, remember! Conflict situations should be resolved without children.

? assist in the improvement of the kindergarten

Dress children according to the season and according to the weather! Parents, remember! Excessive wrapping or insufficiently warm clothing can make your child sick!
? not to bring a sick child to kindergarten and promptly inform about the reasons for the child's non-attendance by calling the kindergarten. Parents, remember! If a child does not attend kindergarten for three days or more, then he is admitted to kindergarten only with a medical certificate!

? present a medical certificate with permission to attend kindergarten! Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child! An incompletely treated child will not only get sick himself, but also infect healthy children.

? pay a fee for maintaining a child in kindergarten by the 15th day of each month

Information for parents

Family collaboration. Forms of work.

Children are taught by what surrounds them.
If a child is often criticized, he learns to judge.
If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid.
If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child is often condescending, he learns to be tolerant.
If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence.
If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate
If they are usually honest with a child, he learns justice.
If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe
If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

Educator MADOU # 203 "Combined Kindergarten", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of the group and the reception.

A kindergarten is a special institution, practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. Lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of the creativity of educators.

I have been working in my group for the second year. The group got unkempt. But I tried to do my best to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoy every day in our group.

Design "Our group". The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

There is also a stand for children and parents “You can’t bring to kindergarten” (as practice shows, very useful information).

To congratulate the children on their birthday, I made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and folding clothes in a locker.

This is the "Funny Pencils" design for an art corner.

I make a lot of manuals from junk material. Pencil holder in the corner of the IZO (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games "Shop", "Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The design of the play area is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for the study and consolidation of traffic rules.

Corner "We are on duty" and "Learning to set the table."

Corner "Ryazhenie" and "Hairdresser".

This is our "Hospital".

Decoration of the "Nature" corner.

Cognitive area and mini - museum "Burenushka".

Cognition center decoration.

Thank you for the attention!

Elena Voloshina

Subject - developmental environment


In our reception there is an information corner for parents, where they can familiarize themselves with the daily routine, the schedule of classes, information about the work of our kindergarten... Seasonal screens, information on traffic rules, healthy lifestyles, consultations for parents on various topics, booklets are systematically exhibited, there is also a corner - an exhibition children's works on fine arts and sculpting where parents can look work their children and take them home. Information material is changed regularly.

Corner of moral and patriotic education

We live in a great, beautiful country. To be a worthy citizen of your country, you need to know it well, love and be proud of it. With the aim of organizing moral and patriotic education in our group was issued corner for moral and patriotic education. Children can always see the state symbols of their country (the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia, their city, they recognize their president in photographs.) children's attention provided various books about their region, city, didactic games.

Corner of mathematics - contributes to the cognitive and mathematical development of children. Didactic and logical - mathematical games are aimed at the development of the logical action of comparison, logical operations of classification. In this corner there are materials for teaching counting, development ideas about size and shape, equipment for forming views about the number and quantity.

Speech development corner

Formation of the correct speech of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the timely formation of the speech of children, of its purity and correctness. In the corner of speech development, sets are selected subject and plot pictures, schemes - support, for composing stories - descriptions, conversations on plot pictures, games for the cognitive and speech development of children.

Literary reading corner - plays an essential role in the formation of preschoolers' interest in fiction. In the corner of literary reading, the child can independently, according to his taste, choose one or another book and examine it. In this corner there is a personal communication between a child and a work of art - a book and illustrations.

Cognitive Development Corner - introduces children to the available natural phenomena. Promotes the manifestation of a caring, respectful attitude of preschoolers to living beings. Children learn to find the aesthetic beauty of plants and animals, take care of them, acquire a value attitude towards nature, develop cognitive activity and observation. Also a corner of nature in children's kindergarten fosters care, thrift, responsibility and good feelings in preschool children. In a corner of nature weather calendar is kept... Children observe and care for the plants. Also in the corner of nature there are didactic games, a center for experimentation, for conducting elementary experiments, experiments.

Artistic corner - equipped with the necessary material for productive and creative activity children: sheets of paper, colored pencils, stencils, coloring, etc. work... We acquaint children with folk crafts, with fabulous - epic painting.

Theatrical corner is an important object of developing Wednesday where you can start equipping group, since it is the theatrical activity that helps to unite group, unite children with an interesting idea, new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, showing unexpected facets of their character. Children get acquainted with various types of theater and choose the one that is close and convenient to them.

The Music Corner is a place where children learn about music and its beauty. Listening to music plays an important role in raising children. Thanks to this process, the child instills a desire to love and learn about the beautiful. Creatively formalized the musical corner will help not only to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about her, but also develops the imagination of children, activates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech.

The corner of physical education is an integral part of intellectual, aesthetic, moral education baby: only all this in a complex will allow him to grow up as an integral, harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Regular physical activity improves the health of children. In the corner of physical education there are: balls of different sizes, sandbags, handkerchiefs, pigtails, attributes for outdoor games, jump ropes, massage mats for dynamic hours, as well as a card index for morning exercises, outdoor games and walks.

Safety corner - presents itself clearly - illustrative material. Together with the children, we study safety rules. Because our task is not only to protect and protect babies from difficult (sometimes dangerous) life situations, but also prepare children to meet with them. With children, we constantly play up situations, talk over questions for which every child should know the correct one answer:

What should be done if there is a fire in the apartment? (Call 01 or from cell phone 010, 112 and tell the address of the fire, your last name, what and where it burns.)

Can I play with matches and lighters? (You can't. Matches are one of the causes of fire.)

The main rule for any danger? (Don't panic, don't lose your composure.) etc.

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