Home Fertilizers Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup. Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup

Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup. Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup

The grand opening of the All-Russian Artistic Gymnastics Competition took place at the Nikolai Tolkachev School of the Olympic Reserve. The memory tournament has been running for about 30 years. Every year the number of participants increases, this year more than 350 gymnasts are competing for the cup. More than 400 gymnasts from 41 cities of Russia, as well as representatives from Donetsk and Lugansk came to Vladimir.

- I am a coach from Donetsk. The senior coach of the DPR national team, our republic is young. We brought 5 gymnasts. Three for the 2nd category and two for candidates for master of sports,- said the senior coach of the DPR national team Yuri Yamanko.

The main prize of the competition will be the Nikolai Tolkachev Memorial Cup. The best gymnast of the 20th century, the honored trainer of the USSR is proud not only of Vladimir, but the whole country. By tradition, both young athletes and candidates and masters of sports take part in the competition.

- For the Vladimir gymnasts, this is a start, which is needed to prepare for the Russian championship, for the Russian championship. Today the strongest athletes from Vladimir will be here, and I think that those territories that came to take part in the tournament also brought the strongest athletes,- said the head of the department for physical culture and sports of the administration of the city of Vladimir Oleg Medvedev.

Alexander Kartsev is a rising Vladimir star. This tournament for him is another step on the way to great victories. At 15, he is the winner of the European Youth Olympic Festival.

- I took 2nd place on the uneven bars and won the horizontal bar. It was my first big, big start - shared the pupil of the SDYUSSHOR them. Nikolai Tolkachev Alexander Kartsev.

Deputy Governor of the Vladimir Region Mikhail Kolkov also took part in the opening ceremony of the tournament. On behalf of the head of the region Svetlana Orlova, he greeted the participants of the competition, stressing that “ today the future glory of the country's artistic gymnastics stands on this platform».

About sporting events. The XXVIII All-Russian Artistic Gymnastics Tournament for the Cup in memory of the Honored Coach of the USSR Nikolai Tolkachev was solemnly opened in Vladimir today. A record number of athletes came to the competition this year: more than 250 girls and more than 170 boys. Basically, the gymnasts represent the central part of Russia. The competition itself will start tomorrow. And today the opening parade of the tournament was held at the Tolkachev sports school. More Kirill Uzhegov.
By tradition, both young athletes and candidates and masters of sports take part in the competition. All participants are at least 13 years old. Alexander Kartsev has been participating in the Tolkachev tournament for several years. The athlete, at the age of 15, has been a member of the Russian national artistic gymnastics team for the third year. Alexander even deduced for himself a personal winning tactic of performance - the main thing is to give all his best, and focus on those shells that are best given during training.
Alexander Kartsev, gymnast (Vladimir):
- Horse and crossbar are best of all from shells. I like them. /// It's just that when I do everything cleanly on the horizontal bar, then the score will be better. The main thing is to make a good base. Others do dirty things and get their points deducted. And I win at the expense of cleanliness.
Among our main rivals are guests from the capital and St. Petersburg. By the way, among the girls, our participants consider the gymnasts from Belgorod to be the main rival. After all, they are trained by the sister of two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina, Yulia Khorkina. But the coach herself counters with the fact that the Vladimir athletes are in no way inferior to her wards. In addition, Yulia notes that the level of preparation of the competitions themselves is one of the highest in Russia.

Yulia Khorkina, coach of the sports school No. 3, Belgorod:
- It's just that we have been holding the Svetlana Khorkina tournament for 18 years. We have 500-600 participants each. And here I am already watching eight streams. And I understand - the people of Vladimir are catching up, catching up with us. And I know that your competitions are in demand among other schools in the country. Everyone wants to visit them and come to participate in competitions of such a high level.
There are also innovations in the format of the competition this year. For the first time, a new program "Olympic Hopes" has been introduced. It is specially allocated for first-class athletes 10-12 years old.
Yuri Korolev, chief judge of the competition:
- Olympic hopes is a special program for those who are planning to join the Russian national team in the future. Not all children of this age can master it. Only a few. And in total 2 people will perform on this program. And both are our Vladimirsky. Nobody brought from other regions under this program.
There are no changes in the main program of the tournament. The gymnasts will face the classic all-around, which includes free performances, on horseback, uneven bars, rings, crossbar and vault. It will be more difficult for the judges in the current tournament. Since due to the large number of participants, the performances will last from 8 am to 7-8 pm. But the main thing is the attitude of the athletes themselves. After all, their further sports career will depend on how they show themselves.
Oleg Medvedev, head of the department for physical culture and sports of the administration of the city of Vladimir:
- For the Vladimir gymnasts, this is a start, which is needed to prepare for the Championship of Russia, for the Championship of Russia. Only the strongest gymnasts from Vladimir will perform here. And I think that the territories that came to participate in our tournament also brought the strongest athletes.
The tournament for the Cup in memory of the Honored Coach of the USSR Nikolai Tolkachev will end on October 22. Based on the results, the winners in different categories will be determined. Some of the guys will even be able to get into the national teams of the region or become a candidate for the youth team of Russia.
Kirill Uzhegov, Alexey Kovalev, Variant TV channel

The latest news of the Vladimir region on the topic:
Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup

Tolkachev Artistic Gymnastics Cup- Vladimir

About sporting events. The XXVIII All-Russian Artistic Gymnastics Tournament for the Cup in memory of the Honored Coach of the USSR Nikolai Tolkachev was solemnly opened in Vladimir today.
10:34 19.10.2017 Variant TV channel

Will the Vladimir gymnasts please?- Vladimir

Will our athletes please? Competitions in artistic gymnastics for the memory cup of honored coach Nikolai Tolkachev and honored masters of sports Andrianov and Ryazanov have started in Vladimir.
19:59 18.10.2017 33Live.Ru

Traditional artistic gymnastics tournament starts in Vladimir- Vladimir

About sporting events. The XXVIII All-Russian Artistic Gymnastics Tournament for the Cup in memory of the Honored Coach of the USSR Nikolai Tolkachev was solemnly opened in Vladimir today. A record number of athletes came to the competition this year: more than 250 girls and more than 170 boys. Basically, the gymnasts represent the central part of Russia. The competition itself will start tomorrow. And today the opening parade of the tournament was held at the Tolkachev sports school. More Kirill Uzhegov.

By tradition, both young athletes and candidates and masters of sports take part in the competition. All participants are at least 13 years old. Alexander Kartsev has been participating in the Tolkachev tournament for several years. The athlete, at the age of 15, has been a member of the Russian national artistic gymnastics team for the third year. Alexander even deduced for himself a personal winning tactic of performance - the main thing is to give all his best, and focus on those shells that are best given during training.

Alexander Kartsev, gymnast (Vladimir):

- Horse and crossbar are best of all from shells. I like them. /// It's just that when I do everything cleanly on the horizontal bar, then the score will be better. The main thing is to make a good base. Others do dirty things and get their points deducted. And I win at the expense of cleanliness.

Among our main rivals are guests from the capital and St. Petersburg. By the way, among the girls, our participants consider the gymnasts from Belgorod to be the main rival. After all, they are trained by the sister of two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina, Yulia Khorkina. But the coach herself counters with the fact that the Vladimir athletes are in no way inferior to her wards. In addition, Yulia notes that the level of preparation of the competitions themselves is one of the highest in Russia.

Yulia Khorkina, coach of the sports school No. 3, Belgorod:

- It's just that we have been holding the Svetlana Khorkina tournament for 18 years. We have 500-600 participants each. And here I am already watching eight streams. And I understand - the people of Vladimir are catching up, catching up with us. And I know that your competitions are in demand among other schools in the country. Everyone wants to visit them and come to participate in competitions of such a high level.

There are also innovations in the format of the competition this year. For the first time, a new program "Olympic Hopes" was introduced. It is specially allocated for first-class athletes 10-12 years old.

Yuri Korolev, chief judge of the competition:

- Olympic hopes is a special program for those who are planning to join the Russian national team in the future. Not all children of this age can master it. Only a few. And in total 2 people will perform on this program. And both are our Vladimirsky. Nobody brought from other regions under this program.

There are no changes in the main program of the tournament. The gymnasts will face the classic all-around, which includes free performances, on horseback, uneven bars, rings, crossbar and vault. It will be more difficult for the judges in the current tournament. Since due to the large number of participants, the performances will last from 8 am to 7-8 pm. But the main thing is the attitude of the athletes themselves. After all, their further sports career will depend on how they show themselves.

Oleg Medvedev, head of the department for physical culture and sports of the administration of the city of Vladimir:

- For the Vladimir gymnasts, this is a start, which is needed to prepare for the Championship of Russia, for the Championship of Russia. Only the strongest gymnasts from Vladimir will perform here. And I think that the territories that came to participate in our tournament also brought the strongest athletes.

The tournament for the Cup in memory of the Honored Coach of the USSR Nikolai Tolkachev will end on October 22. Based on the results, the winners in different categories will be determined. Some of the guys will even be able to get into the national teams of the region or become a candidate for the youth team of Russia.

Kirill Uzhegov, Alexey Kovalev, Variant TV channel

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