Home Fertilizers Honey and other products from the apiary. What products does a bee give besides honey? Bee products: propolis

Honey and other products from the apiary. What products does a bee give besides honey? Bee products: propolis

Beekeeping products have long ceased to be just a delicacy. Honey, bee bread, royal jelly, propolis are used to treat many diseases. All of them have a unique natural composition. Not only traditional healers recognize the magical properties of bee products, but also many doctors use elements of apitherapy in their practice.

The results of the vital functions of bees

  • pollen;
  • perga;
  • chitin;
  • backing;
  • bee venom;
  • propolis;
  • royal jelly;
  • wax.

Honey is the most versatile medicine known since the Stone Age. Its useful properties are so diverse that we can talk about honey as a cure for all diseases. Honey properties:

Honey is good because it is allowed to be used even by young children (in the absence of allergies).


The wax is widely used in cosmetology, dermatology and neurology:

  • Pediatricians prescribe wax compresses for increased leg tone in babies.
  • In cosmetology, wax is used for masks. When heated, the wax gives all the vitamins and minerals to the skin. This contributes to the correction of the face contour, rejuvenation and removal of inflammation. Wax is the basis of cosmetics. Many creams, lipsticks, mascaras, the famous hair removal wax strips, and other cosmetics contain a certain percentage of wax.
  • Dermatologists prescribe wax compresses for various skin conditions.
  • For the treatment of wounds, burns.

Pollen contains amino acids. Nutritionists say that the vitamin and mineral composition of pollen can easily replace meat. Therefore, pollen is a real boon for vegetarians.

Since pollen has a very rich composition (more than 27 trace elements), it often causes allergic reactions. Beekeeping products are all strong allergens, excluding bee bread. Their use, especially pollen, should be strictly dosed.

A beekeeping product with a pleasant specific odor. Its application:

  • In dentistry, for strengthening the gums, for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis.
  • In proctology for the local treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • For the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis in the form of rinsing.
  • In cosmetology for the enrichment of creams for aging skin.
  • To increase immunity, 10% tincture is drunk 1 time a day. Starting with one drop and working up to 20 drops. Then in reverse order. The course of drops is 40 days.

Propolis has the strongest bactericidal and antiseptic properties. He is a natural antibiotic.


These are top caps cut with a strip of combs. It is valued by beekeepers several times more than propolis. Zabrus is capable of:

  • Ensure the strengthening of the immune system, as it has antiviral properties.
  • It is actively used in sports nutrition. It improves metabolism, promotes muscle gain.
  • In dietetics, it is used for metabolism, it is used both for gaining weight and for reducing it.
  • Improve digestion, in gastroenterology it is used to treat hypoacid gastritis.
  • In the absence of allergies, it is approved for use by young children.

Bee pollen preserved by the honey-enzymatic method. Its composition is so varied and balanced that it helps with many diseases:

  • Amino acids and enzymes of bee bread have anabolic properties, they are used in sports nutrition.
  • The antimicrobial properties of bee bread allow it to be used to treat various inflammatory diseases. In this, bee bread is similar to propolis. It has the properties of a natural antibiotic.


These are the bodies of dead honey bees. They are processed to obtain ointments, rubbing. Apply:

  • For the treatment of inflammation and pain relief in neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, sprains and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • For the treatment of burns, boils, neurodermatitis and acne.
  • Prevention and treatment of gum disease, with toothache.
  • In masks to strengthen hair.


Bee venom is a burning, pungent-smelling liquid. There are local irritating ointments for the treatment of joints. Apitoxin and other bee products are used in many homeopathic remedies. They are used:

  • With neuralgia, osteochondrosis. Apitoxin is able to restore joint mobility.
  • With poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers.
  • With obliterating endarteritis, bee venom is able to reflexively expand blood vessels, reduce blood clotting.
  • As a pain reliever.
  • In the complex treatment of hypertension.
  • With trigeminal neuralgia.

A little about folk recipes

Beekeeping products are actively used by apitherapists. Their properties are used primarily for colds:

  • Honey inhalation. As you know, the beneficial properties of honey are lost when heated. Therefore, it is better to make them with a modern nebulizer, and not in the old fashioned way in a saucepan. Dissolve a few drops of honey in warm water, about 5 ml, and inhale using an inhalation tube. This method will help clear mucus and pus from your sinuses, soften your throat, and thin phlegm. Helps improve immunity.
  • The baths use a honey-salt scrub. Simply mix honey and sea salt and massage gently into your skin. The scrub helps draw out toxins. Regular use of this mask slows down the aging process of the skin.
  • Olive oil mixed with honey in equal proportions. Their mixture is drunk in a tablespoon 3 times a day. Regular use of the mixture will improve bowel function. The mixture is used in oncology, in particular in rectal cancer.
  • Composition for stimulating immunity. Squeeze aloe leaves (at least 7 years old, they contain more biologically active substances), add melted honey to the resulting juice. Mix them with cahors, add 10 ml of propolis tincture. Begin to take with a few drops, once a day. Within 10 days, the volume is increased to a teaspoon.
  • Treatment of oncology by podmor. The dried podmore is poured with alcohol, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of podmore in half a glass of 95% alcohol. The mixture is infused in a cool dark place for 21 days, with daily shaking. Take 20 drops after meals, for a course of at least 60 days.
  • Beekeeping products for the treatment of prostatitis. Melt pork fat, add 75 g of propolis, 4 g of bee bread and royal jelly, 15 g of honey. Heat the mixture until plastic and form small suppositories. Apply candles at night.

Honey and bee products are a source of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Taking them improves the quality of life. For strong immunity, for the beauty of hair and skin, to combat stress - bee products will be real helpers.

The bee hive is just a storehouse of nutrients. Wax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly - all these products bring us only benefit and are used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Even a simple ingestion - but only in limited quantities - is very beneficial and can cure many diseases.


The bees seal the honeycomb with hexagonal caps, which the beekeepers cut off before pumping out the honey. This is the backbone. It is even healthier than honey itself, as it also contains bee saliva, and honey, and a little bee venom, which bees use to seal the honeycomb. The backbone contains a high concentration of vitamins A, B, C, E, there are almost all trace elements necessary for a person and a very rare type of fat secreted by bee glands.

Zabrus is a very healthy cocktail of honey, pollen and wax, and besides, it contains bee venom. It is thanks to the backing that honey in combs can be stored for a very long time, for decades, without becoming sugar-coated and retaining its useful properties.

Zabrus is very useful for diseases of the respiratory tract, runny nose, sinusitis, bronchitis. It cures colds and flu, as it has antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Zabrus is simply chewed like chewing gum, the longer the better.



It is obtained by bees by processing resinous substances of plant origin. Propolis is bee glue. It is used for home furnishing, gaps sealing, construction.

Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic. It destroys harmful microbes, but it does not harm beneficial bacteria, so it does not have the side effects, unlike pills. Propolis is used as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, antitumor and antioxidant agent. Propolis also regulates blood coagulation, strengthens blood vessels, and improves digestion.

Contraindications Individual intolerance and allergy to bee products.


When collecting nectar, bees do not forget about pollen. They preserve most of the collected pollen in honey, and they get bee bread. In addition, they bring pollen on their legs and abdomens. Beekeepers set up special pollen traps to collect some of the pollen from the bee legs, because it is so useful.

Pollen contains all the essential amino acids that a person must receive from food, since the body itself cannot synthesize them. It contains a lot of potassium, which we need to maintain the heart muscle, as well as 26 more important trace elements and very necessary vitamins: carotene, provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, D, P, K. Rutin present in pollen, of which there is a record amount, practically fulfills the program for the prevention of heart diseases: it strengthens the walls of the capillaries, thereby improving cardiac activity.



This is the pollen that bees have processed with their saliva and preserved in honey. One of the most valuable beekeeping products. Bees feed their larvae with pergoyu. Moreover, while producing this product, they preserve pollen wisely, making a cocktail of different types of pollen.

Perge contains a lot of potassium, which is extremely necessary for our body, but it is difficult to get the required amount with ordinary food or vitamins - it is poorly absorbed. And in perge, potassium is actually already processed by bees, so it is well absorbed. This trace element is responsible for the work of the heart muscle, good metabolism, and the removal of toxins from the body.

Contraindications Allergy to pollen and honey, diabetes mellitus. Pollen and bee bread should be eaten in very small portions - no more than 1 tsp. in a day. Overdose is harmful.

Royal jelly

It is produced by bees that do not fly out of the hive. The family needs royal jelly to feed the larvae of bees and drones, as well as to feed the queen of the bees - the queen.

Royal jelly looks and tastes like sour cream. If you take it a little bit every day on an empty stomach, then after a while you will notice that the tone of the muscles and the nervous system has increased, memory, vision have improved, and the skin has become smooth and elastic. Royal jelly reduces blood cholesterol levels, normalizes blood pressure, increases mental and physical performance, and prevents the aging process.

Contraindications Allergies and individual intolerance, acute infectious diseases, tumors, diseases of the adrenal cortex. You can not use this product with high blood pressure and increased blood clotting. The maximum daily dose (if there are no contraindications) is up to 100 mg per day (the maximum single dose is 30 mg). You cannot use royal jelly in the evening, otherwise insomnia is guaranteed.

Bee venom

In villages and in apiaries, bees were used as a medicine against sciatica: they put 2-3 bees on the lower back and pressed down a little. The bees bit, and their poison healed the disease, dispersed the blood.

Scientists have proven that bee venom is a very useful substance. It increases the amount of hemoglobin, reduces the viscosity and coagulability of blood, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to the diseased organ, relieves pain, increases overall tone, efficiency, improves sleep and appetite. So in small quantities, bee venom is useful.

Contraindications... Bee venom should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, since only a specialist will select the required dosage. Be aware that some people are allergic to bee venom. And then the bite of even one bee can be fatal.

What is bee bread and propolis, and what useful products can a person get from a hive, if not counting honey and wax? The answers to these questions are in the text. The by-products from bees also have serious contraindications. They are listed in a separate chapter.

Honey is traditionally considered the main product obtained from bees. It is formed from nectar, although the bee collects nectar and pollen from the flower. From pollen, in turn, a valuable product is obtained called bee bread. Usually honey is collected from one hive, as well as bee bread and wax. To the list you can add propolis - bee glue containing useful substances. But propolis in terms of the content of these substances is inferior to bee chewing gum, which bees glue the honeycomb with. In general, beekeeping products and their applications are so diverse that one paragraph is not enough to even list them.

Honey and its varieties

Traditionally, honey is classified according to its origin: it can be floral, sugar or honeydew honey. In the latter case, we are talking about the sweet secretions of insects that do not belong to the subspecies of bees. Pad is plant sugar diluted in water.

Honeydew honey is cheaper than flower honey

In general, any type of honey contains not only sugar, but also glucose and fructose. In flower honey, for example, the amount of sugar is no more than five percent.

We will talk about beekeeping products obtained from the apiary, which is arranged according to all the rules. Here we can only talk about flower honey. Its variety and value depend on the origin:

  • Buckwheat - dark brown honey, the most valuable variety;
  • Maple or acacia honey, as well as collected from alfalfa flowers - transparent honey, which takes second place in value;
  • Linden and sweet clover are a valuable and rare variety, the color of the product is amber;
  • Alpine chestnut honey - close in value to the lime variety, but the color is dark brown;
  • Dandelion, mustard, also sainfoin honey - yellow in color and familiar to everyone;
  • Rapeseed or raspberry honey - white;
  • Rowan and heather - dark yellow;
  • The honey obtained from phacelia flowers is greenish.

The product obtained in reality contains the nectar of various plants.

Buckwheat is the main supplier of nectar

If the composition of honey contains the nectar of one plant, then they say that there are no impurities.

Consider an example: pure chestnut honey is almost never found. As a rule, it is diluted with nectar from linden flowers.

When two varieties of honey are mixed, a product is obtained that can be eaten. Only the mixture will be less valuable than either ingredient alone.

Dozens of different varieties

It also turned out that people are no less intelligent than bees. People also make honey from the pulp and juice of various fruits. An example is a variety called "Nardek", that is, watermelon honey. This also includes honey from grape juice.

Video with the preparation of watermelon honey

By-products and their benefits

For a very long time, practically for centuries, people received only honey from bees. Later they guessed that it was possible to melt wax. But a significant part of useful products was thrown away anyway.

The yellow grains are pollen

Pollen of plants, more precisely, the product formed from it, could also be thrown away. Well, there was no question of getting the bees to produce propolis. Many details became known only in the 20th century. And now they will become available to our reader.

What is bee bread?

Imagine that the pollen is compacted by a bee into lumps, which are preserved with honey enzymes. By the way, sucrose is an excellent preservative. And before tamping the pollen, it is subjected to lactic acid fermentation.

Real bee perga

The result is always a product that we call bee bread. The lumps are located directly in the combs and can be stored along with the honey.

Bee bread can be considered a natural bioactive supplement. The daily intake is 0.5 teaspoon for an adult. The point is that pollen contains protein, as well as sodium, which is easily absorbed. And in edible bee bread sodium is contained in a concentration exceeding 60%!

With the help of a dietary supplement formed in vivo, anemia can be cured and immunity increased. And sometimes bee bread is prescribed for sleep disorders.

The second name for bee bread is bee bread. This "bread" can cure acute respiratory infections and sore throat. True, linden or chestnut honey, which has a bactericidal effect, is more suitable here.

Flower pollen is a bactericidal preparation

By the way, in its ability to kill bacteria, bee bread is three times superior to pollen.

You need to take bee bread 30 minutes before meals. The daily rate is divided into 2 or 3 parts. And the main contraindication will be pollen allergy.

About the benefits of propolis

The pollen shells, which cannot be digested, can be used by the bee to make glue. This substance is called propolis. It has a strong bactericidal effect. And they use it in medicine.

Dried propolis flakes

In theory, propolis belongs to bee products, which are considered very valuable. The cost of propolis exceeds the price of honey.

It is known that propolis destroys not only bacteria but also viruses. But in its pure form, the product is rarely used. It is used to prepare drugs used in the treatment of inflammation. And traditional medicine has a simpler attitude to everything: it is recommended to prepare decoctions and tinctures from propolis in order to use them for preventive purposes.

Traditional medicine products

Some tinctures are prepared with alcohol, and from time to time they do not deteriorate. You can buy these tinctures at the pharmacy.

Some gum diseases cannot be cured without propolis. True, healers claim that even caries can be treated with this product. But we have no official confirmation. Conclusion: do not trust charlatans.

Chewing gum made by bees

Honey cells in combs are sealed with a special substance. This substance has a special name, and here we will call it bee cud.

Removing the caps from the cells

The chewing gum made by a bee contains special ingredients. When these components are digested, metabolism, the work of the circulatory system improves, and muscle performance also increases.

You should chew bee gum in the same way as usual. Make sure that the daily volume does not exceed a tablespoon.

Bee gum contains four components:

  • Propolis that destroys bacteria;
  • The purest wax made by bees;
  • Various bactericidal enzymes contained in the saliva of bees;
  • Pure pollen.

Let's say a bee chewed propolis and wax to seal its honeycomb. But if chewing gum can be chewed by a bee, then why can't a man?

Products available in any store

And yet, a clear contraindication here would be pollen allergy.

It seems that you need to carefully study the composition of any purchased products.

The cost of the products discussed above can be compared in one table. Average prices for honey were taken as the standard.

The range of prices for propolis is very large. The explanation is that the market for these raw materials has not yet been formed. In principle, it is better to buy not propolis, but products made from it - extracts, tinctures and decoctions. Thus, you can protect yourself from fakes.


For medicinal purposes, even the bodies of bees that have died can be used. We are talking only about honey bees. When a bee dies, its body falls to the bottom of the hive. This usually happens during wintering.

Pure podmore

The accumulation of bodies of bees is called submarine. And podmore is a valuable raw material used for the manufacture of medicines.

Eating podmore is excluded. Ointments and extracts are made from it.

In ancient times, pomegranate was used to remove carbuncles, get rid of toothaches and heal the gums. With the help of this medicine, you can get rid of rheumatism, as well as abscesses and ringworm. Podmore is also used in the treatment of urolithiasis. And if there are no diseases, the extract or ointments can be used to strengthen the hair.

About the benefits of podmore - on video


To produce a kilogram of wax, bees spend up to three kilograms of honey. This fact alone should suggest the value of the product in question. Beeswax is the basis for most types of cosmetics. In addition, it contains bactericidal agents.

Real beeswax

Sometimes wax can even be obtained from bee gum. One technology is used here: the honeycomb caps are evaporated and then dried. The product obtained in the first stage is called “melting”.

The use of wax for medical purposes is due to its bactericidal properties. With the help of ointments and special plasters, you can heal a burn, quickly heal a wound, etc. And in folk medicine, wax is used to treat many ailments:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • Bronchitis and cough;
  • Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Inflammation in the mouth;
  • Sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism.

The above is not the most complete list.

Homemade wax bandage

Traditional medicine recipes have not been tested using standard methods and can be harmful. Well, the prices for beeswax do not differ from the cost of honey.

It is better to buy not wax, but ready-made preparations and medicines based on it.

Video about ointments for the treatment of burns

Concise vocabulary

It is easy to get confused about the different names above. Let's list them again:

  • Perga is compressed pollen. Another name is bee bread, bread.
  • Food pollen is the same as bee bread.
  • Podmore is a raw material for the manufacture of medicines, consisting of dead bodies of bees.
  • Propolis is a sticky substance that kills bacteria.
  • Bee gum is a mixture of wax, propolis and beneficial enzymes.

Such a concept as royal jelly has not been considered. In another way, it is called royal jelly.

Royal jelly granules

The point is that the jelly is made to feed the queen bee. But the larvae of worker bees are also fed with this delicacy.

It is almost impossible to buy pure royal jelly. Only powder and granules are offered. It is better to buy propolis in the form of ready-made medicines, but the podmor bought in its pure form must be able to be processed. Do not overestimate your strength!

It is always difficult to recognize a fake

And we must also remember that there will always be fakes on the market.


Many people think that honey is harmful to use in large quantities, since it is very high in calories. And there is some truth in this. Of all the products produced by bees, honey is the most nutritious. But its energy value is almost the same as that of 30% sour cream.

By the way, the calorie content of sour cream is 294 Kcal / 100 g. Draw your conclusions.

You need to understand what you are buying

Of course, pollen and bee bread are not exactly the same thing. Pure pollen can only be collected by bees. A person receives bee bread for his use.

Food pollen

The word "Pollen" is sometimes written on the packages. And inside there are yellow granules, which everyone used to call bee bread. As you can see, there are no miracles.

In general, if we talk about finished products, a lot does not look as expected:

  1. Pollen is only bee bread.
  2. Milk is sold dry.
  3. Propolis, in theory, should be liquid. But you can buy it in the form of flakes, black lumps, and also in the form of finished medicines.

Below is an illustration for point 3.

Propolis flakes

And for those who do not understand anything, they will sell both liquid milk and propolis in a tube. And they will also say about the excellent gluing properties.

Two chronic diseases

Almost all of the foods we have listed are not eaten if you are allergic to pollen. Allergy sufferers should not even use cosmetics based on natural wax. Pollen, in turn, is contained not only in bee bread, but also in honey, as well as in bee chewing gum.

Plant pollen is an allergen

Well, allergies are treated with propolis - there is no pollen in this product.

In type 1 diabetes, sugar does not break down naturally. It seems that in this case honey should not be consumed. In fact, the daily ration of honey should be reduced - it will be the same as for children. That is, half as much as for adults. The rest of the products mentioned in the text are not contraindicated in diabetes.

We will have two tips. The best thing is not to get sick at all. But if you failed to follow this advice, then you do not need to self-medicate.

Videos on the benefits of by-products

Beeswax is a product of the wax glands of worker bees, released from the body in liquid form on the surface of wax mirrors and solidified in the form of thin transparent plates. It is isolated only by young hive bees aged from 9-10 to 18-20 days. Bees build honeycombs from wax plates. After the combs are processed, pure wax can be isolated.

The chemical composition of wax is very complex and has not yet been fully understood. It includes about 50 different compounds, which can be divided into three main groups.

Free fatty acids make up 13-15% of the total wax mass. They are in a free state and can react with metals and form compounds with some alkalis, which often deteriorates the quality of the wax and its color.

The wax contains 24 esters. Most of them are contained in wax (70-75%). Esters are formed mainly by higher saturated acids and monohydric alcohols. These are stable compounds, they do not react with other substances, and only when boiling with alkali do esters decompose into acid and alcohol (saponification reaction).

Saturated hydrocarbons in wax contains 12-15%. These are the simplest organic substances, consisting of carbon and hydrogen.

The composition of the wax also includes coloring and aromatic substances, water (0.4%), minerals (0.03%), cholesterol esters, terpenes, resins, propolis, the remains of cocoons, pollen grains, excrement of larvae, etc. contains over 300 different substances.

The quantitative composition of wax is characterized by chemical constants, each of which shows in arbitrary units the total content of substances of one class. The most important of them are: saponification number, acid number, ether number, ratio of ether number to acid number, and iodine number.

The main indicators characterizing the properties of wax are its density, melting and pour point, hardness, viscosity, solubility, relationship with metals.

As the temperature rises, the density of the wax decreases. Hard wax floats on the surface of the water, but it sinks in molten wax.

The wax melts and cools in a certain temperature range, therefore, the average values ​​of the temperatures of its phase transition from solid to liquid and from liquid to solid are taken as the melting and solidification points of the wax. The melting point of the wax ranges from 62 to 68 °, the pour point is from 61 to 70.5 °. The higher the melting point, the better the quality of the wax.

The hardness of the wax is of great importance in the manufacture of foundation, which is produced only from pure wax with increased hardness.

Metal salts formed by the interaction of its free fatty acids with the surface of dishes made of cast iron, iron, zinc, copper have a negative effect on the quality of the wax. Therefore, for the processing of wax raw materials, it is better to use containers made of food-grade aluminum, stainless steel, tinned iron, tinplate. The most suitable for this purpose are wooden and enameled dishes.

Beeswax and its widespread use

In ancient Greece and Rome, wax candles burned in temples on sacred holidays in honor of the gods, emitting a fragrant waxy smell. This tradition has survived to this day. In all Orthodox churches, believers light wax candles. The ancient Egyptians used wax in sacrifices. Scythians, Iranians and other peoples used wax to embalm the corpses of the most prominent statesmen, since wax has a high preservative property.

Since ancient times, wax has been used to make writing implements, stamps for letters and business papers, and fastening individual parts together. He found the greatest application in the manufacture of sculptures and figurines. Wax was widely used in painting. It was part of high-quality special paints with a beautiful gloss and great durability.
In Russia, in addition to candle production, wax busts, dummies, distinguished by magnificent freshness and grace, were made from wax.

Wax is extremely important for the national economy. It is used in over 50 industries as a required material. The main amount is sent to the wax production. It is widely used in foundry, electrical engineering, radio engineering, electroplating, railway transport, optics, telephone technology, textile, leather, perfumery, aviation, metallurgy,
automotive, glass, pharmaceutical, printing, confectionery, paint and varnish, chemical, paper, woodworking and other industries.

Wax is included in sealing wax, shoe polish, garden varnish, ointment for harness, ski wax, pencils for drawing on glass, cement for gluing marble and plaster. The wax is used in dentistry in the manufacture of dentures. It serves as a flavoring agent for tobacco. In recent years, beeswax has been used to obtain a fragrance from it - an essential oil, which is a valuable product for the perfumery industry.

Such oil is not inferior in quality to expensive rose and jasmine oils, and at a cost it is much cheaper. About 5 kg of oil is obtained from one ton of wax. The wax left after processing does not lose its industrial condition.

Wax was used for medicinal purposes in ancient times, it was recommended for the treatment of ulcers, boils, burns, wounds. Chewing wax with honey was prescribed for sinusitis, sore throat, strengthening the gums and cleaning teeth from stones; in modern medicine, it occupies a large place. Various plasters are made on beeswax - sticky, mercury, sweet clover, soap; ointments - wax, lead, spermaceous, zinc, etc.

Wax is widely used in cosmetics. Until now, beeswax remains an amazing substance that can retain its properties for many years without changing. This is a priceless bee gift to people, without which humanity cannot do without and which people have not yet learned to create.


In recent years, it has enjoyed such tremendous success that it can be compared in value to honey. It is an amazing product harvested by bees from the male elements of plant flowers. Collecting bees bring pollen to the hive in the form of pollen in special baskets on their hind legs. The size of the footsteps is very small. The total weight of two tiny lumps (2-3 mm each) does not exceed 14-25 mg. In the edge can; contains pollen of several types of plants, but most of it consists of pollen of plants of one species, on which its color depends.

The brought pollen (pollen) bees put in the cells of the combs, tamp it tightly with blows of the head, cover it on top with a thin film of propolis and fill it with honey. In the pollen preserved in this way, important chemical changes take place: part of the sugar is converted into lactic acid, which preserves the contents of the cell well. As a result of a complex enzymatic process, coarser food - pollen - is easily formed, an assimilable product - bee bread.

Both fresh and processed pollen serves as a source of protein and vitamin feed for the bee colony. For the entire calendar year, she needs 25-30 kg of this feed. With a lack of protein in food, the family does not build combs, the bees reduce or completely stop feeding the larvae, and do not collect honey. It has been established that the education of 1 kg of worker bees requires 1-1.5 kg of good-quality pollen.

The chemical composition of the pollen contains about 250 compounds and ash elements, of which proteins, free amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, antibiotics, growth stimulants, minerals and other substances are found.

The pollen contains a lot of carbohydrates - from 25 to 48%, proteins - 20-30%, fats - 3-17%, minerals - from 15%. Among carbohydrates, glucose and fructose prevail, sucrose is on average 5%, starch - 3-4, cellulose 7-8%.
Proteins are represented by albumin, globulins, mucoproteins, enzymes, as well as all amino acids, including essential ones (valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine).

The content of mineral elements in pollen is subject to wide fluctuations. This is essential in providing the body of bees with macro- and microelements. Of the ash elements, most of all are potassium, phosphorus, silicon, Dsodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, and aluminum. Pollen contains copper, manganese, iridium, iron, vanadium, cobalt, gold, platinum, molybdenum, barium, chromium, zinc, strontium, silver and other trace elements.

Pollen is the main source of vitamins for the bee colony. Of the vitamins found in pollen: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (PP), folic acid (B6), pantothenic acid (B8), ascorbic acid (C), biotin (H), rutin (P); fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. Vitamins of the B complex occupy the largest specific weight among vitamins.

The pollen collected from different plant species and brought into the hive in the form of pollen is not the same in its chemical composition and nutritional value. However, in the complex, it provides the bee colony with all the nutrients necessary for the development and life of the bee's body.

The nutritional and medicinal properties of pollen make it highly effective for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Pollen is recommended to be introduced into the composition of cosmetic creams, nourishing masks for the skin of the face.

Pollen has a positive effect in the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular disorders, anemia, inflammation of the prostate gland, neuroses, hypertension. It is recommended for physical exhaustion, during the recovery period of patients. It is an irreplaceable product for people of mental labor and the elderly.

For medicinal purposes, both pollen (pollen) and a mixture with honey should be used. The ratio of components in honey-pollen mixtures is from 4: 1 to 1: 1. The dosage of pollen is varied and depends on the nature of the disease and the duration of the course of treatment.

Perga - what is it and how is it obtained

To obtain bee bread, bee honeycombs and honeycombs are used. A mixture of bee bread with wax cells is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times and honey is added at the rate of 100-200 g per 1 kg of bee bread.

This product has a high nutritional value and is well absorbed by the human body. The finished mixture is packaged in glass vials made of dark glass and sealed tightly. In this form, it can be stored for a long time without losing its biological activity and dietary properties.

For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, honey-bee bread mixture is used in the same dosages as pollen. However, it was found that bee bread has a more effective effect on the human body compared to pollen.

Perga is used for intestinal diseases, liver and biliary tract diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, cardiac asthma, etc.), hypertension and hypotonic illness, neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia due to neuroses, male diseases reproductive system (impotence, chronic prostatitis, prostate vesiculitis, prostate adenoma), with anemia, anemia
Royal jelly is the secret of the maxillary and pharyngeal glands of worker bees.

High functional activity of these glands is inherent in nursing bees at the age of 4-14 days, abundantly eating protein feed. Starting from 15 days of age, the excretory functions gradually fade away. The bees feed the larvae from which the queens develop with royal jelly for 5 days, and the larvae of future worker bees and drones for 3 days.

Royal jelly and where is it used

Chemically, royal jelly is a very complex, not fully understood product containing more than 110 different compounds and ash elements. It contains 65-66% water, 15-18% protein, 9-18% carbohydrates, 1.7-5.7% fat and more than 1% minerals. The composition of royal jelly includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, PP, H, E, hormones, growth factors and a number of other biologically active substances.

Its protein fraction contains 22 amino acids, including arginine, alanine, asparagine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, turin, tyrosine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalonine, etc., 2 nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) ...

Royal jelly minerals include a whole range of macro and microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, silicon, chromium, gold, mercury, bismuth, zinc, silver, arsenic.

Fresh royal jelly has a white, yellowish or light cream color, jelly-like consistency with a specific odor, sour and slightly pungent (burning) taste. Royal jelly does not dissolve completely in water, forming an opalescent suspension.

Royal jelly is not only highly nutritious, but also biologically active natural product. Its constituent substances differentiate the development of female individuals of the family, depending on the quantity and quality of milk, a queen or a working bee develops from genetically homogeneous larvae.

Royal jelly and its solutions in a concentration from 1:10 to 1: 1000 have a bactericidal effect on influenza viruses, some fungi, molds and protozoa, streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and tubercle bacilli.

Clinical trials of royal jelly have shown that, with the correct dosage, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, stimulates metabolism, increases appetite, and enhances the body's resistance to infection. Milk has a positive effect on the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, regulates lipid metabolism and the activity of endocrine glands, normalizes blood pressure (has a normotensive effect).

Royal jelly is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for exhaustion, senility and age-related decrease in physiological functions in elderly and senile people.

The use of royal jelly is indicated for chronic ischemic heart disease and after myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, diabetes, thyroid pathology, pancreatitis, and inflammation of the gallbladder. It gives a good effect in chronic pyelonephritis, diseases of the prostate gland and urethra, there is information about the successful treatment of mental depression, intestinal atony, some skin diseases (chronic eczema, seborrhea, dermatitis, psoriasis), scarring of wounds caused by burns.

Royal jelly is widely used in the perfumery industry.

Royal jelly is used in its native state, in the form of solutions, tablets, pills, suppositories, ointments, creams, aerosols. Solutions are prepared in water or physiological medium (1: 1), 40% ethyl alcohol (1: 9 or 1:20), sugar syrup, honey (1: 100). Administered orally, under the tongue, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, by inhalation, in the form of irrigation, electrophoresis, applications.

More than 20 different preparations of royal jelly have been produced in different countries: apilak, apiserum, vitapinol, spinovit, apitonin, etc. There are preparations in the form of suppositories for administration into the rectum. All preparations are stored in the dark, in a refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed vessel at a temperature not exceeding 0 degrees.

Bee venom and its beneficial properties

Bee venom is the secret of the special venom glands of bees, which they use through the malignant apparatus in order to protect the nest from enemies and in cases of self-defense. Bees successfully repel attacks on them not only by insects, birds and small animals, but also by large animals, as well as humans. However, the formidable weapon of bees - poison - does not work on toads, turtles, snakes, hedgehogs, bears.

The venom glands (large and small) in newly born bees do not produce venom. Their functioning begins at 3-4 days of age, and bees have the greatest amount of poison at the age of 12-18 days. The amount of poison in one bee is 0.1-0.4 mg (on average 0.2 mg).

Bee venom contains more than 50 different substances and ash elements. It contains 9 protein substances, including 2 enzymes - phospholipase and hyaluronidase. The bulk of dry matter is represented by peptides, of which the most important are melittin (40-50%), apamine (4-5%). Other peptides (secapine, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc.) account for up to 16%. Amino acids were found 18 (1% dry residue).

Of the amines, histamine (0.5-1.7%) was found, which has the highest biological activity. The greatest amount (up to 5%) contains fats and sterols, glucose, fructose, organic acids. The ash residue is dominated by magnesium, potassium, calcium, and also revealed iron, copper, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iodine and other elements.

Fresh poison contains 50-70% water and is a clear, aromatic yellowish liquid. The taste is bitter, pungent. In the open air, the poison dries quickly, losing aromatic substances and almost a quarter of fatty acids. Dry poison is hygroscopic, readily soluble in water and water-glycerin mixtures, acids, stone oils. It is stable when dried and can be stored for a long time in a tightly packed container.
Concentrated alkalis and acids (nitric, sulfuric), ethyl alcohol, oxidants, sunlight and high temperatures (100-150 °) destroy bee venom. However, low temperatures and even freezing do not adversely affect the constituent parts of the poison.

The biological activity of bee venom is very multifaceted and depends on the number of stings, the place of its introduction, the routes of distribution, and the individual sensitivity of the living organism.

Bee venom acts on the central and peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system, hematopoiesis, blood plasma and its corpuscles, liver, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other organs. It affects various enzymatic processes in cells, the permeability of cell membranes.

The poison dilates small arteries and capillaries, improving the blood supply to tissues. It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, sleep, appetite, softens and eliminates pain, reduces blood clotting, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The body's sensitivity to bee venom is different: children, women and the elderly are most sensitive to it. Usually, several simultaneous bee stings (3-5 and even 10) are easily tolerated by a healthy person and cause only a slight local reaction in the form of burning, reddening of the skin and its swelling.

But with 100-300 simultaneous stings, a general poisoning of the body is observed with characteristic signs:

  • increased heart rate,
  • dyspnea,
  • cyanosis,
  • convulsions
  • loss of consciousness,
  • rave,
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

In some people with a hypersensitivity to bee venom, symptoms of poisoning begin with just one sting. They have general malaise, a sharp headache, chills, urticaria, vomiting, and diarrhea. The lethal dose for humans is 400-500 simultaneous stings. Death usually occurs from disruption of the brain and paralysis of the respiratory center.

The most painful to bee stings are eyes, lips, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, tonsils, larynx, lateral surface of the neck. In most cases, there is a rapid death from mechanical suffocation as a result of the development of a tumor.

To reduce the intake of poison when stinging, the sting should be removed as soon as possible by knocking it off with a fingernail, a beekeeper chisel, or a knife. The site of the sting is smeared with honey, garlic juice, ammonia, a solution of potassium permanganate, tincture of iodine, rubbed with household soap or apply ice.

In case of poisoning with bee venom, the use of diphenhydramine, pipalfen, and suprastin is recommended. Every 3-4 hours, take a glass of honey-vitamin-alcohol mixture (50 g of honey, 200 g of vodka, 1 g of ascorbic acid and 1 liter of boiled water). You can give fresh milk, kefir with honey. Tea with honey has a beneficial effect on the body. In severe cases and with allergies, the help of a doctor is needed.

In certain doses as a remedy, bee venom is the most widespread in comparison with other beekeeping products and has been immensely popular since time immemorial. It has pronounced bactericidal properties and even at a dilution of 1: 100 and 1: 1000 exhibits antimicrobial action against many microorganisms.

For treatment, bee venom is used in various dosage forms: oil and water solutions in ampoules, ointments, lenients, tablets. However, the best results are obtained by using bee venom by direct stinging. Taking the poison internally is ineffective, since it is destroyed by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the fact that live bees are not always available and their treatment is associated with certain painful sensations, in many countries they began to produce purified preparations of bee venom with its precisely known dosage. The best known are such dosage forms of poison as KF-1, KF-2 (venapiolin), apizartron, virapin, apifar, toxamine, forapin, apitoxin.

Bee venom is recommended for rheumatic diseases of joints, muscles, heart, blood vessels, as well as radiculitis, osteochondrosis, radiculoneuritis, polyneuritis. The high efficiency of bee venom was noted in the treatment of vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, vessels of the extremities), some eye diseases (scleritis, keratitis), hypertension. There is information about the use of bee venom and its preparations for certain gynecological diseases, psoriasis, deforming spondyloarthrosis, spondylitis, trophic ulcers and other diseases.

Treatment should only be carried out on the advice and supervision of a physician. Bee venom preparations, doses, the sequence of their introduction into the body are established depending on the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Bee venom is usually well tolerated by the human body, however, it should be noted that some people are especially sensitive to it. One bee sting can be fatal for them (lethal dose for humans is 400-500 simultaneous stings). In addition, treatment with bee venom for patients with tuberculosis, liver disease, kidney disease, pancreas, malignant neoplasms, acute purulent processes, and pregnancy is contraindicated. Diseases of the hearing organs (acute inflammation of the middle ear, ear noises, etc.)

In the literature there are reports on the use of bee stings in the treatment of neuritis of the auditory nerve and those suffering from ear noise due to otosclerosis. For this purpose, the topographic zones used in acupuncture are used.

The treatment is carried out by qualified doctors for 1.5-2 months. During the period of treatment with bee stings, it is recommended to consume honey inside, 100-120 g per day. It is advisable to take 15-20 mg royal jelly under the tongue 3 times a day.


Modern medicine is beginning to discover new rare, almost forgotten beekeeping products. So, on birch bark letters in Novgorod in the list of goods sold to Swedes, in addition to the usual honey and wax
the word "eabrus" is constantly flashing.

And as it is clear from the same letter, in not a small amount - both wax in pounds, and a bead too. Zabrus is a wax lid with which bees cover a honeycomb with honey. In Russian, beekeepers also call this cap "signet". Beekeepers also have the terms “dry seal” (this is when there is a layer of air between the bead and the honey) and, accordingly, “wet seal”. Honey in combs, covered (sealed) with a seal, is considered to be of much better quality than unsealed honey. Honeycomb honey is considered to be of the highest quality.

To extract honey from combs, it is necessary to mechanically remove the caps - the backing - using a hand or power tool. They are cut or pierced - hence the beekeeping term "crushing". In the process of unsealing, part of the honey is poured out of the combs, which mixes with the notch. This mixture is collected and separated from the wax by settling or filtration. Honey is used for its intended purpose, and the bead can be used both for melting into wax and for treatment.

The medicinal properties of the zabrus are explained by the fact that, when sealing the honeycomb, bees use such a substance, which includes the secret of their wax glands, propolis, pollen and the secretion of the salivary glands. It turns out that the composition of the backing is much superior to ordinary wax - it is a whole bunch of bee products, an extraordinary natural conglomerate of biologically active substances. Used in such a complex form, the products enhance the healing effect of each other.

Researches of American scientists have shown that zabrus is a highly effective remedy in the treatment of bacterial and viral diseases, without causing allergies and addiction of the causative agent to this natural product, which distinguishes it favorably from conventional medicines. Recovery often occurs quickly and without complications, without the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

The chemical composition of the backing is very rich, varied and unstable, as it depends on weather conditions, the harvest of certain plants, and other reasons. The bee glue - propolis, flower pollen, bee bread - bee bread - bee bread, wax and, of course, honey are always included in the backing.

It is safe to say that this beekeeping product contains vitamins A, C, E and group B, protein, chitin, macro- and microelements, organic acids, essential oils, various enzymes, resins, balms, fats, carbohydrates, etc. a variety of medicinal properties of the zabrus: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, biostimulating. After thoroughly chewing and swallowing the zabrus, after two hours, its active components are found in the blood, lymph and intercellular space. The use of this concentrated beekeeping product accelerates the metabolic process in the body.

Zabrus cures diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, tonsillitis. There are practically no contraindications to the use of a back bar, with the exception of allergies. An overdose is not terrible here either: it is easily digested in the stomach, increasing its secretory and motor functions. Zabrus tastes good. Children chew it willingly. If the capping is a little harsh, you can add a little honey to it before use.

When chewing eabrus: the production of saliva is activated, that is, the salivary glands are cleansed, the gums are strengthened, the teeth are mechanically cleaned from plaque and tartar, the essential oils released during chewing have a beneficial effect on the maxillary sinuses, which improves the sense of smell and makes breathing easier.

Zabrus can deservedly be considered a natural antibiotic and used to prevent seasonal flu epidemics. It has a beneficial effect on immunity, mobilizes the body's defenses ”has a high antimicrobial effect, prevents the development of putrefactive processes, promotes the death of viruses and microbes.

Bee podmore

From a pharmacological point of view, podmore is a natural raw material containing protein, chitin, melanins, wax and other substances. The volumes of dead wood suitable for industrial processing are estimated at tens of tons per year, based on the fact that there are 3 million bee colonies in Russia.

Very few people know about this amazing healing remedy, and those who have heard about the medicinal properties of podmore consider it to be something like a medicine man's potions and believe in it no more than powders from dried frogs and infusions from the legs of bats. However, recently, scientists have proven that it is valuable precisely by the substances found in the chitinous cover of bees.

The bodies of dead bees, even after their death, can benefit humans. Indeed, the chitinous cover contains such valuable substances as heparin and heparoids, which are able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, have a healing effect on the blood system, the state of blood vessels. Podmore bee has long been considered a powerful drug approved by apitherapists.

Podmore bees are bees that died of natural death during wintering, as well as guard bees that died during the nectar collection, defending themselves, a few bees remain after procedures with the use of bee venom and after the beekeeper has put things in order in the hive.

Scientists believe that bee podmore is a promising source of high-quality biologically active substance chitosan. It is essential for medical, cosmetic and other purposes.
Chitosan has shown itself as an effective radioprotector, a sorbent of toxins and heavy metals in the body, an element of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, a plant protection agent, an immunomodulator in veterinary medicine, as well as in other fields. To date, more than 70 areas of application of chitosan are known.

In various variations (podmor stew, liniment from podmore bee, alcoholic extract of podmore bee) bee podmore is used for the prevention and treatment of: myopia; mastitis and panaritium, varicose veins; joint pain, thrombophlebitis; stabilization of blood pressure, with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys, cerebral vessels; prostate adenomas and sexual dysfunctions - impotence and frigidity.

However, the main property of podmore is an increase in immunity. Speaking in the language of traditional medicine, the preparations of the beesworm have a blood-purifying property. "Cleansing" and "rejuvenating" the blood, they cleanse the entire body. Moreover, they do not have side effects and have no contraindications. People over 40 years old are not only allowed but strongly recommended to take this miracle elixir twice a year for prevention.

Before you start taking podmore, you should (or at least preferably) cleanse your intestines.
It should be borne in mind that you can not use all the podmor, but only the one that is well preserved, that is, fresh, completely dry, without mold and odor. If during the wintering the dead with garbage was periodically removed from the hives, then by the spring revision there remains fresh and clean material that meets the necessary requirements.

Chitosan-melanin complex obtained from bee podmore helps to reduce high levels of cholesterol in the blood, prevents atherosclerosis, cleanses the intestines, normalizes its function, reduces the absorption of toxins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a prophylactic agent at the risk of developing diabetes ... Chitosan activates the healing of the burn and wound surface without scarring, and when applied to the wound has a hemostatic and analgesic effect. There is an opinion that chitosan is able to bind and remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body.

Drone brood

It is a relatively new beekeeping product for use. Most often it is called drone milk or drone brood homogenate. This natural product has been used since antiquity: in the tomb of Ma Vas Dui of the Han dynasty in Huan province (China), recipes on bamboo with a description of the use of drone milk were discovered. Drone brood is an open or printed brood from which drones will develop. In China, Japan, Romania, Kenya and many other countries, on the basis of a homogenate of drone larvae, dosage forms, food additives, and anti-inflammatory cosmetic creams are produced and widely used.

In Japan, drone larvae are used as a special food product: they are boiled, packed in glass and metal containers and sold.

In addition, the drone brood is canned with soy sauce and eaten as a seasoning or fried. This product is appreciated all over the world for its strong biostimulating properties. In Japan, a special foundation with enlarged cells is produced, which makes it possible to receive from one honeycomb up to 1 kg of drone larvae in May-June.

In the Moscow Research Institute of Beekeeping, studies of medico-biological properties and biochemical composition of drone brood homogenate have been carried out. The possibility of using it as a medicine and food additive has been established. In this regard, the question arose about the need to develop a scientifically grounded technology for obtaining drone brood from bee colonies at the larval stage of development.

The drone brood homogenate is most often obtained by pressing (squeezing) pieces of honeycomb with drone larvae that have just been sealed or still open. After pressing, a thick liquid with a peculiar taste is obtained - larval milk. It is a valuable biologically active product, since, in addition to protein, the content of which it is close to meat and mushrooms, the homogenate contains a rich set of useful substances:

  • amino acids,
  • vitamins,
  • enzymes,
  • trace elements, etc.

For example, in terms of vitamin D content, the homogenate surpasses even fish oil. Drone larvae are best obtained using special drone combs. This significantly reduces non-productive labor costs, simplifies the mechanization of larval selection and makes it possible to reuse the honeycomb cells.

Larval milk has a powerful healing and rejuvenating effect. It is rich in hormones and vitamins, without being a hormone substitute. This natural substance is ideally suited to the human body, contains natural testosteroids, progesterone and extradiol.

In its application, larval jelly has a narrow focus, but in this area it is unmatched. The hormones that make up this product not only themselves affect the organs of the endocrine system, but also help to restore them. The homogenate has a tonic effect, restores metabolism and tissue nutrition, and helps to stabilize blood pressure.

Natural medicines include bee products, and their use by humans has been prevention and treatment since ancient times. Modern science only confirms the benefits of apitherapy based on bee stings, the use of natural products and dosage forms prepared from them.

What is referred to as beekeeping products

Everything that the bee colony produces is used as natural medicines. The hive is a waste-free production. Even the corpses of bees are used as a remedy. At the apiary they receive:

  • honey, and its properties depend on many factors;
  • beeswax - a building material for bees;
  • pollen - collection during flight;
  • pergu - pollen preserved in honeycombs;
  • backing - a product obtained by cutting off the covers of the sealed honeycomb;
  • propolis - bee glue for repairing the hive from the inside;
  • royal jelly - a secret extracted from the jaws of young bees;
  • bee venom;
  • bee dead.

You need to know that honey does not retain its healing properties when heated above 60 0 C.

The use of honey and other apiates for medicinal purposes is possible after consulting a doctor. Beekeeping products and their uncontrolled use by humans can cause severe allergic reactions, including swelling of the larynx.

Honey and its uses

The most famous product is honey, which has a unique composition and activates biological processes in the body. But with a great demand for honey, there is a high proportion of counterfeit products. You can buy guaranteed natural honey from the beekeeper. The best is the collection of flowers, mountains and buckwheat. By taking out the hives to the flowering tracts, various varieties of honey are obtained, named after the plant from which the pollen was collected.

Natural healer honey and beekeeping products that have not passed veterinary control, do not have a quality certificate, can be dangerous. Beekeepers can use illegal drugs or collect bribes from chemically treated fields.

It is considered a valuable energy product, as it consists of 75% fructose and glucose, which are directly absorbed by the body. In addition, the rich enzymatic composition, the presence of organic acids, vitamins accelerates metabolism, increases immunity and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Other beekeeping products are used by humans, taking into account their specificity and on the recommendation of a doctor.


What is beeswax and how is it made. These are working combs that produce building material from honey with internal glands. A kilogram of wax requires 3.5 kg of honey. The wax has a complex organic composition, 75% esters and 15% fatty acids. The light composition is insoluble in water or alcohols. Wax is used for skin diseases and in cosmetics. For treatment with beekeeping products, wax plasters are prepared, applied to the skin.

Collected pollen is a product that has no analogues in terms of benefits. Bees collect pollen, roll it into a ball and carry it to the hive. In one flight, one bee will deliver 10 mg of pollen. And there is no more useful product for a weakened person. For three weeks, taking pollen with honey or in pure form, the patient undergoes a course of apitherapy. The duration of taking the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

Among the products of beekeeping, capping and its application requires special attention. Firstly, you can collect honeycomb caps only during honey pumping. Secondly, this substance does not cause allergic reactions. Thirdly, it is simply delicious and children chew it with pleasure. And it saves the closure from many infectious diseases, increases immunity and even gives strength to weakened muscles. In total, you need to chew a tablespoon of healing powder 4 times a day for 10 minutes.

Propolis is considered a well-known medicinal product. The bees created it to repair the hive, and the man used the drug to treat skin diseases and internal organs. The composition contains wax, vegetable resins and a unique balm. Even tuberculosis can be defeated with propolis in combination therapy.

A consultation with a doctor is necessary when treating royal milk and when using bee venom. These are strong allergens and there are contraindications for use.

Uterine milk is taken in capsules that are dissolved under the tongue. In the stomach, the beneficial compound decomposes. Taking capsules increases the tone of the body, activates the nervous system, reduces the manifestation of angina pectoris and asthma. The use of bee venom is limited by many contraindications. Basically, drugs are used to treat joints and muscles. It has been noticed that beekeepers do not have rheumatism, but they live for a long time. Most likely, the complex effect of fresh air, unity with nature and the use of medicinal beekeeping products affects here.

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