Home Fertilizers Male female questions for the quiz. Comic questions for the holidays and quizzes will make the event brighter and more interesting! NV Zagladin World history. XX century

Male female questions for the quiz. Comic questions for the holidays and quizzes will make the event brighter and more interesting! NV Zagladin World history. XX century

It doesn't matter how many people are present at the celebration, the main thing is that any of the guests is satisfied.

In any company, there is a cheerleader who directs the course of the festive feast, regulates the course of the conversation, knows toasts, anecdotes and, in general, determines the general rules of the holiday: "Another hundred and fifty and go home! .." there is no such person in the company. Become him! And we will help you!

tell me about yourself

This fun test is designed for couples. Men secretly from their wives write ten names of animals, reptiles, birds. Who they like best. Wives do the same. Further, the presenter asks to look at the husband's sheet, where the representatives of the fauna appear in a column. The presenter reads and so he, husband

  • 1. Affectionate, like ...
  • 2. Strong as ...
  • 3. Sociable, like ...
  • 4. Authoritative as ...
  • 5. Independent like ...
  • 6. Smiling like ...
  • 7. Neat, like ...
  • 8. Amorous, like ...
  • 9. Bold as ...
  • 10. Handsome, like ...

Then the representatives of the fauna, chosen by the wife, are called. So your wife -

  • 1. In transport, like ...
  • 2. With relatives, like ...
  • 3. In a store like ...
  • 4. With colleagues at work, like ...
  • 5. At home, like ...
  • 6. In a cafe or restaurant, like ...
  • 7. With a boss like ...
  • 8. In a friendly company, like ...
  • 9. In bed, like ...
  • 10. In the doctor's office, like ...

The song will help us

Invite the guests to recall and write several lines from the songs. After they write, you ask a question, and they answer with the words of the songs. So,

First song. How do you feel after the first kiss?

Second song. What are your feelings after the first intercourse?

Third song. Honeymoon memory

Fourth song. What are your memories a year after the wedding?

Fifth song. What am I thinking about today?

Sixth song. The morning after the Golden Wedding

Quiz "Confessions"

Prepare two sets of cards in advance. Preferably different colors. Write questions on cards of one color, answers on another. The number of questions and answers must match.

You invite guests to take a card with a question and a card with an answer. The guest reads the question, then the answer.

Sample questions

  • 1. When do you have to smile?
  • 2. Does your loved one make you jealous?
  • 3. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?
  • 4. Are you jealous of your other half?
  • 5. What do you dream about most often?
  • 6. Do you enjoy eroticism?
  • 7. Do you often step on others' feet?
  • 8. Do you remember those who previously loved you?
  • 9. Do you hide your left-wing earnings from your family?
  • 10. Do you like fooling around?
  • 11. Do you criticize the government?
  • 12. Are you capable of noble deeds?
  • 13. Do you experience work fatigue?
  • 14. Do you want to leave for America?
  • 15. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
  • 16. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
  • 17. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • 18. Do you like to enjoy your food?
  • 19. Are you afraid of prison?
  • 20. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers:

  • There has not been and will not be.
  • 2. Let's talk about this without witnesses
  • 3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.
  • 4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
  • 5. Only in a bad mood.
  • 6. Of course, more than once.
  • 7. It happens, but only at night.
  • 8. Every day and not once.
  • 9. Whenever I go to bed.
  • 10. I had to suffer from this.
  • 11. Only asleep and in slippers.
  • 12. And under torture I will not tell
  • 13. This is my hobby.
  • 14. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
  • 15. It was once.
  • 16. When guests are at home.
  • 17. This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it.
  • 18. If there is no second half nearby.
  • 19. At night under the covers.
  • 20. This topic is unpleasant to me.

To this comic "Confession" you can add your questions and answers and ask to argue the answer. It's very fun to do it!

Quiz "Do you believe that ..."

The facilitator asks the question, beginning with the words: "Do you believe that ..." Guests must determine if this is true.

  • 1. In Vietnam, they don't sit down at the New Year's table without a bouquet of flowers? (Yes)
  • 2. When the clock strikes 12 times on New Year's Eve, do people in Portugal pull their left ear with their right hand 12 times? (No)
  • 3. Should everyone sprinkle tea on each other during the New Year in Indonesia? (No)
  • 4. Are some frogs able to fly? (True, in the tropical forests of Africa and Asia.)
  • 5. Do penguins fly north for the winter?
  • 6. In France, do they bring a thick log as a New Year's gift? (Yes)
  • 7. On the island of Sardinia, in honor of the arrival of the New Year, is matriarchy established for a day? (Yes)
  • 8.In Hungary, for the New Year, are friends given a clay figurine of a pig? (Yes)
  • 9 did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
  • 10.On the first day of the New Year, elephants are led through the streets of Guinea? (Yes)
  • 11. Do people in some countries still wash themselves not with water, but with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
  • 12. Eskimos dry capelin and eat instead of bread. (Yes)
  • 13. An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets as follows: puts his trunk in his mouth. (Truth)
  • 14. In Denmark, on the first morning of the New Year, they climb onto the roof and throw copper coins into the chimney? (Not true)
  • 15. Do they pour water from the windows in Cuba on New Years? (Truth)
  • 16. In Greece, on New Year's Eve, do they bring a goat into the house and rub its horns with olive oil? (No)
  • 16. Are dolphins little whales? (Yes)
  • 17. Does the horn of a rhino have magical powers? (No)
  • 18. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
  • 19. Are firefly bugs used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)
  • 20. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

Comic questions

  • Name the first Russian woman to rise into the air on an object heavier than him. (Baba Yaga)
  • 2. What does the watchman do when a sparrow is sitting on his hat? (Sleeping)
  • 3. Which month is the shortest? (May - only 3 letters)
  • 4. On which tree does the crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
  • 5. What kind of dishes don't you eat? (From empty)
  • 6. Can I bring water in the sieve? (You can when she freezes)
  • 7. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak)
  • 8. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)
  • 9. How many peas are in the glass? (Not at all, they can't walk!)
  • 10. The crow flies, and the dog sits on its tail! Could this be? (Maybe since the dog sits on the ground and on its tail.)
  • 11. How does the night and day end? (With a soft sign)
  • 12. Who is the jack of all trades? (Glover)
  • 13. What do people buy shoes for? (For money)
  • 14. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
  • 15. Can it rain for two days in a row? (Can't, because the days are separated by the night)
  • 16. What stands in the middle of the Volga? (Letter "l")
  • 17. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
  • 18. When a car is driving, which wheel does it not spin? (Spare)
  • 19. What is 15 cm long and 7 cm wide that women really like? (100 $ banknote)

Good evening to you!

© "Like a woman" | Holidays

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You always want to say only good and kind words about women. No wonder they carry the proud title of the best half of humanity. A woman manages to do a thousand things in a day - cook a delicious dinner, tidy up the house, sing a lullaby to the child, and much more. And at the same time, women know how to monitor their appearance in such a way that sometimes the strong half of humanity is simply breathtaking. And at work, they are in no way inferior to men, and often surpass them in accuracy, patience and perseverance. This holiday quiz is dedicated to our lovely women, containing many interesting and funny questions, to which the same interesting and no less funny answers are given.

1. What is a woman's most discouraging weapon?
Answer: smile

2. What is the name of a charming lady who moves in a fantastic way - in the wind called "the wind of change"?
Answer: Mary Poppins

3. What item certifies the beauty of a woman?
Answer: mirror

4. What is the name of a young lady who neglects order, and therefore does not find her things all the time?
Answer: Masha the confused

5. What are the three most famous women with the name Sophia (Sophia)?
Answer: Sophia Kovalevskaya, Tsarina Sophia Alekseevna (sister of Peter I), Sophia Loren

6. What simple song does mom sing to her baby before bedtime?
Answer: lullaby

7. Usually this thing keeps you warm in the cold, but sometimes it is thrown at your feet. What is this subject?
Answer: glove

8. What woman has a "cat's soul"?
Answer: Madame Broshkina

9. What woman's heart is prone to treason?
Answer: the heart of a beauty

10. Which venerable lady living in fairy tales has a magic ball?
Answer: Baba Yaga

11 ... What should you remember to take with you on the way to the kitchen to prepare delicious food?
Answer: good mood

12. What common expression describes a woman's soft, soft hands?
Answer: "velvet handles"

13 ... "You look like the sea, Your proud temper has changed, But, I can wait, perhaps, Near the sea of ​​weather." Who is the author of the words?
Answer: I. Shaferan

14. Which flower loves to sleep the most?
Answer: white sleep

15. What is the name of a woman who was overly curious and eventually developed nose problems?
Answer: Barbara ( "They ripped off the nose of a curious Barbara in the bazaar")

16. When was the first knitted buttonhole born?
Answer: more than four thousand years ago

17. What is the name of the decoration in the form of grains strung on a thread?
Answer: beads

18 ... What kind of male occupation do some women like to do?
Answer: saw

19. Where does a girl live, in whom there is nothing special, but at the sight of her boyfriend, it is as if they are substituted?
Answer: "And in our yard there is one girl ..."

20. Guess the object about which they say: "There are many teeth, but does not eat anything"?
Answer: comb

21. What is the symbol of hospitality among the Russian people?
Answer: bread and salt

22. In which country is a dish called mish-mash prepared?
Answer: in Bulgaria

23. A monument to the chef Escoffier was erected in France. He knew how to make 360 ​​different dishes from one very simple product. What is this product?
Answer: egg

24. Who is "kvochka"?
Answer: mother of chicks

Intellectual and educational quiz

For cute girls "

Purpose: to develop the cognitive interest of younger students, to broaden their horizons.

Preparatory work:

1) prepare a presentation (questions and tasks), prizes;

2) divide the class into two teams (there should be girls and boys in the groups, who will choose the captain, come up with a name for the team);

3) organize jobs for each team.

Event progress

I. Music sounds. Opening remarks by the teacher and conversation with students about the upcoming spring holiday on March 8.

II. Congratulations for girls from boys (reading poems, congratulatory presentation, playing musical instruments, dancing, presenting gifts).

III. Quiz using presentation (Appendix 1).

The game consists of 13 rounds, each of which offers questions and tasks. You need to answer the commands one at a time. The captains lead the groups. Points are awarded for each correct answer. The right to answer passes to the opponents if the answer is incorrect. The team with the most points wins. Rules of conduct during the game: do not shout out answers from the place, do not quarrel, think over the answers together.

Round 1. "Oh, spring without end and without edge ..." (1 point)

Guess the riddles about spring.

A beauty is walking

Lightly touches the ground,

Goes to the field, to the river,

And on a snowball, and a flower. (Spring)

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

Streams run faster

The sun is shining warmer.

The sparrow is happy with the weather -

Looked at us for a month ... (March)

The bear got out of the den,

Mud and puddles on the road

There is a trill in the sky -

Came to visit us ... (April)

The garden tried on white

The nightingale sings a sonnet

Our land is dressed in greenery -

We are greeted with warmth ... (May)

Housewarming at the starling

He rejoices endlessly.

So that we have a mockingbird

We made ... (Birdhouse)

Tour 2. “Great women in the Russian land” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. Princess, the first woman in Russia to accept the Orthodox faith. The church canonized her. Her memory is celebrated on July 11. (Duchess Olga)

2. A pious peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land, who healed the faithful prince Peter from leprosy and became his wife, a princess.

Together with her husband, she showed the world an example of an Orthodox family. She died with him on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228. (Princess Fevronia of Murom)

3. A brave, courageous Ryazan woman who, because of her love for her loved ones, was not afraid to go to the Horde to see Bakhmet himself, the Tatar king. It was she who managed to rescue her brother, husband, son from captivity and Ryazan is full. (Avdotya Ryazanochka)

4. Russian empress, daughter of Peter I and Catherine I, who came to power with the help of the guards. She made a vow “not to execute anyone with death”. During her reign, not a single death sentence was passed. After her reign, several thousand luxurious dresses remained. (Elizaveta Petrovna)

5. Empress, “German by birth, but Russian in soul,” who turned Russia into a great power. She adopted the Orthodox faith, perfectly mastered the Russian language. The enlightenment of Russia became the work of her life. (Catherine II the Great)

6. Princess, third daughter of Count Roman Vorontsov, devoted supporter of Catherine II. In 1784 she became the first director of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was founded at her request. Became the first woman in the world to run an Academy of Sciences. (Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova)

7. Favorite granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, Russian empress with a pure soul and loving heart, wife of Nicholas II, mother of five children, who shared a sad fate with her family. In 2000 she was canonized with her husband and children. (Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova)

8. The world's first woman astronaut. (Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova)

9. General question. Women revered in Russia, who, after the execution of Jesus Christ, went to his tomb, in order to smear the body with peace according to the Jewish custom. They were the first to witness the miraculous resurrection of the Savior. Their day of remembrance - the second Sunday after Easter - is considered the day of all women. (Myrrh-Bearing Wives)

Round 3. “Let's talk about etiquette” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. What way of addressing a woman is accepted in English-speaking countries?

(In English-speaking countries, the following appeals are widespread: to an unmarried woman - miss, a married - Mrs; a general appeal to a married and unmarried in colloquial speech - madam).

2. What way of addressing a woman is accepted in Germany?

(In Germany, earlier appeals were widespread: to an unmarried woman - Fraulen, married - Frau. Now the appeal to both married and unmarried - Madame).

3. What kind of address to a woman is accepted in Spain?

(In Spain, common references are: to an unmarried woman - senorita, married - senora).

4. What way of addressing a woman is accepted in France?

(In France, the address “madame” has been introduced for all representatives of the fair sex. The “mademoiselle” that previously existed for unmarried women is now considered indecent).

5. What kind of address to a woman is accepted in Poland?

(In Poland, the following appeals are widespread: to an unmarried woman - panna, to a married woman - pani).

6. What kind of address to a woman is accepted in Russia?

(In Russia, it is not customary to use addresses. Instead, they use an address by name and patronymic, or: citizen, woman / girl, mother (rudely); madam, young lady, hostess (obsolete); madam (in a letter), etc.)

Round 4. “Legends of Flowers” ​​(1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. Which flower symbolizes hopeless narcissism? (Narcissus)

2. The Indians called this flower a shooting star, and the ancient Romans just called a star. The inflorescence of this plant actually resembles a bright star. What is this flower called now? (Aster)

3. The poetic story of this flower is connected with the dramatic love of Josephine Beauharnais for the Emperor Napoleon. In a modest dress, the only decoration of which was a bunch of these flowers, Josephine made an extraordinary impression on Napoleon. Soon their wedding took place. Since then, wherever the emperor was, Josephine received a bouquet of these flowers on her wedding day. (Violet)

4. In Turkey this flower is called “tulipa”, which means “turban”, “turban”. In Iran, Central Asia and Transcaucasia - “lala, lola, lale”. And what do we call this flower? (Tulip)

5. The ancient Greeks gave this flower its name after the goddess of the rainbow Iris. The people affectionately call him "Iris, cockerel, singer, squeak, pigtails, rainbow". And what do the botanists call him? (Iris)

6. Translated from Latin, this flower means “sword”. The people call him "saber-grass" or "zhpazhnik". Its leaves are similar in shape to a sharp sword, they surround the stems, on which there are several flowers with silk, velvet, double or shiny petals. Name this plant. (Gladiolus)

7. When the Egyptian queen Cleopatra threw a feast in honor of the Roman general Anthony, the floor in the hall was covered with a layer of petals as thick as a cubit. What colors were these petals? (The Rose)

8. The name of this flower comes from the surname of a Frenchman who first brought it to Europe three centuries ago. Dumas the son in one of his novels described the fate of Marguerite Gaultier, who was very fond of these flowers. And Giuseppe Verdi wrote the opera La Traviata based on this novel. What flower are we talking about? (Camellia)

9. The legend says that the goddess Diana killed a young shepherd, who, with his playing on the horn, scared away the game and prevented it from hunting. Then she repented and asked Zeus to make a beautiful flower grow from the blood of an innocent deceased young man - in memory of him. Zeus responded to her request. What kind of flower was it? (Carnation)

10. Young Pan, the patron saint of meadows and forests, met the beautiful river nymph Syringa, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn, admired her gentle grace and beauty. Pan decided to talk to the nymph, but she got scared, ran away and turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. Pan wept near the bush and since then became sad, but he tried to do good to everyone. And the name of Siringa became the Latin name for this flower. (Lilac)

Tour 5. “What is in the oven, all swords are on the table” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. In Russia there was a custom, on special occasions, to bake and send pies home. What does this mean? (Party Invitation)

2. Table seasoning, has the Slavic root “burns”. (Mustard)

3. Without what product is it impossible to have lunch in Russia? (Bread)

4. What is the most important treat during the Old Russian holiday Maslenitsa? (Pancakes)

5. What was the name of the warm drink made from herbs with honey, widespread in Russia? (Sbiten)

6. What is kulebyaka? (Fish pie)

7. What dish is salted three times? (Dumplings. Salt is put in the dough, in the filling and during cooking.)

8. This is an oriental sweetness. According to the Turkish translation, it refreshes the throat. (Turkish Delight)

9. In Russia they said: "... yes ... - our food." What is it about? (Cabbage soup, porridge)

10. “Induce appetite” - this is the French name for this dish. (Stew)

Round 6. "Woman - mother" (10 points)

Read the verses about Mom in a meaningful way. Think of the lullabies you know.

Tour 7.

Quiz for residents of Tyumen. 25 questions about women

"Forest Pharmacy" (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. What forest flower cures heart disease? (Lily of the valley)

2. What kind of marsh plant can replace cotton wool? (Sphagnum moss)

3. Which plant helps treat skin conditions, including warts? (Celandine)

4. The juice of which plant stops bleeding? (Nettle)

5. Why is the willow called “the surgeon's friend”? (In complex bone fractures, a willow twig is inserted like a rod, the bones grow together well, and the willow twig disappears without a trace).

6. What plants can be used to heal wounds? (Plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, coltsfoot, oak, birch)

7. How to provide assistance in finding a tick that has stuck in the body? (Lubricate the tick with fat and after a few minutes remove it from the skin).

8. Identify a medicinal plant found in the forests of the Ryazan region. What does it heal? (St. John's wort, yarrow, mint, plantain, birch, ivan tea, immortelle)

Tour 8. "Fairy Beauties" (1 point)

Learn a beauty from a fairy tale.

Beauties from books and cartoons - Sleeping Beauty, Eliza (“Wild Swans”, G.H. Andersen), Nastenka (“The Scarlet Flower”, S. Aksakov), Alyonushka (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”); Vasilisa the Beautiful, Princess Nesmeyana, Snow Maiden, Little Red Riding Hood, Alisa, Malvina; Snow White, Thumbelina, Cinderella, the king's youngest daughter (“The Frog Queen,” the Brothers Grimm); Jasmine, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Belle.

Round 9. "A book is a source of knowledge and wisdom" (1 point)

Finish Russian folk proverbs and sayings.

A mother's blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.

Whoever respects mother and father will never perish.

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.

The mother's word does not say to the wind.

A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.

Not the mother who gave birth, but the mother who raised.

For a mother, a child is up to a hundred years old.

Round 10. “What suits the face, that also paints” (1 point)

Determine in which country such suits were in fashion. (Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy; Ukraine, Belarus; Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome; India, Japan)

Round 11. “Sing, accordion ...” (1 point)

Learn a musical instrument from a picture. (Harp, accordion, piano, domra, accordion)

Learn a musical instrument by its sound. (Guitar, violin, flute, balalaika)

Round 12. "Everybody dance ..." (1 point)

Determine from the pictures what kind of dance is performed by professional dancers, what is the name of folk dances. (Waltz, hopak, lezginka, flamenco, yanka and yurochka, tarantella, tango; lady, dance, trepak, gander; sirtaki, tap dance (step), czardash, kartuli)

It is advisable to accompany the answers to the questions by listening to dance music or watching dance fragments on video. You can invite children to perform famous dances on their own.

Round 13. "Lay the song in the open ..." (5 points)

Students sing songs about mothers, girls to music from memory or in karaoke mode: “Mom and Daughter”, “The Happiest”, “Baby Mammoth Song”, “Our mothers are the most beautiful”, “Mom is the first word”, etc.

Summarizing. Presentation of prizes.

An endless number of experts and professionals come to work every day to find answers to your questions over and over again - be it skin care or choosing a haircut, whatever.

And despite the fact that they all do their job in good faith, questions still remain. Therefore, we turned to the know-it-alls from Google and asked them: what questions from the field of beauty were people typing into the search engine last year?

So, here are the top 10 beauty questions that the world turned to the search giant in 2014 - and our answers. Let's live a little more knowledgeable in the new year.

Trendy colors in the summer of 2016 (photo)

1 How Do I Finally Get Rid Of Acne

Answer: As we understand it, acne can be a serious problem, especially if you have been struggling with it for a long time. But we did our homework. Here's what can really help: antibiotics, proper nutrition, salicylic acid, birth control pills, zinc. But in order to deal with such a problem once and for all, it is necessary to turn to a specialist with it, who will select the correct treatment.

2 How to get rid of stretch marks?

Answer: We will be the first to tell you to keep all those scars, scars, spots that you have on your body. We all have them, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. But if you are still shy about it all and you still need help, here is our answer: nothing will make stretch marks disappear (no creams, no oils) except laser therapy. And it is not a fact that they will completely disappear. So the most appropriate option is to accept.

3 How often should you wash your hair?

Answer: There is still no definite answer. Some say that you need to wash your hair every day, others - every other day.

Quiz for beautiful ladies "Women's Club"

Instead of banging your head against a wall asking this question, why not try shampoo alternatives? Perhaps this is just what you need.

4 What is BB Cream?

Answer: Honestly, we are already tired of all this nonsense with abbreviations. But there are still such products. Instead of focusing on just the BB cream, why not repeat the entire alphabet? In fact, it's a product that sits somewhere in between moisturizer and foundation, which means it moisturizes and evens out the complexion, but not as thick as foundation.

5 How should I wash my makeup brushes?

Answer: It turns out that there is no one clear answer to this question. But there are many special products that are easy to buy and follow the instructions to clean all the brushes used when applying makeup.

6 How to get rid of bags under the eyes?

Answer: We will have to disappoint you - there is no way to get rid of them completely. A facial massage can help relieve puffiness and stagnant fluid, but few creams can help fight dark spots. It is so good that little tricks when applying makeup allow you to miraculously hide them.

7 How to reduce enlarged pores?

Answer: Here's another nuisance: the pores, in fact, cannot open, close, or shrink. It is very common to have clogged pores, experts say, so cleaning them regularly will help them look their best.

8 How to apply foundation?

Answer: This is really a matter of taste. But most makeup artists prefer to apply foundation not with a brush, but with a sponge or fingers.

9 What are freckles?

Answer: Freckles are skin reactions to sunlight. They may become less noticeable, but those who have them will never part with them.

10 What shape should I give my eyebrows?

Answer: This is completely individual, each has its own eyebrow shape. The ideal option is to consult with a specialist who will select yours for you.

beauty recipes acne stretch marks hair washing makeup tools dark circles under the eyes foundation eyebrows 2014 results

Competitions for men and women

Speech rate

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are invited to pronounce as many of any words as possible in 30 seconds. The team whose representative speaks more words will receive a prize point.
For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throwing range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw the playing card as far as possible.

Funny Birthday Quiz

You can allow participants to try multiple times. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other - black.

The team, whose representative will throw the map further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted), receives a prize point.

The women's team chooses some item that the woman needs (for example, a mink coat), the men's team - an item that men dream of (for example, additional accessories for his car). After that, representatives of each of the teams try in turn to advertise the selected item without naming it.

The competition evaluates the persuasiveness of each of the players.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of the music is constantly changing.
The team whose representative performs the best dance will receive a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks the teams questions in turn. At the same time, a team of women is asked male questions, and a team of men - female questions. Examples of questions are provided in the supplementary material.
For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point.

Examples of questions for women:

1. What is the carburetor a part of? (Motor.)
2. What can you hit with a "speck"? (On the ball.)
3. Is the hood on the front or back of the car? (In front.)
4. What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey.)
5. In which direction when using a saw force is applied: to oneself or from oneself. (Push.)
6. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (Hockey.)
7. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup? (In Japan.)
8. The products of which company have a check mark. (Nike.)

Examples of questions for men:

1. Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on the torn tights.)
2. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: the needle or the thread? (Needle.)
3. What is highlighting? (Coloring of individual hair strands.)
4. Why does a woman need acetone? (Wash off old nail polish.)
5. What is the name of the small bag that stores the items necessary to make
to put on makeup? (Cosmetic bag.)
6. Is yeast put into shortbread dough? (No.)
7. Do I need to rinse the dye from my hair after dyeing it? (Yes.)
8. For this process, wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used. What is this process? (Depilation.)

During the competition, the presenter will have to apply all his diplomatic skills to sum up: "Friendship won."

Greatest woman of the 20th century

On September 19 and 20, a quiz was held at the school, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of V. Tereshkova's flight into space, in which teams of 5-6 grades took part.

The quiz began with watching the presentation "The Greatest Woman of the 20th Century", which spoke about the founders of Russian cosmonautics - Tsiolkovsky and Korolev, about the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yuri Gagarin, about the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and about the first person to go into outer space - Alexei Leonov ...

After viewing the presentation materials, the students took part in the quiz.

During the game, the guys were able to show speed, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and show their knowledge. Of course, a lot is still unfamiliar to them, but everyone has an interest in the topic of space exploration. But this is the most important thing for the sake of which such meetings are held - to awaken the desire to cognize the unknown.

Places were distributed as follows: among 5 grades, I place - 5 g (class teacher K.S. Berdnikova), II place - 5 a (class teacher N.G. Neklyudova), III place - 5 c (class teacher Roschepkina N .A.); among 6 grades, I place - 6 b (class teacher Rubish Yu.V.), II place - 6 a (class teacher TZ Shatrabaeva), III place - 6 c (class teacher O.P. Rusak).

There are a lot of blank spots in the Universe, so dare, study, learn, explore, dream, young friends!

Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities with children V.A. Gurin

  1. The Greatest Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death


    ... turn into grown men and women, with rights and responsibilities, ... the famous scientist, whom many consider the greatest mythologist XX century, and possibly all ... cultural and technological advances in recent centuries... Until the end of the 15th century, ...

  2. M.

    Comic quiz from the hero of the day.

    M. Dunaev Faith in the Crucible of Doubts Orthodoxy and Russian Literature in the XVII XX centuries


    ... Madonna. Greatest Russian poet and greatest Russian saint did not meet. Greatest into the new ... insight of Dostoevsky. "... in the fall of both women- explained the author (in the "Preface ...

    emigration Chapter 963 XX End literature XXcenturies 1018 Conclusion ...

  3. Downloaded from / Valentin Vladimirovich Badrak Strategies for brilliant women Valentin Badrak Strategies for brilliant women


    ... connection with the male, is often the forerunner the greatest achievements of men, the predetermination of their strength ... x years XXcenturies believe that traditional sex-role function is based on women the subconscious is laid ...

  4. Alexander Bushkov Russia, which did not exist. Century of the Guards The reader is urged not to see in this book a simple, mechanical reprint of Russia


    ... A common practice that continued in XX century - the crowned heads awarded each ... the guard ", 1951. Yu. M. Gogolitsin. Greatest counterfeiting, robbery and theft of works ... Enlightenment, 1991. Mikhnevich V. Russkaya female Xviii centuries... - Kiev, 1895. Mozheiko I. ...

  5. NV Zagladin World history. XX century


    ... the scientific picture of world development in XXcenturies in its multifactorial and genuine ... -and-Gasset "Rise of the Masses": " The greatest the threat that now threatens civilization: ... education, equal rights are given women, farms were created in the villages ...

Other similar documents ..

Celebrating the holiday with a fun company is correct and interesting. People are in a positive mood, they have not forgotten a good mood at home, their faithful companion is laughter. In a cheerful company, all worries fade into the background. Foreground is jokes, fun and a great meal. A comic quiz for a fun company is thought out in advance. For the quiz to be successful, the presenter must be in the most benevolent mood. He has a great responsibility! Good luck to him and to all the participants in the comic quiz!

1. For what reason do the eyes sometimes leave their place and move higher?
Answer: because of surprise ("eyes went up to the forehead")

2. What is the significant drawback of stuffed cabbage rolls?
Answer: they are lazy ("lazy stuffed cabbage")

3. What color can you bring an angry person to heat?
Answer: to white, "bring to white heat"

4. From which movie does the phrase “I don’t need money, I’m going to get rich, but not now”?
Answer: "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"

5. What flower helped the monster to become happy?
Answer: scarlet flower

6. On what part of the human body is it worth cutting down the information?
Answer: on the nose ("chop your nose")

7. In what part of the world is a person prancing about when he is in a hurry to get to know something?
Answer: across Europe ("gallop across Europe")

8. What is the name of the holiday for actors or students acting out humorous scenes?
Skits +

9. What age person has problems remembering information?
Answer: a young girl ("girl's memory")

10. What royal person is usually remembered when talking about distant, distant times?
Answer: King Peas

11. How many boxes can a chatty person weave?
Answer: three ("weaves from three boxes")

12. Speaking of hunger, what kind of relative do we remember?
Aunt + ("hunger is not aunt")

13. What are the compulsory payments you need to make to ensure yourself a sweet, restful sleep?
Answer: taxes ("pay taxes and sleep in peace")

14. What kind of Christmas tree usually freezes in winter?
Answer: small ("the little Christmas tree is cold in winter")

15. How do we say (using holiday vocabulary) when a person is not what we would like?
Answer: "he is not a gift"

17. What subtle invisible component of the human body do we heat?
Answer: soul ("we warm the soul")

18. How many points do we usually give up front?
Answer: one hundred ("give one hundred points forward")


  1. Clogs are ... (ankle boots or the type of sandals)
  2. The real name of the singer Nyusha? ( Anna or Anastasia)
  3. Which bread has the most calories? (rye or wheat)
  4. Are bra and bra the same thing? ( Yes or not)
  5. What color is the makeup base? ( white or bodily)
  6. What is the name of elongated cylindrical beads? (lazarus or bugle)
  1. What are tips? (a kind of earrings worn without piercing the ears, false nail during extension, translucent white knee-highs)
  2. What is the name of the type of women's boots above the knee? (ankle boots, boots, pantolet)
  3. Which essential oil is most effective against cellulite? (tea tree oil, orange oil, Eucalyptus oil)
  4. What is the softest fabric for your body? (linen, silk, cotton)
  5. Which of these indoor plants does not bloom? (Cactus, aloe or geranium)
  6. Name the actor who played the role of "Ace" Hugo Oliver in the movie "3 meters above the sky"? ( Mario Casas, Enrique Iglesias, Diego Martin)

Round 3 without options

  1. What is DEN on women's tights (density / thickness)
  2. List at least 3 types of how you can curl your hair? (hairdryer and comb, curling iron, curlers, perm)
  3. What is a female Russian name that does not end in a vowel (Love)
  4. What is the difference between legends and leggings (except for the name)? (nothing)
  5. Name 3 main characters of the series "The Vapier Diaries" (Elena Gilbert, two brothers Dayman and Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce)
  6. Name the ingredients of the Vinegred salad (beets, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, potatoes, carrots, onions)
  7. Name at least 3 three famous Russian fashion designers (Kira Plastinina, Zaitsev, Yudashkin, Sergey Zverev, Oleg Azhgikhin)


Round 1 with 2 answer options

  1. Is there a condenser in the carburetor (yes, No)
  2. How many rounds are there in professional boxing? (ten, 12 )
  3. Is diesel fuel a type of gasoline? ( Yes or not)
  4. How many referees are judging a football match? (3 or 5 )
  5. Is there a men's haircut called "Polka"? ( Yes or not) ( It is characterized by an increased length of bangs and hair in the temporal region, combined with short hair on the back of the head. The hair on the parietal part of the head is the same length as the hair in the temporal region. With this haircut, the hair is slicked back.)
  6. Tell me which of these titles is older ... (corporal or lieutenant)

Round 2 - with 3 answer options

  1. Which city of Russia belongs to the famous football club "Torpedo" (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod)
  2. How is the name of the car translated Volkswagen(family car, people's car, fast car)
  3. How long is a period in hockey? (10.15, 20 ,)
  4. Name the eldest of the Klitschko brothers-boxers (Vladimir Klitschko, Vitaliy Klichko, they are the same age)
  5. What type is the Dota computer game ( strategy, "Shooter", RPG)
  6. Which Football Team is the World Cup 2012-2013 (Spartak, CSKA, Zenith)

Round 3 without options

  1. How many speeds are there in a car with a manual transmission (5 or 6)
  2. Decrypt the UEFA acronym ( UEFA- Union Europeenne de football Association. European Union of Football Associations (or Union of European Football Associations).

3. Describe the type of haircut "boxing" (longer hair in the parietal part of the head and shorter hair at the back of the head and on the sides of the head)

  1. List at least 3 types of screwdrivers (flat, Phillips, Hex)

5. The main difference between a men's classic shirt and a women's classic blouse (the buttons on the men's shirt are on the right side)

  1. Name the caliber AK-47 (7.62)
  2. Governor of which state was Arnold Schwarzenegger (California)

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