Home Fertilizers New york big apple. Why is New York called the Big Apple? Interesting facts about New York. interesting facts about New York

New york big apple. Why is New York called the Big Apple? Interesting facts about New York. interesting facts about New York


A multimillion-dollar metropolis, pierced by skyscrapers, surrounded by bridges and flooded with neon light - this never sleeping, seething city of contrasts made of glass and concrete does not even remotely resemble a round, ripe, juicy apple. And, nevertheless, it is called and known all over the world precisely as the "Big Apple". And this name stuck so well that the apple really became a symbol of the business center of America. And the Americans themselves made a lot of efforts to popularize it.

One of the streets of the city not so long ago was officially named in honor of the symbol - "Big Apple"; sculptures depicting this fruit appeared in the parks. On New Year's Eve, in the very center of the city, exactly at twelve o'clock, a huge glowing apple descends from the Times Tower. Why exactly has the apple won the honor of becoming a symbol of New York? There are many assumptions about this, and for several years various organizations and historical societies have been trying to find out the truth about the original source.

According to one of the most famous versions, the city got its nickname from the light hand of John Fitzgerald, who commented on the races in New York in the sports section of the newspaper. It was the jockeys who called the significant competitions held there “The Big Apple”. According to another version, the apple tree was one of the first trees planted by immigrants from Europe. And it was the apple tree that bore fruit first.

The most common version attributes the appearance of the term "big apple" to the environment of black jazz musicians from Harlem, who became incredibly popular in the 30s of the last century. The measure of success for them was the conquest of New York. Of all the apples on the tree of success, the big apple of this mega-city was considered the most valuable. Symbolizing a dream, a song and a dance with the same name arose at the same time.

The least known version, says that during the Great Depression, it was in New York that the distribution of apples to the poorest segments of the population was organized. The version about brothels that appeared in New York in the 19th century is considered spicy and delicate. The girls who worked in these houses were called Eve's apples. There are many versions, but none of them can claim the status of the only correct one, and at the same time they all have the right to exist.

All the events mentioned in them took place in reality, and is it really so important in honor of which of these events New York acquired a juicy nickname. It is important that its inhabitants are unanimous in their love for the symbol of the city. The apple is firmly established in the history of New York and is not going to leave its pedestal.

Almost every person, regardless of social status, knows what a nickname is. It does not always correspond to the image of its owner, for example, a large person can be called a Kid, or vice versa. This phenomenon is present not only in people's lives. You might be surprised, but cities also have nicknames. Even the metropolis, which millions of tourists seek to visit, New York, is called the "Big Apple". Why? Let's take a look at all the existing versions.


Ardent fans of jazz have their own version of why New York is called the "Big Apple". It's no secret that Americans are very fond of jazz music. The peak of the popularity of this musical direction fell on the first half of the last century. The best bands, which delighted the audience, flocked to New York, where they expected to gain even greater fame and make a fortune. A phrase appeared among the musicians, which eventually became popular. It sounded like this: "The apple tree is full of apples, but if you are lucky enough to perform in New York, you can assume that the biggest apple is already in your pocket." The expression became a catch phrase, and the nickname stuck to the metropolis. But there is another version why New York is called the "Big Apple". She also has a lot to do with jazz.

Manhattan to the rhythm of jazz

Some musicians who began their careers in the thirties of the last century recall the jazz ensemble that was chosen by Manhattan. The guys regularly staged impromptu concerts, at which a huge crowd of fans gathered, and the venue itself began to be called the "Big Apple". Subsequently, the "nickname" spread to the entire island, and over the years to the city.

Jazz dance and song

In the 30s of the last century, as we have already mentioned, jazz was incredibly popular among Americans. At this time, they released a real hit called "Big Apple". New Yorkers loved to dance to it, and even a new dance appeared with a similar name. Radio host Walter Winchell liked this so much that he constantly called the metropolis "Big Apple" on his broadcasts.

Athletic New York

Etymologist enthusiast Barry Popick and professor Gerald Cohen at the University of Missouri disagreed with the suggestion that New York is called the "Big Apple" because of its jazz musicians. They did their own research and found one of the earliest uses of the term to refer to a city. On May 3, 1921, another issue of the New York Morning Telegraph was published, in which there was an article by the then famous sports columnist John Fitzgerald. The author wrote that in New Orleans he heard another name for New York - "Big Apple". He wondered why this is exactly what they say about the largest city in the United States.

The man found out that in New York, races are very often held, which are attended by the most experienced jockeys, bringing their horses. The locals, knowing how much the stallions love apples, have always looked forward to such events in order to profitably sell their harvest. Therefore, the jockeys gave their own name to the city - "Big Apple".

Brighton Beach version

Tourists who find themselves in this beautiful American metropolis, as a rule, book a tour, during which they receive maximum information about the city. From guides living in Brighton Beach, you can find out one of the common versions why New York is the "Big Apple". Guides claim that the name itself has existed for several hundred years, and it appeared thanks to immigrants who arrived in the city from other continents. People who left their homeland began to engage in agriculture and plant orchards, and the apple tree became the tree that gave the first harvest.


Among the hypotheses over which many researchers are racking their brains, there is a simple version. Some people believe that New York got its name from the moment the plane flew over it for the first time. The pilot, looking around the city, noticed that the city line very much resembled an apple.

Popularization of the name

One can ponder for a long time why New York is called the "Big Apple", considering different versions, but one or another source cannot be called reliable. Be that as it may, this name is very popular with the locals. Thanks to the marketing ploy of the New York Tourist Bureau in the 1970s, the "city nickname" became incredibly popular. Today, the inscription "Big Apple" can be found almost everywhere: on souvenirs, on billboards placed throughout the city, in the names of various establishments, on products manufactured in New York. In the center of Manhattan there is an Apple store, built in the form of a huge glass cube. It is also a kind of symbol of the city, because it bears the well-known logo - a large bitten apple.


Which city is called the "big apple"? And why?

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The best answer

      2 0

    7 (50998) 5 50 156 7 years

    "The Big Apple" is the most famous nickname for New York. It originated in the 1920s.

    There are several versions of the origin of the term.

    1. According to research conducted by amateur etymologist Barry Popick and Professor Gerald Cohen of the University of Missouri, the term originated in the 1920s. Its distribution was facilitated by John Fitzgerald, sports columnist for the New York Morning Telegraph, who first used it in the May 3, 1921 issue. On February 18, 1924, in a column entitled "Around the Big Apple," he explained that he had heard the expression in New Orleans. Horses love apples, and horse racing in New York is, in the words of jockeys, "the big apple."

    2. According to another version, the expression arose among jazz musicians who had a proverb: "There are many apples on the tree of success, but if you managed to conquer New York, you got a big apple." In the 1930s, there was a song and dance called The Big Apple. In the 1940s and 1950s, the nickname was used by radio journalist Walter Winchell.

    In the early 1970s, the New York City Tourism Bureau organized an advertising campaign to popularize the term. The campaign was successful.
    In 1997, the corner of West 54th Street and Broadway, where John Fitzgerald lived from 1934-1963, was named the Big Apple Corner by an official decree of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
    According to the Russian language reference and information portal, in Russian, only the first word is written with a capital letter: “Big Apple” or the City of the Big Apple.

    To find out what the "Big Apple" really is, you need to stay with New York face to face - just you and the metropolis. Walk the Museum Mile, squint at the bright lights of Broadway, reach the sky from the Empire State Building and look at the legendary Statue of Liberty.

    It is impossible to remain indifferent to this city. It is so contrasting, so bright and extraordinary that it seems as if you are Alice in the Looking Glass and found yourself in another, parallel world!

    It is not without reason that this almost eight millionth metropolis is called the United States in miniature: everything that only exists in this huge country is one hundred percent in New York. Fashion trends, a mix of nationalities, languages ​​and religions, assorted commodities, and ultimately the very rhythm of life is purely American.

    And yet, if you want to see the real America, you have to go to the provinces, not to the metropolis. New York is truly the "Big Apple", everything is brought together there and every day is like a holiday. The human flow on the streets does not thin out either in the morning or at lunchtime. Everyone is buzzing like bees in a hive, and rushing somewhere about their business. Against your will, you are convinced once again: for Americans, time is money.

    It is impossible to remain indifferent to New York. The impressions are the same as the city itself - contrasting and bright.


    1. 4 0

    7 (88378) 7 26 967 7 years

    This is New York. The apple is the symbol of the city. There are several versions of why New York was called the Big Apple.
    The most common version: the term "Big Apple" appeared in the 1930s, when New York was gradually gaining fame as the capital of jazz. There was a proverb among jazz musicians: "There are many apples on the tree of success, but if you managed to conquer New York, you got a big apple."
    In the 19th century, there were many brothels in New York and a fresh young prostitute was called a bull's-eye. This name was used by the French aristocrat Evelyne Claudine de Saint-Emerade, who emigrated to New York and opened one of the first salons where young men from wealthy families could meet girls who were called "apples of Eve."
    The term "Big Apple" originated in the 1920s. and the first to use it was John Fitzgerald, sports columnist for the New York Morning Telegraph. At this time, the New York racecourses are very famous. Fitgerald says that in New Orleans he heard the expression from jockeys: “Horses love apples, and horse racing in New York is a“ big apple ”. He picks up this expression and uses it to talk about the world of New York racing. He calls his chronicle "Around the Big Apple".
    And New York guides from Brighton Beach say that the association between the "apple" and New York arose because the first tree planted by the first settlers and bearing fruit was an apple tree, and therefore the apple became the symbol of New York.

      2 0

    6 (7139) 6 78 162 7 years

    One ensemble of jazz musicians liked to call their venue “apple”. So, during their performance in Manhattan, these guys just didn't have the courage to call New York an apple, and they called the place of their performance "Big Apple".

New York is rightfully considered one of the largest and most majestic cities in the world. Many people enjoy visiting this beautiful city. All tourists know why New York is called the Big Apple. Many films show the beauty of the huge city, and New Yorkers are proud to live there.

A little about the history of New York

Initially, the state was inhabited by native Indians. The first explorer to discover the city was Giovanni Verazano, an Italian explorer. He named it New Angouleme, and a year later the Dutchman by name insisted on giving the state the name New Amsterdam. And only later did the British give the city its name.

Buying an island

After some time, the Duke of York bought the island, and later took possession of the lands that belonged to the Dutch. He named this area after himself - New York. And only later will everyone find out why New York is called the Big Apple. This was preceded by its own history.

What city is called the Big Apple?

One hypothesis in a nineteenth-century guide to infamous homes is that New York City had the fame of the city with the finest apples (in this case, the euphemistic word for women of easy virtue) in the world. Another hypothesis is that the title comes from a book by writer Edward Martin called A Traveler in New York. There are many assumptions that explain why New York is called the Big Apple.

Why did the city get its nickname?

And yet New York is a big apple. Why? There is also a hypothesis that journalist John Fitzgerald called New York that way, because he heard African-American grooms say that the dream of every jockey is to participate in horse races in New York. They named it the Big Apple. The races were taking place in New York at that time. And many people came there from different parts of America.
Also, many believe that this name comes from the fact that one group of jazz musicians nicknamed the place of their performances "Big Apple". New York has Harlem, which is considered the jazz capital of the world. Since that time, the city has been nicknamed the Big Apple.

32 interesting facts about New York

1. One Dutch explorer named Peter Minuit bought the southern part from an Indian tribe for about $ 24.
2. The city was twice proclaimed the capital of the United States.
3. The first name of the city was New Amsterdam.
4. Residents of the city spend an average of about forty minutes a day to get to their work.
5. The city's central park is much larger than the Principality of Monaco.
6. According to Crain’s, in 2007 an apartment in Manhattan cost about $ 1.5 million.
7. The Senate is the most important power in the city.
8. More than 47% of the city's residents speak a language other than English.
9. The famous taxis in the city are exactly yellow, because the founder of the transport company, John Hirtz, conducted certain studies that showed that yellow is the most pleasing to the eye.
10. In 2006, the daily rate for a hotel room in the city was $ 267.
11. The New York subway is used by approximately 5 million people every day.
12. Every year about 250 films are shot in the city.
13. The city includes five boroughs: the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens.
14. The length of all streets in the city is more than ten kilometers.
15. The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of New York. It was given to the United States by the French back in 1885.

16. The height of the statue is forty-six meters.
17. There are more than 30 thousand homeless people in the city, most of them can be seen in Manhattan.
18. The city takes good care of the homeless, so they feed them hot food every day in specially designated places and provide a place to sleep.
19. New York is not as criminal city as it is commonly believed. It ranks 197th in terms of crime rate among US metropolitan areas.
20. Often New York is included in the ranking of cities where the most beautiful women live.
21. The most criminal areas of the city are the Bronx and Queens.
22. Residents of the city are very tolerant towards other religions.
23. The authorities are actively fighting against smoking, which is why smoking is prohibited in many places.
24. Moreover, cigarettes are very expensive there - about $ 12 per pack.
25. At night you can see huge rats in subway cars.
26. The first gum factory was opened in New York.
27. It is very difficult to be in the city in summer. The heat and high humidity have a sauna effect, so residents tend to leave the city at least for the weekend.
28. The city has about 25 thousand different restaurants and bars for every taste.
29. It is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 15-20% of the amount in the invoice, but not less than $ 5.
30. New York is considered a city of musicals by right. Every evening you can watch a performance in one of the Broadway theaters.
31. About 50 million tourists visit the city annually, spending about $ 30 billion annually.
32. New York is one of the ten cities in the world with the most traffic jams.

Love at first sight

In this article, we talked about why New York is called the Big Apple, and also gave interesting facts about this amazing city. There are many hypotheses about his nickname, but no one knows for sure which one is the most correct. Yes, this, by and large, does not matter, since every year the number of tourists is only growing. Many people want to visit this American city. The Big Apple is a place where people fall in love with it forever.

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