Home Fertilizers Mehriban Aliyeva and her daughters. Why did the president of azerbaijan appoint his wife as vice president? Excellent student, doctor and candidate of philosophical sciences

Mehriban Aliyeva and her daughters. Why did the president of azerbaijan appoint his wife as vice president? Excellent student, doctor and candidate of philosophical sciences

She is admired wherever she appears.

This week, Aliyeva became one of the most talked about women in the post-Soviet space after her husband appointed her first vice president of Azerbaijan. Against the background of this excitement, Sputnik Georgia invites its readers to get to know this lady better.

Who is she

The future first lady of Azerbaijan, Mehriban Pashayeva, was born on August 26, 1964 in Baku into a family of intellectuals. Her father, Arif Pashayev, is the rector of the Baku National Aviation Academy, and her mother, Aida Imankuliyeva, was a famous philologist and Arabist.

Since childhood, Alieva was distinguished by her thirst for study, in 1982 she graduated from Baku secondary school No. 23 with a gold medal. She studied at the Medical University in Azerbaijan and continued her studies at the Moscow State Medical Institute named after I.M.Sechenov, from which she graduated with honors in 1988.

© AP Photo / Lefteris Pitarakis

In 2005 she received her Ph.D. degree in philosophy, having defended her dissertation on the topic "Euthanasia and the problem of humanity in medicine."

The girl started a family while still a student, in 1983. Ilham Aliyev, the son and successor of the successful politician Heydar Aliyev, became her chosen one. The couple have three children and four grandchildren.


Aliyeva's first job was associated with her profession, for four years she was an employee of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, after which she decided to take up social activities.

In 1995, Mehriban founded and headed the "Friends of Azerbaijan Culture" charitable foundation. A year later, she founded and became the editor of the cultural and historical journal "Heritage of Azerbaijan", which was published in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.

In 2002, Mehriban Aliyeva was elected President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, later became President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

In 2005, she took up parliamentary activities, becoming a member of the Milli Mejlis from the New Azerbaijan Party.

The peak of her career came in February this year, when President Ilham Aliyev appointed his wife as the first vice-president of Azerbaijan.

Style icon

Stylists and designers are tirelessly talking about Mehriban's impeccable style, her photographs paint the pages of world fashion publications. It seems that her beauty is even timeless - 51-year-old Mehriban is often confused with her daughters.

The blogger of the Spletnik portal believes that for most women Mehriban is an object for a detailed study of style and an example to follow.

“Many people say that her appearance is the merit of more than a dozen surgeons of the most expensive Western clinics ... And people also say that she loves a lot of things at once - this is more related to makeup than to clothes. The first lady of Azerbaijan practically does not make any mistakes when choosing clothes, "the blogger writes.

Awards and recognition

This first lady can boast not only knowledge of etiquette and exquisite taste, but also impressive achievements of the international level.

In 2004, Mehriban was awarded the honorary title of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.

She is a laureate of numerous awards, including international prizes Caspian Energy Integration Award, "Stars of the Commonwealth", "Golden Heart". Has the title of Honorary Professor of the Medical University named after I.M. Sechenev.

Aliyeva's awards include the Order of Heydar Aliyev, the Grand Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of Poland, and the officer's degree of the Order of the Legion of Honor of France.

According to the results of a sociological survey conducted in Azerbaijan in 2005, Aliyeva was awarded the title of "Woman of the Year".

Mehriban in Georgia

In the summer of 2010, Mehriban Aliyeva, together with her husband Ilham Aliyev, paid a visit to the Black Sea city of Batumi (Adjara AR). At that time, Georgia was headed by President Mikheil Saakashvili.

While the leaders of the two countries were busy with matters of state importance, Mehriban, together with the first lady of Georgia, Sandra Roelofs, got acquainted with the sights of the resort town and its environs.

© AP Photo / Irakly Gedenidze

So, Mehriban visited the Nobel Brothers' Technical Museum in Batumi and the Gonio Apsar Fortress Museum (near Batumi). A tour of the center of Batumi was also organized for the foreign guest.

"Mrs. Mehriban is for the first time in Batumi, she really likes this city. She said that Batumi reminds her of Italy, and some areas, the repaired streets remind Baku," Roelofs told reporters at the time.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has appointed his wife Mehriban first vice president for "multifaceted and successful activities". Opposition criticizes the president for establishing a feudal model of power

Mehriban Aliyeva and Ilham Aliyev (Photo: Philippe Wojazer / Reuters)

On February 21, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev appointed his wife Mehriban Aliyeva as the first vice-president of the country. Representing the first lady in a new capacity at the meeting of the country's Security Council, the President said that Alieva “has been playing an important role in the socio-political and cultural life of the country for many years”, since 2005 she has done a great job as a deputy, successfully led the Organizing Committee of the first European Games, which took place in Baku in 2015, was engaged in charity work. “This multifaceted and successful activity played a major role in my making this decision,” the president said (quoted by TASS).

In her new post, Aliyeva promised to be guided by the principles of philanthropy, mercy and put the interests of Azerbaijan above all.

The post of first vice president was established in Azerbaijan recently, after the constitution was amended at a referendum last September. The institute of the vice-presidency is the strengthening of the "executive will" of the state, explained the need to introduce a new post of deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on legal policy, Rovshan Rzayev. In accordance with the Constitution, the first vice president assumes the powers of the president if he is unable to fulfill his duties.The new constitution also provides for the post of a simple vice president. However, the appointment to this post has not yet been announced.

The chairman of the opposition Musavat party, Arif Hajili, told RBC that the appointment of the president's wife confirms the "long-established fact" of the creation of a "family government" in the country. This decision of the president "pulls Azerbaijan into the Middle Ages, to feudalism, can lead both the ruling bodies and society as a whole to aggravate relations," the former Musavat presidential candidate Isa Gambar believes in a conversation with RBC (in 1992, the politician did duties of the president).

There was not a single decision of the head of state that the opposition would not criticize, said Azerbaijani political scientist Tofig Abbasov. A key role in the selection of the first vice president was played by Aliyeva's successful work as a deputy, activity in the social block, a high rating among voters, he is sure. Abbasov notes that Mehriban Aliyeva is a creative person, and the president had complaints about the work of the government. Aliyev will be able to intensify the search for new development models and programs for the country, the expert is sure.

Aliyev dynasty

Ilham Aliyev has been leading Azerbaijan since 2003. Prior to that, for ten years (until his death), his father, Heydar Aliyev, was at the head of the country. In 2009, a referendum lifted restrictions on the number of terms of office of the president of the same person. Thanks to constitutional changes approved last fall, the presidential term was increased from five to seven years. The age restrictions for a presidential candidate have also been lifted. The only son of Ilham and Mehriban Aliyevs - Heydar - was born in 1997. By the elections in 2025, he will reach his 28th birthday and, taking into account the change in the rules for nomination, he will be able to apply for the presidency, said Sergei Markedonov, associate professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

There has been talk in the Azerbaijani establishment for a long time that power should be retained in the family and that if not an heir, then some additional figure in support of the president is needed, so the appointment of a wife to the post of vice president is normal and expected, says Alexey Malashenko, an expert at the Carnegie Center. The main thing in this decision is that power remains in one family, in one dynasty, Malashenko is sure.

Mehriban Aliyeva already had an extremely high status in the hierarchy of power, his appointment only formalized. In case of force majeure or an exacerbation of the internal political situation, it is better that power remains with the one whom the elites trust, says Nikolai Silaev, a senior researcher at the Center for Caucasus Problems and Regional Security at MGIMO.

Mehriban Aliyeva's way

In 1988 she graduated with honors from the 1st Moscow State Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov. In 2005 she defended her thesis on "Euthanasia and the problem of humanity in medicine."

Since 1983 she has been married to Ilham Aliyev. They have three children: two daughters, Leila and Arzu, and a son, Heydar.

In 2004, she became the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, established in honor of the president who died in 2003.

Mehriban Aliyeva is a member of the Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Aliyeva is her husband's deputy as chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party.

Since 2005 - Member of the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan.

In 2011 she was awarded the French Order of the Legion of Honor, in 2015 - the Order of Heydar Aliyev.

“Magnificent Mehriban” - this is how journalists dubbed the wife of President Ilham Aliyev for her inherent sense of style and confident demeanor. But not only the appearance of the first lady of Azerbaijan is the subject of close attention of the press: this woman is an active and self-sufficient nature, playing a noticeable role in the political, social and cultural life of the country.

Mehriban Aliyeva before becoming the president's wife

Mehriban Pashayeva was born on August 26, 1964 in a Baku family of intellectuals. Her grandfather Mir Jalal was a prominent Soviet literary figure and writer of humorous works. Father is a famous physicist, rector of the academy, uncle is a high-ranking diplomat. Mehriban-khanum's family tree is no less rich on the maternal side: grandfather Nasir Imanguliyev made a huge contribution to the development of domestic journalism, her mother was the country's leading orientalist. The Pashayev family clan is traditionally considered one of the most influential in Azerbaijan.

The president’s wife recalls her childhood as a time of absolute happiness. In many ways, this feeling was due to the parents. They managed to instill responsibility and perseverance in their daughter without moralizing and rigid regulations. Family traditions also played a huge role in the girl's worldview: in the Pashayevs' house it was customary to celebrate all holidays together, gathering representatives of several generations at the table. In such an environment, respect for their roots, for their family could not but arise.

After graduating from the capital's school, Mehriban chose the profession of a doctor. First, she entered the leading medical institute of Azerbaijan, then moved to Moscow, where she continued her studies at the Sechenov Academy. In 1988, Mehriban graduated from the oldest and largest medical university in Russia with honors. Over the next five years, she worked at the ophthalmological research center in Moscow.

Family life with the President of Azerbaijan

Mehriban tried on the role of his wife early - at the age of 18. The decision that she should get married was made by her parents, however, the girl herself was happy with the marriage, which allowed her to intermarry with the most respected family in Azerbaijan. Ilham Aliyev, a young and promising graduate student of MGIMO, the son of the head of the republic, wooed the beautiful Mehriban. The wedding was played without much publicity, inviting only close people.

Leila was born a year later. According to Mehriban, early motherhood became a joyful event for her, a support in her life. Now she is a happy mother of three children (daughters of Leila and Arzu, son of Heydar) and a grandmother of three grandchildren. A woman takes an active part in their fate: she is interested in achievements, difficulties, often gives advice, but she tries not to impose her opinion. The daughters received an excellent European education, got married, are engaged in social and commercial activities. Heydar is studying at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy.

In interviews, both the president and his wife have repeatedly stated that their 30-year family life was spent in love and harmony. Mehriban herself believes that the main reason for this is the commonality of values ​​and views. If the spouses have disagreements, this is not a reason for controversy.

As the first lady of Azerbaijan

Mehriban began to engage in public activities long before her husband's presidential career. In the mid-90s, she established a charitable foundation and magazine "Azerbaijan-Irs", the purpose of which was to tell the world about the rich heritage of the country. When Ilham Aliyev became the head of state (2003), the first lady of the country began to implement large-scale projects in the field of health and education. With her light hand, the historical center of Baku was reconstructed, the capital's museum of modern art was opened.

In 2004, the president's wife founded the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, which deals with cultural and humanitarian issues in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Pakistan, and Belarus. One of the main directions of the charitable organization is assistance in the restoration of valuable historical sites in Versailles, Strasbourg, Rome. After becoming the president of AGF in 2002, Mehriban made every effort to popularize the sport in the country.

The first lady took an active position in the political life of the state: she is an active member of parliament, a member of the council of the New Azerbaijan Party, and heads the work of a group on inter-parliamentary relations with France. The spouse of the president also achieved certain successes in the scientific field, becoming a candidate of philosophical sciences and an honorary professor of the M.V. Sechenov. Mehriban Aliyeva has been awarded many prestigious international prizes, awarded the national orders of Poland and France, and is a Goodwill Ambassador for ISESCO and UNESCO.

The wife of the President of Azerbaijan is a style icon

Mrs. Aliyeva is a rare example of the combination of mind, energy and beauty. Moreover, Mehriban prefers not to hide her dignity: she willingly participates in social life, posing for glossy magazines. The name of a charming woman regularly appears in the German, Italian, Turkish press. Sometimes it is associated with the fabulous income of the Aliyev family, sometimes with amorous affairs (the Il Folio newspaper attributed Mehriban's affair with Alexander Lukashenko). Journalists are also interested in plastic surgery of the ageless presidential wife.

The wife of the President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva ...

For compatriots, she is the standard of beauty and style. The first lady herself is sure that a harmonious and pleasing to the eye outer shell is to some extent a gift of fate. But sooner or later a person acquires the appearance that becomes his maximum reflection. Therefore, in the matter of success and beauty, it is the inner content that plays a decisive role. -

Spouse of the President

Aliyev's wife, Mehriban, is an Azerbaijani public and political figure. She is a member of the country's Milli Mejlis. In addition, Mehriban heads the working group of Azerbaijani-American inter-parliamentary relations, is the president of the Gymnastics Federation and the goodwill ambassador of the UN, UNESCO, ISESCO and OIC. For ten years she has been the President of the Foundation, founded in honor of her father-in-law Heydar Aliyev, as well as the State Fund of Friends of Culture.


Born Pashayeva, Mehriban Aliyeva was born in Baku on August 26, 1964 in a family of scientists. Her mother, Aida, who died in 1992, was the daughter of a well-known journalist in the country, Nasir Imankuliev. She became an outstanding philologist, Arabist, doctor of oriental studies. Mehriban Aliyeva has been proud of her mother since childhood, who was the first woman in Azerbaijan to be awarded the title of professor. Father - Arif Pashayev - was the son of the literary critic and writer Mir Jalal Pashayev. Today he is the rector of the National Aviation Academy in Baku.

As Mehriban Aliyeva herself says, in her youth her mother was an amazingly beautiful woman. She had that rare appearance in which a bright personality was combined with canon beauty. As soon as she appeared somewhere, the glances of all those present involuntarily turned in her direction. It was she, according to her daughter, who managed to form in her an overestimated sense of responsibility.Loving parents never lectured Mehriban. It was simply obvious that she could not do badly, be dishonest, or look bad.

Mehriban Aliyeva, biography

The wife of the President of Azerbaijan graduated from Baku secondary school No. 23 with a gold medal. In the same 1982 she entered the Azerbaijan Medical University. Then the future doctor continues his studies at the IM Sechenov Academy in Moscow. In 1988, Mehriban Aliyeva received a red diploma and a specialty as a doctor. In 1983 she married Ilham.


After graduation, the future first lady of Azerbaijan goes to work at the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, where she works until 1992. In 1995, Mehriban Aliyeva became the founder and head of a charitable foundation called Friends of Azerbaijan Culture. A year later, she founded a cultural and historical journal. In 2002, the first lady of Azerbaijan holds the post of President of the Gymnastics Federation. It was she who became the initiator, having made considerable efforts for this, so that in 2005 the World Championship in this sport was held in her homeland. Two years later, she heads the Foundation named after Heydar Aliyev, her father-in-law. The press always broadly covers the work of this organization, which oversees the revival of the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. At the expense of the Foundation, hospitals and schools, youth and community centers are being built. In the same year she joined the New Azerbaijan Party.

Awards and titles

In 2005, Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded the title of "Woman of the Year". She became the first woman in the world to wear the Order of the Ruby Cross on her chest. The wife of the President of Azerbaijan received this award from the International Fund "Patrons of the Century". In the same year, she was elected a deputy of the Azerbaijani Milli Mejlis. However, as Mehriban Aliyeva herself says, most of all she values ​​her Golden Heart award, which she received seven years ago. In 2008, it was on the initiative of the wife of the President of Azerbaijan that the famous singer Muslim Magomayev was laid to rest on the Alley of Honorary Burials in Baku. She was also awarded an interstate prize in the category "Stars of the Commonwealth". Mehriban Aliyeva bears the rank of an officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor and is an honorary professor at the I.M.Sechenov Medical University. And in 2011, according to Playboy, she was named the sexiest among the first ladies.

Mehriban Aliyeva's family

On December 22, 1983, Mehriban married Ilham Aliyev, who is three years older than her. They have three children: two daughters and a son, Heydar. The eldest daughter Leila is the wife of Samed Kurbanov, a Russian entrepreneur and a graduate of MGIMO. They have two twin boys. According to Mehriban, who gave birth to Leila at the age of nineteen, children are the most important part of her life. Everything that may relate to their problems and concerns, successes and achievements is close and dear to her.

Mehriban Aliyeva and fashion The First Lady of Azerbaijan closely follows fashion trends, but at the same time has her own inimitable unique style. At first glance, it is difficult to believe that this lady is fifty years old, and in fact she is not only a mother, but also a grandmother. In her years, Mehriban Aliyeva is still the owner of a gorgeous appearance, and fashion for her is nothing more than just a fascinating process.

For most of her compatriots, Mehriban is an object to follow. And although some say that her appearance is the fruit of the work of more than a dozen of the most famous surgeons from Western clinics, and her entire style is the merit of stylists, but if she did not have the appropriate appearance initially, not a single plastic surgery would give such a result. would. As for the choice of clothes, the first lady practically does not make mistakes, wearing only what suits her. She especially loves black tones. Mehriban Aliyeva, whose height is above average, has a special passion for the highest heels, although in some cases this is contrary to the canons of etiquette. And the generally accepted skirt length, set for official events (up to five centimeters above the knee), is not always observed by it. This leads to the fact that some representatives of Muslim countries do not always approve of Mehriban's glamorous and sexual style, believing that it is not appropriate for a true Muslim woman to dress in this way.

Official Mehriban

The wife of the President of Azerbaijan, having the figure of a model and the appearance of a movie star, always knows how to stay in the shadow of her husband during protocol events, official meetings and trips. An impeccable demeanor: muted intonations, dull eyes - all this is done in order to attract less attention to oneself. I must say that Mehriban does not always succeed in this. After all, the impeccable appearance of the first lady has long been an object of imitation. They say that many ladies in Baku hairdressing salons ask to comb their hair in the style of “a la Mehriban”.

It is not only people from the president's entourage that have to reckon with it. Ordinary citizens always have the opportunity to contact her directly with requests and complaints. For this, a special sector has been created in the Presidential Administration, which works with appeals and letters to the first lady, at the same time, Mehriban does not have a bloated bureaucratic apparatus: both in the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and in the presidential apparatus, she has only twenty employees. But there is a huge number of volunteers and like-minded people around the country among the most diverse segments of the population. Representatives of business circles, scientific and creative elite of Azerbaijan dream of being involved in projects carried out by the Fund.

The first lady of Azerbaijan is rightfully considered one of the sex symbols of our time. It seems that the years have no power over her, and Mehriban and aging are incompatible.


Ilham and Mehriban Aliyevs have been married since 1983. They have two daughters and a son. Leyla Aliyeva's daughter married Emin Agalarov. On December 1, 2008, they had two twin sons. A month ago, it became known that the couple had divorced. The second daughter of Ilham and Mehriban Arzu married Samed Kurbanov in September 2011.

It is not for nothing that Alieva the elder is called "more fashionable and daring than the average Muslim woman in Azerbaijan." And spiteful critics, in addition to political and financial issues, have repeatedly discussed how often 51-year-old Mehriban lies under the scalpel.

The envious people do not ignore the numerous outfits of the elder Aliyeva. "She wears dresses that seem provocative even in the Western world.", They say.

And then I remember a funny incident that happened in September 2008. Alieva and her two daughters met with the wife of former US Vice President Dick Cheney. Secret service agents could not figure out who was the mother and who was the daughter. Then one of the White House employees suggested that "logically, mothers are probably in the center."

Mehriban is present at all her husband's geopolitical meetings. Her collection of contemporary art forms the basis of the new contemporary art museum in Baku. Her family business, which includes several banks, insurance, construction and travel companies, is also of great interest.

According to rumors, Mehriban's son, Heydar, is the owner of nine luxurious mansions in Dubai. They were purchased for approximately $ 44 million. Daughters Leila and Arzu also have properties in Dubai registered in their name. The total value of the real estate owned by the Aliyevs' children is estimated at $ 75 million.

The attention of powerful men is the weakness of the first lady. A well-known lover of women, French President Nicolas Sarkozy honored Mehriban with the Order of the Legion of Honor. And not so long ago, the press actively discussed rumors about her affair with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The protocol service of the first lady of Azerbaijan was forced to disseminate a statement in which it expressed its indignation at the publication of the Italian newspaper Il Foglio about the allegedly romantic meetings of Mehriban with Lukashenka in Berlin.

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