Home Fertilizers Update 2 0 world of warplanes. Wargaming has released the most global update for World of Warplanes. Airplane nation switching

Update 2 0 world of warplanes. Wargaming has released the most global update for World of Warplanes. Airplane nation switching

Wargaming.net has released a major update to World of Warplanes 2.0. In fact, this is a reboot of the game. The rules have been changed, the graphics have been improved, and the pilots now fight not only with each other, but also with AI-controlled fighters.

And www.gametech.ru had a conversation with a company representative to make sure that version 2.0 listens to the attention of new players and will be kind to old-timers. It is clear that not everyone will like such radical changes.

"Our game is not about how to get the plane out of a tailspin" - interview with Wargaming.net

- Start over. What is the World of Warplanes reboot?
- This is the most landmark update since the release of World of Warplanes, which is why it is being labeled as 2.0. Basically, the update with a new game mode is the first of three big steps to rework the game.

- But while I see the same ...
- Come on?! We present a new game mode with improved graphics, a new class of technology "bombers", with manual control of onboard arrows.
The old game mode was interesting, it had its own loyal audience. According to statistics, 50% to 70% of the players who currently play World of Warplanes came to the game in November 2013. Four years in a shareware online game is very serious.

- But if you evaluate the overall success of the game against the background of World of Tanks ...
- If we evaluate the success of any game against the background of World of Tanks, then ... the conclusions are obvious. Yes, World of Warplanes has a smaller audience than World of Tanks. Yes, it is less than that of World of Warships. However, we have a loyal audience, and for them, as well as to attract new players, we are introducing Update 2.0.
The mechanics themselves are completely changed. Winning conditions are changing. All game locations have been reworked, and sectors appear on them. They can be completely different. It can be a factory, an air base, a command center. Each of these sectors has its own unique game mechanics.
For example, if the allied team owns an airbase, then it gets the opportunity to choose an aircraft in case the player loses his car.

- What do you mean, "owns"? How can an airplane "own" something on the ground?
Historically and in reality, aviation is an auxiliary class of troops, the purpose of which is to conquer airspace and, if possible, help ground forces. This is approximately how we will implement everything in the new game mode.
Each sector is initially neutral. It does not belong to either my team or the opposing team. Airplanes fly over it. They are neutral and white. These are defensive planes. A sector is a complex of buildings: factories, workshops, and so on. The task of the teams at the beginning of the battle is to capture these sectors.
To capture a sector, you need to score a conditional number of points. They are given for the destruction of defensive aircraft, ground targets, plus, of course, enemy aircraft arrive to capture the same sector. Shooting down enemy planes over the sector, we also get capture points. Accordingly, the one who first collects the conditional 170 points becomes the owner of the sector, and the mechanics of the sector begins to work for this team.
There are sectors that call bombers, and those controlled by artificial intelligence fly to bomb enemy sectors, helping to capture them. There is a mechanic, when a military base starts to fire off FAU-1 missiles at enemy sectors, destroying ground targets.
All sectors are worth victory points. There is a scale that fills up. The more sectors, the faster the full scale is gained and the closer the victory is.

In addition, so that the battles do not drag on for a long time, after six minutes (perhaps this time will still change), the "storm front" event is activated, which turns off the ability to respawn and turns the game into a team battle. Whose team will kill the enemy planes, she will win.
The next key feature is the complete overhaul of vehicle class roles. If in the old regime fighters played a key role, and, in general, the whole process was built around the so-called “dogfight”, when fighters met and fought at one point in space. Interrupted - the end of the battle. In the new game mode, we made it so that all vehicle classes were equally useful and effective in battle.
Fighters help capture sectors by destroying defenders. Fighters feel great when defending their sector (they can be re-captured). Implemented a bomber class with its own unique gameplay. The possibility of manual control of the onboard switches has been implemented.

- And what does it mean?
- Here sits a gunner who shoots at an enemy plane.

- One person controls the plane, or one player is piloting, and the second is fired?
- Manages one person. By pressing the "T" button you switch to the gunner mode and are already shooting them back, and the plane continues to fly in the direction you left it.

All bombers have side shooters. In addition, in the future we will add bombers with more gunners to the game. This will allow you to control the entire rear hemisphere and shoot anyone who gets on your tail.

- Air fortresses?
- Yes, that's right. We also completely redesigned the graphics of the game.

I remember when World of Tanks "completely redesigned the graphics", the fans were not very happy, because the system requirements immediately increased.
- This is an absolutely correct and pertinent question. Our rule of thumb is that the system requirements of the new game mode must match the requirements of the current version of World of Warplanes. A player who was comfortable playing the old version of the game should also be comfortable playing the new one. And this is despite the redesigned render, a large number of new objects at locations, the participation of defensive planes, and so on.
Optimization of the process is ongoing. There are plans to develop streaming textures and many other things that will allow you to play comfortably even on fairly weak computer configurations.

Another question about artificial intelligence. The fact is that there is already one game in which AI-controlled fighters intervene in player gunfights - it is called Titanfall. For many people who love multiplayer shooters, the AI ​​interference is just infuriating, because it is not clear who to shoot at. A lot of people are running around you, but only one of them is an opponent's player. Will it be about the same here, as I understand it? There are several planes in the sky, but only one of them is a player?
- The defenders of the territory are marked in a special way, they have no name, and the signature indicates whether this is a light or heavy aircraft. By holding down the Alt key, you will immediately see that this is an inanimate player.

- I would like to know if a focus group tested this mode?
- Yes, of course, not once and not once.

- Did people like it, did you have any questions, problems, for example, disorientation?
- While reworking the controls, we knew that newcomers would come to the game, and made it so that they could comfortably fly the planes. Plus, they can choose from five classes of technology, where there are classes that are quite demanding on the skill of the player, for example, fighters, on which they constantly spin in the sky, make vertical turns, horizontal. There will be people who will find it difficult.

I mean that disorientation when it’s not clear who to shoot. The player will have to decide which target is more important now, a flight of fighters controlled by the AI, or a fighter controlled by a person. How dangerous are AI fighters in general?
“They are dangerous enough. Defenders have a lower vehicle tier than players' vehicles. That is, they are initially weaker than the player's plane. And how good they are as fighters ... They play a little worse than they could. We experimented with AI, and if we want, we can create a T-1000 that even an experienced player will have a hard time defeating. However, taking into account our priorities, defensive planes will rather "feed" fighters, they will not cause a serious problem.
Of course, with the increase in the levels of battles, the defenders will already fly on more advanced aircraft, and their intelligence will also be more serious. On the other hand, experienced users come there, who will definitely cope with them.

- In the end, you tried to create the feeling of a dynamic single player campaign, but in multiplayer.
- Yes, this is how it all looks. Each battle is a small section of the front, and the goal of the players is to capture strategically important sectors. They have different factories, air bases, and the task of the team is to become their owner. Whoever could win the battle.
Respawning within the same combat will make it easier to perceive mistakes or communication problems. Previously, after a death or disconnect, you had to return to the hangar, choose a new plane, and queue up for the next battle. Now - waited 10 seconds, and you're back in the game. But at the same time, each new revival costs more in time, and the destroyed plane needs to be repaired after the battle, so it will be very economically unprofitable to fly-crash, fly-crash.

- What about the redesigned graphics? Models, textures were reworked ...
- The models have not been reworked, they were originally created in HD quality. But the effects, textures, especially the texture of the surface of the earth, factory complexes, they were drawn from scratch.
In terms of immersion in the game, we did some serious work on the camera behavior, trying to convey a sense of speed.
In addition, we redesigned the interface so that without Alt-mode, without additional tinkering in the settings, the interface was minimalistic, so that the player would not be distracted from the process itself. If necessary, it will be possible to enter the settings, enable additional interface elements - the artificial horizon, the height scale. Separately, you can configure what I will see on the screen by pressing Alt.

- Will it be possible to play with the joystick for flight sims?
- Yes, absolutely. Anyway, this is a flight simulator, many players use joysticks. They were very worried about whether the new version will support joysticks. Yes, you don't have to worry, with joysticks everything is fine.
The fact is that on BigWorld * it is very difficult to support the joystick, since this engine does not understand the third axis at all, it was created for games whose action unfolds in one plane. But in the Kiev studio there are very smart guys who were able to support the joystick, and they did it based solely on the wishes of the players. We have kept all the positive developments in the new regime. Joystick, gamepad, mouse, keyboard - control what you want.

* BigWorld is a game engine developed by the Sydney-based company of the same name, which was acquired by Wargaming.net in 2012. World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships are based on this engine.

- And what about the improvements in physics? How does it manifest itself?
- Physics of flights, physics of objects ...

A little more accurate? For example, in car simulators, when the developers rework or change the physics, it is immediately felt.
- You about such details ... With the release of the new mode, we expect a serious influx of new players and the preservation of the current audience, so the physics is rather simplified. It lacks a number of elements that are found in serious flight simulators: there is no spin, no fair stall of the plane.
The maximum task sounds like this: the player must fight in battle with enemy aircraft, and not with his own. So our game is not about how to get the plane out of a tailspin. Therefore, the physics in the new version of the game is mostly from the old version. According to the reviews of players who have flown a lot in the same "IL-2", it is "appropriate". This is a cross between an arcade and a simulator, the quality and character of this or that car are quite well worked out here.

- When update 2.0 arrives, will players still be able to play in the old mode?
- No, this regime is replacing the old one.

- But people tried, swayed ...
- ... And we will keep all these aircraft and services in their hangar.

- And the bombers?
- At the time of the release of version 2.0, there will be only three bombers in the game. These are premium cars that are sold for in-game gold or cash.

- Not fair!
- This does not mean that we will not have branches of bombers, and there will be more than one. So far, these are the first three swallows. However, when the update comes out, we will include a very interesting promotion, where the player will have the opportunity to win a bomber for free. To do this, you will need to collect it from pieces. Completing certain tasks, among the prizes for the battle, you can get a chassis from a bomber, and so on. I think players will love this idea.

Hit or miss. MMO-action World of Warplanes, despite the active PR and eminent developer, has not gained much popularity among players. Wargaming decided to rectify the situation and released the largest update since the release of the game 2.0, which is designed to seriously change the gameplay and add new content

What's new

First of all, it should be said about the new game mode "Conquest", such KVG pleases extremely rarely. In fact, we have a classic point control with the revival (!) Of downed aircraft. Each player will fulfill their role in combat, in accordance with the class of the fallout (which, by the way, have been revised and rebalanced). In addition, a new one was added to the original upgrade branches - it was the branch of bombers, high-altitude aircraft with a large margin of safety, long afterburner and a large bomb load. The bonus will be a redesigned economy, a changed shooting system, improved graphics and sound. (I'm sure I don't read the War Thunder changelog?)

Will take off or not (IMHO the author)

A similar rebalance 2.0 was recently arranged by one of the competitors of WoT - Armored Warfare: Project Armata of Mail.ru corporation. The situation is also similar in that both projects were very loud at the start: WoWp was a game by Wargaming, the creator of the legendary "tanks", and Armata was in trouble, which was developed by the equally legendary Obsidian, and also on the CryEngine engine, which provided cutting-edge graphics at that time ... In both cases, a large-scale PR campaign was launched, involving well-known bloggers and the media, but both projects failed miserably and soon lost their audience. After that, patch 2.0 followed (along with a powerful wave of PR, of course), the funny thing is that the patch notes are very similar: a new mode with revival, total rebalancing, adding / removing a vehicle class, just the word "tank" was replaced by "aircraft", the story is absolutely identical ... So it won't take off, you can't bring back old players, and new ones are busy with more attractive projects.

July 11 from 09:00 to 13:00 (MSK) the game server will be unavailable due to the release of the update - version 2.1

Update size from the previous version: SD - 748.41 MB, HD - 396.18 MB (in addition to SD)

New aircraft

Added premium aircraft available for purchase in the in-game store:

  • Avia Bk-534 - Czechoslovakia (Europe), Tier III fighter;
  • PZL P-38 Wilk - Poland (Europe), Tier III heavy fighter;
  • Avia S-199 - Israel (Europe), Tier VI multirole fighter;
  • SAAB J 21RB - Sweden (Europe) Tier VIII multirole fighter.

Added promotional aircraft:

  • Avia B-534 - Czechoslovakia (Europe), Tier III fighter;
  • Yak-7 M-82A - USSR, Tier V multipurpose fighter;
  • P-82B Twin Mustang - USA Tier VIII heavy fighter.

United Europe

Due to the addition of aircraft of new nations to the game, the "France" tab in the tech tree has been transformed into the "Europe" tab, which now contains premium aircraft from France, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Sweden and Israel.

Airplane nation switching

For all European aircraft (including French models that were available earlier), the ability to switch the aircraft nation to any of the main ones (Germany, USSR, USA, Great Britain and Japan) and back is now available.

Thanks to this, these aircraft can be used to develop the crews of other nations, or use already trained crews in them.


New equipment, available only for aircraft of the III era, has been added - Anti-overload suit. It fits into the cockpit slot and increases the maneuverability of the aircraft at high speeds, sacrificing the pilot's susceptibility to critical damage. The equipment is available for purchase with credits in the client.

  • Anti-overload suit - maneuverability at high speeds + 6-14%, pilot's resistance to injury -3-10%. Bonus properties: pitch maneuverability + 0.5%, accuracy for moving targets + 5%, pitch maneuverability + 1%, maximum height + 4%, maneuverability at high speeds + 3%, maximum height + 6%.

Added new unique equipment:

  • Special project of Japan: Lightweight power plant - yaw maneuverability + 3-12.6%, pitch maneuverability + 1.5-4.7%, engine damage resistance -2-10.4%. Bonus properties: cruising speed + 0.5%, acceleration without using afterburner + 1%, cruising speed + 1%, acceleration with afterburner + 1%, acceleration without using afterburner + 0.5%, acceleration with afterburner + 0.5% ...
  • Special project of the USA: Reinforced bolt frames - the length of the line of forward-firing offensive armament + 3-35%, the accuracy of the forward-firing offensive armament -2-10.4%. Bonus properties: rate of cooling of offensive armament + 5%, rate of fire of offensive armament + 2%, rate of fire of offensive armament + 5%, rate of cooling of offensive armament + 10%, firing range of offensive armament + 3%, rate of fire of offensive armament + 3% ...

Personal ratings

By participating in battles and fulfilling the conditions for getting into the rating for each of the weeks, players will be located in one of five divisions and on Wednesdays they will receive prizes corresponding to their effectiveness - unique equipment that can only be obtained in this way, gold, equipment and other valuables. Each will run for six days from Thursday 19:00 UTC to Tuesday 23:00 UTC.


  • Fixed a bug due to which the lock icon was missing in the territories inaccessible for capture.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the changes in the characteristics of the aircraft selected in the carousel, caused by the equipment installed on it, spread to the information panel about other aircraft in the Hangar. This error did not affect the actual performance of the aircraft in combat.
  • The capabilities of the aircraft characteristics panel in the Hangar have been expanded. Now it correctly reflects the influence of the skills of the crew in the plane on its flight characteristics, and also shows how the characteristics of the plane will change when installing other modules, if you hover over them. In addition, tooltips have been added on hover, explaining the sources and meanings of effects that affect the characteristics of the aircraft.


The lighting system has been updated at all locations. The game now uses the atmospheric light diffusion system, which makes the image on the screen more realistic.


Game modes:

  • All game schemes of the War of Attrition, Escort and Invasion modes have been added to the training room.


  • Fixed a bug due to which a bot could be sent to defend itself with a quick command.
  • The minimum distance at which a bot on an attack aircraft could be assigned to defend a player's aircraft has been increased.

Besides Total War Arena, the company Wargaming, whose representatives could be found in the business zone "Igromira 2017", showed reporters an updated version. Our questions were answered Sergey Sitkevich, the operational manager of the game. We decided to find out what so interesting awaits us in the version of "Airplanes" numbered 2.0. It is worth noting that the updated version became available on October 11 and anyone can try it out.

site: Sergey, hello. So, after all, the developers decided to radically change the game by releasing update 2.0?

Sergey Sitkevich: This is true! The release version of World of Warplanes was released in November 2013. Almost four years have passed since then. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge and all that. But all this time, "Airplanes" had and still has its own loyal audience, and most of it came into the game immediately after its release. However, after the release of the project, enough time has passed for the game to be rethought, reworked and give our audience a lot of new content and impressions.

site: Yes, yes, after all, the version number 2.0 implies that everything has really changed there! Well, let's get started!

Sergey Sitkevich: Yes Yes! We've changed a lot! The mechanics of the game and victories have changed. We have reworked all game locations and now they have so-called territories called sectors. They can be very different - it can be, for example, a factory, an air base or a command center. Each of these sectors has unique gameplay mechanics. For example, if an allied team owns an airbase, then it can choose an aircraft if one of the players of this team has lost it.

site: What do you mean owns? How can an airplane own something?

Sergey Sitkevich: Yes, that's a good question! Indeed, as we know, in historical reality, aviation is an auxiliary class of troops, the purpose of which is usually to conquer airspace and support ground armies. This is approximately how we are implementing everything in the new game mode. Each sector is initially neutral and does not belong to any of the opposing teams. Airplanes fly over this sector - these are its defenders and are initially neutral. Plus, this area itself is a whole complex of buildings. The task of the teams, respectively, is to capture these sectors. To make them yours, you need to collect a certain number of so-called capture points. They are given for the destruction of defensive aircraft, ground targets, plus planes from another team, which will also capture this sector, will interfere with us. Accordingly, whoever scores more points becomes its owner. Now the whole technique is starting to work for you. By the way, there are sectors that create bombers under the control of artificial intelligence. Then these planes themselves fly to bomb enemy territories, helping you to capture them. And sometimes military bases start firing V-1 missiles at enemy sectors, thereby destroying ground objects that are placed on them and helping to capture them. All sectors are worth victory points. The more sectors - the more points.

site: And if, for example, the opposing teams captured an equal number of sectors? Can the game drag on?

Sergey Sitkevich: We also thought about this. After six minutes, the Thunder Front event kicks in, canceling the respawn option and effectively turning the game into a Deathmatch. Whose team will kill the enemy planes, she wins. By the way, it is possible that in the future we will change the time after which the revival is impossible.

site: What about the technique? What will change in this regard in version 2.0?

Sergey Sitkevich: If in the previous version fighters played a key role and the whole gameplay was built around their battles, then in the new version all vehicle classes are useful and effective in battle. Fighters help capture sectors by destroying defenders. They feel great when defending their territory. Added a new class of bombers with its own unique gameplay. In general, all classes of aircraft play an important role on the field ... that is, in the skies of battle. In addition, the possibility of manual control of the onboard switches has been implemented. During the flight, you can switch to the arrow - in this case, the autopilot will take control. And you, in the meantime, can fight off the enemy, who sat on your tail. In the future, we plan to create bombers with multiple gunners on board. The player will be able to switch between them and the pilot.

site: And the player, by the way, will not get entangled in all these planes? He will understand where the other players are, and where are the planes-bots?

Sergey Sitkevich: Yes. Above the planes of other players there will be their nicknames, and above the defensive planes there will be inscriptions informing whether it is a light defender or a heavy one.

site: How much danger will defenders pose to enemies?

Sergey Sitkevich: The defenders have a fairly high AI, so players on the other team need to be on the lookout. At the same time, defensive planes are weaker than player-controlled planes. With the increase in the level of combat, the task of destroying aircraft controlled by AI will become more difficult. On the other hand, more experienced users are already coming there who can handle it.

site: Will there be support for joysticks and gamepads in the new version?

Sergey Sitkevich: Of course! Many people here do not play with a keyboard and mouse, but with joysticks and gamepads. The players were worried about what and how it would be with this case in the new version. So guys - don't worry! Everything is fine and everything will work.

site: By the way, will the physics of the game change somehow?

Sergey Sitkevich: Our game physics is simplified - partly because of the game engine, partly because of the conscious decisions of game designers. There are a number of elements missing here that are found in serious flight simulators. For example, we don't have a corkscrew. But, you know, we have more focus on the player's battle with enemy aircraft, and not with our own. In general, physics will not undergo any global changes.

site: What changes have affected the graphics? Will this have any effect on the system requirements of the game?

Sergey Sitkevich: We have completely redesigned the graphic component. At the same time, despite the redesigned render, updated graphics and many new objects in locations, the system requirements of World of Warplanes have remained practically unchanged. In the future, we plan to make optimization in the graphics, which will allow the game to run even on fairly weak computer configurations. We changed the effects, textures of buildings and complexes, which were drawn completely from scratch. In addition, we have updated the interface, making it as user-friendly and minimalistic as possible. This was done so that nothing would distract the player and prevent him from enjoying the new version of World of Warplanes.

site: Will you be able to play the old mode after the release of Update 2.0?

Sergey Sitkevich: No. Now you can only play version 2.0 with all the innovations.

site: Will all player progress be saved?

Sergey Sitkevich: Yes, all aircraft will remain in the hangars, nothing will be lost.

site: And the bombers?

Sergey Sitkevich: We will introduce bombers. At the moment, no one has them. So far we are planning three cars of this class. They are premium and can only be purchased for gold or money. With the release of the update, we will launch a promotion where the player can win these planes. By completing certain tasks and winning battles, you will collect parts from a bomber, which you can then collect and get a whole plane. Later there will be whole branches of bombers, so sooner or later you will become the owner of the coveted machines of a new class.

site: And finally, your wishes to the players.

Sergey Sitkevich: Only play good, and be sure to try World of Warplanes version 2.0. See you in aerial combat!

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On a closed test, fresh changes are already being rolled in, whether this will change the state of affairs in this game, we'll see. Now let's take a look at the patch note and the leaked video. There is a lot of text, below is an extract.

- "Conquest" mode.
All-new Conquest game mode. In it, in order to win, teams of players will have to attack fortified and defended key territories on the map in order to gain a tactical advantage over the enemy. Control over each such territory brings the team a certain number of Influence Points per unit of time. The first team to achieve the required number of Influence Points wins. In most cases, Influence Points are awarded once every 5 seconds based on the number and type of territories controlled by the teams. If one of the teams owns all sectors, the "Superiority" event occurs, at which the frequency of the accrual of Influence is noticeably increased.
* Key territories
Each territory in the area of ​​operation gives one or another advantage to its controlling team:

* Capture territories
At the beginning of the battle, all key territories in the area of ​​operation are neutral and controlled by local forces.
In order to establish control over the territory, the player's team needs to destroy targets within it (ground objects, aircraft of the defenders, aircraft of the enemy team), earning * Capture Points.
To capture territory, you need to gain 140 HP before the enemy team does it. In order to recapture territory from the opposing team, you need to gain 160 HP. The progress of capturing territories can be seen on their icons. When a territory is captured, all further attempts of the enemy to recapture it are blocked for 30 seconds.

- Within the framework of closed testing, the approach to firing from forward-facing weapons was changed. The look-ahead point was removed first. This decision is explained by the fact that shooting should focus the player's attention on the enemy aircraft, and not on the interface element. In order to accurately shoot at the target, the player must carefully monitor the enemy's aircraft in order to predict his maneuvers, correctly choose the approach trajectory and anticipation when firing. It is also necessary to constantly adjust the fire on the tracers, leading the sighting. Since the projectiles of offensive armament in the game have a finite speed, the lead mechanic has been preserved. In order to effectively hit an enemy aircraft, it is necessary to adjust the fire taking into account the direction of its flight and speed - to the point at which the enemy will be at the moment the bullet hits.
General principles of firing forward-facing weapons.
The choice of the moment of opening fire.
Depending on the caliber and type of forward-facing armament, the effective engagement distance differs. The indicator that the target is at hitting distance is the appearance of a bar of its durability above the aircraft marker. This means that this enemy can be fired upon.
* Choice of aiming point.
In all cases, except for frontal convergence and shooting at the tail, it is optimal to aim at a point located slightly
ahead of the enemy. To facilitate zeroing, tracers and flashes of hits on the enemy aircraft were made more
bright. This allows you to see the trajectory of your projectiles and the point at which this trajectory intersects with
* Maneuvering and avoiding shelling.
Standard evasive maneuvers are still effective and avoid some of the damage. However, it is necessary to start execution immediately when the enemy attacks your plane.
* Modification of the damage model.
The damage system has been improved and now allows for targeted damage to individual large aircraft parts. It has become much easier to inflict critical damage to the required component of an enemy aircraft. This will fully manifest itself in the destruction of large aircraft with high survivability: bombers and attack aircraft.

- Graphics.
* Flight
The game camera has been completely redesigned. Firstly, now it more effectively and clearly conveys the state of the aircraft in battle, and secondly, it allows you to more comfortably concentrate on the situation that is directly played out in front of the player.

During turns, the plane now moves freely across the screen. This helps to better concentrate on approaching the target and keep track of the enemy in turn combat. As the speed increases, the camera gradually moves away from the aircraft, providing a larger view. In addition to the camera, many visual effects have been added to emphasize the flight speed.
* Shooting
The visual effects of shooting and hitting aircraft have been significantly changed. A critical hit on an enemy or its destruction has become much more noticeable. Now, when shooting at a target, you can immediately notice whether it has been damaged, which helps to adjust fire and aim.
* Receiving damage
Added screen effects for events such as receiving damage, receiving critical damage, falling strength to a critical level. It has now become much easier to determine the state of your aircraft in the heat of battle.
* Maps
For the "Conquest" mode, 8 maps have been significantly modified. On their basis, areas of operations were created with a different combination and location of key territories.

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