Home Fertilizers One day one of the American banks suggested. Material and material human habitat. Education and training

One day one of the American banks suggested. Material and material human habitat. Education and training

The main components of the material and material environment of a person in everyday life include, first of all, dwelling and objects that ensure the comfort of a person's living.

In the broadest sense of the word, a home is a place where a person recovers after a hard day, communicates with family and friends, finds comfort and tranquility; a kind of "ecological niche" where a person is recognized and loved, provides an opportunity to hide from everyday storms and get support. Nothing in the setting should cause discomfort, annoy, interfere, or be uncomfortable. It is no coincidence that when characterizing domestic relations they use such a concept as "home".

Naturally, the main condition for the transformation of a dwelling into a home is a friendly atmosphere in the family. But it, in turn, largely depends on some objective circumstances: a modern house must meet certain requirements that provide

Normal life and family development opportunities. Security, location, provision of all utilities are planned during construction and often do not depend on the inhabitants of the dwelling.

We can not always radically change what the architect conceived and the builder built, but it is in our power to give our home individuality, originality, make it cozy and comfortable. Comfort, mood, rest, saving time, and sometimes cash costs are largely determined by the interior decoration and arrangement of the dwelling, or its interior(from French interieur - internal), which must first of all correspond to the complex of vital needs, lifestyle, interests and tastes of a person and (or) family.

Unfortunately, today many Russian families do not have the opportunity to live in comfortable living conditions. Solving housing and domestic problems requires significant efforts of both the citizens themselves and the state.

For each person, each family, the list of things to buy is strictly individual, you should never be guided by others. We can say that each person must have the required amount of clothes and shoes for any weather, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances in the house for normal living, but the quantity and quality of these things are determined individually. Everyone has their own level of income, their own needs and, therefore, their own expenses. It is on these grounds that the order of acquiring certain things, their need for a family, is established.

Everyday life often brings to the fore the material-material "shell" of values, reduces their spiritual content to it. Thus, many people develop a cult of consumerism, a cult of things that provide prestige. Often, exhibitions and performances are visited not for the sake of aesthetic pleasure, but in order to be known as a cultured person (and to feel that way). But the understanding of beauty cannot be bought for money, just as you cannot really be respected and loved, receiving only outward signs of attention from other people.

Substitution of values ​​by their material carriers sometimes leads to an indifferent, scornful and mocking attitude towards the highest spiritual values ​​and ideals of human existence. It happens that the personality itself ceases to be a value and begins to be considered as a thing. As a result, a person is absorbed by the external environment and himself becomes a thing among other things, a slave to circumstances, a toy in the hands of unknown forces. He goes with the flow, does what he has to do, because that's the way it is.

The Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD) wrote: “The wise man does not like wealth, but prefers it to poverty; he does not open his heart to him, but lets him into his house. " Let's do the same: keep things out of your heart, but open the doors of your home for them. And in order to feel rich, we will limit our desires.

The set of necessary items varies depending on many factors: the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, the level of well-being, the material development of society. So, for example, your grandmother in her youth had no idea about a mixer for whipping cream, and your grandfather about an electric drill. Your parents considered these items prestigious, but for you they are already required. More technically complex and expensive things are also firmly included in household use: a food processor, a multifunctional vacuum cleaner, a VCR, an automatic washing machine, etc. These devices and devices allow us to make our life more comfortable.

So, with all the variety of specific social and domestic interests, we can say that they are associated with the non-productive material and social sphere of a person's life and are aimed at creating comfortable conditions for meeting the corresponding human needs. Of course, the idea of ​​the level of domestic comfort largely depends on the social status of a person; the level of his claims and wealth; material well-being; the need for specific goods, etc. But the set of these objects and phenomena, in general, is quite typical and constitutes the material and material environment of a person.

Topic: Life and everyday relationships

Goals and objectives: 1) to acquaint with the social and domestic interests of a person, their classification, to show what objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests, to determine the essence and nature of the culture of domestic relations, to study the degree of influence of urbanization on everyday life; 2) develop the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive

and problematic tasks, carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, participate in discussions, work with documents; 3) to form an attitude to the problem of everyday life.

Equipment: diagrams, package of documents.

Lesson type: research lesson.

Go d lesson in

I. Organizational moment

A person lives in a world of everyday affairs and worries that are repeated from day to day. But some of us feel unhappy because of this, while others are able to cope with such phenomena.

“The joy of life, the ability to rise above the dullness of everyday life and show us,” his wife wrote about M. Prishvin, “their meaning and beauty are not given from birth, but created by the moral will of this

man, his conviction in the goodness of life. "

How can you make everyday life and everyday relationships your friends, and not enemies, how can you turn them into the joy of life? This is what will be discussed in our lesson.

Lesson topic: "Life and everyday relationships."

Lesson plan

4. Urbanization and everyday life.

II. Learning new material

1. Social and domestic interests

In the process of a person's daily life, everyday relations are formed - a stable system of everyday non-production ties between people to satisfy their primary needs:

in food;


maintaining health;

child care;

the development of spiritual benefits, culture;



physical and cultural development.

That is, we are talking about the values ​​of everyday life. Is it really so important to consider the values ​​of everyday life? What role do they play in human life? There are different classifications of social and domestic interests. Working with paragraph 1 of § 12, fill in the table "Social interests".

Social interests

Investigating the problem of satisfying the social and everyday needs of a person, scientists have concluded that the degree of satisfaction will differ from person to person. Give some a luxurious palace, while others, like the cynicus Diogenes, are ready to live in a barrel and be content with the smallest. When discussing the satisfaction of social and domestic interests, sociologists operate with the following concepts:

- Tell me if there is a direct relationship and interdependence between the standard of living and lifestyle.

- In your opinion, what objective and subjective factors can influence the development of social and domestic interests?

2. Material and material human habitat

- Each person is surrounded by a certain material and material environment. Suppose what might be part of it. (House, the required number of clothes, the required number of shoes, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances.)

- Sometimes people become slaves to things. How do you understand the meaning of this expression?

- What are the consequences of the emerging cult of consumerism, the cult of things? Argument your answer.

It is difficult to argue about whether or not we should take care of our comfort and pleasures. But do not forget about the atmosphere, the environment where you will live, create, and relax. And things, their number, arrangement - this is only one of the means of creating this environment.

The material and material habitat serves to ensure comfortable living conditions for a person. But at the same time, it is very important to learn the correct behavior, to form a culture

household relations. Consider the circuit:

4. Urbanization and life

Read paragraph 4 § 12 carefully and answer the following questions:

- Where do you see the peculiarity of the life of people in big cities?

- How should urbanization be viewed?

- Analyze the statistics of the urban population.

- How does the urbanization process affect a person?

- How does the human psyche change?

- What measures are being taken by city planners to neutralize the negative phenomena associated with the urbanization of the country?

- What can you suggest?

III. Lesson summary

In Germany, for more than a hundred years, there has been a law according to which children are obliged to do housework. Legislation defines the scope of work: up to 6 years - only games; 6-10 years old - help in washing dishes, small purchases; 10-14 years-lawn cleaning, shoe shine; 14-16 years old - work on a personal plot.

- Guess why the responsibilities of the children were assigned in this way.

- What do you think, why and for what purpose such a law was created? Do you think that such a law should be adopted in Russia? Justify your answer.


Learn § 12, complete the assignments.

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"Life and everyday relationships"

Lesson topic: "Life and everyday relationships"

“Family is my home. There I live, there is my peace, My refuge and shelter, My dreams, my love. " ,

  • 1. Social and household interests.
  • 2. Material and material human habitat.
  • 4. Urbanization and everyday life.

Household relations it is a stable system everyday non-productive relationships

between people about meeting their primary needs ( in food, clothing, health maintenance, childcare, as well as the development of spiritual benefits, communication culture, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development.

  • 1. Sociology
  • 2. Social psychology
  • 3.Economic Science
  • 4. Ethnography

Sociology studies everyday life at the levels of social organization of people

Social Psychology in terms of motives of behavior

Economy studies the economic features of everyday life

Ethnography features of traditions, customs


Types of interests

Quality needs

The essence

Types of social association

Territorial feature

Demographic trait

Lifestyle -

Standard of living -

Is used for…..

The quality of life -

Characterized by ...

Depends on…..

Testifies to….

Characterized by ...

Reveals the essence….

  • Complete (replenishment of the energy balance depending on climate, age, sex, height, metabolism, nature of work and rest)
  • The ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals
  • 4 meals a day at a certain time (RAMS RF)
  • Varied menu, aesthetics, smart shopping
  • a well-fed person is a kind person
  • Joint meals

  • House - temple (for the elite)
  • Home is life, space for life
  • House - hotel
  • House with trendy furnishings
  • House - hotel room (not thrown out yet, already dragged)
  • Americans - sterile-automated dwelling Englishmen - the most comfortable Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"
  • Americans - a sterile-automated dwelling
  • the British - the most comfortable
  • Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"

Household culture

  • Household organization (cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping)

"In a marriage, good organization of the home is as important as love." M. Plzak

  • Division of labor (a woman spends 40-45 hours a week on housework, a man 15-20 hours)
  • Hanging laundry, ironing, cooking = metallurgist energy - 3 calories per minute

  • Hobbies: in England, gardening
  • in Germany - sports,
  • in Bulgaria - amateur performances,
  • in Japan, graceful leisure - kebana, painting,
  • In Russia - active or passive, lack of time or "kill time"

What is the peculiarity of social and domestic interests in comparison with other social interests of a person?

What objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests?

What is the culture of everyday relationships?

How does urbanization affect everyday life?

The main components of the material and material environment of a person in everyday life include, first of all, dwelling and objects that ensure the comfort of a person's living.

In the broadest sense of the word, a home is a place where a person recovers after a hard day, communicates with family and friends, finds comfort and tranquility; a kind of "ecological niche" where a person is recognized and loved, provides an opportunity to hide from everyday storms and get support. Nothing in the setting should cause discomfort, annoy, interfere, or be uncomfortable. It is no coincidence that when characterizing domestic relations they use such a concept as "home".

Naturally, the main condition for the transformation of a dwelling into a home is a friendly atmosphere in the family. But it, in turn, largely depends on some objective circumstances: a modern house must meet certain requirements that provide

Normal life and family development opportunities. Security, location, provision of all utilities are planned during construction and often do not depend on the inhabitants of the dwelling.

We can not always radically change what the architect conceived and the builder built, but it is in our power to give our home individuality, originality, make it cozy and comfortable. Comfort, mood, rest, saving time, and sometimes cash costs are largely determined by the interior decoration and arrangement of the dwelling, or its interior(from French interieur - internal), which must first of all correspond to the complex of vital needs, lifestyle, interests and tastes of a person and (or) family.

Unfortunately, today many Russian families do not have the opportunity to live in comfortable living conditions. Solving housing and domestic problems requires significant efforts of both the citizens themselves and the state.

For each person, each family, the list of things to buy is strictly individual, you should never be guided by others. We can say that each person must have the required amount of clothes and shoes for any weather, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances in the house for normal living, but the quantity and quality of these things are determined individually. Everyone has their own level of income, their own needs and, therefore, their own expenses. It is on these grounds that the order of acquiring certain things, their need for a family, is established.

Everyday life often brings to the fore the material-material "shell" of values, reduces their spiritual content to it. Thus, many people develop a cult of consumerism, a cult of things that provide prestige. Often, exhibitions and performances are visited not for the sake of aesthetic pleasure, but in order to be known as a cultured person (and to feel that way). But the understanding of beauty cannot be bought for money, just as you cannot really be respected and loved, receiving only outward signs of attention from other people.

Substitution of values ​​by their material carriers sometimes leads to an indifferent, scornful and mocking attitude towards the highest spiritual values ​​and ideals of human existence. It happens that the personality itself ceases to be a value and begins to be considered as a thing. As a result, a person is absorbed by the external environment and himself becomes a thing among other things, a slave to circumstances, a toy in the hands of unknown forces. He goes with the flow, does what he has to do, because that's the way it is.

The Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD) wrote: “The wise man does not like wealth, but prefers it to poverty; he does not open his heart to him, but lets him into his house. " Let's do the same: keep things out of your heart, but open the doors of your home for them. And in order to feel rich, we will limit our desires.

The set of necessary items varies depending on many factors: the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, the level of well-being, the material development of society. So, for example, your grandmother in her youth had no idea about a mixer for whipping cream, and your grandfather about an electric drill. Your parents considered these items prestigious, but for you they are already required. More technically complex and expensive things are also firmly included in household use: a food processor, a multifunctional vacuum cleaner, a VCR, an automatic washing machine, etc. These devices and devices allow us to make our life more comfortable.

So, with all the variety of specific social and domestic interests, we can say that they are associated with the non-productive material and social sphere of a person's life and are aimed at creating comfortable conditions for meeting the corresponding human needs. Of course, the idea of ​​the level of domestic comfort largely depends on the social status of a person; the level of his claims and wealth; material well-being; the need for specific goods, etc. But the set of these objects and phenomena, in general, is quite typical and constitutes the material and material environment of a person.


Acting primarily as the main space for the reproduction of the individual, everyday activity, on the one hand, is just as immutable in its purpose as labor (because without satisfying physiological and everyday needs, as well as without labor, a person cannot exist). On the other hand, it contains a certain freedom to choose a behavior option, a sequence of actions, which is a characteristic of predominantly leisure activities. Hence, everyday activity turns out to be, in fact, intermediate between work and leisure.

The material and material habitat serves to ensure the most comfortable living conditions for a person; satisfying his needs and desires; creating a warm and friendly climate. Let us also pay attention to the fact that in the past

It is necessary to learn the correct behavior, to form a culture of everyday relations.

The culture of everyday relations is traditionally understood as the rules and norms of human behavior in the non-productive material and social spheres of life. A number of components can be distinguished: food culture; culture of arrangement and organization of living quarters; housekeeping culture; culture of organizing personal (family) leisure.

Food culture first of all, it assumes a balanced diet, satisfies all the energy needs of the body. It is built taking into account gender, age, severity of labor, climatic conditions, national and individual characteristics of each person. What constitutes a food culture? Moderation in food and variety of food, a balanced diet, economic calculation in the purchase of food and adherence to the diet.

Among the most difficult and time-consuming types of human activity is Homework. If work in a specialty requires a certain range of knowledge and skills, then household chores require a wide variety of abilities and skills from a person. Here you have to be a cook and a cleaner, an artist and a dressmaker, an economist and a laundress, a teacher, a locksmith, a gardener, etc.

Household culture evolved over the centuries. Traditionally, a woman stood by the family hearth. In modern conditions, the structure and nature of domestic work is largely determined by the quantitative composition of the family, the number of children, the presence of pensioners and sick people, the age of all family members, professional employment, the level of monetary and natural income, the family microclimate, life guidelines and attitudes, the size of the living space, the level the provision of household appliances, the state of the wardrobe, the level of household amenities, the demand for goods and their supply, etc.

For a rational household, it is necessary to skillfully distribute responsibilities and types of work among family members. Even if the division of labor does not lead to a reduction in the working time, it will certainly reduce the workload. It is better to distribute work taking into account the abilities, health, experience of each family member.

It is necessary to teach children to work from an early age. In the beginning, this is a self-service job: collecting toys, cleaning your bed, washing your dishes. Over time, jobs and responsibilities become more complex, broadened and modified. Children must have a part of the economic burden. Rus-

A writer KM Simonov (1915-1979) in his autobiography described the division of labor in his parental home. From the age of 6-7, he wiped the dust, washed the floors, helped his mother wash the dishes, peeled potatoes, looked after the kerosene stove, bought bread and meat for the family. No one ever made the bed behind him or helped him dress.


In big cities, many people live in close proximity, remaining mostly unfamiliar with each other. The depersonalization of many everyday contacts in modern cities has become a fact of the social life of the entire modern society. Certain aspects of the urban lifestyle characterize the social life of modern society as a whole, and not just those who live in big cities.

Urbanization should be viewed as an ambiguous process, during which multilevel, multidimensional changes in the social, economic and cultural plan take place. The urbanization of the country is characterized not only and not so much by an increase in the size and number of cities, an increase in the number of the population living in them, but above all by the formation and increasingly widespread dissemination of an urban lifestyle, urban culture in the proper sense of the word.

The overwhelming majority of Russian townspeople are first or second generation immigrants from the countryside. The share of urban residents in the third generation, according to rough estimates, is less than 20%. And the descendants of pre-revolutionary townspeople are even less, for example, in Moscow - about 3%. These townspeople were literally dissolved by the huge influx of rural migrants. In small towns, where more than 15% of the townspeople live, the way of life of the population is still close to the rural one, a considerable part of the population has a sufficiently developed subsidiary farming.

Life in megacities changes a person, his perception of nature and his psyche. The urbanization process led to the destruction of previously stable traditional social ties and traditional regulatory institutions. This causes socially significant negative consequences and may turn out to be dangerous for the future of humanity. The overcrowding of the population, the facelessness of the urban environment, the lack of proper social control are aggravated by such factors as the housing problem, the spread of mass culture, the increase in the number of dysfunctional families, the involvement of young people in various forms of deviant behavior, and the rise in crime. The alienation of people, the growth of loneliness, the lack of mercy are becoming more noticeable.

Hence, many modern requirements for creating a favorable living environment follow, implying: planning of residential development; planning and placement of industrial enterprises; accessibility of the natural area and ease of contact with it; improving the forms and methods of organizing leisure time; educational and health improvement work; most importantly, the city should be governed by a strong, competent government.

To create a favorable living environment, social mood, well-being, people's satisfaction with their place of residence, the ability to realize material and spiritual needs are decisive. The practice of urban development increasingly confirms the fact that social problems can be solved only on the basis of taking into account the interests of the population.

SHSHBasic concepts: everyday life, social and domestic interests, material and material environment of a person, culture of everyday relations.

1111 Terms: types of social unification and communication, interior design, housework, household chores, balanced nutrition, leisure, urbanization.

Check yourself

1) Expand the content of the concept of "everyday life". 2) What is the peculiarity of social and domestic interests in comparison with other social interests of a person? 3) On what grounds are social and domestic relations classified? What types are distinguished based on each of them? 4) What objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests? 5) What are the main components of the material and material environment of a person? 6) What is the culture of everyday relations? 7) How does urbanization affect everyday life?

Think, discuss, do

1. Formulate a few rules in accordance with the
with which modern man will be able to rationally organize
call the material and material environment of their habitat.

2. Once one of the American banks suggested
their male depositors calculate how much money
save their wives for the family by housekeeping.
It turned out that if you pay for everything they do in ka
laundresses, cleaning ladies, nannies, cooks, then, by the most
modest prices, there would be a more significant amount,
than their husbands' salaries. Using the example given
and drawing on personal social experience, do a few
conclusions about the importance of domestic work.

3. In Germany, for more than a hundred years, there has been a law according to which
Much children are required to do their homework. Of the law
the government determines the range of work: up to 6 years old - only games; 6-
10 years - help in washing dishes, small purchases; ten-
14 years - lawn cleaning, shoe shine; 14-16 years old - work
on a personal plot. Suggest why the circle is obya
were the children's interests distributed in this way?
Why and for what purpose do you think such a law was created?
Do you think that such a law should be passed in
Russia? Explain your answer.

4. Comment on the following information: German
the family spends 12.1 hours a week just cleaning the premises
sa. This is as much as our specialists planned
for all types of households per week.

5. In Moscow in the 60s. XX century according to the plan of the enthusiasts was
the House of New Life (DNB) was built. Its creators sincerely ve
thought that he would serve as a model for new living conditions,
liberating the family from "domestic slavery". Architek
Torah placed in the house a dining room, cafe, cafeteria, department
cooking, laundry, hairdresser, club. In apartments
kitchens were not provided, a small snack was made
current for a small stove "just in case". The assumption
elk that the family will not waste time and energy at home
her cooking.

Give your opinion on the idea of ​​the disappearance of the individual household. How do you think the DNB story ended? Substantiate your assumptions.

6. In 1972, at the XII International seminar on the problem
mothers of the family, a group of sociologists stated that modern ten
family development trends are not associated with an even distribution
sharing household responsibilities between family members, and
with the complete destruction of the household as a social

At the same time, modern processes occurring in the family show that the tendency towards individualization of family life is not weakening, but intensifying. Household work is constantly evolving towards greater rationalization and technical equipment. Household management in civilized forms will provide an individual basis for everyday life, preserve the uniqueness of the home, its uniqueness. Under favorable conditions, some types of domestic work will develop. Why do you think sociologists' expectations were not met?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the article "The Warmth of Homemade Pies" by modern Russian writer Larisa Kuznetsova.

A kitchen that takes a woman's time gives a lot to the family as a whole. A home lunch on Sunday brings the whole family together at the table, all sorts of goodies are on the plates, the children are dressed up, and Mom and Dad are happy. A table conversation is not a substitute for any other conversation. At the table, we not only teach children how to hold a fork and a knife, but also how to behave in general. The Sunday lunch ritual grows into a serious pedagogical action and an occasion for family consolidation ...

We are all professionals now. Intellectuals. According to the laws of some strange irony, the adjustment of our everyday life is sometimes made almost inversely dependent on the height of the intellect. Now many people know what cybernetics, synchrophasotron, and supersonic speeds are. But that milk soup does not need to be cooked under a tightly closed lid, how to start pies, bake pancakes, are often known by those who are just poorly versed in cybernetics. Surely such a bias towards intellect and professionalization is justified by the requirements of the moment and lies, as they say, in the mainstream of the century ... Aversion to domestic work, that's for sure, can poison life if a person does not tolerate this work, but cannot get rid of it. Therefore, I dare to express the idea that grief and difficulties in our everyday bustle arise not only for objective, but also for subjective reasons, as well as because of many ambiguities, doubts and even theoretical ambiguities about how and from which side to look at everyday life.

Much in our home bustle is gradually being replaced by public service, but much remains - for the most varied reasons. Obviously, it will be so as long as the family is alive. Let's not repeat once again: everyday life is, you know, awful! It sucks so much! A poorly organized and poorly thought out life is sucked in, where there is not even a hint of mutual assistance and cooperation of efforts of adults and growing up family members, where a woman is turned into a servant. In addition, the clumsy and dissipation of both sexes are in greater everyday slavery than smart smart people whose hands are good for everything.

Kuznetsova L, The warmth of homemade pies // Be happy. -

M., 1990.- S. 272-273.

Yves Questions and tasks to the source. 1) How, according to the author, are the height of the intellect and the well-organized life connected? 2) The author writes that "grievances and difficulties in our everyday bustle arise not only for objective, but also for subjective reasons." Give some examples to illustrate these words of the author. 3) Based on the text of the source and the paragraph, indicate what requirements the everyday life of a modern person should meet.

§ 13. Youth in modern society


what characterizes an individual society? What are the main socio-demographic groups in modern society? What groups are called informal?

Awareness of adolescence as a special stage in a person's life, and of young people as a separate social group, occurred relatively recently by historical standards. In a traditional society, a person entered adulthood straight from childhood, without any intermediate stages. There were special rites of initiation into adulthood.

For many centuries, the experience accumulated by older generations has been passed on to young people by including them directly in labor activities, which began very early. In peasant families, children from the age of five were entrusted with feasible work. The younger ones in the family learned not so much “by speaking and listening” as by participating. Many aspects of life were strictly regulated, and even in their young years there was little room for independent and independent action. So, back in the 19th century. the choice of a spouse was not a personal matter, which concerned only young people about to get married. The preparation for marriage was regulated by relatives.

One of the first to speak about youth was the French philosopher-educator J.-J. Russo. He viewed her as a second birth of a person, thereby emphasizing the depth and significance of the changes taking place at this stage of life; in youth, the physical maturation of a person is completed, his intellect and will develop.

About a century ago, the scientific study of the problems of young people began. Initially, a biological, physiological approach prevailed. The main cause of personality changes in adolescence was associated with human puberty. Gradually, more and more attention was paid to the role of social factors: the impact of the surrounding cultural environment, the nature of upbringing in the family and school, the influence of friends. It was social formation, the development of basic social roles that began to be considered as the main vector of personality development in adolescence.

Usually there are two stages on the path of growing up: adolescence and adolescence. However, the age limits for each of the stages are rather vague. In modern Russian psychology, adolescence is most often considered age

11-15 years, and early adolescence - 16-18 years, however, in some cases, the upper limit is 20 years of age. From Western psychology, the term "teenager" came to us, covering young people from 13 to 19 years old, that is, in the age indicated by numbers ending in "teen" (thirteen-nineteen).


Sociologists refer to it as people between the ages of 16 and 25 (some researchers include people under 30 in it). But age boundaries are not as significant as the characteristic specific features of youth consciousness and behavior.

One of the main, according to psychologists, gains of this period is the discovery of one's own “I”. If for a teenager, first of all, external events and actions are important, then with the advent of adolescence, his inner world becomes more and more important for a person. Own thoughts and feelings become no less a reality than the surrounding reality.

A person is more and more clearly aware of his individuality, uniqueness. And if in adolescence many prevailed the desire to be like others, then in youth their own uniqueness is recognized as a value; it is developed, demonstrated.

It was already noted above that young people as a special social group began to be perceived by society only with the transition to the industrial phase of development. This was due to a number of reasons. First, the further deepening of the division of labor caused by the Industrial Revolution separated the family from the production process and the management of social processes. This made family education insufficient for mastering many social roles. Secondly, the increasing complexity of technology, growing specialization demanded for mastering the necessary knowledge and skills to lengthen the period of general education. As a result, entry to the labor market for the majority of young people was postponed to ever later dates. Third, the growth of people's mobility, the complication of social life, the acceleration of the pace of social change led to the fact that the way of life of the older and younger generations began to differ significantly; a youth subculture arose (this will be discussed further).

The commonality of the social position is no longer children, not yet adults, the peculiarities of consciousness, lifestyle and behavior create the basis for the formation of youth communities with clearly expressed personal features.


From the age of 18, in accordance with the Constitution of our state, a citizen of Russia can independently exercise his rights and obligations in full. Today, our Basic Law guarantees everyone, as you already know, a wide range of rights and freedoms: civil and socio-economic rights (the right to property, free labor, education, health care, etc.) government, the right to elect and be elected), personal rights (the right to life, liberty and security of the person, the right to freedom of movement, etc.), as well as freedom of conscience, thought and speech, mass media.

Upon reaching the age of 18, a citizen can legally marry. At the same time, if there are valid reasons (pregnancy, childbirth, immediate threat to the life of one of the parties), local authorities have the right to lower the marriageable age.

Full legal capacity implies not only the ability to use rights, but also the need to fulfill a certain range of civic obligations. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these include: compliance with the Constitution and laws of the country, parental care for children, as well as children, if they have reached 18 years of age and are able to work, about their disabled parents, timely payment of legal taxes and fees, nature conservation, historical monuments and culture. It is compulsory to receive basic general education. It is the duty of the citizens of Russia to defend the Fatherland. The law stipulates that men who are citizens of the Russian Federation between the ages of 18 and 27, who do not have the right to be exempt or deferred from military service, are subject to conscription.

Acquiring the full range of rights and responsibilities changes the position of a young person in society and significantly expands his opportunities. The roles of the child and adolescent are mainly related to the family (son, daughter, brother, sister, grandson), school (student), various forms of leisure activities (participant in the sports section). Later, while maintaining some of the previous social positions (son, brother, etc.), new ones appear: a student, a worker, a soldier, a voter, a member of a political party, a parent, a member of one of the public organizations, and many others.

However, in adolescence, as psychologists point out, many of the new roles are not learned seriously and finally, but are, as it were, tried on, tested. Youth is peculiar to

Katya, choose, try. And the older generations reserve for the young the right to make a mistake, to some rash act or a risky venture: "A mistake is a smile for a young man, a bitter tear for an old one", "Young green - ordered to take a walk", "He was young and lived with a sin." But such a wide choice of social roles and a high degree of freedom of young people have become firmly established in society relatively recently.

Young people are often accused of infantilism (from Lat. Infantis - infantile, childish), that is, in the desire for dependency, the demands of the constant care of others for themselves, low criticality towards themselves and lack of responsibility for their own actions. It is obvious that such manifestations are not uncommon among young people. At the same time, the very fact that a young person has acquired the fullness of civil rights and obligations indicates that society already recognizes him as a high degree of social maturity, a developed sense of responsibility, the ability to make decisions guided not only by personal interests, but also by civic feelings.


A significant proportion of young people are pupils and students. In addition to tens of thousands of schools, thousands of vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and universities are opening doors in our country every day. More than 5 million people study in educational institutions providing vocational training for young people - almost a third of young people aged 16 to 24.

The importance of education in modern conditions is understood by many. It is considered today as the most important indicator of a person's social status. If earlier parents linked the decent future of their children with a successful marriage, now more and more often - with a prestigious university. In the current century, which has already been called the age of knowledge and information, education is predicted to become even more valuable.

What are the principles of education in our society? The RF Law "On Education" states that the state guarantees to citizens the general accessibility and free of charge general secondary and primary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis free secondary vocational and higher education in state educational institutions.

Along with the state education system, private gymnasiums and lyceums, colleges and universities have emerged and are gaining strength. Most non-state, and also partially

State educational institutions operate on a paid, commercial basis.

The attitude to paid education in our society is ambiguous: there are those who support it, but critical assessments are also expressed. Let's consider the arguments of each of the groups. Supporters of paid education point primarily to the shortcomings of state educational institutions: low salaries for teachers, overcrowding of classrooms and student audiences, which does not allow taking into account the individual characteristics of students, lack of technical means, and outdated laboratory equipment. This situation is due to the fact that education gets just crumbs from the impoverished state pie. But not only this. As the experience of developed countries shows, private schools and universities in a wealthy state are more attractive and more prestigious than state ones. The disadvantages of state universities and technical schools also include the fact that they are poorly focused on new specialties that are in demand on the market. The consequence of this is a high level of unemployment among graduates of vocational educational institutions: in the mid-90s. about 40% of young unemployed had higher and specialized secondary education.

Among the arguments put forward by opponents of the expansion of paid educational services, we highlight the following. The commercialization of education violates the legislatively enshrined principles of its humanization and democratization, since it destroys equality of chances in introducing knowledge and culture, deepens property and social inequality in society. Private educational institutions in their current form are schools for the rich, and wealth in our country is often associated with power. This means that the class character of the school is being revived. In addition, the transformation of education into a commodity makes it difficult to access it, often leaving the capable and promising overboard. In such conditions, we are unlikely to get new Lomonosovs.

What is your position on this issue? Discuss it in class.

Many of those who had a chance to study at the institute in their time remember students as the best time in their lives. Creative activity, openness in communication, big life plans and belief in one's own strengths and capabilities paint life in optimistic tones. At the same time, not everyone, especially in the first years, manages to properly dispose of the increased degree of freedom, including in educational activities. Inability for systematic mental effort, working in fits and starts can cause academic failure and disappointment.


During adolescence, as we have already noted, for many young people, the leading activity remains study. At the same time, the problems of choosing a future profession or direct employment are already coming to the fore. Studying itself (even in the senior grades of school, not to mention a higher educational institution) is perceived not as a value in itself, but as a step towards mastering a profession.

The beginning of labor activity after graduation from school, college, institute has always been a serious test for a young man. The same is the case today.

The current situation in terms of employment opportunities for young people is highly controversial.

First, the 90s of the last century were a period of decline in domestic production, a decline in the level of wages at many state-owned enterprises. This inevitably led to job cuts. The available vacancies do not always attract young people due to insufficient wages. The largest number of refusals occurs among young people under the age of 18 who have neither a profession nor work experience. In other words, an orientation toward high earnings is not always supported by one's own capabilities.

Second, the state has ceased to be the only monopoly employer. Private-individual, joint-stock, cooperative enterprises have appeared, where workers are paid, as a rule, higher than in the public sector. These enterprises are willing to hire young people, although in recent years the requirements for the professional training of an employee and the availability of work experience have become more stringent.

Third, the reforms carried out in the country have led to a change in the nature of labor relations. Freedom of labor was constitutionally enshrined, and the right to dispose of one's ability to work was guaranteed. This meant abandoning the previously existing and legislatively enshrined principle of universal employment. The centralized distribution of graduates has been abolished. The consequences of this step were contradictory. On the one hand, it became possible to freely choose a suitable job and type of activity for those who enter the labor market for the first time. On the other hand, under the prevailing conditions, this inevitably led to an increase in youth unemployment. In the late 90s. youth between the ages of 15 and 24 made up about one fifth of the working-age population. Young people accounted for more than 30% of the unemployed.

5-L. N. Bogolyubov, 11 cells

The stabilization of the economy in recent years has improved the position of young people in the labor market. Today, there are many who, immediately after graduating from an educational institution, get a highly paid and prestigious job.

By law, an employment contract can be concluded with persons who have reached the age of 16. Russian legislation provides for the possibility of getting a job from the age of 15. In some cases, with the consent of the parents, a contract can be concluded with a student who has reached the age of 14 years, in order to perform light work in his free time. At the same time, for employees under 18 years of age, various benefits are introduced in production: it is prohibited to use their labor in heavy work, hazardous or hazardous industries, as well as in those activities that may harm moral development (in the gambling business, nightclubs, in the production, transportation, sale of alcoholic beverages). The law also provides for annual medical examinations of minors employed at work, prohibits their involvement in night and overtime work, and establishes an annual paid leave of 31 days. Termination of an employment contract with an employee under the age of 18 is allowed only with the consent of the state inspector

Acting primarily as the main space for the reproduction of the individual, everyday activity, on the one hand, is just as immutable in its purpose as labor (because without satisfying physiological and everyday needs, as well as without labor, a person cannot exist). On the other hand, it contains a certain freedom to choose a behavior option, a sequence of actions, which is a characteristic of predominantly leisure activities. Hence, everyday activity turns out to be, in fact, intermediate between work and leisure.

The material and material habitat serves to ensure the most comfortable living conditions for a person; satisfying his needs and desires; creating a warm and friendly climate. Let us also pay attention to the fact that in the past

It is necessary to learn the correct behavior, to form a culture of everyday relations.

The culture of everyday relations is traditionally understood as the rules and norms of human behavior in the non-productive material and social spheres of life. A number of components can be distinguished: food culture; culture of arrangement and organization of living quarters; housekeeping culture; culture of organizing personal (family) leisure.

Food culture first of all, it assumes a balanced diet, satisfies all the energy needs of the body. It is built taking into account gender, age, severity of labor, climatic conditions, national and individual characteristics of each person. What constitutes a food culture? Moderation in food and variety of food, a balanced diet, economic calculation in the purchase of food and adherence to the diet.

Among the most difficult and time-consuming types of human activity is Homework. If work in a specialty requires a certain range of knowledge and skills, then household chores require a wide variety of abilities and skills from a person. Here you have to be a cook and a cleaner, an artist and a dressmaker, an economist and a laundress, a teacher, a locksmith, a gardener, etc.

Household culture evolved over the centuries. Traditionally, a woman stood by the family hearth. In modern conditions, the structure and nature of domestic work is largely determined by the quantitative composition of the family, the number of children, the presence of pensioners and sick people, the age of all family members, professional employment, the level of monetary and natural income, the family microclimate, life guidelines and attitudes, the size of the living space, the level the provision of household appliances, the state of the wardrobe, the level of household amenities, the demand for goods and their supply, etc.

For a rational household, it is necessary to skillfully distribute responsibilities and types of work among family members. Even if the division of labor does not lead to a reduction in the working time, it will certainly reduce the workload. It is better to distribute work taking into account the abilities, health, experience of each family member.

It is necessary to teach children to work from an early age. In the beginning, this is a self-service job: collecting toys, cleaning your bed, washing your dishes. Over time, jobs and responsibilities become more complex, broadened and modified. Children must have a part of the economic burden. Rus-

A writer KM Simonov (1915-1979) in his autobiography described the division of labor in his parental home. From the age of 6-7, he wiped the dust, washed the floors, helped his mother wash the dishes, peeled potatoes, looked after the kerosene stove, bought bread and meat for the family. No one ever made the bed behind him or helped him dress.


In big cities, many people live in close proximity, remaining mostly unfamiliar with each other. The depersonalization of many everyday contacts in modern cities has become a fact of the social life of the entire modern society. Certain aspects of the urban lifestyle characterize the social life of modern society as a whole, and not just those who live in big cities.

Urbanization should be viewed as an ambiguous process, during which multilevel, multidimensional changes in the social, economic and cultural plan take place. The urbanization of the country is characterized not only and not so much by an increase in the size and number of cities, an increase in the number of the population living in them, but above all by the formation and increasingly widespread dissemination of an urban lifestyle, urban culture in the proper sense of the word.

The overwhelming majority of Russian townspeople are first or second generation immigrants from the countryside. The share of urban residents in the third generation, according to rough estimates, is less than 20%. And the descendants of pre-revolutionary townspeople are even less, for example, in Moscow - about 3%. These townspeople were literally dissolved by the huge influx of rural migrants. In small towns, where more than 15% of the townspeople live, the way of life of the population is still close to the rural one, a considerable part of the population has a sufficiently developed subsidiary farming.

Life in megacities changes a person, his perception of nature and his psyche. The urbanization process led to the destruction of previously stable traditional social ties and traditional regulatory institutions. This causes socially significant negative consequences and may turn out to be dangerous for the future of humanity. The overcrowding of the population, the facelessness of the urban environment, the lack of proper social control are aggravated by such factors as the housing problem, the spread of mass culture, the increase in the number of dysfunctional families, the involvement of young people in various forms of deviant behavior, and the rise in crime. The alienation of people, the growth of loneliness, the lack of mercy are becoming more noticeable.

Hence, many modern requirements for creating a favorable living environment follow, implying: planning of residential development; planning and placement of industrial enterprises; accessibility of the natural area and ease of contact with it; improving the forms and methods of organizing leisure time; educational and health improvement work; most importantly, the city should be governed by a strong, competent government.

To create a favorable living environment, social mood, well-being, people's satisfaction with their place of residence, the ability to realize material and spiritual needs are decisive. The practice of urban development increasingly confirms the fact that social problems can be solved only on the basis of taking into account the interests of the population.

SHSHBasic concepts: everyday life, social and domestic interests, material and material environment of a person, culture of everyday relations.

1111 Terms: types of social unification and communication, interior design, housework, household chores, balanced nutrition, leisure, urbanization.

Check yourself

1) Expand the content of the concept of "everyday life". 2) What is the peculiarity of social and domestic interests in comparison with other social interests of a person? 3) On what grounds are social and domestic relations classified? What types are distinguished based on each of them? 4) What objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests? 5) What are the main components of the material and material environment of a person? 6) What is the culture of everyday relations? 7) How does urbanization affect everyday life?

Think, discuss, do

1. Formulate a few rules in accordance with the
with which modern man will be able to rationally organize
call the material and material environment of their habitat.

2. Once one of the American banks suggested
their male depositors calculate how much money
save their wives for the family by housekeeping.
It turned out that if you pay for everything they do in ka
laundresses, cleaning ladies, nannies, cooks, then, by the most
modest prices, there would be a more significant amount,
than their husbands' salaries. Using the example given
and drawing on personal social experience, do a few
conclusions about the importance of domestic work.

3. In Germany, for more than a hundred years, there has been a law according to which
Much children are required to do their homework. Of the law
the government determines the range of work: up to 6 years old - only games; 6-
10 years - help in washing dishes, small purchases; ten-
14 years - lawn cleaning, shoe shine; 14-16 years old - work
on a personal plot. Suggest why the circle is obya
were the children's interests distributed in this way?
Why and for what purpose do you think such a law was created?
Do you think that such a law should be passed in
Russia? Explain your answer.

4. Comment on the following information: German
the family spends 12.1 hours a week just cleaning the premises
sa. This is as much as our specialists planned
for all types of households per week.

5. In Moscow in the 60s. XX century according to the plan of the enthusiasts was
the House of New Life (DNB) was built. Its creators sincerely ve
thought that he would serve as a model for new living conditions,
liberating the family from "domestic slavery". Architek
Torah placed in the house a dining room, cafe, cafeteria, department
cooking, laundry, hairdresser, club. In apartments
kitchens were not provided, a small snack was made
current for a small stove "just in case". The assumption
elk that the family will not waste time and energy at home
her cooking.

Give your opinion on the idea of ​​the disappearance of the individual household. How do you think the DNB story ended? Substantiate your assumptions.

6. In 1972, at the XII International seminar on the problem
mothers of the family, a group of sociologists stated that modern ten
family development trends are not associated with an even distribution
sharing household responsibilities between family members, and
with the complete destruction of the household as a social

At the same time, modern processes occurring in the family show that the tendency towards individualization of family life is not weakening, but intensifying. Household work is constantly evolving towards greater rationalization and technical equipment. Household management in civilized forms will provide an individual basis for everyday life, preserve the uniqueness of the home, its uniqueness. Under favorable conditions, some types of domestic work will develop. Why do you think sociologists' expectations were not met?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the article "The Warmth of Homemade Pies" by modern Russian writer Larisa Kuznetsova.

A kitchen that takes a woman's time gives a lot to the family as a whole. A home lunch on Sunday brings the whole family together at the table, all sorts of goodies are on the plates, the children are dressed up, and Mom and Dad are happy. A table conversation is not a substitute for any other conversation. At the table, we not only teach children how to hold a fork and a knife, but also how to behave in general. The Sunday lunch ritual grows into a serious pedagogical action and an occasion for family consolidation ...

We are all professionals now. Intellectuals. According to the laws of some strange irony, the adjustment of our everyday life is sometimes made almost inversely dependent on the height of the intellect. Now many people know what cybernetics, synchrophasotron, and supersonic speeds are. But that milk soup does not need to be cooked under a tightly closed lid, how to start pies, bake pancakes, are often known by those who are just poorly versed in cybernetics. Surely such a bias towards intellect and professionalization is justified by the requirements of the moment and lies, as they say, in the mainstream of the century ... Aversion to domestic work, that's for sure, can poison life if a person does not tolerate this work, but cannot get rid of it. Therefore, I dare to express the idea that grief and difficulties in our everyday bustle arise not only for objective, but also for subjective reasons, as well as because of many ambiguities, doubts and even theoretical ambiguities about how and from which side to look at everyday life.

Much in our home bustle is gradually being replaced by public service, but much remains - for the most varied reasons. Obviously, it will be so as long as the family is alive. Let's not repeat once again: everyday life is, you know, awful! It sucks so much! A poorly organized and poorly thought out life is sucked in, where there is not even a hint of mutual assistance and cooperation of efforts of adults and growing up family members, where a woman is turned into a servant. In addition, the clumsy and dissipation of both sexes are in greater everyday slavery than smart smart people whose hands are good for everything.

Kuznetsova L, The warmth of homemade pies // Be happy. -

M., 1990.- S. 272-273.

Yves Questions and tasks to the source. 1) How, according to the author, are the height of the intellect and the well-organized life connected? 2) The author writes that "grievances and difficulties in our everyday bustle arise not only for objective, but also for subjective reasons." Give some examples to illustrate these words of the author. 3) Based on the text of the source and the paragraph, indicate what requirements the everyday life of a modern person should meet.

§ 13. Youth in modern society


what characterizes an individual society? What are the main socio-demographic groups in modern society? What groups are called informal?

Awareness of adolescence as a special stage in a person's life, and of young people as a separate social group, occurred relatively recently by historical standards. In a traditional society, a person entered adulthood straight from childhood, without any intermediate stages. There were special rites of initiation into adulthood.

For many centuries, the experience accumulated by older generations has been passed on to young people by including them directly in labor activities, which began very early. In peasant families, children from the age of five were entrusted with feasible work. The younger ones in the family learned not so much “by speaking and listening” as by participating. Many aspects of life were strictly regulated, and even in their young years there was little room for independent and independent action. So, back in the 19th century. the choice of a spouse was not a personal matter, which concerned only young people about to get married. The preparation for marriage was regulated by relatives.

One of the first to speak about youth was the French philosopher-educator J.-J. Russo. He viewed her as a second birth of a person, thereby emphasizing the depth and significance of the changes taking place at this stage of life; in youth, the physical maturation of a person is completed, his intellect and will develop.

About a century ago, the scientific study of the problems of young people began. Initially, a biological, physiological approach prevailed. The main cause of personality changes in adolescence was associated with human puberty. Gradually, more and more attention was paid to the role of social factors: the impact of the surrounding cultural environment, the nature of upbringing in the family and school, the influence of friends. It was social formation, the development of basic social roles that began to be considered as the main vector of personality development in adolescence.

Usually there are two stages on the path of growing up: adolescence and adolescence. However, the age limits for each of the stages are rather vague. In modern Russian psychology, adolescence is most often considered age

11-15 years, and early adolescence - 16-18 years, however, in some cases, the upper limit is 20 years of age. From Western psychology, the term "teenager" came to us, covering young people from 13 to 19 years old, that is, in the age indicated by numbers ending in "teen" (thirteen-nineteen).

The main components of the material and material environment of a person in everyday life include, first of all, dwelling and objects that ensure the comfort of a person's living.

In the broadest sense of the word, a home is a place where a person recovers after a hard day, communicates with family and friends, finds comfort and tranquility; a kind of "ecological niche" where a person is recognized and loved, provides an opportunity to hide from everyday storms and get support. Nothing in the setting should cause discomfort, annoy, interfere, or be uncomfortable. It is no coincidence that when characterizing domestic relations they use such a concept as "home".

Naturally, the main condition for the transformation of a dwelling into a home is a friendly atmosphere in the family. But it, in turn, largely depends on some objective circumstances: a modern house must meet certain requirements that provide

normal life and family development opportunities. Security, location, provision of all utilities are planned during construction and often do not depend on the inhabitants of the dwelling.

We can not always radically change what the architect conceived and the builder built, but it is in our power to give our home individuality, originality, make it cozy and comfortable. Comfort, mood, rest, saving time, and sometimes cash costs are largely determined by the interior decoration and arrangement of the dwelling, or its interior(from French interieur - internal), which must first of all correspond to the complex of vital needs, lifestyle, interests and tastes of a person and (or) family.

Unfortunately, today many Russian families do not have the opportunity to live in comfortable living conditions. Solving housing and domestic problems requires significant efforts of both the citizens themselves and the state.

For each person, each family, the list of things to buy is strictly individual, you should never be guided by others. We can say that each person must have the required amount of clothes and shoes for any weather, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances in the house for normal living, but the quantity and quality of these things are determined individually. Everyone has their own level of income, their own needs and, therefore, their own expenses. It is on these grounds that the order of acquiring certain things, their need for a family, is established.

Everyday life often brings to the fore the material-material "shell" of values, reduces their spiritual content to it. Thus, many people develop a cult of consumerism, a cult of things that provide prestige. Often, exhibitions and performances are visited not for the sake of aesthetic pleasure, but in order to be known as a cultured person (and to feel that way). But the understanding of beauty cannot be bought for money, just as you cannot really be respected and loved, receiving only outward signs of attention from other people.

Substitution of values ​​by their material carriers sometimes leads to an indifferent, scornful and mocking attitude towards the highest spiritual values ​​and ideals of human existence. It happens that the personality itself ceases to be a value and begins to be considered as a thing. As a result, a person is absorbed by the external environment and himself becomes a thing among other things, a slave to circumstances, a toy in the hands of unknown forces. He goes with the flow, does what he has to do, because that's the way it is.

The Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD) wrote: “The wise man does not like wealth, but prefers it to poverty; he does not open his heart to him, but lets him into his house. " Let's do the same: keep things out of your heart, but open the doors of your home for them. And in order to feel rich, we will limit our desires.

The set of necessary items varies depending on many factors: the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, the level of well-being, the material development of society. So, for example, your grandmother in her youth had no idea about a mixer for whipping cream, and your grandfather about an electric drill. Your parents considered these items prestigious, but for you they are already required. More technically complex and expensive things are also firmly included in household use: a food processor, a multifunctional vacuum cleaner, a VCR, an automatic washing machine, etc. These devices and devices allow us to make our life more comfortable.

So, with all the variety of specific social and domestic interests, we can say that they are associated with the non-productive material and social sphere of a person's life and are aimed at creating comfortable conditions for meeting the corresponding human needs. Of course, the idea of ​​the level of domestic comfort largely depends on the social status of a person; the level of his claims and wealth; material well-being; the need for specific goods, etc. But the set of these objects and phenomena, in general, is quite typical and constitutes the material and material environment of a person.

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