Home Fertilizers Olga fomina is a photographer before surgery. Russian famous personalities who have changed their sex. "A lot has changed, but I still love to wear ties."

Olga fomina is a photographer before surgery. Russian famous personalities who have changed their sex. "A lot has changed, but I still love to wear ties."

Today, more and more often you can meet people who are not comfortable living in their bodies. Sometimes these are just conversations, but not many people dare to undergo gender reassignment surgery. This is a long and costly process. In our selection of Russian celebrities who took such a step.

Ulyana Romanova

Before the sex change operation, Ulyana Romanova's name was Igor Bulgachev. He worked as a PR man. According to information from the network, he fell in love with a man, and therefore decided to take such a step, but the relationship with the young man did not work out.

Bulychev made seven operations to get closer to his goal. After that he became Ulyana. As noted by Romanova, from the very childhood she felt like a girl. Now the girl is a famous person and works as a model.

Erica Kisheneva

Erica Kisheneva became famous for her participation in the reality show "Dom-2". She was also born in a male body, but from childhood she felt like a girl.

For a long time, Tahir (as Erica used to know) experienced depression due to the fact that he was living in someone else's body. When the opportunity arose to truly become a woman, he decided not to let her go. This happened some time after moving to the capital.

Olga Fomina

Famous writer and photographer Olga Fomina was once Boris. At some point, the young man decided to become a woman. Then Boris was one of the famous photographers in Moscow.

Diana Dontski

Diana Dontski was once called Anatoly Konstantinov. Like many, he felt that he was not living in his own body.

According to the information, the man tried to fight this for a long time. He was even married and raised a daughter.

After a while, Anatoly decided to undergo sex reassignment surgery. According to the information, all his relatives supported him, except for his daughter. After the laborious process of becoming a girl, he found love.

Amazing - near

Transsexual Boris FOMIN: "My male period was unconditionally happy, which I cannot say about my new female life"

Olga Fomina is one of the best photographers in Moscow. Most of the advertising posters installed throughout Russia are her handiwork. Her photographs adorn hundreds of thousands of discs of Russian pop stars. The cover of a fashion magazine from Fomina is considered a real luxury. But, as is often the case, Olga achieved success solely thanks to the man. Several years ago, exactly the same successful photographer Boris Fomin spat on prejudice and underwent sex reassignment surgery. This is how Olga Fomina was born. Olga feels like a fish in water in her luxurious two-level studio, stuffed with various art trash. Looking at her outstanding forms (honestly, any fashion model would envy Olya's breasts) and graceful, slightly lazy movements, I thought about what jokes nature sometimes makes with people. And not a hint of coquetry and cutesy, which men often sin, only masquerading as women.


- Olga, in your first book "I decided to become a woman" you speak rather maliciously about Russian pop stars. About the face of Boris Moiseyev, for example, she said that it was "crumpled, flabby, wrinkled" ... About dignitaries she wrote that they had "beefy stupid faces of snickering officials." Are you not afraid of the consequences?

No, I am not afraid. I've been in show business for a long time and I understand its basic laws. The most important rule for them is "it doesn't matter if they write about you badly or well, the main thing is that they write at least something about you." Therefore, I am not afraid of ruining my relationship with anyone. To be honest, I had no goal of writing true nasty things about people, otherwise I would have written about Ksenia Sobchak, and - especially - about Irina Saltykova. After all, if I know something bad, I write very accurately, and what I see and hear personally, I answer for every quote from the dialogue.

When, for example, Boris Moiseev comes to my studio with a retinue of 20 people and says in all seriousness: "This summer my legs were taken off to advertise tights in Paris!" : "Ah-ah !!! Borya, you have such legs!" The next phrase: "Yesterday I went to a supermarket, bought a chicken, well, something else ... 700 dollars!". And all: "A-ah! 700 dollars!" Or he is dressed in some kind of tattered blouse, and all: "Borya, who is this from?" - "This is from Armani ...". And it can be seen that he sewed some ... boa for 25 rubles ...

This is really the theater of the absurd. Yes, a man without a voice, scary, but he achieved success, and he certainly has some talent, and already for that I respect him ... In a word, the topic of my famous clients is present, but this is only a background, a book is not about it...

- How did you manage to get such famous clients? After all, the stars are extremely picky people ...

My first "interesting" client was the well-known businessman Pasha Vashchekin. He brought his wife, Natalia Vetlitskaya, to film. Then there were "Miss USSR" Elmira Shamsutdinova and Larisa Liticheskaya, the popular singer Marina Khlebnikova. I don’t know where people heard about our studio, but soon many people started calling and coming. In May, for example, I worked so hard that even the thumb with which I press a button on the camera got sick.

- Tell me, is the abundance of profanity in your book a certain lure for readers?

Well no (laughs)... It's just that some events in my life can be accurately described emotionally only with the help of obscene expressions.

Probably, it is really difficult to do without obscene expressions if your own doctor is trying to rape you, as you said in your book. As far as I remember, he even cut your head in a fight ... But he got it from you too.

Yes, the world is getting very aggressive. But I still remain a benevolent person and I look at everything that happens positively. Having lived for years, I realized that there was no need to shed tears. You need to hide something heavy in your bosom and hit in time. The female world, however, is not as aggressive as the male one. This is probably why I decided to change the gender.


- Olya, you know more than anyone else about the advantages and disadvantages of both sexes. Who's better?

Now I compare representatives of both sexes and understand that the number of independent, promising, gifted women in Russia is rapidly increasing. Most of my married girlfriends not only earn their own money, but also support their husbands. One of my friends moved to Moscow during her studies. She needed an apartment, money for study and living. Such expenses are usually pushed for many people, and not only women, into prostitution. And she just got two jobs at the same time.

Men and women have changed a lot in the modern world. But men, it seems to me, have changed not for the better ... Why then are they needed? But we still continue to live in the male world. Modern talk shows are a good example. Note: female heroines there always look very unconvincing compared to male heroes ... Male persistence and authoritarianism are more popular in our society.

One of the main reasons for gender reassignment is the lack of harmonious relationships. For example, a man loves another man and therefore dreams of becoming a woman. It is clear from the book that when you were a man, you had a full life: you had a wife, a child, there was even a mistress ... Having changed your gender, you still continue to love women. So it was worth changing the awl for soap?

Let's just say I have a complicated attitude towards men. The main problem in dealing with them is that most of them seem weak, insecure and completely worthless to me. And women seem to me to be smart, beautiful, capable of loving, inclined to turbulent and deep relationships ...

- So you're happy now?

I would not say that I am happy with my new female life. Yes, I feel more comfortable. At the same time, my male period was unconditionally happy, which I cannot say about my new female life ... After all, you enjoy life not thanks to money, but thanks to harmonious relationships with people, thanks to family, home ... Sometimes I feel something close Fortunately. But this is a little different ...

- But what about the tempting world of show business and advertising? Is there friendship and love at all impossible?

Work and friendship should be separate. I am completely sincere: as a rule, all my clients are very worthy people. For example, Igor Krutoy or Alexander Malinin arrives ... I don’t try to get to know each other. When we sit down at the table, of course, some kind of friendly or professional conversation is going on, but I don't make friends. For example, before Valery Leontyev visited our studio, I did not like him at all. And on the set it turned out that this is an ordinary tired person.

Alexander Malinin seemed to me too exalted, but up close he is very courageous. I really enjoyed working with a singer named Sasha. Although, before filming, everything that I saw with her participation on TV was categorically rejected by me. It turned out that this is an intelligent, intelligent and extremely pleasant girl to talk to. Of those who were filmed with me, she is dressed better, more fashionable and more expensive than everyone.

Although I will not hide: I do not like some of the celebrity clients at all. Of those filmed over the years, I categorically disliked only two people - Ksenia Sobchak and ... this fool ... like her ... Irina Saltykova! True, I still didn't like Khakamada.

It's not about whims, vulgar or not vulgar ... They arrived with Nemtsov, began to climb the stairs to the studio. Suddenly I heard: "Borka! And there is a zhrachka here!" I shuddered. Very untidy dressed ...

As for Saltykova, I have never met such an attitude to the profession. Many are late for the shooting - on the way they call, as a rule, apologize: they say, traffic jams ... We are waiting for her, for example, by four, people have gathered. At four he calls: "Why should I take it?" That is, I have not even left yet ... I arrived gloomy, as if from a binge, all unwashed clothes, with a smell. Another time - the same story. I spat, collected the equipment and left. The same Sobchak - she was late, sits, rants about culture, she put her feet in dirty shoes on a table with makeup ... Of course, in the end we took her off and she came out gorgeous.

I can talk in a friendly way with such people, but, by and large, I have nothing to do with them. The main thing for me is to get money, and it is important for the customer to get quality material.

- Clients were not embarrassed by the change in your life?

I don’t know what they think, but it’s very difficult to confuse in our time.


- "I decided to become a woman" ends, in my opinion, at the most interesting place. Only you made the final decision to change your gender, and - bam! - the end of the book. So you leave a reserve to continue?

Yes, I have already started writing the second book. This is a story about a little, very thin girl who moved to Moscow in search of happiness. She eventually became the wife of a 50-year-old minister at the age of 18.

The main character - and this is a real character - makes me write this book herself. She also wants me to write a script about her. “I,” he says, “have money. I want a film to be made about me.” My third book will also be about her. I know the main character very well, we had a stormy relationship ...

The second book contains several male heroes - deputies of the State Duma. I want to describe, for example, how they relax in the fashionable French resort of Courchevel. The deputies bring three wives with them at once: the first former, the second former and the current one. One is 20 years old, the other is 30, the third is 40. It suits them.

Can you find at least one woman who will take a retinue of men with her on vacation? No? That is why I prefer to communicate with them ...

https: //site/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/trans.jpg

Some people do not feel very comfortable in their bodies, and so that their inner state coincides with the outer one, they decide to change their sex. Thanks to modern hormone therapy and various operations, such a transformation has become more than possible. Moreover, in some cases the result is simply stunning - it is impossible to imagine that the person we see was of the opposite sex before. We present you 35 photos of people who have radically changed themselves and shared the result of their transformation.

1. "A lot has changed, but I still love to wear ties."

2. “I found my photo 8 years ago. Since then I have changed a little "

3.30-year-old man became woman in 9 months

4. Incredible changes in 2 years

5. Became a girl and lost a dozen extra pounds

6. Transition from girl to man in 6.5 years

7. From man to woman. 1.5 years of hormone therapy

8. “My third Christmas in a new life. I didn’t just become a woman, I became who I am ”

9. “At 16, I realized that I wanted to be a woman. The photo was taken after a year of hormone therapy "

11. At 26, a man became a woman

12. "I bought a new swimsuit after 13 months of hormone therapy, proper nutrition and a gym."

13. Just one year difference

14. “My transition from woman to man. Now I feel much more confident and happier. "

15. After a while

16. "My first dress"

17. "It's been 17 difficult months of HRT, but it was worth it."

18. Transition from man to woman in 16 months

19. “At 31, I started my changes from man to woman. I'm much happier now. "

20. Photos 10 months apart

21. "It was the best decision in my life."

22.27-year-old man became woman in 16 months

23.22-year-old boy became a girl in 1 year and 3 months

24. Changes in 2.5 years

25. Repeated the photo after a while

26. My transition to a woman from 2009 to 2017

27. "It's only been two months of hormone therapy, but I can already feel the changes."

28. Still in transition

29.2012 and 2017

30. From 16 to 21 years old

31.2 years on testosterone

32. June 2015 and July 2017

33. Amazing before and after photos

34. From man to woman in just 4 months

35. Almost two years on hormone therapy

Olga Fomina is one of the best photographers in Moscow. Most of the advertising posters installed throughout Russia are her handiwork. Her photographs adorn hundreds of thousands of discs of Russian pop stars. The cover of the fashion magazine "From Fomina" is considered a real luxury. But, as is often the case, Olga achieved success solely thanks to the man. Several years ago, exactly the same successful photographer Boris Fomin spat on prejudice and underwent sex reassignment surgery. This is how Olga Fomina was born.

Olga feels like a fish in water in her luxurious two-level studio, stuffed with various art trash. Looking at her outstanding forms (honestly, any fashion model would envy Olya's breasts) and graceful, slightly lazy movements, I thought about what jokes nature sometimes makes with people. And not a hint of coquetry and cutesy, which men often sin, only "imitating" women.

Olga, in your first book “I decided to become a woman”, recently published by the “Eksmo” publishing house, you speak rather evilly about Russian pop stars. About the face of Boris Moiseyev, for example, she said that it was "crumpled, flabby, wrinkled" ... About dignitaries she wrote that they had "beefy stupid faces of snickering officials." Are you not afraid of the consequences?

No, I am not afraid. I've been in show business for a long time and I understand its basic laws. The most important rule for them is "it doesn't matter if they write about you badly or well, the main thing is that they write at least something about you." Therefore, I am not afraid of ruining my relationship with anyone. For example, I also do not like a single article in which they wrote about me. But I endure.

What doesn't suit you in reviews?

All journalists write only about how and why I decided to change my gender. Not a word about my work. But the transsexual topic is just a background for all other events. No more. You can read about gender reassignment in detail in the medical history. But my book is about quite ordinary things: about love for a child, for parents, for a woman ... Those situations that I describe in the book are in the life of ANY person. All Russians are faced with the rudeness of medical personnel, with their indifference and lack of qualifications. It's just that I came to the doctors with an unusual purpose.

Nevertheless, you put the transsexual topic in the title of the book. Did you come up with the name “I decided to become a woman”? Or did the publishing house decide to attract readers in this way?

I came up with the name myself. Of course, it is designed to be noticed by the reader. In "I decided to become a woman" in general, there are many opportunistic things. After years of working in advertising, I automatically think about which product will go better in the market and which will not. True, she began to write very slobberly and tearfully. Then, on page 20, I thought: "Who needs this?" - and stopped. After all, I did not write for myself and not for my friends. I immediately wanted a lot of people to read it. At the same time, she did not pursue any altruistic goals. I didn’t want to make the world a better, kinder, cleaner world, as most writers say. If, after reading my book, someone has fun and laughs - that's enough for me. I was just writing interesting reading. True, I didn't have to invent anything ...

Is the profanity in your book also a kind of "lure" for the readers?

No (laughs). It's just that some events in my life can be accurately described emotionally only with the help of obscene expressions.

Probably, it is really difficult to do without obscene expressions if your own doctor is trying to rape you, as you described in your book. As far as I remember, he even cut your head in a fight ... But he got it from you too.

Yes, the world is getting very aggressive. But I still remain a benevolent person and I look at everything that happens positively. Having lived for years, I realized that there was no need to shed tears. You need to hide something heavy in your bosom and hit in time. The female world, however, is not as aggressive as the male one. This is probably why I decided to change the gender.

Olya, you know more than anyone else about the advantages and disadvantages of both sexes. Who's better?

Now I compare representatives of both sexes and understand that the number of independent, promising, gifted women in Russia is rapidly increasing. Most of my married girlfriends not only earn their own money, but also support their husbands. One of my friends moved to Moscow during her studies. She needed an apartment, money for study and living. Such expenses are usually pushed for many people, and not only women, into prostitution. And she just got two jobs at the same time.

Men and women have changed a lot in the modern world. But men, it seems to me, have changed not for the better ... Why then are they needed?

But we still continue to live in the male world. Modern talk shows are a good example. Note: female heroes there always look very unconvincing compared to male heroes…. Male persistence and authoritarianism are more popular in our society.

For transsexuals, one of the main reasons for gender reassignment is the lack of harmonious relationships. For example, a man loves another man and therefore dreams of becoming a woman. It is clear from the book that when you were a man, you had a full life: you had a wife, a child, even had a mistress ... Having changed your gender, you still continue to love women. So it was worth changing the awl for soap?

Let's just say I have a complicated attitude towards men. The main problem in dealing with them is that most of them seem weak, insecure and completely worthless to me. And women seem to me to be smart, beautiful, capable of loving, inclined to turbulent and deep relationships ...

So you're happy now?

I would not say that I am happy with my new female life. Am I feeling better? Yes, I feel more comfortable. But I unconditionally assess the "male" period of my life as happy. And to be honest, I still cannot call my new female life ... After all, you enjoy life not thanks to money, but thanks to harmonious relationships with people, thanks to your family, home ... Sometimes I feel something close to happiness. But this is a little different ...

Work and friendship should be separate. I will not hide: I do not like some of the celebrity clients at all. I can talk in a friendly way with them, but by and large I don’t care about them. The main thing for me is to get money, and it is important for the customer to get quality material. And I don't want to tell them about my personal life. This is unethical. After all, I live at their expense.

Well, for example, before Valery Leontyev visited our studio, I did not like him at all. And on the set it turned out that this is an ordinary tired person. Alexander Malinin seemed to me too exalted, but up close he is very courageous. I really enjoyed working with a singer named Sasha. Although, before filming, everything that I saw with her participation on TV was categorically rejected by me. It turned out that this is an intelligent, intelligent and extremely pleasant girl to talk to. Of all the people I have filmed, she is dressed better, more fashionable and more expensive than everyone else.

- “I decided to become a woman” ends, in my opinion, at the most interesting place. Only you made the final decision to change your gender, and - bam! - the end of the book. So, are you leaving a reserve to continue?

Yes, I have already started writing the second book. This is a story about a little, very thin girl who moved to Moscow in search of happiness. She eventually became the wife of a 50-year-old minister at the age of 18.

The main character - and this is a real character - makes me write this book herself. She also wants me to write a script about her. “I have money,” he says. I want a film to be made about me. " My third book will also be about her. I know the main character very well, we had a stormy relationship ...

The second book contains several male heroes - deputies of the State Duma. I want to describe, for example, how they spend their holidays in Courchevel. The deputies bring three wives with them at once: the first former, the second former and the current one. One is 20 years old, the other is 30, the third is 40. It suits them.

Can you find at least one woman who will take a retinue of men with her on vacation? No? That is why I prefer to communicate with them ...

Interviewed by Olga TARAKANOVA

It happens when a person is not born in his own body, and very few people decide to change their sex and undergo plastic surgery. Now we will tell you about those who nevertheless decided on such actions, having changed their sex.

Ulyana Romanova

Many consider Ulyana to be a spectacular woman, but in the past, Ulyana was a popular PR manager Igor Bulgachev. While still in school and being still a boy, Ulyana (Igor) felt herself out of her body. And when he started working as a PR man in show business, he decided on a sex change operation. Having done 7 plastic surgeries, Igor became Ulyana and now he feels himself at ease, happily living his life.

Erica Kisheva

Erica is the only former transgender participant in the entire history of the Dom-2 project. Erika's name used to be Takhir Khasanbievich. From early childhood, Takhir felt like a girl, and thanks to his friend Azorina (also transgender), he changed his gender.

Olga Fomina

Surely you often see beautiful billboards and photographs that hang all over Moscow. Many of them are the work of the photographer Olga Fomina, in the former her name was Boris Fomin. Olga is a very famous photographer in Moscow, her work is really impressive. A celebrity photographer is not a public person and does not like noisy parties. And she doesn't see her reincarnation as anything special, like other transgender people who take pride in their risk.

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